28902 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 96 / Thursday, May 19, 2005 / Notices and Idaho Panhandle Zone is adjusting new regulations published in the (2) suitability of areas for various the forest plan revision process from Federal Register of January 5, 2005 (70 purposes; and (3) objectives to help compliance with the 1982 land and FR 1062). move toward the desired conditions. resource management planning Public Involvement: Scheduled This phase of collaboration is expected regulations to compliance with new meetings and details of other public to be completed by fall of 2005. regulations published in the Federal involvement opportunities will be Time Schedule: The remaining forest Register of January 5, 2005 (70 FR posted on the Western Montana plan revision schedule will be 1062). Planning zone Web site, at http:// approximately as follows: This adjustment will result in the www.fs.fed.us/rl/wmpz/. To get on the • Fall 2005: Release proposed forest following: mailing list contact Claudia Narcisco at plans and start 90-day public comment 1. The Responsible Official will now (406) 329–3795, or e-mail, period. be the Forest Supervisors.
[email protected]. People currently on • Summer 2006: Release final forest 2. Each National Forest will establish the mailing list will remain. plans and start 30-day public objection an Environmental Management System FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lee period. prior to a decision on the revised forest Kramer, Interdisciplinary Team Leader, • Fall 2006: Issue final decision and plans. Lolo National Forest, Fort Missoula, start plan implementation. 3. The emphasis on public Bldg., 24, Missoula, MT 59084, (406) The web site provides additional involvement will shift from comment on 392–3848 or e-mail,
[email protected]; information regarding the decision to a range of alternative plans, to iterative or see the Web site at http:// transition to the new planning public-Forest Service collaboration, www.fs.fed.us/rl/wmpz/.