
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The by Leo Brady User Search limit reached - please wait a few minutes and try again. In order to protect Biblio.co.uk from unauthorized automated bot activity and allow our customers continual access to our services, we may limit the number of searches an individual can perform on the site in a given period of time. We try to be as generous as possible, but generally attempt to limit search frequency to that which would represent a typical human's interactions. If you are seeing this message, please wait a couple of minutes and try again. If you think that you've reached this page in error, please let us know at [email protected]. If you are an affiliate, and would like to integrate Biblio search results into your site, please contact [email protected] for information on accessing our inventory APIs. Can you guess which first edition cover the image above comes from? What was Dr. Seuss’s first published book? Take a stab at guessing and be entered to win a $50 Biblio gift certificate! Read the rules here. This website uses cookies. We use cookies to remember your preferences such as preferred shipping country and currency, to save items placed in your shopping cart, to track website visits referred from our advertising partners, and to analyze our website traffic. Privacy Details. Edge of Doom. Edge of Doom is a 1950 film noir shot in black and white. The film was directed by Mark Robson. The screenplay was written by Philip Yordan (with uncredited writing from screenwriters Ben Hecht and Charles Brackett). The film is based on a novel by Leo Brady. Cinematography by Academy Award winner Harry Stradling Sr. The story concerns a young mentally disturbed man, Martin Lynn (Farley Granger), who goes on a rampage after his sick mother dies. One of the man's biggest beefs is with the Catholic Church who, in addition to slighting him when his mother needed a priest, once refused to bury his father years earlier because he committed suicide. The man, blaming the environment he lives in, goes on a rampage taking revenge on his cheap boss, a mortician and a priest, Father Kirkman (Harold Vermilyea), who refuses to give his poor mother a big funeral. He begins his rampage by killing the hard-line Catholic priest, who slighted him, by beating him with a heavy crucifix. Later, another young priest, Father Roth (Dana Andrews), suspects the young man, now arrested for another crime, for the killing. as Father Thomas Roth as Martin Lynn as Rita Conroy, Martin's girlfriend as Lieutenant Mandel as Craig as Julie as Irene, Craig's girlfriend as 1st Detective as 2nd Detective as Father Kirkman as Mrs. Pearson as Mrs. Jeanette Moore as George, a Priest narrated to. External links. at the Internet Movie Database at the TCM Movie Database at AllRovi. (1943) (1943) (1944) Isle of the Dead (1944) Bedlam (1946) Champion (1949) Roughshod (1949) Home of the Brave (1949) My Foolish Heart (1949) Edge of Doom (1950) (1951) I Want You (1951) Return to Paradise (1953) (1954) ! (1954) The Bridges at Toko-Ri (1954) (1955) Trial (1955) (1956) (1957) Peyton Place (1957) The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958) (1960) (1963) The Prize (1963) Von Ryan's Express (1965) (1966) Valley of the Dolls (1967) Daddy's Gone A-Hunting (1969) Happy Birthday, Wanda June (1971) Limbo (1972) Earthquake (1974) (1979) This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer) The Edge of Doom by Leo Brady. A priest sets out to catch the man who killed one of his colleagues. В главных ролях. Социальные сети. У нас нет обзоров для Edge of Doom. Медиа. Статус Выпущено. Исходный язык английский. Бюджет - Сборы - Ключевые слова. Счёт содержания. Да! Выглядит здорово! Лучшие участники. Тренд популярности. Войти для для отчёта о проблеме. You need to be logged in to continue. Click here to login or here to sign up. Мы используем cookie-файлы, чтобы помочь вам улучшить опыт работы с TMDb. Чтобы узнать больше, вы можете ознакомиться с нашей политикой использования cookie-файлов. Продолжая использовать TMDb, вы соглашаетесь с этой политикой. THE EDGE OF DOOM. A dark toned story of an act of violence which pursues- on the surface- the aftermath of a crime, but is more fundamentally concerned with the Catholic Church's redemption of a soul. Martin Lynn, whose father had been a jailbird, whose mother had been worn down by poverty, and who is himself resentful of the Catholic faith in which he had been reared, kills impulsively the priest to whom he had turned in regard to his mother's funeral. As Martin is victimized by fear, by self-pity, by hate, and by the desire to see his mother have a fine funeral which he cannot afford, the police continue their prosecution of the case and Father Roth, a younger priest, who suspects Martin, hopes to secure his confession before the police reach him. And at the close, it is a victory for the Church as Martin leaves his mother's bier to turn himself in. An unpleasant story, though a holding one, which will have strong publisher pressure and the endorsement of the Thomas More Book Club. Edge of Doom. A priest sets out to catch the man who killed one of his colleagues. Director. Producer. Writers. Editor. Cinematography. Art Direction. Set Decoration. Composer. Sound. Costumes. Make-Up. Studio. Country. Language. Alternative Title. Stronger Than Fear. Genres. 99 mins More details at IMDb TMDb Report this film. Popular reviews. Bleak, often suffocating Christian noir nevertheless earns points for the relentless nihilism of its approach: Human institutions -- cops, employers, the funeral industrial complex, even the church -- will inevitably fail you, so you might as well turn to God. I couldn't even be bothered to come up with a good pun to start this review with. I suppose Edge Of Poo-m would have been nearest. But what a massive disappointment Mark Robson's noir turned out to be. A piss-poor morality tale loosely based on Crime And Punishment, it is almost an hour and a half of Farley Granger walking around telling everyone that he's going to give his mum a big funeral. Granger is given such a strange central character for the central role of a noir. Sure, there have been many unsympathetic villains in these types of films over the decades. but he's such an irredeemably snivelling, charmless, stupid and selfish pillock that you cannot possibly root for… Earliest(?) example of the miniscule subgenre of Catholic noir. Hitchcock's I Confess appeared a few years later, and maybe some Bresson films would qualify. Suppose First Reformed is the genre's modern incarnation? Though he's second-billed, Granger is the star, and he's fantastic, like a more cynical, broken version of the guy he played in They Live by Night . Andrews is asked to do far less, but he's also quite good. Evidently, the film got a bad response when it premiered, and Ben Hecht was brought in to write the opening and closing scenes and beef up Andrews' part. It's hard to imagine how bleak the film would be if it focused even more on Granger. Robson directed many of 's stylized horror films, so it's a little surprising how well he manages to create the feel of dead-end urban life.