WIIKWEDONG DAZHI-OJIBWE The Keweenaw Bay Ojibwe Miinke Giizis – Blueberry Moon - August 2020 Issue 193 COVID-19 Pandemic Cancelled Fourth of July Lumberjack Tribal Council Members: Days Celebration — Sandpoint Campground Compensates Warren C. Swartz, Jr., President Gary F. Loonsfoot, Jr., Vice-President Kim Klopstein, Secretary Toni J. Minton, Asst. Secretary Doreen G. Blaker, Treasurer Robert R.D. Curtis, Jr. Eddy Edwards Dale Goodreau Randall R. Haataja Susan J. LaFernier Rodney Loonsfoot Don Messer, Jr. SPECIAL POINTS Picture by Lauri Denomie. OF INTEREST Sandpoint Campground, July 4th. Kiddie Parade participants (below). Sandpoint Campground Celebrates Fourth of July KBIC Considers Carbon Credit Program Missing and Murdered In- digenous Women KBIC Beach Clean Up Pinery Cemetery History DIAL HELP Services Avail- able During COVID-19 KBIC Employment Opportu- nities Ojibwemowin Criminal Report Deepest Sympathy Picture by Lauri Denomie. Baraga, Michigan — The Keweenaw Bay Indian Com- munity opened their Sand- point Campground for the summer on June 12, 2020, after a newly formed Sand- point Campground Committee was formed. The committee worked closely with Ojibwa Enterprises’ Management and the KBIC Tribal Council to open up this beautiful vaca- tion spot. Many community members volunteered their time preparing for this sea- sons opening which was de- Picture by Lauri Denomie. Continues page six. To place an ad, submit an article, or relate information, ideas, or possible articles contact: Lauri Denomie at (906) 201-0263, or e-mail:
[email protected]. Picture by Lauri Denomie. (1) Bezhig IHBG-CARES markets, a required compliance market in California, and voluntary markets. On March 27, 2020, the President signed the California Cap and Trade Program Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security California industries are required to keep their (CARES) Act (Public Law 116-136), which provides carbon emissions under a “cap,” or upper limit.