Livelihoods Zone Map and Descriptions for South Sudan
LIVELIHOODS ZONE MAP AND DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH SUDAN (UPDATED) A REPORT OF THE FAMINE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS NETWORK (FEWS NET) August 2018 SOUTH SUDAN Livelihood Zone Map and Descriptions August 2018 Acknowledgements and Disclaimer This exercise was undertaken by FEWS NET and partners including the Government of South Sudan (GoSS), the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the National Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (NMAFS), and UN agencies including World Food Programme (WFP) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Special thanks are extended to the core national facilitator’s team, especially John Pangech, Director General Planning, NMAFS; Abraham Arop Ayuel, Planning Officer, NMAFS; Philip Dau, Director Monitoring and Evaluation, NBS; Joice Jore, Coordinator, Food Security Technical Secretariat/NBS; John Vuga, Programme Officer, WFP/VAM; Evans Solomon Kenyi, Food Security Officer, FAO; and Mark Nyeko Acire, Food Security Officer, FAO. In addition, thanks to all state representatives who contributed inputs into the updated livelihoods zone descriptions. The Livelihood Zoning workshop and this report were led by Gavriel Langford and Daison Ngirazi, consultants to FEWS NET, with technical support from Antazio Drabe, National Technical Manager and James Guma, Assistant National Technical Manager of FEWS NET South Sudan. This report will form part of the knowledge base for FEWS NET’s food security monitoring activities in South Sudan. The publication was prepared under the United States Agency for International Development Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) Indefinite Quantity Contract, AID-OAA-I-12-00006, Task Order 1 (AIDOAA-TO-12-00003), TO4 (AID-OAA- TO-16-00015). The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.
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