
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 04/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 339 - Mai 2014 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, ben, sondern auch den aufwändigen liebe Filmfreunde! Proben beizuwohnen und uns ausführ- lich mit Don Davis zu unterhalten. Das Wenn Sie sich in den letzten Wochen gesamte Bild- und Tonmaterial, das gefragt haben, warum wir nur sehr ein- dabei entstanden ist, hat eine Größe geschränkt telefonisch erreichbar wa- von über 100 Gbyte und wird in den ren, dann finden Sie die Antwort auf nächsten Wochen in ein Video umgear- dieser Seite. Nicht nur hielt uns die beitet, das nach Fertigstellung natür- jährlich stattfindende FMX in Atem, lich auf unserem Youtube-Kanal abruf- sondern auch noch ein Filmmusik-Kon- bar sein wird. zert der besonderen Art. Und da aller guten Dinge bekanntlich Doch zunächst zur FMX. Hierbei han- drei sind, haben wir die Gelegenheit delt es sich um einen Branchentreff der genutzt, den deutschen Kameramann Visual Effects Industrie, der jedes Jahr Alexander Sass bei seinem Kurzbesuch Oben: Hollywood-Produzent Jon Landau Unten: Hollywood-Produzent Chris DeFaria renommierte VFX-Spezialisten in die in Stuttgart vor unsere Kamera zu ho- schwäbische Hauptstadt holt. Diese len. Was er uns erzählte und auch den Spezialisten präsentieren dort im Haus Zuschauern bei der Sondervorführung der Wirtschaft ihre neuesten Arbeiten seines neuesten Films FASCINATING und geben damit tiefe Einblicke in die INDIA 3D, können Sie demnächst auf Welt der visuellen Effekte. Ob unserem Youtube-Kanal erfahren. Sie GRAVITY, THE GRAND BUDAPEST sehen: es bleibt spannend! HOTEL, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN oder WHITE HOUSE DOWN – keiner Zu guter Letzt freue wir uns sehr, dass der großen VFX-Blockbuster wurde unsere vielbeschäftigte Hollywood- ausgelassen. Ein besonderer Höhe- Expertin Anna wieder einmal für uns in punkt war Andy Serkis‘ Präsentation die Tasten gehauen hat und uns pas- des neuen PLANET DER AFFEN Films, send zu aktuellen Kinogeschehen ihr die unter größten Sicherheitsbestim- GODZILLA-Evangelium kundtut. Wir mungen abgehalten wurde. Ein Inter- haben uns jedenfalls köstlich amüsiert. view mit Andy Serkis, dem wohl be- kanntesten Motion Capture Performer Ihr Laser Hotline Team der Welt, klappte leider nicht. Doch dafür hatten wir jede Menge anderer, hochkarätiger Gesprächspartner: Jon Landau, Produzent von TITANIC und Unten: Richard Baker (links) und Matthew Bristowe, 3D- AVATA R , Chris DeFaria, der für die Konvertierungsexperten bei Prime Focus World visuellen Effekte verantwortliche Pro- duzent bei Warner Brothers, Max Solomon, Visual Effects Spezialist bei Framestore sowie Matthew Bristowe und Richard Baker von Prime Focus World, die für die 3D-Konvertierung von GRAVITY verantwortlich zeichnen. Alle VFX-Persönlichkeiten haben wir in einem neuen Video zusammengefasst, das Sie unter dem Titel GRAVITY AND BEYOND auf unserem Youtube-Kanal finden können.

Das nächste große Ereignis ließ gar nicht lange auf sich warten und bean- spruchte uns fast eine ganze Woche lang. Filmmusikkomponist Don Davis kam nach Stuttgart, um seinen Score zu MATRIX mit den Stuttgarter Philhar- monikern in einem Konzert live zum Film aufzuführen. Wir hatten das Ver- gnügen, nicht nur das Konzert zu erle-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 editorial

Links: Kameramann Alexander Sass (3 Zimmer/ Küche/Bad, Kreuzweg)

Rechts: Max Solomon, VFX Spezialist bei GRAVITY

Oben: Der Maestro - auch Filmmusikkomponist Don Davis (MATRIX, BOUND) mag unseren Newsletter

Rechts: Don Davis in seinem Element

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014

Godzilla and God

Es gibt nichts Neues unter der Sonne des Bikini Atolls. Wieder einmal ist die berühmteste Echse der Welt in den Kinos unterwegs und macht auf ihrem Weg so einiges kaputt. Die Frage “Musste das sein?” stelle ich mir schon gar nicht mehr. Die Frage “Musste das auf diese Art gemacht wer- den?” allerdings schon.

Der original Godzilla von 1954 mag vielen von uns lächerlich erscheinen, zeigt er doch sehr offen- sichtliche Special Effects und das Watscheln der Dino-Echse, welches Comedy-Kultstatus genießt. Aber die Hintergründe auf denen dieser Film baut und das, was er für sein Publikum damals bedeu- tete, sind alles andere als närrisch. Der 1954- Godzilla steht sinnbildlich für das kriegsgebeutelte Japan, dessen Natur durch die amerikanischen Bomben vergewaltigt wurde. Er ist eine völlig neue Kreatur, so wie die Situation des Nachkriegs- japans eine historisch völlig neue war. Er hat tiefe Narben – die Narben einer Nation, die versucht wieder aufzuerstehen. Es gibt keinen Plan, wie man mit so etwas umgehen soll, aber es bleibt einem nichts anderes übrig, als sich dem Schick- salsschlag zu stellen. Das Happy End ist vorhan- den, aber bedingt. Die Warnung ist offensichtlich: Wenn Atomwaffen weiterhin benutzt werden, wird dieser Godzilla nicht der letzte sein. Gott hatte hiermit nichts zu tun. Die Menschen und ihre Wis- senschaft waren die Schuldigen.

Ins amerikanische Kino wurde Godzilla 1998 zum ersten Mal geholt, von keinem Geringeren als Ro- land Emmerich, dem Meister der Zerstörung. Die- ser viel belächelte Film war eine bewusste Neuori- entierung und ist längst nicht so schlecht, wie es viele gerne behaupten (bis auf Maria Pitillo, die eigentliche Katastrophe im Film). Emmerich machte kein Remake, sondern produzierte eine Eigeninterpretation. Er entschloss sich für das

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014

Genre der Action-Komödie und würzte diese ge- nicht. Dieser Godzilla negiert komplett das Prinzip konnt mit Emotionen und Identifikationspotenzial der Kausalität. Nix mit Geradestehen für unsere der Atomechse gegenüber. Der Film zeigte sich Umweltverbrechen. Wir beuten die Erde aus, wir ebenfalls besorgt über die menschliche Auffas- betreiben Raubbau an der Natur, wir züchten uns sung von Naturschutz, in einer Zeit, in der das Monster heran und dann behaupten wir, nichts für Kyoto-Protokoll in aller Munde war und die USA den Verfall des Planeten zu können. Nein, globale ganz oben auf der Liste derer waren, die an das Erwärmung gibt es nicht. Nein, Atomenergie ist Unterschreiben nicht im Traum dachten. In die- gar nicht schädlich. Die amerikanischen christli- sem Godzilla fräst sich ein Tier durch unseren Le- chen Fundamentalisten und die Republikaner (oft bensraum, das eigentlich nur eines will: Überle- sind das ein und dieselben Leute) gehören zu der ben. Seine genetische Bestimmung erfüllen und Brigade, die im Abstreiten von Umwelt- Neue seiner Art sicher in die Welt bringen. Und verantwortung ganz große Klasse sind. Wieso? wieder sind wir schuld. Wir haben seinen Lebens- Nun ja, der liebe Gott wird es schon richten. Und raum mit Atomtests für immer verändert, wir ern- genau das tut Er in Godzilla dann auch. Ein ten den Sturm, den wir säten. bisschen Hinternversohlen in Form von zerstörten Städten und dann, das Wunder: Unser ganzer Nun wird Godzilla wieder auf die – diesmal bemit- Atommüll von hässlichen Riesenkolibris aufge- leidenswerten – Kinobesucher losgelassen. Die- saugt und tadaaaa! ein frischer Planet. Der Film selben Versatzstücke und doch, ein völlig anderes sagt: “Macht was Ihr wollt mit der Erde, das göttli- Endergebnis. Der aktuelle Godzilla hakt brav je- che Wunder wird am Ende alles wieder hinbiegen” des Kästchen auf der “Blockbuster Checklist” ab und entzieht die Menschen dadurch ihrer Verant- und doch ergibt dieser Film nicht mehr als die wortung. Summe seiner belanglosen Teile. Mein Problem mit diesem Film ist allerdings nicht, dass er 2014: Putting the God in Godzilla. grottenschlecht ist. Mein Problem ist, dass wir von der Wissenschaft zu Gott gerutscht sind. Von Anna Rudschies der Aufklärung zurück ins tiefste Mittelalter, in 123 Minuten.

Die göttliche Dimension in diesem Godzilla baut auf dem Glauben der amerikanischen Christen, meiner Meinung nach besonders auf dem der Fundamentalisten und Evolutionsverweigerer. Godzilla trifft auf zwei “MUTOs”, Rieseninsekten mit einem unstillbaren Appetit auf radioaktives… Zeug. Die MUTOs fressen sich, einer von Osten, einer von Westen, durch sämtliche Atommüll- deponien der Welt und (VORSICHT, milder Spoi- Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback: ler) werden dann vom auf einmal tollen Godzilla [email protected] niedergemacht und schwupps di wupps ist die Erde sämtliche Atommüllsorgen los. Wenn das keine göttliche Intervention ist, dann weiß ich auch

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Freitag, 18. April 2014 spart. Und da wir gerade vom Sparen Ordnung muss sein Dienstag, 22. April 2014 reden: den Film kann man sich getrost Karfreitag und Regenwetter – dagegen Das Superhirn sparen. Außer natürlich, man hat einen hilft ein Screener vom Stapel. Die erste von nur drei Pressevor- Faible für Trash. Aber auch dann wird führungen in dieser Woche war be- man vermutlich enttäuscht werden, VOM ORDNEN DER DINGE (1:1.85, stimmt schon die schlimmste! denn richtigen Trash zum Lachen gibt 5.1) Wally Pfisters Regiedebüt einfach Verleih: Movienet (24 Bilder) nicht her. Dass ein Computerhirn die Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Weltmacht übernimmt ist in der Film- Regie: Jörg Haaßengier, Jürgen Brügger geschichte wahrhaftig nichts Neues Kinostart: 29.05.2014 und wurde in der Vergangenheit schon weitaus spannender inszeniert als hier. Vom Kosmos und vom Chaos ist die Mit seiner Kameraarbeit für die Filme Rede in dieser unkommentierten Doku- von Christopher Nolan hat sich Pfister mentation von Jörg Haaßengier und einen Namen gemacht – und das zu- Jürgen Brügger. Die beiden Filmema- recht. Leider scheint ihm das Regiefach cher beschäftigen sich mit etwas ty- ganz und gar nicht zu liegen. Von pisch Menschlichem – dem Ordnen. Schauspielerführung keine Spur. Be- Und das in all seinen Ausprägungen. sonders deutlich erkennbar an Kate Selbst ein älterer Herr, bei dem das Mara, die meist einfach nur herum- Ordnen schon zur Manie geworden ist steht. Hin und wieder versucht Pfister und der alles statistisch exakt doku- Großartiges in Bildern auszudrücken, mentiert, findet in diesem Film seinen aber auch das schlägt fehl, weil es ein- Platz. Über ihn darf geschmunzelt wer- fach zum falschen Zeitpunkt geschieht. den – und das ist durchaus positiv In einem halben Jahr wird sich wohl gemeint. Aber auch echten Forschern niemand mehr an diesen Film erinnern. blicken die beiden Regisseure über die Und das ist auch gut so. Schulter. Etwa beim Sortieren von toten Käfern oder beim Katalogisieren von Donnerstag, 24. April 2014 Bakterien. Geordnet werden muss TRANSCENDENCE (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + Unerwiderte Liebe selbstverständlich auch das Land. So 7.1 + Atmos) Die Großen der Literatur hatten alle beobachtet Kameramann Sven O. Hill OT: Transcendence ihre ganz eigenen Probleme, wie in der sozusagen als “Running Gag” einen Verleih: Tobis heutigen Pressevorführung zu erfahren kleinen Vermessungstrupp bei ihrer Land/Jahr: USA 2014 war. Arbeit querfeldein in Sachsen-Anhalt. Regie: Wally Pfister Seine Bilder sind es, die diesen Film so Darsteller: Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall, VIOLETTE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) besonders machen: präzise beobachtet, Paul Bettany, Morgan Freeman, Kate OT: Violette mal ganz nah, mal aus großer Distanz. Mara Verleih: Kool Beeindruckend auch, wie aus vermeint- Kinostart: 24.04.2014 Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Belgien 2013 licher Unordnung Ordnung gemacht Regie: Martin Provost werden kann. Etwa durch Schallwellen, Bevor ein brillanter Computer- Darsteller: Emmanuelle Devos, die ein Häufchen Sand in symmetrische wissenschaftler stirbt, lässt er sein Ge- Sandrine Kiberlain, Olivier Gourmet Formen verwandelt. Oder ein Schwarm hirn mit Hilfe seiner Frau in einen Kinostart: 26.06.2014 von Zugvögeln. Von Nahem vollkom- Highend-Computer hineinrechnen und men chaotisch, von der Ferne aber per- lebt in ihm weiter. Als er erkennt, wel- Mit Schwarzmarktgeschäften hält sich fekte Figuren am Himmel zaubernd. Die che Macht er jetzt plötzlich besitzt, Violette Leduc während des Zweiten Kamera sucht auch Ordnung, wo man läuft er zur Hochform auf und beginnt Weltkriegs über Wasser. Schreiben eigentlich keine vermutet: in einem eine private Armee aufzubauen... Es aber ist ihre eigentlich Berufung. Der Waldstück stehen die Bäume sehr ge- gehört schon erhebliches Talent dazu, Mann, mit dem sie eine Scheinehe ordnet nebeneinander, am Himmel for- zwei Stunden lang mit immer demselben führt, unterstützt ihre Ambitionen aber mieren sich Wolken. Passend dazu der Gesichtsausdruck zu spielen. Einem nicht sonderlich. In dessen Dunstkreis Leitsatz aus dem Film ENEMY: “Chaos Darsteller wie Johnny Depp jedenfalls aber lernt sie die erfolgreiche Schrift- ist Ordnung, die darauf wartet, ent- hätte man ein solches “Talent” nicht stellerin Simone de Beauvoir kennen, schlüsselt zu werden”. Wer selbst ger- zugetraut. Da fragt man sich, warum die ihr Talent erkennt und sie fördert. ne Dinge ordnet und das Chaos meidet, der ganze Kerl nicht einfach computer- Violette verliebt sich unsterblich in die der wird sich in VOM ORDNEN DER animiert wurde – das hätte der Produk- Autorin. Doch ihre Liebe wird nicht DINGE ganz gewiss wiederfinden. tion bestimmt eine Menge Geld ge- erwidert... “Ist eine Frau hässlich,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Hatice ist eine junge, in Hamburg le- OT: The Pirate Fairy bende Deutschtürkin mit gutem Job Verleih: Walt Disney und modernem Lebensstil, die aber Land/Jahr: USA 2014 ihren Minirock gegen einen Maxirock Regie: Peggy Holmes tauscht, sobald sie ihre Eltern in Salz- Kinostart: 12.06.2014 gitter besucht. Der sehr traditionsbewusste und sture Herr Eigentlich sollte die kleine Fee Zarina Papa besteht darauf, dass sie als seine jeden Tag nur ganz brav Feenstaub älteste Tochter als Erste unter die Hau- herstellen. Doch Zarina ist verdammt be kommt. Als ihre jüngere Schwester neugierig und hinterfragt alles, was ihr schwanger wird und der Vater seinen unter die Finger kommt. Als sie mit Segen zur Hochzeit verweigert, weil die blauem Feenstaub experimentiert und Älteste noch nicht verheiratet ist, be- ihr Experiment außer Rand und Band schließt Hatice, ihren Eltern einen gerät, wird sie ihrer Dienste enthoben. Schwiegersohn vorzustellen – aller- In ihrem Gram verlässt sie das Feen- dings nur zum Schein. Doch woher be- land. Ein Jahr später taucht sie wäh- kommt die anspruchsvolle Hatice jetzt rend eines großen Fests plötzlich wie- einen “Hans mit scharfer Sosse”, also der auf, versetzt das gesamte Feenland die perfekte Kreuzung zwischen einem in einen Dauerschlaf und entwendet Deutschen und einem Türken? - “Wie- den blauen Feenstaub. Tinkerbell und kommt das einer Todsünde gleich. Ist viele Bundesländer hat die Bundesre- ihre Feenfreundinnen heften sich an man schön, dreht man sich nach dir um, publik Deutschland?” fragt die Mutter ihre Spuren und sind bass erstaunt, weil du so schön bist. Ist man hässlich, voller Stolz den deutschen Schwieger- Zarina in der Rolle eines Piraten- dreht man sich nach dir um, weil du so sohn in spe, der die richtige Antwort kapitäns wiederzufinden... Eines gleich hässlich bist.” Mit diesem Zitat be- natürlich nicht kennt. “16” triumphiert vorweg: die Story dieses Films hat ginnt Martin Provosts Biopic über die Mama und ergänzt “Einbürgerungs- überhaupt keine Dynamik aufzuweisen! Schriftstellerin Violette Leduc. Der Film unterricht!” - Komödien über Men- Wenn er spannend sein will, dann eben konzentriert sich auf die vielschichtige schen in Deutschland mit Migrations- doch nicht richtig. Die Spannung wird Beziehung der Autorin zu ihrer hintergrund werden immer wieder gerne sprichwörtlich in Schach gehalten, da- Mentorin Simone de Beauvoir. In einem genommen. Ganz besonders dann, mit die Zielgruppe der Zuschauer – Zeitraum von etwa zehn Jahren präsen- wenn es sich um Deutschtürken han- kleine Mädels bis etwa zehn Jahren – tiert Provost den Werdegang von Vio- delt. In diesem Sinne hat jetzt Buket den Film relativ relaxed ansehen kann. lette, von ihrem ersten, erfolglosen Alakus den Bestseller von Hatice Aber genau das könnte auch richtig Buch, bis hin zu ihrem großen Durch- Akyün verfilmt. Tatsächlich bietet der schief gehen, denn moderne Kids er- bruch “Die Bastardin” Anfang der Stoff auch richtig gute Ansätze, die warten heutzutage mehr von einem 1960er Jahre. Dabei wird der Film von vorhandenen Klischees ins Humoristi- Kinonachmittag. Da darf es schon mal zwei großartigen Darstellerinnen getra- sche umzuwandeln. Doch die Komödie ordentlich zur Sache gehen und man gen: Emmanuelle Devos als die sich tut sich schwer damit, über die gesamte möchte doch wenigstens ein bisschen nach Liebe und Zuneigung sehnende Lauflänge des Films zu unterhalten. mitfiebern dürfen. Die eindimensionale Violette und Sandrine Kiberlain als die Vielmehr tritt der Film irgendwann auf Story hält sich aber leider sehr bedeckt unterkühlte Simone. Unterstützt wer- der Stelle und dreht sich im Kreise und und wird dadurch selbst bei der kurzen den die Darstellerinnen durch die atmo- erzeugt damit Langeweile. Da nützt Lauflänge von nur 78 Minuten (der 10- sphärische Fotografie von Yves Cape. dann auch das spielfreudige deutsch- minütige Abspann bereits eingerech- türkische Ensemble nicht mehr viel. net!) sehr schnell langweilig. Die Ani- Freitag, 25. April 2014 Oder liegt es vielleicht nur daran, dass mationen sind sehr oberflächlich gehal- Von Deutschen und Türken man viele der in gebrochenem Deutsch ten und 3D hat dem leider nichts mehr Die recht spärliche Pressewoche wurde vorgetragenen Dialoge einfach nicht hinzuzufügen. Dass dem Film trotzdem mit einer deutschen Komödie beendet. verstehen kann? eine Kinoauswertung zuteil wird, dürfte daran liegen, dass man dies bereits als EINMAL HANS MIT SCHARFER Dienstag, 29. April 2014 Werbung für die DVD und Blu-ray, die SOSSE (1:1.85, 5.1) Von Feen und Autofahrern sicher nicht lange auf sich warten Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) Mit den beiden heutigen Pressevor- lässt, werten muss. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 führungen habe ich bereits die Hälfte Regie: Buket Alakus der Woche hinter mir NO TURNING BACK – LOCKE (1:2.35, Darsteller: Idil Üner, Adnan Maral, Siir DD 5.1) Eloglu TINKERBELL UND DIE PIRATENFEE OT: Locke Kinostart: 12.06.2014 (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1) Verleih: Studiocanal

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog der trotz dem engen Raum Von guter Unterhaltung kann hier leider CinemaScope nutzt, um den Seelenzu- nicht mehr gesprochen werden – dieser stand des Protagonisten zu visualisie- Film schreit geradezu nach Schmer- ren. Dass der Film nicht in Echtzeit zensgeld! abläuft erweist sich als ein kleiner Wer- mutstropfen. Ohne diesen wäre der Dienstag, 06. Mai 2014 Film wesentlich spannender geworden. Enges Minikleid trifft auf Mary Poppins Das heutige Filmdoppel lullte mich zu- Mittwoch, 30. April 2014 nächst in den Schlaf, holte mich dann Schmerzensgeld aber ganz schnell wieder in den Die beiden letzten Pressevorführungen Hellwachzustand in dieser Woche brachten jede Menge Action und auch viele Schläge unter MÄDELSABEND (1:2.35, DD 5.1) die Gürtellinie OT: Walk Of Shame Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) BRICK MANSIONS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Land/Jahr: USA 2014 OT: Brick Mansions Regie: Steven Brill Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) Darsteller: Gillian Jacobs, Elizabeth Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Kanada 2014 Banks, Sarah Wright Regie: Camille Delamarre Kinostart: 26.06.2014 Darsteller: Paul Walker, Sal Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, USA 2013 Longobardo, Robert Maillet, RZA, Da- Meghan Miles hat es fast geschafft: Regie: Steven Knight vid Belle sie gehört zur engeren Auswahl als Darsteller: Tom Hardy, Ruth Wilson, Kinostart: 05.06.2014 Nachrichtensprecherin für einen gro- Andrew Scott ßen TV-Sender. Dummerweise lässt sie Kinostart: 19.06.2014 Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung sich am Vorabend der Entscheidung auf gibt es die Kurzkritik erst ab 22.05.2014 einen feucht-fröhlichen Mädelsabend Nach Arbeitsende setzt sich Ivan Lok- auf www.wolframhannemann.de ein. Als sie am nächsten Morgen im ke in sein Auto. Aber er fährt nicht Bett ihres One Night Stands erwacht nach Hause, sondern schlägt den Weg BAD NEIGHBORS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) und nicht nur ihr Auto abgeschleppt ins weit entfernte London ein, wo eine OT: Neighbors wurde, sondern auch ihr Handy und zufällige Begegnung sein Kind zur Welt Verleih: Universal Geldbeutel verschwunden sind und bringt. Während der Fahrt in sein neu- Land/Jahr: USA 2014 alles, was sie am Leibe trägt ein provo- es Leben muss sich Ivan per Telefon Regie: Nicholas Stoller kantes Minikleid ist, hat sie ein Riesen- nicht nur mit seiner Frau aussprechen, Darsteller: Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne, problem: wie kommt sie rechtzeitig zum seine beiden Söhne vertrösten und der Zac Efron Sender? So nimmt ein Abenteuertrip werdenden Mutter gut zureden, son- Kinostart: 08.05.2014 auf High Heels seinen verhängnisvol- dern auch noch den wichtigsten Auf- len Lauf... Erinnern Sie sich noch an trag seines Lebens stemmen. Das Aller- Mac und Kelly Radner lieben ihre klei- den köstlich-witzigen DIE NACHT DER wichtigste jedoch: er muss die Stimme ne Tochter über alles und auch das ABENTEUER mit der umwerfenden Eli- seines Vaters loswerden, der ihn als kleine Häuschen, das sie ihr Zuhause sabeth Shue? Denn der stand offen- Kind hat sitzen lassen... Für einen Re- nennen. Als jedoch eines Tages in das sichtlich Pate bei dieser Möchtegern- gisseur ist es immer eine Gratwande- benachbarte Haus eine Studenten- Komödie, ebenfalls mit einer Elizabeth rung, ein Ein-Personen-Stück für die vereinigung einzieht, ist es vorbei mit in der Hauptrolle. Leider aber entpuppt Leinwand umzusetzen. Dass es Steven Beschaulichkeit und Ruhe – jetzt ist sich der MÄDELSABEND als ein trä- Knight zumindest ein Stück weit ge- Non-Stop Party angesagt! Anfangs ges kleines Filmchen, das einfach zu lingt, liegt an seinem Hauptdarsteller versuchen es die Radners noch auf die sehr darum bemüht ist, seine Hauptdar- Tom Hardy. Der verkörpert die Figur sanfte Tour, die Lärmbelästigung durch stellerin in ein enges Minikleid zu des Ivan perfekt, auch wenn man sich die Studenten zu minimieren. Doch als zwängen und sie mit High Heels durch hin und wieder mehr Emotionen von die sich als unbelehrbar erweisen, ist die abseits liegenden Locations von ihm wünschen würde. Der Schauplatz Krieg angesagt... Hier ist also jener L.A. zu jagen. Elizabeth Banks freilich beschränkt sich auf den Innenraum Film, den Sie im Frühjahr unbedingt tut ihr Bestes, um die Zuschauer gut zu seines Autos, die gesamte Geschichte verpassen sollten! Selten hat mich ein unterhalten, aber das Drehbuch gibt ergibt sich aus den unzähligen Telefo- Film 90 Minuten derart gequält wie die- einfach nicht viel her, aus dem man naten, die er während seiner Fahrt nach ses Machwerk, das ständig darum be- hätte etwas machen können. Fazit: ein London tätigt. Bemerkenswert die müht ist, die Schläge immer tiefer un- Mädel im engen gelben Minikleid Kameraarbeit von Haris Zambarloukos, terhalb der Gürtellinie zu platzieren. macht noch keinen Film.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Mittwoch, 07. Mai 2014 einem Altersheim irgendwo in Schwe- FINDING VIVIAN MAIER (1:1.85, 5.1) Langzeitstudie den. Ausgerechnet an seinem 100. Ge- OT: Finding Vivian Maier Zwölf Jahre lang bastelte der Regisseur burtstag beschließt er still und heim- Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) an seinem Film, der uns heute gezeigt lich zu verschwinden – und zwar mit- Land/Jahr: USA 2014 wurde. samt seiner Hausschuhe aus dem Fen- Regie: John Maloof, Charlie Siskel ster! Auf einer Odyssee ohne Ziel ist er Darsteller: John Maloof, Mary Ellen BOYHOOD (1:1.85, 5.1) bald schon Besitzer eines mit Geld prall Mark, Phil Donahue OT: Boyhood gefüllten Koffers, den ihm brutale Ty- Kinostart: 26.06.2014 Verleih: Universal pen gerne wieder abjagen würden. Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Doch Julius, den er unterwegs kennen- Zu Lebzeiten hatte niemand vom un- Regie: Richard Linklater lernt, hilft ihm sich zu verstecken. So glaublichen Talent der Vivian Maier Darsteller: Ellar Salmon, Patricia beginnt für die beiden alten Männer etwas gewusst. Denn die als Kinder- Arquette, Ethan Hawke ein Roadtrip der skurrilen Art, auf dem mädchen arbeitende Frau mit französi- Kinostart: 05.06.2014 Allan aus seinem bewegten Leben schem Akzent hatte immer und überall plaudert... Wer skurriles skandinavi- ihre Rolleiflex dabei und fotografierte Es sollte ein Experiment sein: über den sches Kino mit kernigen Typen mag, alles, was ihr vor die Linse kam. Das Zeitraum von 12 Jahren beobachtet der ist bei diesem Film richtig aufgeho- Ergebnis sind Schwarzweißbilder, die Regisseur Richard Linklater die Kind- ben! Da geht es auch ziemlich zur Sa- sich mit denen der besten Fotografen heit und Jugend von Mason. Darge- che, aber immer auf schwarzhumorige messen können. Entdeckt wurden sie stellt wird Mason über den gesamten Art. Ein bisschen ähnelt die Bestseller- durch Zufall, als John Maloof auf einer Zeitraum von ein und demselben Dar- verfilmung de amerikanischen Auktion eine verschlossene Kiste er- steller, Ellar Salmon. Zu Beginn des FORREST GUMP, doch ist der schwe- steigerte. Zu seiner Überraschung be- Langzeitprojekts war er gerade sechs dische Humor sehr viel feiner und skur- herbergte diese unzählige Fotografien Jahre alt, am Ende des Films ist er riler. Die deutsche Synchronisation ist der bis dahin unerkannten und voll- knapp 20. Aber nicht nur er, auch die leider etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. kommen unbekannten Künstlerin. Der anderen Darsteller sind dieselben. An- Trotzdem empfiehlt sich die Komödie junge Mann begann jetzt fieberhaft, hand ausgewählter Abschnitte und als perfektes Kino-Date. alle weiteren Kisten aus dem Nachlas Stationen lässt Linklater so das Bild der Vivian Maier aufzustöbern. Ein- einer Patchwork-Familie mit all ihren Donnerstag, 08. Mai 2014 drucksvoll schildert sein Dokumentar- Auf und Abs entstehen. Er präsentiert Nabelschau film, wie in detektivischer Kleinarbeit dieses Porträt sehr nüchtern und sach- Von Einem, der sich selbst therapiert, das Bild der Frau hinter den Bildern lich unter Verzicht auf eine Filmmusik. und einem Anderen, der meint, schwul entstand. In seinem Film kommen Eltern Musik gibt es im Film zwar, doch die- zu sein – das heutige Pressedoppel zu Wort, die Vivian seinerzeit als Kin- nen die eingestreuten lediglich gestaltete sich sehr abwechslungsreich dermädchen angeheuert hatten. Auch zur zeitlichen Orientierung. Nach über einige der von ihr betreuten Kinder, 160 Minuten Spielzeit fragt man sich MISTAKEN FOR STRANGERS (1:1.85, inzwischen natürlich längst schon er- jedoch, was Linklater mit seinem Pro- 5.1) wachsen, stehen der Kamera Rede und jekt bezweckt, da es nichts besonders OT: Mistaken For Strangers Antwort. Im Laufe des Films zeichnet Spektakuläres zu zeigen gibt. Ganz be- Verleih: Neue Visionen sich das Bild einer sehr ungewöhnli- stimmt wäre es wesentlich interessan- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 chen Frau ab, eine Art Mary Poppins ter gewesen, das Ganze als echten Do- Regie: Tom Berninger oder Nanny McPhee, die alles hortete, kumentarfilm aufzuziehen. Darsteller: Matt Berninger, Tom was ihr in die Finger fiel. Aber diese Berninger, Aaron Dessner sehr private Person, die zu Lebzeiten DER HUNDERTJÄHRIGE, DER AUS Kinostart: 10.07.2014 nichts von sich preisgab, hatte auch DEM FENSTER STIEG UND VER- eine dunkle, fast morbide Seite, die SCHWAND (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Eigentlich hätte es eine Dokumentation ebenfalls im Film angesprochen wird. OT: Hundraåringen Som Klev Ut Genom über die amerikanische Indie-Rock- Den Regisseuren John Maloof und Fönstret Och Försvann Gruppe “The National” werden sollen, Charlie Siskel ist eine spannende Do- Verleih: Concorde die Tom Berninger machen wollte. Als kumentation gelungen, die großen Land/Jahr: Schweden 2014 ihn sein älterer Bruder Matt, seines Spaß bereitet und mit der sie einer der Regie: Felix Herngren Zeichens Lead-Sänger bei “The Natio- größten Street Fotografinnen der Welt, Darsteller: Robert Gustafsson, Iwar nal”, plötzlich anrief und ihn fragte, ob die nach wie vor von der snobistischen Wiklander, David Wiberg er als Roadie mit auf Tour kommen Kunstszene nicht als Künstlerin aner- Kinostart: 20.03.2014 wollte, hatte der sich bislang nur als kannt wird, ihren Respekt zollen. Regisseur von Underground-Horror- Etwas in die Luft jagen ist seine große Filmen versuchte Tom die Idee, seine Leidenschaft: Allan Karlsson lebt in kleine Handycam mitzunehmen und ein

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Porträt der Gruppe anzufertigen. Doch 5.1) schon die mit Wackelkamera eingefan- Verleih: MFA (Filmagentinnen) genen Versuche, ein Interview mit sei- Land/Jahr: Österreich 2013 nem Bruder zu führen, sind zum Schei- Regie: Götz Spielmann tern verurteilt. Nicht etwa, weil Matt Darsteller: Ursula Strauss, Nora von nichts sagen kann, sondern weil Filme- Waldstätten, Peter Simonischek, Seba- macher Tom keine Fragen formulieren stian Koch kann! So entwickelt sich Toms Versuch Kinostart: 12.06.2014 einer Band-Doku immer mehr zu einem Film über das schwierige Verhältnis zu Sonja und Verena sind zwei sehr unter- seinem Bruder, in dessen Schatten er schiedliche Schwestern. Während Son- ständig steht. Das Endprodukt erweist ja große Erfolge als Schauspielerin in sich als Nabelschau, mit der sich der Film und Fernsehen feiert und Affären von Alkoholproblemen und Depressio- nachgeht, kümmert sich Verena gemein- nen gequälte kleine Bruder selbst zu sam mit ihrem Mann um den kranken therapieren versucht. In seiner Hilflo- Vater und dessen Wirtshaus in den sigkeit hat er dadurch jedoch einen österreichischen Alpen, hat jedoch Dokumentarfilm geschaffen, der groß- eine heimliche Affäre mit dem Arzt. Als artig unterhält, weil er den Zuschauer der Vater im Sterben liegt, reist Sonja extrem nahe an sich heranlässt und wieder zurück in die Heimat. Hier pral- auch für ihn peinliche Szenen nicht len nicht nur die beiden Schwestern vorenthält. Man kann seine Trauer ungebremst aufeinander, auch der Vater durchaus nachvollziehen, wenn er als ellen Orientierung, in die ihn die ge- enthüllt ein streng gehütetes Familien- Einziger nicht beim Gruppenfoto mit samte Welt zu drängen scheint... Nicht geheimnis... Für Regisseur Götz Spiel- Präsident Obama zugelassen wird oder genug damit, dass Guillaume Gallienne mann war die zentrale Frage des Films sein Test-Screening aufgrund mangel- selbst das Drehbuch für die Adaption die nach Identität. “Wer bin ich? Bin hafter Digitalprojektion in einem Fiasko seines eigenen Theaterstücks geschrie- ich das, was ich sein will? Warum bin endet. Hut ab vor soviel Mut! Angerei- ben hat und die Regie übernahm, er hat ich so wie ich bin? Bin ich das, was ich chert wird Toms Eigentherapie übri- sich auch noch in einer Doppelrolle sein kann?” Diesen Kernfragen gehen gens mit einigen grandiosen Konzert- besetzt: als Guillaume und seine Mut- seine Protagonisten in diesem ausschnitten, die während der Welttour ter! So inszeniert er nun sein Coming kammerspielartigen Film nach. Schau- entstanden sind. Out als Heterosexueller als Theater- spielerin Sonja (großartig gespielt von stück im Film. Immer wieder wechseln Nora von Waldstätten) spielt immer MAMAN UND ICH (1:2.35, DD 5.1) sich Szenen, in denen er in einer One- eine Rolle, auch wenn sie gar nicht am OT: Les Garçons Et Guillaume, A Table Man-Show vor Publikum auf der Bühne Film-Set ist, und erfährt im Laufe des Verleih: Concorde auftritt, mit Spielszenen, die seinen Films, dass sie gar nicht die ist, die sie Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 teils grotesken Werdegang in Rück- dachte zu sein. Ihre Schwester Verena Regie: Guillaume Gallienne blenden schildern. Als komisches Ele- führt ein Leben, das sie nie wollte, nur Darsteller: Guillaume Gallienne, André ment lässt er seine Mutter urplötzlich um ihren Vater glücklich zu machen. Marcon, Françoise Fabian in den skurrilsten Augenblicken in Er- Die exzellente Kameraarbeit von Martin Kinostart: 05.06.2014 scheinung treten und visualisiert so Gschlacht setzt die kalte, seelenlose seine Gedanken. Mit gleich fünf Césars Welt von Sonja in Kontrast zu der ab- Wenn Maman ihre Familie zum Essen wurde der Film in Frankreich ausge- geschiedenen, einsamen (Berg)Welt ruft, dann spricht sie immer von den zeichnet, darunter für den “Besten von Verena. Spielmann konfrontiert Jungs und Guillaume. Denn Guillaume Film” sowie den “Besten Erstlingsfilm”. sein grandioses Ensemble mit großen ist anders als seine Brüder – er denkt, Witzig, komisch, leicht skurril und Fragen des Lebens, auf die er jedoch dass er ein Mädchen ist! Für alle Ande- manchmal fast surreal – MAMAN UND keine Antwort gibt. So bliebt der Film ren ist klar: Guillaume ist homosexuell. ICH begeistert. auch nach dem Kinobesuch noch lange Ganz besonders sein Vater tut sich im Gedächtnis und regt zur Auseinan- schwer mit dem extrem femininen Ver- dersetzung mit dem komplexen Stoff an. halten seines Sohnes. Also ab mit ihm Freitag, 09. Mai 2014 ins Internat. Für Guillaume geht ein Sterbebett und Salsa CUBAN FURY – ECHTE MÄNNER Traum in Erfüllung: endlich als Mäd- Am letzten Pressetag der Woche gab es TANZEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) chen unter Jungen! Doch gerade als er mal wieder ein Wechselbad der Gefüh- OT: Cuban Fury zu begreifen beginnt, dass er womög- le. Verleih: Studiocanal lich schwul ist, kommen ihm auch die Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 ersten Zweifel an der genau jener sexu- OKTOBER NOVEMBER (1:1.85, DD Regie: James Griffiths

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Darsteller: Nick Frost, Rashida Jones, Regie: Spiros Stathoulopoulos Chris O’Dowd Montag, 12. Mai 2014 Darsteller: Theo Alexander, Tamila Kinostart: 19.06.2014 Todeskandidaten Koulieva, Giorgios Karakantas Oder: der Tag der Taschentücher Kinostart: 12.06.2014 Der Schönste war er noch nie, doch das Salsa-Fieber steckt in seinem kor- DAS SCHICKSAL IST EIN MIESER Theodoros ist Mönch, Urania ist Non- pulenten Körper: als Schüler nahm VERRÄTER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) ne. Und trotzdem lieben sie sich. Heim- Bruce gemeinsam mit Schwesterchen OT: The Fault In Our Stars lich. Beide leben hoch oben in ihren Sam an jedem Salsa-Wettbewerb teil Verleih: Fox Meteora-Klöstern in den Gebirgen und sahnte jede Menge Trophäen ab. Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Thessaliniens. Die gegenseitige Sehn- Bis zu jenem Abend, an dem er von ein Regie: Josh Boone sucht wird immer stärker... Spiros paar Halbstarken auf übelste Weise Darsteller: Shailene Woodley, Ansel Stathoulopoulos‘ Film spielt zwar in gedemütigt wurde. Seither lautet Elgort, , Willem Dafoe der Gegenwart, doch könnte er auch in Bruces Devise “Salsa ist etwas für Kinostart: 12.06.2014 jedem anderen Zeitalter angesiedelt Pussies” und seine Tanzschuhe wan- sein. Denn sein Thema ist zeitlos: der derten in den Schrank. 25 Jahre sind Hazel und Gus lernen sich in einer Konflikt zwischen Geist und Körper. vergangen und Bruce jobt als Selbsthilfegruppe für Krebspatienten Bildgewaltig und mit altertümlicher Maschinenkonstrukteur. An der Arbeit kennen und sind fasziniert voneinan- Musik auf einer sehr präzisen Tonspur wird der Gutmütige immer wieder von der. Mit seinem überschäumenden Tem- erzählt der Regisseur von einer verbo- seinem A-Loch-Kollegen Drew perament lockt Gus Hazel aus ihrer De- tenen Liebe. Illustriert wird diese immer gemobbt, womit er sich längst abge- pression heraus. Und es kommt noch wieder durch eingeschobene Animatio- funden hat. Als jedoch eines Tages die besser: der junge Mann schafft es, ei- nen im Stile mittelalterlicher Ikonenma- attraktive Julia Chefin der Abteilung nen E-Mail-Kontakt zu Peter van lereien. Man könnte den wird, ist es um Bruce geschehen. Und Houten herzustellen, dem Autor von Inszenierungsstil durchaus als sperrig es kommt noch besser: Julia liebt Salsa! Hazels absolutem Lieblingsbuch. Ge- bezeichnen, doch die beeindruckenden Bruce sieht seine große Chance. Doch meinsam wollen sie van Houten in Am- Bilder entschädigen dafür. Ein Wort der Kollege Drew hat auch ein Auge auf sterdam besuchen, eine Reise, die bei- Warnung an allzu zart Besaitete: der die Chefin geworfen... Mögen Sie de grundlegend verändern wird... Zu- Film wartet mit einer ziemlich derben Salsa? Nach diesem Film ganz be- gegeben: das Thema des Films wird Szene auf, die nichts für Vegetarier ist. stimmt! Denn die heissen Rhythmen uns in schöner Regelmäßigkeit von auf der Tonspur des Films machen sich amerikanischen Filmemachern angebo- GODZILLA (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + jedenfalls sofort in den Beinen bemerk- ten. Trotzdem empfiehlt es sich, bei Atmos) bar. Alles andere hingegen läuft relativ diesem Kinobesuch Papiertaschentü- OT: Godzilla harmlos ab und folgt (leider) bewährten cher zur Hand zu haben. Grund dafür Verleih: Warner Erzählmustern. Immerhin gibt es zwi- ist das ausgezeichnete Spiel der beiden Land/Jahr: USA 2014 schen Anfang und Ende ein paar nette Hauptdarsteller Shailene Woodley (sie Regie: Gareth Edwards Gags, über die man gerne schmunzelt. erinnert an die frühe Winona Ryder) Darsteller: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Etwa wenn sich Bruce mit seinen bei- und Ansel Elgort, das die Zuschauer in Watanabe, Elizabeth Olsen, Juliette den Golfpartnern zum wöchentlichen seinen Bann ziehen wird und bei der Binoche Training trifft und die drei Loser ge- höchst traurigen Geschichte mitleiden Kinostart: 15.05.2014 genseitig ihre neuesten Erfolge (oder lassen wird. Sicherlich wird an der ein besser: Misserfolge) bei der Frauen- oder anderen Stelle auch etwas dick Die Welt hält den Atem an, als in einem welt abchecken. Oder ein Battle Dance aufgetragen, doch geht das für diesen stillgelegten Atommeiler ein riesiges zwischen Bruce und seinem Fieslings- Film in Ordnung. Fazit: nichts bewe- Urwesen zum Leben erwacht. Als sich Kollegen Drew auf dem Parkdeck der gend Neues, dafür aber bewegend ge- das zerstörerische Untier auf den Weg Firma. Hier gibt es dann sogar auch spielt. in die USA macht, taucht plötzlich ein einen winzig kleinen Gastauftritt von zweiter Gigant auf: Godzilla. Die Simon Pegg, Nick Frosts Buddy aus Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014 Schlacht kann beginnen... Die japani- SHAUN OF THE DEAD und HOT Von Klöstern und Urgiganten sche Monster-Ikone ist wieder zurück! FUZZ. Auch wenn man noch so sehr Beim heutigen Pressedoppel gaben Nachdem sich zuletzt Roland Emmerich Sympathien für Nick Frosts Charakter sich Filmkunst und Kommerzkino die recht langweilig an dem Giganten ver- Bruce aufbaut, wird man das Gefühl Klinke in die Hand. sucht hat, wagt es jetzt Gareth Ed- nicht los, dass er nur im Doppelpack wards, der sich mit dem Film MON- mit Pegg zur echten Hochform auflau- METEORA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) STERS bereits erste Sporen mit riesi- fen kann. CUBAN FURY ist gewiss Verleih: Kairos gen Untieren verdient hatte. Doch ir- keine schlechte Komödie, aber sie hät- Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Griechenland gendwie hat man das Gefühl, dass Ed- te gerne noch viel besser sein dürfen. 2012 wards nichts Eigenes in den Film hin-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog einsteckt, sondern versucht, auf Spiel- Daher der dringende Rat vor dem Kino- sant fotografiert, befriedigt der Film berg zu machen. Das fängt bei ganz besuch: Hausaufgaben machen und die insgesamt nur eingeschränkt. bestimmten Kameraeinstellungen an Filme der X-MEN-Reihe nacheinander und endet mit Handlungssträngen, die anschauen. Wem jedoch die Story alles VIELEN DANK FÜR NICHTS (1:2.35, auf die Tränendrüse drücken sollen andere als wichtig ist, dem könnte 5.1) (keine Sorge: sie schaffen es nicht!). Bryan Singers neuestes Update zum X- Verleih: Camino Abgesehen davon erweist sich der MEN-Franchise dennoch gefallen, lie- Land/Jahr: Schweiz, Deutschland 2013 neue GODZILLA als ein richtiges fert es doch wirklich alles, was für prik- Regie: Oliver Paulus, Stefan Hillebrand Spektakel für Auge und Ohr. Selten kelndes Popcorn-Kino benötigt wird: hatten die Subwoofer soviel Arbeit zu Action ohne Ende, visuelle Effekte so- Darsteller: Joel Basman, Bastian leisten. Wer sich die richtige weit das Auge reicht, ein paar gut Wurbs, Nikki Rappel GODZILLA-Dröhnung geben möchte, platzierte Gags und eine sehr körper- Kinostart: 05.06.2014 der sollte ihn sich entweder in “Dolby betonte Jennifer Lawrence. Atmos” oder in einem IMAX-Kino an- Seit er nach einem Snowboard-Unfall hören. Fazit: gutes Popcorn.Kino ohne Freitag, 16. Mai 2014 an den Rollstuhl gefesselt ist, hat sich Tiefgang, dafür aber viel Tiefbass. Überfall im Rollstuhl die Psyche des jungen Valentin gehörig Zum Abschluss der Pressewoche ein- verändert. Die ganze Wut über sein Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014 mal mehr ein gemischtes Doppel Schicksal lässt er an seiner Mutter aus. Die Mutanten sind los Um ihr eigenes Leben wieder in den Meine Frage des Tages: warum bleiben QISSA – DER GEIST IST EIN EINSA- Griff zu bekommen, verdonnert sie ih- alle Medienvertreter ausgerechnet bei MER WANDERER (1:2.35, 5.1) ren Sohn zur Teilnahme an einem Marvel-Filmen bis zum bitteren Ende OT: Qissa: Of A Lonley Ghost Theaterprojekt in einer Behindertenein- sitzen? Verleih: Camino richtung. Widerwillig lässt sich Valen- Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Indien, Nie- tin darauf ein. Alles ändert sich, als er X-MEN - ZUKUNFT IST VERGANGEN- derlande, Frankreich 2013 sich mit zwei der anderen Rollstuhl- HEIT (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) Regie: Anup Singh fahrer anfreundet. Jetzt schmiedet er OT: X-Men: Days Of Future Past Darsteller: Irrfan Khan, Tisca Chopra, wieder Pläne: als Rollstuhlfahrer-Trio Verleih: Fox Tillotama Shome will er eine Tankstelle überfallen... Es Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Kinostart: 10.07.2014 ist immer etwas schwierig, einen Film Regie: Bryan Singer über Behinderte zu machen. Oliver Pau- Darsteller: Hugh Jackman, James Mitte der 1940er-Jahre verliert der Sikh lus und Stefan Hillebrand sind in ihrem McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Sir Umber Singh seine Heimat. Mit seiner Film einen Schritt weiter gegangen und Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, Halle Frau und den drei Töchtern flieht er haben einige der Rollen mit echten Be- Berry, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Peter von Pakistan nach Indien. Nichts hinderten besetzt. Dadurch wirkt der Dinklage, Nicholas Hoult, Omar Sy wünscht er sich mehr als einen Stamm- Film zwar recht authentisch, doch Kinostart: 22.05.2014 halter. Als seine Frau ihm jedoch eine gleichzeitig auch irgendwie amateur- vierte Tochter gebärt, weigert sich der haft – eine Mischung, die stört. Weit- Um ihrem tödlichen Schicksal in einer Patriarch, dies zu akzeptieren. Er hält aus störender jedoch als diese Mi- fernen Zukunft zu entgehen, schicken die wahre Identität der Tochter geheim schung ist die Story des Films. Wenn die Mutanten Wolverine zurück in die und erzieht Kanwar wie einen Jungen. Valentin seine Betreuerin Mira an- Vergangenheit. Dort soll er im Jahre Als Kanwar jedoch mit dem Zigeuner- baggert und die sich ziemlich schnell 1973 mit Hilfe der jungen Mutanten mädchen Neeli verheiratet werden soll, auf seine Avancen einlässt, dann ist so einen Mord verhindern, den Raven/ nimmt das Drama seinen Lauf... Was ein Verhalten leider alles andere als Mystique begeht und damit das ein interessanter Film über das Thema professionell und wird dadurch sofort Schicksal aller Mutanten besiegelt... lesbische Liebe hätte werden können, als typisch kitschiges Filmklischee ent- Marvel schickt seine Mutanten wieder verkommt in der zweiten Hälfte des larvt. auf die große Leinwand und verspricht Films zu einer Art Märchen. Immerhin damit jede Menge Action und erstaun- benennt der Film die Probleme, die in liche visuelle Effekte. Aber Obacht: wer der patriarchalischen indischen Gesell- sich in Marvels Universum nicht aus- schaftsform vorherrschen, in der Frau- kennt, dem wird sich der größte Teil der en offensichtlich nichts zählen. In den Geschichte leider nicht erschließen. Hauptrollen gut gespielt und interes-

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Abenteuer in Jerusalem - Jesus Zeichentrick 2012 118min. und die Tiere Universum Film Home Animation Entertainment(Universum Anime) At Jesus’ Side 27.06.2014 Dir. William R. Kowalchuk Jr. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059449 009 Re: Cyborg Trailer Zeichentrick/Familie 2008 78min. 009 Re: Cyborg Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Dir. Kenji Kamiyama Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Booklet (limitiert) 22.05.2014 Collector’s Pack: Hotel Transsil- Trickfilm 2012 103min. tba BestellNr.: 20059558 vanien / Die Piraten - Ein ... (2 Universum Film Home Discs) Entertainment(Universum Kids) 11.07.2014 Alles Trick 12 Hotel Transylvania / The Pirates! Band Of 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059563 Dir. Attila Dargay Featurettes, Trailer, Bonusfolgen Misfits 009 Re: Cyborg (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1960-1961 86min. Dir. Genndy Tartakovsky, Peter Lord, Jeff Newitt ray) ICESTORM Entertainment 12.05.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059315 Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 172min. 009 Re: Cyborg Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Dir. Kenji Kamiyama Alles Trick 13 17.07.2014 Booklet (limitiert) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059631 Trickfilm 2012 103min. Dir. Leonid Aristow Universum Film Home Trailer Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1958-1977 86min. Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Entertainment(Universum Kids) 11.07.2014 ICESTORM Entertainment 12.05.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059641 Collector’s Pack: Hotel Transsil- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059316 vanien / Die Piraten - Ein ... (2 Ab ins Meer - Auf der Suche nach Angel Beats! - Die komplette Se- Discs) (Blu-ray) der verlorenen Perle rie (2 Discs) Hotel Transylvania / The Pirates! Band Of Back To The Sea Misfits Angel Beats! Dir. Thom Lu Dir. Genndy Tartakovsky, Peter Lord, Jeff Dir. Seiji Kishi Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie Newitt Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 97min. Diverse Zeichentrick 2010 334min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 179min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 23.06.2014 Universum Film Home Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059251 Entertainment(Universum Anime) 17.07.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059644 Ab ins Meer - Auf der Suche nach 04.07.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20059562 der verlorenen Perle (Blu-ray 3D) Black Rock Shooter (2 Discs) (Blu- (Blu-ray) Berserk - Das goldene Zeitalter II ray) Back To The Sea (Special Edition) Burakku Rokku Shuta Dir. Thom Lu Berserk: Ohgon Jidai Hen 2 - Dorudorei Dir. Shinobu Yoshioka Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie Koryaku Hen Making of, Postkarten Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 101min. Fantasy/Trickfilm 2012 208min. Dir. Toshiyuki Kubooka KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 23.06.2014 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.05.2014 Zeichentrick 2012 89min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059290 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059480 Universum Film Home Ab ins Meer - Auf der Suche nach Entertainment(Universum Anime) Black Rock Shooter (3 Discs) 27.06.2014 Burakku Rokku Shuta der verlorenen Perle (Blu-ray) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059443 Back To The Sea Dir. Shinobu Yoshioka Dir. Thom Lu Berserk - Das goldene Zeitalter II Making of, Postkarten Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie Fantasy/Trickfilm 2012 200min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 101min. (Special Edition) (Blu-ray) AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.05.2014 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 23.06.2014 Berserk: Ohgon Jidai Hen 2 - Dorudorei 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059462 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059289 Koryaku Hen Dir. Toshiyuki Kubooka Btooom Vol. 1 Die Abenteuer der Kosaken Vol. 1 Zeichentrick 2012 93min. Btooom Kazaki Universum Film Home Dir. Kotono Watanabe Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1967-1995 32min. Entertainment(Universum Anime) Action 75min. ZYX Music 23.05.2014 27.06.2014 AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059855 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059448 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059429 Die Abenteuer der Kosaken Vol. 2 Berserk - Das goldene Zeitalter III Bubble Guppies - Bubble Guppies Kazaki (Limited Collector’s Edition in Sommerlaune Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1967-1995 32min. Deluxe) Bubble Guppies ZYX Music 23.05.2014 Beruseruku O-Gon Jidai-Hen III: Ko-Rin Trickfilm 164min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059856 Dir. Toshiyuki Kubooka Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 Handy-Plug, Postkarten, Berserk Guide 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059403 Die Abenteuer der Kosaken Vol. 3 Zeichentrick 2012 113min. Kazaki Universum Film Home Caillou 32 - Caillou und die Tiere Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1967-1995 32min. Entertainment(Universum Anime) Caillou ZYX Music 30.05.2014 27.06.2014 Dir. Jean Pilotte 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059857 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059444 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 71min. Universum Film Home Die Abenteuer der Kosaken Vol. 4 Berserk - Das goldene Zeitalter III Entertainment(Universum Kids) 20.06.2014 Kazaki (Limited Collector’s Edition 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059440 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1967-1995 32min. Deluxe) (Blu-ray) ZYX Music 30.05.2014 Cinderella - Die komplette Beruseruku O-Gon Jidai-Hen III: Ko-Rin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059858 Dir. Toshiyuki Kubooka Cinderella Trilogie (Blu-ray) Handy-Plug, Postkarten, Berserk Guide Cinderella / Cinderella II: Dreams Come

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True / Cinderella III: A Twist In Time Dinosaurier 3D - Im Reich der Gi- justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1950-2007 min. ganten (Blu-ray) 13.06.2014 (Germany) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059734 Walking With Dinosaurs GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Dir. Neil Nightingale, Barry Cook 28.08.2014 Go, Diego! Go! - Das große Jagu- Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 88min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059773 Highlight Communications ar-Abenteuer! Go, Diego! Go! Coonskin (Deutschland)(Constantin) 17.07.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059816 Dir. Katie McWane, Allan Jacobsen Coonskin Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 96min. Dir. Ralph Bakshi, Philip Michael Thomas Donald Duck - Collection zum 80. Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059406 Zeichentrick/Action 1975 79min. Jubiläum (6 Discs) OFDb Filmworks 10.06.2014 Walt Disney Treasures: Chronological Das große Krabbeln 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059661 Donald A Bug’s Life Zeichentrick min. Dir. John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton Coonskin (Blu-ray) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Trickfilm 1998 93min. Coonskin GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dir. Ralph Bakshi, Philip Michael Thomas 05.06.2014 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059349 Zeichentrick/Action 1975 83min. 17.07.2014 OFDb Filmworks 10.06.2014 Dornröschen (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059622 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059709 Sleeping Beauty Inazuma Eleven - Gesamtausga- Dir. Clyde Geronimi, Wolfgang Reitherman, D. Gray-Man - Volume 4 (2 Discs) Eric Larson be (4 Discs) D. Gray-Man Zeichentrick/Fantasy 1959 min. Inazuma Eleven Wendecover The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dir. Katsuhioto Akiyama Zeichentrick 2006 240min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Zeichentrick/Action 2008-2011 650min. polyband Medien GmbH 25.07.2014 28.08.2014 AV Visionen(Kazé) 30.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059783 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059774 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059904 DDR TV-Archiv: Mit Jan und Tini Dornröschen (Diamond Edition) Inhumans auf Reisen, Box 4 (2 Discs) Sleeping Beauty Inhumans Dir. Jörg de Bomba, Gojko Mitic, Sepp Klose Dir. Clyde Geronimi, Wolfgang Reitherman, Dir. Carl Upsdell, Mauro Casalese Trailer Eric Larson Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2013 130min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1974-1990 316min. Zeichentrick/Fantasy 1959 min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(SES) ICESTORM Entertainment 12.05.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 25.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059314 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059424 Devil Survivor 2 - Vol. 1 28.08.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059752 Jake und die Nimmerland Pira- Devil Survivor 2: Tha Animation ten: Bucky’s grosse Wettfahrt / Dir. Seiji Kishi Dragon Hunters - Die Drachen- Booklet Peter Pans Rückkehr (2 Discs) Fantasy/Zeichentrick 100min. jäger, Komplettbox (10 Discs) Jake And The Never Land Pirates AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.06.2014 Chasseurs De Dragons Dir. Kelly Ward 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059905 Guillaume Ivernel - Dir. François Hemmen Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 min. Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2005 1215min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Devil Survivor 2 - Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Universum Film Home GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Devil Survivor 2: Tha Animation Entertainment(Universum Kids) 25.07.2014 05.06.2014 Dir. Seiji Kishi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059630 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059351 Booklet Fantasy/Zeichentrick 104min. Dragons - Die Reiter von Berk, Jake und die Nimmerland Pira- AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.06.2014 Vol. 4 ten: Jake gegen Hook - Das große 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059919 Dragons: Riders Of Berk Piratenduell Die Dinos sind los! Dir. Anthony Bell, John Sanford, John Eng, Jake And The Never Land Pirates Louie del Carmen, Joe Sichta Dir. Kelly Ward Dino Time Featurettes, Musikvideo Dir. Yoon-suk Choi, John Kafka Entfallene Episoden Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 90min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 115min. Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 87min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Koch Media 24.07.2014 Germany(DreamWorks) 18.07.2014 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail tba BestellNr.: 20059505 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059327 05.06.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059372 Die Dinos sind los! (Blu-ray 3D) Dragons - Die Wächter von Berk, (Blu-ray) Vol. 1 JoNaLu - DVD 3 Dino Time Dragons: Riders Of Berk Jonalu Dir. Yoon-suk Choi, John Kafka Dir. Anthony Bell, John Sanford, John Eng, Dir. Nina Wels, Konrad Weise, Anja Hans- Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 90min. Louie del Carmen, Joe Sichta mann Koch Media 24.07.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 110min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010 76min. tba BestellNr.: 20059529 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Universum Film Home Germany(DreamWorks) 18.07.2014 Entertainment(Universum Kids) 20.06.2014 Die Dinos sind los! (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059326 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059442 Dino Time Dir. Yoon-suk Choi, John Kafka Gladiformers - Transforming Gla- Kinderspaß-Box - Die besten Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 90min. diators Ferienfilme (3 Discs) Koch Media 24.07.2014 Gladiformers Pocahontas / Alpha und Omega / Au tba BestellNr.: 20059530 Dir. Marco Alemar Schwarte Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006 67min. Dir. Toshiyuki Hiruma, Takashi Masunaga,

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Ben Gluck, Anthony Bell, John Over The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Les Nouvelles Aventures De Peter Pan Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1994-2011 229min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Dir. Augusto Zanovello OFDb Filmworks 17.06.2014 05.06.2014 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 66min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059664 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059380 Universal Music Family Entertainment(Karussell) 30.05.2014 Lego: Legends of Chima - DVD 6 Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Mickys 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059731 Lego: Legends Of Chima Nachricht vom Mars / Das Welt- Dir. Peder Pedersen raum Abenteuer (2 Discs) Peter Pan 09 Musikvideo Les Nouvelles Aventures De Peter Pan Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Zeichentrick 154min. Dir. Augusto Zanovello Dir. Sherie Pollack, Broni Likomanov, Rob Universum Film Home Trickfilm/Abenteuer 66min. LaDuca, Donovan Cook, Howy Parkins, Entertainment(Universum Kids) 04.07.2014 Universal Music Family Victor A. Cook 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059561 Entertainment(Karussell) 30.05.2014 Trickfilm min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059732 Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Alle The Walt Disney Company (Germany) lieben Minnie / Willkommen in GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Phineas und Ferb - Agentenalarm 05.06.2014 Minnies Boutique (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059382 / Phineas und Ferb - Der längste Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Sommertag (2 Discs) Dir. Sherie Pollack, Broni Likomanov, Rob Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Mickys Dir. Dan Povenmire LaDuca, Donovan Cook, Howy Parkins, Wunderhaus-Ralley / Die Zeichentrick 2007 65min. Victor A. Cook Wunderhaus-Eisenbahn (2 Discs) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Trickfilm min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Mickey Mouse Clubhouse The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 05.06.2014 Dir. Sherie Pollack, Broni Likomanov, Rob GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059350 05.06.2014 LaDuca, Donovan Cook, Howy Parkins, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059377 Victor A. Cook Pingu - Eiszeit-Edition (2 Discs) Trickfilm min. Pingu The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Detek- Dir. Otmar Gutmann, Marianne Noser GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail tiv Minnie / Minnies grosse Party Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1986-2006 60min. 05.06.2014 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059383 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 13.06.2014 Dir. Sherie Pollack, Broni Likomanov, Rob Monster High - Clawesome Doub- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059736 LaDuca, Donovan Cook, Howy Parkins, le Feature Victor A. Cook Prinzessin Aline und die Groblins Monster- oder Musterschule / Flucht von Trickfilm min. The Princess And The Goblins der Schädelküste The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dir. József Gémes Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1991 76min. Germany(Universal) 05.06.2014 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 15.05.2014 03.07.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059378 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059845 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059607 Psycho-Pass, Box 3 (2 Discs) Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Die Monster High - Clawesome Doub- Jagd nach dem Kristall-Micky Psycho-Pass le Feature (Blu-ray) Dir. Katsuyuki Motohiro, Naoyoshi Shiotani Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Monster- oder Musterschule / Flucht von Postkarten Dir. Sherie Pollack, Broni Likomanov, Rob der Schädelküste Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 125min. LaDuca, Donovan Cook, Howy Parkins, Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.06.2014 Victor A. Cook 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059457 Weitere Episoden Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 03.07.2014 Trickfilm 120min. Psycho-Pass, Box 3 (Blu-ray) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059619 Psycho-Pass GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Dir. Katsuyuki Motohiro, Naoyoshi Shiotani 05.06.2014 One Piece Z One Piece Film Z Postkarten 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059375 Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 125min. Dir. Tatsuya Nagamine AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.06.2014 Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Jetzt Booklet Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2012 104min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059475 wird’s bunt! / Zahlenspass mit AV Visionen(Kazé) 30.05.2014 Micky (2 Discs) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059455 Psycho-Pass, Box 4 (2 Discs) Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Psycho-Pass Dir. Sherie Pollack, Broni Likomanov, Rob Ottos Ottifanten - Kommando Dir. Katsuyuki Motohiro, Naoyoshi Shiotani LaDuca, Donovan Cook, Howy Parkins, Postkarten Störtebeker Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 150min. Victor A. Cook Dir. Ute von Münchow-Pohl, Toby Genkel AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.08.2014 Trickfilm min. Interview, Behind the Scenes, Making of, Musiktrailer, Trailer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059458 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Zeichentrick 2001 76min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Turbine Media Group 23.05.2014 Psycho-Pass, Box 4 (Blu-ray) 05.06.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059556 Psycho-Pass 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059379 Peter Pan 07 Dir. Katsuyuki Motohiro, Naoyoshi Shiotani Postkarten Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Mickys Les Nouvelles Aventures De Peter Pan Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 156min. lustige Strandparty / Spiel und Dir. Augusto Zanovello AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.08.2014 Spaß im Freien (2 Discs) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 66min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059476 Universal Music Family Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Entertainment(Karussell) 30.05.2014 Dir. Sherie Pollack, Broni Likomanov, Rob Ratatoing 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059730 LaDuca, Donovan Cook, Howy Parkins, Ratatoing Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2007 44min. Victor A. Cook Peter Pan 08 Trickfilm min. justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids)

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13.06.2014 04.09.2014 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059735 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059866 Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 30.10.2014 Rin - Daughters of Mnemosyne (3 Shaun das Schaf - Gemüse- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059884 Discs) fußball (Kicker-Flaggen-Edition) Munemoshune No Musume Tachi Shaun The Sheep Tarzan (Blu-ray) Dir. Shigeru Ueda John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate Tarzan 3D Postkarten Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen Kellan Lutz, Spencer Locke, Anton Action/Zeichentrick 2008 270min. Making of, Knetanleitung Zetterholm, Les Bubb, Mark Deklin, Jaime AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.05.2014 Trickfilm/Komödie 56min. Ray Newman, Trevor St. John, Brian 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059461 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Huskey, Lynn Robertson Bruce, Andy 05.06.2014 Wareham, Peter Elliott, Cecily Fay, Phil Hill - Rin - Daughters of Mnemosyne (3 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059486 Dir. Reinhard Klooss Discs) (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 min. Munemoshune No Musume Tachi Sofia die Erste und die Meerjung- Highlight Communications Dir. Shigeru Ueda frauen, Volume 2 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 30.10.2014 Postkarten Sofia The First 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059883 Action/Zeichentrick 2008 275min. Ariel Winter, Darcy Rose Byrnes, Zach AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.05.2014 Callison, Sara Ramirez, Tim Gunn, Travis Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059479 Willingham - Dir. Jamie Mitchell Season 1 (4 Discs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1996 min. - Box 1 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Paramount Home Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs 14.08.2014 Entertainment() 05.06.2014 Dir. Franklin Cofod 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059753 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059407 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1988 min. AV Visionen(Anime House) 27.06.2014 Soul Eater, Volume 4, Folge 40-51 Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059472 (2 Discs) (OmU) Sôru Itâ Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs Dir. Takuya Igarashi, Yasuhiro Irie Trickfilm 2013 70min. - Box 2 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Wendecover AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(SES) Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs Trickfilm 2008 240min. 23.05.2014 Dir. Franklin Cofod polyband Medien GmbH 29.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059694 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1988 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059916 AV Visionen(Anime House) 27.06.2014 Wir lernen 123 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059473 Space Firebird 2772 Let’s Learn: 123 Hi No Tori 2772 Ai No Kosumosu Zonu Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 103min. Senran Kagura - Vol. 2 Dir. Taku Sugiyama Paramount Home Senran Kagura Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 1980 114min. Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 05.06.2014 Dir. Takashi Watanabe Intergroove Media(Picture Lake) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059408 Postkarten 27.06.2014 Action/Zeichentrick 75min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059746 Wolverine versus Sabretooth AV Visionen(Kazé) 30.05.2014 (OmU) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059459 Susi & Strolch / Susi und Strolch Wolverine Vs. Sabretooth 2 - Kleine Strolche, großes Aben- Senran Kagura - Vol. 2 (Blu-ray) Trickfilm 2014 70min. teuer (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(SES) Senran Kagura Lady And The Tramp / Lady And The Tramp 23.05.2014 Dir. Takashi Watanabe Postkarten II: Scamp’s Adventure 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059693 Action/Zeichentrick 78min. Zeichentrick/Komödie 1955-2001 min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 30.05.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Wolverine: Origin (OmU) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059477 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Wolverine: Origin 28.08.2014 Dir. Carl Upsdell Senran Kagura - Vol. 3 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059775 Trickfilm 70min. Senran Kagura AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(SES) Dir. Takashi Watanabe Tarzan 25.04.2014 Postkarten Tarzan 3D 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059423 Action/Zeichentrick 75min. Kellan Lutz, Spencer Locke, Anton AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.06.2014 Zetterholm, Les Bubb, Mark Deklin, Jaime Zeo, Teil 2 - Zeo hat Spaß 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059460 Ray Newman, Trevor St. John, Brian Zou Huskey, Lynn Robertson Bruce, Andy Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 55min. Senran Kagura - Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) Wareham, Peter Elliott, Cecily Fay, Phil Hill - WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 27.06.2014 Senran Kagura Dir. Reinhard Klooss 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059467 Dir. Takashi Watanabe Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 min. Postkarten Highlight Communications Action/Zeichentrick 78min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 30.10.2014 AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.06.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059836 Film 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059478 Tarzan (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Shaun das Schaf - Eiskalte Umlei- Tarzan 3D 112 - Sie retten dein Leben, Vol. tung Kellan Lutz, Spencer Locke, Anton 3, Folge 33-48 (2 Discs) Shaun The Sheep Zetterholm, Les Bubb, Mark Deklin, Jaime Action 2008 375min. John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate Ray Newman, Trevor St. John, Brian Universum Film Home Entertainment(RTL Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen Huskey, Lynn Robertson Bruce, Andy video) 06.06.2014 Trickfilm/Komödie 49min. Wareham, Peter Elliott, Cecily Fay, Phil Hill - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059339 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Dir. Reinhard Klooss

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1914 - Die letzten Tage vor dem Trailer Science Fiction 1974 76min. Horror 1958-1959 300min. Weltbrand Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.06.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059707 Heinrich George, Albert Bassermann, Eu- AG(Ostalgica) 25.07.2014 gen Klöpfer, Reinhold Schünzel, Alfred 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059792 Ein Abenteuer in Raum und Zeit - Abel, Oscar Homolka, Lucie Höflich - Dir. Richard Oswald 4 Assassins (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Die Geschichte von Doctor Who Booklet 4 Assassins beginnt genau hier ... Historienfilm 1930 107min. Will Yun Lee, Miguel Ferrer, Mercedes An Adventure In Space And Time AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Renard, Oliver Williams, Hiro Hayama, Kirt Dir. Terry McDonough AG(Filmjuwelen) 27.06.2014 Kishita, Ines Laimins, Emilie Guillot, Paul Making of, Entfallene Szenen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059701 Drama 2013 90min. Sheehan - Dir. Stanley J. Orzel polyband Medien GmbH 25.07.2014 Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 90min. 21 Brothers 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059784 MIG Film 08.08.2014 21 Brothers 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059894 Steven Spencer, Tom Sinclair, Jonathan Ein Abenteuer in Raum und Zeit - Pap, Clayton Garrett, Brian MacDonald, 4 Assassins (k.J.) Die Geschichte von Doctor Who Steve Van Volkingburgh, Aaron Miedema - 4 Assassins beginnt genau hier ... (Blu-ray) Dir. Michael McGuire Will Yun Lee, Miguel Ferrer, Mercedes An Adventure In Space And Time Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 91min. Renard, Oliver Williams, Hiro Hayama, Kirt Dir. Terry McDonough Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Kishita, Ines Laimins, Emilie Guillot, Paul Making of, Entfallene Szenen 17.07.2014 Sheehan - Dir. Stanley J. Orzel Drama 2013 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059851 Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 87min. polyband Medien GmbH 25.07.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059787 21 Brothers MIG Film 08.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059847 21 Brothers Absolute Giganten Steven Spencer, Tom Sinclair, Jonathan 45 Minuten bis Ramallah Frank Giering, Florian Lukas, Antoine Pap, Clayton Garrett, Brian MacDonald, 45 Minutes To Ramallah Monot, Jr., Julia Hummer, Albert Kitzl, Jo- Steve Van Volkingburgh, Aaron Miedema - Karim Saleh, Navid Akhavan, Julie Engel- chen Nickel, Hannes Hellmann, Sven Pippig, Dir. Michael McGuire brecht, Suzan Demircan, Badasar Calbiyik, Guido Schick, Silvana Bosi, Barbara de HD-Bonusfilm Koy, Gustav Peter Wöhler, Michael Sideris, Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 91min. Payam Madjlessi, Tala Halawani - Dir. Ali Peter Franke, Alfons Lütje, Andreas Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Samadi Ahadi Schröders, Ina Holst, Anna von Krosigk, 17.07.2014 Making of, Interview Komödie/Drama 2013 87min. Jessica Persson, Richard Beek, Johannes 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059852 good!movies(Zorro) 06.06.2014 Silberschneider - Dir. Sebastian Schipper 300: Rise of an Empire (Blu-ray 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059790 Drama/Komödie 1999 77min. Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 3D + 2D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 7th Floor - Jede Sekunde zählt 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059258 300: Rise Of An Empire Séptimo Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green, Lena Ricardo Darín, Belen Rueda, Luis Absolute Giganten (Blu-ray) Headey, Hans Matheson, Rodrigo Santoro, Ziembrowski, Osvaldo Santoro, Jorge Frank Giering, Florian Lukas, Antoine Jamie Blackley - Dir. Noam Murro D’Elía, Guillermo Arengo - Dir. Patxi Monot, Jr., Julia Hummer, Albert Kitzl, Jo- Action/Abenteuer 2014 102min. Amezcua chen Nickel, Hannes Hellmann, Sven Pippig, Warner Home Video Germany 31.07.2014 Thriller/Mystery 2013 90min. Guido Schick, Silvana Bosi, Barbara de 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059888 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.07.2014 Koy, Gustav Peter Wöhler, Michael Sideris, tba BestellNr.: 20059501 Peter Franke, Alfons Lütje, Andreas 300: Rise of an Empire (Blu-ray) Schröders, Ina Holst, Anna von Krosigk, (k.J.) 7th Floor - Jede Sekunde zählt Jessica Persson, Richard Beek, Johannes 300: Rise Of An Empire (Blu-ray) Silberschneider - Dir. Sebastian Schipper Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green, Lena Séptimo Drama/Komödie 1999 77min. Headey, Hans Matheson, Rodrigo Santoro, Ricardo Darín, Belen Rueda, Luis Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 Jamie Blackley - Dir. Noam Murro Ziembrowski, Osvaldo Santoro, Jorge 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059293 Action/Abenteuer 2014 102min. D’Elía, Guillermo Arengo - Dir. Patxi Warner Home Video Germany 31.07.2014 Amezcua Achtung, fertig, Charlie! 2 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059887 Thriller/Mystery 2013 94min. Matthias Britschgi - Dir. Oliver Rihs Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.07.2014 Komödie 2013 100min. 300: Rise of an Empire (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20059526 Telepool GmbH München 05.06.2014 300: Rise Of An Empire 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059345 Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green, Lena 80.000 Meilen durch den Welt- Headey, Hans Matheson, Rodrigo Santoro, raum Action Hunter (Dragon Edition) Jamie Blackley - Dir. Noam Murro Dragons Forever U.F.O. - Shado Action/Abenteuer 2014 98min. Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Ed Bishop, Michael Billington, George Warner Home Video Germany 31.07.2014 Deannie Yip, Pauline Yeung - Dir. Sammo Sewell, Wanda Ventham, Gabrielle Drake - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059839 Hung Dir. Summers Tomblin Bildergalerie, Trailer Action/Eastern 1988 94min. 3D Horror Box (2 Discs) Science Fiction 1974 73min. Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.07.2014 Bestie des Grauens / Das Vermächtnis Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.06.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059568 des Prof. Bondi / Die Nacht der unheimli- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059657 chen Bestien / The Manster Action Hunter (Dragon Edition) Richard Travis, Cathy Downs, K. T. 80.000 Meilen durch den Welt- (Blu-ray) Stevens, Dick Miller, Julian Burton, raum (Blu-ray) Dragons Forever Barboura Morris, James Best, Ingrid U.F.O. - Shado Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Goude, Ken Curtis, Peter Dyneley, Jane Ed Bishop, Michael Billington, George Deannie Yip, Pauline Yeung - Dir. Sammo Hylton, Tetsuya Nakamura - Dir. Richard Sewell, Wanda Ventham, Gabrielle Drake - Hung Cunha, Roger Corman, Ray Kellogg, Dir. Summers Tomblin Action/Eastern 1988 98min. George Breakston, Kenneth G. Crane Bildergalerie, Trailer Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.07.2014

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059584 Harvey, Richard Boone, Frankie Avalon - The Dark Lurking Dir. John Wayne Tonia Renee, Bret Kennedy, Ozzie Devrish, Actionhelden (2 Discs) Trailer, Featurette Aash Aaron, Anthony Edwards, Joel Amos Hard to Kill / Time Travelers / KGB / Western 1960 155min. Byrnes, Philippe Deseck, Dirk Foulger - Dir. License to Kill / Final Fight / Vampir Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Gregory Connors Hunter Germany(MGM/UA) 06.06.2014 Making of, Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie Dolph Lundgren, , 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059357 Horror/Science Fiction 2010 94min. Steven Seagal, Snoop Dogg, David Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Carradine - Dir. Dolph Lundgren, Bruce Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 33 (2 17.06.2014 Malmuth, Christopher Kulikowski Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059667 Action 513min. Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Katja Woywood, da music(Great Movies) 16.05.2014 Gottfried Vollmer, Daniela Wutte, Niels Aliens vs. Aliens 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059863 Kurvin, Kathrin Heß - Dir. Nico Zavelberg, Aliens Vs. Avatars Alexander Dierbach, Boris von Sychowski, Cassie Fliegel, Jason Lockhart, Kim Adolf Shitler - Bonka Kapott! Axel Sand, Kai Meyer-Ricks Argetsinger, Dylan Vox, Marlene Mc’Cohen, Gitler Kaput! Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 min. Ginny You, Georgina Tolentino, Dan Glenn, Pawel Derewjanko, Anna Semenowich, Universum Film Home Entertainment(RTL Amanda Chism, Victoria De Mare - Dir. Mikhail Krylow - Dir. Marius Balchunas video) 06.06.2014 Lewis Schoenbrun Trailer, Bildergalerie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059338 Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie/Satire 2008 99min. Science Fiction/Action 2010 77min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Alex & Emma Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.06.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059281 27.06.2014 Alex & Emma 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059745 Kate Hudson, Luke Wilson, Sophie Aliens vs. Aliens (Blu-ray) Marceau, David Paymer, Rob Reiner, Fran- Aliens Vs. Avatars Adolf Shitler - Bonka Kapott! çois Giroday, Lobo Sebastian, Chino XL, Cassie Fliegel, Jason Lockhart, Kim (Blu-ray) Cloris Leachman, Rip Taylor, Alexander Argetsinger, Dylan Vox, Marlene Mc’Cohen, Gitler Kaput! Wauthier, Leili Kramer, Gigi Birmingham, Ginny You, Georgina Tolentino, Dan Glenn, Pawel Derewjanko, Anna Semenowich, Jordan Lund, Robert Costanzo, Danica Amanda Chism, Victoria De Mare - Dir. Mikhail Krylow, Juri Galtsew, Juri Stojanow, Sheridan, Jordi Caballero, Michael Lewis Schoenbrun Aleksej Ogurtsow, Ilja Olejnikow, Aleksei Rappaport - Dir. Rob Reiner Trailer, Bildergalerie Buldakov - Dir. Marius Balchunas Audiokommentar, Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer Science Fiction/Action 2010 80min. Komödie 2003 92min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.06.2014 Komödie/Satire 2008 99min. Universum Film Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059306 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 06.06.2014 27.06.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059432 Alles inklusive 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059769 Alfie, der kleine Werwolf Hannelore Elsner, Nadja Uhl, Hinnerk Schönemann, Axel Prahl, Peter Striebeck, After Doomsday - Albtraum Dolfje Weerwolfje Fabian Hinrichs, Juliane Köhler, Natalia Ole Kroes, Kim van Kooten, Remko Vrijdag, Apocalypse Avelon, Robert Stadlober, Stefanie von Maas Bronkhuyzen, Lupa Ranti, Nick Population: 2 Poser, Maria Happel, Chica, Remedios Geest, Trudy Labij, Joop Keesmaat, Bianca Suzanne Tufan, Jon Ashley Hall, Shelly Darkin, Elton - Dir. Doris Dörrie Krijgsman, Pim Muda, Kees Hulst - Dir. Lipkin, Sibyl Lazzara, Jacqueline Gault, Komödie 2014 min. Joram Lürsen Meredith Williams, June Eisler, Bonnie Highlight Communications Komödie 2011 91min. Auguston, Brenan Dwyer, Mariessa (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.09.2014 polyband Medien GmbH 27.06.2014 Portelance - Dir. Gil Luna 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059834 Drama/Science Fiction 2012 78min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059463 Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Alien vs Zombies - The Dark Alles inklusive (Blu-ray) 05.06.2014 Hannelore Elsner, Nadja Uhl, Hinnerk 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059340 Lurking (Uncut) Schönemann, Axel Prahl, Peter Striebeck, The Dark Lurking Fabian Hinrichs, Juliane Köhler, Natalia After Doomsday - Albtraum Tonia Renee, Bret Kennedy, Ozzie Devrish, Avelon, Robert Stadlober, Stefanie von Apocalypse (Blu-ray) Aash Aaron, Anthony Edwards, Joel Amos Poser, Maria Happel, Chica, Remedios Population: 2 Byrnes, Philippe Deseck, Dirk Foulger - Dir. Darkin, Elton Prince - Dir. Doris Dörrie Suzanne Tufan, Jon Ashley Hall, Shelly Gregory Connors Komödie 2014 min. Lipkin, Sibyl Lazzara, Jacqueline Gault, Making of, Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie Highlight Communications Horror/Science Fiction 2010 94min. Meredith Williams, June Eisler, Bonnie (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.09.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Auguston, Brenan Dwyer, Mariessa 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059881 17.06.2014 Portelance - Dir. Gil Luna 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059666 Drama/Science Fiction 2012 82min. Alles Schwindel Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Alien vs Zombies - The Dark Ursula Strauss, Benno Fürmann, Udo 05.06.2014 Samel, Bibiana Zeller, Karl Fischer, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059364 Lurking (Uncut) (Blu-ray) Jewgenij Sitochin, Berislav Arezina, Mar- The Dark Lurking kus Schleinzer, Thomas Mraz, Magdalena - Der Kinofilm Tonia Renee, Bret Kennedy, Ozzie Devrish, Kronschläger, Petra Morzé, Johannes Airwolf Aash Aaron, Anthony Edwards, Joel Amos Silberschneider, Pippa Galli, Hanus Polak Jan-Michael Vincent, Ernest Borgnine, Alex Byrnes, Philippe Deseck, Dirk Foulger - Dir. jr., Gabriela Schmoll - Dir. Wolfgang Cord, David Hemmings, Belinda Bauer, He- Gregory Connors Murnberger lene Phillips - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario Making of, Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie 2012 89min. Horror/Science Fiction 2010 97min. Action 1984 83min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Refilm) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Koch Media 12.06.2014 05.06.2014 17.06.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059825 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059756 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059711 Alamo Alien vs Zombies - The Dark Am Hang The Alamo Henry Hübchen, Martina Gedeck, Maximilian John Wayne, Richard Widmark, Laurence Lurking (Uncut, Steelbook) Simonischek, Sophie Hutter, Ernst C.

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Sigrist, Martin Hug, Regula Imboden, Roland AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Jason Lee, Heather Graham, Cary Elwes, Bonjour, Ardian Mocka, Davide Rotondo - AG(Filmjuwelen) 04.07.2014 Patrick Warburton - Dir. Tim Garrick Dir. Markus Imboden 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059495 Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama 2013 91min. Komödie 2013 93min. good!movies(Arsenal) 30.05.2014 Armageddon KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 23.06.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059652 Armageddon 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059252 Bruce Willis, , , American Hustle , Will Patton, Peter Stormare, Behaving Badly - Brav sein war American Hustle Keith David, Steve Buscemi, , gestern (Blu-ray) Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley William Fichtner, Jessica Steen, Jason Behaving Badly Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Ren- Isaacs, Ken Hudson Campbell, Grayson Nat Wolff, Selena Gomez, Mary-Louise ner, Jack Huston, Louis C.K., Michael Peña McCouch, Clark Brolly, Marshall Teague, Parker, Elisabeth Shue, Dylan McDermott, - Dir. David O. Russell Chris Ellis, Eddie Griffin, Michael Clarke Jason Lee, Heather Graham, Cary Elwes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Duncan, John Mahon, Grace Zabriskie, Udo Patrick Warburton - Dir. Tim Garrick Trailer Kier, Seiko Matsuda, Lawrence Tierney - Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 132min. Dir. Michael Bay Komödie 2013 97min. Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Action/Thriller 1998 min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 23.06.2014 17.07.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059291 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059456 GmbH Home Entertainment & Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie American Hustle (Blu-ray) Retail(Touchstone) 14.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059748 Collector’s Pack: (2 Discs) American Hustle Moneyball / Seven Years In Tibet Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Asterix & Obelix gegen Cäsar / Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Ken Medlock, David Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Ren- Thewlis, B.D. Wong - Dir. Bennett Miller, ner, Jack Huston, Louis C.K., Michael Peña Asterix & Obelix - Im Auftrag Ih- Jean-Jacques Annaud - Dir. David O. Russell rer Majestät (Collector’s Edition, Drama 1997-2011 259min. Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Making ofs, Featurettes, 2 Discs) Trailer, Berlinale, B-Roll, Bildergalerie Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 138min. Astérix & Obélix Contre César / Astérix Et 17.07.2014 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Obélix: Au Service De Sa Majesté 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059604 17.07.2014 Christian Clavier, Gérard Depardieu, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059474 Roberto Benigni, Edouard Baer, Catherine Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Deneuve - Dir. Claude Zidi, Laurent Tirard Collector’s Pack: (2 Discs) American Karate Tiger Making ofs, Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Musikvideo Komödie/Abenteuer 1998-2012 211min. The Sweetest Thing / My Best Friend’s Showdown Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Wedding Billy Blanks, Kenn Scott, Christine Taylor, Home Edition) 07.08.2014 Cameron Diaz, Christina Applegate, Thomas Kenneth MacLeod, Linda Donà, Brion 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059830 Jane, Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney - Dir. James, Patrick Kilpatrick - Dir. Robert Rad- Roger Kumble, P. J. Hogan ler Asterix & Obelix gegen Cäsar / Komödie 1997-2002 188min. Action 1993 94min. Asterix & Obelix - Im Auftrag Ih- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.05.2014 17.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059554 rer Majestät (Collector’s Edition, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059625 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) American Karate Tiger (Blu-ray) Astérix & Obélix Contre César / Astérix Et Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Showdown Obélix: Au Service De Sa Majesté Collector’s Pack: (2 Discs) (Blu- Billy Blanks, Kenn Scott, Christine Taylor, Christian Clavier, Gérard Depardieu, ray) Kenneth MacLeod, Linda Donà, Brion Roberto Benigni, Edouard Baer, Catherine Moneyball / Seven Years In Tibet James, Patrick Kilpatrick - Dir. Robert Rad- Deneuve - Dir. Claude Zidi, Laurent Tirard ler Making ofs, Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Musikvideo Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Ken Medlock, David Action 1993 98min. Komödie/Abenteuer 1998-2012 220min. Thewlis, B.D. Wong - Dir. Bennett Miller, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.05.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Jean-Jacques Annaud 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059578 Home Edition) 07.08.2014 Drama 1997-2011 265min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059877 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) - Season 1 (4 17.07.2014 Discs) Die Bären sind los! - Die komplet- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059616 The Americans te Serie (4 Discs) Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Matthew Rhys, Keri Russel, Holly Tailor, The Bad News Bears Keidrich Sellati, Noah Emmerich, Richard Jack Warden, Catherine Hicks, Phillip R. Collector’s Pack: 2 Guns / Der Thomas, Annet Mahendru, Susan Misner, Allen, Sparky Marcus, Meeno Peluce, Billy Knochenjäger (2 Discs) Alison Wright, Margo Martindale - Dir. Dani- Jayne, Corey Feldman, Shane Butterworth, 2 Guns / The Bone Collector el Attias, Kevin Dowling, Adam Arkin, Alex Kristoff St. John, J. Brennan Smith, Charles Denzel Washington, , Queen Chapple, John Dahl, Holly Dale, Jean de Nunez, Danny Nunez, Tricia Cast, Bill Laza- Latifah, Mark Wahlberg, Paula Patton - Dir. Segonzac, Bill Johnson, Nicole Kassell, Jim rus, Gregg Forrest, Rad Daly - Dir. Norman , Baltasar Kormákur McKay, Gavin O’Connor, Daniel Sackheim, Abbott, William Asher, Bruce Bilson, Action 1999-2013 219min. Thomas Schlamme Jeffrey Ganz, Lowell Ganz, Jeffrey Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Drama/Thriller 2013 min. Hayden, Alan Myerson, Gene Nelson 17.07.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Komödie 1979-1980 650min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059596 Germany 18.07.2014 MORE Music and Media(More Brands and 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059328 Products) 09.05.2014 Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059419 Collector’s Pack: 2 Guns / Der Anton, der Letzte Knochenjäger (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Hans Moser, O. W. Fischer, Elfriede Datzig, Behaving Badly - Brav sein war 2 Guns / The Bone Collector Heinz Salfner, Charlotte Ander - Dir. E. W. gestern Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie, Queen Emo Behaving Badly Latifah, Mark Wahlberg, Paula Patton - Dir. Booklet Nat Wolff, Selena Gomez, Mary-Louise Komödie 1939 87min. Phillip Noyce, Baltasar Kormákur Parker, Elisabeth Shue, Dylan McDermott, Action 1999-2013 227min.

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Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Coraci Collector’s Pack: The Punisher / 17.07.2014 Komödie 2011-2012 199min. The Punisher: War Zone (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059609 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 17.07.2014 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059612 The Punisher / The Punisher: War Zone Collector’s Pack: After Earth / Ka- Thomas Jane, John Travolta, Will Patton, Ray Stevenson, Dominic West, Doug rate Kid (2 Discs) Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Collector’s Pack: Meine erfunde- Hutchison - Dir. Jonathan Hensleigh, Lexi After Earth / Karate Kid Alexander Jaden Smith, Will Smith, Sophie Okonedo, ne Frau / Die nackte Wahrheit (2 Action/Thriller 2004 225min. Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson - Dir. M. Night Discs) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Shyamalan, Harald Zwart The Ugly Truth / Just Go With It 17.07.2014 Action 2010-2013 230min. Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler, Eric Winter, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059643 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole 17.07.2014 Kidman - Dir. Robert Luketic, Dennis Dugan Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059598 Komödie 2009-2011 204min. Collector’s Pack: The Punisher / Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) The Punisher: War Zone (2 Discs) Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie 17.07.2014 Collector’s Pack: After Earth / Ka- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059601 (k.J.) rate Kid (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) The Punisher / The Punisher: War Zone Thomas Jane, John Travolta, Will Patton, After Earth / Karate Kid Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Ray Stevenson, Dominic West, Doug Jaden Smith, Will Smith, Sophie Okonedo, Collector’s Pack: Meine erfunde- Hutchison - Dir. Jonathan Hensleigh, Lexi Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson - Dir. M. Night ne Frau / Die nackte Wahrheit (2 Alexander Shyamalan, Harald Zwart Discs) (Blu-ray) Action/Thriller 2004 215min. Action 2010-2013 243min. The Ugly Truth / Just Go With It Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler, Eric Winter, 17.07.2014 17.07.2014 Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059629 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059610 Kidman - Dir. Robert Luketic, Dennis Dugan Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Komödie 2009-2011 212min. Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Collector’s Pack: Austenland / Collector’s Pack: Verliebt in die 17.07.2014 Braut / Timer (2 Discs) Der Jane Austen Club (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059613 Made Of Honor / Timer Austenland / The Jane Austen Book Club Patrick Dempsey, Michelle Monaghan, Kevin Keri Russell, JJ Feild, Bret McKenzie, Kathy Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie McKidd, Emma Caulfield, Michelle Borth, Baker, Maria Bello, Emily Blunt - Dir. Collector’s Pack: Sterben will ge- John Patrick Amedori - Dir. Paul Weiland, Jerusha Hess, Robin Swicord lernt sein / Denk wie ein Man Jac Schaeffer Drama 2007-2013 194min. Think Like A Man / Death At A Funeral Komödie 2008-2009 193min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara, Meagan Good, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 17.07.2014 Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence, Zoe Saldana 17.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059599 - Dir. Tim Story, Neil LaBute 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059603 Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Komödie 2010-2012 205min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Collector’s Pack: Austenland / 17.07.2014 Collector’s Pack: Verliebt in die Der Jane Austen Club (2 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059602 Braut / Timer (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Made Of Honor / Timer Austenland / The Jane Austen Book Club Patrick Dempsey, Michelle Monaghan, Kevin Keri Russell, JJ Feild, Bret McKenzie, Kathy Collector’s Pack: Sterben will ge- McKidd, Emma Caulfield, Michelle Borth, Baker, Maria Bello, Emily Blunt - Dir. lernt sein / Denk wie ein Man John Patrick Amedori - Dir. Paul Weiland, Jerusha Hess, Robin Swicord (Blu-ray) Jac Schaeffer Drama 2007-2013 202min. Think Like A Man / Death At A Funeral Komödie 2008-2009 201min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara, Meagan Good, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 17.07.2014 Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence, Zoe Saldana 17.07.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059611 - Dir. Tim Story, Neil LaBute 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059615 Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Komödie 2010-2012 214min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Collector’s Pack: Das Schwerge- 17.07.2014 Collector’s Pack: Zombieland / wicht / Der Zoowärter (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059614 Das ist das Ende (2 Discs) Here Comes The Boom / The Zoo Keeper Zombieland / This Is The End Kevin James, Salma Hayek, Henry Winkler, Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Rosario Dawson, Leslie Bibb - Dir. Frank Collector’s Pack: Stomp the Yard Stone, Jonah Hill, James Franco, Seth Ro- Coraci / Stomp the Yard 2 (2 Discs) gen - Dir. Ruben Fleischer, Seth Rogen, Komödie 2011-2012 199min. Stomp The Yard / Stomp The Yard 2: Evan Goldberg Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Homecoming Komödie 2009-2013 186min. 17.07.2014 Columbus Short, Meagan Good, Brian J. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059600 White, Collins Pennie, Kiely Williams, 17.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059627 Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Stephen Boss - Dir. Sylvain White, Rob Hardy Collector’s Pack: Das Schwerge- Drama/Musikfilm 2007-2010 194min. Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie wicht / Der Zoowärter (2 Discs) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Collector’s Pack: Zombieland / (Blu-ray) 17.07.2014 Das ist das Ende (2 Discs) (Blu- Here Comes The Boom / The Zoo Keeper 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059628 ray) Kevin James, Salma Hayek, Henry Winkler, Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Zombieland / This Is The End Rosario Dawson, Leslie Bibb - Dir. Frank Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma

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Stone, Jonah Hill, James Franco, Seth Ro- Ángela Molina (Doña Concha, die Großmut- Napolitano, Donna Deitch, Bryan Spicer, gen - Dir. Ruben Fleischer, Seth Rogen, ter), Pere Ponce, Macarena García, Sofía Steven DePaul, Kate Woods Evan Goldberg Oria, Josep Maria Pou, Inma Cuesta, Ramón Audiokommentar, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Komödie 2009-2013 195min. Barea, Emilio Gavira, Sergio Dorado, Kriminalfilm/Komödie min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Alberto Martinez, Michal Lagosz, Jimmy Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 17.07.2014 Munoz, Jinson Anazco - Dir. Pablo Berger Germany 13.06.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059642 Drama/Fantasy 2012 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059413 AV Visionen(eye see movies) 27.06.2014 Die Bestimmung - Divergent (2 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059918 Bones - Season Four (7 Discs) Discs) Bones Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Divergent Blazing Saddles - Der wilde wil- Conlin, Eric Millegan, T. J. Thyne, Jonathan Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate de Westen (Special Edition) (Blu- Adams, Tamara Taylor, John M. Jackson, Winslet, Ashley Judd, Jai Courtney, Zoë ray) Adam Lieberman - Dir. Greg Yaitanes, Allan Kravitz, Miles Teller, Ray Stevenson, Tony Blazing Saddles Kroeker, Jesús Salvador Treviño, Patrick Goldwyn, Maggie Q, Ansel Elgort - Dir. Neil Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Harvey Norris, Sanford Bookstaver, David Hugh Burger Korman, Madeline Kahn, Slim Pickens, Da- Jones, Dwight H. Little, James Whitmore Science Fiction/Drama 2014 min. vid Huddleston, Alex Karras, Burton Gilliam, Jr., Tawnia McKiernan, Tony Wharmby, Joe Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Mel Brooks, John Hillerman, Liam Dunn, Napolitano, Donna Deitch, Bryan Spicer, Home Edition) 28.08.2014 Carol Arthur, Dom DeLuise - Dir. Mel Brooks Steven DePaul, Kate Woods 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059864 Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Trailer Kriminalfilm/Komödie min. Komödie/Western 1974 93min. Die Bestimmung - Divergent (Blu- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 ray) Germany 13.06.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059294 Divergent 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059412 Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate Blind Wolf (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Winslet, Ashley Judd, Jai Courtney, Zoë Bones - Season Seven (4 Discs) Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf Kravitz, Miles Teller, Ray Stevenson, Tony Bones Kurando Mitsutake, Jeffrey James Lippold, Goldwyn, Maggie Q, Ansel Elgort - Dir. Neil Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Domiziano Arcangeli, Megan Hallin, Kyle O. Burger Conlin, Eric Millegan, T. J. Thyne, Jonathan Ingleman, Loren Lutcher, Mariko Denda, Aki Science Fiction/Drama 2014 min. Adams, Tamara Taylor, John M. Jackson, Hiro - Dir. Kurando Mitsutake Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Behind the Scenes, Schwertkampf Choerographie, Bloopers, Adam Lieberman - Dir. Greg Yaitanes, Allan Home Edition) 28.08.2014 Bildergalerie, Trailer Kroeker, Jesús Salvador Treviño, Patrick 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059899 Action/Horror 2009 93min. Norris, Sanford Bookstaver, David Hugh Musketier Media(8-Films) 17.06.2014 Jones, Dwight H. Little, James Whitmore The Big Green - Ein unschlagba- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059710 Jr., Tawnia McKiernan, Tony Wharmby, Joe res Team / Cool Runnings (2 Napolitano, Donna Deitch, Bryan Spicer, Discs) Blind Wolf (k.J.) Steven DePaul, Kate Woods Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interview, Audiokommentar, The Big Green / Cool Runnings Kurando Mitsutake, Jeffrey James Lippold, Outtakes D’Abo, Steve Guttenberg, Jay O. Kriminalfilm/Komödie min. Domiziano Arcangeli, Megan Hallin, Kyle O. Sanders, Leon, Doug E. Doug, Malik Yoba - Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ingleman, Loren Lutcher, Mariko Denda, Aki Dir. Holly Goldberg Sloan, Jon Turteltaub Germany 13.06.2014 Hiro - Dir. Kurando Mitsutake Komödie 1993-1995 min. Behind the Scenes, Schwertkampf Choerographie, Bloopers, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059415 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Bildergalerie, Trailer GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Action/Horror 2009 90min. Bones - Season Six (6 Discs) 26.06.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Bones 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059344 17.06.2014 Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059665 Conlin, Eric Millegan, T. J. Thyne, Jonathan The Big Red One (Blu-ray) Adams, Tamara Taylor, John M. Jackson, The Big Red One Bloodsport II (FSK 18) Adam Lieberman - Dir. Greg Yaitanes, Allan Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill, Robert Carradine, Bloodsport 2 Kroeker, Jesús Salvador Treviño, Patrick Siegfried Rauch - Dir. Samuel Fuller Daniel Bernhardt, Pat Morita, Don Gibb, Norris, Sanford Bookstaver, David Hugh Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Trailer James Hong - Dir. Alan Mehrez Jones, Dwight H. Little, James Whitmore Kriegsfilm 1979 156min. Action 1996 83min. Jr., Tawnia McKiernan, Tony Wharmby, Joe Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.05.2014 Napolitano, Donna Deitch, Bryan Spicer, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059297 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059555 Steven DePaul, Kate Woods Audiokommentar, Erweiterte und entfallene Szenen, Making Blancanieves - Ein Märchen von Blue Bloods - Die zweite Season of, Featurette, Outtakes, Pilotepisode von „The Killing“ Schwarz und Weiß Kriminalfilm/Komödie min. (6 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Blancanieves Blue Bloods Germany 13.06.2014 Maribel Verdú, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Entfallenes Szenen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059414 Ángela Molina (Doña Concha, die Großmut- Kriminalfilm/Drama 891min. ter), Pere Ponce, Macarena García, Sofía Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 Die Borgias - Die finale Season (4 Oria, Josep Maria Pou, Inma Cuesta, Ramón 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059401 Barea, Emilio Gavira, Sergio Dorado, Discs) Alberto Martinez, Michal Lagosz, Jimmy Bones - Season Five (6 Discs) The Borgias Munoz, Jinson Anazco - Dir. Pablo Berger Bones Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes Historienfilm/Drama 2013 483min. Drama/Fantasy 2012 min. Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 AV Visionen(eye see movies) 27.06.2014 Conlin, Eric Millegan, T. J. Thyne, Jonathan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059402 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059903 Adams, Tamara Taylor, John M. Jackson, Adam Lieberman - Dir. Greg Yaitanes, Allan Born to Dance Blancanieves - Ein Märchen von Kroeker, Jesús Salvador Treviño, Patrick Make Your Move Norris, Sanford Bookstaver, David Hugh Schwarz und Weiß (Blu-ray) Derek Hough, BoA, Will Yun Lee, Wesley Jones, Dwight H. Little, James Whitmore Blancanieves Jonathan, Izabella Miko, Jefferson Brown, Jr., Tawnia McKiernan, Tony Wharmby, Joe Maribel Verdú, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Miki Ishikawa, Michael Mando - Dir. Duane

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Adler Letter To Brezhnev Universum Film Home Drama/Tanzfilm 2013 106min. Alexandra Pigg, Margi Clarke, Peter Firth, Entertainment(Transit) 13.06.2014 Universum Film Home Alfred Molina, Tracy Lea, Ted Wood - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059446 Entertainment(SquareOne) 08.08.2014 Chris Bernard 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059807 Trailer, Making of Captain America: The First Komödie 1985 91min. Avenger / Captain America: The Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Born to Dance (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Return of the First Avenger ray) 25.07.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20059803 Captain America: The First Avenger / Make Your Move Captain America: The Winter Soldier Derek Hough, BoA, Will Yun Lee, Wesley Die Brücke von Arnheim (Blu-ray) Chris Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Jonathan, Izabella Miko, Jefferson Brown, A Bridge Too Far Weaving, , Cobie Miki Ishikawa, Michael Mando - Dir. Duane Sir Laurence Olivier, Sir Sean Connery, Smulders - Dir. Joe Johnston, Anthony Adler Robert Redford, Dirk Bogarde, James Caan, Russo, Joe Russo Drama/Tanzfilm 2013 110min. Sir Michael Caine, Edward Fox, Elliott Action/Abenteuer 2011-2014 min. Universum Film Home Gould, Gene Hackman, Sir Anthony The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Entertainment(SquareOne) 08.08.2014 Hopkins, Hardy Krüger, Maximilian Schell, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059817 Hans von Borsody, Liv Ullmann, Ryan 14.08.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059751 Der böse Onkel O’Neal - Dir. Lord Richard Attenborough Trailer Jörg-Heinrich Benthien, Miriam Japp, Paula Kriegsfilm 1977 176min. Captain America: The First Schramm, Julia Heydkamp, Verena Berger, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Avenger / Captain America: The Stephan Dierichs, Pascal Ulli, Kasia Borek, Germany(MGM/UA) 06.06.2014 Return of the First Avenger (Blu- Eva Math, Johanna Leinen, Bodo 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059310 Krumwiede, Fabian Wey, Christian König, ray) Nikolaus Schmid, Jan Gebauer, Paul Kaiser, Die Brücke von Remagen Captain America: The First Avenger / Bedros Istepan Demircioglu, Walter Sigi The Bridge At Remagen Captain America: The Winter Soldier Arnold, Azad Kaan, Eckhard Greiner, Isabel George Segal, Robert Vaughn, Ben Chris Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Hindersin, Tabitha Deipenbrock, Kamil Gazzara, Hans-Christian Blech, Peter van Weaving, Scarlett Johansson, Cobie Krejèí - Dir. Urs Odermatt Eyck, Bradford Dillman, E. G. Marshall, Joa- Smulders - Dir. Joe Johnston, Anthony Trailer chim Hansen, Sonja Ziemann - Dir. John Russo, Joe Russo Drama 2011 98min. Guillermin Action/Abenteuer 2011-2014 min. Silvercine 25.07.2014 Trailer The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059809 Kriegsfilm 1968 111min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 14.08.2014 Braveheart Germany(MGM/UA) 06.06.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059772 Braveheart 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059358 Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick Case Histories - Staffel 2 (3 Discs) McGoohan, Catherine McCormack, Brendan Die Brücken am Fluss (Blu-ray) Case Histories Gleeson, James Cosmo, David O’Hara, The Bridges Of Madison County Jason Isaacs, Amanda Abbington, Millie Angus McFayden, Peter Hanly, James Clint Eastwood, Meryl Streep, Annie Corley, Innes, Zawe Ashton, Natasha Little, Kirsty Robinson - Dir. Mel Gibson Victor Slezak, Jim Haynie - Dir. Clint Mitchell, Edward Corrie, Fenella Woolgar, Audiokommentar, Featurette Eastwood Maarten Stevenson, Rory Barraclough, Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1995 170min. Drama 1995 129min. Allan Lindsay, Paterson Joseph, Adam Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Warner Home Video Germany 08.05.2014 Godley - Dir. Marc Jobst, Bill Anderson, Germany 01.07.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059295 Dan Zeff 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059623 Kriminalfilm/Drama 270min. Braveheart (Blu-ray) Brust oder Keule (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 06.06.2014 L’ Aile Ou La Cuisse 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059674 Braveheart Louis de Funès, Michel Colucci, Julien Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick Guiomar, Vittorio Caprioli, Raymond Celentano Collection II McGoohan, Catherine McCormack, Brendan Bussières, Marcel Dalio, Claude Gensac - Bluff / Don Tango / Gib dem Affen Zucker Gleeson, James Cosmo, David O’Hara, Dir. Claude Zidi Adriano Celentano Angus McFayden, Peter Hanly, James Featurette, Wendecover Komödie 299min. Robinson - Dir. Mel Gibson Komödie 1976 105min. da music(Starlight Film) 16.05.2014 Audiokommentar, Featurette STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1995 177min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059860 Germany 24.07.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059720 Germany 01.07.2014 Celentano Collection III 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059640 Asso / Der gezähmte Widerspenstige / Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari Joan Lui Braveheart (Sonderedition, 2 Conrad Veidt, Lil Dagover, Werner Krauss, Adriano Celentano Friedrich Feher, Rudolf Lettinger, Elsa Wag- Discs) (Blu-ray) Komödie 271min. ner, Hans Heinrich von Twardowski, Lud- da music(Starlight Film) 16.05.2014 Braveheart wig Rex - Dir. Robert Wiene 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059861 Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick Horror 1919 min. McGoohan, Catherine McCormack, Brendan Universum Film Home C’est pas moi, c’est l’autre Gleeson, James Cosmo, David O’Hara, Entertainment(Transit) 13.06.2014 C’est Pas Moi, C’est L’autre Angus McFayden, Peter Hanly, James 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059437 , Anémone, Michel Muller - Dir. Robinson - Dir. Mel Gibson Alain Zaloum Wendecover, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Inter- Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (Blu- views Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2004 90min. Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1995 177min. ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 30.05.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Conrad Veidt, Lil Dagover, Werner Krauss, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059275 Germany 27.06.2014 Friedrich Feher, Rudolf Lettinger, Elsa Wag- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059898 ner, Hans Heinrich von Twardowski, Lud- The Chaperone / Inside Out wig Rex - Dir. Robert Wiene The Chaperone / Inside Out Brief an Breshnew Horror 1919 min. Paul „Triple H“ Levesque, Kevin Corrigan,

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José Zúñiga, Michael Rapaport, Parker The Cloth - Kampf mit dem Teufel Cantafora, Bobby Rhodes, Paul Müller, Posey - Dir. Stephen Herek, Artie Mandel- (k.J.) Frank Glaubrecht, Anita Lochner - Dir. berg Anthony M. Dawson The Cloth Komödie/Action 2011 180min. Original Kinotrailer, Fotogalerie, Trailershow, „MÄDCHEN, Eric Roberts, Danny Trejo, Robert Miano, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(SES) MACHOS UND MONETEN“ (ROM-Teil) Rachele Brooke Smith, Steven Brand, Action 1988 105min. 09.05.2014 Justin Price, Robert Miano, Lassiter Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059422 Holmes, Kyler Willett - Dir. Justin Price 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059718 Charlie Chan - Der Chinesische Horror 2013 88min. Maritim Pictures 22.07.2014 Commando Leopard Ring tba BestellNr.: 20059496 Lewis Collins, Klaus Kinski, Manfred The Chinese Ring Lehmann, Cristina Donadio, John Steiner, Dir. William Beaudine Die Comancheros Subas Herrera, Hans Leutenegger, Tom Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1947 70min. The Comancheros Danneberg - Dir. Anthony M. Dawson AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing John Wayne, Stuart Whitman, Ina Balin, Original Kinotrailer, Behind the Scenes Audiokommentar, AG(Chandler Film) 25.07.2014 Nehemiah Persoff, Lee Marvin, Michael Fotogalerie, MÄDCHEN, MACHOS UND MONETEN“ 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059794 (ROM-Teil), Audiokommentar Ansara, Bruce Cabot, Jack Elam, Edgar Kriegsfilm 1985 100min. Buchanan - Dir. Michael Curtiz Charlie Chan - Die blutige Spur Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Western 1961 103min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059681 The Scarlet Clue Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sidney Toler - Dir. Phil Rosen Germany 06.06.2014 Commando Leopard (Blu-ray) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1945 77min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059359 Lewis Collins, Klaus Kinski, Manfred AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Lehmann, Cristina Donadio, John Steiner, AG(Chandler Film) 25.07.2014 Die Comancheros (Blu-ray) Subas Herrera, Hans Leutenegger, Tom 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059793 The Comancheros Danneberg - Dir. Anthony M. Dawson John Wayne, Stuart Whitman, Ina Balin, Original Kinotrailer, Behind the Scenes Audiokommentar, Charlie Chan Collection - Teil 2 (4 Nehemiah Persoff, Lee Marvin, Michael Fotogalerie, MÄDCHEN, MACHOS UND MONETEN“ Discs) Ansara, Bruce Cabot, Jack Elam, Edgar (ROM-Teil), Audiokommentar Kriegsfilm 1985 104min. Warner Oland - Dir. Lewis Seiler Buchanan - Dir. Michael Curtiz Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Bildergalerien Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Comic, Trailer, Fox tönende Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Kriminalfilm 271min. Wochenschau 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059717 Koch Media 22.05.2014 Western 1961 107min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059821 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Conversation(s) with Other Germany 06.06.2014 Women Checker Can - Der Feuerwehr- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059311 Conversations With Other Women Helena Bonham Carter, Aaron Eckhart, Nora Check / Der Blaulicht-Check Come Back Or Die Tryin’ Can Mansuroglu - Dir. Martin Tischner, Jo- Zehetner, Erik Eidem, Olivia Wilde, Thomas All Things Fall Apart hannes Honsell, Jesco Hoffmann Lennon, Cerina Vincent, Brianna Brown, 50 Cent, Mario van Peebles, Ray Liotta, Kinderfilm 50min. Brian Geraghty - Dir. Hans Canosa Lynn Whitfield, Cedric Sanders, Steve Universal Music Family Bildergalerie, Filmografien Eastin, Chanel Farrel, Kimberly Harsch, Drama/Komödie 2005 86min. Entertainment(Karussell) 09.05.2014 Mike P. - Dir. Mario van Peebles Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.06.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059322 Musikvideo. Bonusaufnahmen, Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059675 Drama/Sport 2011 109min. Checker Can - Der Rummel-Check Lichtblick Films(Lausbuben Films) The Cottage in the Dark Forest / Der Fritten-Burger-Cola-Check 10.06.2014 (k.J.) Can Mansuroglu - Dir. Martin Tischner, Jo- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059659 Interferencia hannes Honsell, Jesco Hoffmann Andreas Bagg, Virginia Lustig, Oliver Kinderfilm 50min. Come Back Or Die Tryin’ (Blu-ray) Kolker - Dir. Sergio Esquenazi Universal Music Family All Things Fall Apart Thriller/Horror 2006 86min. Entertainment(Karussell) 09.05.2014 50 Cent, Mario van Peebles, Ray Liotta, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.06.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059323 Lynn Whitfield, Cedric Sanders, Steve 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059691 Eastin, Chanel Farrel, Kimberly Harsch, Classic Western Collection, Mike P. - Dir. Mario van Peebles Cracked - Die komplette Staffel 1 Volume 1 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Musikvideo. Bonusaufnahmen, Trailer Drama/Sport 2011 114min. (4 Discs) Saskatschewan / Auf der Spur des Todes / Lichtblick Films(Lausbuben Films) Cracked Südwest nach Sonora 10.06.2014 David Sutcliffe, Luisa D’Oliveira Marlon Brando, Alan Ladd, John Saxon - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059708 Kriminalfilm/Mystery 2013 585min. Dir. Raoul Walsh, Sidney J. Furie, Jack polyband Medien GmbH 27.06.2014 Arnold Der Commander Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059637 Western 1954-1966 266min. Lewis Collins, Lee Van Cleef, Donald Koch Media 22.05.2014 Pleasence, John Steiner, Manfred Lehmann, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059876 Brett Halsey, Chat Silayan, Antonio Season 13.2 (3 Discs) Cantafora, Bobby Rhodes, Paul Müller, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The Cloth - Kampf mit dem Teufel Frank Glaubrecht, Anita Lochner - Dir. Jorja Fox, Ted Danson, George Eads, David (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Anthony M. Dawson Berman, Eric Szmanda, Elisabeth Shue, Original Kinotrailer, Fotogalerie, Trailershow, „MÄDCHEN, The Cloth MACHOS UND MONETEN“ (ROM-Teil) Paul Guilfoyle, Wallace Langham, Robert Eric Roberts, Danny Trejo, Robert Miano, Action 1988 101min. David Hall - Dir. Alec Smight Rachele Brooke Smith, Steven Brand, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Kriminalfilm/Drama 2012-2013 420min. Justin Price, Robert Miano, Lassiter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059682 Universum Film Home Holmes, Kyler Willett - Dir. Justin Price Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 13.06.2014 Horror 2013 92min. Der Commander (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059435 Maritim Pictures 22.07.2014 Lewis Collins, Lee Van Cleef, Donald tba BestellNr.: 20059522 Pleasence, John Steiner, Manfred Lehmann, CSI: NY - Season 9.2: The Final Brett Halsey, Chat Silayan, Antonio Season (3 Discs)

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CSI: NY Daniel Boone, Trail Blazer Devoured - Verschlungen (k.J.) Sela Ward, A.J. Buckley, Robert Joy, Hill Bruce Bennett, Lon Chaney jr., Faron Devoured Harper, Gary Sinise, Eddie Cahill, Anna Young, Damian O’Flynn, Freddy Fernández, Marta Milans, Kara Jackson, Bruno Gunn, Belknap, Carmine D. Giovinazzo, Rob Nancy Rodman - Dir. Albert C. Gannaway, Tyler Hollinger, Luis Harris, Sal Rendino, Morrow - Dir. Jeff T. Thomas Ismael Rodriguez David Conley, Jim O’Hare, Richard Alleman - Kriminalfilm/Drama 2013 336min. Western 1956 78min. Dir. Greg Olliver Universum Film Home da music(Great Movies) 16.05.2014 Thriller/Mystery 2012 89min. Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 13.06.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059862 Maritim Pictures 22.07.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059436 tba BestellNr.: 20059497 DDR TV-Archiv: Die Julia von ne- Dallas - Die komplette zweite benan Dexter - Die finale Season (6 Staffel (4 Discs) Dir. Rainer Bär Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dallas Trailer Dexter Komödie/Lovestory 1977 98min. Featurettes, Extended Cut zu Epsode 8, Tribut an Larry Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2013 624min. Hagman, Entfallene Szenen ICESTORM Entertainment 12.05.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 Drama 2012-2013 628min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059287 Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059430 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059260 DDR TV-Archiv: Familie intakt (4 Dexter - Die finale Season (6 Discs) Discs) (k.J.) Dir. Günter Stahnke Dallas Buyers Club Dexter Komödie/Lovestory 1984 705min. Matthew McConaughey, , Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2013 624min. ICESTORM Entertainment 12.05.2014 Jennifer Garner, Michael O’Neill, Denis Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059284 O’Hare, Steve Zahn, Dallas Roberts, Griffin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059405 Dunne, Kevin Rankin, Deneen D. Tyler, J.D. DDR TV-Archiv: Hafengeschichten Evermore, Noelle Wilcox, Bradford Cox, Dexter - Die siebte Season (4 Dir. Klaus Gendries Rick Espaillat, Lawrence Turner, Lucius Trailer Discs) (k.J.) Falick, James DuMont, Don Brady, Tony Komödie/Lovestory 1971 77min. Dexter Bentley, Sean Boyd, Scott Takeda, Joji ICESTORM Entertainment 12.05.2014 Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, James Yoshida - Dir. Jean-Marc Vallée 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059312 Remar, Lauren Vélez, David Zayas, C.S. Drama/Komödie 2013 113min. Lee, Desmond Harrington - Dir. John Dahl, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.07.2014 DDR TV-Archiv: Komm mit mir Steve Shill, Stefan Schwartz, Ernest R. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059502 nach Chicago Dickerson, Alik Sakharov, Holly Dale, Romeo Tirone, Michael Lehmann Dallas Buyers Club (Blu-ray) Dir. Bodo Fürneisen Trailer Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Dallas Buyers Club Komödie/Lovestory 1982 98min. Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2012 626min. Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, ICESTORM Entertainment 12.05.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 Jennifer Garner, Michael O’Neill, Denis 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059288 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059404 O’Hare, Steve Zahn, Dallas Roberts, Griffin Dunne, Kevin Rankin, Deneen D. Tyler, J.D. DDR TV-Archiv: Zugvogel am Dr. Ketel - Der Schatten von Neu- Evermore, Noelle Wilcox, Bradford Cox, Sund kölln Rick Espaillat, Lawrence Turner, Lucius Dir. Hans Knötzsch Ketel Weber, Amanda Plummer, Burak Yigit, Falick, James DuMont, Don Brady, Tony Trailer Pit Bukowski, Franziska Rummel, Lou Bentley, Sean Boyd, Scott Takeda, Joji Abenteuer/Familie 1979 78min. Castel, Waléra Kanischtscheff, Hermann Yoshida - Dir. Jean-Marc Vallée ICESTORM Entertainment 12.05.2014 Beyer, Michael Pink, Patrick Schorn - Dir. Drama/Komödie 2013 117min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059313 Linus de Paoli Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.07.2014 Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059527 Dead End (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thriller 2011 80min. Hard Shoulder good!movies(GMfilms) 23.05.2014 Die Damen lassen bitten Wil Johnson, Angela Dixon, Jamie Foreman 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059453 Les Bons Vivants - Dir. Nicholas David Lean Louis de Funès, Mireille Darc, Bernard Wendecover Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (Digi- Blier, Jean Lefebvre, Andrea Parisy, Berna- Thriller/Horror 2012 86min. tal Remastered) dette Lafont, Jean Richard, Dominique Mad Dimension GmbH 25.07.2014 Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark Davray, Darry Cowl - Dir. Gilles Grangier, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059575 Kim Darby, Jim Hutton, Barbara Anderson, Georges Lautner William Demarest, Pedro Armendáriz Jr., Bildergalerie, Super 8-Fassung „Die Abenteuer des Rabbi Dead End (k.J.) Jacob“, Super 8-Fassung „Die große Sause“, Trailer, Lesley Woods, Robert Cleaves, Sterling Wendecover Hard Shoulder Swanson - Dir. John Newland Episodenfilm/Komödie 1965 100min. Wil Johnson, Angela Dixon, Jamie Foreman Wendecover STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment - Dir. Nicholas David Lean Horror/Thriller 1973 74min. Germany 24.07.2014 Wendecover Maritim Pictures 27.06.2014 Thriller/Horror 2012 82min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059684 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059791 Mad Dimension GmbH 25.07.2014 Danger 5 - Staffel 1 (2 Discs, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059550 Double Dragon OmU) Double Dragon Devoured - Verschlungen (Blu- Robert Patrick, Mark Dacascos, Scott Wolf, Danger 5 ray) (k.J.) Kristina Malandro Wagner, Julia Nickson- David Ashby, Aldo Mignone, Natasa Ristic, Devoured Soul, Alyssa Milano, Nils Allen Stewart, Sean James Murphy, Amanda Simons, Marta Milans, Kara Jackson, Bruno Gunn, Henry Kingi - Dir. James Yukich Carmine Russo - Dir. Dario Russo Fünfteilige Webisode, Interviews, Behind the Scenes Tyler Hollinger, Luis Harris, Sal Rendino, Fantasy/Action 1994 92min. Action/Komödie 210min. David Conley, Jim O’Hare, Richard Alleman - VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.05.2014 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 16.05.2014 Dir. Greg Olliver 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059552 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059271 Thriller/Mystery 2012 93min. Maritim Pictures 22.07.2014 Double Dragon (Blu-ray) Daniel Boone tba BestellNr.: 20059523 Double Dragon Robert Patrick, Mark Dacascos, Scott Wolf,

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Kristina Malandro Wagner, Julia Nickson- Emma Rigby, Anna Enger, Nadine Stenzel, Soul, Alyssa Milano, Nils Allen Stewart, Driver (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Anita Hopt - Dir. Shana Feste Henry Kingi - Dir. James Yukich The Driver Drama/Lovestory 2014 101min. Fantasy/Action 1994 96min. Ryan O’Neal, Bruce Dern, Isabelle Adjani, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.05.2014 Ronee Blakley - Dir. Walter Hill 31.07.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059577 Alternativer Anfang, Teaser, Trailer, Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059606 Action/Thriller 1978 91min. Dragon Hero (Dragon Edition) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Endless Love (Blu-ray) Long Quan Germany 10.07.2014 Endless Love Jackie Chan, Nora Miao, James Tien, Yam 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059712 Alex Pettyfer, Gabriella Wilde, Bruce Sai-Kun - Dir. Wei Lo Greenwood, Joely Richardson, Robert Action/Eastern 1979 93min. Driver (k.J.) Patrick, Rhys Wakefield, Dayo Okeniyi, Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 29.08.2014 The Driver Emma Rigby, Anna Enger, Nadine Stenzel, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059914 Ryan O’Neal, Bruce Dern, Isabelle Adjani, Anita Hopt - Dir. Shana Feste Ronee Blakley - Dir. Walter Hill Drama/Lovestory 2014 105min. Dragon Hero (Dragon Edition) Alternativer Anfang, Teaser, Trailer, Wendecover Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Action/Thriller 1978 88min. 31.07.2014 (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059618 Long Quan Germany 10.07.2014 Jackie Chan, Nora Miao, James Tien, Yam 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059669 Sai-Kun - Dir. Wei Lo Endstation Prag Action/Eastern 1979 97min. Dune - Der Wüstenplanet (2 Discs) Prag Mads Mikkelsen, Stine Stengade, Borivoj Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 29.08.2014 (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059927 Navrátil, Jana Plodkova - Dir. Ole Christian Dune Madsen Dragon Lord (Dragon Edition) William Hurt, Saskia Reeves, Alec Newman, Drama 2006 92min. Giancarlo Giannini, Muriel Baumeister, Uwe Long Xiao Ye FilmConfect Home Entertainment Ochsenknecht, Ian McNeice, Barbara Jackie Chan, Mars, Min Chen-Hui, Paul 30.05.2014 Kodetová, Julie Cox - Dir. John S. Harrison 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059250 Chang, Sidney Yim, Whang Ing-Sik, Wu Interviews, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Booklet Chia-Hsiang, Fung Hark-On, Cheng Kang- Science Fiction 2000 308min. Ein Fall für Zwei - Collector’s Box yeh, Ho Pak-Kwong, Kuen Wing-Man - Dir. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Sci Fi Jackie Chan Classics) 27.06.2014 15 (5 Discs) Action/Eastern 1982 92min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059729 Claus Theo Gärtner, Günter Strack, Renate Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 29.08.2014 Kohn, Edwin Nöel, Désirée Nosbusch, Jür- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059915 Dune - Der Wüstenplanet (3 Discs) gen Schmidt, Herbert Stass, Heidelinde Dune Weis, Hans Brenner, Donata Höffer, Renate Dragon Lord (Dragon Edition) William Hurt, Saskia Reeves, Alec Newman, Schauss, Robert Stromberger - Dir. Michael (Blu-ray) Giancarlo Giannini, Muriel Baumeister, Uwe Mackenroth, Michael Meyer Long Xiao Ye Ochsenknecht, Ian McNeice, Barbara Kriminalfilm 1981-2009 900min. Jackie Chan, Mars, Min Chen-Hui, Paul Kodetová, Julie Cox - Dir. John S. Harrison MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Chang, Sidney Yim, Whang Ing-Sik, Wu Interviews, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Booklet Products) 16.05.2014 Chia-Hsiang, Fung Hark-On, Cheng Kang- Science Fiction 2000 295min. 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059547 yeh, Ho Pak-Kwong, Kuen Wing-Man - Dir. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Sci Fi Jackie Chan Classics) 27.06.2014 Fantasy 3 Movie Pack Action/Eastern 1982 96min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059698 Beauty and the Beast / Sinbad and the Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 29.08.2014 Minotaur / Wraiths of Roanoke 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059928 Die dunkle Zeit des Mittelalters Fantasy 258min. Báthory - Die Blutgräfin / 1612 - Angriff Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 27.06.2014 Drei Meter über dem Himmel der Kreuzritter / Alexander der Kreuzritter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059741 Tres Metros Sobre El Cielo Anna Friel, Hans Matheson, Karel Roden, María Valverde, Mario Casas, Álvaro Cer- Pjotr Kislow, Artur Smoljaninow, Michal Fantasy 3 Movie Pack (Blu-ray) vantes, Nerea Camacho, Andrea Duro, Zebrowski, Anton Pampushny, Swetlana Beauty and the Beast / Sinbad and the Marcel Borràs, Pablo Rivero, Clara Segura, Bakulina, Igor Botvin - Dir. Juraj Jakubisko, Minotaur / Wraiths of Roanoke Marina Salas, Diego Martín, Cristina Plazas, Wladimir Chotinenko, Igor Kalyonov Fantasy 265min. Luis Fernández, Jordi Bosch, Joan Crosas, Historienfilm/Action 2007-2008 389min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 27.06.2014 Carlos Olalla - Dir. Fernando González MIG Film 05.06.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059766 Molina 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059352 Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Fantasy of History Drama/Lovestory 2010 118min. Die dunkle Zeit des Mittelalters Pendragon: Sword of His Father / Journey Capelight Pictures 11.07.2014 (Blu-ray) to Promethea / Kingdom of Gladiators 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059801 Báthory - Die Blutgräfin / 1612 - Angriff Leroy Kincaid, Annie Social, Matt Polinsky, der Kreuzritter / Alexander der Kreuzritter Aaron Burns, Adrianne Burns, Andrew Drei Meter über dem Himmel Anna Friel, Hans Matheson, Karel Roden, Burns, Billy Zane, Sam Murphy, Jessica (Blu-ray) Pjotr Kislow, Artur Smoljaninow, Michal Heap - Dir. Stefano Milla, Chad Burns, Dan Tres Metros Sobre El Cielo Zebrowski, Anton Pampushny, Swetlana Garcia María Valverde, Mario Casas, Álvaro Cer- Bakulina, Igor Botvin - Dir. Juraj Jakubisko, Wendecover Action 2008-2011 287min. vantes, Nerea Camacho, Andrea Duro, Wladimir Chotinenko, Igor Kalyonov MIG Film 17.07.2014 Marcel Borràs, Pablo Rivero, Clara Segura, Historienfilm/Action 2007-2008 405min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059844 Marina Salas, Diego Martín, Cristina Plazas, MIG Film 05.06.2014 Luis Fernández, Jordi Bosch, Joan Crosas, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059366 Fantasy of History (Blu-ray) Carlos Olalla - Dir. Fernando González Pendragon: Sword of His Father / Journey Molina Endless Love to Promethea / Kingdom of Gladiators Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Endless Love Leroy Kincaid, Annie Social, Matt Polinsky, Drama/Lovestory 2010 123min. Alex Pettyfer, Gabriella Wilde, Bruce Aaron Burns, Adrianne Burns, Andrew Capelight Pictures 11.07.2014 Greenwood, Joely Richardson, Robert Burns, Billy Zane, Sam Murphy, Jessica 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059814 Patrick, Rhys Wakefield, Dayo Okeniyi,

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Heap - Dir. Stefano Milla, Chad Burns, Dan The Red Canvas / Supreme Champion / Valeria Eisenbart, Quirin Oettl, Justus Garcia Unrivaled Schlingensiepen, Neele Marie Nickel, Wendecover Action/Thriller 284min. Davina Weber, Nora von Waldstätten, Mi- Action 2008-2011 306min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 27.06.2014 chael Kessler, Michael Fitz, Sky Du Mont - MIG Film 17.07.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059743 Dir. Mike Marzuk 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059893 Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 min. Flashpoint - Das Spezial- Highlight Communications Fast Girls kommando: Die komplette Serie (Deutschland)(Constantin) 25.09.2014 Fast Girls tba BestellNr.: 20059833 Lily James, Bradley James, Noel Clarke, (17 Discs) (Blu-ray) Rupert Graves, Lenora Crichlow, Philip Flashpoint Fünf Freunde 3 (Blu-ray) Amy Jo Johnson, Hugh Dillon, David Davis, Tiana Benjamin, Lorraine Burroughs, Valeria Eisenbart, Quirin Oettl, Justus Paetkau, Sergio Di Zio, Enrico Colantoni, Emma Fielding, Dominique Tipper - Dir. Schlingensiepen, Neele Marie Nickel, Michael Cram, Tattiawna Jones - Dir. Stefan Regan Hall Davina Weber, Nora von Waldstätten, Mi- Pleszczynski, Larry Bambrick, Brett Featurette, Interviews, Trailer chael Kessler, Michael Fitz, Sky Du Mont - Drama/Sport 2012 87min. Sullivan Dir. Mike Marzuk Capelight Pictures 27.06.2014 Interviews, Making of Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059697 Action/Thriller 2011 3161min. Koch Media 12.06.2014 Highlight Communications Fast Girls (Blu-ray) 149,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059873 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 25.09.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20059880 Fast Girls Die Französische Revolution Lily James, Bradley James, Noel Clarke, Ein ganz normaler Hochzeitstag / Rupert Graves, Lenora Crichlow, Philip (Special Edition, 2 Discs) Davis, Tiana Benjamin, Lorraine Burroughs, La Révolution Française Zwei mal Zwei (2 Discs) Emma Fielding, Dominique Tipper - Dir. Klaus Maria Brandauer, Jane Seymour, Scenes From A Mall / Big Business Regan Hall François Cluzet, Jean-François Balmer, Bette Midler, Woody Allen, Bill Irwin, Lily Featurette, Interviews, Trailer Andrzej Seweryn, Marianne Basler, Sir Tomlin, Michele Placido - Dir. Paul Drama/Sport 2012 91min. Peter Ustinov, Claudia Cardinale, Sam Neill, Mazursky, Jim Abrahams Capelight Pictures 27.06.2014 Vittorio Mezzogiorno, Jean-François Komödie 1988-1990 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059728 Stévenin, Gabrielle Lazure, Massimo Girotti, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Michel Galabru, Michel Duchaussoy, Philip- GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Faustrecht der Prärie (Blu-ray) pine Leroy-Beaulieu, Christopher Lee, Chri- 26.06.2014 My Darling Clementine stopher Thompson, Marc De Jonge, Serge 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059354 Henry Fonda, Linda Darnell, Victor Mature, Dupire, Jean Bouise, Marie Bunel, Raymond Walter Brennan, Tim Holt, Cathy Downs, Gérome, Jean-Yves Berteloot, Claude Gates to Hell (k.J.) Ward Bond, Alan Mowbray, John Ireland, Aufaure, Anne Letourneau, Louise Underground Don Garner, Francis Ford, Grant Withers, J. Latraverse, Sean Flynn, François Lalande, Ross Thomas, Sofia Pernas, Adrian Farrell MacDonald, Russell Simpson, Mae Geneviève Mnich, André Penvern, Jean R’Mante, Christine Evangelista, Inbar Lavi, Marsh - Dir. John Ford Bouchaud, Sebastian Roché, Georges Jeff D’Agostino, Megan Hensley, Kimberley Audiokommentar, Trailer Trillat, Henri Serre, Philippe Chemin, Michel Roper, Hayley Knight - Dir. Rafael Eisenman Western 1946 97min. Melki, Geoffrey Bateman, Yves-Marie Trailer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Horror/Action 2011 87min. Maurin, Jacques Penot, Jean-Pierre Germany 06.06.2014 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 06.06.2014 Stewart, Louise Boisvert, Bruce Myers, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059333 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059387 Ronald Guttman, Michel Subor, Hanns Fedora Zischler, Jean Boissery - Dir. Robert Gefangene Frauen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Enrico, Richard T. Heffron Fedora Bildergalererie Karine Gambier, France Lomay, Brigitte William Holden, Marthe Keller, Hildegard Historienfilm 1989 360min. Lahaie, Simon Samson - Dir. Michael Tho- Knef, José Ferrer, Michael York, Frances STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment mas, Erwin C. Dietrich Sternhagen, Mario Adorf, Hans Jaray, Gott- Germany 10.07.2014 Bildergalerie, DVD-ROM-Teil, Interview Erotik 1979 min. fried John, Henry Fonda, Ellen Schwiers - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059670 Dir. Billy Wilder Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.06.2014 Dokumentation, Interview, Hintergrundinfo Die Frau, die sich traut 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059706 Drama 1977 109min. Steffi Kühnert, Jenny Schily, Christina Hek- EuroVideo Medien 17.07.2014 Gefangene Frauen (k.J.) ke, Steve Windolf, Lene Oderich, Anna 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059841 Karine Gambier, France Lomay, Brigitte Blomeier, Christina Große - Dir. Marc Ren- Lahaie, Simon Samson - Dir. Michael Tho- sing Fedora (Blu-ray) mas, Erwin C. Dietrich Drama 2013 94min. Fedora Bildergalerie, DVD-ROM-Teil, Interview Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) William Holden, Marthe Keller, Hildegard Erotik 1979 89min. 26.06.2014 Knef, José Ferrer, Michael York, Frances Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.06.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059255 Sternhagen, Mario Adorf, Hans Jaray, Gott- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059655 fried John, Henry Fonda, Ellen Schwiers - Freaky Friday / Ein Zwilling Dir. Billy Wilder Geheimcode Wildgänse Dokumentation, Interview, Hintergrundinfo kommt selten allein (2 Discs) Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Wild Rainbow Drama 1977 109min. Freaky Friday / The Parent Trap Lewis Collins, Lee Van Cleef, Klaus Kinski, EuroVideo Medien 17.07.2014 Barbara Harris, Jodie Foster, John Astin, Ernest Borgnine, Mimsy Farmer, Manfred 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059890 Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid, Natasha Lehmann - Dir. Anthony M. Dawson Richardson - Dir. Gary Nelson, Nancy Mey- Isolierte Filmmusik, Audiokommentar, Trailer Fight 3 Movie Pack (Blu-ray) (k.J.) ers Kriegsfilm 1984 98min. The Red Canvas / Supreme Champion / Komödie 1976-1998 min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Unrivaled The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059680 Action/Thriller 296min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 27.06.2014 26.06.2014 Geheimcode Wildgänse (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059767 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059355 Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Wild Rainbow Lewis Collins, Lee Van Cleef, Klaus Kinski, Fight 3 Movie Pack (k.J.) Fünf Freunde 3 Ernest Borgnine, Mimsy Farmer, Manfred

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Lehmann - Dir. Anthony M. Dawson Mancuso, John Marley, Dale Wilson - Dir. Fronten (Blu-ray) Isolierte Filmmusik, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Trailer Charlton Heston Hans Kloss. Stawka Wieksza Niz Smierc Kriegsfilm 1984 102min. Action/Thriller 1982 99min. Tomasz Kot, Marta Zmuda Trzebiatowska, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 15.05.2014 Piotr Adamczyk, Stanislaw Mikulski, Emil 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059716 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059849 Karewicz, Daniel Olbrychski, Wojciech Das Geheimnis der weißen Mas- Mecwaldowski, Adam Woronowicz, Piotr Gorgo (Blu-ray) Glowacki - Dir. Patryk Vega ken Gorgo Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 108min. Les Compagnons De Jehu Bill Travers, William Sylvester, Vincent Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Claude Giraud, Yves Lefebvre, Michael Winter, Bruce Seton, Joseph O’Conor, Mar- 22.07.2014 Münzer - Dir. Michel Drach tin Benson - Dir. Eugène Lourié tba BestellNr.: 20059525 Abenteuer 1966 325min. Trailer, Bildergalerien, Comics Studio Hamburg Enterprises 13.06.2014 Science Fiction/Fantasy 1959 76min. Der Hauptmann von Köpenick cmv-Laservision 23.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059853 Max Adalbert, Käthe Haack, Max Gülstorff, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059431 Paul Wagner, Willi Schur, Friedrich Kayßler, Das Geheimnis des Ponys Die große Keilerei (Dragon Editi- Ilse Fürstenberg, Hermann Vallentin, Peter A Talking Pony!?! Wolf, Hans Halden - Dir. Richard Oswald Jason Faunt, Kristine DeBell, Jenny Cipolla, on) Booklet Max Gray Wilbur, Dillon Olney, James The Big Brawl Komödie 1931 84min. Lastovic - Dir. David DeCoteau Jackie Chan, José Ferrer, Kristine De Bell, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Trailer, Bildergalerie Mako, Ron Max - Dir. Robert Clouse AG(Filmjuwelen) 04.07.2014 Komödie/Familie 2013 85min. Action 1980 92min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059499 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.07.2014 Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059540 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059749 Heartland - Die kompletten sechs George, der aus dem Dschungel Staffeln (23 Discs) (Blu-ray) Die große Keilerei (Dragon Editi- Heartland kam / George, der aus dem on) (Blu-ray) Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Dschungel kam 2 (2 Discs) The Big Brawl Johnston, Chris Potter, Graham Wardle, George Of The Jungle / George Of The Jackie Chan, José Ferrer, Kristine De Bell, Nathaniel Arcand, Jessica Amlee, Cindy Jungle 2 Mako, Ron Max - Dir. Robert Clouse Busby, Greta Onieogou, Kerry James - Dir. Brendan Fraser, Leslie Mann, Thomas Action 1980 92min. Dean Bennett, Steve DiMarco Haden Church, Chris Showerman, Julie Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.07.2014 Featurettes, Making of Benz - Dir. Sam Weisman, David Grossman 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059771 Drama/Familie 2007-2011 3954min. Komödie 1997-2003 min. Koch Media 12.06.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) H2O - Plötzlich Meerjungfrau: Die 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059874 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) komplette Serie auf 12 DVDs! (12 Dora Heldt: Herzlichen Glück- 26.06.2014 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059356 wunsch, Sie haben gewonnen! H2O: Just Add Water Lambert Hamel, Peter Sattmann, Gaby Cariba Heine, Phoebe Tonkin, Claire Holt, Die Geschichte der 1002. Nacht Dohm, Gila von Weitershausen, Yvonne Cleo Massey, Angus McLaren - Dir. Colin Johanna Matz, Helmut Qualtinger, Greta Catterfeld, Daniel Aichinger, Stephanie Budds Zimmer, Walther Reyer, Walter Kohut, Diet- Stumph, Matthias Schloo, Michael Lott, Ca- Kinderfilm 2006 min. mar Schönherr - Dir. Peter Beauvais roline Beil, Ina Holst, Hans-Martin Stier, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Drama 1969 220min. Gundi Ellert - Dir. Mark von Seydlitz GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.06.2014 Komödie 2014 91min. 05.06.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059750 Universum Film Home Entertainment(ZDF 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059370 Video) 20.06.2014 Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla Hängt ihn höher 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059441 (Blu-ray) Hang ‘Em High Hellbenders - Zum Teufel mit der Gojira Tai Mekagojira Clint Eastwood, Inger Stevens, Ed Begley, Yumiko Shaku, Shin Takuma, Kana Pat Hingle, Arlene Golonka, James Hölle Onodera, Koh Takasugi, Yûsuke Tomoi, MacArthur, Bruce Dern, Dennis Hopper, Hellbenders Jun’ichi Mizuno - Dir. Masaaki Tezuka James Westerfield, Charles McGraw, L. Q. Clancy Brown, Dan Fogler, Clifton Collins Action/Science Fiction 2002 89min. Jones, Jack Ging, Mark Lenard - Dir. Ted Jr., Andre Royo, Raymond Mamrak, Splendid Film 27.06.2014 Post Edoardo Ballerini, Lauren Francesca, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059481 Trailer Stephen Gevedon, Samantha Buck, Macon Western 1967 110min. Blair, Robyn Rikoon, Jaiden Kaine, Folake Godzilla vs. Megaguirus (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Olowofoyeku - Dir. J.T. Petty Gojira Tai Megagirasu Germany(MGM/UA) 06.06.2014 Kurzfilm „Exorcism“, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Misato Tanaka, Shosuke Tanihara, Masatô 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059360 Making of, Trailer Horror/Komödie 2012 84min. Ibu, Yuriko Hoshi, Toshiyuki Nagashima, Koch Media 24.07.2014 Tsutomu Kitagawa - Dir. Masaaki Tezuka Hans Kloss - Spion zwischen den tba BestellNr.: 20059506 Action/Science Fiction 2000 105min. Fronten Splendid Film 27.06.2014 Hans Kloss. Stawka Wieksza Niz Smierc Hellbenders - Zum Teufel mit der 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059587 Tomasz Kot, Marta Zmuda Trzebiatowska, Hölle (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Piotr Adamczyk, Stanislaw Mikulski, Emil Hellbenders Gold aus Nevada Karewicz, Daniel Olbrychski, Wojciech Clancy Brown, Dan Fogler, Clifton Collins The Yellow Mountain Mecwaldowski, Adam Woronowicz, Piotr Jr., Andre Royo, Raymond Mamrak, Western 1954 74min. Glowacki - Dir. Patryk Vega Edoardo Ballerini, Lauren Francesca, Koch Media 12.06.2014 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 104min. Stephen Gevedon, Samantha Buck, Macon 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059828 Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Blair, Robyn Rikoon, Jaiden Kaine, Folake 22.07.2014 Goldfieber Olowofoyeku - Dir. J.T. Petty tba BestellNr.: 20059500 Kurzfilm „Exorcism“, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Mother Lode Making of, Trailer Charlton Heston, , Nick Hans Kloss - Spion zwischen den Horror/Komödie 2012 87min.

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Koch Media 24.07.2014 (Blu-ray) Trailer Komödie/Drama 2013 100min. tba BestellNr.: 20059532 Growing Op Tiberius Film 03.04.2014 Steven Yaffee, Rachel Blanchard, Wallace 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059590 Hellbenders - Zum Teufel mit der Langham, Rosanna Arquette, Katie Boland, Hölle (Blu-ray) Jon Cor, Hugh Thompson, Daniel Maclvor, Eine Hochzeit und andere Hinder- Hellbenders Alberta Watson, Bill Carr, Kate Lavender, Clancy Brown, Dan Fogler, Clifton Collins Nicole Maillet - Dir. Michael Melski nisse (Blu-ray) Jr., Andre Royo, Raymond Mamrak, Komödie/Drama 2008 100min. Des Gens Qui S’Embrassent Edoardo Ballerini, Lauren Francesca, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.05.2014 Kad Merad, Monica Bellucci, Eric Stephen Gevedon, Samantha Buck, Macon 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059302 Elmosnino, Valérie Bonneton, Max Boublil, Blair, Robyn Rikoon, Jaiden Kaine, Folake Lou de Laâge, Clara Ponsot, Ivry Gitlis - Olowofoyeku - Dir. J.T. Petty The Hillz (k.J.) Dir. Danièle Thompson Kurzfilm „Exorcism“, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, The Hillz Trailer Komödie/Drama 2013 100min. Making of, Trailer René Heger, Jesse Woodrow, Paris Hilton, Horror/Komödie 2012 84min. Tiberius Film 03.04.2014 Jason Shaw, Eric Priestley, James DeBello, Koch Media 24.07.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059589 Vince Rimoldi, Silas Gaither - Dir. Saran tba BestellNr.: 20059531 Barnun House of Cards - Die komplette Hellfjord (2 Discs) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2004 91min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.06.2014 dritte Mini-Serie (2 Discs) Hellfjord 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059678 House Of Cards Zahid Ali, Stig Frode Henriksen, Ingrid Ian Richardson, David Lyon, Diane Fletcher, Bolsø Berdal Alfred Hitchcock Collection (14 Susannah Harker, Nicholas Selby, James Komödie 210min. Discs) Villiers, Miles Anderson - Dir. Paul Seed polyband Medien GmbH 25.07.2014 Audiokommentar 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059755 Cocktail für eine Leiche / Das Fenster Drama/Thriller 1990-1995 205min. zum Hof / Der Mann, der zuviel wusste / Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Hellfjord (Blu-ray) Psycho / Die Vögel / Vertigo / Marnie / 15.07.2014 Hellfjord Frenzy / Im Schatten des Zweifels / Immer tba BestellNr.: 20059782 Zahid Ali, Stig Frode Henriksen, Ingrid Ärger mit Harry / Der zerrissene Vorhang / Bolsø Berdal Familiengrab / Saboteure / Topas House of Cards - Die komplette Komödie 210min. Frederick Stafford, Dany Robin, John dritte Mini-Serie (Blu-ray) Vernon, Robert Cummings, Priscilla Lane, polyband Medien GmbH 25.07.2014 House Of Cards Otto Kruger, Bruce Dern, Karen Black, Bar- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059778 Ian Richardson, David Lyon, Diane Fletcher, bara Harris, Paul Newman, Dame Julie Susannah Harker, Nicholas Selby, James Andrews, Wolfgang Kieling, Edmund Der Herausforderer (Dragon Editi- Villiers, Miles Anderson - Dir. Paul Seed Gwenn, John Forsythe, Shirley MacLaine, on) Audiokommentar Joseph Cotten, Teresa Wright, Mcdonald Jian Hua Yan Yu Jiang Nan Drama/Thriller 1990-1995 205min. Carey, Jon Finch, Barry Foster, Anna Jackie Chan, Hsu Feng, Kuo Wang, Chen Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Massey, Tippi Hedren, Diane Baker, Sir Hui-Lou - Dir. Wei Lo 15.07.2014 Wendecover Sean Connery, Rod Taylor, Jessica Tandy, tba BestellNr.: 20059786 Action/Eastern 1977 102min. Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.07.2014 James Stewart, Doris Day, Bernard Miles, Houston (tlw. OmU) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059747 Grace Kelly, Raymond Burr, John Dall, Ulrich Tukur, Garret Dillahunt, Jenny Schily, Farley Granger - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Wolfram Koch, Jens Münchow, Jason Der Herausforderer (Dragon Editi- Thriller/Horror 1535min. Douglas - Dir. Bastian Günther on) (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures 03.07.2014 Drama/Thriller 2012 103min. 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059608 Jian Hua Yan Yu Jiang Nan Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) 20.06.2014 Jackie Chan, Hsu Feng, Kuo Wang, Chen Alfred Hitchcock XXL (2 Discs) Hui-Lou - Dir. Wei Lo 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059278 Wendecover Aventure malgache / Bon Voyage / Ich Action/Eastern 1977 106min. kämpfe um dich / Der Mann, der zuviel Houston (tlw. OmU) (Blu-ray) Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.07.2014 wußte / Riff-Piraten Ulrich Tukur, Garret Dillahunt, Jenny Schily, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059770 Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Wolfram Koch, Jens Münchow, Jason Kriminalfilm/Thriller 335min. Douglas - Dir. Bastian Günther Hercules Uncained Edel Germany(Starmovie) 30.05.2014 Drama/Thriller 2012 107min. Ercole E La Regina Di Lidia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059267 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Steve Reeves, Sylva Koscina, Sylvia 20.06.2014 Lopez, Primo Carnera, Gabriele Antonini - Eine Hochzeit und andere Hinder- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059304 Dir. Pietro Francisci nisse Abenteuer/Fantasy 1958 90min. Des Gens Qui S’Embrassent Der Hundertjährige, der aus dem Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Kad Merad, Monica Bellucci, Eric Fenster stieg und verschwand 13.06.2014 Elmosnino, Valérie Bonneton, Max Boublil, Hundraåringen Som Klev Ut Genom 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059392 Lou de Laâge, Clara Ponsot, Ivry Gitlis - Fönstret Och Försvann Dir. Danièle Thompson Robert Gustafsson, Iwar Wiklander, David Highschoolgirls und Marijuana Trailer Wiberg, Mia Skäringer, Jens Hultén, Alan Komödie/Drama 2013 96min. Growing Op Ford, Ralph Carlsson, Bianca Cruzeiro, Tiberius Film 03.04.2014 Steven Yaffee, Rachel Blanchard, Wallace Sven Lönn, Simon Seppänen, Gustav Dein- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059588 Langham, Rosanna Arquette, Katie Boland, off, David Shackleton, Koldo Losada, Jon Cor, Hugh Thompson, Daniel Maclvor, Eine Hochzeit und andere Hinder- Algirdas Romualdas, Johan Rheborg, Kerry Alberta Watson, Bill Carr, Kate Lavender, Shale, Sigitas Rackys, Keith Chanter, Philip Nicole Maillet - Dir. Michael Melski nisse (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Rosch, Georg Nikoloff, Manuel Dubra, Komödie/Drama 2008 96min. Des Gens Qui S’Embrassent Patrik Karlson, Guhn Andersson - Dir. Felix Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.05.2014 Kad Merad, Monica Bellucci, Eric Herngren 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059276 Elmosnino, Valérie Bonneton, Max Boublil, Interviews, Behind the Scenes Lou de Laâge, Clara Ponsot, Ivry Gitlis - Komödie 2014 111min. Highschoolgirls und Marijuana Dir. Danièle Thompson Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde

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Home Edition) 07.08.2014 , Brendan Fraser, Vince Michael O’Keefe, Carroll Baker - Dir. Hector 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059832 Vaughn, Sam Rockwell - Dir. Kat Coiro Babenco Komödie/Lovestory 2013 86min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Der Hundertjährige, der aus dem EuroVideo Medien 08.08.2014 Drama 1987 137min. Fenster stieg und verschwand 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059848 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 27.06.2014 (Blu-ray) iLove - geloggt, geliked, geliebt 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059738 Hundraåringen Som Klev Ut Genom Fönstret Och Försvann (Blu-ray) Ironweed (Blu-ray) A Case Of You Robert Gustafsson, Iwar Wiklander, David Ironweed Justin Long, Evan Rachel Wood, Keir Wiberg, Mia Skäringer, Jens Hultén, Alan Jack Nicholson, Meryl Streep, Tom Waits, O’Donnell, Busy Philipps, Sienna Miller, Ford, Ralph Carlsson, Bianca Cruzeiro, Michael O’Keefe, Carroll Baker - Dir. Hector Peter Dinklage, Brendan Fraser, Vince Sven Lönn, Simon Seppänen, Gustav Dein- Babenco off, David Shackleton, Koldo Losada, Vaughn, Sam Rockwell - Dir. Kat Coiro Trailer, Bildergalerie Algirdas Romualdas, Johan Rheborg, Kerry Komödie/Lovestory 2013 89min. Drama 1987 143min. Shale, Sigitas Rackys, Keith Chanter, Philip EuroVideo Medien 08.08.2014 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Rosch, Georg Nikoloff, Manuel Dubra, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059895 27.06.2014 Patrik Karlson, Guhn Andersson - Dir. Felix 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059763 Herngren In Fear Interviews, Behind the Scenes In Fear Irre sind männlich Komödie 2014 115min. Iain De Caestecker, Alice Englert, Allen Fahri Yardim, Milan Peschel, Marie Bäumer, Concorde Home Entertainment 07.08.2014 Leech - Dir. Jeremy Lovering Peri Baumeister, Josefine Preuß, Tom Beck, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059879 Trailer, Wendecover Caroline Kebekus, Herbert Knaup, Nicole Thriller/Horror 2013 82min. Marischka, Gitta Schweighöfer, Helene STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ich - Ein Groupie Grass, Jörg Moukaddam, Arnd Schimkat, Germany 21.08.2014 Ingrid Steeger, Li Paelz, Vivian Weiss, Stu- Jenny Marie Muck, Nadine Wrietz, Mareile 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059831 art West, Petra Prinz - Dir. Fred Williams Blendl, Monika Manz, Florence Matousek, Italiensiche Langfassung (ca. 94 Min.), Trailer, Memories of Teresa Rizos, Frederic Welter, Martin Laue, a Groupie (Erwin C. Dietrich und Peter Baumgartner im In Fear (Blu-ray) Sarah Brandner - Dir. Anno Saul Interview), Andreas Mannkopf: von Groupies & Stewardessen, In Fear Rolf Eden: Ich, ein Groupie, Italienischer Cineromanzo, Komödie 2014 min. Iain De Caestecker, Alice Englert, Allen Fotogalerie, Frozen Angel (Trailer), Interview mit Erwin C. Highlight Communications Dietrich (Rom-Teil), Trailershow Leech - Dir. Jeremy Lovering Erotik/Kriminalfilm 1970 75min. Trailer, Wendecover (Deutschland)(Constantin) 30.10.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Thriller/Horror 2013 85min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059835 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059683 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 21.08.2014 Irre sind männlich (Blu-ray) Ich - Ein Groupie (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059878 Fahri Yardim, Milan Peschel, Marie Bäumer, Ingrid Steeger, Li Paelz, Vivian Weiss, Stu- Peri Baumeister, Josefine Preuß, Tom Beck, art West, Petra Prinz - Dir. Fred Williams Inspector Gadget / Inspector Caroline Kebekus, Herbert Knaup, Nicole Italiensiche Langfassung (ca. 94 Min.), Trailer, Memories of Gadget 2 (2 Discs) Marischka, Gitta Schweighöfer, Helene a Groupie (Erwin C. Dietrich und Peter Baumgartner im Grass, Jörg Moukaddam, Arnd Schimkat, Inspector Gadget / Inspector Gadget 2 Interview), Andreas Mannkopf: von Groupies & Stewardessen, Jenny Marie Muck, Nadine Wrietz, Mareile Rolf Eden: Ich, ein Groupie, Italienischer Cineromanzo, Matthew Broderick, Rupert Everett, Joely Blendl, Monika Manz, Florence Matousek, Fotogalerie, Frozen Angel (Trailer), Interview mit Erwin C. Fisher, French Stewart, Elaine Hendrix, Dietrich (Rom-Teil), Trailershow Teresa Rizos, Frederic Welter, Martin Laue, Caitlin Wachs - Dir. David Kellogg, Alex Erotik/Kriminalfilm 1970 78min. Sarah Brandner - Dir. Anno Saul Zamm Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Komödie 2014 min. Komödie 1999-2002 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059719 Highlight Communications The Walt Disney Company (Germany) (Deutschland)(Constantin) 30.10.2014 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Illusion 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059882 Carolina Hoffmann, Antje Nikola Mönning, 26.06.2014 Wolfgang Seidenberg, Marina Anna Eich, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059371 Jack Holborn - Die komplette Se- Andreas Pegler, Christoph Baumann, Ute rie (3 Discs) Meisenheimer, Claire Plaut, Thomas Ironclad 2 - Bis aufs Blut Patrick Bach, Matthias Habich, Andreas Kollhoff, Martin Kagerer, Marcus B. Holz- Ironclad: Battle For Blood Mannkopff, Heinz Wanitschek, Terence hauer, Mira Gittner, Roland Reber, Stephan Tom Austen, Tom Rhys Harries, Roxanne Cooper, Brian Flegg, Monte Markham, Schmalholz, Sabine Mix - Dir. Roland Reber McKee, Danny Webb, Rosie Day, David Interviews, Making of, Outtakes, Publikumsgespräche, Trailer Caves, Andy Beckwith, Twinnie Lee Moore, Patrick Smyth, Jeremy Stephens, Franz Drama/Erotik 2013 89min. Predrag Bjelac - Dir. Jonathan English Blauensteiner, David Weatherley, Jovan- WVG Medien(wtp) 29.08.2014 Abenteuer/Action 2014 min. Burdus Janicijevic, Liljana Krstic, Dragan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059913 Universum Film Home Lakovic, Frano Lasic, Tricia James- Entertainment(SquareOne) 25.07.2014 Donaldson, Zoran Pokupec - Dir. Sigi Illusion (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059632 Rothemund Carolina Hoffmann, Antje Nikola Mönning, Audiokommentare, Interviews Abenteuer 1982 330min. Wolfgang Seidenberg, Marina Anna Eich, Ironclad 2 - Bis aufs Blut (Blu-ray) MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Andreas Pegler, Christoph Baumann, Ute Ironclad: Battle For Blood Products) 09.05.2014 Meisenheimer, Claire Plaut, Thomas Tom Austen, Tom Rhys Harries, Roxanne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059418 Kollhoff, Martin Kagerer, Marcus B. Holz- McKee, Danny Webb, Rosie Day, David hauer, Mira Gittner, Roland Reber, Stephan Caves, Andy Beckwith, Twinnie Lee Moore, Jackie - Wer braucht schon eine Schmalholz, Sabine Mix - Dir. Roland Reber Predrag Bjelac - Dir. Jonathan English Interviews, Making of, Outtakes, Publikumsgespräche, Trailer Abenteuer/Action 2014 min. Mutter? Drama/Erotik 2013 93min. Universum Film Home Jackie WVG Medien(wtp) 29.08.2014 Entertainment(SquareOne) 25.07.2014 Holly Hunter, Carice van Houten, Jelka van 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059925 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059645 Houten, Mary Woods, Howe Gelb, Chad E. Brown, Kenneth Miller, Luis Bordonada, iLove - geloggt, geliked, geliebt Ironweed Edward Duran, Pam Gow, Jacob Browne, A Case Of You Ironweed Brad Fairbanks, Jeroen Spitzenberger, Justin Long, Evan Rachel Wood, Keir Jack Nicholson, Meryl Streep, Tom Waits, Michelle Waterson, Paul Hoes, Hajo Bruins, O’Donnell, Busy Philipps, Sienna Miller, Jaap Spijkers, Elise Schaap, Robyn Reede,

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Karen M. Hudson, Jim Terr, Bryan Head - Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 20.06.2014 Kohlhaas oder Die Verhältnismä- Dir. Antoinette Beumer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059668 ßigkeit der Mittel Drama/Komödie 2012 98min. Robert Gwisdek, Jan Messutat, Thorsten good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 16.05.2014 K-11 - Der Knast (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Merten, Rosalie Thomass, Heiko Pinkowski, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059367 K-11 Michael Fuith, Peter Trabner, Matthias Goran Visnjic, Kate Del Castillo, D.B. Ransberger, Luise Lähnemann, Christian Jappeloup - Eine Legende (+ Sweeney - Dir. Jules Mann-Stewart Lex - Dir. Aron Lehmann DVD) (Blu-ray) Trailer Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 88min. Drama/Tragikomödie 2012 90min. Jappeloup Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 good!movies(missingFilms) 16.05.2014 Guillaume Canet, Marina Hands, Daniel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059534 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059451 Auteuil, Lou de Laâge (Raphaëlle Dalio), Tchéky Karyo, Jacques Higelin, Marie K-11 - Der Knast (k.J.) Kommissariat 9 - Volume 3 (2 Bunel, , Joel Dupuch, K-11 Discs) Fred Epaud, Arnaud Henriet - Dir. Christian Goran Visnjic, Kate Del Castillo, D.B. Herbert Steinmetz, Edgar Ott, Walter Riss, Duguay Making of, Interviews, Trailer Sweeney - Dir. Jules Mann-Stewart Eva Manhardt, Dietrich Lehmann - Dir. Wolf- Drama 2013 135min. Trailer gang Staudte Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 85min. Koch Media 26.06.2014 Kriminalfilm 1974-1979 325min. Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059871 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 27.06.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059509 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059466 Jim Carroll - In den Straßen von Kalte Karibik New York König Arthurs Tafelrunde Peter Silbereisen, Martin Semmelrogge, Young Connecticut Yankee The Basketball Diaries Ralph Kretschmar, Friedelise Stutte, Jacob Michael York, Theresa Russell, Nick Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruno Kirby, Lorraine Matschenz, Patrick Heinrich, Peter Mancuso, Philippe Ross - Dir. Ralph L. Tho- Bracco, Ernie Hudson, Patrick McGaw, Nottmeier, Helmut Rühl, Frank Brunet - Dir. mas James Madio, Mark Wahlberg, Barton Wolf Wolff Abenteuer/Komödie 1995 90min. Heyman, Juliette Lewis, Michael Rapaport - Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2010 90min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 30.05.2014 Dir. Scott Kalvert epiX Media AG 30.05.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059320 Interviews, Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059653 Drama 1995 98min. König der letzten Tage (2 Discs) Koch Media 12.06.2014 Keine Zeit für Träume 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059826 Christoph Waltz, Mario Adorf, Charo López, Anneke Kim Sarnau, Harald Schrott, Greta Otto Kukla, Deborah Kaufmann, Omero Jim Carroll - In den Straßen von Bohacek, Stella Kunkat, Petra Kelling, Nina Antonutti, Nicolas Lansky, Michael Habeck, Weniger, Irene Rindje, Uwe Jellinek, Lukas New York (Blu-ray) Olgierd Lukaczewicz, Vlastimil Bedrna, Schust, Franziska Neiding, René Kamil Halbich, Wladimir Gostjukin, Sabina The Basketball Diaries Schoenenberger, Ann-Sophie Heier, Tho- Remundová, Václav Knop, Ulrich Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruno Kirby, Lorraine mas Bading - Dir. Christine Hartmann Wildgruber - Dir. Tom Toelle Bracco, Ernie Hudson, Patrick McGaw, Drama/Familie 2013 88min. Interview, Drehbericht, James Madio, Mark Wahlberg, Barton KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Drama 1993 180min. Heyman, Juliette Lewis, Michael Rapaport - 15.05.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Dir. Scott Kalvert 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059268 30.05.2014 Interviews, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059427 Drama 1995 102min. Killing Time - Zeit zu sterben Koch Media 12.06.2014 Killing Time Krieg an allen Fronten 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059872 Cristian Ioan Gutau, Florin Piersic Jr., Todesfalle Normandie / Everyman’s War - JoyRide 3 (k.J.) Olimpia Melinte, Daniel Popa, Florin Hölle in den Ardennen / World War II - Zamfirescu - Dir. Florin Piersic Jr. Bloodbath Joy Ride 3 Thriller/Komödie 2012 103min. Damian Chapa, Tino Struckmann, Claudia Kirsten Prout, Dean Armstrong, Jesse Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Drei-Freun- Crawford, Cole Carson, Lauren Bair, Mi- Hutch, Ben Hollingsworth, Ken Kirzinger, de) 25.07.2014 chael J. Prosser, Michael Conner Gianpaolo Venuta, Leela Savasta, Sara tba BestellNr.: 20059797 Humphreys, Philip De Lorenzo, Christopher Mitich, J. Adam Brown - Dir. Declan O’Brien Regietagebuch, Featurettes, Making of, Audiokommentar Serrone - Dir. Tino Struckmann, Thad Smith, Thriller 2014 92min. King Cobra Curt A. Sindelar Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment King Cobra Wendecover Kriegsfilm 2009-2011 295min. Germany 11.07.2014 Pat Morita, Hoyt Axton, Scott Hillenbrand, MIG Film 05.06.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059485 Kasey Fallo, Joseph Ruskin, Courtney Gains, Eric Lawson, Arell Blanton, Michael 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059343 Leopard, Erik Estrada, Gary Bristow - Dir. The Judge Krieg an allen Fronten Dommeren David Hillenbrand, Scott Hillenbrand Todesfalle Normandie / Everyman’s War - Peter Gantzler, Micky Skeel Hansen, Sarah Horror 1998 90min. Hölle in den Ardennen / World War II - Boberg, Peter Schrøder, Henning Olesen, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 30.05.2014 Bloodbath Benjamin Boe Rasmussen, Nastja Maria 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059319 Damian Chapa, Tino Struckmann, Claudia Arcel, Heidi Holm Katzenelson, Lars Lunøe Crawford, Cole Carson, Lauren Bair, Mi- - Dir. Gert Fredholm Knucklehead - Ein bärenstarker chael J. Prosser, Michael Conner Originaltrailer Tollpatsch / Bending the Rules Humphreys, Philip De Lorenzo, Christopher Drama 2005 86min. Knucklehead / Bending The Rules Serrone - Dir. Tino Struckmann, Thad Smith, 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 24.07.2014 Dennis Farina, Melora Hardin, Rebecca tba BestellNr.: 20059806 Curt A. Sindelar Creskoff, Jamie Kennedy, Adam Copeland, Wendecover Jennifer Esposito - Dir. Michael Watkins, Jurassic Kids Kriegsfilm 2009-2011 328min. Artie Mandelberg MIG Film 17.07.2014 Prehysteria Komödie/Action 2010-2012 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059842 Brett Cullen, Colleen Morris, Samantha AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(SES) Mills, Austin O’Brien, Tony Longo, Stuart 13.06.2014 Krieg an allen Fronten (Blu-ray) Fratkin - Dir. Charles Band, Albert Band 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059595 Todesfalle Normandie / Everyman’s War - Komödie/Fantasy 1993 81min.

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Hölle in den Ardennen / World War II - Arc Sleeping Beauty Bloodbath Peter Facinelli, Raina Simone Moore, Ann Casper Van Dien, Olivia D’Abo, Finn Jones Damian Chapa, Tino Struckmann, Claudia Cusack, Sean Apple, Jonah Blechman, - Dir. Casper Van Dien Crawford, Cole Carson, Lauren Bair, Mi- Garrett M. Brown, Logan Grove, Chris Hall, Fantasy 2014 84min. chael J. Prosser, Michael Conner Mel Harris, Ken Howard, Billy Lush, Sean P. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.05.2014 Humphreys, Philip De Lorenzo, Christopher Neelon - Dir. Robert Ethan Gunnerson 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059317 Serrone - Dir. Tino Struckmann, Thad Smith, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2006 108min. Curt A. Sindelar Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.06.2014 The Legend of Sleeping Beauty Wendecover 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059283 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Kriegsfilm 2009-2011 307min. Sleeping Beauty MIG Film 17.07.2014 Das Labyrinth der Dämonen Casper Van Dien, Olivia D’Abo, Finn Jones 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059365 Carnivorous - Dir. Casper Van Dien Leah Rose, Tom Lodewyck, Matt Ukena, Krieg an allen Fronten (Blu-ray) Fantasy 2014 88min. Darla Brown, Tylan Canady, Katy Colloton, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.05.2014 Todesfalle Normandie / Everyman’s War - Edy Cullen, Nick Driessen - Dir. Drew Max- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059330 Hölle in den Ardennen / World War II - well Bloodbath Horror 2007 84min. The Legend of Sleeping Beauty Damian Chapa, Tino Struckmann, Claudia Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.05.2014 (Blu-ray) Crawford, Cole Carson, Lauren Bair, Mi- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059318 chael J. Prosser, Michael Conner Sleeping Beauty Humphreys, Philip De Lorenzo, Christopher Lady Henderson präsentiert / Ka- Casper Van Dien, Olivia D’Abo, Finn Jones - Dir. Casper Van Dien Serrone - Dir. Tino Struckmann, Thad Smith, lender Girls (2 Discs) Curt A. Sindelar Fantasy 2014 88min. Wendecover Mrs. Henderson Presents / Calendar Girls Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.05.2014 Kriegsfilm 2009-2011 333min. Dame Judi Dench, , Will Robert 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059329 MIG Film 17.07.2014 Young, Julie Walters, Helen Mirren, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059891 Penelope Wilton - Dir. Stephen Frears, Nigel Legend of War Cole Janosik. Prawdziwa Historia Kriege der Welt Collection (2 Komödie/Drama 2003-2005 min. Václav Jirácek, Ivan Martinka, Michal Discs) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Zebrowski, Sarah Zoe Canner, Maja GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Children of Glory / Inglorious Indonesian Ostaszewska, Katarzyna Herman, Tatiana 26.06.2014 Bastards / Erinnerungen an Dien Bien Phu Pauhofová, Danuta Szaflarska, Marian 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059373 / Kompanie K / When Eagles Strike / Dziedziel, Eryk Lubos - Dir. Kasia Adamik, Agnieszka Holland Brothers War The Roger Lambert Antholgy - Kriegsfilm 536min. Historienfilm/Drama 2009 143min. Maritim Pictures 10.06.2014 Coming of Age (OmU) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.05.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059660 The Roger Lambert Antholgy - Coming Of 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059321 Age Das Kriminalmuseum I - Folge 01- Dir. Roger Lambert Legend of War (Blu-ray) 16 (6 Discs) Kurzfilm 1974-1986 150min. Janosik. Prawdziwa Historia cmv-Laservision 23.05.2014 Václav Jirácek, Ivan Martinka, Michal Heini Göbel, Kurt Bülau, Wolfgang Völz, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059425 Zebrowski, Sarah Zoe Canner, Maja Walter Sedlmayr, Dietrich Thoms, Wolf Ostaszewska, Katarzyna Herman, Tatiana Rahtjen, Günther Ungeheuer, Eduard Lassie - Box 2 (2 Discs) Pauhofová, Danuta Szaflarska, Marian Linkers - Dir. Helmuth Ashley, Wolfgang Lassie Dziedziel, Eryk Lubos - Dir. Kasia Adamik, Becker Dir. William Beaudine, William Beaudine jr. Agnieszka Holland Kriminalfilm 1963-1970 840min. Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1954-1974 380min. Historienfilm/Drama 2009 148min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(Straßenfeger- Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.05.2014 Edition) 30.05.2014 27.06.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059331 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059468 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059445 The Legendary Dragon - Der Küstenwache - Die komplette Last Days on Mars sechzehnte Staffel (5 Discs) Letzte seiner Art Last Days On Mars Legendary: Tomb Of The Dragon Rüdiger Joswig, Manou Lubowski, Sabine Liev Schreiber, Romola Garai, Elias Koteas, Scott Adkins, Dolph Lundgren, Geng Le, Petzl, Lara-Isabelle Rentinck, Andreas Olivia Williams, Johnny Harris, Goran Huang Yi, Nathan Lee, James Lance, Lydia Dobberkau, Andreas Arnstedt, Max Florian Kostic, Tom Cullen, Yusra Warsama - Dir. Leonard, Murray Clive Walker, Tom Austen Hoppe, Michael Kind, Rainer Basedow, Ruairi Robinson - Dir. Eric Styles Ralph Kretschmar - Dir. Zbynek Cerven, Interviews, Featurette, B-Roll Abenteuer 2013 89min. Dagmar von Chappuis, Raoul W. Heimrich, Science Fiction/Thriller 2013 97min. EuroVideo Medien 08.08.2014 Tobias Stille, Daniel Drechsel-Grau Universum Film Home 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059850 Drama 2013 942min. Entertainment(SquareOne) 15.08.2014 Edel Germany(Aviator) 30.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059808 The Legendary Dragon - Der 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059269 Last Days on Mars (Blu-ray) Letzte seiner Art (Blu-ray 3D) L.A. Gangster (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Last Days On Mars (Blu-ray) Arc Liev Schreiber, Romola Garai, Elias Koteas, Legendary: Tomb Of The Dragon Peter Facinelli, Raina Simone Moore, Ann Olivia Williams, Johnny Harris, Goran Scott Adkins, Dolph Lundgren, Geng Le, Cusack, Sean Apple, Jonah Blechman, Kostic, Tom Cullen, Yusra Warsama - Dir. Huang Yi, Nathan Lee, James Lance, Lydia Garrett M. Brown, Logan Grove, Chris Hall, Ruairi Robinson Leonard, Murray Clive Walker, Tom Austen Mel Harris, Ken Howard, Billy Lush, Sean P. Interviews, Featurette, B-Roll - Dir. Eric Styles Neelon - Dir. Robert Ethan Gunnerson Science Fiction/Thriller 2013 101min. Abenteuer 2013 93min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2006 112min. Universum Film Home EuroVideo Medien 08.08.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.06.2014 Entertainment(SquareOne) 15.08.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059896 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059309 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059818 Die Lena Baker Story L.A. Gangster (k.J.) The Legend of Sleeping Beauty The Lena Baker Story

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Tichina Arnold, Beverly Todd, Peter Coyote, ne Leone - Dir. Michael Corrente Lilyhammer Tommy J. Huff, Randy McDowell, Ron Trailer, Bildergalerie Wendecover Prather - Dir. Ralph Wilcox Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012 89min. Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012-2013 362min. Drama 2008 102min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.05.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.06.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059303 Germany 10.07.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059679 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059713 Liebe und andere Kleinigkeiten Lethal Punisher - Kill or Be Killed The Details Astrid Lindgren - Reisezeit mit (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Tobey Maguire, Elizabeth Banks, Dennis Astrid Lindgren Haysbert, Ray Liotta, Kerry Washington, A Certain Justice Kinderfilm min. Laura Linney, Sam Trammell, Shanga Par- Cung Le, Dolph Lundgren, Vinnie Jones, Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) ker, Marlette Buchanan, Miles Ellenwood, Briana Evigan, Gianni Capaldi, James C. 04.07.2014 Rose Cano, José Gandara - Dir. Jacob Aa- Burns, Robert LaSardo, Jonathan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059337 ron Estes Kowalsky, Jake Jacobson - Dir. Giorgio Trailer, Alternative Szenen Live is Life - Die Spätzünder 2 Serafini, James Coyne Komödie/Lovestory 2011 101min. Live Is Life - Der Himmel soll warten Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 97min. Jan Josef Liefers, Ursula Strauss, Joachim 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059510 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.07.2014 Fuchsberger, Bibiana Zeller, Hans-Michael 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059571 Liebe und andere Kleinigkeiten Rehberg, Dieter Hallervorden, Lisa Kreuzer, Gerhard Liebmann, Gisela Salcher, Elisa- Lethal Punisher - Kill or Be Killed (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) beth Marino, Veronika Glatzner, Petra (k.J.) The Details Morzé, Thomas Mraz, Michael Schönborn, Tobey Maguire, Elizabeth Banks, Dennis A Certain Justice Tatjana Alexander, Allesandra Dietzel, Sido Haysbert, Ray Liotta, Kerry Washington, Cung Le, Dolph Lundgren, Vinnie Jones, - Dir. Wolfgang Murnberger Laura Linney, Sam Trammell, Shanga Par- Briana Evigan, Gianni Capaldi, James C. Komödie 2013 90min. ker, Marlette Buchanan, Miles Ellenwood, Burns, Robert LaSardo, Jonathan Universum Film Home Rose Cano, José Gandara - Dir. Jacob Aa- Kowalsky, Jake Jacobson - Dir. Giorgio Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 04.07.2014 ron Estes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059624 Serafini, James Coyne Trailer, Alternative Szenen Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie/Lovestory 2011 105min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 93min. Jack London: Alaska Kid (4 Discs) Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.07.2014 Alaska Kid tba BestellNr.: 20059536 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059541 Marc Pillow, Donovan Scott, Robert Fuller - Liebe und andere Kleinigkeiten Dir. James H. Hill Der letzte Bulle - Staffel 5 (2 Abenteuer 1993 675min. Discs) (Blu-ray) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 13.06.2014 The Details Henning Baum, Maximilian Grill, Proschat 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059465 Tobey Maguire, Elizabeth Banks, Dennis Madani, Karoline Schuch, Helmfried von Haysbert, Ray Liotta, Kerry Washington, Lüttichau, Robert Lohr, Tatjana Clasing - Longmire - Die komplette erste Laura Linney, Sam Trammell, Shanga Par- Dir. Thomas Nennstiel, Michael Kreindl, Staffel (2 Discs) ker, Marlette Buchanan, Miles Ellenwood, Sophie Allet-Coche Longmire Rose Cano, José Gandara - Dir. Jacob Aa- Audiokommentar, Outtakes Robert Taylor, Katee Sackhoff, Lou Dia- ron Estes Kriminalfilm 2014 min. mond Phillips, Cassidy Freeman, Bailey Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Trailer, Alternative Szenen Komödie/Lovestory 2011 105min. Chase, Adam Bartley, Louanne Stephens, A Division(Spassgesellschaft) 30.05.2014 Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 Martinez, Karina Logue, Amber Midthunder, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059843 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059535 Austin Hébert, Arron Shiver, Louis Herthum - Dir. Christopher Chulack, J. Michael Muro, Die Leute von der Shiloh Ranch - Liebling, ich habe die Kinder ge- Gwyneth Horder-Payton, Peter Weller, Mi- Dritte Staffel (10 Discs) schrumpft / Liebling, jetzt haben chael Offer, Daniel Sackheim The Virginian Action/Western 426min. James Drury, Doug McClure, Lee J. Cobb, wir ein Riesenbaby (2 Discs) Warner Home Video Germany 08.05.2014 Sarah Lane, Clu Gulager, Randy Boone, Honey, I Shrunk The Kids / Honey I Blew 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059261 John McIntire, Gary Clarke - Dir. Don Up The Kid McDougall (42 Folgen), Abner Biberman (25 Rick Moranis, Matt Frewer, Marcia Louis und seine außerirdischen Folgen), Anton Leader (14 Folgen) Strassman, Kristine Sutherland, Thomas Kohlköpfe (Blu-ray) Wilson Brown, Jared Rushton, Amy O’Neill, Western 1962-1971 1140min. La Soupe Aux Choux Robert Oliveri, Daniel Shalikar, Joshua Mammut Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 Louis de Funès, Jean Carmet, Jacques Shalikar, Lloyd Bridges, John Shea - Dir. 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059346 Villeret, Christine Dejoux, Claude Gensac, Joe Johnston, Randal Kleiser Marco Perrin - Dir. Jean Girault Liebe ist kein Verbrechen Komödie/Fantasy 1989-1992 min. Featurette, Wendecover Loosies The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Komödie 1981 94min. Peter Facinelli, Jaimie Alexander, Michael GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Madsen, Joe Pantoliano, Vincent Gallo, 26.06.2014 Germany 24.07.2014 Christy Romano, William Forsythe, Marian- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059374 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059721 ne Leone - Dir. Michael Corrente Trailer, Bildergalerie Lilyhammer - Die komplette 2. Love Eternal - Auf ewig dein (Blu- Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012 85min. Staffel (2 Discs) ray) (k.J.) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.05.2014 Lilyhammer Love Eternal 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059277 Wendecover Robert de Hoog, Pollyanna McIntosh, Aman- Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012-2013 362min. da Ryan, Xenia Katina, Emma Eliza Regan, Liebe ist kein Verbrechen (Blu- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Aiden Condron, Mark Kharin, Enzo Petit - Germany 10.07.2014 ray) Dir. Brendan Muldowney 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059671 Loosies Drama/Mystery 2013 98min. Peter Facinelli, Jaimie Alexander, Michael Lilyhammer - Die komplette 2. Donau Film 25.07.2014 Madsen, Joe Pantoliano, Vincent Gallo, tba BestellNr.: 20059812 Christy Romano, William Forsythe, Marian- Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray)

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Love Eternal - Auf ewig dein Das Mädchen und der Künstler Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.06.2014 (k.J.) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059662 Love Eternal El Artista Y La Modelo Der Mann, der sich nicht traut Robert de Hoog, Pollyanna McIntosh, Aman- Jean Rochefort, Aida Folch, Claudia Georg Thomalla, Barbara Schöne, Kristina da Ryan, Xenia Katina, Emma Eliza Regan, Cardinale, Götz Otto, Chus Lampreave, Nel, Jürgen Wölffer, Doris Gallart - Dir. Aiden Condron, Mark Kharin, Enzo Petit - Christian Sinniger, Martin Gamet, Mateo Wolfgang Spier Dir. Brendan Muldowney Deluz - Dir. Fernando Trueba Theater/Komödie 1976 134min. Drama/Mystery 2013 98min. Trailer Pidax film media(Pidax film) 25.07.2014 Donau Film 25.07.2014 Drama 2012 105min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059557 tba BestellNr.: 20059796 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 10.07.2014 Lovely Louise 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059519 Mantera - The Transforming Ro- Stefan Kurt, Annemarie Düringer, Stanley bot Townsend, Nina Proll, Michael Man of Tai Chi Mantera Neuenschwander, Andri Schenardi, Matthi- Man Of Tai Chi Tomok Shah Indrawan, Shiquin Kamal, Taj as Breitenbach, Carla Juri, Alice Brüngger, Tiger Hu Chen (Chen Lin-Hu), Karen Mok, Addin, Jason Lee, Kamaliya, Mikhail Elisabeth Schnell, Wolfgang Beuschel, Lotti Keanu Reeves, Simon Yam, Hai Yu, Ye Dorojhkin, Said Dashuk-Nigmatulin, Wael Al- Happle, Hans-Ruedi Strässler - Dir. Bettina Qing, Iko Uwais, Jeremy Marinas, Steven Masri - Dir. Aliyar Ali Kutty, Miza Mohamad Oberli Dasz, Brahim Achabbakhe, Helene Leclerc Trailer, Bildergalerie Trailer - Dir. Keanu Reeves Science Fiction/Action 2012 84min. Drama/Tragikomödie 2013 91min. Action 2013 101min. KSM GmbH 14.07.2014 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Camino) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) tba BestellNr.: 20059543 20.06.2014 17.07.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059409 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059605 Mantera - The Transforming Ro- bot (Blu-ray) Lucky - Mein Freund mit dem Man of Tai Chi (Blu-ray) Mantera Rüssel Man Of Tai Chi Tomok Shah Indrawan, Shiquin Kamal, Taj My Lucky Elephant Tiger Hu Chen (Chen Lin-Hu), Karen Mok, Addin, Jason Lee, Kamaliya, Mikhail First Khunchan, Thanyarat Praditthaen - Keanu Reeves, Simon Yam, Hai Yu, Ye Dorojhkin, Said Dashuk-Nigmatulin, Wael Al- Dir. Eric Schwab Qing, Iko Uwais, Jeremy Marinas, Steven Masri - Dir. Aliyar Ali Kutty, Miza Mohamad Trailer, Bildergalerie Dasz, Brahim Achabbakhe, Helene Leclerc Trailer, Bildergalerie Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 88min. - Dir. Keanu Reeves Science Fiction/Action 2012 88min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.07.2014 Action 2013 105min. KSM GmbH 14.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059542 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) tba BestellNr.: 20059572 17.07.2014 Ludwig van Beethoven - Eine 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059617 Meine Freundin, ihr Hund und ich deutsche Legende Heavy Petting Malin Akerman, Brendan Hines, Kevin Eroica Maniac (1980) / Maniac (2012) (2 Sussman, Geoffrey Cantor, Sam Coppola, Ewald Balser, Marianne Schönauer, Judith Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Juan Carlos Hernandez, Steve Rosen, Holzmeister, Oskar Werner, Dagny Maniac / Maniac Anthony Fazio, Karen Shallo, Mike Doyle, Servaes, Iván Petrovich - Dir. Walter Kolm- Joe Spinell, Caroline Munro, Tom Savini, Shawand McKenzie, Martha Millan, Krysten Veltée Elijah Wood, Nora Arnezeder, Liane Ritter - Dir. Marcel Sarmiento Booklet Balaban - Dir. William Lustig, Franck Drama 1949 91min. Bildergalerie, Trailer Khalfoun Komödie 2007 88min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Grindhouse Q&A, TV Spots, Bildergalerie, Making of, Inter- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.06.2014 AG(Filmjuwelen) 20.06.2014 views 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059677 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059507 Thriller/Horror 1980-2012 169min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.06.2014 Der lustige Sommer mit Onkel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059704 Meine Freundin, ihr Hund und ich Erik (Blu-ray) Maniac (1980) / Maniac (2012) (2 Heavy Petting Min Søsters Børn Malin Akerman, Brendan Hines, Kevin Peter Gantzler, Wencke Barfoed, Niels Discs) (k.J.) Sussman, Geoffrey Cantor, Sam Coppola, Olsen, Lotte Andersen, Birthe Neumann, Maniac / Maniac Juan Carlos Hernandez, Steve Rosen, Lasse Baunkilde, Neel Rønholt, Mikkel Joe Spinell, Caroline Munro, Tom Savini, Anthony Fazio, Karen Shallo, Mike Doyle, Sundøe, Stefan Pagels Andersen, Elijah Wood, Nora Arnezeder, Liane Shawand McKenzie, Martha Millan, Krysten Benedikte Maria Mouritsen, Fritz Bjerre Balaban - Dir. William Lustig, Franck Ritter - Dir. Marcel Sarmiento Donatzsky-Hansen, Asger Reher (Herr Khalfoun Grindhouse Q&A, TV Spots, Bildergalerie, Making of, Inter- Bildergalerie, Trailer Børgesen), Laura Christensen, Emily views Komödie 2007 91min. Yatman - Dir. Tomas Villum Jensen Thriller/Horror 1980-2012 163min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.06.2014 Komödie 2001 73min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.06.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059715 Black Hill Pictures 12.06.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059651 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059827 Meine Schwestern Der Mann mit dem Koffer - Vol. 3 Nina Kunzendorf, Jördis Triebel, Lisa Das Mädchen und der Künstler (2 Discs) Hagmeister, Stephan Grossmann, Jaecki El Artista Y La Modelo Man In A Suitcase Schwarz, Monika Hansen, Marc Hosemann, Jean Rochefort, Aida Folch, Claudia Richard Bradford, John Barrie, Donald Maike Bollow, Angela Winkler, Ernst Cardinale, Götz Otto, Chus Lampreave, Sutherland, Timothy Bateson, Sam Kydd, Stötzner, Béatrice Dalle, Nele Mueller- Christian Sinniger, Martin Gamet, Mateo Ursula Howells, Barbara Shelley, Michael Stöfen - Dir. Lars Kraume Deluz - Dir. Fernando Trueba Gooliffe, Judy Geeson, Jennifer Jayne, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Trailer Drama 2013 86min. Carol Cleveland, Peter Burton, Hugh Drama 2012 101min. Alamode Film 11.07.2014 Burden - Dir. Charles Crichton, Pat STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059549 Germany(Arthaus) 10.07.2014 Jackson, Herbert Wise, Robert Tronson, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059491 Freddie Francis, Gerry O’Hara Meine teuflischen Nachbarn (Blu- Kriminalfilm 1967-1968 265min. ray)

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The Burbs STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern, Carrie Fisher, Rick Mistresses - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) Germany 10.07.2014 Ducommun, Corey Feldman, Wendy Schaal, Mistresses 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059672 Gale Gordon - Dir. Joe Dante Sarah Parish, Sharon Small, Orla Brady, Interview mit Joe Dante, Alternatives Ende, Bildergalerie, Shelley Conn, Raza Jaffrey, Patrick Baladi, Need for Speed Trailer Adam Rayner, Joanna Wright, Adam Astill, Need For Speed Komödie 1989 97min. Flossie Ure, Lizzie Watkins, Marc Danbury, Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Imogen Poots, Koch Media 22.05.2014 Steven Brand, Mark Umbers, Sean Francis, Ramon Rodriguez, Michael Keaton, Rami 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059870 Thomas Lockyer, Oliver Milburn, Natasha Malek, Scott Mescudi, Dakota Johnson, Memphis Belle (Blu-ray) Little, Max Brown, Preeya Kalidas, Anna Harrison Gilbertson - Dir. Scott Waugh Torv, Chris Garner, Alys Thomas, Joanne Action 2014 min. Memphis Belle McQuinn, Katie Jones, Katy Carmichael, Highlight Communications Matthew Modine, Eric Stoltz, Tate Donovan, Isobel Middleton, Alison Rose, Charles Ed- (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.10.2014 Billy Zane, D.B. Sweeney, Sean Astin - Dir. wards - Dir. Peter Hoar, S.J. Clarkson, Phil- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059837 Michael Caton-Jones Dokumentation, Trailer ip John, Francesca Joseph, Peter Lydon Kriegsfilm 1990 103min. Drama 2009 270min. Need for Speed (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 justbridge entertainment media(BBC) ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059296 13.06.2014 Need For Speed 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059733 Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Imogen Poots, Mighty Ducks 1-3 (3 Discs) Ramon Rodriguez, Michael Keaton, Rami The Mighty Ducks / D2: The Mighty Ducks Mord im Mittsommer Malek, Scott Mescudi, Dakota Johnson, / D3: The Mighty Ducks Morden I Sandhamn Harrison Gilbertson - Dir. Scott Waugh Emilio Estevez, Joss Ackland, Lane Smith, Jakob Cedergren, Alexandra Rapaport, Action 2014 min. Kathryn Erbe, Michael Tucker, Jeffrey Jonas Malmsjö, Sofia Pekkari, Harriet Highlight Communications Nordling, - Dir. Stephen Andersson, Anki Lidén, Lars Amble, Louise (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.10.2014 Herek, Sam Weisman, Robert Lieberman Edlind, Lion Mon H Wallén, Ping Mon H 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059886 Komödie 1992-1996 min. Wallén, Andreas Kundler, Eva Stellby, Lena The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Nilsson, Anders Sparring, Lasse Petterson, Need for Speed (Blu-ray) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Tore Persson, Peter Engman - Dir. Marcus Need For Speed 26.06.2014 Olsson Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Imogen Poots, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059376 Kriminalfilm 2010 315min. Ramon Rodriguez, Michael Keaton, Rami Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Malek, Scott Mescudi, Dakota Johnson, Misfits - Staffel 5 (2 Discs) (Blu- 30.05.2014 Harrison Gilbertson - Dir. Scott Waugh ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059464 Action 2014 min. Highlight Communications Misfits Mozart - Reich mir die Hand, Drama/Mystery 2012 370min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.10.2014 polyband Medien GmbH 29.08.2014 mein Leben 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059885 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059779 Oskar Werner, Gertrud Kückelmann, Johan- na Matz, Nadja Tiller, Erich Kunz, Annie New York Love Stories Misfits - Staffel 5 (3 Discs) Rosar, Hugo Gottschlich, Angelika Hauff, Knots Misfits Albin Skoda, Chariklia Baxevanos, Raoul Scott Cohen, John Stamos, Annabeth Gish, Drama/Mystery 2012 370min. Aslan, Egon von Jordan - Dir. Karl Hartl Paulina Porizkova, Michael Leydon polyband Medien GmbH 29.08.2014 Booklet Campbell, Tara Reid - Dir. Greg Lombardo Drama 1955 96min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059757 Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Komödie 2004 89min. Mission: Impossible - In geheimer AG(Filmjuwelen) 20.06.2014 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 24.07.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059504 tba BestellNr.: 20059805 Mission - Season 2.1 (3 Discs) Mission: Impossible Die F. W. Murnau-Box (3 Discs) Night Market - Tödliche Fracht Peter Graves, Thaao Penghlis, Antony Dir. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau 7 Cajas Hamilton, Phil Morris, Terry Markwell, Jane Drama/Horror min. Celso Franco, Víctor Sosa, Lali Gonzalez, Badler, Bob Johnson - Dir. Cliff Bole, Kim Universum Film Home Nicolas Garcia, Paletita, Manu Portillo, Ma- Manners, Colin Budds, Arch Nicholson Entertainment(Transit) 13.06.2014 rio Toñanez, Nelly Davalos, Roberto Kriminalfilm/Action 1988 400min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059439 Cardozo - Dir. Juan Carlos Maneglia, Tana Explosive Media 06.06.2014 Schembori 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059699 Audie Murphy Collection (4 Discs) Bildergalerie Mündungsfeuer / Kolonne Süd / Sieben Thriller 2012 102min. Mission: Impossible - In geheimer Wege ins Verderben / Die letzte Kugel Intergroove Media(Peppermint) 06.06.2014 Mission - Season 2.2 (3 Discs) trifft 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059381 Mission: Impossible Audie Murphy Peter Graves, Thaao Penghlis, Antony Bildergalerie, Trailer Night Market - Tödliche Fracht Hamilton, Phil Morris, Terry Markwell, Jane Western 1953-1964 333min. (Blu-ray) Badler, Bob Johnson - Dir. Cliff Bole, Kim Koch Media 12.06.2014 7 Cajas Manners, Colin Budds, Arch Nicholson 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059829 Celso Franco, Víctor Sosa, Lali Gonzalez, Bildergalerie, Trailer Nicolas Garcia, Paletita, Manu Portillo, Ma- Kriminalfilm/Action 1988 400min. Napoleon (Special Edition, 2 rio Toñanez, Nelly Davalos, Roberto Explosive Media 06.06.2014 Discs) Cardozo - Dir. Juan Carlos Maneglia, Tana 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059700 Napoléon Schembori Christian Clavier, Isabella Rossellini, Gérard Bildergalerie Mr. Moto Collection - Teil 2 (4 Depardieu, , Anouk Aimée, Thriller 2012 105min. Discs) Claudio Amendola, Heino Ferch, Sebastian Intergroove Media(Peppermint) 06.06.2014 Peter Lorre - Dir. Norman Foster Koch, Alexandra Maria Lara, Marie Bäumer, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059396 Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Trailer Mavie Hörbiger, David Francis, Tamsin Kriminalfilm 261min. Egerton - Dir. Yves Simoneau Non-Stop Koch Media 22.05.2014 Künstlerportraits, Zeittafel „Napoléons Epoche“ Non-Stop 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059820 Historienfilm 2002 356min. Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore, Michelle

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Dockery, Lupita Nyong’o, Nate Parker, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau One More Kiss Scoot McNairy, Corey Stoll, Omar Metwally, Horror 1922 min. One More Kiss Jason Butler Harner, Linus Roache, Shea Universum Film Home Gerard Butler, James Cosmo, Valerie Whigham, Anson Mount - Dir. Jaume Collet- Entertainment(Transit) 13.06.2014 Edmond, Valerie Gogan, Danny Nussbaum, Serra 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059447 Carl Proctor - Dir. Vadim Jean Thriller/Action 2014 102min. Drama 1999 97min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment NTSF:SD:SUV:: - 1. Staffel Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 27.06.2014 Germany 24.07.2014 NTSF:SD:SUV:: 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059685 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059493 , June Diane Raphael, Brandon Johnson, Kate Mulgrew - Dir. Alex Fernie Max Ophüls - Arthaus Close-Up (3 Non-Stop (Blu-ray) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 130min. Discs) Non-Stop justbridge entertainment media 13.06.2014 Brief einer Unbekannten / Pläsier / Ma- Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore, Michelle 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059902 dame de Dockery, Lupita Nyong’o, Nate Parker, Nymphomaniac - Vergiss die Lie- Dir. Max Ophüls Scoot McNairy, Corey Stoll, Omar Metwally, Biografie, Bildergalerie, Making of, Featurette, Jason Butler Harner, Linus Roache, Shea be, Vol. I & II (2 Discs) Audiokommentar, Videoessay Whigham, Anson Mount - Dir. Jaume Collet- Nymphomaniac 1 / Nymphomanic 2 Drama 1948-1953 272min. Serra Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgård, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thriller/Action 2014 106min. Stacy Martin - Dir. Lars von Trier, Anders Germany(Arthaus) 24.07.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Refn (zusätzliche Regie) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059687 Germany 24.07.2014 Drama/Erotik 2013-2014 231min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059520 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde The Orcs Box (2 Discs) Home Edition) 04.09.2014 Orcs! / Orc Wars Non-Stop (Blu-ray) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059865 Adam Johnson, Maclain Nelson, Brad Non-Stop Johnson, Rusty Joiner, Masiela Lusha, Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore, Michelle Nymphomaniac - Vergiss die Lie- Wesley John - Dir. Andrew Black, James Dockery, Lupita Nyong’o, Nate Parker, be, Vol. I & II (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) MacPherson, Kohl Glass Scoot McNairy, Corey Stoll, Omar Metwally, Horror/Fantasy 2011-2013 171min. Nymphomaniac 1 / Nymphomanic 2 Jason Butler Harner, Linus Roache, Shea Splendid Film 27.06.2014 Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgård, Whigham, Anson Mount - Dir. Jaume Collet- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059567 Stacy Martin - Dir. Lars von Trier, Anders Serra Refn (zusätzliche Regie) Interviews, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Making of, The Orcs Box (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Drama/Erotik 2013-2014 241min. Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover Orcs! / Orc Wars Thriller/Action 2014 106min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Adam Johnson, Maclain Nelson, Brad STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Home Edition) 04.09.2014 Johnson, Rusty Joiner, Masiela Lusha, Germany 24.07.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059900 Wesley John - Dir. Andrew Black, James 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059722 Ocean Girl - Das Mädchen aus MacPherson, Kohl Glass Non-Stop (Limited Steel Edition) Horror/Fantasy 2011-2013 179min. dem Meer, Staffel 1 & 2 (6 Discs) Splendid Film 27.06.2014 (Blu-ray) Ocean Girl 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059583 Non-Stop Abenteuer 1994-1997 650min. Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore, Michelle Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) The Paradise - Die komplette Dockery, Lupita Nyong’o, Nate Parker, 19.05.2014 zweite Staffel (3 Discs) Scoot McNairy, Corey Stoll, Omar Metwally, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059908 The Paradise Jason Butler Harner, Linus Roache, Shea Drama 2013 400min. Whigham, Anson Mount - Dir. Jaume Collet- Old Dogs - Daddy oder Deal / polyband Medien GmbH 25.07.2014 Serra Born to be Wild - Saumässig un- Interviews, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Making of, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059761 Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover terwegs (2 Discs) Thriller/Action 2014 106min. Wild Hogs / Old Dogs Paranormal - Im Zeichen des Bö- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment John Travolta, Tim Allen, Martin Lawrence, sen Germany 24.07.2014 Robin Williams, Kelly Preston - Dir. Walt The Skeptic 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059723 Becker Tim Daly, Tom Arnold, Zoe Saldana, Andrea Komödie 2007-2009 min. Roth, Edward Herrmann, Robert Prosky, Nosferatu - Eine Symphonie des The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Bruce Altman, Christina Rouner - Dir. Grauens GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Tennyson Bardwell Max Schreck, Gustav von Wangenheim, 26.06.2014 Thriller/Mystery 2009 85min. Greta Schröder, Ruth Landshoff, Alexander 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059384 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Granach, Max Nemetz, Georg H. Schnell, 15.05.2014 John Gottowt, Gustav Botz, Wolfgang Once Upon a Time in Phuket 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059270 Heinz, Guido Herzfeld, Fanny Schreck, En Gång I Phuket Albert Venohr, Hardy von Francois - Dir. Peter Magnusson, Jenny Skavlan, Susanne Paranormal - Im Zeichen des Bö- Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Thorson - Dir. Staffan Lindberg sen (Blu-ray) Komödie 2011 100min. Horror 1922 min. The Skeptic Lighthouse Home Entertainment 25.07.2014 Universum Film Home Tim Daly, Tom Arnold, Zoe Saldana, Andrea tba BestellNr.: 20059795 Entertainment(Transit) 13.06.2014 Roth, Edward Herrmann, Robert Prosky, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059438 Once Upon a Time in Phuket Bruce Altman, Christina Rouner - Dir. Tennyson Bardwell Nosferatu - Eine Symphonie des (Blu-ray) Thriller/Mystery 2009 89min. Grauens (Blu-ray) En Gång I Phuket KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Max Schreck, Gustav von Wangenheim, Peter Magnusson, Jenny Skavlan, Susanne 15.05.2014 Greta Schröder, Ruth Landshoff, Alexander Thorson - Dir. Staffan Lindberg 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059300 Granach, Max Nemetz, Georg H. Schnell, Komödie 2011 104min. John Gottowt, Gustav Botz, Wolfgang Lighthouse Home Entertainment 25.07.2014 Pelle, der Eroberer Heinz, Guido Herzfeld, Fanny Schreck, tba BestellNr.: 20059811 Pelle Erobreren Albert Venohr, Hardy von Francois - Dir. Max von Sydow, Pelle Hvenegaard, Erik

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Paaske, Kristina Törnqvist, Morten Franklin J. Schaffner Jorgensen, Axel Strobye, Astrid Villaume, Person of Interest - Die komplette Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1968 107min. Björn Granath - Dir. Bille August zweite Staffel (6 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 1987 150min. Person Of Interest Germany 18.07.2014 Koch Media 22.05.2014 Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 758min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059633 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059256 Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059262 Planet der Affen Pelle, der Eroberer (Blu-ray) Planet Of The Apes Pelle Erobreren Pferde, Freundschaft, Abenteuer Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham Max von Sydow, Pelle Hvenegaard, Erik (3 Discs) Carter, Michael Clarke Duncan, Paul Paaske, Kristina Törnqvist, Morten Giamatti, Estella Warren, Cary-Hiroyuki Archer / Sarah und das Wildpferd / Ein Jorgensen, Axel Strobye, Astrid Villaume, Tagawa, David Warner, , Pferd für Klara Björn Granath - Dir. Bille August Erick Avari, Lucas Elliot Eberl, Evan Dexter Brett Climo, Robert Coleby, Nicole Kidman, Drama 1987 157min. Parke, Glenn Shadix, Lisa Marie, Freda Foh Ariana Richards, Andrew Keir, David Robb, Koch Media 22.05.2014 Shen, Charlton Heston - Dir. Tim Burton Rebecca Plymholt, Joel Lützow, Regina 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059292 Science Fiction 2001 115min. Lund - Dir. Denny Lawrence, Mark Haber, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Alexander Moberg Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis / Germany 18.07.2014 Abenteuer 1986-2010 265min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059636 Die Tiefseetaucher (2 Discs) OFDb Filmworks 17.06.2014 The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy / 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059663 The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou Planet der Affen - 40 Jahre (5 Sam Rockwell, Mos Def, Zooey Deschanel, Das Experiment Discs) (Blu-ray) Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Cate Blanchett - The Philadelphia Experiment Planet Of The Apes Box Set Dir. Garth Jennings, Wes Anderson Michael Paré, Nancy Allen, Miles Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Science Fiction/Komödie 2004-2005 min. McNamara, Eric Christmas, Bobby DiCicco, Hunter, Bradford Dillman, James The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Louise Latham, Debra Toyer, Rene Holliday, Franciscus, Don Murray, Ricardo GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Pamela Brull - Dir. Stewart Raffill Montalban, Claude Akins, Natalie Trundy - 26.06.2014 Science Fiction 1984 97min. Dir. Franklin J. Schaffner, Don Taylor, Ted 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059385 VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.05.2014 Post, J. Lee Thompson 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059395 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1968-1973 min. Die perfekte Welle Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Perfect Wave Das Philadelphia Experiment Germany 18.07.2014 Scott Eastwood, Cheryl Ladd, Patrick (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059647 Lyster - Dir. Bruce Macdonald The Philadelphia Experiment Trailer Planet der Affen - Saga Box (6 Michael Paré, Nancy Allen, Miles Drama/Sport 2014 100min. Discs) Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) McNamara, Eric Christmas, Bobby DiCicco, Planet Of The Apes - Saga Box 22.05.2014 Louise Latham, Debra Toyer, Rene Holliday, Science Fiction/Abenteuer min. tba BestellNr.: 20059559 Pamela Brull - Dir. Stewart Raffill Science Fiction 1984 97min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ein perfekter Ehemann VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.05.2014 Germany 18.07.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059634 An Ideal Husband 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059400 Rupert Everett, Julianne Moore, Jeremy Planet der Affen (Blu-ray) Northam, Cate Blanchett, Minnie Driver, Rosamunde Pilcher Collection - Planet Of The Apes John Wood, Lindsay Duncan, Peter Wunderschönes Cornwall (4 Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Vaughan, Jeroen Krabbé, Benjamin Pullen, Discs) Hunter, Maurice Evans, James Whitmore, Marsha Fitzalan, Nickolas Grace, Simon Rosamunde Pilcher: Das Haus an der Kü- James Daly, Linda Harrison, Lou Wagner, Russell Beale, Anna Patrick, Delia Lindsay, ste / Rosamunde Pilcher: Federn im Wind Woodrow Parfrey, Jeff Burton, Buck Michael Culkin, Oliver Parker, Doug Bradley, / Rosamunde Pilcher: Klippen der Liebe / Kartalian, Norman Burton, Wright King - Dir. Oliver Ford Davies - Dir. Oliver Parker Rosamunde Pilcher: Wege der Liebe / Franklin J. Schaffner Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Rosamunde Pilcher: Wind der Hoffnung / Komödie 1999 94min. Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1968 112min. Rosamunde Pilcher: Zerrissene Herzen Capelight Pictures 27.06.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 1996-2003 528min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059740 Germany 18.07.2014 Universum Film Home Entertainment(ZDF 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059646 Ein perfekter Ehemann (Blu-ray) Video) 16.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059336 An Ideal Husband Planet der Affen (Blu-ray) Planet Of The Apes Rupert Everett, Julianne Moore, Jeremy Rosamunde Pilcher Collection Northam, Cate Blanchett, Minnie Driver, Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham John Wood, Lindsay Duncan, Peter XVI - Liebe ist alles (3 Discs) Carter, Michael Clarke Duncan, Paul Vaughan, Jeroen Krabbé, Benjamin Pullen, Die Frau auf der Klippe / Die versproche- Giamatti, Estella Warren, Cary-Hiroyuki Marsha Fitzalan, Nickolas Grace, Simon ne Braut / Alte Herzen rosten nicht / Zu Tagawa, David Warner, Kris Kristofferson, Russell Beale, Anna Patrick, Delia Lindsay, hoch geflogen / Besetzte Herzen / Evitas Erick Avari, Lucas Elliot Eberl, Evan Dexter Michael Culkin, Oliver Parker, Doug Bradley, Rache Parke, Glenn Shadix, Lisa Marie, Freda Foh Oliver Ford Davies - Dir. Oliver Parker Drama 2013 532min. Shen, Charlton Heston - Dir. Tim Burton Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Universum Film Home Entertainment(ZDF Science Fiction 2001 124min. Komödie 1999 98min. Video) 06.06.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Capelight Pictures 27.06.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059434 Germany 18.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059765 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059649 Planet der Affen Person of Interest - Die komplette Planet Of The Apes Der Planet der Affen: zweite Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim PRevolution Person Of Interest Hunter, Maurice Evans, James Whitmore, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 964min. James Daly, Linda Harrison, Lou Wagner, James Franco, Freida Pinto, John Lithgow, Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 Woodrow Parfrey, Jeff Burton, Buck Brian Cox, Tom Felton, Andy Serkis, Tyler 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059298 Kartalian, Norman Burton, Wright King - Dir. Labine, David Hewlett - Dir. Rupert Wyatt

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Science Fiction 2011 101min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059754 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20.06.2014 Germany 18.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059417 The Return of the First Avenger 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059635 (Blu-ray 3D + 2D, Steelbook) (Blu- PS - Franz Brodzinski & Feuer- Der Planet der Affen: ray) reiter: Die komplette Staffel 2 & 3 Captain America: The Winter Soldier PRevolution (Blu-ray) in einer Box (4 Discs) Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Cobie Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes Hans Putz, Wega Jahnke, Detlof Krüger, Smulders, Samuel L. Jackson, Emily James Franco, Freida Pinto, John Lithgow, Lutz Mackensy, Liane Hielscher, Friedrich VanCamp, Robert Redford, Hayley Atwell, Brian Cox, Tom Felton, Andy Serkis, Tyler Schütter, Günter Pfitzmann, Gerd Baltus - Dominic Cooper, Sebastian Stan, Toby Labine, David Hewlett - Dir. Rupert Wyatt Dir. Claus Peter Witt Jones, Maximiliano Hernández, Georges St- Science Fiction 2011 105min. Drama/Komödie 1975-1979 480min. Pierre, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo - Dir. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Germany 18.07.2014 30.05.2014 Action/Abenteuer 2014 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059648 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059428 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Police Story - Back for Law Der Rasenmäher-Mann 14.08.2014 Jing Cha Gu Shi The Lawnmower Man 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059777 Jackie Chan, Liu Ye, Jing Tian, Wei Na, Jeff Fahey, Pierce Brosnan, Jenny Wright, Rongguang Yu, Peiqi Liu, Yiwei Liu, James Mark Bringelson, Geoffrey Lewis, Jeremy The Return of the First Avenger Loja, Tao Yin - Dir. Ding Sheng Slate, Dean Norris, Colleen Coffey, Jim (Blu-ray) Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 111min. Landis, Troy Evans, Rosalee Mayeux, Captain America: The Winter Soldier Splendid Film 25.07.2014 Austin O’Brien, Joe Hart, John Laughlin, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Cobie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059758 Ray Lykins, Dale Raoul, Frank Collison, Smulders, Samuel L. Jackson, Emily Steffen Gregory Foster, Doug Hutchison - Police Story - Back for Law (Blu- VanCamp, Robert Redford, Hayley Atwell, Dir. Brett Leonard Dominic Cooper, Sebastian Stan, Toby ray) Science Fiction/Thriller 1991 140min. Jones, Maximiliano Hernández, Georges St- Jing Cha Gu Shi Mad Dimension GmbH 25.07.2014 Pierre, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo - Dir. Jackie Chan, Liu Ye, Jing Tian, Wei Na, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059551 Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Rongguang Yu, Peiqi Liu, Yiwei Liu, James Action/Abenteuer 2014 min. Loja, Tao Yin - Dir. Ding Sheng Der Rasenmäher-Mann (Blu-ray) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 116min. The Lawnmower Man GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Splendid Film 25.07.2014 Jeff Fahey, Pierce Brosnan, Jenny Wright, 14.08.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059780 Mark Bringelson, Geoffrey Lewis, Jeremy 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059776 Slate, Dean Norris, Colleen Coffey, Jim Polizeiruf 110 - Box 19 (3 Discs) Landis, Troy Evans, Rosalee Mayeux, The Returned - Weder Zombies Kriminalfilm 1991 520min. Austin O’Brien, Joe Hart, John Laughlin, noch Menschen Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Ray Lykins, Dale Raoul, Frank Collison, The Returned 27.06.2014 Steffen Gregory Foster, Doug Hutchison - Emily Hampshire, Kristen Holden-Ried, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059742 Dir. Brett Leonard Shawn Doyle, Claudia Bassols, Paulino Science Fiction/Thriller 1991 140min. Nunes, Melina Matthews, Paul Anthony, Pretty Little Liars - Die komplette Mad Dimension GmbH 25.07.2014 Barry Flatman, Jamie Lyle - Dir. Manuel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059576 dritte Staffel (6 Discs) Carballo Pretty Little Liars Reine Männersache Horror/Drama 2013 94min. Drama/Mystery 2012 1008min. MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 15.07.2014 Date And Switch Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059494 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059264 Nicholas Braun, Hunter Cope, Dakota Johnson - Dir. Chris Nelson The Returned - Weder Zombies Komödie/Lovestory 2014 87min. The Princess and the Swordman noch Menschen (Blu-ray) The King’s Guard Universum Film Home Entertainment The Returned Eric Roberts, Ron Perlman, Lesley-Anne 25.07.2014 Emily Hampshire, Kristen Holden-Ried, Down, David Beecroft, Brian Cousins, Ge- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059566 Shawn Doyle, Claudia Bassols, Paulino rald Patrick Cox - Dir. Jonathan Tydor Trailer, Outtakes, Reine Männersache (Blu-ray) Nunes, Melina Matthews, Paul Anthony, Abenteuer/Action 2000 89min. Date And Switch Barry Flatman, Jamie Lyle - Dir. Manuel Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.06.2014 Nicholas Braun, Hunter Cope, Dakota Carballo 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059688 Johnson - Dir. Chris Nelson Horror/Drama 2013 98min. Komödie/Lovestory 2014 91min. MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 15.07.2014 Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang Universum Film Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: 20059521 Marianne Hold, Gerhard Riedmann, Annie 25.07.2014 Rosar, Maria von Tasnady, Michael Ande - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059582 Richard the Lionheart - Der König Dir. Harald Reinl von Booklet The Return of the First Avenger Richard: The Lionheart Musikfilm/Heimatfilm 1957 89min. Captain America: The Winter Soldier Gregory Chandler Maness, Malcolm AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Cobie McDowell, Yudith Carrion, Alice Lussiana AG(Filmjuwelen) 27.06.2014 Smulders, Samuel L. Jackson, Emily Parente, Burton Perez, Christopher Jones, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059702 VanCamp, Robert Redford, Hayley Atwell, Maurizio Corigliano, Thomas Tinker - Dir. Dominic Cooper, Sebastian Stan, Toby Stefano Milla Proof - Der Beweis Jones, Maximiliano Hernández, Georges St- Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Proof Pierre, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo - Dir. Abenteuer/Action 2013 96min. Hugo Weaving, Geneviève Picot, Russell Anthony Russo, Joe Russo KSM GmbH 14.07.2014 Crowe, Heather Mitchell, Jeffrey Walker, Action/Abenteuer 2014 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059544 Frank Gallacher - Dir. Jocelyn Moorhouse The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Trailer, Bildergalerie, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Richard the Lionheart - Der König Thriller 1991 86min. 14.08.2014 von England (Blu-ray)

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Richard: The Lionheart Bloodworth, Kathy Hasty, Ed Lillard, Jerry Salamander Gregory Chandler Maness, Malcolm Rushing - Dir. Worth Keeter Kriminalfilm 2012 576min. McDowell, Yudith Carrion, Alice Lussiana Horror/Thriller 1982 86min. polyband Medien GmbH 25.07.2014 Parente, Burton Perez, Christopher Jones, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 20.06.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059759 Maurizio Corigliano, Thomas Tinker - Dir. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059695 Stefano Milla Satan Rising Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Sabotage Evil Angel Abenteuer/Action 2013 100min. Sabotage Kristopher Shepard, Ava Gaudet, Ving KSM GmbH 14.07.2014 Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, Rhames, Richard Dutcher, Jontille Gerard, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059573 Olivia Williams, , Joe Bart Johnson, JJ Neward, Marie Westbrook Manganiello, Harold Perrineau Jr., Martin - Dir. Richard Dutcher The Ripper (k.J.) Donovan, Max Martini, Josh Holloway, Trailer, Bildergalerie The Ripper Mireille Enos - Dir. David Ayer Horror 2009 119min. Tom Savini, Tom Schreier, Wade Tower, Action/Thriller 2014 102min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 06.06.2014 Mona van Pernis, Andrea Adams, Randall Splendid Film 28.08.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059391 White - Dir. Christopher Lewis 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059910 Doku, Bildergalerie, Trailer Satan Rising (Blu-ray) Thriller/Horror 1986 100min. Sabotage (Blu-ray) Evil Angel Intergroove Media(cmv-Laservision) Sabotage Kristopher Shepard, Ava Gaudet, Ving 30.05.2014 Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, Rhames, Richard Dutcher, Jontille Gerard, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059394 Olivia Williams, Terrence Howard, Joe Bart Johnson, JJ Neward, Marie Westbrook - Dir. Richard Dutcher Robo Terminators Manganiello, Harold Perrineau Jr., Martin Donovan, Max Martini, Josh Holloway, Trailer, Bildergalerie The Last Sentinel Horror 2009 123min. Mireille Enos - Dir. David Ayer Don „The Dragon“ Wilson, Katee Sackhoff, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 06.06.2014 Action/Thriller 2014 106min. Bokeem Woodbine, Keith David, Steven 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059399 Splendid Film 28.08.2014 Bauer, David Mattey - Dir. Jesse V. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059922 Johnson Saving Mr. Banks Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Sabotage (Limited Uncut Edition, Saving Mr. Banks Action/Science Fiction 2007 90min. Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, , Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jason Schwartzman, Bradley Whitford, 06.06.2014 Sabotage Colin Farrell, Ruth Wilson, B.J. Novak, Ra- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059389 Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, chel Griffiths, Annie Rose Buckley, Kathy Olivia Williams, Terrence Howard, Joe Baker, Melanie Paxson - Dir. John Lee Robo Terminators (Blu-ray) Manganiello, Harold Perrineau Jr., Martin Hancock The Last Sentinel Donovan, Max Martini, Josh Holloway, Drama/Komödie 2013 126min. Don „The Dragon“ Wilson, Katee Sackhoff, Mireille Enos - Dir. David Ayer The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Bokeem Woodbine, Keith David, Steven Action/Thriller 2014 109min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Bauer, David Mattey - Dir. Jesse V. Splendid Film 28.08.2014 17.07.2014 Johnson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059924 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059620 Wendecover, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Making of, Bildergale- rie Sabotage (Limited Uncut Edition, Action/Science Fiction 2007 94min. Saving Mr. Banks (Blu-ray) Intergroove Media(MIG Filmgroup) Steelbook) (k.J.) Saving Mr. Banks 06.06.2014 Sabotage Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Paul Giamatti, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059397 Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, Jason Schwartzman, Bradley Whitford, Olivia Williams, Terrence Howard, Joe Colin Farrell, Ruth Wilson, B.J. Novak, Ra- Robocop (Director’s Cut) (k.J.) Manganiello, Harold Perrineau Jr., Martin chel Griffiths, Annie Rose Buckley, Kathy Robocop (Director’s Cut) Donovan, Max Martini, Josh Holloway, Baker, Melanie Paxson - Dir. John Lee Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O’Herlihy, Mireille Enos - Dir. David Ayer Hancock Ronny Cox, Kurtwood Smith, Miguel Ferrer Action/Thriller 2014 105min. Drama/Komödie 2013 131min. - Dir. Paul Verhoeven Splendid Film 28.08.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Science Fiction/Action 1987 99min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059912 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 17.07.2014 Germany(MGM/UA) 06.06.2014 Sabotage (Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059638 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059324 Sabotage Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, Saving Mr. Banks / Mary Poppins Rolls Royce Baby (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Olivia Williams, Terrence Howard, Joe (2 Discs) Lina Romay, Eric Falk, Roman Huber - Dir. Manganiello, Harold Perrineau Jr., Martin Saving Mr. Banks / Mary Poppins Erwin C. Dietrich Donovan, Max Martini, Josh Holloway, Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Paul Giamatti, Trailer Mireille Enos - Dir. David Ayer Dame Julie Andrews, Dick van Dyke, Glynis Erotik 1975 88min. Action/Thriller 2014 109min. Johns - Dir. John Lee Hancock, Robert Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.06.2014 Splendid Film 28.08.2014 Stevenson 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059705 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059923 Drama/Komödie 1964-2013 min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Rolls Royce Baby (k.J.) Sabotage (Uncut) (k.J.) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Lina Romay, Eric Falk, Roman Huber - Dir. Sabotage 17.07.2014 Erwin C. Dietrich Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059621 Trailer Olivia Williams, Terrence Howard, Joe Erotik 1975 85min. Manganiello, Harold Perrineau Jr., Martin Saving Mr. Banks / Mary Poppins Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.06.2014 Donovan, Max Martini, Josh Holloway, (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059654 Mireille Enos - Dir. David Ayer Saving Mr. Banks / Mary Poppins Action/Thriller 2014 105min. Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Paul Giamatti, Rottweiler - Zum Killen dressiert Splendid Film 28.08.2014 Dame Julie Andrews, Dick van Dyke, Glynis (FSK 18) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059911 Johns - Dir. John Lee Hancock, Robert Dogs Of Hell Stevenson Earl Owensby, Billy Gribble, Robert Salamander - Staffel 1 (4 Discs)

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Drama/Komödie 1964-2013 min. Historienfilm/Drama 1954 115min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Signale - Ein Weltraumabenteuer GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Germany(Arthaus) 19.06.2014 Piotr Pawlowski, Jewgeni Scharikow, 17.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059263 Gojko Mitic, Alfred Müller, Helmut Schreiber, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059639 Irina Karel - Dir. Joachim Hellwig, DEFA- Sehnsucht (Blu-ray) Studio für Dokumentarfilme 1972, ca. 24 Der Schatz am Silbersee Senso Minuten) Meinold Pape, Jochen Bludau - Dir. Martin Alida Valli, Farley Granger, Massimo Girotti, Bonus-Doku Kliemann Heinz Moog, Rina Morelli, Sergio Fantoni, Science Fiction 1970 88min. Theater 1989 75min. Christian Marquand - Dir. Luchino Visconti ICESTORM Entertainment 12.05.2014 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 06.06.2014 Featurettes, Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059286 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059426 Historienfilm/Drama 1954 123min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Silk - Roben aus Seide, Staffel 1 Die Schöne und das Biest Germany(Arthaus) 19.06.2014 (2 Discs) La Belle Et La Bête 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059299 Silk Vincent Cassel, Léa Seydoux, André Behind the Scenes Dussollier, Eduardo Noriega, Myriam Die Sendung mit der Maus 5 - Wir Drama 2011 600min. Charleins, Audrey Lamy, Sara Giraudeau, halten zusammen! polyband Medien GmbH 25.07.2014 Jonathan Demurger, Nicolas Gob, Louka Armin Maiwald, Christoph Biemann, Ralph 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059760 Meliava, Yvonne Catterfeld - Dir. Caspers Christophe Gans Kinderfilm 1997 70min. Sofies Welt - Der Kinofilm Fantasy 2014 109min. Universum Film Home Sofies Verden Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Entertainment(Universum Kids) 25.07.2014 Silje Storstein, Tomas von Brömssen, Home Edition) 18.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059565 Andrine Saether, Bjørn Floberg, Edda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059867 Trandum Grjotheim, Arne Haakenasen Dahl, Die Sendung mit der Maus 6 - Nils Vogt, Silje Storstein (Hilde Møller Die Schöne und das Biest (Blu- Tierisches Vergnügen mit der Knag), Minken Fosheim, Sullivan Lloyd ray) Nordrum (Jørgen), Ingar Helge Gimle, Maus Kjersti Holmen, Hasse Alfredsson, Giorgos La Belle Et La Bête Armin Maiwald, Christoph Biemann, Ralph Floros, Sven Henriksen, Rocco Petruzzi, Vincent Cassel, Léa Seydoux, André Caspers Mark Tandy, Kåre Konradi, Ola Otnes, Es- Dussollier, Eduardo Noriega, Myriam Kinderfilm 1997 70min. pen Skjønberg, Eindride Eidsvold, Finn Charleins, Audrey Lamy, Sara Giraudeau, Universum Film Home Schau, Vanessa Borgli, Christian Skolmen, Jonathan Demurger, Nicolas Gob, Louka Entertainment(Universum Kids) 25.07.2014 Jesper Christensen, Pjotr Sapegin, Lars Meliava, Yvonne Catterfeld - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059597 Arentz-Hansen - Dir. Erik Gustavson Christophe Gans Abenteuer 1999 108min. Fantasy 2014 114min. Shadow - Ein Hund zum Verlie- AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde ben AG(Filmjuwelen) 13.06.2014 Home Edition) 18.09.2014 Summer’s Shadow 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059490 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059901 Belle Shouse, Todd Terry, Liz Franke, Mark Schwestern Hanson, Aidan Langford, Juli Erickson, Sofies Welt - Die komplette TV- Andrew Sensenig, Mika Abdalla, Bailey - Maria Schrader, Ursula Werner, Jesper Serie (2 Discs) Dir. Steve Franke Christensen, Felix Knopp, Anna Blomeier, Sofies Verden Trailer, Bildergalerie Silje Storstein, Tomas von Brömssen - Dir. Rita Luise Stelling, Thomas Fränzel, Lore Komödie/Familie 2013 97min. Erik Gustavson Richter, Marie Leuenberger, Klaus Man- KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 23.06.2014 chen, Chiara Salome Bohrmann - Dir. Anne Booklet, Backstage, Interviews 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059253 Abenteuer 240min. Wild AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Drama/Komödie 2012 85min. Shaggy Dog - Hör mal wer da AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 13.06.2014 farbfilm home entertainment(Farbfilm) bellt / Aus dem Dschungel in den 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059492 20.06.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059410 Dschungel (2 Discs) Shaggy Dog / Jungle 2 Jungle Soko Edition - Soko Stuttgart Vol. Seed 2 - The New Breed (Blu-ray) Tim Allen, Martin Short, JoBeth Williams, 5 (5 Discs) (k.J.) Robert Downey Jr., Kristin Davis - Dir. John Kriminalfilm 1072min. Pasquin, Edel Germany(Aviator) 30.05.2014 Seed 2: The New Breed Komödie 1997-2006 min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059266 Natalie Scheetz, Nick Principe, Caroline The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Williams - Dir. Marcel Walz GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Ein Sommer in Amsterdam Thriller/Horror 2014 79min. 26.06.2014 Ulrike Folkerts, Filip Peeters, Benedikt Splendid Film 25.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059342 Blaskovic, Renée Soutendijk, Lucie Heinze, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059585 Joy Maria Bai, Chiem van Houweninge, Seed 2 - The New Breed (k.J.) Shaolin - Die unbesiegbaren Rainer Piwek, Paula Kalenberg, Germain Wagner - Dir. Karola Meeder Seed 2: The New Breed Kämpfer 2 (2 Discs) (FSK 18) Drama/Lovestory 2014 88min. Natalie Scheetz, Nick Principe, Caroline Da Mo Mi Zong / The Green Dragon Inn Edel Germany(Aviator) 30.05.2014 Williams - Dir. Marcel Walz Action/Eastern 500min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059265 Thriller/Horror 2014 76min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 13.06.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059692 Splendid Film 25.07.2014 Sommer, Sonne, Auftragskiller 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059569 Side Effects Oh Marbella! Sehnsucht Side Effects Rik Mayall, Tom Bell, Michael Reid, Lara Belmont, Craig Kelly, Roland Manookian - Senso Katherine Heigl, Lucian McAfee, David Dir. Piers Ashworth Alida Valli, Farley Granger, Massimo Girotti, Ames - Dir. Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau Komödie/Drama 2005 min. Behind the Scenes, Making of, Interview Heinz Moog, Rina Morelli, Sergio Fantoni, Komödie 2004 78min. EuroVideo Medien 08.08.2014 Christian Marquand - Dir. Luchino Visconti FilmConfect Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059854 Featurette, Wendecover 30.05.2014

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9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059650 Milo Ventimiglia, Sarah Shahi, William Jackie Chan, Chen Hui-Lou, Dean Shek, Mapother, Sara Paxton, Dominic Bogart, Oz James Tien - Dir. Chuen Chan, Wei Lo Sommerliebe Kalvan, Luke Barnett, Brett Mann - Dir. Action/Eastern 1983 92min. Sappho Todd Levin Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 27.06.2014 Avalon Barrie, Phil Lovell, Lyudmila Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059483 Shiryaeva - Dir. Robert Crombie Thriller/Horror 2012 83min. Drama/Erotik 2008 88min. Tiberius Film 03.04.2014 Superfighter III (Dragon Edition) Lighthouse Home Entertainment 25.07.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059593 Hsiao Chuan Yi Chao tba BestellNr.: 20059798 Jackie Chan, James Tien, Dean Shek, Chen Static - Bewegungslos (Blu-ray) Hui-Lou, Yen Shi-Kwan, Kun Li, Cheng Sommerliebe (Blu-ray) Static Tien-chi, Eagle Han, Chiang Chih-Ping - Dir. Sappho Milo Ventimiglia, Sarah Shahi, William Jackie Chan, Kenneth Tsang Avalon Barrie, Phil Lovell, Lyudmila Mapother, Sara Paxton, Dominic Bogart, Oz Action/Eastern 1979 94min. Shiryaeva - Dir. Robert Crombie Kalvan, Luke Barnett, Brett Mann - Dir. Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 27.06.2014 Drama/Erotik 2008 91min. Todd Levin 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059471 Lighthouse Home Entertainment 25.07.2014 Trailer Thriller/Horror 2012 83min. tba BestellNr.: 20059813 Superfighter III (Dragon Edition) Tiberius Film 03.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059592 (Blu-ray) Sons of Anarchy - Season 2 (4 Hsiao Chuan Yi Chao Discs) Street Fighter - Assassin’s Fist Jackie Chan, James Tien, Dean Shek, Chen Sons Of Anarchy Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Hui-Lou, Yen Shi-Kwan, Kun Li, Cheng Charlie Hunnam, Katey Sagal, Ron Perlman, Joey Ansah, Christian Howard, Hyunri Lee Tien-chi, Eagle Han, Chiang Chih-Ping - Dir. Henry Rollins, Ryan Hurst, Tommy - Dir. Joey Ansah Jackie Chan, Kenneth Tsang Flanagan, Kim Coates, Maggie Siff, Mark Action 140min. Action/Eastern 1979 98min. Boone jr. polyband Medien GmbH 13.08.2014 Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 27.06.2014 Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Audiokommentar 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059909 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059484 Action/Drama 2009 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Street Fighter - Assassin’s Fist Survivor - Alone. Stranded. Germany 18.07.2014 Deadly. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059515 (Blu-ray) Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Survivor Stakeout - Die Nacht hat viele Joey Ansah, Christian Howard, Hyunri Lee Danielle Ryan Chuchran, Kevin Sorbo, Rok- ky Myers, Melanie Stone, Ruby Jones, Augen / Zoff in Beverly Hills / - Dir. Joey Ansah Action 140min. Blake Webb, Abigail Mason, Paul D. Hunt, Was ist mit Bob? (3 Discs) polyband Medien GmbH 13.08.2014 James C. Morris - Dir. John Lyde Stakeout / What About Bob? / Down And 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059920 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2014 90min. Out In Beverly Hills Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.07.2014 Richard Dreyfuss, Emilio Estevez, Made- Street Fighter - Assassin’s Fist tba BestellNr.: 20059503 leine Stowe, Bill Murray, Julie Hagerty, Nick (Limited Edition, Steelbook) (Blu- Nolte, Bette Midler - Dir. John Badham, Survivor - Alone. Stranded. Frank Oz, Paul Mazursky ray) Deadly. (Blu-ray) Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1986-1991 min. Survivor Joey Ansah, Christian Howard, Hyunri Lee The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Danielle Ryan Chuchran, Kevin Sorbo, Rok- - Dir. Joey Ansah GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail ky Myers, Melanie Stone, Ruby Jones, Action 140min. 26.06.2014 Blake Webb, Abigail Mason, Paul D. Hunt, polyband Medien GmbH 13.08.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059386 James C. Morris - Dir. John Lyde 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059921 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2014 94min. The Statement Der Superfighter (Dragon Edition) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.07.2014 The Statement tba BestellNr.: 20059528 Sir Michael Caine, Tilda Swinton, Jeremy A Gai Waak Northam, Alan Bates, John Boswall, Matt Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, Dick The Suspect Wai - Dir. Jackie Chan Craven, Frank Finlay, Ciarán Hinds, William Yong-Eui-Ja Action 1983 101min. Hutt, Noam Jenkins, David de Keyser, John Gong Yoo, Park Hee-Soon, Jo Seong-ha - Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 27.06.2014 Neville, Edward Petherbridge, Charlotte Dir. Won Shin-yeon 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059469 Rampling, Colin Salmon, Malcolm Sinclair, Action/Thriller 2013 133min. Peter Wight, George Williams - Dir. Norman Der Superfighter (Dragon Edition) Splendid Film 25.07.2014 Jewison 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059570 Thriller 2003 115min. (Blu-ray) Universum Film Home Entertainment A Gai Waak The Suspect (Blu-ray) 04.07.2014 Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, Dick Yong-Eui-Ja 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059626 Wai - Dir. Jackie Chan Gong Yoo, Park Hee-Soon, Jo Seong-ha - Action 1983 105min. Dir. Won Shin-yeon Static - Bewegungslos Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 27.06.2014 Action/Thriller 2013 133min. Static 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059482 Splendid Film 25.07.2014 Milo Ventimiglia, Sarah Shahi, William 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059586 Mapother, Sara Paxton, Dominic Bogart, Oz Superfighter II (Dragon Edition) Kalvan, Luke Barnett, Brett Mann - Dir. Long Teng Hu Yue Switched at Birth - Die komplette Todd Levin Jackie Chan, Chen Hui-Lou, Dean Shek, erste Staffel (3 Discs) Trailer James Tien - Dir. Chuen Chan, Wei Lo Switched At Birth Thriller/Horror 2012 80min. Action/Eastern 1983 88min. Drama/Familie 2011-2012 min. Tiberius Film 03.04.2014 Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 27.06.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059591 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059470 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC Static - Bewegungslos (Blu-ray Superfighter II (Dragon Edition) Studios) 05.06.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059388 3D) (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Static Long Teng Hu Yue

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Der Tag nach Halloween (k.J.) Three Faces of Terror Trailer Horror 259min. Snapshot I Tre Volti Del Terrore Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 27.06.2014 Chantal Contouri, Robert Bruning - Dir. Si- John Phillip Law, Riccardo Serventi Longhi, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059739 mon Wincer Andrea Bruschi, Roberta Terregna, Simone Wendecover Taddei, Lamberto Bava, Joseph Berwick, Tortured to Death (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Horror/Drama 1979 72min. Ambre Even - Dir. Sergio Stivaletti Maritim Pictures 30.05.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie Resurrection County 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059420 Horror 2004 85min. Dayton Knoll, Adam Huss, Kathryn Michelle, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.06.2014 Robert Miano, Jake Bartol, Matt Beeson, Tanta Agua - Nichts als Regen 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059686 Rus Blackwell, Jay Cody, Grizz Hayhurst, (OmU) Mike Hill - Dir. Matt Zettell Thriller/Horror 2008 90min. Tanta Agua Thriller (4 Discs) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 27.06.2014 Néstor Guzzini, Malú Chouza, Joaquín Thriller 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059768 Castiglioni, Sofía Azambuya (Madelón), Donna Mills, Gary Collins, Robert Powell Andrés Zunini, Romina Rocca, Valentino Booklet Thriller/Kriminalfilm 1973-1976 714min. Tortured to Death (k.J.) Muffolini (Miguel Ángel) - Dir. Ana Karina Pidax film media(Pidax film) 04.07.2014 Resurrection County Guevara Pose, Leticia Jorge Romero 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059906 Dayton Knoll, Adam Huss, Kathryn Michelle, Drama 2013 103min. Robert Miano, Jake Bartol, Matt Beeson, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(drei-freun- Tin Men - Zwei haarsträubende Rus Blackwell, Jay Cody, Grizz Hayhurst, de) 20.06.2014 Mike Hill - Dir. Matt Zettell 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059411 Rivalen / Die unglaubl. Entfüh- rung der verrückten Mrs. Stone (2 Thriller/Horror 2008 87min. Quentin Tarantino Arthaus Close- Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 27.06.2014 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059744 Up (3 Discs) Tin Men / Ruthless People Pulp Fiction / Four Rooms / Jackie Brown Richard Dreyfuss, Danny DeVito, Barbara Das total versaute Cheerleader Dir. Quentin Tarantino Hershey, Bette Midler, Judge Reinhold - Dir. Camp 13 Songauswahlen, Musikvideo, Entfallene und alternative Barry Levinson, Jim Abrahams, David Zuk- #1 Cheerleader Camp Szenen, Trivia, Trailer, Wendecover ker Thriller/Komödie 1994-1997 389min. Seth Cassell, Jay Gillespie, Erica Duke, Komödie 1986 min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Charlene Tilton, Diane Jay Gonzalez, Maura The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Germany(Arthaus) 19.06.2014 Murphy, Harmony Blossom, Brian Schulze - GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059259 Dir. Mark Quod 26.06.2014 Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Tarantula (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059347 Komödie 2010 82min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.06.2014 Tarantula To Kill a Man John Agar, Mara Corday, Leo G. Carroll, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059273 Matar A Un Hombre Nestor Paiva, Ross Elliott, Edwin Rand, Daniel Candia, Alejandra Yáñez, Ariel Mate- Clint Eastwood, Eddie Parker, Raymond Transmorphers luna, Daniel Antivilo - Dir. Alejandro Bailey, Bert Holland - Dir. Jack Arnold Transmorphers Super 8-Fassung (ca. 10 Minuten), Interview, Deutscher Fernández Almendras Matthew Wolf, Amy Weber, Shaley Scott, Vorspann, Bildergalerie, Trailer Drama/Thriller 2014 min. Eliza Swenson, Griff Furst, Sarah Hall, Erin Horror 1955 80min. Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 01.08.2014 Sullivan - Dir. Leigh Scott Koch Media 12.06.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059788 Science Fiction/Action 2007 83min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059875 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.06.2014 To Kill a Man (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059689 Terra Nova - Die komplette Serie Matar A Un Hombre (4 Discs) Daniel Candia, Alejandra Yáñez, Ariel Mate- Transmorphers (Blu-ray) Terra Nova luna, Daniel Antivilo - Dir. Alejandro Transmorphers Jason O’Mara, Shelley Conn, Christine Fernández Almendras Matthew Wolf, Amy Weber, Shaley Scott, Adams, Allison Miller, Landon Liboiron, Drama/Thriller 2014 min. Eliza Swenson, Griff Furst, Sarah Hall, Erin Naomi Scott, Alana Mansour, Stephen Lang, Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 01.08.2014 Sullivan - Dir. Leigh Scott Rod Hallett, Simone Kessell, Dean Geyer, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059810 Science Fiction/Action 2007 89min. Damien Garvey, Damian Walshe-Howling, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.06.2014 Emelia Burns, Peter Lamb, Matthew Scully, Todesmelodie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059724 Ashley Zukerman, Sam Parsonson, Caroli- Giù La Testa ne Brazier, Eka Darville, Mido Hamada, Rod Steiger, James Coburn, Maria Monti, The Trials of Cate McCall Morgana Davies, Rohan Nichol, Aisha Dee, Romolo Valli, Antoine Domingo, Rik The Trials of Cate McCall Les Hill, Nicholas G. Cooper, Jason Chong - Battaglia, Franco Graziosi - Dir. Sergio Kate Beckinsale, Nick Nolte, James Crom- Dir. Jon Cassar, Karen Gaviola, Alex Leone well, Anna Anissimova, Clancy Brown, Graves, Nelson McCormick, Bryan Spicer Trailer Taye Diggs, Mark Pellegrino, David Lyons, Abenteuer/Action 1971 147min. Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Kathy Baker - Dir. Karen Moncrieff Outtakes Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trailer Aben 2011 min. Germany(MGM/UA) 06.06.2014 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 87min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059363 Koch Media 24.07.2014 Germany 13.06.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20059508 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059514 Torture Porn 3 Movie Pack Vol. 2 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Trials of Cate McCall (Blu- Test (OmU) Farmhouse / Fragment / The Cellar Door ray) Test Trailer The Trials of Cate McCall Scott Marlowe, Matthew Risch, Damon K. Horror 265min. Kate Beckinsale, Nick Nolte, James Crom- Sperber, Kristoffer Cusick - Dir. Chris Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 27.06.2014 well, Anna Anissimova, Clancy Brown, Mason Johnson 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059764 Interviews, Trailer Taye Diggs, Mark Pellegrino, David Lyons, Drama 2013 89min. Torture Porn 3 Movie Pack Vol. 2 Kathy Baker - Dir. Karen Moncrieff PRO-FUN MEDIA 30.05.2014 Trailer (k.J.) Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 90min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059254 Farmhouse / Fragment / The Cellar Door Koch Media 24.07.2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 42 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD tba BestellNr.: 20059533 Vivian Wu, Sab Shimono, Mark Caso - Dir. Jean-Claude van Damme, Dolph Lundgren - Stuart Gillard Dir. Roland Emmerich, John Hyams Trommelbauch - Ach, du dickes Wendecover, Trailer, Audiokommentar Audiokommentar, Alternatives Ende, Making ofs, Behind the Ding! Fantasy 1993 92min. Scenes, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Winkler Film 20.06.2014 Action 1992-2009 min. Dik Trom 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059489 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Michael Nierse, Eva van der Gucht, Marcel Germany 19.06.2014 Musters, Fiona Livingston, Nils Verkooijen, Turtles 3 (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059305 Thijs Römer, Loes Haverkort, Julien van Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - The Soest, Stephan Evenblij - Dir. Arne Toonen Universal Soldier - Van Damme Trailer Turtles Are Back... In Time Komödie/Familie 2010 87min. Elias Koteas, Paige Turco, Stuart Wilson, und Lundgren Trilogie (3 Discs) Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 Vivian Wu, Sab Shimono, Mark Caso - Dir. (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059511 Stuart Gillard Universal Soldier (GF) / Universal Soldier Wendecover, Trailer, Audiokommentar - Day of Reckoning / Universal Soldier: Fantasy 1993 92min. Trommelbauch - Ach, du dickes Regeneration Winkler Film 20.06.2014 Jean-Claude van Damme, Dolph Lundgren - Ding! (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059518 Dik Trom Dir. Roland Emmerich, John Hyams Audiokommentar, Alternatives Ende, Making ofs, Behind the Michael Nierse, Eva van der Gucht, Marcel The TV Set Scenes, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Musters, Fiona Livingston, Nils Verkooijen, The TV Set Action 1992-2009 min. Thijs Römer, Loes Haverkort, Julien van David Duchovny, Sigourney Weaver, Ioan STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Soest, Stephan Evenblij - Dir. Arne Toonen Gruffudd, Judy Greer, Fran Kranz, Lindsay Germany 19.06.2014 Trailer Sloane, Justine Bateman, Lucy Davis, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059280 Komödie/Familie 2010 90min. Debra McGuire, Alan Blumenfeld - Dir. Jake Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 Kasdan Unser Charly - Die kompletten 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059537 Komödie/Satire 2006 85min. Staffeln 5-8 (15 Discs) Turtles - Der Film Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.06.2014 Ralf Lindermann, Karin Kienzer, Saskia 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059676 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Valencia, Ralph Schicha, Frederike Moeller - Dir. Franz Josef Gottlieb, Helmut Judith Hoag, Elias Koteas, James Saito, The TV Set (Blu-ray) Josh Pais, Michelan Sisti, Leif Tilden, David Förnbacher The TV Set Forman, Michael Turney - Dir. Steve Barron Komödie 2002 2560min. Wendecover, Trailer, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, David Duchovny, Sigourney Weaver, Ioan Edel Germany(Aviator) 13.06.2014 Altervatives Ende Gruffudd, Judy Greer, Fran Kranz, Lindsay 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059673 Komödie/Fantasy 1990 90min. Sloane, Justine Bateman, Lucy Davis, Winkler Film 20.06.2014 Debra McGuire, Alan Blumenfeld - Dir. Jake Die unsterblichen Methoden des 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059487 Kasdan Franz Josef Wanninger - Box 5, Komödie/Satire 2006 89min. Turtles - Der Film (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.06.2014 Folgen 13-24 (2 Discs) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059714 Beppo Brem, Maxl Graf, Claus Judith Hoag, Elias Koteas, James Saito, Biederstaedt, Wolf Ackva Josh Pais, Michelan Sisti, Leif Tilden, David U-Boote auf Feindfahrt Kriminalfilm 1978-1982 300min. Forman, Michael Turney - Dir. Steve Barron USS Seaviper / Todesduell im Atlantik / EuroVideo Medien 05.06.2014 Wendecover, Trailer, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Wölfe in der Tiefe / U 225 - Gefangen in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059341 Altervatives Ende der Tiefe Komödie/Fantasy 1990 94min. Kriegsfilm 1952-2012 381min. Die unsterblichen Tucks Winkler Film 20.06.2014 MIG Film 05.06.2014 Tuck Everlasting 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059516 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059353 Margaret Chamberlain, Paul Flessa, Fred A. Keller, James McGuire, Sonia Raimi - Dir. Turtles 2 - Das Geheimnis des Der unheimliche Gast Frederick King Keller Ooze The Uninvited Fantasy 1981 115min. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - The Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey, Donald Crisp, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 04.07.2014 Secret Of The Ooze Gail Russell, Cornelia O. Skinner - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059907 Paige Turco, David Warner, Michelan Sisti, Lewis Allen Leif Tilden, Kenn Troum, Mark Caso, Ernie Zwei Radio-Hörspiele zum Film mit Ray Milland, Trailer, Unter Verdacht Reyes jr. - Dir. Michael Pressman Bildergalerie The Suspect Wendecover, Trailer, Making of, Audiokommentar Horror 1944 95min. Charles Laughton, Ella Raines, Dean Komödie/Fantasy 1991 85min. Koch Media 22.05.2014 Harens, Stanley Ridges, Henry Daniell, Winkler Film 20.06.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059823 Rosalind Ivan - Dir. Robert Siodmak 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059488 Bildergalerie Der unheimliche Gast (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 1945 82min. Turtles 2 - Das Geheimnis des The Uninvited Koch Media 22.05.2014 Ooze (Blu-ray) Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey, Donald Crisp, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059822 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - The Gail Russell, Cornelia O. Skinner - Dir. Secret Of The Ooze Lewis Allen Vampire Academy Paige Turco, David Warner, Michelan Sisti, Zwei Radio-Hörspiele zum Film mit Ray Milland, Trailer, Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters Bildergalerie Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Danila Kozlowskj, Leif Tilden, Kenn Troum, Mark Caso, Ernie Horror 1944 99min. Dominic Sherwood, Gabriel Byrne, Reyes jr. - Dir. Michael Pressman Koch Media 22.05.2014 Cameron Monaghan, Sami Gayle, Sarah Wendecover, Trailer, Making of, Audiokommentar 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059869 Komödie/Fantasy 1991 89min. Hyland, Olga Kurylenko, Joely Richardson - Winkler Film 20.06.2014 Universal Soldier - Van Damme Dir. Mark S. Waters 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059517 Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Alternativer Anfang, Interviews und Lundgren Trilogie (3 Discs) Fantasy 2014 101min. Turtles 3 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Universum Film Home Entertainment Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - The Universal Soldier (GF) / Universal Soldier 25.07.2014 Turtles Are Back... In Time - Day of Reckoning / Universal Soldier: 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059564 Elias Koteas, Paige Turco, Stuart Wilson, Regeneration Vampire Academy (Blu-ray)

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Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters The Rage Busters: Cowboy Stacy Barnhisel - Dir. Ry Russo-Young Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Danila Kozlowskj, Commando Trailer Dominic Sherwood, Gabriel Byrne, Drama/Familie 2012 79min. Cowboy Commandos Cameron Monaghan, Sami Gayle, Sarah Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 Ray Corrigan, Dennis Moore, Max Terhune - Hyland, Olga Kurylenko, Joely Richardson - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059512 Dir. S. Roy Luby Dir. Mark S. Waters Bonusfilm Versuchung - Kannst du widerste- Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Alternativer Anfang, Interviews Western 1943 55min. Fantasy 2014 105min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) hen? (Blu-ray) Universum Film Home Entertainment 06.06.2014 Nobody Walks 25.07.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059393 John Krasinski, Olivia Thirlby, Jane Levy, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059581 Rosemarie DeWitt, Dylan McDermott, Emma Dumont, Rhys Wakefield, Sam Lerner, India Vampirkiller - Untote pflastern Die Verlobte Eva Lippold, Jutta Wachowiak, Regimantas Ennenga, Samantha Ressler, Blaise Embry, ihren Weg (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Adomaitis, Ewa Zietek, Hans-Joachim He- Stacy Barnhisel - Dir. Ry Russo-Young The Bleeding gewald, Inge Keller, Käthe Reichel - Dir. Trailer Drama/Familie 2012 83min. Michael Matthias, Vinnie Jones, Armand Günther Rücker, Günter Reisch Assante - Dir. Charlie Picerni Sr. Interviews, Booklet Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 Action/Horror 2009 88min. Drama 1979-1980 106min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059538 Maritim Pictures 22.07.2014 ICESTORM Entertainment 12.05.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20059524 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059285 Vierzig Wagen westwärts The Hallelujah Trail Vampirkiller - Untote pflastern Verlobung mit Hindernissen Burt Lancaster, Lee Remick, Jim Hutton, ihren Weg (k.J.) One Small Hitch Pamela Tiffin, Donald Pleasence, Brian Keith, Martin Landau, John Anderson, Tom The Bleeding Shane McRae, Aubrey Dollar, Robert Stern, Robert Wilke, Jerry Gatlin - Dir. John Michael Matthias, Vinnie Jones, Armand Belushi, Rebecca Spence, Heidi Sturges Assante - Dir. Charlie Picerni Sr. Johanningmeier, Ron Dean, Mary Jo Faraci, Janet Ulrich Brooks, Daniel J. Travanti - Dir. Trailer Action/Horror 2009 84min. Komödie/Western 1965 149min. John Burgess Maritim Pictures 22.07.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: 20059498 Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie/Lovestory 2013 101min. Germany(MGM/UA) 06.06.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059361 Vendetta KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059545 Vendetta Vikings - Season 1 (3 Discs) Danny Dyer, Roxanne McKee, Vincent Verlobung mit Hindernissen (Blu- Vikings Regan - Dir. Stephen Reynolds ray) Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2013 min. Behind the Scenes Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 102min. One Small Hitch Germany(MGM/UA) 18.07.2014 Universum Film Home Entertainment Shane McRae, Aubrey Dollar, Robert 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059325 04.07.2014 Belushi, Rebecca Spence, Heidi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059560 Johanningmeier, Ron Dean, Mary Jo Faraci, Vikings - Season 1 (3 Discs) (Blu- Janet Ulrich Brooks, Daniel J. Travanti - Dir. Vendetta (Blu-ray) John Burgess ray) Vendetta Trailer, Bildergalerie Vikings Danny Dyer, Roxanne McKee, Vincent Komödie/Lovestory 2013 105min. Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Behind the KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.07.2014 Scenes Regan - Dir. Stephen Reynolds Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2013 min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059574 Behind the Scenes Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 106min. Germany(MGM/UA) 18.07.2014 Universum Film Home Entertainment Veronica Mars 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059335 04.07.2014 Veronica Mars 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059580 Kristen Bell, Jason Dohring, Enrico Vom Blitz getroffen Colantoni, Krysten Ritter, Ryan Hansen, Struck By Lightning Die Verachtung - Le Mépris Francis Capra, Percy Daggs III, Chris Rebel Wilson, Christina Hendricks, Dermot Le Mépris Lowell, Tina Majorino, James Franco - Dir. Mulroney, Sarah Hyland, Chris Colfer, Brigitte Bardot, Michel Piccoli, Jack Rob Thomas Allison Janney, Robbie Amell, Ashley Palance, Fritz Lang, Giorgia Moll, Jean-Luc Drama/Kriminalfilm 2014 103min. Rickards, Allie Grant - Dir. Brian Dannelly Godard, Linda Veras - Dir. Jean-Luc Warner Home Video Germany 31.07.2014 Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer Godard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059840 Komödie/Satire 2012 80min. Kurzfilme, Trailer, Wendecover Capelight Pictures 27.06.2014 Drama 1963 99min. Veronica Mars (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059272 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Veronica Mars Germany(Arthaus) 19.06.2014 Kristen Bell, Jason Dohring, Enrico Vom Blitz getroffen (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059282 Colantoni, Krysten Ritter, Ryan Hansen, Struck By Lightning Francis Capra, Percy Daggs III, Chris Die Verachtung - Le Mépris (Blu- Rebel Wilson, Christina Hendricks, Dermot Lowell, Tina Majorino, James Franco - Dir. Mulroney, Sarah Hyland, Chris Colfer, ray) Rob Thomas Allison Janney, Robbie Amell, Ashley Le Mépris Drama/Kriminalfilm 2014 107min. Rickards, Allie Grant - Dir. Brian Dannelly Brigitte Bardot, Michel Piccoli, Jack Warner Home Video Germany 31.07.2014 Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer Palance, Fritz Lang, Giorgia Moll, Jean-Luc 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059889 Komödie/Satire 2012 84min. Godard, Linda Veras - Dir. Jean-Luc Capelight Pictures 27.06.2014 Godard Versuchung - Kannst du widerste- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059301 Intro, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover hen? Drama 1963 103min. Nobody Walks Waiting for Forever STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment John Krasinski, Olivia Thirlby, Jane Levy, Waiting For Forever Germany(Arthaus) 19.06.2014 Rosemarie DeWitt, Dylan McDermott, Emma Rachel Bilson, Tom Sturridge, Richard 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059307 Dumont, Rhys Wakefield, Sam Lerner, India Jenkins, Blythe Danner, Matthew Davis, Ennenga, Samantha Ressler, Blaise Embry, Scott Mechlowicz, Jaime King, Nikki Vergessene Western Vol. 26. - Blonsky - Dir. James Keach

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Trailer John Wayne - Sternstunden (2 Quigley, Dodie Brown - Dir. Mark Young Drama/Lovestory 2010 90min. Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Capelight Pictures 11.07.2014 Discs) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 92min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059802 Desert Trail / In Old California / San Fran- KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.05.2014 cisco Lilly / The Shadow of the Eagle 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059868 Waiting for Forever (Blu-ray) John Wayne Waiting For Forever Western 407min. Wie haben Sie das gemacht? Fil- Rachel Bilson, Tom Sturridge, Richard Edel Germany(Starmovie) 30.05.2014 me von Frauen aus fünf Jahr- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059274 Jenkins, Blythe Danner, Matthew Davis, zehnten I Scott Mechlowicz, Jaime King, Nikki Kurzfilm 1966-2012 147min. Blonsky - Dir. James Keach Weißblaue Geschichten 2 (7 absolut MEDIEN 06.06.2014 Trailer Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059546 Drama/Lovestory 2010 94min. Gustl Bayrhammer, Erni Singerl, Hans Capelight Pictures 11.07.2014 Clarin, Toni Berger, Max Grießer, Christine Wie haben Sie das gemacht? Fil- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059815 Neubauer - Dir. Alfred Vohrer, Ulrich Stark Komödie 1152min. me von Frauen aus fünf Jahr- Warhouse - Kriegszustand (Blu- EuroVideo Medien(ZDF Video) 17.07.2014 zehnten II ray) (k.J.) 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059838 Kurzfilm 1966-2012 155min. Warhouse absolut MEDIEN 06.06.2014 Joseph Morgan, Matt Ryan - Dir. Luke Das weiße Zauberpferd 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059548 Massey Into The West Horror/Thriller 2013 82min. Gabriel Byrne, Ellen Barkin, Ciarán Die wilden Kerle Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.06.2014 Fitzgerald, Rúaidhrí Conroy, David Kelly, Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, Wilson Gonzalez 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059727 Colm Meaney, Johnny Murphy, John Ochsenknecht, Constantin Gastmann, Kavanagh, Brendan Gleeson, Jim Norton, Raban Bieling, Marlon Wessel, Jonathan Warhouse - Kriegszustand (k.J.) Anita Reeves, Ray McBride, David Duffy, Beck, Kevin Ianotta, Sarah Kim Gries, Warhouse Stuart Dannell Foran, Becca Hollinshead, Filippo Dattola, Leon Wessel, Florian Joseph Morgan, Matt Ryan - Dir. Luke Bianca Hollinshead, Phelim Drew, Vinnie Heppert, Nicolas Michalczewski, Tayfun Massey McCabe, Tony Rohr, Stanley Townsend, Mentes, Gerald Gössner, Mirko Satorius, Horror/Thriller 2013 80min. Joe Pilkington, Gerard Stembridge - Dir. Christoph Borsdorf, Sascha Denis Hensel, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.06.2014 Mike Newell Rufus Beck, Cornelia Froboess, Uwe 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059696 Abenteuer/Fantasy 1992 98min. Ochsenknecht, Pippi Söllner, Judith Al Black Hill Pictures 20.05.2014 Bakri, Tim Wilde, Natascha Ochsenknecht, Warship Apocalypse (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059824 Adnan Maral, Sarah Beck, Klára (k.J.) Hermánková, Iveta Benicová - Dir. Joachim Stinger Welcome to Sarajevo Masannek Michelle Meadows, Richard Froelich, James Welcome To Sarajevo Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Teaser, Trailer, Stephen Dillane, Woody Harrelson, Marisa Audiokommentar Cagnard, Jordi Almeida, Casey Clark, Tom Kinderfilm 2003 96min. Tomei, Emira Nusevic, Kerry Fox, Goran Huntington - Dir. Martin Munthe Universum Film Home Visnjic, James Nesbitt, Emily Lloyd, Igor Horror 2005 104min. Entertainment(Universum Kids) 06.06.2014 Dzambazov, Gordana Gadzic, Juliet SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 15.05.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059433 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059892 Aubrey, Drazen Sivak, Vesna Orel, Davor Janjic - Dir. Michael Winterbottom Die wilden Kerle - Alle 5 Kino- Warship Apocalypse (k.J.) Trailer, Interviews, Behind the Scenes Drama 1997 98min. abenteuer! (5 Discs) Stinger Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) DWK / DWK 2 / DWK - Die Attacke der Michelle Meadows, Richard Froelich, James 25.07.2014 Biester / DWK - Der Angriff der Silber- Cagnard, Jordi Almeida, Casey Clark, Tom tba BestellNr.: 20059804 lichten / DWK - Hinter dem Horizont Huntington - Dir. Martin Munthe Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht - Dir. Joachim Horror 2005 100min. Wetherby - Die Gewalt vergesse- Masannek SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 15.05.2014 Kinderfilm 2003-2008 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059846 ner Träume Wetherby The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Wasteland - Am Ende der Vanessa Redgrave, Joely Richardson, Sir GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Buena Vista) 05.06.2014 Menschheit , Dame Judi Dench, Marjorie Yates, Katy Behean, Tom Wilkinson, Tim 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059348 Wasteland McInnerny, Suzanna Hamilton, Stuart Garret Sato, Derrel Maury, Janelle Wilson - Dir. David Hare Wildes Frankreich Velasquez, Ira Katz, Erin Laurence, Thriller 1984 99min. Le Plus Beau Pays Du Monde Kimberly Robin, Sherry Shaoling, Jordan Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Claude Brasseur, Marianne Denicourt, Lawson, Lucky Sagiao - Dir. Kantz 20.06.2014 Jean-Claude Adelin, Jacques Bonnaffé, Trailer Didier Bezace, Thierry Lhermitte, Danièle Action/Science Fiction 2011 77min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059416 Lebrun, Jean-Pierre Cassel, François Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 Berléand, Laurent Malet, Maurice Barrier, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059513 Wicked Blood Wicked Blood Marcel Maréchal, Roger Souza, Marc Wasteland - Am Ende der Abigail Breslin, Sean Bean, James Purefoy, Fayet, Jean-Paul Roussillon, Samuel Labarthe, Elisabeth Commelin, Rüdiger Menschheit (Blu-ray) Alexa Vega, Lew Temple, Jake Busey, Jody Quigley, Dodie Brown - Dir. Mark Young Vogler - Dir. Marcel Bluwal Wasteland Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie/Drama 1999 100min. Garret Sato, Derrel Maury, Janelle Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 88min. polyband Medien GmbH 25.07.2014 Velasquez, Ira Katz, Erin Laurence, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059781 Kimberly Robin, Sherry Shaoling, Jordan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059819 Lawson, Lucky Sagiao - Dir. Kantz Wildes Frankreich (Blu-ray) Trailer Wicked Blood (Blu-ray) Le Plus Beau Pays Du Monde Action/Science Fiction 2011 80min. Wicked Blood Claude Brasseur, Marianne Denicourt, Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 Abigail Breslin, Sean Bean, James Purefoy, Jean-Claude Adelin, Jacques Bonnaffé, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059539 Alexa Vega, Lew Temple, Jake Busey, Jody Didier Bezace, Thierry Lhermitte, Danièle

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Lebrun, Jean-Pierre Cassel, François Zeit zum Kuscheln Collection (2 ray) Berléand, Laurent Malet, Maurice Barrier, Discs) Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo Marcel Maréchal, Roger Souza, Marc Café / Emerald City / How to Be / Meine Clint Eastwood, , Lee Van Cleef, Fayet, Jean-Paul Roussillon, Samuel Nächte sind schöner als Deine Tage / Aldo Giuffré, Mario Brega, Luigi Pistilli, Labarthe, Elisabeth Commelin, Rüdiger Numb / Von Augenblick zu Augenblick Rada Rassimov, Angelo Novi, Chelo Alonso, Vogler - Dir. Marcel Bluwal Komödie/Drama 540min. Enzo Petito, Claudio Sarchilli, Sandro Komödie/Drama 1999 100min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 30.05.2014 Sarchilli - Dir. polyband Medien GmbH 25.07.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059279 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059785 Trailer Western 1966 178min. Winners & Sinners (Dragon Editi- Zimmer mit Aussicht (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment A Room With A View on) Germany(MGM/UA) 06.06.2014 Helena Bonham Carter, Maggie Smith, Den- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059334 Winners And Sinners holm Elliott, Julian Sands, Daniel Day- Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan, Richard Ng, Lewis, Sir Simon Callow - Dir. James Ivory Zwei ungleiche Schwestern Charlie Shin, Ching Shung-Lin - Dir. Sammo Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Les Soeurs Fachées Hung Drama 1986 116min. Isabelle Huppert, Catherine Frot, François Action/Abenteuer 1983 104min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Berléand, Brigitte Catillon, Michel Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 29.08.2014 Germany(Arthaus) 19.06.2014 Vuillermoz, Christiane Millet, Rose Thiéry, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059917 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059308 Bruno Chiche, Jean-Philippe Puymartin, Winners & Sinners (Dragon Editi- Zombie Undead (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Aurore Auteuil, Antoine Beaufils - Dir. Alex- andra Leclère Zombie Undead on) (Blu-ray) Komödie/Drama 2004 92min. Ruth King, Kris Tearse, Christopher J. Her- Winners And Sinners good!movies(Arsenal) 23.05.2014 bert, Rod Duncan, Barry Thomas, Steven Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan, Richard Ng, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059454 Charlie Shin, Ching Shung-Lin - Dir. Sammo Dolton, Sandra Wildbore, Gregory Bains, Hung Carl Cruse - Dir. Rhys Davies Die Zwillinge vom Zillertal Horror 2010 82min. Action/Abenteuer 1983 108min. Joachim Fuchsberger, Karin Dor, Hans Mo- Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 27.06.2014 Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 29.08.2014 ser - Dir. Harald Reinl 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059926 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059762 Booklet Komödie/Heimatfilm 1957 90min. World of Tomorrow - Die Vernich- Zombie Undead (k.J.) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing tung hat begonnen Zombie Undead AG(Filmjuwelen) 27.06.2014 Ruth King, Kris Tearse, Christopher J. Her- Age Of Tomorrow 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059703 bert, Rod Duncan, Barry Thomas, Steven Kelly Hu, Robert Picardo, Matt Mercer - Dir. Dolton, Sandra Wildbore, Gregory Bains, James Kondelik Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Carl Cruse - Dir. Rhys Davies Science Fiction/Action 2014 86min. Horror 2010 79min. Special Interest Edel Germany(Starmovie) 30.05.2014 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 27.06.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059690 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059737 Am Ende der Milchstraße World of Tomorrow - Die Vernich- Zombie Wonderland Dir. Leopold Grün, Dirk Uhlig tung hat begonnen (Blu-ray 3D) Wasting Away Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Matthew Davis, Betsy Beutler, Colby Dokumentarfilm 2012 93min. (Blu-ray) French, Michael Terry, Julianna Robinson, good!movies(Neue Visionen) 30.05.2014 Age Of Tomorrow Joel McCrary, Oren Skoog, Jack Orend, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059656 Kelly Hu, Robert Picardo, Matt Mercer - Dir. Jose Acevedo - Dir. Matthew Kohnen James Kondelik Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Art War Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Komödie/Horror 2008 98min. Dir. Marco Wilms Science Fiction/Action 2014 90min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 06.06.2014 Dokumentarfilm 2013 90min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 30.05.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059390 good!movies(missingFilms) 23.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059726 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059450 Zombie Wonderland (Blu-ray) World of Tomorrow - Die Vernich- Wasting Away As Time Goes By in Shanghai tung hat begonnen (Blu-ray) Matthew Davis, Betsy Beutler, Colby (OmU) Age Of Tomorrow French, Michael Terry, Julianna Robinson, Dir. Uli Gaulke Kelly Hu, Robert Picardo, Matt Mercer - Dir. Joel McCrary, Oren Skoog, Jack Orend, Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2013 90min. James Kondelik Jose Acevedo - Dir. Matthew Kohnen Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie good!movies(Neue Visionen) 30.05.2014 Science Fiction/Action 2014 90min. Komödie/Horror 2008 102min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059658 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 30.05.2014 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 06.06.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059725 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059398 Can’t Be Silent Heinz Ratz, The Refugees - Dir. Julia X-Men Collection (4 Discs) (Blu- Zwei glorreiche Halunken Oelkers ray) Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo Dokumentarfilm 2013 85min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 16.05.2014 X-Men / X-Men 2 / X-Men: Der letzte Wi- Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, Lee Van Cleef, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059369 derstand / X-Men: Erste Entscheidung Aldo Giuffré, Mario Brega, Luigi Pistilli, Rada Rassimov, Angelo Novi, Chelo Alonso, Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, Halle Césars Grill Berry, James McAvoy, Laurence Belcher, Enzo Petito, Claudio Sarchilli, Sandro Césars Grill Michael Fassbender - Dir. Bryan Singer, Sarchilli - Dir. Sergio Leone César Aguirre, Gloria Maria Guevara, Ma- Brett Ratner, Matthew Vaughn Audiokommentar Western 1966 171min. nuela Torres - Dir. Dario Aguirre Science Fiction 2000-2011 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Outtakes Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 06.06.2014 Dokumentarfilm 2012 88min. Germany 09.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059362 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Filmtank) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059332 25.07.2014 Zwei glorreiche Halunken (Blu- tba BestellNr.: 20059800

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tba BestellNr.: 20059799 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059421 Hotel Terminus - Leben und Zeit des Klaus Barbie (2 Discs) Der Iran Job (OmU) Monty Python: Almost the Truth - Hotel Terminus: Klaus Barbie, His Life The Iran Job The Lawyer’s Cut And Times Dir. Till Schauder Monty Python: Almost The Truth - The Dir. Marcel Ophüls Booklet, Interviews, Bonusszenen Lawyers Cut Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2012 91min. Dokumentarfilm 1988 270min. Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Michael good!movies(RealFiction) 16.05.2014 Turbine Media Group 16.05.2014 Palin, Terry Jones, Eric Idle 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059368 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059789 Dokumentation 2009 107min. Live and Let Live Edel Germany(Eagle Vision) 16.05.2014 Der Imker 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059257 Dir. Marc Pierschel Ibrahim Gezer, Anita Wyrsch-Gwerder, Max Interviews, Making of, Trailer Wyrsch, Barbara Bienz, Nicole Hohl, Viktor Dokumentarfilm 2014 80min. Sergej in der Urne Krummenacher, Gabriele Schneider AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dir. Boris Hars-Tschachotin Krummenacher - Dir. Mano Khalil AG(mindjazz pictures) 23.05.2014 Porträt/Biographie 2009 125min. Dokumentarfilm 2013 107min. good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 23.05.2014 BraveHearts International 25.07.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059452

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 48 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122831 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122837

Animation Is This A Zombie?: The Complete The Lego Movie: Special Edition Angry Birds Toons: Season One - Series (Blu-ray + DVD Combo (DVD + UltraViolet) Alison Brie, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett - Volume Two Pack) (Blu-ray) Some guys have no luck; He’s got no pulse. That’s life for Dir. Christopher Miller, Phil Lord Dasepo Club poor unfortunate, undead Ayumu. First, he was murdered by a An ordinary LEGO minifigure, mistakenly thought to be the Welcome back to Piggy Island, where the Angry Birds’ serial killer. Total bummer. Then he was resurrected as a extraordinary MasterBuilder, is recruited to join a quest to survival is at stake! Join Red, Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the zombie by a cute little Necromancer. That seemed pretty cool stop an evil LEGO tyrant from gluing the universe together. Blues and Terence as they continue to hatch up schemes to until she moved into his house, refused to speak, and forced Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, foil the sneaky Bad Piggies who plot to steal their eggs. his rotting carcass to do all the cooking. After that, a magical Based on one of the most popular games in history, Angry girl in a pretty pink dress used her matching chainsaw to chop Family, Fantasy 100min. Birds Toons Season One Volume Two brings back your his corpse in half. Luckily, the Necromancer’s powers of Warner Bros. 17.06.2014 favorite characters for 26 more fun-filled adventures. Will our resurrection trumped those of the chainsaw chick, so instead 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122829 heroes defeat the mischievous Piggies once and for all? Toon of dying (again), Ayumu became the world’s first magical girl in and find out! zombie. There’s also a voluptuous vampire ninja who thinks Animated Animals, Animation, Comedy, zombie boy’s a pervert - and a hideous crayfish demon who Littlest Petshop: Strike A Pose wants to devour him. Confused? All you gotta know is this: Family 2013 101min. zombies, frilly dresses, demons, and moe chainsaws. Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Television 2012 110min. 15.04.2014 Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Romance, Shout Factory 03.06.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122849 Zombies 300min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122989 25.03.2014 Angry Birds Toons: Season One - 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122822 Looney Tunes Super Stars: 3- Volume Two (Blu-ray) Pack Dasepo Club Legend Of Korra: Book Two - Spi- Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Welcome back to Piggy Island, where the Angry Birds’ rits Comedy, Family 2010 min. survival is at stake! Join Red, Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the Blues and Terence as they continue to hatch up schemes to Janet Varney, Dee Bradley Baker, David Warner Bros. 14.10.2014 foil the sneaky Bad Piggies who plot to steal their eggs. Faustino 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122830 Based on one of the most popular games in history, Angry After defeating Amon and the Equalists in their anti-bending Birds Toons Season One Volume Two brings back your revolution, Korra and Team Avatar embark on a new journey Looney Tunes: Platinum favorite characters for 26 more fun-filled adventures. Will our deep into the mythology of the mystical Spirit World, heroes defeat the mischievous Piggies once and for all? Toon encountering creatures like nothing they’ve seen before and Collection - Volume 3 (Blu-ray) in and find out! discovering the truth about the very first Avatar! What Collectors have been asking for...Looney Tunes Animated Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, Action, Adventure, Animation, Drama, Platinum Collection Volume 3 is the 3rd release in this quint- Comedy, Family 2013 101min. Fantasy, Nickelodeon, Television 330min. essential collection of fan favored shorts - all digitally Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Nickelodeon 01.07.2014 remastered and on BD. Animated Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, 15.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122951 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122845 Classics, Comedy, Family, Television min. Warner Bros. 12.08.2014 Legend Of Korra: Book Two - Spi- 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122838 Bleach Movies (Double Feature) rits (Blu-ray) Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Janet Varney, Dee Bradley Baker, David Japanese, Thrillers 90min. Mr. Magoo: The Theatrical Faustino Collection 1949-1959 / 1001 Viz Entertainment 29.07.2014 After defeating Amon and the Equalists in their anti-bending 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122999 revolution, Korra and Team Avatar embark on a new journey Arabian Nights (Double Feature) deep into the mythology of the mystical Spirit World, encountering creatures like nothing they’ve seen before and Jim Backus The Boondocks: The Complete discovering the truth about the very first Avatar! Since 1949, Mr. Magoo has bumbled his way to good fortune for more than six decades. His endearing misadventures in Set Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Dra- everyday life and his stubborn self-confidence have Gabby Soleil, Jill Talley, Gary Anthony ma, Fantasy, Nickelodeon 330min. entertained generations. Voiced by the multitalented comedic Nickelodeon 01.07.2014 actor Jim Backus, the nearsighted Mr. Magoo was an instant Williams, Cedric Yarbrough, John hit and went on to become a classic animated character Witherspoon, Regina King 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122957 starring in two Academy Award -winning* theatrical shorts, Based on the comic strip, Huey and Riley move away from the three television series and two television specials. This city and out to the suburbs with their irascible grandfather. The Lego Movie 3D (Blu-ray 3D + special collector’s edition brings together for the first time on Biting socio-political commentary ensues. DVD all 53 theatrical cartoons, including many in their origi- Action, , Animation, Based On A Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- nal Cinemascope aspect ratio, plus the feature film 1001 Comic Strip, Comedy, Drama, Politics, Tele- Arabian Nights, all in one deluxe collection. ray) Animation, Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, vision 1198min. Alison Brie, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett - Double Features, Family, Television 375min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Dir. Christopher Miller, Phil Lord Shout Factory 22.04.2014 24.06.2014 PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122850 143,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122897 is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all standard Blu-ray players An ordinary LEGO minifigure, Monster High: Clawsome Double Bubble Guppies: Get Ready For... mistakenly thought to be the extraordinary MasterBuilder, is School! recruited to join a quest to stop an evil LEGO tyrant from Feature gluing the universe together. It’s time to „fang out“ with your favorite ghoulfriends in this Dive into school with the Bubble Guppies! From the first day Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, frightfully fabulous double feature straight from the latest of school to getting along with a grumpy substitute teacher, Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy scare-mester at Monster High! Everyone’s ready for some from Picture Day to a library field trip, join the class for 6 monstrous fun in the sun during spring break in Escape from swim-sational days of learning and laughing! 100min. Skull Shores. But when they find themselves shipwrecked on Animation, Children’s, Family, Nickelodeon, Warner Bros. 17.06.2014 a totally strange island, Frankie Stein is taken by a Television 2014 139min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122836 mysterious Beast... who may just need a little rescuing of his own! Then it’s time to pull together all the student bodies Nickelodeon 29.07.2014 when a meddling normie tries to drive a stake into the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122928 The Lego Movie (Blu-ray + DVD + imperfectly perfect harmony of Monster High in Fright On! It’s up to Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura and their UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) fangtastic friends to prove that the culture clash of Fur and Heroes In Action Alison Brie, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett - Fang is no longer an issue for this scary-cool student body! It’s Nickelodeon heroes to the rescue in these five action- Animation, Children’s, Double Features, packed adventures that include superhero Patrick-Man Dir. Christopher Miller, Phil Lord challenging the Dirty Bubble, the Turtles battling an unhinged An ordinary LEGO minifigure, mistakenly thought to be the Family, Ghosts, High School, Monsters, villain in mechanical armor, Sanjay and Craig joining a extraordinary MasterBuilder, is recruited to join a quest to Movies 92min. peculiar police force, and more! stop an evil LEGO tyrant from gluing the universe together. Universal Studios 01.07.2014 Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122823 Nickelodeon, Television 70min. Comedy, Family, Fantasy 100min. Nickelodeon 08.07.2014 Warner Bros. 17.06.2014

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Monster High: Clawsome Double Trends come and go; but the chase is eternal, just like the revived, and this time it is fueled by vengeance! Opening with evergreen appeal of animation’s supreme cat-and- mouse the five part fan favorite miniseries The Five Faces Of Feature (Blu-ray + DVD + team! This second Spotlight Collection of Tom and Jerry’s Darkness, The Transformers explosive third season follows cartoon capers boasts 40 restored and remastered shorts the valiant Autobots as they are targeted for destruction by UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) (including their screen debut Puss Gets the Boot, in which not only their old foes, the Decepticons, but also the It’s time to „fang out“ with your favorite ghoulfriends in this Tom was called Japser). This delicious assortment covers mysterious and deadly creators known as the Quintessons! frightfully fabulous double feature straight from the latest their golden years - including three Academy Award This final four-disc set of the megapopular animated series scare-mester at Monster High! Everyone’s ready for some nominees* and six in their rarely seen widescreen concludes with the rarely seen three episode fourth season of monstrous fun in the sun during spring break in Escape from CinemaScope - and includes spiffy, character-profiling The Transformers that introduces you to the amazing world of Skull Shores. But when they find themselves shipwrecked on Special Features. Get ready to duck, weave, jump and laugh the Headmasters! a totally strange island, Frankie Stein is taken by a and the hapless feline and the wily rodent take each other on. Action, Animation, Children’s, Giant Robots, mysterious Beast... who may just need a little rescuing of his Tom may catch Jerry on occasion but no one really believes own! Then it’s time to pull together all the student bodies the adorable little mouse will come to harm. After all, it would Science Fiction, Television 1986 480min. when a meddling normie tries to drive a stake into the have also meant the end to the most popular and beloved cat Shout Factory 29.04.2014 imperfectly perfect harmony of Monster High in Fright On! It’s and mouse act in show business. This is the third and final 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122971 up to Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura and their Spotlight Collection Volume from the Hanna-Barbera era of fangtastic friends to prove that the culture clash of Fur and theatrical shorts. It showcases 35 classic cartoons - 15 Fang is no longer an issue for this scary-cool student body! newly re-mastered in their original CinemaScope widescreen Transformers: The Complete First Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Double Fea- format. On any screen large or small, Tom and Jerry remain Season (Repackage) tures, Family, Ghosts, High School, Mon- the friskiest animat Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Peter Cullen, Ken Sansom, Corey Burton, sters, Movies 92min. Double Features, Family 1965 565min. Michael Bell, Neil Ross, Chris Latta, Frank Universal Studios 01.07.2014 Warner Bros. 10.06.2014 Welker, Don Messick, Casey Kasem, John 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122825 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122840 Stephenson, Scatman Crothers - Dir. Peter Wallach Mumfie’s Quest Transformers Energon: The Four million years after crash-landing on an unfamiliar planet, Patrick Breen, Britt Allcroft sentient robots with the ability to disguise themselves as From Britt Allcroft, creator of Thomas & Friends, comes Complete Series common vehicles awaken on present-day Earth. Engaged in a Mumfie’s Quest. Discover how Mumfie the special elephant Ten years of peace have passed since Unicron’s destruction, crucial race to find a new energy source for their home planet first meets his friends Scarecrow, Pinkey, Whale and many but all of that’s about to change. A mysterious enemy has of Cybertron, the heroic Autobots must defend the innocent more. Share the excitement as they hunt for Pinkey’s mother unleashed the Terrorcons on the Autobots’ cities, gathering people of Earth against their arch nemeses, the power-hungry on a mysterious island taken over by the evil Secretary to the the energy needed to carry out plans for total domination. Decepticons. For 25 years the war between the peace-loving Queen of Night at last returning home with a treasure beyond Enter a newly revived Megatron and the universe is in for a Autobots and the villainous Decepticons has captivated price. Magic, mystery, songs and laughter. Mumfie - Always war unlike any it’s ever seen between the Autobots and children and adults alike, launching countless collectible Here For You. Decepticons. And once again, Earth is caught in the middle! toys, comic books, animated series and feature films beloved Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Can Optimus Prime and his valiant Autobots - alongside their by loyal fans. Now you can return to where the phenomenon human allies - protect the Earth against this new threat? Find began with the original Transformers: The Complete First Family, Movies 67min. out with the complete series of Transformers: Energon! Season. Lionsgate 22.07.2014 Action, Animation, Children’s, Giant Robots, Action, Animation, Children’s, Giant Robots, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122919 Science Fiction, Television 1110min. Science Fiction, Television 1984 360min. Shout Factory 06.05.2014 Shout Factory 29.04.2014 Ranma 1/2: Set 2 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122984 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122967 Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Transformers: Season Two - Romance, Television 530min. Volume One Viz Entertainment 24.06.2014 Action, Animation, Children’s, Giant Robots, Film 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122839 Science Fiction, Television 1986 660min. Shout Factory 29.04.2014 10 Movie Horror Pack Vol. 8 Ranma 1/2: Set 2 (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122970 Ted Monte, William R. Moses, Maxwell Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Caulfield, Janet Gunn, Michael T. Weiss, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Martial Transformers: Season Two - Sherrie Rose, Gil Gerard, Bela Lugosi, John Arts, Romance, Television 530min. Volume Two Stockwell, Lisa Zane, Edward Furlong, Jay Viz Entertainment 24.06.2014 Underwood, Dawn Ann Billings, Ian Patrick Peter Cullen, Ken Sansom, Corey Burton, 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122842 Williams, Leighton Meester, Nancy Michael Bell, Neil Ross, Chris Latta, Frank Dussault, Jaime Pressly, Michael Fairman, Welker, Don Messick, Casey Kasem, John Robot Invasion Romy Windsor - Dir. Rob Malenfant, Fred Stephenson, Scatman Crothers - Dir. Peter Action, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Olen Ray, John Hough, Scott Phillips Wallach Family, Fantasy, Nickelodeon, Robots / Four million years after crash-landing on an unfamiliar planet, Action, Collections, Drama, Horror, Movies, Androids, Television 71min. sentient robots with the ability to disguise themselves as Thrillers 874min. Nickelodeon 08.07.2014 common vehicles awaken on present-day Earth. Engaged in a Echo Bridge Home Entertainment crucial race to find a new energy source for their home planet 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122833 of Cybertron, Optimus Prime and the heroic Autobots must 08.04.2014 defend the innocent people of Earth against their 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122867 Rugrats: Outdoor Shinanigans! archnemeses, Megatron and the power-hungry Decepticons. Complete your second-season adventures of The Trans- Reunite with the Rugrats in these 5 exciting outdoor formers with this action-packed 4-disc set that includes fan- 24 Exposures adventures that include a trip across America, a search for a favorite episodes such as „The Secret Of Omega Supreme,“ Helen Rogers, Caroline White, Sophia Takal, moose, a hunt for buried treasure, and more! „The Search For Alpha Trion,“ „Hoist Goes Hollywood“ and Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family, the thrilling two-part „The Key To Vector Sigma“! Adam Wingard, Simon Barrett - Dir. Joe Nickelodeon, Television 71min. Action, Animation, Children’s, Giant Robots, Swanberg When one of his models is brutally murdered, a fetish Nickelodeon 08.07.2014 Science Fiction, Television 1985 480min. photographer finds himself suspected of the crime. But the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122832 Shout Factory 29.04.2014 involvement of an enigmatic homicide detective assigned to the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122972 case leads to a strange and disturbing bond between cop and criminal, as they discover they both share a love for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: erotically violent. Before long each tries to ingratiate The Good, The Bad, And Casey Transformers: Seasons Three And themselves into the other’s life, but their mutual affection for the macabre and grisly may ultimately lead to horrific Jones Four consequences for both. Starring the creators of You’re Next, Peter Cullen, Ken Sansom, Corey Burton, director Joe Swanberg’s (Drinking Buddies) sexy thriller 24 Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Exposures is an investigation of the thin lines separating Family, Nickelodeon, Science Fiction, Tele- Michael Bell, Neil Ross, Chris Latta, Frank reality from fiction, art from pornography, and life from death. vision 133min. Welker, Don Messick, Casey Kasem, John Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 78min. Nickelodeon 01.07.2014 Stephenson, Scatman Crothers - Dir. Peter MPI 27.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122952 Wallach 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122988 Following the defeat of the planet eater known as Unicron and the end of the great Cybertronian War, the victorious Tom And Jerry: Spotlight Autobots, led by Rodimus Prime, finally reclaim their home 27 Dresses / Bride Wars / What world. But when Galvatron is returned to the ranks of power Collection Double Feature by his exiled Decepticons, his war against the Autobots is Happens In Vegas / What’s Your

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 50 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Number? Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, Val Kilmer Thornton, Ben Affleck, Peter Stormare, Kristen Johnston, Ashton Kutcher, Edward - Dir. Oliver Stone Bruce Willis, Steve Buscemi - Dir. Michael Burns, Kate Hudson, Judy Greer, Katherine Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / , Bay Heigl, James Marsden, Candice Bergen, Biopics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Action, Criterion Collection, Disasters, Me- Treat Williams, Cameron Diaz, Dennis Miller, Piece, History & Events, Movies, War 2004 teors / Asteroids, Movies, Science Fiction, Anna Faris, Anne Hathaway, Rob Corddry, 206min. Space, Special Editions 1998 153min. Malin Akerman - Dir. Gary Winick, Tom Warner Bros. 03.06.2014 Disney / Buena Vista 15.07.2008 Vaughan, Anne Fletcher 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122827 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122906 Collections, Comedy, Friendships, Marriage Woes, Movies, Romance 405min. Alexander: Ultimate Cut (Blu-ray) Australia / Moulin Rouge / Romeo 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 Colin Farrell, Rosario Dawson, Jared Leto, And Juliet (3-Film Collection) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122983 Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, Val Kilmer Jim Broadbent, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ewan - Dir. Oliver Stone McGregor, Bryan Brown, Jack Thompson, 300: Rise Of An Empire (Special Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, Brian Dennehy, John Leguizamo, Claire Edition) (DVD + UltraViolet) Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Epics, Historical / Danes, Diane Venora, Nicole Kidman, Pete Period Piece, History & Events, Movies, Callan Mulvey, Eva Green, Sullivan Staple- Postlethwaite, David Wenham, Richard War 2004 206min. ton, Andrew Tiernan, Rodrigo Santoro, Roxburgh, Hugh Jackman, Paul Sorvino, Warner Bros. 03.06.2014 David Wenham, Lena Headey, Hans David Gulpili - Dir. Baz Luhrmann 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122834 Matheson - Dir. Noam Murro Australian, Collections, Drama, Epics, After its victory over Leonidas’ 300, the Persian Army under Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Music, the command of Xerxes marches towards the major Greek The Apartment / The Misfits / Musical, Play-To-Film, Romance, Shake- city-states. The Democratic city of Athens, first on the path of Xerxes’ army, bases its strength on its fleet, led by admiral Some Like It Hot (Triple Feature) speare, Star-Crossed Lovers 413min. Themistocles. Themistocles is forced to an unwilling alliance Montgomery Clift 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 with the traditional rival of Athens, oligarchic Sparta whose 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122981 might lies with its superior infantry troops. But Xerxes still Comedy, Drama, Horses, Mobsters & The reigns supreme in numbers over sea and land. Mafia, Movies, Romance, Triple Feature, Action, Ancient Greece / Rome, Based On Western min. Avengers (Blu-ray) Comic Book, Fantasy, Historical / Period MGM / UA 17.06.2014 Ralph Fiennes, Sean Connery, Uma Piece, History & Events, Movies, War 2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122828 Thurman - Dir. Jeremiah S. Chechik 102min. Two British agents (John Steed and Emma Peel) team up to stop Sir August De Wynter from destroying the world with a Warner Bros. 24.06.2014 Apokalips X weather changing machine. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123008 Azwan Annuar, Vasantha Kumaran, Zoee Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Science Tan, Dazrin Kamarudin, Iqram Dinzly, Miera Fiction, Thrillers 1998 89min. 5 Movie Horror Pack: Volume Leyana, Adam Af, Farid Kamil, Jehan Warner Bros. 12.08.2014 Five Miskin, Pekin Ibrahim, Peter Davison - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122835 Paul Le Mat, Stephen Macht, Bill Moseley, Mamat Khalid Chemical warfare has destroyed the world leaving only a Bad Words Matt Clark, Judy Greer, Portia De Rossi, handful of teens and youngsters alive, struggling to carve out Victoria Principal, Joshua Jackson, Doug a place in society. Three clans control the territory, each with Kathryn Hahn, Jason Bateman, Allison Bradley, Christina Ricci, James Russo, their own loyal followers. But within the clans themselves, Janney - Dir. Jason Bateman Giovanni Lombardo Radice, Sid Haig, there is conflict. Juniors begin blaming seniors for what has Jason Bateman makes his feature directorial debut with the happened, causing an internal power struggle. Tensions run subversive comedy, Bad Words. Bateman stars as Guy Trilby, Matthew Harrison, Tim Choate, David high when sisters and brothers come together in an explosive a 40-year-old who finds a loophole in the rules of The Golden Zayas, Jesse Eisenberg, Jaime Murray, fight over a forbidden love and a clan member is severely Quill national spelling bee and decides to cause trouble by Dan T. Hall, Dustin Dugas Schuetter, Chri- injured. Will the clans abide by the treaty that has kept what’s hijacking the competition. Contest officials, outraged parents, left of the world from the brink of chaos? Do those who and overly ambitious 8th graders are no match for Guy, as he stine Kelly, Carlucci Weyant - Dir. Richard remember the old world now have no choice but to fight? Or is ruthlessly crushes their dreams of victory and fame. As a Colla, Lance Hendrickson, Ben Trandem, the treaty strong enough to stop the Apokalips... reporter (Kathryn Hahn) attempts to discover his true Dustin Dugas Schuetter, Matthan Harris Action, Apocalyptic Future, Martial Arts, motivation, Guy finds himself forging an unlikely alliance with Movies, Science Fiction, Vampires 2014 a competitor: awkward 10-year-old Chaitanya (Rohan Action, Collections, Crime, Drama, Horror, Chand), who is completely unfazed by Guy’s take-no- Mental Illness, Movies, Thrillers 444min. 108min. prisoners approach to life. Critics rave, Bad Words is „the Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Millennium Entertainment 22.04.2014 funniest, smartest, most entertaining comedy in a long time!“ 08.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122852 (Pete Hammond, Movieline) Comedy, Movies 89min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122865 Apokalips X (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 08.07.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122936 Airplane Vs. Volcano Azwan Annuar, Vasantha Kumaran, Zoee Tan, Dazrin Kamarudin, Iqram Dinzly, Miera Morgan West, Tamara Goodwin, Matt Bad Words (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- Mercer, Robin Givens, Dean Cain, David Leyana, Adam Af, Farid Kamil, Jehan Michael Latt Miskin, Pekin Ibrahim, Peter Davison - Dir. tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) When a commercial airliner is trapped within a ring of Mamat Khalid Kathryn Hahn, Jason Bateman, Allison erupting volcanoes, the passengers and crew must find a way Chemical warfare has destroyed the world leaving only a Janney - Dir. Jason Bateman to survive - without landing. handful of teens and youngsters alive, struggling to carve out Jason Bateman makes his feature directorial debut with the Action, Movies 2014 93min. a place in society. Three clans control the territory, each with subversive comedy, Bad Words. Bateman stars as Guy Trilby, Cinedigm 27.05.2014 their own loyal followers. But within the clans themselves, a 40-year-old who finds a loophole in the rules of The Golden there is conflict. Juniors begin blaming seniors for what has Quill national spelling bee and decides to cause trouble by 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122985 happened, causing an internal power struggle. Tensions run hijacking the competition. Contest officials, outraged parents, high when sisters and brothers come together in an explosive and overly ambitious 8th graders are no match for Guy, as he Airplane Vs. Volcano (Blu-ray) fight over a forbidden love and a clan member is severely ruthlessly crushes their dreams of victory and fame. As a injured. Will the clans abide by the treaty that has kept what’s reporter (Kathryn Hahn) attempts to discover his true Morgan West, Tamara Goodwin, Matt left of the world from the brink of chaos? Do those who motivation, Guy finds himself forging an unlikely alliance with Mercer, Robin Givens, Dean Cain, David remember the old world now have no choice but to fight? Or is a competitor: awkward 10-year-old Chaitanya (Rohan the treaty strong enough to stop the Apokalips... Chand), who is completely unfazed by Guy’s take-no- Michael Latt Action, Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Martial prisoners approach to life. Critics rave, Bad Words is „the When a commercial airliner is trapped within a ring of funniest, smartest, most entertaining comedy in a long time!“ erupting volcanoes, the passengers and crew must find a way Arts, Movies, Science Fiction, Vampires 2014 108min. (Pete Hammond, Movieline) to survive - without landing. Comedy, Movies 89min. Action, Blu-ray, Movies 2014 93min. Millennium Entertainment 22.04.2014 Universal Studios 08.07.2014 Cinedigm 27.05.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122844 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122945 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122994 Armageddon: The Criterion Alexander: Ultimate Cut Barney: A Super Dee-Duper Day! Collection (Repackage) When Barney takes his friends on a dino-sized adventure, Colin Farrell, Rosario Dawson, Jared Leto, Keith David, Will Patton, Liv Tyler, Billy Bob everyone has a Super-Dee-Duper Day! After Ben’s brand-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 51 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA new, remote- controlled helicopter breaks and the fun stops, 2013 590min. snowboarding in Summit Valley...until she’s kicked off her top- Barney encourages everyone to use their imaginations to ranked team and winds up in the doghouse — literally — remember the lesson they learned during their super Sports 20th Century Fox 24.06.2014 when she is forced to work after school at Hot Doggers Day in the park. Ben sees that sometimes the most rewarding 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122926 Kennel alongside former champion snowboarder Will Cloud activities are the most simple. From playing ball and (Benward). Injured in a humiliating wipeout that resulted in hopscotch to riding bikes, playing basketball and much more, the nickname „Epic Fail,“ Will has totally lost his confidence. Barney, BJ, Baby Bop and Riff show how the power of The Bridge: The Complete First Nevertheless, Kayla begs him to train her to pull off his friendship makes everything fun! Season (Blu-ray) signature move, the „Cloud 9.“ Can Kayla prove she’s a Children’s, Educational, Preschool, Special serious competitor and help Will overcome his self-doubt? Emily Rios, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Diane Interest, Television min. Packed with an avalanche of action, romance, humor and Kruger, Demian Bichir, Annabeth Gish, amazing stunts, Cloud 9 will remind you that nothing is Lionsgate 15.07.2014 Matthew Lillard, Ted Levine impossible! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122917 This gripping crime thriller set on the U.S.-Mexico border Action, Comedy, Drama, Family, Movies, has emerged as one of TV’s most acclaimed new shows. Sports 2014 87min. The Best Offer When a murder victim is discovered on the bridge connecting Disney / Buena Vista 22.04.2014 El Paso and Juarez, detective Sonya Cross (Diane Kruger) Sylvia Hoeks, Jim Sturgess, Dermot must work with her Mexican counterpart, Marco Ruiz 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122903 Crowley, Philip Jackson, Geoffrey Rush, (Demian Bichir), to catch a serial killer terrorizing both sides of the border. But their investigation will uncover shocking Crook Donald Sutherland - Dir. Giuseppe secrets and relentless danger that neither of them could Tornatore possibly have imagined. Joe Marques, Guy Buller, Luigi Saracino, From the director of Cinema Paradiso comes a romantic Crime, Drama, Mystery, Television, Thrillers Matthew Stefiuk, Leah Gibson, Bill Lake, thriller with a playful side that proves love is worth bidding on at any price. When a mysterious heiress asks famed but 2013 590min. Adam Beach - Dir. Adrian Langley unscrupulous art appraiser and auctioneer Virgil Oldman 20th Century Fox 24.06.2014 Bryce (Adam Beach) is a dealer who works for crime boss (Academy Award winner Geoffrey Rush) to evaluate her late 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122932 Tony De Luca. Tricky is a gorgeous and cunning call girl. parents’ collection yet remains forever unseen behind closed Together, they plot to take down a ruthless lawyer who doors, it ignites a spark of curiosity in the normally austere threatens De Luca’s organization. Meanwhile, Detective Virgil that soon grows into an all-out obsession. Before long Bring It On (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Miller, a cop obsessed with arresting De Luca, gets the everything in Virgil’s carefully constructed life threatens to breakthrough he needs to finally bring down the kingpin. In come apart as he delves ever further into the world of intrigue (Blu-ray) the course of one fateful day, their lives will converge and the surrounding his enigmatic employer. Co-starring Donald Gabrielle Union, Eliza Dushku, Jesse entire underworld will change. Crook is a gritty action film Sutherland (The Hunger Games) and Jim Sturgess (Cloud about cops, drug dealers, money, sex and the dangerous Atlas), director Giuseppe Tornatore’s The Best Offer is a Bradford, Kirsten Dunst - Dir. Peyton Reed balance of honor and deceit, morality and corruption. unique take on a seemingly doomed romance from one of Bring It On is the ultimate cheerleading movie, starring Kir- Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers cinema’s greatest artists. sten Dunst, Gabrielle Union and Eliza Dushku. The Toro cheerleading squad has spirit, spunk, sass and a killer 2012 92min. Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Romance routine that’s sure to land them the national championship Anderson Merchandisers 13.05.2014 2013 131min. trophy for the sixth year in a row. For newly-elected team 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122886 MPI 29.04.2014 captain, Torrance (Dunst), the Toro’s road to cheer glory 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122904 stumbles when she discovers their perfectly choreographed routines were stolen from a hot hip-hop squad across town. Cry-Baby (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Now the squad must scramble to find a new routine to compete Bordertown: Seasons One And in this year’s competition. (Blu-ray) Cheerleaders, Comedy, High School, Rey Pascual, Luisa De Los Rios, Amy Two Movies 2000 98min. Locane, Riki Lake, Johnny Depp - Dir. John Sophia Barjac, John H. Brennan, Richard Universal Studios 01.07.2014 Waters Comar, Lionel Siegel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122876 Eisenhower is President. Rock ‘n’ Roll is king. And Wade Relive all the moments of raucous action, edge-of-your-seat „Cry-Baby“ Walker is the baddest hood in his high school. drama and comedic relief that the first two season of Johnny Depp heads up a super cool cast as the irresistible Bordertown have to offer. In 52 unforgettable episodes, this The Charlie Chaplin Collection bad boy whose amazing ability to shed one single tear drives Western series promises the kind of entertainment any all the girls wild - especially Allison Vernon Williams (Amy audience can appreciate. In 1880, Pemmican lay at the Charlie Chaplin Locane), a rich, beautiful „square“ who finds herself western edge of the Great Plains. Nearly a decade later, With his renowned acting, directing, composing and writing uncontrollably drawn to the dreamy juvenile delinquent and surveyors of the 49th parallel reached the small community to career that spanned more than fifty years, Academy Award- his forbidden world of rockabilly music, fast cars and faster find it straddling the new Canadian-U.S. border. Now known winning (Honorary Award, 1972) silent screen star Charlie women. Directed by John Waters, Cry-Baby is an outrageous as Bordertown, local law enforcement is dealt with on one Chaplin has left a legacy that modern artists and filmmakers musical comedy that captures the hysterical high-throttle side by Clive Bennett, a Mountie, and on the other by U.S. still study today. One of the most recognizable faces in the world of 1954. Marshal Jack Craddock. Not only are Clive and Jack forced history of cinema, „The Tramp“ serves up his comedy with Comedy, Movies, Musical, Romance 1990 to share a jurisdiction and an office, they also share a love poised grace and creative genius in this collection of 23 for the same woman. Whether they’re fighting for justice or groundbreaking features. 85min. fighting each other, there’s plenty going on in Bordertown! Classics, Collections, Comedy, Movies, Universal Studios 01.07.2014 Adventure, Drama, Historical / Period Silent Film 394min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122877 Piece, Television, Western 1196min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 08.04.2014 Dan Curtis’ Dracula (Blu-ray) 08.04.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122863 Penelope Horner, Fiona Lewis, Pamela 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122860 Brown, Murray Brown, Simon Ward, Nigel Chinatown / The Two Jakes Davenport, - Dir. Dan Curtis Breeding Farm (Double Feature) Academy Award winner Jack Palance stars in this terrifying After a night of partying, four friends are kidnapped by a adaptation of Bram Stoker’s classic vampire legend written for mysterious man. The friends wake up in a basement, and Diane Ladd, Roman Polanski, John Huston, the screen by sci-fi/horror master Richard Mathseon and realize they are part of something horrifying. A human Frederic Forrest, David Keith, Ruben produced by the legendary Dan Curtis (Dark Shadows). breeding farm. They are to be milked, bred, and much, much Palance is Count Dracula, whose centuries-old existence is Blades, Madeleine Stowe, James Hong, threatened after he attacks the lovely Lucy Westenra (Fiona worse. Faye Dunaway, Jack Nicholson, Harvey Erotica, Horror, Movies 2010 75min. Lewis), causing her fiance (Simon Ward, The Tudors) to call Keitel, Meg Tilly, Eli Wallach, John in famed vampire hunter Dr. Van Helsing (Nigel Davenport) to Troma Team Video 03.06.2014 Hillerman, Richard Farnsworth, Perry investigate. Filmed on location in England and Yugoslavia, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122911 Dan Curtis’ Dracula has been transferred and restored in 2K Lopez, Bruce Glover, Tracey Walter, Roy High Definition from the original 35mm camera negative and Jenson, Rebecca Broussard, Richard presented here on Blu-Ray for the first time! The Bridge: The Complete First Bakalyan, Darrell Zwerling, Joe Mantell, British, Classics, Foreign, Horror, Interna- Season Jeff Morris - Dir. Jack Nicholson, Roman tional TV, Movies, Vampires 98min. Emily Rios, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Diane Polanski MPI 27.05.2014 Kruger, Demian Bichir, Annabeth Gish, Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123010 Matthew Lillard, Ted Levine 267min. This gripping crime thriller set on the U.S.-Mexico border has Warner Bros. 24.06.2014 Dalziel & Pascoe: Season Ten emerged as one of TV’s most acclaimed new shows. When a murder victim is discovered on the bridge connecting El Paso 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122998 David Royle , Warren Clarke, Colin and Juarez, detective Sonya Cross (Diane Kruger) must work Buchanan with her Mexican counterpart, Marco Ruiz (Demian Bichir), Cloud 9 Season Ten sees the endearing duo travel to Amsterdam for a to catch a serial killer terrorizing both sides of the border. European Police Conference. Over the next six days But their investigation will uncover shocking secrets and Luke Benward - Dir. Dalziel’s life is turned upside down. Finding himself on the relentless danger that neither of them could possibly have Dove Cameron (Liv And Maddie) and Luke Benward wrong side of the law, he becomes the prime suspect for the imagined. (Ravenswood) fire up the fun in the coolest must-own movie murder of a young British singer. Pascoe is determined to Crime, Drama, Mystery, Television, Thrillers to hit the slopes! Kayla Morgan (Cameron) is the queen of carry out his own investigation, adamant his boss is innocent.

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But why are the Dutch officers so keen to ensure Dalziel is of the Bed! Death Bed is a one-of-a-kind experience: comic, Action, Adventure, Classics, Collections, charged with murder? As the mystery unravels, it seems that horrific and dreamlike, that truly has to be seen to be the Dutch police have some dark secrets to hide... believed. Discover this neglected marvel of American horror Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Fairy Tales, BBC, British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, for yourself! Family, Fantasy, Historical / Period Piece, Foreign, International TV, Mystery, Televisi- Devils And Demons, Haunted Houses, Hor- Medieval Times, Movies, Odd Couples, on 502min. ror, Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal Pirates, Romance, Royalty 429min. Warner Bros. 22.07.2014 1977 80min. 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122997 CAV 03.06.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122976 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122982 Date Night / Mr. & Mrs. Smith / An Exorcism Of Evil This Means War (3-Film Death Spa (Blu-ray) Rudy Barrow - Dir. Philip Gardiner William Bumiller, Merritt Butrick, Brenda Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Religi- Collection) Bakke - Dir. Michael Fischa on/Spirituality, TV Movies 2013 75min. Abigail Spencer, Mila Kunis, James Franco, The new fitness club in town has everything a health nut Reality Films 25.03.2014 Rosemary Harris, Chris Weitz, Vince could ever want: a variety of workout machines, classes taught by friendly (and frisky) instructors, and a state-of-the- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122847 Vaughn, Angelina Jolie, Mark Wahlberg, art computer control system for maximum client comfort. Angela Bassett, Reese Witherspoon, Brad Unfortunately, it’s also possessed by the evil spirit of the A Farewell To Fools Pitt, Kerry Washington, Adam Brody, Tina owner’s dead wife, and before long every dumbbell, leg press, Gheorghe Visu, Alexandru Bindea, Hubert Fey, George Touliatos, Steve Carell, Tom and rowing machine becomes a deadly weapon for her to enact bloody vengeance on the club’s beautiful members. So if Damen, Gabriella Baluta, Adina Cartianu, Hardy, Michelle Monaghan, Chris Pine, Keith you’re looking for a real workout from hell, enter Death Spa - Bogdan Iancu, Laura Morante, Daniela David, Rachael Huntley, Chelsea Handler - a new exercise in terror! Nane, Gerard Depardieu, Harvey Keitel - Dir. Doug Liman, McG, Shawn Levy Fitness, Horror, Movies, Slasher 1989 87min. Dir. Bogdan Dreyer Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Comedy, Dark Once upon a time, during WWII, somewhere in Nazi occupied Comedy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, Killer MPI 27.05.2014 Romania, a night of comic misadventures ensues when a boy Beauties, Marriage Woes, Movies, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122995 discovers a dead soldier. The German authorities demand that the perpetrator must be identified or the town leaders will be Romance, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers shot the following morning. In their desperation, led by Father 305min. The Devil Wears Prada / Love & Johanis (Harvey Keitel), their salvation seems to lie in 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 Other Drugs / Walk The Line (3- convincing the town „fool“, Ipu (Gerard Depardieu), to agree 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122980 to confess, and save them all with his sacrifice. The comedy Film Collection) and darker sides of human nature race toward the deadline Judy Greer, Jill Clayburgh, Joaquin where one cannot help but wonder who, in fact, is the actual A Day Late And A Dollar Short „fool“? Phoenix, Oliver Platt, Cathy Konrad, Stanley Comedy, Drama, Movies, War, World War II Anika Noni Rose, Kimberly Elise, Mekhi Tucci, Hank Azaria, Reese Witherspoon, 85min. Phifer, Ving Rhames, Whoopi Goldberg Robert Patrick, George Segal, Meryl Streep, Based on Terry McMillan’s best-selling novel, A Day Late Monterey Home Video 22.04.2014 And A Dollar Short, stars Academy Award, Golden Globe, Jake Gyllenhaal, Adrian Grenier, Gabriel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122902 Daytime Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Award winner Whoopi Macht, Simon Baker, James Keach, Anne Goldberg as irascible matriarch Viola Price. When Viola Hathaway, Emily Blunt, Ginnifer Goodwin, Fast & Furious: 6 Movie learns that her next asthma attack is likely to kill her, she Josh Gad - Dir. Edward Zwick, James Man- sets out to fix her fractured family before she sets foot Collection (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) anywhere near the grave. Proudly choosing to keep her health gold, David Frankel issues a secret, she contends with sibling rivalry, teen Academy Award Winners, Biography, (Blu-ray) pregnancy, and prescription drug addiction and that’s just one of her four kids. There’s also a jailbird son to teach how to be Biopics, Comedy, Country, Drama, Illness & Eva Mendes, Cole Hauser, Rick Yune, Chad a better father, a granddaughter in big trouble, and an Disease, Movies, Music, Romance 356min. Lindberg, Vin Diesel, Zachery Ty Bryan, estranged husband to rescue from his scheming young 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 Paul Walker, Ted Levine, James Remar, girlfriend. It’s the kind of meddling the Price family hasn’t experienced from Viola in decades, and she won’t have an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122979 Lucas Black, Michelle Rodriguez, John easy time bending her loved ones to her will. Ortiz, Tyrese Gibson, , Johnny Drama, Movies, Television 2014 90min. Doctor Who: Series Four - Part Strong, Sung Kang, Jordana Brewster, Lionsgate 15.07.2014 One Nikki Griffin, Brandon Brendel, Luke Evans, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122916 Gina Carano - Dir. , Rob Freema Agyeman, Catherine Tate, Billie Cohen, Justin Lin Piper, David Tennant Dead Drop (DVD + UltraViolet) Buckle up for nonstop action and mind-blowing speed in the Tenth Doctor David Tennant (Broadchurch, Harry Potter and adrenaline-fueled Fast & Furious: 6 Movie Collection. Vin Luke Goss, Nestor Carbonell, Cole Hauser the Goblet of Fire) is reunited with former companion Donna Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez Noble (Catherine Tate, The Office) in this first set of and an all-star cast put pedal to the metal in pursuit of justice - Dir. R. Ellis Frazier adventures from the rebooted Doctor Who’s fourth season. In When Michael miraculously survives being shot and pushed and survival as they race from L.A. to Tokyo, Rio and London. these gripping stories, you’ll meet the adorably cute but Packed with full-throttle action and jaw-dropping stunts, out of a plane, he wakes to a living nightmare. With his sinister Adipose, visit ancient Pompeii on the day before its memory impaired and psychotic tendencies beginning to these six turbo-charged thrill rides place you behind the infamous eruption, journey to the home world of the Ood, and wheel of the most explosive film franchise in history! develop, he defies the orders of his CIA handlers and re- more! Billie Piper and Kylie Minogue are among the guest inserts himself into a dangerous Mexican smuggling ring, stars that make this set of episodes more memorable than Action, Adventure, Auto Racing, Blu-ray, where he was operating deep undercover. The answers he’s ever. Boxed Sets, Car Modification, Cars & looking for can only be found in the underbelly of Northern Mexico. He must find the man he believes threw him out of a Adventure, Aliens, BBC, British, Drama, Motorcycles, Crime, Drama, Movies, plane in order to save himself, as well as the woman he loves. Family, Foreign, International TV, Science Racing, Thrillers 821min. Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Fiction, Television, Time Travel 345min. Universal Studios 13.05.2014 Thrillers 2013 89min. BBC Home Video 05.08.2014 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122949 Lionsgate 08.07.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123004 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122866 A Fighting Man Ever After / Mirror Mirror / The Dominic Purcell, Famke Janssen, James Death Bed: The Bed That Eats Princess Bride / Tristan And Isol- Caan - Dir. Damian Lee Dessa Stone, Marshall Tate, Ed Oldani, de (4-Film Collection) Haunted by a tragic past, undefeated, washed up boxer Sailor Dave Marsh, Rosa Luxemburg, Linda Bond, O’Connor (Dominic Purcell) is a broken man. When a fluke Michael Lerner, Carol Kane, Peter Falk, opportunity arises to step back in the ring, he takes it. His Julie Ritter, Rusty Russ, Demene Hall - Dir. Chris Sarandon, Drew Barrymore, Anjelica opponent is younger and faster, but with the support of his old George Barry fight team (Michael Ironside and James Caan), Sailor pushes Prepare yourselves! The strangest bedtime story ever told! Huston, Billy Crystal, Julia Roberts, Nathan for this one last fight. Not knowing when to throw in the towel, Cult Epics brings you Death Bed, George Barry’s uniquely Lane, Sean Bean, Cary Elwes, Christopher Sailor must face his personal demons or die trying to stay on weird journey through a world of wind demons, carnivorous Guest, Wallace Shawn, Mandy Patinkin, his feet throughout a bloody, brutal beating in the ring. Also furnishings and the spirit of Aubrey Beardsley! At the edge of starring Louis Gossett Jr., Kim Coates with Famke Janssen a grand estate, near a crumbling old mansion lies a strange Dougray Scott, Patrick Godfrey, Jeroen and a special appearance by Freddie Roach. stone building with just a single room. In the room there lies a Krabbe, Andre The Giant, Robin Wright Boxing, Drama, Movies 2014 88min. bed. Born of demonic power, the bed seeks the flesh, blood Penn, Mare Winningham, Armie Hammer, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and life essence of unwary travelers... Three pretty girls on vacation, searching for a place to spend the night. Instead, Lily Collins - Dir. Rob Reiner, Andy Tennant, 17.06.2014 they stumble into nightmares - and the cruel insatiable hunger Tarsem Singh 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122816

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Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough, Miles Tel- First Daughter / John Tucker Must ler - Dir. Herbert Ross, Craig Brewer Goodbye World Die / Legally Blonde / Monte Car- Comedy, Drama, Movies, Music, Romance Remy Nozik, Scott Mescudi, Kerry Bishe, 108min. lo (4-Film Collection) Caroline Dhavernas, Ben McKenzie, Mark Warner Bros. 24.06.2014 Webber, Adrian Grenier, Gaby Hoffmann - Amerika, Jenny McCarthy, Ashanti, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123001 Dir. Denis Henry Hennelly Matthew Davis, Victor Garber, Selma Blair, When a mysterious cyber-attack cripples civilization, James Katie Holmes, Luke Wilson, Lela Rochon, The Formula and his old college friends retreat to a remote country home. Margaret Colin, Michael Keaton, Andie Together, they must cope with an uncertain future while Matt Sheridan, Ben Kass, Tyler Thirnbeck, MacDowell, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer defending themselves against desperate outsiders who will do Katie Goebel, Mike Schminke, Sasha anything to survive. Coolidge, Marc Blucas, Katie Cassidy, Jackson, Brandon Baker, Reginald Apocalyptic Future, Comedy, Drama, Leighton Meester, Brittany Snow, Amerie VelJohnson - Dir. Joe Clarke, Thomas Movies 2013 101min. Rogers, , Jesse Metcalfe, Beecher Phase 4 Films 13.05.2014 Arielle Kebbel, Cory Monteith, Selena The Formula tells the story of Quinn (Brandon Baker) and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122954 Gomez - Dir. Forest Whitaker, Betty Tho- Graham (Mike Schminke), two engineering students who mas, Robert Luketic, Thomas Bezucha discover a mathematical formula for picking up women. Quinn Goodbye World (Blu-ray) Adventure, Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Fish- is the hopeless romantic who falls head over heels for T.J., a pretty student teacher, while Graham is a chauvinistic Remy Nozik, Scott Mescudi, Kerry Bishe, Out-Of-Water, girl power, High School, womanizer who makes it his mission to bed as many co-eds as Caroline Dhavernas, Ben McKenzie, Mark Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies, Revenge, possible. Believing that „scoring“ is all about the numbers, Webber, Adrian Grenier, Gaby Hoffmann - Romance 399min. Quinn and Graham test their „formula,“ moving from one date to the next, only to discover that there is no shortcut to finding Dir. Denis Henry Hennelly 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 true love. Also starring Sasha Jackson (Blue Crush 2) and When a mysterious cyber-attack cripples civilization, James 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122978 Reginald VelJohnson (Die Hard). and his old college friends retreat to a remote country home. Comedy, Movies, Romance 2014 90min. Together, they must cope with an uncertain future while Flying Tigers First Look 15.04.2014 defending themselves against desperate outsiders who will do 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122872 anything to survive. John Wayne, Anna Lee, John Carroll - Dir. Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Comedy, Dra- David Miller ma, Movies 2013 101min. Prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a small and Four Fast Guns Phase 4 Films 13.05.2014 daring band of American mercenaries soared into battle James Craig, Brett Halsey, Martha Vickers, against Japan in defense of China’s freedom. The ‘Flying 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122961 Tigers’ were heroic adventurers and America’s hottest ace Edgar Buchanan pilots. Possessing unmatched skill and bravery, Capt. Jim Action, Classics, Movies, Oldies, Western The Grand Budapest Hotel (Blu- Gordon (John Wayne, The Fighting Kentuckian, Wyoming 1959 73min. Outlaw), was the Tigers’ leader and top gun. Gordon faces a ray) battle on and off the ground when his good friend and ace VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 22.04.2014 pilot, Woody Jason (John Carroll, Hit Parade of 1943) is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122855 Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, Jason suspected of recklessly and selfishly endangering the lives of Schwartzman, Tom Wilkinson, Jude Law, his fellow pilots. Gordon’s fight to retain his respect for Gambit (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham, Willem Woody while maintaining the solidarity of his pilots is an Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Murray, Harvey explosive battle of courage and heroism that lights up the sky (Blu-ray) with action. Directed by the great and underrated David Keitel, Mathieu Amalric, Edward Norton, Miller (Lonely Are The Brace, Sudden Fear) with a rousing Colin Firth, Cameron Diaz, Alan Rickman - Saoirse Ronan - Dir. Wes Anderson score by Victor Young (My Favorite Spy, The quiet Man). Dir. Michael Hoffman The Grand Budapest Hotel recounts the adventures of Nominated for three Academy Awards in 1942. The story revolves around a British thief who comes up with a Gustave H., a legendary concierge at a famous European Action, Aerial Action, Air Force, Classics, fool-proof plan to steal an expensive statue from one of the hotel between the wars; and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy Cult Film / TV, Military, Movies, War, World richest men in the world.His strategy involves the who becomes his most trusted friend. The story involves the participation of a beautiful woman (Aniston) who happens to theft and recovery of a priceless Renaissance painting; a War II 1942 102min. be the spitting image of the rich man’s late wife. However, raging battle for an enormous family fortune; a desperate Olive Films 13.05.2014 nothing goes as planned. chase on motorcycles, trains, sleds, and skis; and the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122973 Comedy, Crime, Movies 89min. sweetest confection of a love aair all against the backdrop of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment a suddenly and dramatically changing continent. Comedy, Movies 2014 100min. 27.05.2014 Flying Tigers (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 17.06.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122819 John Wayne, Anna Lee, John Carroll - Dir. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122929 David Miller Prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a small and Gambit (DVD + UltraViolet) Grosse Pointe Blank (Repackage) daring band of American mercenaries soared into battle Colin Firth, Cameron Diaz, Alan Rickman - against Japan in defense of China’s freedom. The ‘Flying Joan Cusack, John Cusack, Minnie Driver, Tigers’ were heroic adventurers and America’s hottest ace Dir. Michael Hoffman pilots. Possessing unmatched skill and bravery, Capt. Jim The story revolves around a British thief who comes up with a Alan Arkin, Dan Aykroyd - Dir. George Gordon (John Wayne, The Fighting Kentuckian, Wyoming fool-proof plan to steal an expensive statue from one of the Armitage Outlaw), was the Tigers’ leader and top gun. Gordon faces a richest men in the world.His strategy involves the Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Comedy, battle on and off the ground when his good friend and ace participation of a beautiful woman (Aniston) who happens to pilot, Woody Jason (John Carroll, Hit Parade of 1943) is be the spitting image of the rich man’s late wife. However, Crime, Dark Comedy, Movies, Romance suspected of recklessly and selfishly endangering the lives of nothing goes as planned. 1997 107min. his fellow pilots. Gordon’s fight to retain his respect for Comedy, Crime, Movies 89min. Disney / Buena Vista 15.01.2002 Woody while maintaining the solidarity of his pilots is an explosive battle of courage and heroism that lights up the sky Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122907 with action. Directed by the great and underrated David 27.05.2014 Miller (Lonely Are The Brace, Sudden Fear) with a rousing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122815 Helix: The Complete First Season score by Victor Young (My Favorite Spy, The quiet Man). Nominated for three Academy Awards in 1942. Kyra Zagorsky, Hiroyuki Sanada, Billy Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Godzilla: King Of The Monsters Campbell Military, Movies, War, World War II 1942 Momoko Kochi, Akira Takarada, Akihiko A team of scientists are thrust into a potentially life-or-death situation in this thriller, which begins with the group being 102min. Hirata, Raymond Burr, Takashi Shimura - deployed to the Arctic to secretly investigate what could be a Olive Films 13.05.2014 Dir. Ishiro Honda disease outbreak. tba BestellNr.: 40122959 When the ocean’s surface begins to boil white-hot and a Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers Japanese freighter vanishes into the Pacific, the superstitious villagers of Odo Island fear an ancient legend has come true - 531min. Footloose (1984)/Footloose (2011) the legend of Godzilla! Steve Martin, an American reporter in Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Double Feature) (DVD + Tokyo, finds himself trapped in the behemoth’s path of 01.07.2014 destruction. With the help of young lovers, Emiko and Ogata, 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122922 UltraViolet) Martin fights to save the world from this monster menace. Action, Foreign, Giant Monsters!, Frances Lee McCain, Lori Singer, Kim Japanese, Monsters, Movies, Science Helix: The Complete First Season Dickens, John Laughlin, John Lithgow, Sa- Fiction 1956 98min. rah Jessica Parker, Andie MacDowell, (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Anderson Merchandisers 13.05.2014 Dennis Quaid, Kevin Bacon, Dianne Wiest, Kyra Zagorsky, Hiroyuki Sanada, Billy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122893 Chris Penn, Jim Youngs, Ray McKinnon, Campbell

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A team of scientists are thrust into a potentially life-or-death horses. Living at the track with her Uncle Eddie (Robert Gordon Green situation in this thriller, which begins with the group being Urich), a horse trainer on the race circuit, Danny knows the Joe features an intensely powerful performance by Academy deployed to the Arctic to secretly investigate what could be a scams and the odds makers. She also knows that things will Award winner Nicolas Cage as Joe, a hard-living ex-con who disease outbreak. go nowhere for Uncle Eddie unless he can make his name is the unlikeliest of role models. But when he meets a troubled Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers with one great horse. So when Danny gets a hunch about Tom 15-year-old homeless boy (Tye Sheridan) in need of help from Thumb, a yearling up for sale, she convinces her uncle to a violent and destitute father, Joe is faced with the 530min. invest-and soon enough, they’re in the money! Sony Pictures Home Entertainment heartbreaking choice of redemption or ruin. Animals & Nature, Drama, Family, Horses, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, 01.07.2014 Movies 2014 93min. Movies, Thrillers 2013 117min. 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122924 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Lionsgate 17.06.2014 08.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122875 Hellgate 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122861 Joan Leslie, James Arness, Ward Bond, Joe (DVD + UltraViolet) Sterling Hayden - Dir. Charles Marquis War- House Of Cards: The Complete Tye Sheridan, Nicolas Cage - Dir. David ren Second Season Gordon Green Action, Movies, Oldies, Prison, Romance, Kevin Spacey Joe features an intensely powerful performance by Academy Western 1952 87min. Drama, Politics, Television, TV Remakes Award winner Nicolas Cage as Joe, a hard-living ex-con who VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 22.04.2014 is the unlikeliest of role models. But when he meets a troubled 2013 663min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122859 15-year-old homeless boy (Tye Sheridan) in need of help from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment a violent and destitute father, Joe is faced with the 17.06.2014 heartbreaking choice of redemption or ruin. Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Movies, Hercules: The Legendary 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122857 Journeys - Season Five Thrillers 2013 117min. Lionsgate 17.06.2014 Rob Tapert, Bruce Campbell, Kevin Sorbo House Of Cards: The Complete Nothing can prepare you for the shocking events that make 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122871 the Legendary Journey’s epic Fifth Season the most Second Season (Blu-ray + unforgettable yet. Faced with a loss too unimaginable to bear, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Joy Ride 3: Roadkill Hercules takes to the sea on a voyage of despair only to make a bittersweet, yet triumphant self-discovery. With hours of Kevin Spacey Kirsten Prout, Dean Armstrong, Ben bonus material, this spectacular digitally re-mastered Drama, Politics, Television, TV Remakes Hollingsworth Collector’s Set is an essential addition for fans of the 2013 663min. Rusty Nail, the vengeful trucker with a penchant for pain, legendary adventures. slams terror into overdrive in this all-new unrated chapter of Action, Ancient Greece / Rome, Drama, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Joy Ride! The nightmare begins when a group of young street Fantasy, Myths & Legends, Television 1998 17.06.2014 racers take a desolate shortcut on their way to the Road 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122858 Rally 1000. But a chance encounter with Rusty soon turns 963min. deadly as he stalks, taunts, and tortures his next victims with Universal Studios 22.07.2014 deranged delight. It’s a full-throttle, pedal-to-the-metal chill 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122894 Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire ride packed with killer twists and turns! Ralitsa Paskaleva, Jesse Garcia, Ronny Drama, Horror, Movies, Serial Killers, Thril- Holy Ghost People Jhutti, Josh Kelly, Esai Morales, Cole lers 2014 96min. 20th Century Fox 17.06.2014 Emma Greenwell, Joe Egender, Brendan Hauser, Stephen Lang, Bokeem Woodbine - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122824 McCarthy, Cameron Richardson, Roger Dir. Don Michael Paul Aaron Brown, Don Harvey - Dir. Mitchell Battle-scarred and disillusioned by the war, Corporal Chris Merriman is put in charge of a unit whose next mission is to Joy Ride 3: Roadkill (Blu-ray + Altieri resupply a remote outpost on the edge of Taliban-controlled Buried deep in the Appalachian mountains, mysterious territory. While driving through the hostile Helmand province, DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) preacher man Brother Billy demands total loyalty from his a Navy Seal flags down their convoy and enlists the unit on congregation of snake-handling misfits, who risk death to get an operation of international importance: they must help an Kirsten Prout, Dean Armstrong, Ben closer to God. When a young woman searching for her sister Afghan woman famous for her defiance of the Taliban escape Hollingsworth visits the church, she is drawn into Billy’s dangerous game the country. Without tanks or air support, Merriman and his Rusty Nail, the vengeful trucker with a penchant for pain, and must face her own dark past if she wants to uncover the team will need all the courage and firepower they can muster slams terror into overdrive in this all-new unrated chapter of truth behind the Church of One Accord. „Holy Ghost People“ to fight their way across the war-torn country and shepherd Joy Ride! The nightmare begins when a group of young street is packed with visceral filmmaking that doesn’t pull punches. the woman to safety. Intense and action-packed, Jarhead 2: racers take a desolate shortcut on their way to the Road Joe Egender gives one of SXSW’s stand-out performances.“ Field of Fire stars Stephen Lang (Avatar), Esai Morales Rally 1000. But a chance encounter with Rusty soon turns (Ryland Aldrich, Twitch). (Criminal Minds), Cole Hauser (Olympus Has Fallen), and deadly as he stalks, taunts, and tortures his next victims with Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 88min. Bokeem Woodbine (Riddick). deranged delight. It’s a full-throttle, pedal-to-the-metal chill Anderson Merchandisers 08.04.2014 Action, Drama, Movies, War 2014 103min. ride packed with killer twists and turns! 20th Century Fox, Drama, Horror, Movies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122880 Universal Studios 19.08.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122953 Serial Killers, Thrillers 2014 96min. 20th Century Fox 17.06.2014 Home Of The Brave (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122826 Douglas Dick, Steve Brodie, Jeff Corey, Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire (Blu-ray Frank Lovejoy, James Edwards, Lloyd + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Junction Bridges - Dir. Mark Robson Ralitsa Paskaleva, Jesse Garcia, Ronny David Zayas, Anthony Rapp Based on a play by Arthur Laurents (Rope), Home Of The Jhutti, Josh Kelly, Esai Morales, Cole Action, Hostage Crisis, Movies, Thrillers Brave recounts the story of a young black soldier who has Hauser, Stephen Lang, Bokeem Woodbine - suffered a nervous breakdown and developed psychosomatic 2012 91min. paralysis. Crippled by rage and trauma, his condition was Dir. Don Michael Paul induced by experiences encountered during a reconnaissance Battle-scarred and disillusioned by the war, Corporal Chris Grand Entertainment Group 22.04.2014 mission combined with a of racial discrimination. He Merriman is put in charge of a unit whose next mission is to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122851 may be able to walk again, but only if he can overcome his resupply a remote outpost on the edge of Taliban-controlled anger and frustrations. The film’s theme revolves around a territory. While driving through the hostile Helmand province, diverse group of men subjected to the horror of war and their a Navy Seal flags down their convoy and enlists the unit on Kindergarten Cop (Blu-ray + individual struggles. Home Of The Brave was one of an operation of international importance: they must help an UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Hollywood’s first bold statements regarding the issue of race. Afghan woman famous for her defiance of the Taliban escape The cast includes Frank Lovejoy, Lloyd Bridges, Douglas the country. Without tanks or air support, Merriman and his Arnold Schwarzenegger stars in the unforgettable action- Dick, James Edwards, Steve Brodie and Jeff Corey. Produced team will need all the courage and firepower they can muster comedy Kindergarten Cop from director Ivan Reitman by Stanley Kramer (On The Beach) and directed by Mark to fight their way across the war-torn country and shepherd (Ghostbusters, Twins). Detective John Kimble Robson (Champion) with a screenplay by Carl Foreman (High the woman to safety. Intense and action-packed, Jarhead 2: (Schwarzenegger) is a veteran of the mean streets of Los Noon). Field of Fire stars Stephen Lang (Avatar), Esai Morales Angeles, ready and able to tackle anything. In order to trap an (Criminal Minds), Cole Hauser (Olympus Has Fallen), and elusive criminal, he is forced to face his most challenging Drama, War, World War II 1949 86min. assignment yet: going undercover as a kindergarten teacher. Olive Films 13.05.2014 Bokeem Woodbine (Riddick). Action, Drama, Movies, War 2014 103min. Now facing 23 screaming kids, he has to keep them under 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122990 control without blowing his top and his cover. Once he gains Universal Studios 19.08.2014 the respect of his class, as well as the affections of a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122960 beautiful teacher, Detective Kimble must prepare for a final A Horse For Danny confrontation with his prey. 1990 112min. Ed Bruce, Erik Jensen, Karen Carlson, Ro- Joe (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- bert Urich, Leelee Sobieski, Gary Basaraba Universal Studios 01.07.2014 - Dir. Dick Lowry ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122878 Eleven-year-old Danny Bara (Leelee Sobieski) knows Tye Sheridan, Nicolas Cage - Dir. David

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L.A. Law: Season Two from the demons. Now, at the beginning of a new age, the Comedy, Gulf War, Hollywood Legends, Reapers are betrayed and slaughtered. Only one Reaper Susan Ruttan, Jill Eikenberry, Michele remains - Red, and she’s out to exact revenge. Movies, Mystery, Romance, War, World Greene, Richard A. Dysart, Harry Hamlin, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Movies, War II 1954 443min. Susan Dey, Michael Tucker, Corbin Bern- Romance 2013 101min. 09.06.2009 sen, Jimmy Smits, Alan Rachins First Look 15.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122942 All rise! L.A. Law: Season Two is now in session! The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122868 ambitious legal eagles from the firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Lexx: Season One & Two Chaney and Kuzak return for another Emmy-nominated docket of cases loaded with both emotion and irreverence. In Season Legendary (DVD + UltraViolet) Eva Habermann, Jeffrey Hirschfield, Brian Two, the high-powered legal team (an outstanding ensemble Downey, Xenia Seeberg, Michael McManus, cast including Harry Hamlin, Susan Dey, Carbin Bernsen, Jill Scott Adkins, Dolph Lundgren - Dir. Eric Eikenberry, Alan Rachins, Michelle Greene, Susan Ruttan, Styles Nigel Bennett - Dir. Robert Sigl, Paul Michael Tucker, Jimmy Smits, and Richard Dysart) adds some Travis Preston assembles his team for an expedition to a Donovan, Ron Oliver new faces to its ranks: the charismatic young associate remote region in China’s hinterland, where a wild animal that Hailed as „the most imaginative Sci-Fi since The Hitchhiker’s Jonathan Rollins (Blair Underwood) and Benny Stulwicz the locals believe to be a primeval monster they call the Guide To The Galaxy“ (New York Daily News), Lexx follows (Larry Drake), a developmentally disabled clerk. Together, „Shocate“ is said to roam free. Travis’s nemesis Jim Harker - the nomadic existence of four misfit characters who have they tackle some of the City of Angels’ toughest trials - both a merciless trophy hunter - has already set up camp. A race inadvertently stolen the most powerful weapon of destruction in the courtroom and in their personal lives. Created by Emmy against time ensues, and Travis and his team will have to pool ever made: a Manhattan-sized, genetically modified insect- Award-winning show-runner Steven Bocho and Louise Fis- all their resources if they want to capture this legendary ship. Filled with eccentric stowaways, outrageous planets her, all 20 episodes from Season Two showcase the quality creature alive. and more, Lexx: Season One & Two are a must-see mix of writing and acting that has made L.A. Law one of television’s Action, Adventure, Movies 2013 92min. laughs and sci-fi action. all-time favorite dramas. Lionsgate 29.07.2014 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Television 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122939 Science Fiction, Television 1998 1334min. 1987 1020min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Shout Factory 20.05.2014 The Showcase: 08.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122884 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122862 Volume One Labyrinth Jack Lemmon, Mickey Rooney, Ernie The Little Rascals (Blu-ray + Kovacs, Romy Schneider, Kathryn Grant, Emun Elliott, Jessica Brown Findlay, Tom UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Felton, Katie McGrath, Sebastian Stan, Louis Nye, Lionel Jeffries, Roger Smith, , Fred Astaire, Edward Andrews, Bug Hall - Dir. Penelope Spheeris Tony Curran, John Hurt - Dir. Christopher They’re all here! Spanky, Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Darla, Stymie, Smith James Darren, Dick York, Estelle Winwood, Porky, Petey the dog and all of The Little Rascals star in this Based on the best-selling series of novels by Kate Mosse Dorothy Provine, William Leslie - Dir. Mark hilarious heartwarming classic. Their new adventures begin comes Labyrinth, a four-hour mini-series now available on Robson, Richard Quine, David Swift at an emergency meeting of the „He-Man Woman Haters DVD. Lives are linked by destiny to solve the world’s most Eminently versatile, Jack Lemmon was an actor’s actor - the Club.“ Alfalfa has fallen in love with Darla, threatening the legendary mystery. sort who made it look easy as he lit up the screen in very existence of their „boys only“ club. Further trouble Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, everything from powerful dramas to irresistible comedies. ensues when their clubhouse is destroyed and their prized Mystery, Television 2012 176min. This collection of four classic comedies showcases the go-cart „The Blur“ is stolen by the neighborhood bullies. How legendary talents of the one and only - Jack Lemmon. Films can they win the big race and its prize trophy? Through Lionsgate 15.07.2014 Include Under The Yum Yum Tree This sparkling comedy mischief and mayhem, tricks and ingenuity, the rascals will 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122915 features Jack playing a wolf in landlord’s clothing, who’s learn the value of true friendship...and even an appreciation of about to find he’s bitten off more than he can woo! My Sister girls! Eileen Eileen and Ruth move to New York to realize their Comedy, Family, Movies, Romance 1994 Last Tango In Halifax: Season dreams. After magazine editor Robert Baker rejects Ruth’s 83min. Two corny romantic tragedies, Ruth takes his advice to write about something she really knows - her sister’s power over men. Universal Studios 01.07.2014 Josh Bolt, Nina Sosanya, Tony Gardner, Phffft! When their marriage finally goes „Phffft!,“ Nina and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122881 Ronni Ancona, Sarah Lancashire, Nicola Robert get a divorce - only to discover that, like it or not, some people are just meant to be together! Luv Although Walker, Dean Andrews, Anne Reid, Derek they’re now wed to different spouses, Ellen and Milt realize Lone Survivor Jacobi they’re still in love. When their plan to get rid of their current Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Mark Wahlberg Award-winning comedy drama and PBS favorite Last Tango In spouses fails, the divorced matchmakers turn to murder Halifax returns for a second season as the two childhood instead. - Dir. Peter Berg sweethearts work to finally make a life together. After Alan’s Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, Based on bestselling true story of (Derek Jacobi, Gladiator, The King’s Speech) near fatal heart heroism, courage and survival, Lone Survivor tells the attack, he and Celia (Anne Reid, Coronation Street, Upstairs Comedy, Gulf War, Hollywood Legends, incredible tale of four Navy SEALs on a covert mission to Downstairs), decide to marry secretly but how will their Movies, Mystery, Romance, War, World neutralize a high-level al-Qaeda operative. The four men must daughters react? Uptight Caroline and rebellious Gillian War II 1954 min. make an impossible moral decision in the mountains of Afgha- discover they actually quite like each other, but will the fact nistan that leads them into an enemy ambush. As they confront Gillian spent a night with Caroline’s ex-husband John Mill Creek Entertainment 22.04.2014 unthinkable odds, the SEALs must find reserves of strength jeopardize the stepsisters’ fledgling friendship? As secrets 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122944 and resilience to fight to the finish. Academy Award nominee from the past come tumbling out and family members adjust to Mark Wahlberg (The Fighter) leads an all-star cast including changing relationships, can Alan and Celia find the long- Taylor Kitsch (Savages), (3:10 to Yuma), Emile awaited happiness they deserve? The Jack Lemmon Showcase: Hirsch (Into the Wild), and Eric Bana (Munich) in a movie hailed by critics as „unforgettable, tense, and inspiring.“ BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, International Volume Two (Movieline) TV, Television 336min. Jack Lemmon, Mickey Rooney, Ernie Action, Biography, Book-To-Film, Drama, BBC Home Video 15.07.2014 Kovacs, Romy Schneider, Kathryn Grant, Thrillers, War, War In The Middle East min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123002 Louis Nye, Lionel Jeffries, Roger Smith, Universal Studios 03.06.2014 Kim Novak, Fred Astaire, Edward Andrews, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122814 Spike Lee Joint Collection, The, James Darren, Dick York, Estelle Winwood, Vol. 2: Summer Of Sam/Miracle Dorothy Provine, William Leslie - Dir. Mark Lone Survivor (Blu-ray + DVD + At St. Anna (Blu-ray) Robson, Richard Quine, David Swift Digital Copy +UltraViolet) (Blu- Eminently versatile, Jack Lemmon was an actor’s actor - the Laz Alonso, Derek Luke, Michael Ealy, sort who made it look easy as he lit up the screen in ray) Adrien Brody, Mira Sorvino, John everything from powerful dramas to irresistible comedies. This collection of four classic comedies showcases the Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Mark Wahlberg Leguizamo - Dir. Spike Lee legendary talents of the one and only - Jack Lemmon. Films - Dir. Peter Berg Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, Include Operation Mad Ball In this wacky military spoof, Based on The New York Times bestselling true story of Romance, Thrillers, World War II 302min. Lemmon plays a terminally bored Army private waging a war of heroism, courage and survival, Lone Survivor tells the wits as he tries to throw a party under the nose of his incredible tale of four Navy SEALs on a covert mission to Disney / Buena Vista 10.06.2014 obnoxious commanding officer. Good Neighbor Sam In this neutralize a high-level al-Qaeda operative. The four men must 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122908 delightfully daffy comedy romp, Jack plays a very married ad make an impossible moral decision in the mountains of Afgha- man who poses as the husband of a sexy single girl to help nistan that leads them into an enemy ambush. As they confront her land a big inheritance. An unthinkable odds, the SEALs must find reserves of strength The Legend Of The Red Reaper engaging mix of larceny and laughs when an American and resilience to fight to the finish. Academy Award nominee Ray Eddy, Shayne Leighton, David Mackey, diplomat and his alluring London landlady stumble into a caper Mark Wahlberg (The Fighter) leads an all-star cast including filled with stolen jewels, murder and comic mayhem! Three Taylor Kitsch (Savages), Ben Foster (3:10 to Yuma), Emile Tom Nowicki, Tara Cardinal, Eliza For The Show Julie becomes a widow after her husband is Hirsch (Into the Wild), and Eric Bana (Munich) in a movie Swenson, Christian Boeving, George Perez killed in action. Shortly after she remarries, but soon finds out hailed by critics as „unforgettable, tense, and inspiring.“ - Dir. Tara Cardinal her first husband is still alive! (Movieline) For a thousand years, the Reapers have protected mankind Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, Action, Biography, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film,

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Drama, Thrillers, War, War In The Middle Persoff, Phillip Pine, Robert Keith, Robert Ingrid Pitt, Peggy Webber, John Hudson, East min. Normand, Race Gentry, Adam Kennedy, Lydia Reed, Dawn Addams, Alex Nicol, Universal Studios 03.06.2014 Scott Marlowe - Dir. Anthony Mann Kenneth Tobey, George Cole, Peter 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122818 Action, Korean War, Military, Movies, War Cushing, Michael Pataki, Dabbs Greer, 1957 102min. James Griffith, John Beal, Paul Carr, Herb Longmire: Seasons One And Two Olive Films 15.04.2014 Vigran , Coleen Gray, Paul Brinegar, (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122841 Stewart Moss, Marianne McAndrew - Dir. Roy Ward Baker, Jerry Jameson, Alex Ni- Cassidy Freeman, Katee Sackhoff, Bailey col, Paul Landres Chase, Robert Taylor, Lou Diamond Phillips Men In War (Blu-ray) Long shadows of secrets and murder hang over Absaroka Aldo Ray, Robert Ryan, Michael Miller, Collections, Horror, Monsters, Movies, County, Wyoming, jurisdiction of the tough and brooding James Edwards, Vic Morrow, Victor Sen Thrillers, Vampires 327min. Sheriff Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor), in the spell-binding Timeless Media Group 15.04.2014 collection of the first two seasons of the hit mystery series Yung, L.Q. Jones, Anthony Ray, Nehemiah based on Craig Johnson’s best-selling novels, presented in Persoff, Phillip Pine, Robert Keith, Robert 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122874 stunning 1080p HD on Blu-Ray Disc. Struggling since his Normand, Race Gentry, Adam Kennedy, wife’s death a year ago, and at the urging of his attorney Newhart: The Complete Third daughter, Cady (Cassidy Freeman), Walt knows he must turn Scott Marlowe - Dir. Anthony Mann his life around. Aided by a new female deputy, Vic (Katee Action, Blu-ray, Korean War, Military, Season Sackhoff) and his oldest friend, Henry Standing Bear (Lou Movies, War 1957 102min. Diamond Phillips), he becomes re-energized about his job and Peter Scolari, Tom Poston, John Voldstad, running for re-election - even though his ambitious younger Olive Films 15.04.2014 Mary Frann, Julia Duffy, Bob Newhart, deputy Branch (Bailey Chase) is a rival candidate. The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122846 William Sanderson unraveling truth about Walt’s wife death will astonish the Bob Newhart and company invite you to check in to the stoic lawman and his daughter. While shattering storms Mr. Jones (Blu-ray) Stratford Inn for Newhart: Season 3, a delightful collection of darken the skies, Longmire doggedly solves the big crimes of some of the 1980s’ finest television comedy. Dick Loudon „Big Sky“ country. Mark Steger, Sarah Jones, Jon Foster, Da- (Newhart) and his wife Joanna (Mary Frann) have their A&E, Drama, Television, Western min. vid Clennon - Dir. Karl Mueller hands full running their quaint colonial inn. In addition to the Warner Bros. 27.05.2014 Scott (Jon Foster of Stay Alive) and Penny (Sarah Jones Of seemingly never-ending parade of unusual guests, they must 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122993 Sons Of Anarchy) just moved to a remote cabin to escape the contend with the quirky antics of their employees and friends: pressures of the world and breathe new life into their art. the spoiled maid Stephanie (Julia Duffy), dim-bulb handyman They will soon discover they are not alone: an infamously George (Tom Poston), and the back(wards) woodsmen Larry, The Lunchbox (Blu-ray + DVD reclusive artist - known only as ‘Mr. Jones’ - lives nearby. Darryl, and Darryl (William Sanderson, Tony Papenfuss, and He doesn’t like to be disturbed, and only comes out at night John Voldstad.) And to top it off, Dick has become the host of Combo) (Blu-ray) when he drags his strange, sinister sculptures deep into the the small-time talk show „Vermont Today,“ produced by the woods. But when Scott and Penny’s curiosity leads them to upwardly-mobile Michael (Peter Scolari). All 22 episodes Irrfan Khan, Denzil Smith, Lillete Dubey from the Emmy-nominated third season are here to deliver the A mistaken delivery in Mumbai’s famously efficient lunchbox venture too close for Mr. Jones’ comfort, he plunges the young couple into a nightmare world of mayhem, madness and off-kilter, character-based comedy that endeared Newhart to delivery system connects a young housewife to an older man critics and audiences alike. in the dusk of his life as they build a fantasy world together mind-bending terror. Diane Neal (Law & Order: SVU) and through notes in the lunchbox. David Clennon (John Carpenter’s The Thing) co-star in this CBS, Comedy, Television 1983 528min. startling tale from debut director Karl Mueller (writer of The Shout Factory 22.04.2014 Drama, Foreign, Indian, Movies, Romance Divide) and from the producer of the Sundance Film Festival 2013 105min. hit The Pact. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122853 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 01.07.2014 84min. No God, No Master 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122958 Starz / Anchor Bay 06.05.2014 Alessandro Mario, Sam Witwer, Edoardo 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122963 Ballerini, Ray Wise, James Madio, David Martial Arts Double Feature: Strathairn - Dir. Terry Green Moonstruck / Raising Arizona / When a series of package bombs show up on the doorsteps of Hapkido / Lady Whirlwind prominent politicians and businessmen in the summer of 1919, Angela Mao Ying, Chang Yi, Carter Wong, Say Anything / The Sure Thing (4- U.S. Bureau of Investigation agent William Flynn (Strathairn) is assigned the task of finding those responsible. He becomes Angela Mao - Dir. Feng Huang Film Collection) immersed in an investigation that uncovers an anarchist plot Action, Adventure, Double Features, Dra- Nicollette Sheridan, Daphne Zuniga, John to destroy democracy. Inspired by true events of the 20’s, the ma, Martial Arts, Movies 1972 178min. film sets the stage for a timely thriller with resoundingly Goodman, John Cusack, Danny Aiello, similar parallels to the contemporary war on terrorism and the Shout Factory 22.04.2014 Vincent Gardenia, Olympia Dukakis, Holly role government plays to defeat it. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122848 Hunter, Nicolas Cage, John Mahoney, Crime, Drama, History & Events, Movies, Viveca Lindfors, lone Skye, Cher - Dir. Rob Thrillers 2012 94min. Masters Of Sex: The Complete Reiner, Joel Coen, Cameron Crowe, Norm- Monterey Home Video 20.05.2014 First Season an Jewison 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122986 Caitlin Fitzgerald, Lizzy Caplan, Michael Collections, Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Cult Sheen, Margo Martindale, Beau Bridges Film / TV, Drama, Kidnapping, Movies, No Vacancy (DVD + UltraViolet) Drama about the pioneers of the science of human sexuality Romance 391min. Denyce Lawton, Kristen Quintrall, Christo- whose research touched off the sexual revolution. 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 pher Jones Drama, Television 2013 677min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122977 When their car breaks down, seven friends on a road trip to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Las Vegas are forced to stop at a roadside motel for help. 24.06.2014 Movies 4 You: Film Noir / Thriller With no other option, the friends are convinced to spend the 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122896 night but soon realize they are trapped, then are tortured and Gloria Grahame, Rory Calhoun, Joel killed off one at a time. Now, they’ll need to work together and McCrea, Charles Martin Smith, Dorothy fight to survive the seemingly helpful group of people who Masters Of Sex: The Complete have turned their overnight stay into a dreadful, gory Malone, Jennifer Connelly, Lloyd Bridges, nightmare. First Season (Blu-ray + Virginia Madsen, Don Johnson, Lawrence Horror, Movies, Thrillers 81min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Tierney, Harvey Keitel, Ian McShane, Ron Lionsgate 01.07.2014 Caitlin Fitzgerald, Lizzy Caplan, Michael Randell, Wings Hauser, Bibi Andersson, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122856 Sheen, Margo Martindale, Beau Bridges Tab Hunter, George Montgomery, Pierre Drama about the pioneers of the science of human sexuality Clementi, Helen Westcott, Debra Sandlund - Norman whose research touched off the sexual revolution. Dir. Dennis Hopper, James Toback, Ray Billy Lush, Dan Byrd, Emily Vancamp, Adam Drama, Television 2013 676min. Nazarro, Norman Mailer, Bernard Girard, Goldberg, Richard Jenkins - Dir. Jonathan Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Elia Kazan Segal 24.06.2014 Comedy, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers Norman (Dan Byrd) is a painfully self-conscious and darkly 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122905 425min. funny teen who’s just trying to handle his daily high-school existence. In the wake of a grave family tragedy, Norman Timeless Media Group 22.04.2014 unintentionally gets caught in a lie that quickly spirals out of Men In War 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122854 control. With love, humility and a heavy dose of truth, Norman Aldo Ray, Robert Ryan, Michael Miller, emerges to face a burning set of conflicting emotions as he wrestles to define his relationship with his dying father James Edwards, Vic Morrow, Victor Sen Movies 4 You: Horror (Richard Jenkins), his soul-stirring connection with his Yung, L.Q. Jones, Anthony Ray, Nehemiah classmate Emily (Emily VanCamp), and ultimately who he will

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 57 Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Mai 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA be as a young man. The Times says „Director Pirates Of The Caribbean: At daughter of a wealthy merchant who has been unwillingly Jonathan Segal wrings every bit of emotional purity and ironic betrothed to a corrupt Roman Senator (Kiefer Sutherland). As humor out of this teen coming-of-age story.“ World’s End (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu- Mount Vesuvius erupts in a torrent of blazing lava, Milo must Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, High ray) fight his way out of the arena in order to save his beloved as School, Movies 2012 98min. the once magnificent Pompeii crumbles around him. Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Jack Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Anderson Merchandisers 08.04.2014 Davenport, Bill Nighy, Stellan Skarsgard, Drama, History & Events, Movies, Romance 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122879 Jonathan Pryce, Johnny Depp, Geoffrey 2014 210min. Rush - Dir. Gore Verbinski Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Nosferatu: The Vampyre (Blu-ray) Just when he’s needed most, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny 20.05.2014 Klaus Kinski, Bruno Ganz, Isabelle Adjani - Depp), that witty and wily charmer of a pirate, is trapped on a sea of sand in Davy Jones’ Locker. In an increasingly shaky 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122821 Dir. Werner Herzog alliance, Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), Elizabeth Swann It is 1850 in the beautiful, perfectly-kept town of Wismar. (Keira Knightley) and Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) Pompeii (DVD + UltraViolet) Jonathan Harker is about to leave on a long journey over the begin a desperate quest to find and rescue him. Captain Carpathian Mountains to finalize real estate arrangements Jack’s the last of the nine Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court Kit Harington, Emily Browning, Kiefer with a wealthy nobleman. His wife, Lucy, begs him not to go who must come together united in one last stand to preserve and is troubled by a strong premonition of danger. Despite her Sutherland - Dir. Paul Anderson the freedom-loving pirates’ way of life. From exotic Singapore Set in 79 A.D., Pompeii tells the epic story of Milo (Kit warnings, Jonathan arrives four weeks later at a large, to World’s End and beyond, from Shipwreck Island to a titanic gloomy castle. Out of the mist appears a pale, wraith-like Harrington), a slave turned invincible gladiator who finds battle, this adventure’s filled with over-the-edge action, himself in a race against time to save his true love Cassia figure with a shaven head and deep-sunken eyes who irreverent humor and seafaring myth and magic. Everything identifies himself as Count Dracula. The event that transpire (Emily Browning), the beautiful daughter of a wealthy has led to this twisting, turning, wild swashbuckling ride in merchant who has been unwillingly betrothed to a corrupt slowly convince Harker that he is in the presence of a this final chapter of the Pirates Of The Caribbean trilogy. vampyre. What he doesn’t know is the magnitude of danger he, Roman Senator (Kiefer Sutherland). As Mount Vesuvius his wife and his town are about to experience. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, erupts in a torrent of blazing lava, Milo must fight his way out Horror, Movies, Vampires 1979 107min. Fantasy, High Seas, Historical / Period of the arena in order to save his beloved as the once Piece, Movies, Pirates, Swordfighting 2007 magnificent Pompeii crumbles around him. Shout Factory 20.05.2014 Action, Adventure, Drama, History & 169min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122888 Events, Movies, Romance 2014 105min. Disney / Buena Vista 01.03.2011 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122913 Once Upon A Time In Vietnam 20.05.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122817 (DVD + UltraViolet) Pirates Of The Caribbean: At Roger Yuan, Dustin Nguyen While on a mission to retrieve fugitives in Vietnam, Dao, a World’s End (Repackage) Poseidon Rex commander in the Emperor’s army, finds himself in the middle Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Jack of a deadly conflict raging between a tyrannical crime boss, Berne Velasquez, Gildon Roland, Steven and the peaceful town that he has under his thumb. But when Davenport, Bill Nighy, Stellan Skarsgard, Helmkamp, Candice Nunes, Anne Dao realizes that Ahn, the beautiful monk warrior who fled the Jonathan Pryce, Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Mcdaniels, Brian Krause - Dir. Mark L. Emperor’s army is living a secretive new life there, Dao must Rush - Dir. Gore Verbinski Lester choose between upholding his oath to the Emperor, and Just when he’s needed most, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny fighting to preserve Ahn’s cherished town. A small, secluded island off the coast of Belize suddenly finds Depp), that witty and wily charmer of a pirate, is trapped on a itself terrorized by a deadly predator from the planet’s distant Action, Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies, Viet- sea of sand in Davy Jones’ Locker. In an increasingly shaky past, when deep-sea divers accidentally awaken an ancient namese 2013 107min. alliance, Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), Elizabeth Swann evil. Jackson Slate and his team of underwater cave Lionsgate 01.07.2014 (Keira Knightley) and Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) explorers unearth much more than long-lost Mayan treasure begin a desperate quest to find and rescue him. Captain while plumbing the depths of a world famous blue hole. They 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122864 Jack’s the last of the nine Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court disturb a creature that’s been hibernating for over 60,000 who must come together united in one last stand to preserve years - a rampaging behemoth of death and destruction not Tyler Perry’s The Single Moms the freedom-loving pirates’ way of life. From exotic Singapore only at sea but also on land. to World’s End and beyond, from Shipwreck Island to a titanic Action, Dinosaurs, Monsters, Movies, Club (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- battle, this adventure’s filled with over-the-edge action, irreverent humor and seafaring myth and magic. Everything Science Fiction 2013 98min. ray) has led to this twisting, turning, wild swashbuckling ride in Anderson Merchandisers 13.05.2014 William Levy, Ryan Eggold, Terry Crews, this final chapter of the Pirates Of The Caribbean trilogy. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122887 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, High Tyler Perry, Cocoa Brown, Amy Smart, Nia Seas, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Long - Dir. Tyler Perry Pirates, Swordfighting 2007 169min. Power Rangers Turbo: Volume 2 When five struggling single moms put aside their differences The five Turbo Rangers use their new powers, weapons and to form a support group, they find inspiration and laughter in Disney / Buena Vista 25.10.2011 high-tech supercharged vehicles to battle evil at faster their new sisterhood, and help each other overcome the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122909 speeds than ever before. The beautiful yet vicious space obstacles that stand in their way. pirate Divatox follows the Power Rangers to Angel Grove to Comedy, Drama, Television 2014 111min. get revenge for ruining her planned wedding to the volcanic Lionsgate 22.07.2014 Pompeii (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) island deity Maligore. From her mobile Subcraft armed to the (Blu-ray) gills with torpedoes and explosives, and crewed by a motley 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122946 bunch of monsters, she relentlessly pursues our heros. But Kit Harington, Emily Browning, Kiefer the Rangers are not alone in their fight, as they are aided by Tyler Perry’s The Single Moms Sutherland - Dir. Paul Anderson Dimitria, a wise sage and friend of Zordon; Alpha 6, and Set in 79 A.D., Pompeii tells the epic story of Milo (Kit advanced robotic sidekick with a streetwise demeanor; the Club (DVD + UltraViolet) Harrington), a slave turned invincible gladiator who finds Blue Senturion, a robotic intergalactic traffic cop from the William Levy, Ryan Eggold, Terry Crews, himself in a race against time to save his true love Cassia future; and the elusive Phantom Ranger, a one-man army (Emily Browning), the beautiful daughter of a wealthy whose very identity is a mystery. An all-new team of Rangers Tyler Perry, Cocoa Brown, Amy Smart, Nia merchant who has been unwillingly betrothed to a corrupt is armed and ready to carry on the Power Rangers legacy! Long - Dir. Tyler Perry Roman Senator (Kiefer Sutherland). As Mount Vesuvius Action, Adventure, Boxed Sets, Children’s, When five struggling single moms put aside their differences erupts in a torrent of blazing lava, Milo must fight his way out Cult Film / TV, Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts, to form a support group, they find inspiration and laughter in of the arena in order to save his beloved as the once their new sisterhood, and help each other overcome the magnificent Pompeii crumbles around him. Science Fiction, Television 450min. obstacles that stand in their way. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, History Shout Factory 03.06.2014 Comedy, Drama, Television 2014 111min. & Events, Movies, Romance 2014 105min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122987 Lionsgate 22.07.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122940 20.05.2014 Project X / Beerfest (Double Fea- 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122820 ture) (DVD + UltraViolet) Petticoat Junction: The First And Thomas Mann, Caitlin Dulany, Erik Second Season Pompeii (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + Stolhanske, Paul Soter , Oliver Cooper, Linda Kaye, Jeannine Riley, Rufe Davis, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Steve Lemme, Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Frank Cady, Smiley Burnette, Pat Woodell, Kit Harington, Emily Browning, Kiefer Heffernan, Cloris Leachman, Jurgen Bea Benaderet, June Lockhart, Edgar Sutherland - Dir. Paul Anderson Prochnow, M.C. Gainey, Bjorn Johnson, Buchanan PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Jonathan Daniel Brown, Dax Flame, Alexis CBS, Comedy, Family, Television 1964 is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Knapp - Dir. Jay Chandrasekhar, Nima A standard Blu-ray version is also included which will play 1893min. on all standard Blu-ray players. Set in 79 A.D., Pompeii tells Nourizadeh Paramount Pictures 15.04.2014 the epic story of Milo (Kit Harrington), a slave turned Comedy, Crime, Movies min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122873 invincible gladiator who finds himself in a race against time to Warner Bros. 24.06.2014 save his true love Cassia (Emily Browning), the beautiful 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123003

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Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.05.2014 The Real Decameron 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122992 The Selfish Giant Christa Linder, Orchidea De Santis, Toni Elliott Tittensor, Rhys Mccoy, Rebecca Ucci, Rosalba Neri - Dir. Mario Caiano Rob The Mob Manley, Ian Burfield, Shaun Thomas, Unbeknownst to their husbands, a group of really mischievous Nina Arianda, Michael Pitt, Ray Romano, Conner Chapman, Steve Evets, Siobhan girls just want to have fun even though the men from the clergy and their legitimate husbands as well might have Michael Rispoli, Griffin Dunne, Andy Finneran, Sean Gilder, Ralph Ineson, something to object to their desires. Therefore these girls are Garcia, Cathy Moriarty, Burt Young, Frank Lorraine Ashbourne - Dir. Clio Barnard forced to use all their astute ruses in order to escape those Whaley - Dir. Raymond De Felitta One of the most acclaimed films of the year, The Selfish Giant who want to interfere in their right to have a few healthy Rob The Mob is a thrilling and poignant crime-thriller about is the moving story of 13-year-old best friends for whom the jumps in the sack. Hot on the trails of Pasolini’s Decameron, two lovers whose daring heists of Mafia social clubs result in joys of boyhood are almost nonexistent. Diminutive, the sleaze-meisters of Italo sexploitation unleashed a flood of a discovery that could forever change the face of organized hyperactive Arbor and shy Swifty stick together to battle similarly themed erotic sex comedies that held the Italian box- crime in America. bullies at school and poverty at home. One fateful night, the office hostage with its titillating crude politically incorrect boys witness men trying to steal power cables - and manage jokes and the breathtaking raunchy beauty of its primadonnas. Crime, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Thril- to make off with the valuable wires themselves. They sell them The Real Decameron stars Rosalba Neri of Slaughter Hotel lers 104min. to a shady scrap dealer, Kitten (Sean Gilder, Shameless), fame, Christa Linder (Jack Hill’s Alien Terror) and Orchidea Millennium Entertainment 24.06.2014 beginning a criminal arrangement in which the two boys trade De Santis (Rino Di Silvestro’s Red Light Girls) and is a must whatever metals they can swipe for quick cash. But when the see for devout fans of euro sexploitation. Also known as The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122947 vindictive Kitten learns that Arbor has stolen from him, he Sexbury Tales, this naughty gem is a romper stomper of a sends the boys off on a dangerous mission, leading to a steaming comedy! Robocroc shattering climax. Echoing the unfettered depiction of British Comedy, Exploitation, Movies 93min. working class life of Ken Loach, The Selfish Giant is a Keith Duffy, Lisa Mcalister, Dee Wallace, CAV 06.05.2014 contemporary take on the Oscar Wilde fable and a stunning Corin Nemec - Dir. Arthur Sinclair debut feature from director Clio Barnard (The Arbor). tba BestellNr.: 40122938 A top secret unmanned spacecraft disintegrates on re-entry, Drama, Movies 91min. its mysterious military payload crash-lands in the crocodile MPI 29.04.2014 Shorts: May The Shorts habitat of a place called Adventure Land - a combination water park, amusement land and world famous crocodile exhibit. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122941 Be With You Following its pre-programmed instructions, the payload - a next-generation nanotech-based combat drone - finds a host Snake & Mongoose (With T-Shirt) Bill Corbett, Michael Nelson, Kevin Murphy, in the form of the park’s prize twenty-foot Australian saltwater Josh Gemma crocodile, Stella. She is the largest Saltwater croc in Kim Shaw, Jesse Williams, Ashley There is a great disturbance in our shorts, as if the captivity. Immediately upon infecting its host, the drone Hinshaw, Richard Blake, Tim Blake Nelson, copywriter suddenly cried out in terror when he realized how payload’s nanobots begin to transform Stella from an organic, terrible an opening line that is for a DVD description and was living creature into a lethal killing machine with only a single Fred Dryer, Noah Wyle - Dir. Wayne suddenly silenced because he was fired. Hi! New copywriter directive: survival! Holloway here. RiffTrax: May The Shorts Be With You is our latest Horror, Monsters, Movies, Robots / Start your engines for the incredible true story of the greatest collection of scum and villainy. You’ll watch the binary sunset rivalry in drag racing history: Don „The Snake“ Prudhomme as you ponder What Is Nothing?, experience life as a Androids, Science Fiction 2013 90min. (Jesse Williams of Grey’s Anatomy) versus his longtime padawan learner (on the egg carton assembly line) in Eggs to Peace Arch Entertainment 04.02.2014 friend and nemesis Tom „The Mongoose“ McEwen (Richard Market, and resist the urge to go over to the dark side of The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122899 Blake of Dragonball: Evolution). From the fiery days of early Creeps Machine! RiffTrax: May The Shorts Be With You speedways through the explosive peak of their popularity, contains nine of our favorite bafflingly inept shorts and best of these are the personal triumphs and tragedies behind the all, there is nary a prequel to be found anywhere on the disc! Rush Hour 2 (Blu-ray) legendary races and Hot Wheels partnership that created a Comedy, Movies, Short Film Collections, global phenomenon. Ashley Hinshaw (Chronicle), Kim Shaw Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan, Ziyi Zhang, (She’s Out Of My League), Fred Dryer (Hunter), Ian Ziering Spoofs & Parodies 2013 92min. Roselyn Sanchez, Alan King, Harris Yulin, (Sharknado), Tim Blake Nelson (O Brother, Where Art Legend Films 28.01.2014 John Lone - Dir. Brett Ratner Thou?) and Noah Wyle (ER) co-star in this nitro-burning tba BestellNr.: 40122900 The must-own sequel of the year! Chris Tucker and Jackie drama of the two men who battled business and each other to Chan team up again in this record-breaking box-office smash change motorsports forever. hit. Action, Auto Racing, Cars & Motorcycles, RiffTrax: Ghosthouse Action, Blu-ray, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Sports 2013 102min. Bill Corbett, Michael Nelson, Kevin Murphy, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Martial Arts, Starz / Anchor Bay 08.04.2014 Josh Gemma Movies 2001 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122882 Yes, Ghosthouse is a film about a dead little girl who has an evil clown doll that commands her to kill. That’s all well and New Line Home Entertainment 12.08.2014 good. But it’s the little things about Ghosthouse that really 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122843 Son Of God make you stand up and say „Wait, what?“ Teh star of Ghosthouse is a Ham Radio operator who, Hey, Get Back Diogo Morgado - Dir. Christopher Spencer Here!!! Anyway, this Ham Radio operator one day asks a The Secret Of Loch Ness From producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey comes Son fellow Ham Radio operator „Who is more popular in , Serge Falck, Dorkas Kiefer, Thomas of God - the most important chapter of the Greatest Story Ever Kim Basinger or Kelly LeBrock?“ This has nothing to do with Told for a whole new generation of families to enjoy. the plot of Ghosthouse, but we just wanted to point out that Fritsch, Lukas Schust, Lisa Martinek, Karl Acclaimed Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado delivers a this question was raised in an actual movie. So Ham Radio Merkatz - Dir. Michael Rowitz spectacular portrayal of Jesus as this powerful and guy and his ambiguously European girlfriend eat some chili, 11 year old Tim’s life changes completely, as he discovers a inspirational feature film depicts the life of Christ, from His debate Ham Radio ethics, then go to the Ghosthouse where photo of a researcher living in Scotland, who looks exactly humble birth through His teachings, crucifixion and ultimate they meet a guy named Jim Dalen. We learn a lot about Jim like his dead father! Overcome with excitement, Tim is resurrection. Dalen, who’s staying outside in an RV with, among others, his immediately compelled to find out the truth. He sneaks off and Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies sister Tina. That would be Tina Dalen. Jim Dalen’s sister. makes his way to Inverness, the renowned Scottish village on 2014 138min. Oh, and sooner or later, lots of people die. But in the the banks of the legendary Loch Ness. What awaits Tim meantime, spend some time with Jim Dalen, Tina Dalen, and surpasses even his boldest expectations as he unlocked the 20th Century Fox 03.06.2014 Kelly LeBrock. Then come back when you’re ready to discuss greatest secret of all.... 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122925 the film. We’re gonna get some chili. Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Comedy, Movies, Spoofs & Parodies 2013 German, International TV, Movies, Televisi- Son Of God (Blu-ray + DVD Com- 91min. on, TV Movies 2008 90min. bo) (Blu-ray) Legend Films 28.01.2014 Phase 4 Films 13.05.2014 tba BestellNr.: 40122901 Diogo Morgado - Dir. Christopher Spencer 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122968 From producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey comes Son of God - the most important chapter of the Greatest Story Ever The Right Kind Of Wrong (Blu- Sector 4: Extraction (DVD + Told for a whole new generation of families to enjoy. Acclaimed Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado delivers a ray) UltraViolet Combo) spectacular portrayal of Jesus as this powerful and Raoul Bhaneja, Ryan Mcpartlin, Kristen inspirational feature film depicts the life of Christ, from His Olivier Gruner, Eric Roberts, Olivier Gruner, humble birth through His teachings, crucifixion and ultimate Hager, Sara Canning, Will Sasso, James A. Jacov Bresler resurrection. Woods, Ryan Kwanten, Jennifer Baxter - When an elite band of private military mercenaries known as Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies Dir. Jeremiah Chechik Black Knight are caught behind enemy lines in the hellish 2014 138min. Leo Palamino is a failed-writer-turned-dishwasher made combat zone Sector 4, their only hope for survival is their famous for his many flaws and shortcomings in a blog called team leader, who managed to get away. But after escaping the 20th Century Fox 03.06.2014 „Why You Suck,“ a huge Internet success written by his ex- clutches of Al-Qaeda, returning home and finding out that his 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122930 wife. Then Leo meets Colette, the girl of his dreams... on the men are still alive, he pledges to uphold the Black Knight day she is marrying the perfect man. And so, the ultimate motto: „No One Left Behind.“ underdog story begins as Leo, a fearless dreamer, risks all to Action, Drama, Movies, War 2014 90min. Sophia Grace & Rosie’s Royal show Colette and the whole wide world all that is right with a Lionsgate 22.07.2014 Adventure (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- man famous for being wrong. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122920 Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 97min. tal Copy) (Blu-ray)

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Get ready for another British invasion! The super-cute, Grainger) passed away mid-season, and was replaced by talented twosome of Sophia Grace and Rosie became an Wagon Train’s John McIntire as the new proprietor of the Internet sensation with their remarkable viral vidoes. Then Under The Skin (DVD + Shiloh Ranch, Clay Grainger. McIntire’s real-life wife, the duo sang and danced their way to stardom on The Ellen UltraViolet Combo) Jeanette Nolan, took the role of Clay’s wife, Holly. Sara Lane, DeGeneres Show, where they regularly report from the red Don Quine and Clu Gulager rounded out the cast of Season carpet. Now see the little, lovable performers in their very Scarlett Johansson - Dir. Jonathan Glazer Six and the saga of Medicine Bow went on. They were joined own original live-action movie! The girls are sent to An alien in the form of a voluptuous young woman (Scarlett by a distinguished array of guest stars, including Charles Switzelvania as Ellen’s correspondents to cover the Johansson) combs the streets of Scotland in search of men. Bronson (The Reckoning), Darren McGavin (The Deadly coronation of a new queen. When they encounter three very She lures a succession of lost souls into her otherworldly Past), James Whitmore (Paid In Full), Susan Oliver (A Small different princesses competing for the throne, Sophia Grace lair, where they are seduced, stripped of their humanity, and Taste Of Justice), and Rosie hatch a royal plot to help the best candidate win. never heard from again. Action, Drama, NBC, Television, Western So grab your microphone, put on your best pink tutu and tiara, Erotica, Fantasy, In The Future..., Movies, and go on a splendidly fun-filled, exciting adventure fit for a 1962 1950min. princess! Science Fiction, Supernatural & Shout Factory 05.02.2013 Adventure, Blu-ray, Children’s, Comedy, Paranormal, Thrillers 2013 106min. tba BestellNr.: 40122948 Movies 75min. Lionsgate 15.07.2014 Warner Bros. 20.05.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122918 Viva Las Vegas: 50th Anniversary 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122950 Vampire Academy (Blu-ray + DVD (Blu-ray) Elvis Presley - Dir. George Sidney Squatters + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Elvis Presley and vivacious Ann-Margret sizzle in this Luke Grimes, Thomas Dekker, Richard Dominic Sherwood, Danila Kozlovsky, Lucy dazzling funfest that’s brimming with high-voltage musical Dreyfuss - Dir. Martin Weisz Fry, Zoey Deutch, Sami Gayle, Sarah numbers, roaring race cars and glittery Vegas action. Classics, Comedy, Movies, Music, Musical, Worlds collide when a wealthy family returns unexpectedly Hyland, Olga Kurylenko, Cameron Romance 1964 85min. from vacation, leading to a violent confrontation involving the Monaghan, Joely Richardson, Gabriel homeless drifters who were squatting in their home. Warner Bros. 12.08.2014 Drama, Movies 2014 106min. Byrne - Dir. Mark Waters Based on the best-selling novel by Richelle Mead, Vampire 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Academy tells the story of two 17-year-old girls, Rose 13.05.2014 Hathaway (Zoey Deutch), a rebellious half-vampire/half- Wagon Train: The Complete 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122943 human who is training to be a guardian at St. Vladimir’s Academy and her best friend, Princess Lissa Dragomir (Lucy Season Four Fry), a peaceful, mortal vampire. After ditching school and Art Linkletter, Robert Horton, Eddie Albert, Stay being on the run for a year, Rose and Lissa are caught and Denny Miller, Joseph Cotten, John McIntire, Taylor Schilling, Aidan Quinn, Michael brought back to the Academy. Lissa struggles to reclaim her social status while Rose risks everything in an attempt to Dan Duryea, Brian Keith, Barbara Ironside - Dir. Wiebke von Carolsfeld protect her best friend from the immortal, evil vampires that A lushly romantic heartbreaker set on the Emerald Isle, Stay lurk just outside the walls of their school. Stanwyck, Dennis Hopper, Robert Ryan, stars Taylor Schilling (Orange is the New Black) and Aidan Action, Blu-ray, Fantasy, High School, Frank McGrath Quinn (Legends Of The Fall) as Abbey and Dermot, a couple Continuing in their great tradition of classic TV westerns, struggling to find their way in life. After retreating to the Movies, Vampires 2014 104min. NBCUniversal and Timeless Media Group now bring you the rugged expanse of the Irish countryside, the couple’s happy Starz / Anchor Bay 20.05.2014 uncut Wagon Train: The Complete Sixth Season, one of the existence is upended when Abbey (Taylor Schilling) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123009 most enduring and sought after westerns of all time. Direct discovers she’s pregnant. Dermot (Aidan Quinn), much older from film masters stored in the Universal vaults, these 37 and battling the ghosts of his past, has no interest in being a episodes have been re-mastered and presented on 10 dual father. Abbey flees home to Montreal, seeking to understand The Virginian: The Complete layer DVDs in a special edition tin box, with a handsome DVD the wreckage of her own family by visiting her alcoholic booklet complete with all the episode synopses, the guest father (Michael Ironside). With their lives now at a Season Eight stars and more. Inspired by the classic western film crossroads, Abbey and Dermot’s relationship hangs in the John Smith, Alan Hale Jr., David Hartman, Wagonmaster, directed by John Ford (The Searchers, balance. They must both face the truth of who they are and Stagecoach), Wagon Train debuted on Wednesday, September which path in life they take that will finally lead them home. Doug McClure, Desi Arnaz, Anne Baxter, 18, 1957 on the NBC Television Network. The ensemble Drama, Movies, Romance 105min. Edgar Buchanan, James Drury, John acting, wonderful scripts and great western scenery soon McIntire, James Gregory, Burgess made Wagon Train a fixture in American homes on Wednesday Kino Video 20.05.2014 nights, as millions of Americans of all ages tuned in to NBC 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122965 Meredith, Art Carney, Yvonne De Carlo, for great family entertainment. Ward Bond, who starred in Jeanette Nolan, Neville Brand, Pete Duel Wagonmaster, recreated his role from the film as Major Seth Owen Wister’s 1902 western novel The Virginian was one of Adams. He was joined by costars Robert Horton as Head TCM Greatest Classic Films: the first great novels of the American West. Set in the semi- Scout Flint McCullough, Frank McGrath as the cook Charlie Legends - John Wayne - War mythical town of Medicine Bow, Wyoming in the 1890s, it Wooster, and Terry Wilson as Assi chronicled the lives and relationships of the people who came Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Television, James Arness, Peter Whitney, Lana Turner, west and settled the wild land. The Virginian was the first 90 Western 1962 1900min. Alan Hale, Paul Fix, John Qualen, Patricia minute television western, airing in prime time on NBC from Shout Factory 05.03.2013 Neal, , Ward Bond, John 1962-1971. The eighth and final season of The Virginian was followed by a single season of The Men From Shiloh, a show tba BestellNr.: 40122966 Wayne, Mike Mazurki, Martin Milner, Anita featuring the same characters and setting but told in a new Ekberg, William Campbell, Dick Davalos, and different format. The stellar cast from Season Eight includes James Drury, Doug McClure, John McIntire, Jeantte Wagon Train: The Complete David Farrar, Tab Hunter, Wilton Graff, Dan Nolan and Sara Lane. They are joined by a distinguished Dailey, Philip Carey, Lyle Bettger, Lowell array of guest stars, including Art Carney (The Season Two Gilmore, Paul Picerni, John Baer, Luis Van Honeymooners), Neville Brand (Laredo), Desi Arnaz (I Love Art Linkletter, Robert Horton, Eddie Albert, Lucy), Edgar Buchanan (Petticoat Junction), Burgess Rooten, Joy Kim, Berry Kroger, Virginia Meredith (Rocky), Alan Hale, Jr. (Gilligan’s Island) and many Denny Miller, Joseph Cotten, John McIntire, Brissac - Dir. William Wellman, John Ford, more! Dan Duryea, Brian Keith, Barbara George Waggner, John Farrow Action, Drama, NBC, Television, Western Stanwyck, Dennis Hopper, Robert Ryan, Action, Classics, Drama, High Seas, 1962 1820min. Frank McGrath Jungle, Military, Movies, Romance, War, Shout Factory 29.04.2014 Continuing in their great tradition of classic TV westerns, NBCUniversal and Timeless Media Group now bring you the World War II min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122956 uncut Wagon Train: The Complete Season Two, one of the Warner Bros. 18.06.2013 most enduring and sought after westerns of all time. Direct 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122812 The Virginian: The Complete from film masters stored in the Universal vaults, these 37 episodes have been re-mastered and presented on 10 dual Season Six layer DVDs in a special edition tin box, with a handsome DVD Under The Skin (Blu-ray + booklet complete with all the episode synopses, the guest John Smith, Pete Duel, Jeanette Nolan, stars and more. Inspired by the classic western film UltraViolet Combo) (Blu-ray) Yvonne De Carlo, David Hartman, Doug Wagonmaster, directed by John Ford (The Searchers, Scarlett Johansson - Dir. Jonathan Glazer McClure, Anne Baxter, James Drury, John Stagecoach), Wagon Train debuted on Wednesday, September An alien in the form of a voluptuous young woman (Scarlett 18, 1957 on the NBC Television Network. The ensemble McIntire, James Gregory, Burgess Meredith acting, wonderful scripts and great western scenery soon Johansson) combs the streets of Scotland in search of men. Owen Wister’s 1902 western novel The Virginian was one of She lures a succession of lost souls into her otherworldly made Wagon Train a fixture in American homes on Wednesday the first great novels of the American West. Set in the semi- nights, as millions of Americans of all ages tuned in to NBC lair, where they are seduced, stripped of their humanity, and mythical town of Medicine Bow, Wyoming in the 1890s, it never heard from again. for great family entertainment. Ward Bond, who starred in chronicled the lives and relationships of the people who came Wagonmaster, recreated his role from the film as Major Seth Erotica, Fantasy, In The Future..., Movies, west and settled the wild land. The Virginian was the first 90 Adams. He was joined by costars Robert Horton as Head Science Fiction, Supernatural & minute television western, airing in prime time on NBC from Scout Flint McCullough, Frank McGrath as the cook Charlie 1962-1971. Season Six of The Virginian saw James Drury and Wooster, and Terry Wilson as Assist Paranormal, Thrillers 2013 106min. Doug McClure continue their roles as The Virginian and Lionsgate 15.07.2014 Trampas, but as in the previous seasons, there were changes Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Television, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122923 in Medicine Bow. The great Charles Bickford (John Western 1962 1900min.

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Shout Factory 29.04.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122991 Meet the stars, the artistic director, the managers, stagehands, carpenters, and ushers. Explore the Haymarket, tba BestellNr.: 40122975 one of London’s oldest theatres, with 100-year-old seats and Cecilia Bartoli: Otello plumbing to match. Audiences realize none of this as the lights Werewolf dim and the magic begins. From the first read-through to the Javier Camarena, Nicola Pamio, Edgardo final curtain call, this is theatre as you’ve never seen it Luis Induni, Silvia Solar, Paul Naschy - Dir. Rocha, Peter Kalman, Liliana Nikiteanu, before. Also featuring Simon Callow (Four Weddings And A Miguel Iglesias Cecilia Bartoli, John Osborne - Dir. Olivier Funeral), Ronald Pickup (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel), Waldemar (Paul Naschy) is on its way on the Himalayan Simonnet Joseph Cross (Lincoln), and Anna Friel (Pushing Daisies). heights tracking down the legendary Yeti. Falling in the hands Cecilia Bartoli and John Osborn star in Rossini’s Otello, a Musical, Musicals On Stage, Special of beautiful cannibal nymphets, he’s forced into a black magic rarely performed opera that has been brought to new life by Interest 2009 201min. ritual that puts the foul curse of the abominable werewolf on directors Moshe Leiser and Patrice Caurier. First presented Acorn Media 13.05.2014 his body and soul. Torn between his scientific mind and the in in 1816, Rossini’s Otello is a gripping musical abysmal depths of the new savagery unleashed by the beast drama, with a finale no less tragic and disturbing than in 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122889 inside him, Waldemar finally meets the Yeti... Behold, the Shakespeare’s original play. Ms. Bartoli radiates a kind of mighty Paul Naschy is back! Werewolf is without any doubt charismatic diligence. It is obvious that she has plotted out Toto: 35th Anniversary Tour - Live one of the most outrageous shockers conceived by his every musical and dramatic moment: every subtle diminuendo, feverish mind! Directed by Miguel Iglesias (1915-2012), the every gesture.’ New York Times In Poland (Blu-ray) man behind lurid cults such as Naked Killers and Presage, Werewolf is an exercise in madness. A no holds barred Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Opera, Concerts, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special action-horror flick that brings a new meaning to euro Special Interest 156min. Interest 2003 150min. exploitation, it will wet all your desires and then some. Please Universal - Music 06.05.2014 fasten your seat-belt: for you’re invited for a ride that brings Eagle Rock 06.05.2014 back all the good ol’ thrills for the heyday of long forgotten 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122955 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122962 grindhouse classics! Action, Exploitation, Horror, Movies 1977 Cecilia Bartoli: Otello (Blu-ray) Woodstock: 40th Anniversary 85min. Javier Camarena, Nicola Pamio, Edgardo Limited Edition Revisited (Blu- CAV 03.06.2014 Rocha, Peter Kalman, Liliana Nikiteanu, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122937 Cecilia Bartoli, John Osborne - Dir. Olivier ray) 1969 was a year unlike any other. Man first set foot on the Simonnet moon. The New York Mets won the World Series against all Witches Of East End: The Cecilia Bartoli and John Osborn star in Rossini’s Otello, a odds. And for three days in the rural town of Bethel, New Complete First Season rarely performed opera that has been brought to new life by York, half a million people experienced the single most directors Moshe Leiser and Patrice Caurier. First presented defining moment of their generation; a concert unprecedented Rachel , Eric Winter, Madchen in Naples in 1816, Rossini’s Otello is a gripping musical in scope and influence, a coming together of people from all Amick, Julia Ormond drama, with a finale no less tragic and disturbing than in walks of life with a single common goal: Peace and music. Shakespeare’s original play. Ms. Bartoli radiates a kind of They called it Woodstock. One year later, a landmark Oscar- Witches of East End stars Julia Ormond as Joanna charismatic diligence. It is obvious that she has plotted out Beauchamp, an ageless mother trying to keep a supernatural winning documentary captured the essence of the music, the every musical and dramatic moment: every subtle diminuendo, electricity of the performances, and the experience of those secret from her daughters, Freya (Jenna Dewan-Tatum) and every gesture.’ New York Times Ingrid (Rachel Boston), so they can lead a normal life. But who lived it. Newly remastered, the film features legendary when Joanna’s estranged sister (Madchen Amick) arrives to Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Opera, performances by 17 best selling artists. warn her of an evil entity out to destroy them all, Joanna is Special Interest 156min. Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, forced to reveal the truth about her family’s magical legacy. Universal - Music 06.05.2014 Classics, Concerts, Documentary, Music, Co-starring Virginia Madsen, Eric Winter and Daniel DiTomasso, this powerful and enchanting drama series will tba BestellNr.: 40122964 National Film Registry, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special cast its spell on you! Editions 1970 min. Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Television, Witches A Celebration Of Blues And Soul Warner Bros. 29.07.2014 & Warlocks 2013 417min. William Bell, Percy Sledge, Sam Moore, Dr. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123018 20th Century Fox 24.06.2014 John, Joe Louis Walker, Koko Taylor, Albert 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122927 Collins, Bo Diddley, Stevie Ray Vaughan On January 21, 1989, on the evening following the Xena: Warrior Princess - Season presidential inauguration, some of the biggest names in classic rhythm and blues performed at the Washington Special Interest Five Convention Center at the Presidential Inaugural Concert. The black-tie event would be a historical moment: an official Lucy Lawless inaugural event featuring some of the finest musicians of the The Abominable Crime In a collection of episodes like no other, Xena’s extraordinary ’50s and ’60s from Stax and Chess Records including Bo Maurice Tomlinson fifth season ratchets up the intrigue with a spellbinding Diddley, Percy Sledge and Carla Thomas, along with several episode-to-episode storyline built upon the Warrior The Abominable Crime is a riveting documentary that explores hotshot Texas blues guitarists such as Stevie Ray Vaughan the religious-based culture of homophobia in Jamaica through Princess’s shocking discovery that she’s carrying a child of and Jimmie Vaughan at the height of their careers. unknown origins. Haunted by questions of to whom the child the eyes of gay Jamaicans forced to choose between their belongs and why the mysterious pregnancy has prompted a Blues, Concerts, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, homeland and their lives. With personal accounts from deadly clash between the mortal and immortal worlds, Xena Special Interest 120min. Jamaica’s leading human-rights activist and a young lesbian endeavors to discover the truths that will change her life Shout Factory 06.05.2014 single mother who survives a brutal anti-gay shooting, the forever. film’s characters take the audience on an emotionally gripping tba BestellNr.: 40122969 journey over four years and across five countries, offering an Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, intimate first-person perspective on the risks and challenges Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Televi- of seeking asylum abroad. sion 1999 979min. Elvis: That’s The Way It Is: 2001 Documentary, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Universal Studios 22.07.2014 Special Edition + 1970 Theat. Interest, Jamaican, Special Interest 66min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122892 Version (Blu-ray) Passion River 10.06.2014 An inside look at „The King“, this documentary follows Elvis 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122813 as he prepares for his big opening-night performance in Las Vegas paints Elvis as the master showman. Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special After Tiller Since the assassination of Dr. George Tiller in 2009, there Music Interest 192min. are only four American doctors left who openly provide third- Warner Bros. 12.08.2014 trimester abortions - Dr. LeRoy Carhart, Dr. Warren Hern, Gregg Allman: All My Friends 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123013 Dr. Susan Robinson, and Dr. Shelley Sella. After Tiller paints a complex, compassionate portrait of these physicians who Gregg Allman - Dir. Conor McAnally have become the new, number-one targets of the anti-abortion Concerts, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Southern Theatreland movement, yet continue to risk their lives every day to do work that they believe is profoundly important for their Rock, Special Interest min. Ronald Pickup, Anna Friel, Joseph Cross, patients’ lives. The film weaves together revealing interviews Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.05.2014 Simon Callow, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen with the doctors with intimate scenes from inside their clinics, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122974 - Dir. Chris Terrill where they counsel and care for patients at an important is one of London’s premier West crossroads in their lives. By sharing the moving stories of End playhouses. in 2009, it mounted the most successful several of these patients, After Tiller illuminates the Gregg Allman: All My Friends production ever of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot, experiences of women who seek later abortions and their (Blu-ray) Starring Ian McKellen (The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, X- reasons why. Men) and Patrick Stewart (X-Men, Star Trek: The Next Documentary, Special Interest 2013 88min. Gregg Allman - Dir. Conor McAnally Generation), it ran for 172 sold-out performances. Godot was Laboratories 13.05.2014 Concerts, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Southern followed by the first ever staged adaptation of Truman Capote’s Breakfast At Tiffany’s. Filmed over six months, this 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122891 Rock, Special Interest min. documentary series goes behind the scenes of both Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.05.2014 productions to reveal what makes a trick.

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Amish Mafia: Season one Genius On Hold comedy’s freshest talent to help him bring down the house; Lil’ Rel, Henry Welch, Deon Cole and DeRay Davis. This Although the Amish deny its very existence, season one Narrated by Academy-Award nominated Frank Langella, hilarious lineup delivers nonstop laughs in this high- energy introduces you to the sordid subculture of the Amish known as Genius On Hold is the story of Walter L. Shaw - a brilliant night of comedy. All Star Comedy Jam - Live From Las Vegas the Amish Mafia. Lurking within the quiet community of Lanca- telecommunications inventor who created call forwarding, was filmed in front of a live audience at The Joint at the Hard ster, Pennsylvania, Levis gang serves as the law, judge, touchtone dialing, speakerphone, voice recognition, the Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. insurance, and bank, dealing with the „English world“ and presidential „red phone“ and many other creations we use trying to solve disputes before they’re taken to the church. every day. He held over 39 patents and his creations should Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 2013 But with organized barn fights, hut parties, guns, running from have earned him great fortune and lasting fame. Instead, this 60min. the police, and „green corn“ (Amish for marijuana), there’s brilliant man was held down by corporate greed and Lionsgate 01.07.2014 more to this mafia than the „righteous justice“ they uphold. government monopolies and ended up so desperate to provide When Levis crew breaks up, the producers track down for his family he ended up working for the mafia; creating the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122870 members from the Lancaster and Ohio mafias, addressing the infamous „black box.“ His unimaginable decline led his son, questions about their lives and the authenticity of the show, Walter T. Shaw, to turn to a life of crime and become the Perfect Shark culminating in an explosive season finale. world’s most notorious jewel-thief. Sharks have been evolving for 400 million years - surely Drama, Reality, Religion/Spirituality, Special Documentary, Science, Special Interest today these formidable creatures must be at the pinnacle of Interest, Television 2014 215min. 2012 91min. perfection? Eminent underwater wildlife cameraman and shark Discovery Channel 20.05.2014 Anderson Merchandisers 13.05.2014 aficionado Mike deGruy comes face-to-face with some of the greatest sharks that ever lived, past and present. On his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122890 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122895 search for perfection, Mike encounters ancient sharks the length of a city bus, a shark that actually walks and various Catching Dreams Heal Yourself, Heal The World others with amazing qualities for survival. Is there one amongst them all that is the perfect shark, one that is or was Lisa Ratner, Tony Steele, Brian Flint - Dir. Documentary, Health, Special Interest so successful and versatile that it sticks out fin and tail above Kevin Flint 96min. the rest? P.T. Barnum once said „a sucker’s born every minute“. But he Passion River 08.07.2014 Animals & Nature, BBC, British, never met Brian Flint. Catching dreams is the inspirational Educational, Foreign, International TV, story of an Olympic caliber athlete who threw caution to the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122934 wind and refused to stay in the corporate rat race. Shot over Sharks, Television min. 8 years all across the globe comes this uplifting story of hope, Is The Man Who Is Tall Happy? BBC Home Video 22.07.2014 determination and perseverance as Brian pursues a new 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123007 dream - to become a flying trapeze artist for the greatest Noam Chomsky, Michel Gondry - Dir. Michel human circus of all time - Cirque Du Soleil! Gondry Documentary, Special Interest 2013 85min. From Michel Gondry, the innovative director of Eternal Shark Battlefield Indican Pictures 11.02.2014 Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and The Science Of Sleep, Cutting-edge underwater photography combine with state-of- comes this unique animated documentary on the life of the-art graphics to reveal the raw drama of the conflicts, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122898 controversial MIT professor, philosopher, linguist, anti-war subterfuge, battle plans and attack tactics of sharks. activist and political firebrand Noam Chomsky. Through Techniques employed in BBC’s Predators are used, this time Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey complex, lively conversations with Chomsky and brilliant in a new theatre of war - an underwater battleground that illustrations by Gondry himself, the film reveals the life and plays host to nature’s version of submarine warfare. It maps (Blu-ray) work of the father of modern linguistics while also exploring the terrain, identifies the targets and follows the hide-and- Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey continues the exploration of his theories on the emergence of language. The result is not seek battle tactics as they unfold. And it captures the the remarkable mysteries of the cosmos and our place within only a dazzling, vital portrait of one of the foremost thinkers of extraordinary battery of senses at a shark’s disposal, it. Hosted by renowned astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse modern times, but also a beautifully animated work of art. revealing how they use them to locate and home in on prey. Tyson, this thrilling, 13-part adventure will transport you Documentary, Special Interest 89min. Animals & Nature, BBC, British, across the universe of space and time, bringing to life never- MPI 13.05.2014 Educational, Foreign, International TV, before-told stories of the heroic quest for knowledge and a deeper understanding of nature. With an updated Cosmic 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122885 Sharks, Television min. Calendar, dazzling visual effects, and the wondrous Ship of BBC Home Video 22.07.2014 the Imagination, prepare to take an unforgettable journey to Kendra On Top: Season Two 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123006 new worlds and across the universe for a vision of the cosmos on the grandest - and smallest - scale. Kendra Wilkinson, Hank Baskett Documentary, Educational, Science, Space, Get ready for another hilarious season of the hit series that Tim’s Vermeer (Blu-ray + DVD follows the sexy and spontaneous adventures of reality TV’s Television 2014 572min. favorite author, model and mom! With the love and support of Combo) (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 10.06.2014 her husband, former NFL player Hank Baskett III, and their Martin Mull, David Hockney, Penn Jillette, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122931 son Hank IV, Kendra Wilkinson takes on everything from a celebrity high dive competition (ABC Network’s Splash!), to Penn Jillette running into an old flame, and even hosting the world’s Tim Jenison, a Texas-based inventor, attempts to solve one of Crystal Lake Memories: The biggest bachelorette party in Las Vegas! Join Kendra, Hank the greatest mysteries in all art: How did Dutch master and all of their great friends (Hugh Hefner, Jessica Hall, Pat Johannes Vermeer manage to paint so photo-realistically 150 Complete History Of Friday The McAffee, and others) for fourteen more episodes of years before the invention of photography? Spanning a 13th outrageous adventures and see why Kendra will always be on decade, Jenison’s adventure takes him to Holland, on a top! pilgrimage to the North coast of Yorkshire to meet artist David Amanda Righetti, Robert Englund, Dana Hockney, and eventually even to Buckingham Palace. The Reality, Television 2013 344min. epic research project Jenison embarks on is as extraordinary Kimmell, Jensen Daggett, Amy Steel, MPI 13.05.2014 as what he discovers. Adrienne King, Kimberly Beck, Alice 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122883 Adventure, Blu-ray, Documentary, Special Cooper, Tom Savini, Wes Craven, Corey Interest 2014 80min. Feldman, Melanie Kinnaman, Jennifer Neurons to Nirvana: Understan- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Cooke, Lar Park Lincoln - Dir. Daniel ding Psychedelic Medicines 10.06.2014 Farrands 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122869 For more than thirty years, Friday The 13th has proven to be Neurons to Nirvana: Understanding Psychedelic Medicines is as unstoppable at the box office as its hockey-masked villain a richly- illustrated feature documentary about the resurgence Jason Voorhees, having spawned twelve feature films (and of psychedelics as medicine. Through interviews with the Top Gear 21: The Complete counting!), a syndicated television series and an extensive world’s foremost researchers, writers, psychologists and line of books, merchandise and collectibles. For its creators, pioneers in psychedelic psychotherapy, the film explores five Season 21 Friday The 13th has been anything but „bad luck,“ generating powerful psychedelic substances (LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA, James May, Richard Hammond, Jeremy nearly $600 million in domestic box office receipts and turning Ayahuasca and Cannabis) and their previously established an unstoppable, machete-wielding madman into a true pop- medicinal and psychotherapeutic potential. Clarkson - Dir. Phil Churchward culture icon. Inspired by the critically-acclaimed book, Documentary, Religion/Spirituality, Special In the all-new 21st series of the world’s favorite car show, Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History Of Friday The Interest 66min. Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May embark 13th takes viewers behind the mask on an epic journey into on a huge and potentially glowing road trip across Ukraine in the making of the landmark horror franchise — from its humble Passion River 01.07.2014 three small cars with even smaller engines, re-live the glory beginnings in 1980 at a New Jersey summer camp to the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122935 days of the 1980s in three ‘classic’ hot hatchbacks. There’s blockbuster release of its 2009 „reboot.“ Combining hundreds also the new Alfa 4C sports car racing a very unusual quad of rare and never-before-seen photographs, film clips, bike, the sensational McLaren P1 tearing a strip off Belgium, outtakes, archival documents, conceptual art and behind-the- Shaquille O’Neal Presents: All an insane six-wheeled Mercedes in the desert. And as if that scenes footage, and featuring interviews with more than 150 Star Comedy Jam - Live From wasn’t enough, the series includes an epic two part adventure cast and crew members spanning all twelve films and the across the wilds of Burma as the presenters take three lorries television series, Crystal Lake Memories is the ultim Las Vegas (DVD + UltraViolet) on what could be Top Gear’s toughest challenge to date. BBC, British, Cars & Motorcycles, Documentary, Horror, Horror Series, Henry Welch, Deon Cole, DeRay Davis, Documentary, Foreign, International TV, Special Interest 2013 400min. Mike Epps - Dir. Leslie Small CAV 03.06.2014 Comedy and film star Mike Epps, known for his roles in the Special Interest, Television 300min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122910 Hangover and Friday franchises, takes center stage as the BBC Home Video 05.08.2014 host of the newest installment in Shaquille O’Neal’s All Star 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123000 Comedy Jam franchise. Epps called on some of stand-up

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Untold History Of The United States Part 1: World War II (Blu- Weekend Of A Champion ray) Helen Stewart, Jackie Stewart, Roman Pol- anski - Dir. Frank Simon Americana, Blu-ray, Documentary, History In 1971, filmmaker and racing fan Roman Polanski spent a Telefonische & Events, Special Interest, World War II weekend with world champion driver Jackie Stewart as he Bestellannahme: min. attempted to win the Monaco Grand Prix. Polanski was given intimate access to Stewart’s world for three days, both on the Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Warner Bros. 02.09.2014 track and off. The resul twas Weekend Of A Champion, an Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123012 extraordinarily rare glimpse into the life of a gifted athlete at Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr the height of his powers. Now after forty years, Polanski and Stewart revisit the film, looking back with both nostalgia and Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Untold History Of The United the temperance that comes with age. Featuring a newly-filmed States Part 2: The Cold War (Blu- postscript, Weekend Of A Champion is here presented as Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- both a timeless relic of the racing world in the early 70s and a und Feiertags (Baden- ray) fond tribute to the enduring power of the sport. Württemberg) bleibt unser Americana, Blu-ray, Documentary, History Auto Racing, Documentary, Special Interest Verkauf geschlossen. & Events, Korean War, Special Interest, 94min. War min. MPI 20.05.2014 Warner Bros. 02.09.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123005 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123016 When I Walk Untold History Of The United In 2006, 25 year old Jason DaSilva’s legs stopped functioning and he collapsed. Months earlier, doctors had diagnosed him States Part 3: Reagan / Bush / with multiple sclerosis, which can lead to loss of vision, muscle control, and a myriad of other complications. As his Clinton / Bush / Obama (Blu-ray) illness worsens, Jason picks up the camera, turns it on his Americana, Blu-ray, Documentary, History declining body, and sets out on a worldwide journey of & Events, Special Interest, War, War In The healing, self-discovery and love. Documentary, Health, Special Interest Middle East min. 85min. Warner Bros. 02.09.2014 Passion River 03.06.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123017 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122933

Wahlburgers: The Complete First WWE: Wrestling’s Greatest Fact- Season ions (Blu-ray) Newsletter 04/14 (Nr. 339) Donnie Wahlberg, Mark Wahlberg ISSN 1610-2606 Get up close and personal with one of Boston’s most well- Sting, Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Iceman known families, the Wahlbergs, in Wahlburgers: The King Parsons, The Four Horsemen, Randy Credits Complete First Season on A&E. Join Mark, Donnie, Paul, and Orton, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Edge, Ric Redaktion: mom Alma as they pursue a tasty new venture: a family-run burger restaurant that touts the family name. Mark and Donnie Flair, Hulk Hogan, Sheamus Wolfram Hannemann head home and join forces with „their most talented sibling“, For decades they have stood united, sparking rebellions, Design & Layout: Chef Paul, to help make his restaurant dreams come true. This protecting their own, and running roughshod over the tight-knit family is all about brotherly love, sibling rivalry, and competition. Factions are woven into the fabric of sports- Wolfram Hannemann being mom’s favorite. Enjoy family dinners, practical jokes, entertainment as the rules they tend to ignore. Now, celebrate Assistenz: bonding trips, and even embarrassing childhood memorabilia 20 of the coolest, baddest and most dominant stables in that Alma digs out of the garage. Never far from the action are history as WWE Presents: Greatest Wrestling Factions. Beate Hannemann Mark and Donnie’s original entourage, childhood friends Special Interest, Sports, Sports Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Johnny „Drama“ Alves and Henry „Nacho“ Laun, who are Entertainment, Television, Wrestling & Anna Rudschies always happy to accept a free burger and even a trip to LA. Fighting, WWE 480min. Comedy, Reality, Television 2014 221min. WWE Home Video 27.05.2014 © (2014) by A&E 22.07.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123015 LASER HOTLINE 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122921 ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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