48414-001: Third CAREC Corridor Road Investment Program

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48414-001: Third CAREC Corridor Road Investment Program Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report Project Number: 48414-001/TA 8950-UZB January 2020 Uzbekistan: Third CAREC Corridor Road Investment Program (Financed by the Technical Assistance Special Fund) Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor 2 Karakalpakstan Road (A380 Kungrad to Daut-Ata Section) Project Prepared by SHELADIA Associates Inc. USA in association with Infrastruktura Lohiya Byurosi LLC Uzbekistan (CBI) For Government of Uzbekistan Committee for Roads This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents. (For project preparatory technical assistance: All the views expressed herein may not be incorporated into the proposed project’s design. ADB TA No. 8950-UZB PPTA FOR THIRD CAREC CORRIDOR ROAD INVESTMENT PROGRAM, PHASE 1 Funded by: Executing Agency: Asian Development Bank Committee for Roads of the Republic of Uzbekistan Consultant’s Final Report for Karakalpakstan Road Project January 2020 SHELADIA Associates Inc. USA in association with Infrastruktura Loyiha Byurosi LLC, Uzbekistan (CBI) Volume I, Main Report Consultant’s Final Report for Karakalpakstan Road Project, January 2020 TA No. 8950-UZBEKISTAN: PPTA for Third CAREC Corridor Road Investment Program, Phase 1 ADB TA 8950 – UZBEKISTAN PROJECT PREPARATORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR THIRD CAREC CORRIDOR ROAD INVESTMENT PROGRAM, PHASE 1 CONSULTANT’S FINAL REPORT FOR Karakalpakstan Road Project A380, km 964 – km 1204 (Kungrad to Daut-Ata section) January 2, 2020 This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents. It was solely provided for the project purpose and its terms of reference. This and other project reports should not be distributed without written authorization from ADB. SHELADIA Associates Inc. USA in association with Infrastruktura Loyiha Byurosi LLC, Uzbekistan (CBI) 2 SHELADIA (USA)/ CBI Consultant’s Final Report for Karakalpakstan Road Project, January 2020 TA No. 8950-UZBEKISTAN: PPTA for Third CAREC Corridor Road Investment Program, Phase 1 REPORT ISSUE RECORD Project Title: PPTA for Third CAREC Corridor Road Investment Program, Phase 1 Project Number: TA 8950-UZB Report Title: Consultant’s Final Report for Karakalpakstan Road Project Revision History Version Date Prepared by Modification Initial Report 9 December 2019 Thomas Voigt 1. Revision 2 January 2020 Thomas Voigt ADB’s comments addressed 2. Revision 3. Revision 4. Revision 3 SHELADIA (USA)/ CBI Consultant’s Final Report for Karakalpakstan Road Project, January 2020 TA No. 8950-UZBEKISTAN: PPTA for Third CAREC Corridor Road Investment Program, Phase 1 CONTENTS A. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................ 11 B. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 13 B.1 Background and Objectives .......................................................................................................... 13 B.2 General Description of the Route .................................................................................................. 14 B.3 Major Nodes .................................................................................................................................. 14 B.4 Performance of the Study ............................................................................................................. 17 B.4.1 Staff Mobilization ................................................................................................................... 17 B.5 Structure of the Report .................................................................................................................. 17 C. Description of the Economy of Uzbekistan and its Growth Prospects ......................................... 19 C.1 General Features .......................................................................................................................... 19 C.2 Demographics ............................................................................................................................... 19 C.3 Economy ....................................................................................................................................... 19 C.4 Economic and Traffic Growth Rates ............................................................................................. 20 D. Environmental Safeguards ................................................................................................................. 21 D.1 International Environmental Policy ................................................................................................ 21 D.2 ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement .............................................................................................. 21 D.3 Country Environmental Policies, Laws, Regulations and Administrative Framework ................... 21 D.3.1 Citizen’s Constitutional Rights and Responsibilities ............................................................. 21 D.3.2 Overall legal framework ........................................................................................................ 22 D.3.3 Relevant Natural Resource and Environmental Management Laws .................................... 22 D.3.4 Air, Water, Noise and Waste Standards and Regulations .................................................... 23 D.4 Environmental Impact Assessment ............................................................................................... 24 D.5 Administrative Framework ............................................................................................................. 25 D.6 Anticipated Impacts ....................................................................................................................... 26 D.6.1 Preliminary Biodiversity Impact Assessment ........................................................................ 26 D.7 Public consultations ...................................................................................................................... 28 D.8 Grievance Redress Mechanism .................................................................................................... 28 D.9 Environmental Management Plan ................................................................................................. 29 E. Social Safeguards ............................................................................................................................... 31 E.1 The Project .................................................................................................................................... 31 E.2 Profile of the Project Area ............................................................................................................. 31 E.3 Subproject Impacts ....................................................................................................................... 32 E.4 Scope and Objective of Resettlement Plan .................................................................................. 33 E.5 Policy and Legal Framework ......................................................................................................... 33 E.6 Resettlement Budget ..................................................................................................................... 33 E.7 Grievance Redressal Mechanism ................................................................................................. 34 E.8 Institutional Arrangement .............................................................................................................. 34 4 SHELADIA (USA)/ CBI Consultant’s Final Report for Karakalpakstan Road Project, January 2020 TA No. 8950-UZBEKISTAN: PPTA for Third CAREC Corridor Road Investment Program, Phase 1 E.9 Poverty and Social Assessment.................................................................................................... 35 E.10 Road Safety and HIV/AIDS ........................................................................................................... 37 E.11 Socio-Economic and Resettlement Surveys and Analysis ........................................................... 38 F. Road Development and Road Sustainability .................................................................................... 39 F.1 Road Development ....................................................................................................................... 39 F.2 Road Sustainability ....................................................................................................................... 39 G. Detailed Design and Cost of Karakalpakstan Road Project ........................................................... 41 G.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 41 G.1.1 Description of the Project Road Section ............................................................................... 41 G.1.2 Documents made available ................................................................................................... 43 G.1.3 Composition of the DD Documentation ................................................................................. 44 G.2 Traffic Studies and
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