News Release Media Contact: TC Martin 920 562-3772
[email protected] ## FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ## November 25, 2013 SACRAMENTO SPORTS HALL OF FAME ANNOUNCES CLASS OF 2014 Bruschi, Float, Lee, Meyer and Sax will be inducted January 25th at the 2nd Annual Sacramento Sports Hall of Fame Celebration ’ Sacramento area sports fans have spoken again as the votes are in for this year s class of the Sacramento Sports Hall of Fame. The Class of 2014 features NFL superstar Tedy Brushi, Major League Baseball All Star, Steve Sax, MLB and Japanese League legend Leron Lee and Olympic swimming Gold Medalists Debbie Meyer and Jeff Float. ’ These athletes join last year s inaugural class of the Sacramento Sports Hall of Fame which “ ” included Dusty Baker, Bill Cartwright, Kevin Johnson, Tony The Tiger Lopez and Summer Sanders. This class of 2014 will be honored and inducted on January 25th at Thunder Valley Casino Resort for the 2nd Annual Sacramento Sports Hall of Fame Celebration. This fan friendly event features appearances and speeches by the inductees as ’ well as video tributes and entertainment. Members of last year s class and other nominees will also be in attendance. Fans cast their votes during the open voting period of October 1st - November 17th at The top five vote getters represent the Class of the 2014. There ’ were 52 nominees from nine different sports on this year s ballot. ’ This year s event will also feature the first time induction of a local Special Olympics athlete. Sacramento Sports Hall of Fame has partnered with Special Olympics Northern California and a portion of the proceeds will benefit Special Olympics.