
Wednesday, 10th January, 1912


OF 'l'IIJ,;


Vol. L





April 1911 - March 1912


tlabli•lwl 111] .fj11tharilJz at thel>obrruar�.enrral •



The Council met at Government House, Calcutta, on Wednesday. the 10th J anunry 1912. .

PRESENT: Tho Hon'bla BID. Gur FLEE1'WOOD WILSOY, G.C.I.B., A.O.B., K.C.1I.G., pre- aidi"Q, and 62 Members, of whom 47 "ere Additional Membors.

ABSENCE OF GOVERNOR GENERAL AND VICE-PRE~IDENT OF THE COUNCIL. The Hon'bla Sir Guy Fleetwood Wilson: "In tho absence of His Excellency nt Dombay and owin~ to tho lamented indisposition of tha Vice-President, it del'oIvcs. on me as senior Member of Counoil to preside at tho deliberations of tho Council to-day." OATH OF OFFIOE. The following Additional Members lllade the presoribed oa.th or affirma- tion of their allegianoe to the Crown :- The Hon'bIc lIR. GUT,A:ll MUll.DI)!A.l) BllU&OltI. The Hon'ble MR. VI~CENT. ,Tho Hon'bla Mn. CAnn. The Hon'blc MR. AlL'fllt'n. The Hon'blc Mn. L'I'o~. Tho Hon'blc MR. S.H:NIJEltR. 'rho Hon'blo KILAN DAHA1JUl~ MrAN MUIl.\.!{)!AD SUAFI. Tho Hon'blo Mn. FRElfANTLE. 'l'ho Hon'blo 1\IAUXG MH. 'fho Ron'blo MR. E"TUO':-EN. 'rhe IIon'blc Mu. FYFI'):;. 72 Q77ESTIOllS ANn A.J.YSWB.R5'. [S'I' Jmllc,q ]l[cstOIl; J1[I', Golclllllc; Si1' I[lI1'COIl1't [lO'fJI JAXlTAllY 11112.] BII.tlcl'; M,'. Sllcd AU III/am.)

The Hon'ble Sir James Meston: .. Win) y0111' Il llli ~i lll Sir, I ll('ft to lay on the table, on lJChnlf of lhe lIon'bio Finance 'Membor, n statement.'" show- ing' tho prOllOl't.iol\ of appointments 011 R500 and OYCl' held hy Judinns 111111 Enrollenns 111 1910, ns cou.pal'cd with 1903 aud 1807, 'I'his is tho stat.ement which wns})romiscd in t:he Hon'blo Sir Gny Plcctwoocl "'ilson's reply ~ ' n to tlJo ~ ion put by the lIon'bIe Rnjo of Dlgbnpntia at the meeting of Council hcld 011 the 2,J,th Mnreh 1911, .. Io.lso seek permission to lay on tbe table cOlinin l'ctul'nst a!':krcl for l)y tho llon'blo :Ml'. )I.mlholkal' in tho qucstion put by him nt t.ho Jn in~ of Council held on the 22ml Septemher 1911. Part of tho CJuestion liaS nil'endy been l'eplied to at the meeting before mentioned,"

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. i : The Hon'ble Mr, Gokhale asked:- i II 'Will the Government be plellSed to stnte whether the sum of 60 lnkbs for • the promotion of tl'Uly populnr cclllCOtiOIl,' announcctl by His Excellency UlO GOYCl'IlOl' Genel'ul on tho day of the Corono.tion Dm'bar nt Dolhi, includes the In'csent Statc expenditure on primnry education 01' is in addition to it; and whether tbe grnnt is nn annual one or is only n non-recurring allotment p" The Hon'ble Sir Harcourt Butler replied:- "The· sum of 50 lakhs for' promotion of truly popular education' announced by IDs Excclloncy the Govel'nor General on tho day of tho Corona- tion Dll1:bal' at Delhi will be an Imperial grant in nddition to the existing expenditure on primnl'Y n io~ and will be nn nnuul1lly recurring grant."

The Hon'ble :Mr. Gokhale asked :-

II Will thc Government bo pleased to state what 1\:[unioipalities and District Boarels or Counoils in e(lOh Presidency ,or Province wero invited to exprc.'Is nn opinion on the Elemeutnry Education Bill now before the Oouncil. and how many. of sueh bodies have eXIlressed nn Ollillion on the measure? Will the Government ]o.y on the ~ l copies of all opinioH!! on the Bill receivecl fronl Local Bodies by the vnl'ious Local Goyernments :mel Administrations P" The Hon'ble Mr. Syed Ali Imam replied:- .. An communications which have 1Jeon l'occived on the Elementary Edu- cation Bill havo been printed ns papers l'eInting to tho Bill nnd copies thereof have already ~ Bont to nil Hon'blo Members. A set of suoh of them os con- tain o1.'inions oi' suinma:ries of opinions of l\IunicipnlHies and Distl-iet Bonrels or I OounClls is laid on the' tnbIo; the information which the Hou'bIe Member I., desircs will 1)0 found, 60 fn.r :l.S it can be obtained, in thoso papcl's." The Hon'ble lVIl": Goilia.le : ! II liny I say in eonlleetion with this thnt ,,,11n.t I want is opinions received by Locnl Goycrnmcnts ond Administrations, 1Iot uy the Governmcnt of Indiu- !l11 o' illion~ recC'ivec1 by Local Governmonts 1\11(1 A(Iministratiolls." The Hon'ble Mr1:Syed Ali Ima.m : .. Sir, I fl1ll1 be dn. So position to answer tho question of tho Hon'hle Member oftcr fUl'tlIer, Consideration."

.Vid, API10lldix A. tria. Al'1'cmlix B • .,. (? /.'B'::JTIO}'S AXI> .LYSWHRS; C'U-OPH!:.I 1'1 T' h' SOC'.lBJ'I.T::S; j;l LU ...YACl'. [lOm JA:\u.\llY 1012.] pll'. GoklwZo; J1,'. (Jordon; _t[l'. SIf.blJa J.'no; Sil' A. EII/'le; .11i·. JI//cl(/[/ltll.j The Hon'ble Mr. Gokha.1e asked:-

IC TItWC thc GO'l"Cl'Ulllunt fluhmilted their proposnls Oil jhc Fo1\bjcet of the o~i ion of Provinciul Eng-inccl':; to tllo Sccrebwy of Slolo 1'0)' Illdin ~ If SO, WhOll lllay tho finnl ordul'!; of fhc Secretary of Stnh' I)c l'XIJoetcd rIO The Hon'bla Mr. Gordon replied :- " The despntch on tho 1\l1hjcct of the position of t he l~I'o n inl Engincers of the l'ublio Works lJepnrtmcut wns sent to 11m C ~I' nl'. of State by the mnil of tho 10th August l:11>t. II is expected tllat n l' ' ~' will bo rocrh'cd lit nn onrly dnte." The Hon'ble Mr. Subba Raa asked :-

II With reforence to the l' ~l .... iycn hy tho IIon'hlo tho Homo :Memher to n ~ ion oskell by mo on Ihe :..2118 8c1'tel11l>cl' In!

Ie The Jlecos,.'mry infol'lliatioll has becll ohtnined fl'om Loonl GOTernmcnts nnd n statement-is laid 01\ Lhe tahle which answel'S tho fit'st part of tho question asked by tllo Bon'blc l\{cmhOl' Oil tho 22nd Se11tcmhc)' 1011.

IC As rcgards the t;Ccond l1art of the question tho lIoll'hlc }[clDbol' is infol'm- ad that the only Provine" whcro tho cxecutiye brnnch of thc Pl'oTincial Sen-ice is fl.llod oxolusively by promotion from tho 8ubol'cliunto service is Drit.ish Boluohista.n. The reasons why such 0. course is ac\011ted nre (1) that rosidents of Baluchistan are not yet fittcd for tho work of 1m ~ 1'll Assistant Commissioner without considerable pl'eliulinal'Y training in luhol'(liullte posts, and (2) thnt residents of othor Pl'OvillCO!l ct\1l only obtain kllowledgu of tho special conditions obtaining ill Baluchistau by wOl'kiug in suhordiuutu posts." The Hon'ble Mr. Subba Raa:

"Will the Govornmont, he f)lensed to suy f1'ol11 whut timo and yoar such II. course has beeu n

CO-Ol)EllATIVE SOCIETI ":8 BHJL. The Hon'ble Mr. Maclagan moycd thnt the lIon'blc Mr. :Mtulholknr Bnd the Hon'ble Mr. l~ ll1nLl lll be rtdded to the Seled Committeo appointed to report 011 the Bill to Il'uell(l tho law I'elnting to CO-opcl'ILtive CI.'C:lit Societies. 'rho motioll was put [1.1111 ngl'ccd to.

IXDI.\.N IJUNACY llILL. The Hon'ble Sir Archdale Earle mo\cJ tllnt Hie Bill to consolidate Ilnd amond the la.w l·clnt.iug to ] ,unncy ho l'el'Ul'!'c(l t.) n Select Commit lee consisting of tho Hou'J,lc Sir J. IJ ..Jeukiw;, thc 1I011'1J10 Mr. 8yod Ali Imam, the. IIon'ble :Maul vi .~ ~~~~ ~~l~l~l l~ ,,.In, .1~1.liJ ~ ~~'~~~. ~~l~ ~~~~~ ..'

VI A 2 ;1: .7: F.YA C 1'; POS'l' OFFICE; DELEG A :1'10 ir.

[Sil' A. Bade; .;lb'. Olrl1'k; ..1£1'. SUed Ali Ili/{/Ill.] [lO'fn JANUAHY Hn~. the Hon'blo Ihbu BhullOlldl'nnnt.h Dus\1, 1110 Hon'Lla Mr. Gates, 1he ITon'l)]c 111'. ~. l l l n tho lIon'hIo Snl'geoll Genoml Sit· C. 1'. Lukis, the Hon'blo lfr. Kemick, tLe lIon'hlc Mr. Mmlg'C", illO Hon'ble 1\11'. Vim'cnt, tho Hon'hlo Mr. Carr, tho IIon'blo lfl'. Arthur nnd the 1I10Y01'. The motion was l'ut and ngt'ec<1 to.

INDIAN POS'r-Ol:'l!'ICB (XMENDl\lENT) DILL. The HOll'ble Mr. Clark moyed thnt tho Bill to mncn!l tho Inc1ian I'ost·Oflicc Act, 1808, ho 1'ofel'l'e!) to n Select Committec consisting of tho IIon'blo lrr. Sycd Ali Imnm, tho Hon'hIu Sit· C, Gralmm, thc lIon'blc :Mr. Dadallho,", thc lIol1'blo Nnwnb i~'i :'IIuhnlllll1nll Snhib Bahndl1l', tho Hon'blo Sil' Chnrles Stewnrt-1nI.on, tIlC Hon'hle llr. Armstrollg, the 11on'hlc Mr. Carr, the Hon'hlo 'Mr. Sannders nnd t.he U10'"Cr. Tho motion wns put and agreed to.

DELEGATION DIJ.I •. The ROll'ble Mr. Byed Ali Imam: .. The nm hofo1'o t,he Council is, O!; has 1>eon l)()illletl ont ill 1.110 Statcment of Ohjects Ilnd Ren!otons, Il. lUcnsure designed to fncilitule delegation of o:xcellti,'c IlolI'crs and lll .i ~ in I'espect of non- onll' l ~ nl matters. '1'h090 who 111'0 IIcqnnintell with tho work of administration Ol'e nl"m'o thnt a stoge has hcen renehed ill the nfTnirs of the SllIto when ~o o mcn!;ure of decontrnlimtion has bccome nn impel'ntiYe nccessity to simplify and im]1l'oye our system of government in tho direct,ion of bringing tho exccutiyo into closor touch with locnl conditions. 'fho desire to eentrnliso authol'ity. howover smnll or trifling, was cnpnhlo of x'eoching gl'lIt.ificntion at n time whcll tho ndministration of the cOllntry wos froo from tho complexity with which it ill bUl'dencd now. In the lnst 00 ~' l ll India Itas takon long stl'idcs in the dovelopment of her moral nnd materml r090Ul·ceS. Each step has been "ynchronised with some form of logislation lis is evidenced by tho ponderous bulk of her Btntutc-boQk. To mel't tho requiremonts of her advaue- 109 social and political welfare an elabol'ate administrativo mnchinerl has grown up, and to obtain the very best results it seoms to bo unnvOldnhle that Within reasonable and cautious limits its aetion should be so ~lll nnd adjusted as to give increased utility without inipnirillg its eweioney. Problems of great moment nro pressing themselves on tho attention of the Government of India amI tho Local Governments. Tho lcgitimate aSl1irntions of tho pcople to tnke intelligent pnrt in the conoerns of their country rightly demand sympathetio conSIderation nnd enrnest endeM"our nt tho hands of the authol'ities, and to securo this it has hecome evident thllt there should be somo rclief at hend-qun\·ters from t.ho wastoful expenditure of timo ond enel'!!Y on the el:ereiso of pctty executivo powers and cl1,lties. A careful examination of theso hy thll noyal Commission on Dceontro.lh-ation hns clearly dcmonst"nted tho tlI'geney of offect.ing del'oliL- tion of such powers and duties: on subol'(linntc nuthorities. NllIllOTOUf! ennet- ments denling with multifarious details of thc lllnny branehcs of ndmillistrntion aud their off-Ilhoots have from time to time laid up an accllmulntion of 1\ mass of unimportant centralisation of executive nuthority. 'fhe scctions of theso ennctments relnting to such centralisation nrc a legion in thl'll1selve!;, and any attempt on my pnl't to plnee before the Council this formidable arrny will he inconsequential, ns to l'cnliso the COl'reet hearing of eaeh of these would requirc an exnmillation of tIto partieulnr Act in which they finel pluco. This will l)l' n gigantio effort for our legislative nssembly even if there wns n dispol'ition to aprcad out the ,,,intcr sessions £11.1' boyond their usual l n~ antI without nny apprecinble brenlt in tho continuity of the sitting!'!, Whon introducing Ihis Bill, my ROll'bIe! colleague, Sir John Jenkins. depietc!l beforo tllC Council ~ l'no lin ~ ~i i l i wi~ which the o n n~ of Bomhay nnd ~ Government of ~ n '; havo met In the work of colJoctmg nnd schedllhng t.ogothcr the variousennetmonts and thoir sections with a view to, tho }) 1:1; m: .In 0 _Y, [10TH .J..\!\r,\l:Y If)) 2,J [".111', '\1/("£1 A I i I//Iali/.,]

lwrp(ll'ation or a ~ ll ' nl Ih'('('lltrnli;::ltioll Ad, Bllt, (\\"(,11 if nn o:drtl Imll of the SCl'!:W ill' pitt 011 I he pal il'nt. luhom' of Ihe !;11('.rel:U'inl I\m1 II fail'h' cOlllpl'('lll'lIsi\"e Sf'l'Cllnle he) I'I'QlhWl'11, t.ho ~l1l1 will hnrclly ll~ i ' "lIch de\"olion from 1I1C l,oillt "f ,jew of th(' II s ('1' I 11l1l'1's of (.lto \llHl!'r!nldng", A gcneral ])l'c('lItrnli)'nt.ioll "\<'1 cmlJOcl,\"illg t:pcciflc nmcllllmcllt of CI I'l'~ Act nlfccled would ill\"oll"l' ('IIIII"I'Oll8 hTi);lnholl witllOut 011\' 1Illifol'JIlHy of Elhnpe, not to Sll!'nk of tlltll'ig-itlity owl incompll'lolless ll l l'n l~ fwm !'Udll\ quest iounhlc CfJIII'l'e, 011 tilt" ot I[c'[' ltrlllcl, /III ntfnlllpi to inflict 011 tho c1dih('l'c:- tiolls of t.his Coullcil ~ n l~ or pl·t t," nmcndillg' Bills is In C~ I' Hot· only undue deJny, but ",hut is fnr more U JltJe.,i ";1 1,1(', I he sel'imts dis)oentioll or its m'di IHll'y W01'}, of legislation, 'i'his will he jlnrtil"l1J:II'I," IJcpl"I'ahlc al the I C~Clll. junet\ll"o wlll'n n hcm'y progrnmmc o[ \ll'g-L'lIt 1'~ i~l I i l1 IlI'C ~ 11m; tn 'n~n~ ' om' lIndh·jde,l nttention for "Oille Ii III 0 to CO III (" Mol.IlI'o nlld r.nximlR rOIl!'illcl'ations of llw difficnlties nn<1 ohjcetiollS Ihnt nttnch to om' cmhmking' 01\ dUwr of t1wsc hvo comsell leavo no option IlIlt If) alJrl1UIOll Ihclll in fnrour 01' nn Act. of l lo~ll inJl to IU'ovido for dc\'oilltion (,f olllh, .... ity in c"l'tain cascs with Jll'OlWl' f'(\fcgl1:ll'Ils nnd under cffocth'o control. The Bill hcfm'c the Cmmcil gi\"!$ pl'nmilll'IlC() to tho two princillJcs that 11lu1prlic it" ill('upfion, 01\ Ihe OliO hnnd it }lroddcR to coycr n "ide nl'en fOl' thp nPl'iieatil)u of II!' )ll"tJvi:;ioll!l lIud 011 Ill!! olht'l' it jenlollsly restricts ~ opel"atilll! tn n~ .' for tltu (Iispollnl of whi('h n l illi~ l'n i ~ eOllveniencc is elfeetcrl without ill thl' li~ l tlrgTl.'C n lnn~ l'i ' the lihl'l'tr or tllo .rights of the snbj •.'r.:1. The ('xcln;.ion c,f tho tm) Coclcs of l'l'imillul nll(l Civil Pl'Occdure anel of nny lln lllH' ~ rplaling' 10 thn (,Ollstitution of t.he (,h'il COlll'h from tho pun-iew of Ihis Bill is in ilSl·lf snmcirnt 10 1'CII1O,"C tll'preht'n- sion of tho imlll'oper usc or t hc POW01'S conl"(,I'1'0I1 hy the proposed leg·is- latioll_ .A fmtllcr cxelmioll is eontl\ined ill clause (b) of section .j, of ,tho Dill. It l'cla.tcs to eas!)s of prcriol1s s..'\ncl iOll or COnSl'll t lIy n snpol';or authority to tho exel'cise of power uncler nny enochnent hy an inferior n 1l o il~- Even for administrative U1 ~C t.his provision nnrrOWH down the scope (If tho Bill conRidornhly, but regarel for tho principle of dunlity of control is tho justiflcntiou for its insertion ill tho Dill, It will be ohselTccl tbnt theso two exclusions are 80 far-roochinq that it will he hn.rd to finel any matter of n truly coptrovo1'8inl chnracter in respect of which it ill possil.le to mnke no del('gaUon of powerundCl' tllis Dill in fa\'our of a subon1iuutc authority. 'Within the unnow limits of the scope of tlds Dill additionnl precaut.ions hare hean token by subjecting thc IJowers of dclegnt.ion to the conclitiol1!; laid clown in tho \'"arious sub-clauscs of section 5, 'I'hese nrc i ntcUllod t.o n~ ll' Imblicity and invito i i i~1l1 hefo1"e n l:illg-Ie devolntion of powe\' ('nn ho given effoct to. I do not proposo to dwell on nil these coudHioJIS as they will be considered IJY Hon'blo l.Icmhers in due eoUl'SC, But I venture to offer n" fow rllmnrks Oll tho conditious embodied in ~ cluuses (6) and (7), 1'nken· together thoso t\\"o sub-clnnsCo'l mnl'k 1\ gl'ent dopart11l'e ill tho rolntious of the Exoeutiyo Go,"el'nll1ont to tllC Lcgisl!lth'o Councils of tho country, l' i~ pnl't of tho 13i1l lJ o i~ R 0. ])oiut of dcw which is of growing intcrc!>t in thc nfTnil's of Indin., 'ro 1'01(1 (Ievolution of nuthority ill nheynnco till the lh'art, llotilicl1t.ion lws hrrn c0I1Hillcl'(,11 IJY Hon'blo Membors who lllny wi~ to put, illtcl'peHatiolls 01' IOOHl 1'1:SOllitiollS on tho. samo, hos, ulLhough ill the prc.'1cnt inf'Otnncl) Iillli1ed to tho np- lllication of the/rovisions of this Dill, n. decp signifl.ClInee. It is laden with potentialities n.n sots up n llrecodcnec of sprcin.! mIlle wi t h \'('gn.[(l t.o tho association of tho duly cOllstituted lllnl ' .~ of the peoplo with tho executive odmiuistration of the country, It. is Ihe fir!;/. li ~ in Inrliu of the nnnlogy oE thc proceunl'e mll)ptl'(l WilIer sOllie billlilur cil'C'lI ~l 11('('8 jiltbe lIoUll(,8of Pnrliament in , 'rmc it is that tho COllRtitutionul lih'cngth of a resolution of this Council i!l not. lllOro thnn 1l1cl'Cly n,h'isol'Y, hl1t to ~ that ~l1 i o hcf?l'C nction is takt:lI clcllotes 1\ Int;?c ll1 ~llI' ~ hp; n ~' in iOIl of tho VIOWS of thiS aj;semLly hy (JOn'rl1l11f!llt.. Sllollld 1\ drnl.L lIul1l1cnt.HIlI evokc a ho.qtiio motion lnrgely ~li l' .. tt.J(1 hy Hon'bIt) lIfe"'"!'l''' I'eprcscntillg tho people, Govornmcnt will bo in a posi1ion to llallRc fol' n flll'thl'l' consiul'ration of thc propoSC''(1 action hoforo finnl orders nrc passed, 'l'his iN n fcatul'6 of tho 11ill that will create n. now honci of mntnni help nllrl co'o)lI'I'ation which i l~ fair to opon n. new chnptcr in IIii' puhlic life of the COtllltl'Y ill i ~ rclntion to ndminish'utivo refo1'lI1s, 76 }).ELBO.FnON; 7rIrT'I'R P.llOSP][() 1,' US JLI'J'C.7IHS l'ROITI· 1111'I ~ CBN'l'lf.AL l'BOVIKUR8 BX.CISH.

[.ilh. Sped Ali IlIlcrm; .J}I,'. Go/d,a/e; .1[/', 01111'1.'.] [10TH ,T.\XUAny 1012.]

" neCoro I closo my !;ulnnissiolls I should liko to point ont that l .~i lln o ~nn iol to such delegation of pO\\'O\'R amI dutios fiS ill omhodietl ill t.hi!ol Bill is neither novclllor unprec.(J(lollied. 'l'he 110l't of Act can hi) quoted fi!ol nn instanco iu Ellglfiml, In In

ItuIes Oommittees, whose action is subject t() no legislath'e ooutl'ol but only the sallction of tho executivo Govcl'nlllcnt. Numerous othcl' instances Ollll be quote(l in which the dircct application of the law has hcon ol .~ hy Indian Acts to executive authority on iho basis of a mOl'O notification without any of tho elfectivo sn.fegtllll'ds and Pl'cCIlutionll ta)'Oll in tho Dill beforo tho Councll, "1.'here i!l ono more point to whioh I shonld liko to mnko It passing rc£ol'- CIlCC. Tho Bill docs not ]lrovide for tho cancellation of an ordor of dulegatinll onoo it is passed. Some of the opinions that we hnvo rocoived OIL this Bill soem to tl'eat tho silenco as n. grave omission. III this conneotion I noed only point to scotion 21 of tho Goneral Clnnses Act of 1807 which is a sutlieicut rcmedy for nmending, varying or l'oscinding such nn odol'. . .. I trust, Sii', that 011 careful examination of the terms of thiR Bill, Hon'blo Memhcl's will agl'oo with mo that 1hi .. is n modest mensu1'O of realllnd intrinsic usefulness that I hrwo tho hOlloul' to n!'k them to ref 01' to n Select OOllllllitteo for considcl'ntioll·. I movo thnt the Dm 1>0 roferred to tl. Select Oommittoo oonsisting of the 1I00l'bio Sir .T. h Jenkins, tho Hon'blo Sir G. M. Chitu!lovis, tho Hou'blo Ml'. Snbhn nao, tho Hon'bla Mr. Gokhale, the Hon'bla Bnbu Bhupendranath Brum, tho Pn.ndit Madnn 110ho.n Mnlaviyn, the Hon'blo Mr. Gntos, the Hon'ble Mr. PltilliplI, tho Hon'bic lIt-. Mudhollcar, tho Hon'ble Sir Archdale E:J.rle, tho Hon'ble :Ml'. LYOll, tho [Ioll'hle Mr, Al:UlUl" nnd myself."

The Hon'ble Mr. Gokhale: II Sir, I h:\\-e no wish to offol' any oI'posi. tion to the motion befol'o the Oouucil, but becauso no opposition is offered at tl1is stage, ,,,,e should not on that accOllUt be U11dOl'stood-and in this I SIJook on behalf of several non-offi9ial members-we should not be understood to as- Ront to the prinoiple of the Dill, On tho fuee of it, tho Dill looksliko nskiug tho logislnture to grant a. b14.nk cheque to the oxccutiyo ill oortain mattcrs. At the same time I see that soveral safegunrds, and somo of them important sa.fe- guat'ds, have been provi(Icd" T ~l i n l' thcl'cforo, is uno which l'cq uil'cS to bo subjected to close scrutiny. such as only 0 Select COlllmittee can bring to lJUar upon it. Whilo, the1'ofore, we are willing that tho Bill should go to tho llroposod Soleot Co ~ni we al'O anxious, M I lUl.\'e rul'endy said, that wo should· not on ~ n account bo understood to assont to tho ~ l'in i lo of the P1'01)080d delcgatIon." Tho motion wns put and ngl'ted 10.

WHITE PHOSPHOltUS :MATCHES PIWHIDITION nU.JL. The Hon'bia ~. Oi.a.rk moved t.hat tho Bill to prohibit tho importation, ~n l ILllrJ, sal\' of Uluoohcs mncIe with wllito phosphorus ho l'oforrod to a Select o i l o~i in of tho Hon'blo 1.11'. Syed Ali Imam, the Hon'blo Sir O. :Grn.hnm, tho lIon'blc Sir V. D. 'rltno];:O\'sey, tho Hon'blc Mr, Phillips, t40 IIon~ l SlU'gOOll Gelltral Sil' C. 1). Luki!ol, tho Uon'lJlc lIr. Mudholknr, ~ Hon' l Mr. Al'll1st!'ong, tho Hon'bla ~Il'. Al'thlll', tho Hon'bla :Mr. Entboven and the moyor. . . ' . 'I'be motion ,vns put and ngl'ccd to. I • , E~~~AL ,PROVINCES EXCISE BILL. The HOll'b1e l\b\l Olark: .. Sir, the 1110\ ion n lill~ in my nnme ill that tho Bill to C n o~i ~ o nudnmclld tho Exciso Law in the·Celltral Pl'Ovinccs (,EXT],' ALP /.' 0 7-1 ~ ' ' J:XC./8/,'; 1,]1'.8 A SSUJ.' ,L\'C'R CO.l1- 'i/ l'All') HS ; ./'.!.' () /'U)),'l\"1' .lJYS Ul,' .'11\·C' f-} ,".'0 C.TH1'1.L",)' ; STA)U'S; A.lJJOl}J.'X.IfEjY'i' OF COU.l.YO]L,

[10TH JA:SL\l:Y 1!11 ~ J [JIi', ('1,11'1.'; Si!' JCUIIC8 .11[(:,1/(111; '/'Itc Presidcllt,] he l'cfcl'l'r'd to :l. Select Co 111 III iI jr'\', 1 h;1\'o to nsk /1,0 COlll1c.il t.o nil 0 \1' nw /n ,rilhclrnw 'Ihal Jl1oliol1. 1 (lug-Itl. f\J explain fur 1I,(j i'lrOl'llialiulI or COllllcil thnt, I osk fo), will,c1rnw::1 If,il:,,· 'ullI" IWellllS

'. ". ~ ;' ... LIFE ASSUI1"\.NOE CO:;UPANmS lULL. The Hon'ble Mr. Clark 11I0n-el th[tt tlJO n ill to Ill'oYille fol' tho nU~1l1 . tiOl} of Lifo' 'Assurnnce Oompanics bo referred to a Sdcct Committee consist ill" of tho Hon'hle 1\11'. Syccl Ali Imnm, the IIoll'blc Sil' C. Graham, tile H ll' l~ nfr. Darlabhoy, the HOIlII)1e 1-1,', N.Sn]Jlm 1l:l0, the lIon'J.do Hahn J3hll]lellcll'a· nnth Br,sH, tho Ilou'ble ~I.l' Gall':;, tllC lIoll'l)Ie ]\f\', l\l\lolholk,lt·, the HOJl'ldo ~T . :l'.IcrC'(lilh, the Hon'l,]e ~I "\ lll~ll' lI t he lIon 'hI .. : J\I 1'. A r!ll\\r, t1w Hon'hle :Mr, Lyon, the llon'hle Mr. C:1l'1', the lioll'Llo Mr, :EIILhm-cll, O,e lIolJ'hk 1\lr, Fyfl'e 111111 the ll1on~l'. The lllotioJl 'n~ pnt (11Ic\ n~'J' o l to,

PROVIDENT INSUHAKCE SOCIETIES BILl). The Hon'ble M1;", Clark moyed that the Bill to proYicle for the Ucgula- tion of 'Prodclont Insnmn{'e Societies be refurred to a Selcct Committee con- sisting of the lIon'ble lIl'. SyocllAIi Imam, tho Hon'Llo Sir O. Grnh111n, tho lIon'blc Mr. Dndn'LlJOY, the Hon'ble Mr. N. SlIuhn. Uao, the IIon'ble IJahu DhupelluralluthBnsu, tho Hon'lJle lUI'. Gates, tho Hon'hlo Mr. Mndholkal', tho TIon'blo Ur, Meredith, the HOJl'ble )Jr. Al'lllstl'Ong', tho UOll'hlc lIIr. ArthUl', the Hon'hle 'Mr, 1'),011, the Hon'ble )lr. ('nn, the IIon'bln MI'. Ellthoyell, the Hon'bla :r.h', l~ and LI,e !II()\TI', 'rho mot-ioll was put and agl'c('cl tn,


The Honible Sir James Mcston Illon~ tlint Ilw Hill flll'tll('r to IImenf] the Inc1ian Stnllll' Ad, 1R','!), lo ~ n'I"'I'I'I'I\1 \1 a '1 'I~ CO);1lllitkc C J1 i~ iJl of' t I I~ IIou'blo Sir (]nv :Flcct.\lood ',"ibJII, l ~ HUll'llle ]\[1', S,'cd Ali JIIIIIIII flin lIoil'ulH JUunh-{ Syc'c\ Skllmul I111(l:l, (JI() HOll'IIJa Mr, ])[uialilJO.'·, the H(;Jl'hle J3abu llhupcmlranr'th ~ the HOll'lde 1\[1', Galc,;, tlw ]loJl'hlc ~'II' Armstrong, the Hon'])le ~~11'. C;)JT amI fllc 11I()Y"r. . The motion wns pnt alll1 nc·:n'(,ll fo

.'\ T .T TJ ~Il~ 'l' OF COTTNeIL,

Til}; J>J:J:SIDE;\'l': "'I 1.:01 1""iIJi":lfc'" flil' l",;.illl'-' (,I' 1lII' ('''"m'il 11)(1:1\" :llId t.he Conncil ,rill :U1jOlll'll / I) F1 jr!"y, 1 lie :Z:lrd of l'l'hnt:,IY ] Dl :!, :<1 11 ,,'('1,:,,1-:."

ILIT, 11. \"] NCE;\,,'l',

,)'c' I '.'I. /0//1(.' (,Ol"t'}',UIU}JlI f!I".l"d;r/, .l>Vis!util'c .fJl'jlili'!Jllt'ill., CAT.<':I;T1'_I, :

The .12th .TtI/1I1m'!! 1!J U,,)