www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE: l Russia’s “soft power with an iron fist” – page 3 l The Ukrainian minority in Poland, 1944-1947 – page 9 l Tennis championships at Soyuzivka – page 11 THEPublished U by theKRAINIAN Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationEEKLY Vol. LXXX No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2012 $1/$2 in Ukraine Foreign Relations Ukraine’s 2012 parliamentary elections: Committee approves Two parties that might make the cut Tymoshenko resolution by Zenon Zawada Special to The Ukrainian Weekly WASHINGTON – A resolution intro- duced by U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), a KYIV – Polls indicate that at least four member of the Senate Foreign Relations political parties will qualify for the 2012 Committee, and co-sponsored by U.S. Verkhovna Rada. Another two parties have Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Senate majori- a chance of surpassing the 5 percent ty whip, on September 19 unanimously threshold on election day, October 28: the passed the Senate Foreign Relations Ukraine – Forward! party launched by Luhansk oligarch Natalia Korolevska and Committee. The resolution, S. Res. 466, the Svoboda nationalist party launched by calls for the unconditional release of Oleh Tiahnybok. political prisoner and former Ukrainian At the moment, however, both parties Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. would fail to qualify. Ukraine – Forward! “Tymoshenko was a key revolution- would earn 4 percent of the votes for ary in Ukraine’s 2004 Orange closed party lists, while Svoboda would get Revolution and is a pro-Western reform- about 3.8 percent, according to a poll er,” said Sen. Inhofe. “The conviction released on August 27 by the Razumkov orchestrated by the current administra- Center in Kyiv, which is financed by tion was conducted under recycled Western and domestic grants. Soviet-era codes, and is a poorly veiled The poll was conducted on August 10-15 effort to dispose of a political rival. My Aleksandr Sinitsa/UNIAN along with the Kucheriv Democratic Natalia Korolevska, leader of the Ukraine – Forward! party, and professional soccer resolution condemns the selective and Initiatives Fund. Svoboda has gained momen- politically motivated prosecution and player Andriy Shevchenko during the party congress on August 1 in the village of tum since the June poll, when it earned 3.1 Buky, Kyiv Oblast. Nearly 1,000 people attended the congress. imprisonment of Ms. Tymoshenko and percent of electoral support, while Ukraine other Orange Revolution leaders, and – Forward! has slid from 4.6 percent. who resigned his post as vice-chair of the There aren’t any other intrigues in the calls on our State Department and the “Paradoxically enough, Ukraine – Verkhovna Rada after the language legisla- closed lists. It all applies to the single man- Organization for Security and Forward!’s chances fell further after the tion fiasco. date voting,” Mr. Tomenko said on Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to apply party added an actor and soccer player to “Today, the intrigue involves whether September 17. (Continued on page 14) its closed list,” said Mykola Tomenko, the the count is correct and we can take first campaign chief of the Batkivshchyna party place and whether Svoboda will qualify. (Continued on page 15) Updated and interactive statistics on Ukrainians in the U.S. now online by Oleh Wolowyna and Vasyl Lopukh NEW YORK – The Center for Demographic and Socio- Economic Research of Ukrainians in the United States, at the Shevchenko Scientific Society in New York, announced its expanded and updated website at the new address http://www.inform-decisions.com/stat/. Features of the website are: statistical data on Ukrainians in the U.S. updated to the year 2008; fixed and interactive tables; fixed and interactive maps; and a new section with immigration statistics. Most data are from previous popula- tion censuses and the American Community Survey; immi- gration statistics are from the Office of Immigration Statistics, Department of Homeland Security. In many tables one can sort each column by descending or ascending order and calculate row and column percent- ages; each table can be exported to Excel. The interactive sections have a list of tables and maps, and for each table or map one can choose a state or a metropolitan area and view the respective information for that geographical unit. The fixed tables section has data on numbers of Ukrainians by state and by metropolitan area for the years 1990, 2000 and 2008. One can see which States and cities gained (or lost) Ukrainians during the whole period and periods between the different years. Another set of tables, with data for 2008, presents numbers and percent by lan- guage spoken at home, also by state and metropolitan area. (Continued on page 19) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2012 No. 39 ANALYSIS Tymoshenko’s strange week in jail Council of Europe urges fair elections Slain journalists remembered in Kharkiv KYIV – Council of Europe Secretary- KYIV – A rally in memory of journalist by Dmytro Barkar, Claire Bigg Inmate Yulia Abaplova claimed that the General Thorbjorn Jagland on September Heorhii Gongadze and other murdered jour- RFE/RL former prime minister was faking back 10 urged authorities in Kyiv to conduct free nalists was held with lighted candles on problems that have allowed her to post- and fair parliamentary elections in October. Freedom Square in downtown Kharkiv on It’s been a trying week for jailed Ukrainian pone a trial on fresh charges of embezzle- He said the international community will the evening of September 16, Dmytro ment and tax evasion. opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko. be watching the elections closely and they Pylypets, NGO Young Education leader, told First, two of her former cellmates pub- Following her interview with the news will play a role in shaping Ukraine’s image. Ukrinform. “The event was attended by licly accused her of faking health problems website UNN, which is seen as close to Mr. Jagland said the continued jailing of for- about 50 Kharkiv residents, who came with and having an affair with her lawyer. President Yanukovych, Ms. Abaplova reiter- mer Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, national flags and posters reading ‘We Then, in a new twist worthy of a spy ated her allegations on September 13 in a who was accused of abuse of office and movie, prison officials raided her hospital video news briefing from jail. remember you.’ They read out the names of sentenced to seven years in jail and heads ward in the city of Kharkiv and confiscated “She used to ask me to help her get up,” more than 50 Ukrainian journalists killed or an opposition political party, is “a problem.” devices that she says revealed unusually Ms. Abaplova said. “But sometimes there missing since 1991, and observed a moment Ms. Tymoshenko also stands accused of high radiation levels in her room. were situations where, in forgetfulness, she of silence in their memory,” Mr. Pylypets other criminal activities that she says is The 51-year-old Ms. Tymoshenko, a for- would get up and take a few steps.” said. The event took place without public part of a vendetta led by current President mer prime minister of Ukraine, had hidden Another former cellmate, Oksana disturbances, the city’s Dzerzhynsky district the Geiger counters inside a cache carved Melnik, also took part in the briefing. She Viktor Yanukovych. Speaking at a confer- police department confirmed. (Ukrinform) ence on Ukraine-European Union relations, out in a hard-back copy of Ukraine’s said allies of the opposition leader had Melnychenko on Shcherban murder Criminal Code. been pressuring her family to deter her Mr. Jagland said that, if Ukraine fails to “This search was carried out with a sin- from revealing the truth about her health. implement democratic reforms, it risks KYIV – Former security officer Mykola gle goal,” Ms. Tymoshenko’s lawyer Serhiy She also suggested that Ms. Tymoshenko “international isolation.” He criticized the Melnychenko said in a comment to Radio Vlasenko told RFE/RL. “To seize the dosim- and Mr. Vlasenko, her lawyer, were lovers. Ukrainian judicial system for long pretrial- Liberty that he is ready to provide record- eters, which have revealed high radiation “Once, I inadvertently witnessed their custody periods, slow civil and criminal ings on the murder of Yevhen Shcherban proceedings, and the non-fulfillment of levels over a certain period of time in Yulia meeting,” Ms. Melnik said. “They were com- both to the Procurator General’s Office and judicial orders. (RFE/RL, based on report- Tymoshenko’s quarters.” municating quite closely, let’s say. Their the defense of Yulia Tymoshenko. “The ing by Interfax and AP) Mr. Vlasenko said there were no rules relationship was like between a man and a Procurator General’s Office appealed to the banning the possession of such devices and woman. The way they hugged and kissed, TVi loses case over back taxes U.S. Department of Justice, demanding that I denied that medicine kept by Ms. old friends don’t behave that way.” give it the records. I emphasize: I will do Tymoshenko in breach of prison regula- Ms. Tymoshenko’s camp insists the women KYIV – Ukraine’s TVi television channel, everything so that these records are formal- tions had been seized during the search. were coerced into making the accusations. one of the country’s few remaining inde- ly handed over to the Procurator General’s The confiscation prompted Ms. Ms. A letter by Ms. Abaplova was published pendent media outlets, has lost its court Office. Also, I’ll do anything for Tymoshenko’s Tymoshenko to accuse her political foe, on the prime minister’s website this week battle over charges of overdue taxes, it was lawyers to get familiar with all the records President Viktor Yanukovych, of using in which the inmate says an “active cam- reported on September 13.
#8 (114) August 2017 First conclusions in the Supreme Old and new promising sectors Student activism in Ukraine Court selection process of Ukraine’s agriculture and post-Soviet states RESUSCITATE HEALTHCARE WWW.UKRAINIANWEEK.COM Featuring selected content from The Economist FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION CONTENTS | 3 BRIEFING 32 Merchants of peace: How the “civil 4 Crime and (illusory) punishment: war” rhetoric is used to gain political What counterarguments Berkut capital lawyers use in Maidan trials 34 Student force: The strengths and POLITICS weaknesses of Ukrainian youth movements 7 Delay in court: First results in the selection of candidates for the 38 Between Komsomol and protests: Supreme Court The trajectory of student movements in former USSR countries over the past ECONOMICS 25 years 10 Cultivating change: Production and NEIGHBOURS export transformations in Ukraine's 40 Michael Binyon on divides agricultural industry in the UK’s political establishment 14 Payback time! Is Ukraine ready to pay as Brexit talks start back the bulk of its external debts? 42 Karl Schlögel: 18 An uneven recovery: How the “We have to fight for Ukraine to once economy of regions has changed over again get in the center of attention in the past three years European affairs” German historian on Ukraine FOCUS on the European mental map 22 Seeing the obvious: Why Ukraine’s and the challenges of the new current healthcare system must be historical situation changed HISTORY 24 A major deficit: Staff and funding as the key driver of transformation 46 A view from 2017:
A President’s Portrait in Domestic Protest: 133 The Anatomy of Hate A President’s Portrait in Domestic Protest: The Anatomy of Hate Natalia Lysiuk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev Kiev, Ukraine Abstract The extreme level of tension during the Euromaidan in Ukraine has caused a real explosion of urban post-folklore creativity. These folklore forms have many distinctive features of traditional folklore, but they are also characterized by their means of transmission. For instance, anonymous inscriptions could appear anywhere. Such texts have their own dramaturgy, and they recreate the development of the Euromaidan events (from simple appeals to give people an opportunity to determine their own destiny to openly hostile discourse that portrayed the former President of Ukraine, Victor Yanukovich, as the main enemy of the Euromaidan). Among those attested: distortions of Yanukovich’s name; demonstration of contempt for his image; insults; mention of his criminal past and ongoing corruption; and prophecies of his fate. One of the defining features of such texts is the violation of prohibitions on the use of dysphemisms and vulgarity as a verbal weapon against an enemy. We will also discuss the basic functions of protest folklore and hate speech. Crowds on the Maidan (author’s photo) The Euromaidan was the second Ukrainian revolution of this century. It was a public protest that took place in the main Kiev’s square Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Maidan) from November 2013 until February 2014. It was characterized by an unprecedented rise of patriotism and strengthening of national identity (as reflected in the wide usage of national colors, symbols, and images).
Urgently for Publication (Procurement Procedures) Annoucements Of
Bulletin No�4 (183) January 28, 2014 Urgently for publication Annoucements of conducting (procurement procedures) procurement procedures 001143 000833 Luhansk National Agrarian University SOE “Prydniprovska Railway” 91008 Luhansk, Luhansk National Agrarian University 108 Karla Marksa Ave., 49600 Dnipropetrovsk Yevsiukova Liudmyla Semenivna, Bublyk Maryna Borysivna Ivanchak Serhii Volodymyrovych tel.: (095) 532–41–16; tel.: (056) 793–05–28; tel./fax: (0642) 96–77–64; tel./fax: (056) 793–00–41 e–mail: [email protected] Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: www.tender.me.gov.ua www.tender.me.gov.ua Website which contains additional information on procurement: www. tender. uz.gov.ua Website which contains additional information on procurement: www.lnau.lg.ua Procurement subject: code 33.17.1 – repair and maintenance of other Procurement subject: code 06.20.1 – natural gas, liquefied or in a gaseous vehicles and equipment (services in modernization of machine ВПР–02 state (gas exclusively for production of heat energy which is consumed with conducting major repair) – 1 unit by budget institutions and organizations), 1327,0 thousand m3 Supply/execution: on the territory of the winner of the bids; during 10 months from Supply/execution: at the customer’s address; till 31.12.2014 the moment of signing the act of delivery of track machine to modernization with Procurement procedure: procurement from the sole participant repair, but
Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education by Innovative Teaching Instruments
MODERNIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL HIGHER EDUCATION BY INNOVATIVE TEACHING INSTRUMENTS Seminar on the implementation of tasks of the 1st package. June 11-12, 2018 About Kyiv There are many ancient and modern sights in Kyiv. Historical centers and districts of Kyiv tell us about the city’s distant past. Buildings in Kyiv - living witnesses of the flow of time and events of the present. Numerous monasteries and temples of the City decorate it and create an atmosphere of purity and holiness. There are many monuments that have become a kind of architectural landmarks of the capital. Due to the large number of parks and green areas, the image of Kyiv is so unique. Streets and squares of Kyiv remember the joy and sad moments in the history of our city. The diversity of Kyiv monuments does not stop to amaze and admire. All of this – identity of the Kyiv, which makes it so unique and loved among Ukrainians and tourists. More than 70 parks and 200 gardens are located on the territory of Kyiv, making our capital one of the greenest cities in Europe and even around the world. Kyiv is a city with an extraordinary atmosphere. This is the city where we fall in love and in which we fall in love. If you were born and live here - you are probably the patriot of the capital of Ukraine. And if you come here as a tourist – if You visiting Kyiv once, you’ll want to come back here again and again! How to get to the city / from the airport / train station From the Airport By Sky Bus You can get Sky Bus from the International airport "Boryspil" to Kyiv (via Kharkivska metro station to the Central Railway Station, South Terminal).
CIVIC SECTOR OF EUROMAIDAN GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT 2015 EuroMaidan Newsletter # 84 13 - Ukraine says 'record number' of Russian troops on border Why is the conflict in east Ukraine more important than the Greek debt crisis? Ukraine says 'record number' of Russian troops on http://goo.gl/jPhCmv ; live updates July 7 July 7 . border. 50,000 Russian troops and over 30,000 militants http://goo.gl/AohYoP 4 massed on Ukraine border. http://goo.gl/NOMJ3C 8 More than a year later, Euromaidan activists still # Why is the conflict in east Ukraine more important than demand justice for victims. http://goo.gl/CfLCHo R the Greek debt crisis? 'Ukraine far more strategically important to Europe' http://goo.gl/qFZVUu Will Ukraine Change the Law on Local Elections? An Update on Legislative Initiatives and Debates. The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has approved a http://goo.gl/eAFUBP resolution condemning Russia’s “unilateral and unjustified assault on Ukraine’s sovereignty and Ukraine's former education minister Tabachnyk added to territorial integrity.” http://goo.gl/jfqNJa; country's wanted list. http://goo.gl/MBJqzF http://goo.gl/ui6CU6 Gradual russification continues in Ukraine. The On July 13, President Petro Poroshenko called an Ukrainian language strengthened only in certain areas NEWSLETTE extraordinary session of the National Security Council in according to NGO “Prostir Svobody” analysis. an effort to end a confrontation between fighters from http://goo.gl/r1aecX the radical nationalist group Right Sector and police SBU detains moderator of 500 anti-Ukrainian groups on following a deadly shootout in the western city of social networks.
Part 3 of THE YEAR IN REVIEW pages 7-13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXXIX No. 5 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 2021 $2.00 Ukraine celebrates Unity Day Ukraine’s SBU suspects former agency colonel of plotting to murder one of its generals by Mark Raczkiewycz KYIV – On January 27, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said it had secured an arrest warrant for Dmytro Neskoromnyi, a former first deputy head of the agency, on suspicion of conspiring to murder a serving SBU general. Mr. Neskoromnyi, a former SBU colonel, allegedly plotted the assassination with currently serving Col. Yuriy Rasiuk of the SBU’s Alpha anti-terrorist unit. The alleged target was 38-year-old Brig. Gen. Andriy Naumov. Mr. Naumov heads the agency’s internal security department, which is responsible for preventing corruption among the SBU’s ranks. RFE/RL In a news release, the SBU provided video RFE/RL A human chain on January 22 links people along the Paton Bridge in Kyiv over the and audio recordings, as well as pictures, as Security Service of Ukraine Brig. Gen. Dnipro River that bisects the Ukrainian capital, symbolizing both sides uniting when evidence of the alleged plot. The former col- Andriy Naumov the Ukrainian National Republic was formed in 1919. onel was allegedly in the process of paying “If there is a crime, we must act on it. $50,000 for carrying out the murder plot. by Roman Tymotsko (UPR), Mykhailo Hrushevskyy. And, in this case, the SBU worked to pre- Mr.
PrESS frEEDOM IN UKRAINE : TEMPTATION TO CONTROL ////////////////// REPORT BY JEAN-FRANÇOIS JULLIARD AND ELSA VIDAL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AUGUST 2010 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PRESS FREEDOM: REPORT OF FACT-FINDING VISIT TO UKRAINE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 Natalia Negrey / public action at Mykhaylivska Square in Kiev in November of 2009 Many journalists, free speech organisations and opposition parliamentarians are concerned to see the government becoming more and more remote and impenetrable. During a public meeting on 20 July between Reporters Without Borders and members of the Ukrainian parliament’s Committee of Enquiry into Freedom of Expression, parliamentarian Andrei Shevchenko deplored not only the increase in press freedom violations but also, and above all, the disturbing and challenging lack of reaction from the government. The data gathered by the organisation in the course of its monitoring of Ukraine confirms that there has been a significant increase in reports of press freedom violations since Viktor Yanukovych’s election as president in February. LEGISlaTIVE ISSUES The government’s desire to control journalists is reflected in the legislative domain. Reporters Without Borders visited Ukraine from 19 to 21 July in order to accomplish The Commission for Establishing Freedom the first part of an evaluation of the press freedom situation. of Expression, which was attached to the presi- It met national and local media representatives, members of press freedom dent’s office, was dissolved without explanation NGOs (Stop Censorship, Telekritika, SNUJ and IMI), ruling party and opposition parliamentarians and representatives of the prosecutor-general’s office. on 2 April by a decree posted on the president’s At the end of this initial visit, Reporters Without Borders gave a news conference website on 9 April.
Migration and the Ukraine Crisis a Two-Country Perspective This E-Book Is Provided Without Charge Via Free Download by E-International Relations (
EDITED BY AGNIESZKA PIKULICKA-WILCZEWSKA & GRETA UEHLING Migration and the Ukraine Crisis A Two-Country Perspective This e-book is provided without charge via free download by E-International Relations (www.E-IR.info). It is not permitted to be sold in electronic format under any circumstances. If you enjoy our free e-books, please consider leaving a small donation to allow us to continue investing in open access publications: http://www.e-ir.info/about/donate/ i Migration and the Ukraine Crisis A Two-Country Perspective EDITED BY AGNIESZKA PIKULICKA-WILCZEWSKA & GRETA UEHLING ii E-International Relations www.E-IR.info Bristol, England 2017 ISBN 978-1-910814-27-7 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-910814-28-4 (e-book) This book is published under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license. You are free to: • Share – copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format • Adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the material Under the following terms: • Attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. • Non-Commercial – You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission. Please contact [email protected] for any such enquiries, including for licensing and translation requests. Other than the terms noted above, there are no restrictions placed on the use and dissemination of this book for student learning materials / scholarly use.
Revista UNISCI / UNISCI Journal, Nº 40 (Enero / January 2016) POLAND-UKRAINE RELATIONS Andrzej Szeptycki 1 University of Warsaw Abstract: Poland and Ukraine are the two biggest and most populated countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Because of their size, neighbourhood and position in the region the two countries have often been compared to France and Germany. Both countries are deeply interested in their mutual cooperation. Such situation steams from five factors: direct neighbourhood, common (albeit difficult) history, attractiveness of the Polish labour market for the Ukrainians, membership of Poland in the Western structures, and last but not least, the Russian threat. Despite complimentary interests, both countries have difficulty to effectively develop their mutual relations and turn them into a real "strategic partnership". These problems are due to the internal political and economic situation in Ukraine, limits imposed by the membership of Poland in the EU, Russian policy aiming at keeping Ukraine within its zone of influence and, finally, the EU reluctance to effectively engage in Ukraine. Keywords: Poland, Ukraine, political relations, economic relations, social relations, NATO, European Union. Resumen: Polonia y Ucrania son los estados más grandes y más poblados de Europa Central y Oriental. Dado su tamaño, su vecindad y su situación en la región, los dos estados frecuentemente han sido comparados a Francia y Alemania. Ambos estados están profundamente interesados en la cooperación mutua. Esta situación deriva de cinco factores: vecindad geográfica, historia común- aunque difícil-, atracción del mercado de trabajo en Polonia para los ucranianos y la amenaza rusa. A pesar de tener intereses complementarios tienen dificultades en el desarrollo de forma efectiva de sus relaciones mutuas para llegar a conseguir una asociación estratégica real.
>> POLICY BRIEF ISSN: 1989-2667 Nº 141 - NOVEMBER 2012 The EU and Ukraine: hapless but not hopeless Natalia Shapovalova and Balazs Jarabik Since his democratic victory in 2010, Ukrainian President Viktor >> Yanukovych has asserted his control over Ukraine’s political system by arresting leaders of the opposition, restricting freedom of assembly and HIGHLIGHTS speech and allegedly enriching himself and his close circle in the process. This has jeopardised Ukraine’s declared goal of European integration and • The October polls exposed has pushed the country into greater isolation from the West. Ukraine's corrupted political Last October’s parliamentary elections were meant to be a litmus test for system, but also the democracy in Ukraine. Amidst allegations of fraud in some districts, the resilience of Ukrainian polls exposed the abuse of power and corruption present in Ukraine's society to an illiberal political political system. However, the results also demonstrated some level of regime. resilience against an illiberal political regime. The opposition did better • The incumbent Party of than expected and must now use its gains wisely to resist further regime consolidation by building on popular discontent with the ruling party. Regions will have to ally with The future is uncertain: the country's further democratisation is in the independent candidates to hands of Ukrainians. As for the EU, it is also facing its own litmus test in form a narrow majority in its relations with Ukraine. Its room for manoeuvre is squeezed between Parliament. the Ukrainian opposition’s calls for sanctions and the need for dialogue with the Yanukovych government.
{J ^ ' H «ew-l ^ lli Teni|)ora(la 2011-2012 O Fundació Gran Teatre del Licen Generalitat de Catalunya Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte Ajuntament de Barcelona Diputació de Barcelona Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu Consell de Mecenatge òpera Liceu O Barcelona 11/12 Gràcies per fer-ho possible. Mecenes "TUefunUa ®S Santander LAVANGUARDIA InCaixa abertij gosNatural íbbkmíè m\i Fundació en fenosa endesa 1 OHL ^3 MFG KLSMLINDO '/// catalunya Leading new Uimking COMSA EL PAIS --L- ManpowerGroup' rAdio EMTE bankinter EIISMEZIEa ofts^Metrooo itans rtve üas Patrocinadors -.y. -^1/ Abantia indra —Cofidis xí>cespa Inibsa <■...« ^as Wj m 7,\ Protectors ABC, Almirall, Barcelona Televisió, Basf, Chocolat Factory, Coca-Cola, Cofely, Danone, Ercros, Euromadi, Expansion, Perrero Ibérica, Fiatc Assegurances, Fiuidra, Fundació CatalunyaCaixa, Fundació Lluís Carulla, Fundació Puig, Fundación Cultural Banesto, GFT, Grafos, Gran Casino de Barcelona • Grup Peralada, GVC-Gaesco, Klein, Laboratorios Ordesa, Metalquimia, Mylan, Nationale Suisse, NetApp, Pepsico, Port de Barcelona, Sanofl-Aventls, Transports Padrosa. Col·laboradors Accenture, Banco Mediolanum, Bon Preu, Credit Suisse, Eurofragance, General Cable, Grupo Galilea, Illy Caffè, Nextret, Saga Motors, Sogeur, Sumarroca, Urcotex. Benefactors Macià Alavedra, Salvador Alemany, María Bagués, Joaquim Barraquer, Núria Basi, Manuel Bertran, Manuel Bertrand, Agustí Bou, Carmen Buqueras, Joan Busó, Joan Camprubí, Guzmán Clavel, Josep Cusí, Antoni Esteve, Magda Ferrer-Dalmau, Sergi Ferrer-Saiat, Maria Font de Carulla, Mercedes Fuster, José Gabeiras, José Luís Galí, Francisco Gaudier, Lluís M. Ginjaume, Jaume Graell, Manuel Grau, Calamanda Grifoll, José Manuel Mas, Josep Millan, José M. Mohedano, Josep Lluís Núñez, Josep Ollu, Maria Reig, Francisco Reynés, Miquel Roca, Francisco Salamero, Maria Soldevila, Ernestina Torelló, Joan Urlach, Josep Vilarasau, Maria Vilardell t.