LIMITED TENDER NOTICE The Commandant 114 Bn BSF, Aradhpur, Malda-732141 (West Bengal) on behalf of President of India, invites sealed tenders from eligible/reputed firms dealing with running/operation of Engine fitted country Boat with boatmen in River/ Flood area at BOPs Kalaibari, Samsher, Anuradhapur, Krishnanagar, Rishipur, Adampur, Muchia, Sukhnagar, & Tilason for hiring of EFC Boats for one year w.e.f 01 Mar 2014 to 28 Feb 2015 in two bid system for further deployment with 114 Bn BSF under as per followings. Purposes Earnest Last Date & Time Time and date to S/No Money Receipt of Issue of Submission Opening of application Tender of Tender Tender documents (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 01 For Rs. 15/10/2014 15/10/2014 05/11/2014 05/11/2014 Hiring of 20,000/- At 1100 Hrs At 1200 Hrs At 1100 Hrs at 1600 Hrs EFC at Bn HQ Boats 114 Bn BSF with one by BOO boatman 2. The tender forms and other details can be obtained from the office of the Commandant 114 Bn BSF, Aradhpur, Malda-732141 on payment of Rs. 150/- (non refundable) on any working day except holidays. Firms shall furnish photo copy of Pan Card/full detailed address of firm/individual with the application of tender. 3. Tenders will be issued to eligible firms/individual provided they produce definite proof from the appropriate authority for dealing in running/operation of EFC Boats which shall be to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority. 4. Earnest money should be deposited along with tender documents in separate envelop marked as earnest money in the form of receipt treasury challan/deposit of call receipt of a scheduled Bank/fixed deposit receipt of a scheduled Bank/Demand draft of a scheduled Bank issued in favour of Commandant 114 Bn BSF payable at SBI Malda (Code No.0129 ). Earnest Money is acceptable in the form of Bank Guarantee also. Contd…P/2 -2- 5. The complete tender set is available on BSF Web site www.bsf.nic.in and www.bsf.gov.in. No. 813/03/Prov/114Bn/2014 FOR COMMANDANT Dated, the _______Oct’ 2014 114 BN BSF Distribution :- 1. Sh Baijnath Choudhary S/O Lt Ramadhar Choudhary, Singhabad, PS- Habibpur, Malda (WB). 2. Sh Sanjay Haldar S/O Nagendra Nath Halder, Vill-KalaiBari, PO-Sirsi, PS- Habibpur Malda(WB). 3. Sh Dwijen Halder S/O Nagendra Nath Halder, vill-Lt Nagendranath, Viii+PO- Kalaibari,PS-Habibpur,Malda (WB). 4. Sh Deochand Chowdhury, S/O Lt Harinandan Chowdhury, Vill-Dakshin Chandpur, PO-Gouramari, PS- Habibpur, Malda (WB). 5. Sh. Tapesh andal S/O Lt Khoka Mandal, Vill-Krishna Nagar, PO-Gouramari, PS- Habibpur, Malda (WB). 6. Biren Mandal S/O Lt Umesh Mandal, Vill-Krishnanagar, PO-Gouramari, PS-Habibpur, Dist-Malda (WB). 7. Anukul Sarkar S/O Lt Krishna Lal Sarkar Vill-Charlakshmipur, PO-Bululchndi, PS-Old Malda, Distt- Malda (WB). 8 Shambhu Sarkar S/O Lt Sudhanya Sarkar Vill-Dakshin Charlakshmipur, PO-Aiho, PS- Old Malda (WB). 9 Jainarayan Chowdhary, S/O- Lt Ramchandra Chowdhary, Vii+Po- Singhabad, PS- Habibpur, Dist-Malda (WB). 10. Sh Santosh Chowdhary S/oTunkuChowdhary,Para,Tilason PS Habibpur, Malda (WB) 11. Sh Satyanarayan Chowdhary,Tilason,Singhabad,PS Habibpur,Malda, (WB) 12. Sh Ganesh Chowdhary,Tilason, Singhabad,PS-Habibpur,Malda, (WB) 13. Sh Pranab Debnath,S/o Mohini Debnath,Singhabad,PS.Habibpur,Malda (WB). 14. Sh Bibak Saha,Singhabad,PS Habibpur Malda (WB) 15. Sh Jaiprakash ChowdharyS/o Dribunath Chowdhary,Jotkbir,Singhabad,PS- Habibpur,Malda. 16. The District Magistrate Office : Request for displaying in the notice board for Malda wide publicity. 17. FTR HQ BSF SB (IT Wing) : Alongwith CD for publication of tender notice in BSF Website. 18. FTR HQ BSF SB (WW) : For info please. 19. SHQ BSF Malda : -do- 20. Vig Cell Ftr HQ Kolkata : -do- 21. Vig Cell SHQ BSF Malda : -do- 22. The Comdt 20/31 & 125 : With request for wide publicity at BOP level please. 23. File. Page 1 of 21 (TE consisting Page 01 to 21 only) Government of Indian, Ministry of Home Affairs Commandant 114 Bn Border Security Force Provisioning Branch PO- Narayanpur, Distt- Malda-732141 (WB) Tel No……………. Fax No…………… E-mail…………….. TE No. 813/03/Prov/114Bn/2014_______ Dated the ______Jul’2014 1. This Tender Enquiry has following Schedules and appendices as:- (I) SCHEDULES (i) Schedule –I = Condition of tender (ii) Schedule-II = Special Terms & Conditions. (iii) Schedule-II = List of EFC Boats to be hired. (iv) Schedule-IV = List of consignee to Whom EFC Boats to be provided. (v) Schedule-V = Specification of EFC Boats to be Provided by tenderer. (II) APPENDICES (to be filled & submitted by Tenderer (i) Appendix-1 = Proforma for commercial Bid (To be sealed in Separate cover) (ii) Appendix-2 = Offer of EFC Boats/Launches (iii)Appendix-3 = Details of firm (iv) Appendix-4 = Performance statement for last 3 years (v) Appendix-5 (A&B) = Bank Guarantee Proforma for EMD/Bank Guarantee Proforma for Performance Security. (vi) Appendix-6 = authority letter to attend the bid. (|vii)Appendix-7 = Certificate the bidder not related to any BSF personnel. Encl: Aforesaid schedules & enclosures SD/- XXX COMMANDANT 114 BN BSF ARADHPUR, NARAYANPUR MALDA-732141 (WB) _07_ JUL’ 2014 Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer Page 2 of 21 SCHEDULE-I CONDITION OF TENDER 1. All appendices, attached with this TE, should be duly filled in for considering any offer as complete offer. 2. If you are in a position to quote for supply in accordance with the requirements stated in the attached schedule to tender, all documents attached herewith should be duly filled in, signed and returned to this office. 3. HIRING DISCRETION i. Commandant 114 Bn BSF reserves the right to cancel/reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason. ii. Commandant 114 Bn BSF reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of EFC Boats/Launches at any stage without assigning any reason. iii. EFC Boats shall be deployed at BOPs Kalaibari, Samsher, Anuradhapur, Krishnanagar, Rishipur, Adampur, Muchia, Sukhnagar, & Tilason in river Mahananda and can be shifted from one BOP to another BOP as per Ops requirement. 4. TENDER COST- Rs 150/- 5. EARNEST MONEY Each tender must be accompanied by an earnest money of Rs. 20,000=00 (Rupees twenty thousand) Only in the shape of Demand Draft/Bankers cheque prepared in favour of Commandant 114 BN BSF PAYABLE AT SBI MALDA(Code No. 0129) 6. CAPACITY VERIFICATION i. The Tenderers must give capacity verification/confirmation specific to this Tender to be got done from any State/Central Govt. authority alongwith the technical bid. ii. Tenderers/Boat Owners must furnish complete details of their Firm/Boats and proforma enclosed with this TE irrespective of their registration status, and forward the same with their offer. Indenter reserves the right to get the provisioning capacity of any tenderer re- verified through BSF board of officers, irrespective of their registration status. Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer Page 3 of 21 7. TWO BID SYSTEM The offer has to comprise of two bids (in separate envelop). The two envelopes are to be enclosed in one envelope. The two bids are as following:- (a) FIRST ENVELOPE should contain the following:- i. Appendices (2 to 5(A&B) duly filled and signed but without including the rates quoted. ii. Earnest Money as per para-5. iii. Photocopy of PAN Card/Voter Card/Ration Card iv. Photocopy of EFC Board License Certificates which are to be provided. v. Any other relevant document which the firm wishes to submit. vi. Full address of Suppliers/Boat Owner duly attested. (b) SECOND ENVELOPE (Commercial Bid) should contain the following:- Details of Price rates, taxes, duties, if any, quoted by the bidder. These details should be submitted on the given proforma only which is attached with TE as Appendix-I (c) THIRD ENVELOPE should contain the following:- i. Both the above mentioned covers should be sealed separately and super scribed with the tender Number & date and date of tender opening. “TENDER FOR HIRING OF BOATS” ii. These Two covers should thereafter, kept in a third cover and again sealed. iii. This cover should also be super scribed with the Tender No. and date of tender opening “TENDER FOR HIRING OF BOATS” iv. The composite bid i.e. rates indicated in the technical Bid open in tender is liable to be ignored. (d) i) Only the first envelope shall be opened on the date of tender opening. Price bids of only those firms will be considered for opening whose offer has passed in all tender condition and technical/physical evaluation. ii) After opening of price bids, ranking statement will be prepared and the finalization of tender will be done on L- 1(the least price) basis. iii) Sealed cover of tender should be addressed to Commandant 114 Bn BSF PO-Narayanpur, Distt- Malda (WB),732141 Signature of tenderer Date Name of tenderer Page 4 of 21 8. PRICE a) Price will be quoted in figures as well as in workds in Indian Currency only, L-1 Firm would be decided by adding the cost of all the Stores, Guarantee/Warranty including all other livable Taxes and duties. Format for Price Bid is placed at Appendix-1 b) Tenderers are required to indicate Basic Prices for hiring charges per day of EFC Boats including 2 Boatman and Hiring charges for Launches with three boat man. c) The prices quoted by the Firm(s) will be firm and should be inclusive of all taxes. d) Hiring charges will be applicable after finalization of tender and on deployment of boats.
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