U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, FARNAM WATER BASE FLY
-,-", -s ~ .. ~-":i:~~:~': .",' . ,-, - .~r;:::- WATEABASE ~. :~--:::;-:~ - .. -. , ~',-'.c;,~.,,,,. FLY SPRAY FOR HOFIiS&\ j HIGH TECH HAlt I"ULlIarT" EXCEl! FNT FOR HORSE 8EN8rTIVE TO on. BABe flY SPRAYS . i 1 CONY'A1N8 LI88 ntAN 1" 01. , CONTAINS PYHEiiiW>18 , lEAVES NO OILY RESIDUE TO ATTRACT DWT READY·TO-USE To protect horse from Hom FIIas, Stable F.... Deer F.... MosqIlitoas. House F .... Harle fills, GnItI. andUce ) • ClfIfIIlnllfcn ActIN ,~ ".." the OtIginIII8nJnco t., 3",., • A WIlfw Silid IIIcto EmuIMHt wIfII "'.... Cl6w'" Scent * A COIIC.lblled Pyrallone. MIcro Emulsion * CIear-Stabia LeIMlS No Oily Or 0bjacII0nabIe Residues * EftectNe, FIIIl Actlng lns6cticide * K11s And Repels Biting Flies * For Use In Homes, Il'ISIkutlons, RaltaUl'BfU, Food Prot I I ling PIaU, Dairies, Livestock and Outdoors for MosqIlito Control * ror Contlol or Fleas And Brown Dog TicIcs On Premises And On PaIS * Apply With Conventional Mechanical Or Compressed Nt Equipment ACTIVE INGREDIENTS PyrethrIns........................................................ O.1 0% *PIparonyI Butoxlde, TechnIcaI ..................... 1.00%. 1 lNERTS INGREDENTS .............................. , ,98.902' . 100.00% * Equ;..aIant to min. o.a. (butyIcarbItyI) (~ attM.: and 0.21(, raIaled compounds. Do not trwlapOrt or store under 320F PYRENONE. RegIstered Trademark of FaIrIIaId AmelIca1 CorporaIioeI n " :) , ) KEEP OUT OF REAa-; OF CHLDREN , , , ,.I • , ,) .. CAUTION t ':~ L See beck panel for DiIIorIll '* ItIonI »,.." • • 1 ~ I ,.,~ .Jo' ,... t . .,:-,) NET CON'TENTS_ •. : , .' "'''' ".. • 'I ,...",.21' FlI.1III , .." .I ,•• .. Farnam's Water Base Fly Repel gives you the perfect show combination· a high·tech silicon shine and a pyrethrin fly repellent in one product. All the advantages of a silicon polish • detangles manes and tails quickly; a lustrous, healthy looking coat that shines like a winner; silicone formula repels dust and dirt and prevents stains from grass, urine, manure and latigo .
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