NEWS lrom (Formerly Special published by Southern African Christian Alliance)

Advent and Christmas. 1984

War, strife, drought, famine, starvation. Injustice, struggle, apathy, cruelty. Pain, death. And love, joy, peace, caring. ******** The world is beset by many problems, as always, magnified now by increasing populations, greater technical ability to destroy, and failure to communicate and cooperate globally to solve the problems. But also, as always, there is love. We see it in the poorest shacks of mining camps and drought-plagued farmlands, where one man's meager supply of food is shared with another; we see it in the dark of prison, changing despair to hope; we see it in the breaking of bread in the Eucharist, where all men are brothers; we see it in the face of Christ, who weeps at His children' s confusion and errant ways, yet rejoices when even one of them responds to His invitation to love in return. Why are we so blind? Why are our hearts and minds so often centered on that which only brings hate, pain and destruction, or at best only self-fulfilling pleasures, when His love is so evident and so eternally fulfilling? As we prepare for the remembrance of the coming of the Christ Child into human history, let us remember the all-embracing Love which made it possible, and offer visible tokens in return of that Love by sharing our material substance with those who cry out in need. And may the love of God fill our hearts and souls and lead us to an ever deeper understanding of Him and His desires for us. With all best wishes for a joyous and holy Christmas, Editor, S.AC.A * * * * * * (Excerpts from first issue of the new news bulletin of the Diocese of Namibia, KULIMUKWENL best translated "Friendship closes the distance".): NEW ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER FOR THE DIOCESE At the beginning of April, the Diocese welcomed MATT ESAU as the new Secretary/Treasurer. This has been a position which has long remained a pressing need in the Diocese and Matt's arrival will do much to relieve the pressure on the scantily-staffed Diocesan Office. Matt, with his wife Carol, and their 4 year old son, Nigel, have come to Namibia from Cape Town where he was Chairman of the Diocese's Board of Social Responsibility and, in many other ways, deeply involved in the life of the Church there. He has already made his mark in tackling his many administrative duties and, also, will soon be licensed by the Bishop as a Lay Minister. We wish him well and ask for the support of your prayers in his new and demanding work. * * * * * *


One of the delightful fruits of our Companion relationship with the Diocese of Alabama, has been the safe arrival, at the beginning of May, of FR. DARYL CANFILL. Seen here with his present Rector, FR. NEHEMIAH HAMUPEMBE, Daryl has come to stay in Namibia for at least the next year. Formerly Rector of St. Thomas, in Huntsville, in the Northern part of Alabama, Daryl has come to St. Boniface parish in Swakopmund so that, later in the year, Fr. Nehemiah may take the opportunity to go overseas and do some study - probably at Glasgow University. Although his primary responsibilities will centre in and around Swakopmund for the present, it is hoped that Daryl will have as much chance of seeing the rest of the Diocese as possible. He has already paid one visit, with the Bishop and Matt Esau, to the north and, when the Dean is on leave in September, it is hoped that he will be able to look after the Cathedral parish for a week or two. It is certainly good to have this very tangible expression of friendship amongst us, and we wish Fr. Daryl every joy. * * * * * * GOING OVERSEAS FR. SAMUEL KAXUXUENA, who was ordained priest last December, at an impressive five hour Service in St. Mary's Church, , along with three other men, is shortly going to the United States to do a course of study at the University of the South, Sewanee. Among the subjects he will be taking are Homiletics, Hebrew, Mission and Evangelism and Old Testament Liberation Theology. He will be there for a year and, if he does well enough, will hope to stay on for an M. Th. Fr. Samuel has been at the Cathedral as an assistant priest since just before his ordination. He comes from Oshandi, right up in the northern part of where his father, who recently retired from a full-time ministry, has also been a priest for many years. * * * * .* * DAMIAN DANIEL, student at Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, whose picture was received too late for publication in Trinity newsletter.

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