How Can We Survive Here?” WATCH the Impact of Mining on Human Rights in Karamoja, Uganda

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How Can We Survive Here?” WATCH the Impact of Mining on Human Rights in Karamoja, Uganda HUMAN RIGHTS “How Can We Survive Here?” WATCH The Impact of Mining on Human Rights in Karamoja, Uganda “How Can We Survive Here?” The Impact of Mining on Human Rights in Karamoja, Uganda Copyright © 2014 Human Rights Watch All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 978-1-62313-0961 Cover design by Rafael Jimenez Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. We stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice. We investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable. We challenge governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law. We enlist the public and the international community to support the cause of human rights for all. Human Rights Watch is an international organization with staff in more than 40 countries, and offices in Amsterdam, Beirut, Berlin, Brussels, Chicago, Geneva, Goma, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, Moscow, Nairobi, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Tokyo, Toronto, Tunis, Washington DC, and Zurich. For more information, please visit our website: http://www. Human Rights FEBRUARY 2014 978-1-62313-0961: “How Can We Survive Here?” The Impact of Mining on Human Rights in Karamoja, Uganda Summary and Recommendations ........................................................................................ 1 Methodology .................................................................................................................... 25 I. Poverty and Survival in Karamoja ................................................................................... 28 Livelihoods, Marginalization, and Discrimination ................................................................... 28 Poverty, Food Insecurity, and Artisanal Mining ........................................................................ 31 Disarmament and Abuses ....................................................................................................... 34 II. Land and Resource Rights ............................................................................................ 36 Indigenous Peoples Defined ................................................................................................... 36 Rights to Land, Development, and Environment ...................................................................... 39 Free, Prior, and Informed Consent ........................................................................................... 41 Uganda’s Mining Act .............................................................................................................. 46 III. Three Mining Companies’ Practices in Karamoja .......................................................... 50 East African Mining: Kaabong District ...................................................................................... 50 Jan Mangal: Moroto District ..................................................................................................... 56 DAO Uganda: Moroto District .................................................................................................. 61 IV. Rights Abuses and Risks ............................................................................................. 65 Land Usage and Surface Rights ............................................................................................... 65 Inadequate Community Consultation and the Absence of Consent ......................................... 69 Superficial Consultation after Exploration Started ............................................................. 73 Benefits and False Promises ................................................................................................... 75 Security, Confusion, and the Role of the Army ......................................................................... 78 Gaps in Government Oversight ................................................................................................ 83 Limited Oversight by the DGSM and NEMA ........................................................................ 83 Lack of Oversight by District Officials ................................................................................ 87 V. Lack of Transparency and its Consequences ................................................................. 89 Corruption Allegations and Land Compensation Concerns Nationwide ................................... 89 “Facilitation” and Corruption in Karamoja Mining .................................................................... 91 The Need for Transparency ..................................................................................................... 94 Threats to Civil Society over Environment, Land, and Oil Work ................................................. 97 VI. Mining and Human Rights ......................................................................................... 100 Government’s Duty to Regulate to Protect Human Rights ....................................................... 100 Companies’ Responsibilities to Respect Human Rights ......................................................... 101 VII. The Role of International Partners ............................................................................ 103 Missed Opportunity: Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources Project ........................ 103 A Current Opportunity: Land Registration Project ................................................................... 106 The World Bank’s Indigenous Peoples’ Policy Falls Short of International Human Rights Standards ............................................................................................................................ 108 Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 110 Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................... 116 Annex I: Human Rights Watch Letter to East African Gold ................................................. 117 Annex II: Human Rights Watch Letter to Jan Mangal (U) Ltd. ........................................... 120 Annex III: Human Rights Watch Letter DAO Uganda Ltd. .................................................. 123 Annex IV: Human Rights Watch Communication with the UPDF ....................................... 126 Annex V: Human Rights Watch Communication with the DGSM ....................................... 130 MAP 1: DISTRICTS AND SUB-COUNTIES IN KARAMOJA South Sudan Kampala KKaarreenngga KKaatthhhiille KKaawwaallaakkokool KKaammiioon kaakaaabong Kalapata LLoodddiikkok KKaappepeddodo Kaabongg Lobalangit KKaaaabboonng Weesst KKaaaabbobonng EEaasst Siddodokk LLoolleelliiaa LLooyoorro Kacheri Reennggeen Kenya kotkotido Nakapelimoru Kotido AAlleerreekk Paannyyyaannggaarra Ruupppa Abbimm abim morotooto LLooppepei KKaattiikkekekkkiille LLoottuukkekei Moorruulleem Nyyaakkkwwaae Moroto LLookkkooppop NNggoolleerriieet Kangole napakapak Taappapac Naaddudunnggeet Maattaannyy LLoorreennggeedddwwaat LLoLotomeottoommee Naabbbiillaattuukk LLoorrooo Irriiiirri Nabilatuk naakapkapiripirit Ammudat Key KKaakkokommoonnggoolle LLollaacchhhaat LLoorreeggaae Towns Rupa Sub-counties Moorruuiitta districts Naammaallu amudaatt National Parks & Wildlife Areas KKaarriitta There are many new sub-counties in Karamoja. Updated administrative borders are not yet available. © 2014 John Emerson / Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch | February 2014 MAP 2: MINING LICENSING IN KARAMOJA South Sudan Kampala kkaaaaaabong East African Mining Exploration Jan Mangal Exploration Kenya koottiddoo DAO Mining applicationapplication pendingpending abim Jan Mangal Active mining morotooto napakapak SUMMARY AND KEY RECOMMENDATIONS Key naakakkaapiripirit Exploration applications pending Exploration licensed area amuddataatt Active mining license area Adapted from © 2014 John Emerson / Human Rights Watch “How Can We Survive Here?” Human Rights Watch | February 2014 “There is nothing bad about companies coming, but what we hate is the way they come in, don’t show us respect, and don’t show us the impact and the benefits of their work for my people.” —Dodoth elder from Sidok, Kaabong Town, July 3, 2013 “We want to see our natural resources exploited but our people should not be. Pastoralism lives here, we are pastoralists. The land looks vacant but it is not.” —Mining community organizer, Moroto, July 7, 2013 “How Can We Survive Here?” A gold mine near Nakibat and Nakiloro, Rupa, Moroto. The Impact of Mining on Human Rights in Karamoja, Uganda © 2013 Jessica Evans/Human Rights Watch Artisanal gold miners in Sokodu, Kaabong. Artisanal mining is a key source of income for many communities in Karamoja during the dry season. A mining company recently acquired a license to carry out exploration on this land, raising many serious concerns for the rights of the community. © 2013 Jessica Evans/Human Rights Watch Basic survival is very difficult for the 1.2 million people who live in Karamoja, a remote region in northeastern Uganda bordering Kenya marked by chronic poverty and the poorest human development indicators in the country. Traditional dependence on semi-nomadic cattle-raising has been increasingly jeopardized. Extreme climate variability, amongst other factors, has made the region’s pastoralist
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