Calvary Home Annual Report

It gives me a great Pleasure to share few lines about Calvary Home to glorify God. There were so many things happened in Calvary Home last year. God has blessed us protected us and helped us to overcome troubles and meet our needs. We had 13 children last year. Out of 13, 12 are Girls and 1 boy. Two girls have successfully completed their 10th grade this year which is their school final. From 11th grade they have to go to college. As we do not have enough funds for their further education we had to send one girl to her family and the other girl is still in Calvary Home as the mother of the girl is a worker in Calvary home for many years.

Our Tenth Class Girls Pravallika and Sonia

We have another Two older Girls and Bujji are doing well. Rekha who has been in Calvary home for the last 10 years completed B.Com computers Degree this year. She doesn’t like to go for her Master’s degree. She joined a certificate course in accounting and completed the course. Her parents are insisting her to come back home for marriage. But Rekha did not go. She told her parents to find a boy for her and then she will come. Parents are searching for a groom for Rekha. Till then she will be in Calvary home helping home parents in Calvary home.

Bujji who has been in Calvary Home for the past 12 years now studying B. Sc (Nursing) Third year. She has another one and half years to complete the course. She will get a job as a nurse after completing the course. Her mother and Brother also stay in Calvary Home. Her mother sampoornamma works as a cook in the home. Her Brother who also raised in Calvary home Completed his Diploma in mechanical engineering is now working as a technician in a four wheeler company. He is only the Male young boy in the compound to take care of the children and the premises of Calvary home.

Rekha Bujji and with their Home Father

Venkaiah is a total orphan boy who has no one else in this world. He has a special story. His mother left her husband and went to be with another man along with her little daughter. Again after some time she left her second husband and went to be with third man. She got Venkaiah with the third man. She was living with this third man with venkaiah and his sister ( First husband’s daughter). When venkaiah was four years old again this lady tried to leave her third husband and this man got angry and killed her. His whereabouts are not known so far. Venkaiah and his sister became orphans in the streets. Police took them to first husband and he said he can accept his daughter but he don’ take the boy. Both the brother and sister are little and inseparable. The girl said she cannot leave her Brother. So, local government officer brought both the children to Venkaiah with Sridevi Calvary home. They were happy in Calvary home. After some years the girl came to age and we informed to her father. He came and took the girl with him. Venkaiah became alone. He has no father no mother and no relatives and nobody else. He has a sister but the father never accepts venkaiah. He has been in the home for the past 16 years. He has completed his B.Com computers this year which is a three years Degree course. As the Government is not accepting to keep boys in a girl’s home we kept him in a nearby room and taking care of his food and education.

All the children are happy and Healthy in the Home. They all have completed their academic grades and promoted to Next grade. This year we will have 15 Girls in the Home. 12 children are old and three more will join Calvary Home. Our children participate in sports and games conducted in their school. Most of the children accept Jesus as their personal savoir. They all came from different families with different sad stories. But now they all have a family that is Calvary Home. They play together, eat together and sleep together. We have two women working for the children in the Home. These women take care of the children all the time. They are Sampoornamma and .God has been so faithful all through the year. We are protected from dangerous snakes around us.

Our Children have prayers every morning and Evening. Also they have Sunday school on every Sunday. They are being brought up in the Christian belief. Once a month our pastor conducts prayers in Calvary home. All the children sing songs and praise God for all His provisions and protection.

Praising and Thanks giving Items.

1. We praise God and Thank God for our Children pass in their schools and colleges. 2. We praise God and thank God for our USA leaders for their time and efforts to send funds to all 10 children homes in . 3. We praise God and thank God for protecting us all through the year. 4. We praise God and thank God for providing permission from Government to run children home for girls. 5. We thank our USA leaders Brother T.C , Brother Todd and Brother Robert Brother Paul smith and other Board members for their time and efforts to run children of promise International to feed and educate and bring up in the Lord, the poor and orphan children In India.

Prayer needs.

1. COPI Canada helped for Home mother’s eye operation last year. Home mother is in need of second eye operation expense. She needs $500.00 for her eye operation and new glasses and medication. Please pray for the required funds for the home mother. 2. Suresh also need to for eye operation. Because of his long diabetes for more than 20 years he got Retina problem in his right eye and cataract problem in his left eye. Doctor said his left eye should be operated immediately before the left retina gets damaged. Suresh needs $500 for his eye operation. 3. We are in need of separate rooms boys. Pease pray that the Lord will provide funds to construct separate room for boys within the compound. 4. Please pray that we will have no problems with the Government in running our Children homes in India. 5. As the new academic year is just started we are in need of some funds to buy school supplies to our children. Please pray for some help meet the school needs of our children.

With Love prayers and regards Suresh, Madhavi and all Calvary Home children.