Hindawi Evidence-Based Complementary and Volume 2019, Article ID 2684108, 30 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/2684108

Review Article Wound Healing and the Use of Medicinal

Aleksandra Shedoeva ,1 David Leavesley ,1 Zee Upton ,1,2 and Chen Fan 1

1Skin Research Institute of Singapore, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, A∗STAR, 11 Mandalay Road, Singapore 308232 2Institute of Medical Biology, A∗STAR, Singapore

Correspondence should be addressed to Chen Fan; [email protected]

Received 1 March 2019; Revised 3 May 2019; Accepted 1 September 2019; Published 22 September 2019

Academic Editor: Jae Youl Cho

Copyright © 2019 Aleksandra Shedoeva et al. *is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Cutaneous wound healing is the process by which skin repairs itself. It is generally accepted that cutaneous wound healing can be divided into 4 phases: haemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodelling. In humans, keratinocytes re-form a functional epidermis (reepithelialization) as rapidly as possible, closing the wound and reestablishing tissue homeostasis. Dermal fibroblasts migrate into the wound bed and proliferate, creating “granulation tissue” rich in extracellular matrix proteins and supporting the growth of new blood vessels. Ultimately, this is remodelled over an extended period, returning the injured tissue to a state similar to that before injury. Dysregulation in any phase of the wound healing cascade delays healing and may result in various skin pathologies, including nonhealing, or chronic ulceration. Indigenous and traditional medicines make extensive use of natural products and derivatives of natural products and provide more than half of all medicines consumed today throughout the world. Recognising the important role traditional medicine continues to play, we have undertaken an extensive survey of literature reporting the use of medical plants and -based products for cutaneous wounds. We describe the active ingredients, bio- activities, clinical uses, formulations, methods of preparation, and clinical value of 36 medical plant species. Several species stand out, including Centella asiatica, Curcuma longa, and Paeonia suffruticosa, which are popular wound healing products used by several cultures and ethnic groups. *e popularity and evidence of continued use clearly indicates that there are still lessons to be learned from traditional practices. Hidden in the myriad of natural products and derivatives from natural products are undescribed reagents, unexplored combinations, and adjunct compounds that could have a place in the contemporary therapeutic inventory.

1. Introduction the Middle East, and Latin America, traditional medicines derived from local plants, animals, and natural products are Our skin is the key to our survival, sensing the environment, the mainstay of wound care; for some, it is the only source of maintaining physicochemical and thermal homeostasis, wound care [3]. We discuss herein some of the evidence acting as a reservoir of essential nutrients, providing passive supporting the use of as effective and af- and active defence, and responding to trauma and injury [1]. fordable treatments for cutaneous wounds. Maintaining these critical functions requires robust and effective mechanisms to protect it from trauma and insult 2. Cutaneous Wound Healing and to repair and replace critical skin functions when damaged or lost. Humans have been treating their wounds Maintaining homeostasis is critical for the survival of the for millennia [2]. Traditional wound management is limited organism; hence, skin needs and possesses a robust and by what is immediately at hand or can be acquired locally, effective repair mechanism. Cutaneous wound healing is the such as water, soil, and plant and animal products, and is process by which skin repairs itself following injury caused frequently complemented with ceremony and ritual as an by surgery, trauma, and burns [4]. *e healing process is added measure. For millions of people across Asia, Africa, classically divided into 4 phases (Figure 1): coagulation 2 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Proliferation/migration/ reepithelialization/granulation (i) Reepithelialization Coagulation Inflammation (ii) Fibroblast proliferation Remodelling/maturation (i) Vasoconstriction (i)Killing microbes (iii) Collagen/ECM synthesis (i) Collagen/ECM remodelling (ii) Platelet aggregation (ii)Removing debris (iv) Formation of granulation tissue (ii) Fibroblast apoptosis (v) Resolution of infammation (vi) Angiogenesis

Minutes Hours/days Days/weeks Weeks/months

Injury Healed wound

Figure 1: Wound healing cascade—humans. *e wound healing process is an orderly sequence of overlapping, interacting processes commonly categorised into four distinct phases: coagulation, inflammation, proliferation/migration/reepithelialization/granulation, and remodelling/maturation. (1) Coagulation: a clot is formed, providing a temporary barrier to fluid loss and pathogen entry, restores haemostasis; acts as a reservoir of bioactive factors and antimicrobials; provides provisional ECM which supports immune cell infiltration and migration; and initiates tissue repair pathways. (2) Inflammation: damage-associated molecular patterns, free radicals, and reactive molecular species are signals to recruit immune cells; increased blood vessel leakiness; release of antimicrobial species; infiltrating immune cells secretes amplifying alarmin (also known as DAMPs) signals; and activation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts. (3) Proliferation/mi- gration/reepithelialization/granulation: migration and proliferation of keratinocytes, fibroblasts, endothelia; resolution of inflammation; collagen/ECM synthesis; decreased vessel permeability; new capillary and lymphatic vessel angiogenesis; reepithelialization; and de novo formation of granulation tissue. (4) Remodelling/maturation: collagen/ECM turnover (synthesis and degradation); ECM reorganisation and realignment; ECM contraction; endothelia and fibroblast apoptosis; repigmentation.

(a.k.a. haemostasis), inflammation and proliferation (a.k.a. Healing of acute wounds follows an orderly sequence of granulation), and remodelling (a.k.a. maturation) [5]. Upon overlapping, interacting physiological processes (Figure 1). injury, a fibrin clot rapidly forms to restore haemostasis *is sequence can take over a few days in juveniles or over a [6, 7]. Platelets present in the blood trigger the clotting few weeks in adults to occur. Most wounds heal without cascade and secrete several growth factors, initiating wound complication and reestablish homeostasis, skin barrier healing [8]. In the following inflammation phase, neutro- function, pliability, and physiological functions in less than phils migrate into the wound site engulfing foreign debris 4 weeks. Clinical evidence indicates that shorter periods to and killing bacteria by phagocytosis and releasing proteolytic wound closure are associated with reduced fibrosis and enzymes [8, 9]. Coincidently, blood monocytes infiltrate the scarring. In contrast, full-thickness wounds and wounds that injury site and differentiate into macrophages, releasing are slow to heal are associated with increased fibrosis, de- proteases to debride the wound [8], and secrete a mixture of veloping in some individuals into hypertrophic scars and bioactive molecules, including transforming growth factor- keloids. Deep, full-thickness, and partial-thickness wounds beta 1 (TGF-β1), that stimulates the migration of fibroblasts that do not heal within 6 weeks appear to “stall” and fail to and epithelial cells [10]. *e proliferation phase usually starts progress through the phases of healing described in Figure 1 about 3 days after wounding; it involves diverse activities (Figure 2). *ese hard-to-heal wounds are considered to be including angiogenesis (by endothelial cells), granulation “chronic” wounds [17]. Hard-to-heal wounds become tissue formation (by fibroblasts), and reepithelialization (by “chronic” for a number of reasons, including underlying keratinocytes) [11, 12]. In this stage, fibroblasts produce a conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease, hyper- large amount of extracellular matrix (ECM), mainly colla- glycaemia, ischemia, and neuropathy. *e underlying cause gen, to form the granulation tissue which replaces the of the wound is often used to describe the wound: diabetic damaged tissue. Meanwhile, the keratinocytes migrate, foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, arterial leg ulcers, and pressure proliferate, differentiate, and re-form a functional epidermis ulcers. (reepithelialization), closing the lesion and protecting un- Nonhealing, chronic wounds clearly pose a risk to the derlying tissues from further trauma [13]. As the wound health and well-being of the individual; patients often suffer matures, the characteristic disorganized ECM of granulation from pain, impaired mobility, excessive exudates, wound tissue is actively remodelled by the dermal fibroblast cell malodour, and restricted social life [18], resulting in sub- population [14], whose numbers are progressively reduced stantial disruption, morbidity, and indirect costs to social through apoptosis [15]. *e outcome of wound healing is and healthcare systems [19]. As many as 1-2% of individuals scar tissue (aka fibrosis) with sparsely distributed fibroblasts in all populations worldwide will acquire a chronic wound within a collagen-rich ECM. Compared to the original during their life-time [20]. In the USA, chronic wounds are tissue, scar tissue, having distinct texture and reduced reported to affect 6.5 million people and cost over US biomechanical and functional properties, is characteristi- $25 billion each year [21]. Alarmingly, the burden of chronic cally altered [16]. wounds is expected to intensify due to global increases in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3

Proliferation/migration (i) Reepithelialization Remodelling/maturation Coagulation Infammation (ii) Fibroblast proliferation (i) Collagen/ECM remodelling (i) Vasoconstriction (i) Killing microbes (iii) Collagen/ECM synthesis (ii) Fibroblast apoptosis (ii) Platelet aggregation (ii) Removing debris (iv) Angiogenesis (v) Formation of granulation tissue (vi) Resolution of infammation

Minutes Hours/days/weeks/months Months/years

Nonhealing/ Injury chronic wound

Figure 2: Nonhealing/chronic wounds—humans. *e orderly sequence of overlapping, interacting wound healing processes fails to progress in chronic wounds, frequently due to failure to resolve inflammation. (1) Coagulation: usually unaffected. (2) Inflammation: damage-associated molecular patterns, free radicals, and reactive molecular species; high pH; functional activation of proteases, senescence of keratinocytes, and fibroblasts (vessel permeability sustained-aetiology specific). (3) Proliferation/migration: initiation of de novo granulation tissue formation; failure to sustain proliferation; failure to initiate angiogenesis; failure of keratinocytes to migrate and reepithelialise (failure of wound closure); failure to resolve inflammation; and failure to accumulate ECM. (4) Remodelling/maturation: fails to initiate reorganisation and maturation of ECM. vascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Propionibacterium the general aging of the population [21]. Although the sp., and Pseudomonas sp. are commonly equated with mechanisms of wound healing are relatively well known, the infection, while others including Malassezia sp., Candida pathogenesis of chronic wounds remain poorly defined [22]. sp., and Corynebacterium sp. can be isolated from non- It is generally accepted that chronic wounds result from infected wounds and may even contribute to wound some dysregulation of the normal wound healing process. healing [29]. *e optimal frequency and when to perform For example, microbial biofilms, overexpression of in- debridement, however, remains unclear [27]. Dressings flammatory cytokines, high levels of proteases and reactive provide a physical barrier to reinfection from commensal oxygen species (ROS), and reduced mitogenic activity stall and adventitious microorganisms, can deliver antimicro- wound healing in the inflammation phase, inhibiting pro- bial agents (e.g., honey and iodine), and, in some designs, gression to the proliferation and reepithelialization phases. absorb wound exudates, providing a measure of moisture In addition, overactive matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) control. have been shown to contribute to delayed healing [23]. *e result is a wound that remains open, does not heal, and 3. Traditional Medical Practices becomes chronic [24]. Selecting an appropriate clinical strategy to manage Traditional medicine is often described by practitioners of cutaneous wounds is dictated by the aetiology underlying “modern” (western) medicine using sceptical terms such as each wound. Consideration is given to (1) removing “alternative,” “nonconventional,” “indigenous,” and “com- nonvital (necrotic) tissue, termed debridement; (2) in- plementary,” when in fact many of the techniques and flammation or infection; (3) controlling moisture (too wet practices of “modern” medicine are little different from or too dry); and (4) state of the tissue surrounding the traditional practices when it comes to wounds. Traditional wound [25]. *is approach has its roots in Greek and approaches depend almost entirely upon natural resources, Roman medicine [26], where removing these “barriers to such as water, plants, animals, and minerals, and continue to healing” was prescribed to allow the healing cascade to be valued and widely practiced by a majority of the world’s progress to completion. Debridement is considered to population [3]. *e practice of traditional Chinese medicine benefit wounds, restarting the healing process by returning (TCM) is based on the Five-Phases theory and Yin-Yang it to an acute presentation. Debridement exposes healthy theory, recorded in the ancient Chinese medical documents and well-perfused tissue, facilitating cell proliferation and such as “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” and “Ben Cao Gang Mu.” migration [27]. In addition to removing dead and necrotic Many, but not all, TCM makes extensive use of plants, tissue, debridement effectively reduces, if not removes, ensuring it is effective, affordable, and accessible [30]. In- proinflammatory factors, damage-associated molecular terestingly, of the new anticancer drugs developed between patterns (DAMPs), and pathogen-associated molecular 1940 and 2002, approximately 54% were derived from patterns (PAMPs). Debridement also removes “extracel- natural products [31]. Another study has determined that of lular traps” and microorganisms from the wound. Mi- all current pharmaceutical products, about 73%, include croorganisms in wounds have long been considered ingredients derived from natural products [32]. *e ther- deleterious [28]; however, recent evidence suggests that not apeutic activity of many traditional medicines are conferred all microbes impede healing. Microbial pathogens such as by natural ingredients produced within the plant; 4 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine consequently, the efficiency of TCM preparations can vary preparation including Arctium lappa, Burns and Wounds™ widely and are determined by the genotype, environmental, topical ointment (B&W), pain and healing of first- and and growing conditions encountered by each source plant second-degree burns in humans was demonstrated to be [30, 33]. Urbanization and industrialization of pharma- managed more effectively than the control treatment [53]. ceutical engineering have increased demand for “off the shelf” TCM products with consistent composition, quality, and clinical efficacy. Concomitantly, industrialization has 4.3. propinquus and Rehmannia glutinosa. *e also introduced rigorous product testing for evidence of root of Astragalus propinquus is a common TCM for the biological activity and clinical efficacy. treatment of urinary retention and oedema [54]. *e root of Rehmannia glutinosa has been broadly used in hemor- heology and diabetes-related diseases [55]. A formulation 4. Traditional Use of Medical Plants in combining the root of Astragalus propinquus and Wound Healing Rehmannia glutinosa was initially reported to be clinically effective for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers [56]. *is 4.1. . Applied to wounds for over 5000 years by outcome has subsequently been corroborated in diabetic rats Egyptians, Romans, indigenous peoples of Africa Asia, and [57]. Tam et al. reported that the root of Astragalus pro- the Americas, Aloe vera continues to be a first-line treatment pinquus and Rehmannia glutinosa promote diabetic wound for burns, ulcers, and surgical wounds [34]. Aloe vera healing and postischemic neovascularization by improving contains many natural bioactive compounds, including angiogenesis and attenuating tissue oxidative stress in di- pyrocatechol, saponins, acemannan, anthraquinones, gly- abetic rats [58]. Zhang et al. demonstrated that the root of cosides, oleic acid, phytol, as well as simple and complex Astragalus propinquus and Rehmannia glutinosa activate the water-soluble polysaccharides [35]. Acetone extracts from TGF-β1 signalling pathway and stimulate increased de- the leaves of Aloe vera exhibit stronger antimicrobial activity position of ECM in human skin fibroblasts [59]. than alcohol and aqueous extracts. Gram-positive bacterial species appear to be more sensitive than Gram-negative species to Aloe vera [36]. Compounds with known anti- 4.4. Ampelopsis japonica. Growing throughout eastern Asia microbial activity are saponins, acemannan, and anthra- and eastern North America, the roots of Ampelopsis japonica quinone derivatives [37]. are used as a traditional treatment for burns and ulcers, Acemannan, a major mucopolysaccharide (mesoglycan) amongst other indications [60]. Multiple pharmacological from Aloe vera, is a potent stimulator of macrophage and activities have been documented for Ampelopsis japonica, T-cell activity and induces the transcription of proin- including neuroprotective [61], antimicrobial, and anti- flammatory mRNAs (including IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, cancer [62] activities. Lee et al. demonstrated that ethanol PGE2, and nitrous oxide) [38]. Mesoglycan moieties bind extracts from dried roots of Ampelopsis japonica accelerated and capture endogenous mitogen inhibitors and reactive the healing of cutaneous scald injury in rats [63]. Tumour oxygen species and promote phagocytosis. Coincidently, necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and TGF-β1 were observed to glycans stabilize secreted cytokines, growth factors, and be elevated 2 days after injury and declined as healing other bioactives, prolonging their activity. Topically applied progressed. In contrast, interleukin-10 (IL-10) was found to acemannan has been reported to significantly reduce the be elevated after 14 days, coincident with wound closure time to wound closure in a rat wound healing model, acting [63]. When compared with wounds treated with Vaseline via cyclin D1 and AKT/mTOR signal pathways [39]. Aloe (petroleum jelly) or silver sulfadiazine, topical treatment® vera glycans are also reported to significantly improve de with ethanolic Ampelopsis japonica improved reepitheliza- novo formation of granulation tissue by an unknown tion, granulation tissue formation, vascularization, and mechanism [40]. collagen deposition [63].

4.2. Arctium lappa. Arctium lappa, commonly known as 4.5. Andrographis paniculata. Andrographis paniculata, also burdock, is a widely cultivated perennial herb [41]. Arctium known as green chiretta, is used in China, India, and south lappa is used in North America, Europe, and Asia to treat east Asian countries as a traditional treatment for fever, sore throat and skin pathologies such as boils, rashes, and snake bite, dysentery, infections, wounds, and itchiness acne [42, 43]. Scientific analyses demonstrate Arctium lappa [64–67]. Extracts from Andrographis paniculata exhibit has antioxidant [44], anti-inflammatory [45], antidiabetic antioxidant [68], anti-inflammatory [69], antidiabetic [70], [46], antimicrobial [47], antiviral [48], anticancer [49], and anticancer [66], antimicrobial [71], antiviral [72], antima- hepatoprotective [50] properties. *e root extract of Arctium larial [73], hypotensive [74], immunostimulatory [66], and lappa has been shown to significantly improve dermal ECM hepatoprotective [75] activities. In one study, wound closure metabolism, affecting glycosaminoglycan turnover and re- in rats was observed to be significantly enhanced after ducing visible wrinkles in human skin in vivo [51]. Arctium treatment with a 10% aqueous leaf extract of Andrographis lappa is also reported to regulate cell adhesion and gene paniculata [76]. Animals treated with Andrographis pan- expression in canine dermal fibroblasts, affecting the Wnt/ iculata exhibited reduced inflammation, reduced scarring, β-catenin signalling pathway, known to be a key regulator of increased angiogenesis, and an increased number of collagen wound healing [52]. In a pilot study of one commercial fibres in healed wounds [76]. Andrographolide, a bicyclic Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 5 diterpenoid isolated from the leaves of Andrographis pan- accelerates the growth of organized granulation tissue and iculata, has been formally evaluated in clinical trials and reepithelialization, events that reduce scar formation [96]. shown to have positive effects on several autoimmune Intriguingly, ANBP was also noted to attenuate collagen disorders [77]. biosynthesis and accelerate the maturation of the collagen extracellular matrix, contributing to reduced scarring and improved skin tissue repair. Recently, Hou et al. further 4.6. Angelica sinensis. *e dried root of Angelica sinensis is demonstrated that ANBP reduced the time of wound closure widely used in TCM prescriptions for the management of in diabetic mice via direct effects on neovascularization [97]. female maladies, inflammation, headaches, mild anemia, fatigue, and hypertension [78]. Angelica sinensis possesses pharmacological activities including anti-inflammatory [79], 4.9. Caesalpinia sappan. *e heartwood of Caesalpinia anticancer [80], antioxidant effects [81], and immune sappan is well known for its qualities as a dye and has been modulator [82]. Extracts from Angelica sinensis have been used in TCM to improve blood circulation and reduce shown to activate an antiapoptotic pathway and enhance cell oedema and pain [98]. Homoisoflavonoids isolated from proliferation, collagen secretion, and cell mobility in human Caesalpinia sappan have been found to possess antiallergic skin fibroblasts [83]. Extracts have also been shown to [99] and anti-inflammatory [100] attributes and to inhibit stimulate glycolysis and calcium fluxes, increasing cell vi- viral neuraminidase activity [101]. Ethanol extracts of ability during tissue repair [83]. *e role of Angelica sinensis Caesalpinia sappan exhibit effective antibacterial activity in angiogenesis remains unclear, with several studies against Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant Staph- reporting contradictory effects of Angelica sinensis on de ylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aci- novo blood vessel growth. An aqueous extract of Angelica netobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella sinensis was reported to promote blood vessel growth via pneumoniae [102]. Unexpectedly, the ethanol root extract activation of JNK1/2 and p38 phosphorylation, resulting in from Caesalpinia sappan also stimulates dermal fibroblast enhanced VEGF expression [84, 85]. In contrast, n-butyli- proliferation, migration, and collagen synthesis [103], in denephthalide, a bioactive isolated from Angelica sinensis, turn improving cutaneous wound healing. inhibits cell cycle progression, induces apoptosis, and at- tenuates angiogenesis [86]. 4.10. Calendula officinalis. Calendula officinalis, commonly known as pot marigold, is a very widely distributed plant 4.7. Blumea balsamifera. Endemic throughout the tropics used for the treatment of a variety of skin conditions, such as and subtropics of Asia, Blumea balsamifera (also known as wounds, burns, and dermatitis [104, 105]. A range of ngai camphor) is used widely as a traditional medicine. In pharmacological activities are ascribed to Calendula offici- the Philippines, Blumea balsamifera is known as sambong nalis, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacte- and is used as a diuretic. In , Blumea balsamifera is rial, antiviral, antifungal, and anticancer activities [106]. known as kakoranda and is used to treat fevers, coughs, However, the exact mechanisms involved in its activities on aches, and rheumatism. Leaf extracts are directly applied to the wound healing remain unknown. Studies using cultures treat eczema, dermatitis, skin injury, bruises, beriberi, of human and murine fibroblasts demonstrated that extracts lumbago, menorrhagia, rheumatism, and skin injury [87]. of Calendula officinalis stimulate fibroblast migration and Extracts from Blumea balsamifera demonstrate a variety of proliferation in a PI3K-dependent manner [107, 108]. Ex- bioactivities; including antimalarial [88], antitumour [89], tracts from the flower of Calendula officinalis stimulate antifungal [90], and antiobesity [91] properties. Pang et al. granulation tissue formation by altering the expression of reported that oils from Blumea balsamifera improve wound connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and α-smooth healing in mice by promoting angiogenesis, perfusion, muscle actin (α-SMA) in excisional wounds of BALB/c mice collagen deposition, formation of organised granulation in vivo [109]. Calendula officinalis is also reported to enhance tissue, reepithelialization, and wound closure [92]. angiogenesis in vivo, demonstrated using the chicken cho- rioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay and a cutaneous wound healing model in rats [110]. 4.8. Boswellia sacra. Frankincense, a resinous extract from Boswellia sacra, is valued in Africa, India, and the Middle East for the treatment of trauma and inflammatory diseases 4.11. Camellia sinensis. Green tea, an aqueous extract made such as rheumatoid arthritis [93, 94]. It has also been re- from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, is revered throughout ported that the boswellic acid acetate extracted from Asia for its reputed health benefits [111]. Centuries of an- frankincense induces apoptosis and differentiation in mel- ecdotal evidence has been experimentally validated by dem- anoma and fibrosarcoma cells [95]. It is a key component of onstrating that Camellia sinensis has antioxidant [112], anti- ANBP, a TCM consisting of pulverised Agrimonia eupatoria inflammatory [113], antimicrobial [114], anticarcinogenic (A), Nelumbo nucifera (N), Boswellia sacra (B), and pollen [115], antiaging [116], antiobesity [117, 118], cardioprotective from Typha angustifoliae (P). ANBP stimulates Smad-de- [119], and neuroprotective [120] activities. Catechins, the pendent pathways in the TGF-β1 signalling cascade [96]. polyphenolic compounds from Camellia sinensis, are pri- Using a rabbit ear model of hypertrophic scarring, Hou et al. marily responsible for these pharmacological activities [121]. demonstrated that ANBP moderates inflammation and *e major catechin, (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) 6 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

[111], stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of [142]. Wounds associated with acute radiation dermatitis in keratinocytes [122]. Klass et al. found that EGCG suppresses rats were observed to heal earlier when treated with extracts TGF-β receptors by modifying TGF-β signalling, reducing from Centella asiatica compared to the no-treatment control MMP-1 and MMP-2 expression, and attenuating synthesis of group [143]. Asiaticoside isolated from Centella asiatica has collagen type 1 in human dermal fibroblasts. *ese properties been found to enhance collagen deposition and epithelial- suggest that EGCG is a potential antiscarring agent [123]. In ization in a punch wound model in the guinea pig [144]. addition, EGCG was demonstrated to induce keloid shrinkage Triterpenes isolated from Centella asiatica elevate collagen [124] and inhibit growth and pathological features of keloids remodelling and glycosaminoglycan synthesis in a rat by suppressing STAT3 signalling [125]. Methanol extracts wound model [145]. Furthermore, oral administration of from Camellia sinensis reportedly increase fibroblast pro- madecassoside from Centella asiatica was shown to facilitate liferation and collagen synthesis [115]. Furthermore, in vivo collagen synthesis and angiogenesis in a mouse wound studies have demonstrated that Camellia sinensis significantly model [146]. improves wound healing by increasing angiogenesis in rats [121, 126]. Extracts from Camellia sinensis are also reported to improve wound healing in a diabetic mouse model [127]. 4.15. Cinnamomum cassia. Cinnamomum cassia is a com- monly used spice and flavouring agent, and the bark of Cinnamomum cassia is also used to increase blood circu- 4.12. Carthamus tinctorius. Seeds from Carthamus tinctor- lation and as an analgesic [147]. Cinnamomum cassia is ius, or safflower, are a popular source for cooking oil in many frequently formulated with other herbs; it is one of the seven countries. Less widely known, Carthamus tinctorius also has botanical components of Shexiang Baoxin pill (SBP), a well- a long history as an ingredient in TCM formulations for the known TCM prescribed for chest pain and discomfort as- treatment of blood disorders. Recent experimentation has sociated with coronary artery disease [148]. SBP is currently identified it is associated with a wide range of biological the subject of a randomized double-blinded clinical trial for activities, including vasodilation, immune modulation, the treatment of coronary artery disease not amenable to anticoagulation and thromboprophylaxis, antioxidation, revascularization [149]. Attention is also focussed on SBP antihypoxic, antiaging, antifatigue, anti-inflammation, anti-inflammatory [150] and anticancer activities [151, 152], antihepatic fibrosis, anticancer, and analgesia [128]. In- as well as its impact on hypertension, insulin resistance, and terestingly, safflower seed oil has also been shown to inhibit noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus [153]. In vitro and melanogenesis in B16 melanoma cells, making it a promising in vivo studies indicate that cinnamaldehyde, a bioactive candidate for skin whitening [129]. Hydroxysafflor yellow A component from Cinnamomum cassia, is a natural in- (HSYA), the major water-soluble monomer of safflower secticide, is an antimicrobial, antidiabetic, antilipidemic, yellow pigments, has been shown to protect against cerebral anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective agent [154], and and myocardial ischemia [130], conferring antioxidant [131], activates PI3K/AKT and MAPK signalling pathways, in- anti-inflammatory [132], proangiogenic [133], and apo- creasing VEGF expression, and stimulating angiogenesis in ptosis-inhibiting [134] properties. Topical application of human umbilical vein endothelial cells [147]. Cinna- HSYA at low dose (4 mg/mL) improves diabetic wound maldehyde is also reported to improve wound healing in healing, promoting neovascularization, reepithelialization, zebrafish [147]. and granulation tissue formation in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats [130]. In contrast, at high doses (≥10 mg/mL), wound healing is inhibited [135, 136]. 4.16. Commiphora myrrha. Myrrh, the resinous exudate produced by Commiphora myrrha [155], has well-docu- mented antioxidant [156], anti-inflammatory [157], an- 4.13. Celosia argentea. Celosia argentea, also known as silver tibacterial [158], and analgesic [159] activities. Medicinal cock’s comb, is used in traditional medicine to treat skin applications of myrrh include the treatment of gastro- sores, eruptions, ulcers, mouth ulcers, and other skin dis- intestinal diseases, fractures, arthritis, obesity, parasitic eases [137]. Leaf extracts of this plant possess antioxidant infections, and as an anticoagulant [160–162]. Myrrh has [138], hepatoprotective [139], antidiabetic [140], and anti- been used topically to clean wounds, reduce oedema, and microbial [141] activities. Priya et al. demonstrated that an provide pain relief (analgesia) [163]. Myrrh is commonly alcohol extract of Celosia argentea accelerates burn wound used in combination with other ingredients. Galehdari closure in rats by increasing collagen and hexosamine et al. showed that the combination of myrrh, Adiantum content in granulation tissue wounds. In addition, the ex- capillus-veneris, Aloe vera, and Lawsonia inermis, sig- tract increased the proliferation and motility of primary rat nificantly improved wound healing in diabetic mice [164]. dermal fibroblasts [137]. *e short-term application of myrrh effectively reduces pain and controls the recurrence of mouth ulcers in 4.14. Centella asiatica. Centella asiatica, also known as humans [165]. In common with several other Asiatic pennywort, has been used to promote wound healing preparations described here, myrrh is found to modify the for eons [142]. Extracts from the aerial parts of Centella expression of TGF-β1 and VEGF in mouse dermal fi- asiatica are reported to improve the healing of chronic ulcers broblasts in vitro, suggesting a common mechanism of in Sprague-Dawley rats in terms of width, depth, and length action [166]. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 7

4.17. Curcuma longa. Curcumin, an active substance found 4.20. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, or in the root of Curcuma longa and a member of the shoeblackplant, is an evergreen shrub native to tropical family, has long been used as a medicine and as food South Eastern Asia [183]. *e flowers of Hibiscus rosa- seasoning [167]. Practitioners of traditional Ayurveda sinensis are edible. Traditional texts describe preparations of medicine use curcumin to treat inflammation, respiratory the leaves and flowers promote hair growth and prevent disorders, liver disorders, and diabetes [168]. In traditional greying [184]. Alcoholic extracts of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese medicine, curcumin is a favoured treatment for flowers are claimed to provide women with control of their abdominal pain. Having widespread use for centuries by fertility [185]. Extracts from Hibiscus rosa-sinensis have also diverse ethnic groups, curcumin is one of the most ex- been found to have antibacterial [186] and wound healing tensively studied nutraceuticals. *is highly pleiotropic properties [187]. *ey attenuate inflammation, enhance fi- molecule has been demonstrated to interact with key broblast proliferation, and collagen deposition, as well as cellular pathways at transcription, translation, and post- upregulate VEGF and TGF-β1 expression in rat excisional translational levels. Target pathways include proin- wounds [188]. flammatory cytokines, apoptosis, NF–κB, cyclooxygenase- 2, 5-LOX, STAT3, C-reactive protein, prostaglandin E2, prostate-specific antigen, cell adhesion molecules, phos- 4.21. Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum, the phorylase kinase, transforming growth factor-β, tri- mushroom, is well known to the Chinese, Korean, and glycerides, ET-1, creatinine, heme oxygenase-1, AST, and Japanese as “the mushroom of immortality” [189, 190]. Used ALT [169]. *e subject of more than 100 clinical trials, in in TCM to boost the patient’s immune system [191], vivo studies, have largely focused on curcumin as a Ganoderma lucidum stimulates a variety of pharmacobio- treatment for epithelial cancers. Experimental findings logical responses including immune modulation, in- from these in vivo studies and in vitro experiments indicate flammation modulation, anti-infective [192–194], curcumin elicits most of its beneficial effects via altering the antioxidant [195], cardioprotection [196], and anti- pericellular and extracellular matrix [168]. Perhaps, it is hyperlipidemia [197] activities. Clinical studies suggest that therefore not unexpected that curcumin enhances fibro- taking Ganoderma lucidum daily is beneficial and is reported blast proliferation, granulation tissue formation, and col- to reduce the number of tumours in patients with colorectal lagen deposition in cutaneous wound healing [170]. adenomas; circulating viral particles in patients infected with hepatitis B; and symptoms of hypertension [189, 198–202]. Laboratory-based studies reveal that components from 4.18. Daphne genkwa. Daphne genkwa, one of the 50 fun- Ganoderma lucidum interact with and modulate key en- damental herbs used in TCM, grows in the Yellow and zymes with known roles in lipid metabolism. However, Yangtze Rivers regions in China. Daphne genkwa is used clinical findings remain equivocal and suggest that Gano- as an anticonvulsant, analgesic, diuretic, antitussive, derma lucidum is most effective when used as an adjunct expectorant, and mild sedative agent [171–174]. *e with other therapies [203]. Polysaccharide extracts from the principal bioactives isolated from Daphne genkwa are fruiting body of Ganoderma lucidum have been shown to biflavonoids, coumarin, diterpenes, and triterpenes. *ese improve wound healing in diabetic rats, potentially by confer anti-inflammatory [175], antitumour [176, 177], stimulating fibroblast proliferation and migration [190], immunoregulatory [178, 179], and antimelanogenesis angiogenesis, and quenching oxidative stress [204]. Nev- [172] activities. Flavonoids extracted from the flowers of ertheless, these responses may also represent indirect re- Daphne genkwa stimulate the ERK/MEK pathway regu- sponses to Ganoderma lucidum via its established lating fibroblast proliferation and the expression of col- stimulation of humoral immunity. lagen (COL1A1 and COL3A1), resulting in improved wound healing [171]. 4.22. Ligusticum striatum. *e rhizome of Ligusticum striatum is another one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in TCM. It has a long history of use support cardiovascular and 4.19. Entada phaseoloides. Entada phaseoloides, also known cerebrovascular well-being. It is commonly indicated for the as St. *omas bean, is a liana in the pea family of climbing treatment and prevention of ischemic disorders, menstrual vines common throughout lowland tropical forests and disorders, and headache [205–207]. *us far, about 174 coastal forests of Africa, Australia, Asia, and Western Pacific. chemical components have been isolated from Ligusticum *e bark and seeds of Entada phaseoloides are rich in sa- striatum, among which phthalide lactones and alkaloids are ponins and tannins and are used as analgesic, bacteriocide, the most numerous, pharmacologically active species [207]. haemostatic, and anticancer agents and as a topical treat- It has been reported that essential oils from Ligusticum ment for skin lesions [180, 181]. Su et al. reported that striatum inhibit dermal scarring in the rabbit ear scar model extracts enriched with tannins from Entada phaseoloides [208]. reduced the time taken to heal infected wounds in rats. Analyses of the data concluded that the improved wound healing was due to the antibacterial, proproliferative, and 4.23. Lonicera japonica. Lonicera japonica, also known as promigration activity of the Entada phaseoloides extracts honeysuckle, has a notable place in traditional medicine [182]. *ese data are yet to be validated in human patients. throughout its native range of Japan, Korea, and China, 8 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine where it has been used for thousands of years to treat in- 4.26. Panax notoginseng. Panax notoginseng, not to be fectious diseases [209]. In the 1980s, the Chinese State confused with Panax and other , is used to Ministry of Health performed extensive pharmacological stop bleeding, reduce oedema, reduce bruising, and reduce and clinical analyses of Lonicera japonica and identified pain [240, 241]. Terpene saponins isolated from the leaves of broad-spectrum antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antipy- Panax notoginseng possess substantial pharmacological ac- retic, antioxidant, anticancer, hepatoprotective, and anti- tivities, including antioxidative effects [242], anti-in- hyperlipidemic capabilities [210, 211]. More recently, Chen flammatory effects [243], immunostimulation [244], et al. demonstrated that the ethanol extracts of the flowering neuroprotective effects [245], anticancer [246], and antidi- aerial parts of Lonicera japonica also support reepitheliza- abetic activities [247]. Terpene saponins stimulate VEGF tion, angiogenesis, granulation tissue formation, and con- expression and angiogenesis, key factors in wound healing traction during cutaneous wound healing [212]. *e plant [240, 241]. Mechanism of action studies has found Panax may be consumed as a “health food,” providing some notoginseng flower extracts block NF-κB signalling protection from gastric ulceration although, at high doses, it [248, 249], thus affecting the expression of inflammatory can cause some neurological pathologies [210]. cytokines, including IL-6, known to contribute to keloid pathogenesis [250, 251]. Interestingly, saponins isolated from Panax notoginseng 4.24. Paeonia suffruticosa. Paeonia suffruticosa, also known exhibit antihaemostatic (antiplatelet and anticoagulant) as moutan peony, has been bred for millennia [213]; over 1000 activity when assayed in vitro and in vivo in a rat model distinct cultivars are now available. *e root bark of Paeonia [252]. It was proposed that when administered orally, key suffruticosa is the source for bioactive ingredients used for bioactive constituents responsible for the haemostatic ac- TCM preparations. Pharmacological investigation of Paeonia tivity could be modified, which does not occur when ad- suffruticosa has demonstrated it has antioxidant [214], neu- ministered topically. Of particular note, it is now evident roprotective [215], antitumour [216], anti-inflammatory that ginsenosides exhibit significant stereospecific differ- [217], and antidiabetic [218] properties. *e dried root of ences in pharmacokinetic properties, including absorption, Paeonia suffruticosa is commonly applied to cracked skin to distribution, and metabolism [253]. *ese findings may assist healing and relieve pain [219]. When tested in vitro at account for some of the confusing and contradictory ex- low concentrations (≤10 μg/mL), Paeonia suffruticosa is found perimental observations. For example, 20(R)-ginsenoside to stimulate the viability and proliferation of human primary Rh2 inhibits osteoclastgenesis without cytotoxicity. In dermal fibroblasts and HaCaT keratinocytes, suggesting its contrast, 20(S)-ginsenoside Rh2 is strongly cytotoxic for potential use as a wound healing therapy [220]. osteoclasts [254]. Such observation highlights the crucial importance of reagent preparation and the need for rigorous 4.25. Panax ginseng. Panax ginseng is one of the most quality control. popular medicinal plants consumed in China, Japan, Korea, and Eastern Siberia to improve thinking, concentration, and 4.27. Polygonum cuspidatum. *e root of Polygonum cus- memory. It is also claimed to support immunity and physical pidatum is usually formulated with several other ingredients stamina and to reduce fatigue [221]. Panax ginseng is thus and is most commonly prescribed for treating coughs, used to treat depression, anxiety, and chronic fatigue syn- hepatitis, jaundice, amenorrhea, leucorrhea, arthralgia, drome [222]. Panax ginseng has been demonstrated to in- burns, and snake bite [255]. A diversity of compounds have duce vasodilation [223], control blood lipids [224], reduce been isolated from Polygonum cuspidatum, dominated by inflammation [225], and confer antioxidant [226], anti- resveratrol, polydatin, and anthraquinones and are pre- cancer [227], antibacterial [228], antiallergic [229], antiaging sumed to be responsible for Polygonum cuspidatum’s anti- [230], and immunomodulating [231] activities. Panax gin- inflammatory, estrogenic, antitumour, antiaging, neuro- seng contains many bioactive substances, among which a protective, and cardioprotective activities [256–258]. In one class of saponins (termed ginsenosides by Asian researchers recent in vivo study examining wound healing in rats, ex- and panaxosides by Russian researchers) represent the most tracts of Polygonum cuspidatum were found to increase potent active constituents of Panax ginseng [232]. TGF-β1 expression and to significantly improve wound *e root extracts of Panax ginseng have been shown to healing in terms of reepithelization, granulation tissue protect skin in C57BL mice from acute UVB irradiation formation, collagen synthesis, and angiogenesis [259]. Novel [233] and significantly improve healing after laser burn anthraquinones isolated from Polygonum cuspidatum have injury and excisional wounding [221, 234, 235]. Studies been verified to inhibit tyrosinase, the rate-limiting enzyme demonstrate Panax ginseng extracts enhance keratinocyte controlling the synthesis of melanin that gives colour to skin migration [221, 236], as well as stimulate proliferation [237] [260]. and increase collagen synthesis in human dermal fibroblasts [238] in vitro. In addition, Choi demonstrated that the ginsenoside Rb2, isolated from Panax ginseng, induces the 4.28. Lithospermum erythrorhizon. *e dried root of Lith- formation of the epidermis in raft culture via increased ospermum erythrorhizon is indigenous to northeast China expression of epidermal growth factor and its receptor, fi- and has potent biological activities, including anti-in- bronectin and its receptor, and keratin 5/14 and collagenase flammatory, antibacterial, antiangiogenic, and antitumour I [239], all of which have critical roles in wound healing. qualities [261]. Shikonin, a naphthoquinone, is extracted Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 9 from the root of Lithospermum erythrorhizon and stimulates been reported, the greatest clinical benefit of salvianolic the activity of caspases, poly-(ADP-ribosyl) polymerase acids appears to be cardiovascular protection, via the (PARP) and reactive oxygen species (ROS), triggering promotion of cardiac angiogenesis and inhibition of is- programmed cell death in cancer cell lines [262]. *ese chemia and hypoxia during myocardial injury [292]. characteristics prompted investigation of shikonin as a novel Water-soluble extracts from Salvia miltiorrhiza, containing scar remediation therapy. *ese studies found that shikonin danshensu (DSU) and salvianolic acid B (SAB), have been inhibits cell proliferation and collagen production in hy- shown to enhance the proliferation of fibroblasts and in- pertrophic scar-derived human skin fibroblasts [263]. crease collagen synthesis [293]. Salvianolic acid B is also a Arnebin-1, a related naphthoquinone extracted from Lith- potent antagonist of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, ospermum erythrorhizon, has been reported to synergise necessary for wound closure [294]. In contrast, crypto- with VEGF, resulting in significantly improved wound tanshinone, a lipid-soluble terpenoid isolated from Salvia healing in a rat diabetic model [264]. miltiorrhiza, has been demonstrated to downregulate the expression of COL1A1, COL3A1, and α-SMA in hyper- trophic scar-derived fibroblasts (HSF), as well as reduce 4.29. Rheum officinale. Rheum officinale, also known as HSF migration and HSF contraction, thus ameliorating Chinese rhubarb, is one of the best known traditional herbal fibrosis and scarring [295]. medicines with pharmacological activities. Extracts from the roots of Rheum officinale have strong antibacterial [265], antioxidative [266], anti-inflammatory [267], and haemo- 4.32. Sanguisorba officinalis. Sanguisorba officinalis, a static [268] effects, validating its widespread use for con- member of the family Rosaceae and commonly known as stipation, chronic liver and kidney diseases [265, 269], and great burnet, is widely distributed in the cooler northern skin lesions [270]. Using a rat excisional wound model, Tang districts of Asia, Europe, and North America [296]. Roots et al. found healing was stimulated via TGF-β1-related of this plant are a potent haemostatic [297], with antiox- pathways [270]. *e nature of the active component re- idant [298], immunomodulatory [298], anti-inflammatory sponsible for this activity is not clear. Emodin [1,3,8-tri- [299], and antiallergy [300] properties. *e traditional use hydroxy-6-methyl-anthraquinone], an anthraquinone of Sanguisorba officinalis is to control bleeding disorders. It derived from the roots of Rheum officinale, has been shown is also applied to heal scalds, burns, allergic skin diseases, to act as a ligand for PPAR-c and interact with HSP90 and urticaria, eczema, and allergic dermatitis [299]. Aqueous androgen receptors, in part explaining its therapeutic benefit extracts made from the root of Sanguisorba officinalis for chronic diseases [271]. Experimental evidence also in- suppress mast cell degranulation, as well as inhibit acti- dicates a direct association of emodin with NF-κB, AP-1, and vation of STAT-1, Jak-2, p38, and JNK pathways and re- STAT3, known regulators of proinflammatory cytokine and lease of inflammatory cytokines [301]. In mouse studies, mitogenic kinase pathways [272, 273]. the oral administration of polysaccharides isolated from Sanguisorba officinalis is claimed to stimulate wound contraction, reduce the time required for reepithelization 4.30. Rhodiola imbricata. Rhodiola imbricata, a perennial (wound closure), increase collagen synthesis, and improve herb native to high altitudes (4000–5000 m) of the western angiogenesis [296]. Administration of the polysaccharide Himalayas, is known to contain bioactive flavonoids, cou- extract also resulted in elevated IL-1β and VEGF in mice marins, and phenyl . *ese compounds are [296]. commonly found in botanical herbal medicines. Ethanolic extracts of rhizomes from Rhodiola imbricata stimulate a robust wound healing response when applied to excisional wounds in rats [274]. Others have reported related functions 4.33. Sophora flavescens. Sophora flavescens is a species from that may contribute to tissue repair, namely, immunomo- a genus of over 50 plants distributed throughout Asia, dulation [275], antioxidation [276], hepatoprotection [277], Oceania, and the islands of the Pacific. *e root of Sophora radioprotection [278], and anticancer [279] properties. flavescens is used for conditions involving the heart, liver, intestinal tract, and skin. Experimental investigations in- dicate extracts from Sophora flavescens stimulate anti- 4.31. Salvia miltiorrhiza. *e root of the cancer, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and Salvia miltiorrhiza (also known as red sage) is highly valued antipruritic responses and benefits wound healing [302]. in TCM and used to treat cerebrovascular and cardio- One recent report claims it is a potent inhibitor of ty- vascular diseases, such as stroke, coronary heart disease, rosinase, the enzyme responsible for synthesizing melanin, and hyperlipidemia [280–283]. To date, Salvia miltiorrhiza thus has potential cosmetic applications as a skin whitener has been demonstrated to reduce ischemia and necrosis [303]. Other reports claim specific compounds present in and to improve the survival of skin flaps after mastectomy Sophora flavescens benefit individuals with androgenetic [284, 285]. Salvianolic acids isolated from Salvia miltior- alopecia [304]. Recently, Xu et al. demonstrated that a rhiza have potent antioxidative capabilities due to their mixture of Sophora flavescens and other herbs significantly polyphenolic structure [286]. Although hepatoprotective reduced perianal ulceration in a rat model, finding that the [287], neuroprotective [288], antimicrobial [289], anti- expression of prostaglandin E2 and IL-8 was concomitantly inflammatory [290], and anticancer [291] activities have reduced in treated animals [302]. 10

Table 1: Summary of the medicinal plants used in wound healing. Botanical Traditional Plant family Active ingredients Part used Type of extract Assessment methods Bioactivities Clinical use Formulation Commercial product name name Punch biopsy Immunomodulatory Wound healing Aloe vera Lu Hui Asphodelaceae Acemannan [40] Leaves Ethanol wounds in Sprague- [40] Gel [323] Aloe vera gel [34] Dawley rats [40] Antiviral [40] Arctigenin [324] Anticancer [49] Arctiin [42] Antidiabetic [46] Caffeic acid [42] Anti-inflammatory Acne vulgaris [43] Human burn wounds Chlorogenic acid [45] Boils [42] No extraction, [53] Niu Bang [42] Leaves Antimicrobial [47] Burns [53] Arctium lappa Asteraceae whole leaves Canine dermal Ointment [53] Not available Zi Diarctigenin [42] Whole root Antiviral [48] Rashes [42] Aqueous fibroblast adhesion Inulin [42] Hepatoprotective Sore throat [42] assay [52] Lappaol F [49] [50] Wrinkles [51] Tannin [42] Radical scavenging Trachelogenin 4 [42] [44] Astragalus In vitro scratch Astragaloside IV [57] Anti-inflammatory propinquus Huang Qi wound healing and Diabetic foot ulcer Calycosin [57] Roots Aqueous [57] Herbal drink [56] Not available Rehmannia Di Huang Orobanchaceae quantitative cell [56] Catalpol [57] Proangiogenic [57] glutinosa migration assays [59] Catechins [325] Antipyretic Wound plaster Ampelopsis Epicatechin gallate Cutaneous scald Anticancer [62] detoxicate [60] Hydrating Bai Lian Vitaceae Root tuber Ethanol (Patent: japonica [325] injury in rats [63] Neuroprotective [61] Burns [60] Moisturizer CN105748741A) Resveratrol [325] Ulcers [60] Anticancer [66] Antidiabetic [70] Medicine Alternative and Complementary Evidence-Based Anti-inflammatory [69] Antimalarial [73] Dysentery [65] Andrographolide Excision model in Antimicrobial [71] Paste (applied Chuan Xin Lian Nei Andrographis Chuan Xin Fever [64] Acanthaceae [64] Leaves Aqueous albinos Wistar rats Antioxidant [68] externally), juice Zhi Di Wan (穿心莲 paniculata Lian Snake bites [66] Kalmeghin [64] [76] Antiviral [72] (internally) [326] 内酯滴丸) Sores [67] Hepatoprotective [74] Hypotensive [75] Immunostimulatory [66] Anticancer [80] Anti-inflammatory Amenorrhea [78] Ointment [327] Ferulic acid [83] n- Angelica Whole Cell line antioxidant [79] Dysmenorrhea [78] Nanosilver Dang Gui Shao Yao Dang Gui Apiaceae Butylidenephthalide Ethanol sinensis plant activity assay [83] Antioxidant [81] Menstrual hydrocolloid San (当归芍药散) [86] Immunomodulatory disorders [78] dressing [328] [82] Beriberi [87] Antifungal [90] Dermatitis [87] Blumea Ai Na Excision wound Antiobesity [91] Asteraceae L-Borneol [92] Leaves Violate oil Eczema [87] Oil Blumea leaf oil balsamifera Xiang model in mice [92] Antiplasmodial [88] Skin bruises [87] Antitumour [89] Skin injury [87] vdneBsdCmlmnayadAtraieMedicine Alternative and Complementary Evidence-Based

Table 1: Continued. Botanical Traditional Plant family Active ingredients Part used Type of extract Assessment methods Bioactivities Clinical use Formulation Commercial product name name Rabbit ear hypertrophic scar Improvement of model of full- blood circulation Dry extract thickness scar defect Anticancer [329] [95] Boswellia sacra Ru Xiang Burseraceae Boswellic acids [329] Resin Spray [93] Frankincense oil Dry extract [96] Antifibrotic [97] Pain treatment [94] Excision wound Rheumatoid model in diabetic arthritis [93] C57BL/6 mice [97] In vitro antibacterial Antiallergic [99] Improvement of assay [102] Antibacterial [102] Brazilin [103] blood circulation Caesalpinia Roots Ethanolic In vitro anti- Anti-inflammatory Lukol , Vicco Su Mu Fabaceae Sappanchalcone [98] Tablets ™ sappan Roots Ethanol inflammatory and [100] Vajradanti [103] Pain treatment [98] ™ wound healing assays Viral neuraminidase Oedema [98] [103] inhibitory [101] Antibacterial [106] Scratch assay [107] Hexane and Anticancer [106] Excision wound Esculetin [108] Flower ethanol Antifungal [106] Burns [105] Calendula Herbal- Calendula model in BALB/c Topical spray [330] Jin Zhan Ju Asteraceae Quercetin-3-O- Flower Hydroethanol Anti-inflammatory Dermatitis [105] Extract Toner officinalis mice [109] Oil [331] glucoside [108] Flower Hexane and [106] Wounds [104] Plenusdermax Punch wound model ethanol Antioxidant [106] ® in rats [110] Antiviral [106] Antiaging [116] Anticarcinogenic In vitro and in vivo [115] Epcatechin-3-gallate keloid fibroblasts Anti-inflammatory Angina pectoris [111] models [125] [113] [332] Epicatechin [111] Leaves Methanol NIH3T3 fibroblast Antimicrobial [114] Camellia Asthma [332] Cha Shu *eaceae Epigallocatechin Leaves Methanol proliferation assay Antiobesity Oil sinensis Bacterial infections [111] Leaves Ethanol [115] [117, 118] [332] Epigallocatechin-3- Excision wound Antioxidant [112] Cancer [332] gallate [111] model in Sprague- Cardioprotective Dawley rats [121] [119] Neuroprotective [120] Anti-inflammatory Blood stasis [132] [334, 335] Antioxidant [131] Antioxidant enzyme Osteoporosis Carthamus Hydroxysafflor Apoptosis-inhibiting Safflower oil (红花 Hong Hua Asteraceae Seeds Reflux assay in zebrafish [334, 335] Oil tinctorius yellow A [130] [134] 油) [333] Promotion of bone Melanogenesis- formation inhibitory [129] [334, 335] Proangiogenic [133] Antidiabetic [140] Antimicrobial [141] Poultice of stems Celosia Celosin I [139] Rat burn wound Skin sores [137] Qing Xiang Amaranthaceae Leaves Ethanol Antioxidant [138] and leaves Not available argentea Celosin II [139] model [137] Ulcers [137] Hepatoprotective (topically) [336] [139] 11 12 Table 1: Continued. Botanical Traditional Plant family Active ingredients Part used Type of extract Assessment methods Bioactivities Clinical use Formulation Commercial product name name Oral form (tablets, drops) Topical Madecassol [143] Incision and partial- Anti-inflammatory medication Hexane, ethyl Centellase® Centella Asiaticoside [144] thickness burn [142] (ointments and Ji Xue Cao Apiaceae Aerial parts acetate, methanol, Wounds [142] Blastoestimulina® asiatica Madecassoside [146] wound models in rats Antioxidant [142] powder) and water [337] ® [142] Proangiogenic [142] Injections Collaven [338] (subcutaneous and ® intramuscular) [337, 338] Anticancer [151, 152] In vitro and in vivo Antidiabetic [340] Analgesia [147] Bark angiogenic activity Cinnamomum Cinnamaldehyde Volatile oil Anti-inflammatory Improvement of Rou Gui Lauraceae Whole assay [147] Oil Cinnamon cassia oil cassia [147] Ethanol [150] blood circulation plant Excision wound Antimicrobial [341] [147] model in rats [339] Antioxidant [342] Excision wound model in diabetic rats Leaves and Analgesic [159] [164] Gastrointestinal Furanoeudesma-1,3- resin Dry extract Antibacterial [158] Commiphora Human recurrent diseases [161, 162] Mo Yao Burseraceae diene [165] Resin Dry extract Anti-inflammatory Oil Myrrh essential oil myrrha aphthous stomatitis Wounds and pain Terpene [165] Leaves and Dry extract [157] [165] [163, 165] resin Antioxidant [156] In vitro cell migration assay [166] Digestive diseases Medicine Alternative and Complementary Evidence-Based Kordel’s [347] *eracurmin Liver disorders ™ BCM-95 , Antibacterial [344] [347] *eracurmin® , Jiang Antioxidant analysis Anti-inflammatory Menstrual ™ Curcuma longa Zingiberaceae Curcuminoids [170] Rhizomes Nanosuspension Capsules [348] CurcuVIVA , Huang [343] [345] difficulties [347] ™ CurcuMIND, Long- Antioxidant [346] Pain disorders vida RD [347] CAVACURMIN , Sprains [347] Biocurcumax [349]® Wounds [347] ™ Daphnodorin B [177] Daphnodorin G [177] Daphnodorin G 3ʺ- methylether [177] Anti-inflammatory Daphnodorin H [175] [177] Human wounds from Antitumour [177] Daphne Flower Coughs [174] Yuan Hua *ymelaeaceae Daphnodorin H 3- Aqueous anal fistula therapy Immunoregulatory Not available Not available genkwa Roots Wounds [171] methyl [177] [171] [178, 179] Daphnodorin H 3ʺ- Melanogenesis methylether [177] inhibitory [172] Genkwanin [177] Genkwanol A [177] Yuanhuacine [350] Yuenkanin [177] vdneBsdCmlmnayadAtraieMedicine Alternative and Complementary Evidence-Based

Table 1: Continued. Botanical Traditional Plant family Active ingredients Part used Type of extract Assessment methods Bioactivities Clinical use Formulation Commercial product name name Aging [352] Atherosclerosis Acetic acid-induced [352] Entada Stem skin Antibacterial [180] Ke Teng Fabaceae Tannin [182] Ethanol mouse writhing Cancer [352] Not available Not available phaseoloides and seeds Antioxidant [181] experiment [351] Diabetes [352] Neurodegenerative disorders [352] Anthocyanins [353] Flavonoids [353] Excision, incision and Hibiscus rosa- Polyphenolic acids dead space wound Antitumour [353] Lustrous Henna Zhu Jin Malvaceae Flower Ethanol Antibacterial [186] Powder sinensis [353] models in rats Hair growth [184] Shampoo powder® Protocatechuic acid [187, 188] [353] Antihyperlipidemic [197] Excision wound Anti-infective model in diabetic rats [192–194] Cancer [198] Fruiting [190] Anti-inflammatory Diabetes [200] Ganoderma lucidum Ganoderma Ganoderma lucidum body Aqueous Ling Zhi Ganodermataceae Full-thickness [354] Hepatitis [189] Not available spores powder lucidum polysaccharide [204] Fruiting Aqueous excision wound Antioxidant [195] Leukaemia [189] capsules body model in diabetic Cardioprotective Ulcer [201] mice [204] [196] Immunomodulating [191] Ferulic acid [206] Antiatherosclerotic Headache [206] Ligustilide [206] [355] Ischemic disorders Ligusticum Chuan Senkyunolide A Extracted by Hypertrophic scar Antioxidant [356] Chuanxiong chatiao Apiaceae Rhizome [205] Not available striatum Xiong [206] hydrodistillation rabbit model [208] Neuroprotective Wan (川芎茶调丸) Menstrual Tetramethylpyrazine [357] disorders [207] [206] Vasorelaxant [358] Anticancer [210] Antihyperlipidemic Biflavonoids [209] [210] Dicaffeoylquinic acid Anti-inflammatory Lonicera Flowering Rat excision wound Infectious diseases Jin Yin Hua Caprifoliaceae [209] Ethanol [211] Essential oils [210] Not available japonica aerial parts model [212] [209] Phenolic acids [209] Antimicrobial [211] Quercetin [209] Antioxidant [211] Hepatoprotective [210] Suffruticosides A, B, Antidiabetic [218] C, and D [359] Anti-inflammatory Genital diseases Galloyl- In vitro cell viability [217] [360] Paeonia Water, ethanol- Winvivo (Puji) Mu Dan Paeoniaceae oxypaeoniflorin Root bark and proliferation Antioxidant [214] Improvement of Ointment suffruticosa water ointment [359] assays [220] Antitumour [216] blood circulation Galloyl-paeoniflorin Neuroprotective [361] [359] [215] 13 Table 1: Continued. 14 Botanical Traditional Plant family Active ingredients Part used Type of extract Assessment methods Bioactivities Clinical use Formulation Commercial product name name Antiaging [230] Antiallergic [229] Laser burn and Anticancer [227] Ginseng Strong 200 Leaves Ethanol excision wounds Anti-inflammatory mg Ginsenosides Rb1, Leaves, Dichloromethane, models in mice [236] Wound healing Panax ginseng Ren Shen Araliaceae [225] Not available Ginsemax® Rb2, Rc, and Rd [232] root, and ethanol, butanol, Cell migration and [221] Antimicrobial [228] Ginseng Vita- whole plant and methanol wound healing assays Antioxidant [226] Complex [221,237–239] Immunomodulating [231] Angiogenesis- stimulatory [240, 241] In vitro Anticancer [246] Leaves, anticoagulation and Antidiabetes [247] San Qi Fen (三七粉) Panax Notoginsenoside Ft1 flower, Steamed antioxidation test; in Anti-inflammatory Powder on wound San Qi Araliaceae Trauma [240, 241] Yunnan Baiyao (云南 notoginseng [240] roots, and extraction vivo hemostasis and [243] Spray on wound 白药) rhizome anti-inflammation Antioxidative [242] test [362] Immunostimulatory [244] Neuroprotective [245] Antiaging [256, 257] Antibacterial [260] Hepatitis [255] Anticancer [256, 257] Hyperlipemia [255] Anti-inflammatory

Emodin [260] Full-thickness Jaundice [255] Medicine Alternative and Complementary Evidence-Based Polygonum [256, 257] Resveratrol Hu Zhang Polygonaceae Polydatin [258] Roots Ethanol excision wounds in Scald [255] Capsules cuspidatum Antioxidant supplement Resveratrol [256] rats [259] Skin burns [255] [256, 257] Suppurative Antiviral [260] dermatitis [255] Cardioprotective [256, 257] Antiangiogenic [261] Antibacterial [261] Apoptotic effects Anti-inflammatory Burt’s bee Res-Q Lithospermum Arnebin-1 [264] against murine Oil formulations, Zi Cao Boraginaceae Roots Frozen and ground [261] Wounds [264] ointment (神奇紫草 erythrorhizon Shikonin [363] primary peritoneal gel [365] Antiscarring [263] 膏) macrophages [364] Antitumorigenic [261] Antibacterial [265] Chronic kidney Anti-inflammatory Rheum Rat excisional wound disease [269] Dahuang Zhechong Da Huang Polygonaceae Emodin [270] Roots Ethanol [267] Pills officinale model [270] Hepatitis [265] Wan (大黄蜇虫丸) Antioxidative [266] Wounds [270] Haemostatic [268] Anticancer [279] Antioxidative [276] Asthma [277] Gallic acid [277] Hepatoprotective Fatigue [277] Rhodiola Hong Jing p-Tyrosol [277] Rat excision wound [277] Hemorrhage [277] Crassulaceae Rhizome Ethanol Not available Not available imbricate Tian Rosavin [277] model [274] Immunomodulatory Impotence [277] Rosin [277] [275] Gastrointestinal Radioprotective diseases [277] [278] vdneBsdCmlmnayadAtraieMedicine Alternative and Complementary Evidence-Based

Table 1: Continued. Botanical Traditional Plant family Active ingredients Part used Type of extract Assessment methods Bioactivities Clinical use Formulation Commercial product name name In vitro proliferative Anticancer [291] and angiogenic Anti-inflammatory assays; second-degree Cryptotanshinone [290] burn wound model in Blood stasis [366] Antimicrobial [289] Compound danshen Salvia Leaves Aqueous rats [367] [371, 372] Dan Shen Lamiaceae Danshensu [293] Antioxidant [286] Pills dripping pills (复方 miltiorrhiza Leaves Aqueous Cell proliferation Cardiovascular Salvianolic acid B Antiplatelet 丹参滴丸) assay; in vitro assays diseases [282] [293] aggregation [368] for collagen and Proangiogenic melanin synthesis [367, 369, 370] [293] Antiallergy [300] Burns [299] Anti-inflammatory Chronic intestinal Tannins [296] [299] infections [373] Sanguisorba Sanguisorba Triterpenoid Burn wound model in Oral Di Yu Rosaceae Roots Ethanol Antioxidant [298] Haemorrhoids officinalis Mother officinalis glycosides [296] mice [296] administration Haemostatic [297] [373] Tincture Triterpenoids [296] Immunomodulatory Menorrhagia [373] [298] Scalds [299] Asthma [374] Burns [374] Dysentery [374] Eczema [374] Analgesic [376] Fever [374] Kushenol [374] Human liver LO2 Anthelmintic [376] Kushen gel (苦参凝 Sophora Hematochezia Ku Shen Fabaceae Sophoraflavanone B Roots Cellulose column proliferation and Antipyretic [376] Gel 胶) flavescens [374] [374] viability assay [375] Skin whitening [376] Gatuline Spot-Light Inflammatory [374] Stomachic [376] ® Jaundice [374] Oliguria [374] Vulvar swelling [374] Antibacterial [307] Anti-inflammatory Mouse fibroblast [306] Stemona Tuberostemonine N Bai Bu Stemonaceae Roots Methanol NIH3T3 proliferation Antioxidant [308] Insect pests [307] Not available Not available tuberosa [306] assay [309] Antitussive [305] Neuroprotective [377] Arthritic painful In vitro antimicrobial joints [310] Antimicrobial [310] Wedelia Kaurenoic acid [310] assay, cell Rheumatism [310] Asteraceae Leaves Ethanol Antioxidant [311] Not available Not available trilobata Luteolin [311] proliferation, and Antitumour [311] viability assays [310] Stubborn wounds [310] Anaesthetic [314] Afzelin [378] Antiasthma [318] Zanthoxylum Hyperoside [378] Rat scald wound Anti-inflammatory Hua Jiao Rutaceae Seed oil Press extraction Skin wrinkles [321] Cream ZANTHALENE bungeanum Quercitrin [378] model [378] [317] ® Rutin [378] Antoxidant [316] Antitumour [315] 15 16 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

4.34. Stemona tuberosa. Stemona tuberosa is another of the wrinkles, thus has attracted the attention of cosmetic 50 fundamental herbs used in TCM. It has strong insecticidal manufacturers [321]. Another interesting property re- activity, the foundation property for its traditional use in portedly associated with essential oils of Zanthoxylum treating impetigo, scabies, louse, lice, and ticks. It is also used bungeanum is the capacity to enhance percutaneous drug as a mosquito repellent and preservative to protect stored delivery [322]. cereals from insects [305]. In traditional medicine, it is used to treat coughs and lung infections. Alkaloid and stilbenoid 5. Conclusion isolated from the root of Stemona tuberosa are reported to have anti-inflammatory [306] and antibacterial [307] effects, We have surveyed and presented an overview of evidence while the dehydrotocopherol derivatives have been found to that explains why many medicinal plants are used as tra- scavenge oxygen and free radicals [308]. Tocopherols iso- ditional treatments for cutaneous wounds and clinical skin lated from the root of Stemona tuberosa increase cell pro- disorders. Medicinal plants have been the first line of liferation in the mouse fibroblast NIH3T3 cells, suggesting treatment for trauma, infection, disease, and injury from the potential use of these compounds as wound healing prehistory. Over millennia, humans have learned to identify agents [309]. and transform the botanical resources from the immediate environment, and with the development of trade, as food and medicine. A great many of these “ancient” and tradi- 4.35.Wedeliatrilobata. *e plant Wedelia trilobata, which is tional medical plants have been validated to confer thera- also known as Sphagneticola trilobata, was originally native peutic benefits, albeit not always in controlled clinical trials. to the tropical Americas; however, as one of the world’s most One unexpected outcome from validation studies is just how invasive species, it is now ubiquitous throughout the tropics. many medical plants synthesize equivalent or closely related Alcohol extracts made from the leaves of Wedelia trilobata compounds. Consequently, it is not surprising that many have been used to treat rheumatism, stubborn wounds, and biological properties are also shared by unrelated species. arthritic painful joints [310]. Luteolin, a flavonoid present in Also shared are many of the same biological targets and the leaves, has been demonstrated to contribute to the pathways; many of these are also key events in the mam- medicinal value of Wedelia trilobata, conferring neuro- malian wound healing cascade. Many of the identified protective, anticancer, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory compounds target mitogenic pathways (e.g., AKT, PI3K, activities [311]. Traditional healers use the leaves of Wedelia SMAD, and cyclins), the proinflammatory NF-κB pathway trilobata to treat skin wounds. Luteolin inhibits the ex- (e.g., caspases, interleukins, TNF-α, and TGF-β1), angio- pression of NF-κB-regulated proinflammatory cytokines, a genesis pathway (e.g., VEGF), extracellular matrix synthesis characteristic feature of skin infection and psoriasis [312]. In (e.g., MMPs), and differentiation pathways (e.g., α-SMA). a study designed to validate this traditional use, Balekar et al. *e active ingredients, part of use, type of extract, as- fractionated ethanolic extracts from the leaves of Wedelia sessment methods, bioactivities, clinical use, formulation, and trilobata and assayed them in vitro [310]. Specific sub- commercial product of the medicinal plants are summarized fractions were found to support fibroblast viability, pro- in Table 1. While experimental evidence has been acquired for liferation, and migration. Different subfractions were also each documented plant from in vitro or in vivo analyses, not found to be active against Staphylococcus aureus and every mechanism of action has been verified. On the contrary, Staphylococcus epidermidis [310]. several compounds, including acemannan (from Aloe vera), hydroxysafflor yellow A (from Carthamus tinctorius), poly- 4.36. Zanthoxylumbungeanum. Zanthoxylum bungeanum is saccharide (from Ganoderma lucidum), phthalide lactones, a flowering plant belonging to the Rutaceae family, native to and alkaloids (from Ligusticum striatum), saponins (from eastern provinces of China. It yields important food in- Panax ginseng), shikonin and arnebin-1 (from Lithospermum gredients such as sichuan pepper [313]. Over 140 com- erythrorhizon), salvianolic acids (from Salvia miltiorrhiza), pounds have been isolated from Zanthoxylum bungeanum, polysaccharides (from Sanguisorba officinalis), and alkaloid including alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, and free fatty and stilbenoid (from Stemona tuberosa) are well characterised acids, eliciting a wide variety of biological responses, in- and have been demonstrated to have properties that benefit cluding analgesic [314], anticancer [315], antioxidant [316], wound healing. In particular, Centella asiatica, Curcuma anti-inflammatory [317], antibacterial, antifungal, and an- longa, and Paeonia suffruticosa are popular medicinal tiasthma properties [318]. Zanthoxylum bungeanum are products in several global markets. known in traditional Western folk medicine as “toothache We provide these data in the belief that we still have trees,” useful for treating pruritus (itch) and chronic pain. much to learn from traditional practices, some of which *e pericarp from the fruit berry is commonly used to undoubtedly could deliver novel reagents and therapies for formulate TCM oils, powders, tinctures, elixirs, and pills today’s therapeutic challenges. Notwithstanding, we rec- [319]. Extracts from Zanthoxylum bungeanum are also ognise that modern medicine and drugs remain effectively prescribed for skin infections, including acne, eczema, inaccessible (and unaffordable) to the majority of the world’s scalds, and wound healing [320]. One unique property of population. For this reason alone, traditional medicine fruit husk extracts from Zanthoxylum bungeanum is as a continues to be the first line of treatment, indeed, frequently lifting agent for skin wrinkles. When applied topically to the only line of treatment for many. With greater un- skin, subcutaneous muscles are relaxed, reducing skin derstanding of traditional practices comes appreciation and Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 17 benefit to more of the world’s peoples. We would like to see VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor that this knowledge is not discarded by “modern medicine” WHO: World Health Organisation but leveraged through investigation to benefit all. 5-LOX: Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase.

Abbreviations Conflicts of Interest a.k.a.: Also known as *e authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest. AKT: Protein kinase B ALT: Alanine aminotransferase Acknowledgments ANBP: Agrimonia eupatoria (A), Nelumbo nucifera (N), Boswellia sacra (B), and pollen from Typha *is work was supported by funding from Singapore’s angustifoliae (P) Agency for Science, Technology and Research, “SPF 2013/ AP-1: Activator protein 1 (transcription factor) 004: Skin Biology Basic Research” and the “Wound Care α-SMA: Alpha smooth muscle actin Innovation for the Tropics” IAF-PP/2017 (HBMS) (H17/01/ AST: Aspartate aminotransferase a0/009). COX-2: Cyclooxygenase-2 CTGF: Connective tissue growth factor References DAMPs: Damage-associated molecular patterns DSU: Danshensu [1] R. Xu, G. Luo, H. Xia et al., “Novel bilayer wound dressing ECM: Extracellular matrix composed of silicone rubber with particular micropores EGCG: (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate enhanced wound re-epithelialization and contraction,” ERK: Extracellular signal-regulated kinase Biomaterials, vol. 40, pp. 1–11, 2015. [2] J. H. Talbott, “A short history of medicine,” JAMA, vol. 180, ET-1: Endothelin 1 no. 9, p. 794, 1962. HSF: Hypertrophic scar-derived fibroblasts [3] WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy: 2014–2023, ISBN: 97892 HSYA: Hydroxysafflor yellow A 41506090, http://www.who.int/traditional-complementary- IL-1α: Interleukin-1 alpha integrative-medicine/en/. IL-1β: Interleukin-1 beta [4] A. Ghahary and A. Ghaffari, “Role of keratinocyte–fibroblast IL-6: Interleukin-6 cross-talk in development of hypertrophic scar,” Wound IL-8: Interleukin-8 (CXCL8) Repair and Regeneration, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 46–53, 2007. IL-10: Interleukin-10 [5] S. A. Eming, P. Martin, and M. Tomic-Canic, “Wound repair iNOS: Inducible nitic oxide synthase and regeneration: mechanisms, signaling, and translation,” Jak-2: Janus kinase 2 Science Translational Medicine, no. 265, Article ID 265sr6, 2014. JNK: c-Jun N-terminal kinase [6] A. K. Arya, K. Tripathi, and P. Das, “Promising role of MAPK: Mitogen-activated protein kinase ANGPTL4 gene in diabetic wound healing,” Be In- MEK: Mitogen-activated protein kinase, MAPK/ERK ternational Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds, vol. 13, kinase no. 1, pp. 58–63, 2014. MMP-1: Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (interstitial [7] E. M. Golebiewska and A. W. Poole, “Platelet secretion: from collagenase) haemostasis to wound healing and beyond,” Blood Reviews, MMP-2: Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (gelatinase A) vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 153–162, 2015. MMP-3: Matrix metalloproteinase-3 (stromelysin-1) [8] S. Enoch and D. J. Leaper, “Basic science of wound healing,” MMPs: Matrix metalloproteinases Surgery (Oxford), vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 31–37, 2008. mRNA: Messenger ribonucleic acid [9] P. Martin and S. J. Leibovich, “Inflammatory cells during mTO: Mammalian target of rapamycin wound repair: the good, the bad and the ugly,” Trends in Cell Biology, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 599–607, 2005. NF–κB: Nuclear factor-kappa B [10] B. M. Delavary, W. M. van der Veer, M. van Egmond, PAMPs: Pathogen-associated molecular patterns F. B. Niessen, and R. H. J. Beelen, “Macrophages in skin PARP: Poly-ADP-ribosyl polymerase injury and repair,” Immunobiology, vol. 216, no. 7, PGE2: Prostaglandin E2 pp. 753–762, 2011. PI3K: Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase [11] A. Kasuya and Y. Tokura, “Attempts to accelerate wound ROS: Reactive oxygen species healing,” Journal of Dermatological Science, vol. 76, no. 3, SAB: Salvianolic acid B pp. 169–172, 2014. SBP: Shexiang Baoxin Pill [12] D. Fan, A. Takawale, J. Lee, and Z. Kassiri, “Cardiac fi- SMAD: Sapien homologue of mothers against broblasts, fibrosis and extracellular matrix remodeling in decapentaplegic heart disease,” Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 15, 2012. STAT-1: Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 [13] N. Kioka, T. Ito, H. Yamashita et al., “Crucial role of vinexin STAT3: Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 for keratinocyte migration in vitro and epidermal wound TCM: Traditional Chinese medicine healing in vivo,” Experimental Cell Research, vol. 316, no. 10, TGF-β1: Transforming growth factor-beta 1 pp. 1728–1738, 2010. TNF-α: Tumour necrosis factor-alpha [14] S. K. Sarkar, B. Marmer, G. Goldberg, and K. C. Neuman, TXA2: *romboxane A2 “Single-molecule tracking of collagenase on native type I 18 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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