The first day has a longest hill climb for the entire MT. Looking back to and the sea.

The Mawson Trail | | image 1 of 30 The styles are not so easy to negotiate with a trailer. Hint: take it off.

The Mawson Trail | | image 2 of 30 Looking down into the and a few grapevines. May be certain distractions from riding here.

The Mawson Trail | | image 3 of 30 Good riding on Day 3 with some trees around. Real pretty.

The Mawson Trail | | image 4 of 30 At times the trail can be on some little used tracks. The surface is generally quite rideable.

The Mawson Trail | | image 5 of 30 On the rather chunky railtrail before Auburn and the .

The Mawson Trail | | image 6 of 30 You leave civilisation at Clare for the day’s ride over to Burra.

The Mawson Trail | | image 7 of 30 Heading north from Burra some of the trail gets a bit isolated. Nice. And nice riding.

The Mawson Trail | | image 8 of 30 East Mt Bryant Schoolhouse provides free accommodation for a weary bike traveller.

The Mawson Trail | | image 9 of 30 Looking off towards Broken Hill, it’s kinda isolated out here.

The Mawson Trail | | image 10 of 30 For every uphill there has to be a downhill. It’s fun ripping down here..

The Mawson Trail | | image 11 of 30 Those turbines make a noise a bit like a washing machine.

The Mawson Trail | | image 12 of 30 Looking east to the ridge occupied by the wind turbines, almost to the end of the Bundaleer Forest.

The Mawson Trail | | image 13 of 30 One of the more obscure parts of the MT in the Bundaleer Forest section. Where exactly is the track?

The Mawson Trail | | image 14 of 30 The road from Wilmington to Quorn can be great riding.

The Mawson Trail | | image 15 of 30 Except for that quirky path over a saddle where the ground is soft with fist-sized rocks.

The Mawson Trail | | image 16 of 30 Another little saddle on the way to Warren Gorge from Quorn.

The Mawson Trail | | image 17 of 30 If you are lucky there’s the occasional water crossing of the MT.

The Mawson Trail | | image 18 of 30 A typical MT marker post lets you know that you are not completely lost.

The Mawson Trail | | image 19 of 30 Yeah, that’s the trail down here. Ride at your peril. Just north of Hawker.

The Mawson Trail | | image 20 of 30 There’s a massive number of squawking Little corellas massing towards sunset in the River red gums.

The Mawson Trail | | image 21 of 30 I guess this must be the trail.

The Mawson Trail | | image 22 of 30 Big River red gums at the start of the Moralana Scenic Drive. Nice.

The Mawson Trail | | image 23 of 30 Moralana Scenic Drive looking south to the Elder Range.

The Mawson Trail | | image 24 of 30 Heading alongside the track is triffic riding.

The Mawson Trail | | image 25 of 30 Up with the wedgies. View from St Marys Peak to the Bunyaroo Valley for the next day’s riding

The Mawson Trail | | image 26 of 30 Start of the Bunyaroo Gorge.

The Mawson Trail | | image 27 of 30 Yeah, the famous biscuit tin shot of St Marys Peak etc. This gets steep in places up here.

The Mawson Trail | | image 28 of 30 The last few ks of the MT before meeting the sealed road into .

The Mawson Trail | | image 29 of 30 When you reach this you are almost in Blinman, the end of the MT.

The Mawson Trail | | image 30 of 30