The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53574-6 440 INDEX
INDEX A Anglomania, 375, 380 Abreu, Felix Joseph de, 225, 227 Anglophobia, 374–375, 380, Acadia, 139 382–383, 399 Accarias de Sérionne, Jacques, 36, Anjou, Duc d’, see under Philip V, 212, 234, 245, 263 King of Spain See also Choiseul Anna Ioannovna, Russian Act of Settlement (1701), 326 Empress, 192 Adams, John, 212 Anne, Queen of Great Adelman, Jeremy, 403 Britain, 129–130, 132–133, 138, Adriatic, 360, 365–366 152–153, 173 Affry, Louis Auguste, Comte d’, 208 See also Treaty of Asiento; Treaty of Africa, North, 33, 337 Barcelona Agras, Francesco, 361 Annual ship (navío de permiso), and Alberoni, Giulio, 177, 179–181 British contraband, 25–26, 154, Alcabala (alcavala) sales tax, 162 156–158, 160–161 Alekseev, Ivan Ivanovic, 191 See also Treaty of Utrecht, Spain- Alembert, Jean-Baptiste Le Rond Great Britain, commerce d’, 231 (1713); Treaty of Madrid, Almansa, Battle of (1707), 152 Spain-Britain (1750) Amelot de Chaillou, Jean-Jacques, 250 Antilles, 165, 409 America, trade, North, 181 Anti-Machiavel, and Prussian Spanish (see under Spain) reform, 282, 296–301, 303–304 See also United States See also Frederick II; Voltaire Ammon, Christoph Heinrich von, 311 Antin, Antoine François de Pardaillan Amor de Soria, Juan, 165 de Gondrin, Marquis d’, 251 Amsterdam, 186, 188, 203, 210, 213, Antwerp, 198, 319, 364 311, 319, 341, 366 Aosta, duchy of, 321 © The Author(s) 2017 439 A. Alimento, K. Stapelbroek (eds.), The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53574-6 440 INDEX Arcot, 271, 285 French-Austrian
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