1 Biology 275: Invertebrate Zoology T, R 3:00—4:15 PM Fall 2010 Birck 235 Instructor: Dr. Phil Novack‐Gottshall E‐mail: pnovack‐
[email protected] Office: Birck 332 Office hours: TBA or by appointment Course Description Survey of major invertebrate animal groups through comparative study of their biodiversity, anatomy, physiology, development, and ecology. Focus on evolutionary relationships and importance of reproduction, development, feeding strategies, mobility, skeletonization, bilaterality, cephalization, terrestrialization, and parasitism throughout the tree of life. Required textbook 1) Brusca, R.C. and G.J. Brusca. 2003. Invertebrates. 2nd ed. Sinauer, NYC. Prerequisites: This is a 200‐level biology elective that requires you have successfully taken the introductory BIO 197 and BIO 198 courses. IDEA Objectives: 1. Gaining factual knowledge (terminology, classifications, methods, trends). 2. Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories. Blackboard and technology requirement The Blackboard site will serve as a repository for additional readings, outline discussion forums, grades, and important announcements. You can get to the course site using http://www.ben.edu/blackboard. Once there, log‐in and click on the course site. If you have problems logging in or locating the site, just follow the links. A note on my office hours The best science teachers also practice scientific research. Although I do research throughout the week, I reserve Mondays for uninterrupted research. I will not regularly be available to meet with you on this day except for exceptional circumstances. You are still welcome to e‐mail me with questions and concerns during this time, and I will make every effort to respond in a timely manner.