THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY SIXTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 26 Entered as Second Class Matter Published Post Office, Westfleld, N. 3. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1953 Every Thursday 32 P»f •»—4 CM** Red Cross Funds Committee Named Detroit Pastor Is 3rd HTHS Opens. Ask New Bids On For Dinner to Lenten Series Speaker $200,000 Building At 50^ Of Quota Maypr, Council Fund Campaign Dr, Edgar DeWitt Jones, pastor- Lectures Today School Addition Public to Honor emeritus of the Central Woodward Authors Program* Christian Church, Detroit, Mich., 200 Volunteer Town Officials wilt preach at the third Famous Workers Canvass Town To Hold Drive Chairman Preachers' Lenten service to be Board Rejects At March 26 Affair held in the First Baptist Church I Parish Families Civil Defense Views Total With today at 8 p.m. Dr. Jones is mak- Test March 15 A citizens' committee to aid in ing the trip from Detroit juat for The Holy Trinity High School ^irst Offers For plans for the annual testimonial this service. building fund campaign {or a mini- W«lfieM will hoM it. first Hopeful Outlook dinner to the Mayor and Town Often referred to as "the Prince mum goal of $200,000 opened yes- tot sf Civil D.f«»» Unit., Council has been announced by among Preachers", Dr. Jones 1B one. terday with a religious ceremony. • inc« lh« la»t w»rW war, Sun- rant Building Everett C. Sherbourne, chairman Approximately 50 per cent ol of the towering personalities on An overflowing attendance, includ- day aft.raoon, March IS, it of the event sponsored by the the contemporary religious scene. ing more than 200 male volunteer w« annou>c>4 today by Nor- All bids; submitted to the Board i the local Red Cross quota was re- Westfield Republican Town Com- if Education Feb. 25 for the gen- ported Sunday night, the first re- For many years he was president campaign workers, their families man Sprifut, director. mittee. The March 26 dinner hon- of the Federal Council of Churches and fellow parishioners, was pres- Mr. Sp»>u* Ml* that fall eral construction of the luditori- port night, and the sum received oring Westfield's elected official- um-gynasium addition to the so far is $16,071.15 of a quota o: of Christ in America which now ent to join the Kt, Rev. Henry J. drtailt will b* MMaaxaa in dom will be held at the Chi-Am has become the National Council. Watterson, pastor, in offering nut wack't Lataar but that Grant School, were rejected at » i. • $33,922. ' ,. • • Chateau. For 26 years, he his been pastor irayers for the success of the cam- Ik* actual tima of Ih. alart meeting of the board Tuesday h Ray Corcoran, drive chairman, The citizens' committee includes laign. night in the Roosevelt Junior High ' said he received the amount col- of the great Detroit church. Au- will not b« announced. Thar* representatives of non-partisan and thor, lecturer, preacher, he is well The drive is being conducted to will be two "lacMaatt", oaa on School. The board will readver- lected with mixed emotions, "From non-political organisations in West- ttse for bids which will be open- the standpoint of the total number known, in all capacities from coast help defray part of the cost of auch tide of town, "which will field which are joining in the an- to coast. constructing a new high school, de- bg plannad to fi« varioiia ed March 19, Contractors whs of reports sent in," said Mr. Cor- nual tribute to the Mayor and have already bid on the comtruc- coran, "I am encouraged as there At the request of the local pas- signed by Neil J. Convery, New- unlit practica ia their respec- :ion may rebid. Council. Members of the group tor, the Rev. Blbert E. Gates Jr., ark architect, which will include tive fieldt. must be a lot more people in are: Henry Viswat of 744 Law- Westfield and Mountainside who a special convocation for ministers an auditorium-gymnasium section All units will take part anal According to a statement by rence avenue; Dr. Harrison Van and their wives will be held at, nd a school section. The school the public will be asked ta William C. Child, chairman of the , intend to give and who will give Hart, 424 Grove street; George W. to the Red Cross before the drive ROBERT SHAW 4:30 p. m. In the sanctuary to section will contain 12 homerooms, give> ita cooperation. committee on new sites and build- Wilcox, 623 Clark street; Alan hear a lecture by Dr. Jones on cafeteria, two laboratories, com- ings, a careful examination of th« ' is over. From the standpoint of Johnston, 203 Elm street; Robert i a first report I am somewhat dis- the subject, "The Yale Lyman DK. E. DeWITT JONES mercial room, domestic science jids disclosed a number of in- S. Messersmith, 763 Fairacres ave- Beecher Lectures." This lecture- room, library, medical room and itancea in which the bidders ftiled couraged, and there again we Radio and TV nue; Addison C. Ely, 111 Quimby .C. Home Bridge : have nothing on which to base ship ia the oldest in the country idministrative offices. The auditor- so comply with the condition) Mt street; Bryce I. MacDonald, 909 and Dr. Jones has made a thorough ium-gyrrmaBium section will B«at 'orth in the advertisement, in- the total amount received in com- Boulevard; Len Wyatt, 18 Elm 'Handi-Charge' to parison with the number of days study of it. The lecture Is open to 1,000 at an assembly and 600 at Tickets on Sale struction to bidders, and speclfict- Writer to Speak street; Jack Camlllo, 423 North the public. Immediately following, in athletic contest. lons. worked in the campaign. The avenue west; Norman Sprague, kick-off ia always held March 1, the clergy and their wives will be Be Offered Here Construction of the buff colored, The bids received for electrical . 619 Maye street; Howard Cox, 30 guests at a dinner to be served by Annual Party Set work, steel, heating and plumbing , and if March 1 had fallen on any Theme of Talk Is Gallowae; Cuddie Davidson Jr., two story brick building which is • other day but Sunday, this year the First Baptist Church in honor of contemporary design ia'already were satisfactory, Mr. Child add- 'Challenge of Media' 224 East Broad street, and Horace of the occasion. Begins Monday for For April 27-30 ed. All new bids for the general , there would probably have been Baker, 235 East Broad street. underway and will be ready lor Music for the evening service occupancy in September of this construction must be submitted to i several days collections made be- Robert- Shaw, the author of Mr, In addition to Republican senti- Local Shoppers Tickets for the Senior Auxil- fore the first report was made. will be furnished by the choir of rear. the board by 8 p.m. \ Thursday, District Attorney,, .Christopher ments of appreciation honoring iary's annual bridge parties to raise March 19, the GOP Mayor "and Town Coun- "Handi-Charge," a new type of The Rev. Thomas G, Fahy, Se- funds for the Children's Country "Prom the number of people Wells and Crime Photographer on (Please turn to Page 2) ;on Hall University professor, de- 1 Bids for the two new elemen- who have given I am encouraged radio and television, will be the cil, tribute will also be paid the retail charge account service will Home are now available from be offered to Westfield shoppers ivered the principal address, embers or Mrs. William Kess- tary schools, one in the Boulevard because the total number who us- speaker at the Wbstfield Woman's officials by Frank H. Pettit, Demo- ^ather Fahy congratulated the and the other in St, Marks place ually give has not been reached Club Monday. His subject will be cratic Town Committee chairman, for the first time Monday by most er; We. 2-443S, it was announced Newcomers Club of the leading merchants of the workers for their fine spirit of co- today. The parties will be held will be received Tuesday at 8 p.m. by 60 per cent. From the stand- "The Challenge of Radio and on behalf of his party. operation and praised them for the in the board room of the junior point of the caliber "of the type of TV."' The name of tho principal speak community with the co-operation April 27, 28, 29 and 30, at the of the Plainneld Trust Co. crifices they are making in be- igh school. " *' workers we have I am encouraged, Mr. Shaw was responsible also er, a figure of nation-wide impor- Elects Officers Suburban Hotel in Summit. Early The plan is an arrangement by half of the campaign. After tho commitments indicate 2J000 play- Announced at Tuesday's meet- because no more earnest group of for the Somerset Maugham The- tance, will bo announced next ceremony tho workers, having re- canvassers were ever assembled. week, Mr. Sherbourne said. which a shopper, who has applied !rs will take part. ing by Board President Gtwrge atre on television, and for some ceived campaign kits and final in W, Bauer were the standing com- There have been a number of re- of the series of Robert Montgom- Republican Town Committee Mrs. Plenty Given for and received a "Handi-Charge" Mrs. E. M. Staiib, president, has credit identification card, can go structions from their team cap- appointed Mrs.
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