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Smilax zeylanica

Kumarika is a medicinal climber, mentioned for the treatment of syphilis, gonorrhea, skin disease and acts like a blood purifier

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Smilax zeylanica

Description for Smilax zeylanica

Plant height: 9 - 15 inches (22 - 39 cm)

Plant spread:

Kumarika is an armed or unarmed climber. Leaves leathery, shining, broadly ovate to elliptic, base rounded or shortly wedge-haped. Flowers are white, in dense umbels in leaf axils. Perianth recurved in mature flowers, Stamens about as long as the perianth.

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It is found from the Himalayan region in the north to Peninsular India. Flowering season from January-April. Plants used as abscesses, boils, swellings, and rheumatism. a powerful antibiotic medicinal plant. Boiled young roots are edible, possibly only used in times of famine.

The stems are very tough and used for baskets and wickerwork. Young stem tips are used as a vegetable. Medicinally, the roots are used as a medicinal plant in India, and as an adulterant of the famous roots of Smilax L. (China root, gadung cina) in the Moluccas, active against venereal diseases and skin problems.

Common name(s): -

Flower colours: -

Bloom time: -

Max reachable height: -

Difficulty to grow: -

Planting and care

Sunlight: -

Soil: -

Water: -

Temperature: -

Fertilizer: -

Caring for Smilax zeylanica

Typical uses of Smilax zeylanica

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Reviews Friday, 04 October 2019

Pot seems to be really small. DO I have to shift the plan to the bigger pot as it starts growing in a few months?

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Chandrani Datta

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