Summer Programs

The American of Dramatic Arts Conservatory For Young Adults (New York and L.A.): for students 16 and older. Danny DeVito, Paul Rudd and Anne Hathaway are past attendees. Expensive with discounts for early enrollment.

Bard at Simon’s Rock Young Writer’s Workshop: July 9-29. For students currently completing 9th, 10th or 11th grades. Small sections of 12 students work together. www.simons-

Beacon College Summer For Success For High Rising Juniors and Seniors Who Learn Differently: Still no dates for 2017. They focus on learning to live on a college campus, learning strategies and life skills, learning to make the most of college support resources and learning what’s most important to personal success in beginning the college search.

Berklee College of Music Summer Performance Program: July 8 - August 11. Students choose jazz (instrumental/vocal), rock/pop, funk/fusion instumental or R & B/Pop vocals as a track. Students must be at least 15 with at least 6 months of playing or singing experience by the beginning of the program. There are also some shorter programs at this site.

Boston Architectural College Summer Academy: June 26– July 28. Students work closely and collaboratively with their studio leaders and fellow students addressing design problems across the spectrum of scales they might encounter in college design classes. Issues of structure, form, sustainability, beauty and utility in the built environment are all encountered as students are challenged to creatively solve architectural design problems. Projects in the studio include model building, full-scale prototyping, free-hand drawing, graphic collage, mapping, diagramming and photography. Website: www.the-

Boston PROMYS Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists: July 2– August 12. This program is designed for highly motivated students to explore the creative side of math. For more information, Applications are accepted until May 1, but it fills early. Full and partial aid is available based on need and early application.

Pre-College Summer @ Brown: Various timing and programs include seven week undergraduate classes for credit for rising seniors and high school graduates, over 200 non-credit mini-courses of 1 to 4 weeks based on the Brown curriculum for high school students, Brown Leadership Lab and the Brown Environmental Leadership Lab. They run from early June into mid-August. They also feature summer programs in Rome, Segovia and Atlanta. Pre-College is not to be confused with Brown Summer High School, which is much less expensive and not nearly as academically rigorous.

Brown University GirlsGetMath: This year it’s August July 24-28, and it is for girls who have just finished either 9th or 10th grade. It’s a day camp that includes lunch, and its goals are to encourage these young women to explore, and invite them to excel in, the mathematical sciences. Accomplished professional women enthusiastic about serving as career models as well as scientific mentors will lead the program. Potential topics include cryptography, the mathematics of voting, image processing, prime numbers and factoring, and fractals. Tuition is $100 (lunch included). Generous financial aid is available, but apply by March. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Brown Leadership Institute: A choice of three two-week sessions from late June until early August. Courses include conflict resolution, leadership for social change, women and leadership, changing business, global engagement, ethical leadership, human rights, global health, documentary film and social change, identity and diversity, leadership in science and technology, social media for social change, and the role of sport in improving the human condition. college/leadership/

Brown Summer High School: July 5-26. 8 - noon. Students can earn two thirds of a credit (two classes) there, but we do not offer English credit for their English classes as there isn’t sufficient writing involved. This year’s math/science class would count as a third of a science credit. The cost is $210 (with aid available up to $180). Information and registration is available

California College of the Arts Pre-College Program: June 26–July 21 Covers areas like animation, jewelry, photo, digital cinema, architecture, textiles, fashion design and painting, drawing, sculpture.

The Cambridge Tradition/The Oxford Tradition: Summer programs for 8-12 graders at Cambridge and Oxford in England. One of our students went to the Oxford Program several years ago and loved it. It definitely helped her get accepted to Brown. It is quite expensive, very academic and impressive on college applications. There is the possibility of some scholarship money. Both are six weeks long. They have added programs in Spain (La Academia de Espana – Barcelona) and France (L’Academie de Paris and L’Academie de France in Montpellier) and even exotic New York City. Highly recommended.

Carnegie Mellon Summer Pre-College Programs: July 1 – August 11. They have programs in Architecture, Art and Design, Drama, and Music along with the National High School Game Academy for students who will be juniors or seniors next year.

Center For Creative Youth Summer Arts Residency at Wesleyan University, June 26 – July 21 Features creative writing, dance, filmmaking, instrumental music (classical, jazz, rock), vocal music, musical theater, photography, theater and visual arts

Champlain College Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity Summer Academy: July 9-22: topics include Processing Crime and Incident Scenes, Recovering Files, Computer Forensics Analysis and Validation, Cell Phone and Mobile Device Forensics, E-mail Investigations, Expert Testimony in High Tech Investigations and Computer Forensics/Investigations as a Profession. forensics-cyber-security-summer-academy/program

College of the Atlantic Summer Field Institute: This summer, they are providing two two-week summer programs called Islands Through Time: July 23–August 4.

Computer Camps at Wesleyan University: This is actually the IDTech Camp at Wesleyan. They provide five-day sessions in Java, apps, game design, C++ programming, web design and a number of other things I don’t understand on a variety of weeks from late June through early August. middletown-area/ Duke Summer Session: Two programs: the Duke Summer College for High School Students (current grades 10 & 11: July 9 – August 4 to earn academic credit or Duke Summer Academy for High School Students( current grades 9-12: July 15 – August 4) for personal enrichment. students

Eastman Summer: Various programs in Classical Music (July 8-28), Jazz (July 2-14) and Eastman@Keuka (July 9-21 - more introductory music but only for current 9th graders and younger) in Rochester, NY. They also have one week separate institutes for oboe, sax, flute, trumpet, trombone, organ and cello.

Excelorators: This program looks impressive and seeks to empower young people to build character, confidence and charisma in a cross-cultural experience. For the summer of 2017, it has four programs: West Point - Global Leadership Academy, Stanford & UC Berkeley - Innovation & Technology Academy, Cambridge/Boston - Entrepreneurship Academy, MIT / Boston - STEM / EDGE Academy. For more information, go to

Fresh Films: Free one-week summer programs in various cities including NYC (August 9-14 and August 16-21, but you’d need a place to stay) to get teen filmmakers behind the camera and to introduce them to film industry careers. No experience necessary.

Game Experience at University of Washington/Seattle: July 1 – 19 for students in grades 10 – 12. Learn from experienced video game developers and industry veterans. It claims to be “the world’s most complete game camp.” Among the topics taught are design, character art, environment art, coding, sound, project management, monetizing and launching a game and game project (whatever that means).

Georgetown University Summer Discovery: No dates yet but last year was July 3-22, and it is running this year. It’s a program in law and government at the Georgetown University Law Center. Summer Discovery has expanded to other programs at around the country including Emerson (business), Pace (business, acting, languages), Johns Hopkins (engineering, writing, math) and UPenn (also law) in the not that far from home category. These are definitely very pricey. For more information,

Global Summer Academy at Washington and Jefferson University: Still no dates. Courses include AP Chemistry Prep, Business: Economics & Entrepreneurship, Creative Writing, Forensic Science – CSI, Gender Studies and The Media, International Relations and Conflict Resolution, Pre-Med and AP Biology Prep,, Psychology Summer Program, SAT Prep – College and University Admissions Prep, Veterinary Science, Writing for College (ESL). Go to

Hamphire Pre-College: July 17-28 Programs include Inside the Cell: Bio Lab class, Young Feminist Collaborative, Metalworking and Citizens United (law). For more information, go to

Health and Biomedical Sciences Camp at Lebanon Valley College. There are 2 sessions: June 25-30 or July 23-28. Students will interact with practicing professionals in a fun, challenging and engaging atmosphere, according to my information. Hotchkiss Summer: programs in American Literature and Theater (July 9 – 30), Leadership (July 2-July 15), piano (July 16 – 30), DNA Science (July 16 – 30), Robotics (June 2 – July 15) Speech and Debate (July 2 – 15), Documentary Film (July 2-22), Software Engineering (July 16-30), Astronomy (July 16 – 30) and Environmental Science (July 2 – July 22) at the Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Ct. iD Tech Camps: Largely 5 day sessions. Located at 60 this summer including Dean, Lasell, Harvard, Simmons, Olin and MIT fairly nearby. Topics include 3D video game design, web and graphic design, digital photography, 3D animation, movie editing and robotics. For information, go to

Ithaca Writers Institute: July 2 - July 14 Features a wide range of both creative and professional writing courses from poetry to publishing taught by Ithaca College faculty members.

Ithaca Summer College: Both one week session, June 25-30, with courses including American Sign Language, Digital Photography, Hollywood History, New Product Development, Screenwriting and Sports Media and Marketing and three week session, July 2 – 21, with classes including Act, Communication and Rhetoric, Psychology, Health Sciences Foundations, Intro to Field Production, Intro to Musical Theater Performance, Philosophy, Intro to Sports Management, Capital Market Investing and The Politics of Hamilton

JSA (Junior Statesman Foundation) Summer Programs include rigorous summer school at Georgetown University (July 2-23), Princeton University (July 9 – 30), Stanford University and a diplomat program in Beijing, China. The focus of these programs is on public affairs and government, and most are three weeks, but the dates vary by campus.

Kidseye Filmmaking Camp, Kingston, RI: July 10-14. A relatively inexpensive intensive and fun five- day summer camp held at the University of Rhode Island in KIngston, RI that exposes young people to the basic elements of the filmmaking process, culminating in a premiere screening of their finished work: adding new editing techniques and virtual reality this year.

Landmark College Summer Programs: Two programs: Traditional Track (to help students become more independent and effective learners in a structured environment): July 9 - 29 and Social Pragmatics Track (for students with strong academic potential but who have social challenges connected to being on the autism spectrum): July 7- July 29.

Landmark College Transition To College Program: July 21-August 5 This program provides a short term college living experience for students who have been accepted to college. It includes a core lecture course, a learning skills seminar, a college writing seminar and co-curricular workshops dealing with self- advocacy and development of self understanding and other areas of particular interest to students with learning differences.

Landmark School Summer Program: July 9 – August 4. This program focuses on academic skill development for students with language-based learning disabilities with a customized program for each student . For more information:

Lasell College Fashion Boot Camp: Still no sign of this for 2017, but it still might show up. Programs are fashion design and fashion promotion. Go to Lesley University Pre-College: July 10-August 4; there are online courses as well. This is a broad arts program that can be done in person or online.

LIFE (Linkages in International Business & Foreign Affairs Empowerment for Youth) PROGRAM at Bryant University: Still no information for this year. This free program is for current 10th and 11th grade students with a demonstrated interest in geography, business, foreign languages or travel and seeks to introduce careers in fields like international business and foreign affairs. While it is particularly for members of minority groups, it is open to all students. For more information, go to

Maine College of Art (MECA) Pre-College Programs: July 9 – 29. Major in graphic design, illustration, painting or photography. For information,

Maine Media Workshops: A wide variety of one day through three week programs throughout the summer with dates now posted on the website. A wide variety of digital arts and writing programs in Rockport, ME. For more information, go to

Marist Pre-College: June 25-July 8 and July 9-22 in NY and July 9-22 separate programs in Poughkeepsie, NY and Florence, Italy. How does one choose? I guess it helps to know that New York has business, creative writing, environmental studies, criminal justice, digital movie making, environmental science, fashion design and manufacturing, game design, Spanish, sports communication and theater while Florence only has Italian, fashion, studio art and interior design (but also the Uffizi, gelato, a beautiful language and amazing food).

Marlboro College Pre-College: Five week-long sessions (July 2 - July 8: Philosophy and Cartography programs, July 9 - July 15: Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, July 16 - July 22: Finding Your Public Voice and DIY Chemistry programs, July 23 - July 29: Interpreting Landscapes, Documentary Film-making and Playwriting. This might be a good way to learn more about an excellent college that our students tend to like a great deal when they attend.

Maryland Institute College of Art Summer Pre-College Programs in Baltimore (June 24 – July 22) and in Tuscany (June 24 – July 16). The Baltimore programs features a wide range of visual art including gaming/animation, artists’ books and everything you’d expect. The Tuscany program only focuses on landscape drawing and painting, so why would anyone go there instead of Baltimore? ol_Students/Summer_Pre-College.html If anyone needs a chaperone to Tuscany, I will find a way to become available.

MassArt Summer Studios Pre-College: July 24 – August 19 for next year’s juniors and seniors. Students take three required foundation classes and one elective and participate in a closing exhibition of their work. Students are expected to complete homework assignments and engage in individual and group critiques. Students have the option of living on campus or attending as day students. Summer Studios is offering the option of taking the program for credit. Students interested in this option will have to apply by submitting a portfolio.

Mt. Ida College Design Week: July 23-29. Workshops in animation, game art, commercial photography, fashion design, fashion merchandising and marketing, graphic design and interior design.

National Geographic Student Expeditions: features trips on every continent as well as a number of community service trips, photography workshops in five different locales and two university workshops. For information, go to New England Conservatory Jazz Lab: June 26 – 1, Opera Studio: June 6 - June 25, Summer Institute for Contemporary Performance Practice: June 17 - June 25, Boston GuitarFest: June 16 - June 19, Jazz Lab: June 26 – July 1, Conductor's Forum: Aug. 14 – 18, Festival Youth Orchestra: July 11 - July 29, Metropolitan Flute Festival Orchestra: July 14-17. Special guest artists will hold master classes daily with concerts each evening. Students will be placed in small combos coached by faculty and will hold a final performance in NEC’s historic Jordan Hall at the end of the week.

New York Times Student Journeys: small group trips for high school students organized around a scientific, historical, economic, journalistic or cultural learning experience to countries like Cuba, Australia and Fiji, China, Columbia, Ecuador, Germany, Iceland, Italy, England, Switzerland and Vietnam and Laos with expert journalists from The Times.

NYU Precollege (July 2 – August 11): Summer in the city: college level courses at NYC. The primary focus is on current sophomores and juniors.

Outward Bound: The world famous slacker-accelerator. Contact them at It has worked wonders for many teens. There’s nothing like wearing one pair of underwear for weeks at a time to focus the mind.

Pace University Summer Scholars Institute: July 9 – 23. Summer in the city! Choose from Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Musical Theater, Psychology and Theater Arts.

Parsons Pre-College Academy: Three week “boot camps” in New York (June 5-23 and July 10-28) or Paris in July (no dates yet) for those 16 and up. Classes include 3D studio, animation design, architecture, digital design lab, digital photo, drawing, fashion design, graphic design, illustration, interior design, painting and portfolio development

Phillips Exeter Academy Summer School: July 2 -August 4. Programs include a five week intensive SAT Prep course and interesting academic clusters of courses.

Pratt University Summer Pre-College Program: July 5 -28. An arts program for students who are 16 by June 30. programs/

PricewaterhouseCoopers Accounting Careers Leadership Institute at Bryant University in Smithfield: June 25-30. This is a hands-on opportunity for Latino/a and African American high school juniors (rising seniors) to learn more about the accounting profession and about the key role accountants play in society. Acceptance requires a GPA of 3.0 or higher and completion of Advanced Algebra by the end of junior year. Application deadline is March 31. To see the brochure, go to institute.htm

Project Respect Summer Youth Leadership Institute: No update for this year but it’s usually a five day program at Wheaton College in Norton, MA in late June. One week residential summer camp for 14- 19 year olds centered around leadership, human relations and diversity. There’s an optional yearlong program that follows the camp for interested participants. The fee is $500, but almost everyone gets financial aid. To register online, go to

Psych Camp: July 9 – 14 at Gettysburg College. Serious exploration of psychology for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors. Putney School Summer Programs: Choose June 25-July 14 or July 16-August 4. Programs in Visual Arts (a wide range), Theater, Music, Dance, Farm, Creative Writing and ESOL. Go to

Putney Student Travel: includes community service, cultural exploration, language learning and pre- college in countries like Cuba, Australia and Fiji, China, Columbia, Ecuador, Germany, Iceland, Italy, England, Switzerland and Vietnam and Laos. For information, go to

Reynolds Young Writers Workshop: at Denison University June 18 – 25. For information, go to

Ringling College of Art and Design Pre-College: June 25 – July 22. Areas of study include advertising design, business of art and design, computer animation, digital filmmaking, fine arts (painting, sculpture, printmaking), graphic and interactive communication, game art and design, interior design, motion design and photography and digital imaging.

RISD Pre-College June 24 - August 5. Why travel when the best art program is in our backyard? Many of our students have attended and enjoyed this program. Students experience the core elements of a RISD education – critical thinking and artmaking – from foundation drawing and design courses, to critical studies in art, to focused concentration in one of 20 diverse majors. http://

Rochester Institute of Technology College and Careers Program for rising seniors. This is a two-day program with 2 session: July 21-22 and August 4-5. It features academic workshops with RIT students and faculty members in subjects like Art, Design and Crafts, Business, Communication, Computing and Information Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Photography and Film (and many more).

San Francisco Art Institute Precollege Program: June 19 – July 14 Courses include drawing, painting, all kinds of photo, design, experimental cinema, installation art, video, screenprinting, ceramics and regional visions.

Savannah College of Art and Design Summer Programs: They have two programs: Rising Star, which is a pre-college program for rising seniors (Atlanta — June 18-July 21, Hong Kong — June 25-July 28 and Savannah — June 18-July 21), and Summer Seminars, which are for any students who will be sophomores, juniors or seniors (several one week programs) with a wide range of arts. SCAD has become a popular art school for our students, so this is a good way to check it out before applying. For more information, go to

School of the Art Institute of Chicago Early College Program Summer Institutes: They’re offering three two week programs (June 19–30, July 3–July 14 and July 17–28) and one four week program (July 3- July 28) with what you’d expect along with Creative Writing, Designed Objects and Architecture. They also have fashion design. They offer both merit and need-based aid.

School of the Museum of Fine Arts Pre-College Summer Studio: No sign yet that it’s up for this summer with the merger with Tufts continuing, but it has been a 4 week program that leads to college credit and focuses on painting, printmaking, drawing, sculpture, installation, performance, video and digital photography. It may get merged into the Tufts summer program, but there’s no sign of this yet. Skidmore Pre-College: July 1 – August 5. They offer college level study in the liberal and studio arts with Skidmore faculty.

Skidmore Jazz Institute: June 24 - July 8.

Smith College Pre-College Programs include Rediscovering Women’s History (July 9-22), Young Women’s Writing Workshop (July 9-22), Field Studies For Sustainable Futures (July 9-22) and Science and Engineering (July 9-August 5).

Snow Farm Intensive Summer in Art: 2 and 4 week sessions from July 2-29. There is a focus on crafts like glassblowing, textiles, metals, wood, ceramics and welding, but they also feature digital arts and drawing. You can choose the full program or either two-week half.

Spira Engineering Camp at Brown University: No dates yet, but it appears to be running in 2017. A free summer camp for girls who will be sophomores the following school year that introduces the students to engineering through a variety of activities. It is run by female Brown undergraduates in the Engineering Dept. Contact

SPI Study Abroad: High School Language Immersion and Global Leadership Programs. “Study abroad in Spain, France, Italy, Costa Rica or China for college credit. With SPI programs, the traditional classroom takes a backseat to exciting activities around the city, conversations with locals and weekend journeys where history, art and culture come to life! For more information, visit or call 866-502-7505.

Summer Discovery: A myriad of programs at US colleges and abroad (China, England, Spain and Italy).

Summer Institute For the Gifted: 3 week programs for gifted students up to age 17 at like Amherst, Bryn Mawr, Vassar and Yale.

Summer Wild Term at Fryeburg Academy: Three sessions: August 13-19 and 20-27. Educational outdoor activities for students entering grades 7-10 including hiking, canoeing, climbing and environmental education.

Trinity Rep. Young Actors Summer Institute: June 27 – July 29. Classes include Shakespeare, playwriting, musical theater, mask-making, improve and stage combat. There are also one-week options for high school students: Shakespeare (July 31 – August 5) and (August 7 – 10). The one week options are quite affordable. summer-institute&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::context_id=

Tufts Summer Study: July 5-August 11. Programs include Tufts Summer Writing Program, Foundations of Law and Ethics, Health Science Honors, Bioinformatics Inquiry Through Sequencing and college courses for seniors.

University of Chicago Summer Session: A variety of programs including study abroad in Asia, Research in Biological Sciences, and the Insight program, which includes intensive 3-4 week courses in American law, ancient Egypt, Creative Writing, biotechnology, contagion and physics. University of Connecticut Pre-College Summer: Short programs (July 9-15, July 16-22, July 23-29 and July 30-August 5) not too far away for rising juniors and seniors. A variety of focused programs including the arts, chemistry, communications-media, creative writing, digital media-game design, drama, engineering, music, sustainable living, human behavior, social justice, Spanish and statistics. Classes are taught by UConn faculty members.

University of Maine at Farmington Longfellow Mountains Young Writers Workshop: July 16 - 22. For rising juniors and seniors. For information:

URI 4 Summer for RI high school students. These academies have several four-week sessions (June 26 – July 21) for Engineering Academy and for robotics and are among the more affordable choices on the list.

University of Rhode Island Summer Music Academy: String Camp: July 10-15 Promised high quality music classes for every ability level. It’s open to students who have completed grades 3-12.

University of Vermont Summer Health and Medicine Pre-College Program: July 9 – 21 on campus in Burlington and then July 22 – August 4 doing online portion of class. For students who have completed 10th, 11th or 12th grades. The Summer Academy is a hybrid: classes on campus and online courses.

Vermont Summer Academy: two different two week sessions (July 16 – 29 and July 30 – August 12) in writing, psychology, veterinary sciences forensic science, environmental studies, adventure education, studio arts, and culinary arts at Green Mountain College.

Walden School Young Musicians Program: July 1 – August 6 “Rigorous and innovative daily instruction in musicianship, composition, other musical skills and enrichment courses, chorus and more.” For more information, visit

Walnut Hill School For the Arts Summer Theater: June 19-July 23 for ages 13-17. Very expensive. For more information, visit

Washington University in St. Louis High School Summer Scholars Program 2 five week sessions and one eight week session in topics such as writing, pre-med, leadership and engineering for college credit. The website is

Wheaton College Innovation and Social Change Seminar: July 10-14. The Innovation and Social Change Seminar is an opportunity to do both! Through this intensive week-long course you will learn the fundamentals of business and discover the pathway to making meaningful change. By the end of the week you will be prepared to launch an organization that can help you achieve your dreams of making a difference in the world. For more information, visit

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Summer Program, WPI Frontiers for current sophomores and juniors with science, engineering and technology programs. These are two two week sessions: July 9-21 and July 23-August 4. Includes a lot of lab science as well as filmmaking.

Internships: Responsible students who would like to pursue internships over the summer should talk to their advisors as soon as possible so that they can work together to look for appropriate placements. Summer Comp. Help: Cary will be offering regular help for the Humanities competency exam during the summer if students make appointments. Students who take it seriously get off to good starts and tend to pass easily. With an appointment, students can come in for almost weekly help. Students who have had difficulty (or who think they might) with the Humanities competency exam should sign up. Laurie has summer work for students who are concerned about the math exam.

Summer College Application/Senior Essay Help: Cary would love to help rising seniors fill out their Common Application forms over the summer. Students should call for an appointment Monday through Thursday and not wait until August when things are very busy. This isn’t all that time consuming, but it will be easier to do early in the summer than when school is in session, and we can make sure there are no typos and that the application presents the student in a good light.

Working on the Senior Essay during the summer is also a great way to remove a graduation requirement and prepare for the college application as this essay is the college application essay. Summer is the time to get help in a relaxed atmosphere, but Cary won’t have much time to help with this in August. Rising seniors with no college list should come in to work on one, preferably as early in the summer as possible.

State Summer jobs: Applications for jobs with the RI Dept. of Environmental Management have not yet arrived. Given the job climate, this has in the past been a great opportunity for 40 hour per week employment at a decent salary. Most are for 18 year olds and up, but there are some that take 16 year olds. Salaries have ranged up to $13.75 per hour. If you have questions, call 401-222-2774 or go to rtByASC=ASC&bHideSearchBox=1&PROMOTIONALJOBS=1&TRANSFER=0&SEARCHAPPLIED =0

Meaningful Community Service: Summer is a great time for a student to engage in a significant amount of community service. In addition to seeing if the type of service might make a good career and the boost to self-esteem through helping others, it can also significantly improve a college application. It can also lead to a helpful additional recommendation. The form for getting credit for community service is available on the wiki to save students the need to come by and get it during the summer.