RUB SCRIPT ION PRICK, PER $2.00 TEAR ENTERED AS SECOND CLAB8 MATTER / IP PAID IN ADVANCE, $1,50. No. 24. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 17, 1903. AT THE ELLSWORTH POSTOPPICE. f aoumiBenuntB. LOCAL AFFAIRS of Bar Harbor, survives, and one sister, Illuminated Stage Pictures. POUNDED DYNAMITE. Mrs. E. L. Curtis, who moved from There have been exhibitions ot pic- Three Children NEW ADVKKTI8KMF.NTH THIS WEEK. Ellsworth to Massachusetts a few years tures, moving and still, In Ellsworth be- Winter Harbor Badly ago. Mr. Suminsby was formerly in the fore now, but nothing so unique in the Injured.! In Earl D Chase. bankruptcy—Est and Bar line has here Winter June 16 Probate notice—Eat James 8 Markoe. dry goods business in Ellsworth picture ever been presented Harbor, (special)— ESTATE! Admr as This three children of James REAL notice—Est Frederick A Sweet. Harbor. He moved to Massachusetts in the Byron illuminated stage pictures morning Admr notice—Eat Roland C Abbott. got any WANT TO 1891. that were shown in Hancock hall Mon- while oat of Exec notice—Eat Mark Frost. \ Broderick, playing doors* BUY hold of a one and one- TO SELL? SOME? Probate notice—E«t Peter 8 Moore et ala. At the annual of the State day evening, and last evening, and will got dynamite cap CC Burrlll—Insurance. meeting be shown this half inches long. Bank statement—Condition of First national council of Daughters of Liberty, held in evening. are looking for real estate of any sort; or if you have some real estate bank. The oldest a hammer jf you Westbrook June Mrs. Agnes The pictures shown—and there are over boy, Byrne, got Smith & 11, Brown, like to dispose oi, we’d like to have a talk with you. Our is the Staples, Moody—Musical Instru- 200 of them at teach entertainment—are and pounded it. Ihe cap exploded, and you'd agency ments of this city, was elected State councilor, real estate business: be G A of all three children were badly burned. meeca for local you'll most likely to close a quick and Farcher—Apothecary. and Mrs. Florence Merrill, of Bluehiil, photographs |tage scenes—the striking Owen Byrn—Clothing. Dr. A. E. Small attended them. No trade through us. Reliable associate vice councilor. scenes in a wide range of the most popu- satisfactory Clothing Co—Clothing. v David Friend—Clothing. lar of modern plays. Seeing them is the serious results are feared. C F Davis—Market. Miss Edytbe M. Swan, of Bangor, has nearest approach to actually witnessing Mr. Broderick at one time lived in Bah Harbor: been engaged to sing in the place of Miss C. C. the playB that can be imagined. Ellsworth. t BURRILL, Joe Emery—Log lost. Mabel Monaghan at the high school The pictures themselves are well worth BURRILL BANK BUILDING, ELLSWORTH, IVI E. Bangor: graduation concert to be held In Hancock seeing; they are the largest ever shown LAKEWOOD. Wood A Bishop Co—Ranges and furnaces. hall to-morrow evening. Miss Mary F. here, and the interest in them Is enhanced will be the Harry Bennett and Walter Kief, of Han- Hopkins accompanist. the admirable SCHEDULE OF MAILS by description given by visited friends here last week. Mrs. Frank W. Brackett and son cock, Carl, George as in view. AT ELLSWORTH Turner, they pass P08T OFFICE. of are tne last A salmon was recently caught at the Brookline, Mass., expected To-night is the last opportunity the cL In effect June 15, 1903. of the week. will the summer outlet of Green lake, which weighed four They spend people of Ellsworth will have to see this with Mrs. Brackett’s parents, Gideon S. and one-fourth pounds. Going Kast-6.13, 7,21 a m, 12.33, 4.20'and 6.11 Itogethe r remarkable and unique enter- Cook and wife. Mr. Brackett will A McC. a former resident p m. tainment. This evening’s programme Howard, here, them tor a of two weeks. Going West—11.56 a m, 2.23,5.31 and 10.28 p m. accompany stay includes scenes from DuBarry, Miss now of Rosebud, Montana, met with a INSURANCE MAIL CLOSES AT r08T-0FFICB. serious accident a short time which The return game of baseball between Hobbs, The Prince of Pilseu, Romeo and ago, Going East—7.00 a 3 5.30 and 10 m. 45, p m. the K. O. K. As of Ellsworth and the Y. Juliet, Little Minister, Lovers’ Lane, The resulted in the dislocation of bis shoulder. NATL BANK Going West—11.20 a m, 2, 5 and 10 p m. bear FIRST BLDG., M. C. As of Bar Harbor, scheduled for Merchant of The Sultan of Sulu His many friends are glad to that he SUNDAY. Venice, which was and Ben Hur. is now on the mending band. Mall trains arrive from the west at 6.13 Wyman park .last Saturday, ME. a m, H. A. ELLSWORTH, on account of the will These are June 15. R. 12 52 and 6.11 p m. Leave for the west at 2.21, postponed rain, pictures furnished by Joseph 5-31 and a master of 10.2ffp m. Mall closes for the west at be played next Saturday. The game Byron, stage photography; COMING EVENTS. 2, 5 and lfl p m. between these two nines at Bar Harbor the the entortainment is owned by Charles June week before was wou by the Bar Harbor MacGeacby, and is managed by Caoley & Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 15, The GEO. H. GRANT CO., THE AMERICAN Is on sale in boys. Halpln, who are now making their first 16 and 17, at Hancock hall—Byron’s illu- annual tour of the Maine circuit. minated stage pictures. Ellsworth at the news stands of Roy C Haines, of. this city, who is a The only criticism of the exhibition Insurance and Real C. H. Lei and, J. A. Thompson student at Hebron academy, came home Thursday, June 18, at Hancock hall— General Estate. that can justly be made was that the pic- Commencement exercises of the class of and H. W. Estey. Single copies, last week, and immediately left for Han- ELLSWORTH and BAK ME. tures were not as distinct as could have Ellsworth high school. Concert and HARBOR, 5 cents; cock Point where he will conduct during 1903, subscription price, been desired. This was due to the fact the summer the store at the Point. ball in the evening. Music by Mona- distance in only long tiuphowe._ $1.00 per year advance. that as the electric current here was not In connection with the store are the post- ghan’s orchestra. strong resort had to be had to office and the telephone exchange. enough, Miss Louise Dutton arrived home from the calcium light, which though stronger, The closed their “fir- Fruits oi modern philosophy seem to Emerys home, was not Fire 1 9 the most D Vassar last Friday. strong enough. More powerful The largest 4 4 A I pop-<4 /1—f' | ^TVT \ and went to Hancock be electric currents. lands,” yesterday, has been Is the Xm. 1 ular is the /~i Miss Elizabeth of Deer apparatus sent for. The mana- Company I -f ^ I 1 N| AV Dow, Isle, is Point. and Mrs. leave For the sake of a wager, a remarkable Judge Emery July will remain in the of her Mrs. B. T. Sowle. gers Ellsworth until it is guest sister, 1 (or their trip abroad. Miss Emery is feat of horsemanship was some years ago We have them, ami their policies cost no more than those of small companies. We ready for shipment the last of this week. Miss Elizabeth of ar- and will by a nobleman in give the lowest rates, anil cash settlements. Crippen, Boston, expected to-day, go immediately accomplished sporting rived borne Saturday night for a two to Hancock Point, and Prof. Harry Emery a certain London mansion. He made a CHURCH NOTES. n insurance and weeks’ vacation. will arrive (or the summer about the 26th. bet with a friend that he would ride hla wTV. TAPI FV U. IrtrULI, REAL ESTATE from the floor of the house Tho ladies’ circle of the Methodist Qeorge W. Young, of Hancock, who has UNION CONQ’L, ELLSWORTH PALLS. pony ground His steed re- cburcb will meet with Mrs. James T. represented Adriance, Platt & Co., of Rev. J. A. Scheuerle. to the top and down agftin. a good deal of persuasion to at- oooc<"X<>ooooocPCtaiis»5i»»aoo o+o ooooo<XK>o<>oooo<>oooaooocK: Cushman afteruoou. N. in this for Sunday, June 21—Preaching service at quired 5 j Friday Poughkeepsie, Y., county tempt the task, bat it was finally per- 10 30 a. m. school at 11.30 a. Albert W. Cushman, chairman of the seven or eight years, has opened a ware- Sunday m. formed, though the damage done to the service at 7 30. stair other board of registration, is seriously ill at house in Ellsworth. He has leased the Evening carpetspnd things amounted to almost |l,000, which had to be paid bis borne on basement of the Manning building on Weekly prayer meeting Friday evening REMOVAL ? Franklin street. by the winner'. the north side of Main street, opposite the at 7.30. Walter J. C ark, jr., of this city, has UNITARIAN. Manning block. opened his fruit and confectionery store SlObnttsniunta. New Store. New Goods. Rev. S. W. Sutton, pastor. at Couteution Cove for the summer. C. F. Davis has moved his meat-mar- Sunday, June 21—Morning service at ket to new quarters in the Masons’ block store Mrs J.
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