ETAP 30 BROKERAGE | CHARTER | BERTHS | FINANCE | INSURANCE | YACHT MANAGEMENT ETAP 30 BROKER'S COMMENTS ''Etap has a reputation to uphold in building well-constructed cruisingyachts since 1978. Always innovative in design and construction, the best known feature is the double scaled hull with foam core. This provides for a very stiff and safe (unsinkable) hull with the added bonus of good sound and temperature insulation. Furthermore this Etap 30 is good all-over performance yacht with excellent sea-keeping abilities. Nicely kept and priced at an attractive level.'' SPEZIFIKATIONEN Maße 9,10 x 3,15 x 1,45 (m) Baumeister Etap Yachting Baujahr 1990 Kabinen 1 Material GFK Schlafplatze 5 Motor(en) 1 x Volvo Penta 2002 Diesel Pk/Kw 18 (pk), 13,23 (kw) VERKAUFT Liegeplatz beim Verkaufsburo KONTAKT Geschaftsstelle De Valk Sint Annaland Telefon. +31 166 601 000 Adresse Koelhuisweg 4 Fax +31 (0)166 654 267 4697 RM Sint Annaland E-Mail -Adresse
[email protected] The Netherlands DISCLAIMER Obwohl wir uns der Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität unserer Informationen größte Sorgfalt widmen, können aus den Informationen keine Rechtsansprüche abgeleitet werden. 1 ETAP 30 GENERAL GRP sailingyacht Etap 30 "Le Monde", built in 1990 (commissioned early 1991) by Etap Yachting, Belgium, dim.: 9,10 (lwl 7,65) x 3,15 x 1,45 mtr, design by Jac de Ridder, headway: approx. 14 mtr, grp hull, deck and superstructure (hull has a double scale/foam filled core), roundbilged hull, balanced spade rudder, fin keel, displacement: 3,6 tonnes, ballast: 1,38 tonnes (cast iron), fueltank: 46 ltrs (s.s), freshwatertank: 100 ltrs (s.s.), tiller steering.