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The month of May was busy with the Annual Headquarters Clean-up held on Saturday morning, May 5th. Thank you to those who participated in this much needed service project. The National Historical Symposium was held in Salt Lake at the Canyon Rim Stake Center on Saturday, May 12th. We experienced a wonderful afternoon and evening being enlightened on the early struggles of the Church in and the West. The seasoned presenters included Jerry Houck speaking on Succession of Church Leadership from the Prophet Joseph forward; R. Devan Jensen and Kenneth Alford on the Utah War. They shared insights into President James Buchanan, Brigham Young, and Johnston’s army and their effect on the early church; Catherine Blake, an assistant to William G. Hartley gave his presentation on the challenges in the development of transportation in Utah and the west. Catherine also paid a tribute to the late William G. Hartley who had recently passed away. Alma Allred spoke about the political challenge and threat to the early church explaining the early direction taken by the church in response. The day was capped off with dinner and keynote speakers President Jack Wixom of the and Temple Matron Sister Rosemary Wixom. Their testimonies of a lifetime of Church service and their pioneer ancestry were inspirational.

(Continued On Following Page) 1 JUNE 2018 (Continued From Previous Page)

Thank you to Tony Tidwell, National President Elect for planning and coordinating a marvelous day and for all those who participated. We met with a representative of the Church Family History Library. There is an opportunity of the SUP Library becoming a Family Search “Affiliate Library and/or Discovery Center”. This would greatly expand the use of our library facilities and give computer access to the same websites available at the Family History Library. Stay tuned for further developments. A new SUP Chapter has been organized. “The Boulder Dam Chapter” with members from Boulder City and Las Vegas met in May. Their enthusiasm and spirit were felt as David Hinton, Southern Utah Area Vice President gave the Oath of Office to several chapter board officers. Clare Tobler will serve as the First Chapter President.

Keith Van Roosendaal - National President [email protected]


NAME ...... CHAPTER NAME ...... CHAPTER CHAPTER ETERNAL NEW FRIENDS & FAMILY Earl Duerden...... Holladay Robert L Goulding. . . . . Hurricane Valley William G Hartley...... SUP Face to Face Phillip Gray...... Lehi Darnell Nelson. .Pocatello (Portneuf Pioneers) NEW LIFE MEMBERS John Norman ...... SUP Face to Face Terry M Tilley...... Bountiful Bruce L Redd ...... Murray Guy Wankier...... Salt Lake Pioneer Lauren Richins. . . . . Jordan River Temple Dennis G Smith...... Timpanogos NEW ANNUAL MEMBERS Lynn H Steele...... Squaw Peak Neil R Moyes ...... Temple Quarry Kim R Wilson...... Mills Eric Anderton...... Morgan Pioneer Grant Anderson...... Porter Rockwell NEW ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Bruce Woodbury ...... SUP Face to Face Ann Wagstaff...... Timpanogos

NEW ANNUAL MEMBERS (CONVERTED FROM FRIENDS & FAMILY) Gregg J Smith...... Springville Tom Tolman...... Bountiful Peter Wheeler...... Snow Horse


Our 2018 National Symposium was a special treat this year the West, Howard Egan, the Central Route, Pony Express and drawing comments from several historians that they learned the Stagecoach. And Alma Alford spoke about the church something new today. Jerry Houck spoke about A Living and government relations with the Reed Smoot Hearings. Church including the succession, church government, Then the Keynote Speakers were SLC Temple President Jack organization and attitudes in the LDS Church. Devan Jensen Wixom and his wife, former General Primary President and and Kenneth Alford spoke about the Utah War of 1857- now SLC Temple Matron Rosemary Wixom. We had fewer 1858. We had a bit of an unusual circumstance when one attendees than in recent years, but this allowed for a very of our presenters, Bill Hartley, passed away a couple weeks sweet spirit in the personal setting of a smaller gathering. before the presentation. His assistant Catherine Blake gave This was such a wonderful experience we are already a presentation in his place about Transportation Changes in looking forward to next year’s National Symposium!


Building Clean Up Day is always a fun time to roll up our Bambrough, Guy Moore, and Gene Minor, along with our sleeves and work side by side. This is also a very impactful Office Staff Heather Davis, Linda Sorensen, and Pat Cook. way for our members and friends to help keep National We were able to cut down the fallen tree limb from the Expenses down by filling needs that would otherwise neighbor’s shed, clean and repair the rain gutters, sidewalk need to be hired out. This goes a long way to helping us crack fill and repair, weeding on the entrance side ofthe in our ongoing efforts to keep expenses down and keep the parking lot, window washing inside and out, and we National Dues as low as possible. replaced all the highest light bulbs in the building with Those who came to help on Saturday, or other times LEDs along with any others that had burned out. during the week due to schedule conflicts, were the It is always so nice to have our beloved SUP Headquarters following: Keith Van Roosendaal, John Elggren and his Building looking her best when we invite the public in to grandson Roundy, Tony Tidwell, John and Diane Smith, our National Symposium the following weekend. Jim and Joan Hurst and their grandson Dallin Despain, Paul


Being amateurs, we left several key things off the • Dinner for Friday evening will be at 5:30 so you can registration form for our Encampment. Would you please leisurely get to the evening program at the Heritage email this to all your chapter members as soon as you can? Theater (105 North 100 East) of the Cedar City Master Singers, In Jubilo, and the Red Hill Rangers • In negotiating with the Utah Shakespeare Festival ticket (a local group much like the Sons of Pioneers). office, we have been able to get a sweet deal for tickets for the Thursday evening performance September 20. • Dress for Thursday and Friday is casual. For Ordinarily, the Festival gives only a $10.00 discount for Saturday’s National Business Meeting, the spouse’s groups such as ours. However, those who order their meeting with Mary Ellen Edmunds, and the closing tickets before June 30 will get the Thursday evening banquet featuring Kent Broadbent’s presentation tickets at half price (excluding the premiere seating). The (Miracles of Joseph Smith and the Restoration: code for this special price is SUPHALFOFF. Simply go Coincidences or Divine Design?), please wear to www.bard.org and order whatever tickets you would Sunday best. like. For other performances besides the Thursday evening performance, you will still be able to get the UPDATE: Because of lack of parking, all tours will leave $10 discount from the afternoon of Thursday until the from the Cedar West Stake Center (725 South 1100 West) Saturday evening performance using the code SUP2018. instead of the Frontier Homestead State Park on North Main Street .


5 JUNE 2018 2018 ELECTION

We are so excited to move forward in a historic new with enthusiastic support from their local chapters. election process for the SUP 2019 National President- They are both talented, knowledgeable, and dedicated elect/2020 National President, in accordance with the to serve the SUP for the next three years and beyond. National Bylaws voted into action in the autumn of 2017. We will spend June and July getting to know them The National Executive Council collected nominees better through a campaign process, then in August a through the month of April, then the Nominating paper ballot will be sent to every Active SUP Member Committee held interviews and made a final selection of two through the mail. Please contact us if you have had a Candidates. The members of the Nominating Committee recent address change. include the following: John Elggren (Chair, Immediate Past All votes are due by September 1. The votes will National President), Keith Van Roosendaal (National 2018 be tallied by the National Office, then announced at President), Tom Alexander (Past National 2015 President), the National Encampment in Cedar City during the Bob Folkman (Past National 2014 President), Dil Strasser Dinner Meeting on Saturday September 22. (Past National 2010 President), Grant Barton (Past National The next few months are going to be an exciting 2006 President), Bill Tanner (Pioneer Magazine Publisher), time. Watch for more articles in the June, July and and David Smith (Salt Lake South Area Vice President). August Trail Markers, and come out to meet your We are happy to announce the two candidates for 2019 candidates in person at the SUPer DUPer Day at This National President-elect/2020 National President are Is The Place Heritage Park on July 16. Then tell us what Wayne Hinton from Cedar City and Mark Bezzant from you think and send us your vote in August! Pleasant Grove. These two gentlemen have risen to the top


The SUP is a values driven Society based on our Pioneer Ancestors Legacy. These values include:

• Courage in the face of adversity

• Unwavering commitment to a higher good

• Honoring covenants made with God and promises made to each other

• Readiness to sacrifice for the welfare of others

• Foresight to choose the promises of the future over the security of the now

• To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become


I, Wayne Kendall Hinton, am honored to be nominated as an A.V.P., I belong to and selected as a candidate for president- elect of the several other professional National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers. organizations, and I have I was born on August 19, 1940 in St. George. In 1943 my given papers at Mormon father moved our family to Hurricane to be closer to his History Association 110 acre farm on which we raised a variety of fruits, nuts, conferences, Utah State melons, hay and grain as well as livestock. Historical Society, Old Spanish Trails In high school I was F.F.A. President for two years and conference, Western participated in legislative forum and oratory. I also played History conference, a football, was co-captain of the basketball team, shortstop Sons of Utah Pioneers on the baseball team and set a region record in the high symposium, S.U.U. jump. Our baseball team won the 1956 Class B state Distinguished Faculty championship, and I won a state championship in the high Lecture and Juanita jump. Books Lecture, among In the fall of 1958 I enrolled at Dixie College on an athletic others. I have published scholarship. In 1960 I won the conference championship numerous articles in at in the high jump. I was also a member of the X-club and least five professional graduated with an associate degree in 1960. journals as well as On April 30, 1960, I married my high school sweetheart, chapters in books and Carolyn Spendlove, in the St. George Temple. In the fall we encyclopedias., and four moved to Logan where I enrolled at Utah State University books, two of which won on a track scholarship. At U.S.U. I became a member of the book awards. I have also Phi Alpha Theta and placed 3rd. In the high jump in the been president of the old Skyline Conference. Association of Utah Historians, vice-chair of the Board of Utah State History, on program and arrangement After graduating with a B.S. In 1962, I entered graduate committees of Mormon History Association conferences, school on a research fellowship. In the summer of 1963 I and national vice-president of the Old Spanish Trails completed an M.S. Degree with a thesis on the New Deal Association years in Utah. That year, as I studied with Leonard J. Arrington, I was able to published my first two articles in My service in the L.D.S. Church includes: Silver professional journals as a co-author to Dr. Arrington. Beaver scouter, gospel doctrine teacher, Elder's quorum president, counselor in two bishoprics, bishop, twice a Upon completion of my masters degree, I taught at high counselor, stake young men's president, counselor Cedar Junior High until 1966 when I entered Brigham in a stake presidency, stake president, three missions Young University to begin a Ph.D. Program. After including serving as a counselor in the Singapore Mission finishing my course work in 1968, I began teaching presidency, ordinance worker in the St. George and at Southern Utah State College, Now Southern Utah Cedar City temples, high priest group leader, high priest University. My dissertation, a biography of Mahonri M. instructor and I now serve as Elder's quorum secretary Young, was finished in 1973. In 1976 I did a post-doctorate and preparation teacher. in environmental history at University of California, Davis. After 38 years teaching at S.U.U. I retired in 2006. In My wife, Carolyn, and I have four children, nineteen addition to teaching I served 18 years as Chair of the Social grandchildren and twenty-one great grandchildren with Science Department. more on the way. During the last month of our mission to the Church History Library, Carolyn was diagnoses with Besides being a life and sustaining member of the Sons bone marrow cancer. She passed away on October 17, of Utah Pioneers and serving as a chapter president and 2014. I miss her greatly. 7 JUNE 2018 2019 PRESIDENT ELECT CANDIDATE MARK BEZZANT

During the next few months an effort I come before the members of this will be made to help members of the SUP great organization not seeking position, get to know a little more about myself and recognition, or power but rather the wonderful Wayne. This is a first in a series opportunity to serve and further the of articles about us. mission we are all dedicated to. I was First let me say that I am humbled and trained at BYU in the servant leader model honored to be nominated and selected as of leadership. Simply put that means that one worthy to hold office in this wonderful he that is greatest should be the servant organization. There are many wonderful of all. As you get more information you men who would be terrific presidents. A will see that I have had many leadership friend invited me to my first SUP meeting positions throughout my life. All have come in the Timpanogos chapter. My wife and because of my willingness to put service, I had a nice dinner and the program was community and others above self. excellent. I decided to join. I thought it While researching for my doctoral would be a nice evening out once a month. dissertation on the history of education The next thing I knew I was nominated to in Utah, I came across historians who felt be the chapter president and was selected. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were When it was announced a new national frauds and that the settling of Utah and president was being selected I thought of surrounding regions was all about power a number of men who would be awesome and control. My research and life experience and suggested they be nominated. Among led me to believe just the opposite. What those was an SUP Vice President, the Joseph and Brigham did was nothing former director of the Ezra Taft Benson short of a modern miracle. You and your Institute, one who had served as a general ancestors are a part of that miracle. Ours is authority, another had been the executive the task of celebrating and defending their of the largest Boy Scout Council in America, legacy and the legacy of those pioneers who another had worked under four Presidents followed them. That is a task J welcome in the White House. My wonderful friends and would be honored to serve with you as unanimously insisted I be the nominee and your president. asked area Vice President Dan Adams to make the official nomination. The national SUP selection committee then interviewed the finalists and asked that I be one of those presented for consideration. Again, I was humbled and honored.

8 JUNE 2018 alendar of vents (OnlineC Calendar available at: wwwE .sup1847 .com/calendar) 19 NATIONAL BOARD MEETING JUNE






THE MISSION OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF UTAH PIONEERS 1. Come to know our fathers, and turn our hearts to them. 2. Preserve the memories and heritage of the early pioneers of the Utah Territory and the western U.S. 3. Honor present-day pioneers worldwide who exemplify the pioneer values and qualities of character. 4. Teach these values and qualities to the youth who will be tomorrow’s pioneers.

NATIONAL ENCAMPMENTS If your chapter would like to sponsor the National Encampment in any of the coming years, please send your proposal to the National Office. All chapters are welcome to apply! We are looking ahead to facilitate scheduling. These are wonderful events, please plan now!

9 JUNE 2018 All of you probably have stories of your pioneer ancestors that moved you . Please submit them so we can be moved & inspired also . You can now submit your stories on our website SUP1847 by clicking on Pioneer Stories .


Huetta’s father and his families had large in its arms, dressed in white. Later when the orchards of fruit. This necessitated having a Relief Society sisters brought one of the girls cannery. They had fields of sugar cane and in, dressed for burial, the sister held her just as made molasses from it. There were hives Huetta had seen before. Zenos always said that of bees, which supplied honey. Broom corn nothing of a serious nature ever happened that was grown and a broom machine turned out she did not know about it before it occurred. thousands of brooms. Hides were tanned and Huetta often would gather her children harnesses and shoes made. Then railroad ties around her knee and together they learned were cut and tracks laid for the railroad. There to pray, or gathered around her chair were was much work for everyone. When spring taught the truths of the gospel. Her great came, the Wingets would again go back to desire was to have her children grow up to be Monroe, and again plant crops. They always good. She sometimes said, “If I only knew you had many things to take back with them. children would grow up to be honorable, honest, righteous, Later, when the Johnsons moved to Mesa, Arizona, these and good, it would be most pleasing to me.” Many times, trips ended. At the time the older Johnsons went by train, Bishop Dennison L. Harris came to visit her and they would the younger ones went by wagon. The ones going by wagon exchange stories. He also was spiritually inclined. came by way of Monroe. They camped in the street, just One evening in the little one-roomed home, after all were west of the Winget home, and stayed for several days before asleep but Huetta, she arose, lit the lamp and began turning continuing their journey. The street was almost filled with the pages of the calendar. Her husband, being awakened wagons and people. Everyone enjoyed this get-together, but asked, “Mother, what are you doing?” there were sad goodbyes at parting. Alphonzo, the second child, remembered hearing Three more children were born to this couple in Monroe. her answer, “I have just been told that in sixteen weeks, There were named: Catherine Melissa, Zenia, and Benjamin something will happen which will cast a gloom on this Franklin. household. In counting it up, it will be the 22nd of June.” Huetta’s health was very poor. Before the birth of her first Zenos tried to persuade her that she was tired or had child she seldom had a sick day, but because of improper been dreaming, but in his heart he knew something would care then, she scarcely had a well one again. She was frail happen. About this time Huetta had been feeling much and thin, but ambitious. Somehow she managed to keep up better than usual. On the tenth of June she sat writing a letter with the washing, ironing, mending, cooking, and cleaning. to her father in Mesa, AZ, telling him how much improved She did beautiful embroidery as well as other fancy work. she was, when suddenly she took very ill. She called to She raised silk worms on the large mulberry tree in the Zenos to help her onto the bed. From that time on she grew front yard and made silk from the cocoons – a long tedious weaker. On the 22nd of June, 1883, at the age of 36 years, her process. She was very patient, kind, and loving. She also life ended with these parting words, “Goodbye, Zenos, I’ll was very spiritual. meet you 24 years from today.” Typhoid fever was prevalent in those days. Three years She was always a devoted wife and mother and a true after coming to Monroe, in 1875, their oldest child contracted Latter-Day Saint. She was buried in the cemetery in Monroe. it and died. In 1878, two of the girls took the dread disease Her husband married Eliza Roxey Squire(s) in a couple of and died also, just ten days apart. Preceding these deaths, years and to them was born six children. Zenos died the Huetta was forewarned. Before the loss of the girls, she saw 22nd of June, 1907, just exactly 24 years after Huetta’s death. a personage by her bedside one night, holding a little girl


Compiled by Roland Lee

If you would like to have your chapter news printed in the Trail Marker please do the following: 1. Write up a one- to three-paragraph article in MS Word (or as the text of an email) 2. Attach 1 or 2 quality photographs as jpgs to your email 3. Email to: [email protected] 4. Use the subject line: “Trail Marker – Chapter name” (nothing more) 5. News must be received by the 25th of each month We cannot use PDF files nor can we extract and re-write information from your own chapter newsletters. Please have your secretaries or publicity chairmen take a few minutes and provide the information we need in the manner requested above. Thank you.

BOX ELDER CHAPTER - Brigham City, Utah

"What happened in the back booths of the Idle Isle Café Isle, found in boxes in the basement of the restaurant. The set through the years" was the question asked in an original one of the play was done "in the round" for this SUP Production act play put on for the members of the Box Elder Chapter of and was set off by tables and dishes from the different eras the Sons of the Utah Pioneers and their spouses during their spotlighted in the Documentary. April meeting. Linda Linford, the writer and director of the Some questions asked in the booths of the Idle Isle were play, was given a grant to do three historical plays about voiced by federal people who came to town at the close of some of the oldest restaurants in the state of Utah. She wrote the Bushnell Hospital after World War Two. Some other a drama on the Bluebird Café in Logan, a comedy on Lambs federal guests at the café were talking about making the café (no longer in service) in Salt Lake, and a documentary facilities at Bushnell Hospital into an Indian School. Golden on The Idle Isle café in Brigham City. Spike site visitors, people talking about locating Thiokol in Linda approached the Sons of the Utah Pioneers in our Brigham City, and even the Brigham City Cooperative was city to see if we would be interested in hosting the dress mentioned in the play, as a point of reference. Waitresses rehearsal for the play. It was a delightful evening. Women set out dishes of the era on tables assigned for their part of who played the parts of waitresses through the years the production and the dialogue was full of nostalgia and at the café were Kay Peterson, Tracy Norton, Samantha memories relating to the Idle Isle and Brigham City. Anderson Merkley, Maribeth Evensen Hengge and Annette Sometime in May 2018 the Documentary will be given at MacFarlane. Some of the waitresses were dressed in original the Idle Isle Café for guests there. I am sure they will enjoy uniforms that Travis Porter, the current owner of the Idle the evening as much as the SUP did. (Continued On Following Page) 11 JUNE 2018 CHAPTER NEWS (Continued From Previous Page) SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS: Miller, a student at Bear River At the Wednesday, May 9, 2018 High School; and Alisha Ipsen and meeting of the Box Elder Chapter Savannah Taylor, both students of the Sons of Utah Pioneers, at Box Elder High School. Miss three “Tomorrow’s Pioneer” Miller and Miss Ipsen will attend scholarships were awarded. Utah State University this fall Michael Cardon, scholarship and Miss Taylor will be attending chairman, announced that three Utah Valley University. All three recipients were chosen from five students consistently kept good applicants. The scholarships were grades throughout their high in the amount of $1,000.00 each. school careers and were very Savannah Taylor, Alisha Ipesen, Shayanne Miller The recipients were Shayanne active in extracurricular activities.


Our Centerville chapter speaker for May was Duane S. ending with David O. Crowther. Brother Crowther received an MA degree in Old McKay who had after and New Testament and taught seminary before pursuing a life experiences beyond Ph.D. degree at Utah State University and the University of the veil during the first Utah. His master’s thesis with the title Prophecy: Key to the century. He quoted Future, was published by Bookcraft along with other books from their experiences including: The Prophecies of Joseph Smith, Gifts of the which included Spirit, Prophets & Prophecies of the Old Testament, and Life Brigham Young talking Everlasting: A Definitive Study of Life After Death. He has about spirits observing continued his career as an author and has written 56 books, the saints as they Duane S. Crowther 35 CDs, and 19 E-books. He and his wife Jean also founded attended meetings. and owned Horizon Publisher & Distributors, Inc. Brother Wilford Woodruff fought evil spirits in London by praying Crowther and his wife Jean have served three full time for heavenly messengers who came and rebuked the evil missions and he was a member of the Temple Presidency in spirits. There were many other examples that Brother the Asuncion Paraguay Temple. Crowther gave from presidents writings including writings Brother Crowther spoke to our chapter regarding life from Lorenzo Snow and Joseph F. Smith. after death. He listed eight Presidents of the Church


In our April meeting held April 19, to detect abnormal mold, and to quantify the Sons of the Utah Pioneers' Modern microbial and enzymatic activity. He Pioneer Award for the Temple Fork holds several patents and has lectured, Chapter went to a long-time member consulted with, and advised cheese of the chapter, Dr. Gary H. Richardson. producers throughout the world. He Dr. Richardson has developed a was recognized by peers by being elected distinguished career as a Professor President of the American Dairy Science of Food Microbiology at Utah State Association. Utah State University University. He has been recognized has recognized him by naming their throughout the world for his research ice cream store after him. He also work in Dairy Science. He evaluated the contributes to the community through first infrared milk analyzers, developed his interest and ability in music. instruments to quantify lyplytic activity, Dr. Gary Richardson



Brent Heaton

Scott Gubler, Brent Heaton, and Marty Heaton dressed in Each told of their experiences as they helped with “the robes and headwraps to give a fascinating slide presentation dig,” made friends with people from other cultures, and on the modern-day search for Nephi’s Bountiful. Privately even shared the Gospel. Proving that it was truly a land of funded, the search has brought interested laymen together “milk and honey” one of the guides even climbed a tree and with skilled archeologists for several visits to Khor Kharfot brought down honey from a huge bee hive. Each speaker in Oman, a location they believe is the best candidate for shared his own testimony of the Book of Mormon and Nephi’s Bountiful. testified that regardless of their findings, their belief in the Gospel is based on faith, not evidence. What a fun evening!


May is recognition month in the faithful members of our chapter. Holladay chapter as we recognize, first, The evening was concluded by a our mothers and all women who have musical tribute to mothers provided by touched our lives. nine-year-old Dalloway Smith on the Second, we recognize fifth grade cello and her father, Elliott, on the piano. students who study Utah history by It was clear that Dalloway is a gifted sponsoring an essay contest where each musician with the touch of a bow seldom competing student submits an essay on seen in a child of her age and her dad a pioneer (usually a progenitor). The touches the piano keys like he did this essays have proved to be so good that this for a living. The beautiful music was the year we awarded each of the 39 students perfect conclusion to this special evening. that submitted an essay a First-Place Certificate and a check for $ 25. These awards are presented at an assembly at the Driggs Elementary School in Holladay. Third, we recognize one high school senior with a scholarship award to assist with attending the University of his/ her choice. This year’s winner was Isaac Gibson, son of Alan and Lorene Gibson, Alan, Isaac and Lorene Gibson Dalloway Smith



Russell & Dantzel's Wedding Russel-and-Dantzel Nelson The Nelson Family

MAY’S EVENT: We met at to gifted student. Russell would have graduated from high the Legion Hall for a wonderful school at age 15, but was held back by his father who thought David Hirschi dinner, and an eventful evening. he wasn’t big enough size wise, and made him wait until he A video advertising the National Encampment in Cedar City was 16 to graduate. He got his various degrees in a relatively this September was presented, and an announcement about short period of time, served in the military, went on to become the Trek to Panguitch and the Quilt Walk commemoration, a world renowned heart surgeon, (performing surgery on on the 8th of June, was given by Dan Zaleski, encouraging Spencer W. Kimball) and then became a General Church everyone who can to register for that Friday’s events. We will Leader. The evening was lively, and full of fun. Thank not be going as a group, but meeting everyone there. you President Hirschi for your insightful and entertaining Tom Hirschi then introduced our high school scholarship presentation! winners. We had three this year, each with a $1,000. Our winners were, Dalley Spendlove from Virgin, Larson Beatty, JUNE’S ACTIVITIES: June 8th, a trek to Panguitch and Heather Stout from Hurricane. Their essays were to celebrate their Quilt Walk Celebration. Everyone will exceptional, and will soon be found in the Heritage Museum be on their own. We look forward to seeing many of you for all to view. there. June 21st will be our traditional Pot-luck dinner at the President David Hirschi was our speaker for the evening, American Legion Hall. Gerry Buckner, a past president, will and he, in a very entertaining and gifted way, walked us be presenting the conversion story of Kimberly Jo Smith, the through the life of President Russell M. Nelson. From child Great Granddaughter of Joseph Smith Jr.


This evening in May, our Jordan River Temple Chapter celebrated the opportunity to award two College or University scholarships and three pioneer essays awards. What a perfect evening to be inspired by the youth that serve and live in our communities.Kamrie Sherratt and Madison Ellsworth are the winners of our scholarships. Kamrie is a senior graduating from Herriman High School. She plans on continuing her education this fall. Her parents, Rob and Camille Sherratt accompanied her this evening to our chapter meeting. Madison Ellsworth is a senior graduating from Riverton High School. She plans on continuing her education this fall at Brigham Young University. Since Madison’s parents were out of town this evening, her Alec Russell Essay winner Isabel Gilchrist essay winner (Continued On Following Page) 14 JUNE 2018 CHAPTER NEWS

(Continued From Following Page) grandparents Bert and Sandy Ellsworth came with her to our chapter meeting. Our sincere thanks and welcome to all of you who came this evening to support your youth. Our special thanks to the Belliston Family Foundation for their contribution to our scholarship fund that provided our Chapter the additional funds allowing us to grant two scholarships this year. OUR 4THGRADE ESSAY WINNERS: Our three Pioneer Essay Winners this year are: Alec Russell from the Hawthorne Academy in West Jordan, Utah; Gwen Daley from the American Heritage School in South Jordan, Utah; and Isabel Gilchrist from the Hawthorne Academy in South Jordan, Utah Gwen Daley essay winner Kamrie Sherratt & Madison Ellsworth scholarships

MESA CHAPTER - Mesa, Arizona

On Tuesday, May 10 the Mesa chapter held its monthly Memorial, he dresses up as gathering and dinner meeting. An interesting program Thomas Jefferson and takes the followed a very good controlled potluck dinner. Tom same type of questions from Wright, who has a rich baritone voice, entertained us with his students. He spoke about a couple of his renditions out of our hymn book. Tom was how this great nation was accompanied on the piano by a member of our chapter necessary for the restoration board Ronald Sirrine. At our gatherings a member of our of the gospel. He spoke chapter or his wife is asked to give an approximate 5 to 6 especially of Joseph Smith, minute bio of his life. Our treasurer Rick Heywood gave us Brigham Young, David O a humorous report on his life. At the beginning he stated McKay, and Ezra Taft Benson, how can you fit a person’s life in five minutes? He did fairly who all had great faith in this well only speaking about 12 minutes. Constitution. Our membership Earl Taylor Jr. The main speaker of the evening was Earl Taylor Jr. was greatly impressed with Brother Taylor is the founder and chief administrator of this presentation. Heritage Academy, which has campuses in three locations As a bonus brother Taylor distributed pocket-size in the Valley of the Sun. The presentation he presented to booklets containing the Constitution and the Declaration of us had to do with the Constitution of the of Independence to everyone present. America. In this presentation, he did a little role-playing Several years ago we used to meet in the Mesa Heritage using one of our younger members as a student asking Academy. We were forced to leave that building due to the questions of Thomas Jefferson. Taylor took the part of difficulty of many of our members not being able to climb Jefferson. stairs. All of our meetings are now held in the LDS chapel He also stated that every other year, he takes 50 of his one half a block away. junior and senior students to Washington DC. At the Jefferson



Members of the Morgan Chapter of the Sons of Utah It continued to function from that time until 2011, almost 40 Pioneers gathered on Monday, May 21, 2018 for their years, serving 76 stakes. It was one of the busiest temples monthly luncheon meeting at Larry’s Spring Chicken Inn. in the Church. Ogden was the fourteenth temple in the After a short business meeting and a tasty lunch, this years Church, and the first temple dedicated in the state of Utah, scholarship winners were announced. Each year the Morgan the four previous temples being dedicated in the territory of Chapter provides two scholarships to Morgan High School Utah. Construction of the new renovated temple started in seniors. The Chapter works closely with officials from the March 2011. It was rededicated September 21, 2014, having High School Scholarship Committee to identify the recipients. taken over 42 months to renovate. The new temple serves 63 Money is raised through fund raising efforts as well as stakes. Temple sessions run from 7:00 am, every half hour, contributions to the scholarship fund. This years recipients until 8:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday, with a 6:00 am were Cameron Winn, session every Wednesday. The Baptistry opens at 5:15 am, receiving a scholarship Tuesday through Friday, where there are usually lines of of $1000, and Kale Bigler youth waiting to come in. There are also Spanish sessions receiving a scholarship every Friday and fourth Saturdays at 7:00 am, a Samoan for $1700. Each student session the first and third Saturdays at 7:00 am, and an ASL expressed gratitude session each third Thursday at 7:00 am. and thanked the Sons of In 2017 the combined efforts of 563 volunteers clocked Utah Pioneers for being 97, 433 of donated hours of service. Regular volunteers that Kale Bigler & Cameron Winn invested in their future. are currently serving include 61 in the Baptistery, 135 in the The guest speaker for cafeteria, 24 serving as ground keepers, 25 in housekeeping, the luncheon was Scott 150 in the laundry, 146 serving in the office, 104 as organists, W. Hadley, a member of 14 as engineers, and 22 in the youth center, for a total of the Ogden Utah Temple 681 volunteers. There are also 572 male, 819 sister temple Presidency of the Church workers, 76 sealers and 74 full time employees. It takes of Jesus Christ of Latter- about 2,222 people to keep the temple operating. Day Saints. Hadley was Hadley shared other interesting facts also: Each year born in Ogden, Utah and approximately 60,000 flowers are planted, 533 red lead live all but 15 years in Scott Hadley pencils used, 218,000 post-it notes used, 2,880 sweet roles West Weber, where he baked in the cafeteria, and approximately 470, 056 lbs. of and his wife Carol currently reside. The Hadley’s have six laundry washed. children and eighteen grandchildren. He attended school in Weber County, graduating from Weber High School in President Hadley talked about the sacredness of the 1964. He served a two-year mission in the Brazil South temple to Latter-Day Saints. He referenced a talk by Mission from 1965 to 1967. He graduated twice from President Nelson in which he said’ “All of our efforts to Brigham Young University with a Bachelor’s degree in proclaim the Gospel, perfect the saints, and redeem the dead Speech Pathology and Audiology, and a Master’s degree in lead to the Holy Temple.” President Nelson stressed this Organizational Communication. He retired from teaching again as he recently visited the saints throughout the world in the Seminary and Institute system in 2008. He has served and has stressed the importance of temples in strengthening twice as a bishop, a stake president, President of the Brasilia marriages and families. He encouraged members to identify Brazil Mission from 1997 to 2000, as second counselor in the those things they can set aside to spend more time in the Recife Brazil Temple, and as first counselor in the Ogden Temple. Utah Temple Presidency. President Hadley shared two special experiences to Hadley shared many interesting things about the Ogden members attending the temple and shared his testimony of Temple. The Ogden Temple was dedicated January 18, 1972. temple work and the sacred work done there.


MT NEBO CHAPTER - Payson, Utah

The Mt. Nebo chapter of the Sons of Utah Pioneers complete tour of the historic fort. We were fascinated with the recently took a trek to Cove Fort & Filmore. The weather thick walls and the tiny rifle portals. Some of us were able to was pleasantly warm with some wind that is ever-present in see for the first time what an oxshoe looked like. that area. Our guide was very knowledgeable and gave us a After touring the fort, we headed for the first State Capitol in Filmore. It was only partially built (25%) because government funding got locked up. In addition to lots of early artifacts, they also had a ton of ancestral pictures. Some of us even found pictures of our own ancestors while there. The trek was informative and very enjoyable. The association with one another was also uplifting in this casual setting. The Mt. Nebo Chapter has a monthly meeting on the 4th Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM. The members and their spouses enjoy a great catered meal and a guest speaker. Cove Fort


May’s speaker was Robert C. Hyde, attorney with Kirton and entertainment. Now veteran entertainers, SunShade ’n McConkie. Most of his legal work involves the Church. Rain, have headlined Harrah’s Club, Fitzgerald’s, Cactus He is General Counsel to Desert Management Corp, the Pete’s, Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, Hershey Park and company that holds the for-profit business of the Church the Grand Ole Opry. They have toured the world and have such as KSL, Bonneville International, Deseret Book, Deseret many TV appearances including ABC’s Good Morning News and others. He and his wife Cindy have six children America and the March of Dimes Telethon and 17 grandchildren. His 16 great, great grandparents were all pioneers originating in Great Britain. They include John Taylor and Orson Hyde. Val Parrish, President of the Pioneer Chapter, invites you to the chapter’s June 9, 6:30 p.m., (National SUP Headquarters, 3301 E. Louise Ave. (2920 South), Salt Lake City, Summer Social, featuring a catered dinner and the amazing music of Sun Shade’n Rain. Cost is $20 per attendee and dress is nice casual. Formed in 1971, SunShade ’n Rain, began performing in the intermountain area. Performers Gary Romer, Mel Teeples and Jeff Gregerson provide a unique mix of music SunShade 'n Rain



At our May meeting Seventy, currently Church Historian and Recorder and William W Tanner, DDS Executive Director of the Church History Department, said spoke about the The Pioneer that there is a room in a basement full of artwork, and the Magazine possibility of doing an issue on Original Artwork that is being Bill is currently serving as gathered and how it played a role in the unfolding history of the Publisher of the Pioneer the church. Magazine following four years It takes six months to a year for an Issue to be developed. A on the Editorial Advisory theme or subject is identified, then they need various people Board. He has served as an to be identified and asked to write an article, gather the Area Vice President of the photos, get it into the hands of those who do the layout, the Bill Tanner Sons of Utah Pioneers and illustrations, and put it into the hands of the printer. President of Salt Lake City Of course there are many tasks involved, hence the Chapter of the SUP. Editorial Advisory Board: Susan Lofgren, John Ellgren, The Pioneer Magazine has been around since 1936, is the Jim Hurst, Tom Alexander, Bob Folkman, Frank Madsen, Premier Flagship publication of The Sons of Utah Pioneers, is Charles Graves, Kent Lott, and Keith Lawrence. Bill gave distributed to over 1,600 recipients each quarter, is read and us the background and experience of each of these members, very much appreciated by all of the General Authorities of their duties on the Board, and made us appreciate how very The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, along with talented they are and how valuable their contributions to the all SUP members and other subscribers who receive it each Magazine. quarter of the year. As we experience the Pioneer Magazine each quarter, We invited Dr. Tanner to share with us some of the we do express our appreciation by paying for it, but more "behind the scenes" effort needed to publish the magazine, importantly we acknowlege the dedication and contribution which has become and truly earned a reputation for being a of the Editorial Advisory Board, all those who volunteer and superb publication. He related how his wife, Elizabeth, had contribute articles, photos, art work, and a myriad of other cautioned him to not just share a bunch of "dry" facts, but tell items resulting in the final product. Again, a heartfelt thank stories. He did both. you to Dr. Tanner and to all those who produce this magazine. We learned how the U. S. Postal Service can block its Each year John Morgan and mailing because it doesn't qualify under the Mailing Permit his Scholarship Committee used by the SUP for decades, but if mailed as a supplement sponsor a banquet for all of to a newspaper, it does qualify, hence when the 3 quarters the Scholarship recipients combined issue about "The Heavens Are Opened" Exhibit at and their parents, or 1 or 2 the Church History Museum came out, there was a "small" guests. They give somewhere newspaper from the Tooele Transcript Bulletin included. of 175 scholarships for $1,000 Or concerns about Intellectual Property came about each! The evening is dinner, when the Issue on the Tabernacle Choir was published, so honoring the students, and the complimentary copies to the members of the Choir were some speakers. handed to them on a public sidewalk because they could not The members of the Salt John Morgan be distributed on Church Property. Lake City Chapter are invited He spoke about the Mormon Battalion issue, the Mormon to attend, with their partner, Colonies in Mexico, Davis County, and Liberty Jail, to mention dinner free. We realize that this year there are conflicting a few of the issues. There could be an endless list mentioned events, but if you are interested, please attend. If you go, here. consider going a little early (5:15 p.m.) and help David Smith with the check-in of the students. A contact with Elder Steven E. Snow, General Authority

(Continued On Following Page) 18 JUNE 2018 CHAPTER NEWS

(Continued From Following Page)

UPCOMING: September 6 - Christina Torriente-Robey - LDS Film June 7 - Larry Stucki and the Glen Canyon in the Early Days Producer/Director/Actress July 5 - The Days of '47 Royalty - hosted and arranged by November 28 - Our annual December Program with the LaVon Day Institute Choir August 2 - Rhett James on "Martin Harris The Man" Our October 4 and November 1 programs are open, we do have a tentative for one of them, if you have any suggestions, August 10 - Castle Valley Pageant Trek please contact David Smith - 385-218-7738


Unlike the Native day we over, the snow would be scraped, a huge fire or several American story called the of them kindled within the wagoned enclosure and there to the “Trail of Tears”, a similar inspiring music of Pitt’s Band, song and dance often beguiled story about an oppressed the exiles into forgetfulness of their trials and discomforts.” people being driven from Although the temple only operated for 6 months, Jerry their homes is called the Henson felt that it was the ordinances performed in that 6 “Trail of Hope.” Leaving months in the Nauvoo Temple which enabled the pioneers to everything in the hand of the Jerry and Marilyn Henson face what they needed to. A quote by Newel Knight probably Lord, the Latter Day-Saints captures the hearts of those braving the sub-zero temperatures (more commonly known as Mormons) were driven from to cross into Iowa. “Here we all halted and took a farewell their homes, city and temple to the west, having the choice view of our delightful city . . . We also beheld the magnificent of crossing the then frozen Mississippi River in February or Temple rearing its lofty tower toward the heavens. . . My heart stay and be burned out by their not so happy neighbors. The did swell within me.” Hensons had some small miracles happen to them to make it possible to fulfill the prophets mandate to walk the same “Trail For their obedience to the modern prophet to walk the of Hope” from the newly dedicated Nauvoo Temple to the Trail of Hope, the Hensons were also reward with several Mississippi River, and read the stories on cards along the way experiences that had to do with their own family history. In that tell what happened to the real pioneers who did so under a almost never used Family History Center in Bloomington the most dreadful conditions over 180 years before. Indiana, the Hensons were able find an ancestor of Jerry’s who they had sought information about for 18 years. They were The Hensons wove their sometimes tearful, but most of also taken to the very cemetery and headstone the next day. the time hopeful experiences and miracles that helped them This is just one example of small modern day miracles that feel come to a better understanding of what their God had asked so magnificent and also cause hearts to swell within us today. his people to do. They recommended that everyone take the opportunity to do the same as they had. Lastly as guidance to all that were in attendance is this quote from President Thomas S. Monson. “Let us not only remember On the day she was forced from her home Bathsheba W. the past and its required sacrifice; let us also remember that Smith said, “My last act in that precious spot was to tidy the we are responsible to build a legacy for the generations which rooms, sweep up the floor, and set the broom in its accustomed follow us.” place behind the door. Then with emotions in my heart. . . I gently closed the door and faced an unknown future, faced it The Settlement Canyon Chapter of the Sons of Utah with faith in God” Pioneers meets the first Thursday of each month to share a pot- luck meal and to hear such heartfelt presentations as this was. Many of the Saints had a full covered wagon;, some just On Thursday June7th at 6:30 pm, join us at the LDS building a sheet for their wagon covering, and others only had a tent on the corner of 2nd South and 2nd West. Our presenter and some little food for the journey. B. H. Roberts tells of the for that evening will be Rhett James, a former Institute of attempts to keep everyone’s hopes alive, “With this advanced Religion Instructor. His topic will be Chief Washakie and his camp of the great exodus, there had come a brass band, led by experiences with Brigham Young. Captain Pitt. After encampment was made and the toils of the 19 JUNE 2018 CHAPTER NEWS

SEVIER VALLEY CHAPTER - Richfield, Utah Area

April Chapter Meeting was the 4th Grade Essay winners WINNING ESSAY BY PAISLEE MAE LLOYD reading their ancestor’s histories written by the 4th graders. My name is Paislee, but to my Great Grandpa Wheeler I am This is always a special evening as we promote the interest "Nah'ghizi", which means pumpkin in the Navajo language. of our young people getting involved in Pioneer History. It He named me that because I had a round face and looked like is so great to see the excitement these young people have for a pumpkin when I was a baby. My Great Grandpa, Clarence the history of their progenetors. Thanks to the leadership of E. Wheeler, was born on October 11, 1927 in Red Mesa, Jerry Hawley we had a great numger of the 4th graders at 3 of Colorado. He always joked that the bottoms of his feet were the elementary schools in our area participate in this contest stained red from the rusty colored dirt there. and I know each of them gained a greater appreciation for When Clarence was young his parents got divorced who they are and where they came from. Meal was pizza and because his dad was an alcoholic. He said that it was very salad which was great, think the young and old all enjoyed sad for him, he was torn between his parents. One night, his the meal choice. The program was a great opportunity for us dad secretly moved him to New Mexico. He worked on a hog to see the excitement of these young folks discovering their ranch in New Mexico all through high school. He loved to heritage. play football. His favorite story to tell was the time his football pants fell down after he made a touchdown. High school is where he met his future wife Celia McGee. His grandparents ran a trading post on an Indian Reservation. He decided to carry on the tradition of his ancestors. He started his trading post career at Smith Lake Trading Post in New Mexico. From there he moved to Polacca, Arizona to manage the Polacca Trading Post. Polacca is located on the Hopi-Tewa Reservation. The Hopi people are very protective of their language and 4TH GRADE SUP ESSAYS 2018 traditions, but they taught my Great Grandpa Wheeler their SUP CHAPTER WINNERS: ways. He learned the language so fast that the Hopis called Graisyn Crafts Robinson - Pahvant Elementary: Mr. him a "parrot" because he mimicked everything they said. He Krahenbuhl said he was the only white man to be allowed into the Hopi kivas and participate in their rituals there. The Hopi's named Lettie Palmer - Pahvant Elementary: Mrs. Erickson him "Chis Chilly Yazzie", which means curly hair. Paislee Mae Lloyd - Monroe Elementary: Mrs. Larsen After he left Polacca, he ran another trading post in CLASSROOM WINNERS: Lukachukai, Arizona. It was called Greasewood. He Brylee Roberts - Monroe Elementary: Mrs. Blomquist eventually left there, and moved to Round Rock, Arizona. Caleb Millet-Monroe Elementry-Mrs. Larsen He retired after he left this trading post. He claimed that he was the best Indian woven rug dealer in the United States. Bryant Street-Monroe Elementary-Mr. Nilsson He loved and served the Navajo and Hopi people for most of Maddix Brown-Pahvant Elementary-Mrs. Payton Morgan his life. He said he is the only white man to be fluent in Hopi, Farris-Pahvant Elementary-Mrs. Erickson Navajo and Tawah. He took pride in running his trading Joshua Glenn Whatcott - Pahvant Elementary: posts and enjoyed every minute of it. He was proud of his Mr.Krahenbuhl Hopi and Navajo connection and took joy in being able to share his values and religion with the native people. Hannah Morensen - Pahvant Elementary: Mrs. Winn While running the trading posts with his wife Celia, they Aiden Olsen - Pahvant Elementary: Mrs. Nielsen had 6 kids. He passed away on July 14, 2012. Because of his Cohen Chidester - Koosharem Elementary: Mr. Torgerson faith in God and devotion to his family, his one hope was that his posterity will be together beyond this life. 1 am proud to be his great granddaughter and proud of my Navajo name.


TIMPANOGOS CHAPTER - American Fork, Utah

The Timpanogos goals, China's firms to purchase foreign firms to obtain their Chapter awarded five technology, etc. There are issues facing China's leaders, $1000 Pioneer Values such as: water deficits (LA type water shortages), declining Scholarships. Senior population growth rates, environmental issues, food students from three production capacity and limits, slowing economic growth local high schools rate, income inequality, Poverty alleviation, corruption, wage applied for scholarship rates rising and lack of some vital natural resources such as and provided grade oil, iron, copper and timber. transcripts and a The fifth area of discussion was what the China Dream statement how they means for the United States of America. There is currently had overcome a competition between China and the USA in areas of Finance, hardship in their life. Trade, International Organizations and Media Campaigns. The following students There are some grey zone operations in Hybrid warfare - received scholarships: the use of military, economic, diplomatic, intelligence's and From American Fork criminal means to achieve a political goal. Also the South Frederick and Elizabeth Cook High School - Angela China Sea and preparations to take control of Taiwan. Golden and Savana Further, China is modernizing its military, building a naval Stephenson, From Lone Peak High School - Alison Langford force with aircraft carriers, upgrading its air power and and Sierra Tolman, From Pleasant Grove High School - developing military bases around the world. An example Jackson LeMone. of a Chinese view of competition and warfare was given The speakers were Frederick W. and Elizabeth F. Crook quoting Sun Zi who wrote "The Art of Warfare" Sun Zi Bing speaking on "The China Dream -- and What It Means to the Fa in 600 BC, which stated, "If ignorant both of your enemy United States". Brother and Sister Crook's presentation dealt and yourself, you are certain to be in peril". With all the with five major areas. The first was describing China as a above being said, Brother and Sister Crook also told of how major world power. It is the world’s second largest economy leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints and and soon to be first. There are 1.3 billion people in China. It the work being done through humanitarian efforts, is being has a large land mass and many natural resources. The Yuan well received in China. currency is now a major world currency. China's reserves are $3.7 trillion as compared to Japan at $1.26 trillion and the United States at 0.434 trillion. China is aggressive in obtaining new resources. A second point is to understand China's National Dreams of becoming a major controlling world power. A third point is to inculcate China's values into its citizens through various poster campaigns. A fourth area of discussion dealt with China's domestic politics. Some of China's long term goals for 2025 and 2050 are: electronic cars, artificial intelligence, robots and automation in industrial production, computer chips, cutting Timpanogos scholarship winners edge technologies, $45 billion in cheap loans to accomplish

21 JUNE 2018 22 JUNE 2018 September 20-22, 2018 “Community Above Self”

SUP 2018 Sponsored by the Cedar City Chapter National Encampment All tours begin and end at Cedar West Stake Center - 725 South 1100 West

TOUR #1 Full-day guided bus tour Markagunt Plateau highlighting history of Cedar Breaks and Utah Parks Lodge, • Cedar Canyon CCC improvements, sawmill • Duck Creek & Old Sorrell that made SUU • Cedar Breaks possible, movie set locations, Brian Head, Parowan Cemetery • Brian Head and incomparable scenery. • Parowan Canyon

TOUR #2 Cedar History Highlights Half-day tours highlight the • Frontier Homestead State Park settling of Cedar City: Old Iron • Main Street & Rock Church Town, the iron mines, the State • Old Iron Town Park, and the historic Rock • Iron Mines Church. • Old Spanish Trail highlights • Cedar City Cemetery


Parowan - Mother Town Half-day tours visit the of Southern Utah Daughters of Utah Pioneers museum in Parowan’s Old Rock • Old Rock Church Museum Church, the cemetery, and • Parowan Historic Cemetery historic homes of this oldest • Jesse Smith Home southern Utah town. • Priddy Meeks cabin • Heritage Park

TOUR #4 Southern Utah University Half-day tours exploring Cedar’s culture visiting the & Shakespeare Square world famous Utah Shakespeare • Southern Utah Museum of Art Festival and the Southern Utah • Utah Shakespeare Festival Museum of Art, SUU’s beautiful campus with southern Utah’s • Southern Utah University most famous horse Old Sorrell. • Centurium • Statues galore

Mary Ellen Edmunds spouse’s speaker and Kent Broadbent Keynote Speaker

23 JUNE 2018 Sons of Utah Pioneers National Encampment 2018 Community Above Self

Thursday September 20 Cedar City Motels 2:30 ––5:30 Registra0on Abbey Inn 940 W. 200 N. 435-586-9966 5:30 Welcome $95 (Thur) (F&S) $109 + tax Cedar West Stake Center America’s Best Value Inn 333 N. 1100 W. 435-867-4700 725 South 1100 West King $55 + tax, 2 Queen $60 + tax 6:00 p.m. Dinner Green show & Shakespeare Best Western Plus 50 W. 200 N. 435-586-1234 $100 + tax Fes0val (8:00) (0ckets at Bard.org Best Western Town and Country 189 N. Main use SUP2018 for discount) 435-586-9000 $90 + tax El Rey Inn & Suites 80 S. Main 435-586-6518 $70 +tax Friday September 21 Quality Inn 250 N. 1100 W. 435-586-2082 8:00 –– noon Registra0on Tour 1 8:30––4:30 King $65 +tax; 2 Queen (max 4 people) $70 +tax Tours 2, 3, 4 Stratford Court Hotel 18 S. Main 435-586-2433 A M 8:30––12:15 King $70 + tax, 2 Queen (max 4 people) $75 +tax P M 1:00––4:30 * All offering 20% off regular room rates: Saturday September 22 Courtyard by Marriott 1294 S. Interstate Dr. 435-867-7300 8:00 –– 11:30 Registra0on Hampton Inn 1145 S. Bentley Rd. 435-586-5000 8:00 –– 9:15 am Na0onal Board Holiday Inn Express 1555 S. Old Hwy 91 435-867-0603 Breakfast 9:30 ––11:30 Na0onal Business SpringHill Suites/Marriott 1477 S. Old Hwy 91 Mee0ng 435-586-1685 9:30 ––11:30 Spouses mee0ng with Mary Ellen Edmunds 12:00––2:15 Closing banquet with Kent Broadbent: Miracles of For more information: Joseph Smith and the Harold Shirley 435-586-8442 Restora5on: Coincidences or Kent Hugh 435-704-1805 divine design? Darrell Krueger 435-531-0468

Registration Form: Please complete, clip out and mail to Cedar City SUP at P.O. Box 962, Cedar City, UT 84721

Name______Spouse/Guest name, if attending______Phone (______)______Email______SUP Chapter______Address______City______State______Zip______Encampment (Convention)…..Prices listed are for one person

Discount registration (Before Sep 1) $100 Member $______Spouse/Guest $______Total $______Registration (After Sep 1) $125 Member $______Spouse/Guest $______Total $______Thursday (Sept. 20) only registration $40 Member $______Spouse/Guest $______Total $______Friday (Sept. 21) only registration $40 Member $______Spouse/Guest $______Total $______Saturday (Sept. 22) only registration $40 Member $______Spouse/Guest $______Total $______Tour #1 Markagunt Plateau (Full day) $40 x ______= $______Tour #2 a.m. Cedar History Highlights $20 x ______= $______Tour #2 p.m. Cedar History Highlights $20 x ______= $______Tour #3 a.m. Parowan—Mother Town $20 x ______= $______Tour #3 p.m. Parowan—Mother Town $20 x ______= $______of Southern Utah Tour #4 a.m. Shakespeare & $20 x ______= $______Tour #4 p.m. SUU & Beverly Center $20 x ______= $______Tour Total $______Sandwich choices for Friday lunch Southern Utah University

(Circle one for each person) Conference Total $______Make checks payable to: Cedar City SUP Member: Roast Beef Turkey Ham Veg Spouse: Roast Beef Turkey Ham Veg OR CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE 24 JUNE 2018 LEGACY SOCIETY The National Board, at their final meeting of the year on December 13, 2016, gave final approval by unanimous vote for the creation of the Sons of Utah Pioneers Legacy Society. The Legacy Society of the SUP is a planned giving recognition Society for members and friends who intend to make a bequest from their estate, trust or will to the Sons of Utah Pioneers. Upon the donor’s passing and fulfillment of the bequest the SUP agrees to use it according to the wishes of the donor or as needed by the SUP. By creation of the Legacy Society the SUP provides the process by which such bequests can be made. The form defining this new option is provided here for your information and consideration.

The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers

Statement of Pledged Bequest for ______, Donor Benefitting The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers ______

Name ______, Donor Address ______

This form confirms my expressed intent to make a bequest from my estate to augment The Legacy Fund for The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers. I recognize that by signing this statement of pledged bequest I have qualified to be a member in the Sons of Utah Pioneers Legacy Society, which is the planned giving recognition Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers. The following are the specific terms of my bequest arrangement as they stand to date:

______(Donor) Bequest Commitment: $ ______( approximate value)

or ______% of his estate

 Upon fulfillment of the bequest, the Sons of Utah Pioneers agrees to utilize the gift to augment The Legacy Fund for the National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers.  The SUP agrees to use the Legacy Fund in facility maintenance and improvement, student scholarships, monument construction and maintenance, publications, or other SUP approved projects and programs.


Should the bequest be made at or above the minimum endowment level of $25,000 the donor may choose to establish The (Name)______SUP Legacy Endowment.

 In support of the SUP's greatest needs the SUP agrees to make annual distributions either from the interest generated from25 the endowment or until the fund is JUNE 2018 exhausted.

The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers

Statement of Pledged Bequest for ______, Donor Benefitting The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers ______

Name ______, Donor Address ______

This form confirms my expressed intent to make a bequest from my estate to augment The Legacy Fund for The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers. I recognize that by signing this statement of pledged bequest I have qualified to be a member in the Sons of Utah Pioneers Legacy Society, which is the planned giving recognition Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers. The following are the specific terms of my bequest arrangement as they stand to date:

______(Donor) Bequest Commitment: $ ______( approximate value)

or ______% of his estate

 Upon fulfillment of the bequest, the Sons of Utah Pioneers agrees to utilize the gift to augment The Legacy Fund for the National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers.  The SUP agrees to use the Legacy Fund in facility maintenance and improvement, student scholarships, monument construction and maintenance, publications, or other SUP approved projects and programs.


Should the bequest beLEGACY made at or aboveSOCIETY the minimum CONTINUED... endowment level of $25,000 the donor may choose to establish The (Name)______SUP Legacy Endowment.

 In support of the SUP's greatest needs the SUP agrees to make annual distributions either from the interest generated from the endowment or until the fund is exhausted.  The SUP agrees to use the name of this endowment when reasonably possible in facility maintenance or improvement, student scholarships, monument construction and maintenance, publications or other SUP approved projects or programs.  Good faith effort will be made to clear any press releases with each other (Donor and SUP) prior to any such media releases.  The SUP is hereby authorized to comingle this gift, and any additions thereto, with the consolidated Investment funds of the SUP, provided that this fund be credited with its pro‐rata share of net investment income in the same manner as other consolidated funds are credited with income.  Should inadequate investment returns from the endowment fund necessitate invasion of the corpus of the fund, the SUP reserves the right to do so.  If, as a result of changed conditions in the future, the income from this endowment shall not be needed for the purposes set forth above, then the SUP is authorized to use the endowment for such purposes as similar as possible to the original intent and which will serve to honor, in an appropriate way, the generosity of the donor.  Should any of the above be violated by either party, or should it be mutually deemed appropriate, the name of the endowment fund may be changed. JOIINT UNDERSTANDING

While it is the SUP expectations and the donor's intention that this pledged bequest be fulfilled, should unforeseen circumstances require cancellation or modification of these terms, the donor may do so in writing to the National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers.

SIGNED: Name of Donor


Acknowledged: ______President, The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers Date


______Corporate Secretary Date

The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers 3301 East 2920 South Louise Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84109

26 JUNE 2018 27 JUNE 2018 28 JUNE 2018

The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers National CHAPTER EXCELLENCEAwards Report Form for 2018 Year Due February 15, 2019 (Complete All Criteria Listed before December 31, 2018) (Check Boxes Upon Completion) 1. PIONEER VALUES Recognize one (or more) Modern Pioneers from the local community each year. Recognize Tomorrow’s Pioneers (Youth) through ALL of the following activities: Frontier Life Essays written by youth at local schools Pioneer Biographies written by youth at local schools  Pioneer Values Scholarships awarded to graduating seniors at local high schools.

2. STRENGTHENING MEMBERSHIP Accomplish 90% “NET” National annual membership renewals by February 28, 2018. Accomplish a “NET” increase in National membership, including Family and Friends, over the previous calendar year.  “NET” means paid memberships from the previous year, less deaths, move‐aways, full‐time missionaries, and other valid reason at the discretion of the Chapter President. Hold eight or more Chapter Meetings and eight or more Chapter Board Meetings during the year. Chapter Members participate in one or more Treks annually.

3. COMMUNICATION Publish a chapter newsletter 4 (or more) times each year. Submit details and pictures from chapter events to the Trail Marker 4 (or more) times each year. Submit at least 1 article about the Sons Utah Pioneers, Chapter or National, to local or nearby. news media for publication. The submission does NOT need to be published to qualify. Chapter or chapter members gave ______Pioneer Magazine Gift Subscriptions during the year. The goal based on chapter membership is ______. (See scale)

4. HISTORICAL PRESERVATION Chapters will accomplish at least ONE of the following criteria:  Establish one approved new monument or historical marker, or major reconstruction of an existing monument.  Clean, repair or improve two existing monuments or markers.  Maintain or restore one Pioneer‐era structure that is available for public view.  Other Historical Preservation Projects with written permission from the National Executive Council.

Chapter ______Signed By ______Revised: February 2018 2018 Chapter President

3301 East 2920 South Louise Avenue * Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 * 801.484.4441 * [email protected]

29 JUNE 2018

The National Society of the Sons of Utah Pioneers National CHAPTER recognition Awards Report Form for 2018 Year Due February 15, 2019 (Complete Each Category According to Instructions before December 31, 2018) (Check Boxes Upon Completion)  1. PIONEER VALUES RECOGNITION Chapters will accomplish ONE of the following criteria:  Recognize one (or more) Modern Pioneers from the local community each year.  Recognize Tomorrow’s Pioneers (Youth) through ONE (or more) of the following activities: . Frontier Life Essays written by youth at local schools . Pioneer Biographies written by youth at local schools . Pioneer Values Scholarships awarded to graduating seniors at local high schools. 2. STRENGTHENING MEMBERSHIP RECOGNITION Chapters will accomplish THREE of the following criteria:  Accomplish 90% “NET” National annual membership renewals by February 28, 2018.  Accomplish a “NET” increase in National membership, including Family and Friends, over the previous calendar year. “NET” means paid memberships from the previous year, less deaths, move‐aways, full‐time missionaries, and other valid reason at the discretion of the Chapter President.  Hold eight or more chapter meetings and eight or more Chapter Board meetings during the year.  Chapter Members participate in one or more Treks annually. 3. COMMUNICATION RECOGNITION Chapters will accomplish any THREE of the following criteria:  Publish a chapter newsletter 4 (or more) times each year.  Submit details and pictures from chapter events to the Trail Marker 4 (or more) times each year.  Submit at least 1 article about the Sons Utah Pioneers, Chapter or National, to local or nearby news media for publication. The submission does NOT need to be published to qualify.  Chapter or chapter members gave ______Pioneer Magazine Gift Subscriptions during the year. The goal based on chapter membership is ______. (See scale)

 4. HISTORICAL PRESERVATION RECOGNITION Chapters will accomplish ONE of the following criteria:  Establish one approved new monument or historical marker, or major reconstruction of an existing monument.  Clean, repair or improve two existing monuments or markers.  Maintain or restore one Pioneer‐era structure that is available for public view.  Other Historical Preservation Projects with written permission from the National Executive Council.

Chapter ______Signed By ______Revised: February 2018 2018 Chapter President 3301 East 2920 South Louise Avenue * Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 * 801.484.4441 * [email protected]

30 JUNE 2018 31 JUNE 2018