Seership! the Magnetic Mirror
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SEER.SHIP! THE MAGNETIC MIRROR . .A PlUCTIC.AL GUIDE TO THOSE WBO .AIPIIlE TO CLAIRVOYANCE-ABSOLUTE. ORIGINAL, AND SELECTED FROM VARIOUS EUROPEAN AND ASIATIC ADEPTS. PASCHAL BEVERLY RANDOLPH. -? • TOLEDO, OHIO: RANDOLPH AND COMPANY. 18 7 5 . Digitized by Google Entered according to Act of Coogreea, In the year 1870, by P. B. RANDOLPH, In tho Clerk's Office of tho District Court for the District of Massachusetts• . .. ...... .... .. ... ... .... .... :. : ::: :··... : ·: .. ..... .. ..... : : ~.: : ·.. : :: ·.. : :· - ' [NOTICE.- Tlm·e being bttt a LIMITED demand for a work of this charac ter, ouly a vEifT SMALL EDITION lvu been printed, and the cost therenf hils been di1:ided among its purchasers equitably. If the too1·k should eve1· be enla1·gcd and 1·eprinted, it will be circulated at a p1·ice banly cove1·ing cost of p1'inting, binding, and ad·certising, as in the p1·csent case.] Digitized by Google ,., > ~ ., _, ' :> ·' ~ o" 3~ -". ,·.., _, _. _.. / . ' . 'f HE INNER SENSES. CLAIRVOYANCE, OR SOMNAMBULIC VISION; ITS ART AND CUL TURE, WITH RULES FOR ITS ATTAINMENT. I TRUST I may be pardoned if I make another attempt to rescue the subject of somnambulic vision from the charlatanry of the day. In these days clairvoyance, which is a natural power inherent in the race, is regarded as a sort of forbidden, or rare, wonder, mixed up with mesmerism, fraud, circles, and so on, while it is also the garb under which more barefaced swindling is carried on than any other one gift of God to civilized man. I to be emphatically true, that No curtain hides from view the spheres elysian, Save these poor shells of half transparent dolt; While all that blinds the spiritual vision Is pride and hate and I ust. And I believe clairvoyance to be the birthright of e~ery humnn being; that all will one day possess it; that children will be born . so; and that even now, coarse as we are, some of us- a great per centage of the people- can develop it to a most surprising extent. In the first place let it be distinctly understood that there are two sources of light.- solar, planetary, and astral- adapted to mate rial eyes, and that, independent of that, every globe in space is cushioned upon the ether, and that this ether is one vast bil lowy sea of magnetic light, and is the media of an inner sense of sight, and the whole mystery is at once clgared up, and the clap trap of the charlatans at once exploded and exposed. And thus this wonderful power is .resolved into the mere sensitive ability to come en ropport with this vast ocean of inner light, which may 1 Digitized by Google .... ..·. .... .. ... .. ... ..·. ·. 2 .•• .tN~roa . VISION. .··· ·. ~ quite easilf be·:~~.~;~~ will herein be briedy shown. All that is requirerl-,is Slmply patience. ~~i;yA~ce is the art and power of knowing or cognizing facts, . • •• :t;~~s, and principles, by methods totally distinct from those usn : '•:'• illly pursued in their attainment. I claim to have reduced it to a ·:. • system, and to have evoh'ed science from heterogeneity; to have added new thought, new conception, opened new fields of investi gation, and to have discovered the central magnetic law, underly ing and subtending the evolutions of somnambulic phenomena, - a brief resume of which.I het·ewith present. 1Ve are approaching the termination of the first stages of civi lization, are bidding farewell to many of its modes, moods, opin ions, sentiments, thoughts, and procedures, and are entel"ing upon a new epoch of human history and might, destined to develop powers in man, now latent mainly, but which will yet revolutionize the globe. On earth man is greatest, mind the greatest part of man, and clairvoyance the greatest part of mind. • Clair voyance depends upon a peculiar condition of the nerves and brain. It is compatible with the most robust health, albeit oftenest re sulting from disordered nerves. The discovery consists in the knowledge of the exact method how, the precise spot where, and the proper time when, to apply the specific mesmeric current to any given person, in order to produce the coma and lucidity. A careful following of the rules herein laid down is generally sufficient to enable the aspirant to attain his or her end. At the start let it be distinctly understood that fear, doubt, ner vous agitaiion, coarse habits, or :t:Jad intent, will retard success, and may prevent it altogether. When a person cannot be mesmerized through the eye, bead, or by reverse passes, success often will follow if the clothes be wet with slightly vinegared water,just over the pit of the stomach and small of the back. If an operator acts, let his left hand cover the rear wet spot, his right the front one, while the gazing process con· tiuues as before. REA.SON : The brain is not the only seat of ner- ''ous power ; and we can often reach and subdue it by and through the nerves, nervous matter, and ganglia, situate along and within · the backbone. If tractors or magnets are u·3ed, their points should be placed just as would be the mesmerizer's hands, and the experi ment be continued as before. Digitized by Google INTERIOR VISION. 3 At first, clairvoyance, like any movement, nervous or muscular, requires a special effort, but it soon becomes automatic, involun tary, mechanical, KEEP YOl:J'R DESIGN CONSTANTLY BEFORE YOU1 AND YOUR SOUL AND INNER SENSES WILL MAKE GROOVES FOR THEM BEL VES1 AND CONTINUE TO MOVE IN THEM AS CARS ON RAILS OR WHEELS IN RUTS. Let your groove be CLAIR-1/0yance f Lucidity is no gift, but a universal possibility common to the human race. (Idiots can and do have it.) It is latent, or still mind-power, and can be brought to the surface in a majority of cases. Omnia vincit labor l All mental action comes through nervous action, but in these cases the result must be reached outside our usual mental habi tudes and paths. The person who attempts to reach clairvoyance, and gets discouraged after a few trials, don't merit the power. If you begin, either by agents or mesmerists, keep right on. Every experiment lands you one step nearer success, and that, too, whether you aim at psychometry, lucidity; or any one of the fifty phases or grades of occult power. Remember that physical conditions inftuence, modify, and de termine mental states, whether these be normal or recondite and mysterious. / Nor forget that pure blood gives pure power. If your blood 1s , foul with scrofula, pork fat, rum, venereal, suspended menses (by nursing, cold, or, perchance, pregnancy), don't attempt clairYoy ance till you are free from it. Artists prepare their paints,-you must prepare your body; else no good picture comes, no lucidity follows. Sound lungs, stomach, kidneys, liver, brain, blood, heart, urinal vessels, womb, and pelvic apparatus are not absolute essentials, but good preparatives. Above all, the blood must be puril!ed, vacated of its poisons, rheums (alkalies, acids in excess), and be toned up to concert pitch, if you would enjoy the music of the spheres, and know beyond your outer knowing. Food, digestion, drinks, sleep, must all be attended to. Mes meric subjects at first become quite passional,-the devil's bridge. Look out you don't fall through it, for true clairvoyance is coinci dent only with normal appetites normally sated. Excess destroys it. Every passion, except the grosser, has a normal sphere. ---- Clairvoyance is qualitative and quantitative, like all other men- tal forces. It is limited, fragmentary, incomplete, in all, because Digitized by Google INTERIOR VISION. we are all imperfect ; but no other being can occupy your or my ground, or be so grea.t in our respective directions as we are. No one exactly is like us,- we pre.cisely like nobody. We are like the world, -green spots and deserts,-arid here, frozen there,....;. fertile in one spot, sterile in another; therefore we should cultivate our ' apecial loves I Clairvoyant vigor demands attention to the law: "The eternal equation of vital vigor is, Rest equals exercise." Re member this, and retain your power: Clairvoyance is an affair of the air, food, drink, love, passion, light, sleep, health, rest, sun shine, joy, music, labor, exercise, lungs, liver, blood, quite as much as of mesmerism and magnetic coma, for all mental operations are physically conditioned. Clairvoyance is an art, like any other. The elements exist, but to be useful mnst be systemized.· It has hitherto been pursued, · not rationally, but empirically,- as a blind habit, a sort of gym nastics, a means to swindle people, and scarce ever under in telligent guidance like the logical or mathematical or musical faculties of the soul, albeit more valuable than either, and like them, too, subject to the laws of growth. It is far-reaching, and, once .attained, though the road is difficult, amply repays the time and 11!-bor spent. It has been the study of my life, and that knowl edge, which enables me to demonstrate the laws governing it, and by which it may be developed, also enables me to understand and impart those which attend its aben-ant phenomena. This mystic ground has hitheho been the prolific hot-bed of a host of.noxious, dangerous superstitions and quackeries ; and I believe my own is the fi.t·st attempt,to reclaim it to rmtional investigation. Clairvoyance is a generic term, employed- to express various de grees and modes ofpercep~ion, whereby one is enabled to cognize and know facts, things, and principles; or to contact certain know l edges, without the use, and independent · of, the ordinary avenues of sense.