East Hartford Fire Guts Cafe Fricloy
2 0 - EVENING HERALD. Thura., Feb. 14, 1980 South Windsor Board Nixes Central Kitchen Plan SOUTH WINDSOR - A proposal di((erence would be the large quan conduct their lunch programs in a elementary schools and two (or plates and (latware would be used at gasoline, oil, $1,800 and driver’s (or a central kitchen (or preparation tities o( (ood prepared. more economical manner. He said Ellsworth, thus reducing the total the high school. wages, ^,300. o( meals (or the South Windsor All canned ^oods would be opened the greater majority o( districts in hours (rom 20 per day to 10.5 per day. Goldman said that in order to put Goldman said that during the se schools was turned down by the and heated as necessary at the in the state are either using the satellite Goldman said that at Timothy the program into operation it would cond year o( operation the director o( President’s Days Board o( Education Wednesday dividual schools, and the "meat and or prepackaged lunch program. Edwards, the number o( employees be necessary to buy some new equip- (ood services salary could be night. potatoes" items would be Goldman said that no lunch would would be reduced by one — (rom 12 to ment, although they would be one removed (rom the budget, as well as The proposal, presented by Robert transported. be (rozen or commercially prepared, 11, but increase the total number o( time purchase items. the (ood services bookkeeper salary Automobile Section Goldman, superintendent o( schools, Goldman told the Board o( Educa what we do now at each building,” hours that the eleven would work Proposed was the purchase o( and caleteria workers’ (ringe was to reduce prices by vendors, tion that the administration decided Goldman said.
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