Wednesday, 10th January, 1912 ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF 'l'IIJ,; LA"\VS AND REGULATIONS Vol. L April 1911 - March 1912 ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDING OF .. THE COUNCIL OF THE GOVERNOR GENERAL OF INDIA ASSEMBLED FOR THE PURPOSE OF Ml.KING LAWS AND REGULATIONS, April 1911 - March 1912 VOL. L tlabli•lwl 111] .fj11tharilJz at the l>obrruar�.enrral • CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA. 1912 GOVEltNMENT OF INDIA. LEGISLATIVE DEP AR'fM:ENT. PROOllllllDINGS 01' THlil OOUNCIL OF THE GOVERNOR GENERAL OF INDIA, ASSEM- BLlIID FOR THE PURPOSE OFMAB:ING LAWS AND RJilOULATIO:NS UNDIIIRTl:llil PROVISIONS OF THE INDIAN OODNOILS AOTS, lS81 TO 1909 (24 " 26 VIOT., o. 87, 66 " 68 VIOT., 0. 14., AND 9 EOW. VII, o. 4.). The Council met at Government House, Calcutta, on Wednesday. the 10th J anunry 1912. PRESENT: Tho Hon'bla BID. Gur FLEE1'WOOD WILSOY, G.C.I.B., A.O.B., K.C.1I.G., pre- aidi"Q, and 62 Members, of whom 47 "ere Additional Membors. ABSENCE OF GOVERNOR GENERAL AND VICE-PRE~IDENT OF THE COUNCIL. The Hon'bla Sir Guy Fleetwood Wilson: "In tho absence of His Excellency nt Dombay and owin~ to tho lamented indisposition of tha Vice-President, it del'oIvcs. on me as senior Member of Counoil to preside at tho deliberations of tho Council to-day." OATH OF OFFIOE. The following Additional Members lllade the presoribed oa.th or affirma- tion of their allegianoe to the Crown :- The Hon'bIc lIR. GUT,A:ll MUll.DI)!A.l) BllU&OltI. The Hon'ble MR. VI~CENT. ,Tho Hon'bla Mn. CAnn. The Hon'blc MR. AlL'fllt'n. The Hon'blc Mn. L'I'o~. Tho Hon'blc MR. S.H:NIJEltR. 'rho Hon'blo KILAN DAHA1JUl~ MrAN MUIl.\.!{)!AD SUAFI. Tho Hon'blo Mn. FRElfANTLE. 'l'ho Hon'blo 1\IAUXG MH. 'fho Ron'blo MR. E"TUO':-EN. 'rhe IIon'blc Mu. FYFI'):;. 72 Q77ESTIOllS ANn A.J.YSWB.R5'. [S'I' Jmllc,q ]l[cstOIl; J1[I', Golclllllc; Si1' I[lI1'COIl1't [lO'fJI JAXlTAllY 11112.] BII.tlcl'; M,'. Sllcd AU III/am.) The Hon'ble Sir James Meston: .. Win) y0111' Il llli ~i lll Sir, I ll('ft to lay on the table, on lJChnlf of lhe lIon'bio Finance 'Membor, n statement.'" show- ing' tho prOllOl't.iol\ of appointments 011 R500 and OYCl' held hy Judinns 111111 Enrollenns 111 1910, ns cou.pal'cd with 1903 aud 1807, 'I'his is tho stat.ement which wns})romiscd in t:he Hon'blo Sir Gny Plcctwoocl "'ilson's reply ~ ' n to tlJo ~ ion put by the lIon'bIe Rnjo of Dlgbnpntia at the meeting of Council hcld 011 the 2,J,th Mnreh 1911, .. Io.lso seek permission to lay on tbe table cOlinin l'ctul'nst a!':krcl for l)y tho llon'blo :Ml'. )I.mlholkal' in tho qucstion put by him nt t.ho Jn in~ of Council held on the 22ml Septemher 1911. Part of tho CJuestion liaS nil'endy been l'eplied to at the meeting before mentioned," QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. i : The Hon'ble Mr, Gokhale asked:- i II 'Will the Government be plellSed to stnte whether the sum of 60 lnkbs for • the promotion of tl'Uly populnr cclllCOtiOIl,' announcctl by His Excellency UlO GOYCl'IlOl' Genel'ul on tho day of the Corono.tion Dm'bar nt Dolhi, includes the In'csent Statc expenditure on primnry education 01' is in addition to it; and whether tbe grnnt is nn annual one or is only n non-recurring allotment p" The Hon'ble Sir Harcourt Butler replied:- "The· sum of 50 lakhs for' promotion of truly popular education' announced by IDs Excclloncy the Govel'nor General on tho day of tho Corona- tion Dll1:bal' at Delhi will be an Imperial grant in nddition to the existing expenditure on primnl'Y n io~ and will be nn nnuul1lly recurring grant." The Hon'ble :Mr. Gokhale asked :- II Will thc Government bo pleased to state what 1\:[unioipalities and District Boarels or Counoils in e(lOh Presidency ,or Province wero invited to exprc.'Is nn opinion on the Elemeutnry Education Bill now before the Oouncil. and how many. of sueh bodies have eXIlressed nn Ollillion on the measure? Will the Government ]o.y on the ~ l copies of all opinioH!! on the Bill receivecl fronl Local Bodies by the vnl'ious Local Goyernments :mel Administrations P" The Hon'ble Mr. Syed Ali Imam replied:- .. An communications which have 1Jeon l'occived on the Elementary Edu- cation Bill havo been printed ns papers l'eInting to tho Bill nnd copies thereof have already ~ Bont to nil Hon'blo Members. A set of suoh of them os con- tain o1.'inions oi' suinma:ries of opinions of l\IunicipnlHies and Distl-iet Bonrels or I OounClls is laid on the' tnbIo; the information which the Hou'bIe Member I., desircs will 1)0 found, 60 fn.r :l.S it can be obtained, in thoso papcl's." The Hon'ble lVIl": Goilia.le : ! II liny I say in eonlleetion with this thnt ,,,11n.t I want is opinions received by Locnl Goycrnmcnts ond Administrations, 1Iot uy the Governmcnt of Indiu- !l11 o' illion~ recC'ivec1 by Local Governmonts 1\11(1 A(Iministratiolls." The Hon'ble Mr1:Syed Ali Ima.m : .. Sir, I fl1ll1 be dn. So position to answer tho question of tho Hon'hle Member oftcr fUl'tlIer, Consideration." .Vid, API10lldix A. tria. Al'1'cmlix B • .,. (? /.'B'::JTIO}'S AXI> .LYSWHRS; C'U-OPH!:.I 1'1 T' h' SOC'.lBJ'I.T::S; j;l LU ...YACl'. [lOm JA:\u.\llY 1012.] pll'. GoklwZo; J1,'. (Jordon; _t[l'. SIf.blJa J.'no; Sil' A. EII/'le; .11i·. JI//cl(/[/ltll.j The Hon'ble Mr. Gokha.1e asked:- IC TItWC thc GO'l"Cl'Ulllunt fluhmilted their proposnls Oil jhc Fo1\bjcet of the o~i ion of Provinciul Eng-inccl':; to tllo Sccrebwy of Slolo 1'0)' Illdin ~ If SO, WhOll lllay tho finnl ordul'!; of fhc Secretary of Stnh' I)c l'XIJoetcd rIO The Hon'bla Mr. Gordon replied :- " The despntch on tho 1\l1hjcct of the position of t he l~I'o n inl Engincers of the l'ublio Works lJepnrtmcut wns sent to 11m C ~I' nl'. of State by the mnil of tho 10th August l:11>t. II is expected tllat n l' ' ~' will bo rocrh'cd lit nn onrly dnte." The Hon'ble Mr. Subba Raa asked :- II With reforence to the l' ~l .... iycn hy tho IIon'hlo tho Homo :Memher to n ~ ion oskell by mo on Ihe :..2118 8c1'tel11l>cl' In!<l. 011 tho Fuhjcct of tho recruit- ment for tho executivu h1'nllCIl of tho Pl'oTincinl tkrvicc, will tho Govet'ul\1clll lJe ple(lscd to n~ whether they are now ill a position to mpply lho iuformntiou thel'e requested. ' . 'l'he Hon'ble Sir A. Earle l'eplied :- Ie The Jlecos,.'mry infol'lliatioll has becll ohtnined fl'om Loonl GOTernmcnts nnd n statement-is laid 01\ Lhe tahle which answel'S tho fit'st part of tho question asked by tllo Bon'blc l\{cmhOl' Oil tho 22nd Se11tcmhc)' 1011. IC As rcgards the t;Ccond l1art of the question tho lIoll'hlc }[clDbol' is infol'm- ad that the only Provine" whcro tho cxecutiye brnnch of thc Pl'oTincial Sen-ice is fl.llod oxolusively by promotion from tho 8ubol'cliunto service is Drit.ish Boluohista.n. The reasons why such 0. course is ac\011ted nre (1) that rosidents of Baluchistan are not yet fittcd for tho work of 1m ~ 1'll Assistant Commissioner without considerable pl'eliulinal'Y training in luhol'(liullte posts, and (2) thnt residents of othor Pl'OvillCO!l ct\1l only obtain kllowledgu of tho special conditions obtaining ill Baluchistau by wOl'kiug in suhordiuutu posts." The Hon'ble Mr. Subba Raa: "Will the Govornmont, he f)lensed to suy f1'ol11 whut timo and yoar such II. course has beeu n<iolltcd ill 13aluc list an ? " The Hon'ble Sir Arohdale FarIe : "I presume thnt this hm; alwnl's beon tile C.'l!lO. Tf the Hon'blo UemlJcr wishes for n more (lcfinitc statemcnt: I shnllillwo to ask fol' lIolice." CO-Ol)EllATIVE SOCIETI ":8 BHJL. The Hon'ble Mr. Maclagan moycd thnt the lIon'blc Mr. :Mtulholknr Bnd the Hon'ble Mr. l~ ll1nLl lll be rtdded to the Seled Committeo appointed to report 011 the Bill to Il'uell(l tho law I'elnting to CO-opcl'ILtive CI.'C:lit Societies. 'rho motioll was put [1.1111 ngl'ccd to. IXDI.\.N IJUNACY llILL. The Hon'ble Sir Archdale Earle mo\cJ tllnt Hie Bill to consolidate Ilnd amond the la.w l·clnt.iug to ] ,unncy ho l'el'Ul'!'c(l t.) n Select Commit lee consisting of tho Hou'J,lc Sir J. IJ ..Jeukiw;, thc 1I011'1J10 Mr. 8yod Ali Imam, the. IIon'ble :Maul vi .~ ~~~~ ~~l~l~l l~ ,,.In, .1~1.liJ ~ ~~'~~~. ~~l~ ~~~~~ ..' VI A 2 ;1: .7: F.YA C 1'; POS'l' OFFICE; DELEG A :1'10 ir. [Sil' A. Bade; .;lb'. Olrl1'k; ..1£1'. SUed Ali Ili/{/Ill.] [lO'fn JANUAHY Hn~. the Hon'blo Ihbu BhullOlldl'nnnt.h Dus\1, 1110 Hon'Lla Mr. Gates, 1he ITon'l)]c 111'. ~. l l l n tho lIon'hIo Snl'geoll Genoml Sit· C. 1'. Lukis, the Hon'blo lfr.
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