East Hartford Fire Guts Cafe Fricloy

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East Hartford Fire Guts Cafe Fricloy 2 0 - EVENING HERALD. Thura., Feb. 14, 1980 South Windsor Board Nixes Central Kitchen Plan SOUTH WINDSOR - A proposal di((erence would be the large quan­ conduct their lunch programs in a elementary schools and two (or plates and (latware would be used at gasoline, oil, $1,800 and driver’s (or a central kitchen (or preparation tities o( (ood prepared. more economical manner. He said Ellsworth, thus reducing the total the high school. wages, ^,300. o( meals (or the South Windsor All canned ^oods would be opened the greater majority o( districts in hours (rom 20 per day to 10.5 per day. Goldman said that in order to put Goldman said that during the se­ schools was turned down by the and heated as necessary at the in­ the state are either using the satellite Goldman said that at Timothy the program into operation it would cond year o( operation the director o( President’s Days Board o( Education Wednesday dividual schools, and the "meat and or prepackaged lunch program. Edwards, the number o( employees be necessary to buy some new equip- (ood services salary could be night. potatoes" items would be Goldman said that no lunch would would be reduced by one — (rom 12 to ment, although they would be one­ removed (rom the budget, as well as The proposal, presented by Robert transported. be (rozen or commercially prepared, 11, but increase the total number o( time purchase items. the (ood services bookkeeper salary Automobile Section Goldman, superintendent o( schools, Goldman told the Board o( Educa­ what we do now at each building,” hours that the eleven would work Proposed was the purchase o( and caleteria workers’ (ringe was to reduce prices by vendors, tion that the administration decided Goldman said. (rom 54 to 59 hours. He said that the large steam vat (or Timothy benetits. allow better supervision o( (ood on the change (ollowing a series o( Goldman said that baking would be dishwashing (orce at Timothy Edwards, $10,000; re(itting the walk- In other matters, Goldman told the preparation and allow better meetings with the director of Food done at Eli Terry School. Edwards would be decreased, but the in (reezer at Eli Terry, $5,000; two Board o( Education that all ninth maintenance on (ewer pieces o( Services. He said the department had Goldman said that savings would cooking hours would increase. convection ovens, $4,600; two grade students, with the exception o( Inside Today’s Herald equipment. Goldman said. visited the communities o( Windsor. be expected because each elemen­ Goldman said that the program relrigerators, $2,600; portable (ood special education students, would be According to Goldman, (ood Bloom(ield, Newington and tary school now has (our ca(eteria would not have included the high racks, $1,000; portable (ood given Education Evaluation and Vql. XCIX, No. 116 — ManciHwtw, COfflin Ffidgy, Fabruary IS, Tcso • Since 1881 • 20g: Single Copy • 15( Home Delivered preparation could take place at Wethers(ield where the “satellite" workers, except (or Ellsworth Junior school, where all cooking and serving warmers, ^,500; and preparation Remedial Assistance Tests Timothy Edwards School and meals (ood preparation programs were High, which has three. would remain the same. He said, table, $1,000 — amounting to a total Goldman said the students would prepar^ oh a daily basis, using the operating success(ully. Goldman said the rejected however, that the dishwashing crew initial cost o( $26,700. be tested in (our di((erent sections in­ same preparation techniques and Goldman said he was able to see arrangement would have reduced the at the high school would also be New continuing costs would be cluding math, writing skills, reading procedures now in use. Onlv that all o( the districts were able to number o( employees to three (or the reduced. He said that disposable truck lease and insurance. $4,000; and writing sample. SALE ENDS East Hartford Boys Die in River SAT., FEB. 16 As Rescue Try Fails WILLIMANTIC lUPIi — One young boy tried to save his (riend (rom drowning In the Willimantic River, but GROssmRns Fire Guts Cafe both died when the ice under them collapsed. ftnC s^evRns PRODUCTS com pRnv Police divers Wednesday recovered the bodies of Ed Taylor and Michael Kolbek. both 9 and both of Williman­ EAST HARTFORD - A two-alarm behind the restaurant in the same officials said. tic fire early today gutted the Ma-Ma- building. The building is owned by Joseph The youngsters apparently ventured through a hole in a Mia's Restaurant on Burnside Fire officials said they received Areata Jr, of Wethersfield. Areata, fence at a city park to reach the river and then threw Avenue, fire officials said. the first call on the fire at 3:51 a.m. inspecting the damage today said he rocks on the ice to test its strength .-\fter that, they began Officials said they don’t know, the Friday. The second alarm was was awakened in his sleep by fire of­ walking across the river source or origin of the fire. The fire signaled (our minutes later. ficials telling him about the fire. Ar­ But police said one of them fell through the thin ice and gutted the restaurant dining and Firefighters were still at the eata said he had owned the building the other was using planks to try to save his friend when Warm-Up to Savings kitchen areas and caused smoke restaurant this morning and the fire since June. the ice collapsed under him. too. damage to business offices located truck left the scene at 9:50 a.m., fire Smoke damage to the Guglietta "From the planks, it looks like one used them to reach Cheese Co., located directly behind the other, edging the planks out further and further to the restaurant, was evident in the reach him,- until the ice under him broke, too." police FIX UP ALL INDOORS! IT NOW & SAVE! ceiling and back door which led to a burnt-out pantry adjacent to the 5 chief John Hussey said. The boys had disappeared Tuesday afternoon and their City Deal For Birds; restaurant. families initially searched for them before calling in An employee of Guglietta Cheese police Ir'-'V-jt V 'r said a retail store was planning to Searchers combing the town Wednesday found two blue Bluebirds, That Is open in another part of the building mittens, a knit cap and a boot next to two holes in the ice later this month, but now she is on the river MANCHESTER - It’s a 'd e a l the commission received enough doubtful it will open. An hour later, divers recovered Kolbec's body Taylor without a catch for the recipient. For wood to build 15 birdhouses. The pur­ In another fire Thursday night, the vsas found a few feet away after another hour of the Conservation Commission it’s a pose is to provide more homes for the offices attached to the East Hartford searching. deal that’s for the birds, bluebirds bluebirds, and combat their popula­ incinerator plant in Ecology Drive Both bodies were taken to Windham Community that is. tion decline. were gutted before firefighters put Memorial Hospital -- The deal is that 15 homeowners out the flames, fire officials said. vOU*iinj|| The catch is, before giving the will receive a birdhouse, free, (or The first call for the fire was at 'I houses away, the commission must their backyards. find someone to construct them. The 7:12 p.m. The fire caused extensive Restaurant Burns Democrats in Bolton The Conservation Commission, and commission has contacted the Senior damage to the plant, but no one was others like it statewide, are con­ Citizen’s of Manchester to see if they injured, officials said. A two-alarm fire gutted the Ma-Ma-Mia’s No one was injured in the fire and its cause is Plan Phone Survey cerned about the rapidly dwindling will build the houses. Firefighters were also called at Restaurant on Burnside Avenue early Friday still under investigation, fire officials said. 4:39 p.m. to pour water on a gas leak SIMUUTEDN numbers of the Connecticut Bluebird. Other who are interested in the morning. Several business offices located (Herald photo by Reilly) WOODGRAINS\ As part of a state Department of from the Texaco fuel farm on River­ BOLTO.N — A steering committee consisting of local program could contact, Ditta Tani, behind the restaurant incurred smoke damage. ON Environmental Protection program. 644-0238. side Drive. Democratic Town Committee members has been es­ | i i A\HARDB0ARD^ tablished to conduct a telephone survey on issues and candidates relating to the upcoming presidential primary. Committee members are John Morianos. Richard Students Learn Blacks’ Vizard, Lee Stoppleworth. Marc Schardt and Ilvi Cannon. 1ST QUALITY All registered Democrats in town will be called 4 x 8 x 5 /3 2 ’’ PANELS QUALITY STUDS (Xj-m strong F between now and March 15 for their opinions w o ap ly FIBERGLAS INSULATION Ms. Cannon has been named Carter-Mondale campaign TOP QUALITY 2x4x8’ MONEY SAVER • PEWTER 3*/i” R-11 KRAFT FACED WALL 4’x8'xV? IVORY COATED Contributions to U»S, A low priced, standard • BRANDYWINE coordinator in Bolton. PARTICLEBOARD 15" WIDTH. INSULATION BOARD Ms. Cannon said. "Of all the Democratic candidates for sized stud. Do-it-your­ 50 SQ. FT. ROLL self & save! 23" WIDTH hymn that would express what black president, I support Carter and will work toward his elec­ By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA the morning exercises. 4'x8’xH" • HYDE PARK WALNUT 99 76,7 SQ. FT.
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