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ENTERED AT PHIL A. POST OFFICR AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. THECOPTRIQHT, 1888, BY THE SPORTING LlFK PvBL18HIN« CO. SPORTING LIFE. VOLUME 11, NO. 20. PHILADELPHIA, PA., AUGUST 22, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. with the eiceptfnn of Walker and Wrl?ht, made such of base hall staring them dally in the face naturally a disgraceful exhibition of themselves that It should not disheartened them, au-I the poor pluming of the home go by without comment. team, wbo were invariably losing, decreasing the patroimge thereby, disgusted thorn, and after the clos LATE NEWS. BASE BALL LAWS. Brady, the new umpire, is the best I have seen thin season. He la quick and impartial In bia decision*, ing game with Dallas, Aug. 7, In which the home won't stand any talk, and keeps the game on the jump team was unmercifally trampled on, falling victims by all the time. a score of 18 to 0, the directors ealled a hasty meeting, Questions Before the Board Walker is the most gentlemanly player on the Syra and summoning the players ia a body to their august The Tri-State League to cuse team. presence they kindly but sadly told them that they all Mickey Jones is pitching great ball. Hla feat of were raleared, and ;hat the Houston team was ft thing of Arbitration. beating the Stars two games in succession hai made of the past, to dwell upon and to be extravagantly re Go On. him a popular h&ru. PETE. membered. Hou>ton began the season well, but they had THE EIGHTH ASSOCIATION CLUB.
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