THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY SIXTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 26 Entered as Second Class Matter Published Post Office, Westfleld, N. 3. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1953 Every Thursday 32 P»f •»—4 CM** Red Cross Funds Committee Named Detroit Pastor Is 3rd HTHS Opens. Ask New Bids On For Dinner to Lenten Series Speaker $200,000 Building At 50^ Of Quota Maypr, Council Fund Campaign Dr, Edgar DeWitt Jones, pastor- Lectures Today School Addition Public to Honor emeritus of the Central Woodward Authors Program* Christian Church, Detroit, Mich., 200 Volunteer Town Officials wilt preach at the third Famous Workers Canvass Town To Hold Drive Chairman Preachers' Lenten service to be Board Rejects At March 26 Affair held in the First Baptist Church I Parish Families Civil Defense Views Total With today at 8 p.m. Dr. Jones is mak- Test March 15 A citizens' committee to aid in ing the trip from Detroit juat for The Holy Trinity High School ^irst Offers For plans for the annual testimonial this service. building fund campaign {or a mini- W«lfieM will hoM it. first Hopeful Outlook dinner to the Mayor and Town Often referred to as "the Prince mum goal of $200,000 opened yes- tot sf Civil D.f«»» Unit., Council has been announced by among Preachers", Dr. Jones 1B one. terday with a religious ceremony. • inc« lh« la»t w»rW war, Sun- rant Building Everett C. Sherbourne, chairman Approximately 50 per cent ol of the towering personalities on An overflowing attendance, includ- day aft.raoon, March IS, it of the event sponsored by the the contemporary religious scene. ing more than 200 male volunteer w« annou>c>4 today by Nor- All bids; submitted to the Board i the local Red Cross quota was re- Westfield Republican Town Com- if Education Feb. 25 for the gen- ported Sunday night, the first re- For many years he was president campaign workers, their families man Sprifut, director. mittee. The March 26 dinner hon- of the Federal Council of Churches and fellow parishioners, was pres- Mr. Sp»>u* Ml* that fall eral construction of the luditori- port night, and the sum received oring Westfield's elected official- um-gynasium addition to the so far is $16,071.15 of a quota o: of Christ in America which now ent to join the Kt, Rev. Henry J. drtailt will b* MMaaxaa in dom will be held at the Chi-Am has become the National Council. Watterson, pastor, in offering nut wack't Lataar but that Grant School, were rejected at » i. • $33,922. ' ,. . • • Chateau. For 26 years, he his been pastor irayers for the success of the cam- Ik* actual tima of Ih. alart meeting of the board Tuesday h Ray Corcoran, drive chairman, The citizens' committee includes laign. night in the Roosevelt Junior High ' said he received the amount col- of the great Detroit church. Au- will not b« announced. Thar* representatives of non-partisan and thor, lecturer, preacher, he is well The drive is being conducted to will be two "lacMaatt", oaa on School. The board will readver- lected with mixed emotions, "From non-political organisations in West- ttse for bids which will be open- the standpoint of the total number known, in all capacities from coast help defray part of the cost of auch tide of town, "which will field which are joining in the an- to coast. constructing a new high school, de- bg plannad to fi« varioiia ed March 19, Contractors whs of reports sent in," said Mr. Cor- nual tribute to the Mayor and have already bid on the comtruc- coran, "I am encouraged as there At the request of the local pas- signed by Neil J. Convery, New- unlit practica ia their respec- :ion may rebid. Council. Members of the group tor, the Rev. Blbert E. Gates Jr., ark architect, which will include tive fieldt. must be a lot more people in are: Henry Viswat of 744 Law- Westfield and Mountainside who a special convocation for ministers an auditorium-gymnasium section All units will take part anal According to a statement by rence avenue; Dr. Harrison Van and their wives will be held at, nd a school section. The school the public will be asked ta William C. Child, chairman of the , intend to give and who will give Hart, 424 Grove street; George W. to the Red Cross before the drive ROBERT SHAW 4:30 p. m. In the sanctuary to section will contain 12 homerooms, give> ita cooperation. committee on new sites and build- Wilcox, 623 Clark street; Alan hear a lecture by Dr. Jones on cafeteria, two laboratories, com- ings, a careful examination of th« ' is over. From the standpoint of Johnston, 203 Elm street; Robert i a first report I am somewhat dis- the subject, "The Yale Lyman DK. E. DeWITT JONES mercial room, domestic science jids disclosed a number of in- S. Messersmith, 763 Fairacres ave- Beecher Lectures." This lecture- room, library, medical room and itancea in which the bidders ftiled couraged, and there again we Radio and TV nue; Addison C. Ely, 111 Quimby .C. Home Bridge : have nothing on which to base ship ia the oldest in the country idministrative offices. The auditor- so comply with the condition) Mt street; Bryce I. MacDonald, 909 and Dr. Jones has made a thorough ium-gyrrmaBium section will B«at 'orth in the advertisement, in- the total amount received in com- Boulevard; Len Wyatt, 18 Elm 'Handi-Charge' to parison with the number of days study of it. The lecture Is open to 1,000 at an assembly and 600 at Tickets on Sale struction to bidders, and speclfict- Writer to Speak street; Jack Camlllo, 423 North the public. Immediately following, in athletic contest. lons. worked in the campaign. The avenue west; Norman Sprague, kick-off ia always held March 1, the clergy and their wives will be Be Offered Here Construction of the buff colored, The bids received for electrical . 619 Maye street; Howard Cox, 30 guests at a dinner to be served by Annual Party Set work, steel, heating and plumbing , and if March 1 had fallen on any Theme of Talk Is Gallowae; Cuddie Davidson Jr., two story brick building which is • other day but Sunday, this year the First Baptist Church in honor of contemporary design ia'already were satisfactory, Mr. Child add- 'Challenge of Media' 224 East Broad street, and Horace of the occasion. Begins Monday for For April 27-30 ed. All new bids for the general , there would probably have been Baker, 235 East Broad street. underway and will be ready lor Music for the evening service occupancy in September of this construction must be submitted to i several days collections made be- Robert- Shaw, the author of Mr, In addition to Republican senti- Local Shoppers Tickets for the Senior Auxil- fore the first report was made. will be furnished by the choir of rear. the board by 8 p.m. \ Thursday, District Attorney,, .Christopher ments of appreciation honoring iary's annual bridge parties to raise March 19, the GOP Mayor "and Town Coun- "Handi-Charge," a new type of The Rev. Thomas G, Fahy, Se- funds for the Children's Country "Prom the number of people Wells and Crime Photographer on (Please turn to Page 2) ;on Hall University professor, de- 1 Bids for the two new elemen- who have given I am encouraged radio and television, will be the cil, tribute will also be paid the retail charge account service will Home are now available from be offered to Westfield shoppers ivered the principal address, embers or Mrs. William Kess- tary schools, one in the Boulevard because the total number who us- speaker at the Wbstfield Woman's officials by Frank H. Pettit, Demo- ^ather Fahy congratulated the and the other in St, Marks place ually give has not been reached Club Monday. His subject will be cratic Town Committee chairman, for the first time Monday by most er; We. 2-443S, it was announced Newcomers Club of the leading merchants of the workers for their fine spirit of co- today. The parties will be held will be received Tuesday at 8 p.m. by 60 per cent. From the stand- "The Challenge of Radio and on behalf of his party. operation and praised them for the in the board room of the junior point of the caliber "of the type of TV."' The name of tho principal speak community with the co-operation April 27, 28, 29 and 30, at the of the Plainneld Trust Co. crifices they are making in be- igh school. " *' workers we have I am encouraged, Mr. Shaw was responsible also er, a figure of nation-wide impor- Elects Officers Suburban Hotel in Summit. Early The plan is an arrangement by half of the campaign. After tho commitments indicate 2J000 play- Announced at Tuesday's meet- because no more earnest group of for the Somerset Maugham The- tance, will bo announced next ceremony tho workers, having re- canvassers were ever assembled. week, Mr. Sherbourne said. which a shopper, who has applied !rs will take part. ing by Board President Gtwrge atre on television, and for some ceived campaign kits and final in W, Bauer were the standing com- There have been a number of re- of the series of Robert Montgom- Republican Town Committee Mrs. Plenty Given for and received a "Handi-Charge" Mrs. E. M. Staiib, president, has credit identification card, can go structions from their team cap- appointed Mrs. A. B. Conlin, gen mittees for the coming year. They ports that some of our workers ery's Lucky Strike Theatre. Still members of the dinner committee tains, began their solicitation of were unable to get out on Sun- include Mr. Sherbourne, chairman; President's Gavel into the store of any member eral chairman. Assisting Mrs. Con- are as follows: Committee on in his 30's, Mr. Shaw has had a the entire parish. finance and budget, Frank A. , day, but were planning to do wide experience covering some Mrs, Bettc Shaefer, entertain- dealer, select the desired mer- lin are Mrs. H, E. Thomas as as- their work this week. Their ef- ment; Paul E. Davis, tickets; Mrs. (See picture on ptfc 2) chandise, show the card, and walk Raphael S. Glynn, chairman of sistant chairman, Mrs. Bryce Me- Ketcham, chairman, Guy R. Byam years in both of these fields, and Mrs. George Plenty was elected the memorial gifts committete, and and William L. Riederer; commit- forts will undoubtedly swell the is interested in the possibilities of out with the purchase. Donald, hospitality, assisted by total. There have been some whole (Please turn to Page 2) president of the Newcomers' Club Once every 30 days the shop- his associates, W. H. Baumer, W. Mcsdnmes j. I. Bvobnck, A. L. tee on administration and instruc- good and evil that lie in them. of W«sttield yesterday at its reg- E. Lobo and F. Marion, reported tion, Mrs. Glenn S, Wilder, chair- districts which have not been re- He feels that en informed public per will receive one bill from the •Datesman, Herbert Anderson and ported and there has been some ular monthly.., luncheon meeting. bank covering all purchases that their group, working in ad- N, Zelmas. , .• . .,' man, Mr. Ketcham, Hn, John J. is the best protection against the Other officer*,elected were: Vice vance of the official campaign Mockrish and Lester P. Philpj r.ioncy- collected which the can- ever preicnt danger of having Welfare Director charged during the period, no Mrs. Kessler is in charge o vassers are holding until they •p^sfifcht; fttt:WalfcefKjiapp; re- matter how many of the member opening, had brought in a total of tickets and Mrs. Ray Corcoran and committee on operation and main- either field fall into the hands of cording secretary, Mrs. Robert $70,000. tenance, Mr. Riederer, chairman, complete the list of names on those who would put it to subver- stores have been patronized. In Mrs. Edward Bournes in charge o their lists. Submits Report Fluck; corresponding- secretary, this way the obligation for a Tho general parish phase of the the fashion show which this year, Mr. Byam and H. Douglau Mer- sive use. Mrs. Richard Maxwell; and treas- drive will be under the supervi- rill; committee on new sites and I wish at this time to thank month's purchases charged at sev- as last, will be conducted by the A gradaute of the University urer, Mrs. C. L. Warnecke. Three eral stores can be paid with a sion of John B. Heroux, general Lillian O'Grady shops. Mrs. Frank buildings, Mr. Child, chairman, the Wcstfield Leader for it3 splen- of Wisconsin where he trained in Commitment* For directors who were ejected at the chairman, and his associates Mr. Merrill and Mrs. Mockrish. did co-operation in the midst of single check and the shopper Betz is in charge of prizes and law, Mr. Shaw served during the same time were Mesdame3 Wil- knows what she is paying for, George E. Kcenen and Harry T. all other drives. I wish to.thank war years in the psychiatric sec- Year Total $6,336 Mrs. •William • Mendenhall Is in The board granted a leave of liam Baum'cr, L. A. Payne and since all original sales clips are Younghans. charge of special gifts. Mrs. Austin absence to Mrs. Suzanne Brown, the co-chairman, the captains and tion of the Army Medical Corps. George Fitzgerald. the workers. I wish to thank the During the past year, the De- returned with the monthly bill on Crehore is In charge of publicity. beginning March 15 and approved After leaving military service he Immediately after the election which they are charged. In addi- merchants who have responded in entered the broadcasting field with partment of Welfare, according to The Business Men of Westfield the appointment of two persons to its annual report, submitted by Mrs. Roy MacBean presented Mrs. tion, if, on any visit to a store, have given their sanction and mem- the teaching staff of the elemen- the main most generously, and too the National Broadcasting Co. Plenty with the president's pin and Air Raid Test much credit can not be given to Elizabeth F, Hill, director, covered purchases are made totalling ?30 bers will olTer gifts as door prizes, tary schools. Miss Dorothy Gill- many phases of social problems turned the gave! over to her. or more, the shopper can request ing a gift certificate. ings of Cranford will teach sec- Mr. Messersmith and his assist- Maggie Moss, guest speaker at ants who tabulated the returns brought to its attention for solu- that payment be budgeted dver Said Satisfactory The list of patronesses in add ond grade in the Franklin School. Town Players tion, including emergency need for the meeting, showed how to plan three months in equal monthly in- tioh to the above include the fo She is a graduate of State Teach- until long into the night Sunday. a home in stages and how to cut "I would like to recall to thoso financial aid, following establish- stallments. Both of these charge MOUNTAINSIDE — Sunday's lowing; Mesdames H. W. Ander ers College in Jersey City. Miss ment of eligibility; and problems corners to get the most for ones services are rendered without cost son, A. B. Arnold, W. J. Bennett Emma Jean Hamilton of Kalama- who have not given that the Red money. The plant committee "dry run" air raid test in the Bor Cross is the peoples' organization. Meet Tomorrow of health, to provide medical or to the shopper. ough went off very satisfactorily K. T. Bush, E. R. Littmann, H. R zoo, Mich., will teach first grade nursing care by private physicians, headed by Mrs. Orvillc L. White, Westfield will bo among the Bickett, H. It. Bracher, W. H. T in the Woodrow Wilson School. It is the first to answer the call had on display some spring bulbs according to Director of Civil D for any emergency. It has been Following a short business meet- District Nursing Association, or in first cities in New Jersey to havo fen so Lcland K, Beach. All post Canlp, Newell Chase, M. M. Cool She is a graduate of Western ing of the Community Players to- clinics and hospitals, for ull per- of daffodils, tulip's and hyacinths this modern shopping convenience. edge, J. C. Craig, Charles Doer given this year the gigantic task which they had forced through were operative with 70 or mor Michigan College, Kalamazoo. of raising money for the tremen- morrow night at B:30 p.m. at the sons found to be in need of such Shops and stores which will of- wardens in attendance. Communi- I. P. Donaldson, Addison Ely, W The board also approved tho Masonic Temple, there will be a care and medically indigent. fer "Handi-Charge" Monday, in- cations, aid station, damage con- H. Feldmann, J. A. Ferguson m dous gamma globulin program, (Please turn to Page 2) junior high school baseball sched- which program alone increased workshop presentation of "The The department also handled clude: Al Berse Carousel, Arthur trol and police and firemen partici- B. W. Fox. ule for 1953. our quota by an additional 10 per Boor" by Anton Tchekoff, who has such cases as domestic relations' Stevens, Auster's, Bonney's, Chas. pated. Sevei'al "incidents" -wen Also Mesdames J. Russell Fre In his report to the board, Dr.. cent. I do not urge anyone who achieved world, renown for his and family service' problems; cases Lecher, Chattin Inc., Felice, Gopd- staged, including "blowing up" th man, Per K. Frolieh, A. H. Glcason S. N. Ewan, superintendent of has not yet been approached to skillful handling of the lighter side in cooperation with the Police De- Mayor Backs friend's Hardware, Grill's Silk and water tower, "bombing out" on Kcrshaw Harms, Frank Hnzeltin schools, spoke" on the ' National send us his or her contribution of Russian country life. partment; action in county and lo- Cotton 'Shop, Herberts, Hyde & complete sector, and mobilizin Convention of the American As- because they still may be ap- Helena Ivanovo Popov, a young cal courts, the latter involving Vanderbilt Bid Ellis Inc., Jcannette's, John bull dozers and other heavy equip- (Please turn to Page 2) sociation of School Administra- proached by workers who deserve widow who is mistress of a coun- cases of illigitimacy and support Franks, Jon Collier, Kaden Shoes, ment reportedly to bo sent to as- tors, which he attended recently the encouragement of receiving try estate and who enjoys drama- by legally responsible individuals; Made in America Store, Martin sist in clearing up a destroyed Cen- Parent Education in Atlantic City. He stated that tizing her widowhood, is played by assistance in commitment of in- William R. Vandcrbilt's bid for Jeweler, Milady's, Station Radio tral Railroad underpass in West the highlight of the entire conven- (Please turn to Page 2) Jane Woutcrs. Grigori Anovitch dividuals to state institutions for the Republican nomination to the & Television, Storr Tractor Co., field. The yellow alert went out al Meeting Tonight tion was the appcaranco of tho Smirnov, the proprietor of another the mentally ill or feeble-minded; General Assembly was strength- The Bandstand, The Sport Shoppe, 1:25, tho red at 1:3B aiid the whit country estate who attempts to ened today by the public announce- Westfield Studios and Wyatt's. at 1:50. Dismissal was at 2:30 p.m. The parent education meeting (Please turn to Page 2) CD Workers To collect the deceased Popov's taxes (Please turn to Page 2) ments of a sumbcr of leading citi- of the McKinlcy School will b zens throughout the county. Mr. Beach has also announce held tonight at the home of Mrs, Be Photographed, from his widow, is played by Ai- that Wilferd Twymuti o! Whip red Smith. Luka, the young wi- Among them arc Mayor Charles P. William Pfaffle, 202 Scotch Plain Blood Donations Top Maternity Class To Bailey of Westfleld, Thomas L. Busline Begins poorwill way has activated an ai avenue, tit 8 p.m. Fingerprinted dow's servant, is played by Greg- station located in the new Primary Quota With 159 Pints ry Page. Be Held March 31 Smith and H. Woodward McDow- Mrs. Mary W. Armstrong of the MOUNTAINSIDE—Borough ei- ell of Summit, Joseph W. Mooney School on Central avenue. The De extension service of Union County "The Boor" is directed by Mrs. Service Tomorrow fense Council is seeking some OIK vilinn defense workers who havo Thomas Roy Jones, stage man- The next DNA maternity class of Plainfield, Kenneth L. Estabrook will speak on "Developing Respon- A total of 159 pints of blood not yet been photographed and of Cranford and Theodore Geiser to establish an additional aid stn sibility in Our Children". A large was rollt't'ted when the Bloodmo* ager is Mrs. Lawrence J. Peterson, is scheduled for Tuesday, March tion in the Route 22 school so thai fingerprinted havo been contacted and Mrs. George Johnston will 31 at Red Cross headquarters, Elm of Clark Township. Effective tomorrow the No. 11 attendance is desired. Parents and bile of Plninfield, under the direc- and asked to report to the 'Route Crosstovvn Bus Route will operate assistance of this type may be aei teachers who are plnniiinf,' to at- ion of Miss B. Marshmnn, visited rompt. Committee chairmen for street. Information about registra- Mayor Bailey, in a statement en- up on both sides of the highway 22 school tonight between 7 and his play are: Costumes, Mrs. How- tion and details about the class dorsing Mr. Vandorbilt, revealed on n schedule which appears on tend are asked to contact Mrs. Car the Presbyterian Church parish 8:30 p.m. may be obtained from the DNA his belief that "the earnestness and page IB of this issue. As this ii No replacement lins been made ai Zeis, We. 2-2SM1-J. A social hour bouse Monday tifternoon. will folloiv the discussion. Most of the residents who par- (Please turn to Page 2) office, We. 2-0700. constancy of purpose demonstrated a completely new operation it ii (Please turn to page 2) Westlield's quota had been in- ticipate in defense work have al- by Mr. Vanderbilt and those asso- necessary for the operators to an creased from 125 to 150' pints. ready gone through this procedure, f ciated with him in his campaign ticipate that the residents of Tlio next visit of the unit is sched- but some have found it inconven- for state assembly hnvc convinced Wcstfield can best be served at Columbia Glee Club Will Present uled for May 11 at the parish ient at former times set up so to- Letter Reports Treasure Chest'mo that wo need representation of the hours of travel appearing o su of the Presbyterian Church, night's gathering has been called this calibre and background in tho schedule. The schedule was in order to clear the records for Trenton". Mayor Bailey, currently designed to meet the best com Concert Here Tomorrow Night both old and new siRnecs, Reached Philippine Children serving his fonrth term us West- muting trains in Wcstfield nml Weekend Weather field's executive is a former Young Crnnford and to meet school sched- ? Under the stnto law, no pnrtici- With the money collected, Miss A capacity audience i^ expected Glee Club Conductor Word has finally been received Republican. ules in both communities. The de- orecast Hopeful pniit in civil defense work is cov- Joline bought hooks from 'a list, to attend the concert, by tlic Col- iy Miss Shirley L. Wright, liura- sirability of the Wi'stfield shop- ered by insurance unless he or she selected and recommended hy the Mr. Vanrierbllt's cimdidacy for umbia University tllcc Club tomor- 1 inn of the Free Public Library, ping urea was not overlooked and According to a weather fore- ins been photographed and finger. national treasure chest commit- the, GOP nomination for Assembly row evening in the Wcstfield Sen- that the "Treasure Chest" of frequent trips are provided during ust from the U. S. Weather Bu- printed, taken the oath of nlleui- tee. Each school participating in WHS started m n county-wide move- ior High School auditorium when •nce ami carries ft card for his or boolui, sent by the children of ment by the Young Republican or- the dny for residents who want to ciui, today and tomorrow will bo the campaign tilled 3evi'n pages in use this service for ahopping, of- this group will mnkc ita 1953 ap- nrtly cloudy,' windy and rather lev respective defense job. WenllH'lil to children of tlic Philip- ganization but has now had baek- pearance in this "leu. The event pine Island:! in Ifllli, was received ficials said. nld with afternoon temperatures (Please turn to Page 2) ing from all segments of the GOP will be under the umpiccs (if tile "Kl-ICJM'RSSIOIV — ICi: CIU1AM. imd greatly enjoyed. organization. Councilman If. Kinerstm Thom- i the lower <40's and u night time 'urn from 10 A.M. (11 VI Mlilnlichl. aa, chiiirnmn of tlui truflic ui|f tin ('011111:11. Mr;!. K. I '. Dbituuriv* of article* truntipurl Ilia buuks. 'Phu mini of 21. nniriit i,r IlroeUellmnk (if Summit and Mrs iro la (,'iihuiihiii. Playing1 the Curds '•runnel" Cntiioili' SM.TS The hostess cmtmiitlw is cum nn rcuklcnU, $1DLI.;)8 WIIH cimtruliU'd l» the The lait day upon which I\>«' ItrutmnIfli, N. ,h K. AlliiiK lluliu'.v »t l'luiiilk'Ul were Social ••• rnnrd O. Tliomnt, fund by the children of \V«st- registration may be iriado ii tlurnh nm t<> I llh reflected vice chuirmwi mill uecrc (l'k'; turn to Piigc 1!) >Spuni> • 11. Andorian. iield. ThurtoVy, March 12. t'i>f. UronU &Centrul AVCA.I Wt'Htftrld J, BAILEY HARVEY s53? tory respectively. THE WESTFIELD (N. ,T.) LEADER. THURSDAY, MARCH S, 1953_ with other Union County d Two groups March 20 at the j Barrett Addresses Installs Successor Columbia Ghe Cleveland High School in R ' Pingry Studeuts when they will again present*. Social Suggestions for Teen-Agers Bus Line Begins (Continued from page 1) Boor" in the Regional TounuJ j R R Barrett Jr., Westfield Real- posed of Mrs. Walter Silbert of of the New Jersey Theater ] (Continued from page 1) ! tor,'spoke to the students of the Plainfield and Mesdames Alan play contest. - Mailed to Local Parents Yesterday reviewed the route and scheduli ' PinWv School Tuesday moriiinir on Bruce Conlin »nd Frederick O. Suggestions for "governing teen, j After considerable study the fo: V of Real Estate. Mr Coqueron of Westfield. 4, The expected times of arrival lowing1 bus stops have been design JthVsubject of Real E age social activities in Westfield and departure should be under- ' I Barrett, a graduate off thh e schoho The concert is under the general Detroit Pastor ' were mailed yesterday to the par- nated in the Broad street down chairmanship of William F. Ulimin stood in advance by guests and town area: Cranford bound, 1 !,,, 1933, was the sixth of several ents of children in the Westfield their parents. • I tlurani who are giving « ™vu-s of of Westfield and local committees (Continued from page 1) Junior and Senior High Schools Prospect and Broad street i are active in each of the commun- 5. We consider it contrary to front of the .Westfield Saving: talks on their professions at chapel the First Baptist Church u The 'suggestions and the lette: the best interest of all concerned programs at the ElinabHh school. ities of the county to insure the direction of J. Lester Bo and Loa«' 9.. the southwest cor- success of the affair. Eeeause of ". „ them are a result to allow intoxicating drinks (in- ner of Central »nd East Broa minister of music. The wii |4V several months of study and pi cluding beer), at teen-age parties. "The books arrived in a period the large capacity of the auditor- listed is "Grieve Not Th H .su-eet. tiu... Uioiixoru, 1, Kas ium there will be seats available 8 |J<- station by a joint committee spon- However parents may feel person- Broad street at Central; 2, Easi of Philippine history that 1 hope Spirit" by Noble, with Fred pS fc : sored by the parent organization ally, we think it is wrong and po- will never be repeated. There was for the general public which is singing the tenor solo. ™ Broad street and North avenue cordially invited. Tickets are on IK of, the Roosevelt Junior Higl tentially dangerous to serve alco- in front of the Methodist Church suffering and disease of all kinds The Rev. Dr. J. L. McCorisJ fc: School, Holy Trinity High gchoa holic beverages to other people's These stops were worked out U around us. Many were dying of sale at the Music Staff, the Band gj and. Weetfield Senior High, Stand and Welch'3 Paint Shop. pastor of the First ConjrregatjZj childrenhild . best serve both the schoo! pupils starvation. Sly first assignment Church, will conduct the serrta Hn : For sometime, Westfield parents G. Each teen-ager should be attending the Elm street, junior was relief work and to organize §i5'•;';; of teen-agers lave had an interes g assisted by the Rev. J. Bera3 strongly impressed with the serii- high and 'senior high schools as and carry out a program, was in Waller, assistant pastor f a; jg| in »uch .a guidance schedule Jo; well as the housewife shoppers. itself, a task to which there was Red Cross Reports O p£ parents of teen-agers, but m ous responsibility involved when no end. '' Bethel Baptist Church. The mS WB's 8>*uph«d been authorized to act. riding* in a car, whether as driver It is planned for the convenience is cordially invited to attend. Iw jfest Interest w»» revived last fall as a or passenger. • of comnjutera as recommended by "The books were turned over to " (Continued from page 1) will be open at 7 p.m. Extr«2 7. We feel that the parents of Chairman Thomas that the buses someone else to be opened and result of discussions at the state catalogued. The list of donors the contribution. But if one week ing has been provided to »|W Iff•:< convention of tilt Parent-Te»che_ our girls fhould tell.their escorts meeting main commuting trains from today anyone who wantt to modate the expected attending fljfc Associition in Atlantic City. Mrs. what .time the girls are expected in the morning and evening hours which I wanted in order to an- give, or anyone who had intend- |?|:i i. ,it Vo^oro, president of tho home, so that the boys may com-make an additional stop under swer your letter to me was lost for a lon#, long time. And then, ed to give and was not called up- H§K:WeiHBWd ' High' .School P T A ply with the parents' wishes.' the railroad bridge at the Plaza on, or anyone who did not seeSquare Dance At i BJ:; brought the idea before the Iocs! 8. As a matter of mutual trust so that passengers might afford when that was found, I realized the letters were missing. their way dear to make a contri- Y Saturday Night '. pgi'?gto»4p it back to school night in and understanding, parents should themselves the protection of the bution when the workers called, pSK..; November. Parents at that meet- know at all times where their sons bridge in the event of inclement "The precious books were 'al- and daughters are, and should weather. most read to pieces' by the chil- may send their donation directly Saturday' night' the last sq ^ pSr* ;|nt;were aaked to sign- question Mr.. Roy MMBMII pr«»ntt Mr«. Caorge Plenty, newly elected to the Red Cross at 321 Elm a ^«j;jni|lrer which asked whether or nol insist that they telephone if they The route of the No. 11 Cross- U of th< Ntwcomeri' Club with th> club givel, symbol of dren during the first year they dance of the 1953 season, «p» are to be out later than agreed. were received. I shall always re- street."' j^gtto;Bi»rent» would approve a study town Line is as follows: that office. sored jointly by the YMCAitf ; of teen-age social problems and We feel that with common sense Starting in Westfield at Lam- gret that the children of West- the YWCA, will be held in £ ".. : . a set of su«ge8tion3 being formu- as our guide the above sugges- berts Mill road and Railway ave- field did not hear about the pleas- Y gym. " jjpf7iit«>d itthe need presented itself. tions will apply generally, and nue; north on Rahway avenue to PTA Square Dance ure they gave the children of the Town Players Musie will be by, Fred F.i«k, fcfCi-TOe',overwhelming' affirmative re- will contribute to' the well-being the high school; east on Dorian Newcomers Club by sending such beau- and his Country Orchestra, fo] ||31S*WWe;-brqu8ht about the estab- and happiness of our young peo- road to Westfield avenue; north Set fur March 12 tiful books. Edith Carson." an added attraction IrSftllihttjent of the high school com- pie. (Continued from page 1) autkeito on Westfield avenue to South ave (Continued from page 1) Miss Wright said that although Very sincerely yours, nue; in a northerly direction on The Benjamin Franklin PTA the children who were in the sixth ard Senne; makeup, Miss Mary "Swedish folk dances will be pt^ Roosevelt Jr. High :he winter months. Three of these will hold the last square dance for Class and Mrs. Robert Carpenter; sented during the intermistion,n East Broad street for its entire .Hants were offered as door prises. grade at the time they served on m2f,{-. Sbphigh school committee was School P.T.A, length to Springfield avenue; east- the season March 12, at 8:30 p.m.the treasure chest committee are properties, Mrs. George Johnston; Squares will form for danti» .joined by. a committee of parents Holy Trinity High School erly on Springfield avenue to The committee members partici- The dance will be held in the lighting, Vene Rinehart; and setat 8:30 p.m. pating were Meadames Peter Ac- now out of school, it is hoped that fc|'*rdm ;.the. Holy Trinity High Westfield Senior High South Union avenue and Cranford school auditorium. Marsh Tipton this news at last from the Philip- design, Howard Bredlau. ipi'sSchofSl and the Roosevelt Junior School PTA center. que, N. N. Baily, John Bandola, will call the dances, and experi- Community Players will compete LEADER WANT ADS PAT Stanley Bass, Vincent Caldwell, pines will come to their attention, Two fare zones have been estab- enced dancers will assist beginners »Kte;^ihe committee realized that in lished as follows: .10 cents within Allan Dehls, H, W. Gerarde, Thos. through the steps. The evening is KjsSJAjveloping the schedule for teen- the limits of Westfield and. an ad- Gilaon, Norman Orr, Walter Read, planned for fun and sociability, p age social activities, it must take Welfare Director Roy Williams and Henry Wester. and dancers from other groups will : (Continued from page 1) ditional 10 cents for the Cranford [|jS"^to '^consideration, the wide vari- zone. School children will pay Tickets for the spring dance also be welcomed. |feJJAni«-Jn.ajre development and in-and in cooperation with other May 2 to be held at the Plainfield agencies, many various welfare an unrestricted 10 cent fare good KtrCvterests in young people in the sev- for a continuous trip in either Country Club are on sale at the •I'fCeBth through 12th grades. It there- problems of cases of mutual in- Y. This affair is for members ;erest. direction without regard for zones jjiSKfS&re' set as Its goal a set of sug- during the hours before 5 p.m. nly. Letter Reports K, • jfestions which would be a frame- In 1952, the department serviced J. S. Butler assisted by Mesdames (Continued from page 1) R' Work within which each set of94 cases, 30 of which represented _. M. Bandola, F. A. Bauman, J. 8 scrapbook about Westfield and K!'""patents could establish their own 80 persons receiving both financial E. Bishop, John Butler, D. Cald- the life of children here. The §1 •"'•.*',AimHy teen-age relationship. The aid and social service, and the re- ivell, Walter Can-, Charles Cris- C. C. Home Bridge scrapbook was packed in the chest pi suggestions are prepared as a maining G4 cases receiving social len, J, B. Dunn, H. W. Gerarde, (Continued from page 1) with the books and shipped to the p"" guide for parents and concern such lervice only, according to the re- D. E. Gilbert, K. K. Horter, J. A. 1 W. I. Keller, R. P. Lowe, W. W. children of Dumaguete, in the gy subjects'• as doting, parties and ort. lirseh, J. K. Kefalonitis, G. W. Lowe, T. B. Malcolm, G. L. Mo- Philippine Islands, in April, 1940. If;:; ... riding in cars. The total commitments for the imbaii, H. A. Maertin, A. J. teer, N. I. Maxfleld, W. W. Morker, Word was anxiously awaited by §*\ The first report of the commit- rear were $6,338.22, of which $3,- G, I. McCredle, W. L. Patterson, ifooller, James Napier, E, P. Per- S t«e was made in January 1958 tho children and the librarians, ; : 67.43 represents full support, and J. A. Pentz, Hugh Platt, L, E. ms, H. K. Peterson, R. L. Pond, p at., » meeting: to which members but nothinR ever came in response 2,578.79 supplemental financial Pleningor, H. E. Scott, R. M. Skin- !. Schaffer, R. L. Tiemann, H. Si, of^ organizations , Interested in id. The largest of these commit- to letters of inquiry until recently r ner, Harold C. Smith, W. C. IVhittaker, Frank Williams and ?•••' yblth activities*-«re>e lnvitedr ments was for food with a. total of when Miss Wright received the Thomas, H. I. Thorp, H. P. Valen- loy Williams. ffi•'.- ert ETFoose; principal of the Se- 2,870.4 X and the next in line westine, T. G. Van Hart, and P. L. following letter from Silliman (ii niqr Hiih School, and Byron D, ihelter-with J 1,143. The per capita Young. University, Sumaguete City, Phil ¥/• SiuaA principal of the Junior lost for the year was $79.20, a ippines, dated Nov. 29: ; High School, were also present. decrease of $8.01 per capita over Air Raid "Dear Miss Wright, two letters :J The report of the committee WBB last year. from you, dated Sept, 25, 1946, accepted for revision, additions Commitment totals showed a de- and Jan. 8, 1948 have recently •; and editing. In February the fin- Committee Named (Continued from page 1) too rease of $1,774.69 while adminis- (Continued from page 1) in the position vacated by come to my attention once again. ished report was ' brought before ;ration costs showed an increase of I am very, very sorry that five the PTA boards, Sister Agnes Lydla Bowles, decorations; Mrs. 'arry Parsons;"that of coordinat- to "talk 399.32. ftelmbursements for com- Marion Freeman, welcoming; and aid stations with medical and years have passed without letting • Concilio of Holy Trinity High and mitments by the department re- ?. representative students of the se- David W. Trimble, publicity. ublic relief. The Defense Council you hear from me. I am especial- eived in 1952, totalled $2,697.21. ly unhappy nbout the eaeer young nior high. It was authorized for The department also received In addition to the citizens' com- las contacted several persons for } publication and mailed by the mittee and mjeinbers of the GOPhat post and Mr, Beach states ho children who collected books for and disbursed through the account the collection and never heard SCOTT'S f schools to the parents of the .chil- tee to state their recommendations you to come to our store. We wont you to with respect to the social activities syWania Plan account at any time after Michigan "Pete establish the habit of visiting us regu- of our young people. 2 DISTINCT the tenth payment — or sooner should We believe parenta should us- Your Garden Helper EDUCATION larly. But at no time will there be any tablish reasonable rules for their says; SERVICES you decide to close out your account. Own children without being unduly obligation on your part except fo HOW IS THE TIME 10 TO OUR CUSTOMERS influenced by tho reported special WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 have your card punched to be • You can't lose. Satisfaction, o» Privileges of other tcen-agurs W. BUILD IAWNS WITH also recognize that tho cond eligible for the prizes. The Pennsylvania Plan Anticipated usual in this store, is full' •v each child ' • duct of RAYMOND B. JOHNSON Budget Account and the weekly awards ore two separate ser- guaranteed. MICHIGAN Director, Dept. of the Ministry that the future social 9tttn(1. vices. You may register for the drawings without PEAT 8:15 p.m. opening on Antici- t«3i THE t"I«M«N-V.»W* lawm, mriod % Inch pated Budget I MM an |rf lowm, On ntw ( lid lowra. at the Plainfield Unitarian Church Account. 1. Every-'party of teen-aueri lawm mlMKK 11nch Info should Im tt&^toly a,^^' Park Ave., between 7th and 8th Supervision need not b« cormplw TO8, but sliould be UVIIHKUO nt al This it the final talk of a series whose purpose has been 2. Tarciita sliuuUl cucou to promote a better understanding of "The religion of the thblr young people to participntc inquiring mind and th,« liberal spirit." Thoso talks are Open Monday in group activities, placing i,jM intended not to convert but to Inform all who may bo empha»i» on (intint?. lnterosted In knowing more about this 400 year old religion fl. I'ttfcnts should insist that and Friday Evenings 1 that I* so uniquely fitted to the democratic spirit of Johnlranks their Htfj ! and girl* KO to no pac. ties to '#JiM> Ihoy Vinvo not hmn MEN'S APPAREL . Invitutl, atid rtwuM limit their Dr. Johnion'i diseustion jwlll be of north,,]*, !„»„ »., , ,,.eWB. BBrUsa t>3 invited guesiu. St parent.. Plea,* fOB| welcome to como ' '° PLAINFIELD iTS WESTFIELD R1DGEWOOD THE WESTFIELD (N, J.) IMADE&, THURSDAY, MARCH 5. 1953 2 Local Children See Babar Close Up Kings Cuts State rents of the company and it* prod* Exchangitcw to [amily Dance Lincoln School ,ct; and Fair Trade Prices District Head 3. There was a lessening of in- Amboy Charter flans Complete iividual pride in the finished ptod- D Meets Today Following the recent state deci- ict by the employee. A large delegation of ExclUBf • ; sion regarding fair trade prices, Addresses Rotary ites,will attend the charter sight MOUNTAINSIDE —Last min- Joe Biidner, president of Kings party of the newly formed Anbs))r READ THE LEADER KM e plans on Saturday night's Dr. Milton Staub will speak to- Supermarkets, announced today Employer-employe relationships Exchange Club at Marwf In M*- tuchen Monday night. Frank I. amily Dance, the first recreation night at 8 o'clock at a meeting that many former price-fixed items were discussed by District Gov. Al All LOCAL NEW! ogram planned by the Moun- of the Civian Defense group of are seduced and that more price Smiles before the Rotary Club inside Civic Council for the en- the Lincoln School district in the reductions will follow. Monday in the YMCA. •e family, wre made Monday school. He will explain the Civil Applicants for jobs should be ght at a meeting of that organ- Defense organization as it is set welcomed rather than tolerated by ation. up in Westfield and "it is desir- Community Center personnel offices and company su- Between 8 and 12 p.m. in the Jble that everyone in the school periors, the speaker said, AH em- oute 22 school, the Civic Coun- district attend in order to find ployers should know their employes plans dancing of all kinds to out what is being done and what Dinner Tomorrow and realtee that they are individ- e music of Freddy Sleckman's is to be done to perfect the or- uals. Superiors should be courteous chestra as well as games in the ;anization of Civil Defense," the The annual dinner meeting of and friendly and show fair treat- iditorium for all family mem. xoup's spokesman said today. the Westfield Community Center ment tp employes, Mr, Smiles >rs from teen-agers to grandfa- Theodore Luerssen who is in Association will be held tomorrow added. ers, while the younger children charge of equipment and trans- at «:4B p.m. at the YMCA, 138 portation announced that the first He stated that in the early in- itch entertaining films in an ad- Ferris place. dustrial period employer-employee cent classroom. Instructions aid equipment for the school dis- The Eev. Shelby Books will be relationships were very strong but ive gone out through the bor- trict will be brought to the school the guest speaker at this affair, as time went on this relationship gh that all who attend should this week and will be available in taking as his theme, "The Broth- became less and less. Three things gt "dress up" but "come com- case of disaster. erhood of Man." Concert artists primarily caused this, he said: Bjrtable" and prepare to have fun. On Thursday, March 19, Har- James Boxwill and Miss Fannie • Mrs. Joseph H. Hershey, in old Bassett, safety service repre- Jones will also appear as guests 1. A lessening of personal con- •large of distribution of tickets, sentative from the national area on the program. tact between the employer and his as reported that neighborhood office of the American Red Cross The guest speaker is the pastor employees; others and other friends have will speak in the Lincoln School of the St. James Presbyterian 2. The employees had leas inter- sposed of 190 tickets so far with auditorium on Atomic disaster. Church in New York. est «nd knowledge of the invest ne workers still not reporting. icketg will also be on sale at te door Saturday evening for iose who make up their minds t the last minute. The cost to i' resident over 12 is only 45 V / \ •Ms, and under 12 is free. Sur- I / • % I • ised residents are urged not to % t I uy tickets If they don't plan to tend. Mrs. Elmer Hoffarth, president Jusiith WhitlocV and Jan* Ricker, loth 8-yeut-oM «nd both third f the Civil Council, has announc- trade pupiU »' Benjamin Franklin School, get a elost up view d that Joseph Collins of Knoll- of Babar, King of the Elephants, in the children's opera of that rood road is in charge of films for name presented Saturday at the Moique Theater, Newark, under he evening, and Mrs, Richard the auiplees of the Griffith Mmic Foundation. Many We'ttfield Capke and Mrs. George Blythe in children, who came by chartered buses, were in the capacity audi- harge of refreshments. ence of more than 3,000 youngsters.

agencies and organizations In pro- MalM. MeeMeiMWe «r W«|. ]hest X-rays To Be Scout Anniversary gram planning, a job which in- «eM, If ye« an letweilW U riven Adults Here Luncheon March 12 volves a consultation service with Mltlne yew, hem/ e»r ••• governmental and civic bodies pwlsnee it yeer «ufiM el • ej»lc* Md pranteWe tele. Low-cost cheat x-rays for adults To celebrate the 26th anniver- tercsted in improving community ill be available in Westfield at sary of the Westfleld localGirl services for children and youth in ei w «| tor •»» Board of Health headquarters, Scout Council and the 41st anni- an effort to reduce juvenile delin .21 Prospect street, March 17-19.' versary of the national organiza- quency and its causes. The Depart- Iponsored by the' Union County tion there will be a luncheon ment issues a pamphlet, "Delin ledical Society, the County Board Thursday, March 12, at 1 p.m. at quency CAN BE Prevented" and Health and the Union County the Chi-Am Chateau in Mountain- a film strip, "It's In Your Hands." ubercvilosis and Health League, aide for all adults interested in Other program features of this he x-rays will be given from G:SO Scouting. Mrs. K. F. Andrews is annual event will be the showing 9 p.m. Tuesday, March 17; chairman of all arrangements. of moving pictures taken at Day lorn 2 to 4 p.m. and from 6:30 The guest speaker will be Mrs. Camp and also of the Mariner 9 p.m., Wednesday, March 18; Pauline Thyfault of the New Jer- Cruise last summer and, the pres- Gotta md from 6:30 to 9 p.m., Thurs- sey Department of Institutions and entation of 44 awards to adults lay, March 19. . . Agencies who will speak on "A for service in Scouting. In Fanwood, x-rays will bo giv- Healthy Personality for All Our date at SCOTTS Thursday, April 16, at the Youth". Mrs. Thyfault is a field READ THE lEAUfc* FOR Presbyterian Church, Marian ave- representative- who worliS with ALL LOCAL NEWS

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Your favorite classic has a fresh, new approach to fashion! Dashing silhouettes, new high-style detailing and a wonderful new weave in 100% woolen that adds a look of luxury way beyond Shagmooi's modest prices. " Come see them, try tliem on. You'll know immediately why Shagmoor coara remain

the all-American choice for city or suburban living. Sizes for misses, women and pctitcs, 5'5" or under. Wmm THE WRSTFTKLD (N. J/> U3APEB- THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1959 Branch, after a long illness. He was the owner of Carey's Tavern Rotary to Welcome College Womeu OBITUARIES in Keansburg for the past five (toy Thompson, a retired menu years and before that was em- Hear Critic Mn. William Thtede facturins; jeweler, and one daugh ployed by Esso Standard Oil, Bay-District Governor Mrs. Emily Vogt Thiede, 62, of ter, E?tclle T. Miiliser, M.D., o: way Refinery. > 42fi Trtmont avenue died Tues- "Westfleld. Born in Jvrsey City, he was a The Rotary Club of Westfield Discuss Books WPrTHappyl day »t her home after a long ill- Funeral services will be i resident of Westfifld for many tomorrow will be host tn James] ness. She was the wife of Wil- yeiua before moving to Keansbur_g Hewitt, governor of the 27lst Dis- liam F. Thiede. Gray's Funeral Home tomorrow On Tuesday evening the College at 3:15 p.m. with the Rev. Dr. A rive yfcarjj ago. he was a mem-j trjCf of Rotary International, who She wks torn in Newark am Woman's Club heard Yirgilia Pe- Nelson Butz, pastor of the Pros ber of St. Anne's Church and of MS ma];ii,g his'annual official visi' terson, author and literary com- We're Proud.. .; had lived in Westfield since 192' pect Presbyterian Church, Maple- its Holy" Name Society. to eacfi of the 37 Rotary oiubs ir with the exception of a period mentator, give her observations on wood, officiating". Interment wil' Surviving are his widow, Mr: Central New Jersey. He will confer sorai» of the important books of six years, when she made Ii be in Fail-view Cemetery. home ia Bayonne. Catherine Paradise Carey; tw with President Hugh Clark, Sec- today. sons, William H. and Robert J retary Donald G. Maxwell and Kur two years, Miss Peterson Also aunriving are a son, Rol Carey; and a daughter. Miss A other local officers on Rotary ad- was publicity director of one of ert Vojjt Thiede, and a daujj] Mrs. Allelta Savoye lene Carey, all at home; his pa ministration and service activities. the leading book publishing hous- tar, Mrs. William N. Taylor, bol Mrs. Alletta Dodd Savoye, 71 ents, Mr. and Mrs. William 3 Mr. Hewitt is a farmer in Lam-es and later accepted a position of Wastfleld;- v»+ three gran' widow of Dr. Richard Savoye, died Carey of East Keansburg; tw bertville and is a member of the as assistant director of special children. yesterday in Biookside Nursing sisters, Mrs. Ann Webber, of Ave Hotary Club of Lambertville-New events of Radio Free Europe—a : funwal aervlct. wU\ be held to Home, Cranford, after a long ill nel and Miss Marie Carey of Eas Hope, lie is one of the 207 district post which gave Jier a wide view day at 2 p.m. at Gray's Funer; ness. She was born in Somerville Keansburg; and a brother, Ed governors who are supervising the of international relations. Wide- itMWt with the Rev. Ceorge 1 am) had lived here since 181Q. She ward T. Carey of Nashville, Tenn activities of some 7,060 Rotary ly traveled, she evaluates modern CUirdncr, auUUat minister of the was a member of the First Con- clubs which have a membership of literature as a reflection of a PnakyUriajt Church, officiating gregational Church arid of tlic 360,000 business and professional changing world. Her intimate InMtment will be in Fairvie Westneld DAR Chapter. Mrs. Carrie Marien executives in 83 countries and knowledge of two ways of life OtaMtary. She is survived by a son, James Mrs. Carrie Marien, 81, geographical regions throughout pre-war feudal Europe and he Dodd Savoye of Chicago; one Cranford, sister of Mrs. the world. native United States, gives her fh, daughter, Mrs. Thomas Feiton of Haines of Westfield, died Frida: background to analyze the picturi Arcade, N. Y.; three granddaugh- in Muhlenberg Hospital, ""lainfleld of modern American life as it-is William Kirkwood Stewart ters; two sisters, Mrs. H. G. Van- after a long illness. Episcopal Church reflected in literature. lMt Gmndview •venue died 1«9 der Veer and Miss EUIH Dodd of tkiuwUr in «!• home on his 60t: Somerville; and a brother, Lind- Circles Will Meet Miss Peterson said, "Today, birtfcday. H« wu bom i>- Gl« John W. Baehr when what we say about our- aley Dodd of Managua, Nicaragua. selves is suspected of being count- «««r, SntUad. timing to th Funeral services will be held in John W.' Baehr ot Plainfield The circles of St. Paul's Church cawatry i» 1MB. He had livt father of Mra. John D, Gill o er-propaganda, it is particularly Gray's Funeral Home tomorrow will meet at 1 o'clock today as important that we know how to We're Rolling Out The Red Carpet " 14- iUMbath btforo moving ! at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Dr. J. L. 144 North Euclid- avenue, die follows: WMtA«ld 10 ymu to and wi Saturday at his home at the age present ourselves through the McCurison Jr. officiating:. Inter' Circle 1, Mra. Warren H. Bee-pages of our outstanding books, ••slojvd ai mn. inspector for tbi ment will be in New Cemetery, of 82, A retired New York posta' be, chairman, at the home of Mrs. (If« Actually Or»y, Though) SlM«rilaati/atturin« Co. in Eli* employe and active member of thi because current world develop- SomerviHe. Irving E. Lightbown, 211 South ments are affecting our literature stothport »toe» oominr ttom Scot! Grove Street Chapel in Plain Euclid avenue; co-hostess, Mrs. fiejd, he had made hia home fo today. Do'we falsify the true pic- Nathaniel C. Cocke. ture of. America by over-stressing Russell Knapp 40 years with a daughter, Mrs Circle 2, Mrs. Fred G. Buhren- y-Smi..- Stewart wa» a vrteran o: Louis Neilsen, * some phases of our national life Wwrld Wa» I, twvin* ia the Brit Russell Knapp, 52, of 646 Down- (lorf, chairman; Dr. Aaron V. and underplaying others? Which At Our New Store"4Today idi arsud force*. He was • for er street, a handy man at West- Davis, hostess, 18 Fair Hill road; are the hooks that reveal us fair- n»r of Barns O'Clyde F. am field Hotel, was found dead in bed co-hostess, Mrs.'William M. Beard. A.M. Lodge of Clydebank, Scot at his home last Wednesday > aft- Martin W. Hayncs Circle 8, Mrs. William R. Free- ly?" ernoon of - a self-inflicted shotgun Merritt W. Haynes, 76, former- .lan, chairman; Mrs. Joseph E. Miss. Peterson made comments . He ia autvlvtd by his widow, wound in the head, police said. ly of Westfield and Cranford, diei Waters, hostess, 408 Prospect on such books as: Whittaker Xaigaret McNeil! Stewart; om The body was found by his sis- Friday in the Newnan (Ga.) Hos- street; co-hosteas, Mesdames A, Chamber's The Witness; Arthur 111 Park Avenue, Plainfield •on; William K. Jr., at honje; om ter, Mra. Edward Ehrnholm, of pital after a brief iilness. He was Ralph Kustin and Ralph M. Hey.Koestler's Aryotit in the. Blue; 4a.utht«r, lira. George Forrest o: 029 Suiter place. A 12-gauge shot- btrn in Nunda, N.Y. and had live< -Circle 4, Mrs. Eugene T. Kyllo, John Steijnbeck's East of Eden; Glatk Township; three brothers, gun was by his side, police said. Moreiand, Ga., about eigh chairman; Mrs. Eugene H. Rem-Lieut.-Col Voorhees' Korean Tales; Jack of , Colo., Francis of lounty Physician George W. H. yea re. ick, hostess, 527 Parkview; co-hos- Hnn Suyin's A Many Sptendorcd Clark Township, and Joseph of Hooro said Mr. Knapp had been He was a graduate of tlie Uni tess, Mrs. Thomas R. Jones. Thing; Margaret Halsey's The Railway; two sisters, Mrs. Mary dead since Sunday. ersity of Rochester and receivec Circle 5, Mrs. Henry H. Mc- Folks at Home, and Ernest Hem- Devoted Exclusively to Boyi and Students Meiklejohn of Rosulle, and Mrs. Mr, Knqpp was born at the a waster of arts degree from Co Farlane, chairman; Mrs. Archi- ingway's The Old Man and the Jean Clark of Elizabeth and his Downer street address but hail umjtua University. He was a pio- bald L. Williams, hostess, 718 Sea. Mother, Mrs. Emily Miller of Ro ived in Mountainside 15 years be- neer in the field of vocational ed Bradford HVenut1. aelU. ucation and industrial teacher fore returning to his birthplace training. He organized .and was Circle 0, Mrs.' J. William H. Funeral services were held Man- nine years ago. While in Moun- the firfst principal of the voca Mencke, chairman; Mrs. Frederick Teenagers' Show day afternoon in Gray's Funera tainside, he was janitor of Route tional school in lJayonne. He was C. Zink, hostess, 634 Raymond Now It's " ; ' Home with the Rev, Albert G School and was an organizer oi associated with the United Typo- street; co-hostess, Mrs. Preston Deiso, of the Osceola Presbyterian the Mountainside Rescue Squad. thetae of America.' He was for- K. Packard. Draws Crowd Church, Clark Township, officiat- Ha also was active in Boy Scout merly with American Type Foun Circle 7, Mrs. William Neil ing:. Interment was in Hollywood work there. He: was a member of dors, Elizabeth, and was associ- Pierce, chairman; Miss Helen E. More than 700' persons—nbout Memorial Park, Union. the First tyfethodfst Church. ated with teacher training for Winberg, hostess, 315 Hyslip ave- two-thirds of them adults—Satur- Aiao B\iTvivir>« are two other the New York State Department nue; co-hostess, Mrs. T. Arthur day night in Roosevelt Junior High sisters, Mrs. Frances Cord of of Vocational Guides. In Georgin Bush. School auditorium gave an enthus- Mrs. LeRoy Thompson Circle 8, Mrs. G. Wallace Ruck- Mra. Elizabeth E. Thompson Elizabeth, and Mrs. Katherine liis title was. Georgia State teach- iastic reception to a variety show tutjatf rt, chairman; Mrs. C. Minton 77, of 126 North Euclid avenue Ncideiling of Sparta, and three ers' trainer in trade and industrial given by teen-agers to demonstrate daughters, Maty Ann and Muriel, education. Trcmaine, hostess, 580 Prospect | the need for a youth recreation died yesterday morning in Over- street; co-hostess, Mesdames Win- look Hospital, Summit, after living with their mother, and a Mr. Haynes' first wife, Emma center hero. married daughter in Tuisa, Okla. throp T. Whito and Walter A After the show, slips asking, brief illness. She was born in Baird Huynes, died in 1933. Sur Buakee. Westfield Metuchen and had lived here sev- Funeral services were held Sat- iving are his second wife, Mis. "Arc you in favor of the proposed urday afternoon in Gray's Fu- Circle 0, Mrs. Frank Tophara, (youth center) project?" and "If < and en years. Prior to that sYu> re- Pearl Hohannon Haynes; three chairman; Mrs. Benjamin But- sided in Maplewood 27 years. neral Home, with the Bev. Roland daughters, Mrs. Arthur C. Pike you are, how would you be willing Plainfield R. Ost, pastor of Wilson Memo- eifielil, hostess, 751 Harding to support it?" were distributed. She was a member of the Pres- if Winston-Salem, N. C, Mrs. 3treet. byterian Church and the Watch rial Church, Watchung, officiating-. ileredith Conley of Cranford, and Of the about 150 persons who Towr Chapter, DAR, of Maple Interment was ia Fairview Ceme- Mrs. John W. Merrell of Staten Circle 10', Mrs. Gerald B. West, returned slips with their answers WYATT'S = tery^ VJ aland; one son, James B. Haynes •hnirman; Mrs. Harvey L, Miller, wood, and was one of its organiz- hostess, 29 Gallowne; co-hostess, immediately after the sho^, only ing members. '• ••*' if Richmond Hill, N. Y.; and 10 five flatly opposed the eentejr plan, grandchildren. i - > Mesdames Giles K. Atwpod and Surviving are her husband, Le- Mrs. Jennie B. Gates Russell C. Terry.' according to the Rev. Dan S. Bow- Funeral services for Mrs. Jen- Funeral services tvere held in The evening circles will meet at ers, assistant pastor of First Meth- AHRISNS, Otto C, In Buffalo, New ray Memorial, Crnnford, Tues- odist Church, an adviser to the York, Feb. 21, 19B3, former])- of 127 nie Belle Gates, 83, of Crnnford, S o'clock as follows: St. Paul St., WeBtfloId, N. J. Husband formerly of Westfickl, were h^ld !ay morning with the Rev. Rob- Circle 11, Mra. W. group which planned the show. of Caroline AhrenK. Fnther of Henry jrt Longaker, minister of the Wesley About 20 of the audience W. Ahrens. Brother of Honry F Saturday afternoon in Gospel Kuntz Jr., chairman; Mrs. Robert Ahrena of Brooklyn, N. .Y. Funera Hall, Cranford. Interment was ?irat Presbyterian Church, Cran- thought the idoa a good one—if fook place from his residence 41 ord, officiating. Interment was I. Gray, hostess, 1 Whippoorwill the young people "really want it PirK St., Buffalo, New YorK, on Fob. in Fairview Cemetery. Mrs. Gates i-ay; co-hostesses, Mesdftmcs Ber- S3, 1963. died last Wednesday in Muhlen- n Fairview Cemtiery. enough" to accept responsibility gter Egenes and Franklin H. Ward. for its smooth functioning. berg Hospital, Plainfkld, after a Circle 12 will meet at the home 1 n-ief illness. She was the widow An open forum on the youth Isaac R. Magley if Mrs. Warren h. Schaub, 252 center idea, led by Donald Denton, if Frederick William Gates, who Sinclair place. died in 1938. Isaac R. Magley of Moorestown, whose son, Donald Jr., had chai-ge ormerly of Westlieid, died yes- of show lighting, followed the pro- Born in Fly Creek, N. Y., Mrs. lay at his home. The husband ntes had resided in Cranford 30 P Woman To duction. if the late Dora Webster Magley T^hree teen-agers spoke on vari- with us your plans for a years and prior to that at 125 Westfield avenue. She waa a ho died in 1945, Mr, Maglcy Meet Tuesday ous aspects of the youth recrea- Monument this week while member of the Brethren of Cran- orked at Foil-view Cemetery tion problem. They were; Jack !ord. . hile a resident here. A business meeting of the West- Wade, general show chairman, the family '» together. Funeral services wiU be held at leld Women's Republican Club "What Has Been Done in West- ray's Funeral Home Saturday fill be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at fleld in the Past Five Months?", • William B. Carey t 11 a.m. The Rev. George B. ho home of Mrs. William P. Col-Joseph Vecchio. "What Youth Gardner, assistant minister of the ,s, 519 Westfield avenue for the Would Like to Have in its Cen- Funeral services for William B. II i-oHt iui>- p nnlly penny Co dm In tlie »i\au>p luuij oil nhli'li tlilH twu-ntory it*<" Corey, 47, ot Keansburg, formerly "resbyterian Church, will officiate urpose of electing n nominating ter," and Helen Kyrioglou, "What GIljp Uinroln nd interment will be in Fairview ommittcc. Following the business depot nan built in 1S71. Thl« picture, lent lij Clem WIUux, nan taken by kla father In 1880. if Westfleld, were held last Thurs- ! Surrounding Towns Are Doing". Hhimimrnf (Ba. lay evening1 in the John J. Ryan emetery. leeting, tea will be served. The center should not only serve •lome for Funerals, Keansburg. Mrs. Bette Schafer, president, as a place for wholesome recrea- Storekeeper Clark V. Changed The Face Of Thins 4U3-11 tfrangr Saab 4 Solemn High Mass of Requiem SPRINGFIELD —Beginning his as announced the nppointment of tion, the students agreed, but fifth year of service on the Re- .Irs. Robert C. King, 6G3 Lenox should also be a factor in making If Storekeeper Charles Clark V. had is the best place along the line for a jRontrlair a-1000 as held Fridiay morning in St. nne's Church, Keansburg. In- gional Board of Education is Dr. venue, ns club treasurer. Mrs. teen-agers more democratic. Ex- only said "yes" unequivocally when depot. I suppose I could let you nave •rltf for Illnirtralfh boohlrt. irrnent was'"in Mtl'oiivelTceme- M'nor K- J"nca'- ,of Mountainside ing will take the place of Mis. istence of social cliques in the an urbane representative of the New it for say—$25,000. It's a bargain. Win obltoaltnti. •rv, Middletovvn Township. • w,h° was elected president ohn Bacon who has resigned. schools is one of the greatest prob- Jersey Central offered him a tidy sum Mr. Morrison returned a few flays Mr. Carey died Feb. 23 in Mon* Monday. Dr. Jones has served as lems facing the students, the youth for his three productive acres, then later to inform-Mr. Clark that the com- loutli Memorial Hospital, Loi^g chairman of the finance committee. LEADER WANT ADS PAY leaders averred. contiguous to the depot and railroad pany thought his figure a bit out oi crossing on West Broad street, that line. "Would you consider, say $22,0n Hip I'lmn """.,»H< Church and our store is mostly re- '••IK, In 1IMN, »!„. OuCrnl llnllr" 'y,V 'I Wr.l ||r,,,,cl ni^ ',;n,rk ss .Ivciiiic. 1 SUBURBAN TRUST COMPANY >] Values to $14.95 Our Price S 8.90 .>! WESTFIELD - CRANFORD Values to $16.95 Our Price $ 9.90 ••I el SCOTCH PLAINS - GARWOOD Values to $18.95 Our Price $10.90 ASSETS $31,000,000 Westfield Cranjord tlH E. Hroad St. 12 Springfield Ave. PUB TO FAtrroitv icrcsntieiioMH, wrc AHI Julian Levy, chairman of the building committee, presented keys Ground Beef ib. 43« In 5«ll-S«-vi« M.»l D«p.rtm»nli of the temple to Nathan Stritiler, Ma«».ts-e«tk-l4 Ibf indovtr lb congregation president. SCOTT'S fresh Plate Beef , n>15« In Ull-Snvk* M«» Dtpartiunli 39* •«I»l«f flyll-all lim-lor fricuiM, nljdi •• J9. Boneless Brisket Beef * 69* In Sarvicr MM' Premium Crackers "? 22c RlMhl-M-Cull-dl slns-lor frkatiM, iilid- » C7a Top Sirloin Roast »on.i«. ib 79c I. Salf-Wvica MM) D*pvtm«il> lb Top Round Steak 79« Fresh Spare Ribs ... * 49« Unele Ben's Rlca-» **» u o,P t9 2Q> lb Lumber Boneless Stewing Beef 59« Canned Whole Hams ^* ^ -«" »> 87c Cream of Rice Cereal " «Pk9.33« For lb Beef Kidneys » PW<* "• 23c OXtailS *°' braising Ib. 29' Pink Salmon Park West Beef Liver sP«ciaiiy s.i.d.d ib.65» Frankfurters skmi.., ib57e Codfish Cakes Rib Lamb Chops 't 65c Pork Sausage *»<• 43c unk b 53= CodfiSh<>"«" ib.43« Available in Frtib Fjjti Dipartmanli Lima B«ans Cnaaoltat'eg- Stfl'lu OO« FM-Rt(Jlf » *1QS Smoked Beef Tongues ToPgr.d.ib.55c OnieilS Freih Lakolb- «WC S.lf-Servlr. FUh Depl.,lb ll96 Loin Veal Chops . . . »> 95« Fillet of Cod F»ncy IB33C Buny's Cookies J&&S Boneless Veal Roast swd.r b 79= Chowder Clams . . . iMdy-lo-coc.t-il.g>lo brand Strawberries hutttrH)- pillIrrn In n mniiulh, hlxh-lualrr knotty lt*il Cwlnr (ICIIinlniKcn ci-mkni c.llo. baa I I " tvilllH or ' . Sq. Ft. b 13c Washed Kale Florida Oranges v.>.nda 5 ba g 37e J-M CEILING TILE Uiv Waihad and claam ( 8 or, 17. KNOTTY PINE PANELING MIX Ragalo brand callo. bag II" Yellow Bananas ^^ ^* »> 15e 12x12 • 12x24 Strawberry Pie Waih«i and claanad NOTF.I Accept «<» ExceptIflitollj' atmtoth wtoc'k In Clam n Huin*rlt, v«*lv»?1y butterfly iini- R.gala brar.d ulls. bag New Green Cabbage stX™ , »>. 6« 4*>rn, GIV^H your Huttthrd liiine- nitfttt a (•hnriitlfiit'f ivJirm look California ££. C of nul*>4 luxury. Fult thick. All Avocado Pears Pascal Celery ttl •>*«-iw*«17» Sq.Ft. cleanly ml Hod. U tm-h wdlthN. win. If you wluit Walnut Meats Yellow Turnips u s. NO 19rad. ib. 4c OMer Jan* Parker Vafuei.' SNEETROCK Pre-Finished Dixie Bar Cake •«* 33c or WAUBOARO S frankfurter or hamburger pkg. of 0 ' I 9' 4x8 She.ti, H" Thick Domestic Sliced Swiss Cheese -59« Dundee Cake . • . Vo pfilnilnje needed — mnkeH Jelly Donuts . . No wnnte becnuiie Pnrk n flnlHhed ivnll tin Noon HH It'a Went turn your •!«;•! Sunnyfi*ld Fane/ Craamtry 11b. TOe live nttd ea)«>* why (•> decorate. Sell or Swe.1- (In V4 Ib. prints «>.7S«| brick. I W" Knotty Pine M Pnrfe* WcHti now ... Sq. Ft. b Romano Cheese Jane Parker Sheetrock •• .8«. Ft, BV2C Sharp Cheddar Cheese Xr 69c Cream CheeSe Breakstone 22« Ched-O-Bit che» .food ^ib.27c Cottage Cheese Border,-, nbPkg29«noil ton linn amooth level Kraft's Velveeta ch..s.fOOd wib33c Cheese spread o'/ioz. pkg. 27 Studded with raisins P"f* la* far "#»C# lilnytnjr mirtnie. ORIt'lnl OxS ft..table. Cnn lie % put lip In II loniilo ol itilnutm. Available In «nd tutv fruit hits. Of |V A& one ur two-plvfe inoileln —< tnke yonr lilrk. No Ann Page Foods... BITHVH neceMitrr. Children cnn hundle If i

1 PLYWOOD HANDY PANELS Dwallw vsgetarfan or Boston slylt ** cam •dv ' Libby's Baby Foods Crisco Piel's Light Beer READY-TO-PAINT FURNITURE 5 Sold in licensed stores only 2 ft. x 4 ft. Sheets kn, bimUt'ivte*, Itult'tirrt, corner pnlilnetH, \ Prepared Spaghetti . 2' cr25c Strained or chepped , Pure vegetable shortening tlVN, ret'drd I'liblnetN, (lid dibit** • VA" 1.05 • %" 2,20 nnrtlilnig anil evcrytliliiK- III line, well- Salad Dressing PWI«27 £•33" ZMo 2 IT 31c • • W 1.55 • W 2.40 n'Nlriii'teit, rcmly-to-itiilut 5 I*" 49c • %" 1.95 SEE NEW SHOWROOM DISPLAY I m Sandwich Spread 3,1 D.vfie0ft*if0C - ^"^ ^*ac.'. I I v«wl Vuv Pineapple, AprkoJ Breeze Oxydol Detergent PHONES: HOURS: (All III'IIIK I'.O.ll. Planter's Peanut Oil For ihe family wash ••••111 turn CH«taut 5-7S54 Moll, thru Frl., TtllO t» RtllO Candy Values... Hi-Hal All purpose detergent Kni. H to lillll WE next Hat, or Elliabltn 5-4345 6 b quart Oij B 24 hr. Phone Service DELIVER (Wl! 11131.1VISH t) Welch's Junior Mints » -19° can Ul* MOc r59« SS*29c LARGE FREE PARKING AREA-DRWE OVER! Welch's Pom Poms ««b«i9e Suchard Chocolate Squares <* 25c Rinso Lux Toilet Soap Lux Toilet Soap For (aundri and dishes Foe toilet or balh Especially foi the balh FRIDAY OPEN TO 9EVENING p[r27c »r53c 3'2tf22c 4 a* 43= AMIIICA'I IO(lM0lt t000 II1*ILI» Wooduury Soap Woodbury Soap Orcft Lumber Co. Buy 3 cakos ... got 1 lor 1 carl Especially lor (J>o bath For the (amily wn-fi diW drthll [ A legulai 'I'if i«o.9fl« .'.•*/' ^lO^est Westf reld Ave, IHI amAi »TI»HIIC • rAcific HA COMTANY *t cakes CQ* 4 £,t 45c vil OSELLE PARK, N. J. , Prlcai affective through Saturday, March 7th In Supot Markcti and Solt-Servicg Storcl only. 155 ELM STREET BETWEEN ORCHARD AND BROAD STRSET "* mam w**r*m.n M.S.) LEADEtt- THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1953 • REALIST ATE-SAU« fORSAlE • REAL ESTATE-SAU» • REAL ESTATE-SAIE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE* »EAiESTATE-SAIJ*» RATES: • REAL ESTATE-SALE* •ANOOim-WlfOMAN CO, C. i. SMITH, JI. Call Raaheri EDWIN O. EDWARDS S A. 5AUNDERS CO. Multiple uatlac Meaiiera 2T Teua ot W«at«aU Baal Batata H-t! 2 Cent* a Word iVOT Hift and o»tenttttion«. put i PHEII-TO-LtMiS for your flteBtaT tUattor REALTORS R. R. BARRETT, JR. A iUNOALOW »Y HINRY WKT ' compact and livable home on I - 118 So. Ave. '£., Cr&atori S^lfl' Minimum Charge 50c PEARSALL 1W^mb«i* Of Tke $14,900 little traveled «treet In Franklin Xnlilpic tlntlB-it Sy«t*m BB »*aia«Ka GO«OONTOUIN School .ectlon. Three bedroom.: A FISE NAME and a fln . house. living room with fireplace, hea-ted Claaaiaea: IM«»l«r lUrtw Multiple Ll.tiol- Meaakera retained iun room for TV, full dining room. COMETIEatE, OB JknUtmtUm NIW GRACIOUS UVINC Th« nrenent owners nave Lot 60X150, mature trees. OooA"•—" cond«lon. 114.750. uallr d.»lgn«d aupporta. oVeVn CMt ,'•««> WCBJEIDIY, • A.M. A PHBTTV CAPK too nicety locat FRANKENBACH THIS CO.WFI-ETE1.Y r»mod- FOUR MEMOOMS ••I. alEI. HAMK ed on the North Side will BOOn In viWA folonlul haa a center FUB* A SIHAIA MMIW or a eoopl* ready for occupancy. The bay win $13,600 Well built home In good location. (4f W«« Praat »«. n.,1 IVSIBOH9 dow make* the 13 % 20 living room Hall from front to rear. Llv- «E4I.TOH» bright and cheerful. There is a ing room 2'.»xU with fire- Two bedrooms and tiled batn on dining- room, roomy kitchen, tw place and bookshelves Large second floor; twenty-Sve foot liv- 2 ibn SI., WastfMd 2-4700 well proportioned bedrooma, tile< dinine; room; dresroy mod- MODEBK Bl>G4I.OW ing room, dining- room, good Kit- SHOP AT OltUS • RfAl ESTATE-SALE • bath, spaotous breeseway, and ffR ern kitchen. pov?rter room, with two bodrooma on nd a wry ut*.v -«— —~ - - chen. Convenient location. 115,160. friur bedrooms (three are the llrst Boor and two it1 ideal for children as It la on a VaB th« nuf inspiring and rage. Tlie second floor will hav twin si2«> #r»ea.e l a *rH*tt*rrHtt « nne«f houses In the West- Washington School. LOCATION - $17,7M semi-finished third floor room tot Gnu's UUC ft COnON IMM la toa eoaaltlae laalae >a< OB*. field area. You II love it. your boy's private lair. Oil hot IM •. Biaav* it. Wnt^aiTaT REYNOLDS, FRITZ A BETZ CoarriUstlr locuMa* «»' <•• a NIW |22'I)O YOB CA* STAND on the porrfi and water heat; nearly new OB »tove. •««dr lof. »kla koiae a«rr» a watch the children KO Into school Owner transferred, CH>od UQaitejna; area* acal for met. Tk« a«aal from fhl» Inimaculate and UUM; available. $18,200. PIAMO»~The finest «nd larmUt S •nl-loor arraasraunt »r *'••"*' .„ .. good looking* Colonial near FOUR UMfOOMS l.ctlon in Cantr»l New JerE? ••<• rkrrrfal rooaia •!•• a aca. 3 Inff completion, Weil proportions WMTFIIID GARDENS clu.lvaly aalllnsr the " bra room. aa< tiled balkoa tk« rooms with powder room and $!«,H0 Ll>cotN SCH001,. Well-built bunf- renowned gohmer, KraniS aer»a« loar. O»-«t 4etacke4 *•- npen porch und attached garage. « BKAt'TIPtX brick and alow on lot 60K170. Pull slied dltl- Bach, lunci, Pau G. M*hi|1n WMta •» la aw arm «• sat talak rase' JVew oil karaev. Tliree large bedrooms on the sec- frame Colonial located on a Roy ' Bo»ers on television and inft- room, modern kitchen, two .1* otfc«r leading manufi " <*at ara an mmtiw ta flattery, Aaklas »1T,TM.»« ond floor and a lovely tiled bath. picturesque atreet in the OI.DKR four becifonm bedrooms and tiled bath; Bteam Your purchases are at lJJJfJ tn —at aaaatt t»at it alwara aaakce The house and nelgnborhoo-i are (iardenii. The living; room is homo In th« Wilson whoop it UP out of mother's way. oil heat and partially finished fcme- prlcea Ull douhly guaranteij- v! [ aattaar ekeeta wltk arMe most desirable for $24,700. tixl3hb with open flrBplaee. School area in very soon The master bedroom i» huge and ment. lrf>w taxes. There is an over- lb« manuHfturar and Buiil Family »Ued dining room. A condition. The kitchen there are two othef bedroomB ana sawaev ^veataeia cawta^aer •IICH TREES tiled bath on the second floor. It sized garage, and we think you 11 Piano Co. wlfh ovtr 25 ySJr"! i Mwa eaafa ta «Ht for den for Father and a tele- hifl been modernized like the outdoor fireplace. Priced rtta at Bata k*a«. Trkara NIW vision room for the young- and a new heating; «ya- farther is handy there 1B perfect vrkaif fcapaaaiaal baat avrk. A aiaa THIS HHKK-FIIOWT Colaalal la sters. Mother will be pleaned tem Installed. . . . There recreation room space in the baae- right at «lS,3(ii). lav wkaws wa kaat a«w a tomae wa»» firrllrnl rondltlaa a 4 la a •»lrfc- A CKSTER HAM. COLONIAL by ona with the kitchen and hreak- in a two-oar garage. ment with an adjacent lavatory- korke ••<-l«rfc. OKI" e>»T a»« Hl'< klltfcea. Tkree aaa> den with a bay window overlook- basement has a finished bedrooms; twenty-nine foot living ,M». aail tilt* kalk wltk stall ing the deep yard- On the other game room. Thla home offers SHIT UVilS All THE VOOUI room, comfortable, family-iiiaad limn aa4 altarae* mmnmt n>m- side ot the hall is t*he dining roam spaciousness for the enflre $27,S00 dining room, modern kitchen, flrat tke »letar« af tkla Meal and kttctxen. A powder room is at family. Oil heal. Z-car era- FOUR MDROOMS floor powder room. Hot water oil LIGHI6HT THl7CICInrG tnd movlna 1 Eii..' the rear of the halt. Upstairs are raee. The plot Is larare and heat. Taxe« »38«., vary large lot. four v»ry fine bedrooms and two beautifully landscaped. 129.- $55,000 WHY NOT »K I!« *Ttl.B and take Your most critical inspection ia NNew J.raey In my apare Uml& nne Dearooms ana iwo S00. a look at thla live-yenr-old split tiled baths.. —Ther -e •i s A porc--.---h and -a level home on a lot 75 I 150 with Invited. 122,500. two-car fttt;Ltacfted rarage. If fold COLONIAL. STVI-K home a two-car Harare and oodles ot > e. $33,500,_.,..-.,. In one of our very b«Bt charm? It has it large livingroom WELL OYEfl half an acre of beauti- •a, ara>H ••*• rim a «aa»al»«« eraaa hut there Is every Ilk el t hood that S. A. SAUNO«S CO. locutions. There are two with panelled nrepface wall, full fully landscaped property sur- tool Inatead ol ' inllii a« «fc» •*aBa»< freaie tara- Errataffa t nice bedroom*. An extra On the second level are two good and loV. Spacious living room with mtory koa>« waltlaa; far r»a h r r»»' *el«»e fa aalat aa< Hmr Ar».M .... W«.W»IJ age «paee are avaiiahfe There la another big bedroom on rear property; three first floor bed- ANTIQUfS aalaklac toa«. tflala« room IH perfect? for en- large screened flagstone porch. T4I tlark It. -MM Waaalraw Wlla.ii. »rk*»l. we riHtai, tll#4 ktt'kea. It kaa a 4awa- 4eace fct Amelia Saaa^era .... Wa.3-l«ia like another bath there la space ttmr T. Cm»—H tertaining (23xH) and for one Aluminum combination Second floor space for thre« more Call Knalin wNI akaw raa a aln> MB »<• Matr* k#4roaai, tll<< katk. aaa W 3MTI there IH an extra room screens and storm aash, gas heat. bedrooms and another bath. Two u« Waakcaaa wM afSmel a*w all faraan. Tae kaattr-»lat alea. Fat Ike rklMrea . , We. 3MTI fnr the tetevMlon set. ear built-on garage. Fully Iniul. er vlaltora aaatalra la tka twe lM M. ••fcrr Plot 80x130. oil-* team Have we whet your appetite J.!.tf ar«»l-al>r4 ke j Terr ekasnrral anaaaaltlaa, l« nn kalk. Altackeal Ktrmgr »a* HAMPTON HANNA excellent repair thru- diate sale at i:6,300. it sntal amay, aa< la awry oaea-arrmr* fwrek •« tke la. out. ttmaut, Ta« ark:*—«i laklaa: taarkea a*r*aaarr l«"aiaka MKANK J. CTNIIU, ASSOOATf II* Maintain *™» Wa«««al* fnwOCR AHTLIAYCKI tkla aa exeeatleaal hmy. HAMtY H. MAUfTT all na*U> Aw, Weal, -- "" **«, u Wla££.2Ta».W*.l-US4 C. I. SMITH, JR. |31r500 Dmttr L. naian. ^ z-itn-n VKRV useful lnd«ed is the extrit 1-5.U LARGE FAMILY? first floor room and tiled lavatory. ;F VOU WAST TO CHOOSE YOUE FOUR MMOOMS BBMI I. Craar. . . Mtm. wi. 2-U31-J Etaet M. Tawajrr . . There are i*hree upstairs bed- OWN DECORATIONS AND ADD aUckanVF. Llaianta . . , SAVII A BIT OF ORIOINALTY IN THE $41,000 nr roc MATE »«M»»« ia->%*i k*at IOC.»TEI> tke .k«a> WeaKeM rooms and tiled hath, too. A sunk- Malttalr llallag MnaWra *' frKa* ra« • r>artl#nN. i thlthae trnmiirfcaaae oATcrt» mpr*m*a a ta •att ef. tiled kitchen and very nne con- A GUIMICK THERE, HERB'S struction are additional features. TOUR. CHANCE TO WORK OUT I\ WVCMWOOO on a. OfKRINGS CRAMFORO PIANO CO ;ra are -anT ; IK *44l*a«H «n «fc« iarire flvl-t«f HOUSE NOW UNDER CONSTRUC- plot of over half an • LOTS FOR SAU • Taiaen aaal HaaalMen • ia»aa>ra feataren. aa* jtkm ai^J r««»iM, rfjjtfnjr r-Mtm mtd kltel-** TION IN THE WYCHWOOD acre. Cape Cod Colonial CHAHX AMD BBAl'TY are Oar. «.». Btattaa Crta, i-JTj. with itr*>*kf«iit rMM ai.l >|*a»v. And f Ar aMiye Almost Impossible to find wlthfn tiled bnthM, large living room, full floor. . . , Jfald'M room with slate roof, situated on Iraa'«ve4_8Til4«. Wrckwaa SUP COVERS rn«M N •tiUialaa'Hl -aifMriit p»erca- _i short walk to nUflon and shop- size dining" room. Kitchen, two- and bath nn the 3rd. . . . the southern slope of the Seaaal llffit «r#a ft-Ml hlllUrrf rft.M. Oil intc. Alons with thtn double dlvi- Dlatrlrt. *2,»0O. Il'lTOM WADE _ Glider covtrt. cur garage, breeseway, a;a» air Attractively pttnelled den Wfitchiinir Hills within & laiprored — la Wrekfraaal. drapes, bedspreads. Hade with <••» kcat, 2-t>«i> Send in the four-bedroom, two- conditioned heat, full cellar, plas- . . . Recreation roc%i minutes drive of the heart bath, fine residence and the price tered wall*, fully Insulated and with fireplace , . . Stone of Plainneld, offering per- customer's own materials. THK OTHER DAT we asWvrea] rtta only »32,ooo. large lof. front exterior with haitf fect seclusion and a setting Orrrinoklaar Oolf Caara*. ta* Fraa« w«t. 3-w*is •MMsee !• a »aa.ll» wMk a «rr gpllt shin tie aides. second to none with dog- alert raaac *aa«fct*r. Tke «rst COLO.'ffALs are always in demand. wood galore. The home 13 h m o«a. 4S.MHX • tklaar eke aaM after mm laic* HARSAU This one with center hall, four $13,700 custom built by present •PENCE* COB«ETIKRF. Indivldu. tail'.aaLo-Matkerl It laaka Jaat family bedrooms on the second owner, having exquisite ALAN JOHNSTON ally deslgaed supports for men Hke Tkemw Jeeraea'a kaaa*. lla floor and maid's room and bath on large living room, fireplace, .Realtor and women. Appointments itindt keaaHralf 8 aeeifewaia aaal a mrtm- HUNKMIACH the third floor, has been beauti- •orn YEAR oi.u CAPB COD, with KM RENT full modern kitchen, dinette, In the home. Chestnut E-E4S3 exriiinMnn attic and full size cellar, 363 Elm St., Weatfltla:. WLS-MM ataar nmmr wltk 2 katka «a tke l«alaa> S(. WaaMaM Z-IM* shillings and pounds at halt Scotts. atvrly poaaalatnl miraim room, FRANK J. CNIIU, Associate Evaalasa workshop on property, 2 ONliY. Free Booklet. attarkeal s«raa>r. oorck, aeea lot. COUNTRY LIVING splendid wells. This home F. X Klrchofr, 338 £dgewood Ave, OT Nml WntHclal 2-WT9 _ da p. Crala ¥>.Mt)U nestled on 3 acres of seclu- 'Westfield, ^. J. Taai'll aajaln! Ike decor. a"lfta5ev WITH rraak J. O'Neill. F.vfm. W*. J-TIaT Wllllaaar H. Skaaaaa RU. <-KIT EDITH WOfRNER |l»,.mM—Thl« Is % lat of nouse for WUllaaa A. Clark We. 1-33M-W alon and beauty beyonrl de- the money and In a nice section— CITY CONVENIENCE scription. TAXES *3H> — HABV CRAKD piano, amall table", Vlrslala H. Wladkaaa We. 2-4113 PRICE: f SHORE ACRES, N. J. metal beds and bedroom fleece. REYNOLDS, FRITZ . BETZ living* room, illning room, kitchen, BI3.1CTIFUI.LY located on a resi- CHARUS C. BAAKf Reasonable. Call We. 2-2B3-JI U bedrooms and bath, tlren there dential aide street, thla brick Raahor after «:00 P.M. BRALTOM i» a bedroom on th^ 2nd floor, oil front, center halt • STORES FOR RENT • taita heaf. J^oi'ry no gin-ase—but you Nraaarr af kaae 2**H cun't have everytningr. HUOC iUNOAtOW ]laltl»la Lbllaa gjriteai R«a.'akaae 2-1IMS s^^roiRHoow cottage in goodATTRACTIVE, modern 11 year oia CORRECTION—A store tor* rent ad- STORK ROUND •?? . Hca. 'akaae Z^HMa orr#ni a pleanant rustlt* atmnsphera condition, screened porch, garage, home on knoll, overlooking beau- vertisement appearing In this Sec aar Ma PaaMau . j Beta . T lose to Senior Hlfrh—a and yetf it'n only a few minutes *M.7W _ 3 BEIIROOM HOVHK on tiful view of valley for miles. On PHrrd fron I7.K Helea Sckmldt •lea. >»keat 3^ line j«ix room houao with tiled bath, walk to stores, schools and tran«- ulet street In Franklin tfchool screen and atorm windows. A real column Incorrectly gave the ad- lAtrlct. Good size lot, garage, ouy. splendid road convenient to every- dress as 114 E. Broad St., Instead WH»»l'a Dnia Skaa hot water heat with oil, open portatlon. Ijirse livlnir room with a thing;. Streamlined modern kitch- of 113. The store at 114 Is occu- 35 F.lia St. We, M4U .porch, 2 car garage. fireplace, dlnlntr room, science hard top drl^e. en, full dining room <12' X 14'), kitchen plus three lai-fre bedrooms *lS,INm — ATTRACTIVE flve TOOm pied by Joseph's Frame Shop and S-5-tf »ir>.ooe—t BRDHOOHS. clone to Lin- bim*r.-ilo»', fulJ dining* room, rec- lurge living room with stone nre- la not for rent. IM.(MM». an if kttolien, 1st floor; 3 bedrooms until you've hud an opportunity 2(4 HOOH APT. Business COUDI" and colored tiled hath, 2nd floor; reduced In price for a quick Nftle. Reasonable rent. Cilll We. 2-7O0O-J cushions; bridge und tahle temp*: barn in b«ck and Rraraj^e for four to conjure It's location, c'onstruc- Owner is moving ta Brooklyn OWNER TRANSFERRED table; pie crust table: tna cars. I^ot size 108xi.3. Possible in- hot watf*r hfut with oil (new unit), ~ rlon and feature.* with this newly which In the only reaaon for this CONSULT tableal All In excellent condition. come—S22O per month or oetter, screened porch, Z car «arage. listed three bedroom, true attractive 3-bedroom renldence to PH1CE'drastically reduced on this riKDUving room, bedroom Tel. We. 2-44 57. Priced at J14.000. COhOSlAI.. be on the tnnrket, Wliodroiv Wil- older type home. In good condition, und buth, suitable tor light house- •lW,r,'W.0O—Center fl.jlJ Colonial—o.i I^arae living- room with fireplace, WALTER KOSTER located in the Evergreen section keeping. Business people preferred. For H»|ifVlntm*nt call. son Bchuol district. of Plainfleld. Center hall, living References required. Tel. We. 2- WAIXIT dining room table, bufftt lot 1 "JO ff?et front—"J hedrooniM and T.V. room, dining room, tile kitch- efe and china closet. Sheraton period. CARL HANNA, Broker hath on 1st floor, 2 bedrooms and en, r*-ar Hc-reened porch, first floor THE BEST possible aervlce awaits room, dining room, library, but- OoSOOoSO, W*. 3-3*M* ' Krenlniot iPI. 6-07O.1 hath Jnd Moor, hot water heat with powder room. Other features in- These and many other proper- you, plus our JJ years' experience ler'a pantry, Ulfchen; 4 bedrooms, Good condition and very reason* ties may be inspected by calling hath, 2nd floor; t bedrooms, bath, able. Call Cr. 6-4567 any time after Alwo have a selection of ranch oil, - citr Rarafjc. clude oil heat and BarnBe. There the office of as npeclallBts in residential and THMBB ROOMS, nil Utilltle«. MMdld 4:00 P.M. 3-5-« fypf) liomea and Cape Cod from is nothing: like It—owners aaklnrf buslneia properttea. Let ua know 3rd floor. Hot water, oil heat, 2- agea business couple preferred >M,d00 up. whar you'd like to SBU, OR BUY car guragc with workshop. Nicely THOMAS O. YOUNG —we can help yooi! landscaped plot 7i>' X 29S\ X'rice Available April 1. Cull VVe. 2-590°. $31,300.00 CHARIES C. BAAKE arm Ui.800. Realtor AKDE.V - _ 3 AUN JOHNSTON Raoltor A large ataff of nuallfled sales- roonla PATTERS GLASS—Baltlinore\Pesr, JUaBor 200 Xnrtft Avenue . . , W<\ S-IV22 7 South Art., w. Wr.trifld. SI. 1. men offer you the complete Bervlce 1st. neiu 114 Homan Rosetto—Daisy and\But» J. ('. Ottmh, AsiifH'Iate . . w«.S-«»t» we. :-za*«~wia ANDREW HAYE ft SON ton. Cranberry—Ituby, etc. uHlple MutlnR Mrmlier Memhrr Afaltlple Untlns Syiitem and overall covcrago you need. np.Ai/rons l.v nitlniir. LANGUAGE this homo f.vrtHnun We. Z-2A8»-W—£-1.11.1 WB no NOT BKI.ONG TO ANY Vamri Kor Karalu WWl TOVM.WK I.V-I.AWfl i.1 U 1ST Vorlh Avr. Pl.alnllrlil H-181T DON MAXWEU'S I.1>IJ«* WITH YOU* If no, this ELLA J. MeCORMACK ATTnACTITK three bedroom fnime -Mir-TIPI.E SVSTBSf. OCR SV». ' 885 MOUNTAIN AVK. house, on II iniiet'street. Thin well- K», Tel. MIIIInKtnn f-OO3l •ROOM AND BOARD • room tirriuiBeinenl fn thi« fine Realtor GRAND-SIAMU FB0DICES JVST NE • or PL, «-MW7 Also iiomo may be Just what you are conwtructed home has n new oil TKIXCI °' looking- for. Brick and frame Mr-mhrr Malllple MatlnK burner, ftreplnce In the llvlne JIKX OVHIt «S UPHOLSTERING It ha» cverythinir you could a»k room, mm porch, open screened dwelling which was niHtom-liuilt. fur—Junt check thpHo feature A "SOID" $l n by SEEING IS BELIEVING APPI.ICATIOX8 TAKEN FURNITURE REPAIRS This Is re/lot'tod In tlie excellent OF THE WEEK 1 porcli. pantrv and kitchen. Excel- 0 vo'nstnietioii, tlio well planned a "TOP; I1KSII1KNTIA1, LOCA- lent for those traveling In Kah- Boom, Hire, niml,, dn|i,., ,05 wrfklr $29,500 way, Hay-way. New Brunsu-lck. A JOHN H^ST, •*)»& W«tfl«W - rooiiin, and (ho number and tinus. aCKNTF.R HAI.f. Iwfi-ciir Karage. deep plot. 521,JOO. WALTER KOSTER $13,300 IS nurr si. x,,i|i uai SIBO of t)io L'lojii>tJt> This l.vinB- WK.1TriKI,n GAimKXM—Hrlnk and • LAMOKLI A TOt'R throuBh thia compact (J!-J rortn In i.7 feet long. Thcre'H n llrst room expanded faunguto^ will fiur- llooi* ami in uddltluu tu a sun porch frame home with flrnt floor den, a POBMM, m.vivr, nooH MTITCO COTTAOE ,vlth more KOLH.p|f:ri-; maple bedroom set In- > Hlinriiniti, brefikfiiat room, glnaaed nxim than you think. Living room, 3-5-tf prlae you for It boasts of 4 bed- - .itid U(t ofcii" portrj); aluo, a tiled iinil «LT*.'on(!*l porch. Four large aXCIKNCK KITCHK.7I dlnhiK room, two bedrooms and rooms, 7 elosetH, and 3 storage cludlne double bed, spring »»; ' kltulion und tircukfant room. Tim Bf;cond lloor betlrofims nntl ilrcs- butlt on the llrst floor. Two room.«. areas, In addition to many extras mattress, dresser, dressing tt»« Hocond lloor lian four hodroourf, a HlnK room. Tlirco tiled hjith.H. one screened porch and balh on tho and Improvements that BO a lonK ATTHACTIVK A\D SfAClOlB fur- and cheat of drawers. Ju«t "'; . Hewing* room mid On-ec Tiled biitlin. ivld] Htjill uliower. lluire recrea- a FIHST pr.ooR rovenw noon second. Oil-steam heat*, rockwool wuy toward making a little homo fti rooms; short alk to sta- thing; for that extra bedroom "' l^iirKo rci'rctitlon room ami lillllnrd tion room; vncuilm vnpor*oll heat; Jn»i]];ition, a three-car curage. RAMBUNO RANCH HOME attractive find livable. Out ii Mt 1V ehlliTa room and a wonderful W« room In Imacnujnt. Two curg"antKo. U-t-ar KdriKro.« eroilnrlH. /Jo • t HIII.J; jir;[)]ioo.«3—s TIIK I'rlci! »IS,300. on a qulot street. Two blocks from for that shore cottafc Cull Iraf Very lartso lot. tilt; iiruud oivncr of tiiU bargain! a1 YKAHs OLD. landHeapf.(] lot 105 : site of new Boulevard tk-hool alCI'WVV KI.ATK HOOK 1-J on a knoll In it tine woode< b.nrly occupancy, t'all owner for ford $-0267. BIIICK 1-noNT and neat as n pin foot on. ii rooms, 114 bath», n'lonrc appointment, "We. 2-&884-W , conifortablo rooms a 933JMHMW—-IN TIIH «H.1'5T HVUOOii aa-f'Aii ATT.K'III-'.I) arr>«ting oil »O Crimper! SI. Wr. i'-INIS TIO.V flAJ*K.HIi.\T with room (or two bedrooma up- 1 1 nC! -143 W. North Av«. WE s 7T fully plitnttod with Himkcn livltn*- jtalrx. Sunny kitchen. Icnccd-ln VV.I ''i ; -"."?- "" school und e ut Hn-».. Wr. 2-1.I1H-M — We. S-(I3O»-J • (ilKKT linOM A.MJ HATH ON rii a d ice ;1 n rooin, lii'Mt Hotn* dun or liedrooiii Tllllll) FI.OOM. rt I" ' " "• " " f Porch. ~ mortgages on 3-0-i.r table, chronio 1«B», 2 P"" <> ,V. and powder room. 1 Ijmititr« nr« !<••. (l-:27i-n Can't be^! n{ IOVRI.. V- corner room, newly rie tensions, praotleully new for I"' three beiirooms and tiled until. Oprn {tniKlara S-3 P.M. »1 IMMACULATE rated, excellent for business 5 Htoro price 168.05. Also, two P«l», Two car gum go; new oil heating A. J. BENNINGER AGENCY f : ed kitchen chairs, J2 each. »m«» ?)l£i»t; deep lot. PETEHSON-RINGLE- Belter than Sew ^.T »"- ""«'"'K 'Ivo room homo utility table, bakolito top, S 4r«* Ninlih I'lnllu fll» Mutn. .\ve,, MountnlnHldc, N. J. V4 t'r.An-ui.n nuNQAi.ow, ulth finished room up»!nlrB and ors, IS. Maple floor lun>P. *}'•.!%. HIII.SIMI NEWMAN, me. extra and adjacent lot in beat lo- Ing.board, latest style, »4. Cull »«• 240 ^'orth A\r. 3fl3 Pnrfc Aw, nrjnrf* K. flr>An Uonuer. cxpiinalon for 2 roomn. liv- I'atlim, with miiiiy rxtrav. 1'rlcod OK.Vl.V THA^.HI'KHMKO mum HCU•I-VKAH-OI.I) Hinisiilow, near triniH- Urn. phnnf Ins room extra, lurse kitchen, for. LHportiitlon. Call Wo. 2- his imi]i;u:uhiti> Wit J'cur <»lil biillt- portatlnn HIM! Hhnplitiif;. 1* bud. WrutHeta ftrotrfl Plalna lor Immediate uulo at J15,900, 4994-W. \o\o\ homo in thu U'yclnvooJ rooni.s, Idti'lit'ii, dlnltifr room, HVIIIK >V>. £-711.1 Ka. 2-SHOO mk-ii ' (rulore, tiled bitli. 2 bed- 3-5-tf ATKNFOMT, «lx dowiTpiilo Sctmol l>l»tr).-t. r^ foot liviiiK louin, tile bufli. limn. . ..Wr. S-tKTrt-J.. ,Cr. n tliiril biii-k over Mfiy t-r.i rroin tlio ' ' ' station. Wo. MAH. 52~inchc«7To"ntr, (Ir woail '* n 11-5- tf lcvr.l. OiM-n poroh; spdtlrsrt Unm-- III MiAI.OW —Ni'iir Wl'Htllolll. I.IV- CIIII be bought nt U-MH tlum up< ronrt, nint(I t'owfrlnK slindc trec-a "PPolntiniMil to ico PliKllo liplioldtery, rfioloo fl• a'" IIIK riinin, illlilnl! riium, Ulti'licn, 2 urn] mi Jin {IITH of gromi»i, If you WOODSY RANCH HOUSE Vl'iu iii *J |K >VIUl colors, (38.50. Ptonln I" l" ™ )m»iU clrlply tLnlshfd ulT with vuliif. lr ',", ""° "clcnco rulilier tiled Hour. Clunn mis lu-;it; iK'ilnxiiun. pink tlli'il liiilli. line I>)on^i*, \n tu rally the nv« rouniH Tor Mommj'n ( onhitnda, k i .i , ; uli l illnlnllnlne room imd llllvv - i6.H0 cacli. We. 2-127H-J- ovt'ivsixe Biiiaue- Kluv.Ui'd hit 7C Ilmelli'il rnniii pluK stiirilK'' "Plll'll i'nr..Vvvii CAPK con, .xiiHlini lire liirKC, (hiTc'H H nrfpliu-n In kitchenroom, .ful Nel w oiill Btte an, l,cat miltl , X Mh. In the fNininslun iiltli-. 'niorn In it I'timlltliili, lulJniMint Tiitimrltu-B tJif living rrmni anil Hjtact (or "J N 14 Ar, Ki'Kd liilKlmapliiK (()(• LXtmnntah attUu .\cit r if firm t\v .vciirx ni'i7- Sllimil. so yi.ii lil:;y ri'cimtiy i-irin|il(!ti!ly rrflc^»rflt*rt It In pcrta't iviiiilliiiin Mially liirjjt^ rumn HIM! I'xt'rti tllXl'H. SiMnn\7,. . prl«. ^loii slip uovcr " jtnldc und mil, no llwri- IH nothliu IIHALTOIl Vtioni . )l)'''"tin8 Kumniln unl dAvo ;i 1 . WIrjiiiHPortne "."17V- rlalu, i.'.V "•,V1!,W .nwiuir In do Imt mwr In thioughou't, iittiu'licii Kuru-gu. J30,- 000. 7 riioiiiH: 4 hoilrnniiiH—'1 down, 13(1 Mouth AvPi, rmnvond I'n. 2-770O Clinrlfn l.rch^r 'llle llvliiB-roolll >» Jait f|.,.| lui,. S tlU'll lllllilH, 11 HllOWL-rH — 1 Htfllt, J p 3-Q-tf DBS rumhrrlnnil !**• SUIl Ilitnlnn. Tholc'e u IIIMI. II O. h 'I'lijhtr, I'.vi- IM.(l-^7ltH .,",ii" "y'rl'iokinK- ivlndl'ne Mrciiliicc, full tlrv folliir, fciu'luttuij _ ffofKlif, Kt«* 1\ r.'J-OHH41 rniiil, w 1 .Aiton SI'.NTVV ni)i)>i _ ;ir,7~nonr' Hi.n.lillcihi-,1 1SOH 3,..|t riH'ij lii'iltiiomi', mm of Wht,|| („ Itx J "" "•"* brook, ' hacliiiimiMm IIIBU «MI fi-tl lonir; uiml Iml M. A. MERCNER Ol:llll IMI 8ii uiii.ii poll It, ttluHrcil luv win- U".\i,Ton — INM'IIAM'I.: I,I,I,J{ ItH (IYvr\Yvr\ Millll! 110 RD Olf U)'! w" i< »••• I*' «»>"n only, ts («•- tint WUIW hem wltli liiu yi'lir I BRICK 2-FAMIIY «it W lniiii..f, wut^r mifii iul" nil.' ma i)t iiij-.v ( oriiT Wi.»ui,..|d 2-111s111s. -••'•• Tin- lot, hi - .F.T'.M1U! ""• Mi-mliri- Vultljil.. I.txll - ,s,«f<-in P. CAMIL1O & SON 10 Vrnn IIM >>u IIKAI. KrlTATK — INNI! II,V\«:U i WfuKlelii a-lim OPEN INSPECT. •ISI MHITII AVI'l,, W. f r . i,.'"i _' !1"'1'1"""" "*"•w - "-IWS-J I'HIHT I'l.mill v. .... II'KII, s-iimii or wen, i-07»a 1 :f)0 /'..\f. to r» :0*)i* P.M. : i»iriirruirH.r 2 to 5 P.M. Sunday Imllli Bri-Olnl J-«OS:>"it wlnilowK. Call We. 2-01'J-J;.^ PETER A. DUGHI Hlu hath. SIM I€M1H. ViMilicnlly, »mi HI. Rooltor illliltlplf lilntlilK Mrmrir/ H. K, JH-OTT CO tmlpllil mini, for ytnir IIIOIILV, nititi 923 Ripley Avenue «r Hie IVfntllrld Hoard •I0O AVmiMfi,! Avf, KKHI«|.Ji"| ATOI1---A I." rimlii^i tlrlfl I. ... ruotiia mil ci FAitnbrtb, y, J, IliKlinutu.. front-tree I" ru. <<• ,1, iIn im-ntlnini'titli n '1 liltt homi, fur „. (Manor Park) OIKI year. MnvInK Into "K'rf" it(ii|ii'«, \v,n built hi tin. IWIMIHI.U H'li-lt1 iiii'ii"¥vn-'-'" * '" $13,250 EDWARD A.' CAMIUO !»> njunl n,.)l. Cull Wr. 'i-<'*'lL,. niMl HIM n llvhiK.ratim thu (ml iti.Ai.nm — i.vsiiiuit FRANKUN F. WAGNER ,1 r It,11 ;HnhiM: rur- wwtli ol ilif liouw. riic'Vi'liiiMu": ! rtfD2-.» I'll I H iV.J'J^'SM only 8:iHl-Ii: ot llrnllurri inmr i »| i. n.r.-tt '•in I,-i lHnhy r ,', ,;•,,;,„ " PERSONALS H'lU- fin ii nit -i-T'll f,, MNM-VI|.;<:n 1II11I11B l»"l Illn i-iili|m,l, liunitltilC 1 HH.M. I.^lA'i H \\t» i^u.. US; -' moil'* iiiiils, »l 1 11 |n mm IIIUP, *sri. Cnll W fRANKUN f, WAGNER dim,,,, INSURANCE ur »»? i;nHl llrtmil HI. In It,,, ' Hlilllt *IM> MI'HI lueuti? with active office. Wrfte Estate of ANTOKIA (BOmetlftlfiB TO THIK PAIRK1EI.D UEVEI.OP- •Mi, Wainut Ave., CranCord, N. J. TO imivis t B Wflld Jl mown as AKTHQ^Y and TOKrj M. MJ.VT C0HFOH4.TIOV, A CORPOH- Cr. 8-UJS5. . 2-26-21 -A.N'XA, deceased. 1 • LOST AND FOUND • 5-153l> Furgunut to tlie order of CHABtiKS ATH>9i' OP THE BTATH O* NRW 3-5-U WIIITiS woman would Hk* (roniii^ A. OTTO. --~ - uiuBAWAV SEE 5ali We7 2- and curtahm to do at hume. Kea- ^. OTTO, JR., Surrogate of the UT.'I.'I-H. LOST — Lady's wali^~conTaining 'ounty of T!nion, mad** on the flfih You are hereby summoned and re- Count/of t;alon. U—- Important pajierx, jnoncy, etc, lAb- liOl itLV Hjwre Urns tatting orders sonable rales. V*ry convenient to lay of February A.D., 1968, tipon the attired to serve upon Snevlly and day ot February ASi, JP Iwive and pick up- Center of tow((. application of *-&~-*- KJlKI"TK>»iAM.V flne dining room |')-a! rewai-ii. h'imicr cui) • HELP WANTED sprinsp g i di'f.sses, lingerie. Free Cull WuI'flrld 2-aa«4-J. ppllcation- af the umiersigne(i» an B\y, JjlaintlJTVs attorneyg, whose ad- n. Very l>rg« tmflVt, »rrvinar Htunmtt 6-4032. • liomis diVHKfs. No canvassing. idmlnlfiimtrlx of the estate of said drone is ill Qulmby Street, West- Sjcecnuicea of .„. __ ' atable, china closet, table [5 leaves), MALE Write ieceas«?d, notice is hereby given to field, New Jeriey, an answer to thedeeeaupa, »otlcefi her [i chairs. Solid mahuKany, OUHIOIH —On February 18th, a blue Mn!»«iiet(e Frocks he crtdftors of said deceaupcl to complainomplaint flU?. 8-3845-J. nnd recVlve $3.00 reward, tion, et ats, arc defendants, pending emandH aguinst thfc estate future for.rlgrht pariy. Apply in TO BUY OR SELL IIHIH a gainst the estate ot said In the Superior Court of New Jemey. deceased irithln nix nof>1 Pferuon, Bchae^er's. -. 3-5-tf (illtl.K or young women for 0ry itSlPil^t-' u' withiW 1 til ilnl Fixpjj, , monthJIlUSlLItsS &II/IIfrom1 the date of aalfl order or tu*T the date of said order, or they will within 35 day* after March 32 19."S. illli.'S 26-ini'h MIIB m excellent WCODING RING pleanlngr Htoi-e. No espej-ience nec- exclusive of puch date. If you fail be forever barrea fron FE MAS—Young, with experi- ry. Arply be tui'ttv^c barred ffofu jjrQs^cutinjp {to to do, judgment for the relief or recovering" the rrnnt rendition. Hiwkel ana light. Price Colil vstth tnMcri|t«Iun In German ence or training in office jiroce- fttw Htbbnn C|g(>it«>ni • LEGAL NOTICES • or recover tag the same against the eubecril>ers, j2U. Call We. 2-Z02S-AI. -ill Jeffer- Bulm'iiber, Uemdntifa in the complaint "will be son Ave. IEWARD dure. Chull&uglHg new opi>yrlu- m jVorth Avr iinrwc MITfCft TO limOKItS tak^n against you by default, ntty to initiate and supervise PROPOSALS FOH THKK THIMMING ANNA T. XA* Thd action has been Instituted tor MARV siBr^sr PUASE CONTACT CR. 6-6557 order handling-, stock control and Seaieit iJrui)O8als will be received Admfnlsti fhe purpose of foreclosing a tax and IHISKBAT fur cape Jacket, muhoe- flwouiUiny. Kiwuo-n sxivs lit»nd- "'uddie 15. Davidson, Attorney. AUGE After 5i30 P.M. quarters of initidnal mrtiiAjfiurtiir- O*IMiV )»ar}cprs tor «tea; loli oval dUliif : table, Bin-Kite LOST — Man's liunpon lighter inl- iiiK *nd«str(af iiiHtrufnenttition not 338S JJuiMIngr, J21 1'roniiect Street, W«>«t- tt'enffleW,Venffl N. J. Collector of Taxes of the Town of 210 Orchara St.. i-oiiuh cari-iase, wiilte crib, cllept tialrd Q.A.O., nhout Veb, 2«'Jrd In dependent o» jiillltUry buBiness. flfelcl, Saw Jersey, on Monday, March -12-4t Fees %9.hrtlr« grey and rose, 2 firealile pTeane return to Baron's Drue not eSKetitlni. ffordi Jersey iocu- of Street and Park trees during the . Store. • * tlon. Submit detailt*. resume, to ,>OTH)0 TO „ unsigned on October 26, IMS to chairs*, odds and enda. Call We. 2- »ox r.3, cure Westiield Leadej. • EMPLOY. WANTED • year isr»3. _.jtatP of JANF.T C. FHIL.WPS, Bernard Hamelln the. plaintiff and T Proposals niiiBt be accompanied by eceasea. concerns real Estate located ar 230 NOiicB or «am.aiM l,08T — Pair lady's grey woolen IJAV KVHUtmr—WUl care for chil- a certified check payable to the Maryland Street, .In the Town of Notlte In hereby given, gloveg with lenthcr palms. IMeuse Pursuant to the order of OHARtiRS Weatflvia, Counjy of Uhlan and State flnul account at the V TWO overstuffed iiylng room clnUrn call "We. 2-4r."t3, dren, day or week, for business order of Viie Treasurer of the Town L. OTTO, JR., Surrofnta of the im'ludliitj KlipKivera, Jusl the HELP WANTED - motlierw, from Inffints up. ASHO of Wewtfield, In the amount of §200. 'o«nly or Union, inade on the fifth of New, 3$rney.. Tou are made a Ejocntor of rile last Will I I'iiinii for thut fihoie collage. Call v^-iil ba.trd them, hy .month. Mrs. Siflea!Jons and proposal jorui ay of February A.13., I9i>3, upon tbe parly defendant beeftuse you arement of JBAN'K'B OAB1 lMi — i Key. Ownrr may havp FEMALE Qeo. Frlokmann, We. 2-6110. mny b e procured att tthh« officffie of jpljcatlon of the undersigned, as the holder of a mortgage on theSUOTT, deceaaed, will b« a) fiaine by ideiHifying and paying said 3a«dB a#dl premises made by stated by the Surrogate, for this ad at the leader Office. 2-2fl-2t .loiin T. Hopkins. Town Kng-iiieer, 2xeculor« of the estate of na!4 de-Harkafs Realty Co., inc., a corpora* ported for settlement to 111 'lTBBFLVaropleaE table, 40*xS6", ULTVRED woman, pi&Uo relft- 121 Prospect Ktree't, Westfleld, New •eased, notice is hereby given to tiott of elie State of New Jersey a Couniy Court, Probate _,„ Suraeue-Carleton, pracUcally new, nons and merchandisisff axpen* V srrrivo »t any time. Call Jersey. he creditors of said deceased to nwrtgajor and payable to you a Thuradai-, Hie Z6th at March, (U. Tel. Short Hills l^Uf). unci3, must HKQ to meet peopie, Wp. Z-r>T99-.f, The Mayor and Council reserves "ilbJE to the subscribers under oafh morteravee and 1R dated Reptembe: at 10 AM. • BUSINESS SERVICES • lull ttmof Car required. Write isox the right lo reject any or nil bids, afTlrmatlon their claims and de-tZ, is&f *nd recorded In the Iteg-la- HRI.IABI.K woman would like day's If. In the interest of tlie Town It li —ndn against the estate of said Albert A. Garft j-DHAWKR blanket chest, larke IS, cafe Weslfleld Leaner, a-t-tt eoeased within six months from the ter's office of Union County In Bool work cleaning on Friday. Willing deemed advisable to do so. 881 of Mortgages, pace 555, which Dated February 27, 1853. marble top tatila, Lincoln rocker, Ler^l documeittNi and dlachi lo Iron If necessary. Call We. 2- JOHN T. HOPKINS, ate of said order, or they will be cherry uronleaf table, Victorian i"79T prever barred from prosecuting oi* niortfaire is a lien on tin •*-'" Franclfi w. Foreman, AH'y side chairs. Tel. Cr. 6-0185. papers. 24>hour •ervlce, W IVTKIIEHIIMi position open in Town Engineer •euoverlnp the sanje against the 512 Boulevard, KenllVortS, K. J. field atuaios, lit Central Ave. local financial institution. Pleas- 2-2fl-2t • Fees |(Ue iubHCribera, described In m\& Ux (al« certiAca 3-5-4t Pees ltits. ! S- 5-tr ant co-workerB. Attractive wur- WOM.4.V would ilkc> duy'B work Prl- and subject thereto. MVIffG IIOOM, 2 piece,,hunter green, rounillngf. Ability to meet public! uny anil Snt*urdny. Cnll nny time hKOAhKOVKR 8NEVIL.Y AND ELY, recently' purchased; doesn't match WATItWOOFINO required. Write Htuttnff exuerlenca nfter 7:00 P.M., V,>. 2-B411-W. Notice la hereby Kiven that the WIIXIAM C. DeVANR* Attorney for PlnlntMt ADDITIONAL tEGAlS rulor scheme, |guu; rug, 8x10, gen- anil salary; Box a, care Weutlleld household nnd other goods held In Wid HAROLD I. THORP, Weatfleld. K«v Jersey uine Chinese, good condition, (ISO; aUJIRAItTKBD to stop all laiet a WOM*V v-laliesto tuke l-nre of in-the name of the will be Executors. Dated: February 19, 1»63, tin oriental throw rug', like new, 140: Mason DiaBterlne, sidewalk repafr- I'Jilitls «]itl ootivaleflents—lliie out. sold to satisfy storage und otlier >12-4t FeeB|».0B l-li-M Fees 123.6 ON PAGE S draiies: 3 prs. heavy dumaak, wine, inr and alteratlims. We. 2-1«H6; Call We. 2-3904-H. chargea on March l^tli »t 10 A.M. in; occasional chair, So; car, '37 it no anewer, We. 2-28011. H-5-tt ASSISTANT needed. Library and at Hare-ant's Express Warehouse, f.SO yesoto, good condition, passed In- secret«i In ] background req til red. WILL take earir'pf child in EOOII Jerusalem Hoad, Scotch PlalnB, N6w tliecdon, |125. No dealers. Tel. Wn. •——,— -r—*i**t 1*110*1 OSTAT" Free Public Library. We. 2-4643. mirrounOinBB. Cnll W«. 2-2583-J Jersey: Kidhard Mack. Mr, Jacob. 2-5536-J. ING, printing, MultlKraphlne, ^d- 3-5-tf after 5:30 P.M. 2-26-Zt ~*. Fees f2.13 dresslnK. foldlnit. mailing-, letters. poetcards, circulars, bulletins, etc. 1TXKIIO, size 89 Jong. Call We. 2- talon Gmtj Biutacn Bartm 3273-W. We.,2.SflI4 ;-i)HA»IJK Kardex file box, holds 3-G-tf 3x5 cards, with key, $20. Call We, LAWNI fertilized, rolled and limed. irfuvnB cut for the season. Trees trimmed and removed. « SERVICES YOU NEED » IPIIO1-8TKHBU clialr, mahogany frame, Y7; 2 orieuttil throw rugs, Oliver Ilimortfc, Jr. |3 each,' 2 uuir drapes, lined, We. i-*KUO-R _^ 2.28-St REPAIRS IS I'lIU TINE floral, grny background, $6; net of LANDSCAPING > SEWING MACHINES golf clubs, %h. Tel. We. 2-4I1G-J BAHGAIN — Si»al ana hemp rue. REAL ESTATE WNTD. LU60A01 REPAIRING A. R. DAMIANO WE REPAIR TllUNKS — UMJSREU.A9 DxlZ, cont *50; aell 118. Dainty LEADER DRAINS All M>kn of mahogany desk, $15. Call We. 2-BI'VEKa available tor vroperty In SUITCASES — I>A»KES KANDfiAQS Wentflsld, Mountainside, Scotch RUSKIN'S ROTOTILLM SERVICE SEWING Paint and Building Maintenance Products Plains and ' Fan wood, L!»t your DOl'BLB ttrsinboard sink; screen property with us. ISO K«rlk Art., PI.AI.VFIELD 4-WW* MACHINES door frame; 3 doors; modern sink 3-5-tf Let a SINUISR expefrt tuno-up your BiVfing tnachlne. TIeasonable lixttres. Tel. We, B-6901-J, HAMPTON HANNA 4-C charsefl. Kutltuates furnished in CIIOSI.EY . Sholvador refrigerator, MANK J. CNIIU, A(»wcl(rt« WATCHES REPAIRED advance. Of All Kinds gooil conndltiodd , J20. Phone We. 2- CLOCKS REPAIRED .TREE SERVICE SINGER SEWING CENTER 4412. ST Elm Street We. 2-SM.1-4 Treea and Rhriiba as KLM ay. . Wig. a-wrn Krenlmgm ALSO electric clock and jewelry re- Trlmnieil*-l'lflnfpil—llemnv^d H'i;.«TI*<;M(H.'«E refrigerator. Frost F. Jt, O'Welll We. I-TIOI palra. Charlea Hotliroclc, 1240 Hall- I,AM)HCAl»i: CONSTRICTION 3-6-tf J'ree 1961, WA ou. ft, JS60. We. 3-5-tf way Ave. We. 2-3C32. S-E-tf J,nnd Clearing; — Cord Wooii WANTED —Buliaini? lot in West- We. 2-0888 LAMMS—Is your old YRouwn "real- llelil. Minimum 7.1 foot frontuge, 3-5-tf » MOVING-TRUCKING ly" doing the Job? Is It wheealiiB ftillr Imi»rovei3. Write BOK 83, care UPHOLSTERY Check This List—What Is Ycur Problem? and making funny noises? Late Wertfleld Lender. • . model Hoovers available with FURNITURE REPAIRS COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE niiuAiLE"fRUCKINO~CO. uouueeleaufng tools. Call We 2- 'JVeCN Trlittmeil and Unmoved Mdvera «f Klne Furniture 880D—air. Hafley. 8-5-U DON MAXWELL C«r(l«O(i«l For Siile lilMtlmnfei* on H«i|HCMt • AUTOS FOR SALE • ltA'l'UH WMtfield 2-0226 Cull We. 3-ff.iSO nr W«, 3-0»7ft • Floor and Deck Paint (8 colors) T modern custom built WAWETD walnut dining- room; parch rugs; b-c-tt JIM LOVELAND 4 r • > • • trunks: bathroom mat Beta; kitch- 3-5-tf 5 rtiiriMH . . • !•• 4~.R0 IletrlKcriiinrN movpil, (US mi it up en table and cluiirs; Simmons AUTOMOBILES <*• Beautyrest mattress; box spring; I'llOPEHTV F All IJWHIM IilHiir-tl • Exterior House Paint Prim«r< . • , oleBant walnut desk ami chair. HI. HJ«li«»t Prlt'm Paid TICL. t MANrOHl) tl-1504 (r02£ GIIMAN AND HOROWITZ J^NSRNTIAI, 3-C-tf W*. 2-5477 Pen H«M>itfr Kerv'fe GAS 11ANOK—Caloric, In excellent The rlg-ht comblnfttinn of a [H'llTNEY'S I0XI»ni3SH — Truoklns • Exterior House Paint Finish condition, HO. Prlgklaire refriger- 19(11 Cnalllac 02 Brdaa, Hj-d. POll Parker, BheafferB, Waterman, wnll, vallc or jiatlo, aelectea and movltiKi StnaU jolts solJclt'oa. ator, has had good care, $35. Call IHr.l Ford 4-d«or HMerbrook. Completa repair ser- BhrubB, and colorful flower Trips to shore. Tel. WK 2-3004. We. 2-5081-11. I«,1O Pljiuoulh Convertlkle Coupe vlfce. lionson lighter^ sold mid re- beds can give you an out- 3-B-tf IKK Old* m demanntralar, lira. paired. 35 Elm tit., Went, 2-058;!. standing garden. • Interior Flats, Semi-Gloss and Non-Ydlpwing Enamels CHAIIt—Large armless louneo type, HIM Olilamoblle 88 2-diM>r, lljil. 3-c-tr OCAIi niiil Nitiloimltle M«vlnir nntl new, never used. Cost STili; will HUH Oldnnlliblle 88 Sedan, »!)•). I-Nir cxpef-Iciieeil Her vice cnll Stonige. Packing nnd cratttifj. sell )SS- Call We. 2-123«-il eve- IKIO I'ontlllc II Sedan, II) d. All stTvlccH per for inert expertly nings. nmi reasonably. Aift'iitM for Allied Tap Soil Fill Ulrl SMYTHE'S LANDSCAPE SERVICE VHIIH, Int!. Uobhlntj & AilfHon, Inc., • Wood Floor Cleaners — Waxes , AjitJquen Glffa UING MOTOR CAR COMPANY Grading: >l,,iiii Jolt Too Small rative toucli. We. 2-(U0C. 3-B-t Work ilniie rrimitiuililr, • Rust Preventive Coatings fpr Fences, Pasts and Metal Surfaces Crawford Piano Co. n i«n> - . a*5-tf i AN EXCEPTIONALLY PINE VALUE lir.l (ll.DHMOIIII.i: KuniT "88", f.iiir- Se»rerTrenrlie« Wn'A anytime. 3-C-tf l'l. J-llllll Anphnlt I)rlvenn>«, Water Gutter' null H v ii ii I rill je Onen ThnrH. Kve. Til 9 P.M. I,W HAM) * roUK.Il MOWI'.IIS m.liVWIJlS—1B3S ltarley-l»avUl- IjenilerN, DrnliifiKe, Mfmun Wnrk. KNOW PLOWS Floors. HOli, :l-wlii:yl HOlvlce ear, nlso tuw- A Anltelo WeW.e 2-101132-10113--. .'n Slink ' SEW~AMb~SAVEl IIIK hitch, reasuniible. We. L'-:(7t»*J. I.A«.\ MIIWKIIS * NKATRB 2'Jnd Aiililvernnr}' Mule DRESSMAKING SIIAlll'F.VKH MI>V III liimtrr IIKIT ('HK.VIlol.lvr i door Hcdun, in- II'KMIIMIKMIIM:: • Basement Waterproofing - The "THORO" Way - It's Complete - as MIKE'S WOOLEN SHOP dlo and heater, new ciuttrh, Hpsirk • BLDG. CONTRACTING NO PAItlClNQ P11ODLHM Pluiffl, etc. Uoud pulnt Job, good DRESSMAKING DBUVlortY S13HVICH advertised in Better Homes & Gardens.- rironinK condition. Suitable lor ex- 1VEl22IS2« SiiKhilt— Hnjoii nmi Orion, «»" n-lde, tra family cai\ Rest olter, Tel. we. -MODERNIZING H.TKnATlONS ami Sewlne of n.V 2-3J72-.M. kinds, Including draperies and TuikiTfil Nylon, while, blue, nrrrn, curtiilns. Mrs. uuth weston, 021 GENERAL REPAIRS Pl.VUIOHTH— 19-10 Special (leluxo. Roonevult St., We. :-!i!isr>-M. I'rh.l.,1 Kvimi rrniiiniitn. >-,|., sue. A1trrutl»hM mtil nfnliitenniice Mile iiiinlKy <.OII«I,H, »«,, nmi tin. Two-door sedan, green, radio and heater. Kxeellent running conul- Small Jobs a Specialty RADIOS Miiiri Irn/rilM of JMxinK, IAUMIU HIKI tloijtl . \\VeV . 3-2S81-W2S1. W osri'MBS nnd aressmalclns floni ullier munrt ralirlm, Vi ><1. l« 'H DAVIDSON'S SAVE DOLLARS ON YOUR PAINTING REQUIREMENTS by experts, HpoclAllzlnB In flifur' TELEVISION - RADIO All ni-iv MhluleM wtoJcit eouttu/cM M.PONTIAC H—11150, 4-door sedan. Blue. Went. 2-70OS-J Iirohlomw. IndlvltluHlly deslRneri Kydromatlc All acce«sorles, ex- Mrs. Kdltll Anderson. 21H Ncirtl Appliance yd. lo aw >il. IFIIKOIH, Ki-TO >il. COJVVKIrj;i,,i,ll.'«. llr»t"\"<>ien Tweed, *!!.7II jit. nnd UP. . niOCllKATIOV CELLARS TELEVISION SI'KCIAI.i Men'* Wear SulUnin, ATTIC IIOOMS (All Mnke«) - 300 galjons Outside White Finish Coat Nhlirmlflli UflliT, Hani Plnlah WANTED ROOVINfl RADIOS ' I'nlirli'n, jil. SCItl'.BIVS DRESSMAKING llECOnD CHANfiKTtS ""mil I'rliitu, (Itle >il, STOJ1M SASH, ETC. Speclnllalnc In Flttlic SMAI.I. AI'PI.IANCRS WE NBicn USED HOOKS. We'll pay uBtom Dreaatnahlns. Sewing Holi 150 gallons each Interior Flat - Semi-Gloss - Non-Yellowing Enamel •**'IK MhiiiitmiK, 4lt" ii-lile, reif. 92.98 fop prices tot yours, The P. M. WM. GRASING WESTFIELD RADIO line! ii|i, $S.8B r,l. BooK Shop, 330 Park Ave., Plain- und Instruction. Children's clothe •leiiliu Cheefca. x!2, Bcnuvnlft pnt- ROOF REPAIRS ^Innrn lftklUlieil — Whuleu'li Wnnliei tfiiii, roHes anil ttlaek linckKriumd. Iluld [fojiert Voiitinr, Aunt. t. SHEEHAN J. MORAN Vvmlwnrk (:|enneil—Cel(«rw Clennei FREEZERS Altunut now. (irlclnnlly fllf.. Afnv- ('UtHHtvnl I'ltpiilnr llnrvln 1!. Wlinlty We. S-I1I7 AIR CONDITIONING liifr, will w!l for ?7r, with untlor- Cull or Write fur liiforiiiiithni We. 2-S89S We. 2-3325 3-5-t luiil. Cr. 0-Oiioo, 1'J.X Su. MiK'llil Avr. We. L'-O^fl.VU' HerTll'lutf, llepiilrlnic, Iimlillinllon 3-ri-tf 3-li-tf C'llUIIIUTclnl HIM) PflllM'Mfll' 111 Milken — AH Work Ctuirniitee ANO LKMHOKH— Latest methotls. ALT. Kixns of (.'oincnt mntnu'tr'^ A. II, IIIAIITI'.HS BUSINESS • Htiglnnur arid artviuu't'd courHiiH. HIIIOWIIIUH, ciirbn, rtrlvcwnyw, CHIUM WE. 2-6130 HiitH'liii COUI'HQ for ndult liefflimery. )))t>l()(»)tnls liljf a i> n a t r ii f Lini TYPEWRITERS "If it's worth building . . . It's worth saving" IjewHOtie lit your lionic, 13, it, JJen- j)i'lp(>M, T)l lorln & Ron, 31? Hpntrn 3-5-1 OPPORTUNITIES unit, «n« DorliDoriamn ltdUd.. , W«Btno1d, N. Avn. AV>-. 2-t2tft-T. 2-12-121 J,, Tol. We* . "2-ri3»n . aftf TYPEWRITERS «!« MOHKiilvz-lifi.v7i.ivlcos7n^ \IH1IM: Miu'hlni'K nnd Him, LOW INVKHTMMNT. Avull- TI'TIIHINCS — Illltll Hrhiml nnd Cill- • ELECTRICIAN SutfjJ. ri'iitiit." firi'l vrtmii^. IIIJIM frimi miifnr till tumptiiiy. At- Kw nulilerlH. I'arolllH T. Clurlc, •I'HOMrSOX TYI'I'.W liri'l'.ll. Inr. TAILORING Irni'llve nrniiKKlllim - fy>r IllflllT INT North An., I'lnliillelil (l-llll 11 11. A. (¥nlii>, hi,. I!., J3il. Mp . 33I) C, T, BRENNAN MAN. I'nll Mil.'hell S-IIIIHI hi.tu-i' Mnuntitln Av-c, Wl'Htotllfl, t)liont> TAILORING I' fin A.M. mill r,:(IO I'.M. Wiuiilny Wi). 2-2741-W. • j-n-ir ELECTRICIAN Jlireiurli FrHiiy. IMInrny 7-»|ns «r I HIM 111 IN.; HKMOI>KMN(J WILLIAM G. GRANDER, Inc. • lanfitrii fi-r.;i5N atii-r 7:oo P.M. ll.Tlvll VIIONW. riililllloiinl onllela T TYPEWRITERS^ " »III.VS AMI WOMKVH liAHJIHNTH WAMii.M .out or your homo ffir niiMlilnif frimi -|i flnor Iiimo In it vr.l, MAKI'lH «•,Icl. ivnlMl. ivpnlr •Islii.rl WIII'UIIKHIKIIIII. Unli'k m.ri'lra. iininti: IOHHOIIH, !\tr. Mnillii will AiltlinrlZfMl (lt.>.trll>iilor fin- Jloj Ifi')l.''Onjllt|i! liltl'H. I'.IU'lllutU'Jl rllli',1!'- ti-liln y/>ti j»rlvat(>)y Tor I'ulcvlHinn ri'iiMomilili* I-IIII-H 111 Inun. I'iiimr ulrii't* lyiirurlli-rN. 531 South Ave. In your lininu. Cull (illirnlila 0- fully Klvi'ii. INCOME TAX .107(1-11 or write HIM Humiot 'I'orr., ii We. a-ninr,-,n nm., xvr. TERRILL'S MAYFAIR TAILORS HlilKir«atl(in, Kriiinliinr, STOP IIIIAITK—liiterlinthliiK I AIlVANlVmS'tal'mi I!M"I"KU1 ileiluo- llturatui-i?, \ty imtlve l'1rHhch twieh- uvitlhcrMlrli'PlNtf f'»r ilr»oi-M uitiiit mnl oxcimi'UonH, BHVIJIKH i'V. M.A. 'I'c'ichlnir r'Xlierlcfire In WIIHIIIWH. IJimriintf'fit wnrk. USE LEADER CLASSIFIEDS """I'tfilj, I'-or onrly iipjiolntmnnt I'IIHH lilBh (.chiiiiC ToUlihuii* Wo Herlierl Moleeii "nil OiAi. u-oTia. a-B-tt W«. 3-M50-M TO BUY OR SELL c

\alt JunltiT- III*.): Aku»' Cl..i>. Fiji CE-.tle-ni Slij.cin.! T.I.... , • Wturul; J(r

t)if Gram SUtoul, 1\ v&*SU^ ><•«-* jam*,* £Q « Cruet jwu lo Jjuldciv >"t.*.. ^' ft>r the wonderful job he has done for the entire At the Qfflcr «t Un Aic^K^t I,-,- retail food industry. His constant representation iitTiS I»tJ isCt Oi.^ MiJUliH of only the finest of food products has made peo- ple everywhere trust and believe in him. This confidence has been passed on to us your retailer, and has made our job a much happier and easier daily affair. National shows ifs thanks fay conduct- ing a sale of some of the items that sponsors ARTHUR GODFREY, IT'S A KINGAN GODFREY SALE

pen ii i*r f»f Mi! - .\\ - J^ ;Ulvt1rft>v h^ MA tut - ;^-r -' U.S. GCM* GrnaW What ytm h»r . f«U *>i Auk hdl »i a Natiaul IMH, yarn TOP or BOTTOM MHT a*«d wmtf Y— aiwsjr* Kingans («t Ike enttn CHOICE CZWEB CUT PORTION AS VAWT Of YOUR PURCHASE. ound Roast J5W RESH PAN

j"r' liilV/uAiHi- i-f A>. Ail iJ .live cjrlhldlui-r at lUi Ku.u of •>'» ri' eutuit-fl 'AJI Ai.t tc i;t KUIAU Broiler$ SJd'ODM- .uiil t« HXI*I .untnd- iMlIb .1110 »U1H>!L»1UIU llnlivll' KOTji.-iC !» niJuiij ni.j. Hi.ii u»r Jl.-JjrcrWr.J-Ui Ti^

}• if /v; UK V'uit'uM1 vt ctnUuLl-

K /IO])UijIJ(.Ul t,

IK. J him ID SLICf* tjllf I IJ^.llL. rstbi t<.i i.r UtL.ib .mil ;-lmt-

Oh; ld,.a.n ••! bl.; t^v^j > ii n.i 3Trt^ u*v*«i'^M <*r liff(>utfli 1 imripll (^' lx.if.ii J<,,*V t^'la Grocery Features of ifcj.'-; V ..'» .- ',; 1H ('..mill CIJIH- Snow Crop Frozen food Sale! « ^ ! • l l U PEA T^ i J T.^r*. «i^tu Unit tilt ^4c*!> •c>'..n or ' ti. (Uifui^U til Ail Grinds *—_ 2 r ''• 1 ' ' J ll ins, and PEAS* CARROTS 2 ^ a *,-*s4 O*r:-ifi>> J' hi I'i^Liia i^- MIXED VEGETABl^H2 ? 3 »!=.» iviih.* ^! (•!. i.ik.. m Beech-Nut Coffee VJ^ V? -.Jvi > >' .uiS c.i,' X.i.rA,n I.'1), ) '' I DICED POTATOcc 2 ^ 3 ^t UrJ^st'1* 1!M tt r^tt.n^- .*' p/li ijooKn *»»kH IHS. ^.^AAfl •Jlltlj Ai>n! ,:inl. I I>>1 La Rosa < |T,>5- t«i » KVl «« M.»r«.!i '."i. Will. It la, *t,d IhV !•*,">.!. Qu.i'liicd luuib 2 5 3 »"*•/ I«*t»!vl t'OlH -\J»«. Jl-I. I'.'l T CORN uai'lJ StePUmbtl JUii, la... .t Alum 2 ***• 3 fatie* u^ti. Iho rA-iiiMiT'itiuii UUUKS will b« t tv«4'0 U»tll dfll.1 l^li *JLII- COOKED SQUASH. »ui fcl,tii',.i. OK Tuut.iJ.iv, .\utuiiibur Spaghetti KOTIl'fc i» hirub.v JINCII" ttlo I'ldrlit tSlt^llvn lju.ird In .mil l«l Ui4» utuouitn u£ AI«>UHWllirtlut* ^Itl *M 4il Oii- l<^at'^# hululll.iClt.1 Obhli llaleil t>n Notisco 'i'l KntiAt, Naviuibvr Jjil, lf.>J I.. Irtiiii lt>k kum« v[ 7 A.M. anil *

t Cd(4yi ti1 in**

Uuucrui A»- Hard Rip«,;:" Fresh Garden Flavor

il«|t!«i»f u an<) Mori,* 1U.«I»VIT TOMATOES - FINEST QUALITY ^fl inl tli_ Ivvt ^ .MARGARINE * 25 ii:

Kingan's Delicatessen, Feah ~ti

I.S9 Reg. 8 oz. Imported Vegetable Soup CM BOILED HAM

NOW YOU CAN GET Bnlterv Feature HANSCOM Your WNBC # r»o. COOK BOOK 5 Fudge Ring 49c Special! 39* 250 SUPERB PIES AND PASTRIES


A »H Sn»., Mnrih 7th nnly. . et limited, twin Cuun*X Utour'i THE' WESTFIELD (N. IS LEADEB, THURSDAY. MARCH 5, 1953 ocial And Club News Of Jhe Week In The Westfield

geums and collections. In the About lovm With Wells Alumna Is Married Musical Club Plans Dr. Harold Moldenke course of his collecting, Dr. Mol- March Meeting To Lecture To denke has travelled and studied BUDELL ;! Basil Emery of ,1340 Prospect Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pfeiffer of Rake and Hoe Club the fauna, flora, people and cul- reet will return today aboard the 610 East Broad street have as their Romantic Versus Contemporary tural history of every state in the unadian Pacific liner "Empress of Music will be the theme of the United States. ART SCHOOL guests this week their son-in-law The monthly meeting of the cotland" after a IB-day cruise of and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John March meeting of the Musical Mrs. Torg Tonnessen, hospital- Portrait - Landscape ,e Caribbean. He. visited Jamaica, T. Hoffman and their small son, Club of Westfield Wednesday at Rake and Hoe Garden Club, a YW ity chairman, will be assisted by enw.uela, Curacao, and John Jr. from Pittsburgh, Pa. , 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. CA-sponsored group, will be held Mesdames M. Ward Burleson, Al- Still Life avana. Walter L. Day Jr., 720 Lawrence lan W. Dehls, Frank J. Dugan, Wednesday at the Y at 1 p.m. Day - ADIHT - fmiaa. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony PeFeo of avenue. Guests from neighboring garden Freeman H. Dyke, Arthur Macau- ley and Robert H. Mulreany who CHILDREN'S CUKtS ..r. and Mrs, Walter Burd of 2211 Evergreen avenue, Scotch Mary Belcher, pianist, will play clubs have been invited to attend. will serve as hostesses of the day. foodland avenue have returned Plains, are parents of a son born a piano suite composed by her son Dr. Harold N. Moldenke, popu- Table decorations will be in spring torn a month's vacation in Fort Feb. 23 at Muhlenberg Hospital, Jon. It is a College Log and of- Telephone Shrifei lar lecturer, director of.Trailside flowers arranged for the center- jiuderdale, Ha. On their return Plainfield. fers Study Evening, Whirl at the W«. 2-326* 627-4riiAve. Museum and supervisor of nature piece. bey spent several days with Mr. ••- Pool, Classroom, Weekend lump, activities for the Union County nd Mrs. Frank Feely Sr. of Cres- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cutler of 27 Suzanne, and Examination Fan- Park Commission, will speak on ent parkway, who are spending Canterbury lane had as their tasy. This piano suite was com- "The World in Our Garden." Dr. be winter at Winter Park, Pla. guests this weekend their son-in- posed while Jon was a student Moldenke will illustrate his talk law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. at Yale. He is now continuing his with colored slides of 100 or more Mr. and'Mrs. F. S. C. Williams Richard A. Leland of Albany, N,Y. study of music at the American species of our commonest plants. FOR ALL OCCASIONS ( 540 Elm street recently re- ' •"••— Conservatory of Music in Chi- amed from a trip to Chicago, Mrs, Fred A. Dreier and her cago. A native of Watchung, Dr. Mol- topping off to visit their son-in- daughter, Mary, of 944 Rahway denke was curator and adminis- iw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. avenue have returned from a va- "Betty Zimntf rman, soprano, will trator of the herbarium at the tonald Tukey in West Lafayette, cation at Lake Wales, Fla. Miss sing Music I Heard With You by New York Botanical Garden at Marjorie Goldsby of 1029 Boule- Richard Hageman, Lovliest of Bronx Park and associated with vard accompanied them as Miss Trees, by Celius Dougherty, and them since 1929. While he has a Mr. and Mrs. William M. Smith Dreier's guest. Jabberwocky by John Sacco. Ar- great knowledge of the entire line Fickett will be at the piano. field of natural science, Dr. Mol- f/Gallowae have returned from a Miss Dolores Marquardt of 226 Sonata for Violin and Piano in denke is pre-eminent in botany. laribbean cruise pn the S.S. "At- Watchung fork will be home this A Major by Cesar Franck will be Museums and collectors from all intic". Their ports of call were weekend from Beaver College, presented by Esther Sobel, vio- over the world send material to 'orto Rico, Venezuela, Curacao in Jenkintown, Pa. ie Netherlands West Indies, Ja- linist, and Dorothy Fennington, him for identification, and he has naica, and Cuba. Mr. and MraTwilliam J. Sparks pianist. They will do Allegretto been identifying an average of JEWELERS'OPTICIANS -•- and their children of 405 Colonial ben Moderato and Allegro. over 12,000 plant specimens per Mrs. Burton Kellogg of 136 St. avenue have returned from a two Ella Mills, pianist, has chosen year for the past 23 years. He tmu it** 'auls street is entertaining one of week mttor trip to Florida. They Fantasy-Impromptu in C Jharp has collected over 125,000 botan- he luncheon committees of the stayed for one week at Key West. minor, Mazurka in A minor, Waits ical specimens, over 62,000 of SO* WOAO STRUT, WWTMID, It A. longregational Antiques Show at in B minor by Chopin. which are, mounted in 90 of the uncheon today, Mr. and Mrs, John L, Hovendon Evelyn Bonnett, soprano, will world's foremost botanical mu- and their daughter, Joan, of 238 sing Ne Me Refuse Pas from Hcro- Dr. apd Mrs. Prank T. Bell of Canterbury road spent last week- by Massenet, Traumc by 11 East Kimball avenue have re- end at Amherst College, Amherst, Wagner, and Air de IAO, from urned from Naples, Fla., where Mass., visiting their son, Greg, who L'Bnfant Prodigue by DebusBy. hey visited Mrs. Bell's parents. is a member of the freshman class. Gladys Gould will be at the piano. Mrs. Ralph M. Hill is chairman Mr. and Mrs. Wilson C. Rich of • Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Elicker of 288 Watchung fork and Mr, of the day and Mrs. C. F. Mc- 21 Clark street moved last week and Mrs. William Jockers of 834 Namara, chairman of hospitality. o their new. home in Lancaster, Cedar terrace returned yesterday from a vacation at Lake Worth, -•- Wesmarco to Have Pla. Robert Hansler of San Mateo, !al., a former resident of West- —Buschke'fi Studio Winter Olympics Mr. and Mrs. Theodore K. Hess MRS. DAVID D. WHIPPLB ild, recently spent hia three day of 144 Lincoln road spent the first ivc from the Great Lakes Naval Wesmarco will meet today for part of this week in Baltimore, 'Winter Olympics" at 8:30 p.m. lining Center in Chicago, visit- Md. St. Paul's Church Scene of Marriage Of friends here. at the YMCA. Mr. and Mrs.William E. A. Da- Carolyn Terhune Decker to David D. Whipple The entertainment committee Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Barker of under the direction of Rita and vidson of 237 Grove street enter- The wedding of Miss Carolyn Terhune Decker, daughter of Dr. [39 Shadowlaivri drive will spend tained Saturday evening. Frank Wachunis have planned an fiis weekend in Washington, D. C. and Mrs. Charles Thurston Decker of 147 Brightwood avenue, to evening of fun. «•- David Doty Whippll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott Whipple of The highlight will be "Winter Mr, and Mis. Louis Weber of Medina, N. Y., took place Saturday afternoon at four o'clock in St. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pickering Olympics," a program of mock 202fi Birch street, Scotch Plains, Paul's Episcopal Church. The ceremony was performed by the rector, nd their daughter, Joyce, of 449 games played by citizens from are parents of a son born Feb. 25 the Rev. Frederick W. Blatz, and eechwood place have returned mythical countries. i'om a vacation at Reddington at Muhlenberg Hospital, Flainfield. a reception was held at the home lege, where he was a member of each in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. C. l) Knecht and of the bride's parents, Psi Upsilon. He did graduate work their daughter, Jo Ann, of 655 at the School of Advanced Inter- Mr. and Mrs. Sobert Borton of Given in marriage by her father, Nottingham place have returned the bride wore a gown of ivory national Studies of Johns Hopkins 38 Coleman place had as their from several weeks of vacationing University, Washington, D. C, and nests last weekend Mrs. Borton's satin fashioned with a fitted bodice at Daytona Beach, Fla. trimmed with rosepoint lace and is now a vice-consui in the.United other and sister-in-law, Mr. and States Foreign Service. rs. Stamford Speechley and their a full skirt forming a long train. Mrs. Arthur"iT Scott of 524 Her fingertip veil of illusion was ughtcr, Lynnej from Morrisvilie, Dudley court entertained at lunch- a, held by a rosepoint cap and she eon Monday one of the luncheon carried an* arrangement of white Gamma Phi Betas committees of the Congregational camellias and lilles-of-the-vailey. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eldon Hoos of Antiques Show. , Meet in Mountainside Express Any 29 Charles street will entertain Mis. Robertson E. Vosler of Al- supper club Saturday eve- Mrs. Frederick Heitkamp of Par- bion, N. Y., was her sister's ma- Gamma Phi Beta sorority will ing. tridge run, Mountainside, enter- tron of honor. She wore a gown hold a meeting of the evening Message *•- tained at bridge Tuesday after- of hyacinth blue silk marquisette. group of the Northeastern New Mrs. C. H. Stuhler of 654 Glen noon. Her bouquet and matching head- Jersey Alumnae Chapter Tuesday Better Than venue. has returned from a two ->•• Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fisher of dress were of rose shaded ane- at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Rob- cek visit in Coral Gables, Pla. mones. ert Johnson, 1358 Birch Hill road, he was accompanied by her Brooklyn, N. Y., are now living at Mr. Scott L. Whipple of South Mountainside. Mrs. John Van Tuin Words mghter, Ada, her son, Hugh, and 354 West Dudley avenue. Norwalk, Conn., served as best of Mountainside will be co-hostess. (r grandson, Bobby. Mr. and Mrs" Willis S. Martyn man for his brother. The ushers Members may make reservations Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Swallow of of 136 Effingham place will enter- were Charles A. Acer of New York by calling We. 2-1860-M. Order Youri from INOW AT 1 Shady lane, Fanwood, recently tain the choir of the Congrega- and Anderson Jr. of Wash- • 7355*:" 'turned from Blacksburg, Va., tional Church at their home fol- ington, D. C. here they visited the former's lowing the rehearsal Sunday eve- After a wedding trip to the Daughter to Barrys lother, Mrs, George A. Swallow, ning. West Indies, the couple will live in mi his sister, Mrs. Henry Riffen- Washington until Mr. Whipple is MOUNTAINSIDE — Mr. and urgh. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McMan- reassigned. Mrs. John F. Barry of 1371 Stony | 167 Elm St., Tel. We. 2-2400 SCOTT'S -•- igal of 115 North Chestnut street The bride is a graduate ,of Wells brook lane announce the birth of Mrs. Julian Levy of 715 Forest have moved to Short Hills Village College, Aurora, N. Y. Mr. Whip- a daughter, Katherine Elizabeth 'enue has returned from Wash- in Springfield. ple attended University College, Tuesday. She is their first child. igton, X>. C, where she spent aev- Southhampton, England, and was Mis. Barry is the former Jacque- Mr. and Mrs. John Hornbcck of •al days visiting her daughter, graduated from Dartmouth Col- line Clarke of Wfestfield. Watchung ,are now in their new :an, and attending the graduation home at 752 East Broad street. lercises at George Washington niversity at which her nephew (Please turn to page 10) obert Tolliver received a degree.


The glrdU that needs no fintnt CEUtb 2Uinm alteration

A In moisture tfoerbent NYlON WEDNESDAY with rigid or LENTEN CHOICE ttretchable bade. added to the day's INSIDE VIEW High roll-proof wjist band ... exclusive Ebony mlrron... to reflect your beauty LUNCHEON SPECIAL light tross boning in front flattens your from the toe up. Here....Paramount's perfect lummy. Wide panels of Sturdy elastic give every- occasion pump... with high, $12.95 $1.15 you a slim trim figure. high needlepoint heel, or mid-high heel. 2ipper closing. White or Pink, 14-16-18 inch lengths. Sizes 26 to 40. Scientific Ctou-Boned Front SCOTT'S Personally Fitted by Mrs. Rose Klion 570 SPRINGFIELD AVE., SUMMIT ELM & QUIMBY STS. /"'. '1 SU 6-3000 The Corbet Shop Open Monday Evening til 9 148 E. Broad St. Westfield LEADER, —r"?«T)AY. MARCH 5, 1953

• LEGAL NOTICES • AUVKKTiaEMGNT FOR BIU> Jiy reBHun of th* fact that the Board of Education of the Town of Weetfleld rejected all bids received Vebrluuv MM, ltf),-for the ««nerai construction of auditorium-gymna- sium addition to the Grant School, National Grocery Company Westfleld, New Jersey. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that! •tiled proposals Hill be received by the Board of Education of the Town of WMtfleld, County oJ Union, In the Board of Education office*, Hotme- vell Junior High School, Clark GflDCEBY CD Street, We»tfleld, Kew Jeroey, until 8 J'.W. (Eastern Standard Time) on Thureduy, Maroh 19tli, 1853, Tor the •••"•Ml <P, . (UldresKeaddressedd to the Hoar~ "d off ducatton of the Town of Weutflpld, I >ew * Jersey, and muut be aceom-1 daily affair. punled by n certified check of not lets than ten (10%) percent of the amount of the base bid, uiiyttble to I •he Board of Education of flie Town of Weatfteld, and a written content f of a surety comimny autliorieed to do busineMK in the State of New I National shows it's thanks by conduct- Jersey, agreeing to execute the re- I utrea performance band within tlio 1 Sme specified. ing a sale of some of the items that The bid, certified check find writ-I And Arthur Has Un conHenf of surety company mu»t all be delivered at the Name time, sponsors ARTHUR GODFREY. t le place find tlnio above upcfll- ; at thThose place ecertifie nnd_ tljnod check"_ abov,e eexcentx l Sent His Personal _ "" c ooff f ththe twt o loweffltt bidder*biddr*, will I IT'S A KINGAN GODFREY SALE! f>o returne'etuttd d withiithi n let u dnydyoo aCterl fta / tho opeopeninr _g of bids. Tho checks of I ^ Friena To Accept the twoo lowralowel.t. blddcm will be re- I fiilnefulned pending award ooff contcact»tl bu*" t' nonott longelongerr than thirty (»») iW»l •cm-thrthe ci|>enlnfopeningf of bldjbids., Nno bidder | His Thanks. ..,,... withdraw hl« old tor ft • ;„•_ i of thirty (30) days after the datel •ct for the tipcnliiK thereof- U.S. (tart Graded - Tlio suci'DHSfu! bidder will bo re- Wken y« imf • fall cut' •hank Olllrcd to execute a perforinance lull u • Nstloanl Sum, yea bond, which bond "half be '" '«?> TOP or BOHOM amount of tho conn-act. The Board I nwer *t*4 worry—Y

vASJrr »* o«rmi Ki«u«" P In ntirsuance of on Act of the J^acUlAtare of the Htjito of New ioSey entitled "An Act to Hegulato Blecilons" snd its several «mond- 3" Smoked HamS Fryers^Broilers^55 niantx and BUppleitienta therato. NOTICE in herehy given that tho District Klettlon Bowrds Ui Jin/3 for ttiff*tiorcugh of JVlountalnHldo will Hational Store FULL CUT SHANK HALF sit «t the pIncc« licrclnufter UCHIB* t A. 2l8t, 1953 ueii thu liours of 7 A.M. and « I-. tr for tJio j*urj)o»e ot conduct- ir 1 lilOlAll 1 kjLitU\j I ION -fAarch * for tho nomination ot fandltiHtcB ot tlie ][e|)ut)ll{.-an 1'arty und the noml* nation of eundltiateH of tiio Uemo- Friday ct-mlv i*nrly to ho voted ui»oii nt tlifl €UHUlii(f Oonorul Election to be held Tucwduy, November 3rd) 1?53 its JicreJnnftcr listed; M. (lovtrnor rte\y 3 P •i." ' Four iiifjnilJera ^H»" wW sW Onion-^^ • MM ^^ • s 2 15 ***«**.***• didu lying Mouth uf a lino north of Kouto 22, mild lino runnltiK tilung Join »h« Bia Cheese Slicing ContesH tho WHY of I'l'Opurtlct* tudim ItOlltt CLEANED TRIMMED WASHED 0 22, from the TUWIIHIIIH of tfiirlim- 46-Or. If You CotYourlntended Purchase AceowJf'U " t.uitl tiouiulary llnv to thu TowiiBlup of Hcolclt IMHIHK tioimdjtcy lino. Can H10COND UlSTUli.'T Win it FRHl Kroh Casino SWISS CHIB1, H>. 75c At Muuniaiii^tiU' I'rlnmry School, RndytoCotk (^j^ Centi-n! AveriUfi All of the Utiruugh of .Mmintivln- SfrZX'Z- ^14- Pineapple Juke nlde lytnjj north ur the reur line *if Campbell's I>rc>iHfrtlr« rui'liif; Jtimlt' 22 u)t tin juirth'Hhlu «r ltnntu as HMII went ol Kingan's Delicatessen Feati tlie rt'iit* line of IO(H on the w««t LIMESTONE-BEST COOKING - - .. A Jluo of dlil Toti* Itonil uiifl Hit. renter of New I'rnvldciHM' Itotid. '• imported THIHI» HlKTlClcrr i 59 8 ox. At Muitiilahmhle l'rhnuiy School, i c*

1AU ft XKHit liiinitltch of MntiMtHln> BOILED HAM tl" '.* *?\) ""Mil Of 11 " Maine Potatoes 50S1 VegetaWe Soup •I »i illLI I'TTfl HHHH^^Q<^Br^^ •••• 29 NOW YOU CAN GET Bakery Feature HANSCOM Your WNBC fKESHlYSUdO # reg. Cod Steaks COOK BOOK 5 Fudge Ring 49c Special! PAN-READY T Upton Tea /z Ib. 65c 250 SUPERB PIES Upton Tea Bags, 43's 57c Upton Noodle AND PASTRIES Soup 3 pkgs. 37c GET ALL 24 COOK BOOKS . ftlo. Upton Tomato- m« by l>Kul DON'T MISS OUT! i)BS Union Vegetable 3 pkgs. 37c «• TV H..O0-U..30 A. M Upton Onion MR «*vc SouSOUBK 22 ^ »k«s .3 31kc ONLY | \jc EACH ^^L2 I falter foods ForBelterlMng~8tv/ktmtt

Central Ave., Westfield . Open Thursday and Friday 'til 9 P.M. Groceryfiracery ,,ri.T,,ricr« r/M'f/ttl/nctbr r Thur..,Thur:, M"M""r 1*^ thru"•— 'tt'"e,l,, Murch //,/,I,., Ml otherother f"' «tl«cMm 'til Sat., March, 7th only, title, limited, Tula (Jaunt}' £'•>" THE WESTFIELP (X.$.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MABCH S, 1953 Social And Club News Of The Week In The Westfield A Dr. Harold Moldenke seums and collections. In the f0WH it/lUt Wells Alumna h Married Musical Club Plant course of his collecting, Dr. Mol- March Meeting 'o Lecture To denke has travelled and studied BUDELL the fauna, flora, people and cul- Basil Emery of ,1340 Prospect Mr, and Mrs. F. R. Pfeiffer of Rake and Hoe Club tural history of every state in the treet will return today aboar


AT GAMBURG FURS Wsitflotd't Dhllnctlvo Fur Shop

1ST AII10 T() oilDEIl HKAUr-TO-WBAH II CLEANING HEPAIIUNO 106 E. Broad St. We. 2-3423 Open Monday till 9 P.M.

Tha s

In moisture «biorbdnr NYlON WEDNESDAY with rigid or stretchable back. LENTEN CHOICE INSIDE VIEW Ebon/ mirrors... to reflect your beauty added to the day's High roll-proof waist band ... exclusive from the toe up. Here...Paramount's perfect LUNCHEON SPECIAL light cross boning in front flattens your tummy. Wide panels of sturdy elastic every-occasion pump...with high, $12.95 $1.15 you a slim trim figure. high needlepoint heel, or mid-high heel. Zipper closing. White or Pink. 14-16-18 inch lengths. Sizes 26 to 40.

Scientific CrOM-DoD«I Front SCOTT'S Personally Fitted by M«. Row Kllon IEIM & QUIMBY STS. 570 SPRINGFIELD AVE., SUMMIT Cor>et Shop Open Monday Evening til 9 t SU 6-3000 THE WESTFffiLD fV -" *OTTMnAV. MARCH 5. 1953 day at Muhlenberg Hospital, Plain- field. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hope of SALLY 610 Roosevelt street are parents (Continued from page .9 ) Mr. aid Mrs. Donald Stewart of of a daughter born Feb. 24 Mr. and Mrs. John Leppert of 811 Franklin avenue are parents of Muhlenberg Hospital, l'lainneid. -•- 340 Cedar Glove terrace, Scotch a son born last Wednesday at Rah- Caiiet-Midshiproan Kent Burd- MARCH Hains, are parents of a daughter way Memorial Hospital, Rahway. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood C. Orrel of C49 Prospect street are parents ette Conluan, son of Mrs. Clare 5_Public welfare department of born Friday at Muhlenbere Hospi- Ritch Corduan of 044 Coleman Woman's Club, 2 p.m., 734 Plainfleld. of a daughter born Friday at MuhL Mr. and Mrs. Sario Caradonna er.berg Hospital, Piainfieid. place, was graduated Monday from Belvfdere avenue. ., t- ,, o«f« too238 nemeiaHetfield avenue, Scotch the United States Merchant Ma- 6—Annual dinner meeting of .™r9- """aid Peck of Plains, are parents of a son born Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hay of rine Academy at Kings Point, Long Westfield Community Center Association, 6:45 p.m., YMCA. Irl ™,£» f ' SCutth Plains' last Thursday at St. Elisabeth Hos- 249 Oak Tree road, Mountainside Island, N. Y. The United States are parents of a son born last Merchant Marine Academy is the 6 Community Players meeting. are paienta of a son born Satur- pital, Elizabeth. Wednesday at Elizabeth General youngest of the four federal acad- 6— Glee , Hospital, Elizabeth. emies. Kings Point is to the Mer- Club concert. -•- chant Marine what West Point and 7 Juliette Low Program, Brown- LUGGAGE Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stewart Annapolis are to the Army and ies, 9 to 10 a.m.; all other flNIIMI* IN of 811 Franklin* avenue are par- Navy. Scouts, 10:30- 11:30 a.m.; ents of £ son born last Wednesday While attending the United Roosevelt Junior High School. at Railway Memorial Hospital Rail- States Merchant Marine Academy, 7—"H. M. S. Pinafore", 8:40 way. the cadet-midshipman completed a p.m., Masonic Temple, N«« Man IM » -•- four-year college course covering g—Christian Science lecture, MM «i *•;•• ron, a freshman at Cedar Crest he spent his second year studying Woman's Club, 11 a.m., £30 Has u brlim r« ib. ulii- College, AHentown, Pa., was also Miss Ruth Lunger, daughter of home for the weekend. and receiving practical experience Hillcredt avenue. •ate la Mrs. Frank Lunger of 229 Virginia aboard ships of our Merchant Ma- 11—Rake and Hoe Club, 1 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. laione street and the late Mr. Lunger, and rine while these ships were actively YWCA. t William C. Forst III, son of Mr.engaged in foreign trade along the 12—Girl Scout Annual Luncheon, • t 1 Suitor, ll.W of 401 Victor street, Scotch Plains, are parents of a daughter born and Mrs. Forst II of Trenton, were sea lanes of the world. During this 1 p.m.; Chi-Am Chateau. OS I C««|lMiM, 17.W married Saturday afternoon at twoyear he visited Europe, Africa and1 12—Fireside Council, 715, Royal k A, tmmt "mk** Feb. 23 at Muhlenberg Hospital, 121 CENTRAL AVE. OPP. QUIMBY $T o'clock in S'. Paul's Episcopal South America. Arcanum, 8:15 p.m., Ameri- aMlerfeT* llul luu proved lu m> Plainfleld. Church. The double ring ceremony reiiitant quilitin oa tluiold of eillioaa After returning to the academy can Leg-ion Hall. o( p«in el ihon... • aulirUl ihn ta was performed by the rector, the 13—oirl Scout father - daughter •nan. (ood-iooklni... loot. ,nd f«U Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Child of Rev. Frederick W. Blatz, and wasfollowing his sea duty, the cadet- 406 South avenue, Fanwood, are banquet, 7 p.m., YMCA. lijcejeitfier, but 1|'« aw Itttber. iwf rub. ( followed by a reception* in themidshipman spent his second (jun- fcer, ul j>I.M V... Hindi uy under |ht parents at a daughter born Feb. guild room of the parish house. ior) and first class (senior) years 13—Personal adequacy depart- FLEMINGTON FUR CO. roughtit u «»J abuH - ••Kennedy tive in Hi-Y. 25—Arts and crafts department of of 418 Codding road had as their State Teachers College and at pres- Woman's Club, 11 a.m., 614 muskrat guests last weekend Mr. and Mrs.ent is on the faculty of McKinley Boulevard. Arthur Backley and their daugh- School. 26—Fireside Council, 715, Royal martens ters, Judy and Bonnie of Chappa- Mr. Forst is a graduate of Tren- Garden Clubs Set Arcanum, 8:15 p.m., Ameri- qua, N. Y. ton High School. He served two Annual Joint Meeting can Legion Hall. years in the Army and reoently 26—Garden department of Wo- Capes *Scarv« Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Town- returned after a year in Japan. He The annual joint meeting1 of man's Club, 12:30 p.m., 600 Stoles-Jackets send of 628 Ripley place are par- is signed by the Brooklyn Dodgers the Garden Club of Westfield and Lawrence avenue. ents of a daughter born Monday and will report to Vero Beach, the Mountainside Garden Club will 26—Testimonial dinner to Mayor at Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfleld. Fla., March IB for spring training. be held Tuesday at 2 p.fn. in '-trie and Town Council, Chi-Am AT OUft LOW CLOSt- Dr. and Mrs. Raphael Schiliinger assembly hall of the Presbyterla^ Chateau. TO-fACTOKYCOST PMCtt of 702 East Broad street have re- parish house, 140 Mountain "We^ '—International relations de- turned from Boston, where they Couple Returns From nue, with the Westfield club serv- partment of Woman's Club, attended the Convention of the Wedding Trip ing as hostess. 2:15 p.m., 15 Bennet place. American Academy of Allergy. 1 Fashions in. Flowers, the plan- APRIL During their stay they were enter- MOUNTAINSIDE — Mr. andned demonstration for the meet- 8—Rake and Hoe Club, 1 p.m., tained at dinner at the home of Dr.Mrs. Walter A. Cobriel of 1241 ing:, will be sponsored by the ar- YWCA. and Mrs. John Conroy of Newton Poplar avenue have returned from rangers circle of the Garden Club 26—Foreign art treasure exhibit, Center, Maas., formerly of Bound a wedding trip to Washington, D. of Westfield, together with the 2-9 p.m., YWCA. NATURAL RANCH Brook. C. The couple was married re- Mountainside Garden Club work- -•- cently. shop, both under the direction of "MA-LINV Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Enes of 114 The bride, the former Miss Carol Mrs. Harold L. Brooks, who holds Herbert avenue, Fanwood, are par-Ann Werlc, is the daughter of Mr. membership in both organizations. Smith College Club CASTLETON CHINA entB of a son born Feb. 21 atand Mrs, Edward W. Weiie of Arrangements typifving various Schedules Luncheon FUA'CO. \JSLJ Overlook Hospital, Summit. 1238 Beech avenue, She is a grad- historical backgrounds will be pre- • Here is a design as enchanting and beautiful as the story Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Van Deruate of Jonathan Dayton Regional sented. The annual luncheon meeting T« High School, Springfield, and is It tells!. Created by Ching-Chih Yee, "Ma-Lin" is ill Meireii of 509 Jerusalem road, Guests invited to the meeting of the Watehung Hills Smith Col- Scotch Plains, are parents of a son employed by, the Mountainside lege Club will be held at the Wil- •bloom with a jewel-toned array of tiny buds and blos- , pe f a son Board of Education. will include members of the Rake born Sunday at Muhlenberg Hos- and Hoe Garden Club of West- liam Pitt in Chatham Wednesday soms which say "Happiness and Long Life". And you'll pital, Piainfieid. Mr. Gabriel, son of the late Mr. field, a new edition in garden at 1 p.m. Mrs. Sidney Gleason and Mrs. Henry Gabriel of Eliza- of Chatham who has just return- hare long years of happy service too, with exquisite, Mr. and Mrs? Daniel Maher of club endeavors. This will not be beth, attended Thomas Jefferson D general guest meeting. ed from Northampton, Mass., as pearl-toned Castleton... for although preciously fragile 14 Elm street are parents of a son High School in Elizabeth before the club's delegate to Alumnae in appearance, this fine china is ricli with hidden strength born last Thursday at Overlook serving in the U. S. Army during Hostesses for the afternoon will Council will submit her report. Hospital, Summit. World War II and in Korea. He ia include Mesdames R. L. Duican, and durability. Done on the classic Century Shape, to employed by the Wilcolator Co. of Howard Sydnor, A. J. Ericsson, bring out the lull beauty of the design... and to servo Mr. and Mrs. John Paterson of Elizabeth. and J. W. Cutler of the Mountain- equally well with both modem and traditional motifs. 846 Sherwood parkway are parents side club, and Mesdames Aubrev Beaver Alumnae Will The B£STR£C£fPT of a son born Friday at Overlook Schliess, M. T. Graham. W. Hospital, Summit. Meet in Piainfieid Five piece place-selling, dinner, dessert, Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Preuss of Graff, E. T. Stowe and W. iuller plate, teacup and saucer, #15.75 .if. Uanaom of the local club. FORYOURMCOMB Mrs. E, B. Witt, mother of Mrs.1852' Lamberts Mill road, Scotch The Beaver College Alumnae H. S. Jessee of 242 Prospect street, Plains, are parents of a daughter Harvey Brown is staging Club of Plainfleld will hold a meet- is in Overlook Hospital, Summit, born Saturday at Muhlenberg Hos- show. ing Monday at 8 p.m. at the home TAX after an emergency operation. pital, Piainfieid. of Mrs. G. V. Kellner, 44 Laurel place, Fanwood. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Vail of 614 Mr. and Mrs. William Lashley College Women To Shadowlawn drive have returned of 19 John street, Scotch Plains, jane smith after 10 days at Ellinor Village, are parents of a son born Saturday Have Benefit Bridge Ormond Beach, Fla. at Muhlenberg Hospital, Piainfieid. 137 Central Ave. We. 2-3558' FANWOOD—The prize commit- tee worK for the benefit dessert bridge to be given Saturday, March 14 at 1 p.m. in the St. Bartholomew the Apostle School bv the Fanwood College Woman'a mtsrs Club has been completed. Mrs ' For play.,.. E. E. Gullckson ia chairman. Mrs. A, C. Fagle, chairman of the porject to raise the annual 5UPPUE5 . . . is a cancelled check; and for making up scholarship fund, is beinjr assist- your income tax, the best possible proofs of ed by Mesdames Bruce Bag/rer, For dress-up John N. Kenyon, John Richter' expenditures are cancelled checks. Volney Tullsen, J. W. Snyder Walther H, Ott, John A. Knubel In addition to our regular checking account, and John R. Hoba'rth and Miss Edith Brown. The Lillian O'fJrady we offer the CheckMaster account. Shop of Wcstfiolrl will present the fashion show in connection with WE DO FINE PICTURE FRAMING the card party. 114 E. Brood SI. Weslfiold ADVANTAGES • No minimum balance required. • No monthly service charge. A New Shipment of VM POLLY FLINDERS ~ MILK GLASS h • No charge for deposits. by Westmoreland • The only cost is 10c a check, as used. Faithful reproductions of chor- FROCKS Ished milk glass in pitchers, glasses, bowls, sugars, creamers, Open Monday Evening* 6J00 »O 8:00 A smart infection of brlBht colon for spring wear candy dishos, goblets, candle- The Friendly Bank with the Clock n»w fabrics ... new imockina paMcrnj ... See iherri sticks. Hundreds of other items. the Only National Bank In Weitflold Jeannette 's THE NATIONAL BANK Shop jane smith Siros 1 to 3 ... from 2.98 ^WESTFIELD 137 Central Ava. We. 2-2558 3 to 6X ... from 4.98 (iml Ill" f.lhriiry 7 to 10. .. from 5.98 10. Illlllll) ST. wit, Z-KP72 THE WESTFIELP (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1953 "Junior Women N. J. College Alumnae 1 Famow Mask, Makers to Attend Business Facts For Scotch Plains Negro History Club list Activities Will Meet Tonight Exhibition Opening in Plmnfield Housewives Subject* Resident Is 94 Will Stage Play SCOTCH PLAINS — Miss K»y The Union County Alumnae The masks ot the Wqrld Exhibi- Of Club Meeting SCOTCH PLAINS—Thomas M. Brown and Mrs. Marian McDonald Club of New Jersey College for tion, which will be held in Plain- The Negro History Club of Schaefer's Showing 'aff Jr. celebrated hia 94th birth- Westfield will present a play in 0{ London, England, gave demon- Women will meet today at 8;15 field Public Library during Inter- FANWOOD—The Fanwood Jun- 4««trt*l strations of beauty and talked on p.m. at the home of Mrs. Freder- national Theatre Month, will open Hartnell Designs iay Sunday in his home at 1969 May for the benefit of iU scholar- r Woman's Club last Wednesday Westfield avenue where he has re- basic skin eare to the Junior Wo- ick Baser, 241 West Scott avenue. tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock ight in the home of Mrs. F. I. ship award. Mrs. Ernest Powell man's Club last Wednesday night Railway. with a special program to which Schaefer's today has announced Adams, 105 Farley avenue, heard ided with his daughter-in-law, and Mrs. Judith Dunkley are co. Mrs. Gere Part, since the death of 10 lbs. only fl.ff in the Rescue Squad Building. Mrs. The slate of officers for the new the public is invited. the first two styles of Beveral it Mrs. Mary W. Armstrong of Eliza- chairmen. will have of designs by Norman his wife eight years ago. U« W. AMI MM Bert Anderson was appointed year will be presented and voted Kari Hunt, who sculpts, casts beth, Union County home agent, The scholarship award is pre- 1*« M. AMI Lk. ' - chairman of the nominating com- upon. The nominees are Mrs. Rob- Hartnell of London. He was born Feb. 27, 1859 in and does ceramics of ancient and ipeak on "Business Facts for New sented in June to a Negro student CORBY'S mittee. Two new members, Mrs. ert Baines of Elizabeth, vice presi- primitive masks and creates pa- In July 1923 Hartnell opened lersey Housewives." The program, Hempstead, L. I., the son of Mr. of Cranford, Roselle, Scotch Plains nd Mrs. Thomas M, Paff. The % Herbert Peek and Mrs. Robert dent and program chairman; Mrs. piermache masks of famous peo- small premises at No. 10 Bruton iponsored by the American home or Westfield High School with the ENTERPRISE LAUNOtY Jloe, were welcomed. Robert Hyde of Rocelle, treasurer; street and thereby became the first lepartment of which Mrs. Robert family moved to this town 74 highest scholastic record. ple, will talk on the use of masks years ago and Mr. Pan* worked in fammrt 4-1000 Mrs. Robert Parsons, chairman and Mrs. J. A. Manger of Craw- on television. Mrs. Hunt has apEnglishma- n to make English IVyland is chairman, was attended ford, corresponding secretary. Mrs. clothes for English women in Lon- lso by guests and prospective he old hotel owned by his father of the American home department, peared on many television shows here. Later he conducted his own reported the group had purchased Herbert NefT of Elizabeth, presi- including the Jinx Falkenberg don, the start of English couture. members. dent, and Mrs. Edwin Wolff of Lin- The famous Lucille (Lady Duff gorcery business at the corner of materials to make into draperies Show, Masquerade Party, Big Mrs. Wyland announced pro- Bartle avenue and Park avenue. for the rescue squad building. It den, recording secretary, will con- Pay 00, Bob Dixon Canteen Gordon) had offered him large re- ceeds from a St. Valentine bridge wards to design for her in Paris He also was employed at other Th* "•••» tmfrimmt §Ut ever met last night in the home of Mrs. tinue in office until their terma ex- Show, Strike It Bich and the had been sent to the New Jersey pire. ' and New York, but Hartnell pre- groceries. He joined the Exempt William Lee, 417 Forest road, Nancy Craig Show. College for Women Home Econom- Firemen's Association after hav- Regina S. Woody, author of ferred to stay in his own country. es Scholarship Fund. The club will when draperies were made and She will demonstrate the use His first important society wedding ing served N as a fireman several HER BIAMONB work continued on a project to be "Ballet in the Barn" and other sell tickets for the play "Happy years. books for young people, will be the of her collection of Doane Pow- was the Marchioness of Bath wh Birthday," to be presented by the entered in competition at the ell's masks of famous people, in- Was described at her wedding a: WEBBING BANB sprint? convention ot junior cluba. guest speaker. ; WestfielJ Community Players to He married Misa Ella C. Gere, cluding those of World War II the "Eighth wonder of the world the Fifth District clubs on Apri a school teacher in School 1, July The art department chairman, Contributions for the cakeless leaders, which recently appeared Mr. Hartnell has continued hi 9 at 8:30 p.m. in the Roosevelt 27, 1887 and they had two sons, Mrs. Alfred Kinnucan, announced cake sale will be accepted by Mrs, in Madison Square Garden. She fame for wedding dresses up to th Junior High School, Westfield. Harry L. Paff of this town, and the group will meet Monday at W. Johnathan Miller of Craniord. has just finished a mask of Pres- occasion of the Royal Wedding o the late Thomas Gere Paff. They 8:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Glen Assistant hostesses will'be Mrs. ident and isi working Mrs. Roger Turk announced the H. R. H. The Princess Elizabetl have four grandchildren, Thomas Hansen, 1928 Birch avenue. Scrap- Frank Senkowiky of Berkeley on one of Mamie Eisenhower and annual spring dance is scheduled and H. H. The Duke of Edinburgh C. Paff Jr., of Troy, N. Y., Mrs. >books will be made for the children Heights and Mre. Thomas Bives of also on masks for a coming New for April 25 in the Twin Brooks Cranford. in Westminster Abbey, when hi Wilfred Orton of 1410 Montague in the Suzanne School for Re- York show. Country Club. Ted Banks Orehes- avenue, Mre. Fred Atkinson at tarded Children. The Braille group made the wedding gown for Prin tra will play. Mrs. Turk also tol Eric Gort will discus masks and cess Elizabeth and the six brides the family home, and Harry L. will conduct a benefit card party of a baked goods sale Saturday ii Pan* II, who resides at 1949 West- Jr. Women Announce the theatre. Mr. Gort created the maids' dresses (one of whom wai John's Meat Market, Scotch Plaini in the Rescue Squad building on 150 masks used in the pantomime field avenue, the old Paff home- Friday, March 13, to raise funds H.A.H. the Princess Margaret). Hi Mrs. Richard Sage urged member Collection Remit* in Max Reinhardt'a production of also dressed on this occasion H.M stead. He has eight great grand- for the Eye Mobile Unit for For- to patronise the Plains Superette children. Calderon's, "Great World Thea- the Queen, Queen Mary and othe when the club would benefit from mosa. FANWpOD — The Fanwood tre." lie also made masks and important jadies. sales on "Superette Day," April 2. Mrs.. Thomas G. Paff gave a Junior Woman's Club has an- Mrs. Boy Delnero, drama depart- invented pantomime for many Mrs. Lewis Johnson, drama family dinner party Sunday niglit nounced that more than three tons Hartnell then attached th ment chairman, reported rehearsals theatrical and dance performances chairman, reported a talent re- and made an anglefood birthday of clothing were collected and Haute Couture of Paris and wa began Feb. 19 for the play "Anti- given in Berlin between the two view will be held in tho All Saints cake, a special favorite of Mr. packed for the ARK project, there- the first Englishman to cross th Clockwise" which will be • staged world wars, Parish House, for members only. Paff'B. by trippling its goal set when the Channel and show simultaneous' March 20 in School 4. Mrs. Robert Louis, chairman of the drive, opened here two weeks ago. During his youth he was a mem- with the big French houses. Thi Mrs. Franklin Spooner, chair- "Clothing for Korea" drive, urged The women were assisted by the ber ot a marionette theatre and first sign of royal approval wa: man of welfare, announced the af- members to donate clothing. A DAR Delegate$ To Boy and Girl Scouts, the Fanwood trooped with actors. He will dem- when' H.R.H. the Duchess of Glou SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF DIAMOND WED. ternoon cancer dressing group will house-to-house drive for clothing College Woman's Club, Fanwood onstrate by wearing masks of his cester gave her order for her wed Attend Convention DINO RINOS PRICED FROM $49.50 TO $150.00 hold a work meeting Wednesday own creation and by pantomime ding dress, when the two youn bundles will be conducted'Satur- Woman's Club, the Lions Club and tax included! EACH IS A MAGNIFICENT MAS. from 2 to 4 p.m. in Mrs. Gilbert how the modern theatre rnay he princesses were bridesmaids. day. Mrs. Robert Hanna of Part- Fehn's home at 2241 Lyde place; the PTAs. The collection was TERFIECI OF IRILUANCE AND IEAUTY. taken to the warehouse headquar- enriched by their use. He will 1947 the coveted American A war Mrs. Stephen Van Hoesen, pres- ridge Run, Mountainside, was hos- the evening cancer dressing group also give a demonstration of how —the Neiman-Marcus prize for th ident, announced plans for the tess Friday afternoon to tho Weat- CHAROE YOUR PURCHASE AND PAY WEEKLY will meet today from 8 to 10 p.m. ters at Maspcth, L. I. Mrs. H. OR MONTHLY George Greim, Mrs. Robert Louis, a mask is made. greatest influence on contempt) theater tournament to be held in field Chapter, DAE. with Mrs. James McCarthy, 27 Old ary fashion was awarded to him School 4 March 20. Mrs. Walter South avenue, Fanwood. and Mrs. Me«de Hower were in M. Achsan, a native of Indone- The program included piano se- charge. sia, will explain the use of masks For the royal tour of Soutl McGee of 11 Watson road, a new lections by Mrs. Russell Lauver The Youth Cooperation group, member, was welcomed. The club will conduct a baked in the Javanese dance-drama. In Africa, Hartnell did all'the dressei and whistling of light operatic se- Mrs. Charles Malang, chairman, authentic, costume and mask, he for Her Majesty the Queen, th( lections by Mrs. Richard Wiley, IECISTEKED JEWELEI announced the Sow and Arrow goods sale in John's Market, Scotch Plains,' Saturday, from 9 will perform the dance of the Princess Elizabeth and the Prin who whistles with the Bound ••ItlCAN C» SOCIETY Culb gave a benefit party recently: white monkey entitled "Hanoman1 cess Margaret. The next honou Brook Chorus and is a member 'Proceeds were used to purchase a.m. to 4 p.m. The committee In- Set Plans For cludes Mrs, Roger Turk, chair- which depicts an episode form the was for the wedding of H.R.H. thi of the Baptist Church choir here. red safety tape for bicycles used "Ramayana Epic" which has been Princess Elizabeth, and the Duk< by high school pupils. man; Mesdames Robert McCullum, St. Patrick's Dance Delegates appointed to the Con- W. P. Schubart, Roman Evdo, adapted to the Javanese dance- of Edinburgh. Hartnell was com tinental Congress which meets Mrs, Gilbert Fehn spoke of the Richard Sage, Charles Bond Jr., drama. His costume and mask munded to undertake the entire Irish dances and songs will be the week of April 19 in Washing- arrangements made with a Scotch R. P. Gormley, H. J, Neubert, W. are lent by the Indoesian Embas- bridal retinue—bride and bride, featured at a, St. Patrick's Day ton, D. C, were Mrs. Richard Plains store, when a percentage of E, Berning and Mrs. Hower. sy in Washington. maids, and the trousseau, dance_ Tuesday, March 17, at 8:30 Euebling, regent, and Mra. Orrin the proceeds on sales today will be Those attending the opening wil p.m., in the Columbian Clubhouse, Frudden. Alternates are given the club. Mrs. Leonard Con- have an opportunity to sco the ex- 3G Prospect street, it was an- David Gendcll, David Tim- nors, chairman of tho sixth annual hibit and to meet the exhibitors nounced last Wednesday night at berlake and Malcomb Panton. charity dance held in the Baltusrol Palm Twig To and participants. The Masks of Dance Benefits a meeting of Westfield Council Assisting hostess for the social Golf Club Feb. 7, said the proceeds Sponsor Benefit Ball the World Exhibition, which is 1711, Knights of Columbus, in tho flM 1 QUUfW ITMIt would be sent to Camp Endeavor, Heart Fund hour were Mrs. Paul D. Prentiss sponsored by the Library, will be clubhouse. and Mrs. Ralph A. Hall. WIITFIIIO. MIW MRUT Scotch Plains. The Palm Twig of Muhlenberg open -weekdays from 7 to 0 p.m. SCOTCH PLAINS— Approx Plans for the dance were an- Hospital Women's Auxiliary has and Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m nounced by John Brennan, ar- announced plans for a formal ben- mately 376 townspeople and guest: STORE ALSO IN CRANFORD March 6 through SO. attended a dance Saturday nigh rangements chairman. William J, READ THE LEADER FOR efit ball at Chl-Am Chateau March School classes, Cub Scouts and Carson, presided. Mrs. Freeman To 28 from 9 p.m. until 2a.m. A for tho benefit of the Heart Func AIL LOCAL NEWS other gorups may schedule visits in the Italian-American Club buffet supper will be served at 11 with talks mornings and after Speak at"?" p.m. Attendance will be by invi- house. Chairmen were Mrs, Roi noons, Mondays through Fridays, Kurre and Police Cant. James Os tation only,- and the proceeds will by phoning the library. There Mrs. J. Russell Freeman, past be ujed for purchasing of an "iso- ,i>ato. ' president of the Westfield Wom- will be a special children's pro. , ,M»yor Roger Crilly was honor lette for the new maternity wing gram Saturday morning, March an's Club, will be the guest speak- at Muhlenberg Hospital. ary chairman. Ray Wachter's O er at the general meeting of "Lad- 14. chestra played for dancing. Fif Mrs. Ralph Fernchak of Fan- ies Day Out" Tuesday at the teen merchants donated prizes wood is chairman and will be as- L YWCA. Special awards were given to Wil sisted by Mrs. Robert Boyd and liam Carbley, Carl Giacobbe urn Mrs. Freeman plans on telling Mrs. William Simonds of Fan- Hobby Club Members Thomas Kreger of this town, am the group of her experiences at wood, Mrs. John K. Nevius Jr. to George Plenty of Westfield. Oberammergau, where she and, and Mrs. Frank Romano of Plain- End Nutrition Course Mr. Freeoman attended one of the field, Mesdames Edward M, Coe, The committee estimated cam ^presentations of the Passion Play Henry Mineur, and Sharles Spar SCOTCH PLAINS—The follow- paign proceeds would be abou in I960. The town of Oberammer- of Cranford; Mesdames Albert M. ing members of the Hobby and $700, including donations receivet gau with its unusual homes Bet Falcone, Guy Hopper, and Fran- Interest Club have completed the in a mail campaign. Coin boxe From the top of your pretty head to the tip of your toes, wizardy and imagination against the background of the Ba- cis B. Nelson of Westfield: and Red Cross nutrition course; Mes- placed in stores and other publ varian Alps and the natives, many Mrs. Gene Zirpolo of Rahway. dames W. L. Rohr, George Sand- buildings will be collected. is the fashion theme for spring—in fabric texture, eye-catching colors, in softe^r cut. of whom take part in the play, llnd, F, S. Brown, E. E. Lasher, enabled the Freemans to bring The ticket committee includec You'll see it—you'll wear it in our fleecy coats, handsome wool suits, pretty dresses F. A. Guterl and J. J. Gallen of Mesdames Anthony Regs, Jacl home some beautiful slides in- Local Artists Exhibit Fanwood; also Mesdames J. E, cluding a few of the Passion Play Claweon, Frank Lestarchik, Eu —in fact, in every piece of fashion this bright new season offers! Select your fashion In East Orange Miller, D. Santacroce, Charles gene Negele, John Mytinger, Al itself, lktrs. Freeman will show Brennan, Robert Allen, S. L. Cris- and explain these slides to those vin Bender, Gilbert Fehn, Wai firsts of Spring from our fashion firsts collection—now!.. .and remember the Clara Helen Stockton and. Hildc Sie- afulli, Oscar Redell, Paul Thcr- ton Jones, Gordon Ehrlich, Johi present at the regular coffee hour oux, "Walter Zehrfuhs, Hazel Min at 9:30 a.m. mon are among the exhibitors in Max, and Albeit Miller, Walte: Louise is ready to fit all the girls in the family from size three to Grandma. the current show at the Hotel Su- iter, Everett Post, Charles Gay, Nelson, M. L. Thomas, C. Dickey Child care will be provided for burban in East Orange. Misa Charles Dorwey, Robert Philips John Andrusky, Robert E. Scott all children from two to live years Stockton's exhibit is an oil en- and Rudy Lucacobic. James Dixon and Georfce Vonezii at the YWC^ titled Old Raritan Road while The instructor was Miss Anne Mrs. Roger Crilly served as treas- Mrs. Slemon's Late October is Smith of the Plainfield Red Cross. urer. Thomas Donnelly is heac done in water color. Mrs. Crisafulli was chairman. of tho coin box committee. I GIFTS UNUSUAL, AS USUAL Personalized While They Last! STATIONERY MATCHES NAPKINS Don't Miss These Values • • LEATHER GOODS PLAYING CARDS All Occasion NOW AND MANY OTHER GIFT ITEMS DRESSES .oo One Day Service Values to $29.95 j GIFTS UNUSUAL. AS USUAL 220 23 formals included \ Hand Wroyght 79 SKIRTS 54 SWEATERS 49 BLOUSES Iron Value* to*$14.95 Values to $14.95 Values to $10.95 Now $2.50 Now $2.50 Now $2.50 Brass ODDS AND ENDS Copper ODDS AND ENDS SEPARATES in CHILDREN'S TABLE VESTS were la $7.95 Aluminum Now $2.00 SUITS AND COATS Hals JACKETS & SLACKS up to i GIFTS UNUSUAL, AS USUAL . Blouses were to $14.95 60% off Slips Now $4.00 i cn tiTSM.i\sinr Nighties also on I IX WOOD 1 Pajamas MANY UNADVERTISED RAINWEAR AND ROBES SPECIALS Dresses ... for ,i SPICE CHESTS '• Teens, Juniors, BAROMETERS DRESSES ... for 3 to 6X .. SALAD BOWLS 7 to 14 Misses and COBBLER'S BENCHES I values to $8.95 HalF Sizes IIAXIt < ,\ UVF.I> , • ' HORSE AND DOG FIGURINES Now $2.50 $8.95 to $29.95 Mlsios Suits ... 1 CJUCKOO CLOCKS $16.95 to $49.95 ".] ROOM SCENES }/.; cind many others JLcnxx&t QUIMBY STREET WESTFIELD, N. J. Qulmby Street WMlfoM, N- J. i,,; '-121," EAST, BROAD ST. OPEN MON. AND FRI., EVENINGS UNTIL 9 RED°CROSS Open Mon. and Fri. Evenlngi until 9 ttl... - .... WESTFfJLP • $14,95 to $29.95 [iVKemputoHeer Scarsdale school system" of Com- To Be munist influence. His favorite ef. 1 Students lecture on Conversion tort in that direction has created Shown Monday national attention. Attend Journalism Day Some Factors in My Conver- A large number of paintings In M*j) 1962, he was received A delegation of students fro done by members of the art de-sion to the Catholic Church will into the Roman Catholic Church the weekly newspaper of Westfiel partment of the Wpman'a Club be the subjeet ef a lecture «t the N# Brftw High School •will attend the sec Frances is a junior, while Margaret will be exhibited in the Masonic Robert Treat Hotel, Newark, un- Jeanne Duff of 822 Mountain- ond annual journalism day at Up Temple Monday at the monthly der the auspices of The a'Kempia sala College, to be held on V pfttfff NtMf • * • view circle is one of 71 students in meeting of the club. Winning of New Jersey. the three upper classes named on John Philip Walsh Jr. of 231Bast Orange campus Saturda pictures will be sent to the exhibi- MADORA MTTON March 21, from 10 a.m. to 8;; tioin of the art department of the Mr. Kernan received his early the dean's list at Sweet Briar Col- Scotch Plains avenue recently co- RESTAURANT lege. directed a session of the National un. New Jersey State Federation of Oak Park, {11., and A senior, Jeanne is a graduate Student Association conducted by Journalism Day is a project o Woman's Clubs. Hollywood, Cal. He attended Yale College and following graduation yYear of Emma Willard School, Troy, Seton Hall University. John, a stu- thwce Upsala chapter of Pi Delt All pictures must be brought (Eicc«pt Sat.) N. Y. dent at Seton Hall, is thei newly- Epsilon,°Tation'al "honorary jou to the Masonic Temple Saturday entered the General Theological nalism fraternity, and was origi m • • elected vice-president of the asso- - • •• ._j „,.," between 9 and 10 a.m. Mrs. Mari- Seminary, Sew York, to study for Luncheon-11:30 to 2 William A. Parkhurst Jr. of Mill ciation in New Jersey nated to enable the newspape: on Mowery is chairman ot the ex- the ministry of the Episcopal lane, Mountainside, has enrolled •taff members of northern New hibit. Church. He served »s vkar of i: 01 Jersey high schools to meet and Dinner-5:30 to 7:30 at Bloomlteld College as a mem- Richmond HTTTitti St. Mary's Minion, Culver City, 247 Sinclair puce, « junior at discuss their mutual problems. * ber Of the freshman class. He is247 Sinclair place, Arts and Craft* Cal.; as rector of Trinity Church, $vn4mymm4 Holiday. a resident student preparing for Princeton University, has received feature of the 1963 meeting i Croup Plan Exhibit Bayonne, and aa <*BSlsUnt to the 11:10 to *M the ministry. honor standing for the first se- be an address by Mrs. Eleanor rector of the Episcopal, Chureh of • • • mester of the 1952-53 academic Roosevelt, who is an honorary member of Pi Delta Epsiion. The arts and crafta department St. James the Legs, Scarsdale, N. 414 N*MtH Iraad St. Cadet Geoffrey Brute Edwards of the Woman's Club, will display of 64B Prospset street is One of The delegation from Westfield Y. Since 1949 he has been auo- Ilith 9.M72 Jane Heltksmp of Partridge run, andmade hooked rugs, gloves, some 40 Duke Univsrsity-Air Force High School will be headed by ciated with the Sea rsdale citizens Mountainside, a senior at Cornell Patsy Miller, editor of if-' *"'- leramies, jewelry, and layettes HOTC cadets promoted. His new committM in their fifht to rid the University, Ithaca, N. Y., recently Eye, and will include Alan ade for the District Nursing As- For the Outdoor Gardener rank is cadet captain. spent a weekend skiing: at Mont ociation, at its exhibit Monday in B=, Masonic Temple, it was announced DORMANT SPRAY MATERIALS y Mrs. Arthur H. Moody, chair- For tost Control ef Seal* InMrfs man, at a department meeting last Wednesday at the home of Miss „».„„.- ... », ---. place na3 oeen eiKireu °j»»™ Th taff of the Hfajsve was Scal«-O - DormacicU - Unit Sulphur ; Mary Lois Smith and Miss Jean- Lee Keltar of Baltimore. edftor of ,.Th Argus , campus J^ gn eng2.aVed trophy ,„ tfr.nlr Winfred Shelton III of newspaper at Wesleyan Univeisiiy, »pter, stte McKnight, 737 Prospect P1UNINQ TIM! (he frateraity ch street. WIN Hostesses were Mra. F. S. Fram- ^^*« ffii-M^ «»r*r«ws ach a«id Mrs. William M. Murphy. Mrs. E. Remington Merry Jr. pre- POR TNI INDOOR OARMNM Ided. BULK • Gloxinia* - NarckMs - Amaryllis Flow*r«d ••••nlai . • rWyUof Ctfadiuih J2 SCOTCH , .. "A gr«*nhous* In your HWHI* ing from Ohio University in" 1950.1 *™»™ «* »» — ~, , • Mrs. Andrew Semanchik of LfATHIt "Propa-gafor Kir $2.00 ••••••• Mountainside, and James Diokson Valleyscent road, formerly of Eliz- Joan Maizi, 36 King street, Pan- of 201 Marian avenue, Panwood, abeth, have announced the engage- Start ywr »wn OrtanlwiiM •" yur winJ«w till. ?•« <*« il«f» Wood, is on the current dean's ilat were among the members of thement of their daughter, Mildred Elbow yMt INtW M^inta anW H"* h e Jon" in the European theatre of opera- Coven worn kntei ALICE KIND CHICKADEE AND COMMUNITY DINERS She is a graduate of Sarasota ?u.1.1.d'nB' *? 8eneral «tlvlties tions and is a member of Bayway bui d) 8 on he c m s olslack»,»kip«ntl, lUcommtridsd and Endorsed by MM High School and attended the Uni- ' " ' * J"l ; „. Post of the American Legion. He snow ault* Presents Salta Knit Suits versity of Florida and the Univer-I Barbara Boor of 218 Kimball is with the sales department of Natiwl Audubon tottoty avenue, a sophomore at Russell ThlJ extra ai:e alto Arrnri'co'* U*t Kriittad OarmtM sity of Delaware. She is enrolled Sage, was secretary of her campus Schnitzer Alloy. for elbowi oi Consult u« for nil Advlc* on all of your I in the accelerated secretarial residence last semester. She is a spott eotti. *A six** and r*gutar Lawn and Gardening Problems course at Berkeley School. member of the Glee Club and of Westfield Bird Club . « « the Dramatics Association. She' $49.95 ond up PEED TOUR TRItS Four students from here have earned class honors for work last Meets Tuesday. been cited on the dean's honors list year. for scholastic achievement during • • • Roy Puckey, president of the the first semester of the current JOHN K. MEEKER George Harbt of 115 Hazel ave- Wiestfleld Bird Club, announces Beautiful Suits Academic year at Bucknell Univer- nue and M. Rockwell Thompson of the regular monthly meeting will sity. All »*•* 630 West Broad street, both have be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the They are: Nancy J. Carter of "IRON-ON" enrolled at Keystone Junior Col- home of MT. and Mra. W. C. Harp- 910 Mountainview circle; Leonard $25.00 and up lege, La Plume, Pa., for the spring ster, 815 Highland avenue. As- H. Ahlfeld of 208 Baker avenue; Cloth Knee semester., George is a senior iiy sisting the hosts will be Mes- Frances L. Harvey of 324 East the libers! arts program and Rock dames Clara Hnivey, J. E. DedoVt 11t» IOUTM AVIMttl -;'*--• Broad street; and Margaret B, the libers! a pg f Patches UMOKAN auntMM SmltiM I*M CSKTW xon of 151 Effingham place. ick, George E. Mensching and Craigleigh Coats Dixon of 151 Effingham place. well is a freshman in the liberal T. D. Anglemyer Juit iron '«ra on chll- rHONI TOUk OSPfU TO WtMW MIW — Nirncy and Leonard are seniors. d»n 'a cotton oveulll/ In Brl*f and Ragular Si»t Dr. Erling Dorf of the depart- »l«ckl, dungaieea, etc. DfllLT I A.M. to 5:30 P.M. . ment of geology of Princeton Uni- versity, will show colored slides of Dresses the Paricutln Volcano in Mexico, Westfield Sewing Center Those interested in the field Junior, MiMm, Woman's and 14 SltM to Troy Meadows Sunday are ask- 110 East Bread St. ed to contact Don Maxwell of Es.. 1924 We. 2-0668 Mountainside, Weitfi.ld 2-3856


Ctmek 1h»» 9 hatunt of OSTERMOOR Superiority p wHcm body wppoll). • 1, CSTllMOOt OUUWCOHM Ihiukliixi ti— Httion f otfi—HhnbtalM iprlng t««l, t. OSItHMOOI SIIFreo) ligUu .dg« DCIKIIM buBI to for Mfro w.or. 4. OSmMOOK SUt krdil k>oy|l/ podd.d t« k«flp *• ltdit Mfit, HHOI\ and (mart looUu, i. OSritMOOt HnJI— ihtltj at, ipot.d fgr any r*«di ond grip In himlnfl mattrvu. «.OSTECMOO» Uplxlilvr-tpMloUr «fl*d «loirlc cotton, toytr-ovilr Jn ati they're fashio» •rofiorlioti—bnutH Uctping coffifert f. OSWtMOOK Alt ep«nlngt poit air tmobtlrudedly fro* lid* lo ilda throuah mnHtst* Inlvrler. t. OSrttMOOk Setltl rVam«-r trniht 05TEIHOOII ptodm. % No Rblllna (o CMlftr*-Kl*ntlnc Cfinttntctlon or OSTE8MOOR ttaK pctltftil* pimi tddkfbd

shoes $69.50 up This "Once-a-Century" Sale is Your opportunity! BUY NOW! Choice Selection of the Finest Yes, they're here waiting for yon rt$ht note... all the new Johansen Shoes SPECIAL $ Imported &HDomestic^Suitings .95 {or spring! Come see die sparkling PRICE 39 patents, the glowing, colored calfskins* the airy meshes... in pumps, sandals,

OPEN THURSDAY TILl 9 P. M. •lings...wonderful new designs that will start you off on tlie right.' fashion foot fur Spriug 19531

Highway 29, North Plainfiold PL 6-1583 Open Monday Ihrouah Frlilay till 9 P.M. SALEM'S TAILORS Saturday »lll 6 P.M. Quimby St. Tel. Wast. 2-1538 PHYSICAL CULTURE SHOE STORE IT SOSjrS NO Mp^E FOR AN OSTERMOOR 151 WEST FRONT STREET THE j Marvin, 112 Brigbtvuai Shop* — Maternity Shops -— Maternity Shops WUl Compete In New Yorker Rote To Music Department To John M. Hull III Personal Adequacy Fiiday, Maich 18, at 2.15 P * OOMT MOUtN * *" Poetry Reading Contest Be Feature of Display Have Benefit Musicale To Take Bride Group To Meet A motion picture, "Durt to | YOUR LOST WAISTLINE tiny", will bo shown. „ . Four Westfield teenagers will The traditional March evening FANWOOD —Mr. and Mrs. J. The March meeting of the per- The co-hosteww irffl £ Though your waistline is dis- Inspired by a display of new Glenn Benedict of Chambersburg, g appearing, and "nothing fits," be among students from more chintz drapery material featuring musical of the music department sonal adequacy department will be dames H. F. Ardrey, ». H. G Pa., announce the engagement of held at the home of Mm. Walter man and A. G. Smyth*. B you Will ttill be fashion-right! than 70 New Jersey high schools the prize-winning New Yorker of the Westfield Woman's Club their daughter, Miss Mary Ann who -will compete here Saturday rose, B. Altman & Co., New Yorit, will be held Tuesday evening at S Our* smart suits with loose, in the finals of Rutgers 15th An- 8 p.m. at the home of Mis. Mel- Benedict, to John M. Hull lit, son | boxy jackets solve your prob- will sponsor a showing of 10 table of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hull Jr. of nual Poetry Reading Contest. settings' Wednesday from 11:30 vin J. Miller, C31 Carleton road. 193 North avenue. K lem. You'll be chic and com« Finalists were selected in local a.m. until 5 p.m. on the fourth Proceeds will go to the club schol- §> fortable for surel high school competition earlier. floor. arship fund. A graduate of the Chambersburg § Boxy-jacket suits from 5.00 fo Representing Holy Trinity High All of these tables will present High School in 1948 where she was The piano group of the depart- prominent in music and dramatics, n 65.00. Siies 8 to 2CK-9 to 17 School will be Janet Hoffarth of in their flower 'arrangements the ment will open the program. Mrs. -38 to 44. 217 Evergreen court, Mountain- New Yorker rose, a brilliant red Miss Benedict attended Obcilin James Armstrong, instructor of College for two years as a music • Dreiui loo. aide, and Sharon Soules of G26 variety. music at the. Linden Junior High INSURRNCt major, and is now a senior student Also tportiwear, Dorian road. Janet is a junior The china, crystal, and linens School, will direct a group of 14 lingerie and and Sharon is a sophomore. Janet used for the tables will be select- in the school of dramatic arts at undergarm«nM. madrigal singers, formerly con- Carnegie Institute of Technology, will read from the poetry of ed by the arrangers from B. Ait- nected with the Union County Wordsworth. Sharon will read man. Outstanding arrangers from She was a leading member of the from W. W. Gibson. Faculty ad- Scottish Choir under her direc- Totem Pole Co., summer theater WISE New York and New Jersey are tion. viser to both students is Sister competing in the' project. group at Caledonia, during the Rose Maurice. Mrs. Charles Barnett Jr. and Mrs. Ackerman Vafcmte and her 1952 season. maiernii• »WWW^" «L«rejrw«,uH skdpWMVVW Vs 1UVinc. Representing Westfield High Mrs. Harold L. Brooks, represent- pupil, Diane Johnson, will pre- Mr. Hull is an alumnus of the Don'rwonder --- DO SOMETHING ;'£ sent a program of duet piano Scotch Plains High School and S*ctaU*tmSp*dalUtm Ui* 5«iarl€SatQM f HmunityHuit RFHthionsRFHh will be Barbara Behrman of 865 ing the Garden Club of WestfieM, Boulevard, and Lyn Jaffee of 645 are planning one of the tables, music. served in the Arthy Signal Corps 243 W. FRONT ST. PtAlNFIELD S4810 for two years. He is a senior stu- Roosevelt street. Both are seniors. which will be of a contemporary The prpgrarn will be followed , , (Off. OXKMt TWATH) ' Barbara will read from the poetry period. dent in architecture at Carnegie •r«d by wwrltm M H km AUO 1M MAIN (THtr, HACMNMCK by a social hour anil refresh- Tech. of Whiter de la Mare. Lyn will ments. All club members and mltht happen If urtmln «NN. read from Robert Browning. Their friends are Invited to attend. i«r* cam* yaur way, faculty adviser is Miss Carol Tri Belts To Piano Pupils . Biinser. Have Luncheon DO SOMETHING aliaul Winner of the contest will Te- Scotch Plains Club Have Recital lh«m In advanct. Them w* ceive an autographed copy of a The Northern New Jersey Alli- many hind* «f inturanca la YOUR volume of poetry by the American Plans Card Party FANWOOD —A piano recital ance of Delta Delta Delta soror was given Saturday by pupils o) protart rau ofaimt I*MM ky poet, Cail Sandburg. A trophy ity will have a covered dish lunch- fir*, wind, ttutfi, oaWMti, will be awarded to the winning Margarette Houston Totten at 72 LENTEN eon Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. Mrs. SCOTCH PLAINS — A dessert Parley avenue, Those participat- lawiuih and o»h«r calrniMflt, high school, to be retained by the G. R. Shaw of 9 Sylvan road, Ver- school for one year. card party will be sponsored by ing were julanne User, Virginia MEALS. ona will be hostess, assisted by the Scotch Plains Woman's Club Gross, Nancy Bojd, Janice Haer, Ut ui tokt a lot of warrta Mrs. Robert McVey of Verona »nd Friday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. in Winifred Jenckes, Jacqueline Qulg- out of your lif* .. . wMi Mn- Newcomers to Hear - Mrs. William E. Bachert of Mont- All Saints Parish House for the ley, Alice Wright, Anne Kimber- •ibl* imuranc* covvraa**. clair. Mrs. E. S. Stull of Great schoUrship fund.-Mrs. George V. ley, Geraldlne Petty, Alice Petty A Fashion Specialist Notch, fraternity education chair- Hahrn, general chairman, will be and Allen Kindt.. man, will be in charge of the pro- assisted by the following: Tickets, SCOTCH PLAINS—The regu- gram. Mrs. William H«rtpence, Mrs. Ed- lar monthly meeting of the Scotch A card party to be held at Koos ward M a 11 h i c k, co-chairman; Wed 38 Heart Plains-Fanwood Newcomers Club Brothers, Railway, is planned for awards, Mrs. Saltauel Hyqian; re- SCOTCH PLAINS — Mr. and will be held Tuesday at 81 IB p.rn. Wednesday, April 8, with Mrs, freshments, Mrs. John G, Carboy Mrs. Willlim Dinkel of 224 Byrd •II at the Scotch Plains YMCA. Carl Shipston of Somerville, as and Mm. William J. McGinn ;" card avenue, celebnUd th«lr 38th wed- Agnes A. L. Faytci- of Neto chairman. room, Mrs. Rudolph Dormaier and ding anniversary recently. York, designer consultant, will be Mrs, Dayne Kelley, co-chairmen; They have two sons, Herbert the speaker for the evening and publicity, Mrs. Jeoffre Campbell, Dinkel of Route 22, and Howard has chosen for her topic Dressing Bird Club To Mrs. Jules Remllng, Mrs; Freder- Dinkel of Stout avenue, a daugh- Today's Woman — Fashions For Observe Geese ick Chambers and Mrs. George ter, Mrs. Ethel Enz of Dunellen You. Geranek. and four grandchildren- All those who have lived in Don Maxwell will lead the West- Scotch Plains or Fanwood for field Bird Club March 21 and 22 ... are all arranged at two years or less are invited to to Fortesque to study and observe become members of the club. the Canadian geese that visit South the PARK! Every clay Further information may be ob- Jersey and winter in the Delaware during the Lenten sea- tained by contacting Mrs. Eleanor Bay feeding grounds. Now! Schaefer's Duncan, Fa. 2-9544. Sunday the group will visit Troy son we carry a complete Meadows to count and record the number of ducks already starting variety of Ash and dairy Mental Health Group their northern flight. brings you dishes on our menu, Play in Summit Reservations must, be made In advance with the leader. tastefully prepared and The Union County Association fashions by . . . appetizingly served. for Mental Health will sponsor a special presentation of the play, Announce Son's Birth Carte du jour and a la My Name Is Legion, a joint pro- W« era proud to present the first of several styles we will carte service in both our duction of the National Associa- First Lieut, and Mrs. S. Cuoco tion for Mental Health and the announce the birth of a son, Dan- have of Norman Harinall's exciting fashions. This noted English iel, Monday in Trieste. Mrs. main dining room and American Theatre Wing Commun- designer, who designs for Royalty in England and throughout lounge, noon till nine ity Plays, Wednesday at 8:45 p.m. Cuoco, the former Nancy Chia- in the Summit High School audi- faro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Europe, is thus made available to you. Cohne in and see his work. daily. torium. . Daniel Chiafaro of 229 South ave- nue, has been with her husband PL 6-3400 in Trieste, where he is stationed To Teach English Here with the V. S. Army. Miss Mary Ellen Grace of Wood- bridge, who will teach English at Parents of Daughter Westfield High School, is among the 62 liberal art students at New Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood C. Orrell Jersey College for Women begin- Jr. of B40 Prospect street an- ning ah eight-weeks period of full- nounce the birth of a daughter, time teaching in New Jersey Cynthia Jane, Friday at Muhlen- schools Monday., berg Hospital, Plainfield.

Priced at »11.95 912.95 Perk up your family's wardrobe with G. O. KELLER'S better Tlie courtly costume , . . Hartneil's two fabric costume— kind of dry cleaning sheer jeibelled dress and • jacket You'll be delighted with your dreitei (and your color-spiked print ftubb/'i ii/}re) after our thorough dry cleaning. . with hox-y wool jacket 5ee and feel the) difference} more dirt removed, by talented Norman Hartnell «oati gone, no dry cleaning odor, htHar prolf laift GLOHIANE longer. Call ui or come in today . . . you'll never $17.95 $17.95 be lolllflnd with ordinary dry cleaning again. JANELLA - Blua Calf and Mesh. OUR CASH AND CARRY PLAN SAVES YOU 20% The typical Hartnall bodice with Us suggested yoke The dress with a soft gathered neckline and slim CLORIANE - Blue Mesh, Calf Trim. ON WEARING APPAREL and softly curved throat is accented by double wlrrged emplro midriff takes a gently flared gore skirt. Com- t tabs. Over the slender dress ... a superbly fitting panion wool jacket is faced and cuffed with matching PHONE PL 6-0100 OTHER rOWNS WX-2100 (NO TOLL) jacket crisped with detachable linen-look collar and DOBBS - Black or Brown Calf, Black Suede • cuffs. Royal touch . . . the Heraldic jewelled half belt. print. Navy or black, and an inspired way to start Navy or black mastersheer crepe. building your Spring wardrobe! VAN ARSDALE'S 137 WEST FllONT ST. I'LAINFIELD, N. J. Schaefer's — Quality Footwear Since 1887 — ,N,<. cciiotmmuNO. ivfUr«n>muiw«ni».tAtuw>reN WWMin,H.J. "No Poor Goods at Any Price" SHOP THURSDAYS 'TIL 9 5, 1953 THE Woman's Club will not have its be awarded to a girl who is a Mrs. Simpson, Mother regular meeting this month. In- member ot the 1953 senior class. Sub Juniors Hear To Be Chairn stead, today members will go » Applications will be available in Soloists For At Antiques Sh Leave for Spain the Shulton Co. at Clifton for a Miss Dodd's office, and must be Introducing Messiah Announced Dr. Milton Staub plant tour. They will stop for filled out and returned to the schol- acFarland Mrs. Eleanora Young of 503 arship chairman -by April 15. AP. Mrs. C. Stedroan Carleton road, mother of Mrs. lunch at the Millburn Inn. Mem- plicants must expect to attend an Singing the solo portions of the Dr. Milton Staub addressed thi of 319 Scotch Plains enue will bers wishing to go are requested Interesting Westfielders Sub Junior Division of the Wo (concluding Sloan Simpon O'Dwyer, left Tues- accredited college, granting a de- Easter music from Handel'a Mes- man's Club on, "Love and Mar be chairman for the day with her daughter on a trip to be at the Presbyterian Church gree which is accepted for mem- You May Not Know siah March 29 will be Sally day, April 1, of the rd annual by 11 a.m. Schmalenberger and Dorothy Lud- riage" at a meeting last Thursday Antiques Show and ale to be to Spain. bership by the College Woman's low, sopranos, Evelyn Bonnctt, night at the home of Miss Judith sponsored by the A te Alum- Mrs. Young went to Mexico to Club. mezzo, G. Stevenson, tenor and Heniminger, 31 Fair Hill road. toilege for visit Ambassador William O'Dwy- a week or two, The division will undertake the nae of New Jersey College Club Scholarship chairman is Mrs. W Cambridge Grad Prentiss Haworth, baritone. Women March 30, 31 8| d April 1 er and her daughter shortly be- S. Martyn, 136 Effingham place.' While they were pondering their selling of program advertising fore Christmas and has been with fate in Rahway after leaving a This Palm Sunday evening per- Plans Scholarship formance will be at 8 o'clock it space and tickets for the spring Mrs. Simpson since her separa- hotel in Plainfield realizing that play of the Community Players As- tion from the ex-mayor of New their funds wquld not go fur there, the sanctuary of the First Metho sociation as its part in a Fifth Dis- Men's Garden Club A College Club scholarship will LEADER WANT ADS PAY a young policeman questioned dist Church. The chorus will con. trict Woman's Club project to aid Meeting Tuesday York. them and opened his home, giv- sist of 60 voices directed by Chas Fisher, minister of music. Gladys the Community Players. Carol La ing them a key and free-run of 1 Koza, vice president, presided. The Men's Garden Club of West- American Home the house. As Mrs. Atkinson so Crosby Gould will accompany a the organ. field will hear R. B. Reynolds of Group Has Tour proudly said, "That could happen Reynolds Gardens, Armonk, N. Y, only in America." Rehearsals, which are open to Dr. Moldenke Shows speak on "Growing Er*itr™a Dollarriniws In America, Mr. Atkinson work- the public, are held Friday eve- [g Tuesday FANWOOD — The American National Parks Slides At HomHomee" at a meeti home department of the Fanwood DANCE SHY? ed briefly for Merck as a senior nings at 8:30 in the First Metho- list Church. chemist on a special project then dist chapel. at 8 p.m. in the Metho Why no» |oln th« funT Uorn to dome* went back to International Nickel Dr. Harold N. Moltlenke, direc- th« eaiy woy-«h« »pwdway-»h« ln«x- Co. as the head of the platinum African Violets Topic tor of the Trailside Museum in perufv* way-ond b«com« a tougrit afi«r metals section at the company's re- the Watchung Keservation, show- partnw ownlght. Acquire ih« poi» search labs in Bayonne. ed slides of. "Our .National Parks" WRIGHT'S Of Club Meeting before the garden department of ond i»lf tottfidtne* bteominB a good In this position, he studies pres- the Woman's Club last Thursday Tie Silks, Shantung and Cottons Calorel dancer will glv« you ot Frtd Attair*. ent and new uses for fry-products SCOTCH PLAINS—Mrs. John 1 of nickel. He works with palla J. Couser of Berkeley Heights afternoon in the home of Mrs. E. JUNIORS 9 to I i "V.M OVl " •UT DO If NOW dium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium spoke on The Care of African Vio- B. Bitie. A b Bennett place. and osmium, all by-products of lets at a meeting last evening of Members took box lunches. As. ANNOUNCING OUR NEW nickel and attempts to discover the Scotch Plains Garden Club at sifting hostesses were Mrs. C. P, new uses foe these products in in the home of Mrs. Joseph DePaul, Horneffer and Mrs. A, E. Rustin. MATWNITY DHPAUTMINT FM.Trtt- dustry and in other fields. 2285 Mountain avenue. Mrs. Al- Mrs. H. T, Brown, department Sizes 10 V) 20 I »'.98 to »! An entire new venture has been fred Reeser was co-hostess. chairman, presided. II- J RALPH' H. ATKINSON opened up for these by-products Catalogs have been distributed WRIGHT'S DRESS SHOP. in the jewelry field since many of to members illustrating a line of READ THE LEADER FOR 214 ft FHOIT ST. H. HTM PUIWttU these metalB are now used as dec- roses, shrubs and perennials, which 55 ELM ST. Man. EVM. WESTHELD 2-3411 Cambridge-educated Ralph H. ALL LOCAL NEWS Atkinson i> now vicariously en- the club will sell this spring. jojrins hU days at the famous Wt, Atkinson is a member of j English university through the let-the American Institute of Mining : ten o( his son David who is i and Metallurgical Engineers, the ; hl» flr»t year at that institution; Chemical Society (London), the (feiBorn in County Durham in British Institute of Chemistry and is a member of International North England, the same area Nickel's Quarter Century Club. Sttwn^Whieh George Washington's U ancestors came, Mr. Atkinson lived He has written several technical p R t ' IttjEnfUhd until 1940 when he articles for various professional cane to Canada. journals and has delivered lectures |Jg,Ai: Cambridge, Mr. Atkinson both in England and in the United •tudled the natural sciences, ma States. Joring in chemistry, and received The Atkinsons, both born in Shis bachelor of arts degree in England, became United States I'lBlZ. The academic cap and gown citizens in 1948. They have three K: Which his son now wean at Cara- children: George, in Montreal; ?:bridge recalls similar days when James, in Halifax; and David, now in England. he was a student there and wore 1 t the familiar light blue colors of Because of the sterling control •the university. practiced by the British govern- After receiving his bachelors ment, Mr. Atkinson had some degree, Mr. Atkinson spent one money tied up in England. By ege, p special permission of the Bank of year in post graduate studies in p p chemistry in Berlin. He was there England he was able to 'unfreeze' until shortly before World War I these funds for David's education broke out. t Queens' College (Cambridge). "*? MAN'S During the war, he served as a David took a series of tests for captain in the British Expedition- admission to Cambridge after he cry Forces in the infantry and the graduated from Westfield Senior chemical warfare section, and was High School. Mrs. Atkinson ac- •e rarely wounded in 1916 in a but- companied her son to England and tle in France. After the war, he stayed with him until he was set- returned to the university as an tled for the first term. instructor in chemistry, and re- In Westfield, at 861 Tjce place ceived his master of arts degree. there is a home which is a spot In 1923, Mr. Aitkinaon left the of England transferred to the SUIT university to accept a position -with United States. Mond Nickel Co, as assistant man- WHILE THE ager of the precious metals refin- Spring Gardening ery. He remained in that jost, .;.„ SUPHV LASTS until 1939. While he was with Is Club Topic Mond it merged with the Interna SERVICE tisnal Nickel Co., a Canadian cor- FANWOOD —Mrs. Herbert C. UBBEY'S 11 OUNCE SWIRL DESIGN GUSS ON DRY CLEANING, poration. Hunter spoke on spring garden- AND ' SHIRT LAUNDERING Early in 1940, he cane to Can- ing at a meeting yesterday after- WITH ANY 50f DRY ada f» a research chemist at In- noon of (he Fanwood Garden Club CLEANING OR ternational Nickel's smelters, lo- in the home of Mis. Benjamin F. cated at Sudbury, Ontario, and Keller, 294 North avenue. SHIRT LAUNDERING NO EXTRA' later became chief research chem- Mrs. Hugh A. Child reported on ORDER ist there. plans for the open homes and flower exhibits project May 28. A CHARGE Shortly before the bombing of tea will follow in the home of 2Qu$tE. me At IIOUUI men OM Pearl Harbor, the Atkinsons Mrs. Clarence W. Slocum, 76 Mar- moved to the^ United States, ar- tine avenue north. Hostesses will WITH EVERT SI.W OROEI riving in Rahway with but 10 dol- be Mesdames Hunter, Charles Bol- lars in their possession. Wjhat leter, John Samson and Fred Gott- 'l SUSSES FREE> happened then is one of the many fried. ANY OUIEB GARMENT interesting stories which make up •**••:: WITH EVERT SIM ORDER the life of the Atkinsons in Eng- land and America. Evangelistic Services 1 When they crossed the Canadi- an border, because they weio Brit- Set in Cranford NO LIMIT TO WATER REPELLENT ish subjects, they were allowed only $50 by the government. At Special meetings to begin in fhc the customs line, they were taxed Cranford Alliance Church Sunday NUMBER YOU ?40 for their car which left them and conclude Friday, March 13 $10 with which to find lodging for with the Rev. Kenneth Masteller of Haddon Heights as the speaker. CAN RECEIVE There will bo services nightly at 8 o'clock except Monday, and the Bring In as much aWy cleaning and tMrt launoVrlng m you Sunday services will be at 11 a.m. Wish, For oach 5O< worth you Mil locohr* ono of Ihtso lEdw.Mackie & Sons] and 7:15 p.Tn. •errlne; Northei* IT. J, handsomt glassos FREE. low Over GO TT««i» Tho Sunday Bible school -will «-*27* convene Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock; tho Alliance Youth Fcl- lowships meet Sunday at 6:30 p.m. UPHOLSTERING Tho Rev. Mr. Mastcller has taught for some years in one of SLIP COVERS the leading Bible School Institutes. MATTRESSES AND KM He frequently appears on the pro- SNUNGS RENOVATED gram of the American network as tho young people's speaker. The public ia cordially invited to attend.

YES! £:'.?&>>f :?.-&•*',;* Gioveskiu By MICHAEL PI2ZI CACH 1 MUN11ON, PLEASE . . . loch week, Does I intUr Ih. above hooding, Michael Fiiii •1:-. UUNDERED ft FINISHED 1 f | will comment an local ord national '"l$HtD otlain. Hii ob»er- Miracles vallom will tie timely, concise Olid intirattlnQ Overnight. and *«Y will be If you must piMUlsd In an WaLsh « Dhh (mutual manner. PILLOW CASES Hefl. S< »• Km to look lor or LAUNDERERED AND FINISHED "Hot SPARKS' Abuse your hands appearing in any way, in lhl> Hsive h jar of Glo-veskin handy. Be «ur« to loot 10 a wel|..,ulpp,J I »hep with modern *n»l|wn.nt, It you 1 or* looking for tope In tirnka tervlce. HOUR SERVICE I Your tolaly as will MQRTHAVE. SSS: THE WESTFIELD J(KJT.)11EAPER, THURSDAY MARCH 6, 1953 Servicemen Five Hurt In Art Profetsor 2-Car Collision

SCOTCH PLAINS—A 15 month old child was among five injured, none seriously, in a two-ear colli- sion at Route 22 and Byrd avenue here Sunday night. "?•«! The child, Salavtore Dagliano Jr., of Station road, North Branch Station^ suffered bruises to the forehead and was treated at Muh- lenberg Hospital, Plainfield, where he along with the four adults in- volved was taken by the Scotch Plains rescue squad. Robert Bowers, 29, of Newark, sustained shock and bruises to the right shoulder .and chest Florence Carter of Newark, a passenger in the car Bowers was driving, suffer- ROBERT IGLEHART ed a bruise over her right eye and cuts on bot!, legs, Salvatoie Dag- TOOL LT. RUSSELL A. SIEDER liano Si., the other driver, bruises Art Group Announces and shock, and his wife, Edna Illustrated Lecture Sieder Receives Dagliano, a cut on top of the A PIFFERENT PIECE EACH head requiring two stitches. WEEK FOB 7 WEEKS w Overseas Assignment The Westfield Art Associattoi All were released from the hos- has announced that at its regulai pital after treatment except Bow- OMpto book WM maiM to you) V yoa Lieut. Russell A. Sieder, son of meeting March 12, Robert lgle mt not nodve yoan, aak yoar Acnw. ers, who was detained overnight. hart, professor of modern art, Wi Mnwc«r- «w "tMUtoe" of UtehM Mr, and Mfs. Everett N. Sieder Police quoted Bowers as saying fawb M • aavtam «T ft •> Mti of Predonia, N. Y., formerly of give an illustrated lecture at he lost control of his car while p.m. in the YMCA. Westfield, has left for Camp Stone- traveling west on Route 22.' It man, Cal., for overseas assignment, jumped a safety island and hit the Mr. Iglehart has studied in , Eu after spending a 30-days leave at Dagliano auto traveling east. The rope as well as at Johns Hopkint r EACH home, University, Columbia University Plastic Rack (v+,80.) incident Is being investigated by TOOL ...iaurallilileatBBrtia» Lieutenant Sieder was- gradu- Officer' Adolptf Kuna and special the American School of Design ONLY Of lit H FOR ated from Port Denning, Officers Officer Elmer Dellmire of the local and the New School of Social Re- durtni 7 week porchuw ONLY Candidate School in-May and the police. search. He is a council member Coupon No., 2. Mill redeemable 27< Ranger School in November. of the Museum of Modern Ar and belongs to the John Dewe; For Spatula \ He was oh the training staff of Society, National Association foi the 101st Airborne- Division at Senior Class Play Art Education and the College Camp Breckinridge, Ky., before Art Association. leaving for: overseas.. Principals Listed Rybinski Given Scouts, Cubs to Attend SCOTCH PLAINS— a three- Leave in Japan • act comedy, "June Mad," by Flor- Father-Son Night ence Ryerson and Colin Clements, Army Pvt, Henry R. Bybinstti will be presented tomorrow and Scouts of Troop 173 and Cub: Jr., whose parents live at 302 In- Saturday nights by the senior of Pack 173 will participate ii dian trail, Mountainside, recently class of Scotch Plains High School the father-son activity evening o: spent five days in Japan on a rest Miss Edith Higgins of the school the Lincoln School PTA to be hel( and recuperation leave from the faculty is directing the play. Tuesday, There will be an exhibi ROAST 2nd Infantry Division in Korea. Cast in the leading roles are of Scout Camping equipment i the school hall. Scouts and Cub: Olt Rybinski, assigned as a wire- Nancy Wood, Paul Michaelis, Mor- ey Larson and William Frank. Al- will act as a color guard and Bi STEAK man, spent his leave in Tokyo, He Fletmeyer, troop bugler, will ope: CHUCK so participating are Gene Godby, entered the Army in December the ceremonies. Bone in. SavU-Trimremovw much aurplua fat before 1951 and joined the 2nd Division Jean Tussel, Marjorie Kiracofe last July. Joe Comer, Peter Gottfried, Daniel Bill Tillotson, scoutmaster, wi J Snydcr, Norma Meyer, Dan Di-present awards to Scouts ant Anyone Quollo and Eugene Bink. Dale Chronic, field Scout execu- Sira Receives Faculty advisers' aiding in the tive, will present the troop char production besides Miss Higgins er to Mrs. George Coleman, pres Round Roast — Basic Training are Miss Edith L. Pitcher, J. Rus- ident of the Lincoln School PTA sell Herbert, Miss Avis L. Calais the sponsoring institution. A movie SOLID MEAT, Tender, juicy, so delicious. No fat added. You're sore to enjoy an ACM Pvt. Adrian (Eddie) Sira of the and Mrs. Sybil Poulson.* Proceeds will be shown of the jamboree hek top-quality round roaat or steak! Westfield Hotel, is receiving basic will be used for the annual senior at Valley Forge several years ago Sirloin Steak training at Indiantown Gap, Fa. class banquet in May. Proceeds from a cake sale and Save on Acme Beef! KS.KKB 7733* The 21-year-old serviceman was Also working on the play com refreshment booth will go to tin Rib of Roast Beef a member of the Al Pilippis and mittee are Barbara Trowbridge, pack and troop. 57* Lean Stewing Beef ». 69* Eddie Sira comedy, team which Prlscilla Morris, Alex Schilla, Juno • \ Cross Rib Roast toured hospitals and Army instal- Brynildsen, Thomas Andrews, Short Ribs of Beef „ 49* lations throughout the state. The Robert Holton, Dean Calhoun, Top Sirloin Roast team also performed at benefits, Bruce Kemp, Margaret Jenks, 79. Plata e Beef 2^25 dances and other organization af- David Thompson and Carol Scrib- Boneless Brisket fairs. Private Sirs was a candy ner. Serving as business aides WESTF1WS SUNDAY fresh Ground Beef fc 43. maker for the»Lorton-e«ndyBhop,~ Porterhouse Stealc 13 Elm street; before entering ser- Tg 7 Fkfte vice Feb. 3. Valerie Tiaks and Gladys Weber. ••MBfcjvi OPEN THIS SUNDAY Griffith Stationed Get Your Small Furs Lenten FoodTeitoiret In Tennessee Hollanderized BARON'S • A. M. t» t P. M. IDEAL Red Marine Pfc. G. A. Griffith Jr., for Easter Sockeye, l^oi can who is studying electronics, has Cutiaarai Sarvte* SALMON 63' been transferred from Jackson- ville, Fla., to the Naval Training DRYSON'S CLOSED THIS SUNDAY FRANCO Technical Center, Memphis, Tenn. FURRIERS SPAGHETTI AMEBICAM 25* If in your car when the Civil Wfcstfield Pharmacy Defense attack warning sounds, Ov«r 30 y«or» exp*rl«nc«. Hrmilv WITMAtMMU'f DOLE W-ot. stop at curb, go to shelter. If Suit* 5 SUCED 26' none, roll up windoWs, crouch on Broad A Central Whelan's it JarvU PINEAPPLE VV«. 3-1078 floor of car. Turn on radio. WBU3H GRAPELADE VKn. Jar c KBAFT 89 Ifpascal Celery Blue Diamond Lines, Inc. VELVEETA *lb, pkf. NO. 11 CROSSTOWN BUS ROUTE CHEESE FOOD 79- CAKES, CBACKMS conrn RATUIES l SIMILE OF mitm menu muni r, Choc. Grahams NABISC,„.,»,.O QOe Weal Coffee •K°22 85c WESTFIEI.D TO C1IAM0HI) NABISCO Ck«Ml>M ' BAItWAY WKSTF1KI.D MT-STFIRtn CRANFORD flAMTAN Rl Wincrest Coffee s OKKTHl , CIIANFOHO OBNTBIt TErilHINAt. AVENUE WINF1K1J) CI ••Bikini Polalo° 10 « 39 TERMINAL LINE Crackers KSISPX 25c Asco Coffee AM AM AM AM AM Cookies LAUKDBT NEEDS 8 a i»o 0145 ii a: 71.11 poiato* TiOO 7lO8 7H.1 ?!si LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Soap Powder TSSS 7 Hid .Tl»B Ti4n 7)S1 SlOO** 111 H.aii HttX Mc 8:10 Dl'JO Granulated ^J&ffiW! - ,u 8i4fl * HI.-.5 IIKHI 8:1)7 Mayonnaise '""S-'^V" inan llllW nil.", (hill 10 tOff r 1U|12 1III2U 1012U Tuna "^ £"J «"" 33c Cleanser "ffSKJ? 2«™19c loion i 1(1 |4H litia n tin 11 lUft iiiiiiii mi 111148 Salmon • io- . Hun • Slip Hlltl Ht'10 MlilO HUH Virginia Hl.'.T ii ml (111 'i 1M20 , B'!"> »M2 III IN 11IM IOKIM Lenten Features! KllSIt 1(1.10 llll III 11> l!V<£ llll.tH 1l.ll.-l iiiin 111*7 lllll.'l 11 111 11..1mm0 11 ISO PM I'M I'M PM PM • 1"|O2 llitllM i3iin lilili.-i Jjjl2[j 121-IU 1.IKI Corn Muffins 23 •lSlilT 11! |M PEAS l tan 1IIH unit iiiui 1 I IT 11.VI SiUO ami Sen-o with for * donMe tro«ll ami It lid IIKIO Illlll :nin 4l(H> IMKI llll •liS'J GOLDEN DECORETTE •Il-IT 415.1 fttllO SIM LIMAS r.i'iii rsiiici r..Bi> nun llllMI - I1HI7 nun (Il23t IhMII'* Illllll III 12 (lino 7lOO Bar Layer t 45 ( IHIN vln Wnimil HtfPiM II)'-IKINNIIIK I<<':IIIIK(<>II, Fliirn* Mc, Ijfiiculii. EuR-rlch ffnlrtmi Inycrm. VW\eH «nd t^flW wMi vnnllln lmttor cifrnil Irin Thin NftirdnU* Hiilijert to I-IIIIUKV tvlllHUit ntiMtu*. TMMTKi HtnrthiJi' im Ilithunv Avc, nt l.iniihfrlmill ltd., AVt^tllclili Ihilnvlij Avis ii* i\\v> HIirIt N<*llim|t llorliin lit), (o Wrfitlli'lit Ave.l WrHttlfld Avc to IDimt hroitil Ml.t Klixt IImud Nt, Supreme Enriched White Bread ",;,'; 1 i» N|irliiwAclil Arc, hud iu (lie (rtinfonl 1,1m*. CHANIAOHIli Hiirlnurtlrlil Avr,, H. t'ulon Avc. l.liifftin AVP.. lInriiMlitf An-., I,i-«hi|f4»ii AVI*,, Wjiliiu't HI., llnrumi Hi!. <<» iUv Wtuftfttt (•Irclp. Ills H'I'OI'Ht A< Iiitri-HrcflmiN niTiii «IHT.. 1I1»r(lu Hvvvlnt tlliN Ht»t» fttr mil In roiniMiitinft truliin til I'IUKH iimlt-r tlir rllllrotill tirllln*-. < EVERY THURSDAY AND 37O South Avenue, Westfield

folr Trad* Amm-i-dent Tooth Paste Prtc* 69c NOW

Fair Trad* Halo Shampoo Pric* Me NOW

Fair Trad* Price 25c NOW Johnson's Baby Powder M Btmltii Brlibt b65' Fair Trad* "TO— Beef . . Beacon Wax Prlc* 99c NOW /7C Chopped Meat . . Foir Trad* . jfg Swift> MntUitU b ( Johnson's Jubilee Waxt Prlc* 63c NOW DDQ " »"39 Sausage Meat STEAK SALE! —53-

Treat Yourself Fr«ihly Sll«4 ' 73" Cod Steaks To the Finest White Rose i i Of All . . .From • PEELED APRICOTS 8f • ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES Kings Huge Selection • FRUIT COCKTAIL VELVEETA . 2" 99< • WHOLE SPICED PEACHES Mr. Jot'irrlvoU Stock • BARUETT PEARS Ib. eut Yau'v* S..n It On TV! A^ing« Eggt art Strictly Aged Cheddar . . Of Famous Brands! fteih and really large. KRAFT CHEESE SPREADS Ktell In.fh. Nw Handy Your guarantee of top- Claim quality by the A- !• and Loaf Cheese 00 Imported Donlih • Pineappltapplae , A*. U.S. DeptM. of Agriculture. t Pint!' 4 , '/rlt-40* • Olive Blue Cheese Ttnd Cut Fr• " 1.00 FRESH KroH Nippy - SmofcelU - Garlic - Bacon Bed Kidney Beans . «»«-1.00 CHEESE 6oz Tenda-BIg Peas . . 6"»*»1.00 EGGS Oewif Cttmtt URGE WHITE ROLLS : . MARGARINE! Golden Corn cr.«morK.m.i 2 "»•«« 37* lk dozen in £' 1 j Kraft American • Pimento • Swilinl • Blut Benntl Small Green Lima Beans -29' carton f | * • All Swttl DELUXE 802. Succotash .cr.«sfyi.o,Md.» ib.»»25* SLICES . . Deluxe Whole Tomatoes . • 33( 35' COFFEE l7 ni It's a red nian's coffee all right . . • Green Party Apple Sauce 2 «• " 29* but ladies love its mellow flavor, too. Seedless Grapes ... "> -23* FLORIDA NEW RED BLISS Drip, Silex, Regular. it/IbitC MOSC Famous Fish In Pound Packogn by While Rote ' SPLIT PEAS 17e RED SALMON .... 45c POTATOES •MARROW BEANS' lie LIGHT MEAT TUNA 37c In Farmer Joe's Pliofilm Bag •ABVTMAS' . 17. WHITEMEATTUNA4U LENTILS 25c TUNA FLAKES ... 29e Tomato Aspic . ... . ""25* Lentil Soup -17* Green or Blue Plums . . lb-19( Escarole "•"— U. S. No. 1 Grapefruit Hearts . . . "-"-19' MAINE Grapefruit Vichysoise ...... <»25< POTATOES Sliced Elberta Peaches 3-79' 50C1.89 Bananas eoid.nRiP* Apple Butter . . . w*-\«2V Prune Juice .... ^31' OliVeS SluKed—2 for Ic over ?S ««iy to opin |sr49' FROZEN FRYERS

KlnJl of Fomovi Pancake Syrup . . . u»^2l< Swanson . Whit. Roi. tiled ' Hmat and Eat Famout Card«n FRUITS t> VIGI- Whitm ROMC Individual Can* TAIUS In I M. Birds Eye. Strawberries Peas . Tlmt or MACARONI tllud MlKid RICE DINNER CREOLE Swifi'S. . lib. •<».pig. 1.09 Peaches. .*. Vegetables . . OR RICE O8oz. 10e coupon on »1tg. Cut CREOLE MACARONI DINNER I CM Chicken Pot Pie . Corn . . i • Be Kind to Your T Zone //« M*erla Lvnton Food* »©/ Monte Flavor First! White Rose Cut Fnnch Frl.d pl f Spaghetti, '*""«*,**«"*'• 2 « 35' Catsup|}f Qulck-Froien Green Beans , , Potatoes. . > ( Frtneh Styfi Tomato Paste . . . 3<-29 Prune Juice .... «t»- bof. 33* ORANGE JUICE 'b-39' slk Beans . . , , , Cod . > Pizza Sauce . . . "A «•«»27*- Pre-Cooked Beefs -« ">«-J5' Frtnch Fava Beans .... . "n17( Tomato Sauce.... 3""»23* Wax Beans . , , Flounder White Chopptd or Perch , Leaf Spinach , , Rose l A Perfect Lenten Treat 1 ( Choppto Haddock . 45* lea 60 Valuefor 39 SARDINES from NORWAY Broccoli . . , , TEA Dcllcloui o Packages CHICLETS Cangrtll |^< 11 Yon Like Your Tea In ling* Corn on Cob . » U'ltitc ond SALTINES by XEEBLER VPCN FKIDAY */rt 7,// o P.M (to*.* I.-., urn-. 6 Packages LIFE-SAVERS THURSDAY NITE TOO, TILL 9 P.M.

J% rti \'an From Dixie ? New Foods by Heinx 223 NORTH AVENUE Fine Fonda bff PromiVr Heol ond Eat WESTFIELD Mustard Greens . . »«•"•] 7' • Bett Sfow • Pork and Beam • Chicken • Spaghetti Turnip Greens . . . »«.«»i7< • Macaroni oz. Individual Scrvingi Individual Servlngl pkg. Okra and Tomatoes. . """25* tell) Okra-Corn and Tomatoes lb "n 29( •25' THE WEBTFIELD fN. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MABCH 5, 1953 Old Guards See Glacier Park Film KOOS BROS.

A film of Glacier Park was OPFN NIGHTS shown the Old Guard Thursday in the YMCA. SCOOP! SOFA AND 2 HANDSOME CHAIRS Director G. B, McDiarmiJ pre- sided. Richard G. Robinson was elected to membership and an ap- plication was received from Wal- ter K. Deal of Lebanon, formerly of Wes£field. KOOS-TAGGED A BIDGET-LOV9 William R. Huntington of Plain- field, an honorary member of the local chapter, read a poem entitled "How to Stay Young." Albert Picntiss recited a poem "The Old Sea Shell." Louis Sehmutz, chairman of the far all 3 reception committee, welcomed Ar- 219 thur Hall and Louis Quad after extended absences because of ill- ness. Wonderful, wonderful come-in-tomorrow news! Now . «, John Wallace of Plainfield, an honorary member of the West- for the price you'd expect to pay for your sofa ... Kooa gives field chapter, sang several solos, you THREE PIECES ... a truly handsome sofa; a graceful Singing was led by William Bar- tow, accompanied by Mr. Hunting- barrel chair; and a big, loungy man's chair... for just $219! ton at the piano. "But how," you ask, "can Koos possibly sell a living room Herman Fry, chairman of the group of THIS caliber at THIS price?" It's easy when you're First Congregational Church ac- tivities committee, reported 37 as big as Koos! We went to one of our large resources during members played sbuffleboard and his slack season. We picked his best sofa frame, the two moit cards last week. Members having birthdays dur- popular chairs, had them covered in smart decorator fabrics ing the week wore noted by secre- ... in such terrific colors as driftwood-brown, sage-green, tary Rowland Mather as follows: W. R. Headden, James Mumfort, cherry-red, forest-green, Rembrandt-rose, dawn-grey, tawny* J. Henry Smith, John L. Hall, gold. Come in tomorrow . . . day or evening ... tee the George W. Sands, John C. Nirchie and Charles D. Kohlbecker. entire collection. Budget terms. Vice Director Robert Meiklejohn announced a film Fibre* of Free- dom will be shown next week. LEADER WANT ADS PAY


VtedVfperbjeths flute alaff/ day 99 re* MWHM be *12»* Looking for something really differentJn a deluxe dinette ? Like »*°i.^S^.;^U^3£j^"5CI*1^.Jii^i!^flIJiJStP** Bi^4.~Jfef*!*-ih*- set that has everything . . . and, it's exclusively Koos! We designed it, picked Ute colors, specified quality features usually found only in dinettes at $129. We've streamlined the chrome frames... given you a sleek, stainless steel apron on the table top (most dinettes have aluminum aprons ... and, you know how aluminum rubs off). We've uphol- stered the chairs in a washable, plastic that looks like rayon faille. Used 'a very new, brush-stroke print for the backs .. *a solid on the seats. Instead of the usual mother-of-pearl plastic table top . . • we've copied the wonderful print on the chairs. Result? One of the smartest dinettes you've ever seen! Table is 30x48 ... opens to 60". , Choice: Ghinese-red, lime, or white ... with dramatic black! Budget terms.


w Jersey Bell Telephone Compony! ANOTHER TERRIFIC KOOS-BUY!

89 reg. would be $128/ Yes This isn't just an ordinary foam-rubber set ... it's famous Englander Foam Rubber mattress and Englander box spring.. .both for $89! It's GLOVESKIN your chance to enjoy one of today's luxury mattresses . . . and pockety a Does saving of $40! Foam rubber, you know, never gels lumpy, won't sink in Miracles the middle, can't sag nt the edges! It's dustlcss, odorless, never needs Overnight 1 turning. No matter what your weight, every contour of your body is cradled. .. the i'oam rubber compresses only with , when you get If you up, it springs back to its smooth even surface. It's the answer to all who wash a dish want the ultimate in sleeping comforts. Box spring has been scientifically or designed to give maximum support to the mattress. Twin size only. Budget Pull a weed terms, or Abuse your hands in any way Have a jar of Gloveskin Handy

««llobl. SirvlM line* IMS 54 ELM STREET Eight— THE ^«TPTCTn W.J.I LEADER, THfflMT>AY. MABCH B, 19SS The grading and drainage wort Local Company Bids covers an area from Chevalier < On State Work avenue t-j the southerern atoitmetfiafcuw.' ' Dwarf Maple Is Functions Of of the new Raritan River Brid»» TKENTON~^The Villa Con- No awards were made pendiag .' ZARRO Found Mostly In Nitrogen As tracting Co., Inc., of Westfidd study by authority engineers. RECOMMENDS submitted the third lowest bid to the New Jersey Highway Author- READ THE 1EADEK FOR A Lmndtnj /n(*rfor 0«coret«r'« Plant Nutrient AU LOCAL NEWS tlbw m furnituf ant Western States ity Thursday for work on an Es- sex County section of the Garden •"•By CARL ZARRC^™"" The common name of dwarf ma- Hy THE MASTHIl GAHPEXER State Parkway. The authority re- In line with our policy at the ple might imply that this tree was Although green plants manufac- ceived a tota! of eight bids. Zarro Studio of constantly keep- really small. As a matter of fact ture M per cent of their own The company also was listed as ANTIQUE: ing our finger on tho pulse of the it may reach a height of 30 feet "food" requirements, they must the second lowest bidder of seven newest in the nation's home fash- and have a trunk diameter up to NORRISTOWN, PA. one foot. The brunches! are rela- obtain the remaining 6 to 7 per for grading and drainage work on Moris, we have been carefully ob- cent of their nutrient require- the parkway in Sayreville, Mlddle- serving' the veryf tively small .and upright. They ore pale green to brown at first but by ments from mineral nutrient.) in sex County. The two sums. speci- CITY HALL AUD. litest trends in| the soil. These essential elements fled by the company were $4,177,- drapery fabrics. the end of the first half year have beconje a brilliant reddish brown. are 12 in number—nitrogen, phos • 806 37 and $667,279.30 respective- MARCH 16-17-18.19 What are theyJl They may be somewhat angled arid phorus, potassium, calcium, &w ly- : Welli for one! are smooth. Sometimes the tree ap- phur, magnesium, boron, coppei Bids for grading, paving, drain- 11 A.M. to 10.30 P.M. thing, toda y'sj pears as a many branched shrub if manganese, zinc, iron and molyb age and bridge construction will drapery f abricsf a tree can by definition be a shrub. denum. Soils vary widely in the)] Mm. I.lorilorii K. Hem, Tkf Kflln •» CLOSES 1*h, 6 radiate new • »nd| Dwarf Maplt 715 »t. Murku avrnur frum Mr. unit Mm. I.liluil'tloitl l Waa i mlmilddt tltrOHffltltrOffll cover an area from Mill road in It is probably because of this habit | ability to furnish all of these mi •HOt'lnFr krre from filtn Cuvr. K. V. Thin (ra Hillside Township to Nye avenue unusual color! National Wildlil. Miration trients in adequate and balancer Itrrimidn, Frlt« Jt lirtK, rtnltora. that we hove the name dwarf c in Irvlngton. > combin atjonstJ maple. quantities; hence the need foi reg- They show an in -J ular application of complete plan' beginner*' class, Iftrs. Edith Os- I cre»ed use of fl-| The dwarf maple ranges from foods to yards end gardens. borne of Huntingdon Station, L, i,, hem and mixture.! Montana to the Black Hills of Heart Fund Gifts UCK Club Plans the novice (A & B) combined. The South Dakota down to Nebraska Nitrogen is often called "the non-regular classes, graduate nov : plus tiew noveltyl growth element" since it stimu weHves •;•• ' Carl through Colpiado, Utah, Nevada to ice and brace will be judged by northern Arizona and New Mexico. Still Accepted lates lush green growth, Unlfte Match Dog Show lOiie very evident, factor is the other elements, native soil nitrp. Richard Seguine of Perth Amboy 'predominance of provincial pat- It is found in the Sisklyous into and the open and utility classes Kern County, California, and Even though Heart Month has gren exists largely as a constitu- The Union County Kennel Club, • Jterni.*You gee them everywhere in within its ranges is found up tr ent of organic matter. Through by Frank V. Thrall of Dunellen. f»H types of pa^erns' and thef e is officially ended, contributions to Inc., will conduct another of its The Union County Kennel Club the 1953 New Jersey Heart Fund decomposition of the organic mat- all breed and obedience match Filso f»n evident increased use of ter by soil organisms, the nitro- show handling classes are now fernery and leaves. ern part of its range and of 9,000 may still be made and credited to shows at the armory, Walnut being held at VFW Memorial feet in the southern part. It is local quotas, C. W. Floyd Coffin gen is changed into forms avail- street and Magnolia avenue, Eliz- SgOln; printed and woven drapery " *only"found"along''the' bank'bankss f Englewood, state chairman, said able to plants. Since the decom- Home, Kirkmtn , place and High com m o position is caused by living organ- abeth, Sunday, March 16. street, Union, Friday evenings. fabrics the design extends from of watel. couraeg in tne - Rock• y today. isms, nitrogen availability in the Entries will* be taken at the For a show circular or informa- t>\tb» traditional through provincials Mountam area. Final accounting of the Heart ftfcnd moderns; soil is influenced by temperature, show from 11 a.m. and judging tion on the handling classes'inter- Like other maples, the dwarf Fund "will not be started until am- moisture' and aeration. Thus the will start promptly as scheduled, I %The»e varied designs offer multi ,e haB opposite leaves. They ple time has boen allowed for all ested persons may contact Mrs. supply is extremely variable and obedience at 12 noon, and breed at Frank V. Thrall, show chairman, * purpose usability and a great free- may be deeply three-lobed or even state residents who wish to con- 2 p.m. Exhibitors should arrive «*rtn of Mlection.that will be guided th,.eoipBrted but in some the lobing tribute, Mr. Coffin said. Contri- expiains why plants sometimes are 149 Jefferson avenue, Dunellen; early at the show to help expedite Phil D«Lano, 6 Manor avenue, tW»inly by the personal tastes of ^ shsnow. They are up t0 flve butions may be made by simply found to be starving for nitrogen he judging. , j the decorator. Inches in diameter, a bright daik addressing them to "Heart Fund" on soil which is high in organic Cranford, or Mrs. George Puts- An outstanding panel of JudgeB , 541 Westfield avenue, Roselle. J_ The drapery fabric color story grel!n atove and considcl.abiy in care of the local post office in matter. ' This occurs generally has been selected and approved i»l»» variety as its keynote. Vibrant lif^ter beneath. They moy be up any community, he added. during cold, wet seasons and some- iy the AKC. Mrs. Harriet Engle Archie Payne of 1893 North ,;. and modern colors are contrasted t0 Bjx'lnehes long with a long or "Wie are confident that the 19B3 times during dry periods in thu f Staten Island, N. Y,, will judge avenue is club president, and at vwxth classic patterns. a snort petiole. Sometimes they Heart Fund will be the most suc- most fertile soil. he best puppy under six months, last year's show his seven months : , r-»U of which add up to definite way take on a (,ri|Iiant reil coior. cessful in the history of the New Nitrogen deficiency results in est puppy over six months, the old collie, Glen Cairn's Sweet Kar- ;. interesting and challenging possi- The twiBS form a ,.easonab|y pOpu. Jersey Heart Association," Mr. stunted growth and chlorosis (loss est grown dog and best in match, en won the best in show award. Now !• • goodtlme to flnlsh UPthmt attlc room'Of billbllltiet s for the discerning home- ]ar browse for mule deer and of green color). The leaves first maker, Qpn't you agree? Coffin said. "Many communities 'oseph Knight of New York will mountain sheepr and white-taile have already reported their quotas become light green and gradually udge , the sporting breeds except dose in th»t basement area which la going to waste If you would liklike furthefth r infor- Jje~er ^h ave been" kkn own to'eat themh . yellow. The oldest leaves on the mation on this exceedingly inter- substantially exceeded. We are ockers, tha group and all the And properly planned this type of "home expansion" rf H hopefu^ that last year's total of plant—those nearest the ground ihow handling classes, of which eating subject, Mikel-L, our decor- conspicuou3 fru its wh|,6 thera on an upright plant—are first af- PLUMBING ean be {un. We can give you many money-saving sug- ator in charge, would be moa ' b Thig . b $210,000 raised in New Jersey will here will be three, junior show- 1 be exceeded when the final returns fected. Complete plant food sup- manship for' children from six to HEATING gestions... supply all the materiato you will need happy to aiscuss it ui B"" "-''U1 n, usually produced on plies nitrogen in three or more tength with you. Why not phone are in for this year's drive." G, ladies' class and' men's class, and give you cost estimates, Let's talk it over. ise bearing chemical forms of varying rates 'he cockers will be judged by TINNING him now at We. 2-5950? the fruits> This fa usual Mr. Coffin said that the contri- butions will assure continuance of of availability to plants. Even so, [ITS. Alma Winters of Paramus; 1EADERS AND GUTTERS this tlce but not the nitrogen is the element most rapid- WATER HEATERS (Details ^ on 'new * slipcovers, [£a(j •'»•»« the New Jersey Heart Associa- Elnler Hummer of Short Hills will tion's program for aid to heart ly used up by plants or leached udge the hounds. The working GAS RANOW from the soil by rainfall, and in reeds will have three judges, Mrs. disease sufferers, education which order to make sure that your gar- OAS MATING UNITS Builders' General will help to cut down the incidence t{er)e«Wilson judging collies and den is amply supplied with nitro- INSTALLED ;tions opposite to of heart disease, and support of ihelties; Phil DeLano of Cran- the Zarro Studio most convenient gen and the other nutrients ull ord, dobermanp and Robert Kerns each other. The wings of the fruit heart clinics throughout the state. through the growing season, It is Specializing In for you. Zarro Studios are located may be almost an inch long and A portion of the funds also jfoes f Philadelphia doing the other at 800 Pearl street, corner of a good idea to make supplemental •reeds and the group. Mrs. Leda Supply Co. may be rose colored in the summer toward a notional research pro- feedings during the summer. Washington avenue, Elizabeth, and and red in the autumn. The fruits gram to develop 6ew diagnostic Martin of New Brunswick will REPAIRS Lumber Trim M«»onry Screen* Storm Sa»h 433 South avenue, Westfleld.) mature in late autumn and if col- and treatment procedures in heart If you have suspected nitrogen eternrine the best in the terriers, HENRY ' lected for planting will be found disease. deficiencies in your garden, do not ilrs. Jean Weeks of Rahway, the Hardware Paint . Insulation to run as high as 20,000 to a Success of this year's Heart attempt to remedy the situation toys and Mrs. Jarvls Croiley Appliance* Youngatown Steel Kitchen* Library Issues pound. Fruits are sometimes har- Fund, Mr. Coffin said, is largely with a one-shot application oT n Wteekes of Chatham, the best in GOODFRIEND vested to start new plantings where fertilizer very high in nitrogen. ;he non-sporting breeds.' 336 CENTENNIAL AVE., CRANFORD, N. J. due to- xhe fact that more volun- In this case, the cure can be worse 137 PraspMt Sh** soil erosion is to be kept under teers than ever are serving in lo- In obedience, Mrs. Mildred Zahn Ul WI 14041 Tel. CR: 6-OSOB New Book List control and where the browse may cal campaigns, plua a general pub- than the ailment, since heavy if Lake Cupsaw will judge the » WI. MSTUI have value to wildlife. Under the lic awareness that the fight against nitrogen dosage can cause an un- name of "Rocky Mountain maple" balanced-nutrient status and may New books added to the Free heart disease—which last year intensify deficiencies of other jle- it is sometimes raised in nurseries claimed more than 25,000 lives in Public Library last week ineRide:' for sale as an ornamental. ments. Fiction: "The Literature of New Jersey—demands substantial Crime," Dannay; "The Golden The wood of the dwarf maple is funds. Thread," DeWohl; "The Boyds of heavy, hard, close-grained. The day by the management to mark Black River," Edmonda; "Land- heartwood is light brown to white Kreutz Honored At his 35th company anniversary. fall," Hull; and "The Green Man," and the thick sapwood is usually Mr, Kreutz is a member of the Jameson. lighter colored than the heartwood. Kearny Luncheon equipment engineering organiza- Also non-fiction: "The Courage tion at the Kearny plant where he . To Be," Tillichj "Democracy Is Red Cross gave assistance at Edward A. Kreutz of 721 Hard- has held engineering assignments You," Poston; "New German Self camps and hospitals here and over- ing street was the guest of honor since 1928. Prior to that time he Taught"; "Roosevelt and tho seas to an average of two service- nt a luncheon given at the West- was employed at the company's Warm Springs Story," Walker; men per minute during 1961-62. ern Electric Kearny Works Tues- Chicago plant. 62 distinctive houses from Archi- tecural Record; "From Old Sten- cil to Silk Screening," Stephenson; "The Big Top," Bradna; "A Book of Trout Flies," Jennings; "Star ef Empire," Willcox; and "Mary Lincoln," Randall. Red Cross provided for overseas shipment Group "O" whole blood at the yate of one pint every four minutes during1 1961-62.

W frOOM ipmn 24 Hours a Dayi lum rnimii'i IBM PIHU' «li-t(v" ii unlir V U Slu'iL' CUUIM. WUU *i JrwiJl 'Ir i ' r^jift ANI •!!»« •11 Park Av.., MainfbM

••flittered Pharmacist In ttAUdQncv Qf sfoit; Presenting Day and Nlaht

THERE IS NO BETTER JOIN the New 1953 Studebaker COAL AT ANY PRICE J Sfove-Nu! 23.70 HecoTimeucaft ect/i ofim we femefieatt Pen ?. 20.50 MARCH is Buckwheat 16.80 Stoker Rice _ 75.65 • the month It's almost unbelievably low! It's Impressively long and wide I CRANFORD it has the sleek-lined smartness of a costly foreign ear COAl CO.' and it's right down to earth in price! phone Crid. 6-1516 A brand new type °f The completely new, sensationally Power Steering different 1953 Studebaker unquestion- A Sludsboker ««lwlv»~°»a!l°bl« In V/el-Don ably is the most daring step forwuid of Commondsr V-8 ol moderolo e*tra con our times in automobile design. Concrete Here, first by far in «n American cur, is Hugo new expanse* or the continental charm of Europe's most safety glass all around Corporation distinguished ears—un impressively long All motlalJ-Chcmploni and Command' new Sturtclmkcr that is BO very low most V-8i-hovo on».pl*t« rear windo#i ol 1RANSVT MIXED Remember well Oi wlndiliiildi CONCRETE people can sco over itB lop I for Roudi, Walk», Drtaot Come In and find out uliout flic excit- foundation*, Bt«. tlie blood bank ing new 1953 Stiulebnkcr—drninntiu in A new and safer lf* 1CM Hum five r«.t.i hlfll. 1 low center of gravity 19SS Sl>i<1«bi.kcr SinrJIner 'hnnl-i,,,, co..vcrill,l«! verve nud iliiir—brculli-tukiug in bcuiily ll (ly.i Ihe cor rood-Hghl iloW111' Truly u now fliuht Into tlio future I innide ns well us outside. Find out how for MtM and O.llvtry ilunn to curlh in price it really is. on ihorp lurnl ai will ol c«»»

OfflCli 141 CIKTRM AVENUH Spots tonlrlbufed fo (fed Cro.t fey PUBIIC SERVICE NORTHFIELD MOTORS INC. (Aufhorliotl Studobaker Denier) 301 SOUTH AVE. WESTFIELD.N^ THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER^THURSDAY, MABGH 5. 1953 ily; his wife, for example, has I Those Eligible earnings of more than $76 a Pretident'§ Counsel Receives 1st Easter Seal anthracnose fungus — fungus that Local Firms'File W. G.indin, Plainfleld, month, that person's payments may Protect Your can girdle the fruiting canes ef- Another certificate rm Bpsf be stopped, but it will not affect fectively. Business Names the Music Staff, 27 Elm For Retirement the insured person's benefits. If WiatfUld, which will Mil the benefits are stopped because of Social Security The Ground Observer Corps is ELIZABETH—The Installment the eyes of the nation, scanning music, and which will be earnings of more than the amount Credit Service, 235 East Broad by Barbar J., Jane G. aad, Benefits Listed permitted by the act, they will be the skies for enemy planes which street, Westfield, Wednesday filed started again when the individual Investment Always could get through the radar screen. W. Ryan, all ot 932 WM a business name certificate with drive, WestBeld. RoewellH. By LEONARD F. SAWVEL no longer has those earnings. Be- Are you a GOC volunteer? County Clerk Henry G. Nulton for fore September 1952, the amount LEONARD F. SAWVEL, Mgr. ols, Robert C. Thomioa In J Manager If in your car when the Civil the purpose of engaging in the of earnings from covered work or Social Security Administration, 1 William D. Peek, WmtfleM, ' Social Security Administration self-employment that a beneficiary Union-Somerset Countiei Defense attack warning sounds, service installment credit sales en- counsel. • Union-Somerset Counties wag permitted to have was $60 in stop at curb, go to shelter. If terprise. The concern will be con- Benefits that are paid under thi a month. This is the last of a series of none, roll up windows, crouch on ducted by Richard M. Lea, 41 Civil Defense Social Security Act can be divided Hoar of car. Turn on radio. Hunter avenue, Fsnwood. Sidney The Elizabeth office of the So articles on the operation of the against disaster. into two classcB, retirement bene old-age and survivors program un- fits and survivors benefits. This ar< cial Security Administration is open Monday through Friday from der the Social Security Act. This tide will list the retirement bene 8:30 a.m. to S p.m. Representatives program, designed to provide pro- fits and tell who ia eligible to re of this office are also available at tection for the American working ceive them. room 4 of the Plainfield Post Of- man and his family, has been pay- FATINTIO 1. Old-age insurance benefits fice every Tuesday between 10:30 ing monthly benefits since 1940. are paid to the insured individual a.m. and 2 p.m. and at room 3 of You, as a, wtrker or self-employed POWIR himself. The amount paid is the the Somerville Post Office every person, have a stake in this sys- DIOOIR primary insurance amount. In Thursday between the same hours. tem. You should be certain that.' ALL-HYDRAULIC .other words, if the primary insur- .—. • \ you do everything you can to pro- WMKRANM ance amount is $65, this will be tect the investment. you have in paid to the retired insured person Motorists Fined this insurance against loss of in- BUCKET ACTION every month. In Boro Court come because of retirement or 2. Wife's benefits are paid to the death, wife over 65 of an insured person MOUNTAINSIDE — For hav- Be certain that you have a so- FOR FAST, LOW-COST who is living with him. It may also ing no New Jersey registration on cial security account number be- There's nothing else like. It for laving men, money and Nmt on oH digging ba paid to the wife under 65 if she his car, Emmanuel J, Lobato of fore you start to work, or go into ia taking care of his children un- Plainfield was fined $5 Wednes- business for yourself. If you lose |ot» where hand ihoveling or larg* heavy excavating machinery or* both der 18 who are entitled to bene- day night in Municipal Court by your card, get a duplicate right coiHy and Impractical... toy thousand* of Sherman Dt Unto Power Digger fits. This benefit is one-half of the Magistrate Alan Thompson. On a away; don't wait until you need wen. primary amount. If the primary charge of speeding 55 miles in a one to start work on another job. Insurance amount is f 65, the wife 50 mile zone, he was fined $7. Don't ask for another number once But why not have us demonstrate how much loiter . • easier ami better the would receive $32.50. For failing to have any emer- you have been given one. If you new Sherman De Luxe All-tiydrovlic action Agger cm do your digging jobtf 3. Dependent husband's benefits gency equipment, the Concrete change your name, make sure you jjust let us know when and where you want a demonstration. are payable to the husband over Specialties Company, Inc., of notify the Social Security Admin- 65 of a woman who is both fully Lyndhurst was fined $6. On a istration. Let .your family, know and currently insured. He must be charge of parking on the highway where you keep your card since it living with his wife when he files with no lights, Michael M. Liberto will be required for filing- for death of Lyndhurst was fined $5. benefits. Bernard M. Shanley of Bernardiville, specie! counul la Prciieent and must have been receiving: at Eisenhower *t the* Whit* Home, receive! * fUnt-iind Enter least SO per cent of his support For having no name on a com- Do not delay filing your applies Seal, the firit i»»ued in the 1953 Eaiter SeeaJ campaign, from {torn her. The amount ia the aame mercial vehicle, John Wardiello of tion for benefits, whether it is New Jer»ey'» Enter Seal Girl, fi*e-year.old Pamela ("Pammie") as a wife gets. Belleville was fined $8. For a stop based on retirement or on death. Ann Scott, daughter of Police petective ami Mri. Ckarlei O. 4. Child'a benefits are paid to street violation Richard P. Bar- Remember that benefits not filed Scott of-Newark. The atate Eeiler Seal foal U $209,000 to finance children under 18 of the insured bato of Madison was fined $6. for may be lost Lump-sum death the work of the New Jeriey Society for Crippled Children and person if the children are depend- Fpr failing to display a name and benefits must be filed for within AdulU, the atatewide Eaiter Seal Society. ent on him. These payments are address on' a car, the Weather two years of the death of the in- Conditioning Co, of Orange was sured person. Other benefits may made.until the children are IS, un. fined «8. flee will be glad to send a speak- "renewal spurs" which are new leas they die or marry before that only be made retroactive for six er to one of your meetings. All PAYIPOR mUP IN NO TIMt time. Each child receives one-half On charges of speeding, Ralph months, canes cut io short stubs, bearing Sims, Newark, traveling 60 miles of these services are free. Just of the primary amount. Benefits to be paid on your ac- visit, write, or call your social se- two or three buds, should be left n hour in a 40-mile zone, was where you want next year's fruit- No payments can be made to any fined $28, and Adolph ValentinuB- count will be based on the rec- curity office. The address is 1143 person, either on his own account, zi, of Union, going 55 miles an ords which the Social Security Ad- East Jersey street, Elizabeth; the ing canes to grow. —""". f STORK TIMTOR COMPM or based on another person's un- hour in a 40-mile zone, was fined ministration keeps from the re- telephone number ia EL. 2-2382. Finally, apply a delayed dor- POWER DIGGER 469 South Av«., East W#itfi»ld, N. J. ions he files application for it. Some $10. ports filed by employers and self- The Elizabeth office of the So- mant spray of lime sulphur just payments can be made retroactive, employed persons. Errors CRn oc- cial Security Administration is after the leaves emerge but before I Ttl. WE. 2-1262 - 5767 but only for a maximum of six cur—some of these can only be open Monday through Friday from they have developed more than months, For this reason, it is a Legion Auxiliary changed if they are brought to the 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Represents- one-half inch. This will control the good idea to visit your social se- Backs County Officers attention of the administration tives of this office are also avail' curity office at 1143 East Jersey within three years. You can get able at room 4 of the Plainfleld street, Elizabeth, as soon as you MOUNTAINSIDE —Blue Star a record of the credits to your ac- Post Office every Tuesday between are thinking of retiring. Unit 386, American Legion Auxil- count once a year—ask your social 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., and at These payments arc called re- iary, has endorsed Barbara Bcno security office for the form that room S of the Somerville Post Of- tirement payments since they can- and Pearle Pfeifer as county Le- you should use in asking for these fice every Thursday between the not be made unless the insured ion officers, Mrs. Emma Webber, records. Ask for a record at least same hours. 65 YEARS OF person is 66 or over and has president, announced in Fire once every three years. stopped working in effect. If the Headquarters Wednesday night. Your social security office is al- insured person earns more than The unit, in conjunction with ways ready to give you all of the $75 in a month in work covered by Hillside Hurden Looker Unit 50, information you need about your Make Your Cane the act, or earns more than $75 will visit Bonnie Burn Sanatorium old age survivors insurance. They a month on an average from self- Tuesday to distribute gifts, The can supply you with booklets an- Fruits Produce employment, his payments must be local unit is selling all-occasion swering most of your questions stopped, and so must those to his reeting cards and notcpaper. about the system. If your club By the MASTER GARDENER wife, children, or to a dependent 'ersons interested may call Mrs. or organization wants to learn husband. If a nicmber of his fam- You might think from the way Ruth JCubdch, We. 2-2981-W. more about social security, the of- that grapes, raspberries, blackber- ries and currants "just grow" that ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE they can stand neglect. Well, they can, but there is a big1 difference between merely withstanding neg- lect and producing abundantly. February is the time to help your cane fruits to the good life. At har- #•• Unsurpassed picture vest time, they will repay the fa- vor. Pruning, spraying and feeding— these are three "musts" for bram- performance with ble fruits, and, with the exception of early spraying, for grapes, too, If last year's 'deadwood ha3 not 1953 -- $12,500,000 been removed from blackberries and raspberries, prune it out now and burn the prunings since they are bearers of anthrncnose fungus disease. Cut back the live wood on Aria ana vox black raspberries leaving only six Just as money, when saved regularly, to eight buds on each lateral branch and remove weak spindly accumulates over a period of time, so laterals entirely. Small canes should be cut oft at the ground. West field Federal Savings has grown The lateral branches of purple raspberry canes may be left 10 or steadily for 65 years since its modest 21" COSMOPOLITAN 12 buds in length. Blackberries should be cut back the same beginning in 1888. Through the, amount. years there has been a strong, healthy Bed raspberry canes should be cut back about one quarter and development due to prudent manage- any weak, small canes removed at the ground level. Reshaping neg- ment and dependable directorship lected grapevines will require two 1947 — $6,900,000 which has maintained a sound policy or three seasons but you can start now with the idea of winding up of strong reserves through good and with one central trunk pruned to just four fruit producing canes bad times. Today Westfield Federal each year. Old, unproductive wood in grape vinos is covered with dark, Savings, ivith assets over twelve and stringy bark while the canes which will produce fruit during the com- one half million dollars, is still grotv- ing year nro smooth and lighter ing — a tribute of the confidence the colored. When pruning grape vines public places in this institution. YES! Gloveskin 1939 — $2,700,000 Does SAVINGS ACCOUNTS $398.50 Miracles INSURED UP TO • Here of Altenburgs we invite you to see an actual $10,000 demonstration of the COSMOPOLITAN 21 with custom Overnight. chassis. A unique concept in design makes this new If you must Magnavax as welcome in a contemporary room as in Wtih a Di.h a provisional or formal room. Equally Impressive Is or Anticipated annual ilivl- the superb performance of (ho 21" TV screen with tlend rtito for period bo- OPEN Magnascope and the custom chassis. Trie optically- Abuae your hand* gimiiug January 1, 1953. filtered, glare-free screen is slanted to divert room in any way, Waslficld Federal |. THURSDAY reflections. Available in rteh, traditional mahogany Have a jar of and limed oak finish. Savings 1)U3 paid;, EVENINGS Gloveskin handy. *' SERVICE lonlliiuoua dividends I Wo maintain our own repair servlca depart- JARVIS ment wllh lialnoct technicians to liulall and 84 ELM ST. for 65 years. « WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS care (or your machine. ,,..,,,,,_ J IN5 LOkN .ASSOCIATION EL. 2-0668 'tenburq PIANO HOUSE f 1I5O IAIT JIMI* Stun lllMMTH, H. t. FOUNDED IN 1888 (S.S.) URADER, TW"RfinAV. MARCH 6. 19S3 THE rector. «OYM MtCMMM Friday morning JO mothers en- rasm council K.. m rolled and received instruction in Martha la M» Qmrt*n „ jUurfcu Lxclna Hall swimming in the PlainfieldI \ W. N«* «»•. M C pool with Joseph Ruddley and Sam U4 md 4* Ttwrtiay hmLg, Fanwood-Scotch Plains News Timer in charge. amton «J Virftb,, AKWM The Teenagers Club met Friday Aft kwtM (a night for dancing and games. Mrs. football) fencing, soccer and bowl- raised in the Blind Seal Fandf Gas Fumes Rout Full-time Director in?. He has taught at Roekaway, drive. j Max Carey and Mrs. Clarence Kearney, and North Arlington The invocation was raade b}' I Adelmon are advisers to the group. Before buying any High Schools and at Westfield Jun- John Wilson, president. Joiin Max iBoro Residents Swimming classes for boys and ior High School. was sung leader. Gueits were A!- i girls continue Saturday mornings hearing aid, you owe it Joins Staff Of in the Plainfield "Y" pool. Sam He gained his recreational ex- frea Kinnucan and George V. { SCOTCH PLAINS—A man and! {'. perience at East Hanover i Hahm, both of Scotch Pinins. Lad- Timer has returned to his duties to yourself to try ies Night will be heid Apr. 25. his wife, and a re.«u>n* police of- ] > Tlains-Fanwood Y Athletic League of Union, Newar Seer wwe skker.iMi by noxiaas fa* I at the "Y" after a week's absence Clinic for Atypical Children an iurses Wednesdaj- nigfct when a' suffering from effects of the flu. the 1953 SCOTCH PLAINS — The Fan- YMCA Day School at Lakewood. (cooling unit in a kitchen relrifer- waod-Seoteh Plains YMCA ha«, The teenagers of the "Y" an Driver Fined $225 ator blew oat. Radio Station To •75 added Samuel T. Timer to its staff j now converting a former storag The mishap occurred in the w a full-time physical education space into a boxing, wrestling am apartment of Mr. and Mrs- Ray- Interview Laffan and youth program director. weight-lifting room. In Drunk Charge mond Thompson, 370 Park avenue, Hearing Aid Tirotr. it prwcatly 'revitalising Funds recently raised from a co- Mr. Thompson, 49, and his wife, Capt. John J. Laffan, 10 Ta- ne *Mr«ation and athletic actlvi- operative card party and danci SCOTCH PLAINS-pZydor Pole- Elizabeth', 19, were nearly over- maques way. will be interviewed under our 10-day • tU* at tiw laeal "Y», All agog and sponsored by 26 of the communi honki of Kearny pleaded guilty to come by the fames, bat their year. about the Navy's Atlantic Reserve both HW will b« allocated pro- ty'a civic organizations will be a drunk-driving charge Wednesday and-a-half-old son, Raymond Jr., Fleet over radio station WPAT, money-back Guarantee! portiouta MM «f th« facilities. spent on new basketballs, Softball night in Municipal Court and wi felt no ill effects. They (led the Paterson, Monday evening from Youth activities for elementary bases, gloves and balls, spee fineed $225 by Magistrate George apartment. 10:30 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. boys and girls will include "pee- punching bag, heavyweight bag, W, Jackson. In addition Pole- Police Officer Samuel Little, Captain Laffan, commanding of- •«e" boys wrestling, basketball backstops and other athletic equip- honki's driver's license was re- who with Officer John Andrusky, ficer of the New York group, At- fundamentals, bowline, tumbling, ment voked for two years. A hit and run went into the apartment building lantic Reserve Fleet, berthed «t FRANK N. NEHER recreational gamegaess anu tournament charge against Polehonki was dis- to get other tenants out, also was the Bayonne Naval Base, will tell Prwwlptiftn Optician aetitteaetivittetiittess in tablb e tennis, checkerscheckersh , Llora Club Sees missed. sickened. 'Plains CDA Installs Mothers Receive how Navy ships are preserved, •e*wtM tar Ml Mtwinf AJ4 cktm and foul shooting, as well ag The Scotch Plains Rescue Squad ck d fl hti ll Sixteen motorists were fined for Swimming Instruction, how quickly they can be activated tit I. Fifth. St.. #<*Uy • trimming instruction Him on Steel speeding as follows: Mario Caruso administered oiygen to the Thoihp- 15 New Members and of the cost of such protec- clastes. North Plainfield, $20; Lieut Col. sona and to OlSeer Little. tion; T.I. M. 5-M45 Horning sessions, devoted to wo- SCOTCH PLAINS — A film William B. Hagan, Budd Lake, Later, Scotch Plains firemen SCOTCH PLAINS—At a recent SCOTCH PLAINS —The slen- will include vollay- "Steel, Man's, Servant," the first $20 j Eoch A. Williams, 114 Hy- equipped with gas masks, removed reception and installation for new derizing class of tjhe YMCA held Ml, weight-reducing class and industrial film in technicolor, was 5lip avenue, Westfield, $20; Walter the refrigerator from the second- members held by Court Assunpta, an hour's instruction and calisthen- •trimming lnatruction. Men's eve. shown Thursday night to the Becker, Newark, $25; Joseph Dah- floor apartment occupied by the 1555 CDA, in the St. Bartholomew ics in weight reducing Thursday ruing claaMa wilt consist of volley- Scotch Plains Lions Club in Mapie man, Watchung, $20. Thompsons. :b»ll, baaketball, bawling and Tree Inn, Fanwood. The film was Also, Joseph F. Fitzgerald, 191 Other occupants who left the the Apostle auditorium, 16 new under the supervision of Sara height-lifting, made to acquaint the viewers with 'aterson road, Fanwood, $25; building were Mrs. Jerry Douglas members were received by the lo- Timer, newly appointed athletic di- •'. • Tbt teenage program will in- the industry and the uses of the Vaughn D. Carey, Metuchen, $20; and her daughters. Patsy Ann and cal court grand regent, Mrs. • dude baaketball inatruction from product Marion T. Keller, Lake avenue, Linda Marie, who reside on the Charles A. Gottlick. IlNR Freshman Coach Lou Pera- The club will present a telebi- $20; Deforest Elmer Smith, New second floor; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jftllo, body building and volleyball nocular machine, used in eye tests, Eochelle, N. Y., $25; Harold F. Werbick and their daughter, Carol Participants in the ceremony SAVE - IW th« boys, while the girls' pro- to H. B. Brunner, superintendent >bey, Plainfield, $20. Lee, 5, who occupy an apartment were officers of the local court in- frttn will feature a dance club, sf achools. Parochial school chil- Also, Allen Sorrin, South Or- on the third floor and Mr. and cluding Miss Elisabeth Murphy, 4ymnutlc« and tumbling. dren will use the machine also. ange, $20: Kenneth W. Stewart, Mrs. James Cummins, also of the vice regent; the flag bearer; guards The new instructor has a bache- George Nielson and his conunit- 2212 Coles avenue, $20; Murray third floor. None of these tenants and choir members, including Mes- l«r of science degree in education, tee were complimented on the re- H. Oiamant, Belleville, $20; Adam s affected by the fumes. dames Thomas Donnelly, Deahe fciaa had experience in teaching, suits of the benefit "Frontier J. Larno, South Plainfield, $20; The first floor of the building is Dennelly, Walter Morganweek, ; recreation and coaching. While in Night" at which 1430 was realized. ane T. Barnieoat, Eltiabeth, $15, occupied by various stores. Robert Evans, and John Lach- CASH and CARRY . College, he participated in varsity Henry Kit* reported $413 had been md Harold M. Eckert, North mann, organist director. 'lainfield, $20. The presiding district deputy ON RUG CLEANING Fined $7 each were: Carmel E. Broken Gas Main was Mrs. Norma Adams of North ilignor, Newark, for failure to Blazes An Hour 'lainfield. A new member, Miss Hamrah-Emerton, Inc. HEAT WITH OIL... tcep to the right; William T. Stap- Kathleen Kelly of Court Miller, OM d N. J.'t l»s«l >«f CIMNMK rersenne of Gillette, for pulling SCOTCH PLAINS—Flames shot 3(78, North Plainfield, was also Ul UlAND AVI.; MAINMtlO • ECONOMICAL •AUTOMATIC >ut of a driveway in the face of 25 feet high when a power shovel Installed. traffic; Jaram B. Moseley, Far uptured a six-inch gas main at Hills, passing on shoulder; Carl North and Longfellow avenues last • DEPENDABLE GRAND CENTRAL PALACE ienz, Newark, passing on right; Wednesday morning. Apparently ind Sydney Karp, Union City, no parks from/the shovel ignited the Phone WE. 2-2200 C ear light on his vehicle. !eeping gas, Fire Chief Charles Striving for Better Health MARCH 8-14 William Wynn of 137 New York Meyer said. iven^ue, fined $10 on a disorderly No one was reported injured and for the finest in fuel oil heating onduct charge, was committed to e power equipment, owned by The aim of medical science is your "nion County jail for 10 days in ;he Cestone Construction C.o, of and burner service. good health. Help your doctor by ieu of the fine. aplewood, was not damaged. Two charges against the Somer- Workmen were putting in a sewer teeing him twice' a year. ' Serving Union County for 16 years when the power shovel struck a onnection on the gas main. Scotch Plains firemen held the SUPPORT YOUR RED CROSS [antes in control with fog spray quipment while a crew from the Eliiabethtown Gas Co., Westfield, FUEL OIL drilled a hole in the main above Dally Madlwn l<« Cram he.break and blocked off the flow Luuhai "at" When you're f gas. The flames were extin- guished within an hour. iPHPIRIMY Our MaHa INSTALLED AND SIRVICET Unit . . . «J Quality READ THE IEADM FOR A MIMtt* or OIL HEAT INSTITUTE giving* AU LOCAL NEWS

From childhood on, when there's anything important, you reach for your 'phone. And your telephone is al- ways ready—on the job 24 hours a day. Even Here is Chrysler Quality when you're not using it, isn't it l worth Blot just having it there ready at SURPRISINGLY LOW COST! for emergencies? Or for folks to coll you? You'll agree we think, thatifs value can't be measured in just dollars and cents.

• If you're "budget-minded," this may astonish you .;: • Immediate response, too .... you don't have to turn the «... this stunning new Chrysler Windsor can be had for steering wheel so much to turn the front wheels. little more than a low-priced car with all its extrasi It's safer all wayst a Here's Chrysler quality and prestige at modest Starting Them Young... • Revolutionary Onflow shock absorbers waft you coat. Plus Chrysler size, comfort, and safety, too! over rougheat roads as gently as you'd carry a basket of eggs! Special practice telephones » Famous Spitfire engine is a joy to command .; - loaned to schools by the Telephone Company are • Chrysler engineering has added more new improve- in every driving situation! ments ... first... to motor cars than all others put together* used in teaching youngsters how to use the telephone • Full-time Power Steering, if you wish and, along with thia, they learn how to look up a it, lets you turn and park with the gentlest of • If your next new car means a "big decision" on your . number and the importance of telephone courtesy. guidance. No wheel fight, ever! part, isn't it Bmart to investigate the most that's to be had? t:. especially when it's priced below all normal expectationl The beautiful

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HANDI-CHARGE the most sensational shopping convenience in Westf ield histo

RGE credit card. You'll need no STARTING NOW, you can have a Charge o charge plates,' no checkbooks, no Account at dozens of your favorite stores and As a HAMH-CHARGE cus- shops in Westfield . . .thanks to HANDI- you're automatically privileged to buy CHARGE, the wonderful new plan which y later ... at not just one, but all of scores of local stores and The Plainfield and shops displaying the HANDI- Trust Company have set up to make shop- E sign in their windows. ping quicker, safer* and easier for you. And it won't cost you a single penny extra to Whenever you come downtown to shop, you enjoy this lime • saving, trouble - saving. won't need to bring anything but your HAN- mone (-saving convenience

IT'S SO SIMPLE to open your HANDI-CHARGE account. Just stop in one of the member stores (they'll have the HANDI-CHARGE emblem in the window) and fill out the brief applicatioii form. You can do it in a jiffy . . . and you'll receive your HAIVDI-CHARGE credit card promptly in the mail. Naturally, you needn't be a Pi uinficlri Trust customer to signup. From that moment on you'll enjoy these mat hless shopping advantages:

COMPLETE SHOPPING SAFETY! ONLY ONE BILL, INSTEAD OF SEVERAL I Since all you need for shopping is your Every 30 days you'll receive a statement from Plaini ield Trust coverine vour mirchases at HANDI-CHARGE credit card, there, is ho not oiuMa^Ht the HANDI-CHARGE store danger of losing cash. The handy credit where you used your charge account during card fits easily into your wallet or pocket. the month. Enclosed with your bill will be your original sales tickets so you'll always ' AN ACCOUNT AT ONE IS AN know exactly which items are included in ACCOUNT AT ALL! the M Look for the bright blue-and-yellow HANDI- SAVES TIME AND MONEY! CHARGE sign in your dealer's window. Havir g only one bill to pay, instead of three You're entitled to charge account privileges or fomr or more, means you need write only at all HANDI-CHARGE stores. one check or make only one trip to Plainfield Trustbmd you bill-paying's all taken car« TOP NOTCH CONVENIENCE! of I Look how HANDI-CHARGE cuts your bill-paying costs and time to rock bottom! Just pick out the merchandise you want and - show the clerk your HANDI-CHARGE credit card. If your purchase totals $30 or more, YATCH NEXT THURSDAY'S PAPER you may budget your payments over a three- fo[- the complete list of Westfield shops month period in three equal installments. No and stores which will offer HANDI- more worrying over CO.D.'s either, when CIIARGE shopping convenience. you use HANDI-CHARGE! THE PLAINFIELD TRUST COMPANY Park Avenue at Second Street, Plainfield, New Jersey Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

SPORTING GOODS MENSSHOP Trion Appoints King • AUTO DEALERS • RaftraK* Regional Sales Manager

k • liarry^A. King of 659 Suffimit BERSE BROTHERS avenue has been appointed al DESOTO «. PLYMOUTH by John W. Frazier, Trion's «« ROBERT F. DAY OKE OF P«' AuthorUa4 Bal«a * Service THE CORSET SHOP CHESTER D. WEST LAMP MOUNTINO OI/DE9T BUO eral sales manager. Westfield BIMC iw any article'you have, we a Part. • Aat» Heaalrlaa •To Sell CorseU Coa>llet< Iaaaraace C»»wa Mr. King will have the respon • TewlatrfetvaM la Salesmanship" ELECTRICIAN will make a beautiful lamp for but you. AH types of lamp« repaired. Prescription Optician lafe storage Faclllth" sibility of engineering assistant Are. Motor Sales Co. Inc "To Fit Them Is Art" Wiring Cor Liitht and Power Lamp l>«r<« — Skadea to Trion representatives' offi™, ,•! Skade »».«>«rlo« Complete Repair gerrtca WbtHM S-MM LeaalB* Braaaa t» Clow Vnm BUT Avenae, WeatleM Philadelphia, New York and 2? ¥nr ABtkerlac* We. W*W oat New England. He is a JZ 148 i. (mi VEHM1 (-Mil O.CII.. Mw OJcaaea'la'tke H»a»a or O«Iea FISH DEALERS IM Ceatral Ave, *(Op" PeoplePAJNTs BanSk A Trust Co. uate mechanical engineer from Z 332 Uland Av. Plainfitld University of Oklahoma and , HUGH CLARK DAIRIES WALLPAPER registered, professional engine.. BIVONA BROS. PLainfleld 6-4436 He was formerly employed MOTORS A SU/PRISI •JUVENILE FURNITURE* All 1»5» Pattema engineer and later as sales erS BALES — BEVIC FRESH FISH DAILY ttaeeaa Wallvaper neer in the air conditioning T PARTS — EEAIR Naw U Stock CHOICE SEA. POOD Alae coaialew llae «f Daaoat Palai psrtment of the General El«tri IU Nafta Av». B. AL BERSE'S Co. in Schenectady, N. Y ,.! 3S-27 m. Broad tt. WeatleM COLORTONE PAINT DODGC PLYMOUTH trbtlM CAROUSEL AL'S CITIES SERVICE Bloomfleld. "' *"' Jatealle Paraltare— T°T* * Oaaaea & WALLPAPER Oas — OU During the past war, Mr, ft,. 2SS E. Broad St. 8al» and Barvlca - • AUTO ELECTRICAL DELIVERED nil WEetaela S-3«T5 W-«t«eld itam waB a major in the U. S. Anm — YOU! FLOORS Lakrleatlaa Ordnance. Corps. Prior to his J. Ocnulni Factory Farta SERVICE SO ELM STREET WEiTMEM) Waaklag UHI •;«,» Boucht * Bold . ' A 8A PLUMBERS aad I'oluklag cent appointment he was in cbuiT ANDRESEN'S FLOORING of the Jersey City office of 2? Wartk In. W. ' FARM PACKED Norlfc ATC. aad Clark FRED W. URBAN Haraiwoat noon (aatalle* • KNiniNG SUPPLIES • WEatlald 2' ciated Thermal Products, HT AUTO SCHMALZ Metal Mea C. W. BRIANT Trion representative in New^ sey. He is a charter member ,j ELECTRIC A Complete Llae *I PLUMBING * BBATIKO COOGAN'S AMOCO LAING Authorlaed CARTER DAIRY rieer Waiea aad nalaklas Katertala MURIEL'S KNITTING BOX the North Jersey chapter of tti * fiTUOMBEKa CONTRACTOR SERVICE STATION American Society of Heating Z Carburetor* PI 42277 IM E. Bread It. WKataelf 1-1788 ANI> Call WEataeM X-4SXI Ventilating Engineers. His offi» "Complete Auto Repairs" ACCESHOBIE* MOTOR CO. «au WBataaM *.IT4T KB Wartk A«. Weat Weatial AMOCO is at X01 Central avenue. 4M If aria A»«, B. VISWAT'S rara — laatnetlaaa Pr»aaeta tan Aatkarlaa* • FLOOR COVERINGS • cl»l. Mada Ts Order LakrlcaUea 1*4 Ceatral Are. WB«««eld Ei C KEPPLER Gcatral An. aad 4alBk mat Delivery Krvlea Da*t.l IM B. 4ta ttraat MILK MOWER REPAIR SHOP Craa — Bator aaa Wall Carcriaga LAWN MOWERS G. WILLIAM RAU ELM STREET ESIO fEKVIOB (Mian Okim •alee * Scrrfcw 118 Ela. Itreet • VACUUM CLEANERS! Rubber - linolaum ~ Ploltic Til* a skaracaed • H»»alre« • File* MM •••«» An. WaatlaU PLUMBING * HEATING 3-11M HARRY MILLER Kera Made — Bdted Toela laaqteae* JOBBING WKIIlM S-MM Veattlaa Bllada VH s. WBatleld ***** I0CTH AVBNVB BSSO SCHAEFER'S MOTORS, INC. AUTO REPAIRS Electric Sewer claaaiag gerrlec Cor. W. Broad aaal 8«a,tk Are. W. Authorized Badffet Terjaa Arraaged WEiMtM 2-217* A«4 to. Vmlom Arm., Cnmtm WEillili 2HIT00 JALOUSIE WINDOWS Tel Cr. < Auto Wn.klar—Pl<-k-a> * Delivery HUDSON CENTRAL 9 Elm Weitfield • WATER SOFTENING if Phone lor Free Eetlmafe Batterlea — Tlrea ~ Aeeeaaerlea D*al*r PHARMACY FUEL OIL SERVICE WEatHeld 2-2S38 215 Nortk Ave. B. WBatleM 1-owS* Michael J. Cermele, Rei. Pharm. 4 Center Street Garwo AWNINGS AND Soft Water Service Co. j Salet & Servlc* PRESCRIPTIONS HUGO j. FUGMANN PETERSON'S PORTA-SOFT Par»» — Repair* CANOPIES POULTRY Victor Rogers FUEL OIL LIQUORS WATER CONDITIOiVINa H4 B. 3a« St. Plalalcla LIQUORS - WINES -BEEU Edlll'fflKlT CHATTIKJNC. ^Serving Weetaeld aad VlelaMr WESTFIELD LIVE POULTRY Texaco Products PEBBW1T Salr», Sfrrlcr, Rut | Carefully Compounded Prompt Delivery Service HAVOLINE Meter Oil • "H«V4 a Chat with Ciattln" coll WE»tfleld 2-5272 Ample Parking Space MARKET call WEalBfld S-JS.13 Eet. 1039 Drag-a - Perfaarta • Gnaaietlca call WBitneld 2-5341 1111 8outk Ave. W. Sick Rooat garallea 1120 goata Ave, w. WeatSald Complete Uit of NORRIS AWNINGS . Dollr Mailaoa Ice Craa POULTRY Hit Ceatnl A»». WEalacM 2-1488 GLASS QUALITY WINE & Freak KKIM — Free OellTenr MARFAK Caar« sad Alaariaaai WEatHeld 2-4T4S CHEVROLET, INC Lubrication We Reat Caao»l«a WESTFIELD LIQUOR CO. 406 W. Drond St. WeeMeld CeatM-aTaae Venetian Bllaaa Wines — Liquors - Beer* ires, Batteries and Accessories Wlaaorr Saaiea DARBY'S DRUG STORE In Weatneld • RADIO REPAIRS • IMPORTANT CAUS GLASS WORKS 140 K. Broad Street Can Called for aad Delivered EstlmaUa and Samples on Request Phono: WEsffield 2-1198 WB DELIVER SOUTH AVE. * ROSS PL. call WE.taeld 2-2S15 MIDWAY RADIO & WESTPIOLD £-431* S44 North AT«. VI. WeatSeU 33? South Av. W. Westfield Fire WE 2-20U] WEatltld 3-0032 TELEVISION tain « (orrlce ROBERT TREAT Westfield Friendly Service •'Service to the Homo" C«a>»l«te Part* Dept. LIQUOR SHOP AUTO RADIO SPECIALISTS MobiGa»—Oil Productl s Police WE 2-10001 BOOKS cnll WEatfield 2-0774 Ijubflcatlon »««a aa« Central A»«a. WWUM SALM'S AUTO SAffclY cilASS Beer —Wines — Liquors — Waabomolille— WBatfleM S-ttSe Delivery Service Rt. 2» * Mountain Ave., Scotck rin. "For that Speedy THE WORLD BOOK WINDOW GLASS call WEatSell 3-1(00 Car Wash" Ambulance . WE 2-20061 ENCYCLOPEDIA PHARMACY • Mirror. ' 115 dnlmbr Weatleld 228 North ATC. 3 Topa RECORDS WE.t. 2-0.t7T PACKARD FOK THE ENTIRE FAMILY PRESCRIPTIONS a ricture Framlna: City Hall ... WE 2-Oillj Flitl Choice of School! and librarlel Our Specialty LUMBER STORAGE WESTFIELD CO., Inc. MARGARET H. AHLFEID • Sick Room Sappllea .. The Music Staff 20* laker Ave. Weitfield 2-4841 • D^nsa HARDWARE WESTFIELD LUMBER HENRY P. TOWNSEND Mayer's Office • coanetlca Records - Skeet Hmlc'. Pkonograpka PACKARD PRBB DBUVBBT SERVICE Mnalcal Acceaiorlra STORAGE WE 2-18781 call WEaUUI* 2-1415 _ 2-24K» MILLWORK CO. MOVING & PACKING Sales & Service • CLEANERS & DYERS • BAEBAEA RYAN <00 IV. Broad SI. n'nlli] Arckltcclnral Woodwork call WE.tHtld O-*4M — Vaed Cara au I or Lnmbcr 27 Eli. St. WEatleld a-1448 S BROWN & KELLER'S call Wat Bel* S-158X S41 Norik Avr. W. Opea Mbrtmimgw CLBANEBS * IIYKHS 1 Korth ATe. E. WtaiHeld ROOFERS I3S-4J1 Nertfc AT. E. WtmtMtli • Oarawata •Draaerfi WestAeld'i Dlatrifcator .Cartalna a lure • TELEVISION SERVICE' • Blaakete For MAGAZINE • For Modern Stonjre Vaalt• Raa n WESTFIELD ABC ROOFING & SIDING _-J. Ilreai SI.. Weataeld WJUS-4AM SAPOLIN SUBSCRIPTION AGENCIES 12-18 Waaklasloa AT.. PUi. PL «-»!«• PHARMACY CONTRACTORS •V SERVICE A INSTALLATIONS Paints & Varnishes Advertisements) (Formerly Wltman-Bell Pharmacy) • HOOFING * SiniNG PACKER BROS. Inc, Bardirare — l|oo>e Faralaklnga CASSELL Gottera — Leadera 24-IIonr Pkone service Prompt Cleaners PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY For Fn« Eittmatt. linyrn Seeda aad Kertlllaeva PUBLISHERS SERVICE ' vail WElatlleld 2-0O3& Authorized • Dm Ire*** 12E Kim SI. WMtaeld ADDICKS TELEVISION SAME DAY SERVICE • Coamellca siiiscnirTiosg 108 Marlon Are. Wmtselil • Sick Itoorn Snvnllea WEatHcld 2-1.100 on KAISER-FRAZER • Baby Keeda, etc. MAr.A/lNB on TR.IDEI Iloaelle Park "la at 10 — Out at Fire" JOUHXAL PRINTED CHestnul 5-9065 For Pra«»t JTree DellTerr (errlee LOANS 817 Elmer WU.tOeld 3-0304 Sale* & Service 130 Ceatral Arc, WcilltU call JOHN T. DEERING CO. • UPHOLST ERERTAN¥» All Makes or Cars Serviced Paone We. S-IW8I WBlllell S-0900 For Friendly noOFI This and Repaired OBNEIlAIi CONTIIACTINO DESIGNERS SOI E. Broad St. (car, Him St.) MILLWORK Eatlmntea Wlthont Oblleatlon Pnonen PLnlnaeld 0.000J — 6-4-118 KB Nortk Ar. V, WeXa ULncllcu s-0305 In New York City's Greenwich WESTFIELD LUMBER 118 Depot Park s«. pialnfleld Village for 25 years, and in Page CONTRACTORS John E. Pitcher Westfield for the past 30 years, WEsrfleld 2-4800 MILLWORK CO. ROOFERS^ Dur accumulative experience is . Lass, Fh.O. S. Welntraub, Ph.O. Quick, Confidential Service it your service. Neumann Auto Loans In 15 Minutes Archltectorni woodwork RAWSON Also LfOans'on Furnituro, Salary, , Lumber Call Construction Co., or Personal Note cnll WGatueld Z-4583 W. L SCHROEDER MOTORS, INC. Fret Oellverf 310 North Ave. B. Wutleld Charles Lecher Inc. ROOFING & SIDING Corner Soulh Ave. and We. 2-4407 Drugs - Cosmetics - Prescriptions FriendlyFinanceCo. MUSICAIT Cumberland St. Authorized MASON CONTRACTORS M3iJ ISa«C Broad St. Went field Gutters - leaders Now Furniture, call WE.IBrld S.S143 — 2-233« Sin CovorB. Dninorloii, otu. PONTIAC BUILDERS Lifl.No. ?2fi INSTRUMENTS J'lliu Fnbricit on Bluriluy Broad dt Elm Sta. Weatleld Insulation Specialist REPAIRS AND ALTGBATIONS We. 2-1420 INTERIOR 'Over 6,000 Satisfied Customers' or Compta't.TiwVn'na lUpalra eld 2-1U1 THE BANDSTAND DECORATORS All Work Ciuanmtood UPHOLSTERERS' ORIce MUSIC SHOP ncilsonublo Prices v. Ifl. •B "Willow GrOTe lid., WeatReld Coinplple I.lne nt MISIUAIIUAI, , INSIIIUMIJNTINS'I'IIUMJ S 1 Wllllnit Street I MNF 11 ELECTRICAL llonshl t niiil s' SCOTCH PLAINS —Two ft*f"fJ Town Clerk'. OITK;r, tnence northeastwardly alone thn Town of Westfield ana the Borough * gwed from people in town. jiii» <• i>» n. «* 2'. i»: center line of Dudley /veSf"t i?,| of Garwood, running thence in a ranslates into "Each To His Ownica. fires were extinguished by ffyWMlf j£, Marcr h 'i, 1 ».'>;( center line of Clark Street; thenctf e southerly, southweBterly and south- In conformity with Ithe provisions northwestwardly along the center easterly direction along said divid- In 'Fledermaus' aste." Sunday—one in Acacia *«•* ft"-1f nf an iius trio which ia a burlesque on If" '* notice is hereby given that Scotch Plains Township boundary ter line of Grove Street to a point? 4, unLiilnVu voters of saUl Town of line, thence southerly alo-ne gald seventy-five feet southwesterly from ;gal themes, while Miss Manners \Vi'fltfleJd not aJri'iidy !-*>yiMt>ie(i in Township Boundary Line to the the southwesterly side line of Cen- Memorable melodies and a story nd Hiss Remmel participate \f f>iLiil Town under the IUWB of New center line of North Avenue; thence tral Avenue; thence northwesterly itji-t*ey governing permanent jvgts- eaatwardly along the center line in a line which is parallel with the which has suivived nearly 80 mother hilarious musical see' Save 20%-BUY TNE FINEST tni*io»- may register with lhe Tvwn of North Avenue to the point and sounm-esterly side line of Central years of rewriting fitamps the Clerk uf tlie said Town of Westfleld place of beginning. - Avenue and distant ?6 feet south- here the mistress is undre^ at the nftid office in tlie Municipal FIRST WARD, Fourth District— westerly therefrom to the southerly Johann Strauss Musical, "Fleder- m stage by the maid. In ad/ ALUMINUM COMBINATION ijuililliitf. Westfield, New Jei'Mev ;U Beginning at a point fortnad. by line of the right-at-wny of the Cen- niaus" as a masterpiece which has he voices of Donald Johnsy iiny time up to and Including the 4ntersectlon of the center line '.ral Railroad of New Jersey; thence STORM & SCREEN WINDOWS Thurf*Uiiy, March 12th, ifc.Vi, on of Dudley Avenue with -the center aaaterlv along the southerly line of won greater favor than ever in Irew Gainey, Brent WiU* n-Jilrli tlate the regrintration books line ot Lawrence Avenue and run- said right-of-way of tlie Central its current edition which begins oined in many of the & will be demed until after th« forth - ning thence northeastwardly along Hailroad of New Jersey to the point ruining Primary Election to be held the center line of Dudley Avenue and place of beginning. All houses ita last two weeks Monday at the iers which are heard/ on Tuesday, Auril 21st. 1953. Notice to the center line ot Mountain Ave- through which the division line be- Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn, Fledermaus." / is hereby given tluit' the Ditctrlut nue; tTience northerly along the tween district number one and dis- Donrd of Registry and Election in center line of Mountain Avenue to trict number three pass are included Among the tunes which bring Ballet comes n? fljiii' tor the various* Election Dln- the center line ot Raymond Street; in dJfitrict number one. forth recollections are "Tales tricU uf (lie TOWN OF WKST- thence in a general northeasterly >peretta and Dft' 1'TfSI^D, will meet in tlie places direction along the center line of THIRD WARD, second District— From the Vienna Woods" sung by lanice Cioffi, if herein after designated on the dates Raymond Street to the center line Beginning at the Intersection ot the famed Paper Mill singing en- ami between the lipurs hereinafter of North Chestnut Street; thence the center line of Rahway Avenue >er Mill danr' nt>t forth, for the purpose ut con- northwesterly along the center line and the boundary line between the semble and "Oh, Jiminy," a trio by he tutclag/ dueling a Primary Election for the ot North Chestnut Sfreet and pris- Town uf Westfield and Clark Town- Ted Scott, Gail Manners and Em- nomination and election of persons cula Lane to t he center line of ship, running thence northeasterly core one ) to tlie various offices listed below: Hillside Avenue; thence southwest- along said boundary line to a point alyn Remmel.' Another great fav- f their til The hours and dates of said elec- erly along- the center line ot Hill- where the center line of Summit orite in which the entire company, tion nre as follows: side Avenue to the center tine of Avenue extended southeasterly >ers are bast PRIMARV DAY, April 21st, 1953,Lawrence Avenue; thence southerly would intersect the same; thence principals and ensemble, partici- nd a prison ih between the hours of 7 A. M* and along the center line of Lawrence northwesterly along the center line pates is "Brother Mine, Sister 8 P. M. E.S.T. Avenue to the point and placB of or Summit Avenue produced and of ted warden. The followingt - ,ls a list of the beginning. Summit Avemie to South Avenue; Thine." offices to be Voted for at the said FIRST WARD, Firth District— thence still northwesterly along the Primary Election: center line of Summit Avenue pro- Miss Manners has an outstand- A Governor oi! the State of New Beginning at a.potnt formed by duced lo the southerly side line of ing number in "Czardas," while Jersey, the Intersection or the center line the Central Bailroad of New Jer- Miss Remmel has three solo op- Four Members of General Assem- of Dudley Avenue with the center sey; thence westerly along said iano Series line of Lawrence Avenue and run- southerly side line of the Central portunities in "The Letter Song," Three Members of Bonrd'of Chosen ning thence northwesterly along the Railroad of New Jersey to the cen- "Laughing Song" and "Adele's Freeholders. center line of Lawrence Avenue to ter line of the Plaza; thence south- One Sheriff. the center line of Hillside Avenue; easterly alons tlie center line of Audition." The theme of the party Ends Sunday One Surrogate, thence northeasterly along the cen- the Plaza to tho Intersection of the One Register of Deeds and Mort- ter line of Hillside Avenue tc the center line of South and Weat- gages, Mountainside Borough Line; thence fleld Avenues; thence southeasterly field Avenue; thence northwesterly Solomon, the famous British Three Coroners. along said Borough Line northwest- along the center line of •Weatfiold along the center line of Westfleld Avenue to the center line of First Avenue at the Plaea; thence In a lianist, who has been called one mail. will be ftleinber of State Committee (Male erly, northeasterly, northwester'y, iii Female), and westerly to Lawrence Avenue; Street; thence southwesterly along: nrtherlnortherly direction througthrough thhe f the greatest keyboard artists One Councilman from each of the thence still along said Mountainside the center line of first Street to PmzPm a t o thth e peinitt and pllace f Pour Wards. Borough Line, southwesterly and the center line of Trinity Place; uBginninff of f our time, will appear in the northwesterly to the center line of thenco southeasterly alongr the cen- ina! conceit of the Griffith Music Male and Female Member of the FOURTH WARD, Second District— #•& County Committee will be elected by Springfield Road; thence southwest- ter line«f Trinity Place to the cen- Beginning at the Intersection of s*>/ the Oumocratlc and Republican Par- erly along the center line of Spring- ter line of Dorian Road; thence the center line of First Street and 'oundation's piano series at the Albu, ties from each Election District. field. Road to the Boundary Line southwesterly along the center line the center ltne of Trinity Place and ilosque Theatre, Newark, Sunday Tbe places in tlie scvernl dlHtrlcts between the Town of Westfleld and of Dorian Road to the cenver line ot running thence southwesterly along tvliere (fie $nld Boards of Registry Scotch Plains Township; thence Rahway Avenue; thence in a south- the center linB of Trinity Place to it 3:45. ami Election will meet are as foi- southeasterly along said • boundary easterly direction along the center the center line of Dorian Road; A program of unusual quality line to the center line of Bright- line of Rahway Avenue to the point thence southwesterly along the cen- Vlnt Ward, First District—Mu- wood Avenue; thence northeasterly and place of beginning. ter line of Dorian Hoad to the cen- ma been arranged for the occa- 30% off nicipal Building:. alonjr tho center line of 'BrlRhtwoM THIRD WARD, Third District— ter line of Rahway Avenue; thence ion, and one calculated to empha- First Ward, Second District — Avenue to the center line of Clark in a southeasterly direction along Elm Street School.. Street; thence southeasterly along Beginning in the southerly side the center line of un.liway Avenue to size this artist's flair for the. ro- FirBt Ward, Third District — Mu- the center line of Clarit Streot to line of the right-of-way of the Cen- Its Intersection with the boundary mantic and the imaginative. Fea- nicipal Building. the center line of Dudley Avenue; tral Railroad of New Jersey at a line between the Town of Westfleld thence northeasterly along the cen- Point which Is distant seventy-five and Clark Township; thence south- tured items will be Robert Schu- First Ward, Fourth District—'Kim ter llrti of Dudley Avenue to the feet measured at right angles westerly alone said boundary line nan's rarely played Sonata in P Street School. « noint and plnee ot beginning, southwesterly from the southwest- to- the center line of Lamberts Mill Flrat Ward. Fifth District—Ben- FIRST WARD, Slxtti District— erly side line of Central Avenue Bond; thBnce In x general north- iharp minor, Opus 11, No. 1, and jamin Franklin School. ana running thence southeasterly westerly direction along the center he Franz Schubert Sonata in A FirHt Ward. Sixth DlBtrlct—Wood- Beginning at the Intersection of on a lino which la parallel with the of Lambert's Mill Road• to a point row Wilson School. the center line of North- Chestnut said Bide line of Central Avenue where the boundary lino between ninor, Opus 143. Second Ward, First District — Streot and Bast Broad Street, and and distant seventy-five feet south- the Town of Westfleld and Scotch BARBARA RYAN i Norris Chevrolet, Inc. running thence northeasterly along westerly therefrom to the center Plains Township turns south west- Two Chopin Ballades will also Second Ward, Second District— tha center line of East Broad street line of Grove Street; thence south- erly leaving nald road: thence fol- e on the formal program, both of ON Gran t School, Broad Street En - to the center line of ffpflngfleln* westerly along the center line of lowing said boundary line between 37HMST. trance. Avenue; thence northwesterly and Grove Stroet to the center line of the Town of Wewtfteld and Scotch fhich aro infrequently played. If rim Third Ward, First District — Co- northerly along the center line of Summit Avenue; thence tn a north- Plains Township southwesterly and hese will be the F major Bal- utnbus School. SnrlnRfield Avenue to a point where woeterly direction along tho center northwesterly to a point where the WISTHEID 2-1441 POWER Third Ward, Second District — tbe boundary line betwRon the Bor- line of Summit Avenue to South snnie apaln Internecta Lambert's ade, Opus 38, and the F minor, Lincoln School. ough of Mountainside nnd the, Town Avenue; thence still northwesterly Mill Hoad; thence In a general pus 62. Solomon will open "MISSISSIPPI ^ Third Ward, Third District — Op.« MM. aid hi. !»•• 'Til t Ml. Lincoln School. ot Westfield Intersects the same; on an extension of tho center line northwesterly direction along the he recital with the Bach-Liszt . Third Ward, Fourth District — southeasterly and southerly direc- of Summit Avenue to the southerly center lino of Lamberts Mill Road . In Technicolor Lincoln School. tion along said boundary line to side line of the right-of-way of the to the center line oF Warren Street; relude and Fugue in A minor. Fourth Ward.. Flrnt District—Mc- Woodland Avenue; thence in a Central Itallroad of New Jersey; thence northeasterly along said cen- This gifted artist first eama to CharlM Kinley School. southwesterly nnd northwesterly thence easterly along snld southerly ter lino of Warren Street to the Fourth Ward, Second District— direction Btill along said houndnry side line of the rlgfet-of-way of tlie center line of Ilyslin Avenue: thence he United States in 1920, and BOYER tonior I-TIKII School. lino to the center line of HlllstiSe Central Railroad of Now Jersey to northwesterly along the center line vas acclaimed as "one of the top r 1(1 MM Fourth Ward, Third District—Mc- Avenue; thence southwesterly along the point and place of beginning. of Ilynlip Avenue to tho center line "HAPPY TIME" IClnley School, tho center line of Hillside Avenue of Codding Road: thence northeast- lianists of the season." In 1939, \ I III S to the center line of Priscllla Lane; THIRD WARD, Fourth District— early along the ce/itor line of Cod- returned for the New York The Boundary linen of the differ- thence southeasterly along the cen- • Beginning at the intersection of dine Iload to the center lino of jnt dtetrioffl are as follows: ter line of PriRcllla Lnne and North the center lino of Summit Avenue Rahway Avenue, thonco northwest- World's Fair where he played the * PIAINFIHD 6-3500 • FIRST WARD, First District— Chestnut Street to the • point and and Grove Street and running" erly along the center line of Rah- irst world performance of tho Ar- SATURDAY - MARCH 7 ReRinninff at a corner formed by thence northeasterly along the cen- wtiy Avenue to the center lino of the Intersection of the center line ter line of Grove Street to the First Street; thence northeasterly hur Bliss Piano Concerto, at the MATINEE FOR YOUNOSTERS of East Broad Street with the cen- SECOND WARD, Flrat District— boundary line between the Town of along the center line of Firat Street equest of the composer, who trav- ter line of Mountain Avenue and Beginning at the Intersection of Westfleld and the Borough of Gar- to the point and place of beginning. Sponsored by Cranford running thence northwestward tha center line of tha Plaza "Brldffe wood; thence southeasterly along ilcd from England to hear it. Blone the center line of Mountain nniltthe center line of the Central 1 Caunill for Chlldrth't MaylM avenue to the center line of High- Railroad of New Jersey; thence the boundary line between the Bor- FOURTH WARD, Third District— Following recitals In New York land Avenue: thence' along the cen- nionjr the qenter tine of the Central ough of Garwood and the Town of rieirlnnine at a point formed by "MA AND PA KETTLE ter line of Highland Avenue to the Railroad of New Jersey to th,e cen- "Westfield and along the boundary the Intersection of the center line of nd Canada in February, 194D, Center line of Dudley Avenue, ter line of P31mer Street: thence line between Cranford Township West Broad Street and tho center jolomon toured with great suc- :hence southwesterly along; the cen- alonp the center line, of Elmer and tha Town of Weutfleld to the line of Lambert's Mill Road and STRAND GO TO TOWN" ter line of Dudley Avenua to the Street to the center line oi North division line between Westfleld nnd running thenco southeasterly along ess and in recent seasons has WAITU MADI THIATM Avenue; thence alonp? the center Clarlc Township; thanes southwest- :enter line of Nort1 h Avenue: thence erly along the boundary line be- said center line of* Lambert's Mill * CARTOONS i : lastwardly along the center lino of line nf North Avenue to the center tween the Town oi Westfleld and Road to the center line of "Warren NOW PLAYING Vjrth Avenue to the center line of line of Euclid Avenue; thence along Clark Township to a point where Street; thence northeasterly along jest Broad Street; thence north- the center line of Euclid Avenue the center line of Summit Avenue tho center lino of Warren Street to tasterly along? the center lino of to the center line of Broad Street: the center line of Hysllp Avenue; BINQ CROSBY thence alojijp the center line of extended southeasterly would Inter- las1 t Broad Street to the point and sect the same; thence' northwest*- thencffll northwesterlnohty y along the cencen- — of beginning- ' Rroml Rtj"ft«L to the renter line of erly along sutd extension of Sum- tet r liin e of HysUHU P AvnuA s tot , theth tlm PlnN*n ltti30 (Ext. Sun.) Ang thence northeasterly along* the •Ru(;1l3 Avenue; th prior along the Beginnlngr at the Intersection of of First Street; thence southwest- center line of East Brond Street to nentRr lino of '«d Street to the the Plaza nnd North Avenue and Mali. Wed., Sat.,- 2:30 "ROAD TO BALI" STARTS TUESDAY, MARCH 10 forth Chestnut Street; thence nnrttfi* line of Springfield Avenue; 1 erly along the center line of First running thenco westerly along the Kfrnet to tho center line ot Osborn 1 lorthwefiterly along the center line flipnce nlonff the center line of center line of North Avenue to the NOW PIAYING RUIY OINTRY if North Chenftirit Street to the Rnrlnnrflelfl Avenue In a northerly boundary lino between tho Town Avenue; thenco northwesterly along TECHNICOLOR direction to the Town line; thenoe y the center line of Oaborn Avenue Th« Johann Strautt tenter line of Raymond Street; 1 of Weatfield nnd Scotch Plains (a tha center line ot West Broad "EIGHT IRON MEM" hence In a general southwesterly alone tho Tnwn line In a nouth- Township; thenco southeasterly Streot; thence southwesterly nlonp; FavsrD* IreRtlon alnns the center line of pnateHy and southerly tltrectlnn tn along said boundary Hno to the the center line of West Broafl laymond Street to the center line the npnter line of the Central Rall- center line or South Avenue; thence Stroot to the contflr lino of Pnlsted f Mountain Avenue; thence In a rotid of New .lpr«py; thence nionir easterly alons the center lino of Avonue; thenco northwesterly along outherly direction aionff the center the condor line nf the Centra] Ttnll- South Avenue to tha center line of the center lino of Palstod Avenue Ine of Mountain Avenue to the CGTI~ rnnd of New Jersey to tlie center1 Pftlstend Avenue; thence southeast- er line of Dudley Avenue; thence lino of 'Rimer Street; thence along erly alonfj the center lino of Pal- to the center line of South Avenue; outhwesterly along tho canter line the con tor linn of Elmer Street wfend Avenua to the center line of \ hence westerly along the center if Dudley Avenue to tho center Una tn the cpntnr linn of Nnrth Avenue: West Broad Street; thence north- lino of South Avenue to the boun- >f Hlffhlanjl Avenue, thBnce aouth- (•hence nlonp: ,the center line of ens toiiy alonp the center line of dary line between the Town of Paramount asterly along: the center line of NnMTi Avenue to the center line Went Rrnnd Strent to the center Westfleld and Scotch Plaina Town- lighlfind Avenue to tha center line of Euclid Avenue; thence alonpr tho line of Osborn Avenue; thenco south- ship; thonco KoutheiiPtorly along Fanwood Stone Crushing r>fi tftr IFnR of "Rurlifl Avenue to the eald baundary line to the point find f Mountain Avenue: thence In a n ens t erly along the center line Tlcketi—Kreige'i, Wlr DANNY THOMAS reneral southerly direction along center line of Broad Street1 to the of Osborn Avenue to the center line he center line of Mountain Avenue r>ntnt find nlnce of hptflnnlnK . of First Street: thence northeast- *»tace of beginning.ANB P. JONES, All Aanncki. Mall Order! and Quarry Company o the point and plnce of beginning. THIRD WARD, First District— erly along the center line of First Town Clerk PEGGY LEE WARD, Third District— lefclnnlnft at a point formed by Stroet-to the center lino of West- Fees H40.5S In CRUSHED BLUE TRAP ROCK MUSIC "THE for Ro«d«. Walk., JAZZ SINGER" Call IN COLOR REMOPELINQ FAnwood 2-7840 All business ... all progress ... _. SALE - HUJ - For Price* «nd Delivery all glK?wth is essentially a matter Rebuilt Instruments "UNDER THE RED SEA" OFFICE, 141 CENTRAL AVE. WE.MUM 2-3M3 of bringjpg people together: I TRUMPETS - - - 35.00 Those who make things 'and CLARINETS - - - 45.00 those who use them, those who SAXOPHONES - 65.00 ADVERTISING have things to sell and those WATERPROOFING CELLARS who want to buy; those who OXFORD MUSIC BOOKS PIAINFIEID rhera-SMl System can do things and those who VALUES Plalitfhtd *-97t* want things done. TO 1.00 25c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY HOWARD KfU Land Clearing and Rough Grading JANE OREE* h Quickest, cheapest way to bring "THE DESPERATE GREGORY'S SEARCH" Permanent Driveways together maker and user, seller LEADER DRAINS - CONCRETE WORK MUSIC CENTER - pius - and buyer, do-er and wanter... 330 WEST FRONT 51. PI *-«49 STONE WAILS - CURBING - PATIOS tSUBUSH^q 1530 "UNTAMED WOMAN" PROMOTES is advertising. SUNDAY- "GOOD TIME GIRl" ond A. S. MANNINO & SONS NOT WANTED" Serving Wosttleld 35 Year* Advertising lubricates the MAHCH WE. 2-4935 er WE 2-0869-W wheels of progress . .. gives the The Bandstand ON STAGE — IN 138 E. BROAD ST. IAUWTZ MEICHIOR manufacturer a larger market. Wettfield 2-6363 AND HIS SHOW Puts him into mass production. Brings down the cost of what- ever he makes. Helps the retailer GROWTH! sell more goods for less money. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Advertising helps every business PHONOGRAPHS to grow faster . . . helps every- Complete Bear Wheel and Frame Straightening body to live better! HARMONICAS A. A. • WHEEL ALIGNMENT »WHEEL BALANCING GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING SHEET MUSIC ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS iiiiAitn si-jiiviora — OAnuunnTon A IGNITION TEACHERS continues to offer aid You Can for the Coat on Budget Temu Arrnnitfd. MUSIC BOOKS lo any who have an honest desire lo stop THE WESTFIELD LEADER BATONS drinking. WHALEN'S GARAGE LESSONS P. O. BOX 121 Authorized "Beat" Station on all Musical Instruments WESTFIELD, N. J. 800 NORTH AVE., E. . T£JL SUPPORT YOUR RED CROSS or Call MA. 3-7528 Call For and . THURSDAY. MARCH 5, 1953 P>t« Twntr-Two THE Trion Appoints King

• AUTO DEALERS • Regional Sales Mauager

Harry A. King of 659 gumBH BERSE BROTHERS A* NMf avenue has been appointed eas? T« YM BUSINESS DIKCTORY Vt« ern regional sales manatpr « A* YMT Trion, Inc., of McKee3 Rock, *I signers and manufacturers o"' RAPID „ RUG CLEANERS • OPTICIANS tronic air cleaners for • LAMP MOUNTING • ventilation air. The hl • AUTO DEALERS • CORSETS ELECTRICIANS _ — HAMRAH BROS. merit of the appointment w DESOTO & PLYMOUTH ROBERT F. DAY by John W. Frazier, Authoriaa* Balu at Service THE CORSET SHOP CHESTER D. WEST LAMP MOUNTING eral sales manager. """" BRING IK any article'you have, we Prescription Optician l • 1W ••••Ma* Westf ield Mr. King will have the resnoi. ELECTRICIAN will mmaka e «• beautiful lamp lor call Cvaialete lasarance Co»eraa;e but yo". AU typetyps off lamps rerepairedp . sibility of engineering assist™™ 44* If «ta A»e, "To Fit Them Is Art" Wiring for Uirht and Power Lamp P — Skade. Safe Storsa-e Facilities to Trion representatives1 office j, Wntnela Motor Sales Co. Inc. SDT Grant Ar«w, Wca«el< l VMMH.UH Lenata* •»••» «• CkXHw Fr«« TruBt Oo> Philadelphin, New York and ft™ Year Antkarista Wt. ;U01J \S£ £,PI« B»°" * Coaialete Repair genlce fialaMa* ol All Ktata out New England. He iaB grid 148rf. Bran a WEilKKMI M mtb Wall-T«-Wall Car»etljijt Oatslla. Mm* " %. " Cleaned la tfce H»n.e or O«ee uate mechanical engineer from Z' FISH DEALERS 108 CeatisI A»e. ""• * "pAJNTiAND- 332 Leland Av. Ploinfield University of Oklahoma and HUGH CLARK DAIRIES WALLPAPER registered, professional ei BIVONA BROS. PLolnfield 6-4436 He was formerly employed i MOTORS A SUJtPRISB •JUVENILE FURNITURE* AU 1953 Pattern. engineer and later as Bales am. SALES — SERVICE FRESH FISH DAILY «eecas Wall».»er neer in the air conditioningT FARTS — REPAIRS CHOICE SEA FOOD Now U Bto«s: SERVICE STATIONS • partment of the General EWtT II* NaHh Arc. B. W«stlal« AL BERSE'S Co. in Schenectady, N. Y. tZ 15>27 B. Broaa it. > WeatlcM w PODGE PLYMOUTH WMkll J-1MS COLORTONE PAINT Bloomfleld. ' " WE.tBMs Z-tM CAROUSEL AL'S CITIES SERVICE & WALLPAPER Janalle FaraMar* — T«r» * Ca«es During the past war, Mr. Kin, I AUTO ELECTRICAL DELIVERED cnll WEstaeld a-JM7B wflB a major in the U. S. Aral I Balea and Servlc* TO YOU" FLOORS Ordnance. Corps. Prior to hi, JJ Osnutat Factory Parti SERVICE DOOR A Vt EUI STHBBT WB»TF«iIJ» V»t "2ar» Bought * Sola A SAVING cent appointment he wa3 in (W f ANDRESEN'S FLOORING of the Jersey City office of til ] *«. W. FARM PACKED FRED W. URBAN ci»ted Thermal Products, IT WUIkM S-MM Barawova rioon laaiallea • KNiniNG SUPPLIES Trion representative in New j? AUTO SCHMALZ Metal Mnlalan C. W. BRIANT PLUMBING * HEATING COOGAN'S AMOCO sey. He is a charter membetrfl ELECTRIC DAIRY A Conelete Ll»e af the North Jersey chapter «} a. LAING Authorised CARTER Flaar Waxes aaa rlaUklaar Kawrtals MURIEL'S KNITTING BOX CONTRACTOR * STBOMBKRO PL 4-2277 SERVICE STATION American Society of Heatio* ZI Carburetors 1M K. SIHI It. WBsMeW »-»T88 KNITTING •BM'I.nOI Ventilating- Engineers. Hii «£3 "Comnlets Auto Repair*" Call WEatleld S-43I1 MOTOR CO. nllWKKbM I-II41 AMD AMOCO is at 101 Central avenue. 4H nrcrtk Are. E. VISWAT'S ACCEMOBIEi SM Netta A«. West Weat«.ld Tasjr • FLOOR COVERINGS V.r. — laatraetl'aa Pradaett Caa — Oil — Caamlete LsnrltatltlB CADILLAC JAMES WHALEN Gills Made To Order El C. KEPPLER Golden Guernsey IM Ceatral Are. WBaMeU Central A>«. nad «atai*7 Red Cross distributed durinil tnlw W. B. Dolbier PLUMBING * JMSATUVO WE.Ilrla J-4SOT 1951-52 blood derivatives to tSI Salts and Sarvlct DAIRY • LAWN MOWERS • Pkoaei WE.Iicl* J*H American people at an aYeu»| and Company, Inc. Westteld rate of two units per minute (MM , nwfeoi FLalaaelc t-Ml "leaaers hi 4 El* Street mated value 19). • H MMWMlM* — "Floor Coverin* SpeclillBtl" LaGRANDE LAWN •M-ltl «. Mh KrM« «*» ••»• ••» (If »• auwei eall WBstaeld »-»•»] Oat — Oil — La»»a lMtrte AVTO-LITH MfHe* MILK Llaeleaai aa« Plastic MOWER REPAIR SHOP lick-aa aad Bellrerr serrlee Dt»t.i 1M •. Valtea MOTOBB wnrte* «• Nartfe An. W*JHi«M »-M Wall Cererlaca LAWN MOWERS G. WILLIAM RAU ELM STREET EMO M»VICB •alea dt Serrle* 1*8 Bla street WestleM • VACUUM CLEANERS I Rubber - LlnoUum - Ploitic Tile • Skarpeaed • Hep.lxd • Filed PLVMBWa dc HBATIWO WEstaeld 3-ltM HARRY MILLER MM *«Mk An. Key. Made — Ka»ed Toall ls>ar*eae« JOBBINU SCHAEFERS Vcactlaa BHaVls «4 S. K4»er WBatteld lourn AVEWUE mno AUTO REPAIRS Electric lewar Clsanln«- Scrrlc* Cor. W. Broad aad soatk Am W, Authorised MOTORS, INC Terais Arraag-ea AND SERVICE call WKstiela i-STOJ WE.laels 2-HT» Aatssrlssa T41 Oeatral A«. WEatlela HOOVER Ml Allwaod Hd. Westisl BERRY'S ESSO SERVICB vmtnM • LIQUOR STORES • Park * Xta. Are. Sc»tck rlalas Clcmters PARK DOG FOOD BALES & SERVICE Plynnauth FAatrood 2-WIS Chrysler FRED A. CHRISTIANSEN HANDYS PET SHOP FRIENDLY SERVICE HYDE & ELLIS, INC HANK'S ATLANTIC "" TFSfftt GENERAL AUTO RBPAlBINO F, A. Handvllle, Prop. PLVtMBlNa AHD HBATINO Complete Line of FLOOR COVERINGS •aim ••* Htnle* ROAD SBRVICB GENERAL OIL BURNEft SERVICE! SERVICE • WALLPAPERS (I • Body and Ponder Repairing DOG FOOD * ACCESSORIES call WBalldi MM V. S. Impeded Horse Meat LINOLEUM ELM LIQUOR SHOP Ilcs.i 8 Ilonustcaa Terrace Gas — Oil — Lakrlcatloa , Auto Painting * Heflnl.alng > saata An. w. WasttcM Stilton Mains, K. t. IN WESTFIGLD Canaries and Parakeets FLOOR TILE Edw. V. Strubel, Frop. Automatic Traasmlsaloa Service • Farts and Accessories Tropical Fish, Tanks, etc. Tcl.i Fanwooa 2-SM1 Nortk Are. W. * Central ATC, IT'S m !»•»»• Mi. B. MT lM—Plck-ap A Deliver] • WATER SOFTENING < HUDSON CENTRAL 9 Elm Westfisld Phone for Free Estimate Batteries — Tires — Accessories Duahr FUEL OIL SERVICE PHARMACY WEataeM 2-2838 SIS North Are. E. WEstldd *-9«SI Michael i. Oermele, Ret. Pbarm. 4 Ceater Street Can AWNINGS AND • Soft Water Service Co, | Sain & S«rvic* PRESCRIPTIONS HUGO j. FUGMANN PETERSON'S CANOPIES > POULTRY POMTA-SOPT Part* — Repairs LIQUORS Victor Rogers WATER CONDITIONING FUEL OIL KailPIHUVT »4 «. M« It PlalaatM LIQUORS - WINES - SEEK l«rvUa Westleld nl Vlelaltr WESTFIELD LIVE POULTRY Texaco Products PEHMUT1T Sales, Service, R«t| Carefully Compounded Prompt Delivery Service "Hav« a Chat with ChVttln" toll WE.tfi.ld 2-5272 Ample Parkins Space MARKET HAVOLINE Motor Oil . eall WBstltll 1-1Z53 E.e. i9ii Inn • rerfamea • CHiaeUe* call WBatael* Z-S341 1111 iontk Aye. W. •lek •«• RaapIlM 1138 Roetk AT.. W. Weatleld Complete Mae of Dollr ataalaaa Ice Orcaea POULTRY j NORRIS AWNINGS . Fresh Eva* — F (M Central An. WtkUrU S-I4W GLASS QUALITY WINE & MARFAK Cuni nut Alaaiaaai WEstleM 2-4T4S Lubrication CHEVROLET, INC. We Beat caaaaiaa WESTFIELD LIQUOR CO. W. Broad St. Westaeld Castui.Maae Veaetlaa Bllaaa Wines — liquors — Beers Tires, Batteries and Accessorial Aatkntsca DARBY'S DRUG STORE fy Wlrtaw IkaiM la Westaeld • RADIO REPAIRS • Oars Called For aad Delivered IMPORTANT CAUS GLASS WORKS Me E. Bread street Bstlmatta and Samples on Request Phontt WE.tfl.ld 2-1198 WE DELIVRR SOUTH AVE. dt ROSS PL. call WBataeld 3-281S ' MIDWAY RADIO & WESTFIELD 2-431* Fire WE 2-20M] 244 ffartk AT* W. WntKM 339 South Ay; W. WeirfUld I, WElttcM 2-MSS TELEVISION ROBERT TREAT Westf ield Friendly Service ' aalsa * amle. "Service to the Home" Mobil Products Police WE MO ' ' Ceasalete Part. Da»<. •• LIQUOR SHOP AUTO RADIO SPECIALISTS Gas—oil BOOKS cull WEstleld 2-6571 Lubrication farta aaj Csntral Xnm. Vsittus AUTO SArfcir ciLASS Beer —Wines — Liquors — Waskomobtlei — SALM'S DellTerr Service Rt. Z* A Mountain Ave., Sciifck OTas. For that Speedy WINDOW GLASS Car Wash" Ambulance . WE 2-1 THE WORLD BOOK eall WBata.ld 2-1SOO 22B North ATK, ENCYCLOPEDIA PHARMACY • Mirrors •lare T 15 Qalmky Westleld RECORDS "Bst. a-Oil7T .Far-HaraTo• Plctnre anlas^ ; PACKARD FOt THE ENTIIE FAMIU PRESCRIPTIONS City Hall... WE 2-01III flnt Chain of Schooli and llbrpri.i ' Our Specialty LUMBER STORAGE rVESTFIELDCO..Inc MAKOARff H. AHLFCLD • Mck ••.• «Bi»liea .. The Music Staff HENRY P. TOWNSEND 201 Mm An. W.itfl.W 2-6M1 • Dra«a HARDWARE WESTFIELD LUMBER Mayor's Office • Records - Skeet Mmlo - Pkoad(Ta»sa STORAGE WE 2-1871] PACKARD FKBB DEXdVERY SERVICE Musical Accessories , MILLWORKCO. MOVING & PACKING rail WEatatla 3-14IS —.'3-24B* BARBAEA RYAN SOIM A Strvlet • CLEANERS A DYERS • Arckltietara] Woodnerk I (t, WwtleM 27 Elm .It. WE.taeld 2-1418 call WE.tleld 3-1IM farts — Vacs Casa 111 U lot Lgnkn eall Witlela Z-4J8S SH Worth Are. W. WesWeld Oswa Kircabasj. BROWN & KELLER'S SIC KoHk Art. E. Westaeld ROOFERS Ct/BAHBIII A DtTUsi IkMH Hart* A». B. WeatlsM Qanssnta »r Westaela'* »l»tr)»al.r • TELEVISION SERVICE • For WESTFIELD For • MAGAZINE • ABC ROOFING & SIDING XMn ttanse v« 3lat!.BM SAPOLIN UBSCRIPTION AGENCIES H-SB»»M Waa. »rwk« St., WWhlJiraS-MB*U WE M PHARMACY CONTRACTORS T-V SERVICE ft INSTAllATIONS _ P)(a. M, «-*4M Paints & Varnishes . HOOFING dt SIDING Advertiser (Former)/ Wltman-Bell pharmacy) CASSELL Gutters — Leaden. Haraw.rt — Home raralsklasa :i-Hoar Fkoae gejTtcc PACKER BROS. Inc. PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY For Free Prompt Cleaners L.wa Seta, aaa Fertilise*. PUBLISHERS SERVICE ' call WEstSeld 2-U839 Authorized e Dra« »*«•• 12S Elm It. ' Weattell SUBSCHIPTIOItS JOS MarloB Are. WestSela ADDICKS TELEVISION SAME DAY SERVICE • Comflci WE»feld 3-1500 TO ANY on • Mek Ranllea MADAZINB OR TRADB Roselle Park KAISER-FRAZER "in at ie — Oat at FlTet LOANS JOUHXAL PRINTED CHettnut 5-9065 ra* Prasskt Fr*e DelUerr Senlee SIT Elaier WBstlela 3-8.KM JOHN T. DEERING CO. Sales & Service IN Central A»e, Wcstlela call IIOOFINO _ 81UINO ^WibTSTERERS AND • For Frleadlr = . - GRNKIIA1. COSTIIACTIMO This , All Makes of Cars Servfoed Mwae W«. 3-«S«l DESIGNERS »IE. Brand «t. V WEstfleld" 2-4040 ll!8t. 1023 --18 WnslihiBK,,, Avc. 17 10. nnOAU ST. WUlH I'll II-S1IM) Wlfld 6-8870

EMIL MUELLER AKoat For BECORATING CONSULTANT UNITED VAN LINES, Inc. P.S., INC. •I'operl.. T« Older I'"" Alum),,,,,,, l'KNKTMJI Mange—l'aoM>iK—Vrati,,e n.h „,„! ltottrm enU W*4fl«ld ^t vrm KHtin,,,,, B09 » r, Street THE WESTFIELD (TS. 3.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH S, 1953 Beginning at the point formed by the intersection of tfee southerly • LEGAL NOTICES • the intersection of the center line side line of the right-of-way of the Inch features the second act is iven numerous concerts here and cle. of Dudley Avenue with the center Central Railroad of New Jersey and :et by Robert Eckies who sings i Europe. In May »tvd Jun. of Baum OP PRIMARY line of North Avenue and running the' boundary line between the Songs, Ballet Tk. ifaip i. one ef «w i thence northeastwardly along the Town of Westfieia and the Boroug-h 'Chacun A Son Gout/' which Ms year he will tour South Amer- riiiin Clu-fc". Offiie. center line of Dudley Avenue to theof Garwood, running thence in a ranslates into "Each To His Own Attack Transport Fleet Amphibloui Fore* n.^w.1 I—*. »a««'»"*. *• •«• center line of Clark Street; thence southerly, southwesterly and aouth- In conformity H'lth tlie provision* northwestwardly along the center eaHCerly direction along said divid- In 'Fledermaus' 'aste." that comprise th. r.f «n ut't entitled "An Act to Ungu- line of Clark Street to the center ing Jln#between the Town of West- Serving aboard the attack trans- late Elections," Title in, Jlevlaed line of Bright wood Avenue; thence lietd and the Borough of Gar wood Miss Manners and Scott join «per Mill Holds numi at the Sixth Fieet'i {S(utu(*es of Kew Jersey and tlie south west wardly along th,e center to the center line of Grove Street; 'ith Charles Aschmnnn in a httar- port USS Cambria is Navy Ens. Norfolk. V«.. nineinlmeiits and PUpplementH theie- line of Brlghtwood Avenue to thethence southwesterly along the cen- Well Received to," notice is hereby given that Scotch Plains Township boundary ter line of Orove Street to a point ous trio which is & burlesque on Art Exhibition Axel H, Baum of 10 Kimball cir- Algiers, Jan. 21, • (iiiaHftfd voters oi* «aJ to and Including won greater favor than ever in RIALTO •sday, Ularch 12 th, 3if53, on of Dudley Avenue with -the center saeterly along the southerly line ot rew Gainey, Brent Williams are Artists exhibiting are; E. Adele ,,...vh date the ifegi-slration books line ot Lawrence Avenue and run-said righf-of-way of the Central its current edition which begins CONTINUOUS SA1. MOM 1,00 - SUN. HOM IM ning thence northeastwardly alone joined in many of the group num- Hepbron, Sally Mathue, Evelyn 1 -i will lie cloned until itfter the fortii- Kail road of New Jersey to the point its last two weeks Monday at £he cuinlng Primary Election to be held the center line ot Dudley Avenue and plnce of beginning, All houses bers which are heard throughout Blanpled, Carol Bylind, Vir- on Tuesday, April 21st, 11*53. Notice to the center line of Mountain Ave- through which thB division line be- Paper Mill Playhouse in MUlburn. Thurtday — Friday — Saturday is hereby given timf the District nue; thence northerly along the tween district number one and dis- 'Fledermaus." ginia Laubenstein, Betty Mathue, liuard of Registry and Election in center line of Mountain Avenue to trict number three pass are included Among the tunes which bring Ballet comes naturally to this Herbert Bugbird, Inger Jicobaen, KTHM WIUIAMS - WALTER NDOEON - VKTQt MAT and • Un- the various Election Dis- the center line of Raymond Street; in district number one. forth recollections are "Tales rk-ts of the TOWN OP WE8T- thence in a general northeasterly operetta and David Tihmar and Lil'ian B. Johnson, Alfred J. "•-IBI^D. wlU meet in the places direction along the neuter line of THIRD WAHD, Second District— From the Vienna Woods" sung by Janice Cioffi, dancing with the Pa Stromsted, Rene McKay, Mary "MILLION DOLLAR MERMAID" .oreinafter designated on the dates Raymond Street to the center line Reg-inning at the intersection of the famed Paper Mill singing en- and between the hours hereinafter of North Chestnut Street; thence the center line of Rahway Avenue per Mill dancing ensemble under Bayne Bugbird, George Cook, C01M tr TfCMNICOtOf ft forth, for tlie purpose of con- northwester]}' along the center line and the boundary line between the semble and "Oh, Jimmy," a trio by the tutelage of Anthony Nelle, Edith Miesem, Priscilla Gilson, ducting 0- Primary Election for theof North Chestnut Street and Frls- Town of Westfleld and Clark Town- Ted Scott, Gail Manners and Em- -H IT Ne. 1- nomination and election (if persons cllla Irfine to the center line of 8hit>. running: thence northeasterly score one hit after another. Two Dorothy Parker, John Garmon, to the various offices Hated below; Hillside Avenue; thence southwest- along said bbundary line to a point alyn RemmeL* Another*gieat fav- of their outstanding dancing: num- Merrel Multhaup, Edith Wood- Randolph Scott in "HANGMAN'S KNOT" The hours and diites of said elec- erly along the center line of Hill- where the center line of Summit orite in which the entire company, 1 tion are as follows: Bide Avenue to the center line of Avenue extended southeasterly bers are based on "Vienna Woods ward, Robert E. Woodward, Qina IM tICHNICOiCHI . Lawrence Avenue; thence southerly would intersect the same; thence principals and ensemble, partici- and a prison dream by the inebri- Plunguian, Blanche Greer and Mil- PRIMARV DAY, April 2l6t, 1953, along tha center Una of Lawrencenorthwesterly along- the center line pates is "Brother Mine, Sister between the hours of T A. fctf andAvenue to the point and place of of Summit Avenue produced and of ated warden. dred Arthur. Svnday . Monday - Tutftlay [ P. M., E.S.T. beginning. Summit Avenue to South Avenue; Thine." The following Ja a list of the tlience still northwesterly along: the JOYCl HMMN - HAtVIY LfMMCK offices to be voted for at the said center line of Summit Avenue pro- Miss Manners has an outstand- primary Election: FIRST WARD, Fifth District- duced to the southerly side line ot ing number in "Czardas," while A Governor of the State of New Beginning at a .point formed by the Central Railroad of New Jer- "GWLS IN THE NIOHT" Jersey. the Intersection of the center line sey; thence westerly along said Hiss Remmel has three solo op- Piano Series Four Members of General Assem- of Dudley Avenue with the center southerly Bide line ot the Central portunities in "The Letter Song," -»»T N«. I- bly. line of Lawrence Avenue ana run-Rat]road of New Jersey to the cen- Three Members of Board of Chosen ning thence northwesterly along the ter line of the Plaza; thence south- "Laughing Song" and "Adele^s SALE MAUUIH OtMIA - AUX NICOl Freeholders. center line of Lawrence Avenue to easterly along tfhe center line of Audition." The theme of the party Ends Sunday One Sheriff. the center line of Hillside Avenue; the Plaza to the Intersection of the" "REDHEAD WOM WYOMING" One Surrogate, thence northeasterly along the cen- center line of South and Weat- One Register of Deeds and Mort- ter line of Hillside Avenue to thefleld Avenues; thence southeasterly field Avenue; flie nee northwesterly Solomon, the famous British gages, Mountainside Borough Line; thence along the center line of Westfleld along: the center line of West field Three Coroners. al"o _ " " ugh Line nort&west- Avenue to Hie center line ot First Avenue at the Plaza; thence in * pianist, who has been called one many 45 rpm Member of State Committee (Mnle errlyl , northeasterly, n orfhwester'y, Street; thence southwesterly along northerly direction through the of the greatest keyboard artists _nd -westerly to Lawrence Avenuej the center line of First Street to Pinna to the point and place of W«.n«sday-Sahiraay March 1M4 One Councilman from each of the thence still along said Mountainside tha center line of Trinity Place; beginning, of our time, will appear in the Four Wards, Borough Line, southwesterly Etna thence Boutheatsforly along the cen- FOURTH WARD. Second District final concert of the Griffith Music 1 OMAT HITS 0(4 Out SHOW! Mule and Female Member of thenorthwesterly to the center line of ter line at Trinity Place to the cen- Beginning at the intersection ol ,'ounty Committee will he elected by Springfield Road; thence southwest- ter line of Dorian Road; thence the center line of First Street and Foundation's piano series at the Albums POWM ADAMS the Democratic! find Republican Par- erly along flie center line of Spring- southwesterly along the center line the center line of Trinity Place and Mosque Theatre, Newark, Sunday moNi - INtmt uiS rjuuA lies from each Election District. field Road to the Boundary Lln« of Dorian Road to the center line of running thence southwesterly along IN WCHNWO The places In the several districts between the Town of West fieldan d Rahway Avenue; thence in a south- the center line of Trinity Place to at 3; 45. "MISSISSIPPI GANW.ER" where flie said Hoards of Reglslry Scotch Plains Township; thence easterly direction along the center the center line of Dorian Road; A program of unusual qualit and Election will meet are as fol-southeasterly along said boundary line of Railway Avenue to the point thence southwesterly along the cen- -HIT Nl, ]. line to the center line of Brftfht- and place of beginning. ter line of Dorian Road to the cen- has been arranged for the occa 30% off First Ward, First District—Mu- wood Avenue; thence northeasterly THIRD -WARD, Third District— ter line of Rahway Avenue; thence sion, and one calculated to empha- nicipal Building. alonw the canrer line of Brlffhtwoort in a southeasterly direction along Charles Beyer in "THE HAtPY TUMI" First Ward, Second District — Avenue to the center line of Clarfc Beginning In the southerly side the center line of Rahway Avenue to size this artist's flair for the ro Elm Street School. Street; thence southeasterly along line of the right-of-way of the Cen- Its intersection with the boundary mantic and the imaginative. Fea- First Ward, Third District — Mil. the center line of Clark Street to tral Railroad of New Jersey at a line between the Town of Weatfleld nieipai Building. the center line of Dudley Avenuet Foint which Is distant seventy-five and Clark Township; thence south- tured items will be Hobert Schu- First Ward, Fourth DI strict—Elm thence northeasterly along the cen- eat measured at right angles westerly along said boundary line man's rarely played Sonata in F Street School. t ter Unto of Dudley Avenue to the First Ward, Fifth District—-Ben- nntnt and placa of beginning1. southwesterly from the southwest- to the center line of Lamberts Mill sharp minor, Opus 11, No, 1, an amtn Franklin School. FirtST WARD, Sixth District— erly Bide line of Central Avenue Road; thence in X general north- TODAY THRU MONDAY First Ward. Sixth District—Wood- and running thence southeasterly westerly direction along the cenfer the Franz Schubert Sonata in A otv Wilson School. Beginning at the Intersection of on a line which is parallel with the of Lambert's Mill Road' to a point minor, Opus 143. Second Ward, First District — the center line of North - Chestnut said side line of Central Avenue where the boundary line between 2 BIG HITS TOGETHER • SCreot and East Broad. Street, and and distant seventy-five feet south- the Town of Westfleld and Scotch Two Chopin Ballades will alsc BARBARA RYAN iorrls Chevrolet, Inc. running: thence northeasterly along westerly therefrom to the center Plninn Township turns southwest- Second Ward, Second District— the center line of East Broad Street line of Grove Street; thence south- erly leaving said roRd; thence fol- be on the formal program, both ol ON THE SAME PROGRAM Irani? School, Broad Street Kn- westerly along the center line of lowing said boundary line between 27HMST. rance. to the center line of Spflngflelrt which are infrequently played, Pip*r Third Ward, First District — Co* Avenue; thence northwesterly and Grove Street to the center line of the Town of Westfleld and Scotch umbus School. northerly along the center line of Summit Avenue; thence In' a north- Pitting Township southwesterly and These will be the F major Ba WISTNELO 2-1441 LAURIE Springfield Avenue to a point where westerly direction along the center northwestnrly to a point where the ade, Opus 38, and the F minor, Third Ward, Second District — the boundary line between the Bor- line of Summit Avenue to South same again Intersects Lambert's ;Jneoln School. ough of Mountainside nnd the, Town Avenue; thence still northwesterly Mill Road; thence In a general Opus 52. Solomon will oper "MISSISSIPPI GAMBLER" Third Ward, Third District — of Westfleld Intersects the same; on an extension of tho center line northwesterly direction along the the recital with the Bach-Lisz1 Optn MM. antf fri. Evil 'Til f fM. ilncoln School. southeasterly anfl southerly direc- of Summit Avenue to tho southerly center line of LiunhprPn Mill Road In Technicolor Third Ward, Fourth District — tion along said boundary line to side line of the right-of-way of the to the centor lino of Warren Street; Prelude and Fugue in A minor. ilncoln school. Woodland Avenue; tfhence In a Central Railroad of New Jersey; thenco northeasterly along said cen- .Fourth Ward, First District—Me smith weRterly and northwesterly thence easterly along snld southerly ter lino of Warren Street to the Thia gifted artist first came t Charles ' , lautt - TinJey School. direction still along said boundary stde line of tho HgUt-of-way of the center line of ITysllp Avenue; thence the United States in 1926, am BOYER JORDAN Fourth Ward, Second District— lino to the center line of Hillside Central Railroad of New Jersey to northwesterly along the center line Avenue; thence southwesterly along: the point and place of beginning1. - of Hyslip Avenue to the center line was acclaimed as "one of the to Fourth ward, Third Disfrlct—Me- thft center line of Hillside Avenua of Codding Road; thenco northeast- pianists of the season." In 1939, "HAPPY TIME" :inley School. to the center line of prlsollia I.flne! early alontf the center Una oC Cod- The Boundary lines of the differ- fhenre southeasterly along the cen- THIRD WARD, Fourth District— ding1 Road to the center line of ho returned for the tyew Yor nt district's are as follows: ter line of Prlneilla T-.nne and North > Beginning- at the Intersection of Rahway Avenue, thenco northwest- World's Fair where he played the the center lfne of Summit Avenue • PLAINFIELD 4-3500 * 'IRST WARD, First District— Chestnut Street to the point and and Grove Street and running: erly alone tho center lino of Rah- first world performance of tho Ar- SATURDAY - MARCH 7 Rnirinnlnjr nt a, r.orner formed by thence northeasterly along the cen- wny Avenue to the center line of lie Intersection of the center line ter line of Grove Street to the First Street; thence northeasterly thur Bliss Piano Concerto, at the MATINEE FOR YOUNGSTERS f East Broad Street with the cen- SECOND WARD, First District— boundary line between the Town of along the center line of First Street request of the composer, who trav er lino of Mountain Avenue and Beginning at the Intersection of Westfleld and the Borough of Gar- to the point and place of beginning. Sponsored by Cranford tinning thence northwestward the confer line of the Plaza BrliiRa wood; thence southeasterly along: eled from England to hear it. long the center line of Mountain and .the center line of the Central the boundnry line between the Bor- Council for Chlldrth'c MoylM venue to the center line of High- "Railroad oC New Jersey; thencft ough of Ganvood and the Town ot FOURTH "WARD, Third District— Following recitals in New Yort md Avenue; thence' along tho cen- alonsr the cont&r line of the Central Westfleld and alont? tho boundary Beginning at a point formed by and Canada in February, 1949 "MA AND PA KETTLE er line of Highland Avenue to theRailroad of New Jersey to the cen- line between Cranford Township tho Intersection of the center line of enter line of Dudley Avenue, ter line of T-llmar Street: thence and tho Town of "Westfteld to the West Broad Street and the center Solomon toured with great suc- STRAND hence southwesterly along the cen- alons" the center line of Elmer division line between Westfleld and line of Lambert's Mill Road and cess and in recent seasons haj GO TO TOWN" er line of Dudley Avenue to theStreet to the center line of North Clark Township; thence southwest- running thenoS southeasterly along A WALTH RIAM THIATM enter line of North Avenue: thence Avenue; thence along the center erly along the boundary line be- said center line of * Lambert's .Mill CARTOONS 3 astwardly along the center line of lljie of North Avenue to the center tween the Town of Westfleld and Rond to the center line of Warren NOW PLAYING orth Avenue to the center line of line of Euclid Avenue: thence nlons; Clark Township to a point where Street; thence northeasterly along fcst Broftd Street; thence north- the center line of Euclid Avenuft tho center line of Summit Avenue tho. center line of Warren Street, to Box Office Open isterly along the center line of ¥n the center Una of Broad Street; tho center line of HysliP Avenue; BINO CROSBY ast Broad Street to the point and thence aloft*; the center line or extended Bouithea^terIy would Inter- thence northwesterly along the cen- _10 A,W. TO 10 P.M. lacs of beginning. < "Broad RtrePt to the coxHer lino or sect the same; thence' northwest* ter . line of TlyBllp Avnnue to,,thft Hie Plfl'*(J ftfiakh to the point and erly along said extension of Sum- center'ilne 6f Codding' Rond; thence IEU, BOi HOPE IRST WAHD, Second District— mit Avenue center line and the northeasterly alonff the center line Beginning at n point-formed by Renter line of Summit Avenue to of Codding Road to the center line rumovn DOROTHY IAMOUR e fntersenCion of the center line SECOND WARD. Second District— the point and place of beginning. of Rahway A ven no; thence north- MII.MHIIN O-SlflO Mountain Avenue and the center Beclnnlng at *h§ intersection of westerly afong tlie center line of Prank CnrrlilKton no of East Broad Street and run- the center line of Broad Street and FOURTH WARD, First District— Rahway Avenue to tho center line Director IN Ing thence northeasterly along the Euclid Avenue; theneo nlons the Beginning at the intersection of of First Street; tlience southwest- Evei. 8:30 (Exc. Sun.) . CRAiiPIIltD inter line of East Broad Street to conttr line of .TironO Bfoet to thethe Plaza and North Avenue and orly along the cetitor Ifne of FIral "ROAD TO BALI" orfh Chestnut Street; thenco onritflr lino of Sprlnpfield Avenue: running' thence westerly along the Street to the center lino of Oshorn Mall. Wed., Sol.,- 2i30 ' STARTS TUESDAY, MARCH 10 orthwesterly along the center line fhpnne alons the center line of center line of North Avenue to theAvenue; thenoo northwesterly along NOW PLAYING 1 North Chesfnut Street to the RnrlnErfleM Avenue in n northerly boundary I hie between the Town the center line of Osborn Avenue TECHNICOLOR RUBY GENTRY nter line of Raymond Street; direction to the Town line: thencw of "VVeRtfielcl and" Scotch Plains to the center line of Went Brond Th« Johann Strout* -enoo In a general southwesterly alonp thfi Town line In fi nouth- Township; trionco southeasterly Street; thenco southwesterly along "EIGHT IRON MEN" rectlon along Oie center line of pnsttrly and southerly direction to along- said boundary Uno to the the center Una of "West Brond aymond Street to the center line the rontar line of the Central Rail* center line of South Avenue; thence Street to the center lino of Palsted Mountain Avenue; thence In a rond nf New .IPI-HPY; thonco nloner easterly alone the center Hhe ofAvenue; thence northwesterly alone uitherly direction along- the center the cenfor line of the Central TtflH- South Avenue to the canter Jine ot the center line of Palsted Avenue ne of Mountain Avenue to the cen- rond of New J^rspy to the conter Palstead Avenue; thenco southeast- to the center line of South Avenue; r line of Dudley Avenue: thence line of Elmer Street; thence nlonff erly along the center line of Pal- thenco westerly along the center lurttwesterly along the center line the canter lino of Rimer Street fit'ead Avenue to the center line ot line of South Avenue to the boun- Dudley Avenue to the center lino tn the opnfpr llnfn nf North Avenue: West Broad Sfreet; thonco north- dary lino between the Town of Highland Avenue, thence Bouth- thence along ^lie center line of Rafiterly along1 the center line of Weatfleld and Scotch Plains Town- Paramount sterly along the center line of Nonfti Avenue to the center line West 73rond Streat ta the center phin; thpnee sou then ntorly along ghlnnd Avenue to the center line of Kucllti Avenue: fhenco along the line of Osbarn Avenue; thence south- said boundary lino to the point and Fanwood Stone Moun tain Aven ti e; th en ce In a ront«r ltni> of TCnMIdAv«nn e to theeapterly along the center line "'lacs of beginning'. meral southerly direction along center line of Brood LStreet to theof Osharn Avenue to tho center line Tlcksts—Kreige'l, Bam'», DANNY THOMAS e center line of Mountain Avenue nnlnt nnd Place of beginning. of First Street: thence northeast- All Aa»ncl«i. Moll Order! tho point and place of beginning. THIRD WARD, l^lrst District— erly along the center line of First JANE F. JONES. nST WARD, Third District— - • • at a point form«t! by Town Clerk PEGGY LEE Street-to tha center line ot West- 3-lS-St FQOB $140.58 CRUSHED "THE for JAZZ SINGER" REMODELING

All business ... all progress ... - rill* - all growth is essentially a matter Rebuilt Instruments "UNDER THE RED SEA of bring'yig people together: TRUMPETS • - - 35.00 Those who make things and CLARINETS - - -45.00 those who use them, those who SAXOPHONES • 65.00 ADVERTISING have things to sell and those who want to buy; those who MUSIC BOOKS OXFORD can do things and those who VALUES TO 1.00 want things done. FRIDAY ANB IATKMY HOWARD JAM OHBh Quickest, cheapest way to bring GREGORY'S "THE DESKtATl together maker and user, seller MUSIC CENTER SEARCH" - MM - and buyer, do-er and wanter... 330 WEST FRONT 5 PROMOTES "UNTAMED WOMAN'? is advertising. SUNDAY-J "GOOD TIMB OWL" Advertising lubricates the "NOT WANftO* wheels of progress ... gives the The Bandstand MARCH 174k ,',- ON ITAOR - m mjm manufacturer a larger market. 13S E. BROAD ST. m Weatfteld 2-6363 Puts him into mass production. Brings down the cost of what- Complete Stock of RECORDS GROWTH! ever he makes. Helps the retailer 78 - 45 - 33 1/3 R.P.M. sell more goods for less money. MUSICAL • Advertising helps every business INSTRUMENTS to grow faster . . . helps every- PHONOGRAPHS body to live better! HARMONICAS SHEET MUSIC ALCOHOLICS AN0KK TEACHERS THE WESTFIELD LEADER MUSIC BOOKS BATONS LESSONS DIJ nil Musical Instrument* SUPPORT YOUR RED CROSS THE WESTMELD tv X\ TRADER. THURSDAY MARCH 5. Twaty-Four ! Accidents Injure life persons i _ Amazin0/ Mrs. Schafer Gives k wfca h*«> nib, WKI »v«d «sn«a« ; I T a-ith oibtrt »rVn ymu Suve a < Twxi iwj-5 «re injured >1J traf- rx «c*id»nts here Thursday after- WASHABLE 62nd Kilmer Show 'homas Myers, 9 years old, of WAU PAINT Mrs. Bette Schafer of Raymond I West Dudley avenue, suffered street was mistress of ceremonies I isions of the right shoulder Thursday night at her 02nd show t£ r snd of the rijtnt side o* at Service Club 1 at Camp Kil- a!«n«J Jfc ii^iid when lie w&s hit- by 8 mer. Tony Marks of Newark sang- ballads and the Moates twins Drink prarwusly of fluids d»i»y.! ^ at 5 p.m. DU and freii •<«:«* | t 4:25 o clock, Thomas Hack- of SomeiviJie did a comedy soog, k a piano duet and a dance number. WeMT ejwach riothinciothir^r S«o kff PP; ftct<, . 1313- . Oof-54f-5400 MountaiMountainn avenueavenue,, Kathy Lynne of Plainfield did a . vr»re! tat avoid excessive eiolJsiajr j $-elj {rom hjs bicjirle in the On- QU PONJ LOU) ROTE song, a tap routine and an acro-Ici*—— and crer-5sc*t«S *snsosph*res. | tf^ Railroad parking: lot snd suf- •M. «. I, m. srr. batic number. The birthday boylishw •»*•! At tbf SrsJ siprs of * «W. .ew j feni g cut of tne jeft hand. Dr. if New.rubbw-hasaa^Mrhat'i to b«i for « 4»y or tw^s—jt»a may F. D. Xeison closed the wound •CMMilcal !• M*«l thus head oS • !ong»r s:isg« of with seven stitches. if A^lK Ilk* mafic wHhkfu,, sented with a huge rake baked _ sickness, if f«?v*r or thill* or The Myers boys was crossing •r fllf-t««tail Mrs. James Wells, a member of jjf «fljpe« on and off, the chest pains set in and (be told Elm street at the intersection with Court Trinity, CDA, of frestfieiA „,• protection it leaves on lingers, call your phj-siriaa. Colds Quiniby street when he was hit if Driat In mlnwttsl r oodl nd are common, but is's safes! not to Private Wikcr was celebrating al* «r * * * • '••then by a car driven by Arlene Fini- if PlMMHrtarMMf * M Very little is T4« CrnnU parkway, Iqrmtrlr awail ar Mr. aa4 Mrs. I••war* C. undereslimu* or o Mr. aa< Mr>. Joa» T. M'AlllaOi fwrtr gan. 19, of 1120 Corrine avenue, it U««ly i>r Fniiivoorl. 1'ae «iilr >«a« al to the public but they mark the onset of many tre&tetre&ted at the office of Dr. E. Starr ••Han Health Hints rugs, packing materisJs and paint niello of Freehold, Hmi" "••"*'-" •» *»•• «*»«- serious respiratory diseases. Colds cans from your b*seir.eai, attic, sonator, presented a softj are moat commonly spread by cans from your Sgt, Lew-is E. Porst and Patrol- and a comedy skit Tta •*••,/ • jfovlat Rusts., can now launch garage and ytri. Some Cold Advice breathiat the droplet spray from men Floyd Beane and Bernard S. Colortone Paint and Wallpaper Co. eluded Donald Berlnger rf "J/^ y^yy b,,mb»r. against this Jlormelo investigated. Patrolman Colds, like the poor, seem al- a cold victim who is coughing or 258 E. Brood St. New York, C. Cari *•""jt-/ciB«try at any time she chooses. Red Cross chapt«r Home Service Bonne investigated in the bicycle New, Ginger Kole, ••*{'",fag^, Haiti keep the front door closed ways to be with us, especially at sneeziny. gave assisUnce throughout local lltmti *. *• Iftretr) of Newark, and Pi* *»"* '• • . ataini_ t surprisp e enemnemy air atat- this time of the year. They ac- Here are some simple precau- communities in the United States WMtfield J-4304 grini. tack. Join the Ground Observer count for more absenteeism than tions that we can all follow as the to an average of twt o families per Op«n Daily 7:30 A.M. I* 6 P.M. Musicians' »erti*»» Corps today I. any other single cause. Not only means of avoiding and limiting in minute durinri 19g 1951-522 . IfADfl WANT ADS PAY ed by Musician! Monday and friday 7M A.M. to 9 P.M.

Yaur faUm Ciun Vour Taihion Cmtn Tmr Fuilm CmOn Ttv faiiwn Cmttt Tw

In Case You Haven't Heard-It's THE Look for Spring '53!

-I. ,

Webster tlefmei ensemble as "the part* of a thing viewer] as a whole ... tola) effect." Vath'wn intc W

jwith the Ensemble Look —where two, three or more parts of an outfit combine lo clover!

B8e8, tli» year, with their own matching jacket* or Bwcicrn. Suits ,|,i« v,» • • ,

Thursday Nlohi. >\\\ >tnr, come with their own matching

blouses, will, linings to mutch the bio,,*,*, with to,,,,er, t., nlr,l,-h tl.r suit,' A,.,l .! '. ,1 • i

-Him. And

Sec th* Grcatcaf, Mo$t Colorful Duphy of Floor Covering in th* Etut present with General Information on Cooperatives FREE! FORMICA FORMICA TABLE That's Rlght-A STEAK SALE I NOVELTIES And what'j more — iff our Large Choice of Colon! AN IDEAL 'A STEAK famous quality itoak that's GIFT WITH DESIGNED Hi OUR OWN WORKSHOP on lole at th«i* low, low ANY $30 Genuine Formica, Trimmed with Stalnlei* prievs. Ifs (teak as YOU like PURCHASE! Steel Mouldings and Chrome Legs! SALE// It - tender . . . juicy ... Choict of »ybi (22 Value with ANY $55 Do-It-Yourself Purchase), »r4 Colon flavorful AND cut to the thick- Wll* T»l« Coupon Westfleld 3-6 ness you prefer.

COME . . . SEE FOR YOURSELF, YOWL U AMAZED AT THESE SENSATIONAL WEE OWEiS THAT ONLY SIRLOIN STEAK U. S. CHOICE TOU*BROS. CAN AFFORD TO GIVE YOU I GET YOURS TODAY I ,; PORTERHOUSE STEAK TOMATOES TOP ROUNQ ROAST BAB-O SPECIAL CARLOAD PURCHASE! BOTTOM ROUND ROAST VINYL-PLASTIC NUCOA Kl AAD Til E 'or bc'ow grade... on grade... above 10-14 LBS. ttUUK I HE grade . . . and radiant heat fleen ROY RODGERS HEAVY DUTY - TURKEYS, oven ready Ib. 69c COOKIES PERFECT QUALITY! „ Wonderfully flwlbh and It itoyt (bxIMa. Quid, m!lt«nl, (I «ivt« - traafir nrntm, Ntv«r i»«Wi Krubbini enl rwnjim *nly • mini- FRESH KILLED UFl-OCCUPANCY mum «f «n. ChMH torn 2» poH»rni In rlth «tann>r alwtfai. LONG ISLAND DUCKS Ib. 35c PEARS GRASS INUID INLAID PATRONIZE LINOLEUM TILE LINOLEUM YOUR Co-op Chlorophyll \n»na WAUTYI nma WKUTU COOPERATIVE TOOTH PASTE AUtal ftiyl You'll I Hira'a • Tarrldc I marvtl it thii quality IValudHcarrewal- AND 1 floor covvini which I Ifr In J wM« atite- 3V3-OZ. 39e will five you mtny I Hen tf ulara. AT yean ef w«ar. I THIS LOW PRICI SAVE ChooM iram 13 I you can afford t* beavtiful colors. I Initali IflB «y«rr I ream ia O"vO" THE FANCY ORTLEY APPLES FROZEN FOODS 9 GREAT CARLOADS OF FAMOUS RED, RIPE ONLY TOMATOES SEAMOOK FARMS EXTRA FANCY PEAS «>•©*• 2 for 35c SUNKIST ASPHALT* TILE SfABROOK FARMS PERFECT QUALITY! CHOOSE FROM « MARBIEIZED COIOKS . . , 10-oz. 26c SAVE MONEY . . . UN1IMITID QUANTITIES! NAVEL ORANGES BROCCOLI INSMll IT YOUSStlfl Wit INSTHUCTIONS. SEABROOK FARMS WENCHED iUICY 9"x9"x'/«" Thick GREEN BEANS 2 for 39c LEMONS GRAND DUCHESS PLASTIC JUMBO STEAKS 11-oz. 67c Rubber Tile IWALLTILE Enjoy tho lu>ury of PLASTIC-RUB- PASCAL CELERY 6:30-8:00 A.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY BER TILE un- nma QUALITY! derfoot

arters Banking q« shown in «« GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES 14c It Tastes So Good! 15c LIGHTER FLUID lie

FISH 1OO ASPIRIN TABLETS 9c prepared owl »rv«d « YOU Ilk* I' • • 10c BQBBY PINS 2 for lie i, Again, we say, excuse the temporary inconvenience way* floo* 10c CELLULOSE SPONGES 3 for 25c S0 ffB W, hear fho« ""*>'''•'«<" " ° " , we fffl<"« "•«• mu" bo " her0 QUANTITY LIMITED Com» In, f«'<> f°r yo«'«Bl"


The Friendly Bank with the Clock BROAD & ELM STS., WESTFIEiO Tho ONLY National Bank In WeMfield EXCELLENT DINER D. LASS, ph.G. s. wtinmm, wte. Member F.D.I.C. NORTH AVE., Opposite Railroad Station Filling Prescriptions Is the Matt L_ of Our Bujlneu # # fhf Tw»ty.Ei,M , THE WEB*™-" '* * > LEADER. THURSPAV MARCH 5, 19S3 — -- ~ " ' ~j~ XJT * 7^1 Activities In The GhurchesoLWestfidd_and_Vi^ Redeemer Lutheran Guest Speaker Church Series March] First Congregational To Speak Here Today: 1 p.m., Woman's Asso- West:ield's Lutheran Church is ciation board meeting in the On March 15 at 8 o'clock i»« The Women's Fellowship today chapel. 3 p.m., primary chcr re I Sermon of the Week located at the corner of Clark p p nl0r chapel" of the First MethJ at 1:30 p.m. will hold a dessert l 415 pm J«nl0r ^J" A STABILIZING AND PRESERVING FORCE meeting at which Dr. Earle H. street and Cowperthweite place. hearsal. 4:15 p.m., J« Church, the fourth and firkl «? Submitted by Ch.rU. M. Carr, CbrUtua Sci««c« ComiaitUa Ballou, execeutive secretary of the The Rev. Walter A. Reuning is "hoir rehearsal. 4:30 p.m., spe- ing in the "World Is Our Pg™j on PuhlicatlsB far Uw Sl*U af N.w Jcncjr Congregational Christian Bervice the pastor. Church open for pray- cial convocation of ministers and serieB will be held. committee will speak on "Relief er and meditation every day from wives to hear a letcure by Dr. At that time, Forest D. Mat and Reconstruction." 9 a.m. to G p.m. Edgar DeWitt Jones of Detioit. Jr., adviser on economic and Integrity denotes undivided allegiance to. moral and spiritual law The parish education program Th! public is invited. 6 p.m., din- cial affairs, U. S. Mission to 1 It signifies complete honesty, soundness and goodness. It never way. Dr. Edgar'DeWitt Jones, pas- tor of the Central Woodward includes Sunday school at 9:30 ner for the clergy in Fellowship UN, will be the speaker. He, ens between right and wrong, but follows th« straight line of upright am three Bible classes, junior, hall 8 p.m., famous preachers bring the authentic story f 1 n«ss, justice, and truth. Christian Church of Detroit is O preaching at 8 p.m, today at the senior and adult, at 9:30 a.m. and Lenien service in the sanctuary. United States' "Point 4 Jesus urged spiritual Integrity upon his disciples when he, sail week-day religious instruction for Sermon by Dr. Edgar DeWitt of technical aid to the (Matthew 7:12), "AH things whatsoever ye would that men shoul. First Baptist Church in the third famous preachers Lenten service. the junior high age Mondays and Jones of Detroit on the subject ed areas of the free world. do to you, do ye even so to them." Honesty, justice and mercy ar Fridays after school hours. Bible "The Matterhorn of the Moiy inescapable demands -upon the claimant to Christianity . . . The subject of the sermon is "The Mr. Murden is sponsored bj« Matterhorn of the Scriptures." instruction for fifth and sixth Scriptures." 9 p.m., sem<»' choir Th«' stability ol family, church, business and government 1 graders coming from the rehearsal in the choir room; build- Christian Citizen Forum; thee founded ou integrity. Without it society would lose its security an< Tonight at 8 p.m. the chancel Street School > Wednesdays after ing committee, first meeting in the ies was conducted by the Depa cohesion. Trust and co-operation in family life rest upon faith ii choir will meet with William T, school is under consideration. Par- junior room. ment of Missions and Churclij mutual fidelity. The vast interchange of credit in business is base Jancovirus for their weekly re- ents are invited to enroll their Tomorrow: 8 p.m., circus can- tension. Members and friendi primarily on the confidence which people have in the integrity o hearsal. children in a varied program in- teen in Fellowship hall sponsored the church are cordially invite! each other. A good government depends for its proper functionini Friday at 4:30 p.m.. Dr. Mc- cluding film-strips, motion pic- by the Baptist Youth Fellowship. on the honesty of those holding positions of public trust. Corison will hold the preparatory tures, Biblical drama, and music. Saturday: 9:30 a.m., junior Presbyterian Choirs Tt Integrity is at all times a stabilising and preserving force. Ii class session in the Henry Neill Phone We. 2-1512. DR. KARL QUIMBY girls choir rehearsal. 12:30 p.m., was the moral and spiritual integrity of Daniel whith • preserve; room. JOHN J. SELOVER htm from the evil machinations of hi* enemies who sought to destroj The Sunday service is held at youth sack lunch and pasting Present "Crucifixion" The Westfield Community Cen- 10-45 a.m. The pastor's sermon project. him. Ignoring th* decree which they, had persuaded the king to sign ter Association has scheduled its Methodist Women To Daniel, faithful to his highest sense of right, continued to pray t< Christian Science subject will be "The Kingdom of Sunday: Kichard W. Litterst, minister annual dinner at the YMCA to. God versus the Kingdom of Sa- God, as was his custom, three times. a day. As a c«n«««uence, h morrow at 6:46 p.m. The Rev. Lecture Slated Hear Clergyman 10 a.m., church school. Classes music at the Presbyterian Chin was cast into a den of lions. , . tan." Family Sunday will be ob- for all ages including four adult has announced that the Shelby Rooks, minister of St. served with the children of the One of Methodism's best-known choirs will give Stainer's ' But tnnoceiiey—gnilelftisnen, gufltlenness and ineorruptibilit; Jamei Presbyterian Church of The power of scientific Chris- classes. —-characterized Daniel'* thought Leaning unreservedly oh God, h Sunday school and their parents slergymen and educators, recently 11 a.m., morning worship. Youth fixion" Palm Sunday aft..., New York will speak on "The tianity to heal sickness and bring occupying the family pew. The March 29 in the sanctuary^' refused to be frightened or resentful over the deceit, craftiness an Brotherhood of Man." All are in- freedom from fear and other evils returned, from a visit to Central Sunday. Sermon by the-pastor, treachery of others. With calm forbearance he proved the power and Luther choir will sing the introit Europe, England and the Ecu- o'clock. The solo parts willj vited to attend and reservations will be the topic of a public lec- and gradual for the third Sunday the Rev. Elbert E... Gates Jr. on taken by Karl L. Lein, tenor, BTaiUblllty of divine Love to meet his need. As a result, Daniel was may be made by calling the Com- ture to b<; delivered in Westfield menical Conference at Oxford, the subject, "Christian Substitutes aafe in the lions' den. Thus, with spiritual conviction he could aay in Lent. The junior choir will will be the guest speaker at the Maurice Mandell, bass. munity Center, We. 2-4769. Sunday afternoon by John J. Sel- sing the anthem "Through All the For War." The choir will sing the (Daaiel 6:22), "My God hath aent his angel, and hath shut the lions' Sunday, Dr. McCorison is over of Long Beach, Cal. Woman's Society of Christian anthem, "O Thou, From All Bless- mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him in- Changing Scenes of Life" by Nich- Service of the First Methodist preaching on "The Diligence of Mr. Selover, who is a member olas Brady and Nahum Tate. ings Come" , and "Holy Spirit neeency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done Jesus." The music for this serv Church, Thursday afternoon, Come, O Come," Martin. Newcom- Monday: 7 p.m., Boy Scou » hurt." . of the Christian Science board of Prayer will be made for the con- March 12. Troop 71, in Fellowship Hal; Ice includes for the prelude "Pri- lectureship, will speak under the firmation class of 1953. The church ers in Westfield and those without Daniel preserved his own spiritual integrity,'his loyalty to truth e1 inciuaes mr uie pitsiuuc . * »«- Dr. Quimby is the educational p.m., Board of Christian Ed« eree" by Alfred Jongen and for auspices of the First Church of time nursery will be in charge local church homes are cordially aad this,in turn preserved his human, sense of life. He proved th< secretary of the Board of MUssions invited to share in the service. tion in the church office. might of right and the truth of Mary psker Eddy's words in "Selene the ,postlude an "Improvisation" Christ, Scientist, in the senior of Mrs. Mary Knauer. by Mr. Jancovius. The chancel high school auditorium, Dorian and Church Extension of the 4 p.m., church reception in the Tuesday: 3 p.m., Girl Scoati aad Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 66S), "Innocence an The Lutheran public service Methodist Church, and an author- Troop 28 in Fellowship hall; 6:! truth overcome guilt and error." ... choir is singing "My Defense Is road and Kahway avenue, at 3:30 programs on the air include "The chapel sponsored by the Baptist of God" with Mr. Jancovius at tho p.m. His subject will be "Chris- ity on missionary and related top- Youth Fellowship. p.m., every member canvass It Not for any reason can we afford to relinquish moral or spiritui Lutheran Hour" with Prof. Armin ics. He WBB a delegate to the Ox- struction in Fellowship hall; |;j integrity. We cannot surrender our innocence, our understanding o: organ. tian Science: The Power of the C. Oldsen as the speaker at 1:30 5 p.m., Youth Week vesper serv- The other appointments for Word.". ford Conference of 1935, an ex- ice in the sanctuary presented by p.m., board of trustees i | man's unimpeachable perfection as God's image and likeness, am p.m. WICC, COO kc. and at 8 p.m. change preacher in Great Britain, church offic .. at the same time prove the law of good in our own experience. Al Sunday include 9:30 a.m., the An authorized public practition- WOR, 710 kc. Also the widely the church young people. Youth church school, pariah house; the er and teacher of Christian Sci- an accredited visitor to the meet- speakers are Jack Bowser, Betty Wednesday: 2:45 p.m., Gill leglance to God requires fairness to our fellow men. discussed television p r 0 g r a m, ing of the World Council, Amster- Integrity is the law of love in operation. It abhors wrongdoing, junior church, Chapel of the Holy ence, Mr. Selover practiced law "This Is the Life," Sundays at Day and Marilyn Jaffee who will Scouts, Troop 12 in Fellowtli and if in a moment of temptation one has wronged another, it does Spirit; Men's Bible class, pastor's in Long Beach from 1928 until 9:30 p.m. WJZ-TV, channel 7, pro- dam, Holland,- and active in other speak on thte theme, "Strive to hall; 3 p.m., afternoon tea at£ not permit the wrongdoer to ignore or to pass lightly over thi study; 10:46 a.m., the nursery 1941. In that year he was ap- duced by the Lutheran Church- ecumenical and interdenomina- Know, Date to Believe." parsonage, 630 Glen avenue. misdeed. The acknowledgment and righting of wrongdoing is i school, parish house; 3 p.m., broth- pointed Christian Science commit- Missouri Synod and telecast un- tional gatherings. necessity if the wrongdoer wouM reach the place of effective praye: erhood committee meeting at the tee on publication for Southern der the sponsorship of the Na- Dr. Quimby was born in New and demonstration. With spiritual integrity impaired, one canno YMCA; 5:30 p.m., Junior High California, and since then has de- tional Council of Churches. Jersey and educated at Dickinson rise to the uplifted sense of God's power and presence which save Fellowship, parish house; and 7 voted full time to Christian Sci- College and Drew Seminary and p.m., Pilgrim Fellowship, the ence activities. Sunday at 3 p.m. the Valparaiso has served pastorates in West Or- from sickneSB and sin. One cannot leave past wrongs unrighted an Guild will meet at St. Luke's Luth- not feel the weight of it somewhere" in his own experience. Chapel of the Holy Spirit. ange, Irvington, Ridgewood and The church will again partici- eran Church, Hillside road, Eliz- Newark. Spiritual and moral integrity unites mankind in bonds of tru pate in the, "One Great Hour of Presbyterian Church abeth. At 3:30 p.m. the organ- and peace. It preserves the well-being of all who practice it, no Sharing" which is being observed ists' and choir members' confer- The public is invited to hear only by reason of the joy and quietude inherent in a clear conscience Dr. Quimby speak on "Modern throughout the United States on Today: 10 a.m., meeting of the ence will convene at St. John's but'by reason of the good which flows into human experience becausn Church, Bloomfield. Samaritans" at 1:45 p.m. of faithfulness to right. Loyalty to God, loyalty to the truth o Sunday. Offering envelopes will executive board of the Woman's one's own real being, and loyalty to the innate goodness of one's be distributed March 15 and the Asso#iation in the lounge. fi:30 Monday at 8 p.m. the adult fellowmen—these are the signs beautiful which denote integrity.— offering will be received March 22. p.m., Jane Morrow Guild pot-luck membership class and all who will Willow Grove Church The Christian Science Monitor. A school of churchmanship spon- supper in the assembly hall. A be received into membership March sored by the laymen's fellowship one-act play IVa A Woman's Priv- 22 will meet in the parish hall, en- of the Middle Atlantic Conference SCOTCH PLAINS—The Willow ilege will be presented. tering from Cowperthwaite place. Grove Presbyterian Church, Rari- Methodist Church St. Paul's Church will be held Sunday from 3& 9 Tomorrow: 11:30 a.m., church Tuesday at 8 p.m. the Women's p.m. at the Stanley Congregational tan road, will hold a brief meeting They're all rushing to Ivory for fine, staff discussion and prayer serv- Evening Guild will hold its meet- with members of the Elizabeth Friday: Celebration of the Hoi; Church, Chatham. For registra- ice. 2:45 p.m., young people's ing, with Mrs. W. Dunham, chair- Today: The circles of the WS tion call Thomas H. Bennett, We. Presbytery Sunday at 3 p.m. In- CS an meeting in the various Communion at 9:30 • a.m. Th< communicants class in the parish man, in charge. The program formation will bo given the mem- economical laundering. homes at 1 p.m. The evening cir- school of prayer will celebrate a 2-C897. Other members of the house. committee consists of Mesdames committee are Grover J. Baldwin, bers concerning the government, cles meet at 8 p.m. this service, Sunday: Laubenheimer, Coffey aift Jack- policies and operations of tho Pres- Jerry J. Bessler, John M. Morgan 9:25 a.m., opening time for the son. The, reading will concert the The third in the famous preach- Sunday—Lent III: Celebratior and Charles O. Pratt. byterian Church which they are ers series will be held in the Bap- of the Holy Communion at 8 a.m junior department. Gospel of Mark. Preparatory head- about to join. All members are Girl Scouts, Troop 23 will meet -o&, Bible school with de- ing should begin Chapter 11'.' Ta- tist Church at 8 o'clock. The Rev- Churoh • Mtiool will begin in the at 2:45 p.m. Monday in tho par- urged to attend. Dr. Edgar DeWitt Jones, pastor church at' 9:30 a.m. At 11 a.m partments from nursery through, ble hostesses are Mesdames Zetto, IVORY DRY CLEANERS ish .house with Mrs. Kermit W. adult. Elizabeth Norton Bible Raichie and Schultz. Regular Sunday morning ser- of the Central Woodward Chris- there will be a service of praye: Oberlin, leader. tian Church, Detroit, Mich., will and sermon by the rector, the Rev class for women, Mrs. Robert C. vices will be at 11 o'clock and Boy Scouts, Troop 74 will hold Taylor, teacher; Men's Triangle Wednesday at 8 p.m. the mid- Julian Alexander Jr., pastor, will and LAUNDERERS be the speaker. Frederick W. Blatz. The 12:1| their weekly session Monday at week Lenten service will be con- Tomorrow: The sanctuai-y choir coffee hour this month will bi Bible class, Dr. Harold T. Laeey, continue hia sermons on the 7:30 p.m. in the parish house with leader; church-hour nursery. ducted by the Rev. Fred Van "Church Revived". 16 PROSPECT ST. WE. 2-5021) will rehearse in the choir room at sponsored by the Men's Club. A Scoutmaster L. William Spach in Steen. The guest spkeare will 8 o'clock. 8 p.m. the YPF will view a filir 9:30 and 11 a.m., worship. The Sunday school classes will meet : charge. music will include Prelude: "Be- treat tho topic, "The Earthquake," at 9:30 a.m. Saturday: The Crusader choir called "Harvest in Liberia". A On Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Dr. the fourth in the sermon series on will rehearse at 9:30 a.m.; the 7:15 tho YPF seniors will be showi loved Jcsu, How Hast Thou Trans- McCorison will continue his dis- •ssed and post, "Fugue on St. The Miracles of the Passion." junior girls' choir will rehearse at a film called "Party Line" afto: cussion of the Gospel of St. Mark Thursday, March 12, at 8 p.m. 9:80 a.m.; the junior boys' choii which there will be a discussioi Anne (part 1J; "My Sheep Hear of " "" My Voice" sung by the quartet nt the voters' assembly will hold its will rehearse at 11 a.m. period. Bible class in the Henry Neill quarterly session with reports Sunday: All departments of the Monday: Ecclesiastical Embroid- the 9:30 service, "Gentle Jesus" room. by the carol choir at tho 11 o'clock from all officers and committees. church school, including the cradle ery Class will be held in the guile The readers group of the Worn- • . . „„ . „, ,. ., Albert Egsioker, president, will and crib, the open door Bible class room of the parish house from 1 be in charge. and the Christian citizenship for- a.m. until 3 p.m. en's Fellowship will meet at 1:30 S,WiU, Gladness" fo^ine of" p.m. March 12 at the home of Friday, March 13, at 3:45 p.m., How Does um, meet at 9:45 a.m. At the 11 Tuesday: Regular monthly meel fertory anthem nt both services o'clock worship service in the sanc- Mrs. Charles Woodbury, 645 Dud- by tho chancel choir. The Rev. the junior choir meets for train- ing of the DNA will be held in th ley court. Mrs. Charles Bingham ing. At 8 p.m. the Couples' tuary, Dr. Gordon E, Michalsqn, guild room. At 8:16 p.m. the boys' George V. Gardner will preach minister, will speak on "The will review "Let There Be Bread" the morning sermon on the topic, League will hold its meeting in choir will meet with Miss Marie L. by Robert Brinton. the parish hall. Surges and He- Christian Science Heal? Heart's Hunger for God"; the Schumacher in the choir room. "A Voice in the Night." sanctuary choir, with J. Prentiss Dr. Albert Edward Day, minis- 3 p.m., young peoples communi- vine are co-hosteBses. Chapter 5 Haworth as soloist, will sing Wednesday: Two celebrations 0: ter of Mount Vernon Place Meth- cants class in the parish house. of the course on New Testament the,Holy Communion at 7 and at odist Church of Baltimore, Md. 5 to 6:30 p.m., seventh grade history will be under discussion, "Holy, Holy Holy" and "0 Sacred led by the pastor. j\/TANY persons are asking-about Christian Science. They would like Head," hymn of the month. 9:80 a.m. At 3:15 p.m. the boys will be the preache for the famous Westminster Fellowship in the as- choir will meet with Miss Schu- preachers series March 12. sembly hall. Bob Fuller and the to know more about its healing power and why it is that The chapel choir will rehearse macher. The regular weekday Len- in the choir room at 5 o'clock Dust or Destiny, a picture pro- witness area are responsible for, Spires to Hear ten evening service and adores; duced by the Moody Institute of this Sunday's program. The his- Christian Science brings so much health, happiness, freedom, and the youth choir will rehearse at 6. willbe held at 8 p.m. The Woirtan'i The JIFs will meet at 6 o'clock Science, will be shown at the din- tory and use of puppets and mari- Panel Discussion serenity to the earnest seeker. One of the best ways to learn about Evening Auxiliary will attend thii ner meeting of the Couple's Club onettes will be discussed and dem- for supper followed by their eve- service after which they will ad- ning program in Wesley Hall. The at 7:15 p.m. Friday, March 13 in onstrated. The Young Adult Group of the Christian Science is to attend journ to the guild room and hold the parish house. Reservations Presbyterian Church will meet as MYFs will meet at 7 for supper their work meeting which will be G:15 to 7:30 p.m., eighth and and have their program in Wes must be made not later than ninth grade Westminster Fellow- usual in the parish house. Sunday under the direction of Mrs, Ste- March 11 with Mrs. John M night at 7:30 p.m. to hear four ley 'Hall. The Keys have been in- phen F. Perry who is chairman 0 ship in the nssembly hall. The vited to visit the Summit Wesley- Brown, We. 2-5937-R. first half hour will be used for professional men, namely Dr. Rob- the Christian social relations de ert N. Skinner, minister; Robert ana end hear Dr. Mace of Drew partment. games and singing. Sally Black- University speak on "Sex, Love Christian Science burn will tell about her trip to Mulroany, lawyer; Robert Foose, A Free Lecture and Marriage." The Keys will Thursday: YCS will hold its reg- tho Virgin Islands. A short busi- education and Dr. Milton Staub, meet in Wesley Hall at 7:30 and ular monthly meeting at 1 p.m. at The church edifice is located nt ness meeting will be held. Burgeon, speak about the Chris- go in a group to Summit. All the home of Mrs. Harry Baibee, 422 East Broad street. G;30 p.m., senior high West- tian implications with the work entitled young adults are invited. 824 Standish avenue. The speaker Sunday services are held at 11 minster Fellowship will meet in they do. All young adults are wel- Monday: The official board will at this meeting will be Mrs. Arthur i.m. and 8 p.m.; Sunday school a tho lounge and continue their dis- Ackermsn, president of the Union 1 a.m. cussion on the topic "Why Suffer- meet in Wesley Hall at 8 o'clock. County Mental Health Association. "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Tuesday: The Wesley Boys' Wednesday evening testimonin ing in Clod's World?" At 4 p.m. the girls' choir will meet meetings are scheduled for 8:15. 7:30 p.m., the Spires in tho First Unitarian Church Club choir will meet in the choir with Miss Schumacher in the chol room at 3:30 p.m. God's law for mun is altogether lounge will hear four professional THE POWER OF room. The church choir will meet ;ood and requires man to manl- men discuss the Christian impli- Church school and worship are at 7:30 p.m. Explorer Post will est strength and health, not sick- cations of the work they do. The held every Sunday at 11 a.m. at Grace Presbyterian meet at 7:30. less. The lesson-sermon on "Man panel will consist of Dr. Robert the First Unitarian Church, Park THE WORD" n Christian Science churches this M. .Skinner, minister; Robert II. avenue and Seventh street, Plain- •Sunday wijl enlarge upon this Mulreuny, lawyer; Robert I,. field. H. Mortimer Gesner Jr. is by John J. Selover, C. S.B., of Long Beach, Calif. be the sermon theme of the Uev. Woman's Auxiliary heme. Foosi-, educator; and R. Milton the minister of the "church of tho Leslie A. Dunn at Grace Ortho- inquiring mind and liberal spirit. March Meeting Set The golden text is from Psalms: Staub, surgeon. All young adults Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, dox Presbyterian Church aervicea Blessed lire they Hint dwell in are welcome. Sunday morning held in Lincoln The First Church of Chriat, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts School, Westlield avenue. Sunday The St. Paul's Woman's Evening by house: they will be still prnis- Monday: 3 p.m., Brownie Troop Madison Ave. Chapel Bchool ie held at 0:30 in Lincoln Auxiliary will hold its March thee ... O Lord of hosts, 110 in the parish house. 7:15 10 a.m., Sunday school. SehoaX with classes for all agea.meeting in the nuild room of the !essed is the limn that trustuth p.m., Hoy Scout Troop 72 in West- 11 n.m., worship. Tho Rev.. Bert Roeber will be in charge ol larish house Wednesday follow- thcu." <84;4, 12). minster Hull. 8 p.m., Iliblo study Richard L. Smith will preach tho the opening sosnion of the Sunday ing the regular weekly Lenten A further citation form the class' in the chapel. morning sermon on the topic, "Tho school In the junior mid interme- service. ins James version of thu Bible Tuesday: 10 a.m., the executive Power of the Cross." Sunday, March 8th at 3:30 p. m. diate departments. All members tiro asked tn nttpinl ends: "A» for (lod, his way is board of the Klizubuth Norton Bi- Lenten aervice in tho churcn orfect: tht? word of the Lord is ble class will meet in the luiuifrc. lull house. Th oeI pastoundftr Is beginning a ser- in Westfield Sr. High School Auditorium if. ? y evening sermons 8 p.m. and then adjourn to thu led: he is a buckler to nil those .'I p.m., (iirl Scoiils, Troops 74 and Thursday, March 12: 1:15 p.m., Hi» -woek on tho minor prophets. uilil room where Mrs. Htuphcn I'., int trust in him. It ia Clod that 75, in the parish house. 8 p.m., circles nf the Womnn'n Aasocin- UH sermon Sunday evening win i'erry will hu in charge of the Irdeth inn with strength, and lojinl of frusli-cii and lite .session tiiill will meet. H p.m., meeting of Rahway Ave. and Dorian Rd. meeting, which will bu devoted to bo tatatakemn from tthho BBookk off H>,»0R aketh my way perfect," (I'n, will meet in the parish house. the staff of the junior department Ho i« inviting tha congregation making cancer drusalnga. Wednesday: 0 :lf> p.m., fnin.Uy (if the Bible school in the pnriHh to raad the ontlre book ol 14 chan- Corroliitivo selectionH from the i.-ht lit Hit." cliut'ch. rot-luck sup- hiiHe. ters If ponBlblo before hcarlnB h !hiintlnn Seluneo textbook "Sc-I-. per in tlm assembly hall followed Mimic department. Hcliedule: iwrmon. Thq BOWICO la held people and young married touplos nco and Health with Key to the by family devotinn;*. The ininisi- First Church of Christ Scientist, 523 Summit avenue from B to are hiv led to utUm.l this month- Wednesday: :i::in p.m., cnroj ly rneatlng. «tluluri!B" by Miuy Hiila-r Kildy trrs will leail it Lenten diiicminioii choir (grades !l-l), Tho Ohl Club of orBtB C\mnh 111 includu U10 following: "(Sud with the inluilH, while (in* yminffi' of Westfield, N. J. •will meet tonight ot tho Width "" 0 mid-week Barvlce Is held 1 thu luwmnker, but llu In not Tim rainy: :i:|r, ,,.,„., beginners ay Bvlmi people will find eiUerlalniiient ia choir (grade I-2|; 7 p.m., nunrtet; homo, 710 Bt. Mttvlw avenue. The «t rrTt "K »t tmTmanau he; author of bitrhiirouH rail™. In "Mulling of it Yankee" anil "Hi); nv obi Summit uvrauu. The B p.m., chimed choir. inlnlitar will apeak nmj eomluc Inlinlto Hfo mid lovu is no Tim." H p.m., itiltill iMimimmlcniih tho discussion on tho theme, "Tin Kvidny: .'!:.!(l p.m., j,,,,!,,,. .j, , slon noxl Weunuadfty -will' KleUniTO, sin, nor dentil, un.l thu duns in the. library; executive ( o!l pl»CD of tho Bible in tha Chris- wmpuires iloclnru that we Ilvu, (grade f.-iii; -|::i5 p.m., Sunday Cordially Invites You to Attend tian Ufa." College ago young U D0[ l'reahy- hiHil i,rch(vilra. turlnn Men, will moot In thu par- .Saturday: 10:30 a.m., junior Kh ncliool choir. THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1053 Jane Morrow Guild Circle 1, Mrs. Jack Brunton, and Mrs. Knud Mietelsen. Circle 3, Mr». Gilbert Rust lead- btugh. Mrs. Art&u* Cfcwefc Additional Church News leader, at the home of Mrs. Harry Circle 2, Mrs. Stewart Slocum, er, at the honi! of Mrs. Lucius Circle 4, Mrs. Ivar Inpmanson, Claude Underwood. ./% To Meet Today Bowser, 1693 Lamberts Mill road. leader, at the home of Mrs. Harry Fish, 519 Alden avenue. Assist- at the home of Mrs. Thomts Wool- All wpiaen at the d .aymen's School Of Youth Week Joint meeting: with Circle 2. As- Bowser, Joir.t meeting with Cir- ing hostesses, Mrs. George Dough- house, 100 Emerson lane, Berke- their friends are cor^ The March meeting of the Jam sistant hostesses, Mrs. Lyman Lull cle 1. erty and Mrs. Herbert Rohra- ley Heights. Assisting hostesses, to share in these meeting*, ;hurehmanship Sunday Activities Listed Morrow Guild of the Presbyteria Church will be held today at G:3' Led by Edward H. Sickles Jr. Many activities are planned for in the asesmbly hall of the pmis f Park Ridge, chairman of the members of the Bsptist Youth house. It will be a pot luck sup .aymen's Fellowship of the Mid- Fellowship as they enter the last pei' and a one-act play, "It's le Atlantic Conference, lay dele- days of their annual Youth Week Woman's Privilege," directed b; ates of 36 Congregational church- observance. A circus canteen will Mrs. Charles liamke and acted bj s in the central Jersey area will, be the theme tomorrow at 8 p.m. Mesdames Lerov Orme. H. W. nite at the Stanley Congrega-" when the youth and guests from Crane, W. E. Dysart, C. Holder, ional Church, Chatham, at 3 p.m. other churches meet in Fellowship II. Anthony, Osborn Ayers and unday. Hall for recreation, dancing and Asher Tourison. Devotions wi The committee for the First refreshments. A feature of the be led by Mrs. R. G. Dunning, ongregational Church of West- evening will be the official open- Hostesses for this meeting will be eld includes Grover J. Baldwin, ing of the youth lounge, furnished Mesdames B. Stemple, J. Mackie, homas H. Bennett, J. J. Bessler, ,by the young people with the help W. L. Baldwin, J. C. Van de ohn M. Morgan and Charles 0. of adult members of the church. Sande and E. Thompson. Member! att. Mr. Bennett has charge Committee members for the af- are requested to bring a plate, eu registrations and Mr. Morgan, fair are Betty Day, chairman, and silver. All are invited. esident of the,M«n's Club, will Shirley Webber, Charles Kinsley, The out-going executive boan .eside over a conference session Marilyn Webber, Jay Pierson, tar- of the guild will give a tea Apr t which Oscar Blum of Scarsdale, ry Wefkheiser and Marcia Kath, 22 at 2 p.m. »t the home of Mrs, [. Y., is speaking, and Mr. Bess- Participating in the morning C. R. Meyers, 071 Shadowlawn T will conduct at 7 p.m. the eve- worship Sunday will be Barbara drive, for all new and old mem ing service at which Dr. Donald Jaffee and Ted Gates. • Youth ush- bers. i'. Strickler, executive secretary ers at the service will be Dan f the New York City Congrega- Fromm, head usher, Wendell Horn, inal Church Association is speak- Bruce Rust, Don Browne, Allan Woodeide Chapel ig on "A New Strategy for Fromm, Addison Slocum, Carl hurchmen." Hexamer and Bob Pfirrmann. FAN WOOD —The Lord's Sup. The afternoon session will be The annual Youth Week recep per will be celebrated at 9:15 a.m evoted to a series of group dis- tion and vesper service for mem- at Woodside Chapel, Morse ave> isslons on the work of the dea- bers and friends of the church will nue, Sunday. At the 11 a.m. serv. ins, trustees, general lay leader- be held Sunday at 4 p.m. in the ice and again at 8 p.m. Ted Man lip and the program of religious chapel'. Members of the reception ger of Summit will be the speak, lueation in the local parish. The committee include Nina Salo, er. Sunday school will convene a ev. Robert E. Marston, pastor chairman, Martha Fromm, San- 11 a.m. in the basement aud f the Stanley Church, Chatham, dra Meieness, Elizabeth Dough- torium. ill conduct a conference for pas- erty, Judy Hescock and Ann John Smart of Plainfleld con irs. Wiley. Presiding at the vesper tin lies his addresses on "The Lifi Laymen wishing to register for service will be Pryor Dougherty. of Paul the Apostle" at the mid: ic school of churchmanship are Youth speakers will be Betty Dayj week service Tuesday at 8 p.m •quested to notify Thomas H. Marilyn Jaffee, and Jack Bowser. His subject will be "The Impris- ennett. • The youth choir will eing a special onment at Ceasarea." A prayei number. service will follow Mr. Smart' address. lalvary Lutheran On Friday evening at 7:30 p.m The Rev. Harold C. Letts, sec- Garwood Presbyterian the happy hour for young people tary for social action with the convenes under the leadership o: oard of Social Missions of the • Tonight: Senior choir rehearsal Len Brooks of Westfield. . nited Lutheran Church in Amer- at 8 o'clock. a, will be the guest minister at Sunday: Bible school for all alvary Lutheran Church, Cran- ages at 9:45 a.m. Nursery and ird, this Sunday. Pastor Dahl- junior church services in the Sun- Trincttes Plan To ist is again at sea as a Navy day school rooms at 11 a.m. Wor- Form New Group laplain for the next three weeks, ship service at 11 a.m. in the he solo at the matins service at sanctuary. The pastor, the Rev. The Trinettes, a Junior Cathn, 30 will be "How Lovely Are Thy Eric y school convenes at 9:30. Two Monday: Girls' junior choir re- members in this one troop of jun ises will bring children from hearsal at 3:30 p.m. iors, that they would try and gel flying; areas to Sunday school Tuesday: Board of session meet- more girls to make another group, id return. A nursery, under the ing at 8 p.m. Harriet Gottlick and Nancy Reyn- lidance of the Mr. and Mrs, Club, Wednesday: Women's Bible class olds were put in charge of thi . . .Here Are Values You'll Applaud .. held each Sunday in the church at home of Mrs. Deremer at 10 "recruiting." use during the 11 o'clock serv- a.m. Prayer hour at 8 p.m. in the Sunday school rooms. Those present at this meeting were Lois Gleason, Maryanne Gen- The junior choir will meet to- sen, Marienc Fioravanti, Nancy SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY PRICE SLASHES OH FINE 'l'l'OW at 3:40 p.m. Catechetical Red Cross provided services Reynolds, Harriet Gottlick, - iss meets Saturday morning: at to the armed" forces and veterans lyn Whalcn, Hazel McLoughlih, :30. The Intermediate Luther at a cost to the national budget of Teresa Grausso. Uita Parsons, iague will meet Sunday evening $34 per minute during 1961-52. Junior Court chairman, acted as 7 p.m. in the church. The their counselor. Veh council will meet Sunday after the service. LIVING ROOM FURNITURE ternoon at 5 p.m. in the church The regular mid-week Lenten use instead of on Monday eve- service will be held in the church' Baptist Circles ng. Boy Scout Troop 84 will Wednesday evening at 8:15. Pas- isemble in the church basement tor Clayton W. Sugg's sermon en- To Meet March 12 b 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. The Loyala titled "His First Sign" continues fill attend the Lenten service on the theme "Great Moments in the The circle groups in the Firs [Wednesday evening and have a Life of Christ." The anthem will Baptist Woman's Association wil rief session immediately after. be sung by the senior choir— hold their meetings Thursday, fee senior choir will rehearse, "Lord, For Thy Tender Mercies' March 12 at 1 p.m. according to bring Lent, Wednesday evenings Sake." the following schedule: Shop J & M Super Market 856 Monntaiii .Are. LOOK AT THESE VALUES SAVE 35% to 60% "More For Your Money" -. No Meters More Real Good Boys FRESH CUT MEATS Tomato Paste .....3 cans 25c Peter Pan Soap 3 cakes 22c Hunt's Tomato Sauce 3 for 25c Ajax Cleanier .leans 19c Smoked Hams Ib. S9e WHITE ROSE Tide - Dux ._ 29c Prime Ribs Beef Ib. 69c GROCERY SPECIALS Scot Tissues .2 for 23c Baby Legs Lamb Ib. 69c Coffee Ib. 85e Vel or Fob 29e Frankfurters Ib. 59c 16 Tea Balls 18c Pet Milk 2 cons 29e Rockford is Famous for Bologna-Liverwurit ....Ib. 59c 80 Tea Balls 79e Airwick 49c Beechnut Coffee Ib. 89c Sliced Bacon Ib. 59c Golden B'nt'm Corn 2 cm. 39c Sugar 5 lbs. 47e Living Room Beauty Sirloin Steaks Ib. 79c Succotash Jeans 49e Green Giant Peat 19c Center Pork Chops Ib. 69c Tomato Aspic 2 cans 49c 18th Century-Modern-Colonial CHAMBS Niblet Corn - 18c Shoulder Lamb Chops Ib. 69c White Meat Tuna Flakes.. 33c Solid Pack Mott'j Applesauce .2for 33e Philadelphia Scrapple Ib. 33c Tomatoes 2 cans 43c Campbell's Tomato Soup 10c Cube Steaks each 25c pbedon of Uvhv Room Furnl.ur. Grapefruit Sections 19c Rilz Crackers 29c Fresh Fryers Ib. 45e White Kernel Corn 21e budget. You will Jind mo Jem. ~ " ^, .„ jov,.'Voa get Vanish Cleaner 23c Fowl, 5-6 lbs Ib. 47e Sliced Pineapple can 29e to $198 Oven Cleaner 35c oV Pot Roait, solid 69c Crushed Pineapple can 25e Fresh Turkeys '. Ib. 59c Sliced Peaches 2Vi 33c Instant Dip 98e Home Made Sausage. Ib. 69c Stewed Prunes jar 19e Pooch — Red Heart — SECTIONAL Fresh Hams Ib. 59e Pure Honey 33e Dash Jeans 29e Flava Baka Vanilla 19c tt°: Loin Lcimb Chops. Ib. 89c Gaines Meal ..'. 5 lbs. 69c PIECES AA Print Butter Ib. 79c Gold Medal Flour. 5 lbs. 49c June Dairy Regular Price 4**00 3-Pe. Kro.Mtr living Koom Suftt _ - gg off —In Eipanilve Brocol«ll». iftSfUtUU Nucoa — Good. Luck 29c Crisco 3 lbs. 79e BIROS EYE SPECIAtS Yogurt, Lemon Flavor 17c Miracle Whip qt. 59c .'...*••• 2S».0O Ou«h«l« of Wlndlor Solo—In Green Peas 19e [?O 00 Bonuflful Motalam Malarial 169.00 Cooper Sharp Cheese. Ib. 79c Hellman's Mayonnaise pt. 39c Fordhook Llmas 2Bc Velveeta Cheese 2 lbs. 95c < 349,00 9'Pe. Importad Materials living to $198 Heinz Catsup 23c French Fries 19c |tn fift Room—Cholcu of Cslort 269.00 Phila. Cream Cheese . 2S9.0O Duncon Phyft Sola— Vi Ib 39e Heinz Beans 2 eanu 25c String Beans 24e ll) AA Strlporf Brocafolloi 189.00 Pabst-ett Cheese ||>kg. 25e Heinz Cucumber Pickles.. 27c Orange Juice 2 for 29c 349.00 3-Pe. Curvsd Center Saclional Baby Goudas pkg. 49c Heinz Spaghetti 2 cans 29c Chicken Pies 39c living Boom _^ 249.00 SOFAS Swiss Knight Cheese pkg. 49c Hellman's Mayonnaise qt. 69c Strawberries 37e 369.00 R«g«ncy Stifa—Cuilom Built, Pure Lard fb. 15c Adolph's Meat Tender 49c Haddock Fillet Ib. 49c Boueln Inrti, fringe Bai«, Fresh Milk qt. 23c 79.00 Beautiful Matalauu Fabric 269.00 Cream Vt pt. 35c Bond Bread loaf 15c Broadcast Corned Beef 429.00 SaaJy Hideaway Bed living Room A-*v «« Pop Corn Cottage LaRosa Spaghetti 2 pkgs. 35c Hash 27e aw.oo : 109.00 Sullt—ExpaniW* Ma!«r|a| 249.00 Cheese Ib. 39e Skippy Peanut Butter 39c Hartley Marmalade 25c rnee lo $495 VMn/tMVVMfWWWIMMMWtf! Fresh Fruits-Vegetables MRS. PAUL'S SEA FOOD HIGHWAY STOKESi Opon dally Codfish Cakes 38e from QtBU A. M. lo 9i30 P. M. "GARDEN FRESH" STORE Sundny. ftom 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. Crab Cakos 47c 1 Jntlivilotvlt Grapefruit .3 for 25c Fresh Chives ... box 25c Scallops 59c O'ttnrn NO CASH HEEDED NEWA1IK STOltKs Open AMy Bananas 2 lbs. 29c New Potatoes ... 5 lbs. 33c Oysters 59c HOURS (ram 9 A. M. to 6 I'. M. Momluy, Rhuborb Ib. 23c On Purchases Under $100 Woiliu-siliiy, l'VUInv 'ill 0 1'. M. New Cabbage Ib. 5c Fillet Fish 43c American • Oiternwor Wlnesap Apples 2 lbs. 29c Choice Carrots ... 2 bu. 19c Yellow Turnips .. Ib. 4e Minute Maid Orange Juice leobern Letfuee la. 19c Yams or Sweets... .2 lbs. 29c large cans 2 for 63c Tomatoes ..pkg. 23c Pascal Celery bu. 19c lee Croam Pies $!•*» Radishes 'bis. 5e Yellow Onions 2 lbs. I9e Waffles 2 pl<0«. 39e SIIOI' & SAVE at \l 1 IIIKII HOI kl Oltl> SI OKI> Boston Lettuce hd. 19c Red Cabbage .. 2 lbs. 19e Swanson'i Chicken Mushrooms Ib. 59e Green Cukes 2 for 29e Breast MARCH S, 1953_ Al Stranich Rolls 684 Series In Recreation_^owlmg^ea|ue County Baseball Y Varsity Loses Resident Wins First Boys Sign Vp For Little League Neighborhood Loop Opener May 3 Hits AU Double At me moi meeting 01 <.ne Onion U.C. Skeel Title Loop Leaders County Baseosil league in -fcma- To Perth Amboy; Detn Monday mgnt « was deemed Games For 12th The Union County skeet cham- Dy team representatives that tne pionship was successfully defended Race For Lead league opener would be bmy j\ext Game Mar. 15 Honor Set Score Sunday by Carl Blank of Westfield. May i. Blank, who has been shooting in j Several teams are still very seven of last year's teams sent Scoring 48 points in the second half, Perth Amboy defeated tk. I Al Btranich rolled a 684 set with skeet competition less than five much in the running for the lead representatives ana ttte eignin gave nonce mat it would have an Westneld Y varsity basketball tesa - fttnea of 216-248-220, his twelfth years, retained his title by hitting of the Neighborhood Bowling 87-Sfi Saturday night in a North I 600 series this season, in the Rec- agent at tne next gacneiuig, wnicn forty-six of the targets at the Park League, hut Winter, who swept R. m era New Jersey YMCA Basketful) reation Bowling League Friday Lee Monday night, has the edge. flas oeen set lor iuarc 1 * P Commission range In Cranford League game. night at Recreation Lanes. His big The defeat dropped Lee from a al the same site. • set led Seat Covert to a blank of against tricky winds. It was the 10th loss in 13 stjJ, tie for second to fourth place. for Westfield, which played « Dinkers on ah evening in which The veteran Barney Emmerich Hunt's 238 and Jensen's 211 were all matches were sweeps. Follow- even terms with tfee victors for ft. of Union finished second with high games of the match. Welch ing Stranich in the big individual 46, and Don Morton of Elizabeth Volleyball Loop first quarter. Going into the second scores department were Nick Carl took third place with 44. took sole possession of second period, Perth Ajnboy opened an i ZS4-Z09 for 688, Joe Barron 225- place by winning the outside games six-point lead and held it as 11* Joe Limon, Bgyomie, led the 'rom S. Lee, paced by Welch's 201 Games Held Here 212 for 636 and Joe DeMarzo 247 outof-county entries with 43. half ended. The victors scored U for 616, Other leading scores: Gua Kelchert, nightcap. Sto Lee led his team points in both the third and foarii with a 203 sandwich game. The Bouthern section of the periods. Bennlnftr took the nonore in Elizabeth, 42; Willard Smalk-umb Northern New Jersey YMCA Vol- team scores with a 1008 for high Hillside, 42; Ray Lueddeke, Scotc Hunt won the first and last from leyball League held its final "Quad- Dave Davighi'g 22 points we» fame and a 2966 total, one pin Plains, 41; Ted Manning, Union Hayden, with Paisley bitting a 213 rangle Meet" at the Weattield high for Westfield. ' short of John Frank's season rec- 41; Bill Keener, Fair Lawn, 41 game, Braee won two from K. YMCA last week with four teams The final game for the l*^, ord, in their match with Rogers. Dr. Ernest Wetmore, Morriatow; Terry, Wilkins helping with a 215 competing, each playing each other 40. will be played here March 14 uj '. Bonnetti held their one game lead opener and Wight won two from twice. 1'he teams involved were p.m. with flainneld. The last fa. by defeating Townxnd, Knicker- MaJek. Matthewaon rolled a 213 New BrunswicK, Plaintteld, Perth these two met, Plainfield backer downed Haw«on and John 'or Wight and Cline a 211 for the Am boy and Westfield. one point. Franks beat Vennerl, Team 4 Leads In era. The local "Y" varsity team had PERTH AJlBOSr ] Betides the honor set bowlers, w. L. its best night of the season, in win- G. the following were in for doubles! Winter WA U54 Skeens, John f 11 Weicn 4j 33 ning four out of six games played. linrriffan, r 0 Kodatt 236, Stracuiii 238, Glvau- Y Senior League Wignt 41 54 Connors, t .. 3 They started off on the rignt foot rilmon, t ..., dan 286, 214, Lusardi 225) Adams B. Uee -m 35 J e Maiek 3»M Soft by taking two straight from Perth i etack, Lou, V. :«7, Dunn 816, Wolk 218, Frank Team 4 all but clinched th< Hunt 38 37 Amboy, 15-10 and 15-11. The only L'arncy, g ... 3 and Jerry Bonnetti 212, Gerardi- Hayden 36 3a WJtefc, g .'... 3 championship of the second round a. t-ee ; 3t a two losses of the evening were in- Muiuz , I '•ello til, Stiles 210, John Bonnetti of the Y Senior High School Bowl- Bruce 33 ii flicted by Plainfield, southern sec- Harilia, e 0 tOO, DcPaoIa 206, 203, P. Bllln- K. terry 29 it ing League by sweeping team 2 tion champions, who took two close Totals •kas 206, 202, Woreham 204, 202, Noel Taylor ^hoto 2s U (I last week. The victors are now WINTER games from the locals by scores of WESTPJBLD .'.Sou 104, Warren 201. fileder200 .three games ahead with only one for Littla L«»|ue ba.«b«ll in tk< oiict .f **(«* Pmidmt ichenor . us 103 15-13 and 12-10. Westfield bounced '/ i ' W. h. A.«f iVlnter ...... ta 161 Crosby. Don. I i % more week of the season remain- w«r. Ro«ia G Mcl.trr., Willuu. Win. .. Ck.rl.. Ca.«U Jennea ..• 160 2111 back into the win column by r"eclna, i,ou, I 9 3 * Bennonnett CoverH Dec. . 2 .... BOH 2? ing. The match was the highest r T Thorn... l *.. i. Mr. C«- Merry ... 160 172 sweeping two straight from New Wancu. Frank, t 2 1 Knickerbocker .. V lunt .... 1st 238 White. Hal, c 3 2 Rawaon Mcilore . scoring of the entire season, team (•!!'• ilici k* 3»l»rJ«T. Handicap 7 Brunswick 13-10 and 15-9. AllCory, Rlcnurd, g ...... 0 0 Benninger AKenc 4 having a three game total of games were on an eight-minute Davlghl, Dave, g 10 2 Townscnd Truck IDS 86 Totals 748 Honecker, Ken, g 0 I) A. Vennerl st Co. 2466 and team 3 amassing 2274. B. LEE time basis or whichever team CeccMUUil, liuilk g .... 0 (i , Johh Franki .... Ail five members of the winning Post Office Pinners Terry 1"S 1S5 16! scored 15 points first. Danker ...... team had good series: Jack Wade, 560 Take Little Patton 126 118 14 Total* 28 10 Nolls, McCabes 134 13 Score by periods: Hogera Texaco .. 472; Tom Thomas, 481; Frank Jaz- Increase League Lead Average . .... 131 Members of the local squad were L*e. K 115 170 14 Richard Cory, Al Danker, Carl Pertn Amboy ... 18 21 ;i 1'OWNSBNU THDCKINQ ikoff, 497; Mauro Novella, 600; Hruda 120 17S Id Westneld 17 16 11 22-fi *K.B. Detnero .... It" 163 Westfield No. 1 increased its League Blanks Hauptli, Fred Erdtmann, Frank ,H. Dunn IBS 2i« and Bob Marik. 546. Marik's final In Bowling Tie Total 673 - awtauU. .... l»0 109 game of 231 was a league record lead in the Union-Middlesex Post Flamingo, Dave Davighi, Ed Sand- Oomicllit 11HO0 109 Office Bowling League to two and AVKLCH ers, Henry Woyke, Pete Robinson Plainfield Wins Slate KM for the season. Evan Williams Nolls and McCabes are tied for More than 500 Little League Fosarty 113 173 lS'i and Mike Zimmerman. Scorer was rolled 511 and Leo Brown 471 for a half games by defeating Eliza- ipplication blanks were distrib- Hrlnkman 153 132 151 School Track Tide Totals »32 875 the lead in the Presbyterian-Tri-, .- - Totals »32 875 team 2. b ln uted to boys attending the theater .Hturla 11*7 Ml Ml Roberto Pagan and the timer was UONNUONNBTTl UECMtAtOJISZCOII 2 igle Bowline League, each witfl I «'n 1 two gamea Monday night. Welch 157 173 •ID Dennis Tierney. Referees for the O. Wnlkor 17-! 213 IKS 16 wins and eight losses after last The match was a spirited affair and party at the Rialto Theater, Satur- Average 146 146 14 Union County schools stole ti V. Olviiudun .... 2H 117 The other match, between teams the win was a big credit to the night were Heinz Schaal of the Na- D. Sl«to IS* 174 171 week's play. N0II3, however, have day. major awards in the State into 190 210 3 and 1, turned out to be a singles local bowlers who operated with Totals . 696 ~805 77 tional Champion Jamaica Y team, •IX BtllM 161 a two point edge on point score. The program featured two Little LEE scholastic indoor track champion. John Honneltl .. 1X1 177 match between Art Wittke, who only four men. Uoerr 1J0 133 Ed Butler, National U.S. volleyball rolled a 492 aeries and John Hab- Rodgers hit a 432 series with League baseball films after which ship Saturday night at the Newwl Tntillt 91* WESTFIELD No. I Hill 147 ' official, and Tony Ferrante of the Armory, ley, who scored 370. Wittke's double century games of 215 andE. C.inlillo 1S3 133 13*1 Charles Cassell, president of the Thompson ill m 14a local Y. KXlCKimUOCKBH Uyera 150 151 Ui 8 three for team 3. 233, to lead McCabes to a two Baidasarre .. 159 19S league, spoke briefly to the boys tee, S, ... Plainfield, sparked by Mill J». MillimkiiB .... is: 165 score - - i 1S1 1st, i;« 2O3 13 There are three sections in the Wlrkcy I»» 'H» 17! W. ISO 153 II. and introduced Joe Freeman, high Handicap . 9 9 Campbell, finished first with 2! ivtciBon ID.' Kn. I 21 game win over Berrya. Sell opened IIS league, southern, northern and iv i»? i« 125 125 school football coach, who told of Totals . 6S7 points, while Cranford, placing J>.ivtueii I9 161 138 Xo. -' IS with a 219 for the losers. In thei|^ 3 plans for league try-outs. central. The first two teams in each three men in the 60-yard dash, wit I", Hllln/rftas S1- .Vo. 3 8 other match, .Voih lost the outside!Haudicup . section will meet in the league No. 1 I 893 SI!2 second with 14. Jefferson Hij:h,i Total" 931 "5 gamei to Heitmarta. Tiedje had a I ELIZABETH No. 1 The first will be held March 21 1S3 "playoffs" to be held at the Eliza- tfAft'SO.N MOTOJ1H TBA.M I LSI last year's champion, failed to dent! I3S J. 162 163 at Tamaques Park. Boys in the 8- beth YMCA Saturday afternoon, Rernoltln >*• omas ls- 202 opener for the winners, the Jim Jtorahan 135 Slmfr ... 125 154 the scoring column. CcPaolo 203 200 ilkod 199 only double of the match. Hizak 203 1S5 10 year grouping will have their Cluxk ... i:5 133 March 14, at 1 o'clock. Final stand- Blnrr It A 157 vello 199 164 131 try-outs at 9:30, 11 year olds at Hayden ... 155 163 Campbell had given Plainfield il McDonald .... Handicap ... 4 ings in the southern section follow: .Konieh 152 188 rik UI 5 Leury '. 193 15? big lead Friday by winning tht bogent 165 163 110 Wade US 13S 11:30 and 12 year olds at 2:30. U Goldberg Totals ...... 716 Plnneid Jo shotput and high jump events. Tht Berry'i IS Managers and coaches will be on Totals SSO 829 Totals *i» Totals HUNT Xew Brunswick ... 17 7 Queen City team clinched the title TEAM 5 hand to observe the technique and Paisley ... 1S6 1 Wcstlleld n BEN'.VIXGEB AGENCY Green 1?* J3I BERRY'S play of the various boys and will Hunt, C ... H7 12- Perth Ambuy •• Saturday when Alex Branch and CariiKO 1S1 US HI KcCiore lis ISO Davis Jr...... Ill Henry Foster ran two-three in tbi OprardlellQ 151 Jll IK rsmaa 1'* 11; rate them. After several practice 171 115 ... 156 161 Adums 217 156 197 IT: S7J mer li'J try-outs, teams will be formed and .... 183 163 60-yard high hurdles. Barren tli ill Brown . lit ;-JM 153 ISO 12V Don't HH Phone ISO IS'- Tournament Time practice will begin in earnest. Totals .. ... 783 Oalau the call you wart to make Carl ?-••' _Eil Every city in the United Stadl Toti!» ... 7H Tot*I* SIS.. Application blanks given out at k pertinent to the business at Totals I'M »'• K. TEBRT is within reach of enemy bombi ROGER'S TEXACO TEAM I - the theater are to be returned to 152 131 It hand, don't tver asV. te u>< your Rusaeil 1«» Hi iU'te i*5 Hi Underway at Y Briant, R. 1S3 131 131/ 1 ers. Prepare with Civil Defawt| Hunt 1»« 1*1 erase I')') Jin I IS Mr. Cassell at 217 Elmer street be- i*zft .... 127 133 tBtarvliwcr ! ta Rogers »9 «*» 111 147 iVJt. C. . 149 eraffe !•>'! 119 fore Saturday. 137 173 Frank Hi J« .. 199 {Sf| 139 The Second Annual "Tourna- furry. K. 1S9 170 1 Warren 201 l*» Average 1SI 215 At the theater party both Mr. Handicap . .. !•"> 10-1 I { ment-Time" competition of the Totali j. Ml SIT YMCA men's department is pro-Cassell and Mr. Freeman empha- Totals . T;3 sized the need for the help of in- B1L1CE BEAT COVEH2 ceeding according to schedule. 170 Jerry" Bo'motU .. Is- - HEITllAN'S terested dads in helping to make 150 162 ll(i ! The results of ^>Ia7*in the four l'-'J 1X5 162 Joseph!) jC-iry 195 33S the league a success. Fathers in- 14J 10-1 Kith 113 13i 135 Semprcvlva Average .... ! il-l tournaments to date are aa fol-terested in assisting in the pro- Wifkiiis .... I'lo 19 Son Ic.imptrfll V,Z i.11 165 Stnurivh .... j HcHrnan l'~'- 15^ and Herbert Weppler defeated 1 Cassell. Totals S13 Totals tUudicu-O J1 * Jack Sterett and Harry Bockus; Totals s«t 711 John Lee and Ernie Zimmerman WIGHT NOLJAS Corbelt ...... 131 15S 212 R. Cadmus 114 won by defeault over Bill Van Burns to Coach Wight .... 156 157 1311 Davis Sr...... 136 115 116 Payne .. 1* j | Madison's Lead ...... 113 lj^ Arnum and Joe McGinniss; Al Weldon ...... 153 QCALECIDE—the cimpltt* iomtnt spty" hueurdi A. Ca.tnius ...... 1-0 ... Railway Eleven 5 169 0 Hally and Mike Zimmerman took Matthewaon 168 16'J 11 the »afest and nun effeciire tottta 011£ J|jyn<: 171> 131 Handicap .. Total* Noll US lii the measure of Charley Timber ^8 ting rid of overwintering insect: Is Cut Again Jii.--Ka.jn 134 and Bob Maurer, and Walter Hor- Bill Burns of Colonia has been rour trees, and giving them m JOHN L»avis<>n 141 named head football coach at Rah- .... 777 S3t> M. nkder ntr and Joe West defeated Bill MALEK for Spring growth* J. Wrutvztl J>1 The lead of Madison Avenue Derick and George Buttle in quar- way High School, succeeding Ear! .... 171 132 3S1 Sdecidekill.fc.le, red mile, iphu R. Koitatt 3«» Clinii ...... ill 13(i 114 Chape! in the Church Bowling ter-final matches. In the semi-finals Hoagland who has resigned. Cllase ... 13S 177 147 dormant), budd moth, case IIxarer, J*« W»J> C. Woratiam ...... K'3 183 B.Conn 1T3 I League was cot again last week, Homer and West defeated Hally Burns, brother of the former Kill cnrerwinterioK codling moth and n«ny w» Rutgers quarterback, Frank, has Kraft ...... 15S 1S2 16'J pcttu Scatccide also has an invixonoaf *« Totals »*< s»J js3 the second time in successive weeks and Zimmerman by scores of 21- A. VE.V.VBBI & CO. that the leaders have gone down to Trinity Quintet 19, 22-20, and 21-11. The other been assistant grid coach at Rah- Totals 797 on tree growth that iauoequilled t ™',°'Z T. Dnlla !*S 1" •pray; ApplT n»t before the *#»«£ IT* defeat. This time St. Paul's won semi-final match will find the Wep-way for the last four years and 0 ]. Urmnrza 133 2-17 coached the wrestling and golf Springj SSiple, (ti«, easy to u«. OM I"" " A. Vratierl If- I •'• :ne outaide games for a three point pler brothers trying to up-end Lee makes 16 gaUooiof spray; , p. Dalla. >«" I'O otal and cut Madison's advantage Drops Last Game teams. Want to invest in a gilt-edged B. Leo 1<7 !*! and Zimmerman. Giw your trait trees, shade trees, «•»*• P ;o only three games. Methodiata security? Join the Ground Ob- riaei the protection Scalecide alone W> P* ToUl» SIV S-0 s;i strengthened their second place Holy Trinity Hiijh's basketball Singles handball: Preliminary Red Cross provided disaster pre- victories went to defending cham- server Corps and insure our na- ipot by winning two games and team dropped a -18-12 decision to paredness and relief services at a tion against surprise enemy air IJJOI. uy winning m» K"'»c» ajiu i-—- "«':•'","" "" '"," pion Johnny Lee on a bye, Bil Linden Quintet cost to the national budget of $36 attack. Your eyes and ears may *reo poinu from Presbyterians. Bayley-Sllard last week. Derick defeated Harry Bockus; A per minute during 1951-52. mean the difference! County Winner Top bowlers were Brook with a It was in the final quarter that Hally defeated Charley Timber !21 opener and Nelson who bit an SCALECIDE^ the damage waa done as Holy ( Please tum to Vage 31) :ven 200 in his first game. Trinity was held to two points, Linden High's basketball team Folala won the Union County Conference W. I.. while B-E scored 15, $1.15 QT. - $2.75 GAL. Tournament title, defeating Union, Murfison :i 11 This waa the last* game of the MeTTiodlct 1» 1< 50-38, in the finals at the Elizabeth I'rcchyttrlan 13 U seasowounnd ufopr wit Holh ay 2-1Trinit0 recordy whic. h Arntory Saturday night. St. /'aul 12 IIO!,Y TB1SITV Collision-Damaged Cars Made New! KEM - PLANTABBS - STIM It WHR in 1938 that a Linden <;. !••. pi. team was last able to win the •oulfon crown. Tliomtta Jefferson High'fi Jayvcc DX AERO-SPRAY $1.50 team won the County Juyvco title AN INSECTICIDE FOR HOUSE PIANTS by drubbinpr Kahway's club, 81-65, in the preliminary gnmc. AUTO REPAIRS READ THE LEADER FOR AGRICO — ViGORO All LOCAL NEWS ON EASY TERMS VERTAGREEN • Engine Work •Radio ESPOMA — LIMESTONE • Body Work • Battery • Fenders • Electrical TERRA-LITE BRAND VERMICULITE • Painting • Wrecks SUNFLOWER SEED - RAW PEANUTS '1'olfiln h'Jtl 7(11 •Tiret • Seat Coven I'JIKHHVTKIIIAN Ul nl:l K.s Hi! tin Pay in BT Wtefc or Month WILD BIRD SEED ><»lu-mniiu' ".,'.'.'.'. I'll 171 SUET CAKES - FEEDING STATIONS •illnufllor I'll IKII Drive in for Estimate Don't let crumpled fenders, broken "SATISfACTION grilles or smashed glass remain on NO PARKING PROBLEMS DRIVE IN AU-WArS" your damaged car. Let our experts C.E.TRUBENBACH repair the damage and repaint where necessary. NORRIS PACKER BROS. Inc. Inc. CHEVROLET, COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRING NORTH & CENTRAL AVENUES WESTFIELD 2-0220 223-225 North Ave., Westfield | 116-118 SOUTH AVE., E. CRanford 6-16*' CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1953 Golden Dawn Takes Eight Game Lead Over Oil Heat In Sports Three Teams Nex Two Sweeps In Point Field Trial At Bowling Show To Benefit Polio Fund Two K. of C. Teams Barons, Gla»ew- Newcomer Bowling Aces Extend Troy Hills This Week Lose Pin Matches In Standings Both matches in the Newcome-. Lead in Mixed The Eastern German Short- Still Lead Loop Bowling League last week were de- haired Pointer Club will hold an The Westfield K. of C. bowptig cided via sweeps. First place Mil A. K, C. point Field Trial at Troy Barons and AreBunched den drew further away by blank- Bowling League teams last week continued the pat-game winners Friday Hills, Saturday and Sunday. There tern of the past few weeks in the ing Richardson while second placi will be five stakes starting at 8 remain at the top of Golden Dawn Dairy, who fin Weiss were upset in three by las Aces, who took over the lead ii Essex-Union K. of C. League by Women's Bowling LeifU*. ished in last place in the Sports' place Shouffler. o'clock Saturday morning—Puppy winning one and losing two. Team the Sunday Night Mixed Bowlini for dogs from six to fourteen won two games from men's Bowling League last year League a week ago, took a threi No. 3, 12th place in the league, who dropped to fourth . looks like the team to beat thi :;sy. lli'i; months old; Derby for dogs from took two from the 7th place Mont- and a half same lead this week b; six months to two years old; Non- Glsses won » pair f rap th* season. The first place outfit tool x :;i Wanking Diehards in one of foui clair No. 1 team. Westfield No. 2,pers. an eight game lead Friday'nigh Jtli-luinlBim 17 Winners for dogs from six months still in top position by two games, Sliunfller 17 sweep matches. Second place Rob up never having placed first in a iost two to the 6th place Elizabeth Maple Tree Inn, at Recreation lanes by. sweepinj niCHARDSOS! ins dropped three to Kyglers, thirc Liquors, moved dp Bonnettis, who were last year': C ltii'hni-dHon ... io!i 103 119 Non-Winners stake or having team. The third place Newark No. T place Comets won all from Marks A second swe*p was by champions, while runnerup 0 C. .N asL 11.17 mo 10' placed at all in an All-Age stake; 1 pinners took all three from the A. Hnldor 101 Hit 8' men and Acorns shut out Sports All-Age for dogs from six months who blanked Unknowns. Heat dropped three to Mannino i I- l'i>»i 12S 119 1 49 In J.he only two game decision local No. 1 boys. an upset. up; and the Limited Stake for dogs Les Warren, currently bowling Totala ... 441 445 Yanks downed Flying Dutchmen. GtlaBsera . In another upset, the Police fivf l Double century bowlei's wen from six months up having placed in average of 179 and lecond high- Maple Tree In R. ftugan ... 116 TuS first in Derby, Non-Winners or the eat man in the 100 man league, Hopefula in last place, took two games from G. On IT 96 91 Charles Worsham Z34, Herb Bryn Fugradnn' Westfield Lumber. Rogers Texaeo J. Iloemer .. 90 first four places in an All-Age rolled a 204 pme.' Unknowns E. Williams . 139 115 11 ildsen 228, Al McCarroll 208 am Shoppem, won a pair from Andrews, an M. Mllden .. 109 109 stake. WESTPIELD No. 1 l 109 Jim Argenziano 203. W. Datniano ... HO J!» 135 Kim Itqu Norris Chevrolet won Z h from Totals 459 w. I. Conrad 119- 149 14! »~m Friendly Tavern, when the first Aces .... J. Traynur 123 122 ins HOPBKUt Rohinu . , B0 167 P. Stolkn«-ht ... 124 144) BHOUPFLER B. CollettI H3 153 l»« game was tied. Rogers' 9C3 an Rhquffler, Llllyan 111 in t'omets . Blind 125 126 1*5 If. Blnk 11J 12S Kefrlers Rieardo Hits "undiculi « 80 90 80 C. Bnyton 149 1!S Mannino's 2710 were high team Mulreany, Dot .. 131 135 90 17J Sorenkler, Peg .. 102 Yanks .. M. Miller 145 scores. Welsletlcr,"Dot .. US 10s 39 3 Totals ...... 740 707 142 P!jln(,"I>ut .hmcn .. .14 44 NRWA.RK.No. 1 Totnll , 54» Frank Crincoli paced the bowl- l 645 Series In DON CARTER BARON'S Totals ...... 402 Dlehards saw 44% 130 ]59 165 Mk 33 455 A bowling thaw «t Echo Lmnci, Rout* 29, Mountainside, Sunday 1»B 173 A. Leopold .... I«8 lit ers with a 236 game, followed by WRISS iirkfinen 33 Cane ins ... _ US 123 Welsfl, Dot ... 164 Kno £254 180 147 ROl A. Hunt 235, T, Mannino 232, De- ... 131 133 ortl 25 afternoon at 2 o'clock, fcaturinr Don CaVUr, 19SZ all itkr )Mara ISO 142 159 O, >lllolello , ... Ill 1J7 Macklin. A. . ... 104 107 12S Garwood League champion, »•. Gaort* Kwiocimki, wka IIOUI tha nlghtit individual Hfuller 179 \«1 Marzo 225, Adams and Hlasuec Units, Nlta. . . . . 102 112 93 ACES Cook 1U 222, Coventry 211, Sisto 210, T Miller. Dot . 92 92 flfiss F. Mart'osa liifi 143 artraf • at th« ianta, in a six |am< match, will be (or th. b»»rit Handicap Total* ~il? HI Ml Butler, llnbel 83 Mm. U Oresho .. S'J 94 Bonnetti 200, Crocco and Steier. IIldl J. GreKko 1GS 161 Rieardo,, opening with a 205 of tha WaaBald-Mouiilainiid* Polio Fund. An exhibition by T.« Totnla 872 13 13 V. Mllllry 143 1110 and hitting a 247 middle, posted Caitonc, famous palm ball artist, it alto on the program. Carter OUASSHJl'8 mann 206, Mueller 203 and 200 H. Onltni'y 1G1 181) W15STFIEI..D No. S C. Proudfoot .... 101 lewis 203, M. Mannino and Mo: Totals "iri a 645 set for DuPont in the Gar- has a 205 average for the 100 garnet in the world's tournament J. Errlco 163 188 187 4. AnderHen .... 143 Tolllls 7.10 wood Rec Bowling League at Rec- and Kwiecintkl, who bowls erery Sunday at Echo with th* Capital ft, Mftnnlno .... 163 151 149 T\. Jebena 156 186 mello 201 and Cirincione 200, DIEHARDS T, Miinntno 5 SI 12fi 151 ' vomjfo ...... 13Q 13« reation lanes hero last week. Kitchen teem, has a 202 ararag*. He finished tecond in th* stele 134 Mrs. K. Miller .. IDS 127 H. Ehrman ..,,, US 139 Totals MS w. 25 Mrs. tf. Worsham in.i 107 Fred Steiermann Jr. opened with play for national eliminations and in a recent special match at i. Wnrrtn ,.i... 182 172 204 SM GoldeOil Hean tDaw servicn Daire y 53 33 Terrapin Five 1S8 handicap ...... £9 29 SI Rogers Texneo .... •I IV, .13'A V. Miller' '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 142 111 a 245 game, and closed with a Echo Lanes, nveraied 230, He it an army veteran tnd Carter it !, Ruerup ...... In5. II* Westltrld Lumber . 44 34 125 200, for a 634 set for Excellent ex-navy, landing added interest to their match. Total* 80S 804 "ill J. Miller 7» R.' Mannino & Rons. C. Rose 133 KMZADBTJKUZADBT T M. Hdbson 135 III Norrla Chevrolet . . . Totals 711 Diner. His Bcore, aided by Steier- ;urtln>..t ISt 1 no 1SJ K. VaUntlps .... 1 141 «C Mi 41 >| Still Undefeated 182 Bonncttl Det\ No, 2. 38% mann Sr.'s 200 and Gonnella's 222, lynn 118 221 Totnla '414 Ml Friendly Tavern . .. KYOLKRS gave Excellent a two game win [jmzman H» 168 HI Andrew Shoe Kep. . 31 47 AR the second round of play Mrs. Argenzlano 153 140 Cunninghatus Add Tie In Monday m 107 170 TVeatfleld Police ... (!. Hulklej' 137 142 17» EMI 57 Mi over Laurent and a tie with them P. Dlckoy lOt nears completion, the high scoring Miss P. BjTlif« .. 137 147 for second place. in HE A, Carney OIL. IIKAT SERVICE A. L.U1Z 143 IBS 121! Terrapins remain the only unde- W. Pcrr>- 1C7 HI To League Lead Night League Totnla 84231 871211 Average .. 0. Brncuto t-. ... 181 111:.' In other matches, Hefler-Snyder S. Itruda . N. Yarusul .*.... 149 130 feated team in the Junior High Y J. An?(*nzlaita .. 189 H9 Totala 737 won two from GRO, Garwood Rest WESTFIELiD NO. H M Basketball League. They kept their Moment 189 1C8 177 Totals 431! C. Will 147 107 took a pair from North Radio, Du Cunninghams, defeating second Keystones and Collegians are : MAPLE TRSB 1 «» P. Glvnudan .... 1C8 170 string intact by winning easily over noniNS 107 inj-ko m H3 ICG Pont upset P&S Painters In twoplace Suburbans, clinched the title led for the lead in the YMCA Uihruatuto 1E9 181 121 n. neynotda .... 121 a scrapping Junior Dap club, 37- Mrs. TOUtevIn .. 137 U'8 P. ITodgklns .... 1S» Totals' 83-1 S"0 Mias J. MoJItz .. 125 15.1 and Knickerbockers won two andin tin Y Senior House Basketball Monday Night Bowling League af- ^Tnnnino 1"1 16I> 148 if; 28, last week. Jim Eobinson once G. Cortes 125. K IProsporo 104 J22 IBB VT. Payne 163 It. MANNINO & SONH J. BurCIno 140 tied one with Sheet Metal, League last week. The loop lead- ler this week's session, during andlonp 90 90 90 K. Totitevln ..nj. 136 G. Marcantoiiio 1 1S9 arain led the scoring with 23 Mm. K. ftDblnaon 14 8 ers, paced by Jim Pelton's 20 rhich the Keys won two games P. Kerrara 175 171 points. Ken Walz led the losers A. Miles Other high bowlers were Wenzel Totnln ...... 807 849 Totals 548 1•384 BIS T. Mnnnlno MG 115 points and Rudy Stanzel's 18, 'rom tho College bowlers. Furness Tolala 0S1 236, Peterson 200, Monahan 200, MONTCIAIR No. 1 T. Duilu ins with 11. downed the Subs 59-39. Lou Pec-!24 and Maxwell 203, were high 133 150 103 rtTOMANNS M, Mannino ,. , .. 201 190 Salnmano 208, Battista 211, Sem- 152 1S4 124 J. BvorotE 1B7 141 17J J, l)t>Marzo 22G Second place Shooting Stars had MARKSMEN ina, hitting 1G points, was the only or the winners and Webster 203 R. Stevenson ... 102 IJ? Miss B. Kirn ... 142 prevlva 213, Fliedner 201 and 2l4, 173 171 18! little trouble defeating the Scorp- 1SB 147 1GD .1. Rico .: 102 194 111 Totiils . HOG Att-p. J. Pcny ... lo;i 90 Newman 203. player on the losing team in the md Otto 200, paced the loser». lr.o R. Fuirmann .... 178 160 ions, 28-17. In a close contest the P. OIPrlHcu 1110 177 191 140 149 double figures. Senators, winning three games 35 ::• Totals 539 6G2 Hi NORMS CHHVJIOLET Wolverines squeaked out a win c. Wiiktna 106 135 w, i.. 3E B. Kiunlnskl 138 llil Ilefloi-Snyder 45 24 ,nd four points from Woodchop- UNKNOWNS Meyer 104 1S6 18 from the Mutts, 27-24, Skipper Ijituront 4-2 37 Pelicans held a tlo for third Tntnls 834 S. Rchulz 142 138 101 Hngonese ... 1C!I ir,7 15 Kxcollcnt Diner ... 4 2 87 place by nosing out BT Labs 64- ers, pushed the latter into last n. Porreby 11V 123 10S Mueller .... 200 203 Ibli Rhode of the Mutts leading with TOIUIB .... 738 091 Avcrttffo 133 138 13S COM75TS (IRQ 3S 31 01. Al Mitchell sparked the Pels lace. Whltcombo ported a 204 for Patrlek 1B1 llil 12 points. Knickerbocker .... 3" 14 31 u M. Bnnnln 134 163 148 « Htelermiinii . 191 M\ Owpns .. 1 r.O 142 he Senators and Christiansen 4>t JS2 Mrs. Piipninlre.i . 13S 137 1> & S Painters :n 32 with 25 markers, Norm Morton Blue Devils in State Totals 619 547 A hustling Warrior team upset nuPont 80 39 :losed with a 203 for tho Choppers. Totnl.i 905 S78 S. P.'inandren ... iCiS 1^5 contributed 13 and Bob Lopaz 18. the Jay Hawks 22-15 as Dave A. McCarroll ... 170 208 North Raillo 29 40 w.' i,. jr. I'tH. Tournamei* tonight FRII3NDUY 'I'AVERN Clarwood Rest B5« 43U Al Turner, the biggest scorer of ha Brutto ]!>» 101 i Hackenberg, a substitute, posted J. ArfffMlziuno .. 203 1119 Koystono . ... U 11 fl IS M. Venez'lo 155 149 ice Kheot Motal 20 48 the night, hit for 38 points for BT Collegians . .. II 11 4 17 Tournament Time 1 point for the winners. The Rams Totals SI!) 771 Westfleld High's Blue Devils will Tt. L'rlneoll ; 17:t Kill 13 DuPONT with llanl^ Woyke's 12 next. Seiiii-t-ors 12 1:1 S IS O. Space 187 162 IS ,nd Red Raiders went into over- Monahan .... 140 17S "Woodchoppers 10 14 4 14 icet Regional at the Elizabeth 1>\ Crincoli 236 HIS 162 SPORTS The Knicks, also tied for third, -J. ;ime before theiv game was com-Mrs. A. Morgnn . 134 14 Ilanin 137 182 1 Armory tonight in a firSt round (Continued from Pat* 30) nr, Di-Prlsco .... 144 165 ICO had to go into overtime before KEVSTOM5S a S05 'lcited and the Raiders won 2G-23Mrs. . I. I,n tz .... 134 174 12 cdoll . . 14S 19S Kame of the State Interscholastlc rotate 839 Mrs. J. Dlotz ... 112 Iteltllcl . . 153 171 ISO d*lph Weppler on • 1>ye; Westrich of the Rams was high 12S Uk-nriJo . !4T 1!3 beating the Jets 65-64. Dave Da- .laxwcll ...... 164 2l):i 1II0 Basketball Tournament. Union will WRSTPIRI.D IT. Ptclfer 13S 150 li .... son vighi's 28 and Pete Danyo's 21 In n n ... 153 1411 161 Horner over Jack Stantt; TOM Wflbl - - 135 174 scorer with 13 points. E. Piittei'Hon .... 183 Totals . 77!) 933 oborts . 101 175 meet Woodbridgc, also at the Ar-Bennett took the BMUWr* Tns-lor 151 183 IBS A fighting Knick team went P & S PAINTERS were high for the winners. Click H;c 140 mory, Verona wirt play Dunellen 181 162 182 Totnls 701 George Buttle; H»rb VapplMr down to defeat as a taller Spartan ACOIiNS Rlsto IBB 1ST ISO Crosby of the Jets led his team 108 14! Siilamone 208 183 140 7(11 815 and Glen Bidge •will meet North Mike Zimmerman, and . jH. Hunt 140 173 Mrs. C. Trlano .. 112 1.13 with 19, Bob Morris had 16 and COLLEQ1ANS mo club came through with the vic- 1JB -•-.jsrazlano 143 100 IBS Arlington' at the Summit e»t, la»f ytar'i runnn-up, * Mrs. Wllli-nbrook llil 161 Al Kline 12. 157 190 tory, 32-27. Paul Hornung of theMrs. S. Dunn Potrluelll 147 157 WiKln 185 if.5 lll'i School gym. i ' Tolnla 835 837 s in 14S CYocco 133 195 1S2 •. j : • i •. ( - -w. • i.. POI..1CB Knicks jested 12 points, as did R. Bedford . .... 13.1 IVobstor 178 203 C. "Worshtlm .... Cunninghams 12 1 Hoft 150 1S4 Singles squash: Bltly TU) ., 170. . IIS. 144" 170 Totals S5C 8C8 Subni'baiia 9 4, 11)9 1S1 179 201 Chuck Lei-tier of the Spartans. tto 800 1110 feated Adolph W«ppl«r; Lennox opmelo Totals 767 Pelicans O.-.cv7- •- ' 141 17B ewl3 llil 203 TERRAPINS I-AUBKNT KnloliB :: 6 7 Darby ... Turnbull defeated Al Hally; John uelkp 184 167 171 Newbarry . 152 103 182 .Tut! 3 10 Hanll leap 3 1S2 171 (1. F. P(«. 10 17 14 17—04 Lee decfated Ernie Zimmerman; illplello irr '. Diaz 4 0 .. (.i C. noyt»n .. 101) 3 35 Nowmnn 173 11ts 203 B. T. Lulls 1 12 912 793 Mrs. llrynllilHon . 127 i:i 171 Bob Skinner defeated Ray Grant. Totals 86G '. RIHSOII 0 0 ma Cammiigno 153 179 1G4 JBT3 "sTi . Kobluson 11 2 W. Ho'blnRon . .. ir,7 ir.r. SUBURBANS liy, rf 0 WOOnCHOPPBRS Byes in the preliminary round Hllnd Uncctno 187 1S2 llil G. F. 11«. 145 178 146 GOLDEN DAWN DAIRY . Morrettc 3 0 22S Ponlna, rf A 7 cson, If 1 Jones . - - - . went to defending champion Frank Clrnolo ]f!S 1G7 I. Wrlglit 0 0 IT. nrynlldaen ... Olntt, c (i Coluocl 18t 146 ISO G. Parry 157 1 CO Totals 821 911 Smith, r£ 1 1G0 Ketcham, runner-up Don Lea, and Histo 1B9 JIO EXCELLENT DJNHIl Joke, Dick, 1£ 2 ilorrls, rp: 8 nilnd Murvosn . . ..; 151 Ifil JR. DAPS Marcantonlo .... 192 H9 IM l ] ChrlsUnnaen 158 134 Tom Bennett and Gilmer Fitchett. Clrlnelone .... 193 200 G. Totals 710. 81G Ouyterinimn, c 1 Donpherty . .s. 103 {. Brown v. rt«. FL.YIMG DUTCHMEN Tlrynlltls.-n 193 10S 183 Jcske, Jnok, rs 0 .*. 7 Singles paddleball: Preliminary Crocco 189 178 1 0 2 Stclermnnn Sr. . 200 19.1 IM Kelly, IK 4 Totnls 2S Hantllpap .. ;. Urown , s. K. Uakoi- . ,. 135 !>.1 Gnnnella 222 lf.O 151 round wins went to Ed Sanders Tot.iln 870 83) 0 J. Crnnco ir.2 181 S Totals . 720 742 0 W. Wlllonliruck . 101 H7 Slelermann Jr. . 245 1SI1 200 Totals It 'nmittii, rf over Ken Honecker; John Lee over BONNETTI DRC. No. 2 1 lanyo, If 10 SENATORS Musco 107 103 150 Walz Vnlerlo 1(17 lr>9 CUNNINGHAMS Dil 12 Kulmoh .. 175 194 Carl Hauptli; Walt Horner over 1 n. Miidun is:i ir.o Totals lOftS 809 Vf. Worth . 147 157 AlKim ...... 15T, 171 ion '. l'\tye 1 Van Hart, rf •. 3 Pete Danyo. Byes went to defend- a. it. o. WcheHlill, IB •-'.... flommer . . 148 121 Bonnetti 107 208 J70 Totals Totnls 7!>S 7-10 MucDonnld, If H. Johnaon ISl 165 ing champ Ernie Zimmerman, run- 147 L. Raffoneso .... 1 r, (i 177 151 Woods, (1., If 201 •Adams ... 177 1SS P. IlsiKonese 124 Totnla Whltcombe 180 SCORPIONS 131 102 I.ln.lcn, c Hnnillcap . 11 ner-up George Kirn and third plac* n. SoiirU'B . 131) 171 Pollon, .1., rts Score by periods: Totals SuO f. C. Dlcltoy . .... 17S ISO Stanzel, H., ler .... etx ...... 8 17 1 1—0 •winner Dick Mercer. , Al tJnvinua 150 144 170 Knicks 10 17 1 s—0i Total* . 813 881 TJ5XA CO Trinity Bowlers Totnls isnell 134 1. FtM-ley ....'. 1 24 11 tt . CrnVfcr 0 Totals 751 SI 5 Score by periods: •ven try inj !11 IB:' Suljuruann I) IE IllfltO . . 128 . Huy 0 JIEPIiBR-SNTDKlt 0 8—30 l(i« 108 15(1 192 145 Cunnlnghnms ... 12 H 17- 10—Gl) Hunt . 235 Kill HI 1K8 150 1*1 Totals 6 Split Matches ClalTnoy urren . 1110 MIS 1113 Gilbert 170 144 187 B. T. LAI1S SHOOTING STARS Fliodner 201 IBS 214 G. v. rt Totals Dim 8SS V. Semprevlva Ml 104 213 Wojko, ft., rf h\ Shoemaker / 2 The Holy Trinity B team S 0 12 ANDBHW SMOI3 HEl'AIKS Myers. If •1 0 Pi'lrlcelll 1X1 158 It. VentlmlKlla 3 0 bounced back from the previou Totals 853 SOS U3U ISvanko. c 1S1I ISO 0 1 0 ltnrlti't ir.!i II. JllllPH 1 week's defeat to register a clean TurnnrTurimr, l'B IS 3 38 MunninK 170 109 151 II. Hlllot 3 S OABWOOD REST Stll Hlj-tli 179 MB 15.1 It. Kaufninn 2 1 sweep in their series with the St.A. Prlsh 15S Storllng, lg 3 174 1114 1G0 Ijlmone 100 Gulro Totals 11 Teresa keglera of Summit in th 142 Totnln .'. 29 does it t 194 144 Totals 901 WOLVERINES County Holy Name Bowling League 152 128 PELICANS G. Noyos P. P<«, ». Griffga 0 last week. Captain Prank Abbrus- Dl Battista 107 211 1B8 Mitchell, rf i. 11" R PIPTIHIII 178 172 Orabowk'kl, IE 4 3 SB '. 'Intro 2 cato and Charlie Hess sparked tin 148 180 . Kellogg 3 IJ. Mnznr Morton, c fi I I V. Snxa 4 local comeback with 624 series for ItOPnz, re 9 0 1 Total3 837 823 ~TSO Lt!7.eo, lg 0 0 . Women's League B. Mennlnjfer 2 each. Andy Greco followed dosi NOKTH RADIO R. Helniondollar 0 on their heels with 490. Pecnro's M. nii'der ..• 150 ISO 120 Totals 30 4 567 total provided the only seiiou nucliblnder ISO 178 14", Score by periods: Totals '11 McCnsklll 110 U,4 B. T. I-abs 12 S 25 10—8 readers Win MUTTS threat to the locnl quintet. frclmltz 1 r>7 17ft inn O. F. Potrlcelll 151 176 145 1 McCalloch 4 0 The local A five did not faro si 178 The three leading teams in the Ulioile 4 4 well with their Cranford oppon Totals 700 877 fomen's Wednesday Night Bowl- Scliaeffer 0 0 '. .Stirrup 2 0 ents, St. Michaels. A 179 game by KNICKS League won their matches at '. Glortlino 0 0 ~~" Gottlick, who has labored in i Wonzol 147 2S0 18S Cy Col o'cystz ecreation alleys last week. Hil- Romano 151 101 MS Toliils . 10 slump from the beginning of thi Jones 151 168 170 ird won the first and last from season, coupled with Joe Hirsch*! Boydon 141 ins inn larron, Cunnane took the first two WARRIORS ^oterson 200 ltd 18a om Smyth and Schmal won the G. K. ! 194 grave the Holy Trinity quinte . Stirrup 3 0 tho only win of the session. Totals 700 900 856 rst and last from Miller. '. Shoemaker 0 1 '. Il»rkr»berff 4 3 SHEET METAL w. i.. Tlnso . 182 ins . alk-lirlsl 0 0 St. Mti'lmi'l A, Ornnfnrd . . . C3Vj JSM sale .... 185 llllynrd 4S 21 -. Rue-hat . 2 II St. Teresa A, Sumnvlt .... r>f» 37 1BS ('illinium JIlVj 'J!!i ICHInKlinin 1GC 164 138 St. Uprnnri! A, Pl.ilnfll-1.1 . 62 >4 S914 Wn tious . . 100 167 - 1.T2 Si-litniil :i5V> 33V- Totals 9 St. "Tomnr.t H. Plnlnllnlil . r,n Pntraltls . . 189 Smyth 31 " :lr. J. HAWKS St. llnrthnlnmew A, So. Pin. 4S1. 150 ir.i Mnlron 32 37 fi. F. St. Teresa D, Summit 471 Totnls . Miller 11 6S . Mooro 0 . 1 St. Thftrertii A, Kenilworth 877 . Mnitnn 3 0 Inly Family, I.lnilon ... 40 4(1 MAHRCW 'J'lrrney 0 I) KJ. Mlfluifl H, CriinTfird . 41 4S Ilnlmjv .. 117 132 :. nnhliifton 1 0 St. Anne, Onrwnnd •13% 4SV Mnrron . 101 ir-1 tin :. Clark 2 0 St. Tlicif^ii H, Kpiillwortli 4 3 4II Irwins Opens Oanl i:il! 132 13!. rout 1 0 St. jniryu, rinlnnclil 41! ' 4!) Fouler .. 1 L'5 1S9 Ill Hnly Trinity B, WnFitllclil 4iy. r.i Fishing Contest Tulals 7 Holy Trinity A, •yVesttlelcl. 11 " r,2 Totiils .. r>!2 r.r. o nor. St. n.'irtliolninDW R, Sr. Pis in S3 lllLYAltD HAIDERS St. Jolina. Clnrlt Townnlilp 3H4 CO'i Editor, Lender: WWt« stdawaR llr« opltanal at «>ilra coil. lnulpm«tf, HllyivrU . .-... ion inn ion fi. P. l d fl ubl«l to «ho««« wM»M OONM TIVIIIIH . 178 us us 1 Will you remind tho readers of l''uwinunn . . . . 11H 151 135 '. Van . , 3 TKINITY A the "Leader" that our 1DC8 An- Ellor ... lit ica i. Allen . Rlirmnn . . 17r, 175 Ontlllt'k . .. 171) llfl nunl Fishinsr Contest is open :. Jones . TCronr-ko . .. 1311 143 rog-istrnnts? Hlrech ... 191 Ili2 Totttla Snlslnskl 1111 11!l Last year wo gave our pntio: Again Ford sets the trend! It's the New Standard Slalknocht ... 1 16 150 llandlciilll p , 1:10 Ournt'll im 130 better than $200 in prizes ami gi Complete Avto 101 F. 1 103 '. Plrlt TntalH H7II SIS certificates! nnd expect to do even i-'iiMimiio";;.'" u'o 124 (I Our Specialty of tho American Road. With 41 "Worth More" featmea Anffnst . (I ST. MlollAUb II betten this your us Inv a« pi'bes Totnln ... FWlpy . . nrii-rott i»i r.oi Olnrd'-lnlD 0 Snhviiy .. 1110 go. Bring Your Car In for SMYTH :. Westrich nvlnlnirt 1 r,7 Unlchlo . . 131 it's worth more when you buy it... worth more when you sell it. ,... ]31 MI liruciito . u.2 free Estimate Htnylli ... ,... 103 •112 137 Tol.1 Is .. , l'"ord .... 170 i r. «> llrmla ., . . 125 155 SKclflta .. llrolmeck 120 ISO 117 ... Ill 102 K NICKS 130 Tel. Rahway 7-2652 While others were scampering to catch up, Ford again forged 1 lltlMllViip 140 l!l ,... r.M Freeman F. H 0 TatiilH FH'UWAI, •'I far out in front to bring you the greatest car value ever, , 1:17 02 I W. .. Ill luii 1 lit, niillt 1 r. i 13 llufl ., us II tr. i l»nl.',.|| , H5 ir.i 11 ::::.' ii? Totals .. fVlllllll.i 1311 inn SPARTANS I'l'i'dl-lo 11 ir3 2" ..... OKI 4S7 (11:: Dniilry 111 II il. «if "»' ""., v rwi«t"int. See it... Value Check it... Test Drive it! 53 Ml I,I.UH I I'l'imni' IMIIKIIIH . II ,ro otter t"'"'-|, .,,o, eo wo «"%'<• >ii .-11 . . . . . I:! 2 1 VII II:: ii'ii ii'ii is Iu I M.'ii it 7 II Tli»w 1'Vml" I'nWi-ntll.-M to '.'.'.' 1 i I 111 n i "sii .Mrllrlili'.' '.'.'.'.'.' '.'.'. " ii T : H 1 .'7 Mill "' '' ir(W.VniiNiTY ii, vcltr f s WESTFIELD MOTOR SALES CO., U S.-nrli.H 2 rii.inniit Mil ';s ~iii» Till i So"'^'S;vOaoW ""Tlcrlt'"'", Jnlinmm 3 Alihrimcato r.'!> ';;, lahlnfi '» c0"n^nrn-i- Van Tlcrk. 319 North Avenue WesJfieW 2-10381 13 1 Turkic Dopt., you must climb, uso a sturdy TutnlH in K^! ••::•.:•.::: \n J»J Irwln's' Auto Store, pladdcr—boxes and chairs ac« READ THE LEADER FOR Ilnuillcap i nrtlsti. AU IOCAI NEWS Totals MARCH 5. 1953, P*I« Thirty-Two - THE WKSTFTELD fN. J.) LEADER, Andrews, ci.y Friedrick* | Former Fanwood Man A. Ftlietello ICO 128 104 Larry *».. - B. NicoliUi . 140 13T. 1S7 Rotary Completes and Dr. T. K. Cowell. Retires to Florida $ Additional Sports Totals 537 54? OOn Stage arrangements pusherBerts the responsibility of Walter W. Carson, formerly of GLENVIEW Robert Adams, Nils Westfleld road, Fanwood, and MARY'S CONK. Average . 128 128 Concert Plans 115 Growing Children U Ciraolo 121) 131 15a ('. Trliino 135 110 Nesse and George Falcanis. Flow. Of Plainfleld, retired Feb. 1 from Glenyien Leads J. Modila 1Z1 11s 112 A. larussi 136 144 141 ___ i jnnnratinnR Will De Or- K ZiiliaJuwsRl .. 135 • 13: J. Kaiser 211 146 160 M. Argenziano .. Hi 137 The Fanwood-Scotch Plains Ho- Horace HstBeld, Fre the New York Telephone Co. after Totals 610 628 tary will sponsor i March 14. iZink, George^™-''Bert Hoi 28 years in the directory depart- Women's League Totals .MS GABW0O1) HOUSE i Ch Satur ,A- IJen»a 104 114 ity Chorus Saturday, >rth. Publicity is being han >ent. TOWN &COCNTKV' DAIH1' Average ISO 120 12 The affair will be held at the jv Joseph Ruddley, John Sam- He and Mrs. Carson were hon- s. Andersen 137 E. Northrup .... 136 127 14S Scotch Plains High School auditor- ored guests at a reception given Do Better With was sweep night in the Wo- J. Muzza HI 143 1S1 A. H direction of Gordon Ber- son a shopsmith, a wrist watch, P, Pfelfer IBS 154 vocalist for the Rotary .r and other gifts. The sec the lead from Mary's, who 118 Borough League V. l'cnsu IIS 120 13 the well known Carsons are now residing in St. Tinivites Topped three to Bay Point. Third I. LutH 152 1D1 187 John More), Clarence Adelmann project wU^be Petersburg, Fla. ; lace Town & Country al»o was id. OweiiB ...... 141 174 Totals , &77 615 and Charles Bail. Funds raised by the Community I ^Joser, being beaten by Westfleld Leaders Lose Edward Penry, chairman of the us ject/wili be used for I tudios, Auster'a shut, oyt Jean- JBANNETTK'S a I FT .SHOP rt i M. Checchlo 139 138 li'S The first three teams in the Bor p.rograg m anand ^»«. i! 'V»"™£^ service projects in Fanwood and I (tea to Jo Lynn Bridal swept Average — 101) 100 100 tee, has organized *e following 132 ougrh Women's Bowling League o eiineri. Jan Kaiser had the only !•'1 . Cutunc . . ir.3 us poperatn e with him: Wai- I '. Marvosa . IB? Hit were on the losing side Tuesday ouble, a 211. US A physician approved small Totula . 549 night. First place Sunrise lost two 20 Visit Home 01 DANKER'S • Glenvte-w ...... w. AUSTKIVS games to Piay Fair, runnerup Elm Mary's ...... 49 1'!)K'O ]"0 Delicatessen dropped a pair to Cardiac Victim Town & Country 45 H 32'J F. Clrinelone . .. 129 117 16T 158 138 Bay Point 40 38 C. KUIclellu . .. , Jfid 13; Benninger Agency and third place 109 153 147 pearl chock full of Vitamins Christian 1S5 14:1 I About 20'persons visited the doings . . . . studios 39 as O. Stoecker ... .. JSJ Pharmacy lost two to Hershey Keal Wiseman 183 JeKnnptte's Qlft ... 3D 39 •r, home of Mrs. Nell Kussell Tre- By AUGIE DANKER AuHtej-'a 37 41 563 Estate. .. 704 722 S maine of 422 Baker avenue Frlj Jo ijynn 35 % J2W iv. i- DBUCATESSBW including the Blood Building A. Vennerl 31 n JO JA'MN IIRlDAb S1IO. Kuinlso Dalrlc'a .... 41 34 Stevenson . day afternoon and evening and We like people! We like to meet Garwooa House 2S J. FalKeiibcrg • .. Ill vje Kim Veltctitenepn . . 39 3t> .134 IIS WestHeld I*llnrmilcy 39 36 Elffler 12« 126 Saturday afternoon to inspect her n . . . to talk with 'em ... to H. Kolistoik .. . . 117 us 121 U'O 11 home, which 1B specially equipped lerve 'em food and beverages , . . TsAY V U Trluno ins 132 I'lay Fair 37 3S Honccker . 194 141 II. Uruluotl ...... 19us0 147 1S1 UennUxger Agenvy . 36 JT 114 138 for a cardiac victim. md, you know what, we discov- B12. Check this formula—I '.'.'.'.'. 15» ins 157 Ilurshey Ron! Estate 113 i'. ^O(/aec ... 137 145 638 Mrs. Tremaine opened her homo :red that we like to write about ..... 1T0 75 A. VENNHKI RBN.VINOBH AGENCY Totals . em! As a result, 140 I-1* 124 n 128 124 PLAY PAIR ..., during the final two days of the mi 119 Totals 599 T. DlProspei-o . 15S 141 t 117 132 Ott lie annual heart appeal campaign as ;ach week read- "'.'.'.'. 105 138 6 Ktiyscr . HI 100 V her contribution to the -fund drive. ers of this pillar EACH CAPSULE CONTAINS: Johnson 119 Bennett I" is: A cardiac housewife, Mrs. Tre-1 _ y chit-chat will 118 134 ViinlnK . 125 maine has had her home outfit-1 ~: And nice items Vif. A (Syn. Vlt. A Polmitart) : ...5000 USP Uniti , 07* about the nice ted with Bpecial equipment to al- \ Vit. D (Irradiated Ergaiterel) 500 USP Unih SUNBIS1! D low her to perform her normal | folks who enjoy Shoutfler J'J i eguiar congen- Hiin-ey * J? 123 household duties. Mrs. Tremaine Vit. Bl (Thlomin. Hydro«hlorid«, USP) 3 nig. Save On This Locally I^oveliind •• \*\ 122 m showed the visitors how her spe- ial hours at "the yiu-h JJj Vltajnin B2 (Riboflovin) :..: 2.S mg. Brunner ...... lJl^ 101 IS! cial electrical equipment makes friendly spot care 9 ndifHP her work easier. forgot"— DANK- Vitamin Bo (Pyrldoxln* Hydr»chlorid«) O.S mg. Totata •• "J1 6!s Literature from the American ERS, located at irEnSHBV HBAI- ESTATE Heart Association was available Atifit Daaktr 142 L a m b e r t s Vitamin BH, USP. ..: 2 megm. Mill road, Westfleld. Operated Food Freezer Plan 115 | and there was a display of hobbies Vitamin C (Atcerbie Acid, USP) 40 mg, Bohlall . Wrllht ., 113 no including indoor gardens, scrap • .• • • Knlnzuk . 131 137 books and stamp collections. Thinking of nice people brings j Nlacin Amid*, USP _.„ _..,J0 mg. Burnett .. 119 1!« THE SAME MONEY YOU ARE NOW SPEND- to mind the annual New York Din- Calcium Pantothtnata S mg, Totuls 190 6(16 I'HARJI. Red Cross Group ner which will be held by The ING EVERY WEEK FOR FROZEN FOODS AND Hlaiiul HI Blafr Academy Alumni Associa- Folic Add, USP .0.25 mg. iombprgcr ,126 ioderntrom !<1 9S Serves Refreshments tion Wednesday night, March 11, MEATS WILL MORE THAN PAY FOR A Qnllok 113 1953, at the Brass Rail Restaur- iybriiskl 108 HI ant. We urge all alumni ldluT 53 r,: The canteen service of the West- FREEZER, MEATS AND FROZEN FOODS. AND field Chapter American Red Cross members and dads of Blair stu- linger the direction of Mrs. C. M. dents to do their level best to All in a very tiny pearl, easy Powell served refreshments, sand- make it. Incidentally, Art Leides- YOU WILL HAVE MONEY LEFT OVER. wiches, cake and punch, at a barn dorf and Bruce Bielaski deserve dance and party last week at the a verbal pat on the back for the to swallow—no messy liquid WALT'S Children's Center at Menlo Park grand job they're doing handling Diagnostic Center. Tho commit- the arrangements for the dinner— tee for the evening was made up always a fine alTair! OVERHEAD DOORS of Mcsdamcs W. L. Garrison, n « + or drops. . FREEZER SPECIALS chairman; Joyce Salvato, Muiicl DANKER'S DOTS 'N' DASHES: ROOFING Mercer, R. Hess and Miss R. W. Didst know that Jack Kyle, former Storey and C. M. Powell. All-American baaketcor with Syra- ROUND OF BEEF • • ", KITCHEN CABINETS * cuse University, is having a fine 100—2.4^ season for himself with Fort LWV "Voters Wayne, crack pro outfit? . . . Bill Choice Quality . . Ib. SINK TOPS Service" Sayst Salt, writing from Korea, asks us to remember him to all of his old 250—4198 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Have you registered to vote? buddies. Happy to do it, Bill, and CROSSE & BLACKWELL The deadline for voting in the pri- we're all rooting for your fast re- ODD JOBS mary election Tuesday, April 21, turn to the states. • • • • ' is Thursday, March 12. Did you ORANGE JUICE know that if you can fulfill the ,, .Say, folks, if you've been look- 2.00 VALUE FOR MUSCULAR ACNES ing .for a nice, distinctive spot a residence requirements to vote' in AND PAINS APPLY the general election next Novem- trifle off the beaten track—where TWO 1.00 6-oz. can .».•. . . doz. We.tfl.ld 2-3973 ber, you can register now or by an air of conviviality reigns su- March 12 and vote in the primary preme—we modestly suggest you Winkler's Rub election? Don't put it off, REG- try us at DANKER'S. P.S.—Our Dorothy Gray ISTER NOW! dinners arc delicious and reason- PLEASANT ODOR ably priced, too! We also cater to GREASELESS Exceptional Low Price* Plug Free Delivery weddings, banquets, etc. For res- Lipsticks A French 'icrobat, Charles El- ervations call us at WEstfteld 2- Wit* buying gtvas you a big adg*. Your Liberty Food Stor« offers you all that plus quicker leano, 42, noased the Thames river personal service and nationally known brands. at London on t «4re, September 4832. TERMITES 13, 1951. * * • • T.OO Wo tell tho goods that you the customers want, at prices that are unbelievably low, plui We'll bo C-ing-U at DANKER'S! free delivery, liberty helps you do all th(s every day In the year. ar« flying again. Watch for 59c Wo deliver every day "rain or shim". ^ "Sworrm" ef "Flying Anf«" which com* with Spring, shtd their wingt, then dU- FRUITS - VEGETABLES appaor. Thase wood de- Delicious -MEATS- Tender stroying insects caute much END FOOT ODOR - 1.18 VALUE damage to property. Build- PROBLEMS 100% TWO TUBES CHLOROPHYU FANCY TENDER CARROTS ings not protected during construction usually require with LEGS OF LAMB ,„ 63c Large bu's -.2 for it later. . Craig Martin HAIF OR WHOLE ' FRESH Duston * 2 lbs. We Specialize Exclu- Toothpaste SMOKED HAMS ,67c sively in protection 1 MONTH SUPPtf FRESH KI11ED JUMBO AVOCADO of property against PEARS TERMITES and other FRYING CHICKENS Ib. Wood Destroying In- LARGE PINK GRAPE- sects, using dependable SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRUIT 2 for 69c 69c engineering methods. We FRANKFURTERS SUNKIST are not timple extermina- FRESHLY ORANGES doz. tor*. Every job Is supervised long wearing by an experienced., techni- 1.50 VALUE GROUND BEEF Ib. JUMBO FANCY cally trained, licensed en- Cush-N-Crepe PEARS 5 for Sulfoam HONEY CURED gineer. soles Houbigant SLICED BACON We art a New Jersey or- Baby Oil ganizatlon, employing New DAIRY PRODUCTS Jenny residents, and we Hand Lotion have served New Jersey Shampoo AND ONE CAN GROCERIES property owners success- CREAMERY, fully since 1935. Our IT'S EXCELLENT BLUE BIRD r\ BUTTER 1-lb. reputation in this field is Bod/ Talc GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS ...1-lb.can Z for unsurpassed. VISWAT'S WHIPPING DOLE CREAM : 'A-pl. Thousands of references .oo PINEAPPLE JUICE 46-01. can are available in Mew Jersey .00 ARMOUR'S . o PARMESAN —not in some distant State. EVAPORATED MILK KJ'/i-oz.can JL for CHEESE 2-oz. jar Our work is GUARANTEED JSrioteh Q/unvn PRIDE Or THE FARM n FOR 5 YEARS without ad- SHOtS FOR BOVS AND GIRLSI TOMATOES 2 for ditional charge—a one-year' guarantee is worthless. can FROZEN FOODS G«ntle support to active feet and For Information or Free In- IVORY SOAP, p6r»Onar8ii .4 for more hard wearing miles per dayl WOIW SNOW, gitm, ,i«,,6 spection and Advice—CALL P, regular siie COD Light but plenty rugged, Buster Browns make a guy's 3 for FILLET 1 Ib. going easy. Made on Live Foot Lasts modeled after the CM6ER . Large slzo giant tize Largs site TERMITE feet of hcnlthy, active youngster;) like himself. Bring your SNOW CROP TRENCH 2<>e JOY boy in for a pair of sure-fitting Buster Browns now. CRISCO - ! FRIES 9-oi. I VC purchi CONTROL w cwsco SNOW CROP GRAPE -salu,d.y „„„,„„,. Chotk your nt"lp'0°p B; lorL7<,'°d'°io°io™ JUICE 6-or. BUREAU 2 Locust Street ROSELLE PARK, N. J. OPPOSITE RIALTO THEATRE LIBERTY FOOD STORE Telephones: 243 E. BROAD ST. CHestnut 5-1492 CXCIUSIVE FOOTWUI v or WHWKB, K i Ellzaborh 2-2755 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS i«n urmnr STIIUI:T Phono Westfiold 2-6680