
Published online September 25, 2009; doi:10.1130/B26538.1

Geochemical variations in igneous rocks of the Central Andean (13°S to 18°S): Tracing crustal thickening and generation through time and space

Mirian Mamani1,†, Gerhard Wörner1, and Thierry Sempere2 1Abteilung Geochemie, Geowissenschaftlichen Zentrum der Universität Göttingen, Goldschmidtstrasse 1, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany 2Institut de Recherche pour le Développement and Université de Toulouse Paul Sabatier (SVT-OMP), Laboratoire Mécanismes de Transfert en Géologie, 14 avenue Edouard Belin, F-31400 Toulouse, France

ABSTRACT data set to the geological record of uplift and , , northern , and northwestern crustal thickening, we observe a correlation Argen tina, covering an area of ~1,300,000 km2. Compositional variations of Central between the composition of magmatic rocks Its width, between the trench and the Andean subduction-related igneous rocks re- and the progression of Andean . In sub-Andean front, is locally >850 km, and its fl ect the plate-tectonic evolution of this active particular, our results support the interpreta- crustal thickness reaches values >70 km, par- continental margin through time and space. tion that major crustal thickening and uplift ticularly along the main magmatic arc (James, In order to address the effect on were initiated in the mid- (30 Ma) 1971a, 1971b; Kono et al., 1989; Beck et al., of changing subduction geometry and crustal and that crustal thickness has kept increasing 1996; Yuan et al., 2002). The Central Andean evolution of the upper continental plate dur- until present day. Our data do not support de- orocline thus appears to be an extreme case of ing the , we compiled more lamination as a general cause for major late crustal thickening among the various arc oro- than 1500 major- and trace-element data uplift in the Central and in- gens of the Pacifi c Ocean margins. Because points, and 650 Sr-, 610 Nd-, and 570 Pb- stead favor continued crustal thickening. this segment does not result from continent- isotopic analyses of - continent collision and displays signifi cant tec- (190–0 Ma) magmatic rocks in southern Peru INTRODUCTION tonic shortening mainly along its eastern half, and northern Chile (Central Andean oro- the origin of its anomalous crustal thickness cline), mostly from new data and the litera- The Andean Cordillera is a classic example remains uncertain (Sempere et al., 2008). The ture. This data set documents compositional of continental subduction-related magmatism. fact that the is thickest along the main arc variations of since time, These magmas intrude and traverse a continen- (and in some other volcanic areas) is intriguing with a focus on the period, when tal crust up to 70 km thick en route toward the and has suggested that Central Andean magma- major crustal thickening developed and its surface. Because the composition of these mag- tism participated in thickening the crust (James, infl uence on magma composition was most mas may be strongly affected by interaction 1971b; Kono et al., 1989; James and Sacks, pronounced. We relate the observed varia- with crustal material and because the thickness 1999). Crustal thickening in the Central An- tions in Sr/Y, La/Yb, La/Sm, Sm/Yb, and of the crust has changed through time, the Cen- dean orocline, however, is dominantly believed Dy/Yb ratios, as well as in Sr-, Nd-, and Pb- tral Andes are an excellent natural to have developed since ca. 30 Ma in associa- isotopic ratios, to the crustal structure and to study the interaction between crustal evolu- tion with tectonic shortening (e.g., Isacks, 1988; evolution of the Central Andean orocline. In tion and magma genesis. While the Andes span Sempere et al., 1990, 2008; Gregory-Wodzicki, particular, the evolution of Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb the entire length of the Pacifi c coast of South 2000; Garzione et al., 2008). Magmatic addi- ratios, which track the presence of the higher- America, the Central Andes stand out as the tion to the arc has apparently remained largely pressure and , re- segment of greatest orogenic volume (Fig. 1). constant, and available estimates are too low to spectively, in the lower crust, documents that Such a contrasted segmentation refl ects the fact explain the observed crustal thickness (Wörner crustal thickness has grown through time. that the Andes have been built by a variety of et al., 2000, 2002; Trumbull et al., 2006). Spatial variations in trace elements and iso- processes that have changed along and across The boundaries of the active Central vol- topic ratios further suggest that crustal do- strike in nature, time, and intensity (Sempere canic zone coincide with those of the Central mains of distinct composition and age have et al., 2008). The Central Andes are themselves Andean orocline. The northern boundary also infl uenced magma composition through some segmented into the northern Central Andes apparently coincides with the edge of the sub- assimilation. The crustal input in (5°30′S–~13°S), the Central Andean orocline ducted and thus of the present-day magmas is quantifi ed to have been between (~13°S–28°S), and the southern Central Andes “fl at-slab” subduction (Hampel, 2002; Fig. 2). 7% and 18% by simple two-components (28°S–37°S). Among these, the Central Andean Previous studies of Central Andean magma- mixing. When comparing our geochemical orocline is characterized by the thickest con- tism have concluded that the thickened crust has tinental crust of any subduction zone world- strongly affected Andean arc magmas through †E-mail: [email protected] wide (Fig. 1), and it extends over southern crustal contamination (e.g., Wörner et al., 1988;

GSA Bulletin; January/February 2010; v. 122; no. 1/2; p. 162–182; doi: 10.1130/B26538.1; 14 fi gures; Data Repository item 2009161.

162 For permission to copy, contact [email protected] © 2009 Geological Society of America Geochemical variations in igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline

GEOLOGIC EVOLUTION OF SOUTHERN PERU AND ndes A ADJACENT AREAS n r NVZ he rt It is widely accepted that the Mesozoic- o Figure 1. Segmentation of the N Cenozoic magmatic and tectonic evolution of nor the Central Andean margin has strongly de- Andes Cordillera (modified t h e C pended on a variety of subduction parameters. after Sempere et al., 2002). The r n e Ce n These include the rate and obliquity of plate Central Andean orocline is by nt ra t l r convergence, the dip and rollback of the sub- far the segment of largest oro- A a n d l ducting plate, and their variations in time and genic volume, which decreases Fig.2 e a n space, as well as the existence of large geologi-

northward and southward.


A r

CVZ o cal, topographic, and/or thermal heterogeneities Note that the boundaries of the c

n l


n subducted with the oceanic plate. In addition, the

Central volcanic zone coincide e Fig.3 d

structural and morphological heterogeneities of

with those of the Central An- Fig.4A e

both plates, the geometrical and thermal evolu- dean orocline. Areas covered by s Figures 2, 3, and 4A are indi- tion of the wedge (e.g., Russo and , n r cated by boxes. Black triangles: e 1996; Heuret et al., 2007; Schellart et al., 2007), h t u and the growing thickness of the continental active Andean volcanic zones o s (NVZ, CVZ, SVZ, AVZ—North, crust (Isacks, 1988; Somoza, 1998; Angermann et al., 1999; Oncken et al., 2006; Sempere et al., Central, South, and Austral vol- SVZ s e 2008) have all played important roles. canic zones, respectively). Topo- d n In southern Peru and northern Chile, arc graphic image is from http:// A

n photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/ r magmatism migrated toward the continent at e

h least from the Jurassic to the (Pitcher catalog/PIA03388. t


o et al., 1985; Clark et al., 1990; Trumbull et al., S 2006). However, arc-related plutons, such as AVZ those forming the Coastal , are gener- 500 km ally >1-km-thick tabular bodies (Haederle and Atherton, 2002; Pino et al., 2004; Jacay and Sempere, 2008) and, because of tectonic tilt- ing, their present location may not refl ect the position of the arc at the time of their Davidson , 1991; Kay et al., 1994, 1999; Kay and compositions to the evolution of the crust, we emplacement. Mpodozis, 2001). In particular, younger provide a consistent stratigraphic nomenclature In this section, we summarize, with empha- than 5 Ma from the central and southern Central based on absolute ages and correlations. This sis on the magmatic arc, current knowledge volcanic zone have compositional characteristics is needed because previous stratigraphic sys- regarding the geologic evolution of the study that suggest a higher degree of crustal contami- tems have relied on local and multiple names area, and we review Andean magmatic rocks nation compared with similar andesitic magmas for units, which were often poorly dated and before and during crustal thickening in southern erupted in regions where, or times when, the correlated (e.g., Instituto Geológico Minero Peru (Fig. 2). Information on the type, volumes, crust was thinner (Davidson, 1991; Haschke et y Metalúrgico Bulletins; Tosdal et al., 1981; location, and timing of the magmatic arcs in al., 2002). However, alternative mechanisms Kaneoka and Guevara, 1984; Klinck et al., northern Chile was mostly taken from Trumbull have been proposed, such as “source contamina- 1986; Mukasa, 1986a, 1986b; Clark et al., 1990; et al. (2006) and our own unpublished data. Be- tion” by subduction of the (Stern, Fornari et al., 2002; Quang et al., 2005; Echa- cause the timing of crustal thickening is crucial 1991; Kay et al., 2005; Clift and Hartley, 2007), varria et al., 2006; Thouret et al., 2007; and to under standing the evolution of the Central or infl uence of enriched subcontinental mantle references therein). These works illustrate re- Andean volcanic units, we also provide a syn- in the source region (Rogers and current debates and disagreements about names thesis of current knowledge regarding this topic. Hawkesworth, 1989). In this paper, we mainly of stratigraphic units. Within our more consis- focus on erupted since ca. 30 Ma, i.e., tent , we present new major- and Overview: Migrating Magmatic Arcs and during the main period of crustal thickening, but trace-element and isotopic data for Evolving Backarc Basins we also consider older rocks for comparisons. to igneous rocks, which we combine In particular, we use the Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb with previously published data to document The history of the magmatic arc and neigh- ratios, which are sensitive to the presence of the in detail the variations in time and space of boring regions provides insights into the evolu- higher-pressure minerals amphibole and garnet, arc magma composition in southern Peru and tion of the Central Andean subduction system. respectively, to document a signature of growing northern Chile. This comprehensive data set is We propose hereafter a brief summary of the crustal thickness in Central Andean magmas. complemented by analyses from evolution of the arc region since the late Paleo- To set the background for this discussion, rocks in order to better defi ne a mass zoic on the basis of our analyses of the litera- we fi rst present a summary of the Mesozoic- balance for geochemical and isotopic variations ture, and, in particular, of syntheses available Cenozoic evolution of Central Andean arc in magmatic rocks erupted through time in dif- for southern Peru (Sempere et al., 2002, 2008; magmatism, and, in order to correlate magma ferent crustal domains (Mamani et al., 2008a). Pino et al., 2004; Roperch et al., 2006). We used

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 163 Mamani et al.

N 1-Ga-old basement rocks. These strata are con- formably overlain by a thick but poorly known Lima Peru succession of dominantly basic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, referred to as the Chocolate 13°S Tacaza arc and Formation, which refl ect coeval arc construction trench backarc (30-24 Ma) and probably also backarc extension (Martínez et al., 2005). The thickness of this unit increases Andahuaylas-Anta arc (45-30 Ma) Quinsacha from ≥1 km in the paleobackarc to >3 km along (<1 Ma) ? ta backarc the present-day coast. Huaylillas arc (24-10 Ma) No direct dating of the Chocolate Formation lavas has been achieved so far due to their perva- 15°S Lower Barroso arc (10-3 Ma) Nazca sive weathering. Stratigraphic relationships in the ? paleobackarc of southern Peru indicate that the Chocolate Formation conformably overlies strata of Middle to Late Carboniferous age (Pino et al., 2004; 2008, personal obs.), and it is conform- ably to gradually overlain by limestones that bear Nazca Ridge Upper Barroso arc (3-1 Ma) ? 17°S Sinemurian ammonites (ca. 195 Ma; Sempere Frontal arc (<1 Ma) Bolivia et al., 2002). These relationships suggest that the 100 km Chocolate arc (~310-91 Ma) unit spans at least the ca. 310–195 Ma interval, possibly with some internal hiatuses. However, Toquepala arc (91-45 Ma) this “Chocolate” magmatism continued well into 77°W 75°W 73°W 71°W Chile 69°W the Jurassic along the present-day coastal area, refl ecting persistent activity of the arc system, Figure 2. Location, extension, and age (Ma) of the volcanic arcs and backarc areas distin- while the backarc northeast of this arc under- guished in southern Peru. The successive arcs approximately extended between the labeled went lithospheric thinning and signifi cant crustal lines of same color and thickness, drawn on the basis of dated outcrops and available geo- downwarping. This backarc basin remained ma- logical maps. Extension of Nazca Ridge (white dashed lines) is after Hampel (2002). rine during most of the ca. 195–91 Ma time inter- val, but it turned terrestrial between ca. 135 and ca. 115 Ma (Sempere et al., 2002). Maximum numerous isotopic ages published for the region to the north by up to 200 km in the western part depths were reached by 180–170 Ma, as in- and other information from the literature, and of the study area, and it occupied this position dicated by sedimentary facies (Pino et al., 2004), observed contact relationships and morphologi- until ca. 30 Ma. suggesting that lithospheric thinning and tectonic cal criteria in the fi eld and on images. (3) The major crustal thickening typical of the stretching of the margin culminated at about that A compilation of ages relative to the magmatic Andean orogeny has developed since the mid- time. A poorly known episode of oblique trans- arcs recognized in this paper is given in the elec- Oligocene (30 Ma), while the main arc has mi- current deformation affected the backarc in the tronic GSA Data Repository item (Table DR1).1 grated back toward the trench (see following). (Sempere et al., 2002). Three main periods of unequal durations help Transpressional to compressional deformation In the Ilo area, the arc domain was the locus to summarize the long-term evolution of the ac- developed in the northeastern , East- of a massive plutonic pulse between ca. 160 and tive margin corresponding to the present-day ern Cordillera, and Subandean belt; in contrast, ca. 150 Ma (Clark et al., 1990), leading to local Central Andean orocline: extensional, transtensional, and transpressional growth of the Coastal Batholith; a further, major (1) From the late (ca. 400? Ma) deformations have occurred in the forearc, growth developed between 110 and 95 Ma by to the mid-Cretaceous (91 Ma), the margin arc, and southwestern Altiplano of southern emplacement of more granitoids (Clark et al., dominantly underwent tectonic stretching, Peru (Fig. 3; Sempere and Jacay, 2007, 2008). 1990). The backarc record, however, testifi es leading to the formation of an overall marine This tectonic development created a number to only very limited volcanic activity during the backarc basin. of basins in the backarc, arc, and forearc and ca. 195–91 time interval, in contrast with the (2) From the (91 Ma) to the fragmented or terminated others, resulting in a subsequent period (Callot et al., 2008). mid-Oligocene (30 Ma), the magmatic arc was somewhat complex stratigraphic record in time In northernmost Chile, the partly coeval La large enough to form a signifi cant, continuous and space. This evolution possibly developed in Negra Formation is locally up to 10 km thick relief, thus indicating incipient crustal thicken- relation with variations in the convergence rate, and includes mainly andesitic lavas, as well ing. In contrast with the previous evolution, the but not in the orientation of convergence, which as large plutonic bodies (Oliveros et al., 2006; backarc basin was occupied by mostly continen- has changed little since ca. 49 Ma (Pardo-Casas Charrier et al., 2007). Whereas plutonism de- tal environments. No clear and large-scale com- and Molnar, 1987). veloped over the 190–100 Ma interval, volcanic pressional structure is known from this period. activity is recorded starting at 176 Ma, but it It is noteworthy that ca. 45 Ma, the arc migrated Stretching the Margin: Late Paleozoic to was particularly voluminous between 165 and Mid-Cretaceous (ca. 400? to 91 Ma) 150 Ma (Oliveros et al., 2006). As in Peru, the arc in which this volcanic unit and related plu- 1 GSA Data Repository item 2009161, ages and The geological record relevant to this study tons were produced, as well as the backarc ba- chemical analyses of central Andean igneous rocks, is available at http://www.geosociety.org/pubs/ starts with sedimentary deposits of Devonian sin, evolved in a markedly extensional context ft2009.htm or by request to [email protected]. to mid-Carboniferous age, which onlap mainly (Charrier et al., 2007).

164 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 Geochemical variations in igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline

74°W 72°W 70°W 68°W 66°W tween 91 and 70 Ma. Numerous age dates have Sierras Subandinas -thrust belt been obtained on Toquepala volcanic rocks Western Cordillera 14°S (Pitcher et al., 1985; Boily et al., 1989; Clark N et al., 1990, and references therein), but, due to signifi cant alteration, no reliable ages are available for the part of the unit older than 75 Ma. Large sheets were erupted 16°S between ca. 75 and ca. 65 Ma (Martínez and Caravelí Altiplano Cervantes, 2003). Activity of the Toquepala Eastern Cordillera arc apparently waned after ca. 50 Ma, and the Western youngest available ages are slightly older than Trench axis Ilo 18°S ca. 45 Ma (Clark et al., 1990). In the Caravelí area of the present-day forearc, plutonic rocks Andean of the Coastal Batholith are overlain by ~50- to 45-Ma-old, dominantly fi ne-grained continen- tal strata (“Moquegua A” unit; Roperch et al., 20°S 2006), indicating that at least part of the batho- slope lith had been exhumed by this time. In northern Chile, a similar evolution is de- Upper Barroso (3-1 Ma) scribed: plutonic, volcanic, and volcaniclastic Lower Barroso (10-3 Ma) rocks in the west defi ne a >100-km-wide coeval Huaylillas (24-10 Ma) 22°S Tacaza (30-24 Ma) arc, from which the backarc basin in the east Anta (45-30 Ma) was fed. This basin was fi lled by an ~6-m-thick Toquepala (91-~45 Ma) Chocolate (~310-91 Ma) accumulation of essentially continental, fi ner- grained red strata that unconformably overlie

24°S Cordillera Coastal older units (Mpodozis et al., 2005; Charrier et al., 2007). Although interpretations of the co- Puna eval regional tectonic regime have varied from extensional to transpressional or compressional (see review by Mpodozis et al., 2005), it seems 26°S that the basin was dominated by extension dur- ing most of this interval (Charrier et al., 2007).


Sierras a Bar 45–30 Ma: The Andahuaylas-Anta Arc 71°W Pampeanas tem The interval from 45 to 30 Ma was charac-

Sant Sys terized by a northward migration of the arc in Figure 3. Main geomorphic units in the Central Andean orocline, the ~150-km-wide portion of southern Peru lo- and Chocolate to Upper Barroso localities sampled in this study cated between ~71.3°W and ~74.5°W (Fig. 2; (locations of younger samples are shown in Fig. 4). The Huaylillas Perelló et al., 2003). Arc rocks include the and Barroso samples located in the western Andean slope are ignim- Andahuaylas-Yauri Batholith and the Anta brites intercalated with Neogene strata. volcanic rocks. Available geochronologic data consistently indicate that the arc occupied this anomalous position during the 45–30 Ma in- terval (Perelló et al., 2003). This arc migration Incipient Crustal Thickening: Late Rapid initiation of the construction of the must have been caused by a decrease in the Cretaceous to Mid-Oligocene (91–30 Ma) Toquepala arc is expressed by the abrupt inva- slab dip in this particular area (Sandeman et al., sion of the backarc basin by coarse volcani- 1995; James and Sacks, 1999), which did not 91–45 Ma: The Toquepala Arc clastic products and other continental deposits suppress magmatic activity, but the cause of this The ≥1.5-km-thick Toquepala Group is that sharply overlie the -Turonian car- relative fl attening remains unknown. known only south of 16°40′S, and it mainly bonate platform, which had occupied the back- In northern Chile, the coeval magmatism is consists of volcanic rocks and subordinate vol- arc until then (Sempere et al., 2002; Callot mainly represented by intrusions along the Cor- caniclastic and fi ne-grained clastic deposits. In et al., 2008). This sharp, well-dated turning dillera de Domeyko and the “Falla Oeste” and contrast to the Chocolate Formation volcanic point in the stratigraphic record was accom- related structures (see age compilation by Trum- rocks, which were erupted in submarine envi- panied by a complete reversal of basin polar- bull et al., 2006), where it generated signifi cant ronments, the Toquepala volcanic rocks were ity, refl ecting the emergence of a continuous deposits (Cornejo, 2005). Transpressional erupted subaerially. North of 16°40′S, the emerged relief coinciding with the arc and thus caused protracted deformation and Toquepala arc is represented by most plutons in suggesting incipient crustal thickening at the exhumation of the arc during this time interval the Coastal Batholith. Coeval erosional products arc. It also coincides with the emplacement (Maksaev and Zentilli, 1999; Charrier et al., of this arc crop out to the northeast, where their of the most voluminous units in the Coastal 2007). Starting ca. 44 Ma, conglomerates de- thickness may be >1.5 km. Batholith, which Mukasa (1986a) dated be- rived from this “Incaic Range” accumulated

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 165 Mamani et al. in the basin to the east (Mpodozis et al., 2005; did accumulate on the western Andean slope Chile. Some were also erupted dur- Charrier et al., 2007). from the mid-Oligocene until ca. 4 Ma (Wörner ing this time interval in southern Peru, Bolivia, In southern Peru, the western area of the et al., 2000, 2002; Charrier et al., 2007), repre- and northern Chile (e.g., Jiménez et al., 1993; forearc records the abrupt arrival and accu- senting southern equivalents of the Moquegua Wörner et al., 2000; Roperch et al., 2006; Trum- mulation of coarse conglomerates starting C and D units. These sediments form a thick bull et al., 2006; Charrier et al., 2007). ca. 44.5 Ma (Roperch et al., 2006), indicating wedge-shaped deposit, which has led to the Volcanic rocks erupted during the Tacaza that some signifi cant relief also began to be cre- relatively smooth western slope of the Central interval mainly consist of voluminous sho- ated at that time north of this area. Andes as still seen today. shonitic to absarokitic (= high-K) mafi c lavas, Erosion resulted in the incision of deep can- representing essentially primary mantle melts, Major Crustal Thickening: Mid-Oligocene yons in southern Peru starting at ca. 9 Ma, but and subordinate andesitic calc-alkaline mag- to Quaternary (30–0 Ma) occurring more intensely around ca. 4 Ma mas exhibiting some evidence of crustal con- (Thouret et al., 2007), and from before tribution (Wasteneys, 1990; Sandeman et al., Overview: Synorogenic Sedimentary Deposits ca. 12 Ma to after 2.7 Ma in northern Chile 1995). Some of the Tacaza mafi c lavas have and Ignimbrites (Wörner et al., 2000, 2002). This incision was Mg, Ni, and Cr contents approaching primi- The “modern” Andean orogenic period coin- caused by a combination of low sea levels dur- tive values (Wasteneys, 1990; Sandeman et al., cided with the back-migration of the main arc ing glacial periods, increased (but localized) 1995), suggesting that they are, at least locally, system toward the trench. This back-migration run-off from the glaciated Western Cordillera, undifferentiated products of mantle melting. is evident when considering the succession of and late and Quaternary uplift of the The generation of the voluminous Tacaza mafi c arcs recognized in this paper (Fig. 2). However, continental forearc and western Andean slope lavas appears to have been a consequence of although we distinguish and name these succes- itself. For a more in-depth discussion on the arc back-migration: the steepening of the sive arcs, we caution that there are overlaps in incision and timing of uplift, see Thouret et al. slab that caused this back-migration created their geographic location as well as in the nature (2007) and Hoke et al. (2007). space and thus induced mantle upwelling and of their volcanic products. The back-migration Large volumes of ignimbrites have erupted decompression, which resulted in pervasive was apparently inaugurated by the widespread since ca. 30 Ma in the Central Andean oro- mantle melting. Eruption of ignimbrites start- eruption of the Tacaza mafi c lavas and related cline. These ignimbrites are intercalated in al- ing ca. 29 Ma, and of voluminous ignimbrites volcanic rocks, starting ca. 30 Ma (Clark et al., luvial to lacustrine strata deposited in a number starting ca. 26 Ma, can be explained as the result 1990; Wasteneys, 1990; Sandeman et al., 1995). of basins in the forearc, arc, or backarc (e.g., of crustal magmatic processes triggered by the The initiation of the arc back-migration is Wörner et al., 2000, 2002; Roperch et al., 2006; heating of the lower crust by hot advected mag- well expressed in the forearc sedimentary record Charrier et al., 2007; Thouret et al., 2007). mas and/or underplated , starting of southern Peru. In the entire forearc, a major Along the western Andean slope of southern at 30 Ma. Inception of the Tacaza interval also stratigraphic discontinuity well dated at 30 Ma Peru, two major intervals of ignimbrite erup- coincided with a marked increase in the Dy/Yb (Roperch et al., 2006) separates the “Moquegua tion are recognized, namely between ca. 26 and ratio, indicating the rapid development of am- B” unit (45–30 Ma), which is nearly devoid of ca. 18 Ma, and between ca. 10 and ca. 1.5 Ma phibole in the deep crust, and thus the onset of volcanic material, from the “Moquegua C” unit (Roperch et al., 2006; Thouret et al., 2007). signifi cant crustal thickening (see following). (30–15 Ma), which in contrast consists of a In northern Chile, numerous isotopic ages ob- Effects of this back-migration appear in the variety of reworked volcanic products (Roperch tained on the Oxaya ignimbrites date this unit stratigraphic record as major sedimentary dis- et al., 2006). Since 30 Ma, volcanic and other between 25.6 ± 0.9 and 19.0 ± 0.6 Ma, and continuities at 30 Ma in forearc and backarc rocks have been eroded from reliefs located in more ignimbrite eruptions occurred especially basins, coeval with the eruption of the oldest the Western Cordillera, and the resulting mate- between ca. 10 and 2.7 Ma (Wörner et al., 2000; Tacaza lavas (see previous). Completion of rial has accumulated in the forearc. Charrier et al., 2007). It seems likely that large tectonic rotations along the south Peru margin The “Moquegua D” unit (15–0 Ma) mainly volumes of hot mantle-derived magmas and/or (Roperch et al., 2006) and onset of compres- consists of thick, very coarse, dominantly vol- underplating of the crust by hot asthenosphere sional to transpressional deformation in the caniclastic conglomerates that were produced caused the generation of these crustal melts Eastern Cordillera (Sempere et al., 1990) also by intense erosion of extensive volcanic regions (Sandeman et al., 1995; Babeyko et al., 2002). occurred during the Tacaza interval. (Huaylillas and Lower Barroso volcanics). A number of intrusions of Tacaza age occur The predominance of volcanic clasts indicates 30–24 Ma: The Tacaza Arc northeast of the Altiplano. Some other Oligo- intense volcanism and marked topographic In southern Peru, a large expansion of mag- cene magmatic rocks (e.g., the macusanites gradients in their source region of the Western matism took place in the mid-Oligocene, start- described by Kontak et al., 1990) that occur Cordillera. Dated ignimbrites above (14.2 Ma; ing at ca. 30 Ma (Klinck et al., 1986; Wasteneys, northeast of the Altiplano have a completely Thouret et al., 2007) and below (16.2 Ma; 1990; Sandeman et al., 1995; Fornari et al., different origin; they are not directly related to Roperch et al., 2006) a marked erosional surface 2002; Mamani et al., 2004), refl ecting initiation subduction processes in the mantle but rather at the base of the “Moquegua D” unit constrain of the back-migration of the arc system. This represent intracrustal melting of sedimentary the age of this discontinuity to ca. 15 Ma. Depo- Tacaza magmatism affected the southwestern rocks in the thickened Eastern Cordillera. sition of coarse conglomerates continued in Altiplano and Western Cordillera (particularly many areas of the forearc and on the pre–valley- its northeastern edge) and thus encompassed a 24–10 Ma: The Huaylillas Arc incision paleosurface of the western Andean width of ~320–350 km. Coeval rocks similar to The arc active between ca. 24 and ca. 10 Ma slope as late as ca. 4 Ma. In northern Chile, no the Tacaza mafi c lavas have been reported from was located mostly along and northeast of equivalents of the Moquegua A and B are known nearby Bolivia (Jiménez et al., 1993; Aitcheson the present Western Cordillera and western on the western edge of the Altiplano, but coarse et al., 1995; Sandeman et al., 1995) and are Altiplano, coinciding with the southwestern conglomerates with abundant volcanic detritus likely to occur along the border area of northern edge of the 30–24 Ma arc, and thus illustrat-

166 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 Geochemical variations in igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline ing the southwestward progression of the arc andesites tend to be more porphyritic and show the deep parts of lithospheric-scale fractures, back-migration. The most extensive and volu- larger amounts of amphibole. through which they were erupted (Carlier et al., minous -forming ignimbrites found in Ignimbrites of this age are relatively small 2005). It includes the Quinsachata volcanic southern Peru and northern Chile were erupted in volume, and they are intercalated with rocks (Carlier et al., 2005), which consist of between ca. 26 and ca. 18 Ma (see previous; Moquegua D sedimentary strata or cover geo- recent (younger than 1 Ma) glassy . Wörner et al., 2000, 2002; Farías et al., 2005; morphic surfaces particularly in the forearc of Similar rocks are also known in the Bolivian Charrier et al., 2007). These ignimbrite sheets northern Chile (e.g., the and Ujina ignim- Altiplano (Carlier et al., 2005). are typically intercalated in, or overlie the top brites, and coeval equivalents). In southern Peru, of, a succession of Upper Oligocene to Lower the Sencca ignimbrites were erupted between 5 Central Andean Uplift and Crustal Miocene sedimentary strata (“Moquegua C” and 1 Ma, and were thus coeval with the Bar- Thickening: A Debated Issue unit in Peru, and Azapa Formation in Chile). roso volcanic activity. The ignimbrite that crops Large volcanoes dated be- out near the Sencca village in southernmost Crustal thickness is crucial to the understand- tween 18 and 10 Ma were built immediately Peru is identical to the 2.72 Ma Lauca-Pérez ig- ing of arc magma because it de- after this main period of ignimbrite eruption. nimbrites of northern Chile and western Bolivia termines the length of passage through the crust, These old volcanoes are located west of the (Wörner et al., 2000). The Sencca ignimbrites affects the locations and probability of stagna- present arc in northernmost Chile between 18°S were deposited between the Western Cordillera tion levels and differentiation, and thus bears and 22°S but more to the east farther south, sug- and the northwestern Altiplano, fi lling basins upon the degree of crustal contamination under- gesting that the curvature of the active arc in- and incised valleys. gone by magmas ascending from the mantle creased after 10 Ma. wedge. Furthermore, a key phenomenon in a Stratovolcanoes of Huaylillas age are typi- 3–1 Ma: The Upper Barroso Arc thickening crust is that its lower part is submit- cally preserved as eroded circular structures The arc active between 3 and 1 Ma is repre- ted to increasing lithostatic pressure, leading to that include abundant hydrothermal alteration sented by volcanoes located along the Western the development of garnet as a stable phase at and epigenetic ore deposits in their interior. Cordillera. Volcanoes assigned to this time in- the expense of in the liquidus min- Such intense alteration suggests that precipita- terval have either been dated or classifi ed based eral assemblage of the magmas. In addition, tion at the time was able to recharge the shal- on their morphology. Some of these stratocones any assimilated country rocks will also develop low hydrothermal systems inside the volcanic and volcanic complexes were active only until a garnet-bearing residue under these high- structures. Their central depressions are ero- the Pliocene and . Volcanic struc- pressure conditions (Hildreth and Moorbath, sional features, and they are related to chemi- tures range from steeply fl anked stratovolcanoes 1988; Kay et al., 1999; Macpherson et al., 2006; cal weathering of these altered cores, though to smaller mafi c fi elds and lava shields. Lee et al., 2006; Muntener et al., 2001). Given they are commonly erroneously interpreted as the contrasted affi nities of heavy rare earth ele- (e.g., Echavarria et al., 2006). Most of ments (HREE) for garnet, and of middle rare these volcanoes consist of andesites and only Active (<1 Ma) earth elements (MREE) over HREE for am- minor . The former are generally poorly The active volcanic front presently lies phibole, as well as the trace-element signature phyric and almost devoid of amphibole. The ~230 km northeast of the trench and is located of plagioclase (low La/Sr, Eu anomaly; see exposed sections typically display shallow- 115 ± 5 km above the Benioff-Wadati plane the Geochemical Earth Reference Model refer- dipping, thin (≤20 m) fl ows. These lavas are (England et al., 2004). We sampled all active vol- ence database, http://www.earthref.org/GERM/), -poor, have rather uniform composi- canoes between 16°S to 27°S in southern Peru the presence of garnet, amphibole, and plagio- tions, and tend to form thin lava fl ows and low- (this study) and northern Chile (Wörner et al., clase characteristically affects REE profi les of angle shield volcanoes. These characteristics 1992; Wörner, 1999–2008, personal commun.). magmas interacting with, or generated in, the and the general absence of amphibole indicate These consist of relatively simple and youthful lower part of a thickened crust (Kay et al., 1999; relatively low water contents and the high erup- stratovolcanoes with a central crater, long-lived McMillan et al., 1993; Macpherson et al., 2006), tion temperatures. dome-and stratocone clusters, or simple dome a phenomenon best recorded by the Sm/Yb and and fl ow centers. Many small mono- Dy/Yb ratios (as illustrated hereafter). The Sr/Y, 10–3 Ma: The Lower Barroso Arc genetic scoria cones associated with lava fl ows La/Yb, and La/Sm ratios are particularly sen- The arcs that have been active since 10 Ma (<5000 yr B.P.) are also observed (Delacour sitive to the presence of garnet versus plagio- occupy a relatively narrow zone in the axis of et al., 2007; de Silva and Francis, 1991). Apart clase since Sr and La have a marked affi nity for the Western Cordillera and make up the pres- from the small-volume monogenetic centers, plagioclase (and Y and Yb for garnet respec- ent Central volcanic zone (Fig. 1). They were the lavas of the larger stratovolcanoes generally tively): thus, high (low) Sr/Y, La/Yb and La/Sm produced during a period of relatively low con- consist of porphyric andesites to dacites with a ratios are indicative of absence (presence) of vergence rates and obliquity (Pardo-Casas and generally unaltered, partly glassy groundmass. plagioclase and presence (absence) of garnet in Molnar, 1987; Somoza, 1998). , clinopyroxene, and plagioclase are magma genesis. Between 10 and 3 Ma, the arc was located abundant major phenocryst phases. Knowledge of the timing and processes of along the western portion, i.e., close to the pres- surface uplift and crustal thickening in the Cen- ent active front of the Western Cordillera arc. It Pliocene-Quaternary Ultrapotassic tral Andes is necessary to better understand the is preserved as remnant stratovolcanoes display- Magmatism in the Backarc variations in trace-element ratios presented in ing substantial glacial erosion. Volcanic rocks of Very minor Pliocene-Quaternary ultrapotassic this paper. Because of isostasy, crustal thicken- this age, however, also extend to the east, sug- magmatism is associated with a major trans- ing generally results in surface uplift (although gesting signifi cant widening of the Miocene arc current system that prolongates into the it is not the only possible cause for it; see fol- (see age compilation in Trumbull et al., 2006). Altiplano (Fig. 2) and was fed by melting of lowing), and therefore knowledge of the uplift In contrast with the older Huaylillas rocks, these enriched portions of the mantle lithosphere in history in the Central Andes provides an indirect

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 167 Mamani et al. but useful framework to compare the geochemi- (Garzione et al., 2006, 2007, 2008; Molnar and Altiplano and Eastern Cordillera (30; Sande- cal evolution of arc magmas with the evolution Garzione, 2007). This interpretation is, how- man et al., 1995; Mamani et al., 2004) were of crustal thickening. Andean uplift, however, ever, debated, because no magmatic products combined with our previously unpublished data is being investigated from two different ap- typical of a delamination process have been rec- from northern Chile (395 unpublished samples). proaches: (1) Thermochronology estimates the ognized in this region so far (e.g., Hartley et al., The data set also includes data from the litera- timing of rock uplift and exhumation of a vol- 2007), and signifi cant crustal thickening should ture and our own previous work in the region ume of rock as it reaches Earth’s surface through have preceded this process in order to allow for (Wörner et al., 1988, 1992; Thouret et al., 2005; erosion. (2) Paleoaltitudes can be derived from density instability and delamination to occur. Paquereau-Lebti et al., 2006; Delacour et al., a number of methods based on geochemical On the basis of their combined phylogeo- 2007; Mamani et al., 2008a). With respect markers or morphological measurements of fos- graphic-phylochronologic approach to this to the active (younger than 1 Ma) volcanic front, sil leaves, which allow the amount and timing issue, Picard et al. (2008) proposed that high al- the data cover all active volcanoes from the of surface uplift, i.e., the increase in elevation titudes and related crustal thickening remained entire Central volcanic zone (Fig. 1). Our data of Earth’s surface, to be assessed (e.g., Kohn, essentially restricted to the Central Andean Oro- set thus comprehensively covers magmatism in 2007; Garzione et al., 2008, and references cline during the late Oligocene and most of the the Central Andes from the early Mesozoic therein; Gregory-Wodzicki, 2000; Kowalski, Miocene, until thermal weakening of the orogen to the present. A compiled data set is published 2002). Paleoaltitude estimates obtained by these in the late Miocene (Isacks, 1988) allowed rapid here in the electronic supplement (Table DR2 latter methods are of local value only and gen- further crustal thickening and uplift to propa- [see footnote 1]), in which the analytical meth- erally have large uncertainties. More recently, a gate northward into central and northern Peru, ods are also described (Appendix). combined phylogeographic-phylochronologic and presumably southward into approach was developed to address the issue and western . Such propagation may RESULTS of where and when high altitudes were ac- be explained by longitudinal fl ow of ductile quired in the Andes at a regional scale (Picard lower-crustal material northward and southward The data were grouped according to age and et al., 2008), but this method can only deal with from the overthickened Central Andean orocline geographic location (Fig. 3). The results are dis- threshold elevation ranges, not paleoaltitudes. (Husson and Sempere, 2003; Yang et al., 2003). played in diagrams plotting geochemical param- In spite of the numerous studies performed This interpretation is consistent with the marked eters versus age. Age groups correspond to the during the last decades, the chronology of crustal decrease in orogenic volume observed north and succession of magmatic arcs described previ- thickening and related uplift in the Central south of the orocline, and it ultimately suggests ously. Ages were obtained from K-Ar and Ar-Ar Andes has remained debated until recently (e.g., that the larger orogenic volume in the Central dating methods and inferred from stratigraphic Sempere et al., 2008, and references therein). Andean orocline results from longer cumulative relationships. The age of ~70% of our samples Several independent methods and studies sug- crustal thickening there. is tightly constrained by direct data. In addition, gest that the fi rst signifi cant uplift occurred in Thus, the picture currently emerging is that we used geomorphologic comparisons of the the Oligocene–early Miocene interval (ca. 30– surface uplift in the Central Andean orocline degree of erosion with dated stratovolcanoes in 18 Ma), and a major episode of crustal thickening developed in two steps (Garzione et al., 2008; similar areas and at similar elevation (to account (e.g., Picard et al., 2008, and references therein) Picard et al., 2008; Sempere et al., 2008): the for differential erosion rates) to assign undated is inferred in relation with the major shortening fi rst one, in the Oligocene and early Miocene, volcanic centers to appropriate age groups. Such initiated at ca. 26 Ma in the Eastern Cordillera refl ected coeval crustal thickening; the sec- age estimates are suffi ciently reliable when the of western Bolivia (Sempere et al., 1990). This ond one, in the late Miocene, was apparently purpose is to assign volcanic edifi ces within age time coincides with an increase in exhumation vigorous, but its relation to crustal thickening groups of several million years duration each. rates reported at ca. 25 ± 5 Ma in the same area is debated. Our data set is referenced (1) geographically (Kennan, 2000). Moreover, the magmatic record As will be made clear later herein, our geo- by UTM coordinates (see electronic supplement, of southern Peru indicates that the increasing chemical data support the timing of uplift, i.e., Table DR2 [see footnote 1]), and (2) according to crustal thickness crossed a petro genetic thresh- that crustal thickening in the Central Andean their location in Mamani et al.’s (2008a) , old due to phase changes in minerals associated orocline started in the mid-Oligocene (30 Ma) Cordillera, and Coastal crustal domains. These with differentiation and assimilation of magmas and has kept increasing since then, during and domains were defi ned on the basis of the isotopic with increasing pressure during the interval after the major late Miocene surface uplift. composition of basement rocks and arc magmas ca. 23 to ca. 17 Ma (Wasteneys, 1990; Sandeman because they were erupted through, and con- et al., 1995). This is exactly the same time inter- GEOCHEMICAL DATA taminated by, Andean crust of distinct chemical val during which the critical 2.0–2.5 km altitude and isotopic composition (Fig. 4A). The was reached in the same region according to The geochemical data set contains nearly domains correlate to crustal structure as defi ned Picard et al. (2008). 392 new analyses from the seven volcanic arc by a three-dimensional (3-D) density model as Many studies recognize the onset of a second systems recognized in southern Peru. These and well as the structural grain of the central Andes major episode of uplift in southern Peru and 60 published data on Proterozoic and Paleo- (Mamani et al., 2008a; Ramos, 2008, and refer- Bolivia at ca. 10–9 Ma (e.g., Schildgen et al., zoic rocks of the Coastal Cordillera (from ences therein). The Arequipa domain is a domi- 2007; Thouret et al., 2007; Garzione et al., 2008; Tilton and Barreiro, 1980; Mukasa, 1986b; nantly mafi c Proterozoic accreted to the Sempere et al., 2008, and references therein). Loewy et al., 2004), Jurassic and Cretaceous margin (Ramos , 2008), and it is char- However, disagreement exists about the cause rocks of the Chocolate and Toquepala arcs (52 acterized by mainly non radio genic Pb of this uplift. One view favors massive delami- samples; Mukasa, 1986b; Boyle, 1989; Clark and low (between 16.083 and 18.453) 206Pb/204Pb nation of dense lower lithospheric material into et al., 1990), Oligocene rocks of the Tacaza ratios, typical of an ancient high-grade terrane. the mantle, rather than further crustal thicken- arc (22 samples; Mamani et al., 2004, and ref- The Cordillera domain is here divided into ing, to have been the cause for uplift at this time erences therein), and Miocene rocks from the the (northern) Paracas and (southern)

168 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 Geochemical variations in igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline

70°W 74°W 72°W N Lava 206 204 Aa Ignimbrites Pb/ Pb Intrusions 16.083–18.105 Gneiss 14°S 18.105–18.453 Paracas domain 18.453–18.551 ANT 18.038–18.800 SAR SOL 18.551–18.770 AND COR HUA > 18.770 HUAM SAB CHA 16°S MIS NIC UBI TIC HP TUT YUC TIT Arequipa CAS domain TAC 18°S TAA PAR GUA PUQ ISL 80°W 60°W B Trench axis 20°S


POR AUN Paleozoic OLL

Oaxaquia basins CAR Paracas 22°S SPP COL Arequipa SAI LIC Map area LAS Antofalla 20°S Negrillar domain 24°S field Antofalla Rio SOC

de la terrane Mejillonia Mejillonia Plata LLU Famatina arc LAST Cuyana 26°S 40°S (>2.3 Ga) (2.2–1.9 Ga) (2–1.8 Ga) Andean (1.8–1.5 Ga) ODS belt (1.5–1.3 Ga) 71°W Paleozoic 68°W (1.3–1.0 Ga) 66°W

Figure 4. (A) Crustal domains distinguished on the basis of present-day 206Pb/204Pb ratios (modifi ed after Mamani et al., 2008a). The Arequipa domain (16.083 < 206Pb/204Pb < 18.453) is in green, the Paracas and Antofalla domains (206Pb/204Pb > 18.551) are in pink, and the transition zones (18.453 < 206Pb/204Pb < 18.551) are in yellow; the Mejillonia terrane (18.038 < 206Pb/204Pb < 18.800) is in brown. Red triangles are Qua- ternary volcanoes: SAR—Sara Sara, SOL—, ANT—Antapuna, AND—Andahua fi eld, HUA—, HUAM—Huambo fi eld, SAB—, CHA—, NIC—Nicholson, MIS—, UBI—, HP—Huayna Putina, TIC—, TUT—Tutu- paca, YUC—, TIT—Titire, CAS—, TAC—, TAA—, PAR—, GUA—, PUQ—Puquin- tica, ISL—, IRR—, OLC—, AUN—Auncanquilcha, OLL—Ollagüe, POR—Porunita, CAR—Carcote, SPP—San Pedro–San Pablo, COL—Colorado, SAI—, LIC—, LAS—, SOC—, LLU—, LAST— , ODS—. Samples used to defi ne the crustal domains are located by open symbols according to rock types (see box). (B) Map illustrating the basement domains in western (adapted from Mamani et al., 2008a; Ramos, 2008).

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 169 Mamani et al. domains : both are dominantly that 6 Age were amalgamated to the western Gondwana (Ma) Arc margin (Ramos, 2008), and they have radio- 1 Frontal genic Pb values, i.e., high (>18.551) 206Pb/204Pb 5 ratios. The Coastal Cordillera domain refl ects Upper Barroso major mafi c Mesozoic juvenile contribution to the Arequipa (Mamani et al., 2008a) and 4 High K Mejillonia terranes (Lucassen et al., 2001), and 5 Lower Barroso it exhibits nonradiogenic and radiogenic Pb iso- 206 204 3 10 topes (18.038 < Pb/ Pb < 18.8). O (wt%) 2 Huaylillas K Medium K Major and Trace Elements Tacaza 2 Anta Lava types analyzed in this study are mostly 50 Low K Toquepala andesites to dacites, along with smaller portions 1 of ignimbrites such as and . () 100 (diorite) (granodiorite) (granite) Chocolate Intrusive rocks analyzed include , dio- basaltandesite andesite dacite 200 rites, granodiorites, and granites. The vast ma- 0 jority of samples from all arcs plot in a typical 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 subalkaline trend. However, some lava samples SiO2 (wt%) from the Toquepala (91–45 Ma), Andahuaylas-

Anta (45–30 Ma), and northeastern Tacaza Figure 5. Plot of K2O versus SiO2 contents (wt%) for volcanic arcs in southern Peru. Calc- (30–24 Ma) and Huaylillas (24–10 Ma) arcs alkaline series classifi cation is simplifi ed after Le Maitre (1989). Most rocks plot in the have higher K2O contents relative to SiO2 and high-K calc-alkaline fi eld. Chocolate arc rocks plot in the medium-K fi eld. contents

Al2O3 (Fig. 5). are recalculated to 100% on a volatile-free basis and with all Fe as FeO. All studied lavas exhibit a typical and rela- tively uniform arc signature characterized by ε a marked enrichment in Cs, Rb, Ba, K, and and Nd values (–4 to –12). The Paracas domain tions in Dy/Yb ratios, indicative of amphibole Th, combined with a marked depletion in Nb is represented by the highest 206Pb/204Pb ratios involvement, show a signifi cant increase at ε 87 86 and pronounced light (L) REE enrichment (>18.551) and Nd values (0 to –4). The Sr/ Sr ca. 30 Ma, whereas high Sm/Yb ratios, indica- (La/Sm). In order to evaluate REE patterns, ratios increase in more differentiated rock (i.e., tive of garnet involvement, more markedly in- the Sr/Y, La/Yb, La/Sm, Sm/Yb, and Dy/Yb ignimbrites). The lowest 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios crease during the last 10 Ma. ε ratios were plotted versus SiO2 by distinguish- (0.703–0.706) and highest Nd values (2 to –1) ing age groups (Fig. 6). In order to avoid the correspond to the Chocolate, Toquepala, and DISCUSSION effect of differentiation on trace-element sys- Andahuaylas-Anta rocks, i.e., to rocks older tematics, we only discuss rocks with <65 wt% than 30 Ma. High 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios (be- Our data and results address two important

SiO2. For these, maximum Sr/Y, Sm/Yb, and tween 0.705 and 0.709) are exhibited by a few issues for Central Andean evolution: the amount Dy/Yb ratios clearly increase through time (see rocks within the 91–45 Ma interval and all rocks of crustal contribution to arc magmatism, and also Haschke et al. [2002] and Haschke and from 30 to 0 Ma. Samples from the Chocolate the timing of crustal thickening and related min- Günther [2003] for a similar fi nding regarding and Toquepala arcs have radiogenic mantle eralogic changes involved in the generation and rocks in northern Chile). An incipient increase 206Pb/204Pb ratios (18.5–18.8) and nonradiogenic modifi cation of the magmas. is apparent for the 91–30-Ma-old rocks (Sr/Y 206Pb/204Pb ratios (17.5–18). Geochemical variations across or along the changing from 3 to 40, Sm/Yb = 1–3, Dy/Yb = Andean margin (Fig. 7) have been investigated 1.6–2.2). These trace-element ratios further in- Summary of Results by numerous authors (James, 1982; Hildreth crease at 30–24 Ma (Sr/Y = 4–60, Sm/Yb = 2–5, and Moorbath, 1988; Wörner et al., 1988, 1992; Dy/Yb = 1.6–2.5) and reach their maximum Some major points directly emerge from the Rogers and Hawkesworth, 1989; Stern, 1990, values in <3-Ma-old lavas (Sr/Y = 30–100, preliminary analysis of these data: (1) Signifi - 1991; Kay et al., 1994, 1999, 2005; Davidson Sm/Yb = 2–10, Dy/Yb = 1.9–3.6). Differentiated cant variations in geochemical parameters have et al., 1990; Trumbull et al., 1999; Haschke rocks (>65 wt% SiO2) show lower Sr/Y, Sm/Yb, occurred through time (details and implica- et al., 2002, 2003; Delacour et al., 2007; Dy/Yb ratios, and higher La/Sm and high La/Yb tions are discussed later herein). (2) In contrast, Mamani et al., 2008a, and references therein). ratios, due to the effect of fractionation by feld- isotopic data, and in particular the Pb isotopic Uncertainties about the source(s) and processes spar and possibly accessory minerals. ratios, vary little through time but signifi cantly involved in Andean arc magma genesis result between crustal domains. (3) Increases of from the complex interplay of many factors, Isotopic Compositions parameters such as the Sr/Y, Sm/Yb, and Dy/Yb such as the thermal evolution of the descending ratios are clearly apparent when the highest val- slab, the release of mobile elements from sedi- 206 204 ε Most Pb/ Pb ratios and Nd values dealt ues are considered, whereas their lowest values ments and hydrated basalt, the asthenospheric with here (Fig. 7) are those used to delineate show only a slight increase or remain more or mantle, the lithospheric mantle, the lower and Mamani et al.’s (2008a) Arequipa and Paracas less constant through time. This observation indi- upper crust, as well as the age, composition, crustal domains (Fig. 4). The Arequipa domain cates that only higher values provide constraints and thermal state of the crust. In addition, vari- has the lowest 206Pb/204Pb ratios (16.083–18.453) on the extent of crustal thickening. (4) Varia- ous processes are involved in the evolution of

170 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 Geochemical variations in igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline

70 A Garnet B Garnet 100 60

80 Differentiation 50 Differentiation

40 60 La/Yb Sr/Y 30 40 20

20 10

0 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 SiO2 (wt%) SiO2 (wt%) 0 11 Plagioclase Garnet 13 C D

9 11 Differentiation Differentiation

9 7 Sm/Yb La/Sm 7 5


3 3

1 1 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 SiO2 (wt%) SiO2 (wt%) 4 Garnet E Figure 6. Plot of Sr/Y (A), La/Yb (B), 1 Frontal arc La/Sm (C), Sm/Yb (D), and Dy/Yb (E) ratios versus SiO content (wt%). Amphibole Upper Barroso 2 Differentiation Diagrams A, B, D, and E show for 3 rocks with 50–65 wt% SiO2; ratios of Sr/Y, La/Yb, Sm/Yb, and Dy/Yb 5 Lower Barroso ratios increase slightly from before

Dy/Yb 90 Ma into the 90–30 Ma interval, 10 moderately from the latter into the Huaylillas 30–3 Ma interval, and strongly after

2 Age (Ma) 3 Ma. More differentiated rocks Tacaza (>65 wt% SiO2) show lower Sr/Y, Anta Sm/Yb, and Dy/Yb ratios and higher 50 La/Sm ratios, and thus these ratios Toquepala are likely to have been affected by 1 100 differentiation. 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Chocolate 200 SiO2 (wt%)

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 171 Mamani et al.

0.710 matter of debate (Stern, 1990, 1991; Clift and Hartley, 2007). Although subduction of sedi- 0.709 ments at high and variable rates has been envis- 0.708 aged (von Huene and Scholl, 1991), the trench facing the Central Andean orocline is almost initial 0.707 Sr devoid of sediments and probably has been

86 so since onset of hyperaridity on the western

Sr/ 0.706

87 Andean slope in the latest Oligocene or Mio- cene (Lamb and Davis, 2003; Dunai et al., 2005; 0.705 Lavas Rech et al., 2006; Clift and Hartley, 2007), ex- 0.704 Ignimbrites plaining why no accretionary prism is observed Intrusions (von Huene et al., 1999). Moreover, the Coastal 0.703 Mantle magmas 3 Mantle Cordillera has acted as a barrier limiting sedi- magmas Paracas domain 1 ment transport into the ocean (Allmendinger et al., 2005). It is thus unlikely that signifi cant –1 amounts of sediments have been subducted into the source region of the “enriched” magmas. 87 86 –3 Figure 7. Plot of Sr/ Sr ra- Kay et al. (2005) proposed that tectonic ero- ε 206 204 transition tios, Nd values, and Pb/ Pb Nd –5 sion may have been particularly likely during ratios versus ages (Ma). Age Arequipa domain –7 arc migration and, at certain stages, could have ranges for volcanic arcs are as been involved in magma genesis in the southern in Figure 5. –9 Central volcanic zone. Although this hypothesis –11 is discussed later, it must be underlined here that arc migration has occurred many times during –13 the history of the Andean margin (>400 Ma), Paracas domain whereas signifi cant “enrichment” is only ob- 19.00 Mantle magmas served in a much more restricted geological ≤ 18.75 past ( 30 Ma) and coincident with the timing of crustal thickening.

Pb 18.50 Rocks from the Central volcanic zone display 204 transition neither the negative Ce anomalies nor the spe-

Pb/ 18.25 cifi c Pb compositions that would have resulted 206 from modifi cation of primitive arc by 18.00 sediments (Davidson et al., 1990). Arequipa domain 17.75 Entenmann (1994), Kiebala (2008), and Chang (2008) demonstrated that simple two-stage mix- 17.50 ing is consistent with the observed variable large 100 5010 5 1 Age (Ma) ion lithophile element (LILE) content and U-Th isotopes for the Parinacota and Taapaca vol- canoes. According to their models, the subarc the magmas: partial mantle melting, assimila- either by sediments subducted with the slab or could fi rst have been enriched tion, and fractional crystallization. This com- by tectonic erosion of the forearc (Stern, 1990; by ~1% crustal material and fl uids from the plexity has led to the development of confl icting Kay et al., 2005); (2) an ancient enriched litho- subducted , which produces typi- models on Andean petrogenesis. spheric mantle below the Brazilian Shield was cal arc magmas by fl uid-fl ux melting, and these The following discussion assesses the differ- involved in Andean magmatism (Rogers and basaltic magmas would then have assimilated ent possible sources or processes thought to be Hawkesworth, 1989); or (3) magmas generated (lower?) crustal rocks during their storage in, responsible for the variations in major and trace in the mantle wedge were contaminated to dif- and passage through, the thickened crust. This elements and isotopic ratios observed along the ferent degrees through assimilation during their crustal assimilation is particularly well docu- Central Andean orocline through time and space ascent through the thickening mented by high δ18O values for the Parinacota, before addressing the issue of crustal thickening. (e.g., James, 1982; Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988; Taapaca, and El Misti volcanoes (Entenmann, Wörner et al., 1988, 1992; Davidson et al., 1990; 1994; Chang, 2008). Geochemical Enrichment: Trumbull et al., 1999; Mamani et al., 2008a). Plots of Rb/Cs and Ba/La versus age (Fig. 8) Source or Processes? underline the apparently confl icting evidence Subducted Sediments and Tectonic Erosion for or against source contamination by sub- The most striking geochemical characteristic There is little doubt that signifi cant volumes ducted sediments, and they show that arguments of Central Andean arc magmas is their highly of crustal rocks have been tectonically eroded based on simple trace-element ratios, which are variable and “enriched” isotopic composition. from the Andean forearc (von Huene et al., valid for “clean” oceanic arcs, are not applic- This could be explained by the following three 1999). The amount of this material that actually able to arc magmatism on a thick crust. Fol- hypotheses: (1) enrichment refl ects variable con- got subducted into the magma source region or lowing Plank and Langmuir (1998), low Rb/Cs tamination of the asthenospheric mantle wedge was simply underplated below the forearc is a and Ba/La ratios should indicate involvement

172 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 Geochemical variations in igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline

5 to east, Rogers and Hawkesworth (1989) pro- second Crust posed that Central Andean magmas have been crustal thickening first episode mainly generated by of an an- 4 episode cient enriched subcontinental lithosphere. How- ever, the fact that 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Sr contents incipient increase with time at a rate similar to that of

N 3 crustal thickening (Fig. 9) cannot be easily ex- plained by this hypothesis. Furthermore, O and Pb isotopic ratios provide convincing evidence (Rb/Cs) 2 against the idea that at ~18°S, Andean rocks were dominantly generated by melting of an 1 enriched mantle lithosphere (Davidson, 1991). In the eastern Altiplano of southern Peru Slab sediments and Bolivia, i.e., in a marked backarc position, 0 Pliocene-Quaternary mantle-derived ultrapotas- Lavas sic mafi c rocks exhibit highly variable bulk com- 9 Crust Ignimbrites positions and are likely to have originated by 8 Intrusions melting of a heterogeneous lithospheric mantle 7 (Carlier et al., 2005). However, this kind of litho- N spheric mantle does not appear to be present 6 below the main arc (Allmendinger et al., 1997). 5 (Ba/La) Crustal Thickening and Assimilation 4 through Time 3 In most analyzed rocks, La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios are higher for rocks younger than 30 Ma, 2 and they are related to crustal isotopic signa- 1 tures, strongly suggesting that crustal thickness played a key role in the processes that frac- 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 tionated REE (Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988). Age (Ma) Similar temporal variations were observed by Haschke et al. (2003). Wörner et al. (1988), Figure 8. Log-scale plotting of the Rb/Cs and Ba/La ratios versus age (Ma) for lavas, ignim- Davidson et al. (1991), and McMillan et al. brites, and intrusions. Arrows highlight the major intervals of changing magma composi- (1993) showed that at 18°S, arc lavas younger tions and increasing crustal thickness. than 7 Ma have unusually high Sr concentrations and show a depletion in HREEs compared to the older (>7 Ma) magmatic products. These authors of Cs- and Ba-rich pelagic sediments. However, ment” (i.e., increased Rb/Cs) was caused by took this observation to indicate higher pressure Ba/La ratios are very sensitive to alkali- involvement of subducted sediments. of assimilation in the crust resulting from crustal fractionation. Therefore, the data concerning Hildreth and Moorbath (1988) proposed that thickening prior to that time, but they did not the most differentiated rocks (Fig. 8) have to intracrustal contamination was the dominant distinguish the details of the changing HREE be interpreted with caution, and thus they are process in controlling Ba/La and Rb/Cs ratios depletion over the interval 30–7 Ma. Their in- not considered in this discussion. Intermediate and, more generally, that variable amounts of terpretation is in general agreement with our lavas in our data set exhibit Ba/La ratios that crustal contributions due to varying crustal conclusions here and with views expressed by remain approximately uniform through time. thickness account for the observed compo- Hildreth and Moorbath (1988), Kay et al. (1994, In comparisons of older, Cretaceous and Juras- sitional diversity of magmas in the Southern 1999, 2005), and Haschke et al. (2002, 2003). sic lavas and intrusions, which have low Rb/Cs volcanic zone of the Andes (Fig. 1). Our data The Sr/Y, La/Yb, and La/Sm ratios are sen- ratios, to Oligocene and younger lavas, which confi rm this conclusion in that the compositional sitive to plagioclase fractionation, whereas the have high Rb/Cs ratios, we see that the change changes we observe refl ect the onset of large- Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios are less affected from low to high Rb/Cs occurs at about the scale crustal involvement starting at ca. 30 Ma, (Fig. 6). Therefore, we concentrate here on time when major crustal thickening developed rather than the involvement of variable amounts Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb to constrain the amount and (30 Ma). This was also the time of the onset of sedimentary components. Source contamina- timing of crustal involvement before and during of aridity (Lamb and Davis, 2003; Dunai et al., tion thus appears to have been volumetrically thickening, since these parameters, which re- 2005, and references therein) and the decrease small in the Central Andes (Entenmann, 1994; spectively track the presence of amphibole and in the amount of sediments delivered to the Chang, 2008). garnet residues, show particularly marked varia- trench. Prior to 30 Ma, more sediments should tions with time (Fig. 10). thus have been available for subduction into Enriched Subcontinental Lithosphere The marked increases in Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb the mantle source region. The fact that Ba/La Because in northern Chile at ~22°S, abun- ratios displayed by lavas younger than 30 Ma is higher in the older rocks therefore argues dances of incompatible elements, Sr concentra- (Figs. 9 and 10) thus refl ect increasing litho- against the hypothesis that magmatic “enrich- tions, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios all increase from west static pressure in zones of differentiation and

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 173 Mamani et al.

0.712 differentiated magmas show less extreme values Frontal arc (<1 Ma) Upper Barroso (3–1 Ma) (Fig. 6). Furthermore, differentiation can be as- Lower Barroso (10–3 Ma) sumed to have mainly taken place within the plagioclase stable in evolved rocks 0.711 Huaylillas (24–10 Ma) continental crust, and the garnet signature (high upper crustal Tacaza (30–24 Ma) Sm/Yb and Dy/Yb) is associated with a shift to- shallow assimilation Anta (45–30 Ma) Toquepala (91–~45 Ma) ward crustal isotope composition. It is thus un- 0.710 Chocolate (~310–91 Ma) likely that the observed garnet signatures result Ignimbrites from melting garnet-bearing lithologies in the < 1 Ma mantle and/or subducted slab. 0.709 3–1 Ma We emphasize that the garnet and amphibole 10–3 Ma residues may refl ect either residues in crustal 24–10 Ma

initial rocks during high-pressure melting and assimi- 0.708 30–24 Ma

Sr lation or crystallization of garnet and amphibole

86 directly from basaltic to andesitic magmas (e.g.,

Sr/ Macpherson et al., 2006, and references therein). 0.707 87 However, since there is a correlation between in- creasing “crustal” isotopic signatures and HREE 0.706 depletion, it is argued that these two processes garnet stable should be strongly related (Kay et al., 1999). lower crustal Concurrent with the observed shifts in trace- 0.705 assimilation element signatures in arc andesites, we observe that the largest ignimbrite volumes (represent-

ing more differentiated rocks, >65 wt% SiO2) 0.704 erupted at specifi c times (mainly ca. 24 Ma, rocks close to ca. 20 Ma, ca. 14 Ma, ca. 10 Ma). Only smaller, mantle values medium-sized (typically <300 km3) ignimbrite 0.703 volumes were erupted between 5 and 1 Ma. At 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 any given time, however, ignimbrites are distinct Sr (ppm) from spatially associated andesites in major and Figure 9. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios versus Sr concentrations of magmatic rocks in the Central trace elements (Figs. 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10) and are Andean orocline. more radiogenic in Sr isotopes (Fig. 9). Maxi- mum Sr-isotope values (up to 0.709) and lower Sr concentrations are observed in the younger ignimbrites, which suggest plagioclase (i.e., crust-magma interaction (at depths where am- plies pressures of ~2.1 GPa near the base of the low-pressure) fractionation. Only a few more phibole and garnet develop), as a consequence crust, garnet should be stable in the lower crust, recent and volumetrically minor (<5 km3) ig- of crustal thickening (see also Davidson et al., and arc magmas interacting with it may acquire nimbrites have relatively low Sr-isotope values 1991). In contrast, rocks older than 30 Ma display a “garnet signature.” However, as stated before, and other geochemical characteristics. Because lower 87Sr/86Sr, Dy/Yb, and Sm/Yb ratios. Rocks magmas with relatively low Sm/Yb and Dy/Yb the older large plateau-forming ignimbrites older than 91 Ma have even lower 87Sr/86Sr, ratios existed at any given time, indicating that (24–10 Ma) display low Sr-isotope values, they Dy/Yb, and Sm/Yb ratios, suggesting that the low-pressure signatures persisted after the crust refl ect crustal melting of less enriched (lower- Andean crust was relatively thin before that time. had signifi cantly thickened, and thus that the crustal) lithologies and/or involvement of a Rocks emplaced or erupted between 91 and signifi cant parameters for crustal thickness are larger component of mantle-derived magma. 30 Ma show moderate Dy/Yb fractionation and in fact the maximum Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios Ignimbrites with higher Sm/Yb ratios also have low values but little change in Sm/Yb, thus re- displayed by an age group. Persistence of low- higher Sr-isotope values, suggesting that iso- fl ecting a possible involvement of amphibole but pressure signatures in magmas only refl ects topic compositions and trace-element signatures not of garnet, confi rming that only minor thick- that the assimilation and differentiation of these are correlated. ening of the crust can have occurred during this particular magmas took place at shallow crustal The marked increases in maximum Sm/Yb time interval. In contrast, lavas erupted between levels, and that they did not signifi cantly inter- ratios exhibited by the Tacaza (30–24 Ma) 30 and 3 Ma show both Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb frac- act with the higher-pressure parts of the crust and Upper Barroso (3–1 Ma) lavas, respec- tionation, indicating development of garnet in the dominated by garnet or amphibole. Therefore, tively, refl ect the two successive changes in lower crust and thus confi rming they were gener- isolated observations of low Sm/Yb (or Dy/Yb) magma genesis during crustal thickening. ated during major crustal thickening. ratios in a given magmatic suite cannot be taken The fi rst change at ca. 30 Ma indicates a sig- Lavas younger than 3 Ma exhibit even higher as evidence for a thin crust. More generally, iso- nifi cant involvement of amphibole as a major Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios, thus suggesting fur- lated high Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios cannot just phase in the lower-crustal zone where ther increased crustal thickening or a migra- be taken as simple and direct proxies of crustal magmas differentiated and were modifi ed by tion of magma storage and assimilation to thickness (see details in the following). crustal assimilation. This change was coeval deeper levels in the crust. Because the present High Sm/Yb and Dy/Yb ratios are observed with the uplift documented in southern Peru crustal thickness in the arc region of the Central dominantly in the intermediate compositional and Bolivia (e.g., Picard et al., 2008, and refer- Andean orocline (≥65 km; Yuan et al., 2002) im- range (andesites), whereas more mafi c and more ences therein). The second change, documenting

174 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 Geochemical variations in igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline involvement of garnet in the lower crust partly at No Simple Links between REE Patterns crustal sections, which had been depleted by ear- the expense of amphibole in the Pliocene, indi- and Crustal Thickness lier crustal melting, to “fertile” crust that allowed cates that crustal thickening continued into the increased assimilation at high pressure. Unlike late Neogene. However, the time at which this From the previous discussion, it should not be Kay et al. (2005), we fi nd in the Central Andean second mineralogical threshold was crossed, as concluded that any magma ascending through orocline that spatial and temporal variations in documented by the Sm/Yb maximum ratios, is a thickened crust necessarily displays HREE geochemistry have been decoupled. We observe, younger by ~7 Ma than the onset of the second depletion. Magma-crust interaction in “Mixing, however, that some regions of thick crust show major episode of crustal thickening as docu- Assimilation, Storage, and Homogenization”- stronger maximum HREE depletions than others mented by thermochronologic and paleoalti- zones (Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988) is not at a given time (Figs. 10 and 11). Rather than metric studies (e.g., Garzione et al., 2006, 2008; restricted to deep crustal sections, even, and crustal thickness or tectonic erosion alone, we Schildgen et al., 2007; Thouret et al., 2007). This perhaps especially, in the case of a thick crust. therefore propose that three factors may actually observation has two general implications and Magmas traversing a thick crust do not neces- control HREE depletion: (1) a thick (>~45 km) a third implication that is specifi c to the evolu- sarily interact extensively with deep garnet- or crust, which is a prerequisite for the formation tion of the magma systems of individual strato- amphibole-bearing rocks. Our data clearly dem- of HREE-depleted magmas; (2) the depth of volcanoes: First, the temporal delay between onstrate that many magmas from epochs of in- magma-crust interaction, which may be deep thickening and the increase of the (maximum) cipient (90–30 Ma) or major (<30 Ma) crustal or shallow, even in a “thick crust” setting; and Sm/Yb ratios in Andean andesites may indicate thickening do not exhibit high Sr/Y, La/Yb, (3) the bulk composition of the crust and the ca- either that the zone where magmas are modifi ed La/Sm, Sm/Yb, and/or Dy/Yb ratios (Fig. 10). pacity to yield HREE-depleted partial melts as migrated to deeper crustal levels after the second In fact, it is only the increase in the maximum assimilants. This is because garnet stability and stage of crustal thickening, or, alternatively, that values of these ratios that constitutes a clear abundance and the degree of crustal melting also heating of the lower crust to allow assimilation indication of progressive crustal thickening, depend on bulk rock composition and not only on there required this duration of time. Second, whereas low values from coeval rocks do not pressure and temperature. This combination of the fact that magmatic products remained geo- preclude the existence of a thick crust. Hence, factors may explain why recent arc lavas erupted chemically relatively uniform when a major epi- confi dent conclusions regarding crustal thick- through the Arequipa domain crust (Fig. 4) are sode of crustal thickening and uplift took place ness drawn from such ratios can only be based generally much more HREE-depleted (higher is a strong argument against delamination as a on a signifi cant number of samples. Whereas Sr/Y) than those to the south and north (Fig. 11). cause for this uplift (see discussion in Hartley only one sample with a high Sm/Yb or Dy/Yb The Arequipa domain is characterized by a et al., 2007), since this would have led to a major ratio is suffi cient to indicate a somewhat thick- thicker crust (Yuan et al., 2002) and may be more change in the chemistry of magmas derived from ened crust, one sample with low values of these mafi c than that of the Paracas and Antofalla do- the mantle. Third, and more specifi cally, the ob- ratios cannot be interpreted as indicative of an mains (Mamani et al., 2008a). However, there servation that many stratovolcanoes still do not unthickened crust. is no doubt that the Paracas and Antofalla crust is show elevated Sm/Yb ratios, even in the young- Concentrating thus on the evolution of maxi- thick enough to stabilize garnet in its lower part. est rocks, and thus at maximum crustal thick- mum trace-element ratios, we observe that These factors are schematically illustrated ness, can be exploited to identify the depth of these exhibit signifi cant increases at ca. 30 Ma, in Figure 11 with respect to variable Sr/Y and their principal level of crust-magma interaction ca. 3 Ma, and <1 Ma. This fi nding is similar to Sm/Yb ratios. Only Quaternary rocks with <65

(see further discussion on this later herein). results reported by Haschke et al. (2002) and wt% SiO2 are plotted, and thus the effect of The production of ignimbrites that results Haschke and Günther (2003), and it is thus un- plagioclase fractionation is excluded. Although from progressive thermal and mechanical matu- likely to result from an artifact of the data set or trace-element ratios are high and the crust is ration of the crust (de Silva et al., 2006) indicates sampling. However, Haschke et al. (2002) and suffi ciently thick to stabilize garnet in its deeper that suffi cient heat to induce crustal fusion could Haschke and Günther (2003) used HREE deple- section, the highest Sr/Y and Sm/Yb ratios are have been achieved by invasion of the crust by tion as a proxy for crustal thickness and thus sug- observed in young volcanic rocks that erupted hot basic magmas, as was the case during the gested that crustal thickness may have increased through the (mafi c) Arequipa domain. This Tacaza interval (see previous discussion), and and decreased repeatedly through time in the Cen- diagram thus distinguishes between the effect thus ultimately by the invasion of asthenospheric tral Andes. Because we document here that many imposed by the bulk composition of the crust mantle into the mantle wedge during slab steep- recent lavas show no pronounced HREE deple- on the amphibole to garnet transition (affecting ening. In the Central Andean orocline, large tion, in spite of having undoubtedly traversed a Sm/Yb) and the presence or absence of plagio- volumes of ignimbrites were erupted between thick crust (Fig. 11), we underline that directly clase (affecting only Sr/Y). High Sm/Yb and ca. 75 and ca. 65 Ma (Toquepala arc), i.e., during relating REE ratios in individual rocks to crustal Sr/Y ratios thus represent garnet-bearing and incipient crustal thickening, and after initiation thickness at the time of eruption is not warranted. plagioclase-free (i.e., eclogitic) residues for rocks of major crustal thickening (mainly ca. 24 Ma, In a W-E traverse of the southernmost Cen- from the Arequipa domain, whereas high Sm/Yb ca. 20 Ma, ca. 14 Ma, ca. 10 Ma), suggesting that tral volcanic zone, where crustal thickness re- and low Sr/Y ratios refl ect stability of both crustal thickening might have been partly related mained constant or even increased, Kay et al. garnet and amphibole, i.e., garnet- to the production of voluminous mantle-derived (2005) reported an increase in La/Yb and residues in the Paracas and Antofalla domains. magmas and their transfer into the crust. Since Sm/Yb ratios followed by a subsequent decrease. The fact that the Sm/Yb ratio increases ear- plateau-forming ignimbrites have younger ages Because they observed that the age and location lier than the Sr/Y ratio in the Arequipa domain toward the south in northern Chile (19–11 Ma at of HREE-depleted magmas were spatially re- may refl ect an evolution from (1) garnet-free to 17–20°S, but 14–16 Ma at 22°S), crustal thick- lated, they proposed that a migration of the arc, (2) garnet-amphibolite and (3) eclogitic residues. ening, or at least the processes that resulted in induced by tectonic erosion of the leading edge Although the Lower Barroso lavas were massive crustal melting, may have developed of the continental margin, had caused the zone erupted during rapid surface uplift between 10 later in the south. of magma-crust interaction to shift from deep and 7 Ma, these lavas exhibit REE patterns and

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 175 Mamani et al.

11 second episode 10 first and thermal relaxation 9 episode of crustal 8 thickening incipient 7 thickening 6 and arc

Sm/Yb maturation 5 thin crust 4

3 120 Sara Sara PD 2 110 Hualca Hualca TZ deep assimilation Sabancaya 1 100 Misti 0 Chachani 90 Ubinas 4 PD Lavas Ticsani 80 NTZ Intrusions

Mafic crust Yucamane Arequipa domain AD Ignimbrites 70 Taapaca Sr/Y STZ Parinacota 60 Isluga 3 AND Irruputuncu 50 Olca TZ Ollagüe 40 San Pedro Pablo llow

Dy/Yb Colorado sha 30 Sairecabur AD Licancabur 2 Felsic Lascar 20 Socompa cpx am gt increasing pressure Lastaria 10 12345678910 Sm/Yb

Figure 11. Sm/Yb versus Sr/Y variations for Quaternary volcanoes 1 in the Central Andean orocline. Abbreviations for crustal domains 100 10 1 Age (Ma) are as in Figure 10. See Figure 4 for location of volcanoes. Data plot- ted are from lavas with <65 wt% SiO2 (Figs. 6A and 6D). The Sr-, Figure 10. Plot of Sm/Yb and Dy/Yb ratios versus rock ages (note Nd-, and Pb-isotope ratios for each volcano appear in Figure 12, the logarithmic age axis). Arrows in upper diagram highlight the and the amount of crustal contamination is estimated in Figure 13. different episodes of crustal thickening. Legend: PD—Paracas do- main, NTZ—Northern transition zone, AD—Arequipa domain, STZ—Southern transition zone, and AND—Antofalla domain. The samples from Chocolate and La Negra Formations are in blue. The dashed horizontal line in the Dy/Yb diagram marks the bound- ary between garnet-dominated (>2) and amphibole-dominated (<2) compositions. Low values of the Dy/Yb ratio indicative of amphibole involvement, show a signifi cant increase at ca. 30 Ma and afterward, whereas higher values of the Sm/Yb ratio, which is indicative of garnet involvement, have notably increased during the last few million years. maximum HREE depletions similar to those of to deep crust after crustal thickening must be Lucassen et al., 2001; Loewy et al., 2004; the 24–10 Ma lavas (Fig. 10). If, as we argue, overcome before the garnet signature by assimi- Mamani et al., 2008a). this surface uplift resulted from crustal thicken- lation is formed. The most striking boundary is defi ned by ing rather than delamination, this means that the isotopic contrasts between the Andahua and magmatic expression of a trace-element signa- Assimilation Refl ects Compositional Huambo volcanic fi elds, which are located ture of further crustal thickening was delayed. Domains of the Andean Crust north and south, respectively, of the northern As detailed already, there are several possible boundary of the Arequipa domain (Figs. 4, 12, (or combined) explanations for this, including: In addition to the overwhelming time con- and 13). These fi elds are both characterized by (1) changing magma conduits and stagnation trol on trace-element signals, regional isotopic an abundance of monogenetic cinder cones and reservoirs during thickening did not allow deep, patterns in crustal domains are detected (see lava fl ows, many of which are relatively mafi c high-pressure magma evolution, or, more sim- also Macfarlane et al., 1990; Wörner et al., and probably erupted through deep-reaching ply, (2) a thermal relaxation time in the middle 1992; Aitcheson et al., 1995; Tosdal, 1996; crustal faults (Delacour et al., 2007). The

176 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 Geochemical variations in igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline

206 204 Pb/ Pb 87Sr/86Sr Nd TDM 17.5 17.75 18.0 18.25 18.5 18.75 0.705 0.706 0.707 0.708 0.709-4-6 -8 -10 -12 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Sara Sara Solimana Paracas Antapuna domain Coropuna Andagua Huambo Hualca Hualca Sabancaya Nicholson transition Chachani Misti Ubinas Huaynaputina Arequipa Ticsani Tutupaca domain Yucamane Titire Casiri Tacora Taapaca Parinacota Guallatiri Isluga Irrutupunco Olca Auncanquilcha Ollagüe transition San Pedro-Pablo Colorado Sairecabur Licancabur Antofalla Lascar domain Socompa Llullaillaco Lastaria Ojos del Salado AB CD

206 /204 87 86 ε Figure 12. Variations in Pb Pb, Sr/ Sr, Nd, and Sm-Nd model ages (TDM) for rocks from Quaternary volcanoes, listed from north (top) to south (bottom). These variations refl ect the infl uence of crustal domains along strike. The crust of the Paracas and Antofalla domains (light-gray fi elds) is dominantly felsic, whereas that of the Arequipa domain (dark-gray fi eld) is dominantly mafi c (see also Fig. 4).

compositional change of monogenetic centers 16°S, TDM ages vary between 0.8 and 1.3 Ga; Davidson et al. (1990, 1991), and Mamani et al. across this boundary coincides at the surface between 16°S and 21°S, TDM ages range from (2008a), among others. To estimate the amount with the Iquipi-Trigal crustal fault system, which 1.0 to 1.8 Ga; and south of 21°S, TDM ages vary of crustal material assimilated by Andean mag- is seismically active (David, 2007). The bound- from 0.7 to 1.4 Ga. The Arequipa Proterozoic mas, we calculated mixing models (follow- ary delineated by distinct Pb isotopic composi- basement has TDM ages between 1.9 and 2.3 Ga ing Albarède , 1996) between a mantle-derived tions is remarkably abrupt (within a distance (Loewy et al., 2004). In the southern Central magma and local crust, based only on the Sr-, of 60 km, over a >60-km-thick crust; Mamani Andean orocline, the Paleozoic basement has Nd-, and Pb-isotopic ratios. The composition of et al., 2008b), suggesting that the boundary is TDM ages between 0.9 and 1.8 Ga (Lucassen the mantle-derived magma is diffi cult to assess. In rather steep. It is therefore likely that this bound- et al., 2001). The good correlation among the absence of tighter constraints, we chose a ju- ary represents a major and active between Sm-Nd model ages, Pb isotopic ratios, and venile of Jurassic age simply be- distinct crustal blocks. trace-element signatures of Andean magmas in- cause no primitive lava compositions are observed A series of minor volcanic centers also occurs dicates that these have derived their assimilated in the younger rock suites. Assimilants are repre- along the southern boundary of the Arequipa component from crustal sections of different age sented by compositional data from the Mollendo domain. Other examples include monogenetic and composition (Fig. 4). Proterozoic basement (Arequipa domain) and centers along the West-Fissure fault in northern the Paleozoic Cotahuasi (Paracas domain) Chile (Deruelle, 1982), which marks the east- Quantifying Crustal Contributions and Choja (Antofalla domain) basements. ern boundary of the Coastal Cordillera domain We fi nd that the amounts of crustal contami- (Mamani et al., 2008a). Minor volcanic centers Although many uncertainties exist about the nation in andesites range from 7% to 18%. In possibly preferentially formed along crustal composition and structure of the continental the Arequipa domain, the most-contaminated boundaries in the Central Andean orocline. crust, all data presented here are most consistent lavas are from the Chachani, El Misti, and

The depleted mantle (TDM) ages of andesites with models involving intracrustal assimilation Pichu Pichu volcanoes. In the Antofalla do- from Quaternary volcanoes confi rm the defi - in MASH zones, as proposed by Hildreth and main, they are from the Sairecabur, Licancabur, nition of crustal domains (Fig. 12F). North of Moorbath (1988), Wörner et al. (1988, 1994), and Socompa volcanoes (Fig. 12). The least-

Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 177 Mamani et al.

0.709 were taken from Rollinson (1993). Such rocks Cotahuasi 16 Mollendo Volcanoes have been postulated to make up a large part basement Belen 19 Sara Sara basements of the lower arc crust in parts of southern Peru Coropuna (Petford and Atherton, 1996). Taken at face Sabancaya value, the observed high La/Yb and Sm/Yb Hulca Hualca 0.708 compositions observed in young Andean rocks 13 16 Chachani Misti (Fig. 14) could be explained simply by partial

Sr Ubinas melting of garnet-bearing basaltic lower crust. 86

/ Huaynaputina However, the degree of melting would have to Ticsani Sr be at least 75% from a plagioclase-free residue 0.707 13

87 Tutupaca 10 refl ecting ~2.1 GPa, i.e., ~60 km crustal thick- Yucamane ness. As such a high degree of melting is un- Taapaca likely, and as the absence of any mantle-derived Parinacota magma in any of the younger volcanic rocks in 10 Isluga 0.706 Irruputunco this arc setting is not reasonable, we infer from 7 Olca this modeling that high La/Yb and Sm/Yb ra- Arequipa Paracas Ollague tios were not achieved by direct partial crustal Antofalla Sairecabur domain Mantle melting but rather resulted from mixing of magma 7 domains Licancabur mantle-derived magmas with up to 15%–18% 0.705 Lascar Paracas of low-degree (<20%) partial melts from mafi c Mantle 7 Socompa Arequipa magma Antofalla crustal lithologies at high pressure. domains Lastaria -3 domain Cinder cones CONCLUSION 10 -4 Andagua Huambo Central Andean arc magmas are character- -5 Porunita 13 ized by an overall enriched geochemical com- 7 Negrillar position with signifi cant variations in time and -6 space. Because neither subducted sediments Nd 16 and tectonic erosion nor the presence of an -7 enriched subcontinental lithosphere are likely 10 19 causes of the observed enrichment and varia- -8 tions, these are best explained by interaction of mantle-derived arc magmas with a mature com- -9 posite crust during different stages of crustal 13 Cotahuasi thickening. However, even though the changes Belen in magma composition with time are signifi cant, -10 Mollendo basements basement the geochemical signal is by no means simply -11 and directly related to crustal thickness. 17.50 17.75 18.00 18.25 18.50 18.75 19.00 Because a growing lithostatic pressure in the lower crust produces mineralogical changes that 206Pb/204Pb induce fractionations of trace elements in melts 87 86 ε 206 204 with which the residue interacts, our analysis Figure 13. Sr/ Sr ratios, Nd values, and Pb/ Pb ratios for Quaternary volcanoes from different domains and cinder cones from transition zones. Lines show result of a simple of a comprehensive set of geochemical data mixing model (Albarède, 1996) of a Jurassic lava close to a mantle source (Sr, Nd, and Pb on Andean magmatic rocks sheds an indepen- contents [ppm] and isotopic ratios are 111/0.7033, 13/0.5127, 4/18.221, respectively) with the dent light on the timing of crustal thickening Paleozoic Cotahuasi basement (Sr, Nd, and Pb content/ratios are 96/0.735, 31/0.51145, 11/20, and thus advances key issues concerning the respectively) and the Proterozoic Mollendo basement (Sr, Nd, and Pb content/ratios are evolution of the Central Andean orocline. High 150/0.73, 54/0.51128, 7/17, respectively). Tic marks are percentages of crustal contamination. Dy/Yb ratios indicate interaction of magmas with an amphibole-rich crust, which signifi - cantly increased at ca. 30 Ma in the Central Andean orocline. High Sm/Yb ratios indicate contaminated lavas occur in the transition zones tial source, we used a Jurassic basaltic andesite interaction with a garnet-rich crust, and these (e.g., Coropuna, Hualca Hualca, Irruputunco, from the Chocolate arc (La = 10.5, Sm = 2.3, have more markedly increased since ca. 10 Ma. Olca, and Auncanquilcha volcanoes). Yb = 1.4, Y = 10.6). Source mineralogies vary However, HREE depletion occurs only in To better constrain the assimilation process, from a garnet-free amphibolite (amphibole/ the case of signifi cant magma-crust inter action we calculated the La/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios of plagioclase = 75/25) to a garnet-bearing with a lower crust that has a composition suit- crustal melts (Albarède, 1996) using mafi c as- amphibo lite (amphibole/garnet = 90/10) and able for growing amphibole and/or garnet similants with different proportions of residual (amphibole/garnet/clinopyroxene = with increasing pressure: the relatively unfrac- minerals (plagioclase, amphibole, garnet) at 10/40/50) in order to account for increasing tionated REE profi le of many volcanic rocks variable degrees of partial melting. As a poten- crustal thickness. Distribution coeffi cients (KD) erupted through a thick crust indicate that the

178 Geological Society of America Bulletin, January/February 2010 Geochemical variations in igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline

70 gt/am= 10/90 1% 1400 amphibole garnet eclogite amphibolite 60 75 30 1200

5% 50 1000 80 am/gt/cpx 800 =10/40/50 10% 40 50 La/Yb 600 85 La/Yb 20% 30 400 Frontal arc (<1 Ma) 30% 70 90 Upper Barroso (3–1 Ma) am/plag = 75/25 200 40% 20 Lower Barroso(10–3 Ma) 50% amphibolite Huaylillas (24–10 Ma) 60% 70% 1 Tacaza (30–24 Ma) 0 95 Anta (45–30 Ma) 0 51015 202530 10 50 Toquepala (91–~45 Ma) Sm/Yb Chocolate (~310–91 Ma) mantle increasing pressure magma cpx am gt 0 012345678910 Sm/Yb

Figure 14. La/Yb versus Sm/Yb diagram showing the evolution of arc rocks (<65 wt% SiO2); cpx—clinopyroxene, am—amphibole, gt— garnet. Curves show result of batch-melting model (Albarède, 1996) of amphibolite, garnet amphibolite, and amphibole eclogite. corresponding magmas did not interact sig- The major crustal thickening typical of the high lithostatic pressure in the lower crust. The nifi cantly with lower-crustal lithologies. The present Central Andes has developed since delay observed between the inferred resumption relation between crustal thickness and trace- 30 Ma, while, in southern Peru, the main arc has of crustal thickening and the eruption of lavas element signatures is thus only general and migrated back toward the trench. The steepening with a marked garnet signature is possibly due to not simple and direct, and only variations of of the slab associated with this back-migration a relaxation time of a few million years before this the maximum values of parameters such as the induced mantle upwelling and decompression, signature was formed, and/or to magma stag- Sr/Y, Sm/Yb, and Dy/Yb ratios are informative which resulted in pervasive mantle melting and nation at shallower crustal levels before fi nal on crustal thickening. widespread, voluminous high-K mafi c magma- eruption. Initiation of this uplift episode coincided For the Chocolate interval (ca. 310–91 Ma), tism during the interval 30–24 Ma. The infl ux of with the resumption of ignimbrite fl are-ups at 87 86 ε low Sr/ Sr ratios and high Nd values indicate hot asthenosphere into the mantle wedge and the ca. 10 Ma, refl ecting the initiation of a new major that magmas were primarily derived from the related invasion of the crust by large amounts of episode of crustal melting and thus suggesting mantle, and they either traversed a juvenile hot mantle-derived melts triggered crustal melt- intrusion of hot magmas into the crust, in agree- crust or suffered only a very small degree of ing, which resulted in massive ignimbrite erup- ment with the eruption of high-K mafi c magmas assimilation of mature crust. Low Dy/Yb and tions, especially between ca. 26 and ca. 18 Ma. southwest of Titicaca between 6 and 5 Ma Sm/Yb ratios suggest that the crust was thin. The marked increase of Sm/Yb and Dy/Yb ratios (Kaneoka and Guevara, 1984) and more region- Distinct Pb-isotopic ratios indicate either deri- displayed by 30–24-Ma-old rocks indicates that ally between ca. 9 and ca. 4 Ma (M. Fornari and vation from a mantle source and/or contamina- magmas interacted and thermally equilibrated T. Sempere, 2008, personal commun.). 87 86 206 204 ε tion by Arequipa or Mejillonia basement rocks. with a lower crust in which garnet and amphibole The Sr/ Sr and Pb/ Pb ratios and Nd These data confi rm that the Central Andean were a major stable residual phase, coincident values of volcanic rocks younger than 30 Ma margin dominantly underwent tectonic stretch- with the onset of signifi cant crustal thickening document that assimilation and contamination ing and lithospheric thinning during this time and related to uplift in the late Oligocene. by the Central Andean basement markedly in- interval. A second and major episode of surface uplift creased during crustal thickening. Volcanic A slight increase in Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios developed in the late Miocene (ca. 10–6 Ma; rocks erupted in the Arequipa domain (and corroborates incipient crustal thickening de- Garzione et al., 2006, 2008; Schildgen et al., the Paracas and Antofalla domains) have been veloping from the Late Cretaceous to the mid- 2007; Thouret et al., 2007), and our analysis of contaminated by a crust with TDM ages between Oligocene (91–30 Ma). Higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios the data provides insights into its cause. Although 1.8 and 1.0 Ga (between 1.4 and 0.7 Ga for the ε and lower Nd values refl ect a higher degree of Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios of lavas that erupted Paracas and Antofalla domains, respectively). assimilation and contamination by more mature during the 10–3 Ma interval display no clear in- The amount of continental crustal contribution crustal material. Pb-isotopic ratios suggest that crease, volcanic rocks younger than 3 Ma show in recent arc andesites is estimated to range magmas were derived from mantle sources and very high Dy/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios, pointing to between 7% and 18%. The least-contaminated were contaminated by local basement. It is note- garnet as the only major residual phase control- lavas are from volcanoes located near the crustal worthy that at ca. 45 Ma, the arc migrated north ling REE, and thus indicating that crustal thick- boundaries delineated by Mamani et al. (2008a), by up to 200 km in western southern Peru. ening had continued to the point of imposing very where minor volcanic centers preferentially

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