Developing the UAB Cloud

CI Day 2010 September 16, 2010 John-Paul Robinson Lead System UAB IT Research Compung What’s a Cloud? The Stuff of Clouds

Picture credits to this point…Wikipedia: Cloud Compung The “aaS” of Clouds

• SaaS – Soware as a Service • This is the applicaon layer. It’s what the ordinary consumer of cloud services sees, typically via their web browser or a dedicated app. • PaaS – Plaorm as a Service • This is the layer on which applicaons are built. It’s what the ordinary consumer of developer services uses to build the applicaons delivered in the SaaS layer. • IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service • This is the layer that makes everything possible. It’s deep in the stack and not typically seen by the consumer, but it’s the layer we’re leveraging to build a coherent service stack. Our Foundaons in the Cloud

• Service Exploraon 2000-2003 • Early service exploraons, Internet2 Connecvity, Cluster Acquision, NSF Middleware Iniave (NMI) Testbed • Service Development 2003-2006 • ANI-0330543 "NMI Enabled Open Source Collaboraon Tools for Virtual Organizaons" • Service Pilot 2007-2010 • UABgrid Pilot • Integrated open source tools suite for compung and group collaboraon: Globus, MediaWiki, Trac, Mailing List, Revision Control Our Cloud-y Vision circa 2006

Credit: John-Paul Robinson, Common Soluons Group, invited presentaon on myVocs Tour Our Cloud MatLab, Biobank, ACE Soware as Services Experiments



hp:// Collaboraon Tools Services for Developers Experiments

MediaWiki, WordPress, Mailing List, Trac (docs & bugs), (file versioning) hp://; hps://, hps://, hps://, hps://, hps:// , hps://, hps://, hp:// … Grid and Stascal Genecs: Plaorm Scaling Experiments

Open Science Grid Capacity Cheaha HPC Plaorm Infrastructure Service Experiments What We’re Doing Now…

• In General – UABgrid Pilot projects wrapping-up • migrate to producon • report our findings – High-bandwith connecvity expansion • across the campus and state – Cloud exploraon across UA System and the state • linked data centers and expanded HPC • Two Specific Projects – Moving the @lab to the cloud • support virtual compung labs to build environments in the cloud – Extending the research notebook • exposing the value of archives, , blogs, and managed development plaorms to the research data collecon How to get Involved

Contact Us Bob Cloud [email protected]; David Shealy [email protected] ; John-Paul Robinson [email protected]; Mike Hanby [email protected] ; Poornima Pochana [email protected]; Shantanu Pavgi [email protected]

Find Us hp:// hp:// hp:// Experiments in the Cloud

• Building out Infrastructure – Cheaha compute and storage expansion – Research Network – Connuous resource improvement – non-disrupve • SSG Project – Applicaon Scaling – OSG Leveraging • ASA Integraon Exploraon – Proving the idea of seemless resource access – Need to get back to it • Cancer Center caBIG Support – Help complete geng connected – recognion by NCI for our design – Biobank: an exploraon of caTissue electronic ssue banking soluon (SaaS) • Center for Clinical and Translaonal Science – Design informaon shareing network based on caGrid elements – Provided developer team building, process and tools (SaaS) • Increase HPC Access to non-tradional users – Pschology graduate students under Dr. Taub – Training and applicaon support • Engaging in Research Repository – Plaorm and applicaon development support • Building Virtual Compung Laboratories – Migrang our lab to this fabric • Building the Research Notebook Collaboron Tools (SaaS)

• Environment for Developers – Trac – managing development process ( & ckets) – Git – managing soware growth – MediaWiki – managing documentaon – Mailing lists – managing communicaon – WordPress – managing acvity logs • Applicaon Plaorms – , Python, R, C, – Adding PHP, Ruby