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I PAGES 1 1?0 S. PAGE 8 1 lO t. ESTABLISHED JCLT .'18JI. NO. 5857 HONOLULU, Pi HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1901.-SIXT- EEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SENATE BOXERS AND MISSIONARIES ENDED IN -A- i HOUSE II JIASCO r I. ; Upper orancn Emmeluth Did Not s Some Stop Porto Work. Ricans. DISTURBED 5E WERE A PRETTY BY EMMELUTH HEALTHY LOT for Bedlam Breaks The Member for Bedlam Leads irt the Porto Rican Home Rulers on a Wild Immigrants. Goose Chase. treated itself to a sur- - Under the Emmeluth resolution, re- reterday's session, by set- - ported elsewhere, a committee consist- jfld working with such i ing of "Boss" Emmeluth, Gilfillan, noon recess was twben the Kumalae, Kellikoa, Puuki and Dickey had been pased upon. km of the House, and Senators Baldwin, fcriae-killi- tactics indulged Russei and Kalauokalani of the Senate, Ifesate during the past few ' left for a visit to quarantine yester - . i- activity was not looked day afternoon to investigate the condi t 1 . tions of the Porto Ricans detained ajuai preliminaries had IN there. with the clerk read CHINA. IN HAWAII. Permission to visit the island was - !. an Act to appropriate I j 4 4 4 IS- HMMMMHMMMMM i M given by the Federal authorities, and purpose of defraying 444 the soon committee was on its the extru session and the after the Bar-ringto- n, the regular session of way to the pier in charge of Dr. COMET PARTIES ARE NOW i CRIMINAL TRIED TO FLOOD one of the Federal Quarantine igsed . first reading, and officers. The Federal launch was used order for today. to transport the committee to the quar ation bill was then tak-- l A FASHIONABLE LOCAL FAD HAWAII WITH BOGUS MONEY antine wharf, where the investigation motion the pay of mes- - was conducted. at 1,200 was reconsid- - There was a busy scene at the dock. The SA-- ten was then divided into town was watching for the com- - et." . A case for Judge Wilcox. FRANCISCO, May 2. George nell going to Vancouver, B. C. They Streams of healthy looking Porto Hic-an- s ijarU, as follows: et last night, Taylpf McDonnell, one of the most no came together again recently, and carrying their belongings in trunks, 'Mongers, two $1,200, and the failure on the' The comet showed up in the south- at torious forgers, counterfeiU'-- s again commenced to perfect their plans laughing part of the stranger aloft to keep his west a little before scheduled time, and and for flooding the Hawaiian Islands handbags, hankerchiefs, etc., httwenger schemers in the world, and a member and chattering with one another, pass- and librarian, date might have had serious was looking well. Only one was and China with the counterfeits. Haz- results to tail of a gang that robbed the Bank of en watched them continually, and yes- ed along, seeming to have no care, and its alleged ItfMi amendment, Kanu- - discoverers. visible last night, but that one was a England of $5,000,000, is a prisoner in terday he placed McDonnell under ar- not realizing the object of the nine so- !&t one of the messen- - long, bright, well-favor- ed rest, first having secured from en- "Have you seen the comet?" is get- member the jaunty jaiL He . was arrested in the men composing the committee. in the office graver, who was licitous for ten prehensile, but not at the time curled, hhi city yesterday by interested in the ifrtfct was thoroughly con- - ting to be the customary greeting afternoon Secret plans After some minutes had jeen spent after The watchers on the heights saw scheme, a full statement of the lamiliar with the library. these days. it Service Agent Hazen, and is held on a of the trio, and naming McDonnell as by the different members of the com- dark signalled - (thought it no more than and the news to the lowland- charge of having in his possession hubs, the main actuary in the plot. Hazen mittee in looking for something to l salary When once the longtailed ers, should be In- - traveller who rushed out and rubbered dies, and other appliances for making suspected McDonnell of planning to weep, over, their interest centered in has been seen the observer changes heavenward, but, of course, on account counterfeit money. leave the country, and ordered his through laany of the items ques- - "Boss" Emmeluth who, the his interrogation to many of their positions, failed to see any- McDonnell a scheme year m by Kanuha and oth-- i "How tails started last McDonnell has a long record as a aid of an interpreter, was questioning the Is-an- d persons named were. has he got?" thing but a lot of very ordinary stars. flood China and the Hawaiian I forger and all around schemer. In some of the Porto Ricans. Pouted to knock out one of- - A few more contretemps of this na- with counterfeit dollars made 1873, together with George and Austin over At the police station night man "Ask that man sitting there if Republican held It. last a ture will certainly engender blood from Mexican coins. The work of. get 'Bidwell and Edmund Noyes Hill, he t bad he was examined for any disease." one time while the sal- - was brought ting together a plant occupied several forged checks and robbed the Bank of in whose breath smelt of between the comet cranks. question. f office was being consld- - month, and during that time McDon- England of $5,000,000. The scheme was was Emmeluth's first gin, and who S. says com- well-know- md gravely moved the staggered and looked as H. J. Emerson that the nell interested in the scheme a n to secure $50,000,000, and then compro- Through the interpreter, the man :"t000, for he was afraid if he might have, been drinking. et is approaching the earth at great engraver of this city, and also mise with the bank. The four men said that he had been. holding the office might speed. He thinks that in a few days it another man who was to assist in pass- were arrested and sentenced to life im- - "Ask that woman over there If she "I am not drunksh," he exclaimed. money. question, will be more generally visible on ac ing the prisonment. The two Bidwells were was examined," was the next ""f are the been gash'.ng comet, The gang became aware Hazen pardoffed serving eighteen years, tones. items as "I have tit the of being higher that after put in excited 'Passed: count its in the heav Lwas watching their operations, and and McDonnell was released In the woman replied that she had been, i hush all, I'm alright, alright; (conf- The ens. It will also appear a little later being, j 1892, be- some medicine, al pEerpreters in all miwta n they separated for the time one summer of strong influence 'and had been given llWded for, 13,000. identially) I think I'm a blooming eom- - every evening. man going to San Diego and McDon ing brought to bear in his behalf. so. clerk. First Circuit, ' Ask them how they have been fed. been be- Loa and whether they have had plenty to nd Merrill, who is alleged to have Kinau and the Mauna without clerk First Circuit. 'SI LVA MAY HAVE hindhand in turning over money. It success. The inference was that the "QUO VADIS" AT eat or not," was the third question ' much-looke- d 'flred by the "Boss." third clerk. First was reported thatMerrell was to leave for man was still in town, Circuit, KILLED HIS WIFE yesterday for one of the other islands. and Doyle was engaged up to a late THE ORPHEUM They replied they had not had any- P forth clerk, First Circuit, Doyle was on hand at the departure hour last night in a. quest for the al- thing to eat since morning, but that of both the steamers Kinau and Mauna leged absconder. during their trip had been well treat- tlrlkt Loa. Although some baggage belong- ed and fed. E'ltt-'- S The Elleford Company to Open ""U.. W.nrino Aan ing to the collector was found on the Several people went up Pacific Such replies were heard from' all Merrill himelf was nowhere. Heights last evening to view the sides, and Emmeluth, fearing he was Army Mascot Strikes Town Kinau. Thursday at Popular Object Doyle made a thorough search of the j comet. (going to be defeated in the of his ra"600!' Prices. resolution, strucK an aiuiuue mm iL '"agistrate. riono- - oiiu is miwwv. ; shouted: "Are we going to allow tnese kalian 'interpreters. 'people to leave this Island and allow The police are looking for a man by The sale of seats for 'Quo Vadls" has them to scatter disease broadcast? I fese interpreter and the name of J. J. Sllva, who resides so far been a large one. The best lo- - (jon't want these people to land here few (Laugh-nearl- y "Panese ' on tne siope. cations for Thursday and Saturday are and become public charges." tarn int,.- - runcnoowi i""" A week ago Silva's wife, Constantine all gone, and Friday's sheet ter.) , symptoms of house. "That lies with the doctor in charge fiJM interpreter and Silva, died, after having been ill only shows a crowded of quarantine station to decide," I ne day' Camp and Alvarez The low priced matinee of "Quo Vadis" the k md interpreter Doctors Baldwin, Court, on Saturday afternoon should bring answered Senator 2,4oo.