Wood. Thomas W. AM-FM-TV Wrtex-Tv Partment, West Coast, Assigned Responsi- Mr
eral manager and station manager, re- tract with network. Terms call for Mr. leans, as AP broadcast news editor for spectively, of Capital Cities' WPAT -AM- Martin's QM Productions to produce Louisiana and Mississippi. FM Paterson, N. J. at least one series per year for ABC - Warren Olney, correspondent for San William Pipher, general sales man- TV. Francisco and Sacramento, Calif., news ager, WDHO -TV Toledo, Ohio, named Donald E. Adams, controller of Gen- bureaus of xxxT(TV) Los Angeles, ap- general manager. eral Switch Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., named pointed bureau manager -correspondent controller Association Films Inc., Donald W. Meyers, sales manager of of of CBS Owned Television Stations WAKY Louisville, Ky., appointed general New York. Washington news bureau, succeeding manager, replacing Joel Thrope, who Seymour Horowitz, program director George Reading, who moves to news staff of WBBM -TV Chicago. KNXT becomes senior VP in charge of all for KGO -TV San Francisco, appointed di- and broadcast properties of parent LIN rector of program services for ABC WBBM -TV are CBS-owned stations. Broadcasting Corp. (group owner). Owned Television Stations. Sidney Lazard, for- merly with ABC News Red Jones, formerly with WQXI and Jesse R. (Buddy) Ragan, program di- in Paris WPLO, both Atlanta, appointed general rector of KTAL -TV Texarkana, Tex. - Rome, and manager of WSNE Cumming, Ga. Shreveport, La., joins Maxwell Elec- New York, appointed tronics Corp. (which has CP for KMEC- NBC News corre- K. James Yager, VP TV Dallas) as program director. spondent in New and director of Cos- York. mos Broadcasting Bill Wardlaw, operations director for Corp., Columbia, S.C., Knox Dallas, appointed program direc- Irwin Krakowsky, assistant director named general man- tor for KBBQ Burbank, Calif.
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