Title: Reclaiming Youth Work: from Evidence-Based Practice to Practice-Based Evidence
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Title: Reclaiming youth work: From evidence-based practice to practice-based evidence. Name: Fiona Jane Factor This is a digitised version of a dissertation submitted to the University of Bedfordshire. It is available to view only. This item is subject to copyright. Reclaiming youth work: From evidence-based practice to practice-based evidence. Fiona Jane Factor A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Professional Doctorate in the Leadership of Children and Young People’s Services. September 2016 Abstract Reclaiming youth work: From evidence- based practice to practice- based evidence An abiding criticism of youth work is the inability of its practitioners either to articulate the theoretical basis of their practice or evidence its practical impact (House of Commons, Services for Young People: Third Report of Session 2010-12). This study explores whether, and to what extent, youth workers can articulate their practice wisdom in a form that can generate a body of ‘practice-based evidence’; sufficiently robust to persuade both those responsible for formulating youth work policy and those commissioning services of its efficacy. It develops a model which aims to assist youth workers in this endeavour, designed to support them in contributing to critical debates about the nature of their practice. This thesis is based upon a case study undertaken with a large voluntary sector youth organisation in the north of England. A number of research methods were used in the study including the design of an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded knowledge exchange event, the administration of questionnaires to student youth workers at the University of Bedfordshire and semi-structured interviews with practitioners. The study uses Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as the lens through which the findings are derived from the data. The findings suggest that youth workers are able to conceptualise and articulate their practice wisdom and that the opportunity to engage in knowledge transfer activities is methodologically extremely helpful. It appears that practice-based evidence can be generated via such a process which helps to make explicit the nature of the work and its impact upon young people. On the basis of these findings, the author presents a model describing the key prerequisites for the generation of practice-based evidence in youth work. However, the current social, political and economic climate in England has meant that the applicability of such a model is entirely dependent upon the political and administrative context in which youth work is practiced. The imposition of tightly demarcated targets and narrowly defined outcomes, together with the individualisation of much service provision for young people requiring case work interventions, has meant that youth work’s phronetic intentions have become obscured, and for some organisations, lost. This is against the backcloth of the needs of the young people being targeted by youth services becoming more complex, requiring a more specialist, therapeutic intervention. The author suggests that the time has come for bolder initiatives utilising critical social pedagogy as a threshold concept which, she asserts may allow the profession to embark upon a process of ‘reclaiming’ its professional roots. Declaration I declare that this thesis is my own unaided work. It is being submitted for the degree of Professional Doctorate in the Leadership of Children’s and Young People’s Services at the University of Bedfordshire. It has not been submitted before for any degree or examination in any other University. Word count (exclusive of appendices and bibliography): 74,290 words Name of candidate: Fiona Jane Factor Dedication This doctoral thesis is dedicated to my Mum who never doubted it was possible and managed to let me get this far despite her very challenging circumstances. Thanks Mum, I love you. Addendum Mum died on 11th August 2016. Fortunately, she was alive long enough to know I had passed the viva voce examination on 26th July 2016. CONTENTS Section 1: Background to the study 1 Chapter 1: Introduction and rationale 1 What is youth work? 1 ‘Evidence- based practice’ (EBP) or ‘Practice-based evidence’ (PBE)? 3 A crisis for youth work 5 The rationale for the research 5 Chapter overview: Section 1: Introduction and background 8 Section 2: The research process 9 Section 3: Findings and conclusion 10 Chapter 2: The history of the youth work profession and the current policy landscape 13 Pre-state involvement to New Labour 13 New Labour, new youth work and the ‘Third Way’ 17 Joining up and letting go 20 The legislative framework 22 A renewal of practice? 23 Chapter 3: How do we know what we know and how does this help generate practice wisdom in youth work? 31 Praxis 34 ‘Phronesis’ 35 Habitus 38 The Social Field 41 Social Capital 42 Bourdieu and youth work 44 Communities of practice 46 Chapter 4: Evidence- based practice (EBP) and youth work 52 Evidence-based practice – a product of its time? 55 The risk society 56 Managerialism, audit culture and de-professionalisation 57 Consumer choice 59 ‘What works?’ 60 The research-practice gap 62 Evidence-based practice (EBP) and youth work 64 The Centre for Youth Impact (CYI) 69 Section two: The research process 73 Chapter 5: The case study and research partner 73 The Brathay Trust 73 Youth Sector Development Fund (YSDF) 74 Brathay in the Community 75 Issues arising from the work of Brathay in the Community 76 Chapter 6: Methodology 80 A ‘practice-based’ research methodology 80 Social Constructivism 84 Critical research 86 Action research 87 Challenges within the methodology 90 Chapter 7: The research design 93 Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and the Hermeneutic approach 93 My role 95 Data collection tools 96 Bricolage (French for "tinkering") 98 Theory of change 98 Reflections on the research process 102 Integrity of the process 102 Data generation and analysis 102 Delays in the intended timescale and uncertainty 103 New supervisor 103 Chapter 8: Research strategy 104 Governance and ethics 104 Methods 107 Literature review 107 Participant overview 109 Fieldwork 110 Practitioner Workshop - October 2011 110 Case study development, December 2011-January 2012 112 Knowledge Exchange Residential 18-20th January 2012 113 Deconstructing practice 114 Theorising practice - So what? 114 Youth and Community Students Workshop - April 2012 116 Semi-structured interviews – November 2012 117 Data analysis 118 Figure 4: Superordinate themes 122 Section 3: Findings and discussion 124 Chapter 9: Can youth workers articulate their practice wisdom? 125 1. The creation of cultures of participation and access 127 2. A commitment to learning from experience through reflection, enabling youth workers to theorise their practice 131 3. A commitment to the development of practice through praxis 137 Conclusion 141 Chapter 10: What does youth work’ ‘practice wisdom’ say about contemporary youth work practice? 144 The relationship 146 Dialogue and conversation 151 Conclusion 151 Chapter 11: What contextual factors affect youth workers’ ability to apply their practice wisdom? 153 1. The increasingly complex needs of young people 153 2. The commissioning era 156 3. The need for outcomes measurement 160 4. New forms of practice environments and methods of working166 Conclusion 170 Chapter 12: Can engagement in a Knowledge Exchange help youth workers theorise practice and thereby generate ‘practice-based evidence? 174 Knowledge translation 174 The Knowledge Exchange 177 Conclusion 183 Chapter 13: What is the wider applicability of the findings of this work? 185 Youth work evidence group (YWEG) 188 Knowledge Exchange legacy - 2013 onwards 194 Conclusion 196 Chapter 14: Conclusion 199 Evidence: abstract correctional empiricism versus ethnographic appreciation 200 An evidential tapestry 202 A model for generating practice-based evidence in youth work 203 1. Practice wisdom 205 2. Practice context 206 3. Relevant knowledge 207 4. Ethical practice principles 207 Does context trump process? 208 Critical social pedagogy as a threshold concept 211 References 214 Appendix 1 - Brathay in the Community - The six sites 252 Appendix 2: Practitioner workshop – October 2011 254 Appendix 3: Knowledge Exchange case studies 264 Case study 1: NEW BEGINNINGS – Jenny Pearce and Tim Bateman 264 Case study 2: RICHARD ROSE ACADEMY - KICK START PROGRAMME – John Pitts and John Coleman 270 Case study 3: ‘Status Update’ Preston Guild Pre-Apprenticeship Programme – Margaret Ledwith, Margaret Melrose and Tony Jeffs 280 Case study 4: Cumbria Participation Contract – Margaret Ledwith and Tony Jeffs 289 Case study 5: Family Nurturing Project – John Pitts and John Coleman 298 Case study 6: Brighter Futures – Jenny Pearce and Margaret Melrose 308 Appendix 4: ESRC Knowledge Exchange – Plenary feedback 320 Appendix 5: Participant overview 324 Appendix 6: Brathay’s Model of Youth Development 2015 326 List of appendices Appendix 1: Brathay in the Community - The six sites Appendix 2: Practitioner Workshop - October 2011 Appendix 3: Knowledge Exchange Case Studies New Beginnings - a new leaving care service for Cumbria Kick Start Richard Rose School - for those at risk of exclusion Brighter Futures - for those at risk of sexual exploitation Cumbria Participation contract Preston Pre-apprenticeship Project Family Nurturing Project Appendix 4: ESRC Knowledge Exchange – Plenary feedback Appendix 5: Participant