Caleidoscop lingvistic

Frohe Ostern!

Happy !

Joyeuses Pâques!

Buona pasqua!

Aprilie 2015 Numărul 6 Ediţie de primăvară Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Colectiv de redacţie: Profesori coordonatori:

Ana Cristea Theodora Felegean prof. Cristina Nagy

Denisa Florea Mădălina Dan prof. Lia Suciu

Lavinia Cismaş Diana Jucan prof. Camelia Parchirie

Andreea Mâlnă Diana Bucur prof. Edith Wagner

Paula Florea Bianca Moldovan prof. dr. Mariana Gorczyca


Dalia-Maria Sporea

Pentru sugestii sau întrebări scrieţi-ne la: Aprilie 2015

Tipografia Filotib Sighişoara [email protected]

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

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Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Les Pâques en Roumanie

En Roumanie les Pâques représentent une fête très importante, qui commémore la résurrection de Jésus-Christ. Le temps de célébration est entre deux phénomènes astronomiques: l’équinoxe de printemps et la rotation de la Lune autour de la Terre. À cette occasion, les Roumains peignent des œufs pour décorer la table du repas pascal ou pour offrir à des gens qu’ils aiment. Le rouge, qui rappelle le sang du Christ, est la couleur la plus utilisée, mais on trouve aussi des œufs peints de toutes les couleurs. Au matin de Pâques, commence un petit jeu qui va durer toute la semaine et qui consiste à frapper son œuf peint sur celui de son voisin en disant “Christ est ressuscité!” et l’autre doit répondre “Il est vraiment ressuscité!”. Celui dont l’œuf reste intact remporte le jeu.

Le lundi de Pâques, les jeunes hommes habillés en costumes traditionnels arrosent avec du parfum les jeunes filles. Celles-ci leur offrent quelque chose à boire et de petits cadeaux. Selon la coutume, ces filles auront de la chance toute l’année, alors que les garçons qui oublient cette pratique auront de la malchance. Aujourd’hui c’est du parfum, mais autrefois les filles étaient arrosées avec de l’eau des fontaines. Entre Pâques et l’Ascension, 40 jours durant, les Roumains se saluent en disant “Le Christ est ressuscité !’ et répondent !” Il est vraiment ressuscité !”. Aussi, une autre coutume est que le premier jour de Pâques, la première personne qui franchit le seuil de la maison devrait être un homme – cela est un bon signe.Autrement, il y aura de la discorde au sein de la famille. Maintenant, c’est à vous de décider combien en est légende, tradition et vérité humaine, en tout cas, c’est une belle coutume !

Antonia Rusu, Cătălin Rohan – XII C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Frohe Ostern!!!

Ostern ist die perfekte Zeit, unserer Phantasie freien Lauf zu lassen und jede Ecke im Haus und Garten schön und bunt zu dekorieren. Für diesen Zweck brauchen Sie so viele Inspirationen und Anregungen wie möglich. Deshalb haben wir für Sie 100! kreative Ideen, damit Sie Osterdeko selber basteln können. Die Ideen umfassen fast jedes Aspekt des Osterfestes:

1.Blumen-Arrangements Mit dem Osterfest feiern wir auch den Frühling! Die warme Jahreszeit kündigt sich an, die ersten Sonnenstrahlen lassen alles strahlen. Mit Blumen und blühenden Zweigen holen wir uns nicht die Natur ins Haus, sondern haben auch gleich die perfekte frühlingshafte Osterdeko.

Tulpen, Narzissen oder Osterglocken - alleFrühjahrsblüher sind geeignet. Damit es nicht langweilig wird, dürfen sich sich Zweige in Natura oder geschmückt dazu gesellen. Österlich dekoriert werden die blühenden Zweige von Forsythie, Strauchspiere oder Zierkirsche mit selbst bemalten Eiern, selbst genähten Girlanden oder bunten Federn.

2. Die perfekte Tischdeko zu Ostern

3. Party und Rezepte

4. Basteln mit Kindern – Osterkörbchen,Süßigkeitstüten und Geschenkideen

In dieser umfangreichen Sammlung würden Sie bestimmt etwas Passendes für Sie finden. Auch wenn Sie nicht so geschickt mit den Bastelprojekten sind, können Sie schnell und leicht einige Dekortionen mit Blumen, Hasen und bunten Eiern zaubern. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und sehen Sie sich aaaaalle Bilder unten an!

Andreea Mâlnă – XI C

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015


Mentre probabilmente non vedrete il coniglietto di Pasqua se siete in Italia per Pasqua, troverete alcune interessanti celebrazioni della Pasqua italiana. Come tutte le vacanze in Italia, Pasqua, Pasqua in italiano, ha la sua quota di riti e di tradizioni. Il lunedì dopo Pasqua, la Pasquetta è anche una vacanza in tutta Italia. Mentre i giorni prima di Pasqua includono messe e solenni processioni, Pasqua è una festa gioiosa. Sulmona, nella regione Abruzzo, celebra la domenica di Pasqua con La Madonna Scappa in Piazza. Domenica di Pasqua gli abitanti si vestono di verde e bianco, colori di pace, di speranza e di resurrezione e si riuniscono nella piazza principale. I cibi tradizionali di Pasqua in molti luoghi includono agnello o capra, carciofi e pane di Pasqua, e altre cibi che variano da regione a regione. Pannetone e Colomba (a forma di colomba) vengono spesso indicati come regali, e, per bambini, uova di cioccolato che vengono con una sorpresa all'interno. Lunedì di Pasqua, in alcune città sono balli, concerti gratuiti, giocchi insoliti, si puo sentire la musica di una banda in piazza... Lunedì di Pasqua è un momento per riunirsi con gli amici e divertirsi. Gli italiani dicono: Natali con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi!

Diana Jucan – XI C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Easter traditions

Throughout the English-speaking world, many Easter traditions are similar with only minor differences. For example, Saturday is traditionally spent decorating Easter eggs and hunting for them with children on Sunday morning, by which time they have been mysteriously hidden all over the house and garden. Other traditions involve parents telling their children that eggs and other treats such as chocolate eggs or rabbits, and marshmallow chicks (Peeps), have been delivered by the Easter Bunny in an Easter basket, which children find waiting for them when they wake up. Many families observe the religious aspects of Easter by attending Sunday Mass or services in the morning and then participating in a feast or party in the afternoon. Some families have a traditional Sunday roast, often of either roast lamb or ham. Easter breads such as Simnel , a fruit cake with eleven balls representing the eleven faithful apostles, or nut breads such as potica are traditionally served. Hot cross buns, spiced buns with a cross on top, are traditionally associated with Good Friday, but today are often eaten well before and after.

In Scotland, the north of England, and Northern Ireland, the traditions of rolling decorated eggs down steep hills and pace egging are still adhered to.

In Louisiana, USA, egg tapping is known as egg knocking. Marksville, Louisiana claims to host the oldest egg- knocking competition in the US, dating Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

back to the 1950s. Competitors pair up on the steps of the courthouse on Easter Sunday and knock the tips of two eggs together. If the shell of your egg cracks you have to forfeit it, a process that continues until just one egg remains.

In the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda, historically famous for growing and exporting the Easter lily, the most notable feature of the Easter celebration is the flying of kites to symbolize Christ's ascent. Traditional Bermuda kites are constructed by Bermudians of all ages as Easter approaches, and are normally only flown at Easter. In addition to hot cross buns and Easter eggs, fish are traditionally eaten in Bermuda at this time.

In Jamaica, eating bun and cheese is a highly anticipated custom by Jamaican nationals all over the world. The Jamaica Easter Buns are spiced and have raisins, and baked in a loaf tin. The buns are sliced and eaten with a slice of cheese. It is a common practice for employers to make gifts of bun and cheese or a single loaf of bun to staff members. According to the Jamaica Gleaner, "The basic Easter bun recipe requires wheat , brown sugar, molasses, baking powder or yeast and dried fruits. Easter egg traditions and the Easter Bunny activities are not widespread in Jamaica.

Diana Bucur, Bianca Moldovan - XI C

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

next on: ,,did you know that...?”

On the first day of spring, a person at the North Pole would see the sun Before it was called spring, the season skimming across the horizon, was known as or Lenten. beginning six months of uninterrupted daylight. A person at the South Pole In 2007, an Easter egg covered in would see the sun skimming across the diamonds sold for almost £9 million. horizon, signaling the start of six Every hour, a cockerel made of jewels months of darkness. pops up from the top of the Faberge egg, flaps its wings four times, nods its Easter always falls on the first Sunday head three times and makes a crowing after the first full moon after the noise. The gold-and-pink enamel egg spring equinox. was made by the Russian royal family as an engagement gift for French Children actually grow faster in the aristocrat Baron Edouard de spring than during Rothschild. other times of the year. The tallest The term “spring fever” chocolate Easter egg was refers to a both made in Italy in 2011. psychological and Standing 10.39 metres tall physiological symptoms and weighing 7,200 kg, it associated with the was taller than a giraffe arrival of spring, and heavier than an including restlessness elephant. But Portugal is and daydreaming. the home of the largest decorated Easter egg, which reached almost 15m Honeybees are more likely to swarm in height and 8m in diameter when it during the spring. They swarm as a was made in 2008. way to start new colonies from successful ones. Surprisingly, swarming The egg is a symbol of fertility in honeybees are very docile and the spring. Interestingly, some believe that most friendly they will ever be all year. one can stand an egg on its end during the vernal equinox. Experts say that The first story of a rabbit (later named this might be true, however, with little the “Easter Bunny”) hiding eggs in a patience, one can achieve the feat on garden was published in 1680. any given day of the year.

Ana Cristea, Denisa Florea – XI C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Desen realizat de: Patricia Leordean – XI A

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Burg Eltz

Die Burg Eltz ist eine Höhenburg aus dem 12. Jahrhundert. Sie liegt im Tal der Elz, die das Maifeld von der Vordereifel trennt, südlich der Ortslage auf der Gemarkung der Ortsgemeinde Wierschem in Rheinland-Pfalz auf 320 m ü. NHN. Das Bauwerk gehört zu den bekanntesten Burgen Deutschlands. Wie das Schloss Bürresheim und die Burg Lissingen ist es eine jener Befestigungsanlagen in der Eifel, die niemals erobert werden konnten. Ein Teil der Burg kann in den Sommermonaten besichtigt werden.Führungen werden zwischen dem 1.April und dem 1.November täglich angeboten. Die aus dem Familienbesitz aus verschiedenen Jahrhunderten zusammengetragene Einrichtung bietet sich in dem der Öffentlichkeit zugänglichen Bereich dem Besucher als Museum dar. Zu sehen sind z. B. im Rübenacher Haus eine im 19. Jahrhundert eingerichtete Waffensammlung, ein Salon sowie ein Schlafgemach mit Kapellenerker von 1531 und Himmelbett von 1520. Im Rodendorfer Haus durchläuft die Führung ein mit barockem und Rokoko-Mobiliar eingerichtetes Kaminzimmer, den sogenannten Rittersaal, der ursprünglich als Verhandlungs- und Festsaal aller drei Familienstämme diente, ein Kinderzimmer mit einem der letzten noch erhaltenen, bemaltenRenaissancebetten von 1525 sowie eine von ursprünglich drei Küchen. Das Kempenicher Haus ist von der Führung ausgeschlossen. Zu den herausragenden Kunstschätzen der Innenräume gehören das Ölgemälde Madonna mit Kind und Weintraube von Lucas Cranach dem Älteren, mehrere Tafelbilder aus der Kölner sowie der Sächsischen Malerschule, ein Buchbild Liber Vitae (Michael Pacher oder seiner Schule zugeschrieben) und flämische Tapisserien aus dem 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Zu den Einrichtungsgegenständen im Geschmack des 19. Jahrhunderts zählen ein auffälliger Majolika-Kachelofen in leuchtenden Farben von 1881 (Nachbildung des Originals im germanischen Museum Nürnberg aus 1540) sowie reiche Sammlungen an chinesischem und Delfter Porzellan sowie Westerwälder Keramik.

Diana Jucan – XI C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Les vacances de rêve...

Les Pays de la Loire sont une région de l’ouest de la France regroupant les départements de la Loire- Atlantique, de Maine-et-Loire, de la Mayenne, de la Sarthe et de la Vendée.

L'élément culturel majeur de la région est l'Orchestre national des Pays de la Loire. Il compte dix mille abonnés et deux centaines de concerts annuels qui rassemblent près de 200 000 spectateurs par an. L'Orchestre national des Pays de la Loire est l'un des orchestres rencontrant la plus forte audience en Europe.

Le Val de Loire classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO permet la protection des espaces naturels des bords de Loire. La grande variété des biotopes du fleuve et de ses rives : berges et bancs sableux, îlots de gravier recouverts de végétation, berges boisées inondables, digues de protection, terrasses du lit majeur, forêts, accueillent une grande variété d’habitats naturels, dont profitent une flore et une faune riches et abondantes.

Le château de Villandry est un château de la Loire d'architecture Renaissance, situé à 15 km à l'ouest de Tours en France. Le château est situé sur la route départementale D7. Il a été restauré par Joachim Carvallo. Il est connu pour ses six jardins .Un tennis gazon a été rouvert en 2010.

Le château de Chambord est situé dans la commune de Chambord, dans le département de Loir-et-Cher en régionCentre-Val de Loire. Construit au cœur du plus grand parc forestier clos d’Europe (environ 50 km2 ceint par un mur de 32 km de long), il s'agit du plus vaste des châteaux de la Loire. Il bénéficie d'un jardin d'agrément et d'un parc de chasse classés Monuments historiques.

Diana Hârşan – XI A

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Milford Sound

Situated on the west coast of the at the black coral, 11-legged sea stars and South Island, Milford Sound is a fusion of delicate anemones. spectacular natural features with amazing If you enjoy hiking or trekking, visual cues around every corner. the Milford Track is for you. The track Located in New Zealand and begins at the northern end of Lake Te described by Rudyard Kipling as the Anau and winds its way through some of 'eighth wonder of the world', Milford the world’s most vivid wilderness. Your Sound was carved by glaciers during the journey ends with a boat trip from Sandfly ice ages. Milford Sound is breathtaking in Point to the Milford Sound wharf. any weather. The fiord's cliffs rise Many vertically people visit from the the Sound on a dark day trip from waters, Te Anau or mountain Queenstown. peaks The small scrape the village of sky and Milford Sound waterfalls also has a cascade handful of places to stay. If you're hungry downwards, some as high as 1000 there's a café and a tavern in town, or you metres. When it rains in Milford Sound, can enjoy food and drink onboard your and it often does, those waterfalls multiply boat cruise. with magnificent effect.

Boat cruises – during the day or overnight – are an excellent way to experience the Sound. Adventurous types might also like to head out sea kayaking, diving or flightseeing. To learn more about the local marine life, visit the underwater observatory at Harrison Cove and marvel Diana Jucan – XI C

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Books, movies & more

American Sniper

If I were to recommend a movie that has the ability to keep the entire family breathless for the whole time they're watching it, that would be „American Sniper”.

This movie features Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle,the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history.But there was much more to this true hero than his skill with a rifle. He is sent to Iraq with only one mission: to protect his brothers-in-arms,becoming emblematic as the man who "doesn't leave a man behind."

This movie is also worth-watching because it is an Oscar awarded biography about a man who inspired a nation. Plus, it is based on the book ,,American Sniper:TheAutobiography Of The Most Lethal Sniper in U.S Military History”. Moreover, the movie became the highest-grossing war film of all time and the highest-grossing film of 2014 in the United States.

Overall, this is, in my opinion, the best biographic film yet and it portrays the incredible story of a hero who struggled not only in war, but also in life.

Paula Florea – XI C

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

« Une merveilleuse histoire du temps » un film d’Oscar

« The Theory of everything »

Cet homme n’est pas comme les autres. Enfin, disons plutôt qu’il n’est pas tout à fait comme les autres. Déjà sa profession : astrophysicien. Le fait ensuite qu’il a réalisé la quasi-totalité de ses recherches alors qu’il est atteint d’une sclérose latérale amyotrophique. Père de trois enfants Stephen Hawking, puisque c’est de lui qu’il s’agit, est mondialement connu pour ses travaux sur les trous noirs, la cosmologie quantique, sans parler de ses ouvrages de vulgarisation, le plus célèbre étant Une brève histoire du temps. Adapter au cinéma la vie de cet astrophysicien qui occupa la chaire de Newton à Cambridge, fût-ce en s’inspirant de l’autobiographie – Voyage à l’infini, ma vie avec Stephen –, écrite par sa femme, Jane Hawking, constituait un défi. Un acteur serait-il capable d’interpréter, ne serait-ce que physiquement, un tel personnage ? On a rapidement la réponse en voyant Une merveilleuse histoire du temps, le film de James Marsh. Ce qu’accomplit Eddie Redmayne est prodigieux.

Le film commence en 1963, à Cambridge. Parmi les étudiants de cette prestigieuse université, il en est un qui détonne un peu. Non seulement il n’aime pas beaucoup danser lors des soirées, mais il prétend pouvoir trouver l’équation unificatrice qui expliquerait tout l’Univers. Sympathique, proclamant volontiers son athéisme, il rencontre Jane (Félicity Jones), une étudiante en art en tous points différente de lui. Coup de foudre immédiat. Très vite apparaissent de curieux symptômes. Au début, Hawking n’y prête guère attention, consacrant toute son énergie aux formules mathématiques qu’il accumule sur les tableaux noirs des salles de cours. . « Votre espérance de vie est de deux ans. Le cerveau n’est pas touché. Je suis navré, je ne peux rien pour vous », assène le médecin. Happé par un immense désir de solitude, une main le sauvera. « Je t’aime », lui dira Jane avant de l’épouser et de lui donner la force de continuer ses recherches. Trois enfants et quelques équations fameuses naîtront de cette union... Hawking, qui, s’il avait respecté le pronostic de ses médecins, aurait dû mourir en 1965, est toujours vivant. A la fin du film – on est en 1982 –, on le voit avec sa femme, dont il s’est séparé, être fait Commandeur de l’ordre de l’Empire britannique par la reine Elizabeth. « Pas mal pour un vieux socialiste », s’exclame-t-il via l’ordinateur dont il se sert à présent pour communiquer.

Plus que la mise en scène – très classique, pour ne pas dire académique – de James Marsh, le film vaut surtout pour l’interprétation extraordinaire des deux acteurs principaux. L’un et l’autre font corps, jusqu’à en devenir hallucinants de vérité et d’humanité (ils sont tous les deux nommés aux Oscars et Eddie Redmayne l’a gagné).

Film britannique de James Marsh avec Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Charlie Cox, Emily Watson (2 h 03)…

… une invitation de passer une soirée d’une manière agréable et instructive à la fois ! Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Le groupe francophone du collectif de rédaction

Collige virgo rosas, part II

It’s so strange how a single moment can change the world you used to know. How can a person give you so much strength, yet still be your only weakness? Being in love is a good thing, but it is not the best thing. There are many things below it, but there are also things above it. You cannot make it the basis of a whole life. It is a noble feeling, but it is still a feeling. Now no feeling can be relied on to last in its full intensity, or even to last at all. Knowledge can last, principles can last, habits can last; but feelings come and go. It is like watching the clock; which is not the same as watching a sunrise.

The color of the sky was like a length of white chalk turned on its side and rubbed into asphalt. Sanded--that was how the world looked, worked slowly down to no rough edges. Who knew dreams were made out of dust and the basis of it was believed to be a tranquil colored hope merged with previews of life shown by an oculus prepared to summon a new way of observing. The young man's mind was lost at the photography centre he just left while his eyes were caught by the grandiose still lake that made its presence ahead of him, illuminating the pressers' way in order to reach their final destinations. Such incredible yet captivating view could easily stay stuck in someone's memorizing part of the brain, as it was a long lost memory that recently returned to the place it belonged.

He decided to stop by to admire the creation of humans and take a look at the clear and blue surface. A shadowy figure could be barely seen standing next to him as she looked about to be vanishing out of his sight. The distance between them felt extraordinary long for each of them, as if 2 little undead spirits separated them and did not let anyone approach. Sebastian immediately felt that the girl was firmly staring at him and he tried to make eye contact with her, without any reasonable result. The shy feminine presence looked away as if nothing happened. A smile rose up the man's lips and he glanced into the water to take a better look at the mysterious friend.

Under the imperturbable mask of the delicate face, she was a fascinating personage. The admirable sensation she gave him was undefined as a synopsis of an unborn passion. A blinded exposition of her eyes was enough for him to fall in love. Words were tangled in his mind as he tried not to fall into an unknown trap that girl was offering him. Before being able to say a word, it started raining. Drop by drop. The ground developed itself as a big rounded splash in which the reflections of the two strangers could have been seen. Sebastian noticed in the pool-mirror the slightest smile he had ever seen, as a statue was giving him rays of sunshine from above. Without hesitating, he found himself holding the girl's hand in his and they just stayed there, soaked to bone. It seemed that those eternal moments just stopped existing, leaving both of the travelers speechless and confused.

That's how he had met her. She was just another pawn of the game he took part in, as well. A mad game in a demented world where discovering yourself is just as difficult as looking for a person to spend your life Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

with. The man closed his eyes so he could revive the moment over and over again, every time he sensed emptiness in his heart. With a glance, he saw his hands were shaking, the hands of a man who had built a life, a career

and...a part of love. He laughed silently, tears running down his cold cheeks. His mind was divided into two areas of survival, like the Dyrhólaey lake.

One part being the yang side and the other one the yin one. The 2 of them collapsed, forming a natural and architectural section in which all his worries, fears, dreams, fade away. He let himself be played by the atmosphere. Having no other alternative but to thread his life in a globe of existence he merely survived. And yet, in life, reasons appear and disappear, the will to fulfill them increases and decreases by each step you take on the stairway of life. The same started playing by itself. The words were coping each other and a bearable resonance could be heard to the end of the hall.

THE END Diana Jucan – XI C Longing, part II

Then she went back to her room, going to sleep this time. Tossing and turning in bed, she realized she couldn’t.She had that void in her soul which couldn’t be filled by all of this.What her heart demanded was the frequency of her birthplace because it knew she belonged there. Accidentally, she touched a heart-shaped necklace which was hanging from her neck and then ….everything fell apart.The girl remembered the first time she opened the box with the necklace inside, the smile on her face, the sweet look in his eyes and their innocent kiss.

Now, she was crying so hard that her vision blurred and her heart started to break little by little, shattering and crushing everything inside her.She missed him so badly it ripped every piece of her apart.The tears just kept falling down her face while she remembered more and more beautiful moments spent with him, with his gentle touch and innocent smile.Time just kept rolling and rolling, just like her memories… After a while, she stopped crying, comforted by the idea that she would see him in a few days.The contrast between the hurricane outside and inside seemed amazing, the girl and the rain, the happiness and the sadness, all of this because of one gentle and sweet guy who loved her way too much to let her go and a “home sweet home” longing.


Mădalina Dan – XI C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015


Questo progetto è stato concepito e realizzato per l'ora di geografia, da Diana Fraticiu e Malina Lazar, studentesse nella classe prima superiore sezione C del Collegio Nazionale “Mircea Eliade”- Sighisoara. Il progetto consiste nella realizzazione di un modellino in gesso con forma di un vulcano , dimostrazionedavanti alla classe ad una eruzione vulcanica e la presentazione di alcune informazioni e curiosità in riferimento ai vulcani e al rilievo vulcanico…..Prof. Angelica Tentea.


Per la realizzazione del modellino abbiamo usato: pezzi di cartone, un pezzo di materiale tessile, gesso. Per prima su un pezze di polistirolo, con l'aiuto dei pezzi di cartone, abbiamo realizzato una forma più o meno conica. In mezzo è stata intradotta una bottiglia a quale è stata tagliata la parte superiore. Sopra ai pezzi di cartone è stato sistemato un pezzo del materiale tessile, tagliato in linea con la bottiglia. Il pezzo di materiale è stato ricoperto con gesso e lasciato un giorno ad asiugarsi. Quando si era asciugatto bene il modellino, lo abbiamo colorato coi pennelli per farlo sembrare reale.

Per l'erruzione, abbiamo utilizzato bicarbonato di sodio, aceto e paprica. Per la simulazione di questo, abbiamo mescolato il bicarbonato di sodio con la paprica per ottenere il colore rossastro della lava. Il miscuglio lo abbiamo inserito nella bottiglia all'interno del modellino. Sopra abbiamo aggiunto l'aceto, il quale ha avuto una reazione con il bicarbonato di sodio, facendo in questo modo un'eruzione vulcanica.


E' una formazione geologica, a forma conica, risultata dall'acumulo del materiale eroto. Il magma è composta dallo sciogliere dello silicio, gas e vapori di acqua provenienti dall'atmosfera, cioè dalla parte superiore del mantello dello terra. Alle volte nella corteccia si accumulano sacchi localizzati in profondità, a circa 30-50 km, chiamate focolari vulcanici.

Il magma arrivato al contatto con l'aria viene molto impoverita di gas e vapori d'acqua e porta il nome di lava.


Camere del magma è il luogo dove comincia l'ascensione del magma.

Condotto o camino rappresenta il canale interno nel quale ha inizio l'ascensione del magma verso la superficie. Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Cono vulcanico è il principale elemento generato dall'eruzione vulcanica, essendo una struttura superiore all'apparato vulcanico.

Cratere vulcanico ha forma di imbutto e si trova nella parte superiore al cono vulcanico, e a volte su uno dei fianchi a quest'ultimo ed è il risultato di una forte eruzione.


Il fenomeno dell'uscita del magma in superficie viene chiamato eruzione e ha luogo dove la crosta terrestre omette la più piccola resistenza. I fenomeni che nascono all'uscita della lava in superficie viene chiamato vulcanismo.

Le eruzioni possono essere tranquille o esplosive. Queste portano in superficie: gas ( tra 60 e 90% sono vapori di acqua, il resto essendo CO2, SO2 etc.), lava ( acide, neutre o basiche) e prodotti solidi ( ceneri, lapilli e gas).


Magma, nel suo percorso verso la crosta, si può raffreddare all'interno, fenomeno chiamato magmatismo. Le forme risultate sono: batolite (corpi elipsoidali di grandi dimensioni), lacolite (elipsi piccole, appoggiate su una gamba che mostrano da dove viene il magma), nek-uri (con aspetto di barre allungate risultate dal riempimento della camera del magma), dyke-uri ( per il riempimento delle crepature della crosta), sill-uri ( iniezzioni di magma nello strato),

Sapevate che…

• I vulcani sono stati chiamati così secondo il dio romano del fuoco, Vulcanus?

• Ci sono più di 1.500 vulcani attivi sulla Terra?

• Più dell'80% della superficie terrestre è di origine vulcanica?

• Il 90 % dell'attività vulcanica ha luogo nell'oceano?

• Il più grande vulcano attivo del mondo è Mauna Loa delle Hawaii?

• Il più grande vulcano del Sistema Solare è il vulcano Olimpus dal pianeta Marte?

• l lago Sfanta Ana è l'unico lago vulcanico sul tutto territorio della Romania?

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Poetry corner

“The drops of rain were touching the pavement While her tears echoed the silence of the weather And the feelings of the sky. “ Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

With each little sparkle splashed on the window Her inspiration grew stronger and stronger While the world was getting smaller and smaller And the illusion was just perfect. Rain is pain, love and happiness, The landscape didn’t feel like less Every window did tremble in a complex game of chess, Just as the sidewalk was a mess, Betrayed with brokenness. The selfish drops were making their way down to the ground, Without a care concerning the crowd Who anxiously wished to be somewhere else Not in a rain which gives them hope But then leaves them all alone. How selfish can you be? Instead of feeling proud, she felt so empty. The party was going on The teardrops dancing in the rain And the sounds of splashing water brought only pain. Broken dreams, empty promises, a scent in the air, You could feel this everywhere. Each soul was sad, selfish and mad. The rain made them forget, Forget about the past, the future and the now And brought them down to the ground In a world shallow enough to let it show How one heart can’t let it go. Staying in her room, by the window She wanted that blissful, peaceful snow Which always left her in ‘awww’ But instead she was left right here To hear the sparkles of the painful rain. You get what you give Instead of getting peaceful, You just get empty things. The souls are dead, rotten inside The rain makes a shadow to the sky Coming down with a strong cry The painful happiness remains trapped inside.

Dan Mădălina – Rain is Pain

XI C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

1.Haselnuss - Sahne –


4 Eier, 3 EL Wasser, heißes, 175 g Zucker, 1 Pck. Vanillezucker, 100 g Mehl, 100 g Speisestärke, 2 TL Backpulver, 3Pck. Konfekt (Giotto) insgesamt 30 Stück davon, 600 ml Sahne, 3 Pck. Sahnesteif, 2Pck. Vanillezucker, 50 g Haselnüsse, gehackte, Fett für die Form, evtl. Semmelbrösel für die Form.


Für den Biskuitteig Eier und Wasser mit dem Rührbesen auf höchster Stufe in 1 Minute schaumig schlagen. Zucker mit Vanillezucker mischen, über eine Minute verteilt einstreuen, dann noch etwa 2 Minuten schlagen. Mehl, Speisestärke und Backpulver mischen. Die Hälfte davon auf die Eiercreme sieben und kurz auf niedrigster Stufe unterrühren. Den Rest des Mehlgemisches auf die gleiche Weise unterarbeiten. Den Teig in eine Springform (26 cm, Boden gefettet, mit Backpapier belegt oder mit Semmelbrösel ausgestreut) füllen und glatt streichen. Form auf dem Rost in den Backofen schieben.

Im vorgeheizten Backofen bei 180°C – 200°C Ober-/Unterhitze (Gas: Stufe 3-4) ca. 20 bis 30 Minuten backen. Den Boden aus der Form lösen und auf einen mit Backpapier belegten Kuchenrost stürzen. Das mit gebackene Backpapier abziehen und den Boden erkalten lassen. Dann zweimal waagerecht durchschneiden (geht am besten mit einem Bindfaden). Die Giotto-Kugeln (12 Stück davon zum Garnieren zurücklegen) sehr fein hacken. Dazu in einen Gefrierbeutel füllen und mit dem Nudelholz zerkleinern. Sahne mit Sahnesteif und Vanillezucker steif schlagen. Die zerkleinerten Gebäckkugeln unterheben. Den unteren Tortenboden auf eine Tortenplatte legen. Mit etwa 1/3 der Gebäcksahne bestreichen und den mittleren Boden darauf legen. Die Hälfte der restlichen Gebäck-Sahne darauf streichen und mit dem oberen Boden belegen. Tortenrand und Tortenoberfläche mit der restlichen Gebäck-Sahne bestreichen. Den Tortenrand mit gehackten Haselnüssen bestreuen.

Diana Jucan – XI C Ediţie de primăvară, 2015


Ingredients For the custard, filling and covering

 140g unsalted , plus extra for greasing  250g golden caster sugar  100ml vegetable oil  500ml full-fat milk  140g buttermilk  140g chocolate, 85% cocoa solids, broken into cubes  100ml coffee, made with 1 tsp espresso powder  50g cornflour  2 large eggs, at room temperature  2 tsp espresso powder  1 tsp vanilla extract  2 tsp vanilla extract  250g light muscovado sugar

 250g plain flour  1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

 2 tsp baking powder  50g cocoa powder

1.Make the custard first as it needs to chill. Put all the ingredients, except the vanilla, in a large pan and bring 4.Remove the parchment linings from the cakes. If the gently to the boil, whisking al lthe time, until the cakes are domed, trim them flat. Now cut each cake chocolate has melted and yo have a silky, thick custard. across the middle using a large serrated knife. Put you It wil take 5-7 mins from cold. Stir in the vanilla and a least successful layer and any trimmings into a processor generous pinch of salt, then scrape the custard into a and pulse it to crumbs. Tip into a large bowl. wide, shallow bowl. Cover the surface with cling film, cool, then chill for at least 3 hrs or until cold and set. 5.Sit one layer on a cake plate and spread it with a quarter of the custard. Sandwich the next layer on top, 2.Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease then line add another quarter of the custard, then top with the final the bases of 2 x 20cm sandwich tins. Melt the butter in layer of cake. Spoon the remainingcustard on top of the a pan, then remove from the heat and beat in the oil, cake, then spread it around the top and down the sides buttermilk, coffee and eggs. In a large bowl, whisk the until smooth. Chill for 15 mins to firm up the custerd dry ingredients together plus 1/4 tsp salt (savessifting) again. and squish any resistant lumps of sugar with your fingers. Tip in the wet ingredients and whisk unti 1. 6.Hold the cake over the bowl containing the crumbs, smooth. then sprinkle and gently press a layer of crumbs all over the cake. Brush any excess from the plate. You’ll have 3.Divide the batter between the prepared tins and bake some crumbs left. Chill for 2 hrs, or longer, before for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the serving, and eat it cold. Can be made up to 2 days middle of the cakes comes out clean. Cool for10 mins, ahead. The cake gets fudgier and more enticing the then transfer to a rack to cool completely, parchment- longer you leave it. side down.

Lavinia Cismaş – XI C

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

3.Fondants au chocolat

Ingrédients / pour 6 personnes

 200 g de chocolat

 150 g de beurre

 150 g de sucre en poudre

 50 g de farine

PREPARATION Fondants au chocolat en ramequins

1. PASSERle beurre au micro-ondes une dizaine de secondes.

2.FAIRE fondre le chocolat au bain-marie en morceaux.

3.DANS un saladier travailler le beurre mou, ajouter le sucre en poudre et melanger. Puis

ajouter les oeufs un à un en alternance avec la farine.

4.INCORPORER le chocolat fondu, remuer et verser la préparation dans des ramequins


5.METTRE les ramequins dans le congélateur pendant une heure.


Préchauffer le four à 150°C et mettre les ramequins à cuire 20 minutes pas plus.

Cuisinez, savourez… puis si vous le souhaitez, partagez votre avis sur cette recette.

Lavinia Cismaş, Theodora Felegean – XI C

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Cherchant le soi-même

Sans aucun doute, le premier pas qu’on doit faire pour s’accepter et pour atteindre le bonheur est de découvrir qui l’on est. Cela peut paraître déroutant... On sera sceptique, on dira qu’on sait déjà qui l’on est. Mais la vérité est que se connaître soi-même signifie plus que de savoir quelques qualités et quelques défauts que l’on a. Trouver son véritable soi est un réel voyage personnel que chaque personne doit parcourir tout seul. Il exige de la patience, de la compréhension et de la confiance en soi. Personne ne veut être celui qui traverse la vie confusément, n’ayant que des objectifs matériels. Les relations interpersonnelles - les amitiés, les amours, la chaleur d’une famille - sont les choses qui apportent la clé du succès. Donc, pour se connaître, il faut que l’on écoute ses pensées et ses sentiments très soigneusement, il faut que l’on soit conscient de ses observations et apprendre à les valoriser. Quand on est adolescent – et même quand on est plus âgé – beaucoup de gens essayeront de lui dire quoi penser ou quoi sentir. Essaye de rester immobile à l'intérieur de tout cela et écoute ta propre voix. C’est la tienne et seulement la tienne, c’est unique et elle vaut la peine de ton attention. Corina Jeler – X C

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015


The teenage years can be tough, and it’s perfectly normal to feel sad or irritable every now and then. But if these feelings don’t go away or become so intense that you can’t handle them, you may be suffering from depression. The good news is that you don’t have to feel this way. Help is available and you have more power than you think. There are many things you can do to help yourself or a friend start feeling better. It's not known exactly what causes depression. A variety of factors may be involved. These include: Biological chemistry. Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring brain chemicals that likely play a role in depression. When these chemicals are out of balance, it may lead to depression symptoms. Hormones. Changes in the body's balance of hormones may be involved in causing or triggering depression. Inherited traits. Depression is more common in people whose biological (blood) relatives also have the condition. Early childhood trauma. Traumatic events during childhood, such as physical or emotional abuse, or loss of a parent, may cause changes in the brain that make a person more susceptible to depression. Learned patterns of negative thinking. Teen depression may be linked to learning to feel helpless — rather than learning to feel capable of finding solutions for life's challenges. There is ALWAYS another solution, even if you can’t see it right now. Many kids who have attempted suicide (and survived) say that they did it because they mistakenly felt there was no other solution to a problem they were experiencing. Having thoughts of hurting yourself or others does not make you a bad person.Depression can make you think and feel things that are out of character. If your feelings are uncontrollable, tell yourself to wait 24 hours before you take any action. This can give you time to really think things through and give yourself some distance from the strong emotions that are plaguing you. During this 24-hour period, try to talk to someone—anyone—as long as they are not another suicidal or depressed person. Call a hotline or talk to a friend. What do you have to lose? If you’re afraid you can’t control yourself, make sure you are never alone. Even if you can’t verbalize your feelings, just stay in public places, hang out with friends or family members, or go to a movie—anything to keep from being by yourself and in danger.

Ana Cristea, Denisa Florea - XI C

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015

Results in 2015


Corina Jeler , X C– 2nd Prize at County Stage ; Diana Bosoteanu, X A– 3rd Prize at County Stage; Cristina Mihai, X A – Honourable Mention at County Stage; Alina Pilca, XI C - 1st Prize at County Stage, participating in the National Stage; Patricia Leordean, XI A – 2nd Prize at County Stage; Alexandru Farcas, XI A – 3rd Prize at County Stage; Lilla Fodor, XI D – Honourable Mention at County Stage; Madalina Dan, XI C – Honourable Mention at County Stage; Alexandra Codreanu, XI A –Honourable Mention at County Stage; Madalina Moldovan XI A - Honourable Mention at County Stage; Anamaria Geger, XI A - Honourable Mention at County Stage; Andra Andrus, XII A - Honourable Mention at County Stage.


Corina Jeler, X C – la 2eme place etape departementale.


Anamaria Geger, XI A hat am der Olympiade DaF in Tg Mures teilgenommen.

Ediţie de primăvară, 2015