Curriculum Vitae Name and Address: Mohammad Nabiuni (22.04.1967) ID number: 0381613208 No. 43, Mofatteh Ave, Kharazmi University, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Post Cod: 15614, Email Address:
[email protected] [email protected] Last Degrees: Post Doc in Neuroscience, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida (2007). Ph.D. in Cell and Developmental Biology (Developmental Neuroscience), Manchester, UK, (2006). MSc in Developmental Biology, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran, (1992) BSc in Biology, Urmieh University, Urmieh, Iran, (1989). Current Position: Associate Professor in Cell and Developmental Biology, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran. Postgraduate Representative of Cell and Molecular Biology Department in Karaj Campus, Kharazmi University. Technical Experiences: Cell and tissue culture. Proteomoics skills including: Protein identification methods, Mass spectrometry and Electrophoresis (1D &2D), LC/MS methods in proteomics study. Histochemical and Immunocytochemical techniques. Handling and working with laboratory animals (Rodents). Taxidermal skills working with animals for museum and experimental laboratories. Working as co-investigator of project of Iranian Fauna (National project to investigate fauna of Iran) Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Teaching Experiences: Four years’ experience in teaching to the PhD, MSc and BSc students in field of Developmental Genetics, Cell and Tissue Culture course, Species and speciation, Evolutionary Biology, Biostatistics and Animal Biodiversity (2007- 2011). Three years experiences as demonstrator at UMIST in Manchester for undergraduate students in field of Histology, Embryology, Cell Biology and Developmental Biology (2002-2005). Eight years’ experience as an instructor of applied biology, experimental embryology, general biology and evolution (Department of Biology, University of Teacher Training, Tehran, Iran, 1992- 2000).