Name : TOGOLA First Name : ABOU Date of birth : 1965 Place of birth : N'Tenko ( Koumantou) Nationality : Malian Marital status : Married Number of children : 4 Address: Associate Scientist, Entomology Unit, Africa Rice Center 01BP2031 Cotonou, Benin (West Africa). Phone: (229) 64 18 13 13 - Fax: (229)64 22 78 09 - Mobile: (229) 96 14 70 90 E-mail: [email protected]


- 2013: PhD in Agricultural Entomology, University of Lome (Togo Republic)

- 2010: Master in Applied Entomology, University of Lome (Togo Republic) - 2007: Certificate in Integrated Management for Plant Protection, Kobe University (Japan) - 1990: Applied Agriculture science engineering Diploma, Rural Polytechnique Institute of Katibougou, Mali (West Africa).


May – Sept 2007: Kobe University (Japan) Topic: Integrated Management for Plant Protection, Kobe University, Japan

April – October 1989: Pilot Project of Natural Resources Institute (NRI) in Dilly, Mali (West Africa). Topic: Use of Chemicals for controlling grasshoppers in farmers’ field in Dilly location (Mali).

March – May 1988: CMDT (Malian Textile Company) Topic: Identification and management of the pest complex of Cotton crop in Bougouni region.


 January 2015 to date: Associate Entomology Scientist at Africa Rice Center, Cotonou Benin

- Development of IPM strategies for controlling rice pest on station, screening house, laboratory and on-farm.

- IPM training and capacity building of students and NARS scientists and extension agents.

- Development/testing of high resistant rice genotypes to stem borers and termite in collaboration with breeders and molecular biologists. - Study for conferring Diopsis-Resistant gene/QTLs donors to rice genotypes.

- Development of the Improved Screening Cages (ISC) for evaluating/identifying high resistant rice genotypes to stem borers.

- On-farm screening of rice breeding lines for resistance to stem borers (Diopsis spp and Orseolia Oryzivora) and termites under natural condition. - Mass rearing of rice stem borers and their parasitoids. - Data analyses and scientific reporting of research outputs.

- Writing of project proposals and scientific publications.

- Supervision of Master and PhD students.

 November 2013 – December 2014: Associate Entomology Scientist at Africa Rice Center, Ibadan

Nigeria - Development of IPM training modules to transfer skills to NARS technicians in Rice development Hubs in West Africa through Agronomy Task Force. - Development of Rice crop protection research to document postharvest practices affecting qualitative and quantitative losses in collaboration with NARS partners in 8 member countries of AfricaRice. - Backstopping for measurement of yield and grain quality losses due to insect pests in yield gap and productivity surveys across Sub-Saharan Africa. - Development of research activities on components of integrated pest management (IPM) including Host Plant Resistance, Cultural Practice, Biological Control and the Use of Biopesticide. - Development of mass rearing techniques for important insect pests of rice and their parasitoids. - Data analyses and scientific reporting of research outputs; writing of publications. - Management of research support staff and students. - Resource person in project proposal writings.

2  October 2003 – October 2013: Research Assistant at Africa Rice Center in Bamako, Mali and in Cotonou, Benin

- Backstopping for measurement of yield and grain quality losses due to insect pests in Sub-Saharan Africa as part of the Africa-wide Rice Agronomy and rice processing and value Addition Task Forces.

- Development of Integrated Pest management options including bio-control measures, cultural methods,

varietal resistance, habitat management and use of natural pesticides to control rice stem borers. - Preparation of research protocols, conduct of research experiments in laboratory, greenhouse, station

and rural zones.

- Data collection and statistical analysis. - Monitoring of research budget and preparation of yearly expenditure plans.

- Training of students, technical staff, farmers and NARS partners. - Data analysis and scientific reporting of research outputs; writing of publications.

- Exchange with NARS, Universities, NGOs and sharing knowledge on research achievements. - Management of research materials (laboratory equipment, field tools, vehicles).

January 2000 – March 2003: Scientific Officer at ICRISAT (International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Mali, (West Africa) - Technical Assistance of the regional coordinator of IFAD-supported project on Farmer Participatory Testing of Technologies to increase Sorghum productivity in the Sahel. - Study of the resistance of sorghum populations derived from crossing elite varieties for resistance to the head bug (Eurystylus oldi). - Development of an on-farm Sorghum screening technology for resistance to head bugs. - Management of wild host plants (Ricinus communis) for proper control of Eurystilus oldi. - Promoting farmer-Friendly Options for controlling sorghum head bug and stem borers in Mali. - Conduct rural survey to assess the impact of the project. - Preparation of research protocols. - Conduct of research experiments in laboratory, station and on-farm. - Collect parametric and non-parametric data and perform statistical analysis using Genstat and SAS software. - Training of students, technicians, NARS scientists and farmers in IPM technologies. - Attending local and international meetings and workshops. - Writing annual report and scientific articles. - Management of technical staff and students. - Management of research facilities and equipment (laboratory equipment, field tools, vehicles).

3  February 1994 – December 1999: Teacher in the agricultural high school ( LTA) of Koutiala - Mali - Lecturer of Entomology and Plant pathology at the agricultural high school of Koutiala.

- Head of Entomology laboratory of the school.

- Head of Vegetable Unit of the school.

 January 1999 – April 1999: Assistant trainer (Consultant) at US Peace Corps, Bamako- Mali - Training of US Peace Corps Volunteers in Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources

Management. - Training volunteers in Participatory Needs Assessment approaches and project designing

and management.

 January 1990 – December 1992: Research Assistant at ODA project in Sahel region of Mali (West Africa) - Development of sorghum and cowpea intercropping for controlling Striga hermonthica to improve sorghum productivity. - Dissemination of improved technologies in Sahel Arid region of Mali. - Identification of pest complex of Cowpea crop and stored grains. - Identification of pest complex of Sorghum and Pearl Millet. - Field monitoring, data collection and reporting. - Organization of farmers’ group and training in integrated management of grasshoppers, head miners, head beetles, etc. - Monitoring of grasshoppers in the villages of Dilly, Fallou, Nara and Mourdiah. - Inventory and identification of insect pests and weeds in Malian Sahel zones.

 Training skills  - 1994 – 2003: Entomology and Plant pathology Lecturer in Agricultural High School of Koutiala (Mali). - 2000-2015: Resource person for 28 IPM training courses to transfer skill to NARS technicians in East, Central and West Africa. - 2000-2015: Supervisor of 21 Master students and 4 PhD students. - 2000-2015: Participation to 8 Regional/International workshops, 4 conferences and 3 congresses.

Awards - Cash Performance merit for outstanding service in 2006 - Cash Performance merit for outstanding service in 2007 - Cash Performance merit for outstanding service in 2011 - Cash Performance merit for outstanding service in 2012 4 - Cash Performance merit for outstanding service in 2014

Others  - Good skills in Weed science, Plant pathology and Agronomy. - Computer skills: Word, EXCEL and PowerPoint. - Statistical analysis skills: GENSTAT, SAS and Minitab. - Good skills in projects’ writing, management, Monitoring and Evaluation. - Good photographer. - Holder of driving license. - Member of AAIS (African Association of Insect Scientists).

Language o Bambara: Mother tongue o French: Very good spoken and written. o English: Good written and Spoken o Japanese: beginner o Yoruba: beginner

Visited countries o Benin (country of residence) o Burkina Faso o Cameroon o Côte d’Ivoire o France o Japan o Kenya o Mali (nationality) o Niger o Nigeria o Senegal o Tanzania o Togo 


Publications records

Peer-reviewed journal articles Agunbiade T.A., Nwilene, F.E., Onasanya A., Semon M., Togola A., Tamo M. & Falola O.O., 2009. Resistance status of Upland NERICA Rice varieties to Termite damage in Northcentral Nigeria. J. Applied Sci., 9 (21) : 3864-3869, Chougourou D.C., Togola A., Nwilene F.E., Adeliossi J., Bachabi F. and Oyetunji O.E., 2013. Susceptibility of some Rice Varieties to the Lesser Grain Borer, Rhyzopertha dominica Fab. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in Benin. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13: 173-177. Kone B., Amadji G.L., Toure A., Togola A., Mariko M., Huat J. 2013. A Case of Cyperus spp. and Imperata cylindrica Occurrences onAcrisol of the Dahomey Gap in South Benin as Affected by Soil Characteristics: A Strategy for Soil and Weed Management. Applied and Environmental Soil Science Volume 2013, Article ID 601058, 7 pages Koudamiloro A., Nwilene F.E., Silue D., Togola A., Oyetunji O., Sere Y., Akogbeto M., 2013. Identification of Insect Vectors o Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) in Benin. Journal of Entomology ISSN1812-5670/ DOI:10. 3923 /je . 2014 Legg J.P. and A. Togola. 1993. Practical assessment of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) crop loss caused by grasshopper pests (Orthoptera, Acrididae)- a major outbreak in north-west Mali. Bulletin of Entomological Research 83. Pp 395-403 Mariko M., A. Togola & P. Atachi. 2015. Effect of green manures on the populations and damages of rice stem borers in Benin (West Africa). Cahier d’Agriculture (in press). Nwilene F.E, Togola A, Youm O and A. Hamadoun. 2006. Farmer participatory learning on integrated crop management of lowland rice in Mali. International Rice Research Notes 31(1): 35-37. Nwilene F.E., T.A. Agunbiade, A. Togola, O. Youm. 2008. Efficacy of traditional practices and botanicals for the control of termites on rice at Ikenne, southwest Nigeria. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science Vol. 28, No. 1, Pp. 37–44 Nwilene, F.E., A. Togola, T.A. Agunbiade, E.O. Ogah, M.N. Ukwungwu, A. Hamadoun and D. Dakouo. 2008. Parasitoid biodiversity conservation for sustainable management of the African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora (Diptera: ) in lowland rice. Biocontrol Science and Technology 18(10): 1075-1081. Nwilene F.E., Okhidievbie O., Agunbiade T.A., Traore A.K., Gaston L.N., Togola A. and Youm O. 2009. Antixenosis component of resistance in rice to African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). International Rice Research Notes 34: 1 - 6. Nwilene FE, Onasanyan A, Agunbiade TA, Ukwungwu MN , Sere Y, Ingelbrecht I, Togola A, Dakouo D, Malick B, Nacro S, Hamadoun A, Woin N and Charles J. 2010. Identification and differentiation of Orseolia species in Nigeria as revealed by SCAR-PCR analysis. Trends in Applied Sciences Research 5 (3): 188-196. ISSN 1819-3579 Nwilene FE, Onasanyan A, Agunbiade TA, Ukwungwu MN , Sere Y, Ingelbrecht I, Togola A, Dakouo D, Malick B, Nacro S, Hamadoun A, Woin N and Charles J. 2010. Identification and differentiation of Orseolia species in

6 Nigeria as revealed by SCAR-PCR analysis. Trends in Applied Sciences Research 5 (3): 188-196. ISSN 1819- 3579 Nwilene F.E., A. Onasanya, A. Togola, O.E. Oyetunji, M. Semon, M. Tamo, E.O. Bright and S. Ofodile. 2011. Effect of intercropping maize and cassava with upland NERICA rice varieties on stemborer attack in southwest Nigeria.Journal of Entomology 8(5): 417 – 428. ISSN 1812-5670 Olumoye E. Oyetunji, Cecilia O. Peluola, Francis E. Nwilene, Gbenga Akinwale, Abou Togola, Tolulope A. Agunbiade & Abiodun O. Claudius-Cole (2012): Effect of fungi–termite interaction on the chlorophyll content of three rice varieties grown on ultisol soil of Ikenne, southwest Nigeria, Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection, DOI:10.1080/03235408.2012.673263 Oyetunji OE, Nwilene FE, Togola A, Adebayo KA. 2014. Antixenotic and antibiotic mechanisms of resistance to African Rice gall midge in Nigeria. Trends in Applied Sciences Research, DOI:10.3923/tasr:2014 Oyetunji O.E., Peluola C.O., Nwilene F.E, Togola A., 2014. Root and stem damage caused by termite-fungi interaction on Rice. Journal of Applied Sciences 14(16):1851-1857. Seck PA, Togola A, Toure A, Diagne A. 2013. Propositions pour une optimisation des performances de la riziculture en Afrique de l’Ouest. Cahier Agriculture 22 (5) :361-8 Silvie P., Togola A., Adda C. et al. 2013. Limites du riz Bt dans le contexte entomologique de la riziculture en Afrique sub-saharienne et à Madagascar (synthèse bibliographique). Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ. 2013 17(2), 407-415. Togola A., Nwilene F.E., Hell K., Oyetunji O.E. and Chougourou D., 2014. Impact of Climatic and Environmental Factors on the Distribution of Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) and Sitophilus oryzae (Linnaeus) in Benin. Eutopean Jounral of Scientific Research 121 (2):112-121. Togola A, Nwilene FE, Chougourou DC, Agunbiade T. 2010. Présence, populations et dégâts de l’alucite des céréales Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) sur les stocks de riz au Benin. Cah Agric 2010 ; 19 : 205-9. DOI : 10.1684/agr.2010.0398 Togola A, Nwilene FE, Agbaka A, Agunbiade TA, Anato F, Chougourou 2010. Connaissance paysanne des Insectes foreurs de tiges du riz et leurs dégâts dans différentes zones écologiques du Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest). Cah Agric ; 19 : 1-5. DOI : 10.1684/agr. Togola A., F.E. Nwilene, A. Agbaka, F. Degila, A. Tolulope and D. Chougourou. 2011. Screening upland varieties of NERICA and its parents for resistance to Stalked-eyed , Diopsis sp. (Diptera: Diopsidae) in Benin. Journal of Applied Sciences 11(1): 145-150. ISSN 1812-5654. Togola A., F.E. Nwilene, B. Koné and D. Chougourou. 2011. Sédentariation des populations des mouches Diopsides dans les agro-systèmes rizicoles au Bénin. Tropicultura 29 (2) : 101 – 106. ISSN: 0771-3312. Togola. A, E. Anani Kotoklo, F. Nwilene, K. Amevoin, I.A. Glitho, O.E. Oyetunji and P. Kiepe. 2012. Specific diversity and damages of termites on upland rice in Benin. Journal of Entomology 9(6):352-360 Togola A., F. Nwilene, E. Anani Kotoklo, K. Amevoin, I.A. Glitho, O.E. Oyetunji and A. Niang. 2012. Effect of Upland rice varieties and cultural practices on termites population and damages on the field. Journal of Applied Sciences 12 (7) 675-680 Togola A., Seck P.A., Glitho I.A., Diagne A., Adda C., Toure A. and Nwilene F.E., 2013. Economic Losses from Insect Pest Infestation on Rice Stored on-farm in Benin. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13: 278-285. Togola A., Nwilene F.E., Hell K., Oyetunji O.E, Chougourou D., 2014. Impact of climatic and environmental factors on the 7 distribution of Sitotroga cerealella and Sitophilus oryza in Benin. European Journal of Scientific Research, 121 (2): 112-121. Webb M., A. Togola and D. Traoré. 1993. Effect of Intercropping pearl millet with cowpea on the density of emerged striga hermonthica in Mali. Brighton crop protection conference Pp.925-930 Youm O., J. F. Vayssieres, A. Togola, S.P. Robertson and F.E. Nwilene. 2011. International trade and exotic pests: the risks for biodiversity and African economies. Outlook on Agriculture 40(1): 59-70. ISSN: 0030-7270. Books & Book Chapters Nwilene F.E. M.P. Jones, D.S. Brar, O. Youm, A. Togola, A. Kehinde, M.N. Ukwungwu, S.I. Kamara and A. Hamadoun. 2008. Integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for NERICA varieties, Module 8 pp. 83-94. In: E.A. Somado, R.G. Guei and S.O. Keya (eds). NERICA®: the New Rice for Africa – a Compendium. Cotonou, Benin: Africa Rice Center (WARDA); Rome Italy: FAO; Tokyo, Japan: Sasakawa Africa Association. 210 pp. Nwilene F.E., Oikeh S.O., T.A. Agunbiade, O. Oladimeji, O. Ajayi, M. Sie, G. Gregorio, A. Togola and A.D. T ouré. 2008. Growing lowland rice: a production handbook. Africa Rice Center (WARDA), Cotonou, Benin. 40 pp. Nwilene F.E., Sanyang S., Traore A.k., Togola A., Goergen G., Agunbiade T.A., Tamo M., Akintayo. I., Cisse B and Ogah E, 2009 Rice Stem borers : Biology, Ecology and Control. Field Guide and Technical Manual. 19p Nwilene F.E., Sere Y., Ndjiondjop M.N., Abo M.E., Traore A.k., Asisi A.N., Onasanya A., Togola A. and Agunbiade T.A., 2009. Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) and its Insect Vectors: Ecology and Control. Field Guide and Technical Manual. 25p Nwilene F.E., A. Togola, O.E. Oyetunji, A. Onasanya, G. Akinwale, E. Ogah, E. Abo, M. Ukwungwu, A. Youdeowei and N. Woin. 2011. Is pesticide use sustainable in lowland rice intensification in West Africa?, pp. 311– 320. ISBN 978-953-307-458-0. In: Margarita Stoytcheva (ed.) Pesticides in the Modern World – Risks and Benefits. InTech Open Access Publisher, Croatia. Nwilene F., Nacro S., Tamo M., Menozzi P., Heinrichs E.A., Hamadoun A., Dakouo D., Adda C. and Togola A. 2013. Managing Insect Pests of Rice in Africa. In Wopereis M. C.S. Johnson D.E., Ahmadi N., Tollens E and Jalloh A. Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise. CAB International, 213-228. Proceedings Chougourou D.C., A.Togola, F.E Nwilene, A. Agbaka, T.A Agunbiade and J. Adeliossi, 2009.Criblage des NERICA et leurs parents pour leur résistances aux de stocks : Cas de Sitophilus oryzae (Linnae) et de Rhizopertha dominica (Fabricius). Actes du 2ème Colloques de l’UAC des Sciences, Cultures et Technologies 214p. Koudamiloro A., Nwilene F.E., Silue D., Togola A. and Akogbeto M.C..2013. Identification des insectesvecteurs de la panachurejaune du riz (RYMV) Ausud du Benin et localization du virus dansleurorganisme, page 135. In: Z.N. Otieno-Ayayo, S. Niassy, B. Omondi-Aman, F.O. Ken, A. Gesmallah, M. Thibaud and M. Ousmane (eds.): Book of Abstracts of the 20th AAIS Conference on Global changes and impacts on insect biodiversity: integrated pest and disease vectors management in Africa, University of Yaoundé II, Yaoundé, Cameroon, 27- 31 October, 2013 Nwilene FE, Youm O, Okhidievbie O and A. Togola. 2005. Integration of varietal tolerance and natural biological control of African rice gall midge infestation, pp. 14-15. In: A. Bal, N. Bashir and J. van den Berg (eds) Book of Abstracts of the 16th African Association of Insect Scientists and the Entomological Society of Ghana Joint Conference on Current issues in integrated pest and vector management in Africa. Noguochi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Legon, Accra, Ghana. 6-10 June 2005

8 Nwilene F.E., O. Youm, S.O. Oikeh, O. Okhidievbie and A. Togola, 2006. Management of friendly weed and insects to control Africa’s worst rice insect pest, p. 115. Proceedings of the 31st Rice Technical Working Group meeting, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 26 February – 1 March 2006. Nwilene F.E., O. Ajayi, T.A. Agunbiade, O. Youm, A. Togola, M.N. Ukwungwu, D. Dakouo, S.I. Kamara and A. Hamadoun. 2007. Functional biodiversity for sustainable management of African rice gall midge in lowland rice- based systems, pp. 358 – 359. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Plant Protection Congress – in association with the BCPC International Congress – Crop Science and Technology, Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 15-18 October 2007. Nwilene F. E., T. A. Agunbiade, A. Togola, O. Youm, O. Ajayi, S. O. Oikeh, S. Ofodile and O.O. Fal ola. 2007. Efficacy of traditional practices and botanicals against termite attack on NERICA rice varieties at Ikenne, Southwest Nigeria, pp. 67-68. In: A. Bal, J. van den Berg, A.A. Niang and K. Diarra (eds.) Book of Abstracts of 17t African Association of Insect Scientists Conference on Towards food security, health and protection of the environment in Africa: The role of Insect Sciences. Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Dakar – Fann, Senegal, 11-15 June 2007. Sié M., Y. Séré, D. Dakouo, B. Kaboré, O. Youm, S.A. Ogunbayo and A. Togola, 2006. Selection of intraspecific (O. sativa × O. sativa) and interspecific (O. glaberrima × O. sativa) lines for their tolerance of blast, RYMV, stem borers, and AfRGM in West Africa. Proceedings of the Second International Rice Congress, 9-13 October 2006, New Delhi, India Togola A., Seck P.A., Nwilene F.E., Glitho I.A., Chougourou D., 2013. Effectiveness of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Cymbopogon citratus essential oils in protecting rice stocks from Sitophilus oryzae and Sitoteoga cerealella 3rd Africa Rice Congress 21st-25th October 2013, Yaounde, Camerron. Togola A., Hell K., Nwilene F.E., Menozzi, P., Adda C., Chougourou D. and Glitho I .A.. 2013. Ecologie de Sitophilus oryzae et Sitotroga cerealella au Benin: impact des facteurs climatiques et alimentaires sur la distribution de leur population, 93 – 94.In: Z.N. Otieno-Ayayo, S. Niassy, B. Omondi-Aman, F.O. Ken, A. Gesmallah, M. Thibaud and M. Ousmane (eds.): Book of Abstracts of the 20th AAIS Conference on Global changes and impacts on insect biodiversity: integrated pest and disease vectors management in Africa, University of Yaoundé II, Yaoundé, Cameroon, 27- 31 October, 2013. Togola, A., Silvie, P., Seck, P. A., Menozzi, P., Nwilene, F. E., Glitho, I. A., Chougourou, D. 2014. Effectiveness of essential oils of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Cymbopogon citratus in protecting stored rice against Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Sitotroga cerealella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) 203-211. In : Christos G. Athanassiou, Pasquale Trematerra, Nickolas G. Kavallieratos, Phyllis G. Weintraub (Eds). Working Group “Integrated Protection of Stored Products”. Proceedings of the meeting at Bordeaux, France, 01 – 04 July, 2013. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin Vol. 98, 2014 (420p). Youm O, Togola A, Nwilene F and K Hell. 2007. Post-harvest insect pest management in rice in Africa. In: Bal et al (eds). p 41. Towards food security, health and protection of the environment in Africa: the role of insect sciences. Book of Abstracts. The 17th Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientists.

9 Referees

Dr Francis E. Nwilene Principal Scientist, Entomology AfricaRice, P.M.B. 5320, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria Tel. (234-2) 241.2626 Fax (234-2) 241.2221 e-mail: [email protected]

Dr Tamo, Manuele Insect Ecologist & Country representative IITA Benin Station, Tankpe 08 B.P. 0932 Cotonou Benin Tel : + 229 21 35 01 88 E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Ousmane Youm Ex- Regional coordinator of ICRISAT-IFAD project IANR International Programs Coordinator Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Entomology, 103 Entomology Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, P.O. Box 830816, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816 USA Tel : (1) 402-4727016 or 402-4727018 Cell: (1) 979-4504668 Fax: (1) 402-472-4687 E-mail: [email protected]