The Commandant 114 Bn BSF, Aradhpur, Malda-732141 () on behalf of President of , invites sealed tenders from eligible/reputed firms dealing with running/operation of Engine fitted country Boat with boatmen in River/ Flood area at BOPs Kalaibari, Samsher, Anuradhapur, Krishnanagar, Rishipur, Adampur, Muchia, Sukhnagar, & Tilason for hiring of EFC Boats for one year w.e.f 01 Mar 2014 to 28 Feb 2015 in two bid system for further deployment with 114 Bn BSF under as per followings.

Purposes Earnest Last Date & Time Time and date to S/No Money Receipt of Issue of Submission Opening of application Tender of Tender Tender documents (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 01 For Rs. 15/10/2014 15/10/2014 05/11/2014 05/11/2014 Hiring of 20,000/- At 1100 Hrs At 1200 Hrs At 1100 Hrs at 1600 Hrs EFC at Bn HQ Boats 114 Bn BSF with one by BOO boatman

2. The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the office of the Commandant 114 Bn BSF, Aradhpur, Malda-732141 on payment of Rs. 150/- (non refundable) on any working day except holidays. Firms shall furnish photo copy of Pan Card/full detailed address of firm/individual with the application of tender.

3. Tenders will be issued to eligible firms/individual provided they produce definite proof from the appropriate authority for dealing in running/operation of EFC Boats which shall be to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority.

4. Earnest money should be deposited along with tender documents in separate envelop marked as earnest money in the form of receipt treasury challan/deposit of call receipt of a scheduled Bank/fixed deposit receipt of a scheduled Bank/Demand draft of a scheduled Bank issued in favour of Commandant 114 Bn BSF payable at SBI Malda (Code No.0129 ). Earnest Money is acceptable in the form of Bank Guarantee also.



5. The complete tender set is available on BSF Web site and

No. 813/03/Prov/114Bn/2014 FOR COMMANDANT Dated, the ______Oct’ 2014 114 BN BSF

Distribution :-

1. Sh Baijnath Choudhary S/O Lt Ramadhar Choudhary, Singhabad, PS- Habibpur, Malda (WB). 2. Sh Sanjay Haldar S/O Nagendra Nath Halder, Vill-KalaiBari, PO-Sirsi, PS- Habibpur Malda(WB). 3. Sh Dwijen Halder S/O Nagendra Nath Halder, vill-Lt Nagendranath, Viii+PO- Kalaibari,PS-Habibpur,Malda (WB). 4. Sh Deochand Chowdhury, S/O Lt Harinandan Chowdhury, Vill-Dakshin Chandpur, PO-Gouramari, PS- Habibpur, Malda (WB). 5. Sh. Tapesh andal S/O Lt Khoka Mandal, Vill-Krishna Nagar, PO-Gouramari, PS- Habibpur, Malda (WB). 6. Biren Mandal S/O Lt Umesh Mandal, Vill-Krishnanagar, PO-Gouramari, PS-Habibpur, Dist-Malda (WB). 7. Anukul Sarkar S/O Lt Krishna Lal Sarkar Vill-Charlakshmipur, PO-Bululchndi, PS-, Distt- Malda (WB). 8 Shambhu Sarkar S/O Lt Sudhanya Sarkar Vill-Dakshin Charlakshmipur, PO-, PS- Old Malda (WB). 9 Jainarayan Chowdhary, S/O- Lt Ramchandra Chowdhary, Vii+Po- Singhabad, PS- Habibpur, Dist-Malda (WB). 10. Sh Santosh Chowdhary S/oTunkuChowdhary,Para,Tilason PS Habibpur, Malda (WB) 11. Sh Satyanarayan Chowdhary,Tilason,Singhabad,PS Habibpur,Malda, (WB) 12. Sh Ganesh Chowdhary,Tilason, Singhabad,PS-Habibpur,Malda, (WB) 13. Sh Pranab Debnath,S/o Mohini Debnath,Singhabad,PS.Habibpur,Malda (WB). 14. Sh Bibak Saha,Singhabad,PS Habibpur Malda (WB) 15. Sh Jaiprakash ChowdharyS/o Dribunath Chowdhary,Jotkbir,Singhabad,PS- Habibpur,Malda.

16. The District Magistrate Office : Request for displaying in the notice board for Malda wide publicity.

17. FTR HQ BSF SB (IT Wing) : Alongwith CD for publication of tender notice in BSF Website.

18. FTR HQ BSF SB (WW) : For info please. 19. SHQ BSF Malda : -do- 20. Vig Cell Ftr HQ Kolkata : -do- 21. Vig Cell SHQ BSF Malda : -do-

22. The Comdt 20/31 & 125 : With request for wide publicity at BOP level please. 23. File.

Page 1 of 21 (TE consisting Page 01 to 21 only) Government of Indian, Ministry of Home Affairs Commandant 114 Bn Border Security Force Provisioning Branch PO- Narayanpur, Distt- Malda-732141 (WB) Tel No……………. Fax No…………… E-mail……………..

TE No. 813/03/Prov/114Bn/2014______Dated the ______Jul’2014

1. This Tender Enquiry has following Schedules and appendices as:-

(I) SCHEDULES (i) Schedule –I = Condition of tender (ii) Schedule-II = Special Terms & Conditions. (iii) Schedule-II = List of EFC Boats to be hired. (iv) Schedule-IV = List of consignee to Whom EFC Boats to be provided. (v) Schedule-V = Specification of EFC Boats to be Provided by tenderer. (II) APPENDICES (to be filled & submitted by Tenderer (i) Appendix-1 = Proforma for commercial Bid (To be sealed in Separate cover) (ii) Appendix-2 = Offer of EFC Boats/Launches (iii)Appendix-3 = Details of firm (iv) Appendix-4 = Performance statement for last 3 years (v) Appendix-5 (A&B) = Bank Guarantee Proforma for EMD/Bank Guarantee Proforma for Performance Security. (vi) Appendix-6 = authority letter to attend the bid. (|vii)Appendix-7 = Certificate the bidder not related to any BSF personnel.

Encl: Aforesaid schedules & enclosures


Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 2 of 21


1. All appendices, attached with this TE, should be duly filled in for considering any offer as complete offer.

2. If you are in a position to quote for supply in accordance with the requirements stated in the attached schedule to tender, all documents attached herewith should be duly filled in, signed and returned to this office.

3. HIRING DISCRETION i. Commandant 114 Bn BSF reserves the right to cancel/reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason.

ii. Commandant 114 Bn BSF reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of EFC Boats/Launches at any stage without assigning any reason.

iii. EFC Boats shall be deployed at BOPs Kalaibari, Samsher, Anuradhapur, Krishnanagar, Rishipur, Adampur, Muchia, Sukhnagar, & Tilason in river Mahananda and can be shifted from one BOP to another BOP as per Ops requirement.

4. TENDER COST- Rs 150/-

5. EARNEST MONEY Each tender must be accompanied by an earnest money of Rs. 20,000=00 (Rupees twenty thousand) Only in the shape of Demand Draft/Bankers cheque prepared in favour of Commandant 114 BN BSF PAYABLE AT SBI MALDA(Code No. 0129)


i. The Tenderers must give capacity verification/confirmation specific to this Tender to be got done from any State/Central Govt. authority alongwith the technical bid.

ii. Tenderers/Boat Owners must furnish complete details of their Firm/Boats and proforma enclosed with this TE irrespective of their registration status, and forward the same with their offer. Indenter reserves the right to get the provisioning capacity of any tenderer re- verified through BSF board of officers, irrespective of their registration status.

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 3 of 21

7. TWO BID SYSTEM The offer has to comprise of two bids (in separate envelop). The two envelopes are to be enclosed in one envelope. The two bids are as following:-

(a) FIRST ENVELOPE should contain the following:- i. Appendices (2 to 5(A&B) duly filled and signed but without including the rates quoted. ii. Earnest Money as per para-5. iii. Photocopy of PAN Card/Voter Card/Ration Card iv. Photocopy of EFC Board License Certificates which are to be provided. v. Any other relevant document which the firm wishes to submit. vi. Full address of Suppliers/Boat Owner duly attested. (b) SECOND ENVELOPE (Commercial Bid) should contain the following:- Details of Price rates, taxes, duties, if any, quoted by the bidder. These details should be submitted on the given proforma only which is attached with TE as Appendix-I (c) THIRD ENVELOPE should contain the following:- i. Both the above mentioned covers should be sealed separately and super scribed with the tender Number & date and date of tender opening. “TENDER FOR HIRING OF BOATS” ii. These Two covers should thereafter, kept in a third cover and again sealed. iii. This cover should also be super scribed with the Tender No. and date of tender opening “TENDER FOR HIRING OF BOATS” iv. The composite bid i.e. rates indicated in the technical Bid open in tender is liable to be ignored. (d) i) Only the first envelope shall be opened on the date of tender opening. Price bids of only those firms will be considered for opening whose offer has passed in all tender condition and technical/physical evaluation. ii) After opening of price bids, ranking statement will be prepared and the finalization of tender will be done on L- 1(the least price) basis. iii) Sealed cover of tender should be addressed to Commandant 114 Bn BSF PO-Narayanpur, Distt- Malda (WB),732141

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 4 of 21

8. PRICE a) Price will be quoted in figures as well as in workds in Indian Currency only, L-1 Firm would be decided by adding the cost of all the Stores, Guarantee/Warranty including all other livable Taxes and duties. Format for Price Bid is placed at Appendix-1 b) Tenderers are required to indicate Basic Prices for hiring charges per day of EFC Boats including 2 Boatman and Hiring charges for Launches with three boat man. c) The prices quoted by the Firm(s) will be firm and should be inclusive of all taxes. d) Hiring charges will be applicable after finalization of tender and on deployment of boats.

9. MINIMUM QUANTITY TO BE OFFERED a) All of EFC Boats as required may be provided by any one boat owner/supplier/reputed firm on lowest offers rate basis. b) Offer of EFC Boats should be for all EFC Boats number of boatman to be provided to each. c) Number of boatman to be provided to each EFC and country boat are as under:- EFC - 01 Boatman d) In case, the lowest responsive tenderer is unable to take the load of the entire quantity, the remaining ordered to the next higher responsive bidders at the rate offered by the lowest responsive bidder will be placed.

10. PRE-INSPECTION After finalization of tender by CFA, orders for supply/providing of Boats will be placed to lowest tenderer. Before deployment pre-inspection of EFC Boats will be carried out by BOO and HPL test of selected Boats will be conducted by same BOO.

11. MARKING Before deployment of Boats, the boats should be repaired & painted properly by the bidders at his own expenses. The registered number of Boat and engine fitted with the boat should be clearly marked.

12. EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONTRACT After deployment of Boats with concerned Unit/BOP and confirmation of deployment received from concerned Unit/BOP, the date of hiring will be effected.

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 5 of 21

13. RIGHT TO PROJECTION (a) The decision of the Commandant 114 Bn BSF, shall be final.

(b) The acceptance of Boats will be made only when the Boats are inspected by the BOO and found up to the standard of the specification and free from all defects.


(i) The department will issue a letter to lowest bidding firm for deposition of performance Guarantee @ 10% of tendered amount in prescribed shape. On receipt of performance guarantee, necessary supply order will be placed to firm/boat owner/individual.

15. PERFORMANCE STATEMENT Tenderer should submit their performance statement if any with the Tender Enquiry as per Appendix-4 of the Tender Enquiry.

16. PENALTY FOR USE OF UNDUE INFLUENCE Giving or offering of any gift, bribe or inducement or any unfair attempt at any unfair attempt at any such act on behalf of the bidder towards any officer/employee of the Purchaser or to any other person in a position to influence any officer/employee of the Purchaser for showing any favour in relation to this or any other contract, shall render the Seller or such liability/penalty as the Purchaser may deem proper.

17. TRANSFER AND SUB-LETTING (a) Time shall be the essence of the contract. (b) The Purchaser/Indenter shall have the right to terminate the Contract without Any notice in part or in full in any of the following cases:- (i) The Supplier/Boat owner is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent. (ii) if the firm delayed to provide the Boat. (iii) In case Performance Security is not furnished withing the stipulated date from the date of issuing of Contract/supply order. (iv) Any other reason which IG BSF SB Ftr Deemed fit to terminate the constrict without assigning any reason.

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 6 of 21 19. RISK CLAUSE In the event of failure of the boat oner to provide the required EFC boats within the stipulated date/period of the supply/hiring order or in the event of breach of any of the terms and conditions of the hiring order, the tender inviting authority will have the right to hire the Boats from elsewhere at the risk and cost of the defaulting boat owner after giving due notice to the defaulting boat owner. The cost as per Rist hire exercise may be recovered from the bills pending with the Boat owner against any other Boat owner outside this contract or even from the pending bills with any other Government Department/Ministry.

20. ARBITRATION a) Arbitration proceedings shall be held at 114 Bn HQ Aradhpur, Malda and the language of the arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communication between the parties shall be English. b) in the case of dispute or difference arising between the department and the tenderer relating to any matter arising out of or connected with the contract, such dispute or difference shall be settled in accordance with the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act-1996.

c) Sole arbitration will be by Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Govt. of India or by some other person appointed by him.

21 PRESENCE OF AUTHROIZED REPRESENTTATIVE AT THE TIME OF OPENING BID Tenderer may depute their authorized representative to be present at the time of opening of bid, if willing.

22. CORRESPONDENCE PROCEDURE (i) Any Query/Clarification/Representation related to this Tender must be addressed to the Commandant 114 Bn BSF PO-Aradhpur, Distt- Malda (WB) (ii) Tenderers are requested to write full name and designation of authorized signatory on all the correspondence to be made with the purchaser.

23. QUERY AND CLARIFICATIONS (i) In case of any contradiction noticed in this Tender Enquiry same be clarified before the submission of tenders. (ii) Tenderers are advised to visit above BSF websites regularly to obtain updated information.

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 7 of 21

24. SUBMISSION OF TENDER (i) Tender documents to be dropped in Tender Box marked “Tender box, for HIRING OF BOATS kept at Prov Branch, 114 Bn BSF, PO- Aradhpur, Distt- Malda (WB). (ii) late tenders due to any reason what so ever shall not be considered.

25. RETURN OF BID DOCUMENTS:- Bid documents once submitted will not be returned except unopened Price Bids in case of rejection of Technical Bids and/or if the Tender is scrapped before opening of the Price Bids.


Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 8 of 21 SCHEDULE-II TE No. 813/03/Prov/114Bn/2014 Dated the ______JUL’ 2014

SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The rates quoted by intending firm/boat owners must include the boatman salary on daily wages without boarding/lodging charges.

2. The approved firm/boat owners will have to be ready to provide the boats on approved rates as per requirement basis throughout the validity period of tender.

3. The boat owner will be fully responsible for any damage/loss to their boats. The repair and maintenance cost shall be born by the boat owner at his own cost.

4. In case of damage/defective boats, the owner shall made alternative arrangement within 24 Hrs.

5. Fuel required for running of boats will be provided by BSF after conducting HPL test of hired boats. Hence rates should be quoted excluding POL chargers.

6. Earnest Money of successful firm shall remain with BSF till completion of hiring period and the earnest money of un-successful firm will be returned after finalization of tender.

7. Hiring charges will not be paid for the period when the boats remain non operative for any defective reason.

8. Leave of the boatman through out the year will be managed by the boat owner subject to suitable and capable replacement.

9. The specification/size of EFC Boats and Launches for which rate required to be quoted is as under:- NOMECLATURE SPECIFICATION/SIZE OF EFC BOATS Minimum length 24 to 30 Feet Minimum Minimum width/breadth 8 Feet Appx Thickness of Wood 1 Inch Capacity 10 to 15 Personnel Horse power of engine 8 HP to 10 HP Depth -

10. BSF will not be responsible for any incident/accident. No claim of any sort of men and materials due to any mishaps/accidents will be entertained by BSF.

Page 9 of 21

11. The Engine/platform/hood as well as overall condition of EFC Boats should be of specified quality.

12. EFC Boats and CB should be registered with appropriate State or Central Govt. registering authority.

13. The boat owner shall submit character and antecedent/police verification of boatmen so recommended for hiring by checking their voter identity card, ration card recent character certificate etc as the case may be.

14. The tenderer should quote the rate for hiring of boats for per day inclusive of charges of boatmen and their over head.

15. EFC Boats as required will be provided by any single boat owner/supplier/reputed firm only on lowest offered rate basis.

16. The boatman provided with EFC Boats can be used for assistance for shifting of stores/etc and for loading/un-loading.

17. In the month of Nov/Dec 2014 a review shall be carried out for actual requirement of EFC Boats due to decreasing of water level in river Mahananda and requirement of EFC Boats may be reviewed.


Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 10 of 21

SCHEDULE-III TE No. 813/03/Prov/114Bn/2014 Dated the ____JUL’ 2014


S/N Name of unit Name of BOP EFC boats with two boatman and with o where boat to be Accessories. Deployed For For For Seven 12 Months Eight Months Months 1. 114 Bn BSF BOP Kalaibari - - 01 BOP Samsher - 01 - BOP Anuradhapur - 01 - BOP Krishnanagar 01 - - BOP Rishipur 01 - - BOP Adampur 01 - - BOP Muchia 01 - - BOP Sukhnagar 01 - - BOP Tilason - 01 -


Name EFC boats required to be Country boats required to Total of unit hired be hired for 12 for 08 For 07 for 12 for 08 For 07 months months months months months months UNDER SHQ BSF MALDA 114 BN 09 05 03 - - - BSF 01

SD/- COMMANDANT 114 BN BSF ( WB) __07___JUL’2014

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 11 of 21 SCHEDULE-IV

TE No. 813/03/Prov/114Bn/2014 Dated the _____ 2014


Name & Address of consignee with Quantity :

Name of item :EFC Boats/Country Boats are to be hired for the following consignees

S.No Details of consignee Area EFC Country Launches Boats Boats UNDER SHQ BSF MALDA 01 Low-lying & Riverine BOP Kalaibari 01 - -- 02 BOPs of 114 BN BSF BOP Samsher 01 - - 03 BOP Anuradhapur 01 - - 04 BOP 01 - - Krishnanagar 05 BOP Rishipur 01 - - 06 BOP Adampur 01 - - 07 BOP Muchia 01 - - 08 BOP Sukhnagar 01 - - 09 BOP Tilason 01 - - TOTAL 09 -

SD/- XXX COMMANDANT 114 BN BSF ( WB) __07___JUL’2014

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 12 of 21 SCHEDULE-V


NOMENCLATURE SPECIFICATION/SIZE OF SPECIFICATION/SIZE OF EFC BOATS COUNTRY BOATS Minimum length 24 to 30 Feet Minimum - Minimum 8 Feet Appx - width/breadth Thickness of Wood 1 Inch - Capacity 10 to 15 Personnel - Horse power of engine 8 HP to 10 HP - Depth -- -

SD/- XXX COMMANDANT 114 BN BSF ( WB) ___07__JUL 2014

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 13 of 21 APPENDIX-1


S/NO Nomenclature Approximate Qty Rate per Number

01 Rate per EFC Boat per day inclusive of daily wages of two boatman

02 Rate per Country Boat per day inclusive of daily wage of one Boatman

Signature of Tenderer Date Name of Tenderer

Page 14 of 21 APPENDIX -2 Form 68 –A Full name and address of the tendered in addition to post Box No., if any, should be quoted in all communications to this office

From : ______

TENDER NO. ______Dear Sir,

1. I/We hereby offer to provide the EFC Boats/Country Boats detailed in the schedule hereto or such portion thereof as you May specify in the acceptance of Tender at the price given in the said schedule and agree to hold this offer open till 31/03/2015. I/We shall be bound by a communication of acceptance within the prescribed time.

2. I/We have understood all the instructions to Tenderers in the Tender Enquiry and have thoroughly examined the specification /pattern quoted in the schedule hereto are fully aware of the Specifications of EFC Boats/Country boats required and my/our offer is to supply/provide the EFC Boats /Country boats strictly in accordance with the requirements.

3. I have understood all the tender condition in the Tender Enquiry and will comply with them.

4. All the appendices from ____ to _____ in Technical bid envelope & appendices No.____ in price Bid envelope have been submitted duly filled in & signed.

5. The following pages from page No.1 to Page No.______have been added to and will form the part of this tender.

Yours faithfully



Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 15 of 21 APENDIX-3


1. (a) Name of person/Firm :

The Clear address of firms/Boat owners :- FULL ADDRESS :

(i) Address : ------(ii) Telephone : ……………………………..

(iii) Land line : ………………………………..

Mobile : ………………………………….

(iv) Fax : ………………………………………

(v) e-mail :

(vi) PAN Card No.

2. Have your Firm ever been black listed or debarred by any Govt or Semi Govt or Autonomous bodies :

3.. Confirm that you have read all the instructions carefully and have complied with them accordingly. :

4. Sale Tax office Address and :

Telephone/Fax numbers. :

5. Detail of last income Tax return (Enclose Copy) :

6. Name and details of Authorized Person Detailed : For dealing this case with BSF for this Tender (Photo Copy of I-Card to be attached)

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 16 of 21 7. Income Tax office Address. Signature of Witness: Signature of Tenderer:

Full name (1) Full name (Block letters) (Block letters). Address:-

(2) Address

N.B:- Tenderers should furnish specific answers to all the questions. Tenderers May please note that if the answers so furnished are not clear and/or are evasive, the tender will be liable to be ignored.

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 17 of 21


1. Name of Firm/Boat Owner______

2. Details of boats supplied/provided for last 03 years:-

3. Present contracts in hand with quantity and delivery period details:

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 18 of 21




The Commandant 114 BN BSF West Bengal

Whereas…………………………………………………………………………….. (hereinafter called the “Tenderer”) has submitted their offer dated…………………………………………………………….. for the supply of…………………………………………………………………………… (hereinafter called the “tender”) against the purchaser’s tender enquiry No………………………………………………… KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that WE…………………………………………….. of………………………………………………...…………having our registered office at …………………………………………………..are bound unto………………………….. (hereinafter called the “Purchaser) in the sum of ………………………………………………………………………………. for which payment will and truly to be made to the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this…………………………day of……………………….2014/15.

THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE: (1) If the Tenderer withdraws or amends, impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of this tender. (2) If the Tenderer having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the Purchaser during the period of its validity:- a) If the Tenderer fails to furnish the Performance Security for the due performance of the contract. b) Fails or refuses to accept/ execute the contract.

We undertake to pay the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or both the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force up-to and including 45 days after the period of tender validity and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.

…………………………………… (Signature of the authorized officer of the Bank) …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. Name and designation of the officer ………………………………………………….. Seal, name & address of the Bank and address of the Branch

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 19 of 21 APPENDIX-5(B)



The Commandant 114 BN BSF West Bengal

Whereas …………………………………………………………………………… (Name and Address of the supplier) ( hereinafter called “ the supplier”) has undertaken, in pursuance of contract No…………………………………………………………………. dated ………………… to supply (description of goods and services) ( herein after called “ the contract”).

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said contract that the supplier shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a scheduled commercial recognized by you sum specified therein as security for compliance with its obligations in accordance with the contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee; NOW THEREFORE, we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you on behalf of the supplier, up to a total of …………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………(amount of the guarantee in words and figures), and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the supplier to be in default under the contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of (amount of guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the supplier before presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the contract to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made between you and the supplier shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.

This guarantee shall be valid until the ………day of …………, 20……

(Signature of the authorized officer of the Bank) ………………………………………………….. Name & designation of the officer …………………………………………………. Seal, name and address of the bank and address of the Branch With Telephone No.

Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer

Page 20 of 21


TE No. 813/03/Prov/114Bn/2014 Dated______’2014


I/we the bidder, Proprietors/ Partners / Directors of M/S …………………………………………………………………………………………………… is hereby certified that any one of us is not related to any employee of BSF involved in purchase.

SIGNATURE AND FULL ADDRESS OF THE PROPRIETOR/BIDDER WITH SEAL) Signature of Tenderer Date with stamp Name of Tenderer

Page 21 of 21 Appendix-‘07’

TE No. 813/03/Prov/114Bn/2014 Dated______2014


I/we the bidder, Proprietor(s)/Partners / Directors of M/S………………………………………………………………………….. is hereby authorized Mr./MS…………………………………………………………………………………S/D of appended below to participate in the technical / financial bid of………………………………………………………………………………………..



1. ………………………………………………

2. ………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………


Signature of Tenderer Date with stamp Name of Tenderer