Bottor of ^Dtla^Opdp Rn SOCIOLOGY
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FERTILITY TRENDS AND POPULATION POLICY IN NORTH EAST BIHAR THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF Bottor of ^dtla^opdp rN SOCIOLOGY BY SH^KEEL AHMAD Under the Supervision of Dr. Noor Mohammad Professor and Chairman DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (INDIA) 1987 fHESISSEtro/^ s III' "^ •5l* ^ T3645 C0NTSI3TS IBSL pr«f«c« iv CHAPTER «• Z t Introduction 1-152 populat^Lon Policy 33 family Planning undsr tha Pisat Fiva Yaar Plan 19S1*S»6 31 raatily Planning undar tha laeond fiya Year Plan 19$6*6l 39 Family planning undac tha Third Fiva Yaar Plan 1961-66 62 Family Planning tinder tha Annual plans 1966*69 71 Family Planning undar tha Fourth Fiva Yaar Plan 1969-74 73 Family Planning undar tha Fifth Five Year Plan 1974-79 86 Family Planning under the Sixth Five Year Plan 19B0-8S 106 organisational iiat-t^ for Family PlflLhning at tha Centre 116 organisational set-up for Family planning at State Level 117 organisational £»et-\qp for Family Planning at District Lcnrel 117 Merits and Demerits of Indian population policy 122 CHAPTSR - II I Methodology 153-1' stateiaant of the Problem 133 AiiBS end Objectives of the study 157 Scope of the Study 158 Area of the study I6I Purnia District 164 saharsa District 167 Katihar District vV 167 Tools of study '*h, 173 1. CHAiiTiUi - III t i^Iigious Coa|iosition 175-19 Religious Composition of'^^india 175 Religious C<Mnposition of Bihar 133 Religious aniposition of Purnia 187 Religious Coaqposition of Saharsa 189 Religious Cofli|)08ition of Katihar 191 CHAPIER - IV t Age structure 19^-21 The Age-Structure of India 194 The niree Main Age Groups in Society -^93 Age-Structure of India's population ^05 Age-structcure of Bihar P^2 Age-Structure of Purnia District f^ Age-Structure of Saharsa District "^^ Ag«-struet:ure of Katihar District 210 213 Page CHAPrSH T V: Married Persons 217-278 Married Persons in India 217 Married Persons in Bihar 2SJ Married Persons in Purnia 236 Married Persons in Saharaa 241 Married Persons in Katihar 246 CHAJPTER - VI: Births Deaths and Fertility Trends 251 Birth Death Rates and Fertility Trends in India 251 Birth Death Rates in India 265 Birth Death Rates in Bihar 267 Birth L^eath Ratet in Purnis 270 Birth Death Rates in Saharsa 273 Birth Death Rates in Katihar 275 Fertility Trends in Bihar 276 Fertility Trends in Purnia 277 Fertility Trends in Saharsa 277 OiAPTS^- VII : Net-Migration 279 iNet-Migr-ation in India 279 Net-Migi'ation in Bihar 283 Net-MigJ'ation in ^rth East Bihar 285 Net-Migration in Purnia 286 Net-Migration in Saharsa 287 Net-Migration in Katihar 288 CHAPrPH-VllIs Inippct of Indian Population Policy 290 Impact of Indian Population Policy i.i North East Bihar 290 Impact of Indian Population Policy in Purnia District 291 laipatt of Indian Popul^-»:lon Policy in Sabnraa District 292 OiAPrEH- IX : Conclusions and Suggestions 29^-307 Appenaix 308^31^ Individual Slips 308 Bibliography ^'^ LIST Oi' TABLES page !• 1 World's population «nd Growth Rat* (1950-80} i 1. 2 Continctntal Growth rata and Density of World 3 1. 3 Population and Decade Growch of India during 1951-81 18 1. 4 :^et increase of India's population during 1951-1981 20 1. 5 DistrilMttion of population in various Regions of 24 Bihar, 1951-1931 1. • Oistritnttion of population in i4orth £a8t 3ihar« 34 1951-1981 1. 7 Share of Central Qoveriunent and ^States 54 1. 8 Share of dltates 53 1. 9 Share of states in percentage 56 1.10 Cost i^sveloment of Bihar# 1951-56 ^3 1.11 Out-lay on Social Services* 60 1.12 Distriitmtion of Out-lay in First* Second* and Third 62 Plans 1.13 Sterilization, 1956-1966 ^3 1.14 Progress in Health and Medical Sectors from 1951<f66 66 1.15 Decline in the Death Rate and Infant Mortality and 67 also rise in the Birth Rate and liife eiqpectancy during 1951-1961 1.16 Annual plan's Out-lay and expenditure 1966-1969 72 1.17 Year-wise progress of Sterilissation 1966-1969 72 1*18 Plan Glut-lay for family planning prograrane during 73 the fourth plan 1*19 Outlay's healths progranu«es 74 1.20 Centrally sponsored scheme 75 1»21 Sterilization during 1969-1975 78 1.22 Sterilisation performed through Ocvernment prog- 81 ramnes 1956 to 1974-75 1.23 Sterilization in States ana union j?erritorie& 33 1.24 Couples protected through Sterilization any other oe metho<l in different states of India as of March, 31, 1974 page 1.25 plan Outlay for family Planning programme during 3? the fifth Plan 1974-1979 1.26 Statement showing outlay proposed for fifth five yeaj: plan for central plan scheme Health 88 1.27 Fifth Five Year Plan centrally sponsored schemes 91 1.28 Statement showing Break-t;^ of the Fifth Plan out- 95 lay for the family planning prograirae 1.29 Fifth Five Year Plan 1974-1979 outlays on Health programmes 1982 95 1.30 Yeaj:-wise Allocation of Expenditure during Fifth Five Year Plan on Health programmes ^ 1.31 Outlay for Coianerical Distribution Scheme of Nirodh 103 during the Fifth Five Year Plan 1974-1979 1 32 Outlay for the Free supply and Depot Holders ScJwroe 103 during the Fifth Five Year plan 1974-1979 1.33 Sterilization, Itt C and CC users during the Fifth io4 Five Year Plan, 1974-179 1.34 Outlay on Transport during the Fifth Five Year Plan 1974-1979 105 1.35 Fdroily Welfare Plan out-lay, 1998-1983 107 1.36 Health Sector prograrariie plan outlay 1978-1983 108 1.37 Outlay for Family Planning Welfare Sector for the 109 Year 1980-1981, 1981-82, and 1982-83 1.38 Acceptors of Family planning Methods 112 1.39 Distribution Performance of Sterilization, lUD and 114 CUT during 1985-86 in Bihar 1.40 Dlstrilctrwisg performance of sterilization and lUD -115 during 1985-86 in North East Bihar 1.41 Physical tergets ana achievements 1969-1974 126 1.42 phypical Targets and achieven^nts 127 1.43 Targets and Achievements in the Fourth plan 1969-74 ^29 1.44 Targets and achievements in M.N,p. and F.W., in -135 Rural Area during 1974-1979 1.45 Physical Targets and Achievements during 1977-78 137 1.46 Family Welfare Performance in the Fifth plan 1974-79 -139 1.47 Physical Targets and Achievements of Sterilization and lUD user during 1980-1983 1^1 2J0£ I..48 Tor««ts and Achi«v«Bie»nta o£ st«j:ilis«tion and zui» .|4« iiawr during 1980-1983 ^ 1.49 Targets foe i984-l»es aad 19d5-S& MI<^ Achloveatnt during 19d4*&S and 198S-&6 |45 1«£»0 i:)isit£i.ot*«rls«} Targets and ^ei>i«v«n»iit« in 8t«jrili* satloQ «nd |U0 pxactios in Bihiix duxiog 198&»66 149 0istfiot«»vi2e T«sg«ts and J^hieirmmcts in St«cili* sation in mKth i,9a>z hm^glQn a£ aihax duslng 19SS»@1561 1,52 t>isl:slct*wlstt ?fti:g«t« and ^hi«va!t<«nts in IQQ pgaxitiem dutim 198S*86 in l4octh £ast Siliai: '^^ 2* 1 ttm Pqpuldtion &tr@i3$t)ui o£ the i;indut and the MualiiM and ttmit pescentaga in India 132 2. 2 Tha Fopulation ^trangths o£ tlm Hindus and Um mmlimm and theii: pascantaga in Sihas ^35 2. 3 TIM population Strengths of tlia Hindus and tba £«ttsliflw and ttiair pareant#ga in Puxnia District 187 2. 4 tim IP emulation Strang th o£ tha Hindus and tha Mualiffis and ttaair paroent^ga in saharaa i^i^trict I89 2. 5 Tim pcpulation strength of tho Hindua and tha Mualina and thair piDrcantaga in Katihar District 192 3. 1 ^a-Structura of India during 1961-1981 I99 3, 2 Economically iMstiva and inactive Pupul^ition durii^ pi^^ 1961-1981 ^ 3. 3 ^« structure of Bihar during tha 1981-1981 ^03 3. 4 i£coa(»d.cally Aetiva and Znactiva i»opulation durin^ 1981-1981 in tha State of Bihar 204 3* S Aga-8tructure of ?urnia during the yaar 1961-1981 ^Q^V 3. 6 Ki^noaically j%Gtiva and inaetiva population during tna y&ar 1981-1981 in tha district of yurni* 208 3, 7 Agm Structure of Saharsa during in yaar 1981-1981 211 3« 8 i^onoaically i%ctiva and inactive fc>c>pulation during 1961«>1981 in Saharsa District 2 I / 3« 9 Aga-i»truetura of Katihar during tho ie«ir 1981» ^ga sex and p<^ulatioa and th«iir perceiitage 21*^ 1*10 ficoaoaicaily iMStiva and inactive Papulation in Kdtihar district in 1981 215 P.aga 4. 1 iuucfi«d pmsBonB And ttmiK Ag«*acov|»s duciag tiw 229 ywai i96i«JL98X 4* 2 F«caona in ttm ir«pxoch^ctiv« Ag««»aruup ducing 230 1961*19Sl in IiMSitt 4.3 Harri«d p«f»oii8 «iid t^ir A9«>>a<oup dusiog tiM 232 ¥•«< 1961-1981 4. 4 Harried peraons ia th« xi^roduetiv* Age-Group 233 during 1961-1981 in Bih«r 4. S M«rri«d F«r«ons «iid their Age Gioup during the 237 1961-1:^81 in purni* 4* 6 Merried persons in the Reproductive nge-aroup 238 during 1961-1981 in purnie 4. 7 Merried pereons end their Age-Oroupe during the 242 yeer 1961-81 in ^ehersa 4* 6 persons in Reprodtoetive Age-Groyp during 1961-1981 243 in Sehersa 4, 9 Harried persons and their Age-aroups during 1981 247 in the District of iCatihar 4*10 Married persons in the Reproductive Age-droup dur ing 1981 in the District of Katihar 248 5.