October-December 2017 Volume XI, Issue 3 | Price Rs. 3/-* *circulatedVoice of GSB, free July-Sep to all patrons 2017, Page and No. life 1 members www.gsbsabhamumbai.org of G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai /
[email protected] www.gsbsabhamumbai.org Vol. XI, Issue 2 Low Yield, Yield, Low Low Yield, Excessive Scaling & Rejections? Rejections? & Scaling Excessive Excessive Scaling & Rejections? Not c oated billets h h s t e ll i b d te a o c t o N Not c oated billets h ave ex ex e av ave ex ces s e c ces siv v si siv e s s e e s cal al c cal i i i ng g n ng Coat billets with ESPON anti-scale coating coating anti-scale ESPON with billets Coat Coat billets with ESPON anti-scale coating ESPON ESPON ESPON Achieve reduced scaling and increased yield yield increased and scaling reduced Achieve Achieve reduced scaling and increased yield Steel Plant Specialities was established by metallurgists STEEL PLANTS SPECIALITIES LLP LLP SPECIALITIES PLANTS STEEL metallurgists by established was Specialities Plant Steel Steel Plant Specialities was established by metallurgists STEEL PLANTS SPECIALITIES LLP from IIT in 1985. With industrial experience of over 30 211 Raikar Chamber, Govandi East, Mumbai-400088. Mumbai-400088. East, Govandi Chamber, Raikar 211 30 over of experience industrial With 1985. in IIT from from IIT in 1985. With industrial experience of over 30 211 Raikar Chamber, Govandi East, Mumbai-400088. years, they manufacture cost saving coating and Tel.: 9820493373 | 9820712387| 9820712387| | 9820493373 Tel.: and coating saving cost manufacture they years, years, they manufacture cost saving coating and Tel.: 9820493373 | 9820712387| lubricants as per customers forging process requirements.