Final Technical Report Project Title: Keweenaw Bay Wind Feasibility Study Covering Period: April 1, 2010 to September 30, 2012 Date of Report: December 17, 2012 Recipient Organization: Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Award Number: DE-EE0002513 Partners: Tim Mulvaney, Consultant, energy.3, 1805 S. 16th Street, Escanaba, MI 49829; Ph. (906) 399-0416, Fax (906) 399 0416; Mark Carlson, American Wind & Energy, 520 White Birch Ct.; Appleton, WI 54915; Ph. (920) 915-9992;
[email protected]; Dave Drapac, H&H Wind Energy; 818 Post Road; Madison, WI 53713; (608) 268 4312. Technical Contact: Gregg Nominelli, 16429 Beartown Road, Baraga, MI 49908; Ph. (906) 353-4133, Fax (906) 6869; gregg@kbic Business Contact: Warren C. Swartz, 16429 Beartown Road, Baraga, MI 49908; Ph. (906) 353-4104, Fax (906) 353-7540;
[email protected] DOE Project Officer: Lizana K. Pierce, (303) 275-4727
[email protected] Project Monitor: Whaley, Cass, (720)-356-1340
[email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Executive Summary: Through the assistance of the Community Capacity Development Office of the U.S. Department of Justice, the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community conducted a week-long community planning session in June of 2008. Meetings included Tribal members and local non-Tribal community leaders. Specifically targeted at promoting economic development and also focusing on the Tribe's legal infrastructure, a number of recommendations were developed. Among these revelations was the Tribe's commitment to its natural environment, to preserve and improve the quality of our water, air, land and all life within. The strength of the existing local business community is in manufacturing.