c:\users\ken\documents\type3701\red\rj 3701 132 red.docx 2017-08-18 10:38 _ibliographies, Archival Inventories, Indexes BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF LEIBNIZ Kenneth Blackwell
[email protected] lthough Russell included, in The Philosophy of Leibniz, a citation index to passages in the appendix, his general ^=index excluded most of the references to Leibniz’s titled works and none to other works, and often their authors. This index completes the record of his sources, excluding only the frequently un- titled fragments referred to by location in Gerhardt’s two editions. Bible: Genesis. Referred to: 68n. Boole, George. An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, on Which Are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities. London: Wal- ton and Maberley, 1854. Referred to: 170. Boscovich, Rogerio Josepho [Bošković, Ruđer Josip]. Theoria Philosophiæ Naturalis. Venice: Typographia Remondiniana, 1763. (Russell’s Library, inscribed “B. Russell | June 1897”.) Referred to: 91n.2, 91n.3. Bradley, F. H. Appearance and Reality: a Metaphysical Essay. Oxford: Clar- endon P., 1893; 2nd edn., 1897. (1st edn., Russell’s Library, inscribed “B. Russell | Trin. Coll. Camb. | May 1894.”) Referred to: 15n. (1st edn.). ——. The Principles of Logic. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1883. (1st edn., ex-Russell’s Library, inscribed “B. Russell | Trin. Coll. Camb. | June 1893.”) Referred to: 12n., 50n.1, 177. Caird, Edward. The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1889. 2 vols. Referred to: 20n. russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies n.s. 37 (summer 2017): 255–64 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. issn 0036–01631; online 1913–8032 c:\users\ken\documents\type3701\red\rj 3701 132 red.docx 2017-08-18 10:38 256 kenneth blackwell Chalmers, Thomas, et al.