Code Distribution Process - Definition of Evaluation Metrics Project Acronym Edos Project Full Title Environment for the Development and Distribution of Open Source Software Project # FP6-IST-004312 Contact Author Radu POP,
[email protected] Authors List Ciaran Bryce, Michel Pawlak, Michel Deriaz - Universite de Geneve Serge Abiteboul, Boris Vrdoljak - INRIA Gemo Project Tova Milo, Assaf Sagi - Tel-Aviv University Stephane Lauriere, Florent Villard, Radu POP - MandrakeSoft Workpackage # WP 4 Deliverable # 1 Document Type Report Version 1.0 Date March 22, 2005 Distribution Consortium, Commission and Reviewers. Chapter 1 Introduction This document proposes a measurement and evaluation methodology and defines the metrics that we consider as important in EDOS for the code distribution process for Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS). Our aim in attempting to define the metrics is the following: Clarify our understanding of the F/OSS code distribution process, and • subsequently to help identify areas for improvement. Enumerate what needs to be measured in the F/OSS code distribution • process. The purpose of measurement and evaluation is to compare different architectures for code distribution the existing one and those that will be proposed in the EDOS project. Measurement and evaluation have been facets of software engineering for some time. ISO (the International Organisation for Standardisation) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commision) have established a joint technical committee for worldwide standardization in the field of information technology. They have developed a set of standards for software product quality relating to the definition of quality models (the 9126 series) and to the evaluation process (the 14598 series). A quality model defines the characteristics of a system to be measured and the metrics that evaluate how the system to be measured performs with respect to these characteristics.