Office of the Vice Chancellor for External Affairs, 1940- 2004 Preliminary Inventory UA 064 Qty.: 105 c.f. (102 cartons, 4 document boxes, 4 small flat boxes, 3 large flat boxes)


Prior to the establishment of IUPUI, public relations for University activities in fell to the News Bureau, which focused much of its attention on the IU School of Medicine and the IU Medical Center. With the development of -Indianapolis in the 1960s, with several schools scattered throughout downtown Indianapolis, an Assistant Director of University Relations supervised internal and external relations. After creation of IUPUI, in 1972 administrators created an Office of Information Services. In 1977 the name changed to the Office of University Relations, with a director supervising the News Bureau and a Publications Office. In 1988 IUPUI created the position Vice Chancellor for External Affairs to supervise media and community relations, publications, the IUPUI alumni office, the Indiana University Foundation operation in Indianapolis, the Continuing Studies program, and intercollegiate athletics.

Records include correspondence, reports, publications, press releases, news clippings, video cassettes, and other materials.


Personnel and student records and other personal information in these records are restricted. All other material is open to the public without restriction. Copyright laws of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) govern the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.


Cite as: Office of the Vice Chancellor for External Affairs Records, Special Collections and Archives, University Library, Indiana University Indianapolis.


Accessions: RG 8 2


Beckley, Ken, 1940- Duerden, Noel H. IUPUI (Campus). Office of External Affairs IUPUI (Campus) – Administration Tempel, Eugene, 1947- Universities and colleges – Public relations – Indiana Wolfram, Gretchen Wright, Charlotte


This preliminary inventory serves as an interim guide to the described records. A finished finding aid based on final appraisal and arrangement of the records of this university unit will be prepared at a future date.


Contents Box Brief Overview of Media Coverage, 11/1990- 10/1992 1 News Calendars [IU Medical Center Weekly Calendar] 1948- 1960 1961- 1970 & Extras 2 News Bureau Press Releases 5/1947- 1948 1949- 1967 3 1968- 6/1972 4 7/1972- 9/1975 5 10/1975- 1980 6 1981- 1984 7 1985- 9/1989 8 10/1989- 6/1994 9 7/1994- 1/2002 10 News Bureau- IUPUI Personnel, 1958- 1990 News Bureau News Clippings 11 10/1972- 10/1978 11/1978- 4/1981 12 5/1981- 1982 13 1983 14 1984- 3/1985 15 4/1985- 4/1986 16 5/1986- 3/1987 17 4/1987- 4/1988 18 5/1988- 2/1989 19 3

2/1989- 9/1989 20 10/1989- 8/1990 21 9/1990- 8/1991 22 9/1991- 3/1992 23 4/1992- 3/1993 24 8/1992- 3/1993 (Legal-size Clippings) 25 Class of ‘70 PR Project, 1979 26 Publications Committee, 1976- 1981 Correspondence, 1984- 1987 Surveys, 1971- 1992 Postcard Project Items, 1982- 1983 Speakers Service Programs, 1974- 1978, 1980- 1985, 1987 & undated 20th Anniversary Greetings- IUPUI University Calendars, 10/1979- 4/1980, 9/1980- 6/1981, 1995-1996 Views & Reviews (speeches at IUPUI), 1973-1974 Green Sheet (faculty newsletter, becomes Campuscape) 1971- 1980 1981- 1993 27 IUPUI Week, 1971- 1972 28 News for Newsletter Editors, 12/1989- 6/1991 Activities Calendars, 1958- 1996 IUPUI Facts, 1972- 1975, 1977- 1984, 1987- 1988 Unique IUPUI, 1970’s [Miscellaneous Publications, 1970’s- 1990’s] Descriptive Literature, Post 1969 [Women’s Studies Photo Contest, 1981] [“IUPUI: An Education Experiment Producing Results,” ca. 1991] [Publications from the Office of Admissions, 1970’s- 1990’s] [Miscellaneous Publications, 1970’s- 1990’s] General Events- Flyers, 1970’s- 1990’s [Administrative Retreat Folder of Jeannette Matthew, 1979] [Payton Philanthropic Studies Library & Archives Publications, 1990’s] [IUPUI Resource Guide, 1999] Visitor Advisor, 1970’s Information Resources Index, 3/1/1993 University Relations, 1970s [Brochures & Pamphlets, 1970s] Campus Information Center, 1994-1995 & undated Annual Reports, 1980-1983 of University Relations (External Affairs) 29 News Bureau- Harrison Ullmann Eugene Tempel Files Indiana Law Update, 1988- Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum [1975 Calendar of Eugene Tempel] Macedonia and the Macedonian Question: A Brief Survey, 1983 Administrative Science Quarterly, 1984- 1986 4

Publication Manual of the American Psychological (APA), 1974 Indiana Magazine of History, 6/1971 Tax Reform, 1986 Involvement In Learning: Realizing the Potential…, 10/1984 Prospectus from Liberal Arts, 1988 The Nobel Tradition at Berkeley, 1984 Krannert School of Management Annual Report, 1986-1987 Currents (Publication of Council for Advancement & Support of Education) 2-3/1988 [Pearson, Crahan & Fletcher Marketing Agency Material, 5/31/1988] News Bureau Press Files Black Studies Programs, 1969- 1971 Dialogue with the Third World Symposium, 1977 Environment Day, 1970 Faculty, 1970 GO (Goals & Objectives Committee) 1973 Faculty Council Retreat Juvenile Parolee Grant, 1970 Math Grant, 1970 Metros Basketball, 1974-1975 Thelander Scholarship, ca. 1972 Urban Geology, 1970 “The Urban University” Symposium, 1969 Medical Genetics, 1975-1976 Nursing, 1975 Sigma Xi, 1976 Committee on Protection of Human Subjects, 1975 Resident Assignments, 1976 [Riley Hospital for Children Descriptive Literature, 1971] Statewide Medical Education System, 1976 School of Medicine Library, 1972-1973 Quarterly Bulletin, 1969-1970 School of Medicine, 1976- 1977 [Miscellaneous from the School of Medicine, 1970s] Dr. Beering, 1975- 1976 30 [News Stories/ Drafts, ca. 1975] Medical School- General, 1974-1976 Accelerator, 1975 Voice Prosthesis, ca. 1975- 1980 Practitioner (Alumni Publication) 1980 [Television Coverage, 1979] American Cancer Society, undated Pediatrics, 1974 Pending, 1975-1977 75th Anniversary Material, 1978 Copy for 75th Anniversary Publication, 1978 5

Programs- Clippings, 1975- 1977 Medicine 175th Anniversary, 1976- 1977 Continuing Medical Education, 1975 Alumni Day, 1977 Dentistry, 1974- 1975 Medical Quarterly, 1968 [Miscellaneous from the School of Medicine, 1970’s] Personnel Information- News Bureau Shrigley, Edward W., 1972 Ginsberg, Stewart Theodore, 1964 Browning, James Stephen, 1964 Bruetsch, Walter Ludwig, 1964 Busart, Margaret Marie, 1965 Butler, Harry, 1970 Spinal Cord, 1975 Research: The Cornerstone of Creativity, 1979 Research & Creative Activity, 4/1983 [Various Medical School Publications & Brochures, 1970s] Pending, 1977-1979 Renal Dialysis, 1968 Personnel Information- News Bureau Darden, Margaret Grey, 1967 Caputi, Saverio, 1971 Niklowitz, Werner, 1975 Crouse, Ben, 1972 Crowder, Jackson Garrett, 1968-1971 Lentz, James Curtin, 1977 Ashmore, James E. Headlee, William Hugh, 1972 Jackson, Paul Durward, 1964 Garceau, George Joseph, 1964 Hunt, Virgil, 1957 Meiks, Lyman Thompson Van Huysen, Grant, 1965 Ha-Upala, Santa, 1968 Gatch, Willis D., 1975 Houk, Mary H., 1966 State Wide Medical Plan- Video 1967 Burns, Winton H., 1967 Brown, Charles R., 1971 Herron, 1977 Family Practice, 1974- 1978 Alumni Day- Dentistry,1970 Brooks, Lolah Harrington, 1970 Scholarships, 1966 Alumni- School of Medicine, 1968-1969 6

[News of 9/1978] School of Dentistry Programs, 1972 Student American Medical Assoc. (Heath Clinic) 1968 [Miscellaneous News, 1978 & 1980] Heart Research Center, 1967 Arbogast, John Lynn, 1964-1967 Riley Memorial Assoc., 1969-1972 Campbell, John Alexander, 1971 Friman, Elmer, 1970 Brock, Thomas D. [Riley Hospital Material, 1960s] Huber, Carl Parker, 1966 Johnson, Paul C., 1967 Medical Educational Resources Program, 1968 Student Employee Health Service, undated Clippings & Brochures- Nursing, 1970s Physicians Assistant Programs, 1972-1975 31 Neo- Natal, 1976 [Gail Hinchion semester project, 1974] Bullerman, Lois Mae, 1965 Student AMA, ca. 1968 American Colleges Public Relations Assoc., 1972 Chaplaincy Program, 1969- 1970 Computer Center (RCC), 1970 [Research Computation Center] RCC Monthly Statements, 1972 Riley Memorial Assoc. Annual Reports, 1967 & 1971 Langhoff, Howard Fred, 1966-1968 Hospital Releases, 1972 Rank Codes, 1972 Wishard Today (Publication), 7-8/1980 [The Cheer Guild Newsletters, 1970-1973 (Incomplete)] [University Relations Plan, 1978] Riley Hospital, 1971- 1974 Indianapolis (magazine), 5/1978 Staff Personnel Handbook, 1/1974 IHETS, 5/1970 Administrative Memos, 1971 Personnel Information- News Bureau Aoi, Wataru Armstrong, James Grant Armstrong, Marchusa Nicholle Arthur, Thomas C. Ayrandjian, Vartanoosh Babcock, Lynn Maish Baker, Doris E. Batnitzky, Solomon 7

Beck, Arthur David Bewsher, Peter Dixon Bigelow, Joseph L. Bingle, Janet Bloomer Jr., Richard Samuel Boehm, Lee Joyce Hilyard Bowen, James Alan Bowers Jr., Donald F. Bowers, John Alden Bozic, Donald Chen, Ko Kuei Culbertson, Clyde Gray Mazzini, Louis Y. Weinberg, Bernd Allen, Rose Anne Amos, David Thomas [News Stories ca. 1979] Medical Genetics, 1974 Student Publications Board, 1972 Medical Diagnostic Association, 1970- 1971 Fringe Benefits Committee, 1975- 1976 Eye Bank, 1976 International Programs, 1975 Herron Programs, 1974 Cerebral Palsy, 1976 Larue Carter Hospital, Annual Report 1974- 1975 School of Social Work, 1971- 1974 Riley Memorial Association, 1975 University Hospital, 1975 Department of Radiology, ca. 1976 Inpatient Psychiatric Unit- University Hospital, 1975 Personnel Information- News Bureau Brashear, Diane 1972 Brahme, Folke Johan 1966 Alpern, Gerald D. 1970 Berman, Jacob Kohn, 1964 Zeman, Wolfgang 1964 & 1972 Hester, Clara Ledig 1958 Indiana Medical Education Foundation, 1950s & 1960s [School of Medicine Brochures & Programs, 1970s] [School of Medicine Continuing Education Brochures, 1970s] Proposal for Establishment of Dept. of Experimental Oncology, 1978 [IU Foundation Publication ca. 1978 [Miscellaneous Correspondence & Story Drafts, 1970s] [Visiting Faculty for Family Practice, 1964 & 1979] IU School of Medicine Review, 5/1971- 9/1973 8

[Campus Maps & Development Projects, 1978] Family Practice Residency Program, ca. 1977 Neurology [History of Neurological Education] [Grants & News Stories, 1977- 1978] [News Stories ca. 1977] Anesthesiology, 1976- 1977 Anatomy, undated Medicine, undated Personnel Information- News Bureau Beck, Ronald Richard 1968 & 1974 Bennett, Byron Kent 1964 Beck Jr., James Overton 1964 Cavanagh, Max Virgil 1966 Cantaboni, Angelo 1969 Convery, Liam Padraig 1965 Clough, Janice Ann 1972 Convery, Hazel Jane 1966 Dean, Margaret 1975 Dahl, Lillian 1970 Cunningham, Alastair W. B.1969 Allied Health, undated University Hospital, 1972 Overview- Financing Postsecondary Education, Indiana 1978 Grant Application for Health Services, 1979 Krannert Cardiology Program, 1977 Zipes, Douglas P. Herron School of Art Open House, 11/12/1979 Medical Education Resources Programs, 1976 ICFAR (Indianapolis Center for Advanced Research) 1976 Sudden Death, 1979 Programs (Hospitals), 1971-1972 University Hospital, 1970 [Herron News, 1970-1973] [Grants in Plastic Surgery, 1971- 1973] [News Bureau Press Releases, 1970] [Letter re: History of Neurology Dept., 10/2/1979] [Dept. of Family Medicine Annual Report, 11/14/1979 Noel Duerden Files- News Bureau Director 32 Correspondence, 1972- 1981 Food Catalog (IUPUI Purchasing Dept.), 1980 Profile of Admissions, 1979-1980 Miscellaneous Publications, 1978- 1981 Athletic Wall, 1983-1986 Newsletter Support Programs, 1989- 1993 Union Building, 1990- 1995 Visitors Communications, 1989- 1993 9

Advertising, 1974- 1987 Annual Reports- General, 1989-1993 Calendar Central, 1972- 1988 Chamber of Commerce Ad, 1993 Chamber Expo Survey, 1992 Clerical Newsletter, 1992 Exploring IUPUI, 1994-1995 Information Center, 1986 License Plates- IUPUI, 1991- 1995 License Plate Scholarship, 1994 Museum Information, 1981 Newsletter Editors & Supervisors Workshop, 1991 Radio Auction, 1989-1992 Sign Program, 1971- 1991 Visitor Center Reports, 1991- 1993 Visitor Relations Net., 1991-1994 ACPRA (American College Public Relations Assoc. & CASE (Council for Advancement & Support of Education) 1974-1983 Calendar Committee, 1994-1995 Exhibits, 1973-1994 Exploring IUPUI, 1992- 1995 33 External Affairs Coordinating Committee, 1989-1995 Future of Higher Education, 1973- 1986 IUPUI Promotional Items, 1972-1989 Kiosks, 1993 Learn & Shop/ Weekend College Conferences, 1985-1987 Learn & Shop/ Weekend College Conference, 1989 National Visitor Services Assoc. 1990-1993 Signage, 1981-1994 Tourism Proposal, 1992- 1993 CUE (Consortium for Urban Education), 1973- 1977 Sports Festival, 1982 Student Publications Board, 1976- 1977 Ken Beckley Files Community Relations, 1977 Ken Beckley Information, 1976- 1977 News Releases, 1976- 1977 Medical Center Relations- Other Universities, 1970s Other Hospital’s Info, 1970s United Way Fund Drive Campaign, 1967- 1979 United Way- General, 1970s NSF (National Sports Festival) files of Ken Beckley Notebook, 7/1982 Corporate Development, 1982 Facts & Updates, 2-3/1982 Color Catalog, 7/1982 10

NSF Gold: Complete Schedule, 7/1982 Quotes from Dr. Irwin, 7/1982 Market Square Arena Newsletter, 7-8/1982 Notes & Correspondence re: Opening Ceremonies, 1982 Opening Ceremonies Program, 1982 “The Olympian”, 9/1981 Info Packets- Opening Ceremonies, 1982 News Media Info, List of News Personnel, 1982 Press Releases, 1982 Sites & Times of Finals, Other Awards Ceremonies, Competition Schedule, 7/1982 Mascot “Sneakers” Volunteer Committee, 3/16/1982 Ken Beckley Files 34 IU Medical Center Publications- Correspondence & Drafts, 1980-81 IU Medical Center Publications, 1980-1981 Sagamore Ad “Welcome to Unique IUPUI” 7/1982 Schedule of Events at Sports Facilities, 3/1982 Stationary Concerns/ Samples, 1972- 1979 Standardized Stationary- Correspondence, 1979- 1982 Standardized Stationary- Samples, 1980 Job-Sharing Report, 4-6/1982 Press Release re: Natatorium’s Scoring System, 6/23/1982 Natatorium Tour Rosters, 6-7/1982 Media Notice re: Synchronized Swimming Photo Op., 4/10/1984 & US Aquatic Olympic Trials Letterhead USA- Hungary Young Economists Program, 2/1985 ARAC (Aerospace Research Applications Center), no dated Academic Procedure Manual, 1983 Accreditation (NCA) 1973- 1981 Activity Fee, 1979 Addresses, 1982- 1983 Administration- Evening, Fall 1980 Administrators, 1980- 1981 Administrative Procedure Manual, 1983 Admissions, 1981- 1984 Advertising, 1977- 1984 Agriculture, 1982 Allied Health, 1980-1982 American Cable- Franchise Info, ca. 1981 American Cablevision of Indianapolis (ACI), 1981- 1982 American Cancer Society, 1980 American United Life, 1982 Anniversary- 10th, 1978- 1979 Annual Report- President’s, 1981 Aquatic Convention, 1982 11

Archives, 1980-1983 Assoc. of American Medical Colleges, 1979-1984 Bill Armstrong, ca. 1980 Athletic Fields, 1980-1982 Athletics, 1978-1984 Attitudinal Survey- IU, 7/1974 Audio Visual, 1978 Bank Machines, 1980-1982 Basketball, 1982 Bill, Dan- 1981 Blacks, 1983 Black Expo (Indiana), 1980-1987 Black, James- no date Blood Drive, 1983 35 Bookstores, 1982 Bowen, Otis- 1980-1981 Bradford Woods, no date Brain Survival Protocol, 3/10/1982 Budgets, 1983- 1985 Budgets- IU, 1978- 1983 Building Plans, 1973-1974 Bulletins, 1976- 1984 [Plans & Budget] Bursar, 1982 Bus System, 1978- 1980 Business Bulletins, 1984- 1987 Business/ IUPUI Survey, 1980-1981 Business School, 1977-1984 Business/ SPEA Building Groundbreaking, 11/1978 Business School, 1982- 1983 Business/ SPEA, 1983 Business/ SPEA Dedication, 1981 Community Service Project, 1983 CASE (Council for the Advancement & Support of Education) 1977- 1985 CATV, 1981- 1983 36 CUE (Consortium for Urban Education) 1978 Cable- ASCN The Learning Channel, 1983-1984 Cable & IUPUI, 1981- 1983 Cable Articles & Information, 1983 Cablevision Indianapolis, 1983-1984 Calendar- IUPUI, 1982-1983 Campbell, Eldon- 1982-1983 Campus Development, 1979- 1985 Campus Entertainment Network, 1982 Campus Painting, 1979- 1980 Cancer, 1982 12

Capital Campaign, 1980-1982 Cable- Higher Education Channel, 1982-1983 Circle City Circuit, 1977- 1980 Circle City Circuit Honors Committee, 1977- 1982 Class of ’70 Project, ca. 1980 Class Schedules (Correspondence & Advertising) 1978- 1982 Classification System, 1979-1981 Clean City Committee, 1982-1983 Clinical Research Building, 1980 Clipping Service, 1975-1979 Cloning, 1978 Collective Bargaining, 1981 Columbus Center, 1980- 1985 Comedy Center, 1981 Commencement, 1978-1984 Committees, 1979-1981 37 Community Leaders, 1977- 1981 Community Service Council, 1981- 1983 Computer Academic Advisory Committee, 1984 Computers, 1981- 1983 Conference Bureau, 1981 Conferences in Indianapolis, 1983 Construction, 1978- 1982 Convention Center, 1980-1981 Crank Calls, 1983 Credit Union, 1976-1982 Crime, 1982 DNA, 1977 Demonstrations, 1980 Dental Centennial, 1979 Dental Plan (Blue Cross) 1982 Descriptive Text, 1982 Desegregation Center, 1980 Development (Private also), 1981 & 1984 Dial IUPUI, 1980-1981 Direct Mail, 1980 Disaster Plan (Hospital) 1982 Discover II, 12/1981 Doctor Surplus, 1980 Editor’s Seminar, 1978 Domed Stadium, 1982- 1984 Dortch, Carl 1979 Dentistry, 1981- 1984 Economic Impact, 1978 Economic Education Center, 1979- 1983 Engineering & Technology School, 1975- 1983 13

Employee Recognition, 1983 Energy, 1978- 1983 Education/ Social Work Groundbreaking, 1982 Education/ Social Work Dedication, 1982 External Degrees, 1977- 1978 Education, 1980-1984 Faculty, 1977- 1984 Facts, 1981- 1983 Faculty Club- Tennis, 1980- 1988 Faculty Union, ca. 1980 Financial Aid, 1981- 1983 Flag, 1980 Float, 1979- 1980 Gifts, 1982 Green Sheet, 1981- 1983 Gresham, Ed Graduate School, 1981- 1983 Garland, Mel 1982 Handicapped, 1977- 1981 Health Care, ca. 1981 Historic, 1981- 1983 Humanities Institute, 1982 38 IHETS (Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication System) 1978- 1983 Irwin- Newsletters, 1982 Industrial Growth (IDS) 1983 IU Physician, 1978- 1979 Law School, 1978 & 1982 Learn & Shop, 1979- 1981 Learning Resources, 1981- 1983 Lectures & Convocations Committee Minutes, 1977-1978 Legal, 8/1983 Legionnaire’s Disease, 1978- 1979 Legislative Reports, 1981- 1985 Lions, 1981- 1983 Lockefield Gardens, 1981- 1983 Medical Shows, undated Metro Athletic Club, 1977- 1983 Metro Bus, 1983 “Mind Power” 1981 Model UN, 1981- 1983 Most Asked Questions, 1977 Museum, 1981-1982 Natatorium, 1980- 1982 Natatorium Dedication, 1982 National Media, 1978- 1979 14

National Federation of Local Cable Programmers, 1982 National Forum on Excellence in Education, 1983 National Sports Festival- Opening Ceremony, 1982 New Horizons in Science, 1978 & 1981 New Student Communication Committee, 1973- 1975 & 1983 News Bureau/ Publications Booklets, ca. 1976- 1977 News Forum, 1982 Newsletters- Workshop, 1980s Newspaper Relations, 1977- 1983 Nixon Library, 1982 Nomenclature, 1981 Nursing, 1977- 1983 “One Day at a Time” 1983 Orescanin, Danilo 1978 & 1983 Orientation, 1978 & 1981 Optometry, 1978- 1983 Our House, Inc. 1982-1983 (Ronald McDonald House) Our House, Inc. 1981 39 PAC (Political Action Committee), 1981 Pacesetters, 1979- 1983 Parents Newsletter, 1981-1982 Park Lafayette, 1981-1982 Parse Nip (Newsletter) 1980-1981 Photographs (Communications re) 1983 Physical Education, 1977- 1983 Physical Plant, 1982 Planning Committee, 7/20/1983 Police, 1977-1983 Policy & Procedures, 1983 Political Science, 1980-1981 Politics, 1980 & 1982 Polling, 1980 & 1983 Postcard Project, 1982 Production Companies, undated Program Planner, 1981 “Promoting IUPUI” Psychology, 1982 Psi Iota Xi, 1981- 1982 Quayle, Dan 1981- 1982 ROTC, 1981-1983 Radiation, undated Radio, 1979-1983 Radioactive Wastes, 1979 Real Estate TV, 1979 Recruitment & Retention, 1978- 1982 Registration, 1981- 1983 15

Research Programs, 1981- 1987 Resolutions, 1979 Retirement, 1980-1981 Riley, 1979- 1983 Riley Memorial Assoc., 1972- 1983 Riley Groundbreaking Mailing List, 1982-1983 Riley- Board of Governors, 1980 Satserv [Satellite Systems], 1983 Science, 1978- 1985 Science Writers, 1981 Science Writing, 1981 Schaller, Howard 1982- 1983 School 4 [Mary Cable Building], 1980 Scott, Mike 1980 Sculpture, 1980 Signs, 1978- 1983 Social Work, 1977- 1984 Solar Energy, 1980 Speaker’s Service, 1979- 1981 Special Events Request, 1985- 1987 Speech, 1977- 1981 Speech, 1982- 1983 40 Sports Festival, 1981- 1983 Sports Medicine, undated Sports Intern, 1983 Stadium File, 1982 Staff Affairs, 1979 Staff Council, 1979- 1982 State Fair 1977- 1987 State Fair Displays, 1979- 1981 State of Campus, 1977- 1982 State of the University, 1982 Statewide Medical Education System, 1981 Stationery, 1980-1983 Statistics, 1981 Student Life Study, 1977- 1987 Student Activity Fee, 1980-1983 Student Affairs/ Services, 1977- 1985 Student Handbook, 1980 Summer Activities Committee, 1982-1983 Summer Sessions, 1979 Summer Youth Programs, 1983 Sunshine Law, 1977 Supplement, 1977-1980 Survey, 1971- 1982 Swimming Championships, 1982 16

TV News Committee, 1981- 1983 41 TV Projects, 1978- 1987 TV Station Relations, 1975- 1983 Tape Message Center, 1980 Tennis, 1977- 1983 Test Tube Babies, 1982 Third World, 1977 Time Management, 1978 Tour du Jour, Inc., undated Tours, 1979- 1985 Transcript, 1980 Transportation Survey, 1979 Treaty of Paris, 1983 Turner, Landon 1981-1982 Budgets- University Relations & News Bureau, 1975-1983 US Swimming Championships, 1982 USA Diving Championships, 1983 USA- USSR Track Meet, 1982 United States Olympic Committee, 1982 Universities Activities, 1977- 1981 University Relations, 1977- 1986 University Relations Interim, 1983 VTR (Video Tape Recorder?), 1981 Vargus Poll, 1980-1983 Vehicle Emissions, 1986 Veteran’s Administration, 1977- 1979 Veterinary Medicine, undated Vice- President Study Committee, 1979- 1981 Video Disc., 1980 Visitor’s Center, 1980-1981 Walker Urban Life Center, 1982 Weekend College, 1978- 1982 Welcome Wagon, 1983 Well House Mailing List, 1981 Well, Herman B. Wilcox, Howard (Inc.), 1977- 1982 Wolfram, Gretchen- Reports, 1980- 1981 Writing, 1981 Year of the Child, 1979- 1980 Young Scholars Program, 1983 Yugoslavia, 1982 Edward C. Moore’s Retirement, 1982 42 Natatorium Events, 1982- 1983 Miscellaneous Material, ca. 1981- 1982 Brinkman, Frank- Student Body President, 1979-1980 Correspondence of Beckley, 1977- 1978 17

Morris, Howard- Paper on Railroads, 1968 Medical School Publications, ca. 1970s Annual Reports- Marion Co. Health & Hospital Corp., 1974- 1975 Lion’s Eye Bank Brochures & Information, undated Pediatric Nurse Assoc. Program- School of Nursing, ca. 1974 School of Medicine Review, 9/1973 & Riley Report, 1980 Medical School Booklet, 1976 March of Dimes Script- Riley Hospital, undated Teleconference, 1982- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Personnel Actions- IU Board of Trustees, 9-10/1982 Newspaper Articles- News Bureau Publications Office 6/1978- 5/1979 6-12/ 1979 43 School of Medicine Awards, undated Releases- Radio Stations Only, 1973- 1976 Programs I- Nursing TV, 1981 Internal Reports- News Bureau, 1-12/1981 Job Files- External Affairs [Housing & Meal Brochures, 1982-1983] [Physical Education & Natatorium Material, 1981- 1983] [School of Nursing Brochures, 1981- 1983] [School of Dentistry Brochures, 1981- 1983] [Affirmative Action Booklets, 1981- 1983] [Molecular Mechanics Symposium, 6/23-24/1983] [Business/ SPEA Brochures, 1981- 1983] [School of Medicine Material, 1981- 1983] [Journal of the Early Republic, 1985] [Miscellaneous Newsletters, 1981- 1983] Class Schedules, Spring & Fall 1983 [Miscellaneous, 1979- 1983] [Minority Engineering Advancement Program, 1981- 1983] [Special Needs Students Information, 1981- 1983] [International Student Material, 1983] [Campus Maps, 1982- 1984] [Union Building Events & Info, 1981-1983] [Awards & Recognition, 1981- 1983] [New Student Material, 1981- 1983] [Continuing Studies Class Schedules, 1982-1984] [Employee Health Benefits, ca. 1981- 1983] [Learn & Shop and Weekend College Schedules, Spring 1983] [Press Releases & Newsletters, 1977- 1983] [IHETS Material- Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication System] [IUPUI Folders] [Miscellaneous, 1981- 1983] 18

[Med. School/ University Hospitals Materials, 1981- 1983] 44 Board of Trustees- News Bureau Press Files Meeting, 3/4/1977 Appointments, 8-9/1977 Actions, 11/1977 Approvals for 2/1978 Appointment Approvals, 4/8/1978 & 6/3/1978 Approvals, 8/4/1978 Appointments, 9/9/1978 New Appointments & Actions, 9 & 11/1978 Meeting, 1/4/1979 Appointments, 2/3/1979 & 3/3/1979 Releases, 4/1979 Appointments, 5/4/1979 Meeting, 6/1/1979 Special Meeting, 6/11/1979 Meetings, 8/1/1979- 12/1979 Meetings, 2/1980- 6/1980 Retreat & Meeting, 8/1980 Meetings, 9/1980- 12/1980 Continuing Ed. Coordinator- State Fair- Howard Morris & Ken Beckley Accounting of Speakers Bureau Programs, 1965- 1970 Monthly Statements & Correspondence, 1968-1969 Photo Negatives, 1969 (negatives removed) Monthly Statements & Correspondence, 1970- 1973 Statements of Accounts, 7/1973- 6/1974 Travel- Howard Morris, 7/1973- 6/1975 Notes/Correspondence/Release Forms/ Project 21, 1974 Monthly Statements, 1974 Budget Transactions, 1974 Payroll, 1975 Monthly Statements, 1975 Travel- Howard Morris, 1975- 1976 Monthly Statements, 1976 Monthly Statements of Account, 1976 Travel Fund- Howard Morris, 1976- 1977 Monthly Statements, 1976-1977 State Fair Shared Expenses, 1976 Monthly Statements & Reports, 1977 45 State Fair Minutes, 1978 State Fair Shared Expenses, 1978 Monthly Statements, 1977 Payroll- notes & correspondence, 1977 State Fair Planning, 1977 19

Travel Fund- Howard Morris, 1977- 1978 Travel Fund- Gretchen Wolfram, 1977- 1978 Payroll- notes & correspondence, 1977- 1978 Travel Fund- Pam Perry, 1977- 1978 Travel Fund- Ken Beckley, 1977- 1978 Speeches- Howard Morris, 1978 Monthly Statements, 1978 Budget, 1978 Travel Requests- Ken Beckley, 1978- 1979 Office Procedure Manual- Personnel, 1979 Monthly Accounting, 7/11/1980 Intramural Invoice Vouchers (blank) Budget Transfer Request (blank) Staff Personnel Action Recommendation (blank) Printing & Duplicating Order Form (blank) Supplemental Payroll Voucher Forms (blank) Payroll Forms (blank) Regular Hourly Pay Advice Forms (blank) Student Hourly Pay Advice Forms (blank) Publications- Job Files A- U, Publications, 1980s V- Y Publications, 1980s 46 CASE, 1978- 1983 Admission Office Support, 1972- 1973 Energy Committee, 1977- 1979 Energy Conservation Committee, 1977-1983 Energy Suggestions, 1983-1984 External Degree, 1976-1977 Metric Converter, 1972-1975 Science School Booklet, 1983-1984 Weekend College & Learn & Shop, 1977-1982 Publications- Miscellaneous Admissions, 1975- 1985 Affirmative Action, 1982 & 1985 AIM (Admissions Office Newsletter) 1/1975 Alumni, 1974-1975 Archives, ca. 1975 & 1983 Athletics, undated & 1985/86 Basic Institutional Data- Accreditation Review, 12/1972 Bradford Woods, undated Bus/ Shuttle, 1978- 1986 Calendars- IUPUI Activities, 1972- 1987 Campus Housing, 1984-1985 & undated Campus Maps, 1970s & 1980s 20

Campus Police, 1986 & undated Cards, 1974-1978 Clay Courts, 1978- 1979 Columbus Center, 1974-1981 Community Education Facility- Preliminary Design, 6/30/1973 Computing Services, 1983 Continuing Studies, 1970s & 1980s Continuing Studies Newsletters, 1980-1982 47 Continuing Studies Schedules, 1975 -1983 Counseling, 1974-1983 Dentistry, School of, 1975-1986 Duplicating Services, undated Education- Division of, 1975-1984 Education- Division of, Accreditation Report, 1974 Employees: Policies, Insurance, Benefits, 1975-1986 Engineering & Technology, 1970s & 1980s Energy Saving, ca. 1975 Experience Excellence, 1980-1984 Financial Aid, 1970s & 1980s Genesis, 1973- 1977 Graduate, 1984- 1985 & undated Grant Writing Guide, 1/1974 Handicapped Students, 1983- 1984 & undated Herron School of Art, undated Honors Program, 1979-1987 Hospitals, 1970s & 1980s IHETS, undated Index Reference Materials- Accreditation Review, 12/1972 International Programs Office/ Services, 1970s & 1980s IUPUI Choral & Chamber Singers, 1970s IUPUI Community Service, 1979- 1981 IUPUI Events, 1974-1986 IUPUI Facts, 1970s & 1980s IUPUI Food Catalog, 1980 IUPUI General Brochures, 1970s & 1980s IUPUI Visitors Advisor, 1970s Insight, 1975 & undated 48 Law School, 1983- 1985 & undated Learn & Shop, 1979- 1982 Learning Resources Committee, 1978- 1986 Liberal Arts, 1970s & 1980s Mathematical Sciences Department, 1975 School of Medicine, 1970s & 1980s Miscellaneous, 1970s & 1980s 21

Natatorium, 1980-1986 Nursing School, 1970s & 1980s Posters, 1970s & 1980s Project ’70- Class of ’70 Project, ca. 1980 Purdue- General (Purdue Campus Map), ca. 1975 Recruiting College Graduates, 1974-1976 Research & Sponsored Programs, 1983 Science- School, 1970s & 1980s Social Services- School, undated Social Work- School, undated SPEA, undated Speakers Bureau, 1970s & 1980s Student Handbooks, 1970s & 1980s Student Services/ Activities, 1973- 1986 Telephone User Guide, undated Union Building, 1970s & 1980s Union Building- Madrigal Dinners, 1975- 1980 University Division, 1971-1972, 1976-1977 & undated University Theater, 1970s & 1980s Vehicle Regulations, 1978-1985 Veterans Affairs Office, 1970s & 1980s Views & Reviews, 10/31/1973 Weekend College, 1976- 1985 49 Publications from Information Services- Director Office Files Office Files- Packing Slips, Receipts, Supplies, 1970-1971 Development of IUPUI Symbols, 1969 ARC Newsletter (Admissions Registration Counselors) 1972 Admissions Form (blank) Allied Health Sciences, 1970-1972 Basketball Program, 1971-1972 Brochures- No Longer Used, 1961 Campus in the City Poster, 1971 Campus Motor Vehicle Registration Brochure, 1971 Campus Map, undated Campus Guide & Fact Sheet, 1972 Certificate of Graduation (Order Form), 1971 Civil Engineering Technology “Highway Technology” 1971-1972 Communique 38, 1972 Commencement Programs, 1970-1972 Computer Tech, 1971-1972 Continuing Education, undated Continuing Education Spring Course Brochure, 1971 Desk/ Podium Signs, 1971 EET Brochure (Electrical Engineering Tech.) 1972 22

Earth Week Program, 1972 Education Division- …Teacher Training Operation…, 1971-1972 Education Booklet Series, 1971-1973 Economics Department, undated Engineering, 1972 Engineering Technology Poster, undated English Department, 1971-1973 Employee Handbook, 1967-1971 Eric/ Crier RRN, 1971 Financial Aid Booklet, 1970-1972 Financial Assistance for Study at IUPUI, 1970-1971 Freshman Year in Columbus, 1971 German Language & Lit. Dept., 1971- 1972 Guided Studies Program, undated Herron, 1971- 1972 Highway Technician Brochure, 1971 General IUPUI, 1971 History Department, undated Hospital Questionnaire, undated Industrial Engineering Technology, 1971 Indianapolis Law School Placement, 1971 Industrial Supervision Dept., 1971 Interns & Residency Programs, 1971 Judicial Education, 1971- 1972 Mastheads for Alumni, undated Medicine- School, 6/1972 Medical Post-Grad Programs, 1970- 1971 MET Brochure (Mechanical Engineering Technology), 1972 Minor in American Studies, undated Name Card Inserts, 1970-1971 Nursing School, ca. 1968- 1971 Parking Posters, 1971 Patient Care Booklet, 1970 Philosophy Dept., 1971-1972 Placement, 1972 50 Political Science, 1972 Publications Survey, 1970- 1972 Purdue Graduate Programs at IUPUI, undated Profile of Admissions, 1971 Questionnaires, 1971 Riley Hospital Questionnaires, 1971- 1972 Recruitment Brochure, 1971-1972 Recruiting Posters, 1971 Seminar Letterhead, 1971 23

Spanish Dept., 1970-1971 Speech & Theater Dept., 1971 Sociology Dept., 1971 Spring Schedule, undated Sociology, 1972 Supervision Programs Certificate, 1972 Social Services, 1972 Stores Catalog, 1970-1971 Student Activities Board, 1971- 1972 Summer Poster, undated Summer Schedule, 1971 TIAA- IUMC, 1972 Tradition to Today (undergraduate bulletin) 1972 Tunnel Traveler, 1971 University Division Booklet, 1971 University Division Fact Sheet, 1970- 1971 Associate Degree- Nursing Program, 1972 Basic Institutional Data, 1973 Chemistry Brochure, 1973 College in Columbus, 1973 Commencement Program, 1973 Continuing Education, 1973 CED Nursing, 1973 (Continuing Education Degree) Criminal Justice Law Film for High School, 1973 Education ID Cards, 1972 Faculty Council Name Plates & Holder, 1973 Financial Aid, 1972 French Poster, 1972- 1973 From Tradition to Today, 1973 Goals & Objectives Committee, 1972 Guided Study Program, 1973 Graduate Nursing Program, 1973 Industrial Supervision, 1972 Information Fact Booklet, 1972-1973 Information Services Brochure, 1972 IRMP (Indiana Regional Medical Program), 1973 IRMP Focus, 1972 Judicial Education, 1972 Juvenile Parolee Program, 1972 Liberal Arts Honors Program, 1973 Maps, undated Milestones of Service, 1973 Parking, 1972 Personnel INS (Insurance), 1972 24

Personnel Folders, 1973 Personnel Brochure, 1973 Placement Brochure, 1973 Psychology Questionnaire, 1973 Pulmonary Fellowships, 1972 Riley Hospital Card, 1972 Self-Study Manual, 1972 Speakers Service, 1972 Student Survival Kit, 1972 Social Service Brochure, 1972 State Fair Booth, 1964-1972 Supervision Course Offerings, 1972-1973 Supervision Programs, 1972 Unique IUPUI, 1973 University Division- Campus in the City, 1972 P & I Expenditures, 1969- 1971 Admissions, 1972- 1974 Alumni Office Work 1972- 1973 ARC Newsletter, 1970-1974 Biological Realities, 1973-1974 Building Closing Poster, 1973-1974 Business Bulletin, 1973- 1974 Sample Certificates, undated 51 Chancellor’s Retirement Program, 1973 Chancellor’s Office Parking Pads, 1974 CED/ Con Ed Nursing, 1973-1974 Chemistry for Every Man, 1974 Chorale Poster, 1974 Columbus Center Brochure, 1974 Columbus Center Covers, 1974 Common Sense Manual (Grantsmanship), 1970- 1974 Computer Technology Brochure, 1974 Conference on the Future 1999, 1974 Conservation Tags, 1973 Continuing Education, 1973- 1974 Dean’s Industrial Advisory Committee of IUPUI, 1973- 1974 Education, 1974 Education Applications, 1974 EET Brochures, 1973 Engineering Technology Bulletin, 1974 Energy Tech ECDP Visit, 1973 Faculty Club ID, 1973-1974 Spring 1974 Schedules Financial Aids, 1973 25

Food Service, 1973 General Assistance Center Envelope & Letterhead, 1974 Geology Brochure, 1973 Governor’s Conference Emergency Medical Services, 1973 Guided Study, 1974 Honors Day Program, 1972-1973 Hospital Administration, 1972- 1973 IU Hospital, 1974 Hurray for the Roses, 1974 Indiana Prosecuting Attorney Newsletter, undated International Programs, 1974 Poster/ Mailer, 1974 Judicial Education Probation Workshop Cover, 1973 Law School, 1974 Law School Summer Poster, 1974 Lectures & Convocations, 1973-1974 Liberal Arts Catalog, 1972- 1973 Liberal Arts Invitations, 1974 Master Plan, 1973-1974 Milestones of Service, 1974 Mmmm Mmmm Good For You, 1974 NAACP Cards, 1973 News Bureau, 1973 Parking Brochures, 1973 Personnel, 1973-1974 Personnel Insurance Folders, 1973 RIR Personnel, undated Pill for Education, 1973 Placement, 1973-1974 Police Brochure, 1974 Politics Over Breakfast, 1974 Pollution Control Technology, 1973 Practical Electronics, 1974 Recruiting College Graduates, 1974 Religious Studies, 1974 Retiring Faculty Brochure, 1974 Sagamore Press Card, 1974 School of Medicine, 1973 Science Bulletin, 1973- 1974 SET Dedication, 1973-1974 Social Service Cover, 1974 Social Service in Pediatric Hospital, 1973 Student Services, 1973-1974 Student Travel Kit, 1973 26

Supervision, undated Teacher Corp., 1974 Technology, 1973- 1974 Tradition to Today, 1973- 1974 Unique IUPUI- Reprint, 1973 University Division, 1973 Veterans Affairs, 1973- 1974 Views and Reviews (Drs. Irwin & Hine), 1974 Weekend College, 1973 Administration Building, 1975 52 Administrative Services Building, 1975 Admissions Banners, 1975 Admissions, 1974- 1975 Alumni Office Work, 1974- 1975 Are You Aware (Reprint) 1974 Business Bulletin, 1974-1976 Chemistry Brochure, 1975 Chorale, 1974 Chorale Spring Poster, 1975 Christmas Concert Poster & Program, 1974 Clinical Nursing Brochure, 1975 Columbus Center Brochure, 1974 Columbus Center Continuing Education Program, 1974 Columbus Center Reprint, 1975 Community Mental Health Nursing, 1974 Computer Technology, 1974 Continuing Education in Nursing Name Tags, 1974 Continuing Education Services, 1974- 1975 Deans’ Industrial Advisory Committee, 1975 Dinner Theater- Lecture & Convocation, 1974 DPEA Bulletin (Div. of Public & Environmental Affairs), 1973- 1974 Education Applications, 1974 Education Bulletins, 1974- 1976 Employee Bulletin- Office of Career Counseling & Place., 1975 Engineering & Technology Bulletin, 1974-1975 Family Practice, 1974 Financial Aids, 1974- 1975 Food Service & Lodging, 1974 Food Service & Lodging “Bakery Production Seminar” 1975 Food Service Certificate, 1974 Four- Color Booklet, 1975 Future Flyer, 1974-1975 Graduate Nursing, 1974 27

Graduate Study in Primary Health, 1975 Incomplete Grade Form, 1974 Indiana Black Expo Education Day, 1974 Indiana Family Planner, 1975 Indiana Judicial Center, 1975 International Fortnight Programs, 1975 International Programs, 1974 IRMP Booklet, 1974- 1975 ISCS Program (Intermediate Science Curriculum Study) 1975 IUPUI Campus Maps, 1974 [no actual maps] Law School Brochure, 1975 Law School Poster, 1974- 1975 Law School Summer Poster, 1975 Lectures & Convocations, 1974- 1975 Liberal Arts Bulletin, 1974-1976 Maternity Family League, 1974 Metric Coloring Book, 1974 Metros, 1973- 1974 Midwest AIDS (American Institute for Decision Sciences) Conference, 1975 Milestones of Service, 1975 Nursing Graduate Study Brochure, 1974 Nursing Name Tags, 1975 Nursing Opportunities, 1974 Off- Campus Career Brochure, 1974 Parking Map, 1974- 1975 Parking Pad, 1974 Pediatric Nutrition Conference, 1974 Personnel Division Brochures, 1974- 1975 Personnel Retirement Fund Brochure, 1974 Placement Brochure, 1974- 1975 Plaques- Walnut & Brass, 1975 Project Star, 1974- 1975 Project Star- 250 Additional Envelopes, 1974 Project Star, 1975 STAR Certificates, 1975 Promises to Keep, 1974 Purchasing & Stores Brochure, 1974 Reception for Freshman, 1975 Respiratory Therapy, 1975 Registration Course Offerings- Change Form, 1974- 1975 Retiring Faculty Award, 1975 Riley Hospital Questionnaire, 1975 Riley Hospital Visiting Card, 1975 28

Riley Nursing Conference, 1975 Riley Posters, 1975 Ryder Reception, 1974 Sagamore Rate Card, 1974 School of Nursing Application, 1975 School of Science Bulletin, 1974- 1975 Science on the Road, 1974 Social Service Cover, 1974- 1975 Student Handbook, 1974 Student Health Service, 1974 Student ID Cards, 1974 Student Services, 1974- 1975 Summer Session Questionnaire, 1974 Supervision Certificate, 1975 Union Building Brochure, 1975 Union Catering Poster, 1975 University Division, 1975 University Division Cards, 1975 University Hospital Directory, 1975 University Hospital- National Hospital Week, 1975 University Hospital Questionnaires, 1975 University Hospital Visitor Advisors, 1975 Veterans Affairs, 1974 Visitors Advisor, 1974-1975 Walk-in Registration, 1974 Walnut & Brass Plaques, 1975 “A Man for All Seasons” Poster & Program, 1976 53 Administration Building Directories, 1976 Admissions Applications, 1976 Admissions Banner, 1975 Admissions Career Calendar, 1975 Admissions Insight, 1975 Admissions Poster & Fold-out, 1975-1976 Admissions Slide Show, 1976 AIM Newsletter, 1975- 1976 Alum News Cover (Chart), 1975 Announcements of Grants in American Studies, 1976 Archives, 1975 Bicentennial, 1976 Bicentennial Folder, 1975 Bicentennial Sampler, 1976 Business Aids Conference, 1975-1976 Business Industry Luncheon Program, 1976 Calendar, 1975- 1976 29

Campus Development Plan- News Packet, 1975 Campus Map Reprint, 1976 Career Counseling Annual Report, 1975 CED 14th Annual Purdue Air Quality Conference, 1975 CED Business Reply Envelope, 1975-1976 CED Electrical Engineering Technology Brochure, 1975 CED Employment Testing, 1975 & 1985? CED Image Making, 1976 CED Lawshe Conference, 1975 CED M.O.S. (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) 1975 CED Newspaper Ad, 1976 CED Nursing & Position Statement, 1975- 1976 CED Nursing Certificate, 1975 CED Nursing Schedule, 1976 CED Photographic Arts Brochure, 1975 CED Spring Schedule, 1976 CED Supervision Mailer, 1975 CED for Women, 1975-1976 CED Voluntary Education, 1975-1976 Center for Judicial Education, 1975 Christmas Concert, 1976 Columbus Center Brochure, 1975 Columbus Center Parking Map, 1976 Construction & Technology- AA Degree, 1976 Division of Education Bulletin, 1975 Education Applications, 1975 Education Teaching Communications, 1975 Engineering & Technology Bulletin, 1975- 1976 English Majors, 1976 Faculty Handbook, 1975-1976 Fall Advertising, 1975- 1976 Federation of Associated Clubs, 1976 Flag Display, 1976 Film Series, 1975-1976 Financial Aid Applications, 1975-1976 Future Flyer, 1976 Geology Folder, 1975 Graduate Nursing Application, 1975 Graduate Program in Judicial Administration, 1975 Handicapped Awareness Poster, undated How to Study in College, 1976 Herron Federal Grant, 1975 Herron Posters, 1976 Honorary Society Invitation, 1976 30

Honors Certificates, 1976 ICFAR Letterhead & Fluid, 1976 IHETS Brochure, 1975 IHETS Teleresponse, 1975 IHETS Workshop, 1975 Image Making, 1976 Indiana Statewide Plan for Continuing Ed. In Nursing, 1975 Industrial Assistance Program Booklet, 1975- 1976 Intensive Care Unit Booklet, 1975 International Buffet, 1976 IUPUI Color Booklet Reprint, 1975- 1976 IUPUI Facts, 1975- 1976 Law Education- Center for, 1975 Legal Education, 1976 Letterheads & Envelopes, 1975- 1976 Liberal Arts Honors Day Program, 1975 Liberal Arts Honors Reception, 1976 Madrigal Dinner Flyers, 1975- 1976 Master Plan Ad, 1976 Mastery Technology, 1975 Math Sciences Graduate Program, 1976 Medical Expense Insurance, 1975-1976 Medical Masthead, 1975 Motor Vehicle Regulations, 1975- 1976 Metric Coloring Book, 1975 Metros Fund Raising, 1975- 1976 Metros Season Poster, 1975- 1976 NALP Conference, 1976 (National Assoc. for Law Placement) Name Tags, 1975 National Conference in Nursing- A Prospectus, 1975 News Bureau Slides, 1975 No Smoking Signs, 1975 Obscenity & the Law Brochure (SPEA), 1975 Open House Invitation for Women’s Center, 1975 Patient Handbook, 1975 Pedestrian Maps, 1976 Personnel- Benefits under Public Employees Retirement Fund, 1975 Personnel Benefits Cover, 1976 Pollution Control Technology, 1976 Practical Electronics, 1976 Professional Practices, 1975 Project Upward Bound, 1976 Psychology Mailer, 1975 Public & Environmental Affairs, 1975- 1976 54 31

Racers Discount, 1975- 1976 Rebels with a Cause, 1975 Registrars Course Offering Form, 1975 Ruckleshaus Lecture, 1975 & 1985? Rules for Teachers, 1975- 1976 Russian Acrobat, 1976 Safety Dept. (Blow-up of Campus Map) 1975 Scholarship Folder, 1976 School of Science- Photography Expenses, 1975 Science Bulletin, 1976 Science Honors Convocation, 1976 Science School Information, 1976 Sociology Booklet, 1975- 1976 Speakers Service, 1975- 1976 Spring Concert Poster, 1976 Spring Schedule, 1975 Staff Personnel Handbook, 1975 State Board of Health Masthead, 1975 Stoekl Banquet, 1976 Student Activities Go-Card, 1975 Student Handbook, 1975 Student Services Coffee House, 1975 Student Services Handicapped Awareness Posters, 1975 Student Services Travel Letterhead, 1975 Summer/Fall Class Schedules, 1976 Teacher Corps., 1975 Tent Menu Cards, 1975 Today at the Union, 1975 Tunnel Traveler, 1975 Union Box Lunch Flyer, 1975- 1976 Union Building Catering, 1975- 1976 Union Building Guest Rooms, 1975 Union Guest Questionnaire, 1975- 1976 Union “Thank You” 1975- 1976 Union Building Guide, 1975 Union “In this room Today”, 1976 Union Building Map, 1975- 1976 Union Building Note Pads- Office of Director, 1976 Union Envelopes, 1975 Union Letterhead, 1975 Union Registration Cards, 1975 Union Swimming Pool Folder, 1975 University Division- Advance Registration Notice Card, 1975 University Division Counseling Card, 1976 32

University Hospital Questionnaire, 1975- 1976 University Letterhead, 1975 Veterans Affairs Letterhead, 1975 Veterans Affairs Overview, 1975 Vets Poster, 1975-1976 Visitors Advisor, 1975 Wisner Invitations, 1976 Wisner Retirement, 1976 Women in Management Brochure, 1975 Women’s Center- You Can Make it Happen, 1975 Youth Advocacy, 1976 Administration of Justice Seminar, 1976 Admissions Booklet, 1976- 1977 Bio- Realities, 1976 Bradford Woods, 1976 Business/ SPEA Building Announcements, 1976- 1977 Campus Maps, 1976 Careers for English Majors, undated Columbus Center, 1976 Columbus Center Class Schedules, 1976- 1977 Community Health Nursing, 1976 Computer Technology, 1976 Continuing Studies, 1976 Continuing Studies- Fire School, 1976 Continuing Studies Schedules, 1976- 1977 Curriculum, 1976 Education “We Can be Free” Labels, 1977 Employee Recognition, 1976 Engineering & Technology, 1976 English Careers Job Update, 1976 Enrollment Charts, 1977 External Degree Program, 1977 Fall Advertising, 1976 Film Series, 1976 General Assistance Newsletter, 1976- 1977 Group Life/ Disability, 1976 IHETS, 1976 IHETS Newsletter, 1976 IU Foundation Calendar, 1976 Ice Cream Social, 1976 Indiana Council of Juvenile Court Judges, 1976-1977 IU Hospitals Annual Report, 1975- 1976 Intramurals & Sports Clubs, 1976 Judicial Administration, 1976 33

Perspectives, 1977 Placement Form, 1976 Plaques, 1976-1977 Policy Manuals, 1976 Practical Electronics, 1976-1977 Preventive Dentistry Labels, 1976 Prints & Slides, 1976 Problems & Answers Poster, 1976 55 Regenstrief Awards, 1976 Registrar’s Retirement Dinner, 1976 Religious Studies Brochure, 1976 Respiration Therapy, 1976 Riley Hospital, 1976 Riley Intern/ Fellowship Program Booklet, 1976 Savings Bond Promotions, 1976 Seagull Certificate, 1976 Signs, 1976 Slide Presentation, 1976 Speakers Service, 1976 Student Activities- Go Card, 1976 Student Services- Film Poster, 1976 Student Services Handbook, 1976- 1977 Student Rights & Responsibilities, 1976 Legislative Luncheon Invitation, 1977 Letterhead & Envelopes, 1976 Liberal Arts Bulletin, 1977- 1978 Liberal Arts Minors Program, 1976 Look to Indianapolis, undated Madrigal Dinner Programs, 1976-1977 Master Plan, 1976 Metro Basketball Posters, 1976 Milestones of Services, 1976 Miscellaneous, 1976 National Conference on Continuing Education in Nursing, 1977 News Bureau Charts, 1977 Nursing- Continuing Education, 1976 Nursing Opportunities, 1976 Nursing Graduate Study- Primary Health Care, 1976 Office Cards, 1976 Open House, 1976 Parking Map, 1976 Peirce Project, 1976 Personnel Handbook, 1976 Teacher Corps, 1976-1977 34

Two Year Certificate Programs Brochure, 1976- 1977 Union Building, 1976 Union Building Ad, 1976 Union Building- Box Lunch, 1976 Union Leadership Program- Newsletter, 1977 University Division Bulletin, 1976- 1977 University Division Counseling Cards, 1977 University Division- Freshman Reception, 1976 Veterans Affairs Handbook, 1976 Veterans Affairs Portfolio, 1976 Veterans Affairs- Seminar Announcement, 1977 Veterans Facts, 1976 Visitor Advisor, 1977 Weekend College, 1976- 1977 Women’s Escort Signs, 1977 ARC Newsletter Heading, 1977 Academy of Science- Cards/ Programs, 1977 Admissions Acceptance Form, 1977-1978 Admissions Guide, 1977- 1978 Admissions Poster, 1977 Admissions Profile, 1976-1977 Admissions- Undergraduate Applications, 1977- 1978 AIM Newsletter- Report to Indianapolis, 1977 Air Quality Conference Folder, 1977 Alternatives to Psychiatric Hospitalization, 1978 Archives Folder, 1977 Better Tracking Symposium, 1978 Bio Realities Conference, 1977 Bus Posters, 1978 Business Honors Certificate, 1977 Calendar, 1977 Careers in Computer Technology, 1977 Carmel Schedule, 1977 56 Chemistry Seminar, 1977 Childhood in American Life- Poster/ Program, 1978 Class Schedule- Fall, 1977 Clinical Perinatal Nursing, 1977 Columbus Center Ad, 1977 Columbus Center Associates Degree, 1978 Columbus Center- Brochure, 1978 Columbus Center Certificates, 1977 Columbus Center Class Schedules- Summer/ Fall, 1977 Columbus Center Commentator, 1978 Columbus Center Map, 1977 35

Columbus Center Newsletter Heading, 1977 Columbus Center- No Smoking Sign, 1977 Columbus Poster, 1978 Columbus Veterans, 1977 Construction Technology, 1977 Continuing Education- Fall Schedule, 1977 Continuing Education Nursing Certificate, 1977 Continuing Education Nursing Name Tags, 1977 Continuing Education Nursing Schedule, 1977 Deans Advisory Committee Letterhead, 1977 Education Degree Application, 1977 Employee Notes- University Hospital, 1978 Energy Saver Stickers, 1978 Engineering & Technology Bulletin, 1977- 1979 External Degree Letterhead, 1978 Family Practice, 1978 Field Placement Form, 1977 Film Posters, 1978 Fire School Certificates, 1977 Freshman Reception, 1977 GAC Assists Indiana School Corp., 1978 Geology Field Trip, 1977 Get Set, 1978 Go Cards, 1977- 1978 Handbook, 1977 Handicapped Student Services, 1977 Honors Day Certificates/ Programs, 1978 Hortitherapy Workshop (Rehabilitation through Horticulture) 1978 Hospital Cards, 1978 Hospital Parking Map, 1978 Hospital Questionnaires, 1977 Hospital Security Awareness Month Posters, 1977 IHETS Intercom, 1977 IUPUI Booklet, 1977 IUPUI Facts, 1977- 1978 IUPUI Savings Bond Promotion, 1977 Indiana Academy of Science- Card & Booklet, 1977 Indiana Council of Juvenile Court Judges, 1977 Instructions for Teacher Certification, 1977 International Dinner, 1977- 1978 International Film Workshop, 1977 (Dr. ) Irwin Programs, 1978 Law School- Post Cards, 1978 Law School- Summer, 1977 36

Liberal Arts Certificate & Reception Program, 1977- 1978 Liberal Arts Folder, 1977 Liberal Arts Minors Program, 1977 Library Gift Bookplate, 1977 Look to Indianapolis, 1977 Madrigal Dinners, 1977 Map for Handicapped, 1977 Mazzini Monument, 1977 Medical Staff Newsletter, 1978 Medical Technology Program, 1977 Medical School- Residency Program, 1977 Metric Chart Decal, 1977 Metros Mailer & Poster, 1977 Milestones of Service, 1977 Minor in Modern Literature, 1977 Minority Engineering Booklet, 1977 Minority Engineering Scholarship Fund, 1977 Minority Engineering Workshop, 1978 Miscellaneous, 1977 Muscular Dystrophy, 1977 Nursing Grant Job, 1978 Nursing Portfolio, 1977 OVAview Letterhead, 1978 The Overland Express, 1977 Parent Education & Preparation Unit, undated Patient Workbook, 1974- 1975 Podium Signs, 1977 Practical Electronics, 1977 Project Awareness Labels, 1977 57 Purchasing Envelope, 1977 Real Estate Warning Stickers, 1977 Registrar Slides, 1978 Research & Sponsored Programs, 1977 Research & Sponsored Programs- Memo, 1977 Science Brochure, 1977 Science Bulletins, 1977-1978 Science Certificates/ Folders, 1978 Science Honors Convocation, 1977 Science Lecture Series, 1978 Scientific Applied Group, 1978 Security Reminders Calendar, 1977 See How They Run Lecture & Convocation, 1978 Shuttle Service, 1978 Ski Posters, 1978 37

Social Service Certificates, 1977 Speakers Service, 1977 Spring Registration Advertising, 1977 Spring Schedule, 1978 Student Activities Honor Program,1978 Student Handbook, 1978 Student Orientation Slide Show Sound Track, 1978-1979 Student Parking Map, 1977 Student Teaching Name Tags/ Manual, undated Summer Institute, 1977 Summer Schedule Mailer, 1977 Surgery Invitation, 1978 Swimming Pool Folder, 1978 Teacher Corps., 1977 Teacher Education Applications, 1977 Third World Film Series, 1977 Toastmasters Plaque, 1978 Toxicology Department Poster, 1978 Ultra Sound Development Decals, 1977 Union Building Flyer, 1977 Union Building Swimming Pool, 1977 United Way Cards, 1978 University Division Bulletin, 1977-1978 University Division Counseling Cards, 1977 University Hospitals Annual Report, 1977-1978 University Hospital Cards & Envelopes, 1978 University Hospital Certificate of Birth, 1977 University Hospital Christmas Cards, 1977 University Hospital Guiding Principles, 1978 University Relations Letterhead, 1977 University Theater Lectures & Convocations, 1977 Upward Bound Pamphlets, 1977 Veterans Affairs, 1977 Veterans Recruiting Folder, 1978 Vice Presidents Recognition, 1978 Visitors Adviser, 1977-1978 Visually Handicapped Folder, 1977 Weekend College, 1977- 1978 Wishard Parking Map, 1977 Women’s Perspectives, 1978 Your IUPUI Police, 1977 AIM Newsletter Heading, 1978 ARC Newsletter, 1974-1976 Admissions Acceptance Forms, 1979 38

Admissions Applications, 1979 Admissions Guide, 1978 Admissions International Application, 1979 Admissions Poster, 1979 Admissions Poster- Adults, 1978 Admissions Poster- Senior Citizens, 1979 Adult Non-Degree, 1978- 1979 Advertising, 1979 Agriculture at Columbus, 1978 Allied Health Packet, 1979 Archives Folder, 1978 Associates Degree, 1979 Biology Class, 1978 Biology Seminar “Maws Crises” 1978 Black Engineers Certificate, 1979 Bronchodilator Therapy: Bronkosol, 1979 Building Directory, 1979 Business Banquet Invitations, 1979 Business Honor Certificate, 1978 Business Senior Banquet, 1979 Business/ SPEA Brochure, 1978 CEN Name Tags, 1978 Campus Maps, 1978 Chamber of Commerce Ad, 1978 Chemistry Industrial Poster, 1978 Chemistry MS Flyer, 1978 Child Care Conference, 1979- 1980 Christmas Reception, 1979 Clinical Pathology White Blood Cells Brochure, 1979 Columbus Ad Series, 1978 Columbus Certificates, 1978- 1979 Columbus Letterhead, 1978 Columbus Memo Pads, 1978 Columbus State Fair Exhibit, 1978 Commencement Covers, 1978 Community Health Department, 1979 Conference Housing Card, 1979 Continuing Education Nursing Schedule, 1978- 1979 Continuing Studies Fair Folder, 1978 Continuing Studies- Fall, 1979 Continuing Studies Fall Schedule, 1978 Continuing Studies Practical Electronics, 1978 Continuing Studies- SAT Seminar, 1979 Continuing Studies Seminar, 1979 39

Continuing Studies Slides, 1979 Continuing Studies Small Business Management Brochure, 1978 Continuing Studies Spring Schedules, 1978- 1980 Continuing Studies Summer Schedules, 1979 Continuing Studies Supervision Program, 1978 Counseling Service Poster, 1979 Developmental Plan Map, 1978 Distant Courses- Conference Cover, 1979 Economic Education, 1978 Economic Education Workshop, 1979 Economics Workshop- Media, 1979 Education Sheet, 1978 58 Emergency Handbook, 1979 Emergency Labels, 1979 Energy Program, 1979 Engineering Technology, 1979 Environment Workshop, 1978 External Degree Newsletter, 1978 External Degree Slides, 1979 Faculty/ Staff Parking Map, 1978 Facts/ Look to Indianapolis, 1979 Family Practice Large Map, 1978 Foreign Student Information, 1978 Foundation Calendar, 1979 & 1980 French Plays, 1979 Geology Folder, 1979 Global Education, 1978 Graduate Math Booklet, 1979 Graduate Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 1979 Great Lakes Assistance Poster, 1979 H.S. Ad Series, 1979 Harvey Appointment Card, 1979 Health Administration Application, 1978 Health Administration Folders, 1979 High School Summer Program, 1979 Honors Program Announcement, 1979 Hospital Bus Cards, 1978 Hospital Certificate, 1978 Christmas Reception, 1978 Hospital Cost Folder, 1978 Hospital Emblems Environmental, 1978 Hospital Emblems- Materials Management, 1978- 1979 Hospital Employee Notes, 1979 Hospital Folder, 1979 40

Hospital Parking Map, 1979 ICIP Bulletin/ Masterhead, 1979 IHETS Brochures, 1978 IHETS Folders, 1978 IHETS History Overview/ People, 1979 IHETS Info Leaflets, 1979 IHETS Info Sheets, 1978 IHETS Intercom, 1978 IHETS TV Guide Ad, 1979 IHETS Teleprocessing, 1979 IHETS Window, 1979 IU Alumni, 1976 IU Foundation Calendar, 1978-1979 IU Hospital Questionnaire, 1978 IUPUI Facts, 1978 IUPUI Name Badges, 1979 IUPUI- Univercity, undated IUPUI Viewbook, 1979 Indiana End-Stage Covers, 1978 Indiana End- Stage Renal Letterhead, 1978 Industrial Advisory Committee, 1978 Industrial Assistants Program, 1978 International Dinner (6th) Menu, Tickets, etc., 1979 International Dinner, Poster & Flyer, 1979 International Film Series, 1979 International Program Film, 1978 International Program Film Ad, 1978 International Program Newsletter, 1978 Intramural Communication, 1978 Intro to College, 1979 Irwin Slides, 1979 Job Locator, 1979 Kletzien Plaque, 1979 Late Registration Ad, 1978 Law School Post Card, 1979 Learn & Shop, 1978- 1979 Learn & Shop Ads, 1979 Learn & Shop Curriculum Wheel, 1979 Learn & Shop Fall, 1979 Learn & Shop Summer, 1979 Learn & Shop/ Weekend College, Spring 1980 Liberal Arts- Associate of Arts Degree, 1979 Liberal Arts Honors Day, 1979 Look to Indianapolis, 1978 41

Lung Disease Insights, 1979 Madrigal Dinner, 1978 Madrigal Dinner Flyer, 1978 Madrigal Dinner Programs, 1979 Masters Degree- Health Administration, 1978 Medical Staff Newsletter, 1979 Medical School Envelopes, 1978 Medicine- 75th Anniversary, 1978 Metro Bus Display, 1979 Metros Poster, 1978 Milestones of Service, 1979 Minority Engineering Achievement Awards, 1978 Minority Engineering Advancement Program, 1978- 1979 Minor in International Studies, 1978 Minor in Liberal Arts, 1979 Miscellaneous, 1979 Nursing Doctoral Grant, 1979 Nursing- Graduate Study Health, 1978 Nursing Sick Newborn, undated Nursing Teacher Recruitment, 1979 Oral Health Letterhead, 1979 Ovaview, 1979 Overland Express, 1978 Parking Dedication Ceremonies, 1979 Patient Hello Card, 1979 Pediatric Biochemical Brochure, 1978 Pediatric Day Programs, 1979 Pediatric Residency, 1979 Perinatal Nursing, 1979 Perceptions, 1979 Personnel Benefits, 1978- 1979 Personnel Handbook, 1978-1979 PIRC Bookmark, 1978 PIRC Handicapped Workshop, 1978 PIRC Workshops, 1978 Primary Health Care Conference, 1979 Project SPUR Certificates, 1978 Race Desegregation Center Folder, 1979 Renal Disease Letterhead Reprint, 1979 Research & Sponsored Programs, 1987 Research & Sponsored Programs, 1978- 1979 Rights & Responsibilities, 1978 Root Professorship Certificate, 1978 Science Bulletin, 1978 42

Science Deans Plaques, 1979-1980 Science Honor Certificate, 1979 Science Honors Program, 1979 Science Invitations, 1979 Science Lecture Series, 1979 Science Letterhead, 1978 Sex Center/ Public Instruction Letterhead, 1979 Shuttle Bus Folder, 1979 Shuttle Bus Folder, 1978 Social Work Slide Art, 1978 Speakers Service, 1978 Speech/ Theater Classes, 1979 Spring Class Schedule, 1979 Stress Management Folder, 1979 Summer Schedule, 1980 Suvon Show, 1979 Symphony Panel Cards, 1979 Teacher Corps. Newsletter, 1979 Teacher Corps. Portfolio Reprints, 1979 Tennis Parking Map, 1979 Third Film Series, 1979 Union Building Ads, 1978 Union Building Booking Pads, 1979 Union Building Dinner Theater, 1979 Union Building Forms, 1979 Union Building Hotels- Forms & Cards, 1979 Union Building Swim Folder, 1978 Union Dinner Theater Program, 1979 Union Door Hanger, 1979 Union Question Card, 1979 University Division, 1979 University Division Bulletin, 1979- 1980 University Hospital Christmas Cards, 1979 University Hospital Annual Report, 1979 University Hospital Birth Certificate, 1978 University Hospital Childbirth Education Certificate, 1978 University Hospital Patient Handbook, 1978-1979 University Hospital Postcard, 1979 Veterans Steps to Success, 1979 Volunteer Folder, 1979 Volunteer Services- University Hospital, 1978 Watt Watchers- Sticker & Certificate, 1979 Weekend College, 1979 Weekend College Ads, 1978 43

Weekend College Letterhead, 1978 59 Welcher Symposium, 1978 Why go to College?, 1979 Women’s Athletics Folder, 1978-1979 Youth Advocacy Letterhead Reprint, 1979 Yovits Business Card, 1979 Thomas Henry Files- Director of University Relations Hoosier Association of Science Teachers, 1-2/1985 Martin Luther King Committee, 1987 Martin Luther King Reservations, 1986 Conference Center- External Affairs Correspondence re: Opening & Dedication, 3-6/1987 Journalism & Liberal Arts Joint Proposal for building use, 6/1985 Lincoln Hotel Brochures, Dedication Program, Floor Plans, 1987 Lincoln PR Planning, 5/1987 News Clippings & Press Releases, 1986-1987 Natatorium- Excellence in Education Events, 1982- 1983 Events, 1983 Forum on Excellence in Education, 12/1983 AAMC (Assoc. of American Medical Colleges) Weekly Report, 1986-1987 Afro-American Studies, 1985 Blood Bank of Central Indiana, 1984- 1985 School of Business, 1984- 1985 Cardiology, 1984- 1985 Pediatric Cardiology, 1984- 1988 Child Guidance Clinic, 1984- 1985 HOBY (Hugh O’Brian Youth) 1986 Indianapolis Center for Advanced Research, 1984- 1986 Lions Eye Bank, 1984- 1987 Northwest Ordinance, 1987 Publications- Print Jobs IUPUI, 1985 General, 1985- 1986 Activities Calendars, 1984-1986 Affirmative Action, 1985 Events, 1984-1986 Faculty, 1985 Institute for Human Research, 1985- 1986 International Studies, 1982- 1984 Learning Resources, 1985 Maps, 1985- 1987 Newsletters (Spanish), 1986 Pre-College Activities & Programs, 1985- 1986 44

Student Housing, 1985- 1986 Students Rights & Responsibilities, 1985 Schedules, 1985- 1986 IUPUI Sports, 1984- 1986 Vice President (Christmas Cards), undated IU Foundation, 1985 External Affairs, 1985- 1987 Admissions, 1984- 1985 Registrar, 1985-1986 Student Services- General, 1984- 1986 Handicapped Student Services, 1986 60 Business Management- Union Building Food Services, 1984 Career Counseling & Placement Office, 1983- 1986 Libraries, undated Medical Center/ University Hospitals, 1982- 1986 Medical Center/ University Hospitals, 1979- 1986 Safety, Vehicle Parking Regulations, Shuttle, 1985-1987 Financial Aid, 1981 & undated Personnel Office, 1983- 1986 Allied Health, 1982 Business School, 1984 Continuing Studies Course Brochures, 1981-1986 Continuing Studies Miscellaneous, 1985 & undated Continuing Studies Schedules, 1985- 1986 Dental School, 1984-1986 Education School, 1986 Engineering & Technology School, 1982- 1986 Graduate School, 1984 & undated Herron, 1986 & undated Herron- Exhibit Announcements, 1984- 1986 Law School, 1985 Liberal Arts, 1981- 1986 Learn & Shop/ Weekend College, 1985- 1986 Theater, ca. 1980s Medical School, 1985 & undated Medical School- Senior Year Courses, 1985- 1987 Medical School- Symposium, 10/1984 Nursing, 1979- 1987 Physical Education, ca. 1982 Science School, 1982- 1984 Science School- Departments, 1981- 1985 Social Work School, 1986 61 University Division, 1979- 1981 IHETS, 1980-1984 45

Sports Complex- Events & Programs, 1984- 1986 Campus Ministry, 1984- 1986 Riley Hospital, 1980s Publications- General Indianapolis, 1982- 1987 Indiana University, 1980- 1989 Activities Calendars, 1984-1987 Affirmative Action, 1982-1985 Buildings, undated Campus Maps, 1984- 1987 Energy Observer, undated IUPUI- General, 1984- 1988 Institute for Humanities, 1984 Pre-College Programs, 1985- 1988 Students, 1984- 1986 IU Foundation, 1983 & 1986 External Affairs, 1983- 1985 Admissions, 1984- 1987 Registrar, 1983 Student Services, 1984- 1987 Business Management, 1981 & undated Libraries, 1983 & 1986 Medical Center, undated Safety, 1984- 1987 Financial Aid, 1985-1986 Computing Services, 1983 Purdue (Campus Map), 1985-1986 Personnel, 1983 Allied Health, undated Business, 1984- 1985 Continuing Studies, 1984- 1985 Dentistry, 1985 & 1987 Education, 1986 & undated Engineering & Technology, 1982 Graduate, 1984- 1986 Herron, 1987 Liberal Arts, 1985- 1989 Medicine, 1981- 1988 Nursing, 1979- 1987 Physical Education, ca. 1982 SPEA, 1987- 1988 Science, 1982- 1984 University Division, undated 62 Columbus Center, 1986 46

Sports Complex, 1982- 1988 Campus Ministry, 1985 & undated Riley, 1983- 1985 Natatorium ID Tags, ca. 1985 OCCP (Office of Career Counseling & Placement) “Employment Trends, 1979- 1981 OCCP (General), 1979- 1983 Circle City Circuit, 1978- 1984 Financial Aid Scholarships, 1979- 1983 First of Fall, 1981 Office of Handicapped, 1980- 1983 Higher Education Weekend, 1984 Miscellaneous, 1979- 1986 New Registration, 1983 Student Activities, 1977- 1984 IUPUI Special Programs, 1978- 1979 Telecourse, 1982 & undated University Committees, Memos, etc. 1979- 1980 Calliope Coordinator Files Events by Location 1978- 1980 (H) Events by Location 1980 (J)- 1987 63 Sponsorship, Construction & Maintenance, 1977- 1987 Board of Trustees Press Files, 1986 Family Practice Center, 1984 Medical Center- News Bureau Releases, 1982- 1983 Medical Center- News Clips, 1982- 1983 News Media Packets (Gaither Quintuplets & Taylor Quadruplets) 1983 Medical Center Publications, 1978- 1984 Medical Publications- Facilities other than IUMC, 1983 Glenna Dudley Files Admissions Office, 1983- 1985 Business/ SPEA Dedication, 1981 Campus Mural Project, 1988 Degree Program Lists for IUPUI, 1983- 1986 Education/ Social Work Building Dedication, 1981- 1982 Evansville Press Reprint, 1982 Emergency Handbook for IUPUI, 1981- 1985 64 Indiana Higher Education Telecom. System (IHETS) 1982 Subject Files- Media Relations Admissions, 1984- 1986 Adult Education Coordinator Center, 1986 Affirmative Action, 1983- 1986 AIDS- Ryan White, 1985-1986 AIDS- IU, 1985- 1986 Allied Health, 1984- 1986 47

Alumni, 1984- 1986 Alzheimer’s, 1985- 1986 American Assoc. of United Programs, 1986 American Field Exchange (AFE), 1984 American Studies, 1985 American Studies- Center For, 1980-1986 Animal Research, 1986 Anthropology, 1986 Arthritis, 1986 Asbestos, 1986 Athletics- Men’s Basketball, 1984- 1986 Athletics- Women’s Volleyball, 1984- 1985 Awards- General, 1986 Awards- Recognition Committee, 1984- 1986 Baby Doe, 1983- 1984 Beering Award, 1986 Behavior, 1986 Bepko Letters, 1986 Biology, 1985 Black Student Union, 1986 Budgeting, 1986 Board of Advisors, 1983- 1986 Business/SPEA House Warning, 1981-1982 Business School, 1986 Commencement, 1981 Cable, Mary E. (Building) 1984 CAD/CAM (Computers) 1986 Campus Ministry, 1984- 1985 Cancer Series, 1985 Cardiology, 1986-1987 Cavanaugh Hall, 1971 Center for Urban & Multi-Cultural Education, 1986 Child Care Center, 1985- 1986 Clay Court Championships, 1984-1986 Cochlear Implant, 1985-1986 Columbus IUPUI, 1986 Commencement, 1970- 1986 Communication/Theater, 1984-1986 Computer Clearing House, 1984- 1985 Computing Services, 1985 Construction- IUPUI, 1985- 1987 Continuing Education, 1983- 1987 Corporation for Science & Technology, 1986 Counseling & Placement, 1986 48

Crest, 3/1981 Crime/ Incidents- IUPUI, 1981- 1985 School of Dentistry, 1984- 1986 65 Dermatology, 1985- 1986 Diabetes Research & Training Center, 1984- 1986 Drug Identification Lab, 1984- 1986 Education/ Social Work Dedication, 9/1982 Education, School of, 1984- 1985 Education Costs, 1985 Education- General, 1985-1986 Education- Indiana Education, 1984- 1986 Elections, 1984 Engineering & Technology School, 1984-1986 English as a Second Language, 1986 Enrollment, 1984- 1986 Epstein Barr Virus, 1986 Excellence in Education Center, 1986 Experience Excellence Awards- Irwin, 1984- 1986 Faculty, 1984- 1986 Family Practice, 1984- 1986 Fees, 1983- 1986 Financial Aids, 1984- 1986 Foundation- IU, 1985- 1986 Geography, 1984- 1986 Geology, 1985-1986 Gerontology, 1984- 1988 Health Care Costs, 1984- 1985 Herron School of Art, 1984- 1986 Higher Education Commission, 1984- 1986 History Department, 1985- 1986 History on IUPUI, up to 1985 HOBY, 1986 Honors Program, 1984- 1986 Hoosiers, 1985- 1986 Housing Rates, 1984- 1986 Hudson Institute, 1984- 1986 Humanities Institute, 1984- 1986 Hypertension Research, 1984- 1986 IHETS, 1983- 1984 IU Hospital, 1984- 1986 IU System, 1985 IUPUI- General Information, 1984- 1985 IUPUI- General Information, 1986 66 IUPUI-Community Development, 1984 49

IUPUI Community Impact Service, ca. 1984 Immunology, 1985- 1986 Indiana Hospitals, 1984- 1986 Indiana Letter, 1986 Indiana State Board of Health, 1983- 1986 ICFAR, 1984- 1986 (Indianapolis Center for Advanced Research) Indianapolis Development, 1984- 1986 Indianapolis Sports Center, 1985- 1986 International Programs, 1984-1986 In-Vitro Fertilization Program, 1983- 1986 Irwin Newsletter, 1983- 1986 Jewish Studies, 1984- 1985 Journalism School, 1984- 1986 Labor Studies Division, 1984-1986 Language Program, 1985- 1986 Larue Carter Hospital, 1985 Law School, 1984- 1986 Learn & Shop, 1984-1986 Learning Resources, 1985-1986 Liberal Arts, 1984- 1986 Lilly Endowment, 1986 Lions Club, 1982- 1986 Lockfield Gardens, 1984- 1986 MLK Dinner/ Day, 1985- 1986 Math Department, 1986 Mayflower Classic Golf Tour, 1986 Medical School, 1984- 1986 National Sports Festival, 1982 Nursing School, 1984- 1985 Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1984- 1985 Pan Am Games, 1986 Partners 2000, 1984- 1985 Physical Education, 1984- 1986 67 Research & Sponsored Programs, 1983- 1985 Riley Hospital, 1984 Riley Hospital, 1986 SPEA, 1984- 1986 Report/ Appendices A- G, undated Mastodon Dig of 9/1977, ca. 1980 Personnel A- Ho 1979- 1986 Personnel- Hine, Maynard, 1960s- 1970s Personnel- Holmquist, Emily, 1960s & 1970s Personnel- Hornback, N.B., 1960s & 1970s Personnel- Hu, 1980- 1983 50

Hudnut, William, 1986 Personnel Ja- Le, 1970s & 1980s Levitt, Eugene, 1960s -1980s 68 Personnel Li- Mu, 1960s- 1980s Muhler, Joseph C., 1960s - 1970s Personnel N- Pe, 1960s- 1980s Philips, John F., 1960s - 1970s Personnel Pi- Ry, 1960s - 1980s Ryan, John 1970s & 1980s Personnel Sa- She, 1960s – 1980s Shipps, Jan 1980s Shipps, Jan 1970s- 1980s 69 Shumacker, Harris B. 1960s- 1970s Personnel, Si- Z, 1960s- 1980s Zipes, Douglas 1970s- 1980s 70 Name Files, 1966- 1989 Allen, Walter Bailey, Lewis Rush Barnett, Marguerite Baker, James K. Beardsley, Ken Beck, Robert Beeler, Barbara Ann Beering, Steven Bell, Carl Bell, Norman H. Ben-Jonathan, Nira Benjamin, Jay D. Chen, K. K. Cogan, J. Oscar Cyert, Richard M. Dalphin, John F. Daly Mark A. Danielson, Donald C. Danielson, Phyllis I. Daugherty, Robert M. Dault, Raymond A. Dauner, Louise Davenport, Spurgeon D. David, Harry David, Howard Davis, Denise Davis, Robert M. Davis, William E. 51

DeCoster, Tom DeFeudis, Francis V. DeMyer, William E. DeRosa, Paul Derry, Robert H. Dexter, Richard N. Dick, Robert Dickison, George I. Dickinson, Melvin Dickinson, Valjean Dilley, Russel S. Dillon, James Ditto, Roland R. Doedens, David Donohue, John Dortch, Carl R. Draper, Merle R. Drasga, Ray E. Drew, Arthur L. Droege, James B. Duch, Donald V. Duckett, Serge W. Duckworth, William C. Dugan, William M. Duncan, Mary Alice Dunlop, Stephen Dunipace, Kenneth R. Dykema, Roland W. Dyken, Mark Dyken, Richard East, Jim Ebbert, Marvin J. & Monte E. Juillerat Echt, Charles R. Edenberg, Howard Echt, Charles E. Edmondson, James Edson, Gary Edwards, Joshua Leroy Edwards, Rupert L. Eggleton, Reginald C. Ehrlich, Clarence E. Eigen, Howard Ekstam, Frances C. Ellis, Frank N. 52

Epinette, Warren W. Epinette, Walter A. Ericson, Dorothy Ernest, J. Terry Estes, Norman Evan, Andrew Eyanston, Steven Fagan, Essie Falender, Debbie Farah, Joseph C. Farmer, Richard Faught, Margot Fedor, Thomas Feeley, Mary A. Feigenbaum, Harvey Felten, David Ferguson, Marion Charlotte Ficklin, Fred L. Fierke, Peg Fife, Kenneth Filo, Roland S. Fineberg, Edwin S. First, Richard J. Fisch, Charles Fisch, Max H. Fischer, Alan Fischler, Barbara L. Fisher, D. D. Fitzgerald, Joseph F. Fitzgerald, Robert H. Fitzpatrik, Christine Young Folley, William Fleenor, Edgar Fletcher, Maryann Meese Flynn, Beverly Foote, Barbara Forste, Robert L. Forney, Robert Fort, David Fortier, Robert H. Fortner, Mary E. Fountain, James A. Foust, Cleon H. Fraenkel, A. Peter 53

Francois, Martha Frandsen, G. Kent Frank, Ronald M. Franken, Edmund A. Franklin, D. R. Franklin, Thomas Fredland, Dorane Fredland, Richard Freeman, Gary Fremion, Amy French, Jacqueline French, Morris L. V. 71 French, Richard French, Warren G. Frenzet, Nancy L. Friedman, Bernard Friedman, Julius J. Foehlke, Kristin A. Fry, E. Kelly Fry, Francis J. Frye, Robert Edward Fuller, Carl W. Fuller, Magdeline Gabovitch, Edward Gaddish, Gary M. Gaebler, John Galanti, Paul J. Galloway, Albert C. Galloway, John Gardner, Florence Gardiner, Sprague, H. Garfield, Helen Garland, Melvyn Garner, LaForrest Dean Garrard, Sterling D. Garrett, Robert Gass, Glen Gebuhr, John V. Geddes, Alexander J. Gemignani, Michael Genovese, Pasquale D. George, Robert Gersting, Judith L. Ghetti, Bernardio 54

Gibb, Phillip Gibson, David M. Gillen, H. William Gillespie, Phyllis Gilman, Linda Gilmore, William Gish, Charles W. Glancy, John J. Glover, John L. Gnat, Jean M. Goerke, Glenn A. Goldberg, Ted Golden, Michael P. Goldman, Connie Golichowski, Alan Goodrich, Jonathan N. Gordan, Alan Gordan, Louis E. Gosling, Craig Goss, Stephen A. Goud, Nelson Gosman, James H. Gottlieb, Sanford Gray, Carl Gray, Ralph Gray, Richard G. Grayson, Merrill Green, Frank Green, Jackie Green, Marilyn M. Green, Morris Greenberg, Harold Greenleaf, Robert Greenlee, David W. Greenspan, Kalman Greenwood, Guy Greist, Anne Gresham, Edwin L. Griep, John A. Griffith, Janet W. Griffith Richard S. Grim, Clarence Grim, Jim Griswold, Patricia 55

Groden, Gerald Gros Louis, Kenneth R. Gros, Richard J. Grossman, Elizabeth Korn Grossman, Claudia Grosfeld, Jay L. Grosz, Hanus Grove, Jeffrey W. Grove, Torke Guin, Jere Guisti, Joseph Gunter, Laurie M. Guthrie, Marjorie Guy, Osmond Haase, Patricia Ann Haase, William (Mrs.) Habbal, Mutaz B. Haley, Thomas R. Hall, Jack Hall, John Hall, Robert Hamant, Celestine Hamilton, Deborah A. Hamilton, Michael E. Hammersmith, Sue Handel, David J. Hank III, William C. Hanke, William Hanna, Thomas A. Hansen, Arthur Hansen, Kathleen Hanshew, Willard Hanson, Steve Harger, Rolla N. Harper, Edwin Harper, Patricia Ada Harris, Robert Harshman, Hardwick W. Hart, Jack B. Hartledge, Lawrence Harvey, William Haskin, James Hawkins, Cecilia Grace Hawkins, James 56

Hawkins, Ray R. Hayes, Patricia Hayes, Stephen Hayford, Stephen L. Haynes, John T. Heath, Clara Healey, Harry J. Heerema, Douglas Heerema, Nyla A. Hefner, Marcea F. Hegarty, W. Harvey Heimburger, Robert Huss, Joy Hussa, Robert Hustad, Thomas P. Hutton, Charles E. Hylton, Mark D. Iatridis, Panayotis Jamet, Dominique John, Harris Johnson, Lynn G. Kirkwood, Lucy O. Langenberg, Donald N. Leibman, Jordan Mackey, John Meskill, Johanna Mari Evans (Evans, Mari) Swain, Donald C. Vorsanger, Fred S. Groups PC- TALK/ KERMIT, Introductory Guide, 1986 (includes computer disk) Urban University in the 21st Century Symposium, 1989 Re-visioning America Symposium, 1985-1986 72 Religion Conference Program Religion conference Public Participants Brochures 73 Religion Releases, 3/1985 [Re-visioning America Packet] Religion Project Post Conference Martin Masty Continuing Studies- Remember the Ladies; the Moving Wall, 1988 Gifted & Talented Youth Program- SPAN, 1984- 1987 Youth Program- Miriam Langsam, 1984- 1986 57

Herron Art Gallery Director Liese Hilgeman, 1991 “Portrayals” 1987 Authentic Desire: Public Advertisements by Les Levine, 1988 Clay Fest, 1988 Omnibus, 1988 Assyrian Paradigm for Indianapolis & Dramas Indiana, 1989 “Floatinghouse/ Deadman” Exhibit, 1989 Bing Davis- Carol White Exhibit, 1991 Survey & War with Mexico- Mitchell Kone, 1991 Herron School of Art Pre-College Activities, 1989-1991 Students, 1989- 1991 Visiting Artists, 1988-1991 Pan Am Art, 1987 Women’s Studies- Border Crossing, Exhibit & Symposium, 1990 Mailing Lists Meetings & Memoranda Publications Publicity- News Releases & Clips Gretchen Wolfram Files Advertising Rates, 1985- 1991 Animal Care/ Use, 1991 Animal Rights, 1990 Annenberg/ CPB Project, 1990 Application Deadline, 1991 Archives Committee, 1988 Asbestos, 1986- 1990 Assessment, 1988- 1991 Athletics, 1990 Audio- Visual Center Production Services Price List, 1989 Bayh Poll, 1991 Birds, 1992 “Blue Boy” Male Prostitution Ring, 1990 Brochure, 1991-1992 Capital Development, 1990 Campus Watch, 1991- 1992 CAS- Goldberg Visit, 1991 Chamber of Commerce- Indianapolis, 1989 Channel 20, 1992 Chrisman, Jim 3/1990 Classroom Scheduling Modules, 1990 Collective Bargaining, 1989 & 1991 CNCS (Commission on National & Community Service) 1991-1992 58

Community Relations, 1992 Condoms on Campus, 1988 Community Service- Community Relations, 1980 Correspondence- University Relations, 1983-1988 Council on Undergraduate Learning, 1991 Council of Deans, 1990-1992 Counseling Center, 1987 Deans Council, 1989 Death of Student, 1988- 1989 Degree Programs, 1982-1984 & 1990 Development Council, 1990-1991 Dialogue Group, 1988 Distance Learning Consortium, 1991 Drug Free Schools, 1990 Drug Testing, 1990-1991 Economic Impact of Research, 1992 Education- Search for Dean, 1990 Election Polls/ Public Opinion Laboratory, 1988 Electronic Record, 1990 Enrollment, 1990-1991 Enrollment Management, 1988-1990 Environmental Health & Safety, 1989- 1990 74 Environmental Study Committee, 1989- 1991 External Affairs Client List, 1989- 1990 EACC (External Affairs Coordinating Committee) 1987- 1991 EAMG (External Affairs Management Group) 1990- 1991 External Affairs Directors, 1991- 1992 External Affairs Retreat, 1992 External Affairs NCA Presentation, 1992 Faculty, 1989 Faculty Compensation, 1990- 1992 Faculty Experts, 1990 Filming Guidelines, 1990 Food Services, 1990 Foreign Language Study, 1987- 1988 Freedom of Information, 1986-1992 Freshman Survey, 1990 Fun Parking Committee, 1991 “Futures” Project, 1990 Government Relations, 1992 Graduate Education, 1990 GW Articles, 1989 Herman [Blake] Stuff, 1989- 1992 HIV Tests, 1991 59

Homeroom News, ca. 1988 Honor Scholar Program, 1989 Hospital Disaster Plan, 1980-1985 Housing, 1989- 1990 Identity Project, 1992 Incidents, 1990- 1991 Indiana Business/ Higher Education Forum, 1991 Indiana Facts, 1990-1991 Indianapolis Development Council, 1991-1992 Indianapolis Public Schools, 1991 Institutional Data, 1988-1989 Institutional Data Coordinating Committee, 1991 Interdisciplinary Stuff, 1990 Internal Communications, 1989 International House, 1990 International Programs, 1988- 1989 Journalism Conference, 4/1991 Law & Media, 1985 Learning Technologies, 1989 Legislative Relations, 1991 Liberal Arts/ Science Merger, 1988-1989 Library Group, 1992 Lieutenant Governors Conference, 1992 Martin Center University, 1990 Mascot, 1989 Measles, 1990 Media Seminar: Education, 1990 Medical Ethics- Infant Doe, etc., 1982-1992 Meeting File: Gene Tempel NAACP Visit, 1989 Melba Hopper, 1989 Mercury Spill, 2/1991 Middle America’s College Town, 1991 Middle College, 1991 Mission Statement- IUPUI, 1991 Museum-to-Go, 1991 Nader, Helen, 1990 National Committee on Planned Giving, 1988 [New Staff Orientation Material, 1988- 1989] NCA Accreditation, 1982 & 1991 NCTV News Scripts, 1989-1990 National Philanthropy Day, 11/1992 National Visibility Committee, 1990 NB (News Bureau) Relocation, 1986 NB Office Operations, etc., 1985- 1987 60

NB Personnel, 1988 Psychology Faculty, 1984- 1985 Publications Policy, etc., 1984- 1985 Nursing Association, 1/1991 OCR (Office for Civil Rights) Complaint, 1992 Operations Cabinet, 1991 Orientation Video, 1990 Our Indiana, 1990 Outreach to Schools, 1989-1991 Parking Rates, 1989 Philanthropy Center, 1990 75 Philanthropy- $15.1 Grants, 9/1990 Photo Policy, 1988 Photo Services, 1991 POLIS, 1989-1990 Presidents Council on Arts & Sciences, 1987-1989 Print Request (Pictures/VHS)- blank PROFS, 1989 Registrar Search, 1989- 1990 Religion, 1991- 1992 Religion Conference, 4/1992 Religion Project, 1988-1989 Research & Sponsored Programs, 1990 Responsibility Center Benefits, undated Resumes, 1990 Project Smart, 1990 Promotion & Tenure, 1988-1989 Public Relations Plan, undated Public Safety- General, 1990- 1992 Public Safety Committee, 1988-1992 Publication- IUPUI, ca. 1988 PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) 1990 Quinn, Michael- Irwin Research Fellow, 1990 Rajecki Incident, 1988 Rape, 3/1990 Reading List, 1991 Regional Center Plan II, 1991 Retention, 1988-1991 Roman Incident, 1988 ROTC, 1990 Schaible, 1988 Science Stories, 1990 Shortchanging Girls, 1991 SIPI (Scientists Institute for Public Information) 1989 61

Special Events & Projects Search, 1989-1990 State Relations, 1990 Story Ideas, 1990 Story Ideas/ Students, 1990-1991 SEHS (Student Employee Health Service) 1991 Task Forces (Wilson) 1989 Teen Track, 1991- 1992 TKR- Freund/ Dittus News Conference, 1990 Total Quality Management, 1991 USNWR (U.S. News & World Report/ College) 1992 UR Master Plan- Annual Reports, 1980s Veterans Recognition, 1991 Viewbook, 1990 Water Crisis, 1992 Writers Video1990 WTLC (Radio) 1990 Child Care Center, 1988- 1992 Dance Kaleidoscope Marketing, 1990 Histoplasmosis, 3/1981 Hoosiers for Higher Education, 1991 IUPUI & Medical Center Miscellaneous, 1980s Indianapolis- Assorted Facts, 1980s Irwin Colloquium, 1991 Kokomo Conference- Div. of Continuing Studies, 1991 76 Recap Publication, 1/28/1989 Religion- Noonan, 10/1988 Religion Symposium, 1989 Lilly Home & Pool, Chancellor’s Residence, 1990 Media Relations- Health & Non-Health, 1980s Philanthropy Center Packets, 1990 Charlotte Wright Files 77 Administrators, 1983- 1986 Black Faculty & Staff Council, 1982 Ehrlich, Tom- IU President, 1988 Irwin, Dr. Glenn W. Jr., 1986 Moore, Edward C., 1982 Slocum, Richard- VIP, 1985- 1988 Trustees of IU- Meetings & Action, 1985- 1989 Costa Rica Committee- International Affairs, 1991 External Affairs- Tempel, Wilson, etc., 1988 International Programs, 1990 Middle East- References, Experts, 1991 Ministry- Campus, undated Organizational Task Force- IUPUI, 1985 62

Partners 2000 (personnel) 1985 Personal Counseling, 1978- 1989 Photographs- Miscellaneous, 1989 Police Relations Committee, 1984-1985 Recycle Project, 1989 Research & Sponsored Programs, 1978- 1980 Telecommunications, 1991 Telecommunications Department, 1986 Undergraduate Education, 1990-1991 University Relations, 1980 Veterans Affairs, 1977- 1980 Video/ VCR Recording, undated Weekend College, 1980 Women’s Center- Adult Education Center, undated Women’s Studies, 1980s Hudson, 1983- 1985 Labor Relations, undated Miscellaneous, 1980s UFST- Aaron Miller, 1980s Decoster, Tom- SPEA, 1985 Johnson, Carlyn, 1985 SPEA, 1980- 1987 SPEA- General Beginning, 1990 SPEA- Catalog Information, 1989 Center for Urban Governance & Citizenship, 1990 Masters in Planning- SPEA, 1990- 1991 Special Interest Stuff- SPEA, 1990 Financing Indiana’s Public Schools, 1984 School Financing, 1989 Johnson, Caryly Study- State School Funding, 1980s Freund/ Dittus Replacement, 1990 Biographies & Curriculum Vitae of Freund & Dittus, 1990 NEJMA- Outcomes Articles, 1990 News Releases, 1990 Vera English, undated Indianapolis City Facts, 1990-1991 Assessment Teleconference, 10/7/1988 Barriers Conference (Affirmative Action) 10/1983 Child Abuse Seminar, 10/1986 Commencement, 1979- 1982 Commencement, 1983- 1991 78 Amnesty International, 1986 Big Bands, 1986- 1987 Carmichael Jubilee, 10/1984 63

Distinguished Lecturer Series, 1982- 1983 Enhancing Minority Achievement- Kokomo, 1991 Ethics, 1988 Family Conference, 1982 Film Series, 1982- 1984 Foreign Policy- Hodges, 1986 IUPUI Theater Gala, 1980s Learning Resources, 1982- 1983 Madrigal Dinners, 1980- 1984 Martin Luther King Day, 1987- 1991 Metropolitan Affairs Committee Symposium, 1985 Miscellaneous- Special Events, 1984 Music, 1984- 1990 Open House, 1983 Peace Corps, 1987 Peace Now- Israeli, 1983 Philanthropy Conference, 6/1983 Rocket Launch, 1991 Romanian Visit, 1/1991 Schlafly- DeCrow Debate, 1979 Science Fair, 1991 Science Olympiad, 1991 Sports Security Conference, 1988 20th Anniversary Letter, 1988 Urban University Conference, 1989 Workers Series- Philosophy, 1986 Gospel Music, 1987 World Food Day- Teleconference, 10/1989 Administrative Appointments- Law, 1990 Alumni- Law, up to 1988 Alumni Day/ Awards- Law, 1988-1989 Alumni Awards- Law, VP Dan Quayle, 1991 Bar Exam- Law, 1983 Bepko, Gerald 1981- 1986 Black Cane Awards- Law, 1991 Center for Law & Medicine, 1987 Chinese- Law Related, 1989 79 Consultant Legal Education (ABA), 1982-1983 Conadio, James- Lawyer Frandsen Scholarship Drive, 3/1989 Galanti, Paul J. (Law), 1990 Harvey, William F., 1989 Home Health Care Study, 1988 Immigration Law Seminar, 1987 64

Indianapolis Bar Association, 1989- 1990 IRS, 1982 Jurist-in-Residence, 1985-1990 Jonna Kane- Law, 1990 Lefstein, Norman (Dean- Law) 1987 Malpractice Research Law, 1990 Minority Day- Law, 1988-1989 Minority Programs- law, 1981 Miscellaneous- Law, 1981-1989 Papke (Klein) Book- Law, 1988- 1989 Porn Ordinance, ca. 1984 Practice Clinics- Law, 1989 Carole Wright Register- Assist. Dean for Development- Law, 1988 Releases/ Clips/ Info- Law, up to 1989 Scholarships- Law, undated Seminars- Law, 1980s Speakers- Law, 1990 Sports Law Conference, 1983 Steckler, William E., 1982 Supreme Court (State) at Law School, ca. 1981 Lt. Col. James C. Brandon- ROTC/Military, 1988 Cadet Bryan- ROTC, 1981 Military Science/ ROTC- William Foley, 1989 Lt. Col. Robert Lenz, 1988 Military Science Brigade Commander Fall Conference, 1989 Military Science- ROTC, 1980’s MOTC (Medical Officers Training Corp)1985 Nursing Program- ROTC, 1985-1986 ROTC Advanced Camp, 1983 ROTC Commissioning/ Hanshew Ball, 1989 Amadeus Trio, 1989 Business Semiotics- Notes & Info, 1988 Eco, Umberto- Semiotics Institute, 7/1989 Richard M. Restak Lecture, 7/1989 Semiotics Information- Miscellaneous, 1989 International Institute on Marketing, 6/1989 Semiotics Meeting, 7/13-16/1989 80 Semiotics Society Notes & Info, 1989 Anthony, Gerald Arthur, Elizabeth Baughn, Rick Bedford, Robert E.- Minority Student Services Director Borns, Sandra Brown, Norman- Assist. Director of Admissions 65

Bush, Max- Artist in Residence, Theater, 1989 Byum, Al Combs, George (Deceased) Dalton, Joan Dewees, Don DOA (Medical Musical Group) 1981 Dye, Ron Grove, Mark- Registrar, 1991 Hamilton, Deborah Heath, Clara Hull, Cory Krauss, John Latimer, Doug Law Careers Piece Law Experts- Faculty Rooster, 1984 Leonard, Jennifer Marshall, Clara- Theater Martin, Robert Miscellaneous People Montgomery, Virgie Paine, Andrew Pons, Stanley- Chemistry Fusion at Room Temp. Discovery Propes, Richard (student) Robbins, David Robinson, Amy Saksena, Sudha Sechrist, Paul Snider, Sheila- IUPUI Architect Stout, Chris Tempel, Gene- Vice Chancellor for External Affairs Turner, Landon Williams, Queen Elizabeth, 1991 Willis, George- Zoo Dentist Minority Student Affairs, 1988 & 1991 Registrar, 1986- 1987 Enrollments, Fall 1991 Enrollments- General, 1979-1988 Registration, 1985 Registration- Orientation, Pre 1980 Registration 1980-1982 Registration, etc., Fall 1989 Registration News Releases, Fall 1989 Progressive Student Union- Social Awareness Week, 1983-1984 Student Activities, 1985- 1988 66

Student Features, 1980 Student Government, 1979-1986 Students Info & Facts Profiles/ Demographics, 1991 Students Rights- 1988 Revisions Testing & Placement (Admissions), 1982 Androcles & the Lion- Touring Children’s Play, 1989 Arkansaw Bear- Touring Theater, 1985- 1986 Bad Seed, 10/1990 Beyond the Horizon, 12/1988 The Bridge, 12/1987 Children’s Playwriting Contest, 1985-1988 Children’s Playwriting Symposium, 1989 Children’s Playwriting Contest, 1990 Play Contest/ Symposium, 1/1991 Cinderella- Theater, 1984 Coastal Disturbances- Theater, 4/1991 The Devil’s Orphan- Theater, 3/1989 East of the Sun, West of the Moon- Tour Package, 1990 Family Sunrise- Theater, 1986 The Glass Menagerie- Theater, 2/1990 Goodbye Charlie- Theater, 3/1990 Aurand Harris, 1987 81 Huck Finn- Harris Tour, 1987- 1988 IUPUI Moving Company, Spring Concert 1989 Ladyhouse Blues- Theater, 4/1989 Look Homeward Angel, 2/1991 The Magicians Nephew- Theater, 1986 Master Harold- Theater, 1987 Miracle Worker- Theater, 1988 Miss Firecracker- Theater, 10/1987 1940 Radio Hour- theater, 4/1987 Rope- Theater, 12/1989 Scraps! The Ragtime Girl of Oz, 1989-1990 Theater- General, 1982- 1992 Theater Honors, 1989 Theater Saturday School, 1988- 1990 Touring, 1984 Towards Zero- Theater, 10/1988 82 Whose Life is it Anyway?- Theater, 10/1986 Alumni Magazine- Special IUPUI Issue, 1985 Business/ SPEA Building, 1981 The Death Penalty, 1980-1982 Disabled Persons, International Year of- 1981 Distinguished Lecture Series, 1983-1984 67

Don Giovanni, 1985 Geological Society of America Conference, 10/1983 Geological Society of America- Abstracts with Programs, 1983 ICLU (Indiana Civil Liberties Union), 1985-1987 IU Foundation- Campaign for Indiana, 1985 Judicial Conference, 1985 Law- Randall Shepard, SRA Series, 1988 Maci, Ellen, 1981 Marott/ Cable Piece, 1982 Martin Luther King Day, 1984- 1988 Modern Vending, 1984 Music for Indianapolis, 1985- 1986 Pan Am Games, 1985- 1987 Police, 1980-1982 Regional Foreign Policy Conference, 1983 Schoppenhorst, Gary, 1985 Student Activities- Fall Fairs, 1989 Thopson, Edna, 1982 Treaty of Paris Anniversary Celebration, 1983 University Relations/ External Affairs Conference, Spring 1989 83 Yang, Dwight David ca. 1980s Family in American Life 1981- 1982 Benenson, Harold Berlage, Gai Bishop, Guy Bodnar, John Bonney, Rachel Brochure Brown, Mary Ellen Bushman, Claudia L. College Course Community Committee Conference Participants, 1982 Coontz, Stephanie Correspondence, 1981 Crocker, Ruth Forcey, Linda Renny French, Warren Glen, Myra Grant Proposals Hawes, Joseph Hettinger, Barbara Hogan Lawrence D. & Robert Barrows Ikels, Charlotte 68

Indiana Committee for the Humanities, 1981- 1982 Family in American Life, 1981- 1982 Kendall, Earline Jess, Wilma von Lasch, Christopher Mannis, Valerie Millichap, Joseph Moseley, Caroline Moss, Anita Palmieri, Patricia Perry, Elisabeth Program Program Committee General Planning & Expenses, 1981 Accepted Proposals 84 Rejected Proposals Ryant, Carl G. Schulz, Constance Segal, Marcia Texler & Sonia Levine Share, Allen Shipps, Jan Star Magazine Information, 1982 Smith, Daniel Scott Smith, Tom W. & Dennis Klaeser Taylor Jr., Robert Today Show, 1982 Welsh, James M. Wintz, Cary D. & Donna M. Collins Wojcik, Jan Woodward, Kenneth Yoder, Samuel Calliope Schedule, 1988 Faculty & Staff Biographies (alphabetical) Institutional Data Coordinating Committee (IDCC) 1988- 1989 Calliope Coordinator- Event Schedules Ann Arbor, Michigan- Parade, 6/21/1991 Bedford, IN- Limestone Heritage Festival, 6/27/1992 Bloomfield, IN- Apple Festival, 10/6/1991 Bloomington, IN- Majestic Showboat Reunion, 6/30/1991 Cambridge City, IN- Cambridge Canal Days Festival, 9/8/1991 Canton, OH- Pro Football Festival, 7/27/1991 Cayuga, IN- Cayuga Fun Days, 6/2/1991 Cumberland, IN- Cumberland Chamber Festival, 8/3/1991 Evansville, IN- Freedom Festival/ Nabisco, 6/27/1992 Huntington, IN- Huntington Heritage Days, 6/15/1991 & 6/20/1992 69

Indianapolis, IN- Benedictine 10th Anniversary, 9/22/1991 Indianapolis, IN- Eagle’s Crest, 8/24/1991 Indianapolis, IN- Federal Express Picnic, 7/28/1991 Knightstown, IN- Jubilee Days, 6/15/1991 & 6/13/1992 Logansport, IN- Iron Horse Festival, 7/17/1992 Louisville, KY- Pegasus Parade, 5/2/1991 Madison, IN- River Days Festival, 5/16/1992 Martinsville, IN- Desert Storm Parade, 6/30/1991 Michigan City, IN- Oktoberfest, 8/30/1991 Monrovia, IN- Monrovia Festival & Parade, 9/13/1992 Newport, IN- Newport Auto Hill Parade, 10/5/1991 North Vernon, IN- Taste of Jennings County, 7/4/1992 Oblong, IL- Crawford Co. State Bank 90th Anniversary, 9/4/1992 Peru, IN- Circus City Festival, 7/18/1992 Spencer, IN 7/5/1992 Tipton, IN- Tipton Co. Pork Festival, 9/12/1992 Vincennes, IN- Spring River Walk, 4/11/1992 Vincennes, IN- Vincennes Merchants Festival, 4/13/1991 Calliope Records 85 Events, 1983- 1991 Financial Records, 1986- 1992 General Records, 1976-1992 CAS- Harrell Symposium, 1987 Business/ Media Seminar, 1984- 1985 IU School of Medicine- Seminar for the Media, 1985 Arrangements/ Financial Records General Information Presentations Questionnaires for Participants IU School of Medicine- Seminar for the Media, 1986 IU School of Medicine- Seminar for the Media, 1988 School of Journalism- Conference on Advance Reporting Methods, 1989 Philanthropy Symposium, 1989 Religion in American Life First Symposium, 3/1984 General Materials, 1983-1984 Second Symposium, 6/1984 Third Symposium, 9/1984 Re-visioning America Symposium, 1985 Chancellors Honors Convocation, 1989 & 1992 Eastern European Visitors, 1990 Indiana Higher Education Commission Hearing at IUPUI, 1989 Robert Wood Lynn Gala, 1989 Robert Payton Lecture Series, 1988- 1989 86 Person to Person Academic Fair, 1989 70

Development Plan Video, 1988 Half Time Shows, 1989- 1990 Law School- Miscellaneous, 1980- 1986 Quayle, Dan 1988- 1991 Miscellaneous Records, 1988 Allied Health Division News Releases, 1969 Dietetics Program, 1960- 1969 Inhalation Therapy, undated Medical Record, 1965- 1967 Medical Technology, 1966- 1969 Occupational Therapy, 1965- 1968 Physical Therapy, 1960- 1969 X-Ray Technology, 1964- 1969 School of Dentistry Alumni Day, 1967 Clippings, 1959- 1971 Dental Hygiene, 1963- 1970 Preventive Dentistry Laboratory Dental Hygiene Programs, 1965- 1968 Dentistry Programs, 1964- 1969 News Releases, 1947- 1963 Commencement, 1970 Conferences on Cities (Special Seminars) 1971- 1973 Conferences (Foreign, etc.) 1983 Showcase of Music, 1969- 1971 Herron School of Art Programs, 1970-1974 Board of Trustees- Memos, Releases, Roster, 1959- 1969 Faculty Newsletters, 1967 News Bureau- Bloomington, 1960- 1967 Programs- Bloomington, 1968- 1969 Regional Campuses (IU Fort Wayne), 1968 Archives, 1981 Beautification Awards, 1974 Board of Advisors- Indianapolis Division, undated Building & Grounds (IUPUI Campus), 1971 Columbus Center, 1969 Community Services, 1979- 1983 Continuing Education, 1982 Expansion, undated Faculty & Staff Recognition, 1971 Gifts & Grants, undated IU Women’s Club, 1968 Indianapolis Campus, 1958- 1969 ICFAR, undated 71

IUPUI (bulletin & memo) 1968- 1973 Libraries, 1971 News Bureau, 1964- 1976 Programs Downtown Campus Center, 1960- 1968 Indianapolis Divisions, 1967 1966- 1971 Registration, undated Speech & Theater, undated School of Business, 1973 38th Street Campus & Component, 4/1969 87 Law School Dedication, 1970 Miscellaneous, 1957- 1972 Medical Center Administrative Committee Meetings, 1965- 1967 Administrative Memos, 1959- 1966 Cerebral Palsy Clinic, 1957- 1965 Chaplaincy Program, 1965- 1966 Charges [outpatient & inpatient services] 1965- 1968 Coleman Hospital, 1967 Computer Center, 1965 Credit Union, 1967- 1969 Hospital Administration, 1966- 1969 Long Hospital- Annual Report, 1970- 1971 Marion County General Hospital, 1969 Marion County Health & Hospital Corp., 1977- 1978 Medical Center, 1957- 1960 Miscellaneous Materials, 1940- 1959 New Hospital, 1958-1969 Nursing Homes, 1963 Programs, 1959- 1960 Regional Medical Programs, 1966-1969 University Hospital Programs, 1969 School of Medicine- Press Releases Alpha Omega Alpha, 1966- 1968 Alumni Day, 1965- 1969 Alumni Fund, 1966 Biochemistry, 1969 Childhood Schizophrenia Grant, 1961 Clippings, 1959- 1968 Enrollment, 1968 Grants, 1964- 1969 Health Administration, 1969 72

Instructors- Biographical Info, 1967 John Shaw Billings Society, 1966- 1969 Medical Genetics, 1967- 1968 Medical Library Publications, 1963-1968 Medicine Preceptorships, 1969 Pakistan Project, 1964-1967 Postgraduate Courses, 1967- 1969 Programs, 1964-1969 Public Health Education, 1966- 1968 Research, 1965- 1967 Research Fellows, 1963- 1967 Scholarships, 1967- 1969 Telephone Network Communications, 1966- 1967 Visiting Professors, 1966- 1967 American Colleges Public Relations Assoc., 1966 Antarctic Crater, 1973- 1976 Cancer Society, 1969 Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA), 1979 Council for the Advancement & Support of Education (CASE) 1977 Desegregation, Race & Sex, 1981- 1983 Disaster- General, 1976- 1979 Economic Development, 1982 Indianapolis, 1979- 1981 Junior Scientists Assembly, 1967- 1968 Legislature, 1969 March of Dimes, 1983 Mayflower Classic- LPGA, 1983 Riley Memorial Assoc., 1972 Normal College/ School of Physical Education Programs, 1957- 1970 Metros, 1973- 1974 School of Nursing Acute Coronary Heart Disease Nursing, 1967- 1968 Alumni, 1967- 1969 Associates of Arts Degree, 1966- 1969 Assoc. of Arts- Correspondence, Memos & Notes, 1967 Programs (folder 1) 1964- 1971 Programs (folder 2) 1964- 1971 88 Continuing Education, 1969 Expectant Parent Education, 1966- 1969 Graduate Students, 1966 Programs, 1954-1964 Refresher Courses, 1967- 1968 Scholarships, 1966- 1967 School of Nursing, 1964- 1970 73

Student & Faculty Rosters, 1968 The Reporter Mailing Lists (except personnel), 1957- 1973 Correspondence, 1957- 1972 List, 1969-1970 Purchase Orders & Invoices, 1959- 1963 School of Social Services, 1945- 1970 Student Activities Foreign Students, 1965 Programs, 1965- 1969 Student American Medical Assoc., 1957- 1968 Student Officers, 1965- 1969 Student Union Board, 1954- 1970 The Reporter- Issues 1957- 1971 1972- 1973 89 Academic Planning Paper, 1988 University Relations, Indianapolis Star, 5/26/1985 Clippings from Communications & Marketing 1/1998- 11/1998 12/1998- 2/2000 90 3/2000 91 Campuscape (previously Greensheet) Volume 23- 9/1993- 8/1994 Volume 24- 9/1994- 8/1995 Volume 25- 9/1995- 7/1996 Volume 26- 8/1996- 7/1997 Volume 27- 8/1997- 7/1998 Volume 28- 8/1998- 5/1999 Volume 29- 8/1999- 7/2000 Volume 30- 8/2000- 7/2001 Volume 31- 8/2001- 11/2001 Volume 32- 7/2002- 4/2002 Volume 33- 2003 Volume 34- 2004 IUPUI Explored- 10/12/2002 Explore IUPUI- Academic Fair, 9/13/2003 Campus Map, 1997- 1998 Intercollegiate Athletics, 3/2005 [“A Time to Heal…” September 11, 2001 publication] News Bureau Press Releases to Accompany Audiocassettes, 1981 & 1983 (see box 104) Annual Report, External Affairs, Office of, 1996-1997 Alumni materials, 1974-1978 Video Cassettes, Non-Standard 92 74

Philanthropy Grant Press Conference, 9/26/1990 (2 cassettes) IU Center on Philanthropy Grant, 9/26/1990 IU Update- Trischa Zorn at Natatorium, 12/18/1991 IU Update- Mom Project, 1991 (Halftime Report, Campaign for Healthy Babies) IUPUI Selects, 5/24/1995 Science Class in LE 101, Prof. Shirley Bayer, 3/30/1994 Moon Buggy Assembly, 7/14/1994 Metro Mentors Program by WRTV News, Linda Lupear, undated Knee Replacement Surgery Press Conference, 8/30/1990 Commission on National & Community Service, 1/13/1992 Classroom B-roll- Students & Prof. in Lecture Hall & Lab, 1994 Metros Basketball, 2/18/1993 IU Update- Adult Literacy Program, 11/18/1992 IUPUI 1996 Campaign, 5/20/1996 Metro Mentors- Basketball Clinic with Bob Lovell, 8/13/1993 IUPUI Election Poll- Brian Vargus, 10/8/1990 (2 cassettes) IU Update- Elderly Patient Care, Nursing, 10/27/1992 Consider This… Preserving Archaeology, 12/10/1993 IU Update- Westlane Middle School, 1/18/1995 93 IU Halftime Feature- SPAN Students Chemistry 101, 10/25/1994 IU Update- Library Laptop, 11/22/1994 Extending the Promise, 1990 IU Update- Mom Mobile, 11/18/1990 IUPUI Campus Shots, 7/1990 Consider This…Ricchiardi on Croatia, 11/1/1991 Parents Magazine 3rd Annual “As They Grow” Awards, 4/6/1992 University Library Groundbreaking, 8/1/1990 IU Halftime Feature- Elderly Balance Testing, 12/5/1995 IU Update- Pain in Children, Riley Hospital, undated IU Halftime Feature- IU Cancer Center, 11/29 & 30/1995 IU Halftime Feature- Tartar Check/ Dr. G. Stookey, 10/11/1994 IU Halftime Feature- Internet Web Page, Dr. Thomas Ho, 11/27/1995 IU Halftime Feature- IUPUI Natatorium Improvements, 12/4/1995 IU Halftime Feature- Oral Research/ Dental School, 12/4/1995 IU Halftime Feature- Cancer Research Center Interviews & Lab 11/29/1995 Film Reels Extending the Promise, 1994- Master & Back-up Video Cassettes, Standard IU Halftime Feature- ICPAC/ Core 40, undated Dino Fest- Master Copy, 3/25/1994 94 Dino Fest Lecture Series, 3/25/1994 75

Library Footage (PSA), undated (2 Cassettes) King Arthur Exhibit Coverage, WISH-TV, 9/30/1996 Live @ IUPUI Dino Fest, WISH-TV, 3/9/1994 IUPUI Engineering & Technology, undated Campus Housing Options- IUPUI Housing Office, 7/9/1992 Tim Bennett- Career Center & Paul Garlin- Dept. of Economics, 3/2/1996 Interactive Video Classroom: ES 2132, 3/13/1992 “Eyes” PSA, undated Channel 13 Newscast, undated 1996 Campaign, 5/1996 1996 Campaign, 7/31/1996, Fall Registration Halftimes 1997-1998, Hoosier Classic Game 1, 12/27/1997 IU Halftime Feature- Dental School/ Oral Research, 12/4/1995 IU Halftime Features- Elderly Balance/ Wellness Center, 12/5/1995 IU Halftime Features- Dr. Thomas Ho Interview, undated IU Halftime Report- Herron School of Art, 10/19/1994 IU Halftime Feature- SPAN Students in Science Lab, 10/25/1994 Channel 13 Newscast, undated ROTC Brigade Ranger Challenge, 9/28/1993 Communities in Action: Partners in Education for Health, undated Philanthropy- Voluntary Action for the Public Good, 6/6/1990 1996 Campaign Commercials- Gene’s Presentation 1996 Campaign, 5/1995 1996 Campaign- Greenhouse, Molecular Modeling Lab, Electronic Classroom, School of Nursing, 5/1996 Channel 6 Newscast, undated Earn While You Learn, Save Money, Quality Degrees, More Choices, 4/28/2000 Channel 8 Newscast, undated IU Halftime Feature- Forensic Imaging, 2/16/1996 IU Halftime Feature- Dr. Williams Interviews IU Halftime Feature- Philanthropy, 10/17/1994 IU Halftime Feature- Vicky Champion, 10/6/1997 IU Halftime Feature- Const. Technology Rehab. Project, 11/25/1996 Commission on National & Community Service1/13/1992 95 IU Halftime Feature- Dr. Crowell, Produce, Biology Lab, Van Nuys, Medical Center Construction, undated IU Halftime Feature- Top Doctors: C. Williams & Bev Flynn, undated IU Halftime Feature- Dental School Drs. Nelson & Tomich, 11/21/1996 IU Halftime Feature- Tartar Check/ Dr. G. Stookey, undated IU Halftime Feature- Natatorium Improvements, 12/4/1995 76

IU Halftime Feature- Laptops at Library, Computer Field Trips, 11/22/1994 Consider This… Indiana ASEAN Council, 12/14/1992 Consider This… Wartime Media Coverage, 11/15/1991 Consider This…International Intelligence, 2/18/1994 Consider This… Russian Economy, 2/18/1994 Consider This… Culture Clashes, 5/13/1994 Consider This… Trade Mission, 12/4/1992 Consider This…SALT II Treaty, 3/11/1993 Political Science Students Interviewed by Cory Warren, 2/20/1996 Image; Value; Hip-Hop, 8/30/1995 (2 Cassettes) Spring Enrollment- Image; Value, 10/23/1995 Parents Magazine Awards, undated Amos Brown Show, 8/26 Campus Footage, 3/22/1994 Extending the Promise, undated Teens Talk, JAG- 4/1991 IUPUI Students Outside, Summer 1992 Campus , Summer 1990 Intro to Undergraduate Degree Programs, undated Metros Basketball, undated Chancellor Bepko- Extending the Promise, undated Consider This… Malaysia Economic Lectures, 3/11/1994 Consider This… Model European Community, 4/15/1994 Consider This… Export/ Import Bank, 4/15/1994 Consider This… South Africa Elections, 3/11/1994 Consider This… Somalia, 9/18/1992 Campus Project, VTC, undated (2 Cassettes) Gregor Novak & Andy Gavrin, 9/30/1997 Hip-Hop Selects, undated 96 IUPUI Commercials, 10/28/1996 Consider This… Presidential Challenges, 1/15/1993 Spring Enrollment, 10/23/1995 Fall Campus Day ’96 Crawler, 10/22/1996 Circle Center Roof Mural Unveiling, 4/10/1995 Floor- Chuck Crabb, Chuck Marlowe, Mad Dog Matis, 10/31/1995 IUPUI Graphics, Words & Logo, undated Basketball Lover, 11/25/1995 IUPUI- Summer Image, Summer Value, 4/9/1996 Your Campus in Indianapolis, 2/28/1997 ROTC Ranger Challenge, Fall 1993 Extending the Promise, 1991- 1993 Indiana Society of Chicago: Defining the Future, undated IUPUI Forum #3, 7/1991 77

Dick Vitale at Nike/ ABCD Camp, ESPN, 10/17/1991 25th Anniversary, Interview with Bepko, 1/1994 New Presidents News Conference- IU, 4/15/1994 Rose Mays, 2/15/1994 More is Better, 12/8/1995 TV Spots, 6/2/1995 More is Better, 10/18/1995 (2 Cassettes) Campus Day 97, 12/8/1997 Strong Traditions Build Strong Futures- Law School Centennial University Place Conference Center & Hotel, undated Healthcare Roundtable with Channel 20 at IUPUI, 1993 IU Update- Nursing (many on tape) undated IUPUI: Gateway for New Ideas, 1996 IU Medical Center, undated IUPUI News Stories, File Tape #7, undated IUPUI News Stories, File Tape #8- Long Stories, undated Planck Meningitis Death Case, 11/1995 Richness of IU School of Nursing, 4/18/1995 97 IUPUI News Stories, File Tape #6, undated Metro Magazine #1, 8/1993 Extending the Promise, undated Rose Mays Interview, 2/5/1993 IU Update- Good Friends to Elementary Kids, 12/7/1993 IU Update- Space Shuttle Experiments, 11/12/1993 IU Update- Football Halftime, 9/27/1997 Knee Replacement News Conference, 9/30/1990 Ryan White and AIDS [TV appearances] 4/1990 Nursing Approach #8, 8/1993 Metro Mentors Program report by WRTV News, undated The Good Night Show, 1993 IUPUI News Stories, File Tape #5, undated News Story- Ill Dentist & Olympic Torch Relay Ryan White (hospital, death, funeral), 4/1990 Shannon McPherson Indianapolis TV Coverage, 1/31- 2/10/1996 Women’s Studies- America’s Talking, 10/6/1994 Nursing Stories- Vickie Champion, Riley-pain in children, 1994-95 Movin’ on Too- Students with Disabilities, undated Unidentified –possibly Stocks & Bombs, 2/17/1996 Dorothy Cotton- Black Student Union MLK Dinner, 1/15/1996 OJ Simpson Interview, 1/25/1996 Unidentified Martin Luther King Jr. Dinner, 1/15/1996 Indiana Multicultural Job Fair, 12/10/1995 Indiana Collegiate Job Fair, 3/2/1996 78

26th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Dinner, 1/7/1996 Eric Pumroy (IUPUI Archivist) Interview re: 25th Anniversary, 1/28/1994 IUPUI News Stories, File Tape #4, undated IU & Methodist Merger, undated IUPUI News Stories, File Tape #3 25th Anniversary News Stories Master Tape, 1/1994 Rose Mays- Nursing, 10/3/1997 IU Update- Hoosier Classic I & II, DePaul, 12/1995 Herron’s Saturday School at Children’s Museum, 10/3/1992 98 IU Update- Electric Race Care, 14/6/1995 IU Update- Adult Literacy Program, 11/18/1992 IU Update- Prof. Bailey & Computer Music Lab, 11/30/1994 IU Update- IUPUI Segments, 1993-1994 Gene [Tempel] on TV on Ad Program, 4/1/1996 IU Update- Elderly Patient Care- Nursing, 10/27/1992 IU Halftime Feature- Teacher/ Receptor Model, 11/11/1993 IU Update- Cancer Patient Turns PhD Student, 11/30/1993 IU Update- Importance of Elderly Exercise, 6/21/1993 IU Update- Dental School- Homeless, 10/28/1993 IU Update- Pro Bono Experience/ Law School, 11/1/1993 Field Tape of IU Update shoot & halftimes, 3/1994 IU Update- Center for Law & Health, 11/2/1993 IU Update- Dr. Nasser Paydar, School of Engineering, 11/29/1994 Extending the Promise- Revised, 3/10/1994 IU Update- SPEA Urban Center, 1/11/1993 IU Update- Rural Doctors- IUMC, 1/8/1993 IU Update- How to Apply to College, 12/18/1993 IU Update- Breast Cancer, Tartar Check on Animals, US News, 1994 (2 Cassettes) IU Update- Mom Project, 1992 IU Update- Prof. Larta & Epileptic Comp. Model, 1/6/1995 IU Update- Riley Hospital- Pain Chart, 1/6/1995 IU Update- Dental School, 11/30/1994 IU Update- Nursing Pain Chart, 1/18/1995 IUPUI Salamanders, IU Update- Basketball Season, 1992-1993 IU Update- Nursing, Dentistry, Water Quality, Cancer Center, Natatorium, WWW, etc., 1995-1996 IU Update- School of Science, Mathematica, 1991 IU Update- School of Science, Salamanders & Dean Stocum, 1/21/1992 IU Update- Metro Mentors Basketball Clinic with Lovell, 8/13/1993 IU Update- Basketball Season, 1990-1991 IU Update- Mom Project, 1991 79

IU Update- Trischa (swimmer), Natatorium, 12/18/1991 IU Update- Basketball Season, 1993- 1994 Video Cassettes, Non-Standard Construction on Wishard Garage, City Skyline, New Library, Law School, 3/22/1991 IU Update [Sporting events] 12/1992- 2/1993 99 IU Update- Cancer Patient turns PhD Student, 11/30/1993 IU Update- Pro Bono Experience, Law School, 11/1/1993 Outside of University Library, 1993 IU Update- Herron Art School at Children’s Museum, 10/3/1992 (2) IU Update- Blues Harmonica Class, 12/5/1991 IU Update- Dental School, Homeless, 10/28/1993 Chancellor Bepko- Extending the Promise, 1993 IU Update- Preceptor- Teacher Partnership Model, 11/11/1993 Erwin Boschmann Teaching Chemistry class, undated Statehouse- House & Senate Chambers, 2/10/1994 IU Update- Space Shuttle Experiments, 11/12/1993 IU Update- Center for Law & Health, 11/2/1993 Nursing Class with Prof. Rose Mays, 2/15/1994 IU Update- SPEA Urban Center, 1/11/1993 IU Update- Importance of Elderly Exercise, 6/21/1993 IU Update- Rural Doctors- IUMC, 1/8/1993 University Library Foundation PSA, 1994 IU Update- Metro Mentor Program, 12/14/1991 IU Update- Good Friends to Elementary Kids, 12/7/1993 IUPUI Selects, 11/21/1997 IUPUI Students Outside, Summer 1992 Consider This… Former USSR Update, 3/26/1993 100 Consider This… Carl Sagan, 5/21/1993 Consider This… The British Monarchy, 8/20/1993 Consider This… Education & Competitiveness II, 5/21/1993 Consider This… Sinn Fein, 4/23/1993 Consider This… Education, 7/15/1993 Consider This… CIP, 2/12/1993 Consider This… SALT II Treaty, 3/11/1993 Consider This… Media- Croatia, 2/12/1993 Consider This… Education & Competitiveness, 4/23/1993 Exterior/ Campus, 4/18/1995 (2 Cassettes) IU Update- Computerized Brain Model, undated IU Update- Dr. Paydar, School of Engineering, 11/29/1994 IU Update- Westlane Middle School Interviews, 1/18/1995 IU Halftime Report- Herron School of Art, 10/19/1994 IU Update- Electric Race Car, undated IU Halftime Report- Prof. Russo & Computer Field Trip, 11/22/94 80

IU Halftime Report- Philanthropy, 10/17/1994 IU Update- Dental School, 11/30/1994 IU Update- Prof. Bailey & Music Lab, 11/30/1994 Brian Talbot Reads, undated IUPUI Graphics, 5/26/1995 101 Consider This… Middle East Accord, 9/17/1993 Consider This… South African Update, 9/17/1993 Consider This… Proliferation of Countries, 6/18/1993 Consider This… Hmong, 3/5/1993 Consider This… US Foreign Policy, 7/15/1993 Consider This… AIDS Conference, 6/18/1993 Sandy Roob-Story Samples, undated Consider This… Presidential Challenges, 1/15/1993 Consider This… Health Care Reform, 10/15/1993 Consider This… Russia Update, 8/20/1993 Consider This… Somalia/ Bosnia Problems, 1/15/1993 IUPUI 25th Anniversary IU Halftime Report- Laptop Program at Library, undated Consider This… Belize Temple, 1991 & Serengy on the Russian Republics, undated Graphics Version without Mattes, 6/1/1995 102 Video Cassettes, Standard History of IU School of Medicine- Glen Irwin, ca. 12/1997 90th Anniversary- IU School of Medicine, 1993 The West Side Story (Indianapolis Style) undated College View: National News Coverage, undated IU: Quality Education. Lifetime Opportunities, 1997-1998 TV Ad Campaign, 1997 Unidentified (2 Cassettes) Master #9, undated Gradpacq(?) undated Consider This… Sinn Fein, 4/23/1993 Lt. Governor’s Conference, 8/10-13/1992 Making a Difference in Diabetes Mellitus…, 1993 (crossed out) Sherry Ricchiardi, undated Moon Buggy Assembly & Interviews, 7/14/1994 Nursing, 12/28 Ball Foundation Proposal, 1992 Ann Landers: Ousted Hotel Guest, 8/22/1995 Institute for Forensic Imaging, 9/23/1996 Assoc. of Arts Degree TV Spots, 6/6/1997 IUPUI Metro Mentors, 1993 Impact on Indiana: The Indiana Academy, 1993 A Special Place, undated 81

Gene Tempel Media Workshop, undated Innovative Edit, Camera Demo, undated First 2 Min.: Video, Next 4 min.: Film Look, undated Consider This… Croatian Update, 3/27/1992 IU Halftime Pub., undated Innovative Edit, Commercial Demo, 3/20/1994 WTPI- Get Caught & Gibson Group- Real, undated Audio Cassette Tapes 103 IU Halftime Feature- Good Friends, 12/7/1993 IUPUI Aircheck, undated Miller & White Adv., 5/22/1995 (mini-tape) Jan Shipps- Religion & History, NPR Segment, 9/27/1993 IUPUI Metro Networks/ Indianapolis, undated WFMS 9525 (radio) 12/1994- 1/1995 (2 cassettes) WZPL- FM, undated Mary Bell & Rick Thedwall- Law Talk, Package 3, undated Children & Ethical Conflict- Robert Coles, Harvard Univ., 4/6/1978 IUPUI Metros Fight Song, undated Judge Cynthia Ayers, undated IU Halftime Feature- Center for Law & Health, 11/2/1993 IUPUI Fight Song, undated ZPL- 99 ½ FM, IUPUI, undated IU Halftime Feature- Preceptor/ Teacher Model, undated IU Update- Electric Race Car, 1/6/1995 Prof. Larta & Epileptic Comp. Model, 1/6/1995 IU Halftime Feature- SPAN Students, 10/25/1994 IU Halftime Report- Laptops at Library & Computer Fieldtrips, 11/22/1994 IU Halftime Feature- ICPAC/ Core 40, undated Wayne Schmidt, undated Paula Parker Sawyers, IUPUI PSA, Take 7, undated IU Halftime Report- Mammogram, 10/18/1994 Last Blast of Summer- Fred Hakes, 9/1/1995 Audio Samples, John Althardt, undated Unidentified & Undated Senator Lugar, undated IU Halftime Feature- Metro Mentors & Dental School Practicum Scott Fischer Audition, undated IUPUI Metros Fight Song, undated IUSB- Student Recruitment, Non-Traditional & Traditional, undated Brand/ Bepko on Duality, 6/18/1996 IUPUI- More is Better, 10/18/1995 (2 Cassettes) Marshall Collins- Partnerships Interview, undated Hot 9 at 9- IUPUI Aircheck, undated 82

Male & Female Non-Union Voice Talent, undated Unidentified & Undated Lite Rock 97FM, WENS, IUPUI, undated WKLR Produced, undated MZPL FM, undated IU Halftime Feature- Tartar Check, 10/11/1994 IU Update- Riley Hospital Pain Chart, 1/6/1995 IUPUI- Parker Sawyer, undated IU Update- Dr. Paydar, School of Engineering, 11/29/1994 IU Halftime Feature- Cancer Patient turns PhD…, 12/1/1993 NASA/ School of Dentistry, Rats in Space, undated Dr. Robert Topp- Research on Older Adults, undated Unidentified & Undated (3 Cassettes) IU Update- Prof. Bailey, 11/30/1994 Marshall Collins, undated Marshall Collins- Communications & PR Interview, 4/8/1997 Robert Coles, Continued, 4/6/1978 IU Halftime Report- Herron School of Art, 10/19/1994 IU Halftime Report- Philanthropy, 10/17/1994 25th Anniversary- Jerry Curtis Communications & Public Relations, 1998 Anne/ Site & Mr. Codd, undated John Cinnamon- Voice Demo, undated Pro Bono Law, undated Trischa Zorn, undated War: Vince DiCola Rocky IV, undated 104 Focus Group VIII- Media, 9/30 Legislators Luncheon, 12/14/1988, Bepko Slide Show? State Fair, 1983 (2 Cassettes) Carolyn Johnson- Municipal/ State Budgets, undated (4 Cassettes) Audio Cassettes with Press Releases (see box 91) Interviews- Cori & Beurt SerVass, William Pennick, Dr. Larson, & Kathy Young, ca. 1980s Audio News Feature, 4/27/1983 Birch Bayh Speech, 10/1/1981 (2 Cassettes) Interviews- Helen Garfield (Law Shool) & Stuart Hart (Education) Academic Perspective Interviews- Glenn Irwin, Jack Engledow, Howard Schaller, J. Fred Bateman & Harvey Buckey, 9/1981 IUPUI Magazine Interview- John Reteris, 11/22/1976 IU Magazine, 11/1981 IUPUI Magazine Theme Music Audio News Features, undated (4 Cassettes) Wheat, Ch. 8, 3/26/1981 [from “Histoplasmosis” folder] Film Reels 83

IUPUI Magazine- Iran/ Iraq War, 7/15/1982 PSA Radio for Wire by Dick Rice, undated Chris Shenkel (?)- State Fair, 5/1983 Jane Pauley- State Fair, 5/1983 IUPUI Mastodon Dig, 9/7/1977 Mastodon Film, Edited Original, undated Riley Cancer Spots, Voice of Sherry Forslund, 3/31/1978 105 Video Cassettes, Non-Standard Ultrasound & Mammography- IUPUI News Bureau, undated Channel 8, 4, & 13 News, 1980 (2 Cassettes) D. Rice- News Bureau, undated Dr. Barry Kaufman, WMAQ-TV, undated Interviews- Howard Eigen, Eric Haverston & Debby Knox, 7/1987 Medical Genetics (?), undated Pediatric Simulators, Part II, undated Multiple Birth News Release, 6/9/1983 Business/ SPEA Dedication, 12/1/1981 106 Natatorium Dedication, 9/8/1982 (3 Cassettes) Multiple Birth, 6/9/1983; New Construction, 12/1/1981; SPEA Dedication, 10/1/1981; Natatorium Dedication, 10/9/1982 (4 cassettes- 1 is standard) IUPUI- The West Side Story, 11/1978 Video Cassettes, Standard Indiana’s Educational Challenge, 1989 Extending the Promise, 1991-1993 IUPUI: Preserving the Trust, 1993 Ryan White Stories- Master, 4/1990 Ryan White Talk Shows, 1990 Pan Am Games- Swimming & Diving at Natatorium, 8/15/1987 IU Halftime Feature- Ehrlich & Daly, undated & News Stories, 1/28/1988 IU Halftime Features/ Updates, 1989- 1990 IU Halftime Feature- School of Dentistry, undated Audio Reels- IUPUI Magazine 107 Women in Politics- June Shassere, 11/14/1979 Dr. Joseph Taylor, 6/16/1978 John Riteris- Philosophy & Science, 11/22/1976 Reflections on the Bicentennial with Friedman, Shipps & Gray, 2/8/1977 Dr. Murray Metz- VA Hospital & Paul Gabonay- Veteran Affairs, 5/25/1979 Dr. Ralph Gray on Hoosier History, 9/28/1981 Dr. Justin Libby- Pearl Harbor & John Toland- Pres. Roosevelt, 3/9/1982 Divorce Law- Prof. Hele Garfield, Valerie Mannes, 3/20-23/1982 84

Dr. Edward C. Moore- his career & Higher Education, 3/25/1982 Dean Leonard Schneidermann- Block Grants, 10/23/1981 1981 in Review- Dr. R.A. Fredland, P.J. McGeever & C.H. Winslow, 12/21/1981 Dr. Rufus Riberg- William Carlos Williams Part 1, 2/22/1982 Dr. Rufus Riberg- William Carlos Williams Part 2, 4/2/1982 Dr. Ralph Gray-Paterson- “lost novel” about Elwood Haynes, 4/29/1982 The 500 Race- Drs. Vargus, Fredland & Landis, 5/19/1982 Untitled, ca. 1978 Untitled, 11/16-18/1973 Audio Reels- Various 15 Minutes with Prof. Friedman & Kinzer on the Harrisons, undated The Living Law- American Bar Assoc., undated Science Highlights- Bill Nevill, 6/10/1977 Dick Rice, undated Science Highlights- Master, 12/1976 Emerson Conference- Tape #2- Exam of the Person, 4/12/1979 Audio Learning Center- st. 1-4, undated (4 reels) Ireland Interview, undated The Bacchic Trio (Hayden, Williams, Wolner), undated Audio Learning Center- mono 2-6, undated (5 reels) Audio Learning Center- extra mono, undated Audio Learning Center- extra stereo, undated 108 Audio Learning Center, undated (2 reels) Bill Jones- Law, undated Fisher- Neville Auditions, 6/15/1977 (2 reels) Dr. Alan Fischer, 7/28/1977 Dr. Alan Fischer Audition, undated Untitled & Undated Audio or Film Reels- Various Sizes Purdue Center [Krannert] Dedication Day, 11/30/1961 (3 different size reels) WISH-TV Feature “The City” with Tom Gray, 7/23/1975 (1 tape reel & 2 canister reels) Video Tapes, Non-Standard Indianapolis Profile, by WRTV, 11/1982 National Sports Festival, by WRTV, 11/1982 Video Tapes, Standard, From Office of Learning Techonologies SET Phase 2 Groundbreaking, 11/2/1988 IUPUI University Library Groundbreaking, 8/1/1990 SET Phase 3 Groundbreaking, 2/8/1991 (2 cassettes) Large Film Reels 109 IUPUI- West Side Story, 3/1/1979 85

What is it About Indianapolis- Sesquiencentenial, undated Indiana University [by the] Year 2000, undated (2 reels) 110 Oversized Files 111 Indianapolis: Indiana’s Working Capital, 1990s [National Men’s Swimming Championships Bumper Stickers, 1982- 1983, Ken Beckley Files] Magazine Articles of IUPUI, 1976, 1977, 1982 [20th Anniversary Color Samples & Pin Mock-ups] Table Top Flags- IUPUI & Pan Am Games, 1987 112 25th Anniversary Banners, 1994 113