College Catalog 1991-1993.Pdf
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bringan immediacy to theclass- roomno textbook can match. Theircommitment to education makesF.I.T. grads among thebrightest and the best in theindustry. tiering17 associate, 12bac- degreeprograms, F.I.T., a State Universityof NewYork college, preparesits graduatesto meetthe challenges and opportunities in today'sdesign andbusiness professions. or asclose as NewYork City and State,F. I.T. students are ex- plorersby nature.TJ y come I from\ II 50 statesantl just as / ~n lacementat F. I.T. goes hand- r in-handwith the college/industry connection.F.I.T. grads gain valuableexperience and know thatto makeit in NewYork is to makeit anywhere. FashionInstitute of Technology 1991-93Undergraduate Catalogue Contents 2 academiccalendar 3 the college Historyand Objectives Campusand Facilities F.I.T.and Its Professions 13 studentlife CounselingServices PrivacyRights Governance Activities 19 admissions 27 expemesand financial assistance Tuitionand Fees Refunds FinancialAssistance 36 instructionalprogram Requirementsfor Degrees Curricula Majors CourseDescriptions 208 directories 240 index 246 locationand correspondence 241 informationcard Theprograms, requirements, tuition, and fees set forth in this catalogueare subject to changewithout notice, at anytime, at thediscretion of thecollege. 1 Calendar I ! ;; ACADEMICYEAR 1991-92 J 1992-93 1993-94 FALLSEMESTER 1991 1992 1993 Facultyconferences, registration 8/21,8/22, 8/23, 8/24, 8/25, 8/26, 8/23, 8/24, 8/25, andorientation 8/26, 8/27 8/27, 8/28 8/26, 8/27 Firstday of classes 8/28 8/31 8/30 LaborDay-college closed 9/2 9/7 9/6 RoshHashanah-col/ege closed 9/9, 9/10 9/28, 9/29 9/16, 9/17 YornKippur-cof/egec/osed 9/18 10/7 Designatedclasses start co-op 11/19 11/23 11/22 Thanksgivingrecess-college closed 11/28,11/29 11/26,11/27 11/25,11/26 Lastday of classes 12/11 12M 12/10 Studyday 12/12 12/15 12/15 Finalexamination period 12/13,12/16, 12/17, 12/16,12/17, 12/18, 12/13,12/14, 12/16, 12/18,12/19 12/21,12/22 12/17,12/20 Note:Monday classe Note:Thursday classes eet Wed.,9/4. meetTues., 9/14. Fridayclasses meet Wed.,9/15. SPRINGSEMESTER 1992 ) 1993 / 1994 Facultyconferences, registration r 1/27, 1/28, 1/29, 1/25, 1/26, 1/27, 1/24, 1/25, 1/26, andorientation 1/30, 1/31 1/28, 1/29 1/27, 1/28 Firstday of classes 2/3 2/1 1/31 Washington'sBirthday-cof/ege closed 2/17 2/15 2/21 Springrecess-no classes 4/13-4/17 4/5-4/12 3/28-4/4 Passover-noclasses last dayof classes 5/19 5/19 5/18 Studyday 5/20 5/20 5/19 Fina!examination period 5/21, 5/22, 5/26, 5/21, 5/24, 5/25, 5/20, 5/23, 5/24, 5/27, 5/28 5/25, 5/26 MemorialDay-college closed 5/25 5/31 5/30 Commencement 5/29 5/28 5/27 Note:Monday classes Note: Monday classes meetTues., 2/16. meetTues., 2/22. -11' "'• 2 Thecollege Historyand Objectives TheFashion Institute of Technology®is a StateUniversity of NewYork college for designand businessprofessions. Today, the college's educational outreach extends to fashion'smore broadlydefined industries by offeringcareer preparation in morethan 20 relatedfields. Foundedin 1944as the answer to the recognizedneeds of thefashion industries for profes- sionallyprepared people, F. I.T. is a uniqueinstitution. In 1951,the Fashion Institute of Technologybecame one of thefirst communitycolleges under theprogram of theState University of NewYork empowered to grantthe Associate in Applied Sciencedegree. An amendment to theeducation law of NewYork State was approved in 1975 alsopermitting the college to conferBachelor of Scienceand Bachelor of FineArts degrees.In 1979,another amendment was approved authorizing the granting of master'sdegrees. Master of Arts degreeprograms, first introducedin 1985,are offered in Galleryand Retail Art Adminis- tration:Museum Studies: Applied Arts; and Museum Studies: Costume and Textiles. A program in FashionManagement leading to the Masterof ProfessionalStudies is beingplanned. F.I.T.®is a publicinstitution, receiving its principalfinancial support from theState and City of NewYork. The college is governedby its ownBoard of Trustees,most of whommake the indus- try theirlives' work, and are committed to thedevelopment of talent.The college's local spon- sorshipcomes from the Boardof Educationof theCity of NewYork in cooperationwith the EducationalFoundation for theFashion Industries. It is anaccredited institutional member of the MiddleStates Association of Collegesand Schools, the National Association of Schools of Art andDesign, and the Foundation for InteriorDesign Educational Research. TheFashion Institute of Technologyis a specializedcollege of art anddesign, business and tech- nologywhich prepares men and women for careersin fashionand its relatedprofessions and industries,and also provides leadership, research, and other services to thoseprofessions and industries.As a collegecommitted to careereducation with a broadcultural background, F.I.T. offersnot only essential professional preparation, but alsoa full rangeof liberalarts courses, as wellas counselingand placement services, extracurricular activities, and access to thecultural life of NewYork City. Since its graduatesare prepared to enterdesign, management, advertising, productionengineering, merchandising, and other fashion-oriented fields, it welcomesstudents withspecial aptitudes. F.IJ.'s campus in midtownManhattan is situatednear the heart of thefashion industry- executiveoffices, design studios, manufacturing plants, and distribution and merchandising centers.The college serves more than 12,000 American and international students yearly, who attendday, summer, Winterim, and evening sessions. 3 Attirmingmat 1no1v1aua1 growth is meprimary goal ot any souna eaucauona1 program, ana that F.IJ.has a particularmission of serviceto thefashion and related industries, including the design,business, and communications fields, the college works to achievethe following objectives: • to offercareer-oriented education indesign, communications, business, and technology throughcourses taught by industry-experiencedfaculty; , to providea broad-basededucation in the liberalarts by offeringcourses that include multicultural,intellectual, social, and ethical issues; , to promoteand foster student growth and self-development through student support services,programs, and activities; , to introducestudents to the realitiesof industryby providingopportunities for internships, cooperativeeducation, and other field experiences; , to createan environmentthat stimulates creativity and promotes individual potential; , to enablestudents to developcommunications skills; , to encouragean understandingof globalizationby offeringinternational courses and study abroadoptions; , to meetthe educational needs of employedadults. Theobjectives of F.11for the industriesit servesare to provide: , sourcesof futureleadership; • opportunitiesfortraining and retraining; , forumsfor theinterchange of informationand ideas; • resourcesfor research and demonstration. AffirmativeAction/Equal Opportunity It is the policyof the FashionInstitute of Technologyto treatstudents and employees without discriminationbased on age, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, maritalstatus, handicap, or veteranstatus. Policies to achieveequality of opportunityin educa- tionand employment are made and enforced based on a positivecommitment to the objec- tivesof F.11in compliancewith federaland state regulations. Section504 of the RehabilitationAct of 1973defines and forbids acts of discriminationagainst qualifiedhandicapped persons in employmentand in the operationof programsand activities receivingfederal financial assistance. The Fashion Institute of Technologyadheres to the policy thatno otherwise-qualifiedhandicapped individual shall, solely by reasonof his/herhandicap, beexcluded from participatingin, bedenied the benefitsof, or be subjectedto discrimination underany program or activityof the college. 4 r.1.1. ,u;:,u VUlllfJlltl;) YVILII lllltl IA UI lilt: CUUVdUUII Alllt:IIUJlltlfll:S UI 1~, .:'. wmcn says; 1\10 person ... shall,on the basis of sex,be excluded from participationin, be deniedthe benefitsof, or be subjectedto discriminationunder any education program or activityreceiving federal financial assistance... " Informationconcerning the college'sAffirmative Action/Equal Opportunity policy, as well as the lawsand regulations by whichit is guided,may be obtainedfrom the Managerof Affirmative Actionand Employment, Human Resources Department, Fashion Institute of Technology, SeventhAvenue at 27 Street,New York City 10001-5992. Campus NewYork City Thetraditional college campus, whether in the heartof a city or in a smalltown, has always beena greenoasis of ivy-coveredbuildings and it servedto separatethe institutionfrom the communitysurrounding it, creatinga rarefiedand somewhat artificial educational atmosphere. F.I.T.,on theother hand, is in no wayisolated from the immediategeographical or larger commercialcommunities it serves. All NewYork is its campusand the interactionbetween the communitiesand the college on everylevel-educational, social, cultural, economic-is dynamicand productive. The entire city servesas a laboratoryfor F.I.T.students for learning andliving. Through specific assigned projects, they are introduced to NewYork's museums and librariesand to the manydifferent segments that make up the fashionand related industries. Throughthe college'soffices of CommunityResources and Student Activities, F.IJ. students are giventhe opportunityto discoveropera, dance, drama, galleries, and private art collections, expositionsof thevisual arts, andthe vast print