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Brazil 122719U AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT Oaira CLASI IF ICAT I ON COUNTRY OF ACTIVITY RFPOF.TINI, IRFPORI NO. f/csve hiank ) Brazil 122719U AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY OR »RIA REF *T ONCFRNS »'l 0* 1 NF OP MA 1 1 ON Brazil As Shown ^ ACTIVITY SUBMITIING RFPORT 4^P$F*1?oTl F r T 1 ON SRI STATUS (If applicable) s OAirA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 15 July 1959 "' C*NCt LEO/COMPLETE PREPARING NOIVIIIUAL HATF OF REPORT SRI NO. Miss Anne Dancy, D/AF Civilian 15 July 1959 CANCF Lt O I NCOMPLF TE «|«M1 OR ['ESCRIPMON ^F SOURCE ' YALUATION 'Emitted per Ltr fr AFClN-lAli, dtd. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON (Date) 12 Feb 1959. B-2 RF.FFPF NCI s (HAIR Subjevt, previous reports, etc.. as appTie able) BAIR-917; IR-118-S0. U8 JECT (Desi r ipt i v e title. Use r'nrf iv idua J repor t a for en* • ate sub ]ecTs~) Biographical Data on Maj. Brig. Gen. Antonio Alberto BARCELLOS (C) SUMMARY (Give iumnv* ry t/iufi U t&hl i$hts t he *sa I tent faitoi* of narrat ive repor t . Benin narrat ive text on AF Form 1J2 a unless re nort an h*» fu I ly stated on AF Form J 12 • List incIosurei, includin# numher of copies ) The attached report gives up-to-date detailed biographical information on Maj. Brig. General Antonio Alberto BARCELLOS, who assumed the position of Air Attache, Brazilian Embassy, Washington, D.C., on lb* March 19$9. This report supersedes information contained in IR-118-50, dated I4 September 1950. APPROVED: WILLIAM L. GIBBONS Colonel, U3AF Air Attache ab le ) DISTRIBUTION BY ORIGINATOR (Except USAF and file. Indicate Dupl jtf/.l and copies w/o inclosures, iirtcppl i< 5 ^^cd^J^.0., tf* ^ Cmdr, CAirCt Albrook AFB, C.Z. (2 cys of roporO pate WARNING: This document contains information affecting the national de f e^fj ^oJ^Hlf^^^gv^ Bftli ffkXt eW i t h in the meaning of the Espionage Laws. Title IS. U.S.C.. Section 793 and 794. Its transmits ion es^QfS. t i on of its contents in any manner to an unauthorised person is prohibited by law. f*» F R M AF SE p 54 I 12 REPLACES AF FORM 112. I OCT 52. WHICH MAY BE USED 7 U S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFf ICF 1<JM O 315475 ,F FORM 112—PART il (CLASSIFICATION) APPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT FROM iAgtl.CH) 122719U 5 OAirA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OF B. Basic Biographical ttata. 1. Antonio Alberto BARCELLOS. 2. Unknown. 3. Washington, D. C, U.SJU li. 21 July 1898, Federal District, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 5. Brazilian. 6. Roman Catholic. 7. Read Write Speech Portuguese (Mother Tongue) Excellent Excellent Excellent French Good Unknown Good Spanish Unknown Good English Good ' Fair Good 8. Pilot with approximately 2,630 hours of flight time. C. Description of Personality. 1. Officer is 5 feet, 7 inches tall, and weighs approximately 150 pounds. He is very thin, has a predominate nose, receding hairline, dark brown hair, small eyes, and wears a mustache. 2. Unknown. 3. Unknown. iu French—was a pupil of a French Mission and received a diploma of "Military Pilot" the latter part of 1923. U.S.A.— took a course of Command and General Staff at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Class #23, 19ii5« 5. U.S.A.; France; South America; Europe. 6. An officer of high caliber, hardworker, very intelligent, and is very well liked in the Brazilian Air Force. 7. His influence must be very high in order to have been able1 to procure the position of Air Attache, Brazilian Embassy, in Washington, D.C. Reputation of officer is very good. 8. Unknown. 9. Unknown. D. Present Career and Associations. 1. Major Brig. General, Brazilian Air Force. 2. Air Attache, Brazilian Embassy, Washington, D.C, U.S.A. NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHJN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT. 50 U. S. C— 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE. USAF. 1H 5557(>-l I!. 3. GCV£n>«ENT PRINTING OFFICE DECTASSTFIED AF FORM 112—PART H CLASSIFICATION) APPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 Authority AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT FROM (Agency) OAirA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 122719U 3. Unknown, U. Unknown, 5. Officers of the Diplomatic Corps, USAF officers, and high ranking civilians in Washington, D.C., U.S.A, 6. Unknown. 7. Has always been very cooperative with the Americans. 8. Unknown. E. Past Career and Achievements» 1. Primary and secondary (high school) education in schools of Federal District, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Attended high school of Colegio Pedro II, Rio de Janeiro.) 2. Past Careers 30 April 1913 Entered the old Military School at Realengo. 18 Jan 1921 Graduated and promoted to the rank of Officer Junior Grade. Served in the Fighters' 2kth Battalion in Sao Luiz in the State of Maranhao. 11 May 1921 Promoted to 2nd Lt., Infantry. November 1922 Enrolled in the Aviation Military School at Campo dos Afonsos. 1923 Was a pupil of the French Mission and received diploma of Military Pilot the latter part of 1923. 11 May 1923 Was promoted to the rank of 1st Lt., Infantry. Was a pilot instructor and squadron commander for a few years. 15 Nov 1927 Transferred to the Aviation Corps. 28 July 1928 Was promoted to Captain (Av.) 1932 Assigned to serve in the old Military Aviation Directorate. 12 May 193U Promoted to Major (Av.) because of length of service. On this date he was assigned to the 1st Aviation Regiment under the command of Colonel Eduardo Gomes. He was one of the pioneers of the "Correio Aero Naclonal" (Military Air Transport Service) and collaborated in the opening of new air routes inland. 20 Jan 19U1 Transferred to the newly created Air Ministry. 20 Dec 19U Promoted to the rank of Lt. Col. and was assigned to command the Air Base of Sao Paulo. 19U2 Assigned to assist the Director General of Air Routes, Colonel Eduardo Gomes. •jnjr- THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT. 50 U. S. C- 31 AND 32 AS AMENDED ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES. EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE. USAF. DECLASSIFIED AF'FORM 112—PART II Authority J (CLASSIFICATION) fNl)5309tf APPROVED 1 JUNE 1918 AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT FROM i.ljrnry; OAirA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 122719U 10 May 1944 Promoted to the rank of Colonel (Av.) because of merit, and date of promotion made effective as of 23 February 1944. 19U5 Chief of General Staff of the 4th Air Zone, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Took a course of Command and General Staff, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Class #23, year of 1945. 1947 Assigned Commander of the Galeao Air Base. 1950 Commander of the 1st Air Zone in Belem, State of Para, Brazil. 1952 Served on the Air Force General Staff and in the middle of 1952 was nominated Director General of the Directorate of Air Force Personnel. 9 Feb 1955 Relieved as Director General of Personnel. 2 March 1955 Assigned as Sub-Inspector of the Air Force General Staff. 21 Nov 1955 Relieved as Sub-Inspector of the Air Force General Staff. 21 November 1955 Assigned as Commander of the Air Transport Command, Galeao, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2U Feb 1956 Relieved as the Commander of the Air Transport Command. 2k Feb 1956 Temp, assigned as Commander of the 2nd Air Zone, Recife, Brazil. 15 Jul 1957 Relieved as Acting Commander of the 2nd Air Zone, Recife, Brazil. 16 Aug 1957 Assigned as Acting Commander of the 4th Air Zone, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 29 Apr 1958 Assigned Brazilian Military Assistant to the Joint Brazil-US Defense Commission in Washington, D. C. 12 May 1958 Relieved as Commander of the 4th Air Zone, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 25 June 1958 Departed on VARIG Airlines to assume duties in Washington, D.C. 17 Dec 1958 Promoted to the rank of Maj« Brig. General. lb Dec 1958 Relieved from duty as Brazilian Military Assistant at the Joint Brazil-US Defense Commission. 18 March 1959 Assigned Air Attache, Brazilian Embassy, Washington, D.C. 8 Apr 1959 • Assigned as Brazilian Delegate of the Inter-American Defense Board; also assigned as Brazilian Delegate at the Joint Brazil-U.S. Defense Commission. 20 June 1959 Officer in Rio de Janeiro on a special commission (not specified in local press) for Brazilian Government and ex• pected to return to USA on 27 Jun 59 via VARIG Airlines. NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE-NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, 50 U. S. C— 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE. USAF. (CLASSIFICATION) . S. SO'/ESKMENT PRIHTIN:. OFFICE AF FORM* 112—PART I! (CLASSIFICATION) APPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT FROM (Aftncy) : REPORT NO.
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