Publications for Gregory Tolhurst 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Publications for Gregory Tolhurst 2019 High Court of Australia. Journal of Contract Law, 32(3), 203- Pearson, G., Peden, E., Tolhurst, G., Paterson, J., McCracken, 230. S., McNaughton, A., Catterwell, R., Silink, A. (2019). Atkinson, S., Tolhurst, G., Hossain, L. (2015). The Dichotomy Commercial Law: Commentary & Materials - 4th Edition. of Decision Sciences in Information Assurance, Privacy, and Sydney: Thomson Lawbook Co. (Thomson Reuters). Security Applications in Law and Joint Ventures. International 2018 Journal on Advances in Security, 8(3&4), 141-152. <a href=" Carter, J., Courtney, W., Tolhurst, G. (2018). Two models for aged.pdf">[More Information]</a> discharge of a contract by repudiation. Cambridge Law Journal, Carter, J., Tolhurst, G. (2015). The Modern Meaning of Joint 77(1), 97-123. <a Venture Terms. In Tony Damian, J.W. Carter (Eds.), Before href="">[More You Tie the Knot: Commercial issues in joint venture law, (pp. Information]</a> 75-122). Australia: Ross Parsons Centre of Commercial, 2017 Corporate and Taxation Law. Carter, J., Courtney, W., Tolhurst, G. (2017). An Assimilated McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2015). Title Transfer Approach to Discharge for Breach of Contract by Delay. Collateral Arrangements under the Personal Property Securities Cambridge Law Journal, 76(1), 63-86. <a Act 2009 (Cth): Paper I Setting the Scene. Journal of Contract href="">[More Law, 33(1), 1-19. Information]</a> McCracken, S., Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G. (2015). Title Transfer Carter, J., Courtney, W., Tolhurst, G. (2017). Assessment of Collateral Arrangements under the Personal Property Securities Contractual Penalties: Dunlop Deflated.
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