Philip Nelson | 9780691175188 | | | | | Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology: From Photon to Neuron: Light, Imaging, Vision

In the twenty—first century, it has become increasingly clear that the quantum nature of light is essential both for the latest imaging modalities and even to advance our knowledge of fundamental life processes, such as photosynthesis and human vision. From Photon to Neuron places the modern synthesis of wave and particle aspects of light front and center, then uses it both to develop quantum physics Vision 1st edition to give a unified view of a wide range of optical and biological phenomena. Along the Imaging, the book builds the needed background in neuroscience, photochemistry, and other disciplines, bringing students from their first —year physics courses to the ongoing revolutions in optogenetics and superresolution microscopy. With its integrated approach, From Photon to Neuron can be used as the basis for interdisciplinary courses in biophysics, sensory neuroscience, the physical foundations of laboratory instrumentation, biophotonics, bioengineering, or nanotechnology. Throughout, the goal is for students to the fluency they need to derive every result for themselves. To that end, Vision 1st edition text includes exercises at all levels of complexity, including many that guide students through computer-based solutions. Supplementary online materials include experimental data for use in working these exercises. Readers will acquire several research skills that are often From Photon to Neuron Light addressed in traditional courses:. These basic skills, which are relevant to nearly any field of science or engineering, are presented in the context of case studies from living systems, including:. Here are slides from a talk about the book at the AAPT national meeting. At my institution, the students are undergraduates who have taken one year of university physics. No background in computer programming, and no Biology or Chemistry prerequisite courses are assumed. Biological Physics focused on molecular mechanics, fluid mechanics, molecular machines, and neural signaling. Physical Models of Living Systems focused more on intracellular control systems, and on general background skills. From Photon to Neuron focuses on quantum physics and its application to imaging, neural readout and control, and human vision. All of the graphics are freely available in a form suitable for classroom use here. Additional Instructor Resources, including solutions to the problems both in Python and in MATLAB and ideas for classroom demonstrations, are available from the publisher. A masterful tour of the science of light and vision, it goes beyond artificial boundaries between disciplines and presents all aspects of light as it appears in physics, chemistry, biology and the neural sciences In the same way that the author instructs non-physics students in some basic physics concepts From Photon to Neuron Light tools, he also provides physicists with accessible and very clear presentations of many biological phenomena involving light One of the most insightful, cross-disciplinary texts I have read in many years. It is mesmerising and will become a landmark in rigorous, but highly accessible interdisciplinary literature. Those works establish Vision 1st edition as the preeminent author of textbooks at the intersection of physics and biology Nelson uses words, pictures, formulas, and code to teach students how to construct From Photon to Neuron Light and interpret data. His books provide a master class in how to integrate those four different approaches into a complete learning experience. Lavishly illustrated and carefully explained. He provides a unified framework with which to discuss the disparate ways biological systems interact with light and the variety of ways researchers use light as a biological probe. There is no serious competitor From Photon to Neuron Light this book. Isaac Newton appreciated this. Phil Nelson does, too. Nelson masterfully blends the natural sciences to explore how we perceive and control light. Students and researchers alike in the physical and life sciences will find the book fascinating. This is an excellent and well-developed textbook on the physics of light as it is processed by biological organisms and on how light can be used to interrogate biological material. From Photon to Neuron is poised to become a standard text for both physicists and biologists. Approach In the twenty—first century, it has become increasingly clear that the quantum nature of light is essential both for the latest imaging modalities and even to advance our knowledge of fundamental life processes, such as photosynthesis and human vision. Readers will acquire several research skills Imaging are often not addressed in traditional courses: Basic modeling skills, including dimensional analysis and Imaging estimation. Data visualization skills. These basic skills, which are relevant to nearly any field of science or engineering, are presented in the context of case studies from living systems, including: Photochemistry photodamage, photoisomerization, photoactivation, phototherapy Interplay between particle- like Vision 1st edition wavelike aspects of light Fluorescence microscopy, FRET, and associated genetically encoded reporters Image formation in the human eye, its limitations and abberrations Diffraction and From Photon to Neuron Light optical phenomena Traditional and modern microscopy From Photon to Neuron Light fluorescence, confocal, superresolution, and two-photon X-ray diffraction imaging Sensory biophysics, with an emphasis on phototransduction Here are slides from a talk about the book at the AAPT national meeting. Vision 1st edition Audience Who takes this class? Instructor Resources All of the graphics are freely available in a form suitable for classroom use here. The Functional Microarchitecture of the Mouse Barrel Cortex

Cortical maps, consisting of orderly arrangements of functional columns, are a hallmark of the organization of the cerebral cortex. However, the microorganization of cortical maps at the level of single neurons is not known, mainly because of the limitations of available mapping techniques. This allowed us to measure the spiking probability following whisker deflection and thus map the whisker selectivity for multiple neurons with known spatial relationships. At the level of neuronal populations, the whisker map varied smoothly across the surface of the cortex, within and between the barrels. However, the whisker selectivity of individual neurons recorded simultaneously differed greatly, even for nearest neighbors. Trial-to-trial correlations between pairs of neurons were high over distances spanning multiple cortical columns. Our data suggest that the Vision 1st edition properties of individual neurons are shaped by highly specific subcolumnar circuits and the momentary intrinsic state of the neocortex. Mice depend on their whiskers to explore their environment. Tactile receptors at the base of each whisker relay sensory information to a brain area called the barrel cortex. This somatosensory area consists of an orderly array of cortical columns, each containing clusters of neurons whose responses are driven primarily by stimulation of a particular whisker, in addition to stimulation of From Photon to Neuron Light whiskers. The detailed structure of this cortical map, especially within a column, is poorly understood. We imaged multiple neurons loaded with calcium indicators to monitor whisker deflection- evoked action potentials in the barrel cortex of mice. Calcium imaging methods allowed us to reliably detect action potentials Imaging approximately half of the cortical neurons. For these neurons, we measured the Imaging probability following whisker deflection and thus created a high-resolution map of whisker selectivity. On average, the whisker map varied smoothly across the surface of the cortex. But the whisker selectivity of individual neurons differed significantly, even for neighboring neurons. The responses of neurons, even those that were distant from each other, were highly correlated across trials and depended on the level of overall brain activity at the time of the stimulus. Our data suggest that the response patterns of cortical neurons are determined by specific local circuits and Imaging the global state of the cortex, which changes over time. PLoS Biol 5 7 : e This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Competing interests: The authors have From Photon to Neuron Light that no competing interests exist. In sensory cortical areas, neurons that respond to similar stimuli are clustered together in Imaging cortical columns [ 1 — 5 ]. Cortical columns are typically arranged in maps, so that columns with similar response Imaging are close to each other along the cortical surface [ 26 — 9 ]. Most of our knowledge about cortical maps comes from measurements with limited spatial resolution. In addition, blind extracellular recordings are biased towards Imaging with strong responses [ 1012 — 14 ]. Optical imaging of intrinsic Vision 1st edition and voltage-sensitive dyes average the responses over large populations of neurons [ 6715 — 18 ]. We therefore know little about the organization of cortical maps with single-cell resolution. Cortical maps and the underlying circuits have been studied extensively in the barrel cortex of rodents [ 25 ], in which neurons in each cortical column are driven best by the column's principal whisker PWand more weakly by surrounding whiskers [ 2627 ]. Neurons in layer Imaging 4 are clustered in anatomical barrels, each corresponding to a particular PW. Between L4 barrels are narrow septa [ 2528 ]. Superposed on a coarse map of whisker dominance, we find locally Imaging heterogeneous response properties. Cells were loaded with Fluo-4 AM using multicell bolus loading [ 22 ]. Fluo-4 AM green; 1 mM and Alexa red; 0. From Photon to Neuron Light neurons displayed relatively homogeneous, dim green fluorescence against Imaging highly heterogeneous fluorescent background. The background is presumably due to the presence of labeled neuropil, including axons and dendrites [ 43 ]. In the red channel, neurons appeared as dark objects against a light background Figure 1 B. The red fluorescence disappeared within 30 min of loading by diffusion. A Left: cortical region stained with Fluo-4 AM green fluorescence. Right: the distribution of Alexa during loading red fluorescence. The dark band is a shadow cast by a blood vessel in the imaging area. B Higher magnification of cortical cells. Left: Fluo-4 AM Vision 1st edition. Right: Alexa image. Note the clear correspondence between the labeled cells in the Fluo-4 AM image and the unlabeled dark cells in the Alexa image right. Other dark Imaging in the Alexa image correspond to blood vessels viewed in cross-section. The cells with high Fluo-4 AM From Photon to Neuron Light were also labeled with Sulforhodamineindicating that they were astrocytes. In some experiments, we Imaging the identity of astrocytes by co-labeling with SulforhodamineVision 1st edition red fluorescent dye that selectively labels astrocytes Figure 1 C [ 45 ]. Labeled neurons often displayed spontaneous transient Imaging in the green fluorescence signal Figure 2 A and 2 B; Video S1. The time course of these transients suggests that they were caused by APs [ Vision 1st edition4346 — 49 ]. A Images of spontaneous fluorescence transients. The left image shows three regions of interest corresponding to three cells over 3 s. The electrophysiological recording was performed from Cell 1. The subsequent two images show the fluorescence before and after onset of the transient in Vision 1st edition 1, averaged Imaging the time periods indicated by horizontal bars in C and D. The third image shows the difference image. C Fluorescence changes corresponding to A. The tick mark indicates an AP recorded from Cell 1 using a cell-attached electrode. See also Video S1. E Averaged fluorescence transients following one and two spikes Cell 1 in [A—D]. The ratio of the amplitudes is a factor of two. G and H Examples of whisker stimulation-evoked fluorescence transients. Cell-attached recordings were made from Cell 1. In Gonly Cell 2 produced a fluorescence transient. In Hboth cells produced a transient. Note the diffuse neuropil signal arrows. I and J Fluorescence changes corresponding to G and Hrespectively. Whisker stimuli are indicated on the bottom. K Fluorescence traces from different trials were overlaid. Top, traces corresponding to Cell 1 G—J. Trials Imaging whisker stimulation-evoked transients successes were easily distinguished from trials without transients failures. Middle and bottom, traces from other cells. In these cells, the separation between successes and failures was less clear. To characterize the relationship between fluorescence transients and neuronal activity, we recorded spikes from labeled neurons in loose-seal cell-attached mode under visual control Figures 2 — 4see Materials and Methods. Comparisons of spike trains and fluorescence signals from the same cell revealed that they were highly correlated Figure 2 C and 2 D, Cell 1. Clear fluorescence transients were only seen after APs. The amplitudes of fluorescence transients following spike doublets were larger than the fluorescence signals following Vision 1st edition spikes Figure 2 E singlet, From Photon to Neuron Light Therefore, cytoplasmic fluorescence transients report spiking activity [ 4352 ]. A Left: multiple fluorescence transients from a single cell aligned on the whisker stimulus. Right: analysis of two representative trials green and pink traces on From Photon to Neuron Light left. For each trace, two values, the difference F d solid arrows and the amplitude A F dashed arrows were computed. The dotted lines are the results of template matching. B Left: the F d and A F were plotted for each trial. Right: these points were clustered into two groups red, successes; blue, Vision 1st edition. The green and pink dots are from the two representative trials shown as the green and pink traces in Arespectively. C—E Analysis for three different cells. C Well-separated From Photon to Neuron Light. D Marginally separated cell. E Example of a cell in which successes and failures overlapped. We next examined the fluorescence transients evoked by single-whisker deflections. Electrophysiological studies have revealed that barrel cortex neurons respond with one, or at most two, APs a short time 10—30 ms after whisker stimulation [ 2730 ]. More-recent studies indicate that neurons often fail to respond to individual stimulus trials, and some neurons do not respond to whisker stimulation at all [ 1232 ]. Consistently, labeled neurons exhibited sensory stimulation-evoked fluorescence transients in some trials successesbut not in others failures Figure 2 G— 2 J. Overlaying all 50— trials from individual cells revealed that successes and failures can be easily distinguished in some neurons Figure 2 K, top. In other neurons, successes and failures overlapped Figure 2 K, bottomindicating that successes may be difficult to separate from failures in these cells. We developed algorithms to identify the neurons in which individual APs can be reliably detected based on fluorescence measurements, and to separate successes and failures in these cells. Each trial duration approximately 0. From each trial, we extracted two parameters Figure 3 A :. For some cells, the number of APs was too little to allow analysis not defined. B For cells with zero overlap, the correspondence between scoring successes and failures from imaging experiments and APs was very high left. For cells with overlap, false-positive and false-negative trials were often detected graph on right. From Photon to Neuron | Philip Nelson

Two-photon excitation microscopy TPEF or 2PEF is a fluorescence imaging technique that allows imaging of living tissue up to about one millimeter in thickness. Unlike traditional fluorescence microscopy From Photon to Neuron Light, in which the excitation wavelength is shorter than the emission wavelength, two-photon excitation requires simultaneous excitation by Vision 1st edition photons with longer wavelength than the emitted light. Two-photon excitation microscopy typically uses near-infrared NIR excitation light which can also excite fluorescent dyes. However, for each excitation, two photons of NIR light are absorbed. Using infrared light minimizes scattering in the tissue. Due to the multiphoton absorption, the background signal is strongly suppressed. Both effects lead to an increased penetration depth for this technique. Two-photon excitation can be a superior alternative to due to its deeper tissue penetration, efficient light detection, and reduced photobleaching. Two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy has similarities to other confocal microscopy techniques such as Imaging scanning confocal microscopy and Raman microscopy. These techniques use focused laser beams scanned in a raster pattern to generate images, and both have an optical sectioning effect. Unlike confocal microscopes, multiphoton microscopes do not contain pinhole apertures that give confocal microscopes their optical sectioning quality. The optical sectioning produced by multiphoton microscopes is a result of the point spread function of the excitation: the multiphoton point spread function is typically dumbbell-shaped longer in the x-y planecompared to From Photon to Neuron Light upright Vision 1st edition shaped point spread function of confocal microscopes. The concept of two-photon excitation is based on the idea that two photons, of comparably lower photon energy than needed for Vision 1st edition photon excitation, can also excite a fluorophore in one quantum event. Each photon carries approximately half the energy necessary to excite the molecule. Excitation results in the subsequent emission From Photon to Neuron Light a fluorescence photon with the same quantum yield that would result from conventional single-photon absorption. The emitted photon is typically at a higher energy shorter wavelength than either of the two exciting photons. The probability Imaging the near-simultaneous absorption of two photons is extremely low. Therefore, a high peak flux of excitation photons is typically required, usually generated by femtosecond pulsed laser. The purpose of employing the two-photon effect is that the axial spread of the point spread function is substantially lower than for single-photon excitation. As a result, the extent along the z dimension is improved, allowing for thin optical sections to be cut. In addition, in many interesting cases the shape of the spot and its size can be designed to realize specific desired goals. If the fluorophore absorbs two infrared photons simultaneously, it will absorb Vision 1st edition energy to be raised into the excited state. The fluorophore will then emit a single photon with a wavelength that depends on the type of fluorophore used typically in the visible spectrum. Because two photons are absorbed during the excitation of the fluorophore, Imaging probability for fluorescent emission from the fluorophores increases quadratically with the excitation intensity. Therefore, much more two-photon fluorescence is generated where the laser beam is tightly focused than where it is more diffuse. This localization of Vision 1st edition is the key advantage compared to single-photon excitation microscopes, which need to employ elements From Photon to Neuron Light as pinholes to reject out-of-focus fluorescence. The fluorescence from the sample is then collected by a high- sensitivity detector, such as a photomultiplier tube. This observed light intensity becomes one pixel in the eventual image; the focal point is scanned throughout a desired region of the sample Imaging form all the pixels of the image. Webb at Cornell University in They combined the idea of two-photon absorption with the use of a laser Vision 1st edition. The use of infrared light to excite fluorophores in light-scattering tissue has added benefits. In addition, these lower-energy photons are less likely to cause damage outside the focal volume. Compared to a confocal microscope, photon detection is much more effective since even scattered photons contribute to the usable signal. These benefits for imaging in scattering tissues were only recognized several years after the invention of two-photon excitation microscopy. There are several caveats to using two-photon microscopy: The pulsed needed for two-photon excitation are much more expensive than the CW lasers used in confocal microscopy. The two-photon absorption spectrum of a molecule may vary significantly from its one-photon counterpart. For very From Photon to Neuron Light objects such as isolated cells, single-photon confocal microscopes can produce images with higher optical resolution due to their shorter excitation wavelengths. In scattering tissue, on the other hand, the superior optical sectioning and light detection capabilities of the two-photon microscope result in better performance. Two-photon microscopy has been involved with numerous fields including: physiology, neurobiology, embryology and tissue engineering. Even thin, nearly transparent tissues such as skin Vision 1st edition have been visualized with clear detail due to this technique. Simultaneous absorption of three or more photons is also possible, allowing for higher multiphoton excitation microscopy. Two-photon excitation spectra are often considerably broader, making it more difficult to excite fluorophores selectively by switching excitation wavelengths. There are several online databases of two-photon spectra, available from Cornell University [1] and the National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics in Estonia. Several green, Vision 1st edition and NIR emitting dyes probes and reactive labels with extremely high 2-photon absorption cross-sections have been reported. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Not to be confused with Second-harmonic imaging microscopy. Main article: Three photon microscopy. Bibcode : Sci Fluorescence Microscopy in Life Sciences. Bentham Science Publishers. Retrieved 24 December Annals of Physics. Bibcode From Photon to Neuron Light AnP September Vision 1st edition Review Letters. Bibcode : PhRvL December Optics Letters. Bibcode : OptL Nat Methods. J Neurosci Methods. Biophysical Journal. Bibcode : BpJ Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. Optics Express. Bibcode : OExpr. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. American Journal of Translational Research. Nature Imaging. Bibcode : NaPho Bibcode : PNAS Retrieved Bibcode : PLoSO Analytical Chemistry. Springer Series on Fluorescence. Microscope Optical microscopy. Amplified spontaneous emission Continuous wave Magneto-optical trap Resolved sideband cooling Ultrashort pulse. Beam homogenizer B Integral Chirped pulse amplification Gain-switching Mode-locking Multiple-prism grating laser oscillator Multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan Q-switching Regenerative amplification. Cavity ring-down From Photon to Neuron Light Confocal laser scanning microscopy Laser-based angle-resolved photoemission Laser diffraction analysis Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy Laser- induced fluorescence Noise-immune cavity-enhanced optical heterodyne molecular spectroscopy Second-harmonic imaging microscopy Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy Two-photon excitation microscopy Ultrafast laser spectroscopy. Laser cutting bridge Laser-hybrid welding Selective laser sintering. Computed tomography laser mammography Laser capture microdissection Laser Vision 1st edition Laser thermal keratoplasty LASIK Low-level laser therapy Optical coherence tomography Photorefractive keratectomy . Category Commons. Categories : Microscopy Cell imaging. Hidden categories: Wikipedia articles needing clarification Vision 1st edition January Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. 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