1888, BY THE SPORTING LIFE PUBIISHIHG Co. SPORTING LIFEENTERED AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SKCONH CLASS MATTES. VOLUME 12, NO. 11. PHILADELPHIA, PA., DECEMBER 19, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. Reach is Tery aaziona to ecure Jerry, and it ii «id h bnse ball manager, who organized the Charleston, DCS will b« here ID a few days to make the effort, but i Moines, Sioux City and other clnbs in the West and greatlv mistaken South, has gone to Canada to avoid prosecution on the will avail him nothing, unless I am is alleged to have ALSO IN LINE. LATE NEWS. A. G. OVENB. charge of seduction. The offence been committed in Des Koines while Bryan waa man­ aging the P-a Moinea team in 1887. The indictment League Players Oat of the Wet. was found during the past Hummer, and when the of­ A New Pitcher for the Special to SPOBTI.VQ LIFK. fender came here a-j the manager of the Sioux City The Western Association NBW YOBK, Dec. 15. Slattery and Whitney wer team he was arresied and gave bonds for trial, fie hat signed by the New York Club yesterday. O'Rourke since married a rich lady, and they both preferred Athletic Club. hag a s good as signed, ea he and President Day have flight and a forfeiture of bonds to a defence in court. Ready for Next Season. agreed upon terms. BOSTON, Doc. 15. Billy Nash Is the latest addition LONDON'S CLUB. to the ranks of signed Boston players. The Boston A Base Ball Club for Sale- Club has thus fur signed i'larkson, Kelly, Broutheis A Meeting of Stockholders to Prepare for Two New Clubs Admitted A BichardBoo, Nash. Quinn, Johnson, Gauzel and Madden Next Season. Nash heU out to the last for 83,500, but when he waa Salary Limit Rule Adopted- Indianapolis News Gen­ intormel that 83,000 was the club's ultimatum he LONDON, Ont., Dec. 11. An informal meeting succumbed. of the shareholders of the London Athletio and eral Intelligence. CLBVFLAN-D, Dec. 15. "Cnb" Stricker yesterday Base Ball Association was held in tho Board of Details of the Meeting. signed a Cleveland Club contract for next season. Ii Trade room last Friday night for the purpose of i* the fourth man to be captured aud will play secom base for the League t- am. The other man signed ar securing an expression from the shareholders on BALDWIN SIGNED. certain matters of interest to tho club. Presi­ MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Dec, 10. Editor SPORT­ Bftkely, Tebeau and Lohbeck. held its an­ dent Hobbs occupied the chair and Manager ING LIPK: The Western Association Detroit Pitcher Joins city, on T*rie Once Famous Official Notice to AU Minor League Clubs Powers was also present, nual meeting at the West Hotel, this the Athletic Team. last. There was a full representation, Special to SPORTING Lira. Mr. Hobbs, ia opening the meeting, said the Saturday Special to SPORTING LIFE. follows: St. Paul, A. M. Thompson and A. BROOKLYN, DL'c. 15. To WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: directors were desirous of having the views of as 15. The much talked of new Chicago, S. G. Alorton and Henry DETROIT, Dec. AU leagues Or associations of base ball clubs composei the shareholders on certain matters where a Poupeney; pitcher about whom the Athletic manageinen of not less than tour or more thau eight club members Hochj Sioux City, Messrs. Packett and Foley; desiring to avail themselves of the right*, priviloce: difference of opinion existed in the executive nave been throwing out so many hints, turns out committee. That waa the principal object for asking Kansas City, W. II. Watkin.-; Milwaukee, K. B. Baldwin, butter find protection a^c.mkd by the Articles of Qualifie< Quin; Ouiab.ii, J. 8. McCor- to be no Ic^i a person than Chas. Admission to tlip National Agreement of Ba-e B.U tlieui to be present at tho informal meeting. lie then Sutton and II. D. known as "Lady," who was puppoacd to have Clubs, will, on application to me, be furnished will made a lengthy ret trance to the proceeding of the mick and E. 0. Braudt. J. A. Hart appeared, retired. He has been signed by the club upon the necessary l-lauks iind forms fi-r signature, aa re­ annual meeting of the A-sociatron, and alluded t') thy with a proxy to act for Des Moines. This lei for nrxt reawu. They quired by the Board of Arbitration. Very respectfully improved prospects of tlie club that Hart had engaged the assurance that his arm is once more in as had had offers fir certain players, and it was with the a great many to believe good condition as ever it was nnd that he has C. H. BTBNK, Secretary B >;;rd of Arbitration, with Des Motues for the coming season. This he Fifth Ave. and Fourth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. view of hiiviog an expre.-Bion aa to their sale or reten­ cornple'teJv regained the old forui which made tion that tho meeting w; a held. denied, claiming that ho simply agreed to act conversation ensued culminating in him such/a formidable pitcher while with De Four Players for Columbus. A desultory for them in tbe capae ty of manager until they Mr. Vining moving and Mr. Dewar seconding a reso- found a man to take the plnce formally. He troit. fipeclftl to SPOBTIKQ IJU'B. luiiou that the Bhareholders, hiving every confUlenre CINCINNATI, Dec. 13. Cincinnati's "extra four" in the board of directors, recommend that thf-y act as does not deny that he may be persuaded later [Baldwin K'itcJie-Vtji^onlv eight championship games and John on to accept the position. The board of direc­ he to Onluiikbiis. The deal was clos-d to-day, in the premises they deem beet In tlie interests of" tbe for Outroit last eeft^oiS. Uti was iu b;i-l slm^e when Weyhiuii, O'Coanor, Bligli an J Kappel will bs mem­ other mutters. Carried unani­ reported for duty in Mnrctr,,tint on April 21 IIH was p".t club in this as iu all tors awarded the champiocghip to the Des bers of she baby t< am next yt-ar. "I conk! havo ma'fo mously. The question of issuing season tickets was Moines Club. They examined the books of the in tli?. box against ItidiuutifioUs and h:s side lost. Tbe more money by dividing tny^men, Imt preferred to see that they recommend made twenty hiiu utf him auJ t-coivd si^teea discussed, and it WHS i&solved §1,001) in the treas­ Hoosiers them all go tu ».ne club," paid President Stern to m» the executive committee to issn*-1 eeiaon tickets at §10 Association, finding nearly ruii8, t»et7e of vhich wery carnt-d. Bdldwiu was then Wurk has nlruady l)een comiuouced ou the new turn­ ury, a very healthy lowing, consiiier.ug the bad tea- shape, until May 15 each, as soon as possible, the tickets to be nurniercd given a rear, to got his arm i'tto stiles and ticket house, wbich were purclmsed from cousecutiwly, aud good only for the game Ha'ed. A sou jnst closed. After other routine bmmitt-s Lite who it hb \vas pitted a^ain t Washiugtun aud ha won Centennial Exposition. Jim Keenan signed a con­ tbe directors in dis­ board udjoiuned and the reculor mee'iug of the Asso­ The Senaturi* made eleven hit* aud five the committee was named to assist bis gamo. tract to-day. That leariw but five men out, Mc.Phce posing of these tickets. A resolution was also adopted ciation was called, with J. A. Hart in the chair The ruiio off him, eamiug four uf them. lie etill persittuc I nine bine of the Chicago Maroons was .transferred to Manager \Vatkins {.-ave Keilly, Carpenter, Viau aud Smith. expressing confidence In tho president, dhertt-w and that he Mat not yet ia trim, so RES MULFOBD, JB. managt-r in their efforts to conduct tho ana*re of tho Minneapolis without objection. Mr. Watkiua asked bii:i another v<tcatio^. On July 11 he tried it again and tii»iue?8 basis. 3!r. that ibe traiictiiee of the Kansas City ball c!ub be i.gain.st the PhlUdelphius, and, while he WOE TheWashington Club's New Pitcher.Late of the Manchester Club. club 0:1 a thoroughly piaetical this time Signed. Gartnhore, the treasurer, said he hnd not Leen at.le. tranalerretl to St. Joseph. This brought out extended bis giiiiu-, the I'hillies eurutd i^ur runs off him out ul Toronto Players discussion and WES finally tabled loii^ enough to ulluW ttie Chicagos ID Special to SroRiiNO Lira. owing to other engagements, to make out a fi^imieial leven hits. Uttldwiii "Cliicagoed' statement in detail, but he would give an abstract up Dave llowe to eptak in behalf of Denver being his next attempt, uu July IS, and held them down to TORONTO, Ont., Dec. 15. Manager Cuehman tele- granted a franchise. After due deliberation Denver he hat EXULTANT COWBOYS. HUB HAPPENINGS. to the 30th of October, wh'ch showed tbe receipts fr«im ftvo scattering hits. Two days later he again hek gra;>lipd Preeident McConell yesteiday thht 332,825.85, aud the expendi- waa Kruutta a franchise, subject to the rer.-i.rt of tb mtn down to two ions aud eidjht Iiits. On si^ised Burke nnj Swift f*.r next sens^n.
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