Reach is Tery aaziona to ecure Jerry, and it ii «id h bnse ball manager, who organized the Charleston, DCS will b« here ID a few days to make the effort, but i Moines, Sioux City and other clnbs in the West and greatlv mistaken South, has gone to Canada to avoid prosecution on the will avail him nothing, unless I am is alleged to have ALSO IN LINE. LATE NEWS. A. G. OVENB. charge of seduction. The offence been committed in Des Koines while Bryan waa man­ aging the P-a Moinea team in 1887. The indictment League Players Oat of the Wet. was found during the past Hummer, and when the of­ A New for the Special to SPOBTI.VQ LIFK. fender came here a-j the manager of the Sioux City The Western Association NBW YOBK, Dec. 15. Slattery and Whitney wer team he was arresied and gave bonds for trial, fie hat signed by the New York Club yesterday. O'Rourke since married a rich lady, and they both preferred Athletic Club. hag a s good as signed, ea he and President Day have flight and a forfeiture of bonds to a defence in court. Ready for Next Season. agreed upon terms. BOSTON, Doc. 15. Billy Nash Is the latest addition LONDON'S CLUB. to the ranks of signed Boston players. The Boston A Base Ball Club for Sale- Club has thus fur signed i'larkson, Kelly, Broutheis A Meeting of Stockholders to Prepare for Two New Clubs Admitted A BichardBoo, Nash. Quinn, Johnson, Gauzel and Madden Next Season. Nash heU out to the last for 83,500, but when he waa Salary Limit Rule Adopted- Indianapolis News Gen­ intormel that 83,000 was the club's ultimatum he LONDON, Ont., Dec. 11. An informal meeting succumbed. of the shareholders of the London Athletio and eral Intelligence. CLBVFLAN-D, Dec. 15. "Cnb" Stricker yesterday Base Ball Association was held in tho Board of Details of the Meeting. signed a Cleveland Club contract for next season. Ii Trade room last Friday night for the purpose of i* the fourth man to be captured aud will play secom base for the League t- am. The other man signed ar securing an expression from the shareholders on BALDWIN SIGNED. certain matters of interest to tho club. Presi­ MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Dec, 10. Editor SPORT­ Bftkely, Tebeau and Lohbeck. held its an­ dent Hobbs occupied the chair and Manager ING LIPK: The Western Association Detroit Pitcher Joins city, on T*rie Once Famous Official Notice to AU Minor League Clubs Powers was also present, nual meeting at the West Hotel, this the Athletic Team. last. There was a full representation, Special to SPORTING Lira. Mr. Hobbs, ia opening the meeting, said the Saturday Special to SPORTING LIFE. follows: St. Paul, A. M. Thompson and A. BROOKLYN, DL'c. 15. To WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: directors were desirous of having the views of as 15. The much talked of new Chicago, S. G. Alorton and Henry DETROIT, Dec. AU leagues Or associations of base ball clubs composei the shareholders on certain matters where a Poupeney; pitcher about whom the Athletic manageinen of not less than tour or more thau eight club members Hochj Sioux City, Messrs. Packett and Foley; desiring to avail themselves of the right*, priviloce: difference of opinion existed in the executive nave been throwing out so many hints, turns out committee. That waa the principal object for asking Kansas City, W. II. Watkin.-; Milwaukee, K. B. Baldwin, butter find protection a^c.mkd by the Articles of Qualifie< Quin; Ouiab.ii, J. 8. McCor- to be no Ic^i a person than Chas. Admission to tlip National Agreement of Ba-e B.U tlieui to be present at tho informal meeting. lie then Sutton and II. D. known as "Lady," who was puppoacd to have Clubs, will, on application to me, be furnished will made a lengthy ret trance to the proceeding of the mick and E. 0. Braudt. J. A. Hart appeared, retired. He has been signed by the club upon the necessary l-lauks iind forms fi-r signature, aa re­ annual meeting of the A-sociatron, and alluded t') thy with a proxy to act for Des Moines. This lei for nrxt reawu. They quired by the Board of Arbitration. Very respectfully improved prospects of tlie club that Hart had engaged the assurance that his arm is once more in as had had offers fir certain players, and it was with the a great many to believe good condition as ever it was nnd that he has C. H. BTBNK, Secretary B >;;rd of Arbitration, with Des Motues for the coming season. This he Fifth Ave. and Fourth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. view of hiiviog an expre.-Bion aa to their sale or reten­ cornple'teJv regained the old forui which made tion that tho meeting w; a held. denied, claiming that ho simply agreed to act conversation ensued culminating in him such/a formidable pitcher while with De Four Players for Columbus. A desultory for them in tbe capae ty of manager until they Mr. Vining moving and Mr. Dewar seconding a reso- found a man to take the plnce formally. He troit. fipeclftl to SPOBTIKQ IJU'B. luiiou that the Bhareholders, hiving every confUlenre CINCINNATI, Dec. 13. Cincinnati's "extra four" in the board of directors, recommend that thf-y act as does not deny that he may be persuaded later [Baldwin K'itcJie-Vtji^onlv eight championship games and John on to accept the position. The board of direc­ he to Onluiikbiis. The deal was clos-d to-day, in the premises they deem beet In tlie interests of" tbe for Outroit last eeft^oiS. Uti was iu b;i-l slm^e when Weyhiuii, O'Coanor, Bligli an J Kappel will bs mem­ other mutters. Carried unani­ reported for duty in Mnrctr,,tint on April 21 IIH was p".t club in this as iu all tors awarded the champiocghip to the Des bers of she baby t< am next yt-ar. "I conk! havo ma'fo mously. The question of issuing season tickets was Moines Club. They examined the books of the in tli?. box against ItidiuutifioUs and h:s side lost. Tbe more money by dividing tny^men, Imt preferred to see that they recommend made twenty hiiu utf him auJ t-coivd si^teea discussed, and it WHS i&solved §1,001) in the treas­ Hoosiers them all go tu ».ne club," paid President Stern to m» the executive committee to issn*-1 eeiaon tickets at §10 Association, finding nearly ruii8, t»et7e of vhich wery carnt-d. Bdldwiu was then Wurk has nlruady l)een comiuouced ou the new turn­ ury, a very healthy lowing, consiiier.ug the bad tea- shape, until May 15 each, as soon as possible, the tickets to be nurniercd given a rear, to got his arm i'tto stiles and ticket house, wbich were purclmsed from cousecutiwly, aud good only for the game Ha'ed. A sou jnst closed. After other routine bmmitt-s Lite who it hb \vas pitted a^ain t Washiugtun aud ha won Centennial Exposition. Jim Keenan signed a con­ tbe directors in dis­ board udjoiuned and the reculor mee'iug of the Asso­ The Senaturi* made eleven * aud five the committee was named to assist bis gamo. tract to-day. That leariw but five men out, Mc.Phce posing of these tickets. A resolution was also adopted ciation was called, with J. A. Hart in the chair The ruiio off him, eamiug four uf them. lie etill persittuc I nine bine of the Chicago Maroons was .transferred to Manager \Vatkins {.-ave Keilly, Carpenter, Viau aud Smith. expressing confidence In tho president, dhertt-w and that he Mat not yet ia trim, so RES MULFOBD, JB. managt-r in their efforts to conduct tho ana*re of tho Minneapolis without objection. Mr. Watkiua asked bii:i another vlipd Preeident McConell yesteiday thht 332,825.85, aud the expendi- waa Kruutta a franchise, subject to the rer.-i.rt of tb mtn down to two ions aud eidjht Iiits. On si^ised Burke nnj Swift f*.r next sens^n. Buike, wh< aM sources to have been was in­ Au.son'a Short Field tuns £32,671 55, leaving a balance in the bank at that committee of one (Triomjsou, of St. Paul), who July 24 he faced tho I'ittaburga »nd defeated them, the pluved with Toronto this yciir. will likely cover centei The Rising City in the Swim A Fair Share Who "Will Guard Boston's structed t> viMt Denver acd a-sc;erUin it tuattorg were I'its a'^d five iiioa, tbree fit-Id next scasia. Gallagher, who it was aatd had r.o "Pop1* Smith a Possibility More Flayers date of fj 52.30. Tho a-sets (exclusive of players) were Smoky City boy a securing t?n of the Flams Secured A Sensible Sched­ put at£9r 120, and the liabilities 83,310.00. The btate- as represented. The transfer of St. Joseph was then beitix earne-1 off his delivery, Mr. Watkina agsiu put signed, lia« also pnt his name to a Toronto contract Signed Harvard** Concession, J£tc. allowed, Buiiject to the same condition, and they were on July 20, and the yesterday forwarded the advance ule Suggestion The Sulary Question, Etc. ment was accepted with pleasuniblo fueling*. Baldwin iu against tlie ChicKgos President McC'oouoll BOSTON, Dec. 14. Editor SPOHTING LIFE: Do for next season expect to stait out allowed representation in the meeting, Dave Rowt ap­ J>fctruits won. Caicago wa-t disposed of with four hits money. Tho [.layers now und?r contract for next sea­ Dec. 11. Editor SPOUTING The Tecumsehs lur Denver and Mr. Truckeumiller for St. . KANSAS CITY, Mo., you remember what a lot of smoke there was with­ with the following players: Kin^Iow and Murray, pearing irad one run, atid that wag not earned. IVtMwin's son are: Atkisson, "Vickery, Serad, McLaughlin LIFE: There ia one thing very certain about Joe. The constitution was revised in some slight par­ him, aud ou July 23 the Hoover and Gallagher. out any fire- last winter over the proposed transfer catchers; O'htrfen, Hufte'i, Goies aud Cain, ; 1'he arm now at-am wont hack on McMillan, Swift, Burke, the late meeting of tho American Association Priure, first base; Dickereon, second base; Sheibecft, ticulars and a snUry limit clause was aJued. Chicagos knocked him out of the box, scorins; twenty of Smith from Pittsburg to Boston? We arc get­ field; limit taw met with gmeral favor. The limit al­ which number thirtetm held in St. Louis. That is, Kansas City didn't fiird baso; Paly, shoit stop; Donovau, centre bit^ and twenty-one runs, of Green and Greek George Matched. ting just a whiff of that smoke a.srain. Perhaps Knight, left field, and La Ruqne, right held. It in not lowed is $^ '250 per month, exclusive of mnii tiger, whea were earned. Two weeku later Baldwin was release* Special to STORTING LIFE. get left. We are in the "swim" from the begin­ wo be the manager in net a plwier. £hould the manager his Michigan fur in lo the fire will never amount to anything, but unlikely that or,e or mcrt> ol tho pitchers will his by Detroit and ho retirt-d to Dec. 15. Articles of agreement be­ ning to the end. We were felt and heard, and ct;ang«d during ihe e^rly portion of the season, pro­ play to ex< eed five gaoKS in a mouth nurge his lame arm. During tbe w 'rld's series o PHILADELPHIA, can smell traces of smoke. Charley Smith Httlary a? a pl-iyer ia to be rated at §150 per month. tween Olwrles Green, the P^n^lfah chumpion, who Hr seen on the floor from the time President Wikoff a year ago and he vided they do not come up tu the standard and others 1887 Baldwin (.roved an enigma to the St. Louis bats- fo wanted to come to Boston Tnid, uf course, doed uut compel a manager to wgn for ri^ht ayuin he may be a rived ID tLiirf country recently, and Greek George, ripped for order until he declared the^ meeting cau be secured. exiess of DCU, nnd ifhig arm is all a wretlinff match, curch-as-catch-can Htvlc, to t«ke wants to come here now. He ia living over in $150 per month. He may get »ny price in valuable man for the Athletics to win games from th at an end. We were recognized and were put occasionally. I hat aui'iiiut for the duties of manager. In order to place in ( hicago in four weeks, for from glOf) to S.">O on committees that will insure substantial recognition Cambridge and I see him THE HAMS. Urowus. KD ] signed in this citj enforce th« ruin the president or secretary tf the Asso­ a sideand the gate receipts, were from this timo on. As far aa we aro concerned the What is Pittsburg going to do with him? ciation was given power to demand tbe books of ;uiy tJ.in afternoon. Grtvk George, upon the receipt of A Meeting for Consideration A Club Prob­ THE LEAGUE LAW. meeting was a grand success. That is what he is wondering. He thinks that club tit any time for inspection. E the secretary uf the Association a was seriously ill, Uft for Springfield, Club, was elected vice [jresiJent of tho Association. I wheel or a tenth man. There will bo Dunlap for a meet­ t-alary list of his players on the first dny of.etcu month. Two Clubs Graded Already Mr. Young's COOD, HAMILTON, Ont., Dec. 10. There \vas nudemtand that hail Air. Kraut h >ff been willing to ac- second, Kuehne ou third aud Jack Kowo at short. the share-holders of the Hamilton Base Thn list must bo sworu to by the president, BecieUry Views How the Classifying Will be i>t the presidency that Kansas City would have got­ ing of cf That doesn't leave any place tor Smith, and Charley in tbe and manager ot each club. Any official of any club I>oue. Rocuester Preparing to Quit. ten that. The attorney for the club would not accept hates to p!ny once a week. 1\ r just that reaa m by Ball Association and base ball enthusiasts ahull, upon the dem.ind of the president of I he Assc Bp a pretty im­ stop thin Smith. I think they f.el that vay, too, and does net pay Ha fine in ten days the amounts shall be BOW will have to be graded in accordance with very promisinL', Aft r a Tory thorough discussion o portant committee. In audition Mr. Walking has been yet I don't believe they will pay anything lor his re­ statement, which showed that the receipts taken fr. ni tbe guarantee the first tiip abroad. It tbe provision of the law." This was the re­ tho situation it wsa decided to sell, and tbe club is now asked to be present at the meeting of the schedule com­ lease. Unfortunately bis baititjg reputation is not amounted to $30,178.12, with which the ex­ looks >i8 though I hit* ought to make the law a strong mark of tbe president of the League this morn­ prepared to receive b:d* tor the franchise, plant am" mittee untl ho/p fix the U'eatern circuit. Last year way up, and our "three graces" are out for slpggrrs penses balanced, showing liabilities of $311.50 one. $2 2-50 per month allows very libetal t-nbtriee for players. Kansas City was not represented on this committee, now. But if Chirley Smith hud hU release in his miuot It-agUrt plwj ere. The percentage plan was aban­ ing when your correspondent culled at League interests and iu conaeque:ico and assets $024. The general opinion ex- hud no one to vrou-ct her pocket, I have a notion that our moguls woulj tign pressed was that i tie statement was a eatUfuctory on" doned mi! the guarantee plan adopted, the giiaiauree headquarters to glean the latest information on Champion O'Connor*ft Plan§. wa* compelled to put up with all the lou^ disagreraUe him to insure against not having a batter like Glata- to nw $100 per flame, with the exception of 1't-nver, of tlie plums in tiio and It was adopted. A general talk ensiud upon the the subject. Mr. Young expected a flood ol jum1"*"*" *~"i «t this pot nou* of running: H team i^xi year. Aid Dixou which is t> {>»y ?1tt'> per pome tind receive Special to STORTING Lire. sha^^^^^^^^^^'S) hoi Hay 8. In fact, tlie gch&l. i!o ' question jrjUXV "" ": * " " . new contracts by to-day's mail or by telegraph. T l.\ O'Connor will leave' for Ih one pof*ibje short sfop for Boston " r'riiliitir gethei lorl^o .lation be thought urer, he represented the League on tbe committee, diui. very probable caudida'o tor tho p'ace. without 1<»S3 to were ' . . ..lit- jiiT- that a brief telegram from Manager Loffui, an­ ___ ui.nii.n-. ,IL v icti.-ria, It. 0., San Francisco and other whenever ii camn to a lug jump some of the Associa­ the ceason con! i . , *h lor ;nvr-r.uy. i tie election THE POINT UNDEll (JUESTIOX. favor of 8on, wilt) a H' c -ini pt-r.j..n Oliver Te- point* along tbe coa«t. It is said here, on the author!)} tion peoplu would hav."Well, let Kausa^Cl^y take thut." the diuctora TUt) fVeliut; was strongly in 8. McCormick." of nouncing that Joseph Lohbeck and of fiilm? the place Hamilton being rrpresentel In the Internatioi.nl next Of officers re.-u.ted as follows: J. of John Teen:er's brother, that the torrnpr is anxious Wy will try aud make different arrangement a this Jack Kowe, 1 see, has some idea Omuliti, president mid treasurer, and S. G. Mutton, the beau hud signed with the Cleveland Club, was to hnvp another race with William O'Conn-^r, Tho himself. A dispatch from Detroit to ouo of the Boetou 3 ear. After further rtiscu-'S'ou a rt-a lutkm was passed extent of his correspondence. Up to date ye;tr. $4,(KK> he is goiu^ to the t-ffi-ct that the meeting recognized the impor­ present incumbent, was re-elected secretary, DOB the probabilities, however, are that he will not challenge Speaking of the qnes'ion of long jumps, though, Vice papers says that unless Ruwe gets Moinws, Sioux City, St. Joseph and Denver were chorea only two olubs, Washington and Indianapolis, him whil« he is In this country, but will go to Aus- like to see tbe Associa­ to hold Boston t'.i the agreement made by the nuch- tance of there leittii a teum In iho city and believed President Speas says he would no loss to the directors, bv lot us the board of directors. Des Moine«, Minne­ have complied with M r. Young's req uest ralla and have the race tako place there. tion treat every club aquaruly, and, if neciMisarv, add digcuattMl agent. That is amnsinj;, a< Bt.s'on 1ms one could be conducted without schedule- com­ more to do with Kowe than New York haa. Detioit and au adjournment was nmdcnutil Filday evening, apolis and Deliver were elected as the made several weeks ago for a statement the mileage of all the club*, divide it by ei^ht anil ap­ mittee. Des Monies was given ihe chairmanship of Athletic Club Election. hue aoU h:s release to Pittsburg, and be certuiuiy Dec. 14, when a general invitation to the citizens will bowing what players are to be exempt from portion the expenses, making each club pay an eqsml t';on dii-per&ul. The thtt committee. Messrs. Hurt and Moitjn vere ai<- shate of the season's traveling expenses. Why Un't pl»y there or go with the fninchiae to C evelaud. be Us'ud. The meeting w:e sure that THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION. ECHOES OF TUB MK&T1NO. Mr. Young positively declines to give out the aud at ihe meeticg Le ready to submit a plan ;.nd he was a very much surprised man, aa be left this part Manager Watting, while in a ta'kative maol, gave names and the grades of the classified players, Kilrain to Cover Sullivan's Money. Intelligently discuss the schemes that will of the country fully expt uiiug to play in B .aton nfxt Its Prospects for Assuming a Leading Posi­ the, boys the tip that Kumas Ciiy's experience in the Special to PORTING Line. como tefore tht ra. He gat d, further, as far as he was KeRSOD. If he plays with the Senator* it will cost tion in Base liall. Western Association hud cost Mr. Monies a little mure en the ground that such information, so far as than tl.'J.OOO. This s-icUbility on a sorrowful subject to be regarded as secret. He NEW YORK, Dec. 15 Kilrain hns RCcrpted the chal­ personally concerned, he did not ht-sitate to say that it Washington juat $17.000 SI2.00.) for relea-ie and DETROIT, Dec. 12. All things considered, the he is concerned, is to a finish for $10,(iOO was a question that looked Jikfl c very serious one; a fo/>00 for Sdlaiy. Mention Ward to Mr. Billings and eot other jaws to wag.infr, aud a comparison of notes lenge of John T,. Sullivan lo fight conviction ia strong that the International us up not ays he will not be responsible for any guesses a side, and he Fays a fri«ud will c/iver8nltivan's money question, in tact, that threatene-1 the very life of the he will tell you that p;>ssil>ly Wwrd may play in Bos­ rover.Iei that the loJ-sei of the year fooled that may bo made in nny quarter, and he will neither to-day Rumor'bas it that Jim Keenun. of Boston, »n game unless it was g >lved in some way agreeable to ton after all. He ha,-i au idea that when U corner to now constituted is destined to prosper, and there Ht.noo, but $50,000, in which every cn» of the tea affirm iiordeuv any statements made on the subject. the man. Mitchell a:iys the fl^ht mast come off within both clubs and larties. He did not see how it was the scratch Walter Hewitt will not want to put tbat is good ground for belief tbat in a very short clutM had an inUrodt. St. t'aul lost least, 5400; and Each club will be furnished with a classified list of its six months. Kilrain and Mitchell fctart for Chicago possible for any clu!-, except a faw like New York, much In any one player. But B sston woul I be per­ 's strong­ Dts Molucs moet, 614,000. own playeifl, but the New Yorks will m-t be permitted time it will prove the It was agreed to appropriate ?3,oOO for four umpires to-day, Boston, Philadelpliit and Brooklyn, to pay the euor- fectly willing to. Two and two makej four. See? rival. That the American Association is to know*how the Boston or any other club ia graded, m-us saUriea that tiro now demanded by pla.vers, but est aiid pay their travolinK expenses. »nd vice versa, in making up the list everything A CRANK'S WORK. drifting toward dissolution there can be no pos­ Tbe new PreeMent, Jamed F. 31cC,>rmack, of Omnha Kansas City Signs a Man. there was n> tiling more definite than the fact that ball players in town, and somo who are not b;ill done by a ball player on us wull as off the field will City The It has the most wonderful and is a retired capitalist and a trreat bise ball "ciank." Special to SPORTING LIFB. Louinviile, Baltimore, Columbus, and Kansas players, aro looking for a base ball crank named sible doubt. te taken into consideration. Honest end: avur and coul I not. Mr. Krauthoff s-iid he expected to give tearful circuit ever devised, and most of the ilis income is 5(19,000 a year, and h« has been for leu good mi ral ,\«*racter will count as much as playing KANSAS CITY, Dec. Ii. Gunson signed an American Oaborne. Ten daj's ago he swojped down en a go«»d ytara contributing freely towards building up tbe Na­ thj matter considerable attention htfjre the meeting, numherof our worthy BustuDiacs from whom he cities are losing money. Add to this the con­ ability to thut; it rt be heaiily siprie.l Claik, late catcher of Ihe Munch otter Clti'» better for the Association to take in a city lik'i Col­ fore, when the rapidly iiyin< Associatiou fades ioto cluded in the §2,250 and the club nmypay him A* much tucked at the Lejiiuuiujr, tmd many players who are been tirrangeil wiih Haiti more money to Billy Coulidge are trying lo make the fur oblivion, it behooves ihe International to jump into more us it stes tit. This rule will allow too payment Exhibition p;mica have umbus that has the rfg?,t cla s of men buckiug the fly. They are mad all the way tnrough and awtar peihaps count; n;r ii(>on tse your team readies >Ir. Young has already proceeded far enongh to Sppcisl to SPORTING Lira. not take much interest iu the siucess of the club. I QUIN AND NASH SIGNED. re ilizet-JHt lie has a difficult and a very diaairrepable We have two more all d »wa iu black and while. tbe camts leadinx to the breaking up of that once the limit and ;i man ia dis ibled. comiiel'ing the hiring J5ALT1MOKR, Dec. 15- M^anager Burnie yesterday have no d^iiM that Columbus will make a good, pay­ ta-k before him. He vruIWMM to do lull justice in ing member," Joe Qi'inn eigno;! a contract which got here Wednes­ promising organization. Let the leaders in the vigor­ of truother man. You must either stop the pay ot the ev-.-ry ias:«nce as he prefer to be in their favor ratht-r sgned Shindle. Pitcher Foreman, late of Albany, has day. Bit-lit on top of tlittt came word from Billy ous young bo-;!y rather strive to secure tbe best inter­ sick player or lay off another player, so as to the tiiftnaguii at them. The members ( f tbo Washington and also signed, and it is quite likely that Tate, late ol LOCAL NEWS. Nash that he bad "fixed it up" and wa-j a Be:m-ent--'r ests uf all, instw t'l of a selfiih polity of every one f<,r aofount you pay the m-\v man." MINN EH AH A. Ii know that he is goin« to have a raise of {500 is assured. ____ A MISTAKE. the sul'ject can bo learned from Mr. Y< UN jr. NEW ENGLAND'S LEAGUE. in consultation with Mr. Spens for quito a while, so that IIH ea'ary will be 53,000, and aa snlarn-a lun K. M. LAHNEB. lut iu ihe aba&iK'e of Mr. Walking nothing wa-* done. now he is worth every cent of it. There are a good HOUSTON HOPEFUL. Toronto Has No Desire to Kvado the New Will It be Maintained A New Circuit It looks very much a* if C>li;mbua waa after same many ball players who say Billy Naeli ia the Le--t Salary Limit Rule A Statement Cor­ tlie Old Austin Manager, Fixing CROSS-COUNTRY ATHLETES. Suggested. KanBiia City players. Here is about the men whom batter iu ttie Boston i.iuc. By thut they mean ho id McCloskey, rected. KHII.-US City has f-.»r sale: Barklcy, McTamnny, Clitu-, the ba-^t mau in a tight U>x \vljtn a hit is needed. for tlie Next Season* PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 13. Editor SPORTING BOSTON, Dec. 12 Manager McGunnigle said In addi­ A Scries of Moonlight Runs Arranged for Hankiiirjun, Esieiday, Phillips and Brennan. He has certainly pouudej in a great many runs in the HOUSTON, Dec. 10. J. J. McCloskey, man­ LIFE: The Philadelphia Record published the a day or two ago, that he saw no reason why a tion, four of these pitcher-: Porter, Swartzel, ("_'uii- Winter. past two 3*(-:ir9. Austin base ball team, has been in This New England league should not be in the field ay,Sullivan, McC.irty, Borchers, Ehret and Hoffmun. My Lord Jiimes O'Rourke has written a long Utter ager of the old following the other day, to which I take ex­ Bj.f cial to SPORTING LIFE. next season and be a decided success. "There It will be seen from the list, that ihere aro quite to a friei;d in the city, recommending to the Bostm tlie city several days with a view to raising ception: NEW YORK, Dec. 15. The National Cross- are plenty of citi<&," said he, "to be found to number of good men, and Columbus could go Club for the outfield, Hunt, t 1 e cr;ick centre fie!der monev to carry a club through next season. He ' 'How can we get around the salary limit?' aska d< ul worse. There are sjiue Manager Cushman, of the Toronto Club. 'The inter­ Country Association of America appointed at its ask for representation in a league formed in the farther and do a great (f the Yale ttine. Hunt certainly is a great player in reports tbat he has met with very great cn- of the niOQ in the list that St. Louis, Louisville and ranks, ffo is a big fellow, pel haps 190 pounds, nal! mal Association has adopted a rule prohihiiing last meeting a committee to consider the advisa­ right way. Now, I consider Brockton as good a amateur coiiru^fmeut and that without a doubt Hou-ton will Cincinnati have looked at and Lid for. but at the same time a very fast runner. At the bat put a team in the Southern League next season. Toby any club from paying its players more thau 8:2,500 for bility of holding a series of moonlight runs dur­ base ball city as there is in New England, and Tho Western Association averugoa just ismed show he in a terror to college j.itchi rj, as he ia a slugger liart, president of the New Orleans Club, is expected tho season, and ihn men, as a rule, refuse to sign for ing the winter and early fall arnl to confer with one that will support a club as it ought to be that the play era of the Kansas City Blues, that have from Slugtiville. He bats left-handed, and led tho in this city to-morrow, when be aud McCloekey will go the amount offered them.' Manager CuBbma;i gays the various athletic organizations in regard to supported. I think, with this club to begin Ijeon retained by the American Assocfat-ou, did .College League last season uith a butting average ot to Gulvedton to see what that city will do about a tlie salary lint ot" the Toronto Club lust year amounted Manning stood up to over 517,000, and be is expected to re-engage the the matter. The following dates have been with, you would have excellent tnaterml in New Bed­ some mighty good work. Jimmy .434, and a total average of .81C. team tor next year. The plan bt present is to form a splendidly iu the tatting Hat. But it wad iu IMIB'- Mobile, Galvcston same meu for $4,500 less. He has seen all tbe men fixed FO far: Prospect Harriers, two packs, ford, Fall River and Tann ton. Thedy cities havo not HAPPY HARVARD. league composed of N.OW Orleans, and made terms with only two game for a lona timo, and it would go well in runntng that that uV-et-footed fielder did hia best and Houston. That is to s*y, it is certain these cities during the nast week, slow and fast, to start from headquarters, Wash­ had tlie wark. During the aeasjn he atwle 1(H b»903, aver­ They are jubilant over at Harvard. The ficulty of them. Pitcher Atkissou, who Ines in this city, was tliHt section. Besides, I think that it will be a very a professional \viil have clubs next season, and if the other Texas ington Park, Brooklyn, Doc. 22, at 8i30 p. M. aging almost a base a game. Herman Long have decided thut the LOTH may have field they will bo one of the two. Tbe other man had the inducement easy matter to obtain players for very small salaries coach. For several years they hnve been fighting for cities decide to put teams in the salary for hia wife, providing Tto f.;8t puck will be handicapped ten minute,*. A and the expenses of running a New Eng­ stole 90 bases. Stearns was up high among taken in. Houston, although not aa large as some of held out to him. of a fat ;:ext year, the slugfcrers and alsrt ran basas in good this concession, in f.ici ever siuce tho edict went out she wouU consent to till the position of heanulrtSs to collation ,m i musical entertainment will wind up the land league wl!l bo very clieap compared with what but the learned gentlemen tbo other cities claim to Le, ia considered the best evi?nin_', and all athletes will be considered tbo guests style. McGarr did the same thing. Hamilton only against profe-eionali'm, town in the State. Her Las3 ball U>;tm the club. The latter in one of the many ucheiueg that ;bey havo. been in the past. -Then I know that who maUe the ruled for the students to break, have amusement will be rosorttd to ill order to beat ihe rule/' df Ihe Imiriers, Holyoke would gladly co-operate in such a league as 1 Dltiyed about twenty games la^t season, but in that last year cost her 512,000, and though on account of 80, ihort time he showed he was as good as the best. regularly sent Lack the petition. But their hearts I had trouble signing certain players, that is Thy 8-cond t-veut will take place ou December i!ive outlined. 1 don't think for ao Instant that there tbave softened. bid management she tto-;d at tlie foot of tbe li^t at tho nin'ei the auspice of t'.e New York Athletic CInb, this section, as some Kansas City has lately hnd several good offers for clost) of the season, she pluckiiy cornea to the front true, but since talking to Mr. Gillani about the will be no leugue in existence in Jim Burus, the fielder bought from Omaha last year. Not only aro Harvard's ball players to have ft pro- fti U will take iho form of :i monster j.nper chuso. The ve stipgfcsteit." first of all with a team for next year. matter, I have bad smooth sailing in getting my ou Travers Uurtis played in nineteen games in the American As- feesional ccach, but he is to be allowed in the gym- start will m<> made from the club house, Walter Burnham, in talking on thig topic, says he nasium and on the ball field. That is why tlw bovs men to come to terms. Mr. Gillam mutit have Iwliiu;! at 2 P. M , and athleu-s are cordially invited (o hiuks tiiitt a league with prices decidedly lower than eocijitioii. uii.l if he went in the record would stand A START MADE. notify fifth in the list of hitters. In addition, Burns did this rejoioe. John C'larkson is to be Ihe coach. He was misunderstood me, as I never told him that I »rt-iid. Th te'"who wish to participate ehoiiid thoflfr that prevailed lapt reason wo'ilj bo sucee^ful recommended in the petition of tho baao ball associa­ tho captains i-r KCCTI Juries of their organization". next season lilting against Seward, Woyhing;, Ktog. Chamberlain, Interstate League Forms a ottered the position of seamstress to the wife of arid that, it'he was not called elsewhere [lushes and Kilroy, Hie strongest pitchers in the Asso­ tion and the official note is to the effect that ho may bo The Central ri'be lolkiwing invitation runs will aUo be held, the ould take hold in forming a New England League, Temporary Organization. any player in order to beat tho rule. I had at xact dulos lo be fixed later in tlie season: January ciation. Six of tho nineteen games were pitched by engaged. Captain Willard, who is responsible for this Slug and Chamberlain. This is a very remarkable coccossion to the studen's, ia highly pleased, but he is SPRINGFIELD, 111., Dec. 13. The Central In­ that time signed only one married man, and Etau-n Island Athletic Mub, flturt from West New KNOUFF ALL RIGHT. that WHB Hoover. He signed with me on October 20. B:i rlit'ji;, btaten Island; Fel ruury I'a-itiiue Athletic record and groat things are expected of him next year. not satisfied yet. He has another petition now before terstate Base Ball Association formed a tempo­ FREEMAN. the athletic committee, asking that Harvard bo allowed Atkiss >n felt under obiigatioi-B to the Toronto Club, Club, Htart fr^m Sixty-seven h fltre"t ami East River; Testifies to the Young Pitcher's rary organization here to-day for the season of him his salary in full all of latt season start from Berpen Dr. Leuf to play proffs-ional nines. Ttiis will not bo considered becaus-e it paid Uurcti N'cw J>r*-y A'.hletic Club, Recovery. The same request has been refused several 'SU by electing Hendorson Ridgely, of Spring­ when he laid off, atid though he dfd not hko f-> sigu Poii-t, N. J.; April Sabiuicm Harriers and Olympic Complete NOT AFRAID. until latsr. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. J4. Edi!or SPOUTING LIFE: tiuif e, but the permission to engage a professional field, president, and J. G. Corbett, of Peoria, eeciutary, for $30 lees per month, lie wanted to ahow hie grati­ Athletic Club, sttrt from Ono Hundred aud Eighth coach has encouraged the student-* to Lope that the Teire Hauto and Esausvtlle, Ind., and Davenport, tude by again signing with us, and after explaining ;re«l aud East Hiver. According to the l^st issue of your moat valuable and New Torkera Confident That the Giants representative paper, Mr. Loftuq, of the Cleveland other petition will be granted before spring. Iowa, were represented by proxies. matters to him I bud no trouble m Kitting him to ac­ ?lab, has rele.iaed Mr. Kaouff, better known as Can Kepoat This Year's Record. Clarksou will be of great assistance to U;e Harvard It waa decided that Springfield, Quincy, Peoria, Da­ cept our terms. He knows that we must live up to INDIANAPOLIS AFFAIRS. the Cleveland New YorUers, with their usual assurance, ex- nine. He has told me time and ag tin th.^t Bates will venport, Terra llaute and Evansville shall at least be tbe rules, and that we would rather pvy him the same 'pitcber .Eddie Knouff." On account of so. Mrs. ?lub, now the "League baby," I hope this is not so, >ect to repeat their base ball success of this sea- develop into a great pitcher, and the youngster can­ iri the association, and the question is lett for an ad­ salary «3 last season if we were allowed to do Ko Manager Yet Selected and no Players showing improvement under Boston's great journed nu-eting at Peoria, January 12, w"hether to Atkigjon, however, will not be a seamstress for the 'or having had Mr. Knouff under my treatment for on next year. Tfiey evidently have no fear of not help to l»e Signed Until Classified. leveral weoks, I know positively that he U in perfect twlrler, make an eight ciub league. club. As I told you soon after the mettlng our presi­ Boston's powerful aggregation judging from the cash deposit dent will not allow me to go abi»ve the eatery limit. I Bfeciat to SPOUTING LIFE. jilchiiip form so fur as soundness of his pitching arm SPOKES FROM THE HUB. Tho meeting decided* to require a 5600 general health aro concerned. In addition to 'ollowing remarks of the Tribune: from each club as security for ploying the ss-nsou have not off', red extra compensation to any player INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 15. It has not yet been ind Joe Hornung is trying to get an engagement with of Ihe amount his contract calls for. Toronto ;hcee now perfect qualifications he has given the "Thy enthusiastic followers of baseball in Boston are Cleveland. He has not received his release yet, but he through. The members say the success of tho associa­ outside decided who will manage the Indianapolis team thought and will figure henceforth ven at this early d^ite claiming the championship for tion 1* practically assured aud the prospects greatly will htiv« a limit ti'ain next season. If the older xiaUer no little cau havo it if any club will siguhim. managers can get tennis for the limit, I can. The next season, though it is more than probable uore as a strategic pitcher than before. He has als^i heir team for next season. The followers of other Don't be surprised if you hear that Bennett and better than a ycai ago. to keep his arm in condition and how lubg should not be alarmed, for the Bostouians do the meu signed by nae up to date are Vickery, Swift, S^rnd, tliat it will be Glasscock. It was thought that )een taught bow White have signe.1 ins:d<; of a week. Mr. BilHogs McLauglilia and Hoover. Tho^e who have accented before this, o save it from over-exertiou without lessening the- ame thing every year. The only difference has been cau't stay at borne much longer. It is about time for Caiiandalgua Heard From. the matter would have been settled bat the natives of the Hub usually begin claiming the terms are AtbUson, Burke arid McMillan. I antici­ but there seems to be a bitch somewhere. Presi­ ffectivciieM of his pitching. him to pack his grip ana .jump again. It will be to CANANIMHU'A, ^. Y., Dec. 10. A stock baseball asso­ pate n<> trouble iu signing all the men I want for Managers of the weaker League and Association rophy about Chrlstm:ia time. The prospect of secor- Detroit next time, and he wit) come back with the dent Crush declines to make any definite state­ ng some of the Detroit players has set the Bostonians ciation with ainpit* capital has been organized here, next season aud at salaries not exceeding the limit. l-;bs aro ever on the lookout (or gcod pitchore, and contracts of Bennett and White. and tbe Canaudaigua Club, which was second in Yours truly, C. H. CUSHMAN, ment in reEjari to the matter. There will be a leie i* one weakling reported to have dropped, per­ razy, and they claim everyting in eight and a great While talking with Mr. Billings to-day I said to eal that is under cover. By the addition of Brou- the race for the pennant in the Central New York ____Manager Toronto B. B. 0. meeting of the board of directors early next iapt, its mnst promising pitcher because afraid of bis him: "You are not going to appoint Kelly captain, are League hist year, w ill make a strong bid for will probably be settled immu- rot. If the notice concerting his release was true, I hers, Richardson and Beunett, tbe Boston Club wl!l you?" A Strong Endorsement. weelt, nnd the question of the strongest Individual teams in the first placo next season. The League will be re­ dlately thereafter. BIr. Brush tella me that nono of iopo that a weaK club of the two major associations ave one He jammed his hands into his pockets, ind, after a organized and some new towns admitted as soon as tlie AUSTIN, Tex., Dec. 6. Editor SPOUTING LIFE: signed before they are classi­ ill secure his services, for, barring accidents, he will ountry. That does not insure them the championship, minute, replied: '-It will be taking a terrible risk Please accept my thanks for three copies of your Mil­ tbe locitl players will be has had ono of the strongest individual different associations can so iwrfect their organiza­ fied by 1 resrdent Youn?. From what I cau hear I am rove a factor iu any club Btrirlng after a glace in '89. or New York alrnoat too much of a risk, T think." tions as to act decisively. Auburn, Caiiamhtigita, lenium Plan. I shall endeav' r to introduce and have My solo object in seuding this letter is to let club teams in tho country for the lafct five years, and yet And yet it looks liKe Kelly now, MVQWVMP. it adopted at a meeting < f the Tex m State League, of tbe opinion that the U-am will play about as it did may capture Seiieca Falls', Peun Yau and Waterloo formed last sea­ last sflHSon. The outftold a?id Infield will no doubt re- amtgent know that they are overlooking a higii- cly won tho pennant this year. Boston son's league, and the coming season Batavia and which will in all probability t^Xe f'ace som^'.ime next pitcher, probably Getzein, will mde'piieher, who is in prime condition and who.ia 39 championship in two or three years, but if &he month; date not yut fixed. I titff*k,iti equity and ex­ maiD us of old". A new it next year there will be a great many ex- A Bad Report About Will Bryan. IthacB, or two other equally utrfug ball towns, will be b" (tfcured. President lirugh talks a^ if h» would not lo do work next year exceeding in quality any lould get admitted. K. V. Gardner, a well-posted ball euthu- cellence beyond question. Very trul^ ypur«. ever dono before. matious ol surprise heard ia New York, Chicago ajid A dispatch from DeaJWoineH, under date '>t Doc. 13, ^ » J CoDnkter any propositiou for Dcuny, and that ^reat he has nys: "Will C. BrjwH the well-kuowu iprlaier and t, is secretary of the CaLaudaigua association. plujtr will be uu third base next setteoii just the earne. Tery sincerely jours, A. II. P. Lsvr. L o THE SPORTINQ LIFE. Dec. 19.

CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE. Cincinnatians are speculating aa to whether the NOTES AND COMMENTS. IN THE California Loaguo pennant race the THE most conspicuous thing at the Von der One of the most transparent ttAry tales ever Columbus Club will emulate Cleveland's ex­ Pioneers participated in eight, the Haverlys in four, Ahe bmg.net was the Wiinan trophy, which is now THE SPORTING LIFE. the Oakland*} ID four aa4 the dtocktona in ai* es*rft- iue personal property of the St. Louis Club, i. e., Von circulated was that sent out from Indianapolis ample or whether the history of 1834 will re­ RBAD-F. A. Smith's advertisement. * inning games. der Ahe, as the Browns secured it by winning the As­ PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT during the past week to the following effect: peat itself. In view of the records the en­ TOMNKY was in Allentown last week MANAGER WATKINS is the first Association sociation championship ihrea successive times a seem­ "The graded salary scheme for ball piayen a«eras to thusiasts of Cincinnatis can hardly be blamed friend*. man to publicly make a prediction as to next year's ing impossibility when the trophy was offered. The No. 202 South Ninth Street, Philada. have originated in this city. At the end of th* past IT is likely that Campau will act as Detroit's race. He is positive that St. Louis will not again win trophy itself is a silver ball player, in miniature, at season the managers of the Indianapolis Club found for viewing the possibilities with an appre­ the championship. the bat modeled from Frank Haukineou upon a BY THE captain. black pedtetal. the receipts had been JSO.OOO and the eiponiea $68,000. hensive eye. DENVER is not in the Western Association Yolney Malott, a prominent citizen and capitalist, hold IT is reported that catcher Thayer has been A BOSTON paper says that Jim Mutrie is, to Sporting Life Publishing Company, married. yet, and will not bo un'ii President Thompson, the » mortgage on the franchise of the club for $10,000. THE EXCEEDINGLY SHALL attendance at and committee of one, is perfectly satisfied as ta the cluu'3 the New York reporters, tlie greatest manager on To whose order all Checks, Drafts, tloneij Ordert, Tim management, after explaining the condition of af­ CLEVELAND has asked Hornung to put a price financial backing. earth since his team won the championship uf the fairs to biro, said that ft rested now with him to decide the utter lack of interest displayed in the an­ on his service?. League and the world. Now, ihe regard In which Mr. and Remittances must be made payable. whether tbere should be an Indianapolis bait club or nual meeting of the "National Base Ball Re­ STRAUSS, of Milwaukee, played in more Mutrio is held by the New York reporters is not of not. He saw that the trouble LONDON and Detroit are contending for third gnmea last s sason Jhan any other Western Association POST OFFICE BOX, 948. arose from the immense porters' Association," which is hereafter to be bnemim Raiuey. receut growth; in fact, Sir. Mutrie, as a man and a ntlarira paid to p'.ayera, and aoou afterward proposed to p'nyer, namely, 128. Moskrey, of the same team, Is manager, hai always been hold in high estimation by them the graded salary scheme, and told them if they known as "The Scorers' League," would seem to BOB ALLKN, of the Mansfield Clnh, is reported uext with 127 gumes. rKANCIS C. KICHTEIi, Editor-in-chief. the New York reporters, as he is very liberal and haa could secure its adoption by the League that he would indicate signed with Detroit. THE now League umpire, Barnnm, was the such persuasive ways. nut push that the organization started with such the mortgage. President Brush and John THE Kansas City Blues led the Western Asso­ first person to recommend Garfiald, Pitteliurg'a new COLUMBUS has been a notoriously lucky town. TERMS: Mnrtin then proceeded to New York and were success­ a flourish of trumpets one. brief year ago is al­ pitcher, to Manager Phillips and he thinks Garfield ful ID getting the plan adopted." ciation in base-stealing. in it? selection i.f men, and at different times some of Subscription, per annum (postage paid)...... 82,25 ready falling into "innocuous desuetude." Those ONLY five Western Association players stole will be a great player. the iwjHt celebrated professionals now before the pub­ Six months...... " ' ...... 1.25 This is a plausible tale, but the facts are most directly interested the journalists appar­ more than 75 bases apiece. JOHN B. SA«E, who has been for many years lic have been cyun-scteJ with its clubs. The only No- Threo months...... " " ...... 65 the official printer of the National League, caught for lan, Hilly lUriite, Mike Kelly, Jim McCormick, Mor­ Siugla copies...... M " ...... 5c. widely at variance. The graded salary plan was ently care little or nothing for the organization, JACK NELSON will not make books, but try one the work of the Niagara Club, of Buffalo, in 1858, in the first game ris, Can oil and other now noted p'ayer; made reputa­ INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. a man familiar with base ball laws which is just about what might have been ex­ more aoaeon of ball playing. ever played iu that city. tions in that city, and it a!»o furnifhed the first secre­ FOREIGN POSTAGE 5'£ CENTS EXTRA PER ANNUM. and methods, and was inspired by THE SPORT- pected of tho fraternity. VALE'S famous catcher, Dann, is at present in tary ot tbe Association, iu 1882, in tho person of Jaa. A. SAX DAVENPORT, pitcher of the Eckford Club, Willi:tma, late of the INQ LIFB Millennium Plan. President Brush, . Buffalo engaged ia business. of Brooklyn, twenty years a^o, died at Flatbusb, New Cleveland Club. of Indianapolis, a keen observer and close stu­ THIS 13 APPARENTLY a great season for the COLUMBUS is looking toward Hecker and Cook York, last week, In Ihe fortieth year of his age. He IN SPEAKING of the doctoring of Coleman's ADVERTISING RATES: with alarming covetouxness. left a widow aud several childeen. arm, a "well-known" bise bull man is quoted by the (FIXED AND FTVAL.) dent, conceived thescheme as a temporary substi­ tail-enders in the legislative halls of base ball, QOODFELLOW, late of Cleveland, is the latest THE Cincinnati Club will carry but fourteen New York Sttn HB eaying: '*Wh**ti a man's arm once £0 Cents Per Line Nonpareil Measurement. tute for the Millennium Plan, and an able League as in both major organizations the little fellows givtB out he ig done and he never recovers the xbility addition to the Detroit Club. men next season, the habits of the players will be to throw that he had when his arm waa in condition. A1>VERTISEKS should forward their favors so as to committee, Messrs. Rogers, Brush and Nimick, have made their presence and influence felt and STEMMYEH'S pa loon business in Cleveland is carefully looked after and none of the men not even He may ^et so that he can p!av, but he will never be leach usliy 3 P. M. ?Hti;r(la,v, as this paper gooa to press perfected it and rounded it out to the shape in have come in for more than their usual share of said 10 be a profitable venture. the pitchers will receive extra pay. able to do much in the way of throwing." BoshI EVERY SATURDAY AT S P. M. CHARLES BRADY, who played which it to-day stands as a part of the constitu­ the good things in the way of offices and spoils. TOR Washington Club has decided not to en­ with the Port­ Btiiinetr, Snyder, Bushong, George Shatter and many gage Ned Tale, lato of Boston. lands and Alientowna in 1888, and has sivned with other well-known players are standing contradictious tion of the National Leigue. So the principal Let us hope that the rise of the tail-enders Allentown for 1883, was married in Newburg, N. J., of the New York man's hastily formed opinion. PHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 19, 18SS. TWENTY-SEVEN Western Association batsmen last Saturday, to MISS Mtimie Burns. credit for the plan belongs to Mr. Brush, and he in the politics of base ball will be duplicated made 100 hits apiece lust season. Jisr FARRINGTON, of Camden, N. J., is looking is therefore fully entitled to the praise or blame next season upon the green diamond field of W. R. HARRINGTON, 10S E. Madison St., Chi­ for a position a^ manager of ai-mo miuor league club. SECOND BASEMAN QUINN has signed with the cago, Ills., has opened an acency for nuutgera and ball Jim has bcea in the business twenty years, most of the attendant upon success or failure of a measure battle. Boston Club at a salary of $2,500. p'aycw. He would like to hear from all disengaged time for love r f tho gam^, and ha- never made any­ he honestly conceived for the best interests of the ONLY four Western Association players failed pi ay era, alae munagfrs wanting wen. * thing worth fpottkuig about out of it. He now pro- pos-'g to got pay for his 45,OOO League and the National game. JOHN L. SULLIVAN'S challenge to Kilrain to to steal any buses at all last season. "REDDY" MACK, who .has signed with Balti­ labor. He has beeo very suc­ more, ha? bought a half interest in Hacker's Louis­ cessful with every team he has handled vide the a battle for the world's pugilistic championship Jon\ SHERIDAN is considered in California Menitt, Cam-Sen aad Solur Tip cHibs and ia an excel­ the best umpire ever seen out there. ville saloon. Hecker lias changed partners ofteuer THE DEATH ofaplayer from the effect of a spik­ has the genuine ring. It is well worded, direct, lhan any other gialootiiat in Louisville. lent judge i.f ycmntc players. Being a gardener by HICK CARPENTKR will take a team of ball trade, he can gn\de aud lay out grounds if necessary. ing adds new terrors to the already sufficiently accompanied by a guarantee of good faith, and players to Now Orleans about Jan. 1. ACCORDING to a New York paper, COUNTING CHICKENS. arduous and dangerous duty of guarding second leaves Kilrain no room for evasion. The result made a demand for §5,000 last season, but signed for TIM KEEFE, in writing from his home near The many prospective American Association IT is only a question of tho amount of salary something like $3,500. It is understood that he has Boston, says: ''My present position in the ba»e bftll base and puts another very black mark against should be a meeting between the rival claimants between the Bostoa Club aud Bennott. renewed his demand for $5,000 this season. world hasn't been attainei by a merrt accident, but by cTiampipn teams are already licking their teeth hard and cjnsciouttous work. If I do u't demand and the destructive base stealing methods of the day. and a definite settlement of the mooted question THE storm last week blew down the east GORE, before tho New York people would re­ in anticipation of the feast they will have receive at present what I think a just compensation at the Under the present system of sliding to bases ac­ as to who is really entitled to the championship. fence of the Jersey City Club's ground. sign, was, it is said, compelled to sign an iron-clad for my services, when and wher<» will I receive it? I expense of the new Association baby. St. Louis cidents to base runners and base guardians are e CLEVELAND'S uniform will be a neat one of document which, if carried out, will deprive Georgd of did not receive the salary I demanded last season, and already claims twenty straight victories, while SATURDAY was the last day of grace for the gray, with black stockings, belts an<1 caps. much social enjoyment during the season. up t> date still entertain the ido-* thut I was worth frequent and often serious. Spikings are of com­ considerable nvm* than I received. But there id no Cincinnati will be content with nineteen. The unsigned big and little CINCIXNATIANS will be pleased to learn that PITCHER HUOHES is practicing wrestling with mon occurrence, far more than the public has League players. Presi­ Bug HoHidny nas become a Prohibitionist. a view to getting on a ni;i»c!i at catch-as-catch-cau doubt existing in my mind but that the trouble will Brooklyn and Athletic clubs have not yet en­ any idea of, and it is really a matter of wonder dent Young will now receive the sworn state­ with 3i>me ball player. Latham, Nict;l or Kid Baldwin be amicably settle*! between Mr. Day and myself" THE Toronto University team contemplates a wiil doubtless bo gJad to accommodate him. tered claim, but they, of course, could not be ex­ ments of the dubs, do all the signing himself, spring trip among the American colleges. MIIS. JOHN M. WARD is in London. She did that fatalities are not more frequent. Any and not relish the loag v^yag* across tho Pacific, pected to concede even the slightest advantage and set his merry little clissificatiou mill PITCHER IKWIS, of last season's Manchester aud eo every player who suffers from the spikes is at HARRY RAYMOND, the Louisville third base- acd Kulanmzoo clubs, who was quite ill the latter pa t sailed f.ir Eriglaud, to wuit for he r husb-tod's return. to the West, and will doubtless count upon at liable to meet the fate of the Newark second work. Meantime the world will hold its breath man, is api-nding the winter in California. of laat season, stute-s tliat he is n<»w ooce more iu good from Aust ralia in February. She will probably RO as least as many as Cincinnati does. Captain Com- MANAGER SWARTWOOD, of Hamilton, is trying physical condition and ready for engagement. far as Malt* to meet Uim, and bot'i wi'l return to Lon­ baseman Siinmons, as the danger of blood pois­ in amazement and surprise. don. When to secure icfielder McS.umuic from Pittsbur^. Now that Welch has signed with the Athletics a correspondent naked Mrs. Ward what iskey, always frank and outspoken, in speaking oning is always present, contingent upon the in­ elie thought of her husband's re ;«-a?e being a >M to the REQUESTS for THE SPORTING LIFE'S Millen­ JACK McKfiE, of the Wilke^barre Club, has Von der Ahe say-* he never Imd any hope of getting Washington Clul 1, slm »r:rt: "I have nothing what­ of the new club, said: "Why, wo have got jured man's physical condition or improper become sporting editor of the Harrisburg Star. him b.ick and rmule no effurts in tl> go to Brwj'on, I know, better than any other club in the country." Reader, send address, with two-cent stamp to GEORGE SHAFER made more hits than any to eiigaso with tlie Columbus direct TS for reserve but if net there I nm inclined to think that he will -re­ but stand forth a strong plea for the innovation other Western Association pHcner for the coming eaison. td was marred last main abroad and not play b «U n---xt season." This is all very fine, bat the baby may fool them defray expense of postage, for this undoubtedly batsman last season. September and ia taking tho best of caro of himself. ! advanced by THE SPORTING LIFE, namely, the PRESIDENT NIMICK A CHICAGO dispatch last Thursday said: all. Base ball is one of the most uncertain interesting little book. cannot understand why THE Brooklyn players -netted $36.61 apiece ' "George B.irdu-ra. the California pitcher who played over-running of all the bases, which would so many players object to playing in Pittsb-urg. things in this wicked and uncertain world, and from the eecunJ prize money of (he Assoc'atioii. By with Chicago laat year, tried twirl-na; bricks on CImton lesson the annual crop of more or less serious THE DEATH of that wonderful Association GORE'S original salary with New York was agreement So was deducted ftvni tUe sharaof e:ich and s reel last night and came to grief. He waa in c -m- its history is full of surprises. Even so late as accidents and frequent intentional injuries fully Th.'s baa bee a materially reduced since, presented to Jack McJIasters, the trainer of the club. panv with Lew Hawking, a comedian. At tlie c 'imer "double-umpire-rival-player" rule was calm ot" \Vashmctoo street they stopped two or threa young last season we had striking exemplifications of one-fourth. It is bad enough to have many EIGHT Western Association players failed to DENSY FITZGERALD has accepted a position this in the downfall of the great Detroit team and peaceful. There were no mourners. stenl more than a eingle b«se throughout the eoason. In a large plann establishment ut Guolihj Canada, men aud irl-d to drive them b,tC* by throwing stone* valuable players crippled each season without where he is wintering. at them, but the young iu»m wouldn't hava it and gave and the rock that Brooklyn's star team EX-PRESIDENT CUSHMAN'S interest in the Buf­ Ho informs us 'hat he was not Bovchers a pounding. The ball looser was rescued by in addition sacrificing their lives to the Moloch falo Club has beon purchased by Alderman Franklin. reserved by London and ia therefore at liberty to sign «plit upon in Kansas City. But Com- THE OFFICIAL LIST. anywhere. a policeman. Before Justice WooJman the next mom- of base sliding. IT is probable that tho Internationa! Associa­ ing Borchpi-4 grinned anil s-ud, 'I wns just p tchrnjr VON DER AHE'S 17-year-old son Eddie has al­ iskey never said a truer thing than Record of Engagements and Releases of tion season will begin on May 4 and last until Sept. 30. bricks.' 'I was just holding him while he pitched, his assertion that his team could "play "In speaking of the world's championship gamaft the ready accumulated S7.0CO through his own exertions, said Hawtuns, and Justice Woodman just fined the Flayers Under the National Agreement. BECKLEY reports his ankle as being sound as he having had th« score card i-nvileRO at Sporismau'tj ba e ball m m $10 aud the act >r S5." a sure thing better than .any other other day a gentleman connected with the New York Appended will be found a list of players signed a dollar, und also jtdda that he now weighs 100 pouoda. Park. Eddio seems tj have his worthy Biro's faculty Club stiii!: 'It ia not gent-rally kuowu that the New of acquisitiveness THE Zephyr Amateur Athletic Club ha3 bean club in the country." A glance at the table of York players were directly interested in the New and released by the various clnbs under the Na­ SEND 2-send stamp for a copy of THE SPORT­ organized in Buffalo. The following officers were last season's championship games gives point to York-St. Louis eaineg played on the Polo Grounds, tional Agreement. This list is official, as no ING LIFE'S famous Millenium Plan in pamphlet form. CATCHER JAKE WELL?, of the Detroit Club, elected: President, Joseph Franklin; vise president, hut such is the fa;-t. A certain percentage of the New name is entered thereon except by sanction of AT LAST accounts Manager Mutrie was lost in has started in Im^ine.stj at Petisacol*, Fla. He *.vas re­ U u slave Miller, secretary, U. W. Russ treasurer, Wm. the assertion. The Browns had no soft snap York Club's share of the receipts were put aeide after the wilds of Maine. He was hist heard of in Purtlaod. cently presented with a gold med*l by the PostTnie J. Cant; board of director*, Pres d-*iit Franklin, ex- the secretaries of the various base ball leagues: Base Ball Club, of with the clubs of the first division, but in their each came, and wben all the games scheduled to be IT is reported that the Baltimore oyster man, Peusacola, iu recognition of the fine offlcin; Wm. J. Cint, Geo. F. Kerr, J. F. Alexander, played oa the Polo Grounds hud beon finished the NATIONAL LEAGUE. record he has made. II. W. Rusa Thirty-uino members signed the charter contest with the tail-enJers they threw away no money was divided and B.wf/ni D. Brouthers, M. J. Kelly, M. J. Madden, C. B. F. Ftirren, has secured an interest in the Baltimore turned over to them.1 " New Club. PAUL HINES is emphatically opposed to the ro'l. Tlic club is formed of tlie Zophyr and Athletic chances. They played just as hard and steadily York Sim. W. Gauzol. H. F. Jobuston, II. Bicbardsou, J. G. Clark- classification system, aa lie fears that he v. ill not get base bull clubs. It ha* a number of fine players to so- against them as against the leaders and per con­ The above quoted luminary aa a rule shines son. TONY MULLANB'S libel suit against the Cincin­ the iucreaso ( f salary he is demanding. Ho still l«lks lect from, aud will put a strong team in the field. It Chicnso— W. F. Hiitchlnson, D. Darling. F. T. Flint. nati Times-Star has been dismissed, defendant payiug will l-o something like this: "Lidy" Manning, Oalli- sequence bagged enough victories brightly, but in this instance it about wanting t> play first b.tse and believes that he to put them suffers an eclipse Detroit—T. J. Soffttor, T. J. Flanagau, C. C. Campau, cost'. could earn 53,000 in that position. ** opo Miller and Chas. Noven, p 'tellers; E. McLeod and into the lead and keep them there. Comiskey and gives space to a very ancient and moth- J. W«-lIa, M. Duck, T. C. Nicholsuu. IF GREENWOOD should now drop ba^k to a "Juice" Rus«, catcher-*; "Bloiidv* 1 0 to, first base; Jo» P/iUaiMjMa—C. G. Bufltnton, A. B. Sanders, D. M. IF TOLEDO succeeds in raising sufficient funds Franklin, sec ind base; Kid William? and Jim Maltby, is quite likely to pursue the same policy next eaten chestnut. The item that the New York minor league he will have but himself to blame for for her International team, Ohio will bo represented Casey, J. G. Mitchell, Julm Clements, Win, Sbrirer, hid fall. short stops; Wm. Cant, "Duuny" AUvarJ, Jike Alex­ season, and therefore if there is to be any feast the slayers received tho proceeds of one of the four \Vm. Hiillinan, Jos. Mutvey, L\ J. Delelmnty, John in tho four leading base ball orgauizittions of the coun­ ander. D. Helming and Lou Bradbury, ou'.fleMers. HARRY WHEELER, whom Milwankee is after, try the League, American Association, International Browns will be sure to get more than a games of the world's series played in New York Kirb , P. B. Wood K. H. Decker, A. A. Irwiu. President Franklin is uUo m-tnaginj; director of the fair PUtilinrg—0. F. Miller, J.O. Lanor, E. Morris, P. K. is tending bar, it ii eaid, in his brothers' saloon in Cin­ Association and Tri-State League. Buffalos. cinnati. share of it. There may be no feast, however, al­ received the benefit of THE SPORTING LIFE'S McSuaunic, A. J. Maul, J. F. Coleman, H. E. Staley, COLUMBUS, tbe new member of the Associa­ GEORGE SHAFER made a wonderful record though from the present make-up of the teams great circulation at the time the series was in S. A. Nkhol, Henry Yaik, F. U. Carroll, F. Dunlap, J. DAVE FOUTZ says that ha is to play first base tion, has had considerate base ball experience. Next P. Beckley, \V. M. Qarfmid, W. J. Kuebne, W. Sunday, with the Dtss Moines Chib la*t yoir. He wa* the P«O- the championship race is most likely to be con­ progress, and should not have escaped the Sun's for Brooklyn uext beoaon, whether Oir is released or tn Cincinnati it was the first c ty in Ohio to support a oiid boat bti'.smaa of the Wos'oru Association, with.au P. J. Conway. retained. professional nine. As Tar back as 1875 tbe Capital ave rage of .338, made more hits thai any ether player, fined almost from the start to three or at most attention at that now remote period. No one Wcakmglmi—*. ). Carney, P. S««»ney, J. M. Ban­ Ciiy organized a team of paid play era. ning, A. Ferson, O. S. Haddock. POWELL, the first ba,semau of the Sioux City sto'e 31 ba-sefl, »n 1 Idd th«» rogu'ar ri^ht fieMer*, with (our clubs. particular game of the four was devoted to the team, will captain the men. next season, and may be DAVK ROWE will put some of his money into .938. Re was, besides, always in good condition, and AMERIl-AS ASSOCIATION. manager. the Denver train, and be backed, a? lie says, **by un- participated in HO champijiish p games. The ide i of jplayers; injtead they, received on^^uth of the . -Ji'tl.stif—TboE^Eifittanlii««^..i^EnroBll- ]L£a- OFFICIAL SCO1USG. _JinBite_(i_rajjtiil." Ue is confiUeut Denver is the best such a man pitying in a mi or league when~ the receipts of all four games playedlattcw York. nelly, II. D. bfovey, L. Biurhjiuer, J. F. Smith, K Cross, "ball town m Hie"X8sociaTw>nrna:,"'d'^pite TtaTifiSrt'ictiK Tinder the new classification rules the official J. Brennan, C. Wt-lclj. were made a totjl of 7,523 hit*, 2,000 stolen bases and not near so good, to say notion* of tho matter of hand­ 4,675 runs. will make the best financial showing. scorers of the League will bo charged with in­ THE TETERAS CHADWICK it> his usual weekly Baltimore J. J. Souiers, J. Mack. work and experience, in which important point* Slia- Brootti/n—J. P. Vlsner, W. D. O'Brion, J. P. Cork- THK contracts of W. T. Hutchinson, Dell Mn. TERRY, who is A. G. Spalding'a agent in ferhas feu- eq>iaU. Everythhig goej tj show that, creased responsibility. Besides keeping score, letter makes some pertinent and logical comment bill, D. L. Fonlz. J. B. Plnknoy, T. B. Burns, II. Col- Darling and T. S. Flint with Chicago have just been arranging for ihe reception of tho Chicago and A!l- now thut hn arm i* al! ri^ht again, he i* as good a lins, A. J. Bushong, P.. S. Uaruihen, T. J. Lovett. Amerini teams in Europe, is in New York conferring pliiyer us ever he the other duty of watching the conduct of the upon the recent legislation of the major leagues. promulgated. with AValt'-r Spaiding iu regard thereto. He thinks was, and he WHS for years consid­ (SiKiitnnti—Ollie P. Be*rd, C. O. Baldwin, George FOUR Western first bn semen Morrissey, ered the best m iQ in h>s position. Shnfer would be players off the field in order to aid in their classi­ He is particularly happy in his exposition of the Tebeaa, J. \V. HnllWay, Jas. Durjea, Wnj. Karle, T. J. the teams will be well received in England. just the man for St. Loui j, Cleveland, Columbus, Wash­ fication will often bo shared by the scorers. Mulline, Hugh Nice!. Steams, Cartwright aad Hawc-i hud each more thau real weakness of the League graded salary plan, 1,000 put-outs. GEORGE W. BARNUM, tho new League umpire, ington Htul half a dozen oth?r major lengue cluba that Who will watch the scorers is a matter of con­ Cleveland—Oliver IVbeau. is about the build ef Umpire Lynch and has a first-rate could be named. ______and has come unequivocally to the conclusion Kimxa Citg—U. C. Long, Ch»3. E. Hoover,C. L. Rey­ OUT of 127 Western Association batsmen last knowledge of the ganj*- He commits every rule t» jecture. In view of the added responsibility the which nearly all the best writers and thinkers nolds. sesson 28 failed to reach .200 and four didn't even get memory ju-*t a< if it were hie part in a dmnia. Mo can MNKS FROM HARRISBURO. League would do well to adopt THE SPORTING connected with base ball have arrived at INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION. as high as .100. repeat every rule without the aid of book or note. LIFE'S suggestion and organize a regular staff of that THE SPORTISB LIFE Millennium Detroit—J. K. Virtue, lid. Wiswell, F. KnaaM, J. T. A MEBTING of the New Jersey Base Ball "DECKER'S suit for salary as an umpire will A Club for Next Season Assured Tbat McGlone. Leamie v. ill bo held at the Mansion House, Ilacken- Reading Judicial Verdict, scorers, similar to the umpire staff, as previously practically derevrmr.e whether or not the League can JEtc. Plan is after all the one and only Toronto C. H. Cua!iman (manager), W. J. Hoover, suck, on Dec. 16. discharge an umpire for iucompetoi.cv, aud the result HAKRISBSRG, Pa., Dec. 14. Editor SPORTING outlined in these columns. Such a staff would, feasible, practicable and incommutable plan T. G. Vickery, \Vm. T. Serad, Al Swilt, G. McMillaa. Gus SCBMELZ isn't at all sorry Columbus got will be looked fur ward to with intere-tt." New York Sttit. There can be but one re u't. Decker will Use. LIFE: The Middle States League meets at of course, add to expenses, but that should not plan for the regeneration of professional base TRI-STATE LEAGUE. there. His family live there, aud he will see them Philadelphia on next Wednesday, when tho be considered. Better curtail expenses Columbia—E. J. Sta(ileton, Albert Fisher. H. W. oftou next year. PRESIDENT DATIDSON denies the story sent at some ball, for the ultimate adoption of which all past, Fuller, Goo. A. Bhne, Jucub Steutzel. out from Cleveland that he is trying to sell both sporting fraternity of thU city will be repre­ DURING the winter the Haight street ground, sented cither by delegates or by proxy. Several other point and have this department, now of present and possible future legislation is but a WESTERN ASSOCIATION. in San Francisco, will be so enlarged as to accommo­ Hecker and Browning. He may let Hecker go, but not greater importance to players and managers Dttlusaukee—L. Shildknecbt, E. B. Sutton, F. Wells. date 15,000 people. both. He is artt-r three new men, and if hj doesn't enthusiastic base ball admirers have signified stepping-stone. Just as all roids formerly led get Baik ey will take Greenwood, of Baltimore, or a than ever before, thoroughly well organized, so THE Cleveland Club has already sold moro their intention of being present at this meeting, to Rome, so all the tinkering, patching and ex­ Released From Reservation. youn* pU.ver. and no doubt application will be made for ad­ that it may be better supervised and handled by season tickets fur ISS'J than were disposed of when last periment of the major and minor leagues inevit­ Bjr Danit—Dennis Brouthera, C. W. Gauze!, H. season's p.ay began. THE official organ of the Cincinnatis taps the mission t-j the League. Tho gronuds can ba procured the president of the League, who should have ably lead but to one goal The SPOUTING LIFE Richardson. drum as follows:-*-''Now is the time for Cincinnati for tlie next i-ea^ou, and with tlie amount of money al- By Manchester—J. J. Carnoy. BALTIMORE has signed catcher Quinn, late of players not under contract to come forward ruiii sign. ready subscribed Harrisburg could support a club Iu exclusive control and enlarged powers in the Millennium Plan. Sy Hamilton—J. f. Visner, P. B.Wood, J. M. Katney, tho Albany Club, and is negotiating with pitcher For- President Stern threatens te make big cut-i in tho ;ala- gO"d style. premises. To do this, and to get the best results W. Auilrus. man, of the same club. riea of roine of his men who do not show a willingness The Harrisburg Base Ball Club his been found guilty from tho scorers, it must be inado In REYIEWISS the real and fancied merit? of By Syracuse—Ollie P. Beard. WESTERS base ball men say that Pickett, of to tafee liberal offers." by a Heading court uf twelve indictment-) for alleged an object to attempts to jump their boaid bill in the latter pla;e. tho new Association city, Columbus, great stress By Tnrimtc, E. H. Decker. St. Paul, wuuld be a suitable short stop for either CINCINNATI shows a disposition to help Colum­ them to do their work well. A fairly liberal BijDo Mimes—3. W. Ualliday, W. F. natobin son, LouuvMe or Columbus. bus and has refund St. Louis' off«r of $500 for Jack Early last frill the manner of the Harrlaburg Club re­ salary will do this, and make their position is laid by partisan writers upon the fact that By Louisville L. Cross. THEUE is some doubt whether Frank Selee OX'onnrr's release. Columbus may have the player at ceived a letter from tho niauager of tlie Ri-aj Troy Jas. Binning, Peter Swecnay, Gao. Had­ bub? than the champions. tlin trip. Tlie Hitrriahurg (Jiul» wired them to ihs ef­ DIRECTOR BILUXGS, of Boston, is stated to ber of the Association and possessed a team that dock. CLKARY CROSS is pretty positive ef playing in fect thut they would lame, and upon goin< there ihey K>j Omahti—Thos. B. Lovctt. Sioux City. He is at present working ia St. Louis at MANAGER HAURINGTOV, of the champion fuuod another club phtytup tha Heading Club on iho have said to pitcher Keefe, of New York, the actually finished second in tho race. The very Btj Worcester— W. H.'Wbeslock. his trade, that of tinner. Lim>i9, has started an engagement bureau for ball date pet down for the Harriaburg-Keadinfr game. other day "ffearo going to have that ohampion- important fact is, however, overlooked that ex­ JACK O'BRIEN may be found on Columbus' players atChicjgo. Noimn is better qualified for suc­ This waa a gross injustice on the lurt of the Reading cess, if sue' ess can be made at thn business, than lJ»r- management, but to comi-romwtt th« matter tho game ship in Boston if it costs $100,000. If wo want penses and salaries have increased in even Suspended. first bag next season. lie would make an excellent By Rochester -Jas. Toy, M. J. Kennedy. rington, ho having a wide acquaintance not only with \vasplayod on the following day,the Heading Clubadhor* a player wo don't care what it will cost to get greater proportion since 1884, when the entire gu irdian of the initial ba£. playejs, but with club owners autl managers. in?: to their former promise to pay all the expense IT is said that the Milwankee Club has been him, we'll pay it." Now is that a proper way crack Columbus team was sold to Pittsburg for Umpires Appointed. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION clubs are watch­ The game was a failure, only a few dollars being promised a place in the American Association on the ing London. It doem't look like liviutf up to the sal­ taken in at tho gate, ami tbe club from this city for a base ball magnate to talk to the flayer of about $6,000, less money than a single player of National league—1. i. Lynch, Geo. W. Barnnm, tcr-asion of tho next vacancy. thought everything would be made John McQuaid. ary limit to purchase the release of Joo Knight, a all riuht by the a rival club, and especially one who sets such a note now fetches in a contracted market. Now, THRKE well-known players, Bright, Tobias and player who was too high-priced for tbe other clubs. R acting Club, but they found that the proprietor ot Lhe hotel at which they s(o;.po1 had enured suit high value on his services as does Keefe? For­ I»nftcson, are wintering in Saa Antonio aud are wait­ Knight stood out f"r $300 per month, which is far too will a doubled population offset increased rail­ WITTY SAYINGS. ing for something to turn up. high for an outfielder under a monthly limit of 81,250 a^ainbt them, and a constable came to this city with tunately the recent League legislation puts an road (inter-State commerce law) rates, heavy per team. a warrant fur them, anJ tlioy were compelled to THE Cincinnati Enquirer with its n?ual fresh­ give bail for their appearance at court. Subsequently extinguisher on the very doubtful sort of enter­ club expenses and a probable tail-end team at Funny Paragraphs Gleaned From Face­ ness and clumsinftr* intimates that Mr. and Mrs. Ward "THE Association last spring appropriated tious Exchanges. they paid au alderman in Roaling $42 t> have the prise displayed by the indiscreet Boston direct­ double the salaries of the highly successful, but have fallen out. This is not so. $350 for the purpose of buying tho p'ayere of the cham­ matter settled up, and they now find that they have *"Smith 'What paper are you working on now?' pion team some suitable -trophy. President Von der ory. Their THE fielding totals for all the Western Associ- been fleeced out of the above amount, and expecting plunging tactics more than any unprofitable, team of 1S84? Jones 'Ain't working on any paper. The season ia Ahe addtkl $100 to this amount and presented each of au officer to come from over with mo.' 'How's that?' 'I was humorist on tho atii'U teams during tho past eeason are: Put-outs Heading »t moat any time. other one thing are responsible for the reckless 24.,4iii!, assists 15,803, errors U,779. - M» men with handsome watch lockets. He gave away Eddie Sales, of this city, who played short atop for SPECULATIONS as to whether John M. Ward Bugle who got off the jokes on the base ball umpire. fifteen of them. They cost $30 apitce." Cincinnati the Tui?iga. mere runs than any other player. classification scheme imperative. It surely came championship trophy lhe coming season. Th.» IN THK SWIM. * "Quimby, T hear, ia going to branch out as a prize has come to that dernier institutions which will enter clubs ar* Ilamline, Mac- none too soon. before his departure for Australia Ward in­ fighter." "He'll never make a success of it. He cau't resort of decayed ball p'nyurs bar-tending. He bauds alestcr, State University, C-trJcton, Sliattuck nnd the. Toledo Capital Raised anrt a Club Assured. formed our reliable San Francisco correspond­ run a little tit." "No, but he's au excellent elocution­ out the drinks in a Newark saloon. high school* of St. Paul and Minneapolis. The cham­ ist." Philadelphia MANAGKR TED SULLIVAN wishes to announce ent, Waller Wallace, that he had no objections Record. THERE are more and better ways of evading pionship has been held by Mafcaleiter for three seasons TOLEDO, Dos. 12. At a meeting of the stock­ through THE SPORTING LIFE that he has de- to playing in Washington, would in fact prefer *"Stranger 'May I ask wliat your occupation is, the new ra'ary limit rule than by appointing a player's in succession. holders of the Tole.-Jo Base Ball Ciub, held in sir?' Tally-bo driver ia a college town 'Ob, I coach George H. Ketcham's office last night, the sub­ elined a number of offers from clubs and is not it. That much settled it is now only a question tho students.' " Burlington Fsee Psest. wii'e as club seiniatn-ss, laundress, etc. TIME makes as many queer changes in base ONLY four Western Association players ball as in otlier phases of life. Little did E/.ra Sutton scription lists were added up, and it was found open to engagement at all, as his services belong between himself and the Washington Club as to *"It ia said that the Bull PJayers* Brotherhood will and Tom Poorman think years ag<>, when they were that the citi/cns had subscribed 54,000. This, with Mr. at the next moctiuc pasa a resolution appoiuting a com­ Manning, Long, Carroll at;tl Holliday scored more to the Washington Club until April 1, after remuneration,' and that need cause the friends than one hundred runs ejch last stajou. plftyiiig in tho Boston Club, that they would mf-et in Ketcham'fl S5,00'J, left 81,000 to be raisad, which Mr. mittee to grade ihe managers into three classes. Tho after se-isons iu th« Milwaukee Club. Now Su ton Is Y. II. Ketcliam took. which he will go to Europe, and, with the aid of of both parties no uneasiness. Washington (A' clasj will get $1,800, 'B1 clas, 81,400, and 1G' claas, IN THE Western Association last season but tlie mamisa-r in Milwaukee and Poorman has sigued Brown & Geddea to-day forwarded the incorporation a certain capitalist, introduce our National having risen to the occasion cannot now recede, gl.OOO per season." Philadelphia Press. four batsmen made bettor than .300 and but 3C out of a to play iu.that city. pnpers to Co'uinbiiB, and as soon a^ they are returned *"The signs of the times are chiefly affixing tolal of 127 made averages ot .250 or better. game. This will prove a most interesting, and signa­ STRONG objection was made to Sioux City at the stockholders will nmet and organize. while Ward has no alternate between a new, tures of cruck ball players to 188(J contracts." Chicago JIM WHITE and Jack Kowo are close friends, Manager Norton Ins been wired to sign his men and Inter- Ocean. the Western Association meeting, because Hint club perhaps costly experiment, and the result of Mr. lucrative and congenial sphere of action or his and the Deacon would rather play iu Pitt burg with didn't piy enlanos in full last SOHBOU. The club, how­ tieforo many d.tys roll by ho will have the name* of a *"Ernest Ilenshaw, of England, prides himself on the Jack thau EI> to Button, even at higher salary. number of good p-ayers on contract). Humor has it Sullivan's efforts will be awaitei with consider­ old. irksome and distasteful berth. Therefore fact that he has never been beaten ever, managed to escape expulsion by showing that at tennis. This the club had bi'en th.it he haa u star battery on his list, but Toledo people able interest and curiosity. Mr. Sullivan has Washinjjtonians may rest secure and happy in boast may sound very big in Kugland, but here in PRESIDENT DAY thinks that Decker haa no financially strength eric 1 and ar­ are not worrying about/what kind of a team he in or­ case acaiiist the League and should be rearages had been maJo good, whereupon the objec­ promised to keep the fraternity this side of the the knowledge that at last they will have for America it goes for nothing. Ernest could go along ashamed of ganizing. They know that if the players pass Mortoa'a the streets of any American city and count thousands himself for publishing private correepoudenco. tions were withdrawn. inspection they will have tu bo good ones. herring pond posted on his work through THE their team an able commander of the Anson or of people who have never been beaten at tennis." Mil­ IT COST the Cincinnati Club $36,000 in players' AN EFFORT was made last Thursday to bur- Under the new order of Ihiugs the ball park will ba SPOKTIXO LIFE, »nd our readers may therefore Comiskey style. waukee Sentinel. salaries last season to come in fourth. In 1832 the g'arizo Engel's saloon, opposi:e tho Ptilo Ground-1, greatly improved, and patrons can rest assured that tuft « c!ub won the cliampioDsbip with a $7,000 team. where tho Nuw York Club lias its safe nnd where the game is in good hand-. anticipate a rich treat next season in addition to Hall and Diuvrav cups are stored. A wide-awake ONE GOOD RESULT of the series between the St. Literary and Journalistic Notes. IT is said that the Australian Combination servant the usual banquet spread before them every took in 517,000 before Failing for Australia. girl discovered the thieves trying to force nn The Association's Umpire'Movements. Louis Browns and New York is a movement to The first almanac for 1SS9 to teach na is the one Is­ Just entrance and scared the intruders away. They were week in these columns. sued by the Philadelphia Record. It is ail encyclo­ about £7,000 moro tuaii Spakting expected tu net. Manager Barnie, who is-the chairman of the put un extinguisher upon the much vaunted undoubtedly after the cups. pedia in condensed form which everybody should TIERNAN thinks that the new rules will cause "TIERNAN is said to be the highest salaried umpire committee, has received a number of THE COMMITTEI", appointed by the Association but really nonsensical and disgusting noisy havo on hand for ready reference, aud is equally as many more bases on balls, but will be a good thiug ontfielder in tho ci utitry. He Rets 8^,500." New York applications for places on the staff. He says to consider the new League grading and salary coaching prevalent among American Association valuable to the merchant aa to the politician, to the lor tho accurate pitchers, euch as Keefj or Welch. Herald. That may be the highest salary p*id in the Gaffney and Ferguson will sign with the Asso­ JUDGK SCOTT furnished the comedy part at the rules, and to map out a better plan if possible, clubs. The fact that in the last memorable professional man as to the layman and to the farmer Lea^ue.Mit we doubt it. Jounston, imd Thompson prob­ ciation, and it ia more than likely that John as to Von der Ahe banquet. While the Judge WHS speaking ably receivfl more. In the Association there are sev­ Kelly, of the League staff, will also be secured. will meet about January 1, when they will take series for the world's championship the Browns the sportsman. The new almanac contains 9G he was a ivised to get his 'Mace curtains" trimmed. eral outfielders who exceed that salary, namely,Welch, pages of solid matter, devoted to election statistics, Stovey, and probably Cork bill. The $6,000 that the Association will pay tho eorae definite action. At least that is the pro­ made the noise while the New Yorks did the THE diamond of the Chicago Club will be umpires does not have to be equally divided, finances, civil, military and nival officers of the Na­ THE American Association people one and all gramme mapped out. The probability is, how­ playing has opened the eyes of the Association tional and State greatly improved for next season. Secretary Brown and it was the iulention to sisjn GaiTuey and McQuid* governments, agriculture, science, will have either a skin diamond or a newly sodded in- think that Cohimbns will ptove far more beneficial to peoplo to the uselessness of a system which fashions, at about $1,800 each, aud to puy Iue other two um­ ever, that they will potter around until spring sports, dramatic, household and other sub­ field. the Association tbau the Cleveland Club. It Is right pires selected presumably GoUlsmith and Fe&seiidon without fixing upon some definite line of action, lends nothing to success but rather deprives the jects. Fifteen pages of this valuable book are devoted on the lino fur Eastern clubs K0'ng West aud Wet-tern about Sl,203 apieca. McQmuln was offered $1,750 to sports. PRESIDENT STERN says fchat while Cincinnati clubs coming East, and it will save one night of travel and then at the last moment like the com­ better class of patrons of much enjoyment. The^ records have been carefully lovised, in;iy net win the pennant next year it will certainly and expenses ju*t after the Association meettug, but making one on each trip, an the club* caa get there thut much declined and in a moment of pique signed with the ______of the most complete and valuable guidea beat out St. Louis. This k the time to say these sooner from the West and from the East than to Cleve­ mittee appointed to formulate THE SPOUTING on sporting matter* we have seen for some time. League. The Logue salary is di-cUred to bo only Lire Millennium Plan merely report "pro­ IT is MORE THAN LIKELY that the California thiugs. land. 81.500 and expenses, and lhe question ia, did McQuaJe Wilh the closing of the year Godey's Lady's Book MINOR league clubs in need of really needlessly throw away 8250, or did gress" or else swallow the League plan intact. League next season, will be brought under the an A No. 1 DURING the recent California League season Pro^ideut Issues a superb miaiber, running over with seasonable catclior and good hitler wouU do well by addressing Stocktou played two games without an , nnd the Young stretch a p >int and offer extra inducements? That's the way all Association committees do ex­ wing of the National Agreement, thus closing attractions of tho most bri Iliant kind. The exquisite Catcher C. R. Koockugey, 210 N. Strlcker St., Balti­ Haverlya one. Stockton had five games where but oue cept that on schedule work. the last asylum for contract breakers and obstrep­ Bteel-plate frontispiece, "The Parting Promise," Illus­ more, Md. . * error was m«de, Oakland four, Uaverlys four and LETTER LIST. Pioneers three. The ereatest number of errora made erous players. Some of the amendments to the trates a capital story, by Max Yauder Weyde. Emily UMPIRE McQitADE is an expect on pugilistic We have in our care letters or telegrams for Lennox's iihutratod matters. He knows all the fighters and scrappers of in one game was on March 25, when the Pioneers WITH TOLEDO and Columbus out the prospects National Agreement and supplementary articles story, "Reggy Did It," is a gem piled Tip fourteen. On July 15 the Stocktona played the persons named below, which will be promptly in its way. So is Emily Read's "Straingem." "laas- prominence, and can pretty nearly tell how any fighi for a continuance or rather reorganization of such as that bearing on ineligible players and will result. with thirteen errors. forwarded upon receipt of a self-addressed much" is very touching. "A Woman's Way" will be stamped envelope: the Tri-State League is decidedly gloomy. granting reservation privileges to four club greatly eojoyed. ORR, Bushong and Terry ride a bicyle every MvTftiB says that Ewing will play in every game next > ear. He proposes t'j name a catcher, in­ Harry Manning. Chia. Gush man. Even an Ohio League seems difficult of attain­ leagues were made with an eye to the California Petercon & Broa. have juat iasu«d lirt. Southworth'a day, aajs the Now York Sun, F^ncy the mountainous stead of a pitcher, sw the tenth man on the score card, Manager Brackett. Billy Elder. ment, and the chances are that Canton and contingent, and with the cases of Ebright, Orr on a wheel. Pave must have given the Sun re­ and this man, except in every close games, will relieve G. 0. Knowltoa. I,*try Daniels. novel, "The Discarded Daughter," in cheap foim. porter a guy. Wheeling all that is left of the Tri State Smith and Whitehe»d in view. Ewing after the fourth or nfth ibniog. Mutrie's head Tom Vallaly. Frank Seiey. THE talk abortt Columbus only having a one- MANAGER WATKINS says that the Association is levt 1 on this point, as a good throwing ca cht-r who Ed WIsucll. J. Springer. League will have to find a haven of rest in the year's lease on the Association framchiso ia said tu be meetings are ju*t as harmonious as those of the can nip base-runners ia of more importance in a close CItarteg f.evw. Will C. Bryan. proposed Oil and (Tas League, or else organize a CLUBS located in Ohio have always been fatal unfounded. It is gives out 04 a fact that Columbus jg League. This uiay be true and vet isn't saylog much gurnet ban any other individual, uot even excepting Wm. O'BrU-n. James PliiQagan. new league. to Cincinnutis' championship aspirations, and the buua fide owner of tUo Metropolitan ttai>chi«e. for harmouy. the pitcber. W. W. Burobwn. Walter Haddock. Dec. 19. THE SPORTIl^Q LIFE.

pltching that "Conway waa tlie only man in the team sirous of getting into *:tl:er the Association cr League, mission. 25c., ladies free; guarantee, $10 or half x^tu ro- that saved hia distance, and ho la really a king among ST. LOUIS SIFTINGS. and he say a that if be is not released by the Des NEW YORK NEWS. ceipfs; 315 in case of rain. At 5 p. M. the committee the best of them. Cfruber get* frightened too easily, M'Hries team to one of the major organizations he will adjourned to report to Ihe board of rllrt-ctore at 1 P. M., BALL. The Work of the Recent Association Meet- remain in California next ueason, us he has been Paying for the Pennant Are the Giauts on on fiie lust Wednea lay of March, 1889, ut thig place. BASE Getzeln geta sulky if and d>;*>0 not ute bis head, whit's any one makes au error and due* not try to pilch hia Ing Reviewed—The Mistaken Umpire Re­ offered good mouey to n-main on the coast. He is Strike President Kyrue Takes Exception Th? League will ba comio;. d of tho following clubs: game. Bea^in ia young and w ill m«k» a great pitcher duction— Zuch Fhelps' liisappointment— now playing on a co.Tirana!Ion te;'.m made up of East­ Greeiisburg, Jolir stown, Lairo^e, Uniontown, Scctt- ern pfayers and flying under the name of the Knicker­ to an Interview lie Scores the Athletic dale and BlniraviJN . The L'niontowns have nlivudy CHADWICK'B CHAT. if he haa iho proper CQjchins." No matter how Cluits Witli \Vatkins and Sharaig—Newa Direct of— The Giants Have no New skilful a pitchor may be in delivering the ball from bockers. Deuny, \vhitney, Van Haluen and other signed Median and Halier, the crack battery of last and Gossip. bright lights are on the "Snicks." Grounds Lively Gotham Squibs. year's Cumbeiland team, and Smith, the young Pitts- Reviewing tlie Legislation of the Past tho box, either In reeard to liis commaud of the ball, T " his curves, his speed, his pluck in facing hard hit balls ST. Louts, Dec. 13. Editor SPORTING LIFE: Hannibal has turned out two pretty good players In NEW YORK, Dee. 14. Editor SPORTING LIFE: burg pitcher. J. C. Montli—Tho Blillennium Plan the Only Daniels, -f (he Cowboys, and Beckley, of the Gas City 8olution to the Existing Salary Problem- or hia eodnrauco of I'iitigue, he will assuredly tail to do Another annual meeting of the American Asso­ Base bail is a funny business, iun't it, now? effective work If he iillyws n quick temper or a sulky team. The former i* living on hie ranch tear Hanni­ Mr, lieu Young on Umpiring—Soine Cali­ ciation has been lieui, a now city has been ad­ bal, while "Big J.-.ke" is keeping himself in trim by Every club starts out each season with one am­ n:lnd to control him. A really flrit-slasa pitcher, up the circuit, »nd harmony PITTSBURGH PENCILLING3. fornia Parajfraphs—The New York Com­ when he finds his field "going bnck on him11 I don't mitted to make hammer-in; t!ie live-Ion^ day. Jake is a boiler maker. bition, viz., to win first place and the pennant. reigns supreme. The cluba composing the Asso­ President Able Sanguine Stein, of tho Cincinnati mercial Cluiinpiona—Deacon White on mean wilfully, but by poor field support will he At least that ia what each club ia supposed tw Jack Rowe'a Exorbitant Demands A his own part to make ciation no doubt have a very friendly feeling Red;!, is tho Bill Nte of the National game. Ilia speech tho Detroit Pitchers—The New Power roused up to exiia exertion on start out for, although we all know that tho Couple of Players on tlie Market l*ratt's uy for the deficiency, and this plucky effort at up-hill people, if for no other reason at the St. Louis banquet was a good thing for hia own Given Umpires to Prevent Kicking The for the Cleveland business, as a great many of those iu attendance clubs start after tha bright shekels at the same Reminiscences Umpire Decker's Case- work froiju-n'.ly brfng< about a rally on the part of l.ia than the gentlemanly and str ai gh lib r ward man­ without Cuban Giants Noticed An Interesting sulky or mad at Iheir errors busted their clothing laughing at hia funny remarks. time. The pennant is one thing, but Gossip and News I to ins. fielders, while bee, nn:i,r ner in which they left their second love and re­ Wehrle and .Stalling^, late of the Stockton, Cut., Chapter in American Club History. only makes thing* H:ill worfe. big gate receipts it is something else. The Giants SPORTING LIFE: turned to their first. KobUon, Howe «t Co. Club, pasjed through here a few days a^o on their way PITTSBCRG, Dec. 13. Editor BKUOKLYN, Dec. 12. Editor SpoiiTixoLiFB: have at last landed on the top of tho heap, and When in the course of human events it be­ I see tbat pitcher Kiefe is reported to have aaid denied nothing, and their manager, aa well as to Havana, Cuba, w';e;e they go*t^ plav I all w ith tlie begun. The legislative work of tho National League iiewly-ortraniz-d ciub of that city. Quite a trip from it now looks as if their real troubles have comes necessary for the Pittsburg people to re- that iho placing of iho pitcher'* box five feet furtaer J?HB SPOUTING LIFE correspondent (Mr. F. H. local and the American Association having been fin­ California to Cuba via St LunK I place no credence in the rumors that tiie rcjoiee, well, let then let her go. back \ijtl injure strategic p tchlng. Keefc ia stated to Brunell) said open and above board ^Ve are of the Athletic*, to hoist their ished up for 1888 it is now in order to comment have said ttmt in case of the adoption of this rule "a Jack Breuunn, the new catcher players have formed a combination Tbere is cause tor rejoicing. Rowe J. C. tired of the American Association; we will apply must have pulled in a g od bundle of advance money, are on whut these organizations have accomplished l^er^on with plenty of strength and speed will te the salaries all argued, but still as such rumors Rowe expert ash handler, haa been heard moat effective pitcher, and the men who depend on for Detroit's place in the League, and we are of as he dressrs fiku a dude and smokes throo fora dullar. Hying around one is compelled to take notice of in promoting the permanent welfare of the Na­ JOE PaiTCHABD. from. change of pace will le virtually back numbers The the opinion that we will be given it." Colum­ all tional game, an object which every club mem­ them. That there is a general hankering After keeping quiet at his domicile in Brj'nan curva and blow ball will be lost arts in the base ball bus, the new club in the Association, and money is a fact that can't be ber of the two organizations are supposed to If Kcefe can prove that such around for more street, Buffalo, tor well nigh eight weehs, Rowe world for a certainty." familiarly called the baby, will no doubt make player's have in view in all they do at their annual con­ results will arise from the removal of tbe box further WASHINGTON WHISPERS. denied. I am a firm believer thufc a has started out to talk. It is indirect, of course, a record the very first season. The people ut but ventions. The conference committee opened back I shall ceaso to advocate it. But Kt-efe'd opinion services are worth ail he can get for them, but no matter, the enthusiasts hero have cause in In oppcsitiou to the practical teats wliich Dr. Leuf the head of the enterprise nre wide-awake busi­ The Classification Mill to llegin Work T]iis a limit the legislative campaign with tho important then if tbe game is to live there must be to whoop her up, for Rowe just wants $4,000 to has given iho inert osod dietauco. ness nae:>, and they are aware of the fact that an Week—A Tale About I>eiiny Denied— glorious work on band of revising tlie playing rules of somewhere. Winning the pennant is a play ball next grassf. It was even an agreeable every-i:ay locing club will no; make mouey for the Status of the Ward Deal—The League and highly commendable acjomplishment. Stand­ tho game, and they accomplished most of their The colored ch<*mpton team ot the United States for stockholders, ami tliey intend to get together a team Umpires—General News Notes. surprise to tlio management when word was re­ 18S8 waa unquestionably (hat known a-j the -'Cuban that will make even the Browns play bull to defo.it. ing the consequences is an entirely different task very creditably. The other important WASHINGTON, Dec. lo. Editor SPORTING LIFE: ceived from Detroit that Rowe, the short stop of joint committee of the two organizations tho Giants," ahly m-maged and run bv Mr. BrUht. This Thare is now a surplus of ; lajera on the inivbet, and matter. The results in St. Louis are transparent the < nee famous Wolverine's, hail been in town, culled teatu plnytdiu lol gamed during 18S8, oi which they all of the Associat on clubs have one or more pUy era that Christmas will soon bo upon us, afid us a Arbitration Committee also improved the con­ to all. Little Khody's famous old nine won the on Auctioneer Steaius and demanded th:it he promise won 121, lott 31 aud bad two gamws drawn. Mr. Ci*u be Bjj;ued. I hoii' that ihe remaining seven ciubi», farther evidence of that faot tbe shops are and died. Detroit did tho same and to g-t him $4,000 at rittibuns or give him his lib- affairs considerably; but neither of the of the pennant dition of Bright, I see, ba^ signed Ihe fallowing plnyers with u Miirplua of pl;tyt-rs on tlu-ir haii'!$, will not iry crowded with anxious seekers for holiday liveJ a year ana then died. Ot" course there is no eity. committees did themselves proud in their legis­ pa-it season's tt-am for 1889: GeorgftWilliamp, Clarence t) jmll the leg of the new-comer, hut on the otiier good litt'o boys are wishing chutiCH ot the Giauts pomp; out of existence, tint lively Well, Stearns didn't ranke tho promise or dhln t give Willi.inis. Arthur Thonw, William Whyte, William hand will endeavor to fill up the inuitinua with good presents, and the lative bubiuci*s, though an effort was made by that they wore a No. 10 stocking instead of halt' times are oho -il just tho saute. "Tim" Ktefo hits como him hw n-leaao. Then, according: to our inforiuatiou. Malo^o, George Pnr;igo, William Sek'on, Harry John- mou. ILU there been a dcuen clubs, instead of two, fljtt-fcoted ami snys lie will not play tinie&j fie gets Jack faid he would rn t play with Pittaburg, but wuuld the League to carry out a plan calculated soo. Abe lldiriaou. The Cul^u Gi»iLts will be located seeking ti;e v»fancy, I am of the opinion tbat Coluni- hose. Old St. Nicholas Young also romembfcrs out eventually to improve tho financial condition of a big increase. Catcher Murphy W:;B in ilia city last take charge of the Buffalo Club and manage it next in Hoboken again in 1889. Tlieir main stretulh wa« bua would hiivtj cupturtd the p. i;;e. Ihere its a ''soice- that the Christmas season is near at hand, and week, hut Ifft without siguiutr. He, its well a^ tie season. its club members. But the plan was too crudely tlit'ir tt'aia woik together. Their peculiar st:le of thing" hbjut the Columbus \ eo\l» that makes friends he ia arranging his pack preparatory to making managers, were reticent about what the trouble was. coachiug was a novelty. for them rixht from the stait, and people who have THE CLUB'3 INTENTIONS. laid out to be successful without further and a grand distribution of merit cards among tho He wuu'd not ti^n, however ihut ia a certainty. President Nhnirk, like the Englishman, could hardly carry log it in to practical friends to work loi them and back them-up will not has been In th« city for tin- p;tt>t two days, more complete details ia graded salary question will be found good little boys of the League. The Santa Clans Tier nan believe hia (1b!o miu' heye^." "Cun't tell \vliat we The pith of the come out at the little tud of the born. I am u Colum­ for hU home in Trenton Wednesday ni^ht iti operation, and it was the indelinitenesa of the remark of \V. W. Uurtihain, of the but left will do. R-twe will play in Pittsburg or not at all," in the pointed bus enthusiast. of base bill, like any other Santa Claus, has to of miirl. He hud had BjEtem advocated by the League which pre­ commenting on the anything but u p!e isanl frame wrts Ihs remark when he recovered. Worcester CHib, ma-ie in a letter TUB UMPIRE SALARY QUESTION have somo assistance iu deciding whore to be­ wiih the local club own era during I.ngUuid League, wiieiein hesajs: several iutrrviev.a Juck htul liftter ^et out of liio vot very qnirk, fof vented its endorsement by the American Asso­ faUine uf ihe New not a surprise, yet I think it WHS a very foolish in the c:ty, but uo ait;sUciory arrtiujjvmeiit expect players to etig-ige for a fair was stow his favors, and it is expected that by next hi- stay tlie vlr.it he nior.i und Jack will be one of tho men who RiUtt ba wlio a-^k for these positions nre mtre sticks, a3 it were, St. Nicholas will bo read3r to start on his journey Wimia d,\ 1'eople who know Uu- G ant-*' great out- interesting chapter of American club history is the clit^ifted. At It-iiat tint is the way the Piitabiirg tnau- lacks a firm foundation. That tho profession al An aud have not the stamina to *!iy what is light or of classification. not talk nmch, but tlmt what record m«de by the timr lea'.:i'is< clubs of the Associu- fialdtr say that I:e ("o<-'s agcnu-nt lias been giving out iho new plan will ba plaje;saie unevenly n-niniieruEtil is a qnesii.-n that wrontt. I understand th it Brtiiniin, who officiated in s iy l.e KI< aiis. Mr. L'ay lio'-'S not soeni to be at ^timt-s to^c thcrdurinu tbe seasons of 1S8G, At this writing nearly all of the cluba have by dv'ef worked. Msiyue it's one of tluBf bluff:', and vrhfuever cannot b^ controverted, aud ih;it tiie time has arrive i ti;.n In tbiir the Western A&iociatioD, intends to aik for a place on to all outward uppe; 1887an-J 1S8S". In each year tho St. Lmiia Club oc- submitted a list of their players who are eligible all alarm* d at tho outlcok, pushed to tlit> wall iho story would U: "Oh, Jnck'fl for the lutivduotiou ol some plan winch will put an If Brounan is appt-iu tfl ho will be flreJ be­ lie dots a he;ip of thinking goes with­ posiiicn Ht tho end of iho etas.'!], tbe staff. aiicts, lut that caso cain-j undir ;ho men fur whuiu apcciul provisioa enM to the star $y?t-m and ita consequent 1'nuoy s»l- cupliid the It ndiiig fore the season In a month uld, hecauee he is not the to, classification, and the roll of classified phyers Having. Ho lauyjis at the idoa of there leing a otiiur thite toHowe.l close a!ter the cbarn- out w«8iiiiide." [K"Wf> j.rul'ably bus a long-time a tho aJo-jtiuii of graJed salaries, is not to bo dune iu piuua. H-re is tho record of 1SS6: wish Duti'"it which would hold (^uod in transfer. ED.} "r. tiea." Ii is true we IHHV have ihe pleasure of B e- clubs have already siicn^d more than a majority ot thai ao:no o' the playeis are m.tking detnauda for in- tioaie weeks H^O it was asserted th:;t tho t'itteburg a tnirry, or without due preparation. But-i'lea which, i w i^jj Kelly again next year, i.n.i he is a good om ; but their pluyett, hynce t:ie Uttnr will not be tmbjeJt to which will not bo grunted, the syatem itself is It&s^i u^oa a wwikue-s which wi'l cr«ftfce.i Club manigeiucnt wuuld like to get rid of llowe aad 1880. we will i.ot get a lo >k ut honest little J»ck Mi-Quado, eiasrificution this yoar. Of course those phiyeis wlio "But what about Tinman?" was suggested. the buimiao is gutting ttrougtv every day. at alt times threaten i r-s failure, and that Is that it or probably not at the gvcut and only G.sffuey. The have j erpetu;*' contracts, or contracts that continue * Ob," baid iho ruler of tho champions, recovorin does not do awnv with the existing nnhe.iltby coin- KNOWN TO BE FOR SALK. St. Louie...... Lev guy uewdpaiera kept up a continual howl the through a periol of years, will nut be subject to cliissi- his wonted gtod humor, "Tinman wanted an incrend petiiiou fur play^ re' S'.rvicee, which, while it remains 12JI3 who'e of Iv.Bt se.ison on accoiint of the poor staff ap­ Iicativ/u ujitil their contracts are aiinulled or expire. which 1 dou't think Le deserves, and conse­ CiirioK the weelt there was a rnraor attoit that Col­ of saWj, littta in u n/e, will always prove »n oheticle to the snccfSi pointed by Mr. Youny, but it was ilie beet that Kick Thero ia no disposition on ibe jrirt of the League to quently I refuse I to grant it." umbus hid take u A fancy to Al Blaul aud of any interference with aalariej under ihe exi-ting At hit-lie...... Nichol and hud offuivil about &2.0UO for Ihith. Th« Cincinnati...... could do; and \vh;it could Le have done wben the As- disregard or violate any u;Kli'r?trtnding that may exist "AudTicnwu wouldn't s'gvi?" plan of paying players. No mmi, nu matter wLat h'B eociatiuii bud all tho staih? Nothing, unlesa a job at thin time between the League hud tlu Brother­ "That is about it. Last 3 ear I granted Ticrnan a ciub oflioiala d.-iiied it, but the Columbus folks hint :s sonn! foiindation in the rumor. Proii- salary, will remain satisfied \\ilh bis lositiou while 17 ft 37 38 could be put up on the Association and its staff pnr- hood of Ball Player* The members of the Washing­ large iuc:ea*? iu salary over what he got the p;evioua tlmttlieie there 113 a possible chance remaining fur him to secure will expbiience considerable ton, Itniiamioolis an>1 Olevelinst clubi ;it lea-t a um- year, and I don't think lie desirvt-s another Incie.we i»t dcnt Nitnick thinks woH of both men. Ho is es­ loined. The Association A lad higher figures, uu>.l any graded s'liary i»yi>(eiu must be It will bo eeeu that while St. Lmlis ltd In 1886 tronbie with its cheap stnli' il-e cooiioK sermon, and the joiity if them will figure conspicuously ia the classi­ piesent. I thiuk t-iat_5lika got u hirger talaiy last pecially pitted uitli iho showing; of Kit:hol. Biich U8 to be plainly cquitable in it?t practical work­ Brooklyn et oil tecoiid, with th-i Athletics third abd very men why kicked tlie hardest and yelled the loud­ fied list, aa but few of them have aa yet signed season tl^an any other regular outflolJer in the coun­ tinker preven'ed ifte lad from doing himself justice at short trial lawing in the spring the p.-or work of the staff fiat will be forced upon Mr. THE SENATORS* GRADE. THE DEMANDS OP TIIE PLAYERS. No ono who carefully watches the progress of affairs Wikufi and the public next season. agaiiint Maul and CoU-nrin itijd a j:o ;d many will ven­ In the piofea ional Laie iMil ba^lutwti, cun help seeing 1887. President Hewitt was at hia place of business wben I At present there are five men under contract to the ture that t'ie mnna^emrnt wili make room for him ia the indications pointing tu the eveiaiual ado;itlou ;ued, mid gnm ball plajers wbo add life to a game by their the veiy foundation uf that Byatem uf re^nltvtiu^ base move, and will no doubt result in an improvement over bers of his U:un. He said he had rec.-iveil no projiOHi- BUptTBtiiK'Us players louk at that nutnt er wiih horror. chip per net 3. bail stock com'muy bu-int-s-* ia the allutmeiit of ['layers Athloiu-...... ihe plan a'lot'ted by the National League. The D:»ard tions from any of the payers lo sign a contract foi The stockholders ol the c'uli think that they will bo A I'hiliuleiphia paper says Al Maul ia indifferent by lottery. It is thi* und thia only wtitch will stop Biooklvn ...... L 10 uf Arbitreliti<;n witn its i>sult of tho sale tf not tho very brightest nun in the Association, and President Young fjr classifltution. Ltr. Hcuitt says There are ethers who thiuk dirffivnily. iit-xt year. Albert WAiila to bo with a cli,b whtre ha plnyeiB aud the paying of exorbitant salaries. Wh;it 24J33 37 113 this cutmnhtee will Iwk »fti?r the proposed chanires. ho dcx-8 not jTOin-sa to e;iy ouo word that is calculated "Why," said an old foi lower of ihe tliauts hut night, Crin play every day. He is a preat friend of Duuny'a Iht- ad.'ptiou of its graded Tiio 0 mmittew uientiv-ned are t>f the opinion that the to influence 31 r. Young in dealtujt with the Soz.atorial 'yju will tej nomy f*iu before the so-icon opens ugaiu. and the latter keei s a watchful eye on Liui. tho Ltague attempted in Ihoiuh Sr. Loui^ won the Kimunt, it will the first step tothenltimate adop­ Th :K j-o.ir, scheme us tot down by tho League will uot bo a suc­ player-", fie haa been enough of them to know tlu-ir Tlie players do nvt feem to bo a bit frig'utencd 11 the alary plan, waa but thiit in their gfimes togtjllier Cincinnati held \VHEN CAP WAS A KILLER. plan. Tin* beetcu cess, and they will have plenty of time to digest the eo>dan'Hiauiiu< Kecft-, Will Widticr, Connie to tho demands ol som-- of the men. ai!it Brooklyn Ijst,, the b»-i;!g a very hard one acapt tliosa that are suit­ Mack, Billy O'BL-ICU, Al liver-, Kd.iy Donnelly, Wit- "Kee'"e\\iil demand £5,000 next season, or an in­ heard that the Australians h;id landed at Auric'and coiiveation, simply because it fnilctl to carry witli it tli'-- eider tho weak points and Tlieie'a for Brooklyn through the drinking haLitd of tho play- Tberu seems 10 I e a revolt against mot, lloy, biiily, aad George S:u-ck hits been forwarded crease rf §1,500 OV.T lust se;i>on. I don't think he will Bafe and sound. "Dun t I wish I was alon^! power of its en tut cement. Its adoption was neither able and &tnmsf. tbe time I fust faced era, which 'ho uiAuaiemont failed to tepreds. TLe the high salaries, and several clu" s in both the Asso­ to L-'ttf^ue hciiilquHFh-iv. It i- quiie probil'ie ihfit Jim Eis his tir^t Rurue. [ was playing with rrcurd for 18S8 is nu follows: ciation and Loitgue \\\l\ be totve-l to the wall unleea Wbitney and Counio Muck will be put d»wu umcug £ 2,500 lagt suinmrr tnfl wants $«i,000 for next year. the fraternity Ibat the highest point in exorbitant thrt Fon-sr Cities, of Cleveland, an 1 he WIM witn t!ia Balai ies had beeu reached, aud th^it henceforth re­ something is done for their relief. the butu-rics in ''Clasj A;" Myerd will eurtly be iu the There may lea compromise there. s:ime ciaai of second bascmeu, ttiul Huy aud ^ed Daily "The whole thing i-jjuit this: Tbe Giants won th Forest (Mties, of Rockford, III. It wm iu '73. Ai;a<» trenchment wad to be the order. In other words the 1888. A CilAT WITH MANAGER WATKINS. I tried dfoerve to be latt-d UUIOUK the best of iut:ieldt-rs. 1 tnnuit lust suimiK-r aud they won't fjigct it. Thay just made thruo h;ud hits uft me that day. twu organizations are as 01 e iu the opinion t'lat a re­ "Ye?,1 'said Manager Wdtkiiis, of the Kansas City the bull a:o;iud his uieli, but # These classifications nre my OWD, without a buggctitioj champion salaries; that is ail." to f>ol him und wt;u;id form in tbe financial business of the League wnd tli^ Brooklyn...... 12 14 team,' the repot t that Mclaiuauy fs for sale is true. want Ar:ha from Preaidtnt Young or >.'r. lit\viit. \Vhea OIIH ol tho local directors was shown this wus no go. Ho stopped as id* and lined it out. Association has become au imperative necessity, und S-. Louis...... ' 2!> We u ill sell hiat, us I Lave a cuikfng good cutiield rfmemLors the time. In his early days Cap. waa the only thing now to be done is to work out a BUcces-4- A ihlelic...... 2-^ But h^ must bring our price, as euch a THB DENXY STORY A FAKE. statement he smd: without him. enough, aud I acknowl­ known ua the 'third base killer.' lit; us-ed to pull the ful pVan of conipaigu, and iteeenia tome very plain Cincinnati...... 23 as Mack c»n dot bo f*-und every day in the While visiting Mr. Kewiit I to,>k occasion to ask "Ye.*, my boy, that is right _i _ *fieliitr champ.on HaUiies. But they bull around in that direction. Many a third baseuiaa that Mr- Blchter, in bis MillHoniom Plan preseu'.n vei'k. Ami, besides bMug a good fielder, he is net him about the aennationial story published laat week edge that "thoy deserve have been gelling champion salaries for the last thieo lUTMle A bluff at the hall." them wfth tbe only system feasible in attaining the 331113 slow a.s a hi tor aud a bns*-runner." tn the effect tlmt J^rry Deuny would probibiy wear H I'ratthft-i ttio waU-i of his cozv office filial with desired ol-ject wSll pUy wiih Comis- S» nutuiiul unifoi'tn next st-ason. Ho talked very years. Winning the worlu'a churnpiomhip killed tin. gea-ion, it will le seen, that wh 1-i St. Louis "Do yon t:iink tlmt McTamany pictured of the o'd t;-anu tie played with. Thn'03 Last 1 1 vinmrtd. frankly on the snhject, an-1 stated that he wits in no Detroit Club. 1 hope It w. ut kill the UianLs," agaiu won tin- petinaut, in their games together Bruofe- kej's leum next ^ensoit?" Cleveland (r^ing :s u>ii4pit:n 'U^, but not moreaoihna Let every stockholiler of a professional base ball club "TUrtt is a que-tion that I cannot answer just now. wav responsible for 'he iiulilication of the story. He That dreadful December 15 will be here tu-niorrow, lyu ;o.>k the Ka-1, St. Louis beius; second, the Athltlics what it will 1 rin^ the Allies, ot lS8-i, witn Bill Taylor, Dhbcoll, Man^ell, gft i\ copy of THE SPOBTING LIFE UliHenuium bn-tk I will any this, huwover: We have told the president has no desire ti misleid tho public and thev-jforo he end I am w.Uching ai.xiuiirly BattiD and third and Cincinnati la^t. it. tho i-lub owners must d linyt-B, Dlckt-rH'jn, Swartwood, J1, ten*, Dd read It thr< »i:ti r.nvfully and without prejudice, Browns just what amount of money it wil 1 take bus no idea that Dtuny w.ll b« identified \\itii tlio foilh. As I uttder.Utind of the No- George Csearner. It waa Hie Brewery nine and no nil if ho doc tbe conclusion that H pre- to buy his release and he h:-s nude us an cffer, but wo Washington Club i ext year. It id true that Wathins- ward their ewora Hata to Mr. Younj; u*-muiTow. Tn comparing the leading playera of the infield and Jy, however, t-etms to Imvn tiiurou^h'y isolvu*! that miutuke. eiita tbe on! ution t-> the hiah salary apart iu our VI^WH." ton would eladly welcome Deniiy tit its ranks aud it i* bo outfield positions of the Lt-ngue and Association clula. arc slightly clause, so I cuu t lx> poalthe. TALK ABOUT T>ECKER*3 CASE. problem, I b}-..-... ~ • - •• question bin int"llia*uce "D;j )ou intend to sell Jim Davis' release to also irue that during Ihe pint 6e:»on Umny, while famous classification ml r-erspicnitv. Th- inuilnmontal prin.-i[ If <-f the win* to-tk ii-rt in one hundie-1 g^tmeauud over, KaaU, Krown..- ' " Tisiting; thi-i < ity, reniarUt'd that he would love do;»rl.v Still it aeems to imply that men ciub ownt r nnirt (of- . Watspp. Kcq, Dockf'i's att^irney ia lii< suH Miil-'tiuijini Pi/.n is '>"= r.-H.-rvnHon of ilmor-vb.v the " (Iay"or"B) " the na!urics they re- did not expe^ his ihent*6 ca-cto come tip for s-iua and tlie awarding coiiTer.-atiOii with Sir. U^witt, «iui ihe latter inf rmed tho p'aj or-, under contract tiiid ami u ~r ' ' laTcTufT, u^dcr contract will have ti-o months. Saiil he: "If tli« Lca<;i,e can afT.-rd to i iiy & -i-rved (l.yers by lottery. him ih«t win-never he could jj«t his r»>le-a-; from Indi- re, rhiyors not Of thiservic.-- last year aout to Mr. Vouug hl« attorney fee to fight Dvckev's claim all right. ' etruciure, and on this is poliH ther^ wonhl be an o^euiug fur him iu \V;i^h- Hints they received Tbis id the ton gi-t above that nmount fur next «*«- Their attorney id a nun who will charge a bi^ fee, uad ' -taunts aud tlie f\il! reward of Uin, The^e arvi ah nit th-j lnct^ in thvciae. New and they CUMIOI b.iflt the eqntil'i'!.,,' Oh! that Hilary limit rule is u nightmare miy- don't yen forg-t it. Ho tries owa by heglnning at th» the service rendt-red, whiln the death Mow is York, I'hil-i(ifclpiiia, Chicngo auJ, in ftiot, every clnb 6<>n. merit In wav, aud 1 am ^ouig to drop it. While it i^ urnl->ubt- vt-ry start, and you bet mauti£cd Iu pile up hia time." j[lven to the *tar system, the salo of re leasts ai;d tbe in the League would pay a iroou round fi^iin- for tdly Mue that Home such a scheme DIU t be lived up lo, existiug death d<-a!iuK comp-titiou which gives a percentage fix-'d for b:itt*rie9,and I will hnvtt a goo:l iy's services at third b<»£, but umler thenrcnm- CLKAX SCARES. plav Ly I am afraid the present rule is not the on". The rule monopoly of base ball talent to the wealthy e'ublds tbe Hwjai«rs iii- don't think it will Ust so awfully much longer. was wanted ha lly, ach League. ____ ZACH PHELPS. Orr l-ere.' The hi^ first baaainan HENRY UJIADWICK. tacr, for as toon a-f uklyii, yes- Of letters to tlio California COLLEGE BASE BALL. Apsociutioa. filr. Phelps has male a point jiiHln t play litre. team work in running biia-s, pla>*d American uivo Dt-nny, I do not believe there ia the slightest .it-rday. Ho had just returned frjiii ihe St. Louia Laio Y^ung (itrfu-hl has sent Manager Phillips hia plio- cribea a point In tend all of the meetings of ihe Ass^ciutiuu, but York and to ai possibility of hia b.-C"i»inu a Sen-tor. Uall convention, aud lo-iked travel-studied und wt-ary tograph Talk al-oul a pompadour! The Obe: liu m.iu'i by John Ward iu a gAine between the New hia recent visit to St. Louis was ot a KI eat deal m-re 6^. Louis U'Hma In California during the wlnttt of Yale Threatened With a Serious Loss- lie thought tlie Ass cta'.ion m^de a wise mme in nd- Billy Kutbne's worse lliiu BituiAick. ((o hinwell) tha-i any other trip he h-m THE WAltD DEAL. beats Affairs at Harvard, I'rinceton and Feaii- iitiportanco inittiDg ColiinibiiB in Clevvltind's uldco and said that a And «liil Jocko Fields' request foi1 u contract and 1887-88. Mr. Young sa>8. the interest cf b;iB5 Lull. His purpose i:i aahinetonian^ nre very much eoconraged by the but, with ruuncr at third, ouo made iu better schedule of gam^s could bo ma<1e out. llo also Iviinc^ money hatm't been sent oo. Jock will b« "Ward WH« nt sylvauia University. here l^st wvek was t-» have tho rules changed Johuuv Ward'rf ntat* nieut that lie liovirei time to con­ He hit a gronnifL-i to tho first basemtiit, coming u >id that no Hjreeniant htui be^n umde with the now this trip. bniid out. Now that tho season of foot ball is over at the aud'*sblit:> the office now I..!! by Mr. Wikofi. He- sider Mr. Hewitl's oftVr. The ion^er he pon.lera over .inisbt-d ^o,x\ ami hard the ball, expecting to touch him member ubout iclea-iug Orr and Mays. They sav that Jim Mntiie luia made Ilenuie Lauor, nbo met Ward wiih to be plncui) at tht- heud of ihe Aasociatiou in the aubject tho more apparent it must he to him that lie reached first base. This wa* of adrant- different colleges, preparations are in order for wanted Sir. B) roe then il lifted m t but article published in of tht- Ka?t Kutl Athk'tics. an off- r. Heuuy id liie out before pi evident, and alluw Mr. Wi'ioif to wind up the pro- it ss to his interest to acceot it. He has, IIOAOV-.T, tbe hat t- man, a« tlma the other runner could l>«' the base ball nines for '89. Word comes from last Suodrty's tfl'OE'i'iNQ Lib'E, under (he head of ''An brothurof Chuuk I-iiuer, of the I'r.Uburg Club. LI* ge to »ud treasurer; and I am told hardly reviewc.l Mr. Hewiti's proposition ia detii), kept liujiginii third b-ii-e, or if attempting to hc*>re on the great Yale pitcher, oejsion ns iis secretary Athletic Kick.'' The intt-rviHW WHS with au Athletic l»»s^ Ui^t (-eason. New Haven that Stagg, vas under HIP impre^iun that b« which was mailed to him nb.>ut two weeks ago. Pre^i- played third a short throw be put mitmoiv that Mr. Phflips ('lub atuckhuld'-'T, aod tbe sum tiuil Habstttnct? wwec that Captuu Anson has money thi.-i change the iu!es and divide the oflko. untrue and wholly u no-tiled fur. He did not blame letter to Man-»g«T I'hillipB says he hopes they further attfiitii.n to him, but threw to the plato to cut to the game in otber colleges if tbis tine pitcher echente in the Chicago Ciub. IIo will be empowered lo en- and In a had beea defeated his little THE SPORTING Lire, but he did the man who uttered will B?ud him anl-ccubout Janiiiry tho on^t. IJ.cle off the runner, who, by this time, Wna attempting to ia really satisfied with the great work he has ac­ *erve aa attorney g,.gu und rel^aie playora, and in fact will I ave entire whereupon Ward resumed his run to fiisf, ami he asked to again the fientimenta. He says that X»ch Phelpa was hai just, iiive-t'-d in some real f-st>tto iu Denvir. core, but ho rtfuee ad\Hiicf, und Billy told the although a box in a college team. As a rule the young players Wikoff is an able man, nnd just as loii£ as tfi<-re is an ueM of the club ovor to Sir. Ward. time was supported by tlie h/xVtMn its comments on show*, that the msijority of tho cdsbd wanted ua there. newspaper boys th.st Ise hud received but S'^00. and he want* to hold the presi­ VMJ'IHKS. is nothing in ttm rmles to compel have little confidence in hitting a man with American Assncintion, THE LEAOITE \VetUdourptrtof the work fairly ani distributed thu So, rotary Scandrc-tt aud uife called ON Mr. aiid Mrs. tbe gum*-. There linew, by will reman) on tin> box. I do not con­ (o con/inn* runtiiog ti tin- next bsiso. rt greit reputation. Tale will uluo lL.se catcher Daim. dential Mr. Byrne. of he i'rooklyn Clnh, in a private letter plums with care and impartiality. Ev^ryliody wai Phiilipa at the Central Hotel tho other ev<-n:n«r. It any baae-rurmur sider It out of pi ice to state hore that Mr. Pheips did bad tin- perfect light to go lack tow.inl home Ho was oi.e of the finest bill players ever peon in Yale relating to tUe Board of Aruitrttiou, took occnsion to siitisfiej with tlietu nod a kick now does not seem was merely rt t-ociiil call, but the newa;-»p*T b-)\a W»id banquet. baie, provided he iliil not cross ih« pla u in his^lmrk- College, and, *s far as bail plnyine ia concerned, wus not rtmaiu for the congratulate the League up->n st-curiu^ Umpire Mc- timely. The Athletic director sitys he got left. If he thought different a:id the utxt duy wrote up a story WtirrJ run. TMa pMy on Ward's part was a brainv 11 fad HU J th 'iildere above the catchers of Harvard and SHARS1O ON BRENNAN. aiJ. He pay^ tho latter a very high compliment as did it was bis owu fault. Probably his actions at the atoiit Sctindrett tioinic to see Howt-. move and crnild be imitaterl wiih success more thnri it rrincftou during the la.-t two Bt-aaona. Daun v.-a-i a "One of the reLfous whv I eiened .lack Brenuan," a gentleman and a-i umpire and predicts tlmt IIH convention Riiticonized everybody aijd they wyuld Tht> I'ittauurj^ b,-ya \vlio playetl iu tho Western Is. Tc Hits cotiuect'on !< ' it b»* renieiiiMTed that ttit- mrapping big fellow, who t-ould handle SUKS'H drop Bftid Billy Sharsijr, "WHS on account of hi* head work career in the Leatfue will be succeflfful. He sttttos not trust him. The inter%iew shows a tpirit of selfish- League wore glad to BOO the averages in lust wetk'a mle deckrinp the Imtsiniui out for uping at third baso in cue gain.", and I pin and visitors in the h -tcl lobby, concerning the ruuuc- ihe Association meetings. There isS'Uiethiug v/eik contract will r^-ach him all right. It left here Nov. 22 Mr. Young makoa a good point against the code of IMIIU the past experience with cullet^.* hams. him down right there arid then fur a blick one, nu tiou in Ihft umpires' aaiarie; by th^ Association. In a some place, >'iii can depend upon it. As for g-tting and wi»s addressed to Syitncy. Horace failed to marie tho nil^s of 1B88 when he imy8 Princetou will have gevt-ral new laces next season. Wnlch und Stovoy watch the hall very c'h)&e. It is motnetit of pique b-* d^tertiiDod to retire from playpra we Biuiply nay for tli^m. It Is a uiero matter it "via Fri>.co" and tho letter iiiay go arouml. "Justtn slitsw what the cod'1 of rulert by which we King hiw b'jen aelectedCHptuin.uud will, no doubt, take true, Brrnnan IIHB not been bitting tlie hall hard, but Aepociation and join ihe League. It is not gen^ral'y of putting up tho money. We do it and get the HcS'munic is gelling weary. He feels ceitaiu that aro iruidtd En bi^se ball practically amonniH lo, let me aiorcur'ts place iu the pitcher's box, and the team will when he gets with such a lot of BiugaerH ne «e have unileratood that umpires have the right t« change players, that is all. The Attileiics have the laine he wnl net b» played regularly uext season, anil they qii'.te tbe following rules astakou from the guide ol work hard to gain point of the laurela they have got, he will catch the fever, and make hia bits juat the from 0:10 association to the other between seasons; chancsa, tut they dou't take them." say that SwaitwooJ stands reudy to pick him up ior contracts run only from the beginning until tho tJH. Kale 62r.nds: 1, Bt during the last two years. ea:i:e as the rert of tbe boy?. Withdiit exaggeration, the'r GOTHAM SQUIUS. Hnrvi.r.1 will have at least f« nr new playera on close of the season. " '1 he uin[ilri> shall not reverse his deciHioa on any aud witii due allowabce to ihe oth-r latchers, I think The Lees' ball iu Brooklyn ou Monday night was a Bef^rt- Pop Soiitli went nway the writer secured hit point of pUy np;>ii tb«* teitinony of any player *n- t*.eT team. Knowlton, Gallivan and Campboll will be that BreDUun is one of tin- best throwers in the A&s^- The number of applications for appointment to tho address, intendnig to writ" him ivhuut Jhrislnnu for a nn^ed. These three men were uatuntl bull pluyeri-. League staff is multiplying fit headquarters, Amoup grand success. gjip'-d in the game, or upon tbe testimony of auy by- ciutlon. I have been ti.ld that he throws the ball Latham aud Low Simmona' "Fa-hiona" will bs here supply i.f tjool jok«s, the kind tt.at wonM kiep, but I iK'id'-r.' Bat-e, wh-j will pt:ch fo-tiie second >ear, should d«. »runnd to tho bases too much, but if this ia hia < nly the latest aspirdiits are J. C. Kyuii, who previously Lave lost the addre«. Tlu-ro is cause for rejoicing «ome fine work. He has good command of the ball, played with Chicago and Boston, tiiid John Conn el!. next week, or ratliir in Brooklyn. Kx-Absemhlymaa "Rule W», or n part, read^ tbiw- fin It, tlmt c:. for jnformHtioD. it he HO desires, from one or moro niHiiH to bo poen how much he knows of team work. of the Northwestern Ltague,and Vita. Curry, of the* but Iho young man had a ST.) arm and couldn't pitch; Harvard played more like a picked nine last year tbstn and some of theoi good ones, toj, St. Louis lias her Li-ague, may be appointed to th« exist­ opinion until next week cf :ho plity.TS.' " International says: goo I ball fur Puoria, and soon came home. He may a regular tr«ined ball club. She lias the young ma- share, a9 the foliowiug list of players who are open ing vacaucie--*. Both of these men are strongly on- Ia speaking about t'oiumbus President Byrne Tiiia lini been remedied by the -julistltution of B new for e s will show: "Its geographical situation's superior to Cleveland's, go out aealn n>'\t year. fnU- ivplaciog b^lti of the II!HJTO rules, and th'.« new terinl to work with, but niusthave brsin^ to get tho doised, and one or both of them are apt to be members Manag'-r PtiiUips bus been confined to his room the reaulta cut of the plnyt-n. Several voniiK men Weraeu, of Washington; Genine,nf Sioux League etaif next ceason. aud I think it was a good move iu admitting tbe new law prohibits tho ruvprsul of any dt'C'alou OD the tes­ 1-eat of the play entire wefk. lie had a relap*e la-it ,>a'.urdav, uti'l for will cntt-r college, and no dotii-t Bm-jiig them will be City; Duck Hemp, of Dallas; Goniinu, of Denver; club from Ohio. Ii;iU;iii"ra and tho Athletics can timony of either a player or MI outrider. SENATORIAL SAYINGS. Baltimore or Philadelphia a time serious resulis were feared, but lie pullo'l many natural playerp. It would be well to Dadt*r, of Sioux City, and Sylvester, of Lincoln. in Columbus one day and iu found and Jim Whitney, Connie Mack and Al. Myers are c-iu le*ve h*iinis at 7:30 in through all rij:ht. Horace lust ab-jut tf u i>ouuda dur­ pu&h tbe^e promising yo«ogHt*-ra to the front, and not Ittfielders—Citsey and B«hnc, of Lincoln; Croes the iinxt. The Cincinmitiu The vet.-rao Duikee* of tho old Eagle Club, of New Crt-ely.of Leavenworth; Stdiive, of Buffalo; Flynn, of showing nil to gootl advantage out in California. ID the morning and be in Coicmlaw at 11:30 A. M. \Ve ing the siege. He i« now Improving «!aily. depend en men who may be favorites but no ball a Turk, now fire iiitral.alof SKU Kiancisco, thus tell? Sun Antonio, Rademocher and Firle, of Ft. Worth, The combination team to which they belong is play- can't gel from Columbus to Brooklyn, however, with­ Horace Hiillius' Utest j"k" is that ho will UK how the tirsi Imsy ball was made which was used in players. Now ia the time to get to work and find out Ipg to liirge crowds and it is prohibit* that this visit to phonograph in signing pUyera hereafter. He cau tbt» weak spofs. and Lovis, of Dttllae. out losin? a day." tbe inaugural garnet iu San Frauciaco, nearly forty Catchers—H'teneunu, of (Canton and Colnmbua; the Pacific C'i>aat will prove profitable. Thrtewell-bu.lt athletfc-looklnK men aafrlde of bi­ lell just what they said and agroiti to. Tlie fact;onal troubles which recently threatened to Jimnr-' tJalvin and Joe Quinn have i o desire to ap­ 1 Citme near iorgt-ttinT to r-'inttk that O:tlvin haa jewra ««o: wreck bus'.- b;ill prospect at tho Un vereity of Penn­ Kiehnit-yei, of Denver aud Kalamazoo, and Djhm, of cycles were- si-en flying ibrough the drives of Prospect "Two"clubs bad been organized und all preparations last year's Rrowns. pear in the first classification list, hence they have I'aik, Brooklyn, jeaterday. The iron steads wore go­ signed. JamcV contract cmie in last Slonday. Ji;u'a made f* r a cume, «hen it was found that such a Ihing sylvania have bceu qaletlj settled by the board of di­ signed contracts with tho Fiifeburg and Boston olubs siiitmturo was on the dato liu^, l>ut it goes. A New rectors of the Athletic Association, who, acting under PifclierK— Crotheri, of Dallas; Burns, of Leaven- ing like tbe wind aud the mure slender ot the three BRuball could not le had in San Francisco Mr. ro-pectiveiy. were "Adonis" Terry, York cporting sheet last weak publshfd au iatervii-w power elven them by ttie constitution, appointed worth; O'Loarv, of Ft. Worth; Dooms, of Newaik; had the lew). The bicyclist* Dur'M'C wns appointed nnn of » committee to secure the Hoy, our uprightly centre fielder, has recovered from big Dava Orr, members of the with Galvin, where Jim was q-.oted a^ a^yiu^ he was through their pretident tbe tollowlng committee t> Baldwin, of San Ant.-nlo; Kirby, of Kansas City. Doctor Busli'vng and one in fcomo w-ty. \Vhil- ^earcbin^ for material he a threatened n was tlio posaes- Hewitt, received a few dnjs ago, he states that he is bicycle exercise every sent alter him, and four daya before that sheet was M. 51»rton, Edsrar Dudley Farit-a, Gtoige y. Billy Sharsig was a li-tle bit hot under the collar be- t-uough to Ba\: "We are taking r ut'« pair nf rubber ov.r«hoes. These he bought Howard himself Bgaiu hnd is looklu^ forward to next seiwon up us long a1? tho weather permits. printed Gulvin had signed. CIRCLB. Pattenoo and Geo;g(* \V. Pepper. Thia committee cau*" his club w^s D"t rcprcBcntetl on tbe schedule day and will keep it ri'vr n-.iich d'ckorinppct(ve now grounds for the New York Club Button is now playine the game of his life he is play- intere t ia this matter aud has offered to do the at tho recent banquet. Th* Cincinnati presi­ am, w.ili ns, marvels Ht anyone hesitating for on;; treat speech Lonia, shunid ho!d an installation meeting iu Wash­ Bowerv Bar. In response to in­ ine a Kieat came of bluff for his release from teserva- managing of Ihh second nine himself BO as to put the dent w.ts tolling how much inoiu-y it had cost him to will not bo Ioc.itcd at niouieut to take the tiip tinder such pleasant ample.--. ington the latter part of next February, when the yesterday, John B. Day eaid: "We have no tion from the Ituchester Club. lie will not succeed be­ 10 no extra expense. It ia proposed to crack tc.un together, and hfs diwip- quiries management cet hU present League schedule meeting takes place. This will give or to unv other place jont cause lie is wrong. It lied with tht> b.t in constant old man," and the applause that Jollmved hope trcii. of Chicago; Morris, ol P t'sbnrg, and Whitney, of nine, and "Hard luck, me uot IUUK ago hbuut her*-, as their claim to his HJI vices is cleat nud Imidinjc. practice It would also allow agroater number of men Jockey Club did approach AV.itjbiugtoit; catcher?, Uruwn, or New York, aud was deafenirg. Jim Hart's Plans and Prospects. grounds (/utside of the ciiy, but I did not think favor­ lie may have had a promise from « ne of the Oir-^ctors to try for base hall honors and wculd thus afford the Jimmy Williams is through with base ball for good, not to be reserve-1, but one director is not the Roches­ U:ick,of WHshiii^toi:; fir.M basemiu, Knehne. of Pitis- Jim Hart represented the Des Moines Club at ably about such a thing then and I don't now. We se:oud basemati, Myors, of M'asliington; th-rd captain a greater variety of material to choose from. so it is said. He has been interested financial' > in ter Bo*5t! Ball Association, us Sntton will soon find out. bura; has held tho office of president and sec- this gave have no new grounds in view at present." bi-t-:uan. l>>nny, of In-ll-inapolis; short stop, Sweeny, several clubs, the Western Association meeting and Jim Mutrte is still out of tows. Nothing baa been Sutton signed H contract the same a* auy other hit-r- with the extra pitcliera at left ai d retary of the American Association, an«l a prominent ride to the report tbat ho had Binned to manage imtional player and was rebeived according to thw re- of WuMiiiiKto.i, THE MANCHIiSTKK CLUB. since the t irth of the Association. heard from him for nearly a wei-k. risLt fifkls an 1 right fielder Browii, of Bostou. Tbis figure generally that club. Such is not tbe case, however, as By the way, that offer lo "Mtipwunip" referring lo (HiireinenlB of the National Agreement. Jim Davis is 'inployed putting in electric b*lh aud Friday evening. D«c. 14, the annual meeting IB a s'ro:ig tt-um rth avenue, Chub gr* ivt bit',f-ry work ot Dunning, Gou^h When Judge Noonan was delivering hi» address at is too live, energetic ta^t week. He mya he will p!ay teco:.d b;icie and cap­ tlie fine pltiy- and other miscellaneous bills brought the total ex- clusion it may be added tliatlltrt A Western Pennsylvania Leagtie. tLr ptieiuiKiena! fielding of Xugeut, and the banquet Iwst week, he caused those in attendance waste 1m large talents iuar.y minor tain tti^ Uochester Club next season. luu of Borrv at second ba-se were tins features of the pen«es up to $19.2'J3.60. and aoibitMu's lo UNIONTOWN, Dec. 13. Editor HPOKTINO LIFE: Tho ' ' The principal receipt* were derived frnra the follow­ to bmile whoa he spoko of St. Louis as tiie grettest league, andtheie an» several major league Hubs we have committee on rules and regulations of the Western Bub Birr bat opened a pension office here and pays ing eourcps: Stock and subscriptions, 81,725; sale of base ball town in the couutry. The judge got mixed iu mind wliich need juet such u manager as H*rr, who Pt-nuaylvanla Amateur Ba*o Ball League met in he is doing a large huoinets. Bub will be a dandy score cards, §154; sale of player*, $2,426; sale of tickets on the cities. 1* net only a good handler of men and au excellent Greenshtirg, on Tuesday afternoon. K. K. Kennedy, uud« r the now rules. on home grounds, $7,485,&5; grand slauil, $1,181.39; New York did iifl up in brown order, but the Pitts- jU'lge of players, but also a money maker under per­ Kaq., of Cniontown; M. H. Ifnrrlngtou. of Johnstown; AH save one of last year's board of directors are can­ tourg gang will be kept movmg whon they come out didates fur re-election. Mr. A. 0, Uelnnardt will a^aia cii'j UH mud u wt-.Titru flo*ug. r etiis guinea abroad, 54,392.88. centage. C. II. AYakefU'ld, and C'urtis H. GregK, Esq., of Greenu- The Association itt free from debt, lut IB without a this way. burg, compose tlie commiitee. Tho following mattere be choeen prescient, as he Imj no competitor. Cixpu'^e njftiittgomenl of the team waa a factor ia the Cincinnati ought to be called Noveltyvtlle, on ac­ It looks at present a-* if Rochester'* first base would clu')'* t-uc<:ecB lu '^8. dollar In itn treasury. ONE Western Association player Jim Man­ were tnkeri up and considtred In order: Applications The report waa adopted, following which the moot­ count 'of the novelties that wili bo presented at Red ning, of Kansat City stole over 100 bases last eenaoa. for membership, forfeit*, dep->s!t-<, buying or selling Le guarded by Bouid cue other than Doc Kwuuedy. ing adjourned. Stocking Park next seJvon previous to each (rani1. He, of course, k-add bin Ab&ociatiuu iu this particular. auy gaiue, blacklist, playor^ contracts, uoiplreo, ad­ Deacon White, in comiucntitig on the play of the AlvoiO, \}# Uoiuett1 Irilliaut third bastmau, id de­ Deux it team this paat fietwon, auya of the team's Election, of oflktra waa left until aotue future date. THE LIFE. Dec. 19.

loudly applauded them and goe^ to show in how high ting will check thia advantage ia the game goes on. bavee wilt regard President Wheeler C. Wikoff is held where BRUNELL'S BUDGET. Keefe and Clarki^n ought be of equal elevation, six Inches below horn he Is to be great men under the PHILADELPHIA POINTERS. and third. Thia will give a gentle BASE BALL. bfst known. They learned at a noon adjourn­ rule. Pate Wood and Sanders will not te a bad pair. slope that wil ment that a wraog!a was going on up stairs between Pointed Comment Upon the Recent Asso­ Pete Gonway and carry tbe water toward right field, from whence 1 Jitn Galvia are very dangerous, and More Moderate Talk From Athletic Head' will ba drained to the delegates, about changing the regular order of ciation Meeting—Tlie New Salary Limit Chicago is likely to hare an ugly trio the bicycle track, and thence to the butiuess, in Krock, quarters Anent the Association Meeting sower. Tho catcher's position aui elect a president for the ensuing year Kule in Danger—Cleveland Club News—­ Hatcbinson anl Tencr. haa been tailed six prtvious to filling the vacancy in the Association. —The Spring Programme— The Fhillies* in chf*. This was clearly an attempt tj freeze Wikoff out lie- The Pitching Kales—Umpire Baruurn's PIACINO THB TBAHS FOB 1889. Bob Reach said the other dsy that hia br thor Al THE Idem, I am going Plans Reviewed by President, lU-ach— GREAT Etc. to do the trick TRIP. I did lut year. I drew had made a great foro Columbus was aJmit^ed, 83 It woa well under­ Investment when he purchased tha tfte Current Facts and News. stood tbat be would get tlie vote of Columbus if ttiey CLEVELAND, 0., Dec. 14. Editor SPORTING flre of fifty funs becHiise I made a prophecy in De­ Philadelphia bill trrouiids, a-t the property on Brotd were cember, 18riT, that didn't suit the broad fancy of the PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 16. The statement slreot had increased fifty percent, in. Wikofl'a friends stuck to him, however, LIFE: TH« SPOUTING LIFE'S editorial on the go- in one year. The and secured au adjourment before the question could tana, no two of which yoiled for the same club. in)? the rounds ground* \vitkoat the building* are now worth $150,000, Association meeting was that Gleason had eignel with the The Spalding Tourists bH settled, and tho C.'luuibu* gentlemen sent word pointed and faotful. llere la my 1835 Leslie prediction: Fir^tt, Chicago; Athletics for next season aod within live years will be worth $500,000. to Surely the Association never Mcotid,Boston; third, Pittabnrg; fourth, New York; filth, is a little premature. Hardy Uicharddon ttie star chamber delegates that unless Columbus held a meeting at The veteran short stop has spent A fa\v days last week in was admitted immediately after convening, that their which so much of a disposition to do the right Philadelphia; sixib, Indianapolis; seventh, Clove lami; not yet put his auto­ Glouco-ter, the gueet of Bill Crowlay. Reach eighth, Washington. graph to on Athletic contract, TheSt. Australia. claim could be regarded as withdrawn; that under thing was exhibited. Plenty of former bad but the manage­ Lmiis B.«e Dull A«oei*tlon has Bled aa uo circumstances, tad a* Here are the 1889 AssfXiiatfon figures: First, Brook­ ment hopes answer m Judge Luken's court in tlmt they d( sired admission 10 work was undone, and the only to induce him to come to terms be­ city In the tho Association, would they eesk it or receive it at mistake it made, lyn; §econd, St. L'mfe; third, Cincinnati; fourth, Ath­ fore long, suit hnmifht adjust it (00 prize money TOLEDO SCORED. on the team and not be utilized as a substitute awarded the Athletic team for give up the base ball ghost. Zaoh Phelps has hasn't strengthened a great deal; that Boston and finiahin;; third in tho American Association will nek It ia pittlable to see the wriihin^s of poor old Toledo, rather retired Pittsburg haa; that better judgment or utility man. Gleason is rather too good a val at Sydney. which city so from base ball since 1887. It is a wilt be used over ea'.'li playi-r ab;>ut $.10. scornfully said at the clo^e ot last season tbe Chicago team, and tbat Ward will, not got man to be played as ft substitute, yet the Ath­ Fer^y Maloiie, that they would not play again pity tbat he has. Of all tbe men in the Asso­ to who is DOW a policeman, bn» been t in the same company Washington. letics have no room for him on the team unless promoted from substitute duty to regular witb Columbus, aud they thereupon made a dash for ciation he alone is mentally constructed for a patrol duty. ' Tlie Stop at New Zealand. My Association figures go with theso points in view: in case ona of tho other in fielders is incapacitated Lew Simm ms W«H in town for a few days. Ho re- the International League, and tbat, too, without the presiding officer. Wheeler Wikoff is a good That the Brooklyn star* slightest will be stronger and work from playing. porU big business with "Fashions," and speaks well of AUCKLAND, N,Z.,Dcc. 10. The Spalding paH.y assurance that they could rane a dollar to enough secretary, but too «asy to grasp unruly better together; that St. Louis will do as well; that Liithnm. arrived hero this noon. Leigh Lynch met us start a club. Tbey (cot tlwra'wltu a grout flourish. Cincinnati and the Athletics haven't Manager Sharsig and Treasurer Whitaker re­ Oulumbuaeauel wool and clubs or head off legislation that is harmful. strengthened at Weyhinpr is practicing daily at Louisville with the upon our arrival, having said nothing. The result. all, aud that Kansas City haa. turned home from the St. Louis meeting last intention of put tin t every come over from Sydney Columbus cut up amongst white people aud where it That is the chief duty of a presiding officer and b;ill across the plate anil for that purpose. He assures us a hearty wel­ the faculty to do it made W. A. Hulbert CHADWICK T3. BARNfJK. Monday night. They said they had u very en­ depending entirely upon his speed next tea-sun. HU belongs, and at Ibis writing her poor old "froglele," U f am ona and only wtaknt-g* come in Sydney and states that seemi*, has to give np all hupe causes hia name to be revered uuto this day. But Hul­ The League will find its new umpire. Barnum, a joyable time and both expressed themselves as lias been his failure to command dm- the Australians of staying in the later- livl of tlie ball, and be is trying national League, because her citizens refuse bert had favorites. Chicago waa cloao and hard against bright aud thoughtful fallow, and I cannot a^rte with well satisfied with the work rf the meeting. "We bard to cvercome it. j arc mope interested in the coining of the Amer­ to be The EICW Lrtigue umpire, Mr. George W. Barrium, ' ican teams than he has ever hoodwinked into a losing scheme. Toledo boasted, bis heart, and his haud would not have been tolerated Mr. Chad wick's objections to his suggestion to em­ were a little disappointed because we did not before seen them aud so loudly laat iii 1SSS as it was in 1830. We're going along pretty power the umpire to designate tbo player to be sub­ was in IMiilttticlphi.t all of last week, he being a nn m- season that they shut every dls-enter get on the schedule committe," said Mr. Whit­ ber of the "iiivisr King" Comp:»nv over any similar invasion. All of our party are up, that th«-y made money over and above all indebt­ fast since the old man died, and that is aa it should stituted for the offending aud remove! player. Such wliL-u put in ihe well and in good spirits. We remained edness, when be. The Association should have left Wheeler an amendment would clothe the iimpiic with great aker, "but I guess we will be AS well taken cure week at For*-p«ugli's Theatre. Mr. burnuui paid hia here it is a well-known fact that every Wikuff reepocfa ti> THE SPOUTING twelve hours, which other clnb in the Tri State League where he H, but with only the secretary's dntits in power. Dues not the rule a* it stands do s»j? Is it of as if we had got on it ourselves. I do think LIFE, of course, lie im­ gave us time for a game lost money, presses one as a mo-it intelligent, modest aud capalile this afternoon, Chicago beating All-America and some of them lots of it. If Toledo's hia bauds, aud chosen Zach Phcl^a as president aud worth while making a rule at all tiiat stands in danger Mr. Byrne should have kept off and given pome other 8 clothed him with the power to of evasion or being violated, or prescribing a penally club a cliance, but to 3, and enabled us to claim ii really based on fact, it seems a trifle singular dt-al fairly by all the inasmuch ai it Is understood by sec Auckland and ks en­ that she cau't find wilbin her moss-grown limits the clul B in the Association. He |couid have doue it. that might be twisted into a benefit? Not Certainly mutual agreement what kind of a schedule wo will virons bet ore setting sail for Sydney. We stopped enough public-spirited citi/.ens who are willing to go Tbe League's superiority over the Association, as it the Barnum point is a good one. He is a friend of have next >easou it matters very little who is oa the at both Honolulu and Tetuila on our way bere ahead ibis year and make more money. The gentle­ seems to me, is that it's men recofcuize the necessity of mine, this you us: man wbo ii fortifying himself for a committee.1* all the hard season, and wrote and played ball at both places. So far the trip man who had the sole proprietorship of the club lust clubs in i's ariua having a common me on tbe same subject, and THE ASSOCIATION' SCHEDULE. year and who made mocey (?) out of it, absolutely re­ interest. The Association never has recognized this had evidently talked with Mr, Chad wick before he did "What ha; been pleasant and there has been compara­ so, as do you mean by saying tint you know what hcjoima new company for eleven weeks, which will fuses to make auy more money (?) in the same way [>riDciple. There U no joint prosperity id-.'ii in or near he says: "Mr. Chadwick thinks that few players kind of a schedule will be brought tively little sickness. II A in;Y PALMER. it, and tbe idea would consent to incur not only in by tbe com­ carry him right up to the opening of the boso bail sea- tlie coming season, and will have nothing to do with of "who's nearest the tree gpts the tlie penalty of re­ mittee?1 ' sun. tbe club, titrauge, pa-sing strange. By tho way, here's fruit" has always been its strongest fault a fault that moval, but also the obloquy of inferential incapacity 'I In Australia such mean that the matter wns ulkod over by tbe dele­ Maul Is tBkinir toxing leesonsat McLean's gymna- at Last. a tip for President McUenuith, of the Tri-SUte makes unfair in two seasons tbe club that starts iu to removal would involve." Certainly Mr. CIiad- gates and mi um.lerr-.taudlug be as foiras wick's objections are full ana reached aa to where fetum in tho evi-nlnga and lakes a litny walk every day, SYDNEY, N. S. WM Dco. 14. The stenmer League. He lias not yet secured all the necessary it can. Why shouldn't it? Tbe old rule specific, and there's a each club is to play on tbo holidays, etc. For in­ about turning the other eye to be punched good de»l in them. But Damn in mys, as I would say: to that when ttie lime com OH to commence training iu Al allied a sighted tho Australian coast soon after eight clubs. It is almost a sure thing that the Inter­ ia rot, and stance, wo know with what c!ub we will play on tho spring hla tnsk national is too rich a when & man tret* tbe raz/le-dazzle from five other men "Sentiment was never a ruling factoron the ball field. will a»t he a difficult one. sunrise to-day. Nearly every plum fur "her frosleta." Why Decoration Day and the Fourth of July. Of con fee 1 I'oier Co n way U taking things very quittly member of the not offer it a chance In the Trt-Statc? That's just he naturally watches for tbe time that he can be one A captain of a team would hnr.lly consider a player's about American party cannot give you any of tbe details and I would not his home, lie will accompany Duiita;* to the Hot was on deck and as land was about borsizs and they could, there, assist in keeping of tbe five and razzle-dazzle someone else. Tbe Ath­ personal ft clings fn the carrying out of a point if bo have told you could gain any this much were it not for the fact that Sprln^-i wme time after the h'ret of tho year. sighted a great cheer went up from the watching the bottom from dropping out as they did last year. letic Club, having the schedule committee so near and possible advantage over an opposing I believe it best tor all concerned lo correct jot so far uoto team. I am quite sure that AnsonAUdComukoy Hie im­ Johnny K;, an and Terry Uonnell. botli of this city, voyngers. As the coast line grew more distinct "Say, Mac, dis tip goes on de dead level;" it costs you it, can understand this point better thuo wonld pression entertained by many that our late meeting are most of your readers. TLis necessary common not hesitate to take advantage of it, no mutter what applicants for positions ou tho Lv&guo umpire the smoke of a tug was seen, and half an hour nothing, interest was not a harmonious one because Brooklyn, for ox- staff. amounts to business sense in a group of base ball club*, an audience might think or how the player might ample, ayuin cot on the schedule later the noisy little craft, with James William- MANAGERIAL MOVES. feel. Whit do committee. Now and the League, having it in a far greater degree than yon think?" I think with Burnum Mr. Byrne did not KO out of IIM way to j>et on tlmt eon, of the Koyal Jimmy Williams desires me to state for his beceflt the Association, and against Mr. Chadwick. Either wipe Theatre at Melbourne, aud the gets along batter and carries ^ith it the rule out com mil toe, and as I s;iid before we will be juat as well bent-fit of numerous ball players throughout tha support of » larger and or amend it so that the point of punishment for row- and a score or more representative men ih« country that better ciad* of patronl Aa take a care of iu if wo had ij'it on it ourselves. 1 fee! are seeking a situation on tbe Colum­ I said once before, I cm not a believer in the great su- dyisin mny be so fortified that it will be invincible of Sydney and Melbourne, drew along­ bus tuarn, tbat there is no UBO writing him lottets to quite positive tlmt we could, by making a lighr, hive o. posiorily iu base ball talent of tho League over the As- against the evil. At first glance t was nor in favor of b*reu dieted on side our ship. Our reception aa wo steamed tlmt eud, as he has nothing to do with the team and tho original that committee. But iftthor than Pitcher King is practicing st-.-adilv ID the Prin -etm eocifttiou. Outdide a few batteiista and baUmen, the rule, but a look tit the past changed me, strain such a point we preferred, for the eake of into the harbor was all our party will not s»ek to influence the directors any. Mr. A. nud the only amendment that I cau har­ gymnasium. He expects to d » some goi»d work for could have Leatctie has iioue the beat of the pluyinj< taluut. Dut it suggest to Mr. mony, to wane claim t'o our rights and let Brooklyn tbe Athletics fisked. The star* and stripes floated fiom tho building C. Bnckenberger, Columbus, O., ia the manager's butter controls tbiit which Bsrnnm's ia that the umpire shall bu required to next soaaou If given a ctmrtue. name and it has and presents its fiaipes pet on. Tho other clubs appreciate tha f«ct that we Dfh-hauty will play second L-QSJ in which the American consul's office ie located and address, and to him all such letters should to the public which pays all expenses mud a j$o<>d(ance in The Philadelphia Club has no nation of releasing a wealth of American ibeLeague people qu;trr«lthey quarrel behind their o>v'n MORE NEEDED RULE CHANGES. their power to help us along. In (he first placs our M ulv!*v flags. The dock* woro well filled with people coming a little monotonous. doors and Here or of eii£ti£;h>g Dt>nny, but would be glad to and It Manager do not leak in the adjacent barroom,and when Is another point on the rules raised by Mr. schedule coniniitiee will eiidf»vor to ly take place upon tlio Sydney Ciickot Giouods All these ate great advantages, and by carefully And is it Dot? fn Rule 47 the baiter in out if in strik­ tions. You aeo, under tbe percentage system it will " " day after to-morrow. All of our party are well and tjtato League: Uarry W. Fuller, second baie; Al watching them the Associatlou would ing at a third strike the Fisher, shoit; Ed. J. Stupleton, not have bad to ball touches his person or not pay the other clubs to play bore on confrcring aiLxior.a to play ball. We play three gumea hero and first base; Jake Stenzol,, blush for the "blucklist-you-if-you-don't sign-by- clothing. In Ruin 48, eoc^ion 4, the batsman become! dates, catcher; Disk Van Sant. third base; Phil Lawless, and for that reason itlone we will be well taken then go to Melbourne. Tho games have le^n well April-first'' and kindred resolutions. The economical a bas'i-ruaner wh^n the tall hits hlsperson or clothing care of Ly the schedule linkers. Now, HS to porceut- boomed hero by Lyuch and everybody fa auxfoug to pitciior; Pitt C. Gilmau,left field, George Rime, centre umpire idea U rather a jab unless in the opinion of the umpire be e field, and J. at Brother Uyrne. I look intentionally aue, we eon Id have defeated that pluu, but as it is lest against the L«flgue batsman, a^aitiflt whom he has fiuo Aim-rica's picked profesiouals exemplify Ler Ka- B. Muuyan, catcher. Of the above all will on the anti-tmasfer of cUamplocship guinea reaolve permits himself to be so hit. Mr. Barnum suggests for be sold except Phil Lawless, who is said the. Association we favon-d it. The AlhletJca, b'-oeu pitfhiug «or the piwf five years. For that reason ttoual game. My tojk ot the tour ban bad a tremen­ to he a wonder as my own. The 140 game schedule was in the line of that the rule should be amended iu this way: "That Brooklyns and Cutcinnatis and will be M'orked as young blood. "Buck" says he would make more money he wutild btt mure valuable to tho Athlntics than to dous sale aud many people Lave already familiarized following s League mistake. What folly it is to if n pitcher so deceive abafenian that ia striking at a under tbe cuaraiitea a}stum, but thu other five elubs tliPinst-ives with wilt take hts cbfluces with Lawless. It will be seen Cleveland or any oiher League club. The Athletic* tbe teams and tho game. The cricket endorse errors. The knock-cut of the two-p'ayer ball it should hit him, a stake should be called," al­ wanted percentage, ami ad it is to our interest to have will, jf piven feature is likoly to be most conspicuous. that Buckcnbsrgor had picke 1 tlm cream of the old lowing a chance, fay more for bis reieat-o thaQ The hoja umpire resolution was necessary. The prize feature no bat a ma a to become a buse-rnnner ou an all the clubs prosper wo were willing to make (his con­ eiUier Clt^elaud or IttdiuuQpolia, the practiced a good deal ou shipboaid uud havn become Tri-State Leatrue Jiud that that te»m would have won was au unnecessary error and not penalizing ouly League the pennant for expense and ought m0 smoothly iiud harmoniously. Thero were DO bifker- Kx-Umpiro \Villi.4mJ.Carlinuauts (o gtt on tha THE ASSOCIATION BABY. guarantee. The percentage five points below the same time B.trnum raises another good point. He gsot irttton pt*tff r!oxt season, and he IB hacked for the- DECKER'S SUIT. Leae««*8 fignre Is too small. writes: "Why make a rule and impose inys of any kind aud the best of feeling prevailed But even that wasn't the no penalty? from beginning to eud. 't I; irer \VhiUktr, of the Athletitu A Note of Warning to St. Loo is and Cin­ worst error. \b erwp/tVm U to be made from thi# ntle OH Why not pot olize the barman allowing himself to be Uvurythmc that c;uni.' before The Ex-TTiuplre's (tie mewling was thoroughly itiventi^attnl, e;tlmly cinnati The Kid Out for Blood— A Good Case Completed—Some holidays. Holy MosesI No wondt r Brother Byrne bit by a pitched ball with a btnko? Ttie rulu could lutere*tiug Corresjjondeuce Kevealed. couldn't give the Athletics easily be amended in this way: Add discussed aud fully considered I cforo auy notion Turn for President WikofT - Toledo a place on the schedule to new rule 43 was t;iken ou it, sud committee. Tough! tough! tough! the defining rule of a strike another section, viz., finally, after it did come to a rote, PITTSBURG, Dec. 14. The suit of ex-Umpire Till 11,11 IB >'<"' 11T»* lUUn, tJV IITUt 1 . ._ _ _ Sneezed at — Uuckenberger's Moves. Ktc. 'Section 3, If a player, while it wa* either unanimously agreed upon or unani­ ._ „ , S. M. Decker against the National DANGBR FOR THE SEW. SALARY LAW. a batsman, intentionally mously rejected. For onco, on Christmas Day afternoon, between the following COLUMBUS, 0., Dec. 12. Editor SPOUTING Base Ball permits hsmseU to IKS hit with a legally pitched tha delegates acted cauti­ League promises to be more interesting and im­ The Eiaded salary law is in danger before it has be­ hall, ously aud deliberately, and wo feel satisfied that we picked nines: First loam ''['hi-nomeaal" Hniitb, LIFE: -The flower a that bloom over the base come operative, delivered by tbe pitcher.' And amend rule 48, sec­ pitiher; Clcnu-uti), catcher; portant than the majority and tbe vaccillaiing American Asso­ tion 4, did not blunder this lime. Just to show yuti how de­ Fields, flint base; Orean ball garden nail are sometimes heavy of base ball patrons ciation, by its committee action, is partly by thid addition to tbe last line, 'to bo so hit' woiid, second busc; Fuasflbaclc, third bast-; Burns, with responsible aa provided for in rule liberate we were I need oiiJy re fur to the graded salary fragrance. think. Mr. Decker's case, in all its details, ia for the trouble. The other danger comes from the 45, section 3." It really seems plan, which we referred ton Ban Johnson, sporting editor of the that these amendments are necessary and it also looks committee un-i will bo Cincinnati Commercial- Gazette haa now published for the first time. All the argu­ other minor league?. It is real danger, too. When acted upon at the spring meeting. By that timo wo thin to g^y tbe Brush-Rogers law was discussed as if tbe new umpire knew the rules pietty woll. "I of Colutnbus: ments in support of his claims are to be found and adopted by know you abhor all but legitimate will know more about it aad o«n then tatter decide the league at New York, there was Dot a club who trickery apt rara- whether to adopt it or not. in the correspondence which has taken place be­ dox and want your honest opinion ot these proposed Tin-re are two sides to COLUMBUS AS A BALL TOWV. didn't mean to try to keep within its lines. New York every question, and In tlio meuntimo we will be able shoiUtop; Gt«iuoii (of Philadflpliia), left field; Hea- tween him and President N. E. Young, of the and amendments." lie writes. The iact that 1 send them gan, right fli-ld, aud McTumany, "In 1884 there was dark horse in the American Boston were not enthusiastically in its favor. to THB SPORTING to study the good aa well as the bnd feM tiros about it, centre field. Scats Association race National League. The correspondence is ex­ They run base ball on the lump and LIFE with my endorsement showa dnd iu the b;*v«> liet-n put tip to accommodate 5,000 people. which cut out the running at nncli star plau In those what I thiuk of them. spring be ready to act intelligently ou it. a pace that tbe other ? leven cluta (fjr twelve formed ceedingly interesting, as among other things it towns, and the law rather rau ag-unst these methods. Onr action la diferring definite action on it does uot The iiiiuual meeting of the Athletic Club will ba the circuit in tb^t year) were almost beaten to a shows tho very high opinion President But when the future benefits were painted by Brush's NEWS, NOTES ANI> COMMENTS. mean that we are opposed to the plan, or are endeavor­ ho!d on tbo27lh lust. Young Let me congratulate Mr. Young in securing John standstill. An unfortunate break-down of batteries has ever had of Mr. Decker's abilities as an um­ tongue New York and Bcstou acquiesced, and the law ing to smellier it In committee. Indeed, I b^lievo the alone prevented this almost unknown club front pawed. This Indianapolis story about the merchant McQnaid. He ia an eicelleut umpire. The staff now plan will be adopted in the spring unless, in tho mean­ winning pire and a gentleman. with the mortgage who framed elands: Lynch, Baraunu ttcQiui'I. Add Gaffaey and time, ' the pennant. As It was, they lost it by a the law don't llgo." it ia .shown to ho impracticable and lacking ju __Mr, Deckerj attorney, J. D. Wataon, in re^ The 1 aw was fra m ed i n N e w V or k. ^M r. Bin >h Fergueon to the list and it will to anj^^h-nt ono. feasibility, Ijke the $2,000 limit mle. Between now of '84 waa entered Irom Columbus, O., a city whose ferring to theciase statedltmU it will be forced to broiu: hT 1 ta o u 11 i nes from Iu d itTn apol id. ^rne iaw uiic fttflf.ld baseball experience (amateur and professional) ex­ an issue. He said: "We mean to find a law every club honestly meant to kepp It. Every Doen it not occnr to yon thai Cincinnati couldn't have League clubs will live up to the rule, ami whether the i f as o h ti UTTTSO i* r ruscu t' > f- fg uV FrtTr'ar "'a'a tends considerably out ex­ got into the League, even hud it wanted? over a quarter of a century, and actly whafc the .National Base Ball League is, club may do so yet. I hope so. Certainly Cleveland managers who are after certain high-salaried players ciffercd more uumcy than ho received lasc year, but re­ which haa furnished the Association with itn uccru- will never by word or deed violate ona of its provi­ Yes, Mr. Wallace, Denny was right, and I should will be able to get aroun-i it on some technicality." fused and he will bo obliged to accept wbat the clas'l- tary ever since tho first year and when we have done with it tho public will sions. But nbovo all things have liked to bring a Cleveland com­ ficfttion of it* existence. if the League clnba stick to it they must NBXT allots B-i-tian was asked to sign and he re­ "Tuat city has uow been readmitted (o the Associa­ be much wiser than it is now. If necessary, we do so because of honesty and determination bination to California, lint it could not be. Our SEASON'S FKOSPECTS. plied that hu was nut ready, to reform "What do you think of and he will bo out several tion, in pUco of Cleveland. Iu 1883-84 it was noted mean to add every official of tbe organization to the an exUting evil. agents'reports were bad, and the chances of loss too next season's prospects?" hundred dollars. Gk-aaou did not cat a big salary l;ist aa the best many. But I hope to Bee you before "Tbey are very flattering w far a3 1 am able to small base bait town in Die country. .Sluce list of defendant* aud prove tlmt it Is a partnership THE ASSOCIATION'S MISTAKE. many moons. season and ho will uot lose much, if auy thing, if ha 1884 tbe population of Cohmibaa has bet?n doubled, concein. Thedefendaulsmay find out what their as­ F. H. BBUMELL. judge. We are not a bit weakened by Cleveland's faild to sigu. The Association dodged the Issue, and ita com­ withdrawal. Aa THE SPORTING "LIFE pointed out in ud it is ftfir to presume that it bos l-ecomo twice as sociation is \vhcu attachments are levied on their re­ It Is probable that tho Capo May team good mittee will rtport after the League has made BUFFALO its last issue, Columbus will bo able to put as strong a will make ap­ a ball town as it was at that time. Some of the most spective properties." its fight MOVING SLOWLY. plication for u place in tho Middle States Leagne. noted pJayera now before The following correspondence and the wise men on the committee team in the field by selecting tlie be^t ptuyers now on tbe public have at diffureut explains the entire have seen how the cat jumps, to use a homely Ciitelier Ed Sixsmith, is wintering in this city. He times been connected with clubs located in tue Capital case of MK. Decker. He embodies it till in his fctate- puraae. Why No Steps Are Taken to Prepare for tt;e market as Cleveland had laet season. Nobody will Such an Association ought to die. And more and more deny this, banco we are is on the market. City. Among others may be mentioned Mike Kelly, who ment. On Dec. 10,1887, Mr. Decker wrote President Next Season—A Bit of not in the least weakened so mue4 the ring within It be dominant, because it ia to Inside History, far as plsying strc-nglh is concerned. The Columbus Denny Lyons and E<1 So ward, of the Athletics, have made his flr>t bow before a Western audience tliero In Youne asking if larger salaries were lo be offered the Interest of planned u trip to Mt. Clemens, Mtch. The former will 1875; the 'Only' Nolan League umpires in 1888, Baltimore, St. Loui*, Louisville, Kaoeos Etc. people have money and they are not afraid to put it also twirled bis first twirl for aad if ?o, he declared, he City, Cincinnati, Columbus and tbe Athletics join pilcber toward at Cleveland in a few weeks. salary At tlie Buckeye capital; Jim McCormick, laic of would apply tabs put'on the staff. He added that to re­ BUFFALO, Dec. 13. Editor SPORTING LIFE: out to get together a good team. There nre. a number duce salaries. And yet I'll hazard tbe guess that of flret-class player* now on the market who Chicago and Pittaburg; it waa tbere that Mortis and nothing short of SI,500 and expensed for the season Since the International meeting there has not will be Carrol would Brooklyn, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Kansas City and the captured by tlie Columbus Club and the otb.t>r seven THE MIDDLE STATES LEAGUE. 1 leaped at one bound into oue of the leading tempt him to accept a position. In reply to this Athletics were for poslponemeut been much of importance in the base bill line batteries of the land, and U was President Young wrote as follows: of action, 90 that ttie clubs will fflch help them along by giving them all there tbat Billy League might get iu trouble forthelreake. here. As Buffalo's position the A Contract*"Which Bartiie managed hie first club. If Columbus should "DEC. 17, 1887. Friend Decker Your welcome Especially in the International players they cau spare. Murk my prediction, tho Maiuigors Think am 1 surprise-' at Aaron Stern. He is a good busit:eia Association bad become assured, the conjectures ColuinbiH will have a stronger team to open the rea­ Will Hold Water. have tlie luck nt^xt year in the selection of Its team totter received. I don't know whether I have too far man I which tiud attended commiled myself don't think well of his method?, but he guts as to 1889 son with than Cleveland bad at any Moie whilo it waa it in the past, tho 'baby' may re- in the matter of'Leogtie umpires to there and should know ceased. However, as nearly a raontb The new Middle States League promises to Terse matters \vith sumo of the older clubs, save an opportunity for you. I will know tbat the salary tide must be iu the Association. Ot course, Cleveland has the most by becom­ ewrly next stemmed. Col. Byrne Is Col- Byrnc. His town has elapsed since tbe meeting, and as tbe Buffalo population, perfect a permanent organization and complete ing spanker instead of spankce. Tbe new club la week, and if I can see my way clear to save a place is big but from what I can le.;irn and liavo eeeu, and bis partners rich. He haa a lot of truculent t-tars Club has made no move in regard to securing Columbus i? as good it not a better base b.ill town. ita circuit at its next meeting in this city oa backed by ample capital aud will no doubt bo well until I bear from you again I will do go. within npported. "Tho maximum salary his net. Tho bagging of each has put nails in players or a manager, there is naturally some At any rate it is on a more direct line Dec. IU. The proposed circuit embraces Tren­ Here's to tho success of Columbus." for a League umpire this year the Association's coffin, because will be $1,500 and expenses. Will tbat amount a star has become questioning as to the reasons. Detroit and and more conveniently located than Cleveland. ton, Frank ford, Philadelphia, Such compliments, and there were several tempt banned for future League purposes. It wss pre-emi­ I am very well pleased Norriatown, Lan­ you to try your hand again? Have you kept right Toronto are busy signing good with tLe new club, especially similar, coming from Cincinnati, while a matter nently the Colonel's play to see that the Association players, and have with the enterprising men back of it. Next season, caster, Heading, Harrisburg and Wilmington* f alonp with the game since you quit umpiring? Tbat already tbe nucleus of tine teams, of history, are nevertheless inclined to make girl I picked out didn't lie him np, and it didn't, for the Colonel isn't while Buffalo being an oft* year in elections all around, I believe will Seven ol those cities seeui reasonably "sure of i for you across ihe way la 8:111 un­ fooling with the Association h&a as yet the ytio points, colic and measles of babyhood married. Take my advice and you'll without getting some­ made no Bign of life. The general be a Kooij one, end all the clubs should make nvney. having c!uba in the new league. Norristown ia never go wrong. thing in return, including schedule There is a disposition much easier to hear, for oven though my good Nick." committee ench opinion is that the Queen City will get badly being shoWa by jill the base ball reported to have declined membership, and if thin is BO season. So Stern, with bis business side fearing a row loft if something is not done. However, associations to cut down expends, and in my opinion its place can easily bo tilled by the ;ulmi*sion of Putts- J friend Ken Mulford, of the Times-Star and Tan Mr. Decker answered this by paving that the salary that might we will un­ was all right and received handicap him; Von der Ahe, with a tiae; doubtedly have a pood team and one that will ho a tliis augurs well fur putting tbo gruut gainu en a per­ town, which baa mude au application for A franchise. * SPORTING LIFE, insists that Cincinnati the following reply; Kansas City, with ambition aud the future manent paying was not "PEAR DEUKEU: Yours of the 21st received. Con- in front of credit to the city. Tha tac'a of tbe present situation basis. The concensus of ^pinion at Tho MiU'lU* States League will u»t be under tlio in strong opposition to the admission of Col­ it, and my Athletic friends, witk confidence, etc., fol­ are those: As is welt known, President Cushman the lato mooting was that tlio projects for base ball in protection of tbo National Ajrreornent, but President aider yourself a League umpire for 1888. All well. lowed re­ umbus, yet there are many thousands Youra, hastily, on and said with Ool. Byrne: "We'll wait and signed his position last fall ostensibly for private general and the American Association in particular (jli.ules K. Mason does not prupoeo to have players iu- of resi­ N. E. YOUNO.'* see how the League settles this were very bright." dents ot this At the reqoeat of Mr. Decker, President Young aud then act accord­ reasons. In reality his resignation arose from the fact loilort-d with by tUo major a**ociati<>Bs. lie has h:id town plot who think otherwise, ingly. There may be a break, and if there's enough "Uow about the umpire^?" a contract drawn up and they have only promised to keep the matter quiet until tho former that he had a desire to enter tlio American Association by u Philadelphia lawyer which to point to the effusions of had in it we may toko chances ou an independent stand fur which was not shared by his confreres of the club. He "Well.we will have a good staff next year. lam sorry tho laLU-r says will liuU good in any court. Ttie consulted hia friend* on the matter. Mr. Decker the benefit of the poor Harry Woidon, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, to subsequently wrote a very Important duten-trodtlen player." bad hoped to secure Manajzer Huckett, of Syracuse, MtQunid has left us, but 1 «ui iu hoped ol guttlug luiirth section of tho new contract reads as follows: letter to Presi­ Or the general idea oiuy have been GaSitey and throe convince the moat skeptical, if any such there dent Young to Ihe following effect: Would he, leas broadly ex­ and to sign Wood, Decker, Visner, Knight and other other good men." "It in licrtby expressly understood und n greed that pressed. At any rate, the Association wobbled, and tho said be. However, that's all right no\y; we Decker, be subject to the likes and dislikes of base first-claas International players, who, together with THE PIIILLIF.S' HOPES AND TLANS. party *ot the second pun shall not at any are in, by it gave tbe players who are howling against tho time during tlio term of his employment and the first thing we are going to do is to enter ball managers, because he knew how easily they be­ several Association men, would make a good allowing President.Reaclj, of tbe Philadelphia Club, who is at tw herein cx- came prejudiced against new rule an extra lever to fight against something that in the larger body. However, as his proposi­ present making a tour prt-ssi'd play or ensure himself to p:ay base ball with and emphasize a strong umpires. He also asked: it more an Association necessity through the Western States in denial of the claim "Is there in any numner a probability of my not going than a League. And tion was declined he resigned. Since that the interest of his sporting good* house, was inter­ any b*se ball club or organ fiction other than ''The Cincinnati U making, viz , that nineteen vic­ through with more than that.it gave the minor leagues an excuse lor time there has betn a ca*e of divided sentiment viewed in Kansas lUse liail Club" without Ihe consent in writing my ennagt-mont the euiire season? If evading the new law. City last week, and among other tories are already recorded in favor of that city there is I will hesitate before I resign the city clerk­ as to our next year's manager. Some there are (of things Paid: of tbe party of the flr,-t part first had and otUined; and from ship of Bradford, which is worth to mo 31,000 per an­ THB MINOR LEAGUES ARK BREAKING THE LAW. course I refer to the directors of the club) who pre­ "We are paying no fancy prices for releases, and will and, further, ttmt he shall tie vote his time aud services Columbus. Oh, no, my dear friend, exclusively to tbe party of "We'll fool you." num. I don't want to giva that np f-ir an uncer­ Now let HS glance at the minor league lists of mon fer retaining Mr. Chapman. He WHS handicapped have no 810,000 in-auties, hut we will he right »long- tho first purl for the pur­ tainty.'* To this President Young replied: under contract. I am not moved by any spirit of last season by interfering directors, aud his friends nay eHe tbe best of then). Besides the old fellow?, we poses of his euiblovmeut. Am!, further, it is agreed GOT FOR BLOOD. "DBAR DECKER: Your favor received. Thus far I spite in anything that I may write on this subject. I if he be let alone in the signing and handling of have several new and promising men. There is IVto tbat should tho naiJ party of the second pa-t leave the And right here let me say a few words to my have appointed juat two umpires, want to see that new law live, and if I can run down his men he can land the team iu as good a position Wood, for wluse release from Hamilton we pr\id 93,000. employment of the said party of the first part without I. e., yourself and lieius i-ither friend Comiskey, who, upon bearing of the ad­ Lyuch. I would like to ae:uro Furlong and Wikoff, any club that violates its provisions I will gladly do as in 1887. On the other hand there are some who pronounces bim a pitcher of the first ro!eased or discharged for the purpose of desire a change in the management, playing basn bull with or rendering services for aoy mission of Columbus, exclaimed: "Well, there or Daniels, to complete the list. Mapledorara Is a good so. Detroit has signed Knaum, McGlone and Whee- acting douhtless quality, posBOSfling threat speed and all the cuives. His mau, but when the weather lock, and not one at less than $1,500. Yet Detroit's on the principle that "variety is the spice of life." So only fitiling they teil me ia a stubborn disposition, which other ba-e bull club cr organization, the paid party of are twenty victories already stored away gets warm it affecta his the for St. head, and ho has to quit. I shall pay all alike. The salary list must not be more than $12,500 under the the situation standa; $3,OOQ is needed for the use of under the kindiy treatment of Harry W right I think first part shall have a right t<> avail themselves of Louis." Do you remember, Commie, on a beau­ maximum is SI,500 and new International Association agreement. I like De­ the club and it must bo raised soon. Tho?e who are will disappear. Thou we have another promising pitcher any legal or equitable remedy to restrain and previ-nt expense*. If anyone gets him from so tiful Sunday afternoon, ou tbo l!Hh of September last, moie, you shall receive more. You needn't give your­ troit and wonld te glad to see her win. If I contd assist in favor of a change to the management refuse to in Alitche.11, who was tried by tbe St. Louis Club at doing.11 when your world-winning te>im stopped off in Col­ self auv trouble about quitting before the season ends. Bob Loadley In any way to get a man I'd do it. Bnt I contribute their share of the neceesary fund unless Gloucester last year, He ts a tall, well-built young "Under this contract we propose to hold our play­ umbus to have A little sport with tho Til-State All well. Yours will nail him If i think be's trying to do the their wish is acceded to. It is thought that the now fellow of whom we expect great things. Besides Ihtsw ers," paid Pie.iident Masoo, "and we will take any club truly, N. K. YOUNG." same as that League team of this city, and they had you beaten 4 Mr. Decker, on these assurances, resigned tho city has been doue before. And he's doing it. Neither manager spoken of is Jack Itowe, who has made an youngsters there are our veteran pitchers, Sanders, interfered with, tham into court.1' to 3 up to tho niutli inning, aud would have won witb clerkship, and when the championship season com­ McGlone, Knauss or Wheelock are to get les$ than offer to purchase a controlling interest in the club, Gleason, Casey and Bufflnton. Casey wai not himself tbat score fxcept for a rotten error made by our menced began bis duties as umpire. Early in June he 81,500 for their services in 1889. manage the team and captaiu it. Nothitg lias been last season, but recently he has recovered his form ami THE DEADLY SPIKES. second bagman, who, by the way, was playing his first received a letter from President Young, asking him to And there's Toronto. It has signed HooTer and definitely determined upon aa yet, nor will tnere be promises to pitch next season with all bis old-time game in tlmt position, and which let in twQ_run* and resign on account of protests received from a number McLauuhlln. At less than 81,500? Hardly! And At- nutil next week, when a meeting will be held. It is skill and strategy. Besides Clements. «ho haa no su­ The Primary Cause of a Well-Known thcnght wim tho game fur you? Well, look out about those of chile, ftlr. Decker replied by stating emphatically kisson is on the list. He drew bow much in 1888? 1 that either Mr. Franklin or Mr. Candeo will be perior as a catcher, and Schiiver and Hallmun, we will Player'tt Untimely Death. twenty victories, we may fool you as we intend doing that he would not resign. think the tun re was £1,800. And bo pitched good elncted president in place of Mr. Cushman. As I writ^ have Pecker, of Toronto, to do work behind the He said: "I am doing aa ball Second baseman Siajmons, or CincinnAti. good work as I ever did, and I did not resign my and Isn't likely to sign for lees in 1889. And London I learn that Mr. Franklin has left for the East. He bat. When he and Wood are In as a battery more properly Tbe director-) are determined to get as good a club a« position at home to work two months. Do what you hss some high-priced men. So have Buffalo and the has doubtless instructions to act on the matter of the team will !;e strengthened in the hitting Siuion -Steiner, of the Newark Club, who waa money and perseverauco will secure, nod unless a please; release, remove, or dismiss me; I will not re­ other clubs. And S. Morion bos signed Dalrymple players and manager. It is certain that if something deportment. Each of them had an average of considered tho best second baseman in tho Cen­ player is not u backed by first-clasa recommendations as a sign." Ou June 12 President Young wrote the fol­ and others. For how mnch? This law is more im­ decided upon soon Buffalo will not have a over .300 iu the International Association last tral League last .season, died at his residence, oa record he will stuud no show; aud itgatu. they are not portant than first-rate team. The best men outside of the pale season. The infield will be io wine: any man or cluo should be. If tbe unchanged, and Bastmn Vurct strict, near Graham avenue, Brooklyn, looking for any lashers. Inasmuch as they waded "DEAD MR. DECKER: I minors beat down their salary limits on all aides and of reservation are being rapidly signed and the supply will bo kept as a substitute. 1 have just heard from waa in hopes tbat Dec. 10, from blood through a bitter experience lust year with a few of tho you wonld adopt my suggestion and release they are doine it the law can have no chance. Aad will soon be exhausted. Buffalo men should not let Sam Thompson. IIu tells me that hi* arm ts in per- poisoning, due to a spiking toughest lushera that ever graced God's green earth, me of this unpleasant but unavoidable duty. after the minors standa the Association, with its policy the controversy mentioned above iutorfero with the tect shape again, and as throwing was his only failing, he receivocl July 3, in a game between New­ they are well prepared to size the capacity of his tank Since I have bad the duty assigned me by of inaction, which virtually says: "We are with you interestsof the club. My personal opinion is that Mr. it' he is ail ri«ht there we will have in him one of the ark aad Seranton. In that game Burn?, of th'.1 minute they seo him, and then Chapman should be retained. He is most it's the old story of tbe League of the control of League umpires I both." well acquainted vnluabto out fielders in the business. Then wq Newark, in stealing second baso spiked Sim- one, two, thrt'e. bounce. They have signed Jimmy have nfwer with ball pi avers; led the team to a> highly creditable have Fogarlv, Andrews and Wood. What had a man on my staff in whom I took as CLEVELAND CLTJB NEW9. greater mona go badly that Peoples as catcher and Phil Lawless, a Canadian deep A persona! interest as yourself, position in 1887, and should be given a chance to outfield could you oak for than we can pick from the corner of" the spike and I very deeply Tom Loftns Is ctill in tbe gaudy West where rivers buried Itself in his foot. Simmons pitcher, and are dickering for Maul, of Pittsburg, but regret my Inability to continue you In the service. duplicate his work in 1889. I think that, like Juc/. these three, witb Thompson to draw to. In fact, we did not take much KImick »eem> wander and leagues come sod go like chips in a poker Bwtsby, "he kin do It; notice of the wound at the time, but applied the usual Inclined to only loan him to this c;ty, I httvu u ever for one moment listened to any charge game. He Isn't bagging if aty man kin. he km." will be strong at all points, aud, with Manager and tlie direitors ft- fuse to open u training anyone yet, bnt is dallying Wright to drugs to heal the puacturo. He laid off about school next affecting your integrity. 1 have defended your honor with those Detroit purchases of ours NOTES. bring out the team work, we ought to cut a Btimmor. The game bere in 1889 will be of blood, for whenever eo as to get terms The fencing good figure in uext year's race." a week, tnen njsumed play, but be bad to the slightest intimation was thrown out and contracts before Saturday, the day when special of Olympic Park has been removed, and give blood aud by blood nothing else goes. Wo will be a that vou were bot honorable. Since It will be used in enclosing the new gronad, it up again anil blood poisoning set in. He tried we fiist met my contracts cease and one feature of the Millennium which, by THE ATHLETICS* SPRING PROGRAMME. several tiuus aftemarJ to go back lively, healihy, noisy, noticed baby, and don't you for­ confidence in your integrity has never suffered the the way, is to have a "skin" diamond. 1 believe there to his old place at get it. gets a trial by the National League. Out of the Tbo Athletic Club baa practically concluded arrange­ second bag, but without avail. All attempts to drive JiiHt tie a durrick to tbat prediction. slightest change. Hastily yours, N. E. Yoi'NO." twenty-^our is some talk of having games played with the aid of ments to play Snnd.iy' games Now there H nobody ia tbo baso men and two or three more in sight at Gloucester, and will the poison from his system were unsuccessful and it ball world whose Accompanying the abore was Mr. Docker's release, Loftns will sign about twelve at once and electric light here nt-xt summer. This Is an innovation play ita first exhibition game there a^aiust foresight aud wisdom I have more confidence in, or re­ let the rest and Jersey was not long before it 1'ad st-cured complete control. President Young prominently stating, ''You are hon­ wander Into cainpas they choose. Tom atill bankers if successful would be a popular amusement. City, on March 31, unless something should develop to He was gard for, tliHS my friend Brunei), but holy smoke what orably released." President Olympic 1'ark is at present being a ot"iit, well-built young fellow of 27 years, S" mick, of the local club for oiitfielders and will probably have nailed two be­ fitted np with a prevent. Yale will open the Athletic grounds, in this but full of ambition and "go," a crack he made in hi-* last letter relative to Columbus was next written by Mr. Decker, but the toboggan slide. Several gentlemen have interested and he never gave way former fore I write again. Colutnbui haa sent for prices on city, on March 30, to be followed by Jersey City, lo his stckue-H until tho lust. Kven but two days be- being "a p>>ol team nod year to year franchise," and all claimed to have nothing to t*o with the matter. On themselves In the project and have rented several April 1; Ambers!, be cans u ''the Kftes, Oilhs, Proeser and McGuire, and McGuire has April 2; University of Pennsyl­ foro hJa death be took a short walk. telegrams tell us that Brother Byrne is July 0 President Young wrote his last letter to Mr. been given permission vacant pieces of property adjoining, giving plenty of vania, April :J, and Princetou, April to contribute Al May 8 and Dave Orr to to negotiate with any club room 4. The Athletics The deceased was 27 years old, a native of brook tha new team; Decker, In It tbe president said that for one month seeking hia services. Stricker has virtually agreed to for tobojjganiets. The "chute" will be about 200 play at Jersey City, April ft, and meet the Newarks at that Mr. Voa der Ahe is to give up Dolau, White, Horr every report feet from the starting point to tyn.aud learned to play ball In Ibo open lots of Ihe was unfavorable to Mr. Decker as an um­ the figure offered him for next season, and McKean Is the ground, with about Gloucester, April 7. Six days are left open (or the Eastern District. Hid and Lyou*. and that Mr. Stern, etc., etc." pire and that hfa judgment of tti* gatno 1,000 feet level run-way. tti>t professional fengagemeDt waa poor. likely to sign within a few days. rhilllcs, if satisfactory arrangements can be made* wiu with Ihe Wilkeabarro Club, and he stayed with Why no, friend Bruuyll; it ia to be nothing of tbe After referring to tun unfortunate results of Mr. The club's Charlie Bar I son was lately married at hii home In and ScraDtou plays kind. If such had b^on business is going on swimmingly. About the A thletics tit Gloucester, April H them for two years. He also played with the Scrau- I the declared or implied in­ Docker's abilities being assailed, President Young con­ Peoria. It is Dot certain that Bartson will be released, 100 season tickets have already been sold or engaged, ANOTJ1ER ton and lla'/letou clubs. Las: season tention of tho American Association delegates (bey cluded. "In this respect vou are tbe gainer by your as he is a good man though he ]a a little given to wild PITCHER TO BB TRIKD. he was engaged and the advance sale is likely to reach 300 at an aver­ Manager Sharsig, will by the Nowarks to play second baso. He proved so couldn't have jjiven tint franchise on n silver platter to service* this season. I told you in a previous letter of age itching. With a fowl coaching catcher like Kappel the coming week give a young <-k>Iunibus. price of ff35, or over 810,000 worth of season pitcher named A. Irwin Paine, of Newton, Mass., good a ni'iii for tho position that several of the major Tbe franchise is given free aud clear, tbe Huburu-halred girl I bad selected for you. Sbe U books. Some merchants Ee would remedy this defect. Ho won six out of eleven a without a mark or blvmish. no eight-day have taken three and four trial. Ex-Manager Fogel ran across Paine in Boston league cluba had their eyes on him. movement or married, and appears to be very happy." each. And in addition to that at least 10,000 gate games while with us last fall. However, time will tell string attached. You w ill no doubt see many tele- who stays and who goes. while with the Indianapolis Club, about the aamo time tickets will be sold to men with stores at a reduction he discovered Leituer. The Sacrifice Hit Kale grtim-) a* lo tlie probable movements of Columbus, but Genius or Assurance? for I understood Cliff Carrol 1 was to be married to a He gave I'alue a trial on the Definition. my cash. This plan was adopted last reason and Boston grounds one morning, and was even more dear fellow, you are too well done a bird to flutter j worked well. No Bloomiugtoq, 111., young lady, but have not beard of Im­ At the recent meeting of the Board of Arbi­ at everything you see. Oh, no, A Rochester newspaper man, one Maurice F. snch tickets are sold after April 1. pressed with hia dulivery than with Leltner's, upon Fninkle; It's ours, Tom Loftus has already selected one of the uniforms the nuptials being consummated. At last accounts tration in Pittsburg there was present a quorum slick and clean, and if a tip from me in worth anything j Daniky, has offered to manage the Rochester Cliff was out In Salida, Kansas. the hitter's exhibition Iu "dress parade," This was to you, for next eeason. It will be of blue gray (Providence late iu tbe season, uiid tbe Iloosier manager of the playing rules committee. Acting upon you just b«t your last dollar on what I have i Club upon novel conditions. Hero is his letter gray) with black stockings, Detroit is going to have a first-rate team next sea­ decided to written above. To be eare, belts, caps and cardigans keep bis new find iu the background until tho follow­ a suggestion which had been made to the com? there have been, is now I to the Rochester Club directory: a pretty combination for a road suit. The secoud buit son, according to the present outlook. McGlone baa Aud will be many slates made up for Columbus before always been a favorite here and I predict that there ing spring, when ho intended to sign bim. Pafue i* a initttu by a number of veil-known base ball writers, "Give me the sole management, an Iron-clad agree­ Is likely to be white and black with striped caps and a journalist a team is selected, but the directors and manager go ment to not interfere will be a l»rge crowd here to witness the Detroils' first by profession, has great speed aud good the ru'.o for scoring sacrifice hits was materially with my engaging or discharg­ blazer of broad black and white stripes. curves Mr. Fcigol has beou very amended. mot eying alont; without a word and pick out the men I ing of haae ball talent that I may engage or discharge, game and to see our old-time captain steal second base. lucky thus far In Uuder the rule adopted in New York, flies WHAT SHALL THE HARVEST BE? recommending pitchers to the that seem to Ibeio tho best, without reference to any ' and I'll put $500 fn the nine, aud The other men are the cream of the minor league?, Athletic Club, as It was popped up to the infield and dropped, or easy bunts to ot'rhe r,lut(«, guarantee to equal, if I find a great diversity of opinion bo who Induced them to give "Phenomenal" Smith a the bast-men not properly handled, in fact. not better, the present condition of the nine in 1889. among the pitchers and will do well for the larger of tbe International might have been And on this mibject I might gay that T eaw a tele­ OD this new pitching rule of ours. I have taken a twins. trial tied wbo slgued Seward for them. Manager classified us sacrifice hita. This is ubviuted iu the no* If I don't give the Rochester public better baae ball Snaraig will gram to your city making nu offer fur Duck, one of I than they ever had in fifteen good deal of trouble to guasje opinion upon it. I did I hope to be able to report the organization of (he be disappointed If Value is not u real rule, the language of which is as follows: years, I'll resign, aad not so last season phenomenon. "Iu tho fourth your reserved pitchers, forwbom we Imro consider- I charge them one cent for expenses or service. and called the turn to a dot almost, on Buffilo Club next week and that we have begun the column slmll lie placed sacrifice bits, able regard, aud If 1 It* effect. It's harder to do tbat now whlcti sliall bo credited to thu ere tlm is read we will have signed don't kuow what base ball i?, and what U means, I than It was at work of signing players. LOCAL JOTTINGS. bntsnmu who, when but him, I believe, as well as Jack McCunn, left fielder of would not make application." this time last year. Generally the pitchers coucede It is to beregrutted that BufUlo let Joe Knight go Tfce Philadelphia ground ie being regraded at ft cost ono man Id out, advances a runner a base on a fly to la*>t ycar'9 Xawavilits team, both good ones. j that the changes will incrMse the batting a good deal. to London. We could have bad him If a trial had been of nearly or quite $1,000. Four uew underground the imtfteld or a ground hit which r«»ulrs in putting How much I cannot out the butsiDsu, STANDING BY WIKOFF. say, but ten per cent, at least. made, and the price of hii release 8500 is insignifi­ drains have been built, while first base lias been raised or would so remtlt if handled without ' JIMMY OALVIM advises ball players to confine Only pitchers with the best of command of the ball cant error." The directors of tbe Columbus Club did a neat ! their drinking when compared with the worth of tho man. He six inches, and the ground adjoining brought up to tbo to the evening:*, and n^ver to touch ft will have''the beet of U" next season. They always is one of the most accurate-throwing outfleldern I have necessary level. thing at * '* *

fore or daring the League and Aesociatlon meetings. t part of St. Lonii ta not worth such a pries even If liller. The latter la the secretary and wants to hear In the spring I hcpe to aee New York at Columbus in CAYLOR^COMMENT. Von der Aha had It to pay. All the boss manager hM THE CALIFORNIA LEAGUE- r.m players seeking an en^a^ement frr next season. BASE BALL. furco, for that city if easy of acceea. Some of the Waa- to do to get bis HunchauMD stories abroad Is to give An effort will be made to re-sign Heflcman, Murray rern liaae ball writers, other than the St. Louis and Tbe Association Presidency— Zack Phelps' the boya a supper and a few stiffs. 0. P. CAYLO*. The Official Averages of the Club* and and Foril, of la«t season's team, and about cieht or nine Cincinaati contingent, will be there. Disappointment — The Admission of Col' Players for the Championship Season. ther youngster*. Mr. Villinger will not manage the Gua Scbmelz wears hia "kidding" clothe* In winter. earn. M has bcens'atcd by several newspapers. CINCINNATI_CHIPS. In eunjmer he la serious and too busy palling his nmbna— A Critical Kevlew of an "Objet In the tables below will be found the batting whi.-ktTH to joke. Over In St. Louis one day at dinner D'Art"— Munchauaen Stories Nailed. CALIFORNIA CULLINGS. and fielding averages of the players of the Cali­ JL >Iove Against Noisy Coaclihig—President Harry Wutdou gave his lettuce a cayenne shower and CARTHAGE, Dec. 11. Editor SPOUTI.VG LIFE: fornia League for the season of 1888, which Stern on the Salary Plan— Apprehensive didn't knew it until he began to choke. The day before yesterday being Sunday I had Hie Close of a Memorable Season—Tlie closed Dec. 1. The figures are compiled from LOUISVILLE LACONICS. Minor League Players —Cincinnati's Prom­ "Look at the man," remarked Gustave. He wanta a spare hour after supper and I sat down to Work of the Flayers—The Champions the official scores, and can be relied on as correct. ising Amateur Leaguo—Scraps From the to be tooy aud is using pepper to match hfa mus­ tache!" think. It ia a custom of my life to think at Whitewashed—Stray Bits of Comment, No figures are given for those who took part inpressiona of tlie Recent Association Scorers' Meeting, Ktc. I think Gusand Harry were the only members of "tbe east one hour out of every pacing week. It is News and Gossip. in less than five games. It will be seen that Meeting What the Club Delegates Say^ CINCINNATI, Dec. 12.—Editor SPORTING LIFK; Cincinnati six" who suffered any Club News and General Comment. bad effects from the an excellent habit and I honestly and sincerely SAN FBAHCISCO, Cal., Dee. 8. Editor SPOBT- Anderson, who played in but fourteen gomes, Tt seems strange to see C'mcinnnti take the initi­ qut^f. Both cume to the table the uoxt morning commend the practice to all my fellow corres­ leads Sweeney, ciptain of the Stocktons, who LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec. 11. Editor SPORTIN* ative in a movement to relocate noisy coach- aud declared that they Lad NS LIFK: The game of last Sunday out at the JIFK: The Louisville delegation pondents on TUK SPORTING LIFE, and especially rrounds of the California League between the took part in every game 67 played by his came baok ins to tho base ball gr iveyard next to the foul WRESTLED WITH NIGHTMARE, -o Stack, old boy. I am a very fast thinker club during the season. Kick Smith, who led Sunday from the American Association meeting bound and foul tip rules but that is exactly and then they hail to relate their adventures with the Jioneers and the Groenhood A Morans was the t St. Louis, and Mr. Davidaon, Johnny Botto ookd of dreamland, in answer to a popular demand. when I'm feeling pretty good, and the thoughts the League last season, ranks sixth this, and what has happened. Tebeau, Holliday and 'wind-up" of th^most prosperous and eventful and Zach Phelps seemed entirely "I was on a rope-l«dder and had to climb away to that I tbinked in that hour were many and leason that august body has over known. From Jack Smith, who was second, has fallen back to satisfied with INicol ore considered among the beat coachers in the top of a very high cliff," avowed Gus. "When I megatharean. seventeenth: what was done there. the business, and with a lull understanding of gut half-way up I couldn't budge an Inch. Maybe I ts commencement on March 25, when the '*! never attended a pleasanter laverlys did up the demoralized Pioneers CLUB BATTING AVERAGES. affair in my their vocal powers President Stern said to me didn't yell! That was what wok*- me up." My first whirl was turned at Jimmy Will- to the ife," said Zach Phelps. "I am still a pretty "I thought burglars were getting into my room," une of 23 to this morning: ams. In glancing over 6, the crowds attending tbe games close and constant reader of base bill items, and was Harry's recital. "I heard 'ein working at tbo my exchanges last week lave been uniformly large, and on several ooca- ' I will urge this reform at the meeting of tho joor and I got up to keep ttuwt out. I pushed and [ noticed his familiar name bobbing up serenely '. had noticed that so many writers wer* Association in March. I would like lo try the aoid the door, but they were getting in despite my ef­ at the Association meeting as the faiher of auother ions, indeed many, the grounds, immense as nredicting that we would havo at St. Louis t,b« experiment of a sea.-on of baae bull without all forts, and the huwl I let go must have Beared every baby. Jim bidi fair to beat that Georgia man who hey are, have had their capacity severely 1 StocktOM...... «87]40 .615 23111340 458 ! 263 83 .195 ime which it is said that the monkey and th* roomer on the floor.'* sired thirty-mi children iu tw«nty-nine years. ested. This, of course, relates to Sunday 2 Oakland*...... 67'26 .388|2366[341 448 201|9« .189 that racket on the lines. I noticed that in the 3'PioDeers...... 67130 .447 2297 34I<432 278i.S(>' .1S8 >arrot did. They were false prophets and I ana world's rh;tm[>ion*lilp series St. Loiiia did nil tbe yell- ! uw, if some of you believerg in dreama can figure audiences; those on Saturday, as the books indi- out (hat.these are signs that the Keels wilt "get there" You may pen up a duck in a wooden coop prison for iate, have averaged 4|Havrrl«js»...... |«67l36| .553,2296 359J425i294t50i .185 lelighted that they were so. No one wanted t» ing nnd New York nil the Haying. I don't think tho | :wo years and wheo you liberate it th» web-footed about 4,000. And this in a raise a quarrel at bt. Louis, and if any one had jw-ople care for the noi-r, and I tor one itm ujllinir to ext season without tbe aid ot airy auagrama, it will *luc!udiug two tit* games. elieve the minds of two victims of "tho Charley- 'owl will make a two line for a pond. It ia just aa city proverbial amongst theatrical people as shown such a desire nobody would have beea us -ke a stop to the front iu advance of aucli nuHh-tds." ! iiard. to wean a man' from baae b»ll once hoha^ a taste 'the biggest matinee town in the United States." INDIVIDUAL BATTING AVERAGES. >o * if this in not H disinterested campaign in injhalf :iorses of sleep." I iloa't know what did it in the casea sufficiently accommodating to quarrel with him. f this pair, unlea* it was Judge Scott or the cigarettes, of it. Evea Henry V. Lucas, wilb all his 875,000 ex- Aside from the game itself, which to me and Bank. Games. AB. K. BH. Ave. of i!i» eli-vfxtton of the g«uie 1 rlo u^t know what H 1—Anderson...... 14 63 10 15 .288 "" i American AfsocifUion jwople are on good term* fhia b:«uqijHing lif» is very gay! ^erienco, is drifting back again to his old love aud his housands of others is tbe moat attractive extant, li each other, »U"I it certainly aujurs well tor thd «)nld be termed, llollulay, they «»y, h.is a buzz HUW lame ii dhcu^gediu connection with the presidency of 2 Sweoney...... 67 279 61 78 .272 Toice, like "White Wing*' 1 Tebean, and when "Little If you will lend me 'TatrolY1 ear a moment I'd here are numerous reasons why lability ot tuiy orKaui/Aiion wlien iis members are at like to ull it not with suup, but the Western Association. this happy 3 Hardie...... 66 232 41 62 .267 2sic1 ' is up oven the clover uoJa irautically. Will tbo tate of affairs exists. The grounds are adjacent 4 Borchers...._ .... 19 6 .203 ieace with each other aud ttiero ia uo dit&uli?i'tLCtiou." rt-f>nut mt-et with approval? WORDS OF FRIENDLY GREETING. I sal 5—Hanloy...... 6t 245 62 .253 THE NEW CLTB'S PROSPECTS. "Pat," old mau, Cincinnati 1 last Rammer or fall that the loss of such men x> Golden Gate Park (a place theSpalding party C -tiiini; back from St. Louis tlie desertion of Cleve- is not so jealous of Col- &s thuliums and Pholpa to the Association was a rather went in eostaeies over), and are most accessible fi (Shafer...... 23 82 20 .243 "Yee, I. too, am satisfied with the meeting/' said Inij-1 wus the subject of some discussion aud Mr. Siero, bud as a few wild-eyed mortals wuulJ have you be- severe one a loss the Association could illy afford. It \Nick Smith...... 60 234 57 .243 Mr. Davidaon, when I met him later on, "fur there puslicly avowed: ve. Curb your impatience to sweep tho Qucuti of hrongh tbe system of cable railway cars, for which iist aa true, therefore, that Jimmy's return as a ur city is celebrated and wbic^ 1(globe-trottera" pro­ 8 Stockwell...... 67 273 65 .238 was uothiut; to dibturb the go<;d feeling prevalent ' I'ieveland tided hooornbly ID the matter, and 1 run tbeWeat into the river so early in the fight. I, for magnate is a positive benefit. 1 am very sorry 9—Perrier...... _ 67 271 63 .232 there. I thought Columbus won!d be admitted »ud I Binv 1 vvteh (he cluii su-'cess In GU», hope the "baby" will be able lo tantalize more to Fee nounce the most perfect In the world. The appoint­ the League. Thure that Zach didn't settle his affair satisfactorily to him- ments of the grounds are excellent, and vast aa they 10 Levy...... 67 259 58 .224 ihink she will mate an excellent successor to Cleve­ never wero nicer ^ciitieimm interested iu base tall than oi'O ol the leaders, and dou'tget scared to death lelf aud that ha will probably remain a disgruntled 11 Howard...... 23 94 21 .223 land. Colonel Kl.iotr, one of their directors, tolJ m« tliim Frank KobUou j*nil Mr. when M Louis strikes your tr and Kwppt-1 after all. The Columbus learn minds me of that which Jimmy Williams waged sev­ ,. (Purcell ...... 5B 217 24 46 .212 lelp the youogsler and they will keep their word. flwiyliiig. Frank Uninell days President Stem ii bna b*>en off-red the four men's loleusea for $1,500, but >erience could suggest and unlimited meana supply eral years ago. Jimmy was secretary of the Columbus las been furniahed, and tho public boa shown an »p- 1D |jevne...... _ 19 66 12 14 .212 Coluaibua ia a much better ba^e ball town than IU "trii-fcy," but I'll venture to BUT that he never heard tint offer will oulv hold good uulil Saturday. Cinciu- Water Works, I believe, at a salary of 51,500 a year. 17 Jack Smith...... 67 236 44 50 .211 statistics of populatiim iadicate. it ia a great mil rout of Aurou S. Sfern failing to make good uaii niity keep all of her eighteen uieu and utilize tho >reciation by libernl patronage. The secret of the his word, >vhirh But he took it into hii bead that it would be uice to accrue of Messix. Harris, Robinson and Finn lies in 18 Moore...... _ 67 272 .205 centre and there are always many etraugeri there. iu business is as good as lib bond, ft take* a nuu exuati iu oiitsluc) irani^s. a president of the A.'sociaUon, at a salary of about 19 Lange...... 16 54 .203 ^trungers Ia a town with a day to spare are mighty with a level head and an eye to business Tbe.ro in tioihini; like giving the dovil his dues in he fact tbat they have attended to everything in per- to turn tbe 82,000 a year, vice Penny McKnight. He accordingly on. and every visitor to the place has been made to 20 Cahill...... 26 109 IS 22 .201 likely to go to a ba^e ball game if there is one con­ tiicka which enables l.ase hall to pay in the face of tDis world, and while everybody iu tbe £aat is laid Iiij plans and began his campaign. I was one of „. fliakcr...... 11 40 1 8 .200 venient. The facilities tor reaching Columbus ar» bad weuthr-r and bod ball playing. Th« League bus eel welcome. Fortunate, too, are they in their em- RAPPING JIM PEOPLES the "mannrttea'1 whom he approached and asked to iloyees, who, to a man, are courteoua and obliging. I Ebright...... 64 244 31 49 .200 uumeiou?, und so lar as situation is concerned it liU no shrewder luau in Us run ltd than Mr. Stem. I am going to break a lance in his defence. That is » ndorse him. I declined, and gave good reasons. He 23 Stalliugs...... 24 87 14 17 .195 he advantage over Cleveland. Columbus wiM !> THAT GRADED 8ALAUY IDEA. not sa> iu.', mini you, that Jim is tho devil. From tbe waa a warm personal friend, luit my reason for refus­ THE SEASON'S WORK. 24 Creanor...... __... 21 77 9 15 .194 rated as an Easteru Clubs." Editorially THE SPORTING LIFE refers t> the failure Brutklyii $i'tn0 Thltf money ):a^ not t't-en paul by tho Associa- wtre not so frank with him. Ho wont to tlie Phila­ nwich that may not be written here, for I must con- 30 Gaens...... 61 242 46 45 .185 bus directors offered me $2,500 for any battery I be a? much of a dead letter as the gi.OOO limit rule. 1 ll-ju, and Hit- hard workioij Jimmy is nmkitix the Ciu- delphia meeting firmly convinced that hw would be ine myself to the present in bise ball. And there's 31 Shea...... 67 255 39 47 .184 would let tl.ein ha«, but I declined. Tbe Louavill* am giving this matter my careful attention, and pro­ cliiuati hatfewooils riii^with iii'ligiiaut comptJintii. Of elected, in spite ot my advice that he should Hay lothiug aad about that "present,1' for everything per- Bucklcy...... BO 272 42 49 .180 ~'lub needs all its pitchers anJ catchers." pose to continue the s'udy for a couplo of months, cc'urie, he blamed Mr. Uyrne, who hasn't receive*! this aw«y. Two or three of tbe clubs which promised lam aiuing to tbe glorious game is colour de rose. 32 Lawtou...... 1)4 233 48 42 .180 "Are you satisfied with the percentage allowed vi«- aiilvd by buggestloug of tho Cincinnati Club's attorney, money yet Peuplea i.t tho la*t man iu tho world who privately to vote fur him wilt back on tiieir promises, Of this pa*t season, more than any other that I wot Newbert ...... 23 83 8 15 .180 tiiiK clubs?" Rvan...... 268 Louis KrnnuT, and Secretary Sterne. I hope to Imvo 'Vigbt to kick, ad be d«d legato help win and more to aud when he got to 1'hiiadelphia and looked the field )f, has old 'Glorious Uncertainty" crept in. and the 33 64 26 48 .179 "Yes; I wanted more, I will confess, but still I think <>:ue plan formulated when Ijnoet Mr. By rue, before injure defyat than auy catcher ur had." Fair play, over he began to realize that be had be?n betrayed. :inb playing the best and n>>>st attractive gam"s Is at Se'lna...... 6« 229 31 41 .179 ?e were vory fairly treated." iho March session at Columbus." Mr, fr'/u«ut the Barkley matter? Did you succeed Cincinnati i-s vitally interested in Ihe success of both the tuitUiU ibat Hie Brooklyn players had b-'en given vened nii'J s*id I could, if I wuuld, elect him and save Jre-L-nhood & Horaus lo^t by tile close margin of one , f Cooney ...... 42 161 26 28 .173 in getting him?" the Tri-Stato and Son there Leagues, lor tuebo jrgani- tht'ir ^hare ol the prize money, and Peoples said he bad bitn tbn humiliation of going back without an tloc- run, nnd uot a few of those gamea bave been of extra M \Lorriitan...... 27 98 « 17 .173 40 Smalley...... 165 LOUISVILLE TEAM AFFAIRS. ationd bave been n<ie to do anything in the tber nines ot 41 Biakiston...... 3S 143 28 24 .167 TUB BASK n.VLL ARTERIES id the way the t'ackwuodd raug I would not go bick un my word. I had the League, with a pure California matter, as there was uo oua there from Kansis City I'eopUa w.l! ;n*ko Columbus ft valuable catcher. He :>rooii?ed McKnight that 1 would vote for line, have the Havorlyn made an extraordinary abow- 42 Long...... 6f> 267 40 44 .Itil authorised to act. It is impossible to say whether w« which havo absorbed mncli of tbo playing Wood 43 Meexan...... 40 142 14 22 .154 >ou"g and otherwise of his r.evcr boeu supremely IMI«P> ^mcu he left Cincin­ aim, aud had told him (Williams) I would ng, anJ uot uutil the very last were the Slough City will have Berkley. In fact, I am not paying the mat­ the three citing, Cincinnati nati. iiot "am aure of the championship. 44 Hurley ...... 58 216 23 33 .152 aud 1^- Kentucky sixers uu both sides of tin* Licking. Thorcnro fww towns iDat ball playeralike better cast my voto ro thruw a friend out of a position And this with two ter much attention Jti9t now." tuan tbi» >^ld bui^. who had, lu my opioi >n, been a faithful official, iu itchers who hava alternated iu the box >t>ar in aud 45 0'Dny ...... 67 251 25 37 .147 "Have you anybody elso fn view for second ba=e?" It l.-oks equally down Snuih, ttud ninny » ball player year out, and 46 f rtrunz...... 21 85 7 12 .141 will have to turn his attention lo some other splier** tt rue LOSS OP M'QUADE.- order that another friend, wlio waa already well fixed, yet bob up serenely and remain the "Yes; I ora looking after several. One of tbeiu, I might succeed him. Jimmy acknowledge^ the logic nine old puzzlers Incell and Mt'egau. They're 120 14 17 .141 think, i.i fully as pood as Barkley. I may be able to all these minur loa^uea Hiicciimb to the int-vitalle. f*o McQ'i^le ia lo go to tho Lesgno. Umpire Jack 48 Hayes!!'...... !..~."..... 53 203 28 27 .133 lias iH-vor ha-1 ftny lov't-lor Cincinnati ever siace of my position and said he had no harsh fooling well-known to all tiie toners In tbe land and irnn- get Grteuwood, of tho Italtimores. You are well Like Otlt'llo, they will flnd their "occupation gone." the igtra as well, judging from the stack 49 Guruett...... 16 61 6 8 .131 With Toledo and C«lumbiw out of the question, iho any thut rtoitie internal tdtot-t llreJ a few 1-e-r glassei at .'ilnbt ma because I had never misrepresented my of epistolary uwate of what Greenwood can do. But whoever th« x-iti >u toward his candidacy; but he waa very Bore iffers they have recftvel. At the eud of the season, 50 Cnrroll...... 32 11B 11 15 .129 second baseman may be, I intend to bave one of tb» aurvlvora of the Tri-S;ato League will tiul themeelvtH hiui to em[ihu3l£3 tlieir disapproval of a decision of hi*. 51 Kuell...... 15 55 9 T .127 AVho could blame aiuat several of the other Associutiou people. n musing over the players and the good and had work first class. We are weak at tbat point." in Dinch the condition of a Whttechap*I victim of Jack him? The Associntion tiaa lost a hey have done, we can sea where one 62—Harper ...... 27 95 8 .115 the Iti| per, fur the legislator* and F'lturo (Ireatw RfKMl man and the League is the gainer. Still, the has improved n "How about the-report that ilecker's release is for From the liitfe I Iaarn through the paper* about n play and another deteriorated; one ha* become care- 53 Delnias ...... v 6 28 1 3 .107 sale?" braved the storira of '83, mid stuck tn tin* text while gamn will peen perous attomey like Mr. Puelpa wants tbe office of aa iu every walk of life. started within the la-t few daya that Ilecker is to go to removed. Tnus another Ohio city joins ot n. Giiffney cbould uot be alloweil to slip away. president 58 Uentle...... 8 27 6 2 .074 Akron, Youngstown, Sandusky. Day Um. Spriuetiid;!, of the Aa-ociation Is more than I cau un­ * THE AVERAGES. tbe Columbus Club and will pitch for and maaage CHRISTMAS THEE ORNAMENTS. derstand, especially as it would d spossesa a most 5'J Wehrle...... 11 32 1 2 .002 tbat nine. Ilecker himself »tys that be ha? heard Hamilton and the others ruiued or at least truii-o- Harry Fuller ana Jake Stenzel, huh Cincinnati boya, I have, I think, placed myself on the record at least 60 I>e Pauger...... 5 17 2 l .058 jarily spoiled as base ball towna by hitch worthy official and throw bint out ot auy immediate nothing of it, and It is probably one- of these report* salaries. And had been signed by Columbus, but they will have meaui) of earning a living. Wikoff en years ago t»s thur<-.ugly opposed to averages, and BO 61 1'acbe...... 6 20 0 i .060 Cincinnati, be it remembered, was represented in almost has made a good, '<»r as I can, avvid them. Tiiey are eminently for the started by persons who hare to invent some new sub to KO. faithful official and it was » decided compliment wheu CLUB FIELDIXO AVERAGES. ect df conversation. Tbe Columbus people would every one of these clubs. There are a score of players Keo^an and Nulton were reserved ihirker and record-player, by whom, together with a by the Chicago the Association rrj^ctetl tho candidacy of a roan hko •5 •C !>•* >robably be quite g!ad to get Ilecker. Tbe hitter did here unsigned for '89, and the prospect i* an far from laudftil of "fans," are they read with any interest. > 1 B -; lii.trooiis and will havoto go to Minneapolis. Pbelya t'j retain him at tho head of the Association. omu of bis greatest pitching against the Coluuabui pleasiug. Mansfield aud Cantou are plucky urongh George 1'roeeer wuuld uot mind returning South If ;'he courageous, hard-working, play-for-liis-side/and O : : and want to proceed, aud it is II tho T) a\?- Dine when that team w^s a member of tbe American to b? hoped that their Clt'vel*nd "lets go." pearton through, conscientious player, abhors ! 1 * : | • a. efforts will be seconded The admission of Columbus to replace Cleveland in hem for their manifest injustice, Association in 1883 aud 1884. They bare u wholeaouM by the Gem City and Spring­ Fied Klenk, one of the be^t all-round athletes in th»» Association 1 fear waj a weak move. Columbus and has i.o use for field both manufacturing places, hem. 1770 1242 ''fl error ol him up there now. much larger than the country, recently diej at Minueat'o is. His re­ will not bo the CV.lunibui ot old. It will not get to- In the averages which 1 have mailed to THE ''73 46 1 .897 they were when they once before were proud of pro SPORTING LIFK is thia injustice THAT KAIL-PENCE INFIELD. mains werw interred ho e. Kl»-iik had many friends uetiier auolhrr fiuch te.iia as that which was traua- in many instances 2 Havrllya...... 111«'323 ' 19! 511 .SBO fossionat team*. Cooney Bowers* ambit on in to give in Cinciunati aud was formerly at me Weal End Turn- mo?t iippareut, and aava that the compiler, with his 3'l'ioneers...... 18l7 i 1253::«l i 4B; One ol the raeu whom Pi evident PavMson is after ta Dayton a winning team, and I'd terral lo Pitt-tburi. The memory of that club wilt cu>tonmry like to s^f him given vortin. stick iu tha minds of C<>1 ambus people. Nothing of firmues*. Iwta pjiuted out iu Ms intelligent 4 ! 0aklauds...... 1765!1228i346.48;106; .856 PlckeCt, rh« short stop, of the St. Paul Club. Picket* tbe opportunity to have that ambttiou gratified. 1 PO- Mike Shea, the Reds' "young hlood of the '87 notes who thy meritorious players are, the unthinking The above iiichxie* two tlo games, and the neldiog anm here with his team at the first of last spring. Ha Mansfield has written or rather wrote some days a lower grade of oxcellciica will suit them. The re­ ,nd ctil'sory reader by buch averages va* a good crop,' 1 is playmjr left field witu a New Orlea-ts am«- sult will not bn a howling aucce^s fur the new team. would give credit »veragi«, but they would prefer 1 note that $l,OUO,iXX> backs the new team. That is ball edilor of the Examiner^ a gentleman INDIVIDUAL FIEI.OINQ AVERAGE*. which make a man remaining tnruiuh, hut * ' weakL-ner" ue'ertucceels iu base tall. fl.WO.W'1 belongs to the men who highly valuable on tbo diamond. Sin.u Id t home if there was auy chance of organizing a team are backing it. But esteemed by thw entire fraternity, is the compiler, Oatclieirt. he Loni-ville Club obtain, him he would probably b« \V. K. Iruin, \\1»..» put in last st-a^ou with Manches­ those LWKO B of the mil-iou are PO io Covington. That reminds x; th*t J. A. chronicles not g.-in^ M si> -n-1 it ind I take this opportunity of adding njy tribute to his A. E. PB. Aie. placed nt jK-eotid b;v^-, an i du not think Ibt-re is auy ter and Kitl.tiuHZoo, is win'.erin^ bero and. i^ working on the^lub. Oh, no! They will no* t' 32 9 5 .922 another of fOi a Wittout U)ll« Kiocvrr firni. I cot a letter froai teriiug wor h. Ity the \v v. the physical reMetnMapce mtioii to pmip'ant Tonmpy at ^>iort. field. Tt'ftjj (ftKid gentleman t > my friend 27 5 10 .900 PINT, HINKLE'S UTOPIAN DREAMS biot this week. He » corresponding with sever*! In- They will pay ofCSicago, ttie cdur'ly j yet i<* looked upon us a sober reliable youna fellow DUTW au'ary for their i-. .. .. 0 .: a Pfeffer, is stKi-:lit'g. All through tho reason, allinVI 43 9 30 .870 TOOI whom the resurrection of tlie Blue Grass League with tennis teriMtiun-il Association mauautheru Jack CAU toll stories with the best treasures (?) of a scorer's life. Eauk. Gaaies. PO. A. K. WP. Ave. of them. tit keep itd backers behind the club. Thert is ;tu end 1 Congl.liD. O...... 11 5 65 0 1 .985 With twelve clubs in the oreiuizution it uaq a rac« League team in Louisville. That pro Ted fat.se as lieu Tutliill, who was onco an umpire up In the t > patiouco of nil kinds, and especially to pilifuca DEATH'S HEAVY HAND. between the Kentucky and Ohio team f^rsecond placa. Faust's vows of love. Covington has had stverul great Nor:liwe>-t rn l^engtie, was in 2 Wchrle.S...... 10% 3 62 0 .984 town this week with the which rt quires Oiouey to sustain it. As in the preceding season, death, inexorable and 3 llecian, 11...... 33^ 29 207 4 7 .955 Columbus finally winning it by a very sinull margin Bemi-professional club], aud tbe Kentons and Stars are "Poart (.1 PVkin." steaithy, has euteiet tue ranka of our fraternity and Heckt-r and Morris were then invariably pitted remembered among the cracks of by-gone days New­ Will White iuomed into public 4 norchen, 0...... 5 4 77 2 3 .941 notice this week. tre tbe name of liis brief occupancy of the base ball chair of the 7 Inceil, II...... here, and if it does is well in Louisville in 18*59, as it ambitious ball plovers who all live in "Keddy Muck- thn heit p:tchei wh > over wore 33^ 16 234 12 11 .915 tue rod waa seen 3f'irni»3 Call hau done much ti advance the interests 8 Knell, O...... 13 14 137 3 13 .904 did in 1884, it will bave uo light to complain of tha town." Will Date's idea is to organize a first-class public print. me DC-SI n win nave noiuiutr. ivnusns uiiy, vjoinrnuua of the League and elevate the tone of the g^me. The 9 putronago furnished it by tho Fulls City. team aud outer Cincinnati was quite the M«>rca for traveling Croanor, P...... 13 5 97 7 4 .902 it ID the b;ise and LLinieviHe, 1 Imagine, will have rather cold en- other, Hamilton, once a most iiopultr player on the 10 Baiter, S...... » 3 77 2 7 .896 Hub CuIIim says it is settled that he will play sec­ CINCINNATI CLUB'S AMATEUR LEAOUK hall t( un-tH thid w«ek. Billy Btrnie nnd J W. Waltz coura-.-emeiit in tho couipinyof the Brooklyn, Ath­ old Keno, Athletic aud Oakland niuea, who, although ond base for Bgtfoklyn next seuon. He nt flrtt pre­ b"th 11—McUlade, P...... 12 0 100 4 8 .892 and make a game fight for the money prize 8300 stopped en route for Baltimore, an-l Wheeler C. letic, Ciuciuiiati, Baltimore uud St. Louis i earns, nut a player of this decade, was HU employe about the 12 Purcell, P...... 33 19 308 14 26 .891 ferred a position in the outfield, but he is DOW quit* which is bung up for the victors in the si-rlea. Ileo- \Vlhuff HID! Gus Schmelz aud Jimmy Williams were ground*. He wns borne to hh last home only a week willing to take second ba---e. Louisville people ara her« 13 Harner, S., P...... 22% 14 200 13 17 .877 ne*y agrees with him .and they both believe that on their way to Columbus. The Qmker City Tho stindin? ol' th" umpire In the Associ ition I no­ a^o. I shall miss his cheery greeting as I pvs iuto 14 Auderson.O...... 14 7 105 4 12 .875 nuxious to sco CollitJS acquit himself with great credit, Covington will wake up to an appreciation of th-J Na­ duo, Manager fefcaraig and Trea-urer Whit taker, tice has taken H decided (Incline. He i* not rttsd BO tho pates of Haight Street GruuncK Ol the outlook for ho has always been a warm favorito here. When stopped ovitr to B*gu Homy Lyons, 15 Flvnn S.. P...... 8 2 63 6 4 .800 tho Louisviltea tional game auch aa WHS ouce enj,»yed, If a new club but they did not ti tinmcially as ho was last season, beingdiscotiutod for the ensuing season and the changes about to 16 Lo'ughrau. 0., P...... 15 4 107 12 0 .8(iO obtained Collies from the S-nithera was organized. Th<-re \ft enough talent in the city succ^'-H. Last, but not K-ait, A. C. Uiichtnlierger, tlie 40 per cobt.. aud he H set up as a "hit-the-centrul-ftg- occur, I wrote you la>t week. Jack Sl'Oridan, the best Firtt BaKmm. League he joined the team here deleruihied to d*> lii» n«w manager of tbo Culumbiu best. He increased sieidily in efficiency, across the bridge to form a team which will make bulb team, wna here on a ure-and-you-iret-;i-ciaar" tirget upon which the bst^ umpire we have ovor bed here, at least the most satis­ Rank. Games. PO. A. E. Ave. until now tho Indians and Cincinnati Giays travel in a rac« fur ll>irij; v fsit 3 esterday, when he sinned Jinimif* Peo­ lor is expected io fatten his wvunige. lie will not get as factory to the pullic, and that's the m.ifn thing, takes 1 Selna, S...... he is ranked aa oiioof the finest players In tho country. ples. Ihe fiist ot the I^g^-ilator^. 26 263 4 6 .'J78 It i-t now that purse. Lew Appleeate, Nick Ivory and Bud Ham- Jtmmie and "Duck" much money this year »a ho did last, but I guess he'"" a benefit to-day, and his old love, the Ilaverlys, 2 Ulaknton, S...... 21 216 0 11 .051 decided that Kamsey and Kerim will not aey are all C-wiugtoniuus, but it u expocliug tin- graatiatea of the same Detroit team, auJ I am initktt !t up iu abuse. Probably a roJuction ID his sal­ spainst a picked nine. Mill play tor him. The day ia go to Los Angeles. Several dv\sago Ihey received a too much sure 3 Powers, H...... 55 554 16 33 .915 to think that Rum»ey will keep in tho amateur chiw they will »ot altJiig well together. ary will reduce tbe size of tho hat he wears. periVct find the atmosphere buluiy, fio there'll be a big 4 .1. Smith, P...... 66 640 11 39 .043 letter from the manager of that fenn^ stating thai much longer. He U a corning mail. Secretary Harry The Kansas City uvnii^fl st who ii calling upon tho "gate." Eliery hna succeeded in getting "on" with h ;s 5_Swoeuey, 8...... 21 218 13 15 .939 their services were not nreded. Cousequently they fiterne has uot yet fully decided upon tho bitae ball world to OfC'iew the ni' kuanie "Cowboys," Anrmg my weekly notes of (he situation H one to Knickeibocker team np to and including New Yeui'a will put in the winter in Louisville. plan of or­ IMM 0 Hyan, O...... 64 601 15 42 .<136 Raymond, ganization In tbo Amateur League, but the t\\o tea.... lots of mi-sioimry work before him. Every club tbe uStif.t that the offi.:o of la^yt-r of the Association is Dav. Wild tho two holidays f'hriatuiHa, jou know 7 Buckley, H...... 9 91 2 7 .931! the Louisville third base man, is f-pe tiding timt have already entered, tbe Judians and tho Gray*, ii> the Association has a tiij«», "The Hods" is the mild vacant Mr. Phelps firmly uud decidedly declines tbe and four Sundays, this \vi!I give Messrs. Dentiy, Myera, the winter in Califoruia, aud is playing there with, appellation of the Clncinnatis. Louisville's ' Col- hon^r. What has becumo of Lnun Mack. Van Haltren anil the others Second Basemen. tho Los Aiigtles Club. The papers of that citysp«ak evldencu the exciting fig»t that may be cuufi'tftntly Kramer, who nse«1 a chance''to pull 1 Il»nley, II...... 5 13 10 2 .920 looked forward to. Tho Ind.aus went through '88 and oiiel.41' aio renowned. The Oriole^, QuaBers, Bride- to fill the ptnco so eucce.iHfiilly? If I wasu't so far ofl out" the expenses of their trip here, tor the Califor- very hi.;hly ol* him. tie will return to Louigville in giootin and Brown-* OIK] the list ol' the old steers, IM nians of the party are grea< favorites 2 O'Day.S...... 67 146 170 39 .8UG March. Buffered juat one defeat at tho Shamrocks' hands aud come to the rescue myself. and a sure "card," 3 Shafer,- 0...... 23 62 63 16 .880 tbnt wan whou the "Sous of Eriu" (aided by a few Ger- while "Thfi Baliy's" other uutue is "The Legis'atird." ami both Black and Myers have already "caught on" It is said that S*>ott Stralton is the blpgMt man ia The Cowbuyu will have toroutinne to wifTar. Better 1 have just seen a picture of the at San Jose aiul St^cktou. After 4 Gagus. H...... 60 165 145 47 .868 Tuylor county. Ho isquieily epundiug tbe winter at m*u count*} beat thorn a run or two in tlie vory last late banquet at the Ntw Year's a tour 5 L'ouahue, P...... 63 151 148 49 .860 gamoof the season. The Grays liave grounds ID the that than the Pirates of the Kan., or the Misso Lindell. published in the Sporting Spews. My first im­ through tha Southern part of the State is his father's home ihert* with an occasional visit to this l'uke?«. >iicknum'-'» are a part of base half. pression of tiio illustration vva* that tho boy who prinig contemplate 1 embracing Los Angeles, BaUerofield. 6 Shea, O...... 3« 91 80 36 .826 city, and U likely 10 corny out iu tho spring iu the beat Millcrcek liott.-m-t at the junction of the Cincinnati, Third \Vabbiuttton 1'rtsl'lent A. S. 8tern surp:i-eJ ''the boys1* by his the paper hiiell if Brooklyn couldn't spare Orr to Baltimore, l-ut I then began to study ffatnrei and try to distin­ to the "shut out" they h*d to submit to from Whitney 8 .Powers, B...... 7 13 21 10 .772 completed there will bo 110 linndsomt-r grouuJs o» from the receipts, if there be any, will bo turned over and his comrade', afrer the great game they had given 9 l.origan, S...... 9 11 36 .7:if. tu Rome ch.irltublc institutlun. Mr. Aboil suifl Colunilnn had precedence iu tho m*t:er. guish the guests from the colortd wditeis. Tho first stands in tbe country. J. A. .St. Louii otlercd 8500 for Jack O'Connor's reh man or figure in the foreground I at first mistook for ttie Chicago} on their visit. It was a gloomy (Jay, yot Ill Buckley, H ...... 11 11 22 13 .717 lYe*idciit Stern certainly iffers more noveliips to the tbe attendance wna good in spite of mist anJ foe. The 11 Gurnett, 0...... 8969 public than any other Associutiou maKUate. The and the oflkr was refused. Jack prefers to play in the 'Venial" face ot Christian Yon der Abe. There .698 MINNEAPOLIS MOVING. Columbus KRX MULFOED, j wa^ eucfi a vacant, unoccupied, thrs-loi-for-ront look game wns a rattling good one. Van Ilrtltrcn had one Short Stops. lonK-dietmce throwiuj; contest of '88 will l>e auc- of Iho three runs all by himself on a three-bagger and ceeded by the amateur struggles of '8'J. Tho revival upon it, just liko that which usually convulses the 1 McCord, 0...... 10 15 25 4 .919 A Good Team Under Morton's Energetle a passed ball right on the start. Mack, who caught 2 Kbright, of interest In the game ninong the amateuri tocttm-j SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. lineaments of the ton manager of the boss wurlJ. H...... 9 17 24 5 .891 Management Assured. But upon the application of a microscope it devalopec niitgniScently and who was continually cheered, scored 3 Havcs, S...... 10 13 32 7 .86." pronounced early !ast season, M'hen within a month the run of the second inning by a base on bulls, MINNEAPOLIS, three organ'/atioua sprung into existence. Two of The Proposed New League—Items oi News into tho back part of tlie hf'ad <.f some nun who sat 4_Nuwbeit,0...... 20 22 33 10 .840 Dec. 11. Editor SPORTING at the table with his face away from Cartluute. 1 have very clever steals around to the last corner 6 H Smith, P...... 09 fl'i 151 45 .82" LIFK: The local crunks have ceased predicting them survived the *ea-«on without a break in tho From San Kernardino. and Whitne>'ri out, and Long Jim himself msrfe the ranks, and the otiifr fell by the wayside. Tho Miami a treacherous memory of the backs of heads and J (i-Han!ey, H...... 59 70 182 50 .821 anything for Minneapolis, ani will now tako SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., Dec. 6. Editor SPORT­ cannot circuit in the eighth on Whitehead's wide throw, a 7 Sweeney,S...... 45 Valley L«aene, which honored me with the pr»si- ideinify it. Tbe most I cau siy Is that it was 69 101 36 .Sib matters as they come, though they draw con­ ING LIFK: Thinking you might like some news not Barnie-X for there was hair on it. passed ball, a i.'aring ateftl and another parsed ball. 8 Shea, O'...... 30 33 74 32 .70S deocy, was the pioneer, and it may bo revived in '89. Mack's throwing t > second was sensational. A doul.le- siderable hopo from the faut that Sain Morton If 90, Mad)3i>nvi)le will make an earnest bid for cham­ concerning huso ball in this part of tho country 9 Do:iov»n, 0...... 5 5 10 7 .6S1 To the right of the mysterious back-ender was up was of the electrical type. Stockwell made a hit to Vf Beutle, S...... 8 6 13 1* .575 will have charge of the team, which means that pion e hi p honors. The Highland League may con­ T thought I would write you in regard to the right, and B'akiston allowing it to pass him, Len tinue, and a suburban league is also a possibility. magnate with fall boirdand flowing locks, somewhat Outfelien. A. G. Spaldinjf is interested. Morton has charge formation of a proposed league in this State to bo gray or worn in plaid colors tho artist has left i; reached third. O'Da.v rivpred an easy gronnner to Tbe outlook for amateur ball iu 'rt» lscert»inlv bright, Myers, who throw 1 Jevne, P...... 19 27 11 .965 of the Spalding establishment here, and Spald- known aa tho Southern California League. The Home A hat indefinite. It looki lifee Blaino, but 1 un- him out «t first, and Pete passed it 2 Howard. S ...... but it is too early to spean with any decree of cer­ to Mack just in time to nnb Stockwell. Quick work! 22 23 2 2 .925 ing has therefore a business interest in seeing a tainty. There is a healthy look al>ont the edges, how towns of Los Angeles, San Diego, San Bernar- dert-Und Blame Hint hia regrets. It might bo Har- 3_Selna, S...... 40 63 26 rison, but I ain told tbe president elect wns out rabbi Harjier pi»ched four innings, anfi then bejomiiig wild, 4-Bnokley, team flourish in Minneapolis. But there is ft ver, which H uot likely to develop into dry rot. dtno, Pasadena, Santa Ana and Colton all have gave way lo Biker, who struck out four ni:d was not H...... 40 M 1 6 .012 Kxcueo me a moment wliilo 1 grease a few bunting when his invitation came, and missed a goo< 6 Moote, P., S...... 61 113 10 15 .882 stronger motive than even this. It is believed good teams and will probably constitute thcrcir- thing. It may bu meant fur Gus Schmolz, but if it is once hit safely. Quite a number of well-known joints of Ibis phonograph. It did service at tbe re­ players in the Stockton nine, isn't there? Score: 6 Long 0...... 67 111 14 IB .87) that Spalding has long had an eye on the Twin cuit. he (Cus) has pulled his beard to a point. ,f Hardie, O...... It 19 2 3 .87. cent gathering of laU-nt In St. LouU. ("Turn the KMOKURR AB.U.B. P. A.S! STOCKTOX. AB R B. P. A.E Cities. They are the most rapidly growing towna in crauk ilicre slowly, boy that's it!") Now for a fe There are quite a number of Eastern players 'IS'ockwoll, S...... 20 21 0 8 .875 America and are recognized sporting centres. Each About half way down the table on the left ham Van Hal'n.cf 4 1 1 2 0 Oj Moore, cf..... 4 0 1 100 pen pictures, true to life, pbonogmphed oa tbo spot at of note here for the winter, including such men I>eriny,8»..... 3 0 0 1 1 01 Wbitch'd, :)b 4 0 I 221 fBIukiston, 3...... 17 18 2 3 .80' year there is a change in the National League cities tbe annual convention of as Raymond, of the Louiavilles; f-ide I recognize Uccle Joe Doyle by the width of the J 1 Purcell, P...... 17 21 3 4 .85' and usually the League magnates are upon the look­ Fudger, twirler blur and a corrugated section where the foreheai Myers, 2h... 2 0 1 4 4 OlMoward, rf... 3 0 1 100 for the Sioux Ciiye; Goodenough, from the Texas 11 Cahill, O...... 23 25 6 5 .85- out for now cities that promise satisfactory results. It THK y. B. B. R. A. U. S. A. (should bo. Just ta-tt of the first density of food on I!laki»t'n,rf.. 3 0 0 1 0 1 C.Sweon'y.ssS 0 0 030 12 MrGls.de, Leattue, and Groves, late back atop for tho North­ P.Sweeny,lb4 0 0 8 1 C Stockwell, P...... 16 17 44 .841 ia only a matter of a short time until tbo Twin Cltiea at the Lin;*elI, la*t Friday. "1 have before me, gen­ tbe west table Hits a magnate whom I take for the man c. 3 0 1 fl 30 M Pache, S...... fl 8 2 2 .833 tlemen, a letter from Henry CiiaJwIck" the voice ia western Leagn^. Alvord ub... 3 0 0 2 0 1| Baker, If, p.. 3 0 0 1 ft 0 of Minneapolis will, combined, become one of the moal riau irom Cincinnati. The blur is not eo large as foe resl 14-Hariey, P...... 29 42 29 .831 desirable centres in the country for a League or Asso- that of President George Mimaon. "Let mo rend tt." Bf-rnnrJino baa a strong team and If the League aud it« surface seems somewhat smoother slicker, il lirowD, If..... 3 0 0 0 0 o|0'D*y, 2b..... K 0 0 030 Is established will stand a good show of carrying ofl Muck, c...... 2 1 0 » 6 0 S»Ina.lb...... 3 13-Lew, H...... 67 115 9 27 .82 cmtifm team, and the belief ia tbat SpalJing is figur­ And he did. Tho father of Ba^ Ball tuihlesnly you will. An atmosphere of deep thought can be- ob- 0 1 13 00 10-Law'ton. 11...... 64 104 17 28 .81: tore liimsell away severed, M it were, the lie that tho pennant. Whitney, p.. 3 1 0 0 9 0 Harper, p,lf.. 3 0 0 030 ing for that time. If he holds a franchise in Miaue- served in its immediate nrewuce, and a sort of Jeru­ 17-Slruni, O...... 21 26 47 .81 apolis he hai a utroui: claim to urge whoa the League bound him to the N. B. B. 11. A., etc, lUymoml is covering third Ibag and never played salem halo Burruuuda the end which, ia furthest from Total...... 27 3 2 27 20 i| Total...... 29 0 5 24 2"0l 13 Croauor, S., P...... 2 2 .8CC "1 understand the getitienmn desires better ball in his life, hitting the ball 9 6 question arises, and it li possible thai bU first move ia to resign?" was all over the dia­ the fioor. Knickerbocker...... 11000001 0—3 19-Heron, S...... 14 13 2 4 .789 that direction is now beinp made. the Inquiry of Joiephus C. Pritchard. mond, and excelling in base-running. Ho IB spoken o Stockton...... "Aye." 00000000 0—0 20 McDonald, O...... 13 16 1 6 .77: S'im Morton is an enterprising, shrewd and expe­ aa a probable manager of tbe team with a salary ol There seems to be a vacant chair about midships on First on errors Stockton 1, Knickerbocker 1. First 81,*>0o. 21 Perrier, P...... 68 68 11 21 .76 rienced base ball man, and, if anybody can make ft ' Well, iben, 1 move tbe letter bo tabled and Mr. He will surely bring his club out on top with the port side it may be tho Mnmmaide. I ahoult on ball< Slockton 1, Knickerbocker 4. Three-baae 22 Donovau, 0...... 39 27 13 13 .75 Cbftdwick fired!" remarked the frreprosHihto Joe. Fud'icr in the box, and Jack Cullen 88 back stop. team go, he is the man. He has already taken the guess this was the sc-at set a*ide for the use of i he bit Van Haltren. Left on bases Stockton 3. Knick­ 23 Uelmtt, 0...... 6 6 2 3 .72 first and most promising atop, which waa to provide Every man there fell on his kneed and begged that John W. Fowler, whom I have not yet mentloned l lawyer of the Association, who wasn't chosen. From erbockers. Stolen bases Myers 3, Blakiston I, Mack 0 2 .71 Btich a cruelty bo omitted, and in silouce the toeigaa- tbe colored second baseman, Mill prove a valuable man 24 Ilayei, S.. a ground in a central part of the city. With bii the pose of tho beads or the knobs on top ot thec otamm 1, C. Sweeney 1, Solna 1. Double, plays Myers, P. 25 Cooney, P...... 38 39 8 22 .68 partner, Harry Hoch, be haa secured the McNalr tlon of the '"Grand Old Mau" WHS accepted. in tbe club. He is playing great ball. lie will prob I guess that the head waiter Johnny ia making a 8»eoney,Mack. Struck out By Harper 3, by Baker 26 Swell, H...... 10 11 5 8 .66 And that is Imw we lost tbo falhtr of base ball. While ably sign with Quliicy next property, in the rear of the West Hotel, between season. speech and everybody is giving grave attention. 4, by Whitney 7. Hit by pitcher niaklston, 0. 27 Gurnelt, O...... 8 8 1 II .40C First and Second arenws and Fifth and Sixth street*. tlie !K>V^ wero bearing up nobly under the atflictiou a We have several promising young players who will Sweeney. Passed balls Stockwell 3. Wild pilches carrier pigeon moat likely shine PITCHERS' AVERAGES. It will make a ground 390x370, or a little larger n>w in at the window and under ' Iu some of the older leagues at nc A big pumpkin, elevated on two back log*. In Harper 1, B*ker 1. Umpire Creanor. than the M.^Paul wine was found this note: distant day. Park. It ia in every way a desir­ which iastuck a cold weal her signal flag, occupies a After January 1, it is the Intention of tbe magnates able location, and will remove the one objection ' JOHN H. MANDIGO 5t>v Where is that dollar of The San Bernardlnoa have recsntly played Cotton place on a poker tablo in tho foreground. Just wha to close up the Letgue grounds until the commence­ mine? aud Pasadena, hitherto found a park ia a distant part of the city. 0. P. CAVI.OR.*' winning three out of four games, Colton it represents ia more Ih&n I can make out. ment of the season of 1889. They are posaea-od with Of course, "Tho Twina" were absent "Stack11 mid Maudigo winning in a 2-1 ten-inning nj Sunday games will bo attempted, And game. the idea that the public will tire of too much base ball. tbe games will bave no opposition in church circlei. and there was uo report from tbe two officers who bave The Knickerbockers, of San Francisco, an Eastern Tbe whole tbing is so dim and complicated that Pshaw! Allow tbe public itself to be the heat judgeof agftroies' the b'at base-stealer in the Western J initialed bo'ly to tlie Scorers' Lo

stead A. C. Bnckenbarger will bob tip serenely from ana me race wan decided In hia favor. The track waa 000, and the f.Having officers were the ricfntty of Columbus. Mr. BuckenberKer, known elected aa direc­ In very b*d condition, but the articles provided for a tors: A. H. Overman, E. C. Il^ges, Luther to tho b(v>e ball fraternity AS "Buck," Ja one of Dan race7run White, BASE BALL. or shine. C. E. Mitchell, George I>. Seym«>ur, Rodney Deunia O'Learj'a find-», and ATHLETIC. he [lajed second base for Dan­ WHEELING. Tde snnnal meeting and election of officers of the and E. S. White. A; a Bubscqunnt meeiiug i>f the di­ iel's Toledo team in 1385, In '87 he waa at the head Man hat (a ti Athletic Club took place December 10. of the delegation from Kalamtzo»and last seawn found rectors A, II. Overman wa-< elected presi.len!; E. 0. UNION AND ASSOCIATION. President Georgo W. Carr made his report. He said Hodgea, vJcp prepdoot. ASSOCIATION PRESI DEN CY. Mm itt the head of the "Nailera'' at Wheeling. He bad fT. R. Milla, eecrelary and that the plans aud epeciSc.itlon-ifor tha now club houi»a CYCLING COMMENT. treasurer, and W. C. Overman, assistant treasurer. already signed V»n Zant, Sfc-nzel, StapMon and Ful­ The Row Between the Two Great Athletic A Providence (iispitch liays: "I^ast spriue a bicycle Interesting Inside Facts About tlie Recent ler lor '89, but they will duubtlcsabe released now that Organizations—Why They The Question of Road Racing Records- Columbiu has been taken iuto a faster class. Are at Logger­ ad run intouu Broad street by Patrick II. Cjllin4, aa Association Meeting— A JJitter Fight Be­ heads. Some Practical Suggestions How to Con­ expressman, who, according to the oviuence, refused, tween I'ln 'ps a::d WikofT for the Chief THE SCORERS'! LEAGUE. NEW YORK, Dec. 13. It looks aa though th« trol and Supervise That Branch of t-> pay any regard to the W(«riiiui whistled of tho rider. Th« wheL-Imaii's hand was JExecutive Office. trouble which has existed between the Amateur Cycling—General Comment. broken anil his mtchine se- The late meuiug of t je How the Interests of the Late National PHILADELPHIA, u^Sy damaged. CuUinn wad ronviotel in the lower American Association Athletic Union of the United States and the Na­ Saturday Dec. 15. The Si- court of a violation of the law requiring him to drive IB ,s t. Louid, as was the case tfith the League Base Ball Keportera' Association \Vere tional Association of Amateur Athletes of cycle World, curiously enough in last week's reasonably to the right of the traveled centre of tha meeting in New York, was an important one in Subserved at St. Louis. America will as,-urn e a graver aspect than is has issue, is out with tho samo suggestions, practi­ tii^liiray and tonk ;xn appeal. The decision of tha many particular*, and while 011 the surface In our Last issue appeared a brief telegraphic done in cally, as I made laat week in regard to the tower court waa sustained, tho court docidinj; that a tbe past. The Amateur Athletic Union witii the exception of president, vice president acid jicj cle is fi vehicle everything appeared smooth resume of the most important result the election nnd entitled to all tha [irotectiou and pleasant, the has published a pamphlet entitled, "Fact?, treasurer, who held over, were elected as follows: formation of an association of some kind to pass afforded oihor vehicle!*." parlor of the Lindell Hotel, like parlor F at the of officers at tho first annual meeting of the Comparisons and Explanations of the Athletic Secretary, Charles C. Hughes; first lieutenant, Charles upon road records, and the. excellent suggestion Vifth Avenue, waa the scene of some pretty National Base Ball Reporter's Association, which Situation," in which the Union's M. Kln^; sflcood lieutenant, John Black; truste-.-s, E. is made that the editors of cycling journals eo- position ia dc- K. Jloyt, L. A. Stmut, J. M. Tate, Jaoiea Ma^ee, varm discussions, some well-earned victories was held at the LindeH Hotel, St. Louis, Dec. 7, War- operato with The Bicycle World ined and explained. It states that the forma­ reo Sage and George F. Flnlay. in formulating AQUATIC. »n3< Qiient regret, Ihe Ittrnus were accepted, State (rrgamztitIons nf ha-« ball wrltora would be a ;ouri Athletic Club, of S:. Loute, to buld a Western ly discover anything against it except the or two that The Bicycle World if Teenier were to slate over his own signatuia »nd Mr. M. li. Davidaon hnii bis friends gecuictl the id ihiu^. U U idea isihiteach State charier should rhuuHiiouaMp mee'.iiiK ou ltd grotitidct Sept. 9. The cost, which, by common consent, is rather aalty. , can use. at tlie present liau1, tltut be \vubt?r. Tliury are uiheis I*he!p3 from l>asu ball. This suUw is clearly appartnr, iuspin-d by the Richard Boyle, late of itie 3(r. Phelp* to tbe posi­ A resolution was j assed tbauktng the reporters Juitod States not governed by rules apt-roved by the Urge. As a mail vote would entail cousuleiable i-x- tfraid to face his b^c-ivr, Mr- K^uau, knowniji; right tion. It waa adaiitteJ that Mr. I'tielpa hail rendereil committee and tho j--int committee on rules for the Amateur AthMio ULIOD. could not obtain anything like regular patterns peiiso, probably come oth^r means could be devised rt-ell that he would be forced to go into active truhiin-r, Im^uitant service to the A^sociatiou on sovt-ral occti- good work accimiplM.ed in New York last mouth. Tuis reeolutiou naturally created trouble with it and had about given up the idea of for taking it. If a cyirlinij journal were mad« the nd that. too. antler tie care of one of Ke'nau'a io'i j, and that his prfseuco between ou th*? Iloanl ot Arbitra­ A resolution was passed defining the scaring of ;!ie two as^ociatlors, uud the trouble official orgau a voting blank could be printed in it frien;ls, \Vallioe Rusa, Teeaior at i-nca Ifft for I.wka tion was indeed was brought to a doing BO with anything short of the old dirt valuable, but wh^n it c-iiiie to drop- stolon liases, as follows: ' Hesolred^ That it is the irad \vhen the Gaelic Athletic team made and lLo cost of collecting the vote be thereby mini­ OhaiUtnu;u«, where 3Ir. K.eeuftQ was informed hu was piiii; WikofT en its appeur- when ho decided to try the Sulmltze, and did so Jirely, eTcn to i-leas^ Sir. Phelps and sense of thismeeuu^thrit when a runner starts to st<-al uce here this fall. Trie Union made n proposition mized. joiiit-.l by Airs. Teeuu-r gratify to with ths most gratifying results. hh nuibHlon to again be locognized fts an im- and a catcher makes a wild thro* the catcher should bo !ieoi reli'tive to hk>li'.ii)g games here, but tbe Irish ath- OFFICERS to (onsist of chairman, vice chairman, sec- "Thi'i'o of course is notMng str-inao about tlii'' niova po'tiut factor in base bull, the quf ner husband, but Keen tin uM no* look fit matt TH iu intinut?d to Mm competition ho was asking toj much. It stems livered b.ills by the pitch-.T, and if such a ball causea ft wi:h tbem. Tbe prceent nieinbewhip of the members. hat light, and conga jneotly ivtish'.d bis baiulj ot tja the plan was than changed, Amateur that came under his own observation, where tho suggestion Iteiugihiit wild throw, the runner siiouid bo credited with a Jnion ia given as 9,280, with a proporty estimated Rt This body of delegates could pas? upon records vh.'le nflair Strnuiio to t»af, Toeuier diii not ho'd ft Bfr.PheliH be ejected presniout and legal advist-r persona had u^ed in their guns thousands of at a stolon buso and the catcher should be exempted from >1,210,000 In 11 olubs, out of a total membership of 25. and their action would be final unless appealed cry big roputrtiion uniocg the rowing nien at tha good fair ai'ary, ariil Mr. Wikoff bo elected secretary shells loaded with the Schuitzo powder; aud Ime uhen Kcbr.an took hini in hand, ao error." from to the membership but his ris->> ro »nd treasurer at a tnaUM-ially reduced salary. Into A resolution was paased fixiag Columbm aa the fltill later a gentleman residing iu Lebanon, PaM at large, such an appeal the po-iitii-u tiiat he l«">^t io G.iud;inr wu< s»i t. B-ick- this Anotlier Sprinting Swindle. atraDKeiueut tl.e Athletics, i'tiltimore, Louisville place for the spring meeting ana Ne^v York as (be comes forward with his testimony as to the safety to be taken only upon the written request of a ng and umurtg^niefit had much to do « ith hk< succi'ss, Kiid E^USJS City heurtilv "Tbe particulars have just leaked out of t-ntered, but !?t. Louin, place for tho next annual meeting of ihe League. a foot race and g^uerol excellence of this powder, certain number of members. ,nd it will bo u long liny before hj gets auolhcr uiua Brooklyn and Cincinnati which woa run at St. Louis We Inedday a M-eck and denounces 1'itterly opposed it as a Thia was all thu business trar :fl«cieu\aud niter a vote ago," the unfavorable caticisrua This is only a rough suggestion of ike Keermn to look aft'.-r his IntercRts eo f*l'htuUy. gro^s piece of lojnttice says the St. Louie Globe-Democrat, on tlie subject as rut aud the mode to Wikoff, who, if n-.it a bril­ of thanks to the reiirinjj president, Georpo H'.iuson, "at Sportgiuttn's bosh. He loads his own ahe'.Is, iisma; the "Keenan said the other evening that ho hml no de- liant mm, had for yeurs Park, between M. K. Kittlmnau aud UuitJd of proce'.lure, but such a plan would give each shown him---e!f to t>e a eafe, the uine dtlegatna adjourned an t went their ways, Fred Davis, on States Cartridge Company's "Climax," Ire to back th^ champions. *n tliey were lather a bad bouest. correct, anJ every way which nearly Sl,000 changed hnnda. But five people preferring their member a voice where the decision was open to deserving official. hi^bly ^leased wiih the manner in wiiich they had primer to «">" of the other ma fees, not ot to handle. 'It ! * ;tli right to have th,-m when Mr. Phelps m.-tdy hm anpeaiaoce unexpectedly saw tbe race, and the utmost s< crecy excepting iu St. run things and had legislated for the abaeut UDrejire- was observed EKy'a. I C'-uld name a number of inatanceB whore doubt, but place the majority of the business in >ln is to get on to[>. but after they reacU Jjouis to push his canvaas aud probably ibont it. Davis IIA-* been iu tbe city for a short time, the iiiwat seutod sixty-bix. gentlemen have expressed themselves as delighted with the hands of tho more wieldy board of Joieg Ues. that po-itioa thoy get carelo^, and the ic.ulc la thuy bitter contest kuowu since tha orgiiiiization of tde and it develops that tbe Craw ford who iaa Kittlem »n tho Scii-.iltzo don't half train.'" Association n Wise, «nd nee U constantly, but this wuuld prove Should the L. A. TV. recognize the action* of was uiiteit-ti into. Otic of the most im A DOUULK CONTRACT CASE. nsiu, und \\a8suppoeed to be Gont. of Eng- notbinn beyond the p.rtunt things ttnd, wad D:iv:e. fictsata'.ed. On tiie other hand, the organization, the cause of cycling could be the Asaodaii-m l:ad to do at this The p:i;ty who backed Klitlemau several letters have appeared meeting tltouglit in the sporting press that was tins election ot" a cew member to fill Uorchers Claimed by Two Clab*—Manager he bad the bes? runner in the country, an 1 would have * tendency advanced and the amateur law strengthened by Ed Flanlan will not ro'urn to Ainoika, having the Tarancy offered 13 to make ony raihei nervous de­ created by Cleveland g:-l*-g to tho get on a r«ce. llo wrote to Da\irdinatruve them would l»o ia a circuit. This would make it impossible to cancy, but ISth of the same month I advanced him $100, about as i- it ecu v a .-w ofii t-rs a-; tollow^: Pr sideiJt, Harry Von cler Auj »s !t w*9 ku. >wn Columbus would prop­ leman emerged from tho d -e^iug room stripped for a-i a »i''8e of cathai tic pilb would be erly and naturally if administered to establish so many records down hill, with tho LU president, Rudolph llautb; Ciiptttin, Honry M i>; stand by Mr. vVikeff, 21r. Phelps, according to agreement. The contract vras re­ :he rKce. K.t was 80 pounds ovei wciyh^ aud it was a gr.tvet'a image or something who actually app;-arod to this effect. II io letter wnd iu the li dors' favor, as is done on the Lancaster Tbo Keystnne in the rasotiug to lend his ported to and approved by the secretary of the vldeut cou'^d u^t run a yard. The p;irty behind Kit \VH8\vrittonina spirit of Canoe Club, of PiiiUdulp'.iia, baa forces, evident fairness an.i for a pike. IttitvB linger ih:s distance ehou-d be mil on yctwl thu foll->wiug aud his friends did all they c uid to postpone Tri-itate League ;rttw that he ba-J burnt bi^ mouey up, but took tbe while it did look KS if tlie puk'-faced o!Ticoi>i for the enduing year: tbe election Nov. 28. Now in face of this explorive had met roa;is where the ^rade docs nut excttd a certain mini* oinmodorp, of tbe new club. The "Bi.n Three," how­ matter ve:y quietly. The start was by pistol shot. A with ft serious set-back, hut in a short 0«nrgt) Ilaag, fico commodoro, W. Nor ever, St. Louis. Manner W.-.tkius, of KautdH City, signed Eorchora on time the Now ber of feet to tho mile. irir; puiger, Brooklyn and Cinchiuati, were not to tart was eti.-ctfd \riihout trouble, and f)avi^ went out York ajt«»t--! f'jr t';ie ^ale of Schultze i-owder F W. Hayea be beaten, an-l by or about D-c. 1, giving him the usual advance. Mr. in A me- Race* of over five miltn fh-jnld be run over roa'l-* not a ahn-wd pie-:« of generalship bad nnd won by a var J. Both sprinten are now living on ricu cttiiio out with an explanation Ihe Kochedtet Canoo Club, on Monday l«sf, dt-cted the Wat kit s mi mil tod thi* much t> ui« at the Wi-sieru As- of the 1 01130 of the less tbnu that k-ii;.th. Aud that d : s>taace should be orJf-r of business cha iged and toi»k up tho election he fut oi the land." troubl**, namely the age or ovur-drying officers for the unnuinx y^-ar an foilnwe: Cut-tutu, O. of new members eociali in mt-wMDg in Minneapolis he knew before ha of oomo of the long enough to keou out such roads as arcuud reser­ previous to the eltcfionof i>fficcn». old or first is-ue, and claiming that ili.j powder Fic-tl AcdrewB; ni:itu, H. II. Parkins; purser, George At this [oiut A re ess wns binned BorchtTB that that player was under contract to »3 now voirs, carriage drives, through park*, etc. taken, aud ttu'ii the canvantt- Pointers. made UQiler the new procod;* is entirely H. Harns; measurer, II. J. Wilson Ing, buttoii-noling and chiunin,; ma. B«)ichera acquainted Imu of the fact hiimelf but Irco (roui the I\oad records sh .uKi not be made on street anphiilt. ahnoil equaled a L. E. Myer*, the great ruunor, hopes to return to possibility of accident from such ft cu'i^e The nt-w officerrt -A Iho Catlin Boat Club, of Chicago, fiiate convei tion. The Phelrw pa-ty \VatkiD3guvelMmto understaud that he ccuM over- or from any Another interesting feature conies ia here. If we were still B-UI- Australia within a few yearj and take a few &rsr-claaa cause if properly leaded, and the fact thut antm e: Charles Callin, presiilon', II A. Cr.min, vice pre- fiitno of success, and rome any difficulty t>"»t tuixlit ari-v. Now the ques- Trwous throw too nmny restrictions around road riding we when it became kno*n tlmt «n race horses with him. quantity of it ia used in Kughmd, and that itis^teaaily drtijt, T J', linliinan, ai:cret:iry ami !n,';i.-urer; .lainos effort was beinc ni»do II..Q Is, caii lit-? PerlMpa Mr. Watkius, being one of shall not be able to compete foe world's records with to heej) out Columbus until guiuiDX cround here would aeetu McCotmick, lieutenant, and Charleti Goff, captain after new officers were eL-cte-l, the m'»n»is »f tho Anvneftn Ass >cintion, thinks he has Dnnran Ross an-l Gtptain Jamefl 0. Daly wrestled to support them in the Kn^li-ih. and the Coliiiubud pfoplo thia ftseeriion. The most recent leitera iilot-r. felt almo-tlika witlidrnwli-g their power tt» "-quaiV auy iol'riniremeut he makes on tbo or 5500 ;>.t Wilk^sbarre, PA.. Dec. 11» Rosa winning io nn the snl'jsct Th. rough rules as to measurement, whether It aj)|>Iic;ttiou, be!i.-v- are from tbe pen of "Black Powder," an-1 onbl^tied ing if they were good t?nuiig!i rights conferred the minor clnin. We may be revolv- three cut of five fall*. in should be by cyclometre, and, if BO, how irrtr-y; the CaiiUin A .11. Swayne. of ibo Yalo freshmen crew, for me.;nLcis!ii^ tho The American Fidd. He tikes the adverse courtesy of admitting them to be JUK in a similar urbit tnaii he, but we aro not g^iog to Tbe Columbia Athletic Club, of Washington; will s:do of the ni-mber of timer*, judges an 1 checkers; and ih* Diode .JUS seat u formal communication to J. 11. Kidder, oip- present during Iho question, and while his fiitt letter w:is merely la'ftlnc, even if they to"k no active* part submit paliontly to hij unwarrante'l trt-upjisi. break ground io tbe sprint; for one of the finoat ath­ a dis- of checking could i>e eas ly arrauged. Probably the tnln of the Harvard frentiniun crew, challenging it to iu tbe pro - cursive guneruhzing of the subject wttli v.^u-j hints eee>:;nas, sh'-'ild b« extended th-m. lours siucertfiy, \V. U. HAKRINGTOX, letic clut> bouses in America. ad^tiun of a standard checking blank would abo be u row a tWL-iijile Ktrutxbmwuy race at New Loudoa of the fusibility of accidents, his last one throws Lt-xt The opfMsition 10 .v-r. ! belpn, however, h:id n<'t «'jt- Uanagur 0:uitoa b. B. 0. George Cartwright, tbe i^dHstrmn, before sailing for good thin;*. June, asi'Ui tlie musk entirely,' and he stntcs or, n»oiifi.jns As hill-climbing ha* assumed such respectable pro- The i..il!jv.mg gttittlumvu have been chosen h.v " n.v . Eu gland emphatically denied_ _tbat he__e\'e_r_ officers i-y found tiiat in spite of the objection ti; ;ho jhteo BAIX PROOF SUITS. to a Saratoga woman. pjrtlous uf la'?. U an^bt lie well to taks th«t under of the frtrkdal-- Ii .iitl.ig Club, <>f To-.-nto, Onl., f >r tho Im TO been injured by the Sc'mkze i-owder,an;l in all hu­ the iTottclive win,c of the assocUiion. K;it. *hhUea of prfcb- nt yt-ar rrtsidvQt, A W. Duods; '.rontesl clubs in the Atsocintiun, the pt-iilltftuan V)U' Ed. Sikirk, tbe well-known Pittabnrg vice iin-fll-ieute, The Wonderfnl Musk aiitl Giinnen runner, ft man proUibiiity the u^wisstieof s tid r»owds?r, the shells Shut man! How are yuu goiii^ to wu to him few ilivs ago fell diwn Htairs and broke the kneo secretary aud _ FrofocteI, wlin be- tile length c.f cntuk, s: zu of wheel, grade of hill t»od a trcjisurer, John L. Hall tbttt It would requirpa fhi:itio in ffi«- constitution to capof bis lijrht le:i. He may be crippled for life. yuini doubt understand it perfectly a-3 to quantity and dutt-jj and one other tUugu, the board would not lead The Mystic IJoat Club, of Newark. N. eparate tho offices of piL-rident, secietary ;md trivia Tn conversation tfie other day Bob Reach, of Joe R:'id, whilf training for the Oa'n, C»l., Nov. 29, was thrown from hirf statement ,md here ia the ruS it is the m wt dutnaft- sod he could only muster Co., this city, said: "Bid you see Um­ F \V. Jlfcicei; CHjjtain, F. II. Glax«; litutenatit, A, J. four vote.-, then imd not whuf 1, and receiTtni a compouri 1 fracture of tbe arm. ing evidence «o far against this Schultze, because it » * * till then did tie retire from iho contest thoroughly pire Gaffney's suit last season? He was attired Thi-i rainy, muddy, fo?gy, t!amp, (Haapreeable end ot Raiclle; (ruste'-s, K H. O.ih-irn, (J. L. Wmterd, F. dis- Mi; Moon hm taken dood n way at once with the theory oi over-drying or ftf.point&l. It wita *mbdert;;eotly au^rg''s:ed by Mr. is never before waa umpire or player, for that u;» y.-un^ IJujjh I/eouard, the 18^8 ii trying hani t*> i;o out in decent shape, and Dec- Baiclie, Sht-rard U(-pu«, uud II. Duraud. midtSlo-weicht wrestler, and ttiiuka thnt he has in the theory of improper loading to explaiu away an Pbelpe »nd his friends that in consideration of hin matter. His coat and mask were expressly accitieot. cumber sees rnorv lidera on the road than. Octobei or Th. rt» is B movtujfcul '^n loot to cntcb th« champion withdrawal, he be asked to accept an appoint­ him a champion. He i* 22 years old, and 152 poundd Novbint»er *u unusual reversal of things foui -'.-ar« d crew of tbo Wett made by us for him. The c'jat was of blue flan­ ia weight. To tba ordinary mind, however, it is pa- sing sliange End Club, of Buffalo, ment to the IJoard of Arbitration with tin im-!ar how Borne guns can Th;' following i!<-tic-» kits been issuei to the officers a^:iitist a i>ickf(i four from Toronto. Th;; man h will nel and was titte-1 with inflatable rubber tubing Colonel McLnnzhlin, the veteran wrestler, haa given stand tiie Schultze judder in­ landing that ihe A-sociiition recomniendid him fur definitely whi'e otliers breathe of tho Pennsylvania Division, L. A. \V.: probalily b^ nmde in the- spring- It ia said the Donohue which ho could till with air prior to going up rjiilroH'tin-j. (tud is go; ng back to wrestling, and their last aft^r a I*-w the position of chairman. This wa-s positively decliofd, on the shots. Take **Graba*n's" &UD, for ins anc*-, a plain, "A special meeting of tho reprcfentafivte of thb ir-.ya, of Toronto, will be given sen la nn tbe Cunadiaa »ud with no little feuiiug. The clubs who opposed Mr. 5e!d. With this garment on he was enabled to .John McMthon is once mare to tho front. Duncan C. Fouuaylviiuii Division, L. A. W., will beheld at tho boat {loss has challenged liolh. Huund g«n with, I believe. Whitwortli barrels, ami »-!io tbelps, rementberiug he WHS williu.; to sucrificu Wiknff withstand the most violent blows of foul tip?, the would aUempt to say just how much tv.hultze powder Cu'oDiindo Hotel. Philadelphia, on Friday, Dec 21, Th« YonfcerH, N Y., Yacht Club hag elected the fol- to graiifv hi? pride nnd umbitiun, and when Tbe Lansdowne Athletic Assorifttion bas elected the Ife88, at 7 o'clock P. M., for the transaction of impor­ defeat* d >all bounding off easily and making but litile his boi-nbnrntd in it and without any perceptible was wiliiiig again to s-umficH Mr. Byrnc. of following oflb-ers: I'rtsiHfnt, II. C. Uartle-on; vice tant business in reference to tho roaa book, diatrictin<; Brooklyn, concussion. I should injury to the pun. on tho Ooard of ArbUnition as a not at all wonJer if we ma-^e preM.I'm, John W. Duvi*.; aecrotiry, E. H. Miller; ttitfSta'u, etc- salve to bin dlsarpoint- ;roustT8 of the t-amo jattern. if "OrnhaoiV* KQD can and does stan-1 it so well ment, were in uo mood to have a compromise Von must have often re­ treasurer, Leauder MnrsbaM. "A ftilf attondance is earnestlv requested. dictated marked hi-w frequently ih« what ie the trouble with other KUUS, if anJ always pro- to them by a beaten candidate. The co-nplinuut unip^rt* and catcher aru Very tiuly jour.1, Gi:o. A JESSUI-, Chief Coi»eul.'* of H utruck, and most I'ainfully, A wrestling rnfitch fora pur^e of $200 took place at vidtd thp shell;! are properly loaded according to the Tost. re-election as attorney was tendered Mr. by foul b,,ll«. With a Phelps, but [. air ol these inflated Montreal Doc. 10, tetwen Prof^-isor J. C Cia-k, of printed direction?, which in all conscience are plain * * * In the four dayn' international sculling O'.ntostat this he verv naturttlly declined and Mr. L. Krauthoff, trousers nil danger of any kind may bo avoided. Th*-u th"ie w»s the Boston, an 1 OharUs Benson, of Montroal. Th ) mutch enough, uud from all points it w^u!d teem thai the The Penn«yIvan !ana have elected their officer* tor Brittbane, AustraKa, Doc 6 to 10, Searlo bad an easy of Kansas City, wna promptly eleciod to tns place. Mr. mask which Mr. Gaffnt-y uore, and which WAS a model of its kiud. WAS won by Clark, who secured three falls to Benson'fl opponents nf the SchiilUe h:ive not succeeded so far in 1380 ami the Centurions l:ave DC-minuted theirs In victory. Beach r:ir at the mvotiuK nut] failed It had an i.peu sight, f»r eu[ enor to anything OUH. demunstratinc tl'fti it is unsafe if propel"' y loaded, it both clubs the olP.ct.rs, with cue or two exceptions, suc­ ovyiu£ to tbe dmimiti'eu n-fudin^ to d ^qualify Sc-urle to partake of tlie banquet tt-udered by the St. Louis of the kiod I have ever ^et-n, \et made BO strong shat tho ITarry Bethune Is in Chirazo. Hegava tltat hearing 1« t> b» Iiojied that the < -poohiti.jn to it has not been ceed themselves. ar.d Mattiuon for fouling him. The first prize was Club to the delegates. that (-here iau ruunei in England who wishes to chal­ gotten up in the interest of the Mack powder manu­ Tho luiter club held ilie firet festivity of tbt season JtSOO TmmedUttJy alter the election ball could uot peuetrnte the opening. It was the only of the Columbus Club ma.sk lenge him for the cbampiunidifp of tlie world, be ia facturers who see in It a forrnMabl^ rival t>nd lake this on Dec. 11, and burned up enough cigars to make th<* very thing weut i'f tiie kind eT^r made, and it waa highly itrnisod The Hyde Park Boat Club bas slec'ed new offl e a as along smoothly. Ol' course th-jre ty every aiuioua to run him 75, 100 or 1,200 yurJa for any sum means to prevent a ''survival of the fltttst" f--r c<>m- entire neighborhood blue with smulio. The mu=ic w»re the inual diuiippoirttmentH player who saw it, auJ especially by Capiuiu foUiiWa: \V. H. B. Rosing, Comuidnder; A. P. Knil, over the cornmitt-.-e-i, KwiDg, of the Kerf in reason. Uiercial reasons. Perish the thought. PINK EDGE was oit-cAoid, of course. PERSEUS «nd it is quite likely t'lat the Yorks, win* desire,! me to mako cnptalu; Harry Griownld. en-ip;n; A. Hcntm. tr«>n8urrr; bitter fight over the him a duplicate, an order candidacy uf Mr. that I wad uuable to till. Tttw The OrauL-e Afbletic Club, of Newark, N. J., have G» or^e Benedict, secretary Tbe club b s dt-cided to PiicJpsaud th« apparent willingness ni:isk, in«t«-a(! KKCOKI> 1IKEAKING. of certain clubs to ftlruast of having a padded rini, l.ad one inflated, secured a l«a«e f >r ton years of a pl->t of ground ad- Random Shots. ciiani-e tbe Qftme ot the organization to the Hyde Park wreck th-) Aswciati m fjr the effect l-eitiig to this one object, will account for dt-adrii thu blow of thu ball. The j.iin-ng tbe Grovo Strt-et Station, in East OriQge, Yaci.t Club. the formation of cor- wboio Ira Paine, tho revolver shnt, bfgun a long engage­ New Figures Fat Up in Far-Off Australia. tain of the commute -s. In bnee ouifit i-* very ikht, and can be packed Into a which they propose to have roaly In season for tbe George Bnbearia trying to get on a raco with aoma ball, aa iu politics, v.-ry small compaw. It ment at tiie PdVHgon Music Hall iu Loudon, Dec. 10. Lowevtr, the m«jor,Uy will be great thiag for um­ spring guinea. From the Melbourne Sportsman of October 20, of tlto scullers of Knglnnd. Ho offers to n)riceite must rule, aud the majority, pires next year, providing a:i armor Tbo Toronto Humane B«cit-ty »l*o threatens to fol­ generally sneaking, is about th-it will b«) almosl John McM;ibon and H. M. THifar liave signed an just to hand, we learn that new bicycle reoordd Geosge Korw«ll. who detV'atc'l Corc:>i&n a f»-\v weeks ri^ht. brtll-pr.jof. It low the lead of the New Jerney d. P. C. A,, io prevent The Associntion did a will almost entirely free that individual agreement to wrest!(» at 3f. Alb.ms, Vermont, Dec. 18. ago.or anv fcailfir in (tie Southern i art of England, proper and courteous thing from thy many ddURera Hie n?e of Hvfl pigeons as Urg«ts. have been made in Australia. Says tho Sports­ towards the retiring Cleveland th,-tt J*HVO liitherto m »de his CLJ liar ami tlbovi', best two iu three fair lulls. fivL- seconds Btart In a race over the Thames or Tjrno Club. It vis task eo unpleasant, W. K. Qufiiiby won the Blattmacber m-jiial at the man: "The sport of bicycle riding appears to known that tho friendly and hereafter t'i« only target that match grows out of a challenge issued by fllcilahou a riviT course^, for $500 n sije relationship existing he ueed fear will regular muutliiy snoot of the Cunoy Inland Kod liave taken a firm hold on between the officials be that in human ehapo:" short tinit) Ago. and the public in Ade­ Ctii'tiiio Tighe, of tho Vannn Boat Club of the Brooklyn an 1 GISII Club at Woodlawn, Dt;c. 13. The atcoud prize van of Brook­ Cleveland clubs hud been Tho Orita'sl AtM-.-tIc Clnb, laide, and the two 3.13*3* race meeting conclude! lyn, N. Y., will Hinke an clo^e and of Icng of Hack^nwch, N. J., dlvldrd botwoeu U. Monsees and Dr. Scbtvartz. C. effort at tl o next meet in? of raodine. and when* the 'rwi.;natiyn BASE HALL SOUTH. hriM nn election la-t week, with the on the oval last Saturdvy has resulted the executive commitf"H of (be of the f»Hi-wing result: Danvan WOQ the third prize. in a N;i1iona! Afsocidtion Cleveland t'lub front its membership in tho I'n-ri'ltnt, F. A. Anting ; vicepr^Ment^ J. B. Bog*rt highly satisfactory manner. Our fricn Is over to liave the case of Willuim. Goepfeit re^pcuod, with A*B A Gulf League Suggested—Opposition to f\rd A meeting i.i ro be held tit New York In, January for 'Ciatiun w-*s pre"ente"i, Mr. By me, of Brook 13 n, G. M. FairchiMj.Ir.; reconlini secretary, C. J. Van the border aro fortunate in posseting a splendid the fiurpise of hnviog him rejii-ttater th? susteuauco of which, for a term of two and most beconiv a meoib'T of the V'jinitHS. m relntion io MOBILE, Ala., Bee. 10. Manager John Kelly A special fr.mi Australia statts tlmtE-J. Skinner, the siiftaUu for fast time. Last Paturday 8,000 po Jt* retirement, and on ypn'8, & arms njttuu'HCtimTB are sUted to Luvo .pit. iit- his motion the secretary was in nn interview the other day said he was of the Aini-ric«n fprinf^r, won the Sir Jo-J^p'i Uaak^ quarter leoded the sports, and great intercut The Mannyunk Kiwiiig A-gocJation has clec'e-l the directed to convoy to the Cleveland promised ty rn\#G a funu of $5'.),000. was uktm in tie Club the beat of a mile baniicwp Ht Sldnoy, Ne 1* S tilth Wales, In contest-, especially thoso wherein Victorians wishes of tl-e A>iK>cUtioii opinion that the Southern League would not be The AuitttiHfins do everything on a large scale. and for its suctorf and pro-perHy 47a., with ten yatrtn ff Hio ocr.itcb, wuining ih"reby a South Australians inftt. A ppschl ouo uiilo mulch In its now revived. He is expecting a visit shortly from How tr«l>-9bO'>l«rs would op-.'U their eyea if a pun be­ field. ptjz*- of nearly £1,000, ate > an immense eum in bets. tween 11. Davis, tl e champion of South Australia, and Tho Cohimbua delegatns mn-le an excellent fmpr Jake Wells, looking to the establishment of a club on tiiig continent wera io fo'ijw the le.t'I of the At THE SPOUT i NO LIFE ofii -o on Saturday 3Iat«ada Muil'ourne Club! Last rui.ntli that club Tom Bua.*t, winner of the recant ten mile champ'.ou- »lon as a!il«t sound «ud reliable bufciuo_-s men acd us Gulf League, to include the cities gave 1:4,750 m n:recior», ut'«*rn« ,uariiii, w<.'i>r»(B i ustaiu of Now Sorakicbt and Gr^-ok George sinned articles of a.jrei. prizes fur OQ^ s!io->t. the first bbip of Australia, was brought off mi-I won einan, bus re­ be has been surprised at the interest taken hero this Churl*11* W. BU'Id, of Des Moines, Ia., bas cov­ MILWAUKKK MILDLY MAD. upon. Lh*-r c.?nt. of the Jt'ieU Chatn- 2 4 TM. This HUM is phenomena), ami slauds (tmfn^ tbere-tof iiis lifo HP did not briag Carr put money up to support a club here has exceeded hi pioinhip Onp lust we--k. to nbo.'t for aa iho The City Ignored in Committee tho tr-'phv. Thia amateur record of t!io world. v>iih hi:n. as at ono time it WHS tho--i;lit ho surely Places— cJtpectatiuua. Th? all Unite 1 State* 135yV fiot Iian-licap, under chaV.onge will therei'ora rcciilt in a m^eling of the "The fallowing are thedetiiilBof the great race wuiil-l. Tbe black country sculler did not turei out Klusinan Signed. tho a;H[.ice.s of tbu New Brit'>i-i Handicap Association, famous rivals io live bird when shooting in Amo. ica, Uu-ld T. W. Ilu-fet broke the record S. A. ilyclUts' Urilmi thu "hummer" tlmr it wsts supposed ba would, which MILWAUKEE, Dec. HOT WANTED JUST NOW. va* decided at Ilent-'ch'er's P,nk, N*'W Br.lniu, Ct., ou and StK'e. Uiidd held tho chain;.lous 11. Editor SPORTING LIFE: -ip for thn-e plate, tlirpe nubs handicap Trophy, £50, A. t4 th-j principal reasju that he id not aeeu in tho States NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 11. Manager Kolty'a Thnukc^iving Day, t:»« fin «1 heat beiog won, bv N years au'l was on'y bentpri ono bird in It^an^en- Secretary Harry Qain, of the Milwaukee proponec tho contest for btirn (480yrfo.)i £10t T. W. DuaU (dcratch); £">, by this tinio. Guif League iloes not meet with faror in Duly. Itriatol, (27vda.) i:» 12^-..; p. Cjrbsl. (28yds') Sd; the trophy, w'bicli Stico J. W. Club, has returned from the Western Association Inn city for wo:i from Cdrtor on D.c. t>, U. iiu-st (-cratcii). Seventeen rioVrs faced tho starter, the very sim;>!e rea«on that it ia debited here to have J. L<;tig, New llrlUiii., {'^^yJ,-.) 3J; J. Heury Hart­ and this bird dfoppel The sixty hours swimming match between I/eavitt dead out of bound.--. Including C-jdd, Hidloy, Heurv, Jeffrey, Ilcnz acd meeting. Mr. Quin went there with several ob­ two of the Texas towns, Memphis, Atlanta, ford, (IS^yd^.) 4th. >11, Tie- Stone, the c..>tiief(tit!tt-) to swim ten b-mra <1 lily for Nashville Pigeon Hliootinsr had not bewn interfered with in New gtmuiiig, Cox, Mnllind, Black. W. J. Ellluir, Mills, jects in view: Tho Abolishment of the per­ nnd ether cit^a re; reserved iu the .League, There Morguu, tho wrestler, who Is at present in Philadel­ s^x coiiBeuiitive il^yp, WHS clo'^ed at tdo (>nu:d BInsentn, Jorpey o nl *l President McAu* ny, of the Jersey City Davia aud K. Elliott, From tho start tlie brother^ Boston, teems every prospect ot the formation of phia, and through the waily pajfe-a clmlleug-'S every­ 5I;i-M, on Saturday evening, Dec. 8. ^eavitt centage system and the substitution therefor o ihe Southern tiancb of the Society for the Prsventon of Oru-I'y to Bus-.t and Davis Beta hot puce, and lap by lap wai (be victor, League propped. PretMent Hart will make body for a match, fs no omer per- on (ban Greek they a:iJ It is averred that during the sixty the guarantee system; the requirement of sount his in- Auiiual8> fiti-pped the slaughter of ihe birds at tbe gained on and pa-wed nmny of their oi>i>,nient«. On tendel tiip to Texas next SiiLdty or Monday, and Oeygf. His reason for isauiug chnllongps under an In uru be covered a distance «f 50 miles und 11 litps to he Kroiiii.la of t)io New York Suburban Siio-itinfr As-ocia- the ringing of tlie bell tor the last lap Siouc-'s financial showing from members of the Associa­ Is not likely to return until he has orgaulztd clubs ID nssnm-:-d name, be claims, was for the purpose ol t*ie pdcn crew 3ii jnilei 1 lap. Lt-avjttia ultio utated to have tlon a forol^ht ftg'>. The assiciatiou deuieg hid au­ wrtfiuer and warmer, till at tho goal poets ibe liuwts tion. He succeeded in both. However, he left both GalTestnn and Ilount >n. There Is no iikelihoot "drawing on" men like Acton, Koss, Mnldoou and swain a half m:lo in l.'Sm. 43'. on the jtb iiidt. thority *o s-ep tbe sport, and the question will to U gan to spuit in earnest, and, tearing d'm-ii tho before the meeting was over, or even tit all tb;t; New Oricacn will go into thia new tchemo othi'rs who [.eraisteutly refuie to me**t him. Tb« Vesper Boat Club, of Pliilftdi lpbi;i. lioM its an- before the settled, t*a the Society for ilm Prtvontiun of Cruelty to etraight, they were jnst too late to overtake Brantien- unless, of coiii-je, the other f>iile. There la still abund­ Thf-se officers of tbe Spar tin officers were elected, and when hi.s lack was turnec Harriers were elooted Auimtlrf lifts brought MI-t in tho Jersey City Di&lrict berg, who run home a winner by 2yds. toiuc ant hope tiiat Atlanta wilt come In, and if theTenut-*- Decembt-r 11: E-l. Woinacht, president; Timr, 8m. of ihe othttr c!uM went into a combine and it- T. L. , Court a^ftinst the asiocijition to n»cov*r SlfO penally. 2 ii-iH., Tom Bu«t ptisslng the post i^ tho magnificent iiored Milwnnkee s-^e I.cgiglature ]>enniti th? plnying of !r,H on Suu vice prehideut; R- 0. Hdtibold, altyjreiher. I In- principal city in tin secretary; E. F. Hau- Tho Xiiti»nul KJtle AsHOciation'B exerulive commit­ lliuc of 8m. 2 l-5a. Cominie througti ili« fl#ld at Ij-a^ue not both Bltuiphifland Nashrille will j,.in tbe League. boM, treasurer; J. H. Bell, the C. r. Gritn; roconliDi; ^ec^eta'y, Benjamin Hoid^y; beiri;; repres'U'ed either in Iho bonrd o! captain; L. U. Sharp, lieu­ tee nu't in Temple Court, l>t-c. 12. Odieritl W'in^te, unrthHCBt corner, J. >V. Busst was forced, by reason of tenant; W. E. Knox, curro pomliiif; necreta-'y, Guy Kln^; cnptuln, George direct! re or eci.o'iule committee, although St. Joe ha.i SOUTH CAROLINA'S VIEW. \V. L. Freudenst'ia anJ J. W. Gonernl Wi,0.jW4rd and Captain John S. Shepavd ie- the press of numbcr-i, to rida on the extreme otitmdw Sharp, trustees'. The Spartans S. J;iuies; Hrnt lieutenant, (!ei»rg« Uo 'ley; second placo in the directory. CHARLESTON, Dec. 10. Interest la reviving in base will giv» a reception, ported nn atnetid-'d dill iirovidinp for t!ie convcyitnce of the tnick on to tl.e gnisi and aand, which at Nitoan Ilall.on Tlmindvy evening next. put him lleutoimnt, Juho llutchinaou; third lieutenuut, II. W. QCIX'S STATEMENT. ball iu this Slat.-. Lust year's caoij aigu waa not par­ of the As-ocift'ion's buildings aud grants Ht Cr«?edm KT out of the rface. "Jlihva'ikee," aaid Qnin lust ni«ht, "wts after no ticularly l-rilhant, not half the 8--a3ou being p'aytd Blnt^ada Surskichi, tbe Jap.meae wrestler discharged to tbe Stftie for the uso of the National Guard. The "Mote exim rdinary record bro.iking took place on office, and wouldn't have taken one if It had been of- ou'. The Southern Le-^ua 1^ to by reorganized with a by MuI'Iooa because h» fail* d to throw n certain man only rt-wvaiion was that the use of tbe grounds the Adelu de Ov»l oti Jlonday, when J. W. H. Busst fere.l, except on (ho board of directors or schedule 50 per cent, or $100 guarantee clause, and a salary limit. in the i rcscribfid time of 15 minutes in Baltimore the should bf permitted fcrten days in t!'6 fail of eiich lov.tred tbo rne mfl>) amnttui bicycle record of the coriiini'tee. It was not qni e the thing to leave M;l- Thy Lotigno will be comnoied of eight clube, divliied ctber day, is bei>t upon havlug revenue. He is at veir f -r tbe annual target practice <>f the National world, accomtdisliing tbe distance iu 2in. 30 2-5s. T. FOOT BALL. w«uke«3 oil b >lfi thesa bodi-.-s nnd to elect as a director into two circulta. The Atlantic circuit to consist ol preaeut in Phila-lelnhia, and on Monday evening will Rifle Asfi;)Ciaiio». Som0<-ft*io commiitee w.inted a Cnsst and the br.itliers Kiliot ussleted him by p.»re- tbe representative of a ciub that is not yet a full mem­ Chaileslou, Atlatita, M'. mphit and Nathville. and thn tackle Muliioou and endeavor to get eumo of tbo ]«t- day get ft[ |l«it e-icl" week fur tha uae of tbe ground by niaking. Aft*Tw.-irdj K. fclliot in»de » Imlf-mile ber n( the Association, as is Iho c**v wiih St. Joe, Gulf circuit c-f New Oileans, Galwston, Slobile and tor'rf niocey. Tbe Jap thinks he can down Muldoon tbe aMoc'Kttoii. It \vi« Una1 1/ agre; d to refer thf* bill record, dolog it ia 1m. 13d Tho time-* were lakeu by The convention of the Eastern Iritcrcollcgiato Foot Dart hart no bos i new on tho schedule committee, Houston. The pL»ii is to play H eerit-;' on «ach circuit, every time. b;ick to l u« committee w^th power to amend it to Union officials and tlioroug'.ly authenticated." B*M AFRuclation was heM ;it Spriugflt;].!, MMM., Dec. 7. iiht-r, until he is e.lecUd nmTi.isr.-r of the Dea Moincg and then to transfer the circuits the Gulf circuit j-lay- Tbrt Manhattan Club hat withdrawn Its suit a?aiust meet the wiahed of the members, and to repott the Detenu?)* ^en- present from Teclmolo^y, Dar'inoutb, Ciuh, which lie rcj'feKeiited at the nifptin^. It looks mg ID the Atlantic circuil and vite versa. This will the Olympic Athletic Club, which WHS Lrou^bt to bill to tlift Li'!iisla t |i ro. The reservation of one day Wheel Notes. \V iIliam-4, Authors* an> > lianupioiiShip wai awurdeil for the Dpaioliv, Sf. r^iul und Ilti-t to cut out Milwaukee, Lho clubs ftt least to play cut the season. itrouud. Tbe Olympics have innda full financial -set­ mid it is said that it may so successful that It boa tailed Its membership In addition it is proposed tlement, cause a split in tbe National ll:fle As^ocltitiju. limit en-"uiny '-eiir, Darim-mth and Teth bein^ tied for first wliifh w'lul.In't hHve be.-u d->ue if Milwaukee's rep to Odtabllsh a Stite League, and will renmin there uiil*-s.i ihcy accept the from 75 to 100. tntative had been pr-saut." to be composed of Columbia, Augusta, Cba:lotte, proposition cf tbe Now Jersey Athletic Club, which A new French rifle, of which gre;it things place, a:.-! I! b -ing irtipossil.!? to [ l:iy off tbi tii-, but it are ex­ Chicago will haveaalx-day bioycle raca in M«>, Greenville, Oraugeburg, Sumter, Wiluiingtuu aud baa ('fTered to receive tne entire Olympic Club without pected, ia out. It is, according to a Paris correspoud- wa^ flocldtd tbnt in the cuso of siifb n thing occiining KLUSMA.V SIGNCD POR SECOND BASK. and it. will probably take place ia tho exposition again, the oliampirnship CamdeD. tolti>ii:on fees. enf, of single construction. Tt.e ba>rel is slniilar to (*hoiiKl \M- h*-ld l»y (h>) rlinin- Whwlcck, whom tho MihrauKec? were nfter to building. pion^ of the prcvioui yenr. Mcrrilt, cf Technology, cover *pfond h'^-o, hM Binned with Detroit. However, Emulating the good example set by the Columbia, that of the Lebi'l ritle. The cartrld«fc, and tbey f^Il into the Lr^ech as required. Tho Pennsylvania Bicycle Club held Us snnnal wa* ejected pr^sitk-nt >'f tbe convention lor next year. the Milwaukee have Hiroed t* much bettt-r cecoud The Tri-State League's Successor, Boat Club, of Washington, D. C., lasl U.-eclipr, veek appciuted a committee The tifle JB li'adf'l, Bred and immediately reloaded by nr.eeling Dec. 6, and the flection resulted as follows of Djitmoiith, vice president; Ilopkinn, of b^eeman in tho perron of William Klusinan, the king­ WHEEMXO, W. Va., Pec. 15. -Editor to investigate and report SPORTING Lin en the feasibility tbe pressure of a button with tbe right band while tbe President, George T. Laing; vice presi'lent, W. W Willlimn, aecretwry. nud gwftli.of Amhunt, treasurer. pin anronc tlio S9.:.>n(l ba-soinan of t'io New Eugttud Wheeling Club officlaU of adding general athletic features to are making effort) to re­ the organization. weapon is &t tlie fhoulder. The cartridges iu the-stuck Jobriaou; treasurer, J. B. Young; secretary. L. It. Kin- The foot ball scra^on at the Uiuvpr>ity of Peuusyl- LfHicue. Kiiisuian nnl Wlit-atock both i"!aye-l second kindle enthusiasm in tlie National It Is in contemplation to rncuro game iu tbo neigh­ suitable are for close action, and are only to Le used 91 ray; assistant, W. S. Harper; capculu, Williuui O vatii-a la over an 1 ihe leum ii «•>»}* $200 i:i debt. This baaQ ID the New Kniland Lea^uf, and Klus:nnn l^aiJs boring tuwne of Steubeuville grounds in the vicinity of the hoat hou»\ when tbe and E;ittt Liverpool, with soldier hafl amptied his pouch, from which be ia abla Supi-lce. Is largely due to the- many rdiny SaUjriaya Hint uc- \VheclocU both In fielding nu-1 battins. In fleldin? a view to having which will bo fitted ut> with a cinder path, tennis them represented jointly by a team courts, to loud ia t!»o ordinary utanner. Fm uav*l wnrfaie A road race betwopn team? of Harvard University cuirctl (Uiriuis tho I'ast fall In (rtini"? tho team las Kinsman had an nvorat-e of .91^, and Wiif-elock ol in the new association base ball diamond, etc. to be fornv-d, which la to take special arr&n^oments are made by which each eniior and the Institute of Tcfhiiology.iiiria miles, too!; i-lac? bten fairly aucre.ssftil. It antiihilutoJ ita chief rivals .6.Y2. In baiting Klu-^man's average wae .302, and the place Billy O'Bri^n, "Djc" R->bblm. Jacoca Kennedy and ' of the Trl-Stnte League. The plact-s flrinz f'oO' tlio"t'p1*" of a vessel will have over bis at Newton. Mas1?., on l)sc. 8, and w;is \v,ju by the \Vi---lsyuu, Le'iiirh and Lafayette. And it was * mffi- mentioned are twenty-four Bill Coruey visited Atlantic City on Sunday, Dec. 9, miles apart, with good lietid a zinc ammunition box, from whicb the carl- (ormtr, bv a scorn of 31 points to 24 Orcenlt-af. of cl«utty g »;d to»m io hold tlu» »corfsof Yittonu^l Piluce- railway and and during their etay there had a lengthy conference river connections, Steubenville bavitiir a ridges will fall Into the receptacle in 'be Harvardj fini heit tho diatanco flrat, in 3Qm 24 i-6i,, to:i to within the tliirsi^s and score i-nce or twico ia population of 15,000, with Juaies Albert in reference to the co:it-';mi)lated stock of hid ASSOCIATION MANAGERS. nod K.»«t Liverpool nearly 10,000, weapon, thus enabling him tocoi.tinno firing witdoLt scoring leu points eitch game flg;i : n^t each college, unJ. to make things with Welhville. » town six (lays go iis-you please rnce to be held next aorlng In of 6,000. only four miles away. beiug obliged to remove the j/un from hta shoulder. Tbe new officers of the Ctntftur Club, of Baltimore, jTt'tty hot for Hiirvard. That StenbenvlUe *a a «ood either tho metropolis or Knglufid. We understand One New Man to be Added to Next town n.ay be judged from In thi5 uiantier from 400 to 500shots may be discharged are. C. lli-nry Klmcbrtndt, preaMtut, The Prtitmotitb Knot Ball Association ba^ elected th!- fact ttiat in 1887 Hhe supjtorted that Albert conseoti d to enter auch n rnce, which will F J Muipin, her club under au in succewi^u. flee president; 0. L, (L','50 Qt-vv offic£-r3:~Presid«ur( A. H. Buehr, Clerelaod, Year's List, iurompetent managt-r, be for a swoepst ikea of ?5'X) or £1,000 a corner, after Mitchell. tecretaiy and trea*- aud only gate up the libost urer, 0.; vice president, I). P Jono^, Dovur, N. ere Trill be no changes among the .AssociH- *he:j the said nunaper the ffuhion ol" the old cent' sU f-ir die A-tiey belt. If Byiou IteynoMn, capUiu, F. A Kiguomug. tlrrt II.; secretary had succeeded in loalu^ seveu- Ik-uteuant; W F Southcomb, an I troHsurer. W. P. Find 1, Lanca^ffr," N. te^-n arra-iLe-l, it is expected that Charles Itawell will bs nonors are e«av between tbe Scotch s"cond HsMteuant, A. H.; senior munagers next season, an.l tbo prophesied straight games for his club. E;wt Liverpool ia a collie ac3 the Andre. bngl.-r; dinctor, W. M-'Duffec, Hoc':es'erf N. II.; lophomora amo'.tg tbe starters. English fox terrier in the 0. Walter Keys, color bearer. ementof McGunnigle from tbe Brooklyns better ba'll to«u tban Steubeuville even, fur the affections of the women of dir-ttor, J. J Itoll.us, Pv.rtUiud, file. jieople have boea educated right up to it and have The second at;d third rncea between E C. McClel­ Now York. It is difficult to tell whlcb of tbe pc-is \t Tho Chi'Bupeake Wheel Club, ot Baltimore, has Barnie from the liultiinores will The University not hold olnuys Itaxl a t' am t^> repr^e^nt the town, from which land aud Peter Prlddy resuHe I, as -lid tbo first, la aa most popular, but together they seem to h^ve driven elected tbese new officers: Jam** B Ket-d, president; of Penuaylvauii* foot ball cloven placed 16 g^mos during tbe sets Billy Sharsift will continue to hold the many a (.'end p' sjer has been graduated. H the easy win far the former. Tbey took j>'a;:e at the 'Cy- the other dog^ Put fi-om femiuinc favor, and th« least W G. Speed, vice pie.ident, J. E. Kveven, secrul^ry; >n ju*t oUp*«>tl, wiu- towns tiht'i nine, au3 scoring the Athletics and Comiakey will try can H£r.-etolail in wiih each uth r, a^indicaUd above, clfciV Park, Pittaburg, the flra*. five miUs, on Decem- popular aD'l 1-aat a-iinind of them all was the former Jamea B. Slanal'ury, treasurer, E. D. Ltmne, Jr., rap- '278 points to 290 fur then- opp'j- tain; Lenta. S'venteen B'.ir*tit;it<'s were plnyuJ Urowus t" t' o Irotit ooce more. In Cin- and secur-j an ab>, ^lone^t and huitliug maostger, the Iwr 1, when Mac flul-he-J two hundred ynrdi ahead, iu moiiarch, the Eo^lish pug. William Holland, first Lieutenant; R H. Lonourd, during ttte eeas'in. Oiptain Iluluie waa iHu-U will again be iu coinnmn '. Fn-r- plan ought to prove a great succeai. PICKWICK. 31m. 42j^.t ftu.i tliR o:her oa December 8, the distance Tiit' Yale Tew took Its last pull on tne harbor Satur­ second lieutenant; W. J Unveraiet, cot-r benrer; E. tbe only player who oa ot1 Ihu CcluuelB, will be l.ls o»u natn- - »-.. beioiz seven and a half mile^, aurt P/tdly quilting S-- day afternooti Until the beginning of tbe winter A. KTerly.hnglar, Dr. A. M. Dwlght, §ur«eou. girj*(l Iu every gnm^ . Watkins will rc-maii) ht thi ho«d of Alitot.ell and Kllrahi have beeo «Dgajt«d Co boi at fore hilf the journey WHS accomplished. BlrC'Sellftud tern, about January 15, there w ill be no active tralu- At the anuual meeting of the Overnmi Wheel Coai- (Mien li-u IMICU re-elected captain of Dartmouth'! urn Loftus' lace will be miasfog nod iu Chicago oa Juu. 7. wu Allowed to Hop »fwr running two circuits more, icg, After that time Kymoaaiuiu woik will yo doue. pany the capital was incrsased from Jl'jO.OW to 5125,- fool ball team. Dec. 19. THE LIFE.

which Manager Fleishm&n will then make known lo printer's ink, by bringing capable aod cooaclentlotu over $400, and had the linea been drawn at eight flrst-claaj wooden floor in the loom next summer, and our public at the Walnut Street Th«atre. This fine men over from England." Inches instead of fourteen, the receipts would probably will put no more carpet there. play is nemi-operatlc in its nature, and Us beautiful BILLIARDS. have been forty per cent, more, as (he slowness of tbe Sexton's room in New York is said to rank DQXt to THE STAGE. musical score waa written by W. W. J'urgt, the well- Footlight Flickering. opening game seriously affectoi the entire tournament. Slossoo's in point of business. known San Francisco compoKr. Mr. Gillett« baa ia There is but one titan In this country who can ^lay Irene Leslie tiaa left Jane Cojoiba' company, Thomas II. Given, who bus beon quite ill for tw» the main followed Haggard's great novel, but he hu Jeffreys Lewis is playing on the Pacific Coast. BCgAEFEB AND CAIiTKR. 14-iuch UlU-lice billiards, inch as to Interest the introduced a strong comedy element, which will spectator, and that man Is Jacob Schaefer. N. weeks, is again able to be about. MUSIC AND DRAMA. B. H. Pierce haa left the "Theodora" Company. prove highly enjoyable. His dramatization U en­ Advice to the Latter—Cusklon Caroms and Tbe Cbjcago tournament attracted almost an much Local Novelties—An Operatic Failure— tirely different from the play of the same namo pro­ Frank le Kemble is negotiating for a new play. THE CHICAGO TOURNAMENT. attention In this city by professionals and amateurs a» duced in this city last season, and far superior to it fn Alice J. Shaw is whistling her way to California. Bosses. if it bad been played bore. Harrigan'a New Play— Me Cau H's Illness Eugene Carter, in many respects, is one of the — Protection for American Actors De­ everyway. There will be massive and magnificent Maude Bruce is now with Ada Oilman's company. The Final Games—Complete Record of the Edward McLaughlin and his gifted young nephew, scenery from the brush of Philip Goatcher, marvellous most remarkable men that billiards has ever Edward Woods, wilt play an exhibition at continuous manded—The Local Programme News Pattl Rosa has had enough of starring in Groat Brit­ Contests—The Brilliant Wind-Up. mechanical and electric light effects, and costumes un­ ain. produced in this country. He has been promi­ PO'>1 at jflcLaughlin'fl room every afternoon during Notes From All Points, and Current Gos­ surpassed for elegance and picturesque ness. Although the final result was given in our tue present week. The playing will commence nt 2 George F. Ba«bruck has joined Geo. M. Wood'4 com­ nently identified with billiards in this country last issue, as well as the results of all the games sip and Comment. pany. o'clock. After the exhibition at pool is over, Mc- Everything will be complete even to the most as an expert tor many years past. In the days played, the full scores of the contests were only Laughlin will give an exhibition af fancy shuts ia PHILADELPHIA, Saturday, Dec. 15. Two new tour on minute details. One h mid rod peoplo appear in the B.. lossy Kfralfjr's "M*thias gindorf" ended when rival manufacturers gave tournaments, received up to Wednesday, 5th inst., and these billiards, while Wood* will give a series of fancy ahota plays and a new comic opera were the novelties and there is a chorus of Friday. v at pool. various marches aud tableaux, Carter was admitted as one of the rising young scores are herewith given. On Wednesday, at tbe local theatres during tho past week. 48 selected from tiie Amorlctin Opera Co. filias Laura Mrs. Kate Bankin is doing well with "The Qoldon experts of this country. Carter, however, odd W. L. Rock hill, a veteran expert, room-keeper and Giant" Dec. 5, the public was treated to a surprise, Hat- "The Fugitive" at the Walnut proved to be a Clement, a statuesque English beauty, is She, and her as it may seem, has never been connected with professional ot this city for nearly tweutv yeard past, conventional English melodrama. The hero, lir.peisonatton of the rolo has been greotly admired. C. B. Cline is now managing the "Among the Fines" ley beatiug Gallagher. The North Sider was in splendid who had charge of tht, billiacl rooui at the Hotel Cam­ Mis* Tellula Evans, Miss Rose Snjder, William S. Company. any party, clique or ring in the business. This form and played beautiful billiarJs. Hatley made an bridge, Chester, fur many months past, retired from John Lovell (W. A. Whitecar), thinks he haa Uurkln*, M. B.SuyJer, Charles Bowst-r, Maurlcw Pike, may be owing to his love of perfect freedom, to average uf nearly ten, and gave two splendid exhibi­ an alterca­ Florence Bayard has retired from tho Gua Williams tliat place about two weeks ago and left Immediately killed a man with whom he has had H. W. Frilluian and other able performers are in the Company. his love of entire independence, to his desire for tions of balk-nursing. H. W. Cornell was referee. for Chicago, or Lake Vl»w, where he has decided 10 tion, and escapes by flight to Australia. He is cast, and the ensemble rendition lasaid to bo thoroughly Tho score: go into business with his brother-in-law. The Chicago artistic and enjoyable. Glllette'a "She" has recently "The Charity Girl" Is the name of Annie PUlay's loading a sort of bohemian life, or it may be the Hatlpy 0. 1, 1,11, 12,17, 0, 6, 35. 5. 23. 0, 1, 0, 5, 25, shipwrecked this scene is the third act is very new plfcy. result of hatred of being tied down which would professionals will find a genial aud companionable scored pronounced triumphs in New York and Boston, 0,14,0,36,8. Total, 200; highest run, 36; average, man in Mr. Rockhill, a man who ranks very hl*h in realistic and startling and returns to England and that it will do well here is already foreshadowed Mtiie. Modjesfca's season in California will commence necessitate a sort of slave's Ufa which is evidently to find that another hand than his had dealt the the calling in tho opinion of those who know him by the large advance sale of seats. AU 'who relish a next mouth. not congenial to a man of his temperament. QaHftgher 6, 6,13,1,3,11,1,3 8,11,0 5 20 7 0 9 best; a man who never did anything to lower billiards, i'atal blow. The dialogue of the play is notably grand spectacle should eee ft. Manrice Barry more has made the hit of his life as At all events it is certain that when the boss 3,0,6. Total, 117; highest run, 20; average, 5 4-7. while bis whule life has been devoted to the best in­ free from the usual semi-profane expletives of Captain Btctft. Carter met Ives in the second game of the evening. terest Af the gamp. As his Christmas and New Year's attraction at the element gained the mastery of American bil­ Carter started out boldly, making 52. Ives was equal the melodramatic stage, and the absence from W. J.Florence has written a book entitled "Flor­ Tbe Pheltin Billiard Ball Company are constantly Walnut, Manager Fleischman announces W. J. Scan- ence's Fables. liards as has been the case during the past fire to the emergency, and by steady ploddiog bended the plot of questionable situation was of iteclf Ion, the popular Irish comedian and vocalist, in hi* Carter In the sevtuth inning. After that, however, experimenting with tlieir wonderful patent ivory, and "I,<3 Petite Fronde" ia the latest operatic failure of or six years, Carter found himself one of the now they adverse the introduction of new novelties a gratifying novelty. The play was strongly ne\v play,~"Myles Aroon," which will have its first ostracized experts who could neither enter tour­ Carter slowly drew ahead and finally got the balls into cast, ami the scenery notably that of the third production on ouy stage on Christmas eve. "Myles Andran in Paris. poaltion for a run of S7, which saw the game out. in that material, cun<«istiu,;r of dominoes, poker chips Beatrice Ingram has made a hit with John A. Ste- naments nor engage in professional contests for etc.,'Which they guarantee absolutely unbreakable, a act was very fine. Miss E. Long did ewne Aroon" is a strong and highly amusing Irish drama, Score: the plot aud main incidents of which were suggested vens' new company. love or money. Carter 4, 6, 1, 2, 5, 0, 7, 2, 27, 8, 4, 0, 0, 0, 3, 87 fault hitherto con^i-tered irremediable In uthur compo- clever work as Corley Corderoy, and Mr. William to the authors, Jessop and Townsend, by Augustus Alice Walsh has secured a divorce from nor hus- What did he do? DitMxe retire in disgust and Total, 200; highest run, 87; average, 13U. t-itlona which have from time to time been introduced as a substitute for ivory. Their billiard and pool balls Cullington developed some humor as Crackles. Pi ton, Scan Ion's able and energetic manager. Bcanlon baod, James T. Clyde, resolve to be even, not only with the calling but Ives 22, 2, 0, 1,11,9,32,0, 1,13.29/1,3, 1. Total, The Jasper Ral&i'jh of Mr. James F, Hagan was is furnished with an excellent character in the shape 124; highest run, 32; average. 9 1-7. stand the test of time, for whioii they are guaranteed Mary Ida PenflaM has joinea the "Hearts of Oak" with the world at large, by leading a sort of three years, aud it is in order U> congratulate* this com­ also a meritorious impersonation, but the rest of of a merry young Irishman, which fits him like a Company as leading lady. On Thursday December G four games were played. glo^e aud in which Manager Pitou predicts that he tramp's life, by being a bar-room sot or a mere In tho first afternoon contest Ives bout Barley. Both pany upon the success which has attended ihe intro­ the cast did not rise above a level of dull medio­ will make tbe bit of bis life. Mamie Gilioy has replaced Daisy Chapman as sou- vender of his own game, experience and opinion, uieu played a listless game. Tlie ouly Inmlnble effort duction of their patent novelties in ivory g-.oda, the crity. brette of the Jay Hunt company. iu the entire game wua a two-cushion bank shot bj' demand tor which is constantly increasing as Us merita Albaugh's "Midsummer Night's Dream" Company ever ready to sell the same to the highest bidder are recognized by the people iu the trade. Col. McOanll's many friends were shocked to learn in the market? Not at all. Eugene Carter is Hatley. The score: "A Legal "Wreck" at tho Arch achieved a fair the other (fay that he had been suffering for afew days was to have closed at Washington Saturday. Ives 4, 2, 0, 3, 30, 0, 2, 6, 0, 1, 0, 29, 12, 24. 0, 0, Th.mias J. Gallagher, a distiufmished journalist and no such man. He fought his enemies with the degree of success as a melodrama with a pro­ f/Oui a Blight stroke of paralysis. The attack cuuie Johnstone Benuett, late of Richard Mansfield's 0, 0, 9, 3, 2, 2, 17, 16, 6, 13. 13, 0, 0, 7. 0, 1," 1, 6. one of the most respected billiard experts iu this coun­ weapons of a thoroughly honeat man through the col­ try, is one of tho players who has been kept iu the nounced comedy element. The scene is laid on npou him 's "Water Queen" Company. true that In doing so he has been the subject of much 15, 0, 12, 0, 10, 2, 9, 4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 3. boss element Yet Mr. Gall&Khur made runs of 10, 34, ridicule by the blackmailing or hush-moLey organs, far from Boston, at the present time, at the home something of an tuflueuce upon bia speech. For sev­ Marie Gordon (formerly Mrs. John T. Raymond), is Total, 124; highest run, 16; average, 3 11-17. 31, 65, 13 and 17 iu one of his gimes iu the toiiin«»n)<-nt of a retired old soacaptain, one Captain tfdtcard eral days be was hardly able to talk without hesitating but there is not a clean sporting journal in this country The second game was by far the l>e-t of tbe tourna­ nuw bt-lnn played in Cbtc:igo, or 170 points in six in­ to tour England in -'The Princess Diana," a new play. to-day that cau truthfully statd that Carter's recora is sSmitht who lives with an old shipmate by the and stammering tJ a marked degree. The stroke is ment. The contestants were William Catton and nings nt the 14-inch balk-line, hisfiveraffe beinjr28^. believed to have had a direct connection with tho con­ Emily Lytton joined E. F. Thorne'a Co., in "Tue not only a credit to himself, tut to the calling which Henry Rhino?. The pace was t rriflc. Rhines This would be remarkable billiards for a Schaefer or H, name of Mazey, With them lives also the cussion sustained by Col. McCaull last winter, when Right Man," Dec. 10, replacing Rose Harriaon as lead­ he represents with s>.> much honor. struggled manfully. Ho olayed strong billiards, but 8!osson, and yet this if one of the men w ho has been heroine, Olive Gray, who had been entrusted to he fell iu a Chicago street and 'broke one of hia legs. ing lady." It is a long Une tha' Ims no turning, and at last the couldn't km-p up with the quarter-boras gait that Cut- obliged to suffer through the cunnii>« nnd plotting of old Captain Smith when a child by an eccentric It is believed, however, that he will entirely recover Joseph F. Wheelock has boen engaged for Macdttff1 turning point iu the professional life of Eugene Carter ton had. Catton run the gum?! out In the fourteenth a few men, who »ro not (inly profrs-iioually dead now, individual, who almost immediately thereafter from the present attack, and no recurrence of tho in Mrs. Lang try's coming production of "Macbeth" iu has been reached. For this turning point Mr. Carter innine, maktng the largest average of the tournament. but in the greatest diy of their profession'al life they New York City. la indebted to Jacob Schaeier and Thonris Foley, and could not make half such a record. "Let 'er go committed suicide. The young woman is be­ difficulty is likely to make itself known if he follows Catton 31, 3, 1, 2, 15, 17, 11/0, 0,52. 40, 12, 8, 2. the orders of tbe physicians iu regard to his mode of After all Louite Montague haa not returned to "The the once ostracized, banis'ied and scofl'ed-at experf, Total, 200; highest run, 52; average, 14 2-7. Gallaghfr/'aud down with tlie bosswn! loved by a young man from Boston, but rather life. Corsair" Co. Ou Dec. 5 sho sailed for Europe, it is Carter, now finds nimself in tho front rank of America's Khines 0, 0, 80, 41, 0. 7, 7, 8, 1, 0, 20, 25, 0. To- An observing louiieer at one of our billiard rooms unfortunate for her she is by far too attrac­ eaid, to study music, most honored experts. tsl,130;binliefatrun, 41;average, 10 9-13. claims that ho can toll a nmi's vacation in life by the tive, and the captain's son, a good-for-nothing, Here are some interesting local dotlets: Frankford, Reginald Pe Koven and Harry B. Smith, authors of In the midst of all this glory, however, Mr. Carter The attendance at tbo evening game was unu-ually manner in which ha chases the ivories around ihe does not see01 to be either satisfied or happy, and worthless scamp, also wants to marry her. Germantowu and Camde.n are all clamoring for regu­ "The Begum," bave written another comic opera en­ large. The first g-iuie was between GaUagher and velvety green. According to so bii;h an authority, lar theatres of their own...... It i**aid a New York titled "Don Quixote." actually talks of challenging Jacob Schaefer to pUy a Moulds, it was a long-winded affuir and absolutely lawyer* play a reckless g*me, make many seemingly The rivalry of these twp lead to many complica­ It is manager wants to open a grand musce here...... The Julia Marlowe is creating a legitimate sensation In mutch game at cushion-caroms for 91,000 a side. devoid of enthusiasm. GaUagher played a safety game imi>"S'tible shits, and slip n;> on ihg easy ones. Real tions, and the endeavors of a«friend of the nice New Standard expecta to make a great hit with "Run­ true that this ia Mr. Carter's prerogative, and it may throughout, while the balls rolled stubbornly for his estate men play a ttnptd, sluggish game, deliberate to the legitimate drama in a legitimate way, and without him fur young man from Boston, a young member of the ning Wild," which will be brought out as a New Year any circus advertiaiug. seem some what presumptuous to criticise opponent. an exasperating degree on every shot, ask for large bar, only makes the entanglement apparently attraction...... Philadelphia manttgera are complain­ doing so when \ve romombcr the fact that Schaefer Gallagher 2. 2, 2. 0, 0, 2, 0,11, 2,11,15, 0, 20, 4. 0. odds, and usually win. The physician is careful and ing of Ihe free list, which, they say, has grown ab­ Myra Crjo^wln goes oat again, thin time under the ia the only man in this country who is likely to play 0,19, 2, 0, 13, U, 3, 11, 15, 0, 0, 20, 20, 17. Total, 200; conservative in bis gamn; thi newspaper man and more inextricable. However, in the end all is normally lurgp, and they think of instituting heroic mamg'-ment of a M-r. Wilkiusuu, a Southerner, with hitu, f-jt the bosses would not play hint, even at the highest run, 25; average, G 2C-2'J. ' act -r ilo not care a straw whether they win or loso; wound up satisfactorily, including the young measures of reduction...... The National is making Yank Newell iu advance. obsolete push shot, unless guaianteed a certainty, Moulds 0,7,1, 0, 2,1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 9, 2, 9, 3, 11, 0,1, lh« man about tmvn will try a masse in preference to limb of the law aforesaid. There ia a great deal great preparations for "The Upper Hand," Oliver Early in January Marie Wainwrlght will make her while it is almost certain that the bosses would now 0,10,2,15,4,4, 0, 2,0,13. To tat, 107; highest run, any shut; the railway man and banker, however, enjoy of good fun, and the parts are well and strongly Byron's latest play...... Manager Powers has con­ fiist appeal auce before a New York audience as Rosa- engage in a contest at shuffle-b .ard, providing they 16; average,3 23-28. their pame to the upmost derive, contest every inch of drawn. Sydney Drew scored a great hit in this, his cluded not to enter Into the scheme with Manager hnd in "As You Like It." were to receive their little fee in the shape of a guar­ Next tho two great gladiators, Cut ton and Carter, ground, and are jubilant or deuros^-'d as defeat or vic­ native city, aud was given several" recalls. Other jrood Fleishman, of the Walnut Street Theatre, and the lat­ Hullen and Hart's newest play, entitled "Later On," antee. Nor should Carter be judged harshly in his met. The excitement ran high, iioth men were tory settlen iiputi their standtml. work waa done by Sidney Smith, Mr. Hudson aud Mrs. ter will go it alone. appears to be meeting wiih aa extraordinary run of honest and honorable desire to down so illustrious au nervous aud over-anxious. Safoty play predominated House. success in the Western country. expert as Schaefer. That Carter would make it ex­ at tbe outset. Carter made live missed in the flrlt It is said that the "powerful actress" whom Man­ The Russian Opera Company, which toured through ceedingly interesting, if not hot, even for Schaefer at sevtn innings, Canton in the meantime making the The alleged comic opera "America," which WHS pro­ ager Chase is trying to secure to support Edwin Booth England, returned to Moscow through public subscrip­ cushion-caroms seonn to be the opinion of the b^ils chime for 40 buttons. Carter finally humped THE KENNEL. duced fur the first time on any stage at tlie Academy next season is Muie. Modjeska, and that negotiations tion, thetr tour being a failure. most critical of critics in this country to-day. himself aud repewted his performance ot the pre­ are now being pnshed to purchase her releasa from the Conceding, however, that Carter is ablo to defeat vious evening by running tho gumo out. The score: of Music, ou Moudny night, ia a nit-lunge of musical Mr. John A. Slovens' new plav "A Mask of Life," Schaiffer at ciishioa-caroins, h*s it ever occurred to RABBIT COURSING. rot and literary drivel. The plot js inexplicable, the run tract entered Into with Nixon and Zimmerman, of looks like turning out <;ne of the strongest winners Carter 1,18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41, 0, 0, 32, 25, 77. Total, this city, for a starring tour next year. Modje^ka's Mr. Carter that in playing the game of cuali ion-chrome 200; highest run, 77; average, 15 5-13. situations are absurd and Jhe lines put in the actors' with which ho has ever been connected. in preference to any other, that he is not only keep­ The New Jersey Kennel Club Refuses to months ridiculous. A largo but bored audience wit­ Ophelia to Booth's Uainlet would certainly prove a Minnie Palmer and J. R. Rogers arrived in New Catton 1,1,15, I, 0, 4, 5,13. 0,1, 0, 60, 12. Total, Sustain Its Fre&ident on This Question. nessed it. The composer n Erntat Peiler. and the strong attraction. ing alive tho boss element, bnt "putting a rod in 113; highest run, CO; average, S 9-13. York City from England last Monday. Miss Palmer's pickle" with which to lash himself. Doe* not Carter The governors of the New Jersey Kennel librettist William Augustus Smith, of Wilmiogton. It tour will open on Dec. 21 at Chicago, III. On I'Yufay evening, Doc. 7, the opening contest was is cot an opera, neithei is it a play, nor A burlesque, Inventing "bnlls'' by way of jokes on his Irish know tbat cushion-carom* is the only game that (he between Majiirioli anil Citlton, the former winning Club held a meeting Dec. 13 at Taylor'a Hotel, friends was not an uncommon pastime with Kichard Harry M. Clark has resigned as business manager of bosses can play at the present day, or, fur the matter from l.d opponent handily hy a tcore of 200 to 133. nor anything iu the dramatic Hue. Tho motive of the tbe Kate Pursse'I Co., in order to assume control of au of that, have been able to play fur years past? It is in Jersey City, to consider arrangements for tbo work appears to be the high-minded and patriotic Briusley Sheridan. HU stajne was at great pains to instruct Cincinnati, 0., against James Douglasa, a local mana­ loser for the simple reason that it would bo furnishing Carter at the same png. During lt.e succeeding fivo that it should lust four days. It was stated in They deserved greater success tiian they could achieve ger, lor divorce. She charges cruelly and abondon- in tbi-i work in its present form. The opeta was with­ him in the brogue, for despite the fact tbat he was a tbe bosses with ammunition with which tj defeat buch innings, however, Galbtghor (ailed to bcore, white tho course of the discussion over the matter that Dublin man he hadn't a suspicion of the rich roll that ment. experts as Carter in the future as tlioy hnve in the Marker Matthews ehoved over the 147 button for Ms drawn after two performances, owing to the merciless Florence St. John has finally euel M. Marias for di­ past. Carter's only course to pursue in the present, if it would be undoubtedly a success, inasmuch na criticisms of the press and tbe consequent small attend­ udiiaU> makes the speech of the educated DuMiaite so opponent. In the twenty-first Uuiuir Carter added between eight and nine hundred canines would ance. musical. When the performance \VRS over Slu-ndan vorce. Ila is her second husband. His answer indeed not in the future, is to abnjish cushion-caroms 41 to hU string, aud took the championship in iho came- into the green room, slappeJ him cordially on charges her with misconduct. It will be a disagree­ absolutely. This will !>« no sacrific-* or detriment to twoMtv-iY'iirth hy the following ecore: be entered in the competitions for prizes. able case. so gifted a master of billiards as Carter, who can really in hia new play, "The LorgaTre," produced last week th6*~DarKrrAB-iL(*aid: "Bravo, Kelly! Very well, indeed. Carter 0, 0,1, 10,0, 13,1, 2, 4, 1,0,0,0, 23,12,0,5, The Bergh resolution, however, was laid on Ui'on my honor f n«fpr~-ihgafd you speak puch good 0. A. McManns, the well-known actor, with tho play one game almost as well as .the other. W ith the 35, 34, 2, 41, 0,0, 10. Total, 200. Average, 8J/S. the table, though only after a Ions? and spirited *n New York by Edward H«rrigan, tlie author has b >s§es, however, it in entirely different. Cushion-caroms stepped outside of the local line he has hitherto cou- English in all my life/' "^ -. Mile. Rbea company, was found dead in hrs b«d, Dec. GillaK ner 8, 26, 18, 0, 1,5,2, 12,12/0, 18."l6, 0, 0, debate, in whioh President Peshall warmly de­ 11, at Big Rapids, Hi eh. The cause of his death is is the only game they can piay even indifferently. Des­ 0, 0, 0, 2, 11. 1,1, 0. Total, 134; average, 6 7-1.' tined himielf to and took a jump to Ireland. "The troy that game and the boia element will no fended the course he bad taken. He was sec- Lorgatro ' ia a depiction of life in Ireland, but none of Macn-ady had a positive abhorrence of redundant ______^ ______THF. FTMAT. Ilgroon_____.______the Harrigan dramas of New York have been fuller gesture, rend once said to the elder Wollack: "My Scaulan wiir'not act 'this woek|~bnY devote hfs time ifrnfeiT JH a JIIMH to pulVimih At1 vrta t»'miHpfe.^uh rflai oncleti1 uy two or three ol tue governors o their services a« experts will not be in demand. This, Below will be fouud the tablo snowing tho ^ames of direct and easy fun suitable to appreciation hero. dear \ValIack, you are naturally graceful; I am not. I to pr tearing "Myles An.oa" for production. It will be won and lost by each player: club, but the majority waa against him, and that The familiar negroes and Germans were not in it, but know tbat in gesture I do not excel, and facial expres­ brought out at the Walnut Stieat Theatre, Phila­ it i^ true, is rough OQ tho game of cushion-caroms, settled it. sion is what I principally depend upoa. In fact, I ab­ which, in our opinion, is one of th>3 most beautiful Games. Won. Lost.P'cC'r.W'o. there were Irishmen and Iiishwonien in surprising delphia, on Christmas eve. Curler...... 770 1000 ft is understood that one reason for the action variety, each a clear and distinct type, and nearly all solutely make Sirs. Macroady tie my hands behind my game* that can be played on a billiard table. The Mme. AU-ani is to open an American tour J.in. 17, time f"r sentiment in billiard-*, however, is pa*t. Gallnguer ...... 7 5 '2 .714 taken by the governors was that word b&d been entertaining. back while I practice before a large glass and watch assisted by Barrington Foote, bassr ; Mr. Earrett, Caitoti ...... 7 6 iJ .714 the face." "Well, Mucready," replied Wailack, "I Some sacrifice moat be made for the benefit of billiards conveyed indirectly to them that August Bel- flutist; Mile. Dtuniace, contralto, and others, under tbe at large, and as the lots e'emont will make no sacri­ Marion...... 734 .428 "The Lorgaire" was not all jollity and music, suppose that Is all very good; but did you ever try it management of John Laviue. Moulds...... 784 .428 mo Qt, Jr., tho president of the Heuipstead however, for about half was intense melodrama, with with your-legs lied?" fice for tue game, bnt sacrifice everything rather than There is no truth in the stitemant that Joseph Jaf- the power of the bosi element, war must n*>w be de- Hatluy ...... 725 .285 Coursing Club, and who is also, by the way, the transposed children,an Innocent man accused ot mur- Ivee...... 726 .285 F.dward Weitzel and F. Stowart Isham, of Detroit, fViraon and W. J. Flornnce h;ive signed a contract to clured on cushion-caroms until cuphiou-caroms and president of the American Kenne! Club, of r contract. At present the law specially exempts sume work, go she has reai^Ded her encasement for next stroke of good fortune was in being asso­ fearfully rough voyage across tho Atlantic. actor? and musicians from its provisions. Under this share of success of the enterprise. Foley Is loud in hia ctreur, whose performance ia full of d.teh-And spirit. the leading role in "The Knights of Ty'bnrn" Co. ciated with Thomas F. Foley during the early praise of the magnificeut conduct of the players, aud Mr. John II. Naylor writes that be ha* just com­ Iu cbe third act a ppleudid exhibition of sharp b hoot­ exemption the committee said that large numbers of That troupe will not opan, therefore, until early in part of the present season. Foley was an ex­ pleted the rebuilding of hla kenneU at Mount Forest foreign actors were annually brought to this country declares that during his professional life as manager ing i^ given. The company is one of the bsat on tbe January. pert at the cue when most of us were either g^in? to aud iu various ways connected with t-jurnameuts and III. They nre 100ft. long, 3ft. ul!ny-wide iu the centra road and is suro to attract crowded bouses. for the sole reason thai tliey won Id work cheaper than school or studying tiur catechism at home, For half a an 1 divided into 19 compartments ur kennel-*. They American actors. The money obtained was not spent Tho "Washington Lifo" Co. had a decidedly short contests that he never encountered a more gentle­ life on the foad. Tho piece was done at Pawtucket, generation past at least Mr. Foloy haa only bt-ea manly lot of experts. There WHS not a single expert are situated on a hilMde, with a fall so that the drain­ The Christmas holiday attraction at the National here, but was taken back to the countries whence known in the business as one of the most distin­ age ia almost perfect. they came when their engagement was at an end. R. I., Nov. 29. The company are now in Now York present who at any time raised tho slightest objection, »ill be the late=t and greatest ot Oliver Byron's plays, City, sad'ler but wiser people. They did not receive guished businessmen in the calling. This was the duriQK the two weeks' scries of games, while the ex- The Pacific Kenuel Club has decided to hold a show entitled "The Upper Hand." Tho Jersey City Argus They did not, tho committee paid, object to the pres­ second stroke of good 1 nek for young Ives incoming ence of stars like Irving, Ccquelin, Patti end others, their salaries. I»erld were not only always promptly on hand to keep May 22 t& 25,1889. Premium lists can be obtained save: "Mr. Oliver Byrou is the life (.f tho play. He Is Helen Barry has enjoyed splendid business through iu contact with such a tti>',n as Fo'ev, uud to cap the tbeir eogaijements, but a single panic had not ta be from Secretary Jae. A. Watson, box 1838, San Vr»u- perfectly tplenctid in the different phases of bis char- but to tho host of minor actors they brought with climax of Ives' luck he i* now under the fostering thorn, and to the cheap grade of foreign actors whom New England, where she ia now touflnir. '"After" has changed after the original or first schedule was made cisco. Several gentlemen in the East have ottered to ftcU-r as Happy Jack Lurnar, Convict Jack. Wanderer been discontinued on account of the bill being too long wing of Jacob Schaefer, whore he will havo the ad­ out. N. vtat Sun Francisco to judge dogs at the next bench, J.irl; M'id Jack and llotttft Jack. Misa Kate Byron American managers imported solely because of their vantage of being instructed by the greatest player that to Williatn cheapness. three hours andaquarter. "A Woman's Sirategem1 * show, but the c;ub ha* concluded to write ali-o inakrs a good impression as Mnud Lnmnrt Jack's will be done during the balance of her present tour. billiards has ever produced. THE MASTER AT WORK. Graham, of Belfast, Ireland, to ask the terms upuu trite hearted wife. The "Ligbta o! London" is tbe It may be argued, and no doubt will be, that Ives which lie would come to California to act a» a judfrf. Ke\v Year card at the National. The average pay of the American actor, the commit­ It is said that Clara Louise Kellogg hag not been un­ should bave ruiida a better record in the recent tourna­ mindful of the futuro in ttv* days of her prosperity. Schaefer Beats the Tournament Winner, The judges at the coming Meld trials at Itnbini tee claimed, wa* §40 a week for a season averaging ment. To such an argument it might be well to re­ Island have baen eelocted. They are Judge Pratt and At the Grand Opera Hou*e Monday night there will twenty-six weeks, while tho average weekly j-ay of She is reported to own a $50,000 share in the Conti­ member, however, that while Schaofor ranks Even With a Big Handicap. nental Hotel, Philadelphia, a large interest in the new On Saturday, Dec. 8, Jacob bchaefer played Messrs. Jack Pentx and L. C. Btuce. The mot-ting l»c thy firstiiramatic performance that lia-t been offered the English actor was only $16. The American actora to-day as tho foremost expert in the world, will open with the Derby on Monday, Dec. 17. On to the patrons of this popular and hand^onift theatre, were the equals of 'heir foreign brethren in every re­ Stratford Hotel, and several valuablsstore* in this city. he played so indifferently, or had so little reputation and beat Carter, the winner of the tournament, Charles Plonkett, the comedian, of tbo "Na^jy" Co., Tuesday, the isth. the Ail-aged SUkes will bo run, intl mid tlte e tut will crcnte no littlo inteiest. Tho mil al spect. Many of the American actors had served tlie in 187G, tbat he was not admitted in tho great Cen­ Schaefer playing 600 to Carter's 400. During It in nr- country during tho »var, and they all contributed to Is marked for life as the result of an accident that hap­ the Bntc-j Stakes on AV< duerdjiy, tbe 19th. dramatic production at this house will bo nlso the first tennial tournament of tbat year. Sexton was t!ieu tho tbe tournament it was arranged for Schaefer to iMmge-l that a rifle match arid also a pigeon shoot will performance in Philadelphia of the now romantic the prosperity of the country. Their profession was pened him on Dec. 8 while riding rapidly in a cab to a star expert of the day, and his performance, no less play tho winner. Had Gallagher como out in take place duriug 'he meeting;, and the members are AmetKflu melodrama "Among the Piiios," by W. It. already overcrowded, and they thought themselves depot. The vehicle broke down and tbe actor was than his general bearing, was such as to make him im­ conufqi.cully looking forward to a good time. and-.I. I*. Wilson. This p|«y is already recognized as fairly entitled to protection against the wholesale im­ hurled through tbe glass door, sustaining gashes about mortal as a master ex pi-it for all time. The story of tho lead he wcuIJ have played tho Wizard 300 auto-nil tho leading 8ncce.*bea of the present theatrical portation of cheap actors who were under no obliga­ tho head and face. Mr. II. F. Farnham's pointer, Beau of Portland, what haa followed the Centennial tournament, as to 600j had Catton been the lucky man he won the pointer s^uke and pune of 2500 at the South­ Reat-x-n, iind has muds a crtic.il, os well as a popular, tions to the Uni ed State?. Mary Anderson, they de­ James Barrows, who made such a hit as the darky far as it relates to Schaeior, should not be for­ would have played 400 to Jake's 800 at the uncross in Boston mid New York. The principal scenes clared, had brought her whole company, supers, siage in "Held by the Knemy" at Palmer's, has agH.in shown gotten by Ives, even if it flavor* of ancient history to ern field trials at Armory, Mis*., Pec. 8. There were are laid in tho pine fores's of Maine, which give op- mechanics and all, from Knglttnd, because she could his versatility hy hi* rendition of Mnjor Pntntun in this very young expert. No, Ivei lias not done badly eight-inch balk-lino, but Carter asked for a con­ thirty-two entries, iiicluJin!< champion Graphic, for I-ortiiijity fi r much picturesque scent-iy and for many hire them cheaper than Americans. The Kiralfys had cession of 33J per cent, at the fourteen-inch whom Mr. Heath, of Newark, N. J., paid ?2,700; Lad "The Wife." M fs* Hatlie Schell, who uia.ie ti hit as iu the Chicago tournament. Tho folly was in expect­ Mr, J. L. An­ real:st:c effect?, v hi-:h are heightened by Hie fuel that for the sime^ftHfion imported ail their ballet girls, act­ Kilty Ires, also fir-t came info prominence by her acliug ing mi possibilities of an expert who is fit present suf­ came. Carter never had such a chance to beat and Lass of How, recently purchased of th« amhtorinni will be sctnted wiih the odor of pines ors and stage people, mid the stine thing was true of thony hy tlio \Vtatminster Kennel Club for 82,500, of J$«ST» iu "Held by the Enemy," fering from being ahead of his time. His day is yet to Sehaefer, and it is questionable if he ever will null such other good ones as Brackett, Consulntion, fur each performance. the burlesque show "Monte Cristo, Jr.," now running T. Henry French has organized A road company for come, and if he due* not show up at the proper time it Jigiio, us Jake i/layed iu his poorest form, his in New York City. Dextt-r, Facliem, Go Bang, Lady Zeal, Flirt. Beppo "Little Lord Fnuntlerby,*' anJ it wilt open Dec. 24, in will not bo the fault of Slossun, Foley or Schaefer, but average falling far short of ('nrtot's best tour­ UT.nml Meally. The fiiory con'alns many thrilling incidents and New England. John G. Maale, advance; H. B. Lons- the fault of Frank C. Ives alone. nament avera'ge. Carter was nervous and ex­ ecenes of homo life and local coloring, which make it The committee farther complained that the ward­ The American fiell trials closed at WeMpoint, Miss., daly, business manager." Lawrence Ivldtnjrer and cited throughout the contest. He appeared to D*c. 13. The fir«t race was the final hoitf»r first Biuii'ar i;i motive to *'The Old Ilojiiestf ad.1' There robes, stage properties end scenery were all imported, little WilHe Eddingev have been engaged. The boy Schaefer's New Field. want to wiu very badly, Imt was um-qnal to the ure sevnriil elever rtrm^riy scenes and much taking iii- contrary to the law, without the payment of customs j.rize iu the all aged setter and poinler stakes between ia now with "Philip Herne," but will leave tbat com­ CHICAGO, De?. 13. Editor SPORTING LIFE: task, fc'chnefer's play ^a'jked very little of its accus­ Oilie S. and Kius's Mark. After half an hour's work cidi-ntal mii»ic, by Fni&k Huds.m and Finl'-y S. duties and to the harm of Americans dealing in these pany. tomed brilliancy, his position ktay wiis just ,is m*e- Ua.ves, and during the i crfoimance Uliss Roan Ilow- these tilings. This was done, tho committee declared, In my letter of yesterday I gave you briefly Otlie S. won. Consolation was then run aguiui^t King's The following attractions will rest during the .week tnrl> and draw* and nllsse^ as ustmi-jhitig «ntl ap­ Mark, the latter winning the heat and second pri/e. ard siojjB a new s -11^ entitled "Among the Pino'." A through the ballot girls and others falsely swearing of Dec. 17 to 22: Oliv.-r Uyron, Frederic Brytnn, R. B. some of the reasons why the tournament was so plause-provoking ;ie ever, but bis intervals of cHrcle-s- novel leihstic effect will be found in tho introduction that the, wardrobes and other properties were their Tlnt-i prize was divided between Conr,o!atiou and Mantel!, Sol Smith RuBseH. W. J. Scanlan, -'Skipped marked a success. At the present writing there ueea played hob with his avuiage. Ills luns of 82 iu Cassio. Ollie 3. aud C^asio were run by tbe Memphis of a saw aiiii in full operation, \vh :ch is quite a unique personal effects. Messrc. Ford and Ouenther a-snred by tbe Light," Evans and Hoey, P. F. B;iker, "Hood- Die sixth itilling, 41 in the eleventh, 09 in the piece of 6lttj'.drjini.i9. In the second act an old log Edward G. Bert, a former tneatrical manager, has contests. Nothing else is talked of in billiard his last run was greeted with R salvo of nppUuse. It ecliool liou.46 will lie seen, with a bevy of merry chil­ Apropos of this a New York paper quotes a well- was in Itself a comprehensive expose of all tho Friday denouncing rabbit coursing as practiced !»y tlifl sued Mdbol Bert, tlie actress, for divorce. Tho com­ circles hefe, especially of the exhibitions of Hempstead Club as cruelty, not sport. Mr. Pcshull dren. The c«8t is a strong one and is as follows: known actor and manager as saying: "English plaint filed in San Francisco, on Dec. 7, gives as possibilities of balk-lino billiards. Every draw, Opt.iiu Alien Heartly...... ) ...... , fancy shots given by that incomparable expert, declares that rabbit coursing, as it is carried on in this Jim i;lanclmrd...... / Mr- Atk "1B Lawrence actors are becoming more popular in America simply ground for separation merely desertion. Mrs. Bert is masse and drive, made off-hind, was a study because th«y ere reliable, and are not bothering the ShalFer, who has now proved himself to be very for an expert, while his nurso which carried country, should bo condemned by all true sportsmen, now Me Ivee Rinkin'a leu-linsj lady and is said to be aud he claims that it is condemned hy the best sports­ HowHid Gale...... Mr. Leigbton Baker managers continually to print their names in the big­ the cause of tho estrangement between Mr. ami Mrs. much more useful to the profession in general, him along so fitst that Cnftiley Matthews almost Luke Leajrrtr...... Mr. L. .!. Loving gest type known to the world. Men like Joseph got his tongue Bprtuaed calling off the poiots men of England. Only "cads"' and grooms and nich lUnkin. Sbe waa married to Bert in California In but room-keepers in particular, than ever be­ like ever indulge in tho sport. Mr. Belmont, it is Jud«"!i Hi'tgood...... Mr. T. J. Hermlon llaworth and Kben Plympton are good actors, but 1879. fore. With the aid of Schaefer as an exhibition WAS as neat a thing as the old connoiseura ever eaw. 3'at 31«Iioney...... Mr. John F. Ward they are infatuated with tht-Ir names. It has been Jake broke up tho position whoa he bad two to go, neeillesa t> remark, has plenty to say in liis defence, John Rilton...... Mr. W. H. (,'oiliiigd proved time ami Hgain that neither Haworth nor Mrs. George S. Knight writes from her Orange, N. player the success of any well-managed tourna­ thinking he had finished the came. Thia WHS not a and he chums tbat rabbit coursing is not cruel and i> Sol-ir Ctiipp...... ,....lHr. C. Col.'tnbo Ply rapt on is strong enough to carry a play unaided J., home, under date of Dec. 6: "Mr, Knight is ment in any part of the country is assured. The misfortune, as it gave him a chance to execute two honest g^ort. ______Jo; y H<>ligood...... «...... "B!ijB May Darken nor bring in money enough in the box office to pay steadily improving iu health aud will noon be himself public will flock night after night to, witness the spreads that brought down tho house. There were Mari'-rt t»;tl»ou...... Miss Cithorine CoK-man their extravagant densauds for salary; yet they keep again. His illness is not paresis, as the daily papers magic of his cue, as they did here for two w eeks. 332 bmton.1 on Carter's string, the earnings of 4ti in­ New Trains on tlie 1$. & O. JI.ii' ii- Merrie...... ,MiS3Kena Howard on iucreasing-their rates regularly with each failure. bave declared, but simply nervous prostration. His Kvery performance cau rely on a new programme nings, when the marker called game. Frank Rice, re­ On Kovembt-f Ifeth new trains were placed in Fer- J.TMiha Hobgood...... Clara Gol<1s!>y A short time ago Plympton was offered the position of physician Informed ma this morning tliat Mr. Kulght with such a man as Schaefer. There are more than a feree. Score: vic* on ibe B. &. 0. R. H. and the following schedule if city...... IleDrii-tU Ilayes leading man to a well-known woman star, and he will be ab'e to resuuia his profession next mouth with dozt'ti cities iu this country where the game, change! Schftefer 0, 8, 17, 1, 0, 82, 0, 3, 2, 1, 41, 15, 69. 8, established vU that line between Philadelphia, Haiti- The ¥H.-:t Hiiditgriuui of the Grand Opera House will Rai-l that he would accept the position at a salary of perfect sifety." to the ci^ht-iuch hulk-lino, could give louruatneuu 38, 0, 23, 0, 0, 25, 0, 9, 13, 1, 1, 0, 13. 36, 7, 10, 1, 2, morn and Washingloii: Leave Philadelphia 8:00 A. M.( to sct-n'ol wiih Ihf fragrant odor of piut-s Mond-iy $400 a week if it was guaranteed that his name should Marie Kevins (Mrs. Jamos G. Blaine. Jr.), having certain of financial success with Schaefer to give his 0, 32, I, 0, 7, 32, 0, 0, 5. 6, 8, 2, 7, 79. Total, 600, 0:(X) \. M., 4:50 p. M., 7:00 P. M. and 12:03 midnight. Bight and throughout tli** week. ThU is a clever appear in the same s: ze type as the actress* did when­ made up her mind that all hope for reconciliation fancy shut exhibitions. Two or three of these tour­ biphest runs, 82, 60 and 79; average, 13 2-46. The 3.00 A. M. train will be the fastest train from 'his way of adding lo the realism of the scenes in tbe ever it appeared. The actress subsequently got a man with her husband WHS over, has placed herself under naments should be held annually to stimulate the Carter U, 3, 3, 1, 8, 0, 25, 0, 29, 1, 1, 40, 0, 8. 13, city to Baltimore and Washington. The superb track pine (oreads of Main*-, wher« tha story of thia dram* for 860 a week who in giving excellent satisfaction. the care of Darnel Frohman and David Belasco, with game throughout the com.try. 3, 21, 'J, 1. 0, 10, 12, 0, 1, 8, 6, 1, 0, 0, 5. 8, 2, 0, 25, of the 3. & 0. H. R. readers ibis easy of accomplish­ is laid. Plympton is idle, as bo has been for a year or moie, tbo intention of adopting the sta^e as a means of sup­ As an illustration, & year ngo when a handicap tour­ 13, 0, 1, 11, 8. 0, 1, 17, 17, 2, 3, 7. Total, 332; high­ ment This train is equipped with magnificent except during short spurts. Haworth f-lipped up on port for herself and )>e,r child. Her t>uit against James nament WHS given at the sume theatre, the managers est run, 40; average, 7 10-40. new Pullman parlor cars, built expressly for this ser­ The Duff Opera Company promise a great produc- 'Philip Hemp.' Then he went to Chicago, where he G. Blaioe, Sr.« for $100,000, for alienating her hus­ started with $300 entrance money and ?250 given by vice. All tho above trains carry parlor or sleep­ tl'ti of "A Trip to Africa" at the GranU Opera House appeared in the 'Bells of HUeleniere,' but d d not score band's affections, will be continued. the BrunMvick-Balke-Colleuder Co. Sehaefer, Slos- Care ins. ing cars. Tbe midnight train is provided with Christinas week and thU cannot Tall to prove a strong success. He was stranded, and a manager In Boston During a performance by Mrs. Lanptry at the Acad­ ton and Carter wore among the experts as drawing ITarry Hart has been open ding a week or ten days in separate Pullman Meepiug cars for Baltimore and ttrnrtl'ii at the Grand Opera Honte. Hubcrt'Wilke, telegraphed him for bis terms for a week's engage­ emy of Music Iu Odwexo, X. Y., Dec. 12. tbe building cards, yet the receipts were bnt some ¥200. This tour- Gotham, Washington, to which passengers are admitted at the favorite barilouc, wlto was for f-omo seasons one ment there in support of an actress. Mr. Haworth's waa discovered to be on flre. Bleu sprang upon the iiameut had to be handicapped to make plaveia even. any time after 9:00 p. M. and iu which they can remain of the most p>pular members of the JHcCauU Opera terms were $350 aud expenses. Men of this stamp de­ stage and stood upon their chairs and called upon the It had one plaver wbo outmatched the real in public Although not on the sick list, Piacua Levy has not undisturbed at Baltimore and Washington until 7:00 Conu'iny, will be a leading feature in the cast uf tbie mand more money with every failure. This effort to people to remain cool. This ; TO vented a panic and in estimation thirty percent,, which trenied to make it been well. A. M. To Washington in 3 hours is the time made by per*. push themselves ahead ie general among leading men two minutes the theatre was cleared just as tho flames an uninteresting one-sided aflxir. Yet the public took J. E. Kingeley la rusticating down East in improved tho B. & O. Limited, the fastest train ever scheduled In America, and ft is acting aa a boomerang, because appeared through the floor. The tire was cttuicd by to balk-line billiards, aud Schaefer's exhibition* and health and spirits. between this city and Washington. The B. & O. track One of the strongest attractions announced for Mon­ managers are now realizing that they can save a great an overheated furnace directly under the centre aisle. the receipt* which ran behind a year »g>> with the ad­ Thomas H. Green, who removed the carpet from his is as well built HS any va the continent, and tue run it day uight is Giltetti's spectacular production of "jhe," deal of money, to say nothing of brain wear tail The flames word soon exilaguloUed by tU« firemen. vantages referred to, will now auia up considerably Uiard room floor early iaat spring, intends to put ft do without difficulty. THE: Dec. 19.

throw? Who led th* League In two and thre« ba»e QUESTIONS ANSWERED. bite lut seaaon? A. H., Buffalo, N. Y. Antwer—(1) Fifth.in 1883. (2) That's a matter CHRISTMAS GIFTS. No aniaeri ly mail. Writt your questions of opinion. (3) Baldwin, of Detroit, retired tlearly, concisely, and write only on one tide of l*»t season with a lame arm. The Chicago twirler Bicycles,Tricycles and Velocipedes EASE BALL PICTUEES U< paper, cite no attention will be paid to your of that name is a first-class pitcher. (4) Left- ommunt'cafion. handed. (5) Crane has not made a long throw A Fnll and Complete Assortment at recently. In 1884, at Cincinnati, he threw 135 FOR SALE. Who ha* the largest gronnds In the International yards and 1 foot. (6) We do not know, as Mr. STRONG & GREEN'S, Association? Wnich haa the largest population, New ELEGANT PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE FOLLOWING York SUte or the whole of Canada? Alter, Rochester, Young's average! do not give extra hits. 54 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CLUBS: K< .1 York. NEW YORK Ansicer—(1) Toronto. (2) The population of What la mange In horsw? J. 8., Brooklyn, S. Y. NEW YORK Answer—The horse is affected AMUSEMENTS. CHICAGO CHICAGO New YorVfchen the last census wan taken in 1880 with four kinds of mange (1) Derniatodectic (Pioroptes longer- SS?^1 HETKUIT w»a 5,082,871 and of Canada in 1881, 4,324,810. INDIANAPOLIS astris). (2) Symbiotic (Chorioptes spnthiferus), BICYCLES, 8xlO Size, G COB. BBOAD AND MONTGOMERY AVE. INDIANAPOLIS ST. LOUIS How many day* does it take « B. 8. mall steamer to (3) Sarcnptcs scabiea. (4) Sai'coptea mutana, Tricycles and Velocipedes. T. F. KELLY...... Manager. WASHINGTON BROOKLYN travel from San Frautlecoto Australia? U. 8. Armory, (1) Dermatodectic, tho most common form, af- E. CHOr.MELEy JONKS...... Buslne(« Manaeer. ST. LOUIS 75c., ATHLETIC Sprinc8eld, filafid. fecte the crest of the neck, the withers and tail, X'nias Presents. .^ tHJ.j \BROOKLYN BALTIMORE THE FIEST GRAND DRAMATIC EVENT AT THIS (ATIILKTIC CINCINNATI Answer—Twenty-seven days. and is worse in stallions, becomes worse if the |The Largest stock in PennsylFania. ~ THEATRE. /liALTIUOrSE MAIL PREPAID. LOI'ISVII.LE animul becomes thin, Where did Tebean play hefore going to Chicago? J. and is apparently often Z3 T II*r C3t- ' JS. BEGINNINCJ MONDAY, DEC. 17. m«ii_MAIL rntraiu.PREPAin /CINCINNATI CLEVELAND KcK., Lowell, Mass. oured when the animal is fat only to break out MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. i IOUSVILI.E KANSAS (JITT Ansuer—lie played with the Denver Western anew when rnn down again. Parasites are carried PHILADELPHIA. For the first time here, \ CLEVELAND League club. to other horses in manure, blankets, brushes, THE BOSTON AND NEW YOUK SUCCESS, \liAN8AS CITY 20x24 Size, etc. (2) Symbiotic attacks the legs below the knee The htgbly tmcc.ssful American Melodrama, Tf a man at bat his three balls can he turn around or hock, irritates roots of hair over cannons, if 11x14 Size, ST. LOUIS nil bat left-handed if be does not Interfere with the found most frequently in long-haired lymphatic NEW YORK $2.75, NEW YORK catcher or pitcher and no man on based? V. W. E., Cill'iAGO " Dre«s Su!t» Gilton, Oal. draft horses and is rare in well-bred horses, and OE $1.5O, ST. LOUIS Antwer Yes, always worse in debilitated animals than it is in BROOKLYN EXPRESS UNPAID. those in good condition. (3) Sarcoptic mange By W. R. an 1 J. P. WILSON. CINCINNATI To aettle a wairer, which city coven the moat is found in irregular spots all over the surface of The Lake Lands of Canada. With the Original Great Oast includinx the Popular EXPRESS UNPAID. ground, Philadelphia or Chicago? the body, shoulders, side of neck, face and rarely By B. A. WATSON, A. M., M. D. Actor, ATKINS LAWRENCE. Answer—Philadelphia oorers more ground Seats on sale at W. M. Simf-ion's 1423 Chestnut if ever on the backs, loins or croup. (4) Sar- ILLWSTKATED. I also have for sale pictures of the Philadelphia Club of 1887. Size, 8x10, than any city in the country. coptet mutant, a rare form on horses, comes from >treet, and the Grand Opera Uoueo. Price, 75c., and individual cabinet pictures of the same club for 30c. ether animals Elegantly Bound in Cloth. 8vo. $3.50. Please let me know where I can get a cabinet photo and lasts but a short time. NEXT J. C. DDFK'S OPERA COMPANY f the New York League Club. A Reader, Cleve­ In playing "The volume ia one long, faacluatinar description of IN land, 0. a game of billiards there is a certain way life in the woods. No ouo who loves A gun will be WKEK. A TRIP TO AFRICA. Antwer—See advertisement of F. A. Smith in in striking the cue ball called English. Will you tisn*'d wMh a sioglo reaJing." PHiL\im,rnlA plea*o tell me where the word English came fioiu or Por.Ti.VQ LIFE. TUESDAY, DEC. 18 GKAND MATINEE CON- this issue. from what it ia derived? J. W. L., Kookuk, la. CKRT Charlotte Walker, Victor Herbert, etc. F. A. SMITH, Answer—You will find it in Collender's "Mod­ *»«For tale by all Booksellers, or will be sent, free of Has the Athletic Olnb signed pitchers Seward, Ylck- expense, on receipt (if t'ne price by ATIONAL THEATRE. ern Billiards." Ridge avenue, Tenth and Callowlilll streets. rj. King, Weyhing, Smith, Mattimore, Getzein, Ba­ J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, Publishers, N P, O. BOX 948, Philadelphia, Pa. ker, Kilroy, Proeser and McCarthy, who refuses to Please tell me where tho followlfle players nail T. F. KELLY...... Proprietor ami Manager. 23T2- ten with Kau_a<» City; catchers Robiusou, Cros*, 715 AND 717 MARKET STHEET, PHILADILPIIIA. I. M. KMINWEILER...... Business Mmiaucr. Brennan, Wells and HofTord; infielders Andrews, from: Stovey, Dunlap, Clement*, Eaatian, pitcher Gleason, Wiiliamaon, pitcher Couway (Detroit), Ma'il, PRICES ALWAYS Till! SAME, 15, 25, 50. 75C. Bauer, Lyons, Fennell.1 and Gleascn and ontnuMcra Daly (Chicago), Royle (Indian tpolis), Stricker, Deaa- gl.ivey, Welch and O'S'eill? Has Whittcre heen rein- ley, Oorkhill. Bums (Brooklyn), Buahoog, Kilroy, bet that they "mat" more than once you win, as RESERVED ORCHESTKA CHAIRS, ONLY oOCts. THIS BELONGS TO Biate. Seward, Weyhing, Mattimore, Larkin, Glc:ison Toronto, Pis MutueB, St. Paul, Milwaukee, Omaha and player and lately ho has been entertaining the IN THK PICTURESQUE MELODRAMA, 1022 MARKET ST., PHBLA. and Lyons, who will all bo signed soon. King liamilt >n teams. J. T., Walhalla, S. C. Hoosiers with vocal music as a member of an will not join the team until June. They are Answer—Write to Mr. MeConnell, president amntour opera company, but he ia not a profes­ Toronto Club; H. S. Osgood, assistant secretary A Checkered Life, after Getzcin and We!ls, but will hardly get sional a Mario, aa it were. COMBINED WITH them. The Athletics are not after Vickory (who Des Moines Club; Manager Barnes, St. Paul h-.s signed with Toronto), Baker, Kilroy, Proe- Club; Harry Quinn, secretary Milwaukee Club; When will the "Zo-Zc," company piny in New York, Broncho Bill's Indoors Wild West. ler, McCarthy, Hofibrd, Andrews or O'Neil. Mr. McCormack, president Omaha Club, and Mr. and at what the-itrt-? Reader, N«-w York City. SECUHK SKiTS DURING THE DAY, 8:30 TO 0. Whitacre has not yet been reinstated, but llobbs, president Hamilton Club. Answer—'-Zo Zo" will be in New York at the NEXT WEEK OUR CHRISTMAS ATTRACTION, will probably be if he makes an apology to Grand Opera House on April 23. The company the Athletio management and asks for re­ Conld you give me Keliy's position and average as a will be in Brooklyn, at Minor's Theatre, on batter since he has joined the League each *racc«ietiing February 25. IN HIS NEW PLAY. instatement. (2) They should not wear year? Where can I get ball players' pictures? J. G., gloves, but nearly all of them do. You Thompsonville, Conn. Fleaee Inform me where I can get a concertina made THE UPPER HAND. r^ THEATRICAL TIGHTS AND PADS, can get them from any sporting goods dealer. Ansicer—(1) Kelly has been in the League to order? W. K.. Brooklyn, N. Y. -\T . MANUFACTURED BY See advertisements in THE SPORTING LIFE. (3) eleven years. We only have the records cam- Answer—J. W. Pepper, tho music dealer and TALNUT DECKMBEH 17 WEEK. We understand Hodson will play with Mason's plete for the past six years. (2) See advertise­ manufacturer of musical instruments at Eighth VV We.f. ima Snt., Ailmis^i.'n Matinees, 25 and 50c. plrtv (rom UIDKtt HA'JGAKD'S weird, team next season. (4) Yes, last spring. They ment of F. A. Smith in this i-'sue. and Locust streets, Philadelphia, telU us he has Boui-stirrhu', rornarJiisble loomuce, J. W. MANSFIELD, will be issued for next season some time in all kinds of concertinas in his stock bat that 1-3=21 - Mareh. Will you please give me >ome information in retard to the Penris>lvania State League? What cities hive none, to the best of his knowledge, are made in THRILLING COMISA1S STIRRING BIATCCHES Also Knit Sporting Goods, Base Ball Suits, Boating Suits, Polo Suits, Devil joined it? Who are the managers of the respective this country. GBEAT CHORUSES AMAZING EFFECTS When did yon commence publishing cuts of corres- clubs? Have any of t!ie players been signe i? A Con­ 1IRST TIME IIKT!E MAKVELOt'S SCEN- Suits, Clown Suits, Bicycle Suits and Bathing Suits. pou 'euts and players In THE SPORTING LITE? Have Where <*nn I get photographs of the players of the EKY NO AUVANCE PRICES. you them in stock, and what would they cost me up to stant Reader, Chicago, III. Ansicer—There is no Pennsylvania League in New York Clnl.? A Reader, Cleveland, 0. 100 AKTISTS 100. Oc;«lier 10? What has become of Edgar Smith, of the Answer See advertisement of F. A. Smith in This production Is entirely different firm th* one old Providence nine! W. I. C., Providence, R. 1. existence at present. You probably have refer­ . G. SPALDINO & BROS. this issue. attempted in this city a jeur ago, »nd will le exactly Answer—(1) On August 1. (2) Yes. Eleven ence to the Central League, which is made up of as Riven in the Fourteenth St. Theatre, N. Y , HDJ p»ners; fifty-five cents. (3) He has retired. clubs from Allent'.wn, Pa., Hazleton, Pa., Scran- Will you please Rive nio the address of i itcher Obas. "Flollia 1 ," Boston. Sam" cast choruses and eccre' y HOLIDAY GOODS. Our ton, Pa., Wilkeebarre, Pa., Easton, Pa., Elmira, Brjrnan? U. E., Philadelphia. No froa Iitt. "8HK IS ALL ItlGHT." N. V Htr'nld. ^ r* it If A. bets that a certain precinct will go Democratic N. Y., Jersey City, N. J., and Newark, N. J. Answer—A letter addressed care this office Next \Veek-W. J. SOANI.AN in "MYLES AKOON' " assortment is now complete, STOCKINETTE JACKETS. aufiftrty never won a fight it deserved to; we mean to 1NT A FULL ASSORTMENT. Detroit Club from M;irch 11 to Oct. 26, inc-lu- Young did not give Daily's averages because he and lives on the doubtful credit of defeat. Kill- n isn't game. Cardiff is no better, and these are the only ones merit a bigger growth. Standard in-door Games of ITJ o, pi nrnr live, 1887. (2) The largest number of games did not play in enough games. worth watching heavus, Sullivan, Kilra; n, J^e Mc- ver credited to a player in any one season was Aul ff*\ Mitchell, Jacksoa. If Sullivan isn't himself . Shall it be a Silk Hat? Com­ every description; novelties in llJJilG & U 184, by Sam Thompson, of the Detroit Club, in Where can 1 get photographs of the New York team? Kilrsin or Jachs^n will be ch;impiou. Demiaey is Steam Engines, Steam Loco­ EIGHTH AM> MARKET 1887. W. C., Peterboro, Ont. premier middle-weight, but isn't likely to whip pare our $6 or $5 or $4 Hats Ansicer—See advertisement of F. A. Smith, Mitchell when they fight. G-tlla^her is a hfgh-clas^ man, motives, Magic Lanterns, How long did Boston hold the lead in the first sixty in this issue. beintf spoiled by lack of work. He can prol.»ab!y defe tt with any others at the price in Fogarty at weight and ought to make a match with him. davs of the sensou of 188s, including Sunday? How Printing Presses. Air Guns; THE ions did the Chicago^ hold the lead iu the Batne length How old is Mike Tiernan? Was Connor the only The piir m-ty be called to California. Roddy has a town. of time? A Reader, Lockport, N. Y. player who made the longe t hit in the game? How man io »kiug out for hia infer--ot and will shortly get also, Toboggans, Sleds, Home Answer Boston held the lead the first six­ many feet long was Brouthera' longest hit? Who is some work. Ofthe light-weights Jack McAuliffeHa Knox's Derby Hats $4; BALTIMORE and OHIO R.R. ttie best pitcher, Titcomb or Hutcbinson? E. B., distance ahead, and in the feather-weight clam only Gymnasiums, Velocipedes, teen days; then for the next four they were tied Buffalo, N. Y. Weir, AVarren and Murphy are left in the first cla*a." others $3.50 and $3, and one S THE ONLY LINE running solid train, of Sleep. with Chicago; after that Chicago had the lead up Answer—(1) He is in his twenty-first year. Tom Tyler, better known as "Young Ma^ic,1' and Tricycles and Bicycles. As a I ing Cars, Day Coaches and liuggage Car* to July 24. In other words, in the first sixty (2) What game do you refer to? (3) We do not Jim Dttnby fouzht near Phi'alelphiu, Dec. 8, for §100. unexcelled at $2.50. through Irom Philadelphia to CINCINNATI and CHICAGO. days Boston led for sixteen, Chicago for forty, know that any measurement was ever taken of About twenty irieada of the men were present. The special Holiday offer we have and for four days these two clubs were tie-1. flr*t round was a hot one, but afterwards there was ____ JOPIN WANAMAKER. Brouthers" "longest hit." (4) That is a mat­ littlo bard fighting, no le*s than twenty-one of the reduced the price of our In your la't issue you stated that John Tener never ter of opinion. thirty-one rounds being devoted entirely to sparring-. MASON'S BASE BALL SCHOOL, for passengers of any class. Between the East and Mazic was the better man. but as soon as he £O? the lujVd professionally before joining Chicago, lit 1884 For te Youth's Premier Bicycle, 38 to West it is the e plaved twenty-eight games with Haverhill, making Have the New England League averages for 1888 lead he let Dauby recover hi-* strength. After stand­ ?achinjz aLd traininjr the young tali playeis in E been published? L. P. L., Washington, D. C. ing up for ten consecutive rounds without a blow being all itrt tranche*, Pitchsntr, Citchinip, Batting and Base- a fM'tiug average at first Ija-e and pitcher of .861 and KII:I.', .OK, and also for j.rofesaionais to practice indoors 44 inches, to $25.00; original ONLY ft batting average of .200. J. T. Stevena, Boston, Mat.*. Ansicer—Yes, in THE SPOim.VQ LIFE on Sept. struck, the men were ordered to ahuke bands and tho LINE VIA WASHINGTON. Hght was declared a draw. durin i the winter, as I have the latest itnt-roved pitrh- Ausieer—AYe meant to say that he had never 26. ing ;ti "1 batting macMine<*t iii:K> clubs, dumb-bells, gtrik- prices, $35.00, $40.00 and ^SPECIAL ATTENTION is iciven to Theatrical played in the League before, that Chicago did A match is as gno-i as made between Charley Mitch­ ing- ba?, r, rowina; machine*, and one of the moat conve- Companies, Bull Clubs, and ali kinds of organized par­ What are the weights and names of four or five of ell and Dominick McCnflrey to box ten rounds with nient b'uiMings for the business in tho city I have $45.00. ties. not get him from a minor League and that he the smallest players in the League and Association? me din in-8i zed gloves, probably in Brooklyn or Jer­ really made his reputation playing with ama­ four o.>fth the bott professionals, who will leach either Information in regard to rates of fare, time of Can you give me an id-a of the ailariei paid by the sey City, under Queeneberry rules, on Jan. 22, for a ri^hlo r left-hand pitching. Also f»r teaching ruller Call or send for Winter teur clubs in Pittsburg. Yes. Tener and Rob- Texoe Lf-ftgue clul s? To what political party do Ward, forcentage of the gato receipts, Thig would indicate trains, through-car arrangements, etc., will be that the operation recently performed skating:. Th« grounds are ia flrst-class order for alt inion were one of Haverhili's batteries in 1884. Galvin, D'inlap, Clarkson, MorriU, Gbsncock, Mc- en Mitchell's kind* >f amusements.. Sports Catalogue. proui[.ily furnished, upon application, tj any of the Geachy, G^tzein and Krouthers belong? A Homier left band, for the purpose ot' relieving the painful Se.iFOo:i tickets (o be had at moderate charge following name